ladies and gentlemen this is the work session of the mayor and Council and notice was given as follows notice was filed January 4 2024 with the record in nework Star Ledger called officials of the V notice was posted on the bo board at the Bal Hall and Bal website copy is preserved in the clerk's office a pled Allegiance and Bo silence brought to you by Council War United States of America stand and justice for all thank you for cl mayor coun we waiting for him and Council Council Council Council the B SC right let's start with the ordinance introduction of Orin ordinance 20242 on ordinance for authorization for improvement of the policies any questions council members no question what is this would you mind explain last year re grant for section two pal a you approved that in November the money came in the money wasn't appropriated because we had section one pal B orders we did not have enough money to complete the project in section one this will enable you now to spend the rest of the money in section two pal a um also we're apprting full Grant of approximately 193,000 which is why the debt is 51,000 but you're appropriating $250,000 for expenditure this has already been approved the grant we received the money now you have to appropriate the money it's late um no no question about it but it's being fixed that's what we're doing tonight so so in other words we receive some Grant but we need to is something which is more than fair so the difference has to be bonded correct $51,000 section yes whatever I said system good May thank you all right let's continue on with the second reading public hearing ordinance 2028 ordinance number 3- 41.4 M family in residential district and on on this one we're waiting uh for confirmation from the planning board yeah we' reached out to the uh Council wait he back but it should be it should be very soon because this was what two three weeks ago that was sent over to them we just need know that it conforms that everything's conforms so this second can it is it is it's on the stand on second meeting right now um I you know there's multiple Parts the planning board attorney as well as Cocker and Cocker are planning a planner B planner and also special counsel is right now working to get this so we need a consensus I'm hoping that they could finalize and they could have a special meeting I rather not wait until their regular meeting which is the fourth week of this month so I'm on topic if we can we push it um the Ury right let's go with ordinance 20249 20 establishment of salary for year 2024 our CFO is here please ask your questions so this is based on the fulltime positions these are full and part time positions um other than the exceptions which you should all have everyone is getting a 3% increase on their base salary there are no exceptions if there are they were already given to the mayor and to the business administrator than you uh Ro question uh from the B administrator office section right bring it up go ahead uh in the past history uh we have abolish abolished uh position of dep b b ba um that shouldn't be there since the position is abolished um if you want we to take it off but in case you do want to between now and year end want to fill a position you'll have that authority to do so there is no one in that position you right right you want that taken off you do it right now on the risk yes RIS the risk is you can't hire any you don't have an aord the risk is in the future if you want to hire someone you need to have have this on you don't have any is you don't have to fill it understood and that was an option that was could have been available but due to the fact that the governing body decided to abolish the position and we confirmed with LA I will take it off right now sopia if you would am this um that would be which one now so I have it as well it starts with the orance second page of 20249 yes the third position from the admin office B administr we abolished it so technically we can't put it in you got that right yes okay done thank you any more questions for the CFO oh and then U uh executive director of the municipal industrial committee uh under the Boral administrator's office and is this also we don't have anyone in that position now right um help me on that we did discuss the executive director of the municipal IND 50, 230,000 a year so I'm wondering like we don't have anybody but this also you want to have it for if we hire someone in the future right yeah basically the position is there if you want to be now and DEC high somewh but if you want to take it out just like we did the other position we can do it right now it's not filed and it's not I would I would like to we have one more week let's talk with B about this um the worst case scenario I don't I don't even recall this position in my opinion as a council member so I think we always budget take for now just we we have a week to actually U you know break this this one up so why don't we talk to the the borney and then talk about we haven't seen anyone in that Dy responsility ever any category or any details about the position right um C could you try to see Al actually is Al for um did you find the the description and duties thank be seeing this well the the base salary page is like same same from last year but the positions that I don't see from last year right it's always been V I don't recall voting on this so we'll get some information for you guys I'll get some information and let you know so there's two positions to look up any more questions all right let's move to our third 202 Amy hours to sale delivery and accept forms of identification the max maximum fin is for violation within the B any questions about this okay the next ordinance please2 Amendment 8 devices modify the application fee to each owner system within the we had a discussion um any questions for the questions about this all right before we start the consent agenda I would like to make a mo uh note that uh there will be three more additional agendas for next week Monday's meeting one will be a new invoice for the police and fire full lines um for $14,000 and that should be in puted into our next agenda for next Monday another one is um as you guys spoke to you guys before I've been working with the B engineer to create lines uh lines in the residential street parking area which will provide you know make making sure the residents don't park you know with like four feet ahead of their space so they don't get nicked we're drawing lines that and so that could create more additional parking spaces you also so that all the leftover uh curves we usually ask the fire department to draw a yellow line or something but you could actually utilize that as a smaller car compact car and also motorcycles as well so he worked on it and I hope that this will be part of a res resolution agenda for next week Monday last but not least the res uh resolution for repainting of roads I am insisting the engineer to prepare that post H because during the transition to the early phases of the Year using the ba we go talk to the DPW guys and they will try they'll drive around find what the most urgent repaving locations are during that time was tulus and U we have to do a lot of word transition base so we're we're catching up with the repaving so I hope you guys know that you know because of the transition we couldn't get done earlier so I'm I'm insisting the fal engineer to get this done for next week Monday those are the three agendas that I'm preparing right now for next week Monday please go ahead so resolution 2020 161 resoltion 202 have any questions with uh resolution 161 to 1825 I'm sorry I have a question 165 authorization of salary compensation for 2024 I mean just mentioned about 3% increase but what I like to have is some person has a multiple jobs I'd like to know to match with the person is that possible that we can get data that's number one second one is can we compare 2023 data I I know in