##VIDEO ID:E7HK5aCElHQ## e e e e good morning good morning e e e e e e e e mics are on I guess yes I hear it on all right we now have a quorum so we will get this morning's meeting started uh Miss vinor let's start off with attendant please hi Lori vinor Alliance of delay Sher Brown budget action um advisory committee Paul Dumar is finance committee George Elmore Economic Council Warren Dans Coalition of West Buon residential associations Dan Porter member of the public David Porter cork Leanne Evans School District Treasurer David Dolan chief of facilities management Heather Frederick Chief Financial Officer Radcliff Brown representing technical advisory committee Kristen bar Garcia Office of the general Council okay you want to do online Dave announce and then they can say here okay on maruna I was say we have um Miss antuna is here and Mr Mr RH is here yes I'm here and am I missing anyone else uh please open your mic and if I'm uh any voting members are on here no h it Rose okay uh down to public comments already any public comments we do have a member of the public here that member of the public we have two members of the public today but no comments okay so I don't have any comments just wanted for the record Charmaine postal I'm a non voting member of um isso with through Palm Beach County Council of parent teacher Association PTA ptsas thank you very much we appreciate you joining today and I've got you done you're welcome I'm officially back on the committee thank you and we have a member of the public another member of the publicon represen Smith okay um item for approval minutes anyone have any issues with the April minutes no I found them thank you very much I I'll motion to approve the Friday April 26 2024 minutes have a second on that second by Mr Elmore any objections no okay the minutes are accepted all right lean we are down to you for the sales tax summary good morning so I'm going to pull up the presentation that we use okay so good morning and I'd like to thank all of you for coming it's it's always great to see everybody here um and we enjoy sharing the news of what we've been doing with the sales tax um with all of you and the public so the sales tax um continues to come inead of projection we've received 1.2 billion to date versus the projection of 951 million um that's 128% of the projection for this timeline um or 88% of the total receipts we'd expected to receive in 73% of the time and I don't know if I've mentioned this to the committee but one of the reasons it's coming in higher is really a a shift that happened after the pandemic we get a and Miss Brown probably knows we get a monthly distribution from the Department of Revenue but quarterly we get a distribution that's from small businesses that don't have to file taxes every month they file quarterly those numbers have shot through the roof and I think it's really a transition of how people are working um we really never included those in the projections because historically they're very small we can't get them from anybody in the the state nobody has projections for them but those are coming in sometimes seven and8 million a quarter so it's some really large numbers for us so that's part of what's contributing to the increase it's really a change in the workforce um I just thought that was interesting and you might be you might want to hear that on the sunset provision we've talked about that before we do expect that we will um be required to Sunset um um we have to have at least 1.35 billion by September 1st of any year um so we have one more payment that's due in on the 27th of August it's not going to push us up to $1.3 billion so we would not hit the sunset window for this year CL it is but it's still it's about a hundred million um off um and we will not receive that much money in August um I'm expecting we're going to get somewhere around 13 12 or 13 we'll have to watch um wish I had that today because we have to acrew that back for June but we um we'll definitely make it for next year and we'll definitely be sunsetting here early and have extra too there will be some extra um that's the way the ordinance was written um we do also have the expenses of 755 million um open purchase order 127 million interest earnings at 45 million um thanks to the the higher interest rates that we've seen in the last two years and then the interest and net of fees with the line of credit which we know we know we closed that out a year ago now that's 487 th000 I got a question on that um the proposed new referendum that'll be coming out if that passes when is that starting compared to when the current referendum will end the new one with the this the current referendum will end December 2025 the new one would start in January of 26 okay they will not overlap okay good thank you okay this is the summary that that um it this is a summary of the very large project budget report um this is actually the summary page so we have a 23 page document um that the committee has has said we really don't want to take the time to review all that during the meeting you would rather um see a summary so this is a summary of where we're at um it does show the original project budgets the current project budgets the changes since the last meeting and we'll be going through those changes with our proposed plan modifications today um expenditures and open purchase orders Etc another question um the last money coming in for the referendum will be then approximately what March of 2026 right um actually be February okay the last would be February and the first the new one would come in in March Mr Dolan do you have an estimate of when we would still be spending referendum dollars for construction let me answer that okay um one of the things that the the committee and and you sent a question in in advance so um one of the the questions is um how many projects have been closed and where we at with the schedule um quite a few have actually been closed we haven't brought those to the committee yet because I'm forcing the construction team to give me a report for each project that I can bring into the committee that basically checks the box that says we did everything on the referendum list it's I'm sorry my voice is GNA go it's it's not enough just to say we did it we need to show that we did air conditioners we did roofs we did all the things that were on that referendum list so our departments are working together to develop that they've given me drafts and I've kicked it back and um we do what Dave and I do and and and push back and forth with each other until we get the right thing so I'm hoping to have that for