we now have a quorum um good morning everyone online and in the room uh I don't have any announcements so darthy starts off with attendance please Dorothy bisesi facilities construction Michael Guida cork Holly Han Office of the general councel uh Michael tubillo facilities construction David Porter cork Barbara Myers Construction purchasing Jan Porter Michael O'Neal Proctor construction REM Ray Randolph Construction Group Tom Jacob Isis Wen Smith John levenson real Enterprises representing Smith and zovich Aron Bob Bliss office of Inspector General James Farrell facilities construction Jacob Cats purle Construction rousan Patricia Neta Architects Jen Adams facilities construction George forz from facilities construction Sean M Core Construction Shar havick White's construction Simon wre White's construction okay darthy why don't you ask the people online let them announce themselves okay we have John chesher pres Michael galand present Sam Shannon present Virginia Ferris here and for um School Board we have Alexandria aella good good morning everyone good morning morning welcome yeah all right uh anyone with a conflict of interest today or anyone that's been approached by a lobbyist as a member of cork all right hearing none we have no conflicts uh cork report Jud you had done that and sent that on I guess that was accepted by uh the board office I think I did all right right Michael we're up the staff updates um okay I'll start I'll start off go ahead uh for everybody's information darthy will be approaching her 30th year with the school district this coming Sunday so congratulations for and endurance to the schol wonderful thank you we're looking for 30 more Dorothy she puts in her drop papers yeah so we're we're um thinki into the summer work we've up um gotten a lot of projects going as schools ended and and that'll be that way for the next few months U really getting a lot of work done while there's not as many students um as you know our schools never stop there's always summer programs and summer schools and things like that um we also have um over the summer a couple training sessions for our staff for the operations group we're working on um some srf training srf is the code that governs um educational facilities in Florida and we have three upcoming sessions for that we also have one called seped and seped is a crime prevention through um environmental design class so we have uh that's over June and July um so there's some really good training opportunities for our staff um and other that we're just trying to mix it in with our summer work so questions for staff updates all right public comments any public comments yes sir now today's a pretty special day for those of you who may not know it's D day and it's the 80th anniversary and we're about to lose the last of the participants in that so if we could just take a minute to remember them yes okay thank you all right let's get on consent agenda work members fc1 fc2 fc3 I'd like to pull that that John okay Gan pulls it also please thank you got it pc1 PC2 yes I like to PC3 ec4 I wanted that one the items not pulled on cork agenda second second second by Sam any comments discussion Dorothy polus please David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua yes samam Shannon Yes Virginia Ferris yes okay let's start off with uh Mike guita on fc3 all right dor if you could pull it up and go to page I guess page 17 and it says on the materials under materials it shows um the number of gallons 700 1400 and 100 gallon for different types of paint um and the price per gallon and then if you go to the couple Pages down few pages down where it shows a quote from Sherman Williams one more more page right there it says I don't know if that's five it's a that it says a Rex number is five gallons so is it $60 for a five gallon bucket to get up to 700 gallons or is it $65 for one gallon which seems kind of absorbent it for me unless it's Epoxy paint so so so the question is is that 65 for five gallons or 65 for a gallon and I don't know who's the PM for that it would look like it should be for the five gallon bucket I it looks like to me I believe it is for the five gallon bucket and this did go through uh it did go through exhaustive review back and forth with our fair and reasonable third party as well um and then we had uh because of the Expedition um they didn't he didn't comment anything on these prices here um but we had a couple other comments that we we resolved and then um we had so would it be $12 a gallon then I take the 60 divided by five so but I Mike I'm reading the I think the error is on the one that's the Jasper Enterprises where they say $60 per gallon I think it should have said $60 per five gallon bucket that's the error they put down per gallon it really wasn't per gallon I think the Sherin Williams page is the correct page $6 a gallon would be the most high-end paint you could buy yeah yeah yeah okay and I don't think we're using that high-end Palm Beach paint on a school okay I think that's the error I agree with that but I think uh we can follow up with the semar and and give you a better answer next month okay that it Mike you yeah that's it okay uh John chesher yes Dorothy could you bring up the uh responses to the questions I guess we can follow along on that okay right there yeah my concern on this one was that it was bid uh under the CM and the CM is charging uh $100,000 just to manage this 10we project I felt it should have been uh bit out separately and uh I just like to have a little bit of discussion with staff regarding that why wasn't so we have um some of our projects we go through as a pullout and we bid directly with our paint contractors um they're pretty overstaffed and trying to keep up so some of them we do with our CMS um this particular all-in cost um we just completed a sister school which is the exact same floor plan um a few months prior and this cost was actually all less than what the painters did um so