okay so well good afternoon everybody and thanks all for being here um with session three of Coalition bargaining for healthcare um last session uh that we left off uh we were the district had presented a proposal with 50/50 split um we have updated the slides I sent an update yesterday on our claims for the month of May uh hopefully you've had a chance to review them if not though um they are in this in the presentation and so we'll we'll work through that and we'll get started there um Nancy Bolton is on the call and I'll I'll be turning it over to her now to to walk through this can you all hear me unfortunately my I'm having problems this morning so good I'm on the phone um my camera is not working but you know what I look like so here we go all right okay so just a recap of what we wanted to discover uh to just cover this morning um you know plan year 2024 and 2025 performance as of May 31st the claims dropped uh earlier this week um and just rate change options just kind of recapping what we talked about uh to cover the projected funding deficit through a 5050 split uh between the district and the employees and um District premium comparison just to kind of recap that and Redline changes to Coalition bargaining articles which you know are very U brief just updating the uh the numbers that we have that we hope that we can come to with you all and the dates and then a final discussion all right so here are the May 31st claims just a reminder that these are claims only you know just the raw claims data so as you can see May unfortunately did not you know we had those months that were encouraging in February and March but then April came in um at 22.5 million and may has come in now um uh at 21.7 million and um just to respond to Gordon's chat that just popped up we certainly will share this presentation with you all and then just the red arrow points to the actuaries projection of just the raw claims uh net of rebates what they expect will spend for plan year 2024 um we're a little bit skewed here for the average monthly um prescriptions plus rebates and also you know the average monthly claims because we got a nice rebate checkin uh for the second quarter but we don't have the benefit of the claims to balance out you know those numbers so you know really the the total average still shows an increase um for the monthly claims amounts so unfortunately the plan is not is not doing better than you know we projected it would even though we hoped it would okay so next slide please um and then this uh just updating uh this slide that you're familiar with the yellow uh line represents the collective Revenue um of the board and the employees and so we know we had talked about the 30 million and how things snowball on a plan our size and so as of April the actuary projected that we would need 52.5 million um that amount is going to fluctuate every month the 52.5 had the benefit of those friendly months you know February and March as you'll recall when we first started negotiating that amount was 59 but nevertheless um this does not include the May amounts I don't have the actuaries report yet just the claims data from United uh so this amount is going to fluctuate but kind of the takeaway is that that blue line represents the ending fund balance of the plan so even if we increased um you know at that amount we're still below the state required Reserve so uh next slide please so just to reiterate um here's the 52.5 again but we are um it doesn't restore the state required Reserve so the necessary premium increase based on the current enrollment which is over 20,000 again um is the 232 per month per employee uh 116 per paycheck for 24 pay periods just in the illustration and we recommend a minimum uh what that generates is 55 Mill ion doll increase split 5050 so it's 116 per month per employee and $58 per paycheck and that is pre-tax but but those are the cold hard numbers so Tim if you could uh Advance just a recap of the uh funding models that we sketched for you um the recommendation is the 116 per month which is you know here is the employee contribution currently in plan year 2024 in that 116 you can just do the simple math there what that would look like and then of course if that's reduced by the $50 monthly credit for health rewards how that would look and then I shared with you just kind of a adjustment to the actual cost because one person costs the plan less than two people and two adults cost more than adult than an adult and a child and so I had sketched that out um those numbers have been further refined by our PL our plan actuary but we haven't heard back from you so I haven't proposed any further rate adjustments that would charge more you know for an employee plus a spouse you know instead of just implementing the 116 across the board there would be some Actuarial consideration but this is what we shared with you um in the last Coalition bargaining session so it's just those three you know the currents and the two option one and option to summarized and um so just remember that I the numbers are are large but they are pre-taxed so if we're saying 116 but it actually would feel a little bit less than that in paychecks so next slide Tim and then of course just kind of reiterating the District comparison which we've shared with you before um most of the other districts are charging a lot for family coverage that's where we remain um even with our proposed increases the most competitive so is that still kind of what you guys want to see um we need $55 million we're very flexible on how we go about you know getting there and would love to hear your feedback as to where you're headed um with your thoughts as you know