you in November along with a lot of projects that are done um you all have seen that projects are done schools are opened we but we haven't brought the Closeouts to you so we'll be bringing a lot of those to you at the same time we're working on how to speed it up as you know in the April meeting we moved up all the money all the future sales tax money for facility renewals got moved up and I said here's the money go um they're working on how to do those because the the current projects are all being done under big construction companies or smaller construction companies but they're bundling work together when you get to the end of the list there's one or two scope items we don't need to hire a construction manager to do that we need term vendors to go out and do the work so we're coordinating between maintenance and purchasing we need some more vendors um to do those smaller work so um I'm pushing him every we have these conversations usually Friday afternoons and one of the things I bring up is let's get these things going so he and I are are working on that and we'll be bringing that back to you the committee does continue to meet until all the projects are done so if the projects if the funding had stayed on task and as originally planned it would be 10 years with the last of the money coming in 10 years and you'd need a year to get all the work done the earliest I expected to finish would be 11 years that would be it was a 10 year tax that's going to be my guess it would be a 10e tax you need a year to finish all the projects that came in in that last year um if we can move that and push forward faster that is our intent I me that's the reason we moved the money up and we've made adjustments so that we could try to do move it faster um it's just a matter of how much we can get done how quickly so the earliest that this committee would disband would be probably early 2027 right okay but the committee ISO will continue ISO will continue assuming there is another the other referendum is passed um because we have pledged it's in the ballot language that we will have a a committee to provide oversight so that that's certainly going to continue and I suppose near when we're done or for the voters benefit we'll be be doing kind of that white paper report like we did with the last one just to show we told you we were going to do this we did it here's the proof and it's going to have all those closing documents that I'm that I'm pushing for I want it nice and clean it the first draft came in it was signatures of who did it but I that's not what we need we need something that checks that lists everything that was supposed to be done and check the box that it was done and how much we spent on each item so we're working to finish that up um they have sent me multiple items to close out and we haven't brought it back to the committee yet I want that documentation to share with you and it would be part of that year that end report good and it's a challenge on on the construction side because as uh as Miss Evans mentioned we're we're entering up until now we've entered into larger Construction contracts with a semar construction manager at risk for them to do 15 different disciplines or be responsible for 15 different disciplines they file one pay application to get paid for them now we keep the schedule of values but for us it's been a challenge to try to break out all those costs and identify which costs were paid from each of those line items towards one of those um uh as we call them programs within the referendum so U that's been one of uh the construction side's challenges was to make sure that we're um categorizing everything properly um and going back and sure I'm sure we got it right it's my intent that it's a November meeting and and Dave doesn't know I'm going to say this but it's my intent that the November meeting will have a document for you and some of the projects closed out okay thank you continue okay I just got put on the record so I I now I got yeah okay cost escalation you you asked may I may I Quick Stop um I we have two two attendees we have um Sharon Sniderman um attended she's um a second and uh we have a phone number on there I believe oh or maybe the phone number did it drop off oh it did drop off okay we had a phone number I apologize okay welcome Miss Sniderman okay so the cost escalation update this is giving you the overview um back in September we brought you the plan of how we're going to make sure we finish everything and the committee asked to have an update at each meeting so we're still doing well with that so far we've used 17.8 million for the increases to facility renewals one of the items one of the proposed plan modifications in the package today um is regarding Roosevelt and I'm going to go ahead and say it and it'll save me a few words in a few minutes um the Roosevelt full service project was originally funded with sales tax as part of the plan on how we were going to finish everything we switched that over to a borrowing um we got a lot of interest earnings this year there's another interest earnings this year to fund Roosevelt so we moved Roosevelt back into Sal tax and borrowing so that is tapping into that's $27 million of thank you that's $27 million from that $190 million plan will be used for Roosevelt um so that brings us the total use to 45 million um we do have still have in some interest earnings and I'm confident we won't have any trouble meeting all the completing all the projects on the list so when we get to a point at the end of the year and we're looking at all the revenues and what came in it just doesn't make sense to borrow when we have the cash as it was origin originally meant to be spent so for the finance committee members that are here we had plan to borrow this year and we won't need to because both projects have been shifted into um other Revenue sources so it's a little less for the finance committee to do but it's it's the right thing to do we want to don't want to borrow money if we don't need to so it sounds like if everything continues we will have more money at the end of the program than we thought we'd have right and I are the budget right now are there plans of specific school plans or or renovation plans or something that we can get out of that that we hadn't initially planned on I I think that the the money will be used um the um projects that have not been awarded yet there are three Transportation centers that have not been awarded yet and all indications are those will be significantly more money than was budgeted and we will use all of the money at that point and we may end up