we use that as a comp um the these projects are um heavy management intensive because you have to have somebody there or else you'll end up with your light switches painted and paint all over the floor and you have to move furniture and and so there's a there is a lot of um labor involved with running these um paint projects and why didn't it just why didn't you pull it out and bid it as a separate contract the the um the our paint contractors are pretty booked up and our mmpo staff is is booked up trying to manage these um and since we had the contractor there um working we decided to go through the CM and when the pricing came in less than even straight through our painting contract it seems like a seemed like a no-brainer to us to go forward with it okay one other thing I didn't see the um review from your third party on the pricing this was the one um yeah so we compared this with I don't know why it's not in here I've reviewed this one um this was we had to get this going to meet the summer requires and our actual contract allows um me to review these our our policies so I reviewed it and compared it with um the cost for the other schools and they competitively bid it so that's what we substituted in the fair and reasonable you can see my email in the package what um page is that Dorothy page seven page seven right I I see there they only received two bids yeah um and I thought I just heard judge say that there was a third party review of this done there there was they did review it it was getting hung up over a very minor uh item that had nothing to do with pricing so in order to expedite we we had to go around him because it was it was a it was basically um semantics and he didn't want to proceed with a fair and reasonable over a few hundred dollar so we had to get it going so we had Michael review it as a secondary review and the reason it wasn't included in the original Sam contract work was when we first did the project I don't I don't know um when that first started I wasn't around them but it's there was the painting was not clear identified it's it's under our um interior improvements and there's a lump sum there so some of that work was being done with the painting program and some was being done by the CM so that's probably why it wasn't included that we're going to do it as a pullout um um that's what we were doing all of them as pull out projects through MMO um they just got overwhelm with the too much too many projects so they pushed some of those back to us and said if you can include it with your CMS please do that um we'll keep going with our pullout program but we're getting behind and and struggling trying to keep up with it so that's why we looked at this one bringing it back in under the CM and and doing it that way so on our new um FCA projects that haven't started yet that have painting in on the blue sheets we do it with the CM um on the stuff that's old u m mmpo takes care of it and then you have the in between stuff that we're making calls on that have already started whether to keep it with the CM or go through mmpo so this is one of those inet um and when we got the pricing back it was um less than what we paid for a similar School the exact School actually so we decided let's keep it with the CM and and let them management because it's less effort on the district side for the CM to be there all that time than have District staff um checking up on the painters every day well I understand that but I don't know if I agree with you $100,000 um you you could have put a guy out there fulltime for $100,000 but I guess that's beside the point uh I'm not happy about it but I'm going to vote for it so that's all I had all right Michael gelfan oh to follow up on that and um whoever raised it uh in the inquiries beforehand John thank you or otherwise um I have a lot of problems with the project of this size not being bid um there it may have turned out correctly in the end but from the purpose of oversight and transpar curency a job of the size must be bid it it was bid we got competitive numbers and we went with the low bid on the paint side how many bids did we get we ended up getting two I know are we just getting that number of bids on other schools where we have this it all depends I mean it depends on the relationship of the contractors and Painters and um we we'd like to get as many bids as we can obviously to to um this one we happen to get two I'm I I just got to say I'm still very troubled um by this and the amount and you know I've mentioned it before with lower cost projects uh where they been move forward without a large number of bids um I'm just have to think about this for a little bit Yeah but but Michael what would we have done you got two bids it went out to bid it wasn't like we had eight people interested do you then not do the project if you try to rebid it everybody's still busy out there so it may have been a project that just didn't fit somebody else's schedule so they decided not to bid and again just a few months earlier we got other competitive bids on the exact same school just a different location that came in higher than this one so that's why we feel comfortable that it's a really good number good morning this is Leanne if I could chime in just a little bit um the the school district has an initiative going forward to do a lot of painting and we are having trouble finding painting companies willing to do the work so at this point we're going out and constantly looking for new vendors to do it and when we bid it out separately apart from these big projects we're only getting two vendors to come and walk the schools and give us a price so it really is it an issue across the county just finding enough PE enough companies to do the painting work we're painting exteriors and Interiors so whenever we can use the CM and they can get a price that's on par with what we're seeing when we bid things out separately and the CM is putting it out and bidding it among