because of PSG right or whatever the road R up give some information Mr Bruno will answer Mr Bruno would you come up talk about that situation yeah the uh the address that gave me was 3173 okay I went to uh I went to look at it on the way here I'm glad what I you know again I didn't on your property because you know I don't I don't go on you just got a knock on the door but two things was there ever in front of the driveway a drain because it looks like there was a drain there that's covered over with cement do you know do you know if that's if you had a drain there because it looks like on both sides but it looks like right now you can ask but you can wait until the public participation and continue to tell her right now you can ask cuz she can't okay but I did take a look I did I brought that's fine just say we have you to wa the public partici you wait you wait thank you um yeah so from the school board the three schools had the graduation ceremonies last Wednesday yeah so last Wednesday there were graduation ceremonies for the three schools and they all went well I understand mayor and council members attended some of them and this Wednesday there will be a special meeting to close out the year for the school and a new year will begin July 1 and I'll just make one comment about the alcohol ordinance I I do want to say that I am very proud to be part of the council that really prioritizes the safety of the residents there will be inconveniences to some people right who would like to drink really late on nights or some business owners but really here we're trying to prioritize the safety of the residents and I will make sure as the next step the police department takes proper enforcement measures so that this law is respected and that the safety of residents is respected thank you thank you uh you who who graduated from our high school I believe there's one MIT and we see other student I believe MIT in harv har in Harvard and they're not transfers either that's been going through our public system you know they could always do improvements we're we're aiming for that during the summertime we're actually having a meeting want tell me us about that a meeting about about about improving the improving the uh you know how how the school could do you know could streamline could optimize their their their their their uh their uh management yeah so Board of educ would like to have meetings with the council to talk about you know what we could do collaboratively together to you know make sure that our students could really achieve their best thank you thank you so the two burrow attorney Alan Roth from the burrow and also the board of attorney with the representative like you we'll sit down and see how we could improve our school systems in the summer time yeah thank you all right one July 7th of course July 4th will be a national holiday and um it's our Independence Day special Plus on July 7 at the pool the town pool we're going to have 125th towns anniversary per uh party so please um tell everyone bring all your family members we're going to celebrate 125th uh anniversary of our town in a good way and and lots of foods will be there and you can swim there and everything will be for free for our Towners so please come and let's celebrate together thank you the injuries is free too people could enjoy the amenities of swimming in the pool yes free right for three hours 5 to 8 thank you thank you all right um um yes I would like to make a report totally forgot I report uh but U I want to say I want to emphasize on Fourth of July where uh because the county decided to do a Fourth of July fireworks um very close to uh you know where the overp is behind shoppr um they're going to shoot up behind shoppr and we're going to have a safe thousand th000 feet diff uh you know distance to enjoy the fireworks right now we're in the details of it but I want to let you know that there will be spaces safe congregate area for residents there also other towns to come there will be public uh you know security there'll be a road detail there so everybody comes in and comes out safely it's going to be probably the best view that we're going to have they have this huge event right across the river where the amphitheater is for the other side of uh over that's where the stage is they're going to have all these events and performances and they're they're going to do the major performances there but if you want to go there that's great but if you want to just skip the performan come see the most closest view of the fireworks for this year on July Fourth of July will be in our side behind chop ride the details will be posted up very shortly online and I hope that everybody could join enjoy the festivities um I think that's it all right how about the uh you talk about oh yes yes so sorry okay that's the most important thing we just like to talk good stuff and you know try to subconsciously avoid sensitive measures and but we we did have to discuss and I do appreciate your patience people came here for two reasons um I see the crowd over there concerning uh the the ceasefire with with with wherever the country there is right of Palestinians right now it seems like and we also have another about anti-Semitism uh uh uh how come the burrow is not doing a resolution to to signify that we do have anti-Semitism in the state of New Jersey and also that we respect it by doing a resolution uh those two things been been well conversed and you know talked upon start with the anti-Semitism um if it if if the council members R council members have no objection to this um the B attorney will explain the the precise procedure of this and you will but right now the state is going through a redefinition of the anti-Semitism law once that this bill is passed I see without without any without any objection from the council members because it's a state law I don't mind what we do signifying by put in a resolution for that after the bill is uh passed and the definition is Def and also the the did uh K talk about flags as well he did thank you I was in the bathroom and secondly um this is concerning the ceasefire in foreign countries specifically right now we have residents who represent the Palestinian side of it um we discuss about the fact that what is best and what we are here as elected officials to represent we primarily I unless there's an objection the council m objection from the G members I believe that we are H we were we likely to take priority as in what matters the most inside the world concerning you know our services quality of life improvements try to take care of issues that we have in palace's park concerning the outside uh uh situation that's happening if we decide in my personal point of view decide one or the other there will be a political decision made that I firly don't believe it is a primary reason why you know that's to be at the top of the list that we have to decide therefore without the objections of the council members I would like to deny the request for that okay um that's my report may I may may I have a report from the ba thank you Mr Mayor uh during the recent eat wve we had the cooling center set up in in the borrow here in the council chambers and the liberg also I'd like to thank the police department and OEM for their help in in seeing that these uh centers were set up including over the weekend in the library during all their opening hours uh did that too uh if need be tomorrow and Wednesday because it's supposed to get very warm again council chambers would be used as a cooling center if anybody does need them again as well as the library uh at the next meeting I hope to have a resolution ready for the Bor for the council to approve uh a company to do employee checks backg background checks on new employees that we have hired currently working with Millennium strategies are Grant company and the fal engineer to see what grants we can get and how we can use them to improve the borrow as well as for repaving some streets we are currently working on a new security system in the borrow hall for cameras and change of locks and that is is has started today and we continue for at least a week until we finish it has been mentioned also that the uh about the violations and as the councilwoman mentioned I personally spoke to John and talked to him about that he is issuing numerous violations I've also talked to The Courts and told them to be as aggressive as they possibly can in getting those violations out and in acting upon them so hopefully we'll see some resolve as far as that goes getting those violations taken care of and uh also we tabled the pH resolution tonight and I will be working on that to find out exactly what happened with the uh with the other phone company and what the status is so we'll have a report for that no way than the next meeting thank you hopefully soon thank you thank you um Council any report no you want me oh yes you know I totally forgot about that um you could you please um uh continue of of of the State Assembly Bill sure um with regard to the anti-semitism uh issue that we've been toiling with for a while the state of New Jersey legislature uh enacted well not enacted has created assembly bill 3558 which was introduced February 5th which attempts to Define anti-Semitism um create public awareness and it would appropriate currently it's set to appropriate $100,000 towards a public awareness camp campaign um against anti-Semitism um it has been our firm's opinion that until this bill has been vetted and passed it would be premature and irresponsible of this burrow to adopt the resolution regarding anti-Semitism not knowing how the state's going to properly Define it and deal with it I think it would be more appropriate to wait till this bill is passed as as law uh and then um Co tail a resolution into the specifics of the Resolute of the bill that's passed so that there's Conformity legal Conformity with the burrow with the state's understanding and intention of anti-Semitism and how it's going to be dealt with and handled so if anybody wants to take a look at that bill again it's assembly bill 3558 was introduced uh February 5th um its main sponsor is Gary Sherer if you know Gary um there were a few other sponsors and there's a whole slew of co-sponsors of this bill so that's that's where we stand in back thank you thank you um Kel police chief absent Police director is any report that you want to provide us yes Chief Asino is not here tonight he asked me to get his report but first and foremost this past month I would just like to recognize everybody can complain when officers don't do their job and I just want to recognize four officers that went above and beyond and um the tour Commander was uh Sean catrell Tran trowman Salvatore fi and I apologize if I reck anybody's name patrolman Robert Lan kite patrolman Chang e hoon and patrolman Cory Havens they were contacted um via dispatcher of a woman in labor and when they got to the house the baby was already part way out maybe wasn't looking for any hospital um uh I was advised that uh all four took action Salvatore was holding the woman's hand as the baby came out the baby was delivered healthy um um Salvatore um kept the woman calm until such time the EMT came and EMT took mother and baby to the hospital and I was informed that both are doing well and I commend the four officers for you know they're doing their job but you know want they I want to acknowledge them for for for doing their job and and knowing you know it's always easy to