borrowing for one of them I'm waiting for numbers on on what the budgets are going to look like so um I have people saying let's move the transportation centers up and I said I need estimates on numbers I'm looking at the big picture and how we're going to fund everything um do we want to borrow one of those I don't want to get in a situation where there's not enough money to finish the work so we're working to coordinate that and make sure that the numbers lay out based on what I'm seeing it's going to work um but we still have time and project budgets some some are coming in higher than projected some are coming in lower most are coming in lower than the projection we had that built that 190 million corre um so I am tracking that and looking at them and keeping a running list and so far we're doing well but I know the longer it takes to get those projects done the more those costs are going to go up so that that's another reason why I push the facilities Department to to read these projects up and get them going as quickly as we can and why going forward um as Miss Evans mentioned earlier our our later rounds of projects are instead of having a semar that has 15 scope items under their contract it's a school that only has two scope items well so we're going to try to consolidate and do a lot of our projects as multiple schools under one vendor and and try to push them through um that is we anticipate that's actually going to save us more money because we'll be able to to try to optimize the efforts instead of having them mobilized multiple times um individually yeah we we started off the referendum the projects were prioritized based on which schools need the most work so the biggest projects happened at the beginning and now we're getting to the smaller ones and they need different delivery methods so we're not quite there yet but we're going to get there so that's one of the Big C topics of conversation that we're having every week how we're going to get these done okay so the proposed plan modifications I'm going to do the first couple of them and then Dave's going to take over so we had some Capital plan changes um one is increasing the sales tax um budget I bring you updated sales tax interest every month you see it we update the budget at the end of the year so we had um the interest Reserve was increased by $22.3 million for interest earnings this year that's the money that was used to pay for Roosevelt you know that that to most of it and we had other sales tax revenue as well um sales tax interest earnings um so that's the first one and the second one is the sales tax Reserve we increased that by 5.7 million to rep reflect the money that was earned in this year I could have reduced next year's budget but it didn't make sense to do that I just had an increase um this number may change next month um we have to ACR the ex the revenue based on what was earned in June and the money earned in June will not arrive till August 27th and I don't have those numbers yet so I may come back to you the next meeting and tweak that slightly that we've had to adjust it and Roosevelt for service we did just talk about that one back in it was PPM number 98 we shifted it from sales tax to Cops now we're moving it back to sales tax and we funded it from the sales tax interest earnings um the next one Dave and I both get to talk about so I'll tell you that on the west acreage area elementary school we shifted the funding on this one it was it's on the referendum list it was to be funded from cops from borrowing this is a brand new school um and we received um two years worth of impact fees at one time plus I know what's coming in next year the impact fees are enough to fund the acreage element or almost fund the acreage elementary school so rather than borrow we're using impact fees to pay for that one so it's still on the referendum list it was never to be funded with sales tax it was borrowing again we don't want to borrow if we don't need to so I'm Shifting the funding and I just wanted you to be aware of that um that we changeed the funding and then I'll turn it to Mr Dolan and I see Mr rhods has his hand up also yes go ahead Mr Ro I think you want a question on was was was AC what excuse me with acreage where is where's that located that one is located at the near the entrance of Arden of the Ard and development it's under construction right now and and the student body will predominantly be uh Banks Forest students that will be um closer to their their home okay and to relieve Banks far which is overcrowded correct correct dramatically overcrowded yes okay and and um okay so on West acreage um our increase was um we when the original budget got put together it was based on some past numbers um on elementary schools we knew it was going to cost more this is our opportunity to catch up um what what we're asking for the additional $18 million to bring it up to the $53 million uh budget is is basically to align with the budgets of projects that are similarly sized um schools that we've done over the last two years so we know that the prices that we're talking about are are much more accurate and current well and this project has the contract has been awarded and it's under construction so that's a real number it's not even an estimate at this point well that's what I wanted to just question so it is the 53 million is our GMP essentially I mean we're not guessing at a budget anymore right it's the GMP but it's also the money for furniture for the architect yes but they're real numbers at this point it's all the additional expenses needed yeah okay and that school was also also moved up it was moved up that's why I figured you were going to touch on those that it was moved up and we changed the funding yeah it was moved up the the students um we have a lot more students coming out of the ardan area than was expected at this time we knew it was coming but we didn't expect the growth to be as fast as it was so we had to move that up Bings for the kid students are currently in Bings Forest it is and lock hatchee Groves I think and it's they're overcrowded so this is going to relieve that that and this is planned to open one year from now correct it will it'll be open next year yeah I think you we'll we'll so we'll show some pictures in a few in a few slides and then the north Tech Rivier Beach prep um for those of you who are familiar with the Rivard Beach prep facility it's it's an older facility um designed and built under a different uh standard um the renovated budget that we originally had when it was uh established under the ref random um wasn't going to be satisfactory