good afternoon ladies and Gentlemen let's go ahead and call to order our historical preservation board uh meeting of March SEC pardon me 7 2024 we will begin I believe with our invocation by chaplain mury nope no chaplain um who could I ask in the audience may I ask Miss kitchens to please lead us in our invocation followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America led by Our member Larry Beaton please join me in prayer father we ask your blessing upon this meeting give this board guidance and wisdom and bless the city of Pac and bless the United States in Jesus name amen amenes America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you madam city clerk may we may we please have the roll call followed by some wonderful introductions of people who were incredibly important to us thank you would' love to and may I may I also note the board members are incredibly important to me into the city Vice chair Sheffield is not present for the record Mr Beaton present Mr Hollister present Mr Jefferson is not present for the record Miss Pierce present Miss vote present uh chair van rensburg present and we do not have Mr ASA sitting in but we still have a core thank you that being said if I may um begin with some introductions um I'd like to introduce to you our new city manager his name is Troy Bell he has over 20 years experience in local government and he's most recently been in Charlotte Michigan so he's I think enjoying the Florida weather um and as you can tell he's a he's a Hurricane fan so he uh he's already acclimated to Florida I think so without further Ado Mr B thank you Mr B would you like to come up and say hi please please so I think I'm already live here but thank you for the warm welcome um and as you many of you have already heard before I'm U reiter myself repeating but I'm excited to be here eager to get to work um there's so much potential and opportunity here but we can only be successful as you all know if we can work together and I think the opportunity is here for us to do that and to watch our community go so thank you for having me thank you sir and welcome thank you would you like to introduce Mr GMA or would like me to I would like to introduce him that's okay all right our new planning director if you want to come up here so I'm excited to welcome our new planning director Mr ago to uh the city he comes with uh many years of experience uh as previously as the Director of planning for uh the county that we all know of um Palm Beach County so I think he's going to be a great addition to our team he already has hit the ground running uh doing some amazing things um coming in the door and so again I'm excited to have him as part of our team so I look forward to relying upon him on every turn thank you very much Mr just to Echo what Mr Bill said you know I'm also very excited to be here and it's been many years 17 years in palmach county and but I have more years of experience I wish to work less than than that but it is what it is and I'm just very excited uh to work with you with this board uh you you play a tremendous role critical role for the future of the city and the preservation you know of the history and the structure that you have here is a it's a jewel you know it's really really uh something that we need all need to take care of so I'm very excited and I thank you for the welcome thank you sir and by the way both of you gentlemen also play a huge role in our community and we thank you for being there for us we couldn't do what we do as a historical preservation board without either of you so thank you and welcome let's move on to our p appeal procedures anex partai communication but we'll begin with the appeal procedures notice any person wishing to appeal any decision made by the historic preservation board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a Verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based which is indeed Florida statute 2860 one05 and you would think that I would have memorized it by now moving on to exp parte Communications ladies Gentlemen of the board um one thing that that I might mention uh please is that we had an emergency item added to our agenda today and um to that it was a request for a certificate of appropriateness for demolition of 512 EMT Street um I understood that our assistant city manager Jonathan Griffith uh might want to be advised of the fact that if he looked at um older historic preservation board uh packets he might know that the um St Mark's Church got a very reasonable uh estimate for demolishing a property there that he might want to consider contacting um doesn't strike me as that would be anything un to but I did think that I should go ahead and mention it anyway um anyone else ladies gentlemen moving on to item number two the approval of minutes of the February 1st 2024 meeting um thoughts additions Corrections if not I'm looking for a motion to approve as written I'll approve thank you very much Miss vote and a second I'll second thank you very much Miss Pierce all in favor please say I I and opposed moving on to public comments item three uh please keep in mind that speakers are limited to three minutes and we do not take items take action on items um I see one public comment and I I believe is this public comment or is it specific to anything or just when I just yes ma'am it's for the shap okay um please join us if you would at the lecturn and if you would give us your name and address for the record please oh well please both join us and please both I'm Patricia Lee this is Michelle Hall we're for First Baptist Church Preschool and we are asking for a permit to put so this is an agenda item so this comment would go under that agenda item I am so sorry it is lovely to meet you thank you each other later awes that sounds great that fantastic thank thank you so much my apologies um other public comment not related to agenda items if not let's go ahead and close public comment and move right on to regular business um beginning with HPB case 2336 a certificate of appropriateness for front and rear porch improvements at 33 Dodge Street the owner is um Charlene hosen am I saying that right Hussein house tell me once more that's fine Hussein house Hussein house um address 313 Dodge Street black of Florida and I believe we will kick off uh with staff comments thank you so much yeah thank you well cheer Commissioners um I just want to do a very brief introduction uh and then I'm G to allow U the staff casing you know to make the presentation of the staff report for each one of the items you're going to be seeing but I want want to uh bring your attention that in the staff report you're not going to see a recommendation for either approval or denial um the reason for that is that we have no expertise in in the staff in case some some option that you take is challenged then we don't have expertise to sustain our position so instead what we added to the staff report is some findings of fact that you can rely and adopt when you make your motion either for a poal denial and with that I want to turn it over to to Casey to present the staff report for the first item thank you very much and this will be kind of new to us board members we we've been operating under the um thank you so much um operating under staff recommendations for I believe a great many years so we will all learn together yes thank you uh my name's Casey chep I'm the an urban planner here with the city of patka um first item is HPB 2336 is 313 Dodge Street uh quick summary on uh the agenda packet page 11 uh this is an application for certificate of appropriateness for both the front and rear porch improvements on 313 Dodge Street uh so you have the parcel number there which is also in a residential single family r one zoning district and of course the South historic district which is why it's before you today uh page 12 of the staff report you can I'm sorry skipping ahead you can see figure one you see the subject property highlighted there page 11 page 12 the staff report is a kind of dated photo of uh the property figure two I just want to clarify that um Lorenzo has driven pass the property and of course we had given a certificate of appropriateness before so they've got a new roof on there as of now um which