grant let me know we're on it being 1:30 we are going to commence the proceedings before the special magistrate for code enforcement for the city of PATCO by way of introduction my name is Ron Brown I'm an attorney licensed in the State of Florida and pursuant to State Statute and city code I have been appointed by the city Commission of City Paca to preside over today's proceedings this is not a formal court of law we are not bound by The Rules of Evidence or the rules of civil procedures you might find uh down on Fourth Street at the courthouse we are however Bound by some requirements of the state law and the the city code regarding due process and fairness and we are required to make sure everyone that has due process which is basically the right to be heard right to hear the charges that have been levied right to present evidence and testimony of your own right to ask questions uh of anyone involved in the proceedings uh it is the right to have a a fair decision that's not arbitrary and capricious and to do that we need to have evidence presented by both the city and those who are respondents who are here today that's what's called substantial incompetence that is evidence that have cause a reasonable person to come to a reasonable conclusion you don't have to reach the same conclusion but it needs to be reasonable and that it needs to be sworn that's a requirement of law I'm going to ask at this time and we were going to do this just for everybody's clarification since we looks like we have a number of respondents here today I'm going to ask the county excuse me the city staff who will be testified to stand and take a oath and as you come up for your individual case we will swear in the respondents and it's like Miss love Mr Green Mr cutright are standing you raise your right hand do you follow me swear or affirm the testimonies should give today should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth all right and let the records show that all three have answered in the affirmative we take the cases in the order which are presented on the agenda unless the respondents are present then we take the cases in the Ord which the respondents appeared today so it's first come first served and what's going to happen is I'm going to call your case and you'll have a chance to come up this the city's going to make a presentation regarding what what they think the violation is and as to the first case there's a little bit of a Twist to it because it's it's actually a case of second hearing uh before the special magistrate but as I said the any all the respondents have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have and presented the evidence that you may have so we'll take the cases in the order in which the respondents have appeared it appears in that case that the first case is case 20 2361 is that correct and Miss Lo this is your case and this is property located at 512 EMT Street in patka owner of record is Daniel R gorto is that correct that's correct sir and for the record this is the case of I'm GNA call it second impression that's a fancy legal term for the second time it's come through the system and this is a case where a violation has already been found and a non-compliance has occurred and the fines have uh ured as a result of the non-compliance city is now coming before the special magistrate seeking to have a lean imposed on the property and have that lean recorded in the public records and that's significant under the law because it is something that does follow the title of the property realm and has to be satisfied in case the property is ever sold for example they're going to want that lean taken care of once this lean is established lished you're going to have to go through the process to see if you can get it removed and that's going to be that's going to require an appearance for a different body uh at this particular case however we're here to see about having the lean imposed and we're going to take a look at the property and see if there's been any compliance or Improvement in the property the city will be entitled to a lean if in fact there's been no compliance there's been no improvement in the property and that the fines have accured and the calculations for the fines are correct um so it's unfortunate situation that we're facing but it is one that is allowed both by state law and county code is Daniel R gorto present Mr gorto please come forward and you've been here before correct all right and for the record your name is Daniel garto and you are the owner of the property at 512 emit Street yes sir are anybody else be testifying today uh yes I will what is your name sir Dennis burn b y RN okay could you both raise your hands for me you saw me swear or affirm the testimony should get to the AGP the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes sir all right I do case Miss love this is the case and you're looking for a lean and basically trying to show me that the violations have not been evaded or cured is that correct that's correct sir all right what do you have for me let me make sure um just as a matter of due process um I think we went through this before um with it the ma did you get the notice C by mail notifying you of the case today post oh yeah I think so but ex that house it appears Miss Lo me if I'm wrong that the official address of 512 industry Paca Florida 32177 for this property and for Mr gorto is that your correct address Mr gorto yes sir mailing address 516 M Street yes sir I'm sorry 516 emit Street 516 yeah my address is 512 but it goes to my mama's house Liv right next door all right just so you know the reason it got posted we may have gone through this dialogue before state law requires that the city's code enforcement send official notices to the official address of record as recorded by the property phaser and tax collector of puton County and that is 52 and so that's why you did not get this letter and