general 3% but I want to kind of you know you get a spreadsheet on it okay so those will those data will be very helpful so to clarify that you would like all the employees to have more than one position right eight position so so here I got it I got it the second one is is is is the what was the second one again second one is the 2023 and then we say he'll he'll work on El resolution yes agenda yes assistant to the Police director yes this is a I'm very sorry hiring a for police record Clerk and assistant Police director um I'm sorry go ahead I'm sorry I was mistaking for something else first of all did we advertise for the uh Rec cler in the burrow website and the Police website yes did yes you did yes yes how many people did we uh interview that there were I believe there were three people that applied three people yes and I could understand the police needing a record for but I don't understand how the Police director needs a police the rec Somebody explain that one the police I'll ask the Police director personally to come here explain but I agree um as a mayor that he does need assistance he does need he can't be sometimes on present he is moving around sometimes second second position is is optimal for a St stationing position as well um if you want those clarifications in detail by by mou I'll ask to direct to stop by I would the director would have been here tonight Council but he had a previous engagement he couldn't guess but he will be here next week I haven't seen him at a meeting in the last two or three meetings he has if you ask him to come he'll come he will be here next week would come like we have well like you just heard that he had a speci a personal matter to attend so he'll come Monday you'll get the right to choose a Monday session the other question I have is on 2417 authorization of adver on the roof yes the B place yes I thought we had several times we had we never had anybody come in or could explain that to me the two council members on the right is confused because it's not about advertisement of of a demolition we approved through a through a bid procedure and we already got a demolition the problem came out when I noticed that that there were certain procedures that was missed and and nobody mentioned that during pre-construction pre- demolation meeting and I discovered that you know we have to get a survey before we demolish or build anything and I have to hire somebody to do that and we that's when we found this is around like what may I guess April that that that the Sur inspector found that there's apros in the roof and also some minimal places indoors um so yes we do have to get a bid to remove that separately you also have to hire a specialist who could handle this special removal such as doing air quality test and whatnot this has been going on for long what do you mean I just explained to you that these are two different things two different things but it's been going on since what February no said we have on the roof we're still working with the roof it's you're complaining the fact that complain I'm asking a question I'm ask I just answered to you and you don't want to hear what I want to hear you just want to hear okay then let me repeat that sir around when when when the DB when the DBA had a preconstruction meeting he told us that we're going to break ground in a month or two I asked for records before you demolish your build stuff because that's required for example is there any Pest Control is there any pest rats pest guy supposed to come and check it out for example are there any uh environmentally harmful uh things such as espesos or rainar he didn't whoever was in charge did not go through that he was looking enough to that I found out I asked a surveyor and he was confirmed yes the roof is a specialist the demolition big it happened around like February this one start to happen around April around April and May are we clear two already almost into July and we're still playing with this which I don't think it should be I think we should have cleaned this up already it's the same thing with the roof it's not the same thing with the roof yes it is it's called they send two guys over here every week two guys aren't completing this whole group oh you about yes I still have a question with this resolution at the main meeting we have a resolution 2024 160 which is exactly same as this one so I'm confused it says resol ad removal project at 12 160 is that true yeah so please check if there's a double resolution we have to find that out 20241 160 it it happen in May right thank you okay and I have a question of U at 166 hiring SCH employees 24 pool season last time I raised a nepotism issue regarding this and when I look at it there is no changes so can I get some explanation absolutely counselor yeah we we we did a um um an opinion letter regarding a number of issues related to your concern and B basically we realized that the um based upon the law and the circumstances here that that there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way that this has been handled th far and that there was there were a number of issues in terms of the employe manual distribution and the nepotism statute which has now been fully distributed so basically we need to enforce that nepotism statute prospectively to do it retroactively could create a lot of issues okay so what you're saying is uh we cannot really enforce anti-nepotism policy because of we didn't you know the dispute uh the employee manual the policy and make sure that they agree and sign on it not dispute Council he said the I I didn't say that what did you just say I'm sorry what did you say distribute yeah that's one of the issues also I have a question about 182 182 yeah yes I think this is a good thing that we design and launch I that's great uh but I just want to know about the scope because right now the recreation Recreation Center they have their own site own site own website and own domain and perhaps that needs to be merged as part of this project Perhaps Perhaps and also it's tough for them to you know it's not easy for them to maintain you could play in in you know category and the bite um I think they did it separately for some reason you know why why waste money or mous fees this project I'm happy that you agreed because on average you would spend about $330,000 plus just to put in content for our for website by creating our own website and taking control under our hands pretty much the change of content will be nothing and the maintenance for the website management we be like maybe $120 a month and say that hey we should do this they'll change a word or two and even the content or design in charge of 70000 for changing what I mean you know I am with almost except we change the information yes do mean we I me this is not easy to main all that's ask we're going to have an inhouse master to of course he said yes whatever the help he gets from the thank you actually council president was actually working on this would you want Tolen um and maybe give a little more information to counil one about this in-house web creation she's she's saying web Masters web Masters is a difficult that's going to be in house ining doesn't matter as there is a single who change on the website right right so that's important right so we've been we've been you know giving uh multiple vendor who actually handles uh you know updates on a website or we have website per department so we're trying to link everything to a one single portal and try to handle with one Department which is going to be you know you know ultimately it's going to be done by the Public Relation uh coordinator department so she uh that department will have the full access of each Administration um access and a login so that will handle any updates or anything that public can uh try to access to obtain any of the information she will handle that so you mention the public relation department spella I was about to mention this