was fine it was a staff level approval uh going into the application request it's for a proposed revamping of both the front and rear porches of a single family home at 313 Dodge Street this is for the some of the alterations include the reparation of the front porch as well as total replacement on the rear porch uh you can see the materials listed there uh some of the a very nice actually very nice breakdown of everything that uh the the applicant plans to do with that uh project one is for the front porch so the applicant proposes to remove the rotting wood you can see in figure three and I'll jump ahead in a minute and repair it with improved structure and look the applicant will use uh 2 by8 pressure treated joists I'm sorry and some of this writing here is some of this my font is very tiny so it's hard to read but uh with hangers and concrete footings for the new 6x6 post with brackets I'm not going to go into all the technical details uh project two is for the rear porch the applicant proposes to completely remove and replace the back porch the applicant is proposing and then series of um materials listed there as well but I do want to jump ahead to uh figures two through four in your packets that would be uh excuse me figure two was page 12 jumping ahead ah page 13 figure three you can see uh a photo of the condition of the front porch as well as the in figure four the condition of the rear porch the applicant has given us a nice site plan elevations and schematics some of the proposed alterations on page 14 of your packet for both the front and rear porches um in addition to the porch replacement the applicant also plans to do some repainting um I'll let her uh answer some of the questions on that uh just wanted to really quickly I believe the colors are going to be the uh listed in figure 7 page 15 of your packet that would be the um shark fin shark fin color the gray color for the house as well as Rocky Mountain Mist a white color for the trim and the uh uh Red Bud for the front door so as uh Lorenzo was saying uh and L in lie of recommendation um we have listed on page 16 the proposed findings a fact which you all can kind of look at look at the language and consider for your motions and um I'll stand for uh questions as well as the uh the applicant is also here uh on hand to take questions so thank you uh do we have questions at the moment or staff no I have a question certainly sir um it says uh what is it own composite decking boards on plastic you know de that doesn't match what's on there through deck boards on there now want we go back to the way it look we want to use qus yes sir um if if that is indeed a question perhaps you could address it to staff um I think that's at the discretion of the board I'm okay again yeah so perhaps that is more of a discussion item for us oh no no no there's no sorry here thank you very much yes ma'am come on up and if you would name and address for the record um so the question your full name and address please Charlene hosein house 313 do Street patka Florida 32177 um the question on the composite boards is that that happened when this was first done um before the signed and sealed documents were done that was a rough draft of what was going to be there and uh having spoken to When Miss Walter was here she said no it has to be what was comparable to the historic side of it so that's why that was changed so we're going to use the if we can use the composite boards for the back porch I can do that with your approval if not we'll do the the recommended um pressure treated you know tongue and groove all that stuff so all right so if that would clear that issue up right there so in your estimation that has has already been changed that has already been changed yeah and when the signed and sealed uh plants actually came in that was added at that point with the the um not the composite but the uh pressure treated lumber okay so Mr Beaton is is that change something that's been presented to the city in writing as far as I know it it should be all in that paperwork we don't have it at the moment which is why believe Mr Hollister raised the concern okay I just wanted to make sure that that was something that was documented and there that change so if if you do proceed with making the motion to approve of this COA just clearly specify um the the stipulation that you are using the material that you want thank you ma'am Mr Beaton I have an additional question of the homeowner um just a little bit of clarification may just be my excuse me my reading of this uh in the description of the front porch um it talks about uh let's see sentence number two the applicant will use 2 by8 pressure treated joist with hangers and concrete footings so concrete footings what is what is that com I'm not sure I understand the definition of what what that's saying currently the res residence has brick foundation on the front um are those brick foundations to the front porch going to be replaced by concrete well what is there now is uh a makeshift brick uh piling that is holding up that front porch and it is uh bending to one side it is turning to one side so that means that uh to have that secure and with the rebuild of the front porch and alignment with the roof Line new uh concrete footings would have to be built to accommodate that okay so I have a problem with that from an anesthetic historic standpoint uh we have a couple of houses in the South historic district that they've removed the brick pillars and they put concrete in and it definitely detracts from the looks of the house um this particular house and I'm going to give you this when we get through today um this house was uh built sometime between 1892 and 1897 it looks very similar to the way it did when it was built except it appears like and I think you can see a little bit of that from the uh from the master site file drawing that's on the back of uh well let's see I guess y'all don't have a copy of that one but anyhow it appears like that there might have been more of a porch on the river side of the house rather than it being directly directly behind the house um but you know I don't think that that's not going to affect that change I have no idea when it took place but that's not going to affect my decision making about this case the only um the only issue that I have is the appearance from the front of concrete block being visible I would if if the rest of the board was ad meable to it I would say using concrete um for to stabilize your front that's what I meant and have a BRI facade across appearance I understand reflected in the uh in the plans um you would see that the drawings did reflect the brick on there so the footings would only be in the ground to you dig the hole you pour the foundation to make it secure and then from there you do the brick that would accommodate aesthetic value to the front porch when you look at it so you're referring to this page 14 this front elevation I I I suppose that's what you're looking at I don't have it in front of me yeah 14 okay yeah it's it's kind of small so I don't think I would have picked up on that okay that was my that was my primary Yeah so basically the the house is going to look the same it's just I am doing it over because I don't want to walk out there and fall through my floor so it has to be red A little better a little more secure a little lot more secure thank you thank you so much um do we have other questions for that I have another question really quick I know the colors that I have decided was the Shark Fin and that white for the trim and the red bud door um my question is am I stuck to those colors and do could I have a choice in that am I stuck to that now because I I was thinking too about a blue there's a nice uh it's almost like a very a light uh turquoise color that I found under the paint under the the siding of the house if it's a problem I just want to know if I have a choice like with the colors or if I'm stuck to this if after we we don't really get into the color choices that's more of an overthe counter you're going to talk to S staff about and if if staff would like to um chime in on that that's fine okay and I I have the color little swatches here right now I think we're we're primarily focused on your porches okay