got it yeah back malberry can you hear me mberry excuse me I do that to you every month Pastor yes sir I'm here okay I just wanted to make sure you could hear me we just a few minutes from start yes sir w wning board meeting for Tuesday March the 5th 2024 at 4:00 um if you all will stand Pastor malberry malberry invitation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Andy Bernett good evening everyone father we thank you again for this day thank you for how you blessed us to come to this point at this time in life we thank you dear God for your goodness all day long pray God that you will give wisdom from the board members God to lead the city continuously in their decision makings pray God that your hand will rest upon this city of Palanka even the more bring us to be a unified people understand the necessity God of coming together that we can do more when we come together it is in Jesus name we pray Amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all have SE thank you call thank you so much Mr Barnes here Mr Delo here Mr Wallace here Mr Bernett here Miss Wilson and Miss Owens are not present for the record chair ker here we have a for sir thank you very much uh now we'll read the appeals and expart Communications notice notice to any person wishing to appeal any decision made by the planning board with respect to any matter considered in such meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a Verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based on far statute 28615 now um now need approval of the minutes from February 6 2024 meeting Mr chair I make a motion we approve the minutes second I have a motion by Mr Barnes and second by yes a second by Mr berett all those in favor say I I all those opposed seeing none passes unanimously um we'll move on to the public comments is there anybody here that wishes to address the board about anything other than the what's on the agenda tonight first afternoon seeing none we'll close that part and move on to the regular public business uh moving to case PB 23-20 um this is a request to amend the future land use and Zoning for three power Parcels at the Z place from the existing future land use of commercial to the proposed land use of residential blood the existing zoning is General commercial C1 and the applicant has approved has proposed to zoning to residential single family R1 who want that to us yeah [Music] that's board members I'd like to introduce you to our new planning director Lorenzo gameo uh he comes with a vast amount of experience having been the trainning director for Palm Beach County for over 17 years if you've ever been to Palm Beach County you know that's no easy feet so anyway I would like to welcome you uh to his his uh new position here in the city and um there you go thank you very much thank you H the pleas to be here welcome to challeng you know place that I think he has a lot of potential um and you would say like it can't be store for a planner so many things can be done so I hope you a very working and productive working relationship uh I do my best be open to you for questions whatever U Mr CH you already introduced the it I was going to introduce the but you very um basically just a small plan Amendment for change the future L map and at the same time a resoling to a residential use we staff review that the applications it meets the criteria for the comprehensive plan Amendment and also the result I know I don't want to get into much I'm going to allow Cas to present staff report to but basically staff is recommended approval on both it thank take it away K all right good afternoon uh everyone I think for the most part you guys have kind of already uh already summarized I would I am so Sor no no no no it's fine I apologize for my appearance today as I left my side on the dryer can we fire I think you need brush ha all right down so I do want to uh I I do want to welcome our new plan director as well and I think it is an appropriate time to thank Lisa Walsh for all of her good work here abolutely she's still with us in spirit in a way it's kind of appropriate that this is the last staff report that she's that she kind of did for the city and now we're kind of transitioning on so looking forward to working with Lorenzo in the future and um Lisa Walter is a great teacher as well so uh just want to say getting to the item now case TB 2320 this should look familiar you all approved uh the final plat for this last month um I believe we may have the agent on Zoom but I'm not certain okay we do said we do uh just really quickly um this is request as lawren said it's a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment uh this is for three Parcels totaling about half an acre out of a a site totaling 3.25 Acres that might be a little confusing but I'll get to that in a second we just want to change the existing uh future land use from commercial to residential low and changes the existing zoning from General commercial C1 to residential single family R1 do note that the applicants appti said r1a but they've agreed they want they want to pursue the R1 zoning that your packet this is of course uh your agenda page nine really quickly uh skipping ahead going to table one you can take a look if you were interested uh in some of the surrounding uses uh zoning as well as land use skip ahead though to