subcontractors often often times they have different vendors than we have on contract so it spreads the work around a little bit more and as long as they're coming up with something in line with what we're seeing in our other bids so the CM is bidding it through subcontractors or we're bidding it out as Prime companies that are going to just do painting and we're seeing the same type of rates for everything I don't know if that helps answer your question at all or not but we're we're having issues just getting painting companies that we have on bid coming in to provide bids for different projects so we can bring other companies in through the CM it helps us get the work done faster John chesher yeah I did notice I I thought I saw in this one that this CM only asks four other painters for a price and you receive two I'm not sure but that's I think that's what I saw and regarding the point about um compared to the other schools I I just wish I would have seen something um other than a statement that yeah it's fair and reasonable I if it came from aeom it would have been nice to see I would have accepted it but without backup that this is similar to another project and the similar size it's just a it's a hard pill to swallow here $100,000 extra I just wish he would have gotten more bibs well why didn't he go out and ask 50 painters um for a price he just limited it to his four I believe that said in here well I think the pool is as lean said is pretty limited of who can handle the size of the scope in the time frame we we can't we didn't want to extend this into the school year so that's why we're we're getting this going over the summer um you can get a mom and pop shop that may not have the but they have to have the right insurance they have to right requirements and they have to be able to do the work so it's your pool's kind of limited anything else on this any other questions comments we're actually for subcontractors that they requested bids from they only receive two bids back right perhaps this is a Divergent uh tract but are we doing anything continuing to try to encourage um small contractors small subs and we used to have an education campaign how to how to get involved is that still proceeding or is that dead absolutely we have and in fact you know we have a whole department um diversity Department that has Outreach events constantly um every few months where they reach out to new vendors um they have um seminars have them in try to get them actually help them fill fill out the paperwork get approved so it's it's a constant effort to bring new vendors especially small businesses into the work with the district and and Michael is that working it is um there Jasper who's a who's being awarded this if this goes through is a small business with the district yeah Michael you heard that yes I did thank you okay move to go forward second second by Sam any other questions comments all right Dorothy polus please David Porter yes John chesher yeah I'm going to vote no I think my reason as a CM could have done a better job on getting more bids Michael Gand no Michaela yes Sam Shannon Yes Virginia Ferris yes so we have four yeses and two NOS okay Michael your comments the same as John's that DM should have done a more thorough job on getting more bids I don't know if I would phrase it in that way but yes the lack of bids and the expense for supervision okay um I appreciate you trying to phrase it there but by the way only uh six members present is that a quorum I don't know that I want to break a quorum yes is good good good right thank you I's nodding her head as the legal authority of the meeting so have a quorum fantastic right um all right we are up to let's see PC2 un pulled it and I pulled it John okay go respons go to where it's the last item on that last page right there yeah this one bothered me just because you can see my comment it's a it's a Miami Day based CM this is a $6.6 million contract and he only had seven debtors from Palm Beach County and he awarded uh two of the work the survey and the S replacement $44,000 so 6 million of the 6.6 million contract went to Miami day B contractor and again I just felt he should do a better job of getting Palm Beach County bids the response I received it said he advertised and extended bids to 700 biders from Palm Beach County I don't know where that information came from but that's highly suspect in my mind um and the last comment there under the answers it says according to the valuation scoring methods of the district companies in P brow and Miami day counties are all considered local companies I don't know what that has to do with anything I didn't ask that question I just wanted to know about palmach County subcontractors should be uh bidding to work more CM needs to do a better job of of getting biders from Palm Beach County it's Palm Beach County taxpayers money and it's all going to Miami date and I think that's wrong that's my comment John I can appreciate that but I think that's a board issue to deal with because if the board has said that Palm Beach Broward Miami dat are all equal playing field um we can provide our commentary to the board saying we think that should change provide more prevalence to Palm Beach County but you know I don't think the CM did anything wrong if that's the allowable policy right well David that that brings up a good point I remember last year early in the year we were discussing um small uh small businesses and Mr Sanchez was in on that presentation and he said at that time that the board had asked him to review local preference and I was going to ask um whatever became of that what are what is being done about that OE has her hand raised in the room so I'll let I'll let Holly answer that um just to um update you um Governor dantz signed a a bill which is now law which prohibits the use of local preferences um it it you know so I think that the discussion on whether or not we can geographically limit biders um or