okay understood understood turquoise is fabulous Mr beaten I was just going to slightly humorously mention that the color palette it's aov by the department of interior is wide ranging you have a huge selection of colors and I might point to a house that you probably are familiar with on Kirby Street that looks like maybe you sit there celebrating Migra with the colors that are on it but that's acceptable and there were houses that were that colorful in that period of time okay and it's my first time doing this process so you have lots of options your color okay thank you you AB absolutely do thank you so much ladies gentlemen discussion I don't believe anyone is here at the moment to to talk about this if I am from the public if I'm wrong please correct me um okay so in that case what are we thinking ladies and gentlemen I'm in agree ment with Larry in the sense of the wood decking and not the um composite okay I'm I'm in agreement with him put your name again no but I would like to see the wood decking and not the composite even though you show it back here in the back um I think it um is more appropriate for for you to use wood not a problem thank you thank you other comments um my only comment would kind of relate a little bit back to paint colors and that would be just a a general when it says historic color it does not necessarily equate to is this a historic exterior color or is this a historic interior color um a a a favorite interior Victorian um paint color might be that purple purple purple but it's maybe not so much the outside of your house but again we really don't get into that kind of thing um and by the way thank you what a great application and welcome to the area if if indeed you were moving here I have no idea oh I've been here since 2013 oh my goodness how have we not met uh my job takes me out of town a lot okay quite a bit so what is our thought process here Madam chair yes sir um I move approval of the certificate of appropriateness with um with the stipulations about the um wooden decking and also the facade of the existing brick or similar brick around the conrete so there's no concrete showing from the front of view of the house and if you could include in your motion incorporate all the proposed findings of fact and incorporate all the proposed findings of fact by City staff thank you sir we have a motion do we have a second I'll second it thank you Miss vote any other discussion if not all in favor please say I I and opposed indeed motion carries unanimously thank you so much all right let's move on to agenda item 4B this is an application for a certificate of appropriateness for a series of exterior improvements at the former office of Patricia Banks accounting at 519 kill Avenue parcel number really long the parel is within a residential single family R1 zoning district and within the South historic district the applicant has converted the structure to a residential land use yes sir all right uh that that item B should say HPB 2402 is the case number uh if you look at page 29 of your agendas um I think you've you've summarized it fairly well um this is a series of different projects so if you want to I i' kind of like to run through them as quickly as possible and then you guys can you may or may not decide to make multiple uh motions on this one um so forgive me if I'm repeating myself a bit on page 29 figure one you can see uh this is the subject property highlighted I'll get into that a little bit more in a minute but that's kind of where it is on at 519 Crill project one uh is the the big one here is the addition of accessory building uh steel shed to the rear of the property um excuse me let me go back a little bit for that the sorry the the request is proposed a series of projects including a new metal accessory uh building uh to the rear of the property moving the current fence to the other side of the adjoining parcel and adding a screened in porch to the rear of the home uh as well as painting I'll get into the colors a bit but yes so project one is the addition of that steel building um to the rear of the property which is a permissible use under the R1 zoning which is where this is in the South historic district per the pacco municipal code code uh section 9443 c specifically listed under the permission is section 94 141 C2 that's page 31 if you're wondering um under figure four uh the applicant has given us uh sort of a schematic here or the elevation rendering of the enclosed metal building it's 24 by 25 feet and 9 ft High um I did a little bit of research on this I I found a a kind of uh video game looking 3D rendering there on page 31 figure 5 that's not exactly what um they're proposing but that kind of gives you an idea of what it looks like obviously there's there's doors on the the actual proposal but I thought a visual might be helpful uh page 32 so that's project One summary of project one project two uh and this is kind of what I was getting at with figure one uh you see the highlighted par on page 29 now I'm bouncing around a lot the highlighted parcel on page 29 only shows half of the story under on page 32 I have listed according to the putam County property appraiser the applicant has combined the original 21 acre lot with the adjacent 21 acre lot which was the owner of both which has now created a new um almost half acre so that'll be significant in a moment the applicant proposes to move the current fence along the northeast side of the parcel and question to the Northeast side of the adjacent parcel um to separate their yard from the neighboring uh home uh I believe at 511 Krill Avenue the applicant proposes using similar wood material for the fence replacement in addition to the new fence and Fence location the applicant proposes wooden gates uh to barricade the barricade the driveway as well and you can see in figure six on page 32 uh is the photo of the current fence uh rather worn out and you can see uh figure 7even uh kind of a a nice wood uh replacement type or that on page 33 in your packet Figure 8 shows a proposed style of wooden gate for the driveway I believe according to the plaque Municipal Code section 94-1 187b the new fence may be erected along the property line but must not exceed 6 feet in height no fence taller than 4 feet shall be constructed forward of the building line in the front yard uh so that's kind of a summary project two project three the applicant is proposed a screened in porch at the rear of the house over a 10 by 16t concrete slab the slab was already put into place so I wanted to clarify um the applicant's been very forward and very helpful once she realized that she had to get the COA for this but the concrete slab is already there um and my apologies applicant has also been very forthright and giving us everything we've needed but I have not included the screened in Port I just time did not allow me to get the screened in porch uh uh plans into the staff report um but if you look at figure nine you can see the concrete slab is there's a photo there on page 33 and then another photo of the back of the home on page 34 figure 10 so that's sort of a summary of of project three project four the applicant is proposed repainting a new the exterior follows again the colors again I'll just go over them really quickly the Georgian Bay which is kind of a blue for the side of the home doer white uh for the front brick facade and potential like a coral reef color for uh the front door you can see the color examples again on the next page page 35 figure 12 shows a kind of a shot of the brick as well as the side wall That's to be painted and figure 13 is a um example of the colors so quickly going to page 36 the analysis the steel shed is a permissible accessory structure under the R1 zoning the applicant must be sure to have the prior setbacks from the property line listed above um the proposed 600q foot shed is subordinate to the estimated 700 square feet total footprint of the dwelling unit and the lot combination puts the impervious surface requirement well under the maximum of 35% that's why the Lots combined um according to the puam County property appraiser the installation of the fences require due consideration in historic districts the applicant is proposing a similar wood material to