too just sorry interrup just that this is actually on scope of her of her position but then right now she didn't discuss about you know you know she wants a stiping or something but I'll be really honest with you she's very Cooperative if we have to provide our a little bit of to help to save a lot of money from third party vendors I say we do it but right now Bella has volunteered saying that I like to do it but technically by law you know it's it's totally out scope of her job roles and but she's will to cooperate any any more questions on the resolutions can I explain what resolution 202 16 and 172 same resolution if you read carefully you will see the resolution 20241 160 approving the advertisement ASO removal and Remediation project the same place 12 B be plac but this one this month is we put in the 2024 172 authorization of w roof and other asbesto and the containing materials removal so in the same place the two different Pro so so so maybe maybe perhaps uh you know maybe I misunderstood what you're saying is advertisement for and other oh I see yeah I yeah I've been doing the research while you know because I I did remember right it's two different projects so I I kind of went back to my login and try to uh see the the previous uh resolution but it's two different resolution that we're looking into so so one is building the other one is roof and other as containing materials avable but in the same location 12 yeah that's what's confusing because packet was recently generated from middle okay any more questions the resolutions great I would like to move to council reports c one you would you like to start just before you know if you can change the title of 172 that probably clarify no it's not exactly the same yes it is no 160 and 172 title is same no go ahead 2024 160 mention the four Asal removal and the remed remediation project but 172 clearly says the authorization of advertisement of for roof and other aspect still contining materal I'm actually looking at 172 itself it says approving the advertisement for Avest roval and renovation project at 12 reia place there is no roof there I mean from the agenda yes but when you look at the actual resolution title it's not there so that's what I'm saying no the agenda says 2024 d172 authorization of advertisement for roof and other abestos containing materials that's agenda but when you look at the real resolution 172 title is exactly okay I'm good now now after the bid now we yes good okay okay so my report okay we had a library board meeting on June 6 and we realized that contract of the director uh is going to be End by the end of this year so they the president of the library board uh form a contract committee to kind of revise that contract with all the librarian so that we can be ready uh before the end of this year okay and also in library in between sections there is a new carpet what what happened is that when they remove the carpet they they actually so a lot the mold issues on the under the carpet so they have to actually urgently clean up and then uh you know put new so actually uh happen this month so and also the whole building they actually working on Capital plan to improve the library building They al we also have a GSC report on the mall issue and soon uh we will be discussing to be uh to get the vendor to Pi in all this mold renovation regarding Finance the audit would you like to explain about audit audit is still going on right yes when do we expect that audit is probably sometime second week of July second week of July that's great okay something I like to kind of share with you I took the training online training safety and then it's it it's actually pretty good you know training all did it right but it actually suggests that we can form some kind of safety commit within the B and that so that we can you know continuously train ourself to try to make sure this is the sa of places we talking various level of safety so I think that's that that seems to be good idea so let's think about it what do you want to call it again safy what specif employmentemployment and cber you know security and also you know a lot of things it's actually different various levels I think it's good to you know raise awareness and safy okay that's Allen we have Safety Committee the insurance has a Safety Committee and they have a meeting a monthly meeting and as a council person you could come to this meeting and ask all the questions you want that's the each department like the fire department the police department whatever happens like power the fire department when we do our training we send our training in to J insurance we get credit gift insurance and it's they have different safety measures for each department building department the DPW fire police and they have classes that each one of us could take so to allloy what kind of enforcement it's not enforcement it's about training it's about learning learning and preparation and getting credits for the bur like in monetary value and he what what what council is saying is that because the systems already been placed they they work with a gy from yearly basis may think they're training I don't know if it's necessary or even be more liable if a councel gets into it and there's something there's only people that yes if I could just say it today Council we did have a safety meeting here right here in this week last week we met employees employes that's good to know and of course there was the online train that people Tak which I took myself that's Council Council please time May the councilman uh the uh I know I brought this uh last month and the borrow uh vehicle PL carard will be start affecting um starting next month so so far from the the Police director we have about 25 to 30 applications in and we we're going to start uh issuing uh the pl car starting next week so uh times are coming up so please contact the director uh get get the uh the application registration form and you know put your put your uh info there so you could you could get it you know you can get the new issue thank you C Council J yes um thank you so much mayor you worked very hard with the DPW um superintendent Mr and uh we are replacing many signs in town um there are you know broken signs the it's it's all faded out that we cannot even read well the those torn and old signs we're changing them little by little and um also um the lady um came for two months meetings and said um we our street name signs are at in everywhere in place and that's kind of torn out so you know she wanted to pay certain signs but it worked out very well so we ordered 22 New Street name signs so hopefully our Town's beautification is going along together and uh we made all this 12 F flag on the streets that's done beautifully and uh we're keep on working on improving you know our um streets and the signs and everywhere so to be patient and you know wait for hardworking departments coming along and also for the pool um we worked uh our Roofing done Fally and um actually Karen zenti the manager she worked very hard and uh I have a good news to announce uh we have 111k income we made and that's compared to last year so 25k More Than This time of last year so we're keep on working on making more Revenue so for the town and also make more people to come and um actually uh we have three Bs for the snack so I hope that you know yeah she's congratulations she's really hoping to uh have this S Bar open for July 4th week and I'm really wishing it to happen too and so uh we are going to um working on it you know transparent and um you know really profitable for Town and beneficial for many swimmers and um you our resident who come to swim you know I was wishing you know we already have food um service ready and also this Friday um there she's going to open the pool it's it's a day early here but the kids will be coming you know today was very very hot and tomorrow as well it will be hter so you know please take care of your