provide them preference unfortunately now the state has stepped in and um is preventing us from doing that even where the funds are coming directly from us and not State funds okay I appreciate that thank you for that information but the fact remains I think that the CM could be encouraged to at least get bids at least get some pom County biders you got seven bids on this project he needs to do a better job well I look at it too callbacks I mean you know you got two door knobs that fall off the carpenter is not going to come from Miami to fix that yeah it still falls on the CM but you know local gets things fixed all right the question I had on this is more General and for staff I noticed on two of the gmps the the build the contractor's fee was kind of slightly different percentages um do we have a restriction or is there something in our contracts or the rfps that tells the CM what the percentage is for their fees or is it a negotiated thing and it's negotiated it's not in the RFP but we have a guideline that we use internally about how basically how complex the project is does the dollar value of the project that we keep it in in rails and we do that every project in and when do we know what for instance if we got to the GMP and a CM wanted to charge 25% for the fee which is high would we then say no go to somebody else but that's already wasted so much time it is we haven't run into that problem um because we've been consistent and most of our vendors we work with often enough that they know they're going to get a reasonable fee we don't we don't nickel and D them they get a a fair fee but we keep it within the range and that's it and if they decide not to to go forward then they don't yeah I know two of them were 13 come close on a couple but um they've all came back in line okay the two today one was 13% roughly and another one was 16% um on the fee seemed like that no no one said 13% right on their GMP which one uh I think it was on PC PC2 no PC3 yeah PC2 uh if I go to the GMP right on their line item they have on their GMP we do have the two different construction phase fee 13.81% structure phase fee is Staffing that's not fee so we do we do uh look at the phase fee as well um so the fee is the overhead and profit which we have a range on and then the phase fee is the Staffing which we look at on every project and that has to fit in range in the Staffing we look at a couple different ways okay one from a percentage and mainly we look at a a cost per week of that project of how many staff they have because some some contractors like to have a little bit more heavy in management and heavier and the superintendent and as long as it fits in that range and it's appropriate for the project then then that's what we look at other words it's very well scrutinized it okay that answers my question that's fine all right anything else on uh PC2 wanted to thank John on catching that um and it's unfortunate that we'd have another new law that preempts local decision making and I think it's important as we look forward and as we speak to our legislators uh we point out to them you know on one hand we have these proclamations that so-called big government is bad and we need to let people locally make their decisions and they are ripping control from us on a constant basis uh in some ways this is another if you would unfunded mandate thank you very good comment Michael move to move forward yep do I have a second second second by Sam any other comments questions right paus dthy David Porter yes John chesher no Michael galand yes Michael Gua yes Sam Shannon yes Virginia Ferris yes we have five yeses and one no John I'm assuming your comment is because CM didn't get enough Palm Beach County coverage that's correct thank you okay and darthy when you do your report we typically let the board know what the dissenting vote comment was so that they're aware of that yep okay PC3 was accepted uh I had pulled pc4 um I was I know this is a a renewal we typically had three civil engineers three Structural Engineers three Architects all that stuff and there's only two on this one to be renewed did somebody drop out or did we reti oh okay that'll do it retirement does it this isn't actually a renewal you'll see the renewal next month this is just a request for additional funds oh um we're running low on the approved contract amount when we get a retirement like that do we reach out and add somebody else so that we still have three to pick from um we discussed it with facilities construction and to see what their needs were coming up and they felt that it was sufficient to have the two that we have okay that's all I had on this one somebody make a motion I'll make a motion to move forward all right need a second second by Sam yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua yes Sam Shannon Yes Virginia Ferris yes okay in progress work Michael okay in progress work um if you can scroll a little bit uh that's our total dollar value that we track every month that we're putting out um we're doing a lot of projects right now there're a lot of small projects um you can keep small uh scrolling Dorothy thank you um as you can see most of those red ones so those are all um under our ccnas and um term vendors that we have and under four under two contracts so we have a lot of those coming up um that's the uh gmps and same thing we have quite a few gmps coming up over the next few months and those are basically aligning to start construction after this summer but they'll um go into next summer so they'll get a lot of the work done during the school year where they can and then the bulk of it they'll finish up over the next summer so we're already thinking a year ahead here um development that's just um the design items that go along what we just showed there so you can scroll through that keep going um these are ongoing facility renewals we have quite a few going on as we mentioned this is a bulk of our summer work really pushing on