the first map on agenda page 10 you can see the existing future land use um the subject Parcels in question are that highlighted red area there if you can look at that little box those are the three Parcels you all approve in the final plaque in the February 6th meeting so those are the actually the area question talking about today page 11 of your agenda page three on the staff report figure two shows the future proposed land use of residential low the zoning really quickly your uh agenda page 14 and figure three is the zoning map Uh current zoning is that brown highlighted area where it says C1 of course the next page agenda page 15 figure 4 uh shows that we're just trying to that the family are um I'm going to skip ahead now to the last page really quickly um we don't see as for the uh Flac Municipal Code section 9438 F1 points A3 Q we don't see any um major issues there really quickly do want to highlight the estimated city of blacka Revenue in the table on the last page the table I don't think it's lab but um just an idea of how much potential Revenue uh this resoning to bring into the city um really quickly as well the proposed project is directed to add three dwelling units to the city of black as again the R1 proba the the U the applicant can see better to what their plans are what they want to be with then I would but um again if we use this census designated 2.37 persons per household in 2020 that would be increase at 7 persons and staff recommendation on this is Staff recommends uh the request to amend the future land use map from City of pla commercial to City of pla residential low uh be approved for the above parcels and staff also recommends the request for the rezone uh from the city of Paca General commercial SE the city of Paka single family residential R1 be approved for both courses and I can stand for questions or again question for the anybody on the board has any questions have any questions for the before you begin uh your discussion on this agenda IEM recall that this is both a quasi legislative and the Quasi judicial hearing because we have a change in the comprehensive plan and the reson me if you have any questions about the burden there um let me know we probably sick of seeing these slides but just G to pound it every single time we have one of these so thank you and if you have had any Communications with the applicant um now would be the time to disclose your experting Communications okay questions for or for okay well I'll close this part of that and I'll call Robert a bu to give me just a second to get a Time rep Excuse me give me just a second to get a Time rep sir sorry are you read this my name is Rob wise everybody call bu no matter I got name I got my brother got name B i' got question about this address for the record please address yes St your address please 15 Ro sorry up goad all thank you uh I attended the first meeting yes uh I was wasn't sure about what was going on you know the first application was made to to Bill how on this prop and my understanding the proper in question to we talking about was uh Landing board approved to have a residential where some many hous heard AES like here okay um well not long after that would approved and somebody I guess whoever had his prop started building a house they build a house on up South West bu one res still working on and uh if that's the case y'all clear me up I don't know I'm not educated in real estate but I do know that if you got a piece of propit own commercial you don't build a residential house that's my my opinion is this this commercial the first come on but why would you go ahead and build a house when it's not been official own residential so my question is also this I question why couldn't they put the EA or in and out on qu Avenue instead of c and I understand what said was said they have get the state to approve this and approve that but now I'm looking at this and it shows been addressed on C Avenue not killing s so I'm kind of confused at what's going on with this prop I don't know if they're going make it all commercial they make it corners of residential can somebody clear that up for me I'm sure they can either Casey or M West one two yall can yall answer that I can I'm asking staff if they can answer your question we can the public comment is that's what I'm saying my parents some about started billing my house before they got all duction I say like I feel you so that mean I got a quit you got three you got three minutes your three minutes I was going let you go a little further but that's well my minutes is up my minutes is up I got some questions why this was all done procedure was done yes you know okay so I leave with that somebody May me clear up what I'm talking about I'm sure M West can we got one more speaker the public speaker L kitens Al kit 1027 sou 12th Street black FL my question has to do with I heard the C planning director say that uh he's giv you a table to show you how much revenue this brings into the city well that's all well and fine but residential cost more to Sin City in expense than the tax money it brings in if the $700,000 house and maybe 20 years in the tax money might make up for the one time one time expense of the city to build a residential unit but in in addition to the onetime expense to city services you have a continuing expense to city services