health conditions and the pool is going to be open earlier so we can have more fun if you haven't joined the pool yet please consider and also uh for the recreation committee we had a meeting and for July 4th we're going to have some uh celebration and also Town's 125th celebration the birthday celebration will happen uh July 7th at the pool 5 to 8 and we're going to have a rain date for week after if that day we're going to have a rain then on July 14th that we're doing the same thing but it will be um heavily geared towards to celebrating with kids so the kids will have lots of fun but so as everyone every Age Senior Citizens and you know the young people and we're going to celebrate real nice um towns 125th birthday so please be there to cele thank you Council chair would you remind the council members I believe there's a special event for the poll for the 125th anniversary yes that's July 7th July 7 currently uh 5 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and the rain date will be July 14th what is so special about it what is the pool staff prepared for oh pool will be open to uh everyone so for free for free yes and U our Town's people will get together and um Recreation committee and um Karen also work very hard we already pass the ice cream truck to be there and then um also we we already have like 15 uh Pizza pies from three Pizza poers they're contributing and also going around asking for Coring in um you know the the Caterers to participate so we will have so much food free food good yes free everything will be free yes and thank you so much help that out thank you thank you very much thank you um just one update this Wednesday there will be graduation ceremonies for all three schools well I'm sorry what this what time um I think high school it's at night early I think in the morning yeah speak up yeah um the high school graduation I believe it's at night what time 7:30 I think location is the location it's usually at the football field behind shop by by the TR yeah great great what else counc we that's no really how be get for next week yes please say something may can I just bring one more thing uh I know we're facing uh you know one of the biggest uh holiday coming up July 4th uh can we give uh free parking July 4th 6th and the sth can we bring uh can we put that on the resolution for uh I believe July 4th is a holiday it's usually free but I'll make sure July 4th is a holiday Sunday is a holiday it is free um if it's not I'll make sure on Fourth of July the parking is free yeah and then the 5ifth and the sixth Friday and the Saturday so executive uh those days we have have no we have not so I I don't want to I don't want to steer into more what we should uh than we did before councilman with due respect because it will cause a lot of RI they'll be like okay we're doing this so why don't you give us a free rent a free free parking free parking free parking there are designated dates that we always before our before we became here that those are the dates but it's I'll make sure that July 4th is definitely the date and I'll come I'll get back to you is the holidays July 4 is the holidays all right um well we're all talking about July 4th so I'm going to tell you guys early in advance I was about to tell you guys next Monday when there's more crowd it's a very exciting event um Pal Park is is going to be able to have front view um the fireworks we're going to have a great firework in Fourth of July um it's going to happen in the overc side of on our side behind chop I am right now talking to the county of Bergen so they could allow us to use a football field where the graduation is so if that is possible I'm supposed to meet them this week it's going to be a Grand View better view than where they're going to watch across the river I really expect I would invite all of you guys to bring your friends and family I would like the recreation department to get involved as well once we got Authority the football stadium is a great place to congregate and it's very safe from traffic very close literally maybe, 1500 feet away from the fireworks it's going to be right in front of your face we're going we're going to try to see if you can get some seatings if not um we'll definitely get the if you can get the condiments water drinks popcorn and you know cotton candy ready for before that that Happ free shouldn't cost that much this going to be great guys it will be it will be a 4th of July event that is almost for us we get the best view so I want to I want to reserve a spot and that will be a football St a football fi all right great thank you any report PA i' just like to bring up that the county buron county is put out a heat warning for the uh gon County for this week temperatures are expected to rise at a high high 90s so just beware of any elderly people that may be in need of of being off the county building itself will be a cooling center if anybody needs to use it for the borrow of Palisades Park the library will be a cooling center and people can also come in here to to the council chambers if they need to during the day leave themselves of the heat so please just check on your neighbors and your elderly neighbors thank you what are the what are the hours of operation 347 or well the information is being put up on the website and there is a number that at the county can be called 247 all right great if it is 247 to the heat wave I would appreciate make sure that they do have access after hours after 5:00 p.m they should have access to have from the outside to come side okay anything else that's it thank you police chief please it's deide your turn yet um is a police chief here is police chief report okay all right and the Police director will come next week the police chief should come next week um may I have a motion to close and and and open to the public I want to make a motion to close and open to the public may have a second second all in favor thank you please come up you have few minutes name and address please um I'm living on 411 Highland Avenue umart to so I'm having an issue with parking as you were speaking about parking um I'm disabled right now I'm still waiting disability so I don't work I barely pay my rent and someone from a family member in M gave me their car so it's not registered here I'm getting millions of tickets every week because I cannot get a resident parking so what should I do I can't pay $1,000 worth of tickets every month so as might as well just don't pay the rent and pay you as the parking tickets I mean what can it be done okay so your situation just repeat one more time is that so I was given a carard to right now is it yours no it's not but I'm to use it they gave it to me to use it but it's not registered to me it's just for me to use it because I don't have money and I have to go back and forth to a lot of doctors CU I have neck surgery I had a back surgery and my husband he's in the military he's deployed to South Korea he's not even going to be here he doesn't even have a lot of money because he just had multiple surgeries on his back so how can I pay $7 a day to park AC CR the street that I live out here oh the thing is technically I I really sympathize your situation There are rules in place um I if you read the rules but my question is to you is that you said that the car was given to you correct it's given to me for time being it cannot be so it was B it wasn't it was but it's going to be with me for a minute because I have to get back on my Fe because of what's going on I got to use it I'm not going to even pay $7 a day to park in a street that I live on I mean it doesn't even sound right you don't have a car yourself no okay so your car is borrowed right loan and you would like to see if there's a special circumstance that you can use and you and you could prove that you have all the medical excuse right now you're apping for a handicap and you have the medical excuse I have from a doctor that I cannot work