postal service is sent it back unclaim that's correct sir and so that's when they posted the property and you got the posting and you're here so you've gotten process as to the fact I just wanted you to know again you might want to talk with the property praiser not do you get your tax bill yes sir okay well the post office didn't deliver this letter to the 512 but apparently tax collector thinks you live at 5122 okay all right Miss Lo yes sir um these violations were first observed on March 22nd 2023 the notice of hearing for this hearing was sent out February 7th 2023 the green card um was not signed the letter was returned so we did a complex posting and a site posting on the same date uh February 7th 2023 okay you have your affida of service included in the record do yes sir and since let me just short circuit something just so we know since the order of violation that was entered in the case um has there been any Improvement in the condition of property no sir you had any conversation with Mr Boro concerning this not since our last court hearing okay so not a court but last yes sir the M all right go ahead and tell us what's the situation is today what the city seeking Mr GTO you'll have a chance to resp one yes sir um if we can go to photo 1 a please yes sir this was the original photo that was taken on March 22nd 2023 of 1 a and miss you can go to 1B please this is going to be the property in the current state um this was taken on February 15 2024 1B um there's been go back to 1 a for me and just make sure we have a protocol yes sir this V this Photograph shows a violation of SE 30- 32A deteriorating building yes sir and specifically with that just to explain what the photograph shows for the record yes sir the arrows that are going up and down it's missing the wall it's missing the roof and on the Arrow that's a curve down it's showing you where the building is deteriorating and coming down that was the same condition as it was this is a photo taken in March this was in March the next photo was taken in um February and you can see where the rest of the roof has come down on uh where the arrows curved and there's been a little change on the area that's going up and down a little bit of the more of the roof the the sighting has fell down and if we can go to 2A this is going to to show the property missing Windows and broken windows um the arrows show where the there's no more windows and then on 2B it's showing you can see where some of the building has has come down a little bit more so you can almost not even see where the window belongs but it's the same angle as the first one this was taken on February 15th still missing Windows and then 3A was taken on March 22nd 2023 it's showing Roofing and disrepair where there is no roof Ro on the property and this is going to be 3B taken on February 15 2024 um same angle you can see where more the roof it's it's gone um the tree has grew up a little bit more so I couldn't get the full angle but the roof is gone completely on the right side 4 a please this is going to be 4 a taken on March 22nd 2023 and it was trash and debris in the front yard and the arrows were showing where the debris was um for clean up and on 4B we have a little bit more um so this was taken on February 15 2024 trash and debris and I placed arrows in the same spot there's just a little more uh 5A taken on March 22nd 2023 overgrown grass trees broken limbs on the same property um pretty much much speaks for itself and then on 5B just the same shot with the same um violations on February 15 2024 so has there been any Improvement in any aspect of the property with regard to any of the violations and there's been a little bit of tree limbs and stuff that have been placed on the side of the road a few times that I went by and did follow-ups um the actually building has fell down a little bit more so it's to me it's in worse condition the compliance would be at at the time what was the compliance required uming violation at the very beginning it was section 332a had building deteriorating Roofing and disrepair Windows broken or missing trash and debris overgrown grass and tree limbs um he had a 120 days to come into compliance C are full of permit um he did have a permit but it did expire on 1201 2023 I did call building and zoning and there was no inspections or anything called for on the property so it did expire permit needed for any other aspect of they had pulled the permit to demo so as of right now I'm not showing no active permits do we know the answer to that sir do we know the answer whether they're active permits uh last I pulled up on the permit site there was none okay very good so there's been no compliance with any aspect as of today how many what find have approved on the property as of today apologize sir it is 23,000 right now what's the daily rate on this um 125 I give you the exact amount it's online we're going to need that yes sir the the total amount right now was $ 23,37 um it was accumula $125 per day was there were five violations yes sir five violations so nothing been done regarding the trash and debris in in the Y that doesn't require per no sir it doesn't what about the overgrown grass tree limbs broken tree limbs on the property nothing with that there's been a small amount that was placed onside the road um but nothing to make a substantial difference anything else no sir Mr gorto yes sir we have a claim by the city that since our last order now we had like we gave 12 days is that correct for compliance that's correct sir and that was in what March of last year yes sir so approaching 11 months yes sir Mr guo it's been 11 months the city I think is wanting answer the question of what giv what can be done to bring this property into components I have been working on it and the grass has been mowed and the SE says has been fallen down has been torn down you can go by there today and there's a big old pile out there now I can only put