replace the old fence and increase the perimeter of the fence to increase the perimeter of the fenc in yard uh fences again are not to exceed six feet in height in the sides and backyard and four feet in the front additionally no solid fencer wall should be constructed forward of the building line in front uh as you can see just quickly I found a sight plan of the applicant's home uh from the putam County property appraiser in figure 14 staff has reviewed the application uh pursuant to the Paca Municipal municipal code and is determined that it is generally consistent with pertinent regulations it's continued on page 37 I know that was a lot and I won't uh read the proposed findings of fact but they're there for again your consideration and all of the motions and I know Miss Walker and her daughter are here today to take some questions in case I may have got anything wrong as far as the colors go or anything like that and I can also stand for questions as well thank you uh Mr Beaton and then I have a question as well where is the um I'm not sure I may have missed this where is this gate it's shown in figure eight on page 33 where is that being proposed to be put I'll let the applicants speak to that but I believe the gate is for the driveway switches to the right of building to the left there's a drive there's another driveway to the left that ad property oh okay uh yeah we'll have the applicant okay yeah get on record with that thank you thank you uh my question is on the third item the porch on the back of the structure um I don't believe that we can really consider that at this point until we know more about what the porch will look like sure I'm wondering if we can perhaps um speak again with the applicant on that number number three next month without them having to pay any additional fee just come back and chat with us on that when we know a little more about it uh procedural I'm not entirely certain what we want to if we want to have them come back you could um simply postpone that one part of the application to next month's agenda thank you Miss West uh does that make sense if so perhaps we can go ahead and just pull that out and make a motion to revisit it again next month if anyone would be willing to make that motion yeah I'll I'll make the motion to um table project three until next month's meeting thank you Miss Pierce do we have a second I'll second it thank you Miss vote discussion um can I look up next month's meeting for those folks in the audience absolutely sorry to table to a time and or postpone to a time and date certain we should be providing the time and date certain so my calendar we'll never quite get it right Miss CR but okay and I'm sorry I don't know the date off top of my head it's April the 4th at four 44 2024 yes I'll I'll amend the motion um that we table project three for April 4th at four o'clock's reservation board meeting thank you Miss F thank you this discussion if not all in favor please say I I and opposed all right so we will talk about that soon uh meanwhile that's all I had other questions comments for staff if not thank you very much thank you come on up if you would your name and address for the record Susan Walker and this is my daughter Katherine Walker at 519 Krill Avenue in faka Florida 32177 um we took over uh I actually bought a business and um it's in a historic district very lovely spot but I'm trying to make this business into a home so I have hired a contractor to renovate the inside of the house to make it a two-bed in one bath however the square footage of the house is like a little under 800 like 749 so we would like a structure in the rear of the house to accommodate I come from a 1930 house in Brunswick Georgia and I had 2,000 square foot worth of furniture in that house and it's all lovely Furniture except it's sitting in Brunswick and storage units right now and we are wanting the rear um garage to be to house most of my furniture um it's going to be the same blue color and it will mirror nearly mirror the house meaning it will be appropriate for the historic district in that it'll have wood facade on it it will not be such a steel looking structure because I don't like ugly so um it will be as homey looking as possible with cedar facade around the trim part it's going to be blue the same color as the house and the fence that we were talking about is the six foot panels 6 by8 that you could buy at lows and they're all done in wood so all we really have to do is just put the the Footers or put the what do you call those posts in and then attach the fence to that but we need a security fence basically to outline the whole property um and all of it will be Tastefully done and uh appropriate for the historic district thank you Miss V um you said that it would be wood the building but here it says it no it's a steel building with okay yeah I'm sorry go Ahad it's a steel building and where the doorways are windows areas it's going to have like Cedar trim around the GM work but the actual building is steel yes okay thank you um I also have another question the size of this uh garage page 31 yes I see that there but I have a a question about that um is it larger than the house itself no the height and everything the height and the width and so when you drive by are you going to see the the smaller house and then this behind it this very large industrial looking if you well Mr agma please yes uh staff you know check on that because we wanted to make sure that the proposed structure it's not bigger than than the existing house because it has to be in order to be an accessory structure to the principal use it has to be subordinated so it cannot be bigger than the house so case and I you know we check on that and we make sure that it that you know it is the case that it is smaller the propotion is smaller than the the existing house uh also if you look at in page 30 you will see the proposed location of this shed is way way in the back and and with the fences that's going to be six feet on the sides and the back um You probably not going to be able to see the structure from the front of the house from the Front Street okay thank you thank you Mr agma do we have other questions ladies and gentlemen Mr Beaton um where are you proposing well let me ask a question first this building the storage building is being used to store your furniture from Georgia yes is it also going to be used as a garage or automobiles I do have a a vehicle and a motorcycle that I'll be putting in there in addition to our kayaks and our bicycles okay yes sir uh and where is the wooden gate being proposed to be put on that adjacent property there is a driveway from the street and and we'll be putting that of course wherever we need to have it set back so it's not in the front portion of the house to where the fence drops down to a 4 foot so that will be uh appropriately located in regards to if we needed a vehicle to go through that driveway we have that option okay so I guess I'm still a little lost because there used to be well let me tell you this this house this building was built in 1958 as a dentist office Dr Todd is who had its office there and then it was a survey land surveyor Mr Buck Bill Buck had his office there and then it became a CPA office um and so the building itself looks pretty much the way it did when it was a dentist office I mean it there really hasn't been much done to the exterior um but the the other property that you acquired is on the um if you're facing the building it's to the left yes to the left right okay and that's a vacant lot and then you reach the two-story house that the other side of the bacon lot okay um so you're proposing somewhere along that left side of the U existing building um that you're going to put that gate with the appropriate setb is required from the front of the building by the code and all is that that's yes we would like that property secured okay and joined in with the house are you going to be doing Paving on that side also or just leave it dirt just leave it dirt ass okay all right thank you yes does that yes fantastic um Mr Hollister I'm sorry did you have some just all right shaking it out um thank you very much ladies let's go ahead and open to public comment on this issue or application yes ma'am