so uh next slide Tim and so just you know the general article updates just updating the dates and um the the sections that reflect the board's monthly contributions would be updated once we've come to terms uh with a final funding model next slide and so that that's pretty much it it's really just a recap we're very interested to hear where you all are so with that uh you know I know nobody likes to hear talk about increases and and stuff like that and you know I think we've been pretty fair in in trying to hold off increases for many years we know you know was 10 years before any increases came through you know looking back it you almost wish you increased by like five bucks each of those years so it wouldn't be such a a hard hit at at one time but um you know there just didn't seem like a need to to increase back then and we did um so uh you know I hope we're hoping that though once we get through this hump you know going forward it's it's not not quite as difficult you know or not the fund isn't in such bad shape some I'll turn it over if anybody has any comments from the Coalition or if you could let us know if you'd like to go into caucus yeah could we get a breakout room unless anyone wants to say anything prior to okay all right hey folks what's okay can you all hear me Nancy your phone is still in the main call um you might have to like hit a number I'm not sure which number it is to like enter the room but I did drag your phone number into the room she she you should be able to enter okay okay so I'm still in the main call yeah your phone is yeah all right I'm going to uh hang up then I guess okay yeah being the techie that I am I don't know how else to do it thanks e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] hi everyone I'll let them know that you're [Music] back thank you [Music] [Music] cable [Music] for for Justin I forwarded you that email let us know when everybody from your sides back Tim and then we can uh offer a counter J M Tim if you're saying something sorry yes I think everybody's here okay okay um so the the Coalition appreciates the information and the offer that the district's put on the table um at this time our counter offer is to match the employee contribution increase from last year that I believe was $20 per month and $10 per pay period where health care costs are uh deducted so that is our our counter at this time yeah I mean I I could I could tell you I know that's not going to be enough we're we're just we're so far off um but let's uh jump in a room real quick and I'll we'll be right back okay thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e hey folks uh so we did talk it over and you know this this um this need for an increase is something we've been seeing you know for for quite a few years in in the you know coming um and nobody likes to have an increase come through trust me none of us want this um we we really we know it's expensive to live here it's it's expensive to live pretty much anywhere right now with costs of everything going up U but Healthcare is part of those costs that have gone up significantly um and and we do appreciate you coming back with the counter um but it it really with that something like that we'll just find ourselves in the situation every year going forward um the the the claims amounts are just so so much higher than that it just we're just not bringing enough money in order to uh to cover it so the the counter that that we do have is is 53 per paycheck uh which would be uh what 10 106 I guess it is uh 106 per month and just clarification that's that's the proposal for the employees what is the district's increased contribution that would couple that yeah the district's uh planning to to match 5050 um whatever just just like we did last year um we matched that but remember last year's um was was um you know on each side that was like five million I believe um and and you know that that's what led to and last year when we were around this time we're talking about a $30 million shortfall and so by passing just that amount now we see where we're at with with you know that that compounding and then the the additional increases um in in costs of Health Care were at 50 you know anywhere between 50 and 60 million this year um so the district would be yeah matching that you know uh so if it's if it's 53 per paycheck that's what the district would contribute uh addition in addition to what they already contribute understood um so I know that based on our our caucus meeting that um the caucus the Coalition determined that we would want to take time to um develop a potential counter if the district came back today like you just have um so for the sake of this meeting um we've kind of reached the point that that we're willing to move forward today um and we'd look forward to scheduling a a subsequent meeting I know there had been some some emails back and forth trying to iron out dates I don't think anything was determined or agreed to Beyond today um so there might need to be more uh Dialogue on a future meeting date where consensus is established for all parties availability yeah I I I get that um I I don't necessarily agree with the the August though because I know in August we're all going to be talking about and into the fall we're going to talk about our our our Sal salary increases and and you know District does want to come out there and and be able to offer meaningful increases to the employees we know it's important um intended to do that um but it's very difficult for us you know it's it would be very difficult for me to be able to bring a a proposal here to you today without knowing where we're at on this because ultimately the the