I have a paper from the state that I'm fighting disability I have I take multiple medication oxy three times a day I take bre you shouldn't drive when you're lost I mean I don't drive when I'm but if I have to go to a doctor you know I can't have people constantly come and help me you know people got their own life what I could do is I could I could uh ba would you consult with the chief yes and see what he feels it is a very special circumstance we have r cuz once we let one story in we let every story in but if you could prove all the medical records yes that you have and the ownership of of the the owner writes writes a she's my niece she's your niece okay so a written testimony that says that you know what what you're telling is true that I am lending it to my aunt right for the time being right um maybe we could do something so that's first in our I mean I have a thousand l words ofet I can have money to eat hly we could actually pay right the tickets are I don't know how much is it per day it's $40 every time and they don't stop it's like every day they rid ticket except the Friday and Saturday but you riding a 40 hour ticket every day you time that 30 month 30 days understand that's a lot of money right there it's not about those guys giving you have to understand please don't give negative uh you know I know anas the people work for the public they're instructed to follow I'm not mad at them I'm just they just do I I have a lease here and I feel like why should I if I have a lease if I'm if somebody rents a car let's say for 3 months so they don't have money and they got to pay $7 a day to park on the street that don't even sound right wait a minute how do you rent the car when you don't have the money no what I'm saying somebody does Rent A Car you I don't have the money to do it man let me tell you the whole thing starts with the story I'm borrowing this car I am borrowing the car I could even get the paper get a notorized and bring it to your that the car leas the car for 3 months there's proof that says you're the ownership for 3 months you don't so right now I'm just saying in other cases but in my case I'm borrowing a car what can I do now what do I what do I so I just told you right now we're going to go back to the uh the ba is going to talk to the police chief and see if you can find some REM for you in your very particular special Cas okay thank you so what do I do what do I have to well I'm going I'm I'm until we decide until there is Rule still applies you still will get ticketed I mean you know you got to find another remedy maybe you could find a neighbor that could you know listen one more thing I want to say mayor I don't want to cut you off I don't know who's giving these nice permits for a house that's supposed to be a two family house and they building a four family house and a two family house so it will be no parking the neighbor doing have park for themselves they are the one parking on the street and we're the one getting like no parking anyways you know what I mean so what's going to happen thank you you're 3 minutes off please come back next week hopefully so I'm going to keep getting ticketed until I come back I cannot say tiet the the officers follow their jobs the degrees we're not stopping that right now right now you came to me today after I don't know you should you know the thing is we're going to work on it expeditiously and hopefully I'll request the ba going to ask the chief see if there's a remedy and if you come next week I'll bring we may have the answer before that you know like um you know side about paperwork if the police says if the police chief goes okay there might be a way then you provide the documents all right all right thank you thank please come up name and address by by the way Madam I'm so sorry madam could you please um we need a form contact so I I would for you to quite privately write your formal contact so we get back to you I'm sorry about that go ahead you have three minutes you know what that's the other thing we have to get a Korean trans we've been talking about the council president I'm so sorry um James is possible if you just help us out today thank you I appreciate that he actually has experience doing translation for in the I have your name and add 31784 stre what's your name H I haven't been here for three years it has no reason every single time you come here here like everybody else you have to pay your name and your address please go ahead I came to the P about summer of the 2022 I hope you guys remember my a special situation I live in a for stre about a water damage problem P came to fix something and they just um open the public road and cover of the only half and do you know what happened [Music] next for [Music] [Music] James would like translate I a very long story uh you know in a day of the heavy rain and there's a steep hill coming down a lot of amount of water and we do not have a proper Sage you know like um um you know s system to take that that that waterers you know go goes away uh and also on the top of that PS just like un uncovered and unfinished constructions so we are still just having a big trouble about a water damage [Music] Council men came to the site and he checked it out and then find out Solutions and also there was a suspicions about like ille illegal kind of um constructing a water pump or something but it found out nothing happened that kind of thing and I just appealed and then you know I was waiting solution and result and also former ba David Loren also concerned about this one but I heard nothing no response to now Loreno former ba U promised me that this is a water problem and uh are victim and I want to fix it I find out the solution and then uh I'll give it to you and also um solve the problem of to to to this spring and I I haven't heard anything okay so okay because your time is up I kind of give you a little more time because James had the chance but just to remind the council members I do remember you now you did come here and before David Lorenzo the prior former ba said that I will take a look what transpire between you and David Lorenzo uh the the former ba I wasn't there but I do know what it was the problem was some company a public company repaved that road and they repaved that road they they raised the pitch which means which means the water flood will happen easier on her curve line yes go ahead if I can remember and I was out at the site right and then uh DW went out there originally they were suspecting the uh the sub pump pumping out the water from somewhere from next door or next neighborhood but it wasn't so like she uh she mentioned and she uh saying the pscg worked on the ground sometime PSC uhuh pscg worked on the ground they repaved the uh the ground and somehow it got it got repaved too high so the water by the corner it just it just sucked into the uh the driveway that all that water so that that's the problem do you see any remedies cuz you were you were there easier than remedy than than chipping off layers inches of the already repa road that would be very so so I I spoke to a DP this is W back um if there's a job a future future um not that PSG or the waterline will anything that's on the schedule right we could request to see if they can repay that while you know after their jobs right but as of not there's no schedule up there uh to get any of the job done but if if from the Boral side if we could just build a small high pitch of the uh patching work uh just to not the curve yeah by the Curve where the driveway is if we can do it then that will be the uh you know um you know solution we can just you know return that water line to the curve right make a wall small be high because of that special circumstance because the pitch of the renovated repaid road is higher than it should be we should raise uh by her uh driveway and there uh there's a what I can't I can't explain it correctly but uh it it's very uh not it's not flat