complain when officers don't do their job but these four officers stepped up and did the right thing and help out this resident I just want them to [Applause] be so they pretty much gave pretty much delivered their baby stores amazing um two other things before I go into the monthly report um as you know this this body approved two individuals uh employees of the buau to go into the police academy um both of them to uh passed site took the physicals and so on one of the off one of the individuals as he was working out to get ready for the physical exam um noticed pain in his back I believe it was had AC some time before that and never was doing any physical strenuous exercising to notice that anything was wrong he felt something in his back and he went to a doctor and the doctor would not approve him to take the physical exam for the U to be a police conect so uh right now we have the one person that's that's did complete that and he's completing the rest of it I was advised that previously one of the uh o was offered a opportunity to go into the police academy and for whatever reason he deferred I've never heard of the word being deferred as far as going to the police academy but and in recognition of whoever offered that to this individual is brought to my attention by the chief and the captains we're giving us this individual an opportunity to take the physical exam if he passes it he will go into the academy thank you I didn't we didn't write any of these individuals names so I can't speak about them as far as the four officers I reached out this that to say what let them know what I was going to say and they give me permission um as far as uh one last thing the junior Police Academy started today um I heard it was a very good turnout it was a little warm but uh I I heard everybody had a a real productive time and um I'll report next month more about it as I I'll stop down there and see how it's come thank you as far as the monthly report for May um Municipal ordinance violations we had 42 we had traffic enforcement stops 470 parking enforcement 222 property check area checks 333 uh medical assistance 85 assist citizens 46 assisting fire department 39 uh cover School post uh the crossing guards or something go out we have to cover the post we did it 71 occasions um TR our F's information and service was 100 with a grand total of 2137 ca for service in the in the month of May um as far as Arrest analys for detective unit we had the total rest of 19 adults we had 62 cases um filed 61 cases have been been closed we have one open case um and that's pretty much all I have to report that he he provided thank you I've heard the police department is more stringent than more practive concerning giving out you know you know intoxication and and and and aqual use is that correct yes yes good um just one thing to point out I believe in the last meeting um there was some comments made about Central bouard accidents motor vehicle accidents in the buau there was a total of 80 total accidents motor vehicle accidents and out of that three accidents occurs only three accidents Ur Central Boulevard so it's not it's not Central Boulevard it's somewhere else so and like like uh councilman M pointed out the chief Espino myself Captain casares um we went out walked the different streets looked at the uh the different areas and there is a number of locations that are not in compliance with law as far as parking setback from the corners and we just want to want to be in compliance with with the law so we we're going to move on that right away and then once we get the cter report we will try to look at other streets throughout the buau and try to apply the same revenues that the C's recommended to to those streets which would minimize any liability for the buau thank you thank you I really appreciate you guys U taking taking the front you know be spear spear heading the issues that we have with constant cross intersection accidents on up in the hills 7 46 we waited for the calend to give us a report we have it I'm very happy you Chief and the uh police department is working on our own strategy and our own remedy to fix uh to reduce the accidents there thank you thanks all right uh if we're all done with the uh Council reports I would like to close uh public and I mean close this session and open to the public I'll make a motion I have a second second all in favor please come up you have three minutes your name and address please hi my name is Johnny mhamed and I live in 521 Broad Avenue I don't know how you can sit there and say that a ceasefire is not your top priority I understand that there is a rid on anti-Semitism and I completely agree with that but you don't seem like you care about the Muslims in your community that have experienced islamophobia that has been on the rice I personally have been harassed all of this have started and I've actually multiple years I've been harassed here but nobody ever cares about any of that how dare you say that you a ceasefire is not a priority children are dying we are literally asking you to do something other towns have passed it why didn't nobody say that wasn't their priority why can you answer me please sure what are the towns you're talking about Richfield North Bergen hailen Wayne um per Amboy a bunch I sent to home our TOS how much approv that resolution for ceasefire very it doesn't matter we're here no because I'm here and I'm asking you for this I I don't know if other people in other towns are talking about it but the people that are are making a difference and we've been here and we've been asking for the same thing yet you are constantly ignoring us what is so hard about passing a ceasefire we're not asking for anything we're not picking sides by the way your statement about oh they're they're Palestinians no we're not I'm Egyptian I'm not even Palestinian yet I'm here representing people that are dying and you don't seem to care it's not about it's an international issue it's a humanitarian issue and we and if you were educated enough on this issue you would understand that we pay for that we pay for the weapons that are going over there and killing those people so for you to tell me it's not your top priority really makes me think that you're insane because you need to make it your top priority okay thank you I I would like to say that I did allow the council members not just my voice to give give their opinion so this is uh again if you guys want to talk about it we'll talk about it again but there's always an opportunity and secondly I feel that you know like it's it's just it's just choosing something that hasn't really evolved to majority of the Bergen County uh uh uh municipality and also this really doesn't directly in uh you know affect the the duties that we have to do for the pales park bur I just told you how it directly affects us it time up whatever you said 30 seconds but I'm very sorry you feel that way I know you came here a lot of times but I still recommend this is not the end if I know that if you want to get petitions show us that there is a following in the town that yes you know what that's just us fine there are a lot of people you keep saying that you keep it's a big deal and you know what then you're going to be upset when I create a protest outside here all right okay you perfect so please try to get some support thank you anybody else please come up name and address I'm so sorry before you continue uh where is the uh DPW superintendent did you speak with the lady outside okay could you come out and explain because is everything okay yeah yeah we would like to know what your remedy is so maybe when you get a chance we're going to come up and talk to you about that the end ahe I would like to say to Stephanie Jan that I'm glad that we doing very well in the PO maybe because um the change that was made that you bring it out about the credit card that maybe that will help also as a for payment that was very good move and I have a question for me um I know we was doing the permit for the know the employee who have the permit we like to know how that going if he's already studed in place I know you mention in the word session last time and I have a question for the DPW um our machine is not working because I know my street get um sweet Thursdays and Friday and I haven't se going you got something so I would like to know if this is now working all right so you have two questions uh and I would like to about uh the police officer I came here last time um giv the concern about um people drinking in my street and just parking there in wonder I'm been seing a lot of police officer going around a lot of the time um I'm home and I see they going and I see this getting better the garbage is still in there because we haven't get clean the street but um I see they going around the street and I see how they let them open the window down and ask what they doing and all that I like that thank you thank you so much and um you know that's what I want to see I want to see the thing that we come here and PR is getting resour and getting better thank you if you want to just ask that question Glen great so police directors working on GL Avenue mayor has down one day in the last 30 we only sweep your street or wherever you having to live on the day when it's alterate parking when there's no parking in front of your house um but again if you say it Miss it's I I I just want to say it's almost impossible because one guy does it he does it every day five days a week and I've never had a complaint before no it's um my day is Thursday and Friday no no it can't be it can't be two days it's only one day well I leave it in Avenue it's Street yeah but you're the THS is one side right and the other side yeah he tell us why show the the only thing that well the only is if people don't move so what I would say is you might want to see who didn't move their car have to go around the car but the cops always follow us they have the traffic in front of my sweeper each time so again if my sweeper was down those teos would be coming to me saying where's your sweeper so again the only time we don't do in front of the school limberg side the limberg side is when teachers are parked there special days if it happens to be on that sweeping day we can't sweep it westol already done and Friday the school end Wednesday is pass through my street those days still being very da and you know hopefully next Thursday okay so so we'll make sure the we follow the schedule for your street of the DPW Stephanie if you don't mind would you like to talk about yes forgot report um our town sweeper has been um used for almost 15 years I believe 10 more than 10 years anyway uh we had to fix it many times and uh in January I had a report from Mr Ken Bruno that uh we try to obtain a new sweeper um for about two years and for some reason last year we had that um uh agenda matter our report and that was almost $400,000 and we questioned a lot why is it so expensive but I figured out with u Mr Bruno that was costing us $219,000 and for some reason someone got mixed up in the middle so you know they became like $400,000 but in fact he gave me the report the page this um January late January so I got it that was $219,000 to buy the new sweeper and one good thing about this sweeper um it used to be the special um license holder can only operate it but not anymore when we purchase this news reper uh you know this one anybody with the uh driver's license can operate it so if one person in charge um are sick or you