so Marsha Gano 300 South 9th Street so I'm here today um in my not as a city employee but as a neighbor I own um property just around the corner and we are delighted that people have come in been going past this place for years and and I you know found out it was Z residential and it's like what is ever going to happen with this so I think that you know them coming on board and really having ideas about the beautification and making it a home and you know home look is a is a real tribute to the neighborhood so I certainly and you know speaking for myself specifically but I've heard of The Neighbors really being very supportive of the reference thank you very much um other public comments if not seeing none we will close public comments and I agree um your Planters along the side of the building are just gorgeous I don't know if I can say that or not but they really are very pretty um okay we as I can see it have a couple of different things and we like to address things separately just to keep things super transparent um the porch you'll be coming back to CH with us a bit about um and that's exciting we'll get to see you again the paint is really a non-issue for us so that leads us to the fence and the shed am I correct ladies and gentlemen do you have a an interest in what order to to talk about things in if not I think we need to talk about the fence I don't think we really have okay yes ma'am go ahead um the the fence that you're proposing is all wood you're proposing that that gate is going to be even with the side of your home yes it'll start and be attached to the side of the home and then go backwards but it's going to be extended like you'll have a fence and a big uh yard on the left hand side that is empty and then your building the shed building in reference to the fence is going to be all the way how far back 15 foot off the back Podium please it's 200 foot long from front to back um no no no oh my gosh no that's not me but if you wouldn't mind come back up to the microphone and then I also have kind of this suggestion and and please you know if this doesn't work for you let us know but Miss vote if they're coming back to us anyway next month regarding the porch then perhaps we could at the same time have more information about the fence does that seem reasonable to all of us if we're not going to vote on the fence tonight if you're tabling the fence as well that that is just something that I'm throwing out there as an option if you're coming back to us anyway is that unrealistic Mr Beaton so so so what issue about the fenes or that can't be answered today um I don't believe and and honestly this I have to say this myself I didn't really see like where it would go and Miss vot was asking and I just want to make sure we're on the same page I think towards the last uh scrolled up where it showed the both of the properties you could clearly see that adjacent property on the left hand side and well I could point to you where that fence would be I'm going to switch over to Google street map if I may maybe that's what you were on before when you guys were talking about the fence before but the the dialogue that one right there bottom left yes ma'am I went away from it okay great but let me get back to it that's a wonderful picture because it show exactly what we're doing I definitely don't want to hold anything up I just want to make sure that we're we're all understanding what's going on okay you could hard you can't see the driveway on the left but you could see that house on the left and her driveway we have a driveway pad off the main street right next to hers now if it's an issue that we put a gate to go in that area there we don't need it we do have this right hand side that we can access that whole property I just was going to put gate there because there's a driveway there so it'd be like here's a driveway grass and then solid fence or fence with a gate that a vehicle could pull in I know if you see the vehicle there right here literally the city there we go yay okay so just apron okay apron sorry wrong terminology there so our property line comes about four or five foot off her little concrete pack so we're g to take this fence from the side of the house and start it the same way where it's at here and put it over here and it would have the gate right we would really like and what about the other side where you have a driveway what's neighbor on the right hand side they all have fences in addition to the people on the backside have their fence so you're not going to have a fence or a gate in the actual driveway of where the you know the your home is what was there um is still there okay and there's and there's nothing there to my memory is that correct okay thank you thank you for the clation yes ma'am nowes Miss Pierce does that fence actually come out past the house currently no it does not it looks like that in the picture but it does not okay and if it it won't be like that so You' be coming I guess kind of coming off the corner of the house going across gate and then back a straight line okay symmetrical okay right is everyone confident in their understanding of what's going on regarding the fence yes in the front of it is four feet if we choose to do a fence one not there yet please do not allow dialogue from the audience sorry to be sorry um the forfoot if I understand that correctly that would be front of the house and forward to the sidewalk is that correct or where we at with the forfoot to the to the property to the line of the existing building okay so where can we have six foot I would like privacy I don't really want anybody seeing say you can have six just six then front has to be four up to six so our gate for the vehicle would be 4ft gate instead of a six foot gate are we yeah on the same page there yes okay once again that what we'll do all right well then it will be 4 foot off the side of the house and then we will gradually will'll gradually go up to the six foot on the side thank you all right are we finished with questions directed toward the applicant okay if so let's talk amongst ourselves I think I think I've said plenty already so I mean I've listened to what you all have to say your input would someone like to move us forward with a motion I'll make the motion to um have the four foot fence from the side of the house extend it over to the property um and then from there gradually go from the 4 foot up to the six foot and I guess have it marry into the back property line fence right and have it the proposed wood um as proposed in the in the plan I think you said side Miss Pierce I think you intended for foot on the front the front yeah front on the front of the house from the side of on the front of the property from the side of the house yes and I believe now you need to also include taking in the proposed findings of fact yes incorporating and the findings of fact fantastic thank you so much um I know new but we're making it happen um we have a motion do we have a second thank you Mr Hollister we have a motion in a second further discussion if not all in favor please say I I and opposed fantastic eyes have it and we have moved past the um fence issue not issue I'm sorry wrong terminology uh the the fence question uh we move on now to the shed question ladies and gentlemen I guess I have one small question and I I honestly don't think it's in our perview but I'm just asking um do you have any thoughts in the future about putting in a garage is this more of a temporary thing or is it more of a like forever thing and yes please we would like it to be a for everything but is how far the metal will go I don't know if that's a forever um I but yes we would like that to be a structure that would be utilized for extra space for items okay and being as far set back on the property I I understand um Miss vot's concern that it might dwarf the house um but I'm thinking it's so far back it might not uh moreover for the Landscaping I mean I plan on doing like a Botanical type of garden for my mother we have already purchased like three fruit 30 fruiting trees in addition to our grapes and bananas just everything so in regards to um maybe hiding the structure per se in the back or making it more appealing I feel like with everything that we will