cost that has to be covered in this plan has to come from that pot of money so at least you know some of it we all do know that some of it's allocated just for teacher salary increases we're not talking about that 14 million or whatever it is but but we are talking about a of money that's set aside for raises um that if without understanding where we're going with this it's going to be increasingly difficult to do that so my My Hope Is I wantan to I don't mean to cut you but you know that we are in a unique position the PBA because we don't even know the base wage increases that we're going to get yet so I can't really agree to such a substantial incre without knowing what my members are going to get in their base wages so that's something that I'll have to talk about with my membership you know the schedule we're on for that I'm out of town the first two weeks of July and then the second two weeks I have a lot of IAS and our hearing if we have to have a hearing so I really am looking at the first week of August and I can offer multiple dates on that but I get you're trying to plan things but I also need my wage numbers to be able to communicate with my members because this I don't think will pass and I also think that I want to do some records requests so I'll try to get those in I'm out of town tomorrow and then I'm back all of next week if you want to reach out and I'll probably try to do my records request Monday and then with that information I think that I'll be able to speak more with my membership so I know the PBA is in a unique situation but I just want to throw that out there because that's very important to our we're still on last year so I I understand that um well if we'll we'll put out some uh I know we put out some options if if time frees up in in July and you guys can you know we have some some better ideas of where where we're at um we the district would welcome the opportunity to continue negotiating um you know we do we do plan to to to work with you all on this um I'm like July 29th and the 31st and the first and the second and then pretty much all through the first week of August August 5th 6th 7th and 9th so I can email you those dates um sure that sounds good okay thanks Katie all right well um anybody else steephen did you have a com something yes Stephen my my main thing at at this point um just on a broader broader thing is I couldn't even take this to my to my membership because they they vote it down the current the current um District proposal that's what I'm saying well I think that's what we're here to to bargain negotiate come to something where we can reach a tentative agreement well I I I understand that I'm saying even if we agreed to it I the membership would vote it down as it currently is do you guys guys work with the G group do you guys get stats and stuff through them on who do you guys work with the G group I'm I'm not sure what you're saying it seems like it's cutting out the the what group The Garing group do you guys work with them do you get like Market stat and feedback uh not that I'm aware of no I'm not sure I'm not I'm not familiar with that no yeah no we um we we're a client of Gallagher benefits um we're friends of the sh in group we go to their seminars and you know Kurt and I go way way way back and uh you know he's he's always very generous in Sharing info so we you know we keep we look at Mercer surveys we certainly stay up to date through those channels but we're not a Garing client I all I have is the uh plan year report for 22 so I don't know if you guys have anything more on that but if I can I'm going to do a records request and I'll share it with you in an email too um because just the more info the better um so and then also something I mentioned in our caucus is that I know certain contracts have caps on increases so usually the highest I like PBSO will they have a cap and it's 10% so I think that's kind of where we were looking at with our counter to today um so but those are just my thoughts it's hard to for me to you know agree to anything without knowing where our wages are so um I'll I'll do the records requests early next week and then I'll email you those dates today so that we can get at least one or two meetings on the books okay okay all right thanks everybody I appreciate your time here today okay thank you byebye e e --------- our roll call adoptive family Jessica Pagan present online thank you best foot forward Debbie Elman present online thank you uh Black Chamber of Commerce Palm Beach County Cassandra Oliver card at FAU Jack Scott I I'm present thank you card at FAU Sabrina degois Coalition for black student achievement Dr Deborah Robinson Coalition for black student achievement Deborah Stewart Compass Amanda conned Compass Rex Barnes connect to Greatness Dr Cassandra Corbin [Music] Thaddius connect to Greatness Andre Thaddius present online District advisory committee Kimberly Spire O Okay uh District DC advisory committee Michelle Bey present online thank you I'm also present I'm sorry I was having trouble unmuting thank you uh division of blind Services of the fdoe Caesar vgo Pres thank you Economic Council of Palm Beach County Craig McKenzie L Soul Jupiter Suzanne witbeck Florida Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Juan Pagan present Florida Hispanic American Chamber of Commerce Evelyn Vargas for the children Reggie dures line thank you Gold Coast Down syndrome Sue Davis Killian thank you guatemal and Maya Center Mariana Blanco present online oh great thank thank you Hispanic chamber of commerce Mar Maria Antonia Hispanic education Coalition of Palm Beach County Hector Pedra NAACP South Palm Beach County Branch dedri