know coming to the work for some reason someone else even can um use that and um this time the sweeper has broken down again and the fix will take $10,000 post we already paid about $4,000 during this um Springtime so um I was going to um ask our um mayor and council members to consider U buying a new for our town and um he's going to get the quotation because it's been you know two years already so um but he's going to do his best to get the um the you know the quotation near to what we had $219,000 so you know we're planning to get it I asked him um and the mayor also um ask him to get a new quotation so I would really like to push this and get a new weer for our town ASAP thank you so much thank you Council J just summarize right now we don't have we have an inactive broken sweeper it costs about give or take $10,000 now we're we're assessing what the value is if it's worth it getting a new one how we're going to budget it how we're going to how we're going to remove the old uh uh you know sweeper do we get any you know uh you know sell on it all that kind of stuff I would like for you guys to work on it fast because right now we don't have an active S no that's that's incorrect incorrect we had it down for 1 hour today lunch time okay we got it to go to work and you can stop anybody welome to stop and see that it works but the under Carriage is Friday it's right it's active but you know what you're really recomended to and two another thing for everybody in this audience on heavy rain days I don't put the sweeper out on heavy rain days going do is pick up water okay okay just so everybody knows if it's a heavy rain day working okay but this we is work rightor already discussion the right the will be uh issue starting tomorrow um we so far we got the registration form from the library Department clerk Department uh health court um where we're still missing couple registration I'm sure one of you know some of the council member actually submit there in too myself I did right so the the new plaer will be issued starting from tomorrow uh and then you're going to we we'll start to give warning once again for the last time uh starting from the the the July July 1 um and then we're going to give warning if they don't you know come back with their registration form then we'll start enforcing violation tickets will be given so thank you and last thing um I'm very happy that you guys meeting with the for education of member and working together I've been asking for that so many times and I I see how you getting together and work together for hour thank you thank you thank you anybody else sorry about that I was a long please come up your name and address well first of all I wanted to say thank you for putting up the public statements that you're not going to be choosing signs because I feel like that brings us a step closer to actually seeing eyee to eye and really understanding each other um I just wanted to say I really think it's a little bit strange the way that you chose to address the people um not in regards to anything specific although the specifics were also very strange but in the fact that you chose almost to I don't know if subconsciously or not divide people who are not divided we're looking for the same goal we're all looking for the same exact thing and um I'm not sure looked at what we sent you or the email or when you said that you would read the proclamation that we were trying to show you I don't know if you looked at it but it was something along the Lin whereas anti-semitic and islamophobic acts are occurring more frequently in America including numerous incidents on college campuses across the United States that threaten the well-being and safety of both Jewish and Muslim Students Bond threats against Jewish institutions the murder of a six-year-old pal Palestinian American Muslim child and the attempt the attempted murder of his mother in Illinois and the shooting of two Palestinian American students and a Palestinian friend in Vermont among other things and be it further result that Palestines spk stands in solidarity with the people of Israel and Palestine who are suffering as a result of the violence and the hostilities being inflicted as a result of the war and Gaza that is really all we're asking for we're not asking you to Cho SES we're really just asking you to like have a more humanitarian approach about the way that you go I think it's a little bit considerate the way that you choose to address the people because again that division is not necessary words it's currently not you're placing a division is just a bit strange to be completely honest and I was just it's just very disheartening to not be given the proper information when we ask for it to not really be heard because just said you're not choosing sides but that's not what we were asking for so to make that statement is beautiful and thank you and for things such as the alcohol ordinance you can look after other towns and see what they're doing and take that as an example but just because they're not within the county we can't look at other towns who are putting out a ceasefire and take that as an example is something that confuses me personally so okay so you're done I like to both umum came up to the podium to express that there's being uh crimes and issues that it has like you just said in Illinois um discriminatory things that's all part of a hate crime it's a part of hate crime hate crime is not just Asians where there is a law on hate crime so that they whatever side it is or whatever conflict specifically is it's always covered by heat crime um it's not about choosing size you see like it's like it's like almost like why do we has I mean for me again the council members have every time to you know object to what I have to say is that why are we focusing on what's happening on other side if it doesn't relate to Pal part it does if you really do think about it it does because you are a governing body not for Palestinians and not for Israel there please goad you're a governing body in the same way that America is a governing body the only thing we're asking is for you to almost acknowledge that what you do here is useful and what you do here has results because you don't go and beat up the guy that put the asbesto roof in right of course there's a hate crime ordin things just like there's a hate crime to me it almost just say what you do here is not important if that's what you're choosing to do because if I have a problem with someone in the town I go and beat them up I go and if there's a parking violation instead of giving them a ticket if you crush their car that Mak sense that's fair all right well I I really I'm sorry so for now I'm still going to recommend that if there is a following people who has voices not just three four five six people if you guys can prepare a petition it's good to talk to the neighborhood see how they feel so so if you could bring a petition back we reconsider there's is the next opportunity as well anybody else please come up your name and address good afternoon mayor good afternoon consel my name is Carla I live in 476b in bore I just want to ask how everybody's morning was today I'm pretty sure a slight little traffic slight little tire a little bit of coffee in your T-shirt nothing crazy right I just love how you guys mentioned or the director of the police officers uh mentioned the beautiful thing that the police officers there for the child right and you guys clapped you guys were excited and that was a beautiful thing my question is was that child important more because he was just part of Pal Park or he was just an American it's a Dy right it's a Duty so you as a mayor that we put you in that chair put you in the chair because we want you to represent us yes everybody okay so then if that's your duty why is it not your duty to be humanitarian we're asking here as human beings right as residents of pal why is it that nobody here seems to care about the children outside and it's not about caring or not it's just again I know you guys been very diligent I appreciate your time to express your right in your feelings it would be more effective for the Gover body to see how many people are agreeing with you guys so your your best advice is for us to collectively come together sign a petition as palis Park and then you will care of that yes let's just say you have 100 people in pales park you even bring 20% that is very significant for all of us isn't it right so we are a big majority and all we're asking here is for a little bit of humanitarian I know you keep saying you know this is uh they're outside of the country they're outside of the world or they're outside of pal at the end of the day they're human beings you understand okay here's another one it's hard to interrupt 72 towns in buron County find me how many towns they said okay C's fire okay no problem that's also another good way of gauge things if we're being the minority or the majority right no problem it's so much as more importantly than other towns you guys are very adamant I say go knock on doors see your community see how many percent are with you guys bring a petition that really means a lot to us so that that that will change your mind about how there's a significant amount so far you guys saying we you need to represent our our voices we need to know not only me the Govern body how many people are with the Seas fire in the residen palace is spark who votes so it takes a paper with petitions for you to it is absolutely you're right and a lot of lot of towns go through petition no problem thank you so much thank you anybody else please come up Kenny uh would you like to please come up with the lady and explain what you guys discuss Outdoors concerning her flood because the repayment increased her elevation yes um would you would you would you interpret James thank you very much pres we get inter yes please go ahead first first um would you would you Kenny bro would you please for superintendent could you please explain to us in public what you spoke about with the with the taxpayer resident outside her address is 317 Bo street she lives on the west side of four Street okay a driveway in the duplex half a duplex pitches down it pitches down okay so it's got a negative pitch what she's showing me right is in the Rain the water comes down the street hits well just comes down the street comes down Ford Street or whichever way it comes down hits her driveway and goes down as I explained to her there's two things that have to happen first is the drain that's before your driveway was put there because it's on a negative pitch okay that's just one thing I suggested and takes the top off runs a hose and it makes sure for 15 minutes that it runs okay you showed me this picture of the water cascading down that wouldn't be something that I think would be the burrower uh engineer that's why I mentioned to her the burrow engineer to look at that address reason being is that that's the only house on that block that gets all of that water something is wrong I see where they try to build it up themselves because black cop in front of the driveway there's black cop there you know that somebody put I don't know DPW put it but my opinion is first make sure that drain works because it's got a negative pitch second get a hold of Steve Kazo have go to that address have him look at it and the best time to do it is in the ring that's when I used to inspect all the drains is when it's raining why does deep colazo have to be there during