to uh optimize the space um build it out so it was useful and functional um the decision was made to modernize that basically knock those buildings down and build a new campus in its place um to better optimize the space um make sure we provide all the uh amenities needed for that facility for northtech is generally staying what they're at I think you have a question yes um do we have a confirmed academic plan for what we're building because the last I heard it was kind of but we don't really know what we're doing there yet and to establish a budget if that's still the case doesn't work we are we have a very finite um plan uh program as to what academic programs are going to be provided both at Rivier Beach prep and at northtech um North the adult education portion okay I mean the total budget now is you know 20 million less than a full High School um because I think we were like a hundred million do to build Garcia High School right high schools aren't our our more recent numbers High School we're never going to build a high school for 100 million again okay so even if it was 150 I mean to me this is a major you know push forward for something that hopefully you validated the numbers for what the academic side is saying they need there absolutely okay absolutely the the costs are in line with the proposed program and um we've worked um you know we've worked with the academic side I I'll I'll leave it at that I don't want to get into the details as to what exact programs should be included in in this facility and back just back to Garcia we are very lucky on the timing of when we awarded that contract and built it um this pretty much the same school's being built in Sarasota and it's over 200 million right now um and there's one over 300 million being constructed in Orange County scho so we're very glad we did Garcia and awarded that contract when we did because the costs have gone up exponentially oops okay you want to keep going okay um you want me to do this first one yeah sorry sorry the first one is mine and he really didn't want it on there um Roosevelt Middle School um we brought that to you at the April meeting um with PPM number 231 and there was a timing difference we put the number in for ISO and it went to the board the next week and the amount that went to the board was less than what ISO approved uh when I'm building these reports we're checking every single line to make sure they are in sync and we're out of sync so I'm taking the budget back down to make it match what the board approved so it's a reduction of the budget and money's going back into sales tax reserve and I understand while I my my initial inclination was it's 238,000 let's leave it in the contract we'll reconcile it at the end but I recognize where lean's point is it's very clear that that contract went in with lower value so we're just going to make sure we correct it now yeah I think it's important when you've come to ISO and said okay here's what we see in the future here's our estimated extras we know it's going to cost and then you come back and reconcile it to show us okay how good were we in our guesses I think that just kind of completes the picture Okay um and then the the next three Bon Beach um is an increase um of $2.4 million for um some of the and again these are for everybody these these are the ones that were were getting ready to go to construction the gmps are are in place and we recognize we're we have shortfalls uh in order to make sure that we comply and get every one of the scope items that were on the referendum taken care of and you'll know $2.4 million because we needed additional money for handrails exterior lighting fire alarms and our parking lot and site work all of these that were now asking for extra money based on what budget is it the budget that was established when the referendum was first established eight years ago yes yes oh yes okay correct eight years ago wow things have changed in eight years and they were just a guess so and these numbers you know I I we we don't I I keep a list of what was estimated that that plan that we had and how we were going to finish everything and for for these projects all but one was under the estimate that we had for the plan so all of them are are within the scope of what we had planned to to um pay at this point Mr Rose I think he still do Mr Rose do you still have your hand up from before or is there another question I'm sorry no I don't I'm sorry okay thank you I didn't realize that thank you okay uh the next one up is the lantana middle school facility renewal same thing a $2.2 million increase um for HVAC and exterior lighting plumbing and um forgive me if uh using the the terminology but BM is a building envelope and uh and waterproofing Scopes uh the third item down there is U manate Elementary um it's a $1.5 million increase for uh some of our bigger items are are often times Air Handlers mechanical scope uh we have we are doing interior painting on this project and uh additional electrical services uh next for you want to go through them individually right next page I think yeah um so next are the same next okay yeah they're all they're all the same they're um they all bum yeah they're all bumping up numbers from eight-year-old budgets correct okay I didn't know if you wanted me to go through them individually well I think the next page is basically the same as this page so I think go through those and then we can have a motion to accept or not okay and um I think that's these are these are the end of the ppms yeah the 243 right yep so uh and so I won't go through each of these individually um they are each in increases to the budget for those particular scope items that are listed and they all of them coming out of the sales tax reserves okay um that is all of the proposed all the PPS yeah um any discussion comment by anybody if not does somebody want to make a motion that we accept the proposed plan modifications aot I move the way up that if no necessary Corrections okay I have a second I'll second the motion any comments or discussion or questions on any of the uh modifications proposed right if no objections then it's accepted okay and then my last slide is um is um as as we've discussed before this is kind of the catchall these are um for those who are looking we meet we don't meet until November and um there's a good possibility that each of these items listed on this slide this future plan modifications will come to the board between now and before that November date and we are anticipating each of them uh needing additional funds that's why you'll notice that these are much more rounded