these to get done uh some of them are finishing up some are just getting going you see there's a lot of them uh facility renewals here just some pictures of that same work that we have just you can see the type of work that we do you know exhaust fans um painting that kind of stuff um parking lots restroom Innovations Ada work um all the really exciting stuff it is but yeah it makes a huge difference on the skull you can see some new flooring going in there um some ceiling work mechanical work um our our newest potential newest Elementary School that we just started out west acreage uh they've um Broken Ground starting with the foundations and they had to do some soral remediation out there and that's complet completed um and they've actually started doing the um the footings you can see some of the pictures of that did they have to Demar the whole site they didn't there was a little pocket down like 12 13 feet that had about one foot of organic material so they had to water inject it and do some stone columns so it wasn't too bad of considered the soil was actually really good out there it just had that one pocket and just to be safe and sorry we um you know we did that remediation but as you can see it's a really clean site there's nothing around it that the the area around the two sides of it will be a county park um in the future they haven't um I don't know when they're going to start that work um and to the north is the Arden Community but we had a groundbreaking I think Dave reported on that last time but you can see on the right some of the foundation work that they're already getting going on some the underground they're moving along because it's scheduled to be open next year so um 25 should say uh Grove Park is um they have a TCO on the main building and they're just trying to finalize the TCO on the addition that's those extra classrooms on the on the east side um but that'll definitely be open this year um they're starting to move yeah we we moved everything last week and we're having actually summer camp start there next week so it'll be it'll be soft launched with the summer program good move the next few weeks so we're excited to have that one up and running yeah it turned out really nice um so Pine Grove uh we will have this open uh this year in August um so we're really coming down to the wire on this one um three different new buildings if you remember this is the one that where the kids are on site not now in the summer but they're housed in an old building and they'll move into this building in August and then we'll come back and tear down the old building but this is just wrapping up we're doing flooring we're doing our ceiling work um just trying to get things wrapped up um all the little stuff at the end takes a lot of time uh with you know data connections and uh security and all that kind of stuff that has to get wrapped in there so we're really pushing hard to get this one done uh but we do expect to have this done for [Music] August so the the main building will be done for August the dut will still be there and you'll demo that later yes buildings one two and three will be done that's the the main building and then the two buildings next to that yeah those will all be done for the school year and then the Dono will be demolished after during school year yes uhuh okay so the kids get to look out their windows and watch heavy equipment and demolition it's a good Learning lesson future CMS in the making uh wind broke is moving right along we have the found um sorry the slabs being poured now uh so all the underground's in um and again that one's uh uh working favly to get done but that's going to be another 12 months to get that one done 15 months I believe as you see they're getting going um there is an existing building there um you can see on the right um that they're renovating so this this one the students are um housed offsite um and then they will come back when this is finished so they're at a holding school just more foundation work as you can see or in early morning that's what happens uh West Riv we're excited that this Project's able to move forward uh they're getting mobilized now and we're going to start work on this one um those students have been uh next year will be in a holding school at Lincoln um so we're able to um move forward and start demo work here shortly uh Del right full service they are um they have a TCU on the buildings they're using the space they had to come back and doing some sprinkler work after the fact so they're they're doing some final little touches on it but um they are open and running on the building uh work on all all the buildings using them uh Roosevelt they're working forward um they're doing demo in the gym the the new construction new buildings are getting going uh we did run into a snag with the lead paint which we're having to go get some costing work on so there was a little bit of a miscommunication of who was going to handle that between the CM and the district so we're having to go out and get some bids um it's pretty extensive uh it's all the exterior paint of the gymnasium we're having to go through getting our um remediation contractors to give us quotes on that we have several people bidding that work uh that slowed us down in the gym a little bit but the the new buildings are going forward so hopefully we'll be able to catch back up on that since it's an existing building but you can see the demo work um kind of cleaned out those two buildings they're you can see they're they're stripped down um and moving forward had a sh the L have house that last y we did we were able to convey that corner piece of property over to the district so now we own that property um on the corner so that took a little bit of time as well um Seminal Trail so we're working it's essentially done they're doing the punch list um we're working with um the Department of Health to um approve the kitchen so that we can take down the servant line we