the rain what is see there to observe well what happens is the way the water comes down like when it comes down Central Boulevard I'm just using Central Boulevard and why we got him involved in some of those because sometimes with the new handicap ramps I have one on a street that I have to go see now also on 8 Street water comes over the curb it's washing out the uh curbs taking people's Dirt away okay and putting the water into their driveways so I'm working on some on Central that's why Steve paza would be the best because if she saying the rule was just repa then it's problem with the payment I don't think it was repaid I didn't specifically look at that I went to the house right to his meeting but I see it's on the negative pitch that even in any rainstorm what is going to go down that driveway not just from the street just from the rain itself [Music] fast so there's two things right now if you could translate that to us so like her major point is after the P constructions about repavement and then you know only my house in the garage is like um damaged by water and waterers to stay there you know going nowhere and stay there and comes to my um garage but that's a serious problem so she said pretty much the same thing council members is that that she complained that after the uh repaving of whatever you feel the company it raised the pitch so exactly uh the the superintendent is saying that no matter what whether it rains a little or a lot because of the race pitch she's bound to have water com into her driveway she's going to get she's going to get some amount of water just rain forget the street if you can block the street 100% with a wall when it rains she's going to get water down that driveway same as the other side of the dupl my opinion was with this if this public service came and did work on the Block which I don't know would have to again through the mayor and councel see if they have Road Road opening permit anytime public servic has worked in the town they have to have a Road opening permit which is done to the Bor Clerk and then and then once I find out or once anybody finds out when it was done and which house what we call Public Service and they come back they have to rep okay so you were there do you see evidence that it's been raised by compare with the Curve I think it's a low point and then it's a low point and then it comes like right to the edge of her driveway according to this but it wasn't raining when I just went there so in other words I can see it's a little off okay okay so I would like to recommend that that the superintendent I'm sorry if it rains I'll talk to the uh Steve cazo when it rains it would be nice if you guys meet up on a big umbrella and see what's going on just see there was a Road opening near that address 317 Street there's Road opening so so let me just clear things out here so the first step is to see if there was a permit that was to allow to work on that street or specifically that that residential area right so if there was can we go back to PSC just saying that hey then what would happen is the bur clerk would send us the road opening Comm made a copy of we would call Public Service give them that address and say you worked on this property this date the road some we do that all day all day for people all day but we need to know Public Service worked on it and when they did did they have a Road opening perit because if not Public Service isn't going to take my word and say you work there they're going to look okay that's best I can tell okay all right you tell they going to look for the documents all right clear right yes so uh at the same time we're going to look just the here right yes ma'am ma' do you know the date when roughly uh when PSG came out 2019 2019 2019 all right well thank you very much I was here 202 okay right now you took seven more than 7 minutes we have theci you're coming here but you know what we're going to do we're going to get the engineer and and you know and the uh the the vpw to go there when it rains so take a look okay okay and uh we have you have to anybody have a contact number right good thank you thank you very much next um have you been there before no you have not no please come up name and address yes so we just want um a clear um Direction and understanding of how you want this position like you want with names address and signature yes and how many people um would you need to sign this position in order that question has started it's depends how much you going to get it's not like you know we're going to make a designated number we have a population of what 20,000 plus we have how much voters here we have what 9,000 voters register voters 7,000 7 8,000 voters you guys got to figure out how much representation you're going to bring up next time but there's not like a percentage of an exact like this is we don't know we don't we can't gauge when you guys come saying you know you have to represent us I know what US is concerning this specific B no I understand that but now I want to know like how many of us do you need in order for us to get something done well I cannot tell you that it's up to the petitioners to go you know what this should be enough to convince the going body there's no set numbers I just give you what we're working at what we have and how many voters are here on the on the council it's six because yeah everybody yeah there six plus one I only vote during the okay so you guys were the ones who denied it not exactly I I actually let it and I said if there's any objections from the governing body this is how I feel so far they've been and can I just ask why um why do you feel like it doesn't concern Pal Park when we're the ones who are paying like we're taxpayers like I pay my taxes Pal Park don't directly pay for that it's the US government uncle are you sure cuz I feel like I I could it goes up to change but we don't directly send money to for for for weapons okay okay so if I just come up with my Logistics and all of that and I send you like a how much of the Palestines partk taxpayer money goes to Israel will that will that like change shift your perspective that that has no relevance for me personally and if you guys can object you let me know you disagree but that is something that we have to pay up front in the top of the food chain we have to pay no matter what unless the federal government says you know we're done we have to that's what I'm saying like we like you just said we have to pay no matter what federal government you should go to the federal government and say stop s our P money don't interrupt me you said that our money goes directly no matter what but you guys making the decision of a cease fire that because of the war that's going on that we're paying for genocide correction sorry genocide was not mentioned all you right now now concerning the pay tax I'm telling you payment of taxes that you have talk to the Federal govern I understand that I understand that but what I'm telling you is that because we have to pay for these taxes I'm asking as a palates Park citizen or my mayor to vote for a ceas fire because our demanded taxes is going to Israel so like you said I have to go to the top of the food chain I'm going to you because you're the closest thing I can do you could you could definitely do that I'm not saying you shouldn't be here but the fact of the matter is the federal government pay now again we go back to what you want to show as a representative of the people who vote here who pay the taxes here please bring some numbers instead of saying okay here we are guys we're have five people here you have to represent Pal's Park show us what do you guys mean thank you thank you thank you anybody else sorry you been spoken anybody else please come up your name and address I'm sorry we allow only one uh I didn't speak I'm the one that came up oh oh my apologies my go ahead service to myidea that um some residents here they are speaking about and SE the fire things including local government resolution but I feel like I just as a res sitting there also mayor council were treat like we are not a humanitarian not responding to do thing it's not true I am very much support this the fire between Palestine and Israel and that was one of the biggest reason why I donate to Barney senters because each resident had their own way to send your voice to support or and I as mayor say I think that that is more better issue and I'm paist and I'm Buddhist but I do support all those anti-ar things but as a residance I'm not going to bring that issue to put it into our um resolution agenda because there is a certain way and different ways each residents each person that belong to each group has their way to do it and the mayor council has their own governing uh protocol and policies that they batt so I'm just want to say that you I agree with your idea of anti of seiz the buyer between those two countries has it been longest history of war and battle but that doesn't mean that we just just because I'm not really agreeing that idea bring brought into U the cont of of the resolution or policy you know so that doesn't mean that I against your idea please he can't do that I'm sorry she's speaking to me directly yeah yeah but then you know it's please you talk to us my apologies you should be facing towards you where you reply my apologies go ahead toce I think I think that's that different people different approach for the same okay thank you very much anybody else please come up name and address I am glad that you're looking at an anti-Semitism Bill you're anything until the state adopts a bill once it's adopted what's your next step does it go to your governance committee because they've been pretty slow it's been seven months since I began the request can I ask that or do you have any more questions not about this I have questions about what KY Bruno talked about okay so answer if you want to do a separate Q&A it's the first one if it passes the bill state legislator it it's I I would like to propose to the governing body that we create a resolution for the current redefinition of what anti-Semitism is is is is established by the state okay but you're fully aware that not everyone agrees with the state all the time so I understand what you have to do but you have understand um I've spoken to R we've we've been able to talk about things we don't agree on everything but we agree on certain things so okay different subject um with regard to a new sweeper I realize how expensive it is but I do think it is more important than benches and planters for Broad Avenue benches are a great place for alcoholics to sleep on who's going to take care of the pl is you're going to be adding more work it's a year round thing not just one or two things and power washing for Avenue why are we constantly doing Broad Avenue the amount that they pay in taxes does not amount to anything near what residents pay the other thing is lining the streets that's something I wish you would do and there are areas where no one should be parked they Park anyway so we have to have them ticketed or toad I have no problem having somebody told me um the other thing is New Jersey where still L the police New Jersey Transit buses 530 to 7:30 we have them down our street for a while the police department got on ticketing them and um it worked fairly well but they're back they probably go down brka half too but I'm worried about ours we have a lot of children they play in the streets and when there's snow on the road and they shoot down