numbers 400,000 600,000 um for particular scope items that are listed um these are all projections as what are just like the last ppms we just did we would anticipate that each of these if these if the committee approves this slide um we will bring back for ratification ppms on each of them and and just to follow up in your previous question um of these there are four that are slightly above what we originally project what that plan had in mind uh most of the other ones all the other ones are well under I mean the net is about $8 million less than what we thought we were going to see in increases so um I Dave sends these to me and I go back to the list and check each one so we we we're we're a good team because I follow up on all his items so we're we're in good shape with these These are in line with what we'd expected and this is where we start next iso's meeting from um what happened to these so that are we putting ppms together for them yeah and that's what I would like to say is when you come back and say okay ancillary at Central admin we told you guys a million it came at $895,000 fine approved okay we we have not done that before but we certainly can I think so I think that way we see the follow through of what we're kind of approving in advance versus budget versus actual yeah on the the ppms that you just approved I believe it was Lantana and Pointon Beach were on the list last time as things that were coming and we brought them back to you so we can do that going forward that that's easily easily done okay um and I think that's it we'll get into the fun stuff for me well do we do you need a motion on on isok accepting your budgetary guesses I think that would probably be helpful I think that would be helpful so have someone make a motion that we're okay with the future plan modification estimates I'll I'll make the motion that we are fine with these estimates last b r h o d s is that a second Mr rhods yes sir okay thank you comments questions any objections all right these are accepted thank you thank you okay now to our project updates um as as mentioned um most of the uh items that we discussed on our ppms are facility renewal items those facility renewals um as I always mentioned in these meetings aren't necessarily the pretty things that parents love but they're things that are absolutely critical uh for making sure our our students have the right environment uh to learn in um and you'll see some of the improvements um in these photos roof work sidewalks um LED lighting um um exterior window refurbishment um hallway classroom lighting uh restroom improvements dfus they're they're extraordinarily excited about that because drus is uh restrooms have been old and uh desperately in need I looked at that one on the right looks like the mirror in the middle was put in upside down yeah you're right um uh but you'll you'll notice go ahead keep sliding um so on those all those slides those are just a small smattering of of the uh of the projects that we are continually working on and increasing our our uh our output that's the some of the things where we'll we'll start uh doubling up and having multiple schools with one vendor take care of those Services okay moving on to our um i' like to let everybody know where we stand on on our our really cool work which is uh like for this one we are modernizing Pine Grove um if you're looking at that photo on the left hand side um you see what looks like a donut um that's the existing school where the students um all resided in that school all last year while we renovated the two schools on the bottom right those were two buildings sorry two buildings on the bottom right and a brand new classroom building that's the Z building right there all that the renovation of those two buildings and construction of that new building were all done in one year they started last June and they opened up in this August um our so that and and uh so we're very happy there was a a an opening of that school um and now the next phase of that project is knock down the old building and turn that into a parking lot because you'll see up on the top left corner there is a a temporary parking lot we had a a land that's actually part of the uh that we lease to the uh to Del re um that we are using for a temporary parking lot um so we'll bu build that new parking lot and we should be done knock on wood we look like we'll be done this spring so right around spring break we hope that that'll be completed next slide Windbrook modernization the Windbrook uh is currently uh occupying our what we call our holding School our temporary campus at um Crestwood Crestwood Crestwood Middle and um we are renovating the one building that was there and as you'll note by these photos we are tilt wall um a whole new uh main building uh series of buildings looks like they're up they're they're they're the the panels are tilted that's the first start we've got a lot more more to go uh but this one this school will also be open by next August West revier uh modernization we just started those students have gone over and are residing in the second floor of Lincoln Elementary uh for for uh the next two years and we just started this uh in June we had uh mold remediation Etc and then we're in the middle of uh demolition of the campus right now um so this will not be done for next August but the following August and as mentioned earlier um this is our our Ard School the uh school that's located on the ardan uh property it's the the West saage Area Middle School and as you elementary elementary oh did I say middle Elementary School my apologies and uh all the underground work has been installed and the uh foundations and uh tilt panels are being erected uh as we speak okay um one of the things I wanted to share with you is the capital plan because the referendum is obviously fund is included in that Capital plan and it was attached um as another document I just wanted to remind the committee I try to do this every year with you um that the board is required to adopt a capital plan they've actually already approved it in July which was very early and we have some a few changes that will be taken to them as part of budget adoption but we've taken the capital plan we're required to do five years we expanded it to 10 actually we did 11 and then scaled it back to 10 for this referendum um the upcoming referendum we've included that as well so that Capital plan is now shifted out to 12 years to include that full referendum um so that that is out there and the board will um see the updates but it's a planning tool that we use I expect we're going to get it back to 10 