have on the foreground prior to it will be more appealing than uh seeing that you probably won't even see it and the color option that my mother and I chose was a dark color so we didn't want anything that would stand out if that helps with that question that's kind of where we're at bunch of trees and stuff we'll have prior to that um so yeah we just need extra space to put our extra stuff y thank you and actually you kind of read my mind because I was GNA ask you about Landscaping yeah man we're going to do plenty of foliage all around that it it won't look bad I promise thank you do we have questions regarding the shed yes ma'am is the um is the house sh mimic each other as far as the shapse can yes but color and trim and the doors I mean everything yeah let me everything is going to flow um so the trim I chose to do Cedar trim on both the house and the garage we will be doing the cedar around the doors and the window um I feel strongly that the cedar will be a great touch over is thatted blue it is rough some rough Cedar I'll go to a lumber jar a lumber yard and fetch me some of that my only other question is the board not when I was on the board but I have remembered in the past that these large aluminum type garage sheds were not allowed and and I don't know that's even appropriate for me to say um but I do remember that and so um I'm wondering about that mine too um I would as I do refer that back to sta well it is an accessory structure that is permitted to a principal use in this case would be the single family home so it is a is a permitted it might be a little bit large but it is pered and is subordinate to the principal use so I think the question was prohibit in the past I don't know I don't know that yeah answer that but I believe your question is whether or not it's permissible to be metal versus wood yes more more so yes that would ease it right um I had also heard that uh but I am not aware of any provision in the code that requires that um I I do recall hearing that yeah and I can recall hearing it as well um although I believe it has been quite a few years um I I I believe that in in my mind I think that might have been why I was asking you the question of will that be there forever or is that kind of a toop Gap kind of thing until you build a garage at some point um but we we do always defer to staff for them to keep us on the right track so um in an abundance of caution um if if this matter if this part of the application could also be tabled so we can thoroughly examine you know if you have multiple board members that have heard this and your City attorney um but I I have not been able to find it in the the code if we could simply have a little bit more time on staff's side to be able to research that to determine where where that came from and if it is a requirement I think airing on the side of caution is always important especially if the applicant is is has other things that they're going to be doing and we're not holding them up too terribly get started on the fence right we can definitely get started on that uh back to your idea of maybe you know tearing this down or breaking it down and doing something at a later date um it is a metal structure that can be disassembled and put up really anywhere um so if that's something that you know we have to do it's that's an option that we can resort to as well for for instance you give us three four years to have the metal structure there and then that gives us time to well be here in the community and seek somebody good out to do that type of work for us um so if there we could come to some an agreement there I just we felt confident going to Nolan's metal buildings right here on the other side of the bridge uh would be legitimate uh for us at this time being that we just didn't know a lot of people thank you what an agreeable attitude welcome to the neighborhood and welcome I'm not trying to give you a hard time I'm just trying to um preserve the historic district make and I can tell that you all care very much and you're making a great effort and I appreciate that appreciate your patience thank you we appreciate yall as well thank you yall have a beautiful place here so we need a motion yes ma'am working on that next um if if we could then a time sensitive motion to move forward to the next meeting which I believe is April 4th I'll make that motion too I'll make a motion to table um project one for the next um preservation board meeting of April 4th at 4:00 thank you we have a motion I'll be happy to Second it and we have a second do we have discussion if not all in favor please say I I and opposed excellent we'll welcome you back next month Madame mayor no sir just you sitting there yes sir Madam chair I'm sorry yes uh the motion was to table isn't it the motion to to continue the item to a Time certain on a certain date yeah Miss West yes I think the intent is to have it thank you once again aing on the side of caution all right ladies Gentlemen let's move on um and I would like to apologize on on our agenda the actual HPB case number is not listed on the agenda which is why I managed to skip entirely past it for Item B it's also not listed for item c um but we do happen to know that it is indeed HPB case 246 um which is an application for a certificate of appropriateness for the installation of a sunshade canopy over parts of the outdoor recreational area the owner is the First Baptist Church of Paca Incorporated the address is 501 Oak Street and if we could hear from staff yes you are correct uh item C is HPB 2406 moving on to the next case HPB 246 501 Oak Street uh this is an application as you said for certificate of appropriateness for the installation of a sun shade canopy over parts of an outdoor recreational area also formerly known as a playground uh that's typically what you would call something like that 501 Oak Street is the address for the parcel the property in question is the entire block uh however if you see in figure one page 47 in that little box in the corner this the area we're talking about is primarily just the corner of Laurel and South 6 Street uh page 48 um again the applicant First Baptist Church of Palaca Inc has proposed two sunshade canopies over their playground near the corner of Laurel in South six according to the applicant site plan uh the larger canopy and forgive me if the sizes are are wrong there were a couple different sizes listed here on their figure two site plan that the applicant can clarify but um I believe the canopy uh over the slide structure will be 32 by 22 and uh the smaller canopy over the swing will be 20 x 20 if you look again figures two and three figure three again I apologize schematic is a bit small but uh the uh you can see the biggest box there has has kind of a The Bare Bones kind of look at what that canopy will look like um page 49 uh figure four this is just an example photo of a similar type of canopy over another playground elsewhere according to the pla municipal code is within within the opinion of the planning director that the proposed sun shade canopy is clearly uh incidental and subordinate to the principal structure on the parcel on the parcel and does not involve any operations not in keeping with the character of the districts per Paca Municipal Code section 94-1 162 C10 uh in addition to that uh according to the Florida Department of Children and Families uh Child Care Facility handbook uh I have a page uh section if you're interested in some light reading on that section 3.5d uh pertaining to playground areas and and this is a quote children must not come in contact with any surface or equipment which poses a burn risk on page 24 the applicant seeks to comply with state regulations and protect students from Burns so uh this is not really um a luxury item on the church's end this is looking to comply with the Florida DCF regulations on page 50 you can see figures uh figures five and six are another example of the support material or the items that are used to hold the Sun shade up and then just quickly the analysis here page 51 sun the sun shade cenp is permissible under EX under as an accessory under the DB zoning I believe that's downtown business uh the placement and size of the canopies are appropriate for the playground on the