the street very dangerous um the other thing is Stephanie John bra is excellent at what he does um I've called him over time several times about things people who don't really take care of anything um and he's excellent so I hope you know you appreciate his work and that's it thank you very much uh since you're here Lieutenant Beck would you make sure follow through that Transit doesn't go into you know Road step please go ahead oh well police well Police director is right there so you know what uh Susan talked about new translate going to Rose they should reinforce it with the police department all right anybody else all all right please you're the last you're the last Custer thank you name and address 329 East columia um it was quite a bit of debate the other day the last meeting or a work session about the flags I know they're up but there was no explanation tonight of what happened you must came in a little late no I was here okay flag you need you explain why the flag wasn't was like that now before the they uh explains let me tell you my explanation for past 25 years not once CPW missed out of not putting our own American flag um to display our our pride and joy of being American Finish pleas only reason why I did that initially is because that we have our 125th anniversary the flags were installed for Memorial Day right yes they went up the second week in May we took them down on June 3rd 125th anniversary sign every year we put them up the second week in May we take them down the second week in November to put up the holiday lights we ordered a new one which I said before and then we reinstalled them again second week in May but there was oversight this time because we put up the 125th street signs they have to be 136 High same as the flag so that the trucks don't hit them but again today we reinstalled half of them so the Avenue has Flags so so the DPW replaced half of the 125th uh flag I mean what is that called it's called the uh Banner for for United States uh our flag so we alternate so we show that we have the American flag but at the same time we have to signify 125 this only happens once every 25 years yeah but then at least we listen to the public we we did put American flags in our flag I still don't understand why they're originally taken down because okay there's a clearance there's a there's a clearance there's only clearance that you only to put one type of flag there in order to put in 125th plus the American flag not only there's a lack of clearance for for trucks to pass by which cou of the the the uh the 125th uh the display got paid we have to manually put in an we we can't we have we have to put another flag somewhere that's above clearance it was very difficult for one year for one year we said listen because it's 125th we did display in Memorial Day now we did half and half if we're going to do it just for one year put it our American flag in our 125th we'll have to somewh figure out to spend some more taxpayers money for one okay but why not get an answer we had over here at the bur brand new one second week in May put up put another on the department same day we did the library the same day and we did 911 so we are very patriotic town like the mayor said this is every 25 years that you have something like this here I had to make a decision to have to go 136 or above so the trucks don't hit them but I can't put the Flames any higher than be on the light and I I understand that I'm sorry for interrupting I understand that but why did we not know the answer because we had to talk with the DPW we said sir we said that we give you an answer today we did I mean you don't understand why we we decided that you know we'll p on 25th and we listen to the people hey you could still we still need American flags there and we did it I know I know UND did first okay thank you all right may I have a motion to close to public want to make a motion to close the public may have a second all in favor you have a motion to close the session make a motion M second second all in favor all thank you very much guys --------- i' like to call the regular meeting to order this is a work session of the mayor council and notice was given as follows I'm sorry regular session my apologies sometimes I just read the script um notice was filed on January 4 2024 with the Bergen Record in new Ork Star Ledger both official speak of the bur the notice was posted on board at the B Hall and website copy is preserved at CL office a pledge of allegiance and moment of silence brought to you by Council Lee [Music] flag thank you please may counc here coun coun yes here administrator let's let's go straight with the introduction of Wars introduction of ordinance ordinance number 2024 on ordinance for authorization for improvement of policies glob post two any questions C council members all right second meeting please goe with the second meting okay secondary public hearing ordinance ordinance 20248 audiance number 3- 41.4 multi family residential in a a r district and the any questions yeah this is the one that 20248 um we would like to put this on table please yeah IID like to make a motion to put this on the table reason why being is the the proper procedure that was St by councelor Roth is that the the planning board have to meet with our B planner special attorney and also the planning board attorney to get a consensus of vote by the planning board to approve this before it brings it up to our our ordinance so we're still stuck in ordinance reading number one and we'll continue on after we going after they approve um doing the ordinance second a motion good first and a second roll Council Jan yes Council Kim yes Council Le yes Council men yes counc yes coun yes okay the AI 2024 binance for authorization for improvement of oh I'm sorry is a second reading ordinance 2028 ordinance number 3- 41.4 multif Family residential in AA residential district in the uh the ordinance was table next ordinance please ordinance 2020 for9 establishment of salary for year 2024 we have we have our honorable CFO could you please come up to uh ask to to you know answer some some of the council members questions coun members any questions no one El questions Council didn't you have a questioning this no I have I do have a question um the library usually Library design right the range the ordinance the numbers yes came from the library in January and now we are codified I'm sorry I get a little confused here orance 20249 is supposed to be the establish establishments of salaries correct yes not the range range okay got it thank you any questions on ordinance 202 24-9 no all right um somebody make a motion I make a motion to accept ordinance 20249 thank you may have a second I have have before oh wait a minute we do have to have a public hearing yes councelor thank you very much thank you for counting that may I have a motion to uh uh uh to have a open meeting public meeting concerning passing the second or uh second meing of ordinance 2024 d-9 I want to make a motion may have a second second all in favor I guys you have three minutes concerning questions or comments concerning specifically on ordinance 202 24-9 yes please please uh come up your name and address very this is salary ranges not actual individual salaries so it's ranges and you've been through it and it's fine that's all thank you anybody else I have a motion to close the public participation forance 2024 uh 9 may have a second all in favor I may have a motion to pass ordinance 24-9 I make a motion to accept ordinance 20249 thank you may have a second I'll second thank you roll call Council J yes Council K yes Council Lee Yes Council men yes Council V yes Council yes notice is hereby given that the foring ordinance 20249 was approved for final adoption by mayor council of the bable policies at a regular meeting held on June 24th 2024 at 6 p.m. a copy of the origin will be posted on the bulletin board in The Bard Hall and will be available at the office of the B CL thank you next ordinance please ordinance of 20201 amendment of chapter 84 intitled alcohol beverage to modify the per uh permissible hours for sales delivery and the acceptable forms of identification and maximum fines for violation within the B thank you we had uh quite a few in depth discussion about this that was productive any more additional questions or comments counc council members I please if I can ask the attorney I'm understanding this right this applies to pavs also yes okay so at 10:00 The Tavern stops if I got off work at 10:00 and I walked into the tavern and I wanted to buy a sixpack to go home I can't do that no you'd have to consume it on premises that would be an off premise consumption sale and that's limited and they' have to close those sales at 10 you do realize that years ago they had this same thing state with 10:00 and they would be selling contain is that a legal question that's what I'm I mean I've reviewed this ordinance I provided my opinion to Mayor and counil that the ordinance compes with laws state if I go he had contain would be plastic contain used to be cardboard wax and you could f up at 10:00 you could buy a container of V be a court container of vle not to leave premises two different of licenses if I'm correct ABC uh if I if just just just your question maybe you could answer it uh Police director are you here yeah could you please come up and uh maybe clarify his questions I know what he's saying but I don't think there's anything illegal according to the state he's talking about back in the days the tabern which is only for in premise sell seeing that they used to back in the days put it in cardboards out no idea six packs and then and then they sell it outside does that affect that too you say yeah they can't sell it that would be any any sales that they do they can't sell after 10:00 in premises and out premises no our PR is 10 yeah 2 has anybody spoken to any of the tavernes because I believe you're going to have a lot of appeals on this from the T right right you we had this conversation there was a about between two good points one saying that we should get the Chamber of Commerce involved um you know we should you know get those input involved and the other the council uh women Le said that is granted however we're here to take care of the best of the residen here first and that would definitely reduce the the the uh you know being drunk on after hours and you know whole chain of issues car accidents and whatnot so we we know about this yeah can I make one yes please go ahead so I did have a chance to speak to the president of the CH Chamber of Commerce so little L please I did have an opportunity to speak to the president of the Chamber of Commerce so they are are they are notice so if they have anything to say they're free to come tonight and share their opinions and second thing that I want to mention is the reason why we distinguish between off premise consumption which means you take the alcohol with you and drink it where wherever you want to drink it versus on premise consumption is that when you're drinking on premise the business owner of that premise is responsible for the reasonable care of the people who are in their premise so that's the distinguishing feature between the two types of consumption okay I have another question the president of the Chamber of Commerce yes is he a tabern on that's why is it relevant why is it relevant of course if he T he does not only represent the tavern owners he should be representing understand but if somebody owns