years I really don't want to keep it at 12 but we're we're there temporarily um that Capital plan just so you know it includes all the construction projects the facility projects um which is the regular maintenance all the ongoing work um Furniture technology security Transportation Debt Service property insurance um we do have reserves and now we are transferring money to Charter Schools out of the capital budget the significant changes for 2024 first the added added two years and the 202 six referendum proceeds they are segregated out so you can spot what they are um and we've also taken the non-construction facilities projects maintenance and broken it into two categories and called one planned maintenance which aligns with the guidelines from the Council of great City schools these are the things that you have to do to buildings um the air conditioning the roofs the the the basic maintenance that you have to do and then we have another category called facility improvements so that's when we're adding something extra to to a school maybe it's an extra Playfield or covered play area um mares um improvements so we're breaking those out into two separate categories we've added in um the Rivier Beach High School um as requested by the school board we've also added in another Elementary School that was planned um that would be it's we're calling at Western communities Elementary School it's on land that was donated by West Lake um so we're we're watching enrollment very closely to see when that school needs to be built um right now it's two years out um for for construction we've also in the out years there was a large contingency reserve out there it looked huge um that was out there because we had not allocated it to projects yet and we did that so we really reduced the reserve and put the money into roofs and windows and doors and the work that needs to be done um it's hard for the facilities Department to do that to estimate exactly what they're going to need 12 years out and we have lots of fun discussions on how to do that but we we we did it and we have numbers out there we added in we switched the funding for Roosevelt full service to sales to sales tax and then that Western area the the West acreage actually I called it Western communities it's West acreage um is 15E that's the one built at ard and we shifted that to impact fees rather than borrowing um and if you're interested in the capital plan it was attached and it will be um sent back to the board for review again in September and then we do have a video we do is it's a question of whether the committee wants this is a it's a video that was done for the opening in melaluca melaluca opened in January um let's see it's a short one let's see if the sound if it works and the sound plays this beautiful new [Music] building I am flabbergasted this school is like a much a really welcoming space maluca is such a special school because of its Community it's the diversity that makes us strong it's the students who are able to be bilingual or trilingual it's the band program there are so many things that make this place special having a beautiful new school here um for the the benefit of the kids is just very enlightening very ego you're always an ego our kids really took ownership of the dedication process new building will allow future generations to make great Elementary School of memories every grade level did something in today's dedication and that meant a lot to me as the principal because the kids really wanted to say this is who we are this is our school and we're excited to be it it's going to allow all the all the other eagles to shine and store and it's it's really like big so I hope they have fun in the school [Music] it's great when we can get the kids on camera but that that project is on the was on the referendum list so it shows how how we're managing it um so that covers the that that there is one more item I want to add um I added it was a late edition um thank you um to Mr Porter for reminding me um we have the abil every year you have to elect a chair and vice chair of the committee and there is an option for the committee to request the school board to Wi wave the term limit requirement for the committee chair and I will I'm happy to take that to the school board but I do need to hear from the committee if you want me to do that I'll make a motion and you could discuss it if you like to ask the board to extend that request a term limit extension okay I'll I'll second that hey all in favor I didn't hear any opposed okay I'll get that on the Schoolboard agenda as soon as possible and that is all we have oh okay um any other items by any uh Committee Member all right we are adjourned thank you Mr RH yes sir yes Mr Dylan uh uh M Dolan M Dolan I just want to commend you guys and thank you guys for canel um Katherine Cunningham in canel point uh the new Pavilion and the child's uh playground with the surface have been completed and I went down uh to the sa meeting uh Wednesday and it is beautiful so I just want to thank you guys well I know uh Mr Doan I know you had some input on making that happen and I just want to let you guys know we appreciate that and make sure you put that on your list for some things that you guys you guys did great with the sale tights okay thank you so much you do appreciate it all right anything else all right thank you we're adjourned till our next meeting thank you all very much --------- ##VIDEO ID:80n1EKpzETw## now have a quorum all right oh you help me out well here I go I didn't do a big mess okay trying to move all this stuff okay so what do you want do well I said just help me out forgot how I did you did this time before that I'm kidding man I'm kidding yeah all right thank you come all right we'll call the uh this is the uh what irck meeting yeah irck meeting uh let's see you have uh I guess we need to start out with introductions and um can yeah we have we have nobody from the the public we can start with Miss Murphy oh sorry well you don't you don't count you're for the next meeting but all right all right we can start okay uh Deborah Murphy Debbie Murphy uh Cobra Paul Dumars I'm with the finance committee here at the school George El Mo um Heather Frederick I'm the Chief Financial Officer in the staff leaon for the irck uh we also have Miss antuna uh virtual as well as Mr Stanley seagull good morning good morning Maria CEO of the Hispanic chamber of commerce of Palm Beach County I get her name good morning I'm lean Evans the treasur with the school district VAR Garcia Office of the general Council okay all right thank you um public comments uh no