yearly which also monthly but yearly for water sewer garbage police fire streets so what I would like to hear from all planning people in the future and even now what it yeah okay here's the revenue that comes in so taxes which are very low basically low City Mill 6.4 Mills bringing in some taxes but the impact the city services and City's done an impact fee studies I don't know the exact figures but when I was on commission we did an impact feed the one time impact one residential unit being built CCT was $27,000 the ongoing was several th a year for maintaining city services I would like he the director not just now but in every other meeting when this issue comes up tell you the revenue that comes in also tell you the onetime expense of the city for building each unit as well as what the continuing expense might be because I think you all need the full picture thank you thank you m speaking for the public okay seeing that close that West if you want to come just explain the building out of that one residential unit that was mentioned by so um the one yes it is a little confusing so the the the one so it's split currently they're trying to split off into the the the side that's facing the Kell Smith SCH Road I guess the southern end what did I say let's go let's go back to figure four if we could possibly Sunny so we can get a graphic on what exactly we're referring to it it is not the subject my understanding is it's not the subject of what is currently pending before this board today the subject would be the three that are yeah so if this is one it was at a time one large parcel that I think I had mentioned was 3.25 Acres total the only portion we're uh looking at today are those three Parcels on the south end that the planning board had approved last month so you're correct when you say there is um there actually is a house there not to make it more confusing but there is a house there that's actually already been broken off the parcels on the Kell Smith School roadside are going to be R1 of pending po will by board whereas the other side of that whole property I guess we better word the the other side of that property is going to be commercial eventually when they when that applicant guls it inside so it's always been intend well it's been intended that those Parcels on the southern be single family res and then there's uh another question in terms of the access on to Krill and since we do have the applicant attending by Zoom um I do know that there are probably fdot restrictions on providing for Ingress and agress to residential off of the commercial Highway like kill uh but if the applicant could at least speak to whether or not they intend to um change the property address with the Property Appraiser's um office to Kelly Smith Road to reflect the accuracy of the frontage for these residential lots yes once uh the plats recorded and this has been resed then we'll go ahead and get the addresses for those three parcels and they'll all be driveways will be on Kelly Smith Road so the addresses will be on Kelly Smith Road because of that it wouldn't make sense to cross through a commercial parcel onto Krill um that's why it was designed the way it was the the parcels um here are residential facing Kelly Smith Road um one other question regarding um the total cost for a project um I agree with Miss kitens that you should have a a very full picture of what the costs are for the city um very strong believer and understanding the financial impacts of appr approving especially residential which over the long term has proven in study after study to not pay for itself um however the fees that you do have here do not include impact fees as as you may know the impact fees were just lifted um there was a moratorium in place for quite a few years um following the right recession and they were just lifted last May of 2023 and so we are only now now starting to phase those impact fees back in now that the moratorium has been lifted and they have not been reflected in what you see here today so there are going to be impact fees assessed for um these residential lots but it wasn't captured in in this particular graphic ber did you have another question I de chair I I apologize but the back and forth with public during public comment SP it should happened I understand I was just I'm trying to I mean M he's he's got some emotions going on in small town sometimes it's easier to get it out than it is to keep it in yes sir we can meet with you by meeting and we can it's not you not going change anything y done I know that I'm 8 years old I all right Buster that's I'm sorry we just no problem no problem I just I know how to start it out yes sir it's I know how to send it up okay all right thank you Buster um so do we have any any further questions to staff from the board okay seeing none thank you K thank you m um was pleasure move on be first for the the future land use map Mr chair I'll make a motion um I would move that this board request or approved the request to amend the future land use map from City of FL commercial to City of FL residential low for the three subject parses okay I have motion second second Mr B motion brette second all those in favor say signify by saying I I oppos motion passes answer now we're going to the resoning of the property from General commercial C1 to City of Paka