a t they have a right if did he explain it to all the owners you know just because you're a president of the Chamber of Commerce a person that owns a Tavern would understand it more because it's a it's going to affect his light so as a business owner in paly's park I think it's also their responsibility to participate in activities like Chamber of Commerce and be part of the community they want to be on notice of all the things that are going on in town okay I see more okay um counselor um counselor VRI said there's going to be a lawsuit coming after this I want to ask you again and you did answer I want to make it clear that under IND statute and also ABC rules and regulations we are under compliance by by correct this is in compliance with the rules and regulations outlined by the state statutes and CER you are also on notice of this ordinance for two months now you could have told us have an order to come tonight and share their opinion you're presenting this I'm not presenting this you're making presentation giv my opin un all right guys thank you I think we got this but I want to make sure on record that the the proposition and and opinion of the two council members said that you know what you should have talked with for you know store orders or the Chamber of Commerce I I think the Chamber of Commerce was the fastest way to do it especially when we're in our second reading um it was this how about how about you don't talk how come you didn't talk to Tavern is additional request I just want to make a note of that but both of them have a very good point anybody else all right may have a motion to close and open to the public I make a motion thank you may have a second all in favor all great you guys have three minutes concerning this specific ordinance about reducing theal uh uh time hours from Poli Park come up your name and address does this mean that bars have to close at 10 can I yes please go ahead the bars they sell alcohol for on premise consumption right so that would not be subject to the 10 p.m. rule but rather 2 a.m. rule so after 2: a.m. they will not be able to sell alcohol at the bars because I know we had this that had a from three to six never about let's say someone gets off the bus and they want to buy a six and take it home they just come home from work they can't walk out of a grocery store or a bar with a sixpack that's what it sounds like to me well I I'll tell you this right now this these hours are not it's not like we're rein these hours are actually enforcing many other towns and I think reduction of how many hours 1 hour for bars yeah for bars we're just trying to curve the excessive amount of drunk people outside people who want to go for that extra beer around 10:00 after 10:00 and it's that's only for it's only for off premise uh you know uh what call it thing on premise you can do until what time was it 2 until 2 a we're not which which is very similar to other towns where they're doing it matter of fact it encourages because other surrounding towns are are enforcing the same thing that we're trying to establish because we have the extra hour there is there is there is a reason to believe that people that want to drink come to our town for that extra hour and we're not saying there will not be any you know adverse consequence as a result of this we're saying there are more benefits that we what happens you walk into the bar drink there walk out for a little bit and walk back into the bar again to drink that's that's that's prise they can yes it's also not too drunk if they're drunk and swiving away and say give me another shop Arend they should stop it this one of the reasons why we have the resolutions for recomending so and they recomend do the boss have to ad to it oh yes so in other words during the afternoon they can buy all the six packs they want well drunk to buy more but the thing is this there's a confusion you don't usually go to the tabern or bar nowadays to buy a six-pack in a in a in a box you would have to drink so there's a little bit about you know the way people drink has changed but isn't it safer if someone were to buy a sixpack and drink in their own home rather than walk then you would go to the bar you go to the off premise the problem we're addressing we're trying to address people who go into the lipor store and and drink on street or they drink in their car and TR and cause problems in our town we're not we're not trying to address people who are just trying to you know have a drink at home they could drink they could buy the alcohol during the regular hours the point I'm trying to make is if they come home late they can't even bu the beer to drink at home how late are we talking about how often do we come when say it's 10:00 versus 11:00 you would be surprised you don't well well I understand your point of view can they earlier is that it yeah I was just going to say in other words on our holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving new for the holidays yeah for for Sunday New Year's Day New Year Eve Christmas Eve there are Exceptions there are exceptions during special special H thank you anybody else concerning this please come up name and address Aven really really excited to see this in place I'm happy that is approval um I'm looking how our town is kind of Dr people in the street and I'm been coming here and um you know concern about that hopefully this is a light and dark that we've been having with this I'm very very happy to see that we are coming for the problem that we going on and um you know if you going to drink it's 10:00 you're going to plan and buy it in advance if you really going to drink at your home so that's not going to prevent some people to have a party we're going to plan in advance I think this is great way to people not to P just walk in and drink and leave the the can the bottle and be drunk and we have to take it to the mergency I'm really really really happy about this and great job is thank you very much thank you thank you anybody else okay may I have a motion to please call it's only for the ordinance on alcohol bever beverages 2024 d10 good we have a motion to close the public for public participation I want to make a motion to close public participation thank you may have a second second all in favor may have a motion to pass ordinance 2024 d10 alcoholic beverages I want to make a motion to pass 20241 may I have a second please Second Great roll call Council Jen yes Council King yes Council Le yes Council men yes Council v no council yes notice is hereby given that the foro ordinance 202 10 was approved for final adoption by the mayor council of the bable p park at a regular meeting called on June 24 2024 at 6 p.m. a copy of the ordinance will be posted on the Bon board in the B Hall and it will be available at the office of the B CL thank you last but not least ordinance please ordinance 2020-1 further amendment of chapter 84 entitle Alum devices to modify the application fee to each owner of an Alum system within the B we had this discussion before any any additional questions comments all right all right may I have a motion to close and open to the public thank you may have a second all in favor thank you you have three minutes concerning specifically on ordinance [Music] I have a motion to pass ordinance 2024 d11 I'll make a motion to accept ordinance 2024 d11 thank you m have a second second roll call Council J yes Council Kim counc yes counc yes coun V yes counc yes notice is hereby given that the foregoing orence 20241 was approved for the final adoption by the mayor council of the borrow policies and regular meeting held on June 24th 2024 at 6 p.m. a copy of the ordinance will be posted on the Bon board in the B Hall and it will be available at the office of the B clock thank you Bor clerk let's move on for the consent agenda Okay resolution 2020 for 161 through resolution 2020 for 191 any questions or concerns council members coun would you would you like to explain in um some some cations for the council members before we decide on resolution 2024 D16 sorry yeah we have a hearing schedule for tonight for a liquor license violation um earlier today there was an email that I had sent to the clerk that was forwarded to the mayor and Council regarding a possible resolution of this matter so I would ask the council to please comment now let us know if you would agree and consent to resolve it as recommended and if so we can we can proceed to get Mr John and his client out of here quickly if that's possible thank you Council would you be so kind to summarize there's lots of pages I did review it but then it is a little bit a little bit dense for you know because this was we weren't working on this on the work session what our recommendations what are recommendations for this recommendations would be to accept the guilty plea from the liquor license holder uh which would be stay uh pending submission to the ABC and the ABC would be requested to implement a financial penalty uh as opposed to a um uh suspension of a license for a maximum of 15 days which is what's currently uh uh which the license holder is currently facing at this time thank you what is you what is the reasoning why you don't want to implement suspension days oh based upon number one this involves this is not a paper violation this is an actual observation violation where the the license holder is um is charged with serving an intoxic person so the proof level and the requirement the effort cost of of on on the part of the burrow in uh having that hearing would be somewhat expensive time consuming and so on um it is typically done that a license holder who is facing his first and second violation this would be the first violation for this license holder um uh would be um generally offered this type of uh an accommodation um and it would also work out for the benefit of the license holder not to have to shut down for 15 days which would be an economic uh difficulty um but would also endure to the benefit of the burrow to receive some uh some compensation for for the violation so Council We are following public procedures and letting ABC handle handle that portion yes that's the way works ABC decides the monetary uh amount you speak oh I'm sorry yes I did discuss this with the prosecutor Carlson uh Carlton he does agree uh we discussed it we both came to the same conclusion any questions C council members I have a question so the reason why this is raised proposed as a resolution is because of settlement am no typically there would be hearing okay so they violate so there is a hearing about why that actually coming as a resolution here so what do we approve isn't isn't that the normal procedure is when they violate something there is some police report and then they go to prose office or whatever the court and they decide well it's look I'm sorry coun yeah so so I'm just to you know ask a question clarify I mean I need a clarification why this is coming to the you know governing body as a resolution what is what what am I missing okay ABC liquor license violations are the jurisdiction is before the mayor and councel to decide whether or not to uh the hearing would be before the mayor and Council so the hearing would be here it wouldn't be in the municipal court so the decision is whether or not we want to hold the hearing have the municipal prosecutor come with all his Witnesses and present the testimony have the defendant present their testimony uh and go through that long process or we can resolve it up front in a way