it's not flat yeah it's very uneven um uh yeah very uneven that street what did DPW say try to figure out a easier remedy to do this instead of you know waiting till PS or just cuz you know all to make all the all the work from our Bal side causing money it's expense right so we've been having that problem spending money on you know certain things that we shouldn't we shouldn't be able spending right so I mean it's up to us or yeah DPW if if we uh you know give one time courtesy or whatever um if there's any Patchwork that we're going to do in the future in that street not just I'm not just talking about that um that that residential is it just her home that means that means her C is not only affected but the rest of the people that the road would went up high no no just that section the PSC PSC ground job wasn't the whole street just a patch right front of front of her uh address okay so I mean he he could really tell I mean I went out there right if you see from the first side right uh the probably about 50 ft away you could tell okay okay Council J DPW could you ask Kenny bro stop by there this week and see if there is an inexpensive remedy because it seems like it's an isolated situation for this just Rec to go down yeah a little bit of the patch over there just to you know Elevate the U the corner cuz usually when you when you do the pay pay job from the middle right it goes like this like a d looking uh stre right so the water just go you know um yeah to the side and goes down to the uh the corner uh sewage right but on on her side it's just way too Peach down towards our driveway so that all water even before it it goes down to the Streamline right it goes directly to her driveway does she have a French she there does she have a French strain there in a driveway is there is there side at the bottom but the water flow is just too much when when he like hard rain rain yeah when you pull you answer okay good James would you please translate that you did while talking and the lastek she mentioned that like rainy night and she couldn't go to sleep because of very scary and then her she's very anxious and psychologically and she just really please please let her know please let her know that Council Jang was theair of BBW will talk to the superintendent stop by this week and see if you could find a you know inexpensive remedy and maybe maybe we can do that but we'll definitely get back to you by next Monday is that okay do you have contact number okay thank you very much James I really appreciate your help thank you get back to you okay okay we have your phone number two sorry about the gentlemen there a ladies gent those translation please go ahead what's the situation with americ flag on flag uh I thought we had American flag Memorial Day the whole Avenue has Avenue we had it before not telling me something new so where are they who took them down uh who would have been taken down DPW must have taken down DPW said they know nothing about which topic um well I dialed the number um I don't remember who I spoke to but I called twice if BBW said allegedly tell you that they have no idea about it then a you spoke with somebody else who's not DBW and there must be lying because DBW are the people that actually hand those those flags well I don't want to give a name out but if you're calling me a liar you better look up um because you're suffering from it at any rate walk outside most of the people here who care noticed there were no American flags we're coming up to the Fourth of July you can take your fourth of July celebration and stick it unless those flags are up I don't apprciate the way you your V where you talk stick where where you want us to stick no don't deflect this I want American flags every good American and the town you came that's been very good to you and the country that's been good to you where are those American flags we want them up and if they're not up there are organizations that are now talking to us that want to know about it okay that's number one my other thing is this is the seventh month anti-Semitism you have to be de up and blind if you don't know what's happening please do not do that do not insult us and accuse us for being DEA dumb and blind are you de and dumb and blind let you should be a little more polite when you're talking to anybody let me you Robert's Rules of Order Robert's Rules of Order means you're supposed to enact with people in a normal way not by calling other people deaf and dumb and blind no I asked you you and still stuff it and stick it what do you want is to stick it well you you can stick it wherever you want to stick it but if you don't want to do it say you don't want to do it and then there's an understanding here but you should all be very embarrassed about it there are people being killed on both sides it's horrendous and it has to stop you're just adding to a terrorist problem you're not doing anything okay that is my complete opinion a terrorist problem because we we have a question about where the American flags are in the BR have you thank you you got 30 more seconds I have 30 more seconds how about the um what's happening with the police trailers how much is that costing us sitting empty investigation excuse me that's what you told me the last three and four months it is this is about as fast as your investigations go you spending money faster doesn't he well at all if you have I mean if you're being threatened by someone not to do things that's another story but I emailed you twice about American flag minutes obviously you don't read your emails don't tell me email you with problems thank you for your three minutes and by the way the DPW I I firmly believe the DPW would not say that we have no idea who else could install 125th Banner and take out the flags and do all the decorations your time is done Madam so I I I I believe I believe I'll D ask what happened I appreciate that in County anything with the full respect they had please speak up oh at the Bergen County there was an event if anybody flag with full respect they had so I'm going to also ask that was yeah there's a way of properly um you know getting rid of the American flag absolutely um so where please call up your name and address Avenue um also that the American flags that June 14th is Flag Day in the United States so the irony that all the American flags came off of bro prior June 14 is upsetting enough that the record would like to know more and can they email you please please please please please not interact CU there three minutes go ahead okay so that's my question who can record contact give them an answer to how they came down nose antism time spoke governance that's right it was referred to the governance committee and we're waiting for Aion adward was not anore by the way okay and finally can you tell me who's responsible for changing the content of our it finally has reference to all counselors last that's but the facili manager was upset if I asked that he changed it he said that's not his job that's not his job right okay so it's not his job who's responsible for changing is the is the pr coordinator home coordinator okay so if I wanted to get contact for something like this happens how would I get there you will come exactly the same place that you made a complain I would come here and say it's not something okay that's enough thank you very much by the way I just want the council members to know that the American flag was there every single year there's got to be a good reason why it's not right now so you know if you can't find out it's been there every single year please go ahead come your name and address first of all I think respect speak don't put your T down I don't tell the people shove it and stick it wherever you want I don't call them stupid and ignorant so please respect yourself first I do that's why I'm being poite to you now with the flag every town in buron county in fact every town in any state always has American