single family resid R1 Mr chair I move that this board approved the request to reson from City of placa General commercial C1 through city of placa single family residential for the three subject Parcels have motion do I have a second second Mr Bar's motion Mr second is there any discussion all those in favor signify by saying I I hearing none passes unanimous thank you moving on we're moving on to is u m griffi still join us this you know can can I just say something yes we we going to have a lot of these situations because our our city limits and Zoning is Elder Skelter especially around the Brookwood yes and it's not it's not going to be the last one where we leave un happy I'm think we'll we'll reach out to him to try and explain that may have been some confusion in terms of which Lots were being discussed okay that's fine I just you know like I said M the only reason I do that back and forth been here all my life and I've known him all my life and I just try to treat people with respect and I understand and I understand the Paul V procedure part of it and I try to do that too but sometimes I'm just I just don't like it so I I completely understand it's a delicate position but in order to be consistent for all members of the public we need to do those uncomfortable things sometimes yes Ma it's now moving on to pb2 24-3 Mr Griffin turn on the microphone just to heads up my lights coming back on we're still on the backup system but it allows the little webcam to pick up the audio okay mine's all now is Mr GFF GNA join us for this or not is he on Zoom no he had a 3:30 you're in charge I guess so okay okay um so this is a you kind of had a heads up on this from last time um however that was a little unfair because we completely swapped it out and weid everything that was drafted last time so what you're seeing now um is a new Revis draft uh with input from the whole light to bright team um the Genesis for uh the need to make this code modification was uh that code enforcement was having difficulty with abandon vehicles um being left in front yards um side setbacks uh very often city rways um and those Vehicles consisted of sometimes they were abandoned but sometimes they were commercial or recreational vehicles that would stay for extended periods of time and so this uh revision was pulled from multiple other different mun municipalities to see how similarly municipalities dealt with this particular issue because it does contribute to the blight of our community when you see these vehicles scattered about on rways in front yards often parking on grass um and it's caused a lot of complaints and so we needed something to codify what exactly our intentions were so that's what this is um and we uh hopefully you had an opportunity to review it and I'm available to answer questions in the absence so Mr griffett but if you have one that I can't feel I'll have to depart um now pardon me for not knowing this already but is all of this has been presented brand new or some of that's already in the code so the code is a little Patchwork to say the least there are sections that pertain to abandoned vehicles already in the code um but it's very Patchwork um and so this was an attempt to kind of pull it together in in one very systematic way where you have the definitions all in one place so you're not cross referencing all over our code um so this was an attempt to simplify and streamline exactly what the intentions were so you wouldn't have to bounce around but if you look at the code right now and you were to go to munic code and type in abandoned vehicles you are going to see it pop up there is going to be a definition um and so this attempts to strengthen does that answer your question okay mostly yes and this applies only to residential proper um [Music] yes um from my understanding this is on residential um front yards side yards and city right place and just for Claire in subsection uh 8f looks like commercial vehicles and residential zones so if Ed here has a CTO van he lives in the South histor District he cannot park his company vehicle in the driveway is that accurate if it's in the backyard it's fine if it's in a designated driveway it's fine but if it's in the front yard on the right of way or a side yard that is grass it's not okay so he can park in his driveway but not in his side yard correct unless the side yard is a driveway okay fa any other questions I didn't say Mr Del because he was already shaking his head um okay I have one more I'm sorry okay has this been presented anywhere other than us for feedback no just internally with City staff and the FL to right team we making a motion to through this is discussion um so it's not a recommendation uh we just wanted this uh body to be aware of this particular plance and any feedback that you have as it works up to um the city Comm Miss level you know we're looking for your input you've got expertise in this area uh you deal with the community quite a bit and so if you want to get back to staff and so we can look at those recommendations it would be great do we have a set process for presenting stuff like this to the the historic districts the people that'll be directly impact for residents or is this something that would be mailed to them to review and convo can to advise them of a new ordinance we have publication within the PAC Daily