that I believe it's economically feasible and anable and and judicious I got because it's their first uh strike correct use our first stries we don't give them suspension of of our sales you to the ABC any other questions concerning the resolutions there's a lot of here guys oh yes oh gez uh counselor I would like to make a motion to table as well the resolution 1708 which is the authoriz authorization B forline system repair maintenance we're still in the midst of trying to things out we finally found out who installed those old uh wiring systems so we need to the the Bal ba and and and and Poli manager and they have to meet with the the service provider to find out if you could fix it and also the details of how we um are inclined by by agreement we're inclined to install new equipment so there's a lot of questions that the governing body would like to ask so I'd like to make a motion to table this which one 178 178 thank you should we no table table Yeah I need a motion would you like to start the motion yeah I'll make a motion to table resolution 20241 178 thank you may have a second I'll second call Council Jen yes Council King yes Council yes Council men yes Council VRI yes Council yes okay 202478 was table do anything that we have to table else question yeah go ahead so our 162 is done no I need to know from mayor council whether or not there's an an agreement to approve the settlement or not all right so then um actually I want to make a motion um to take it as a what's advis to the settlement to the to accept the settlement yes we're talking about the alcohol right yes okay2 so we'll put it all together at the end any other questions about the resolutions Council one you did you have a question concerning the the uh no no no we're still working on the consent agenda um then I want to go to uh my question for 164 164 Medicare part coverage me 165 is a salary or compensation for employ 2024 165 yes our CFO still here is there any questions concerning that all right um I found out [Music] about for the library salary actually the library director's salary has gone up 11.11% uh last year the salary was 92,7 and this year it is 103,000 so uh and also there's a library employee 6 the distribution for um it was 29 , 49389 and this year it became 34,000 which is not so much amount but the increase wise 15% 28% so um and um when uh you know M miss one councilwoman asked you question about like how the salaries work for the library they are executing it since January 1st right right there would be the exception which you just announced would be the director's salary which is a contract it is not a um contractual with the white col if I may the contract sorry to but the contract is right now being worked upon correct and the contract comes from the library board which is autonomous and also the attorney and the and their attorney and they know what we do here is we disclose to the public those salaries in the ordinance we do not have input in that say okay as far as I could know that that they will follow the rules of of what everybody's getting there shouldn't be any the new new uh contract you should be 15 20% or what you mention should be all equal because usually uh the school boards even to the superintendent uh if we set up for 3% increase for the whole teachers uh directors supervisors and um vice vice principls and even to the superintendent when we say 3% increase it's applying to everyone um universally so for the library did we get a new director for the library no I believe this is the third year of or the fourth year of the contract so it's in the contract was before you or even I myself was involved with the LI so then they have a special contract saying uh they will have 11.11% increase every year or something like that it should be it should be disclosed which it is here and again it's because of the contract for the individual the workers themselves follow most of the time if I may the white collar contract and that was why I made that statement of 3% and I stand behind it with the exception of course with the direct C yeah uh director uh Library director contract according to contract is a 3% but looks like last December the board has decided she must did a great job and to increase this 11% and that was you know informed to the borrow right so you know so CFO and our finance folks is just to follow what the board decide I see process wise is all you know that's the process but something that i' like to proposed though is uh I mean the library folks is already their salary in with the increase is already effective since January while the borrows employees they are actually will be detected after weor right so so is it something that we can align can we ask them to align counil you in Council Jen realized that in the library all their contract and and start at the same time yeah so try to figure out if we could all align them together when they create their new contract with with our schedule that would be up to the library board not us yeah so we can ask we can request to the library to the library okay so so I mean you know with this the recommendation from the governing body I'm going to actually talk to them so even if their decision May DEC it same time as good okay thank you all right thank thank you any more questions on 165 cuz after this Ro is going to go so 165 the bills the claims and also the range we're all good with that right now the range just been pass so we just got to do the exact salary we okay with 16 165 everything else oh I have a question there is no there you go you forgot about that could you please explain so so Mr from this list even though we don't have a person you know F that position that salary um but except the borrow clock what happened was on the EXA salary uh you know that's isue of salary right we wegot to put in a slot for oral clerk it was never that that position was never abolished you should be part of it that's what she saying on this you always amend that mayor to a resolution I actually should amend it right now you do an amendment can we do an amendment right now sure add to add the uh the salary for the base salary for the B sure we know what the range is could you give us the range later yeah what do you know right now yeah we have okay what's the range weend right now the salary is in the ranges in the salary but we don't currently have a clerk that's why it's not in but it is in the ranges so when you hire someone there a two separate right so the basis salary right you don't see it in here but you do see it in the Bas salary R so it's still in this it's in the the D9 ordinance yes when we uh when we have chance to hire later on down down the future right problem to to [Music] hire and again you can always do a resolution and amend uh ordinances as well and that's why we did the range mayor two it separate that's why you have that control thank you we were we were we were wrong sorry good all right I think you guys are good could the finance f with these ex everybody okay with Finance Finance questions for this month thank you very much guys have a good night thank you any more questions concerning the consent resolutions yes I have one on 170 7 I have one on 182 170 and 172 okay please go ahead counc Council well first of all I'd like to point out if the police director has any kind of writing and in like the chief of police if you go into the police manual tell you the chief of police is responsible for this that that that Captain is in charge of doing this this and that long Lieutenant a sergeant patrolman is there any Ral regulations that the police director has in writing thank you for the question number one what's the number two the number two is I don't understand I understand that hiring of a police records Clerk but I don't understand the assistant to the Police director without any kind of rules regulations that he has to follow okay it doesn't make sense because the chief on down to the trollman has his schedule that he has follow okay I'd just like to know does he have it if he doesn't okay I think you should also hiring of the police $42,000 the record C I understand but the assistant to the uh Police director okay good those are very good questions Council um I I concerning your question about RS and responsibilities or duties for the director Mike Richi has no relevance to resolution 20247 170 however the the the directors over here to come here and explain to answer that question concerning do you know your duties and responsibilities and roles as a director because the chief should know as well that has no relevance to resolution 20241 70 20 uh to to answer the question about 2024 71st uh ba right here would like to say something because you are the head manager here why you think that the the uh the director needs a secretary parttime secretary and after that I would like the director to come up and explain by himself why he needs it thank you well I I believe that this person should be hired and it's going to Ser te purposes one is the record CL which is definitely needed and also the the workload that the police director has and it will be expanded needs to uh needs an assistant for that position too and that will only be on a part-time basis that's not going to be the majority of the work majority of the work is Police director will be expand news understood understood um uh Police director would you come over here and explain the reason why that you request that you need a part-time secretary I know you need you and also like like R VA stated what are you expanding of your roles in your responsibilities thank you well the the assistance to me is is going to have a number of tasks one of the tasks going to be I'm looking at getting the department accredited and I want this person to spearhead the accreditation I talked with our insurance carriers they're willing to front the money for accreditation which we once we get accredited we'll have insurance savings which will pay them back through that saving so there'll be no out of pocket cost for the gr second of all I want this individual to do research as you know the contract for the collective bargaining agreement with at prman and um and sergeants captains and lieutenants is expired at the end of this coming year I want this person to start doing research as far as different terms and conditions of employment in the contract that we may want to look at changing or proposing to in the collective barue grant for the end of the year um since the Police director is a parttime position I thought it was best to to give tasks like that to the record's clerk that's why the record's clerk has three um under the requirements and has ability resarch and has to deal with Police Department's stop right there a second can I gu you this this clerk has police experience this this this this clerk has previous police experience um um researching Chief contracts okay but you was the police officer no police off no you don't need to be a police offic to to to investigate police officer contracts I did it for 30 years can understand okay sorry and how about the rules and regulations that you have to follow that's a secondary question that I'm sorry interrupt that has no relationship with the resolution he's asking you a separate question about do you know your rules and regulations and roles responsibilities as as a director the roles of the director if you look at your and you look at the bu code it outlines the duties and responsibilities of the director okay all right thank any