flags on L poost everyone in this room whether they like it or not is an American they may not be a citizen yet you're living in America you came to this country because you were not particularly happy with what was going on in the other countries where you live [Music] and please pleas please shut up all together oh [Music] the way that you speak to us please don't tell us to shut up please just tell me what you want to say let me tell you something either he is you or he's not because he seems to assume that he can speak to you he uff in the town without anybody's there's a lot of things why don't you ask him why he doing things doing what the stuff he ERS the parking stickers even though the what's wrong with me asking Council men to help me out C he comes up with stuff he had two accountants that were working he had H to check the town no one gave him permission to do it do what we're talking about sience now we talking about count I'm also do you understand what I'm saying to you I'm so sorry I'm confused you start talking about you know like permits for the purpose right and you talk about accounts because he want to know what he does he hired two accountants the town didn't know about the body hire accounts not one individual could hire that person excuse me he went through a vote the government body before what before you voted on so please before you going to hand stuff to me make certain of your F and being polite to your elders should be ingrained I don't like the way that you say that you naturally assume that we took the boat and took the plane and came to America because our life was horrible some of them are born here just like you maybe you immigrated maybe you had it but you can't assume the only reason you came into America is because you had a harsh life it wasn't harsh life everyone is living here for a reason including your family and my family and everybody else's family what does this got to do with this big question about why can't we find where the flag is the whole reason is I'm going to let you guys know why the flag is not there and that's it let's not go beyond about immigration let's not talk about why we're here it's not offending these immigrants such a big thing that you can't have flags up on the Avenue I never said I we can't we need to find the reason why it's not there we'll give you the answer in the thank you anybody else please come up in the back name and address Morales 45 Hillside Aven thank you ollie I just wanted to know what the right Avenue would be to take to get an answer from you honestly because maybe the way that you're phrasing it is not the best the is almost the same in the way that we've been trying to communicate with you I believe March April and May waited because clearly even with the things discussing today evidently they were busy months what are you talking about what reference are you talking about what about anti-Semitism or yes that is so you you're agreeing with anti-Semitism you want a you want a resolution says anti-Semitism not necessarily against anti-Semitism but well obviously yes but a discussion at least about what's happening people have been asking meeting after meeting and it's just not something that has being addressed even it's almost like people get thrown back when it comes to that specific topic and you told us even we came to you we asked you what to do so we could go about it the proper way you told us come with numbers we came with numbers and we got given the wrong de and numbers oh you told us to come with a group of people that want petitions from the residents you talk about the petitions yes did you bring the petitions did you bring the petitions if that was a thing that you that we talked about abouts we talked about numbers about showing up about speaking about what we wanted so so H how do we how do we make your voices get big is by getting petitions from your neighbors from residents taxpayers that says you know what these things separately we have discussed this previously did you show me the petition did um where's the petitions I never seen the petitions you told us to email you actually very clearly you don't really answer your emails because of the res how many you we discussed the petitions with the previous clerk I'm not entirely sure what happened there so maybe that's where the confusion is lying since our main form of communication was with her originally but then we came to you a group of us if you remember directly outside of here we asked you what to do you said come to the meeting have numbers have people here and speak and we did that yes you speak now there's three people that you brought in here the last three people unfortunately the other people do have like jobs families they don't have my question is this my question is how many petitions did you get didn't get when we discuss Thea and we got told to come here with numbers did you get just one question did you do a no you didn't I'm curious so we had I said try to get the petitions get the numbers try to raise your voices you didn't do that okay we were not that there's a video of you saying it unfortunately so video of me saying that get the petition exactly what you told us what to do follow not here I said express your express your right to get with the residents we tried to communicate with you about following steps regardless of anything that you might have already told us we tried to communicate following steps with we've been humling we've been trying to get into contact with the correct people and going the correct place but I just want to know what the correct way is even maybe we're doing something wrong we know the governing body knows the elected officials know your concern you guys been comeing here a lot of months right and you're asking us what else can we do I I I spoke with the B attorney and the B attorney is still figuring what we should do but I'll be honest with you I it's something that really it's a sensitive matter in both ends so um we have to really discuss this further I mean I did spoke with Alan before attorney um would you please ask him again he's going to come next week maybe he could speak in in in his behalf he is the B attorney he'll come next week Monday and I'll ask him to body request and her request as well it starts at 6:00 thank you anybody else please come up name and address good afternoon my name is Ronnie Muhammed I live in 521 Broad Avenue um so basically as she was referring to the group of people spoken to you I was one of those people and I had asked you about petitions and you actually told me that I didn't need to worry about that yet and that I should just come to the meetings and speak about this I if you would if if you're disagreeing I do have a video of it because um things need to be documented nowadays but I do have a couple things I'd like to say so I'm here once again to regarding the pressing matter of the ongoing conflict between palestin and Israel as pales uh residents of palestine's C we can no longer ignore our moral obligations to speak out against the violence and devastations unfolding in this conflict fuel by our nation's tax dollars it deeply deeply troubles me that despite our repeated appeal our voices continue to be disregarded each passing day we witness the harrowing scenes of innocent lives taken uh families torn apart and communities sh shattered how can we as community members of a compassionate Society remain in different to such atrocities I implore you to reflect on the gravity of this situation this is not issue it affects us directly as members of the global Community we have a responsibility to uphold the princip the principle of Peace justice and human dignity passing a cease fire resolution should not be a daing task it is a fundamental step towards demonstrating our commitment to ending the cycle of violence and advocating for the protection of innocent lives let us show the rest of America that palate Park stands