so much outside the road and I gotta wait for the city to pick it up and then I car more out and put it out inside the road also structurally what what is your relationship to the property Mr bur I live in the neighborhood uh I am helping Mr gorto take the property down so I can salvage the wood from his house to use in rebuilding my house since it's all period would I'm not going to go into anything other than just your testimony as what the state of the property is today but please proceed so yes the what her pictures don't show the floring has been removed the plaster and laugh is all down on the inner walls where she's saying that the beer building has deteriorated farther that's where we have taken pieces of the building out um there is a whole section of wall that's been removed um then we're ready to start taking Flor joist out and start collapsing U some walls well let me ask a question at this jump Miss low and Mr cutri he's describing a series of work that appears to be demolition or construction is that demolition that's correct demolition yes sir well miss low indicated that there was a permit that had been applied for is that correct the permit um it was valid um it expired on December 1st 2023 and we are holding holding a ex 90day extension from the county that shows this expiring 512 20124 if we can enter this into the record so we are right now we do have a valid demolition permit is that something Miss L you knew about I didn't know about that can I ask a question I think when I'm pretty sure when I was here with Mr gorto last time yes sir you to stay in communication with the city that doesn't seem to have happened and now you're here looking at a 23375 fine and a lean on the property because somebody's not communicating if that's the correct permit what's that about you can't pick up the phone and talk to each other guys I don't have a phone sir he didn't have a phone he didn't have a phone I don't have a phone sir come down to City Hall I mean guys I'm just to ask him no you're absolutely correct and it looks like this was applied after I did the posting on the property that this was uh given to them on uh February 14th 20124 so after the property was posted you went down into County and got a new permit correct when I could afford it did you even tell the city at that time you've gotten a permit no sir because now you're going to notice that you don't have a permit and you haven't proceeded with the work so what why did the first permit expire what happened I ran out of money to te the house on and again you didn't communicate that to the city about what was going on no sir I didn't well here's the thing I mean at this point we're in a situation where it appears that and understand that the city's code that this city sided it's basically about external appearance sex when you really look at it it's about trashing debris in the yard it's about the condition of the building it may be deteriorating pain maybe the fact it doesn't have a roof it may be a collapsing while a lot of serious things on this house apparently that are structural in danger that really pose a danger to you know people in the property at least and certainly it's it's more about at this point observable things that one can see from the street which is primarily where code enforcement inspectors go to see things and that hasn't improved much and we haven't had any communication regarding this and and you know you mentioned some things that may be going on on the inside but we're coming up on a year now and the house is pretty much in the same shape it was in in March of last year and I think I might have mentioned as is my usual habit that the city really doesn't want anybody's money what they want is compliance they want a good faith effort to make progress on a solution and here we are 11 months later and it might even be worse than it was although I'm not discounting uh your testimony concerning what may have happened inside the property the question is the city was trying to get after a serious period of time some effort to get a notion of when the problem was going to be solved and right now we're not at the point where this problem is going to be solved and what I'm hearing is you don't have any money to deal with it anyway I wish I could tell you had a solution for you by the way if I may special magistrate we actually had a [Music] meeting uh today is Tuesday we met Friday um with a realtor who says she has somebody interested in the property um so I believe Mr gorto is prepared to sell the property um is that true yes there is the talked to uh Robbie the realtor that approached us was the mayor Robbie Robbie kareah um well here's the deal the only the only Authority I have and I've mentioned this before my authority is very narrow is prescribed by Statute in city code it's to see whether there's a violation based on substantial Inc confident evidence and facts that support the allegation and at some point in time determine whether it's appropriate to allow the city to place and record a lean on the property for the acred fines now I'm going to tell you that the city charges the absolute Dom Minimus amount of fine per day they could charge up to 250 bucks a day for violation now they haven't done that they're they like I say they don't want your money they want compliance this thing is now steamrolled a point where we've gotten a substantial amount of money due on this Pro property once this lean goes into effect I I lose control of that I don't have the authority to reduce that anymore you're going to have to feel that well I would ask with the violations that are listed the seem a bit repetitive if the building is in a deteriorating mode okay so that's a violation it's deterior so now we're saying it's deteriorating but now the roof is a problem and the windows are a problem but the whole building's deteriorating that's three violations where it's all covered under the building