News seg Sunday it's 14 days in advance of the first reading of the ordinance and then there is the second reading of the ordinance by the city commission that's published on the website and published in the PAC of Daily News there's not direct mailings because that would cover the entire city and it's cost prohibited when coach people is traveling around the city and they you know this is not exactly what we but when they see stuff should they report to whoever their supervisor is or is that not missible that's generally not procedurally how it works that's procedurally how it works there you go go ahead please use your microphone M sorry so just to kind of walk you through what happened we have have two designated code enforcement officers in the city they uh know the codes very well when they go to um inspect properties throughout the city um so they know when they're issuing a notice of violation exactly what code that they are referencing um and they uh explicitly State the section of the code within the notice of violation so they don't need to go to a superior in order to issue that notice of violation uh I'm I'm not going to make any friends I guess um it appears to me they got blinders on though when they comeing and going that's the part I'm talking about we we got old tires P so Mr Wallace if you want to get to me with a list of addresses when you think there are code violations I am happy to check and make sure now you're answering my question from back in thank you so they don't when they see something you know what um try to rectify well they can't Rectify all they can do is issue a notice of violation they can't trespass onto the property and try and remove tires on the no I know that but they could turn in a report to and does anybody understand what I'm saying or am I that veg they do could they turn in a report when they get back to the office say I saw up there on 8th Street there's a pile of eight tires there in the in the parkway is that what you're saying that they file a report and then Mr W would in the report they would put what code they're violating they would file they would take that bring it back to City Hall file that report and then actually we take it for that point on at it's called a notice of violation and the property owner has 15 days to rectify the the violation if they don't then they are set for a hearing before a special magistrate who holds a hearing to determine findings of fact and conclusions of law on whether or not the code was actually violated but you told me that you would get with me if I understood which is not always the case anymore you would get with me and I would give you a list of the these things that I see well I'm asking if the city codes people do they turn in a report and file a report or or they got to be okay all the time okay that's what I was saying you know what I'm talking about yes sir and that's what I repeated to you just a minute ago you're just I should have listened to you but I saw that you and I didn't I'm familiar as well with what Mr Wallace is talking about Mr CH hilber I understand he giv me a part time now that in years past the city staff did not have the amount of code enforcement officers that we currently have so they did not self-report they required neighbor Neighbors and Property Owners to report on each other so to speak rather than our code enforcement officering now we do a mixture of both now that we've ramped up code enforcement that's an answer to my question no that's a yes yes that's a yes but your talk we didn't okay I'm done are you sure Mr won no but I think so any other questions or comments okay well thank you Mr West for presenting that to us now we're going to move on to Mr Wallace's request discussion conversation regarding PL and code requirements within the subdivision can it mean you're on it's on you okay uh I've not got a Spiel prepared but what I'm talking about I've been talking about for many many many years well we get a plat that comes before us that plat there's no way in God's green earth at this point in time that plat to meet our subdivision regulations is that right can you be more specific on how require sidewalks how many how many plants we require sidewalks uh every plant has to re be reviewed by our city engineer and our city surveyor now I understand you could get somebody on on a retainer to do that but we don't have a city surveyor we don't have a city engineer and it lists for percents of grade on sidewalks and all all kind of you know it's just if you look at our subdivision regulations it looks like something left over from the 20s and the 30s am I right there I'm having trouble being right so just for a little clarification um it's rare for subdivisions that that's a term of art um within the planning world it's rare for subdivisions to be approved anymore now the nature of the Beast is in the form of a planned unit development of the ud which um accommodates Innovative designs whether or not their Innovative is subjective but it has all of that criteria in terms of sidewalks Landscaping setbacks is that what you're referring to no I understand a of plan unit development uh I wish that all of them were plan developments I mean then we could negotiate and we would know who who let the forse out you know when it comes to being screwed up like some of them um now