good thank you all right um all right guys let's see what's in the what's on the menu for tonight we have introduction of ordinance could you read the ordinance please 2024 number 3414 a any questions about this ordinance introduction okay good all right good um I have a motion to pass this resolution make a motion to uh pass introduce ordinance the introduce the ordinance 2020 for that sh thank you yes District yeah no no question just intruction so so council members you guys have an opportunity after pass you know after voting on this to review yeah and then then ask questions me or Ro I like question no you can't do that right now oh the public okay please ask a question last time we had a agenda meeting I believe this was the re but now repeal repeal is same thing so once once we all pass even for the last uh reading and then uh the New Jersey state law will take well this this particular comes off um what we call spot ordinance it's targeted for one area probably not know why it's out there but it's probably not enforcable so we we're asking to repeal it to get so according to the cases um relating to the that will Beed by JY State thank you so much any more questions last work session I would asking our coun that or anybody that which area in park is affected by all right the property uh locations point the ordinance are um Grand Avenue Commercial Avenue or East Columbia Avenue East Columbia from Broad Street to rth and access to par from on the streets um granded Grand commercial it's the properties that front either Grand Avenue Commercial Avenue or East Columbia Avenue on East Columbia Avenue specifically East colia from broad to rock col East Columbia East Columbia from Broad Avenue to raw and also all parts of Grand Avenue all parts of Commercial Avenue any more questions again you can review it you can discuss it pass well it's the it's the the the is just being repealed there's no change to it we're just taking it out when we when we do when we did the ordinance it's just a cross out but I canide any more questions before roll call Council J yes Council Kim no council Lee Yes Council yes CC V abolutely Council yes okay notti uh ordinance 20248 was approved and the notice is here by given that Orin 20248 was introduced and the passed on first reading at of the mayor council h on April 22nd 2024 and Order published in accordance with the law said ordinance will be considered for final reading and adoption at a meeting held on May 27 2024 at 6 pm. in the council chambers at which time all persons interest interested may appear for or against the passage of said ordinance a copy of the ordinance will be posted on the Bon board in the Bor Hall and it will be available at the office of the Bor Club thank you all right next I believe is a second reading public hearing for go ahead Orin 20246 amendment of chapter 84 entitle Alum devices to modify the application fee to each owner of an Alum system within the B any questions before we vote on this that means if anybody have a like fire alarm or any other alarm system they still have to register and pay for the feed we always did it we just that according to other Town standard our our fee is way too low it's the fee we always had the we're just changing the fee we not changing anything else other than increasing the fee just increasing yes do you know how much much 10 to 20 10 to it used to be $10 but raising it to 25 25 is a yearly yes yes Year yes what happens times still $25 yes yes believe so yes believe so we know is in the back as question okay Council we're not changing that portion of the ordinance but section 80- 23 deals with penalties for alarms uh no false alarm I can read for you no false alarm shall occur when an alarm makes a t call indic testes in progress um for the second first second and third false alarms no fee will be assessed a property owner shall be notified by the chief of police uh or a designate representative for fourth fifth sixth FAL alarms an administrative fee of $50 will be charged for all subsequent FAL ons an administrator charg of $100 for for the call that that has not changed no give me the information yes sir I don't have well that this section would be we're not we're not changing not changing 20 section 23 section 24 that's your answer anybody else anybody else all right roll call oh yeah I'm sorry yes oh have may have a motion to open to the public have a motion make motion have a second all in favor go ahead public questions about speciic 20 24-6 all right may have a motion to close the public session want to make a motion to close the public session have a second all in favor great so uh uh we have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 D6 I make a motion to adopt ordinance 2026 D 24-6 second please Council Jan yes Council Kim yes Council Lee Yes Council M yes Council Rich no council yes good yeah did you read the next one okay ordinance 20247 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation the limit and to the establish of c b NJ 48 44514 um any questions about ordinance 20247 no all right um I have a motion to open to the public make a motion have a second second all in favor all all right to the public any questions concerning specifically 2024 D7 I have a motion to close the public session make a motion to close you have a second all in favor I roll call to to oh yeah I'm sorry may have a motion to uh to accept ordinance pass ordinance 20247 um may have a motion make a motion to um to pass 20247 ordinance second roll call Council Jan yes Council Kim no council Lee Yes Council M yes counc no counc yes next will be the off consent resolution 2024 d129 adoption of a 2024 Municipal budget I would like to call up our Roy our CFO and about this Municipal budget before you begin I want to say thank you very much again you pull you through the last minute I appreciate that go ahead so the budget um is exactly what we did on introduction the average on the home is going to be $191 and that's on an average assessment of 75655 last month you did not have these numbers as we were awaiting final from the board of Taxation on the assessment it's now complete and those are your final numbers the tax point for reference for the uh residents is $391,900 the tax um that's really uh mayor council of and now open for hearing public has every right to say yes no questions now would be please yeah we just want to move up a resolution 2024 130 we'd like to move that up uh out of order and uh get that resolution up for a vote prior to the final adoption so we just want to make a note of that now you say Bud understand that bud appreciate that right now hearing first corre finish that and then we'll go into public has um though you all have to stay yeah F yeah F committee would you like say something about this uh budget one thing I noticed that this um AUD details has not been posted on the website so I really don't know