deteriorating is there any leeway in that well you know I'm not going to I'm not your attorney but the chance to appeal that decision is passed I'm sorry has passed yeah 30 days like I said the cities like I said they don't want your money they want compliance and right now I'm what I'm hearing is that there hasn't been any Improvement on as to any of the fire violations basically that can demonstrate that the city has waited and I I have to admit I push cities and counties I work I work with to not wait too long before they start bringing the leans in because we don't want to have some huge numbers start coming up they start turning into six figures I've seen that in certain places where it gets to be over $100,000 in fines that are approved and we like to see things moving along because again the object is compliance at this point what worries me is that there hasn't been any communication between y'all and the city at all in terms of trying to work with each other and trying to resolve this and right now what I'm hearing is even if there were communication in the future it doesn't look like there's any means to address the problem and you're looking to sell the property I mean at this point in time the city's entitled to their lean based on the fines that have Ed and once they record it it's there when you try to sell the property that's going to have to come out of the sales price and that's going to continue to approve by the way after today okay and you know I think again I'm not your legal counsel I'm just telling you what what the law provides for anything else you'd like to add to the situation no sir Miss low anything from you no yes sir City still looking for their lean and the amount yes sir nothing we can work out with the city to get another small extension to try to let me ask you something put the property in different hands and get and while you're asking question not to be rude why did you ask this question before now it's been 11 months well I I've been helping we take the building down uh I did not think I needed to take the responsibility to communicate with the city on his behalf also not the owner correct I'm not um Mr borto is the OWN that that's absolutely correct and he dropped the ball on communicating with the city I mean I don't know any other way to say it here's the thing um all is not lost there's a there's a a means where you might be able to get the leane reduced once it's once it's recorded so I'm not going to say that's going to happen but it's not something I can do at this point so unless there's something else I'm going to find an appropriate to enter an order that allows the city to report a lean on the property for the acred fines on the five five violations the fines as of today total of $ 23,37 that will continue to incre at a rate of $25 per day per violation until satisfied pay okay and you need to in the future again your choice I don't I can't control that but you all need to work out something with the city yes sir okay yes sir thank you for coming today all right uh we're looking at 418 river is that correct next case is case number 20231 190 property located at 418 River Street in Paca Florida owner of record is Warren willhite hi and you are I am Mrs will height and you are I'm Warren will height and just for the recor Mr will height and I actually know each other since we went to high school together I thought that and um so it's not like we're unfamiliar that I don't think that's going to to affect any outcomes today but nonetheless we want to make it sure for the record is there all right this is property of 418 River U Mr Green you have alleged a violation regarding 30-1 169 which is a city ordinance regarding building fronts and side above in public streets or public areas which I presume is River Street claiming that there's deteriorating paint on the sides that are visible from the street is that correct yes sir and that section is is in the record just so I know um the official address of where we sent notice was 114 Dodge Street pacco Florida 32177 is that your correct mailing address No it should be 418 River Street okay did y'all send a letter to I send a letter to the address that was on the property appra also the tax for he still get the letter he still owns the property I went to the post office he got it okay very good when you're here so that's always good to see when somebody's here um we we're we going to do Mr Green is going to present uh the city's position on why there's a violation of 30-1 169 uh that ordinance basically provides that all exposed wood should be stained or painted every part should be clean of graffiti litter dirt or other debris where surfaces were once painted or stained not more than 10% of the surface may be free of paint or stain so this is about paint not mold or M yes sir all right um he's going to make a presentation concerning why thinks this is a violation he's got some demonstrative evidence that is photographs he's going to show um Mr Green did you take the photographs you're about to show us yes sir do the AC represent the condition of property dat which you took from yes sir all right please proceed the prop the first Reserve 1014 2023 the sent that February 2nd February 6 2024 the Queen card did not get returned back the complex posting was posted on February 6 2024 site posting was on Fe 6 22 and 24 let we go to uh picture 18 okay this is about pain that's this one is that's the posting posting all right and you have your def service included yes sir plus they're here yes sir next one is property 14 River Street yes sir right this picture so what the problem you got a u this is picture 1 a you can see this the right side of the house if you're facing the house um deteriorating paint uh this picture was taken October 14 2023 you can see this be walking South walking South on River Street okay and this picture is 2b it was taken February 17 2024 for let see if walking down