no public comments good all right we need the minutes from U no November 17th to 23 no April no should be April uh 26th the minutes for April 26 2024 and then during that meeting we approved the November okay all right do we have a motion to approve motion to approve the minutes of April 26 second yes second okay all right all in favor signify I okay all right thank you moving on um so then the next item would be um the annual report annual report okay so this so this is the last a quarterly report for FY 24 uh we start at the top by looking at the total revenue that we collected from the one mill uh referendum uh was $282 Million for district operated schools a total of 319 million um we also had carryover um so we had additional funds carried over from 2023 of 25 million um so it was a total uh referendum U uh Revenue available was 351 million of that 307 was for uh District operated schools um if you look uh the most significant portion of that funding is allocated to teacher uh supplement as well as the teacher pay increase U so last year in FY 24 we were able to give the highest increase uh to teachers uh that we've given in at least the last 25 years and we were able to do that because of the additional funding that we had in the in the referendum so it was an average increase of 7% so a portion of that increase was allocated to the referendum so that's on top of the supplements um that they're uh receiving uh so a little uh more than half of the funding is going to teacher supplements then we have approximately 25% of it is funding over 900 fine art teachers so Elementary art music PE choice and Career Academy teachers that represented approximately $80 million in expenses um and then we have a large mental health component so approximately $20 million was spent on um School Behavioral Health positions we have one at every single School in the district um as addition as well as additional supports and collocated mental health um Service uh uh providers um in addition to additional guidance counselors and middle schools and then the cape team is a crisis response team that's available to go directly out to schools when they have students that are in crisis and in need and they help to support the schools assess um the student and what is best and and how to treat those that student needs and then I wanted to to welcome Miss uh Sherry Brown um she just joined us as well um and then the last component um is security uh so the the referendum also funds supplemental um security uh police officers for the schools the general fund does uh pay for one police officer at every school the referendum which is the state mandate uh but we use the ref referendum funds to fund any supplemental officers over and above that one officer per School uh we also uh use these funds for additional school security hall monitors I'd like to say you know additional staff at the schools that help just provide um uh just some you know extra set of eyes on campus uh and then we also allocate additional funding specifically to the schools uh for them to use for U after hours of security uh we fund uh the police officers uh uh for all their their games um after our games uh all of the funding goes to help support that this year we also use the funding to pay for the metal detectors um at all the high schools and we also U added additional funding for staff to help oversee um that process with the metal detectors so that was phased out over the year um and it it was very successful and so we we had a very smooth opening of the schools uh this year which yes and I know Broward County fac challeng challenges with you know they they did not choose to phase in their metal detectors like we did over the last year and they just went and and and implemented them across I believe all high schools immediately um but we had a very smooth opening because we did phase it in over the over the last year so this additional funding has been um extremely beneficial um to the district and the students with all the additional supports that we've been able to provide so we the total recurring cost uh was about 285 million um so that is a little bit more than um the amount of recurring Revenue that we collected because the recurring Revenue we collected was uh 282 million um and then we had that carryover of 25 million so we did start to slightly eat into those carryover funds we do have a plan for those carryover dollars and I did report to the committee approximately $15 million is being set aside to replace uh radios at all the school sites we were initially hopeful that that would be implemented in one year but of course with a district our size we realized it is it's better to phase it in and they're doing a little more research the school Police Department is doing a little more research as to which radios will will work best at which school sites um and so this is It's School Police radios but it's the majority of these radios are the the radios used by the actual staff at the school sites and so that's why it it the cost is so much um so there is a need um to replace all of those but it is going to be now phased in over a three-year time period so those funds are set aside for specifically for that purpose and then we also set aside um $3 million uh to replenish uh school police vehicles um so that's the other uh portion of the carry Ford that's set aside and right now we have a a little over $4 million that's un allocated um and so I'll continue to bring that back to the committee uh once we um decide how those funds will be spent so it will be in the categories of um security mental health uh Fine Arts um or uh the the teacher uh supplements uh so in total that gives an overview of of where we stand so we didn't expend all the funds we did slightly reduce the carry forward but we have a plan as to how those funds will be spent it that's that's it quick question the security officer for every school is that from your own security system or is it outside Sheriff's and primarily they are School District police officers we do have enough School District police officers for one for every School site um but we do use um and supplement with um the sheriff as well as municipalities um as we continue to build up our Police Department because we still need to have a pool of officers available because if there's an officer that's out we need to make sure that we can replace them out replace them our goal is to have one one officer at every school that is our district police officer uh but uh Chief Mooney believes that it's important to keep um uh just to have the the continued uh support and interaction