this is one of our summer school sites so there's 700 students going to school all summer um so we didn't take down the serving the temporary serving line until we get the full approval on the um final serving line so they are able to use some of the spaces um they can't use the the permanent serving line until the other ones uh until they get approval on that so in the meantime they're using the temporary serving line they've been using for a year now and keeping that going but at some point during the summer we'll make that transition um and that project will be closed out um Timber Trace is complete doing some pun list um finally complete on that one uh so that that project looks really good that was the core expansion that we um added to the cafeteria the kitchen we did some work move the coolers outside we added to the um egress components and the um what's it called the um uh the nurse area the clinic uh minor projects this is what Dorothy's been doing 30 years she's um took her that long to get all these done that's just a sampling too um we had just have a ton of minor projects going on um that she handles and manages and does a great job with so that's some of the work that we do that's a one pre Pavilion out in Ken k Cunningham that's in Canal point so that's a standalone Pavilion with some restrooms in it in the outside behind the the elementary school so you can see even though it's called a minor project it's it's a it's a full building it's a new ground up project so there's some work that's pretty extensive um see restroom work some new water heaters going on boa Ron we did boa Ron at a Fieldhouse that was a shell so we went in there and built it out for the school this year added air conditioning water heaters restrooms that kind of thing so um that'll be great for the upcoming football season um and that's it is there any questions on ongoing work uh who's got the H of Virginia hi there uh I'm assuming that the boundaries committee will be meeting in the fall to do boundaries for the new West acreage yes they they will be meeting um we just got a principal assigned uh this week actually so um they'll be involved and there's a regular cycle that they look at that um every year and that that will be involved they have a pretty good idea um who's going to be going there um but they will go through the process and do that okay I have been on the boundaries committee I'm going to assume I'm still on it um wondering when they will get the schedule out um I'll I'll ask Chris I don't know if Chris and Jason if one of them are on the the call the timing of it if not we can follow up with you and get an answer all right and um I had one other question last month we talked about the refrigerator in the high school media centers I wonder if if next month you can show us a picture of how those media centers um are laid out with the refrigerator and and the lounge aspect sure absolutely thank you question I've got um I think the new law went into effect for the increase in CCNA um have we come up with the plan yet of how we're going to address that to not necessarily have to put out as many selection it was decided that we're going to leave it the way it is um I don't know exactly who came up with that but it okay told me that's l so okay Chris Garrison I see you're on do you have uh any answers for Virginia about boundary committee yes I was having trouble unmuting my mic I apologize uh Virginia your timing for your question is impeccable yesterday the superintendent reappointed you uh to the ABC and um of course we would have been surprised if he didn't you're one of our long-term most Valu valued members so to answer your question about timing um we are we are spending the summer uh working on uh potential boundary scenarios as um as Michael mentioned uh we have a fairly good idea of of at least where the bulk of the students will be coming from but of course as you know Virginia we will be going through the whole ABC process of prescribed in policy typically we'd like to wait until the October ft just to have the most recent demographics we have our studies and so we would expect the ABC to be meeting somewhere around that time frame thank you that helps me plan my September trip oh well remember you C you can Pro uh participate remotely wherever you are exactly thank you very much yeah sorry about the mic delay that's okay thanks Chris okay any other questions for Michael on updates okay any other discussion items by Court members all right date of the next meeting is on your agenda July 11th any issues with minutes Virginia they were very good okay well Jud did those this month so we'll back to darthy I think Jud should do them every month I never got a very good he's Mr Sanchez hey sorry I didn't I haven't been able to because we got another meeting going on here at superintendent has another meeting going on but before we break up I I also wanted to add my congratulations to Dorothy and her 30 years of uh service with the district so she's been invaluable and um you know we can't do half of what we do without her so really do appreciate your your work thank you Joe okay for Darcy that's right right all right anything we want specific for staff to bring back for the next meeting uh if not you can always email darthy if you think of something that needs to have followup we'll bring you some Media Center pictures though yeah put that on the list and we had a follow-up list uh have we gone through to whittle away at that list we have okay Mr Porter this is Leanne we do have the capital plan done so we'll be bringing that back to the next meeting for you as well okay you can put that down your hit list Ary okay so yes the follow-up list is getting down there okay it's updated and it's attached to the agenda so very good all right um anything by anybody else all right we are adjourned thank you thank you thank you all getting time off for gooda or was it a 35 year sentence and you got five years off