south um on River Street this is TI piture two-way taking October 14th 2023 you can see this if you're walking off on River Street and this 2B taking February 17 2024 so if is this sou in his store District yes sir is this got to go through historic review yes sir can I say something you will is there a pallet of colors that's applicable to this yes like so painted certain colors yes sir historic review would indicate what those would be is is the color on it okay yes I would imagine well don't imagine yes it is me it is I mean it's painted that color they haven't been it's not an imaginary hearing here in real life so that color has been on the house I'm for how long will how long is that color bill in that house years I think I painted it about 15 20 years ago okay all right so the solution is remove all the deteriorating paint and paint with even cold paint okay um have you had a conversation with Will morning I talking to miss Will okay did not before this morning no no okay he now he called yeah he called my director so how long has this been going on you sent a notice this was notice was sent in um February February feary yes first part of the month yes sir but uh volunteer letus all right M miss willhide it seems that the city want you to paint your house and a color that's suitable to the Architectural Review people what say you y two years ago the house got the front destroyed by the neighbor's tree and the front took a year to get put back on to the house and it wasn't put on exactly as it wasn't originally because of the cost of putting a deck and stuff on top so we have been in the process of doing repairs to the house we had a bathroom put in at the the reason for the deterioration on the side is because the upstairs bathroom has been leaking down that wood and we are in the process of getting that bathroom repaired as well but that won't be until March of this year and then we're looking trying to decide on a color for the house trying to restore it back to the original which would be white instead of yellow which we have to go through the historic district to get approval on um so you're willing to repaint the house you just been going through we but the city involved in the repair work on this house I don't know okay I was Wonder it was an issue at the time they were they gave they uh we got a think how much was 15 say yes yes okay one time guys we got a record I don't want people talk on top of each other Mr will Height please proceed yeah I was going to say the city did give us $15,000 and I think I had to spend $80,000 to get the front brione Okay and let me ask you this is do you dispute the fact it needs to be painted huh do you dispute the fact the house needs to be painted sure it does yeah and we've been in the process the did the front they don't you don't have to picture the front up there but well you have to understand I down every time I hear somebody saying well you know that it needs to be done and then I'm asking why are we here if that is it needs to be done the city understands it needs to be done and like I said you may have heard from previous hearings I'd like to hear the parties talk to each other before they get here see if we can resolve some of the talk to anybody all right the cities you asking for how many days to get this on 90 days for what remove deter paint and paint can that even be done in 90 days can you get through the part is it required permanent so construction magistrate Brown um they they will need to go get a certificate of appropriateness through the historic preservation board so that meets once a month so there there is a Time Factor there in terms of notice thank you so you got to go through that other than that certificate appropriateness is there anything else they're going to need in terms of City approval for repainting the of prob give them a guideline of the P that uze they don't need any kind of construction permit for the rep all that being said from Mr P are you asking that the paint job be completed in 90 days in after which includes the time it takes to get a permit yes sir yes can that even be done at at the time frame right now we think it could be done uh we're willing to give extension if we see that the meeting with the historical board is not giving up enough time after of the fact but we think 90 days is appropriate to get meet with the historical board and also uh maintain any kind of contractor the pay a will is to Let's if you want if you want to go on 90 days let's make it 90 days to apply for and receive the appropriate certificate of appropriateness from architecture review and to contract for the work how about that Mr will height Mrs will height will that satisfy you we can get into here they're looking like having a good time here's the thing about it you don't want to come back here um and stay in touch with Mr Green Mr cutri anyone else and who's doing architectural uh historic review these days is there a person yeah so here within the city it's um our planner uh Casey chap uh handles the agenda for the HPB and we can get you placed on that agenda and um can provide you the application here we going to do we're going to issue an order finding a violation of the 30 days 169 I think it's well established that the house needs to be repainted but it needs to go through architectural I mean um historic review so we're going to issue an order finding the violation requiring compliance by going through Architectural Review and getting a permit and Contracting with a painter within 90 days from today's date which would be Wednesday May 20th okay if you having any trouble with any of those dates do not hesitate to come down and call Mr Green and let him know what's going on okay like I said they don't want your money they just want to house P we do too okay well everybody wants that too thank you for coming today you and you'll get the order in the mail and make sure we send it to both addresses