straw Palm Beach County Council of ptas Charmaine postal good morning president online Palm Beach County Council ptas Marcus Brown good morning present online thank you Palm Beach County Human Rights Council Emmy Kenny president good morning everybody Tri City education committee Eddie rhods Tri City education committee Mary Evans Urban League of Palm Beach County Terrence Reid president online volunteer Association of America woodlean Pierre hi pres great and volunteer Association of America carlen Paul not at this time she's thank you and classroom Teachers Association Gordon loffer present online all right and Palm Beach County School administrators Association Jay blit have to get another representation um and then there's a phone I don't know is that you this phone number 04 no um I'm just we're just trying to figure out who's the who's on um the at the meeting with the last um two digits of their phone number being 04 is that charmain no charmaine's name is on there okay hello Corbin FES okay thank you doc okay I have her check so we have 14 we have 14 call for approval of of the M minutes we like motion for approval this is reg I move to approve the the M minutes thank you second I second approv and second we continue now we go to the public comments I don't think we have anybody in public comment so far so we will continue um we're going to go for the update of the ddec at HW subcommittee the subcommittee representative who's going to be the first one I will be the one to say that we did not meet this month and um we will only meet in the future when we um have a call to action um if Keith is available to um lead us on additional work on the um Direct Ives regarding um High achieving um High academically achieving black male students then we will move forward but otherwise we will not be calling meetings thank you and you were be you were the only one schedule to present correct on that issue yes thank you um on the next one and according to the agenda we have Mr Keith Oswell unfortunately he will be able to be with us today his father just passed away uh very sad he was ill and our deepest condolences to him and his family you know I wishing the best uh he was over 85 86 something like that you know already and he was sick and uh unfortunately well it was his turn and the Lord called him our blessings to him and his family thank you so we don't have any was going to do the update for Keith there's no update there's no update okay so we go to new business so we go with the district ese advisory committee Kimberly Aspire yes I promised last time that I would get the uh the report or presentation from Kevin McCormick and I was unable to do so once again may we be scheduled for the fall because I will definitely be able to get something from him by then and my apologies but there's something need [Music] to all right thank you Kimberly we go to the next item is a Welcome Center so we would like to invite Julie AO I I don't okay Julie are you present I don't have it to Julie can you share it with me did you share it with me I shared it with hello everyone one second with Jonathan I should had you share with me also you share it with me okay no did you share with me no oh I thought yeah okay Jonathan can you share it with me one second you guys yes okay go ahead you got a request yes from him I just oh she got a request okay please yes I can start talking hello everyone my name is Julie ASO um and for the past year I have been overseeing the district's um Welcome Center surprising enough within this year I found that a lot of schools and Community agencies um were not aware of of who we are and what we do thank you and so I am um privileged to be sitting here this morning in order to introduce a little bit of what the Welcome Center is for um Palm Beach County Schools just a little bit about us um The Welcome Center has a little video that we've posted it's on our page but just in case I want to share it with you I'm not sure if I can can do that I think Whoever has the slides can do that sorry can you just click the link where it says who we are Oh I thought she [Music] had the Welcome Center palom Beach County Schools welcomes families from all over the world into our district our main purpose is to help you transition and facilitate the registration process to be a smooth and easy transition I'm here today because I wanted to get my son um vaccinated um to do his immunization as well as to do a physical so he can go to school there are four major things that Welcome Center does to support families as they transition into our Palm Beach County schools number one appropriate grade level placement and Advising students on recommended course selections we also do an evaluation of school transcripts we offer interpretations in four major languages Portuguese Spanish Haitian Creo and Mayan languages and the last one that's so important is immunizations Palm Beach County schools has a partnership with the health department to facilitate vaccines to newcomers and also transfer shots received into the Florida forums and it's just very good that they have a center L this where people from all over the world can come and get the services that they need done so if you are new to our County please come visit us as we welcome you and help you transition into one of our Palm Beach County [Music] Schools so in a nutshell that's um pretty much what we do um at the Welcome Center The Welcome Center is designed to help families that are coming from all over the world register into our County oh one second okay great register into our County schools and these can be students coming from Broward County next door to France in Europe