how many of the residents have a chance to take a look at the numbers okay that's that's prise we need to talk specifically for the questions I they have and because you're working for this budget and to answer your question about displaying the budget we'll display when it's complete we're not complete yet um please wait um uh Council on you what would you you work on with the CFO I mean this U you know I wanted not increase but that's you know understand that it's not possible so I think our CFO did a really you know good job trying to minimize as much as he could U but still we have $191 increase for the municipal por I that's Rel Rel um I also know that that maal number we're hoping for is around Bel lower 170 and change but because the assessment came out higher than expected it went up the value the property here which is I guess a good thing back here any questions yes go ahead I have a that include the school taxes no does that includ does that include the County taxes no do we have a estimate on either one no what so what would you if you want to give it I'm asking what would you say that the taxes are going well not just not just this I'm saying just you've been doing this for many years so I'm guessing that they're going to go up over $800 that's what my guess maybe a th000 with a big wow we have some $191 right so if if you wanted wallpark the county it be about $81 uh the county open space actually went down $3 uh the school is going to go up about 144 and the library is going to go up 22 the total including the municipal tax rate would be approximately $435 69 on the average month 7565 assessed not fair market okay um I would like to add that we always counting our budget side Municipal side we don't control the school we don't control the library we don't control the county we don't control the increase assessment of the properties that the residents in joint we always did it our our budget you know that's that's their budg that's true any questions I agree with you mayor except the fact I think the tax is going go up get the people pass should be aware of that all right any more questions right I have a motion to adopt 20 oh so sorry have a motion to open to the public I want to make a motion to open to the public all in favor sorry about that please go ahead and want to talk about the budget is the school tax mayor uh uh please come up please come up name address of course thank you thank you Michael 2 Avenue House Park is um the questions open to also the school tax is that we are able to ask about the school tax specifically during this period depends on your question sir we we don't control the school tax we don't know what that necessarily is until the budget the school board passes their budget okay because there's a portion of it I was curious where that money is going to and why regarding the schools is it for maintenance new students new teachers new staff that would be that we have no literally zero by by by Authority statute we have no control that was question that's why no no it's a good it's a good fair question no no fair question question thank you anybody else so the public understands with the school seems to be a lot of questions about the school budget the school budget uh the actual document is called a or F that's going to be filed between May 10th and May 15th at the bur clerk's office that would be the official document from the school business administrator who would be giving it to the clerk and then that would go to board taxation at that moment then that goes to the board and then your tax bill would then uh processed for August first pay if I may um the there is a separate school board has to have a separate budget presentation which I believe should have been done already so the they they have um some kind of easy easy budgets called or something like that which they have to post on their on their website so you can do that and you you they should have a spreadsheet a summary spreadsheet of where a pie chart that's what goes where salaries Insurance already decided yeah sorry sir their budget's already decided uh I believe it's already been presented by St thank you any more public questions we have a motion to close the public section Ro please come on up your name please come up your name and address come up thank you we may have an answer here she 27 is Central actually I'm not here as a group member but I just give you a brief answer to that unfortunately we have not had our budget yet our budget hearing is May May mayth 630 in ECC and we only have a tenative budget that we submit to the uh County Superintendent last month that doesn't say any details but it's just approximately 36 million around there and then we need to see the order specifications after our business administrator will finish his budget maybe hopefully next two week so we can do the hearing in May 7th May 7th yeah oh no I'm sorry only only Char Center thank you very much any more question please come on up name and address please sir this is only for the adoption of 2024 Municipal budget yeah my name is Charlie sh are the actually living in 24 B1 Street uh I'm member of board of education but there are a lot of the questions about school budget so I just want add some kind of explanation if you allow okay the school allow uh the school budget is about 20 the tax R is about 20 5 million okay but uh the limitation there's some limitation or cap to increase the school budget every year is 2% we can't increase more than 2% in school budget okay so but this year we have the teachers salary negotiation the state the state average tax the teacher salary increas is 3.5% and out of $25 million the 70% is the teacher salary so let's say if we meet like 3% or 3% 5% the school average out of 20 out of the 70% of 25 25 million is automatically 2% so there is no improvement of facility or whatever for the teachers okay so teachers salary which is from what I understand one of the lowest in B County it's well deserved I know there is some tax increase but uh you have to understand under even though there is some kind of increase in the school budget there is still shortage of the treatment for the students so please understand that's what I say okay thank you thank you very much for the information I'm very happy that the bo of members are participating in the AM c meeting I should do the same for you guys um any more questions for the public okay are you sir may have your name and address Howard Donan 276 Highland avue how are you oh good um just another question on the budget Mr Rano uh a figure out of 400 some odd, 400 some odd dollar A35 yeah on an Aver of 75 76,000 assessment um there's a lot of duplexes in Pal's Park and and I I I'm wondering how $700,000 would the average right now it could be I guess I don't know but uh if you could uh if I could ask Mr with the chat what would be a $1.2 million home that totally