Mr gr you get the okay thank you all for coming okay okay M West do you want us to wait hold on I having a stroke in here a there you go right final case number 20231 191 property located at 600 EMT Street owners of record are Dawn rolls and Earl Richard Earl Burke as tenants in common uh the alleged violations are of section 30-1 169 building fronts and Sid to budding streets or public areas rot in weaken wood and 30-1 169 prohibited conditions and public nuances mold and mildew observable from emit street is that correct Mr Green yes sir are Don RS or Richard Burke or any of them present and you are Miss Ralls yes all right um could you raise your right hand for me and be more you saw me swear up from the testimonies you give today should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes right thank you very much speaking in that mic Miss CR can you hear her can you pick can you hear me now like I said I'm still de from yesterday be with me all right um Mr Green uh let me do a due process due diligence just to make sure miss ra did you get the letter of notification in your mail I did you did it was um yeah it was the it was dated or it was it was um 2805 twig Street I live at 2850 but it was delivered to my work at 2510 Krill Avenue and that's because I know the post people yeah just for the she is correct it looks like there is no 2805 typo in the address on the mailing we got the the five and zero transposed make sure we get that correct but she is here she's gotten the notice thank you for being here today um and Mr Green like I said you have two alleged violations of 30-1 169 the first one's with rotten and weakened wood and second is mold and M right yes sir right and you show us some demonstrative evidence yes sir uh did you take the photographs you're about to show us yes sir and do the photographs accurately represent the condition of the property on date in which you took them yes sir all right please proceed next picture please this is a picture taken 1014 2023 this is picture 1 a showing the front of the house um under the Second Story wonder is rotten weaken wood this is if you're facing the house this is how much how many linear feet of that approximately how long is just just what you seen the photo yes sir so it's like 3 four feet maybe five six okay so compliance with that would be just replacing that yes sir remove it and replace it all right what next this is picture one B taken February 17 2024 the same picture same elevation that's the same elevation yes sir same piece right I'm standing on image Street if I see that this is picture 2A taken October 14 2023 this is the right side of the building if you're facing the building this is DoD Street this one is that just on a corner property yes sir this is picture 2A taking 104 223 same elevation okay go back to the other one okay so we're looking at the same elevation on both of these pictures yes sir from do Street and show me the next one so this is the same noral window yes sir so again you have deteriorated wood yes sir it's like one two maybe three three four yes sir planks up up to the bottom of the threshold of the window yes sir and there's a piece off to the right yes sir okay this is picture 38 Tak October 14 2023 the mold and Meo this is the back wall this is if I'm walking East on do on do Street again it's on the corner correct yes sir dodging in it yes sir is this part of the main structure yes sir so the violation there is just mold and M yes sir how high up does it go all the way to the top what's the city want done there um pressure wash what next 3B this is taking um this 217 2024 M Milo same elevation D Street walking East so it's the same Mo elevation as a previous picture yes sir go back to your hang on all right and back to the prb yes sir what's the coloration difference she's replacing the wood okay and she's taking the screening down from the porch so she's making progress yes sir I'll ask my favorite question if she's making progress why is the city here you answer that uh because uh we have a time limit for her to have come into compliance and actually she coming he pass that compliance date of uh trying to get their voluntary compliance trying to make sure he motivates the the citizens to continue to do great work well how long has this been going on with have you been talking with I've had conversation Mr R on couple properties and I think one property we haven't had a lot of conversation about this property but the other property been do little more than thank you um Mr Green go ahead finish your present that's it Mr that's it yes sir so what I'm looking at you wanted you wanted this elevation which I'm looking at 3B the city just wanted that pressure wire so she's replacing the wood yes sir right all you had to do is pressure was the rest of it well that bottom part had some Tac and it was a little piece of rotten at the left corner bottom left corner but you didn't allege that that was a problem it's not a problem today no sir all right so the rest so your solution is just pray for watch that side now go back she asked your city would have her repair the damaged wood under the dmer window and then that one piece off to the right of the Dormer window and this is on the IM Street El yes sir no it's to Dodge Street Dodge Street elevation go back to the front again that's Dodge that's on Dodge yes sir and that's this is on emit yes sir and you've got one course of wood about four or five feet long on emit Street yes sir that's it yes sir have you talked with her concerning those repairs and when they might yes sir be done yes sir she giving you any I talked to the contractor Saturday he said he have done in two weeks okay and we're still here so has there been a reason you don't think she's responding no sir all right um Miss rolls your turn city the city wants you to repair um one two three locations of rotten wood and a pressure wash correct Dodge Street side of the