with the sheriff as and the municipal police departments to continue that relationship uh with them so that you know God forbid there ever is an issue they are familiar with our school sit so even once we are fully staffed with school police officers we made it a tremendous um Improvement in the number of officers we hired because we added this year um year round officers initially our officer positions were were just um 10mon so they along the same line as the school sites and so it created some challenges when we were trying to recruit because even though we were paying a higher hourly rate every officer was going to have to take a pay cut to come here because they weren't working a full year so now we provide the option each year for them to decide whether they want to work year round or 10-month because not every officer wants to work year round we do have a lot that have retired um to Florida and they're happy with the 10-month schedule so we now provide them the option uh once a year for them to elect whether it's year rounds or 10 months um and so this the referendum dollars has have also helped to to pay for that you know increase because that did result in a in a significant increase in the pay but has also helped with us as a recruiting TR tool to attract more officers to our school district do you have a a an agreement with nether the sheriff or the local as far as the rate you pay we do so we have an agreement with the sheriff and the municipalities um and they're all different of course but we do have agreements with each of them and so they they actually went to the board um I would say two months ago um so those are those are renewed annually um okay and so we mainly those are paid based on overtime uh rates okay okay yeah go ahead de um you know you hear an awful lot about how Florida's teachers are paid uh at the lowest levels of the of the states and I'm wondering how does this referendum the additional pay that they get where does how does that help where did where they end up being in the ranking based on you know compared to other states uh the last time I did that analysis it brought us up into um the 30s um right now we're at the low end when you look at our beginning teacher pay we are at the higher end because the governor made um an effort to put a lot of funding in increasing beginning teacher pay um so now um all districts are required to have their teachers at a minimum of 47,500 there are some School District across the state that are not yet up to the 47,500 uh but when you put a significant amount of money into raising the beginning teacher salary it created a lot of what we call compression because you had beginning teachers making a very similar similar amount for teachers that were have seven years of experience and so the the referendum helped to give us some differentiation uh by by uh we have supplements and based on years of experience um they receive over 10 years of experience a $10,000 supplement um 5 to 10 years a $5,000 supplement and one to five years a $1,000 supplement so that did help um to relieve somewhat um that compression and then this this year by us um providing a 7% increase which was like I said was the highest increase we've given in at least the last 25 years that's somewhat helping um but until we can have more of a cash infusion of of funds to address salary as well as just regular General increases it makes it you know more difficult you know the governor mentioned recently that um he's invested $1.2 billion in um teacher pay so he's invested $1.2 billion in teacher pay over the past I would say three years four years over that exact same time period we also had the expansion of the voucher program and they've invested nearly $3 billion in vouchers so if they would have taken that money that they put within the voucher program and invested that within teacher pay we would be able to give our teachers a nearly 20% increase and so so yes the governor has invested in in teacher pay but he's invested more in the voucher program and not that saying that we're not appreciative of of the funding but it goes to your point it's very expensive to live here and that's been our Challenge and when you create a standard across the state it's much more expensive to live in Palm Beach County than it is in another District yet a lot of our pay is very similar you know so it's it's it it has been a challenge our HR department though has been working hard being very created and growing our own uh so we have a lot of programs where we now have um individuals who you know substitutes and and other and other jobs within the district that want to be a teacher um that they're now working in a program um where they get on the job training while they're also going through their degree at the same time to become a certified teacher so we piloted that program um uh last year and we're looking to you know expand that um because we have to do something different in order to um uh be able to reduce the vacancies uh but where we are right now especially with the sunsetting of those Federal Esser dollars those positions we funded which were a lot of Coach positions using those federal dollars now that we hopefully built capacity with that funding with helping to train the teachers a lot of those positions are moving back into the vacant teacher positions um so it's it's significantly reducing our vacancies um this year so sorry that was a long answer we're working hard it was interesting though good thank you we're working hard and and yes we need more money I mean that I mean I there's a lot a lot to say we need we need more we need more to be able to to to attract and retain high quality teachers okay any other questions no good okay need a motion to approve yes we do I move that we all right approve the annual um report as presented okay second second second all right on favor signify I I okay I all right you got it all right thank you and then our next meeting is November 8th so hopefully that works well for everybody so if I'm you it's birthday November 8 it's yeah all right we will keep that in mind do you have any any okay right that's it that's it all right right and completes our work for today in this committee we're quick yeah you do you good a good job too yes they really there a lot to keep and up with okay all right all right good well thank you everybody for for attending and I know that there are some of you that that are here also for the iso meeting so if you're on virtually and you're also on the iso meeting make sure to log off and then log back on to the iso meeting all right thank you minutes thank you for