##VIDEO ID:LvX9fmETxuM## quite a few mayor appreciation certificate of appreciation there are people here who are onsong heroes who worked day and night didn't care about recognition but I think it's time especially it's 125th anniversary right so I am going to give the mayor's certificate of appreciation sir sir sir for unsung hero and this is very important in he this gentleman is very close to my heart his name is Mr Jong Mo Cho Jong Mo Cho was a Voice of Truth a Guiding Light for the New York and New Jersey Community through his remarkable language and Artful writing for over 30 years 30 years he stood as a pill of wisdom a historian of pales Park and a mentor to many leaders who followed in his footsteps his influence shaped our community and though he is no longer with us his legacy will forever Inspire us we present the certificate to his beloved wife goie Cho in the honor of the man whose presence will be deeply missed thank you Goldie please come up and receive the award [Applause] [Music] [Music] the next round of applause her her husband joj mu passed away not even a month ago he left us way too soon let's give her let's give her prayers let's give him prayers and let's take care of the family the next mayor certificate of appreciation unsung hero goes to master jangstar master jangstar has quietly served our community with purpose never seeking the spotlight his generosity spanned for Beyond Palisades Park reaching all the way up to Jersey City where he created countless fundraisers and donated selfishly to help students and neighbors his wisdom and his guidance brought direction and discipline to so many many lives today we honor him though sought no praise he never wanted recognition I had to drag him out of here but for his profound impact on all who knows him I as mayor Palace his partk thank you master Jang star [Applause] [Music] we continue on to Mayor certificate of appreciation unsung heroes the next recipient is Victoria Mota for over 30 years Victoria Mota has been the heart of the guatamalan community in Palisades Park without ever seeking recognition she has provided school supplies food and critical support to those in need his role as The Unofficial liazon for the police police and her commitment to ensuring that Guatemalans who passed away here were returned home to be buried speak to her immense compassion for 30 years she's been serving the Guatemala community in pales park for that Victoria Moto I as an honorary mayor Pal's Park want to thank you [Applause] [Music] I want to say thank you to the pal par I live here for 30 years i h the people with my own heart because when I saw the people was away in the street I I can't stop to help I had to help because I had to say thank you to the 911 when I called them because they held to me they responded the police department they are very nice with me I speak a little English but they St to me but I I want to say thank you bide par for staying my home for 30 years I have the honor to be live here God bless po par thank you everyone she's the best thank you Victor M our next mayor's certificate of appreciation of onong Heroes goes to Mr one PO for nearly 30 years one PA has been a heart of reform and progress in palace's park as a c master and the first korean-american member of the Board of Education he has played a pivotal role in the creation of our Early Education Center where the fruits of his labor are still felt today his love for this community runs deep and we honor him for his lasting impact thank you very much Paul Lee unfortunately he is not here but we will deliver the certificate uh at his home the next recipient is not uh appreciation of of of of from the mayor he is actually a fireman and the Duffy family exemplifies pride in Palisades Park through the beauty of their home and garden while the husband has long been a hero As A Firefighter and cruise ship captain to today we recognize a family for their unwavering dedication to maintaining their property their Landscaping enhances the charm of our borrow and inspires others to follow in their footsteps thank you very much Duffy family for the best landscape thank [Applause] you now we have to be thankful to all the sponsors here people support us to make this happen today I would like to invite Mr Justin Kang for Good Neighbor Realty Round of Applause for Mr Justin Kang [Applause] thank you very much it's a really great honor to be here we celebrate 125 years of a great Rich history of Palisade par I want everybody here to have fun and wish the best for our great town Pal Park thank you for [Music] thank you very much for the translation the next sponsor I'm proudly to introduce he's a good friend of mine Mr Jong Man song representing the knock Business Association of New Jersey he runs the most connected network of Korean Americans and other race ethnicities that participate in the nail service for the City of New Jersey Mr song Thank you very much hello everyone it's a what a wonderful day to celebrate today my name is John son and nail Business Association of new church we serve to the all the nail salons in new Jor area and I wait for two long years I forgot everything [Music] here okay I like to say thank you to Mayor P he's inviting to me here and I speak to everybody here is we love the paride park paride park is a 125th years young birthday not old we are still young here so everybody in here American who is American black white brown pink oh no I'm sorry pink pink is not a human so you are all the American years we build them up in AR par we love each others so Everybody celebrate in 125th young birthday today and we working togethers I hope we going to be made a good highight part thank you all right the next sponsorship as you know we need the sponsorship to continue this unity and I would like to introduce Michelle Choy for reset diet Wellness please come up m coration Le leadersh par [Applause] Sol y for Rel PR [Music] [Music] a Sol [Music] Bey thank you very much another sponsor I have to mention I don't know if he's around but his name is Charlie Kim he just opened a location at 210 Broad Avenue called [Music] Soul Tak and he has a fusion taco and it's really really good if Charlie's not here I want to say thank you very much for sponsorship also I would like to mention hansang restaurant for donating $500 and golden Day daycare and also Express Care Pharmacy for $500 thank you very much guys now but last but not least I like to introduce our final sponsor it's team Pal Park please come on up [Music] hi my name is ner papor and I'm now part here in behalf of Team Pal Park and it's a pleasure and honor to be here tonight to be able to celebrate 125th anniversary let's keep working together and may pal part strong I'm going to say in Spanish now the team FES thank you very [Applause] much guys we're going to continue the party more bad music we're going to do this until 9:00 but before we close it is very important that we as a governing body mayor counsel that we thank the police the DPW the fire department for chipping in to making this happen happened especially very especially give a big round of applause to our Recreation Department to making this happen come on up come on up you guys deserve a big bow guys all come on up guys give them a big clap Round of Applause great job great job Dave thank you everyone get on stage please [Applause] up move it down move down everyone [Music] on all right everyone's up here come on Mark I want to thank everyone for coming tonight thank you very much all these per people here work very very hard today uh it was very hot and we did the best we could uh I hope you enjoyed it uh enjoyed the food the music uh the weather everything worked out great I'm very happy that everything worked out uh simply put this would not have happened if it wasn't for this man right here Chris qua yes yes uh Mr mark ridington it wouldn't have happened without mark ridington it would not happen without Lisa R deer it wouldn't happened without Rose lus Maria Alvarez my wife Mary teranova John deia I don't know all your names but I thank you very very much for being here these children dedicated their time today for community service they all attend Palisades Park Junior Senior High School they have been here all day working thank you very much for your time I did I forget anybody I don't think I forgot anybody uh and last but not least I want to thank mayor Kim for putting this whole thing on he has worked tirelessly to make this day great for all the residents of Palisades Park so I want to thank him very much thank you and uh thank you children thank you councilman Jang uh councilman Lee uh councilwoman Lee councilwoman Jen uh and the mayor thank you very [Applause] much all right guys go back to [Laughter] work guys the party is going to continue enjoy we're going to close at 9:00 Fiesta coma you guys have a wonderful time God bless I love Palisades Park [Music] [Applause]