any other any countries of the world we help um expedite the process a lot of families and this is just from a personal experience a lot of families comeing to Florida from all over the world don't know necessarily the processes that are needed when I came 10 years ago with three children from Connecticut I didn't know that there was such a thing as um Florida form I kept saying well their sh are up to dat what are you talking about Florida form so we help facilitate that and with that um we have amazing staff that we work with at the Welcome Center and so if you see on this slide as mentioned in the video we do registration grade placement counseling Social Services referrals immunization bilingual staff available and referral to many local agencies we work with amazing people and I know that some of these agencies are represented here today um we work with a amazing Community Partners that help us facilitate the transition into the schools easier um we our staff consists of social facilitators interpreters school counselors and a data processor and all of this comes together all of these team members come together to be able to facilitate again an easier transition into our schools sometimes parents go to schools and it's hard for them to bring all the paperwork or come back and so what we try to do with our data processor is do a One-Stop shop um this year we've had the amazing blessing and opportunity to work with found care so our families not only are getting the immunizations the day that they come in for um the Florida shots but they're also getting an on the spot or on the same day physical so the students truly leave our Welcome Center fully completely ready to start school that same day or the very next day um these are some of the agencies as I mentioned that we work with I'm updating this so um some of the agencies you might see there this is in our website but they're not up to date this year we've received brand new agencies that we're also working with and we will be updating this guide as well um here we go with found care which is one of our agencies partner agencies for the physical we and these are our Flyers these are dates for our immunizations and physicals for June and July um if you are on the screen and you want to take a picture of these dates you can find also these flyers in The District web page but if you want to take a picture and share it with your uh families we are here on those dates for the month of June and July I'm sorry yeah this is at the Welcome Center building e yes Building E turns into on Wednesdays a walk-in clinic interesting enough right yes okay so just a quick glance of what um school year 24 looked like to us we opened up the year with our very first ever um back to school event this event was amazing a lot of our agencies came out to support our families we we donated over 300 backpacks um we had free uh haircuts we gave out 200 uniforms we we 60 V vaccines and overall we serviced about 575 families that day it was an amazing event and I keep using the word amazing because I just it's just a great word to use because we helped so many families that day um families every child walked away with a gift a toy we raffled bikes the library did um card registrations it we opened up the year with this event event and it was very well received if anyone was here around that date you would have seen a line of people wrapped around the entire ebuilding it was just phenomenal well this year we have our second and the Flyers already ready everything's ready we have our second annual back to school we have gotten such an overwhelming response from our community that we have been able to secure over 500 backpacks and so we are expecting July 18th over five we're preparing for five over 500 students which means that if each student brings a mom and a dad there will be close to a thousand people if not more that day it will be in the back we're going to take over just get prepared um uh District staff we're going to take over the back parking lot of building e we will close all of that area it will be an outdoor event we have over 20 vendors that have confirmed their attendance we're even going to have Kut ice for the children here with us so there will be um backpack distribution school supply distribution free haircuts we're going to have for the very first time um glucose and um blood pressure screening for parents so it's going to be very interesting a lot of fun I invite all of you if you're in the area come around um we love to see you we have started a registration process or Welcome Center slash immunization slash everything that's happening here out in the Glades so we have started um a Glades registration and welcome center out there as well to have those families also participate with the facilitation of registring into school even at the Glades it's been a great year um as I don't know if you guys know but we have a new registration process that's opening up for everyone K through 12 which is online enrollment and we're also working with families to help through that process we have a video to explain how that enrollment is going to happen and so we can better support the families um the video is not updated yet but we're working with FTE to have all that updated information for our families remember the welcome Center is here to support families again from all over the world in all different uh languages obviously we don't speak all the languages but we have the language line and we also have our interpreters to work with our families what we want to do is make sure that every person that comes in to Palm Beach County Schools to register have uh seen seamlessly or seams