we we I think when something a a preliminary plaque comes before us on the board we are saying that we approve it to be in compliance with our subdivision regulations for the city that we we feel that it is okay uh I am actually not aware of the Nexus in our code between a preliminary approval and subdivision so I I apologize I I we we we issue a preliminary um you know for a preliminary plat we approve it or disapprove it right then the next thing that comes to us is uh the final plan we approve it or disapprove it now if that plat there's more to the plat than the map the plat is the subdivision and all the regulations pertaining to it we don't comply with those how so back to what I said a minute ago if you want to take you know one one particular thing and it always sticks out in my mind is sidewalks we we've had you know uh we don't require side sidewalks anymore the one we one we just uh addressed there's no sidewalks required for that PL to be did did you pull our subdivision regulations out and read them I I was actually going to defer to you to itemize what the concerns were because I wasn't aware if I had known you were going to let me do that and defer to me I would have been a lot more prepared than I am now I thought we were going to discuss it okay I was counting on you which I'm not making friends anymore I was counting on you as as our legal counsel to be prepared to voice an opinion of whether or not okay so let let me understand we can table this for next time I need very clear direction from the board on what the scope of legal research you would like need to do whether it follows within my ciew or the planing director but I need some specificity here on what you're looking for I I would like for you to read our subdivision regulations and what is it I'm pointing to it is chapter 74 Miss okay I I'd like for you to read our subdivision regulations and the history of them and read uh the current state chapter 177 what they require for we we've got state requirements for cl I'm well aare I know you are and I doubt seriously we we we always I've always looked at it and tried to make it meet 177 rather than our subdivision regulations which is not what I should be doing but I would turn down every plat that came through here they they do not meet our subdivision regulations now as far as the meat of the drawing the map I always try to bring out if it doesn't meet what is required for the meet of the map in chapter 172 States regulations so I I do believe the city is adhering to the requirements in Florida statute 177 I again I am not aware of any requirement that a plat have to incorporate our subdivision requirements I'm not I am not aware of that Nexus if it's there I'll do the research as you say and and if that is a requirement for a plat to incorporate subdivision requirements I'm not aware of that for us to give an approval of a subdivision yes it pass for that do you not agree I don't know I need that that's just for us for us as a board to give an approval of a proposed subdivision you should know whether it matches our subdivision regulations because you tell us no it doesn't you can't say that you can't do this we haven't had an application for subdivision approval in quite some time certainly it hasn't occurred in the entire time that I've been here because the preferred method for a developer to pursue a subdivision like development is a PUD well we've only yeah okay I and like I said I wish they were all puds then we could agree up front what they've got to do and what we've got to do but maybe I'm all wet you know but I don't think so okay anybody any board member have any about that staff would like to PO to can I call somebody from the audience that would like to speak sure wasn't sure can can I ask am I the only one up here that knows what I'm talking about or do y'all agree that everything is just jam up I think you know one it knows what you're talking about I I would mentioned that some of our subdivision regulations are a little past date and that something our previous planning director was compiling a list of was all the things in our zoning code that's out of date and I'm sure as Mr Amo gets on board and nothing swing I'm sure he's going to be tracking some of these that were left by his predecessor Mr Wallace is right the city doesn't have a city engineer on staff and there is a reference to that within our subdivision regulation so I'm sure the same Mr G is tracking okay something she add not really a public comment item but go for it I asked I said yes then you said yes now don't get on me chastising this West Florida uh I guess it's com but I work for the office for 36 years I work Deeds I drew in the plat Flats U I worked with them exclusively I think this is a matter of semantics platted subdivision is basically the same thing you cannot have a subdivision unless you have platted a recorded subdivision has to be plaed and the subdivision from what I'm understanding ear saying our subdivision are subdivision requirements called the sidewalks so there's a loophole in the law apparently some of these real sliit developers have figured out they call it a plat they don't call it a subdivision because no definition saying a subdivision is a flat they can slip by and not have to do qualified subdivision because they're doing a plaque it's like tomato