parcel in question the applicant seeks to comply uh with state with a state mandate to install the canopies as an accessory structure staff has reviewed the application pursuant to the pl municipal code and is determined that it is generally consistent with the pertinent regulations again page 51 we have the proposed finding of findings of fact that you may wish to incorporate in your motion and I can stand for questions and I know that uh Michelle Hall is also here as the agent on this project thank you thank you very much um ladies gentlemen do we have a questions for staff at this time if not come on up let's meet the applicants if you would name an address for the record please I sound like broken record I'm Patricia Lee I live in SEL you want my home address or the church address um I believe home address please okay I'm at 160 oh I'm sorry church address 501 Oak Street and I'm Michelle Hall um 501 Oak Street pla thank you what would you like to share with us I think our our main thing is we've been wanting this for years and God has blessed us the grant came through and we were able to purchase the two canopies and in thinking that they're wide open but they're still got the shade it's like that netting it's not a building it's not metal it's you know nothing obtrusive to look at that we were able to be able to purchase them through a grant so that the children will be able to because I think the last three Summers i' the children can't go out in the summer the slides and everything get so hot that they get burnt so we are trying to make it to where they can go out and play a little more get more fresh air and not be stuck sitting there in the room with us all day and hopefully show the health and and exercise and have fun and it's also a benefit to the church the church has ability to use that facility as well so that the children are protected when they're out there playing at different times in the evening and in the morning and some during the day thank you uh do we we have questions Mr beon what color did y'all buy blue blue what shade of blue that that picture that's up there yeah that dark that dark blue they didn't give us much choices on that it was like brown and green and we thought well blue is the sky so we try to go with closest kind of what was already up there gotcha thank you thank you Mr beon other questions for the applicant um judging from what you gave us from a where it is on the property I don't see anything attached to any historic structures whatsoever totally free no structures no Okay can come go without harming anything right okay um Mr Hollister this is in the playground right in the playround okay the fenced in area fenced in area yes okay um if we don't have any further questions thank you so much and we're going to go ahead and open up to public comment we do have I believe uh Miss kitchens come on up remind us where you live Jacksonville Allegra kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Palaca Florida I've been a member of First Baptist Church since 1958 and attended it since 1949 uh I fully support this and I certainly agree with even if the state RS didn't regulations didn't say you have to have it believe me I've been on a aluminum step ladder that was out in the sun and you leave part of your skin on it so I I fully support this uh I am a member of First Baptist Church I have not been asked to speak to them for them but I just let you all know that but I'm speaking as a citizen I fully support this it's obviously non obtrusive uh I think it's going to be a very good idea and certainly it'll help those little kids to stop being burned up so thank you thank you Miss kitchens um just by by way of clarification public comment on agenda item and you've got all sorts of stuff was there okay I just want to make sure that there wasn't anything else for this item just trying to save paper Madam no I may I may or may not speak on item six I put it down in case I wanted to I'll see how the conversation goes but I was at the meeting the other day and I probably at least have one comment on it so okay that I just put both things on there I appreciate that I just I didn't want to disenfranchise you just making sure you were paying attention and you were yes ma'am all right other public comments if not let's go ahead and close public comments and now we discuss monster ourselves ladies and gentlemen Miss vot I don't have a problem with it I think it's a good thing my daughter's 28 years old now and she attended that when she was three it's a great little school so I I'm okay with it other thoughts if not if we are all ready to go someone would like to move us forward I'll make a motion to approve the you're gonna have to look all the way to page 47 to the HP 2461 Oak Street and the AWS that he sh us here um to be put in the grounds of the recre shary in the fening area and where you proposed to be that and incorporate the findings yep pardon me I'm sorry and incorporate the findings of and to incorporate findings thank you we have a motion do we have a second thank you Mr Hollister we have a motion in a second do we have discussion if not all in favor please say I I and opposed hearing none motion carries just very briefly for the record I'd like the minutes to reflect that this is a precedent setting structure within a historic district and uh it should be noted that the reason this is being approved is because it is a requirement under the Florida Department of Children and Families Child Care Facility handbook and it should not be constru as permissible for um any entity other than school to this is precedent agreed thank you Miss West we're thanks very very thrilled you were with us yeah all right moving on to agenda item five staff and board member comments um let's begin with the napc webinars who would like to address that seeing none hearing none no I'm only kidding it's on the agenda yes it is um there it is a webinar series um that I found to be very instructive um I believe there should be a hyperlink if you look on the online agenda but if not please contact me and I'll provide you the link to those resources um they are a little expensive they're $15 each um but I would strongly encourage you to just take a look at all the available options and see which one might be of use to you it's just a resource I just wanted to make you aware of it thank you very much um do we have board member comments at this stage if not um one thing that I I would like to bring forward is as we all know we have been working on a burer for some time um you know you've moved to a historical district now what um Peter has been working on that um but he has also been working on a great many other things um I was handed today um by Mr ago um just kind of a mockup of something that was done in the city of um San Marco Tex San Antonio San Antonio I'm sorry it says San Marcos um but San Antonio um if you would please with your permission I wouldn't mind having a look at this um speaking with uh Mr AO and Peter S more and then we'll work toward bringing something back to all of us to examine next month thank you very much I you know what it's Texas yeah I'll be Googling it on the way back but um moving on to our next item of the agenda item six our emergency item um may I call like a one minute pause so bathroom breaks okay give me one moment actually we are back oh okay so we're almost back fin item on the agenda which is indeed an emergency item it is um HPV 248 city of pla requests for a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition of 512 EMT Street um who is leading us on this well Mr Griffith is not so I'm happy to take the lead but um basically this is the situation as you may be aware back in 2017 this structure do we have any images Sunny that we and but procedurally typically the the what would happen is someone would from staff would say why this is an emergency the board would vote on it being a true emergency addition to the item and then we would begin with presentation of what the item is okay a series of verse follow Sunny's advice thank you Miss Wes I'll let you redirect us okay go ahead and state the the basis uh the fact that this is an emergency situation and that you move to place the matter um on on the agenda to be heard