so you would said so on the municipal portion on a million two to make it even easier on the assessment let's double so it's easier so we know right so if you went from 756 to million five a million five you would be at 3 right yeah the total would be 887 800 but only on Municipal we're playing with too many numbers here we want to stick to the assessment so to answer how's question the bottom line is the assessment on the 756 would be 191 if you take a proportion and double it you would go to 382 if it was a million5 anybody else have a motion to close to the public have ation I have a second all in favor great I have a motion to adopt resolution 2024 129 adoption of 2524 Municipal budget res not resolution we can't do that yet I said remember oh shoot I'm sorry my apologies let me strike that people we need to move by2 133 up front because we have to do this first before we pass the budget that's correct right sorry about that right you were mentioning that before okay I got you all right so I would like to put the resolution 2024 d130 into the off set we have a motion in second to pass 2024 130 which is the school I have a motion I'll make a motion a second Stephanie roll call Council Jen yes Council king Council yes Council yes Council yes 130 to the off yes yes she said yes one you yes now back to off consent resolution 2024 129 adoption I'm sorry 130 um we have a motion I have a second great roll call Council J yes Council K yes Council yes Council yes CC no council yes so resolation 2024 2020 Municipal budg it was passed adoption mun budget for the year of the 20204 no no no no that will pass is we screw the F that's first now we got to do we got to do 129 now 130 120 mov up was 13 2024 13 because the um referral of these School budgets and now we just we did that we just everything is all passed thank you guys thank you very much for yes agenda um Council if you have the resolution may can read it off yes please she has one yeah it is he does have the documents everybody I don't think so you have it you had it hey good question you um unless unless unless to okay expl so under Robert rules so here's the the question before question is procedurally under under the rules um Council MIM would like to change his vote on the adoption of ordinance 24 uh 202 24-6 and the only way that you can do that is we have have make a motion to to reopen it and then there the majority uh uh there is the motion in second for the majority to do that the ones who vot in the affirmative would have to agree and then there would have to be a vote to reopen it and that vote would then have to pass if it fails then it's then motion stays as important stays as so councel what you saying to the Gover body the council members that please please let I think you'll get your opportunity what the counselor is saying that we need to open to go back to ordinance 20246 um um motions are re open and and then motion to reopen and then vote it again um motion second re and if there's a second if there's no second then it fails if there's a second then they would vote uh and if two two votes two votes talking and the reason why um this is being requested by Council Kim he would like to change his mind for ordinance 20246 D6 yeah alarm devices for 10 to 25 now C counc would you would you do would you direct this one sure um uh pursuing to the request of council M uh I'd like to have a motion to um reopen or uh the vote for ordinance 202 24-6 since counc K did vote in the affirmative he can make that motion you make that motion sir I can make a motion okay is there a second from those who voted in favor of the ordinance to reopen did you favor no he voted not so has to be a people who in favor of it do you vote on know on everything does anybody move to second no second no it's got be I think the council provided an opportunity for your for your request to go back sorry all right let's move forward with the consider agenda 13 129 and 13 no no 12 125 remember 125 C has to be that off consent yes sir yes ma'am is that correct coun resolution to off consent 125le which you read the numbers 20245 20248 hold on hold on 115 is we don't have that's to be that's going to be uh yeah that's it's okay what else 20248 so you want to move 118 off the S 118 125 and okay let's go back to uh go ahead uh just quick question on resolution 2024 126 the packet we had oh I meant to say 127 I'm sorry uh the 127 the packet that we have is for the uh bud you want to check yes it is your question on 127 says budget it's supposed to be 129 I didn't know either this is correct 26 127 127 127 should be so 127 yeah but it's not that's that's 120 we don't have a budget slow yes uh I would like to make a five minute recess to figure things out so we can get the agenda straight we have a motion yeah yes give us five minutes please thank we're all going back I