building and it looks like you've been doing some work in that regard and he says you have a contractor under yes control um yes I do this is the third property that I've been code violated on um all of the properties that I've been code violated on were owned by my both my parents and October of 20122 my dad passed away after taking care of him from brain cancer uh 14 months later my mom passed away December first week of December 23 um these properties probably should have been painted about um six eight years ago but they weren't because the owners were living in them um when you have an old property in the historic district the city fails to understand that the picture of it being pressure washed doesn't mean it needs to be pressure washed when you touch that piece of wood the only thing holding that piece of wood together is the paint when you touch that wood there's more to that wood that falls apart because it is a natural it is a natural board um so when we get into these remodels and we get into redoing these this isn't any type of wood you can buy at Home Depot or Lowe's you have to go and get made it's it's this the the length of it the um there's like a little scoop in it it all has to be traced out and sent over to somebody that's going to produce the boards you can't just get them they're not pressure treated lumber because the historic board it that's what it it's Pine so it is going to rot another five years after we replace it um keeping it you have to paint these old houses and and if they're not maintained they rot and they rot several boards up so replacing that one board we have to go all the way acrossed because underneath all the windows is rotten but it doesn't look like it is until you actually get out there so the material that we used to replace the second floor boards was used on the first floor and then we went around to the other side what they didn't picture and there's rotten boards over there so there's a detached two-car garage and a detached um shed thing and so the city's looking at the house in general when it's board by board you know you just don't know so we have to keep ordering you're on a 10 day seven to 10 business days to get the lumber you have a cont for the I'm not with me but yes it's already bought and paid for that was the first order that we've ordered the second order is going to be here any day now and he's going to go out there and no nobody's on on the site today is because the wood's not on on site so getting the wood on site is a whole another story um getting it pressure washed and painted I'm going to have a painter start cocking the wood on Monday so I am working on it and how long do you think it'll take you to finish it how long does it take to get a server at a restaurant nobody wants to work nowadays so it's not I can't get them out there if I had another 30 to 60 days yeah every day oh right now the city's looking for 90 I could do it 90 days I'm gonna be fair with you as with them and I already had by you've been making effort to try to get this done yeah and the paint's already been communication between you and the city on yeah the paint's already been approved um the colors so I don't have an issue with that I'm also going to be redoing the deck boards all the way around because they're cued because somebody wanted tongue and groove and it just needs to be deck boards so they last so they don't cup and it's not a tripping hazard and the steps need to be rebuilt as well so and 90 will be enough for you yes sir there's no fine it's going to start today it looks like there are violations in terms of the two code Provisions coning the rotten wood and the mold and mildew yeah which apparently from your testimony is considerably worse than just mold and mil do it is and and when until you go and touch it you don't know it's done so that's my problem is I'm like I don't want them to come on the property and start touching everything but when you when your contractor's out there that's that's what it it and it it looks worse than it it actually looks better than what it really is it's it it more boards need to be replaced all favor make sure you stay in touch with Mr Green Mr C right concerning how much progress is so what I'm hearing is you've got you know I got a handle on it you've got historic approval yeah you've gotten the color you've got the wood on order Wood's coming you've got to come group and deal with painter on tap all right and Mr Green that okay with you yes sir and if you do have some trou you can't get to 90 days please stay in touch with them not on the 90th day and let them know the situation is um I leave it to them it's how they want to deal with that so you get an order finding the violation there's a compliance date of May 20th 90 days no fines acrew until you know May 21st and and but if you stay in touch with the city and see what they're doing and Sh any substantial progress have to work out with them whether they want to you know do anything at all that beyond that thank okay thank you for coming today there being no further cases on the agenda is that correct Miss gr any other comments if uh this it's not a public hearing no no I'm just saying I was supposed to be on there today well did they find you in compliance or something what about that one I have the letter in fine fine fine don't no no always like notice trust me I don't want to be oh yes it was it was I didn't have a phone number I couldn't contact you that's yeah we pulled that one it wasn't well did you tell p compliance yes did you tell him yes I'm sorry K did you let him know I didn't have a phone number for him so sir we do I would definitely apologize for you uh this was pull for I guess com comp uh I would definitely want to follow to you I would definitely come back and go back to M and and make sure we make we're now going to adjourn this meeting and you can talk talk with him now if you'd like we are now adjourned than