more questions for the Police director thank you any more questions about the resolutions consent resolutions 182 182 yes go ahead with 182 yes yes it was 172 is that side that will be the roof the Board website will be 182 182 182 182 yes as we explained this week my question is to do this individ $122,000 yes we're actually going to save tons of money we're going to take full control and the expedit C and the uh in the uh how we could have control and also make it more streamlined and more efficient and be less would be much less costly than the current current uh service service uh deal that we have with the a vendor outside vendor what this is going to create is we're going to have control of our website won't cost any of us any any money instead of the current vember which require money to change content for example on average the current vender cost about $330,000 just to change context and ramp the uh ramp the uh the website and being a Web Master you could do it for a very nomal price for the upfront fee and then after that it will cost maybe a couple hundred a month so we're saving a lot of money and we're having control of our own website which also opens up the fact that there's other websites in the B that's really not implemented into our main website such as the recreation police or whatever yeah we could definitely Implement that if possible so it's efficient cost effective we see mind thank you any more questions concerning the resolutions may have a motion to approve the resolution oh you go resolution 2024 161 through resolution 2024 91 except resolution 2024 d178 thank you that was table we have a motion you guys are so he's a passenger on side first and a [Music] second Council J yes Council Kim yes Council yes Council me yes Council vory I'm voting yes and no on uh resolution 170 1822 okay 170 182 182 yes and one counil one I say Yes except to 166 and I'll say no on 166 166 and what else that's it just res 166 now okay okay so how do we do this if they take out those how do we vot on this resol they the majority on record okay uh Council reports Council one you would you like to start first we had a library board meeting and now we have a new for children and children area now so they actually clean up all the mue which is under the the carpet and then F and has inst thank you very much good coun thank you Council what council oh Council kid totally forgot sorry about that right I thank you she got report thank you Council uh okay uh I'm actually working with the uh the police department uh for the traffic plan uh which is going to be involve uh better uh better view coming from from you know you know where the uh all the accident happening right now one of those uh area where the most accident is is involving right now so myself and a director police chief and a captain and including the uh the RO superintendent uh Mr G went to uh uh those areas uh trying to find out what's the the ramit in to get a better view so we're working on a uh traffic plan right now to get uh those vehicle get a better view where they're trying to cross uh south to North North to South uh you know those incoming traffic from east to west you barely can't see some of those streets so we're working on a plan right now so I'll probably get that plan um completed by by the uh next month's work session maybe I I'll do my best uh trying to get the thing done thank you thank you that that would definitely e the uh multiple acents that we have dangerous sections yeah we were going to wait for the the county report but you know you might as well whatever we can done from the Bor side now waiting for the county to get the answer for us let's get it done so we're good idea thank you we've been waiting for the council the county report for too long it's been about a year or so I give up on them already thank you very much Council Council J yes um I invited Mr Ken Bruno Ken Bruno yeah from DPW superintendent great yeah Ken Brun is our superintendent please come up and uh give us a nice support even you got a clap from John Min all right two subjects we wanted to touch on one was street signs we've had a lot of street signs we fact did replaced 17 signs first 15 days of this month those include um ored side parking stop signs in addition to that we just ordered uh 31 name signs for the streets okay we identified with the help of John Growler as well and other people what street signs were missing okay uh the process took a little longer than we thought because each sign has a different holder for the top to place two signs so by the time we got the hardware they said it should be delivered within uh 3 weeks okay and we'll start assembling them second thing is uh the mayor and Council asked me to look for power washing for Broad Avenue because some of these sidewalks are pretty tough we have a company recommended by the town of Fort Lee meeting me Thursday and we're going to take a walk through Broad Avenue let them give us a price and I'll give it to councel Jang you know to bring to bring up here we're also putting more garbage containers on Broad Avenue okay um the DPW well the DPW picks up the garbage every morning okay but we have a guy out there blowing every day the loose garbage so with the mayor and Council ordered more uh garbage containers they'll have them delivered to the DPW then we'll work with counc Chang uh as to where to place them also uh they ordered more benches so for the people on Broad Avenue sometimes you can go a pretty good distance without a place to sit down okay like we have the benches out here you ordered some nice looking benches again they'll come to the DPW also uh the mayor uh has instructed us and again has ordered Planters okay which kind of beautifies the Avenue we have them out here but again all along BR Avenue really trying to just enhance BR Avenue some people probably noticed that we have the 125th anniversary signs up okay um and we have Flags every other one is an alternate is is an American flag because we have the Fourth of July uh coming up and let's see also this is a a pretty good one public service was in my office about two weeks ago and public service what they they're coming to do starting the 1 of July till the end of the year is starting on Broad Avenue going all the way to 14th Street every uh tree that's in their power lines they're cutting it below the power line that's going to really help us because when hurricane season starts you get a lot of trees come down one tree comes down could take out 10 houses uh for power so again you're going to see them starting the 1st of July Monday to Friday you know they didn't give you an exact time but generally the way they're going to do it is when you have the um no parking in front of your house for that four hours they'll be working on that on that block okay so that's where we are uh pretty much right now um again anybody who has any questions for DPW please I mean you can just reach out to us you know so of the people here have reached out to us um our numbers online so all I can say is if you have any questions or comments or need anything done just pick up the phone you still have to wait the participation will come out okay Mr bro if you can't wait uh if you can wait um during Public public participation so you can answer some questions not right now mad um I I just like to add one more thing did you mention about the uh beta project for Highland how we're going to draw lines please I'm sorry that's one thing I did forget good thing he reminds me what they did was they had a burrow engineer go out and look at to do a beta test for parking spaces if you notice now parking spaces especially on Highland Avenue which is the first block they're doing they're trying to maximize the parking spaces by lining them okay um um usually that would be something that would fall into the DPW but my recommendation to the mayor was we don't have the proper equipment what they do is they roll the line down then they they torch it it last two three four years whereas if we paint it as soon as we put salt on it it'll be gone so we'll be doing it every year but the beta test is going to be on Highland Avenue okay oh and one other thing also we've identified some streets with the mayor's help that they're going to repave that's in the process now still with Steve Kaza B engineer to put out all the specs okay so thank you all right um concerning concerning why we have to address it with Steve colazo our engineer and also our CFO and the Gover body is that in the past practice we don't want to increase the taxpayers money so what we do is every year we will try to find appliable grants whether from do or whatnot to PVE roads so we could you know lessen the burden of taxpayers money but there are certain roads that do not qualify ever for do grants to repay roads such as dead ends we're stacking up some some quite a few dead ends and everybody's a taxpayer everybody needs to be representative so we need to find out with the CFO and also the engineer which one we could apply for grass which not we're going to have to find other means to finance it because those guys been behind a long time thank you you're welcome um thank you and I still have to go on oh I'm sorry that's right thank you so much and um actually um we had a problem uh when we had agenda meeting uh a couple of U residents came and said yes you know some houses are really um out of you know um care so so some weeds are growing and you know they they don't really care about their loans so um I sent an email and U Mr grala replied and he said he's been issuing the tickets and U many hous he got it but he cannot really go to the you know mo L moving or he cannot help anything by himself so um he's giving out the tickets and um the house owners he was asking me to tell at the meeting that um he does his job very well I'm sure that under this heat you know uh with the hot days he's going around still looking into many different houses if they're taking care of their houses and uh our Town's beautification matters but um all he could do is issuing the ticket and bring them to the court but uh as of a resident you know please take care of your house and around your house um clean the garbages you know the large ones especially some of the houses he sent me pictures and uh it looked really horrible you know so um and I don't know how we can further um uh enforce uh you know our rules and regulations for beautifying which houses but uh please take care of your um house around your house and DPW as Mr Bruno said we're going to cut the trees down for safety matters and everything will be publicly taken care of too so I'm really thankful for U Mr Gala his doing his best of work as well and also for the town pool thank you so much mayor uh we made a good rooftop for the Pavilion and the pump house that was really behind for the work for many years and also uh today finally we're making the deal with the uh snack bar so hopefully these people will do a good job and open the snack bar ASAP and uh Karen the pool manager did a great job and he already she already overachieved the sales as well you know for the revenue for a pool uh that was 25,000 more achieved than last year at this time so thank you so much I would like to really add it's not mind doing it's actually a council J that actually proactively bugged the crap out of me making sure the polls S Bar opens this year I want to congratulate you just one more thing if you don't mind because you're part of DPW there's a do do remember