and tomato so I think that's what the issue is probably we probably been tighten up the wording a little bit definitely Define a plat subdivision there a difference between the two then show a difference but a subdivision has to be plattered can't be reported I think that's the deal and Earl being a surveyor me being a deed worker all these years when you say plat or subdivision it's the same thing it's like tomato and tomato plat subdivision is the same thing you can't be separate but you watch the bath and watch yeah but apparently in our in our code they kind of are separate and so it's not it's a little bit vague I would think and that's why some of these developers have slipped through the caic oh I'm not doing a subdivision Ivy Street subdivision oh that's not a subdivision that's a flat well folks it's called Ivy Street subdivision it's not called iy Street plat that's one off of on Ivy Street one block off of St John's Avenue the Edgemore property it was on Edgemore and Mosley which got defeated that was a plat they called it a subdivision the developer did but it was actually a plat so that's what the difference is I think so I think that's something maybe the staff needs to look at that and get the City attorney maybe see if there's a way to make the wording or the definition or put definitions into something to make it a little bit a little bit tighter so you know if you do it if you a plat has to follow the seis rules and say that a plat doesn't have to and separate the two or put them together or something and that's all I want to say and I do understand what you say which probably means thank you so anybody else and again V on this this is just information for it was discussion Mr Wallace requested a conversation sorry sorry my mind went back to what we were talking pretty pleas um okay so we're done with that that all you wanted Mr w i me I tell we're done just that was much more than what I [Music] wanted okay well we got much more stat comments um I have an introduction to make if I may miss West introduce Mr gimo and I'd like to introduce the new city manager to you if I may well I want to do that but go ahead you can do it late for staff comments um Mr B approach the podium this is Mr Bell he comes to us with more than 20 years of experience in local government um he was approved by the city commission as City Manager on February theth and this is our well I should say Hello thank you very much for the introduction I'm excited to be here um eager to do the work that's set off before me um probably heard me say on multiple occasions that this community has tremendous potential um the type of work that we're looking at ahead of us is the kind of stuff that I've done in the past all my will house per se um but I cannot say or emphasize enough how warm and welcoming the community has been to me thus far and it's made it really easy to make the transition even though I'm still drinking from a fire host every day learning but that's the exciting part about being a city manager um never dull moment you're always learning and you're always engaging with people if you do it the right way by the grace of God that I'm here and I uh I'm sure and certain though I will not let you down um I welcome all of your input and I look forward to giving to meet each and every one of you and um having those conversations with that I'll stop and I want to introduce Mr G um you probably had conversations with them up until this point but new hard with the organization uh very knowledgeable um with a tremendous amount of expertise uh comes to us with uh having been the director at uh Palm Beach County many of our paths have crossed in several places so it's amazing that we been in some of the same spaces together and not even know probably the same meetings exactly good be good be so would you like to come up and say something or you can speak from there I I I already introduced myself to okay to the plun board Fant and I like you I'm very excited you know to to me the challenges you know that beautiful town has thank you very much thank you for the opportunity thank you miss any other M West do you have anything to say comments I I am going to go back just so I I'm very clear on what the expectations are for me reporting back on this item that we're going to table and that should probably get a motion for that um my understanding on the scope of work is to read our subdivision regulations in section 74 of the code and the history and also compare with uh the current plat requirements set forth in 4or statutes 177 and basically I'll provide a a memo um to the board if if that suffices um and if you want to give me any more guidance in terms of what expectations are this would be the ideal time to we know you need a motion to table or postpone this particular item set is placed on the agenda for next time does that sound like it would accompass your [Music] concern to you I post motion March to the um this already marched today pH meeting sir I'm sorry are you giving her till April or you giving her more time how long would you like I make a motion to postpone until the Comm second motion second there any discussion none all those fa allos none motion passes unanimously now is there any other staff staff comment any board comments anybody like comment any I have a motion to [Music] adjourn thank