on an emergency basis I would like to move exactly what Miss West just said you are the chair oh passing the G would someone like to move exactly what Miss West said I'm sorry I thought you meant that I should I I say we move as Miss West has instructed we have a we have a motion to um follow proper protocol in a emergency agenda situation yeah I will second the motion that we are in agreement that this is an emergency uh meeting that needs to be called and we are in agreement to do so thank you very much we have a motion and a second do we have discussion or if not all in favor please say I I and opposed excellent so now that we have overcome that particular hurdle sure what happens next I'm get your thing um back in 2017 uh this single family residential structure uh had a fire um and it has essentially sought uh been sitting there derel abandoned um blighted ever since it has racked up about $23,000 in Code Enforcement fines um we had the opportunity to meet with the owner and he is a willing seller and has agreed to convey to the city of blacka I don't even know where that came from we do but we're not gonna say so um at any rate um we have a willing seller who is willing to to um have the city purchase the property for $9,800 um the CRA met yesterday also on an emergency basis to authorize that contract they did so um so we are here on a contingent basis we need approval um to move forward with this purchase and sale agreement um and one of the issues that we're going to address right off the bat when the city acquires it uh next Thursday at the city commission meeting is we are immediately going to proceed with demolition of this quite frankly dangerous structure that has been sitting there um that is negatively impacting uh adjacent Property Owners values and so what we're looking for from the HPB today is a certificate of appropriateness uh to proceed immediately with demolition immediately after acquisition thank you very much and um a COA to demolish this particular property does not tie us to any kind of Precedence in the future correctly correct okay do we have questions for staff at this stage yeah wow I heard that um Mr so the city is going to take possession of this property what's the city going to do with it if you don't mind me ask demolish it after that what are you going to do with the sell it okay it needs to be demolished yes it does and upon sale of the property return whatever proceeds from the sale are to the um South historic district CRA correct correct okay and um I I believe what I heard last night at the the CRA meeting was seven years the property has been in this condition since 2017 okay and the chances of this property ever rebuilding the owner is uh financially not able to pay the code enforcement lean and he is also not financially able to um demolish the property and that's why it's been sitting there for so long the true definition of blight absolutely absolutely all right ladies gentlemen other thoughts and then we're gonna get you to that meeting sir Mr B um I just wanted to ask the attorney is the uh requirement for this to go before the historical soci being waved by the city um I'm I'm aware of that requirement uh within the code it would have a three-month delay uh potentially and so we we would like to have that requirement waved okay uh but that's going to formally be done because I just I don't since it's in the code I would like that the city not make a habit of avoiding that part of the provision I completely agree absolutely [Music] um Mr Beaton um I don't want to belabor this too much but I think out of respect for the house that I have to say something about the historic nature of this house this is a contributing structure or was before the fire and whenever we lose a contributing structure in one of the historic districts I think it's significant and um so anyhow I'm not going to read all of this but I just wanted to briefly let you know this uh vernacular Victorian home was built sometime between 1896 and 1897 uh the building was constructed for Israel Meyer and it's referred to in the Florida Master site file as the Meer house he was a merchant and owner of a clothing store in downtown Paca after his passing his widow sold the building to Charles Kilpatrick who was the chief engineer for for Florida for the Wilson Cyprus company uh he resided in the house until 1919 and then he sold the house to the First Baptist Church of Paca too bad they're not still here to hear that which used it as a rectory housing their minister Reverend JF sevel in 1924 the building became the property of GA Turner who leased several tenants until 1946 when it was sold to Mr bloomenfeld who had a textile manufacturing firm thank you Mr Beaton um I'm going to go ahead and open up to public comment just in case Miss kitchens Larry doesn't want to below your points but sometimes Miss kitchens does but I'm not going to biger it Alger kitchens 1027 South 12th Street Paca Florida I was at the CRA meeting uh yesterday and I agree that this property does need to be demolished it has been sitting there in that condition for seven years but I would Echo and repeat what commissioner will Jones said since it's been there for seven years why the rush all of a sudden it was an emergency CRA meet CRA meeting and yes the gentleman does intend to sell the property apparently but again as Mr Jones said he's probably still going to want to sell it in two weeks they wanted to have a little bit of time it was a six to1 vote uh Jones voted against it uh and I noticed it is an emergency item here because the CRA is already going to voted to buy it and have it torn down and it should be torn down but of course I am concerned after all these years where all of a sudden blip blip blip so I was concerned about that I just simply wanted on the record that uh yes the city probably doesn't does need to buy it uh it does need to be sold of course the question is in my mind who's waiting to buy it and why the rush but that's not for it's not necessarily for a comment I just want to get that on the record it's on the record at the CRA for Mr Jones I want to get it on the record here thank you thank you Miss kitchens Miss West did you want to address address that for the last seven years we haven't had a willing seller it's that simple we do now and we have to move quickly with willing seller you know what if you don't mind could you repeat that because I caught part of it sure so for the last seven years while the property has sat there in a blighted condition we have not had a willing seller we now do and when thank you very much yeah thank you got to work that opportunity okay I appreciate that and thank you what are our thoughts ladies and gentlemen I'm ready to make a motion everybody said what they want to say I think that would be great I would love and it is your motion not mine but if it could also build into this is not something that is setting a precedence for anything whatsoever all right Miss West is ready yes Miss V I would like to make a motion that the historic board um says yes to the demolition of the proper address I'm sorry I should have been ready2 em 512 EMT Street to be um demolished sold to the city and then presented back for the demolition yes so your your um issuance of a certificate of appropriateness today is a contingent certificate of appropriateness for demolition of the structure yes that's it nothing with the sale or anything so right for the contingency for you to to be allowed to do that also that is strictly for this particular address and that does not set any other uh possibilities that we tear down houses in the historic district is the waiver of the Historic Society requirement a part of your motion or is that going to be a separate motion okay so that that does not need a motion the way that the code is drafted it is not triggered here um so a motion is not necessary on that issue right thank you Miss West we have a motion do we have a second a second thank you Miss Pierce we have a motion and a second do we have discussion if not all in favor please say I I and opposed the eyes take it and we are ladies and gentlemen at the end of our agenda unless there's anything oh look at that item seven a motion to I'll motion thank you Mr V so MO