lless um experience seamless experience and they can um be able to enroll with with minimal minimal um issues and they have a a wonderful experience as they're registering into our amazing District um here's my contact information if you have any questions um we would love to talk to you and we would like to support you in any which way we can thank you for the time thank you uh any questions for Mel question in the box is a question in the Box oh no um are there religious exemptions for immunizations if so what form needs to be completed well thank you so much for that question yes there is religious except exemptions uh we work closely with the health department to give out that information there is a form number that you use I can't remember on the top of my head but if you send me an email I can send you in it's actually not a form number it's um an email that you use with the health department and you send them your request and they'll immediately within 48 Hours send you the religious exemption and is it julie. it's julie. ASO at Palm Beach Schools excellent yes excellent any other question thank you very much M moving to the next topic well it's going to be the uh FLD doe general relc education survey uh Keith is not here you doing that she will be doing that all right go forward just be doing it all all right let's go thank you J appreciate you all right good morning everyone um I'm just going to go through this is all from Florida deal these are not local Resorts these are State um results I'm thinking about a resort these are yeah right I'm ready to get out of here um these are um State results and it's about the Florida specific youth survey there are two parts to that it's a resilience survey as well as a um Health survey and I'm going to just um briefly go through some of um what Florida doe has put out and as as you see it's from 2022 to 2023 that's the sample of the students for this particular survey um and I also will be sharing um Susan will be sharing this information with you um sometime today she'll send it out in an email screen um how do you make a full screen so I can make it full screen here yeah all right um so the resilience score the general resilience score is 3.74 and there are um different characteristics of that it said oh okay let me go to let me close this one out okay now I'm on the meeting yes okay I'm sorry I had it open twice um and there are different characteristics that go into the resilience score citizenship critical thinking empathy gratitude grit honesty mentorship perseverance problem solving responsibility responsible decision- making self-awareness and self-management um according to this the um General resilience score for the subgroup comparisons so they have subgroups of hispanic white African-American black/black Asian American indian/alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander and multi-racial students and the sample was of 9th 10th and 11th 9th 10th 11th and 12th grade students and they also break it down by male and female so here the general resilience is considered high um and it's considered high in those subgroups except the subgroup of American Indian or Alaskan native is considered medium and that's just based on a liyer scale um that's how they were able to reach each of the characteristics yes ma'am it looks like all the subps are higher overall yes thank you it looks like almost all the subgroups are higher than the overall what's the overall was what three 374 so hispan so like Hispanic for example it says 3.72 and it says high but that's low lower than the overall this is this is the high is not in relationship to overall or to any other group it's just its own scale so it's no so the high is the overall of the entire population of the sample no I'm talking about where it says like like Hispanic 3.72 and it says High because it so 374 is a high score but so is 3.72 that's considered a high score so um all right so in the so when the Hispanic subgroup did their General resilience score and they used the data to average it out it came up to 3.72 but when they put all those scores together and decide what and and average those out it comes to 3.74 for the entire population does that make sense thank you okay somebody had a question in the Box oh um um go ahead Dr Fergus I mean Mr Ferguson Mr Ferguson did you have a question Mr Ferguson did you have a question okay I'm going to go ahead and um move through this so citizenship here we go um this is another res characteristic and on this one the it was a medium score of 3.01 um and then there was no score at all for native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander um the sample was less than 10 respondant for the for all characteristics except Grant so this is um why there's a star there um and as you can see um Hispanic fell below um African-American black fell below the entire ire population um American Indian Alaskan native as well as the multi-racial students um critical thinking um scored high for the entire population um and the Hispanic um population um was lower but still considered high someone else raise their hand did he raise it um Mr Ferguson did you want it yeah okay with a different phone okay can you I'm sorry what what's the purpose of this survey again um this is the Florida specific youth survey so you know we have to do the um the youth mental health um training for for our um staff so it has to do with I'll tell you exactly where we are um where's my Cana so it let's go back up here I'll tell you exactly what it is so it has to do with Florida statute 1.3.4 two including resiliency education it has to do with what's going on um in Tallahassee basically so