firmly against any form of genocide or Injustice I understand the pressure of uh political uh politics and the fear of losing votes but let me remind you that your primary duty is to serve the interest of this community not to prioritize political gain over human lives I assure you that we will remember this and we will hold you accountable at the viallet walks if you feel that you're our calls for Action I urge you to Envision the suffering of those caught in the crossfire parents mourning mourning their children families displac from their home and Relentless anguish that accompanies War can we in good conscience a I let us raise above apathy and complic and compeny let us stand on the right side of history with human humanity and Justice let us be remembered as Leaders who took a bold stance against Injustice rather than accomplishes to the violence and the oppression I demand that on behalf of our community a ceasefire resolution the future Generations will judge us not by our words but by our actions let us ensure that history remembers us as champions of Peace not silent byst standards in the face of suffering the time for Action is now so I would just like to know what are we supposed to do to get this to happen because quite frankly I don't understand what is so hard about passing a ceasefire resolution I have emailed you each and every single one of you a ceasefire a copy of the ceasefire resolution that we could do for Poli Park I've also had multiple community members email you guys urging to talk about this and urging to have a meeting of some sort addressing this and yet no response so I'm I'm sorry I'm just quite frankly tired and clearly everybody else is so what do we do okay so your emails if it's whatever I catch or or the VA we give it to a Boral attorney again I'll ask him to speak up next Monday about this now you did mention something very important and you said that you know it is our duty to keep the best interest for our town you don't think there's a rise on anti-Semitism and no my point is there that is important too but you're saying that because we don't listen to that that means we don't perform our best interest for our town I disagree whether there's a war or not right now anywhere in the world we have our responsibilities in the town do you believe you don't have any Israeli or Palestinian community no I'm not saying that the point is you said the best feutures of our town no that's what I'm saying or Ukraine or or the best of our town is taking care of our town residents okay and this is what we're asking you the residents are asking so I'm ask you now try to get some petitions see how much you can bring and see if you could raise your voices I know you guys are here diligently appreciate but that would be the best remedy petition go to door to door do you know can we get a signature for ceasefire Palestinians and try working on that if you give us I don't know let's just say we have what 22,000 uh population maybe 7 8,000 people who are registered to vote but's see how much you could bring in so so that would be a good act activity you bring the community in and get it in writing not just three people coming here and saying that you know what you have to represent the town okay thank anybody else please come up name and address um I came here last time refen as we have um a lot of car parking there especially window night and they just have launch there I don't know what else they do inside those car because that street in front of the school is very like very quiet street and also have they go to school so they left their ble they drink inside the cartime have to kind of Pi it out um in front of the school so they do that like at different time of the night also doing the day so I would like to see more around there night just check there have people in the car having those activity there like the parking with no person is fine but during that time um if they are in the car drinking and having lunch or what they and also we don't know who they are or where they another thing that I want to mention to how can is a way that the owner of the house has to call the grass because I know we have a lot of house that is bacon they going to put it down or they already don't leave there so it's like of the they kind of there like nobody and there because they waiting maybe to go down maybe they selling so even they going to be can they be no they they cannot they they should be cited by our Code Enforcer specifically on grasses that are way above the you know W's you know L um during the beginning of the season the springtime our our code enforcer is courteous enough to give them warnings not tickets but then right now right about now you should be giving out tickets yeah it's a lot of right in Glen Avenue you go around you have chance it's two hous in there that the grass is to the roof and also it's a house just right by my house that the garbage and the bottle and everything from recycl it was left in there is just hanging in there and it seem like nobody's cleaning that and it look very dir and very abandoned so all that stream a lot of the stream maybe don't know work and just make sure that we have maintain area even the house is thank you ba would you remind the C en forces stop by High grasses thank you Council you want to speak no no no I just want to say he is a police direct he is a police committee chair the ba will will talk to the direct uh the the director director will talk to the chief U Chief's going to be here next Monday as well but this will be on our table tomorrow get back yeah especially Glen Avenue like really is really going on be cleaning and throwing garbage out of people who just leave whatever they do in there thank you thank you anybody else please come up name and address 29 colia Avenue um I was going to bring that up also with the just said it's not just that block there are many that are not properties are not being maintained properly I park down the street I walked up this up here and across the street there's a house the grass is this High there got to be like we said it's got to be an audience and somebody has to is being paid to monitor that but it's not happening uh you know it's almost summertime the grass is like I said High same thing on my block um quick question have you guys called the cold enforcer no okay so we have a cold enforcer phone number um Sophia if you could find John G's office phone number I think the first thing is you have the right to call the code forer yourself and say hey this guy's property is way way all over the place okay he should come okay yeah but then Sophia at the end of the meeting will give you the information putting for c phone number call directly yourself um it it is unfortunate you came here give him a call if he doesn't act you let us know but we're we're working on Brad we're going to talk to reforce ourselves you guys need the contact information call using you call the DPW it's a DPW correct DPW so please call DPW I want to talk to court enforcer because there are trees I mean there grass are too high these guys throw away garbage whever making it not a very representable environment and if that doesn't work you let me know or let any of the council members know Council Jang is DPW chair only way the only way that something happens is by somebody complaining well no there's one cold enforcer he drives around right now say he drives out the whole summer and he doesn't hit your spot we got a problem right you should be driving around you know very uniform way he he does all the business all the areas so please call the code enforcer first see if he reacts if he doesn't please let us know but we know what's going on we're going to talk to the ba is going to talk to the thank you anybody else thank you may have motion to close a public motion first and second all in favor we have a motion to adjourn this meeting closee motion M second all in favor thank you very much