it has to do with the instruction for health education and as well as resiliency education Civic and character education and life skills education so um we wanted to share the results with um the committee it's Florida statute 10345 42 or did I no number 10 10342 oh okay 103 yeah I know that one right and so the data was collected from a sample of high school students during spring of 2022 to 2023 to drive um the um training the youth Mental Health Training and the different I heard you say grit there were a few other ones I I'm driving so wasn't able to really look closely at the survey can you you just run those by me again please um so the character so there's a general resilience score and what goes into that is citizenship critical thinking empathy gratitude grit honesty mentorship perseverance problem solving responsibility responsible decision-making self-awareness and self-management um and according to the data results citizenship and mentorship fell in medium and um all the other um characteristics fell in high when it came to the student survey okay student so I was just briefly going through each of the um each of the characteristics of the Florida specific youth survey just so um but we're going to send this out to um the department I mean I'm sorry the commit okay thank you I appreciate it not a problem all right so so critical thinking as you can see um scored High except when it came to American Indian or Alaskan native students and again our native Hawaiian or other specific stylander Islander students um less than 10 in the sample so they do not use that um data and then we here we go with um empathy um scored high again our native Hawaiian Pacific Islander students did not have enough students um in the sample um gratitude scored really high um 4.23 High um and it scored four in the fours except in our American Indian or Alaskan um Native um American students and again hi here and as we can see there's um kind of a um uh when I Alaskan uh American Indian Alaskan um Native students they're it seems that they're scoring lower across the board so we're we're really interested to see what happens when we get the data for um for our um District um here in um mentorship um it scored medium and that was across the board um so I believe that our trusted adult um initiative that we have in Palm Beach County may help with um our local resorts for our local results for mentorship and then perseverance high and again our American Indian or Alaskan native students were scored at medium they scored at medium here we have problem solving um we scored high and then our African-American black students and our again our American Indian our Alaskan native students and multi-racial students scored medium um when it came to problem solving and this is where and and you got to realize that they are um talking about their own characteristics within themselves so it's not they're not raing um schools what is that um okay let me just go through this particular um just briefly go through this and then we can ask questions um responsible decisionmaking whether they think they have responsible decision- making um and here we here we are again with our American Indian our Alaskan native students medium self-awareness high and again here is where the discrepancy is um self-management we scored High three um this Florida scored High 3.52 where our Hispanic students American Indian or Alaskan native students and multi-racial students scored themselves in a medium on that so those are our resiliency um that's our resiliency survey for the state okay so questions who who's can you help me with that Michelle yeah hi um I was wondering um how the sample size of this new survey can be compared to the sample size of the former youth Behavior risk survey because I wasn't sure if the state was Distributing this assessment in the in a similar comparative way or if this is completely separate from the way that the former assessment was administered and utilized as far as is this a is this a relative or perspective assessment for our kids I'm sorry um so as far as I know this survey is it repeat the first part of the question was this new survey administered as far as that sample size in the same way that the youth Behavior risk survey was administered and I'm not sure about that okay because there there seem to be some discrepancies with the the self- rating versus the comprehensive data that was shared in the last meeting so I'm trying to piece it all together right so I'm not sure if it was um if it was administered the same way that's a question that I I'd have to probably ask um Mary CLA Mary CLA sent the results to to us and so I'll have to ask her that but I'll ask her that and I'll get back with you will you email me that question should thank you Dr Cassandra Oh Dr um Cassandra so thank you for sharing this and um I especially appreciate it seeing some social and emotional Wellness pieces in here yes um my question is this is almost 2 years old now um and I'm curious how and if there is a some thoughts or planning of about how then to take this I I know that you mentioned um this was going to inform the training for the adults around the mental health pieces and I'm also wondering if there are other like key um learnings from this survey that we could actually um pull and use and inform like the environments in which our students are in I'm just curious like how we're thinking about the survey result and using it more holistically so the the purpose to share this with you is so that you could pull the information to also assist in um how you your your your um Community efforts right um the survey was it is from 2002 2023 it's because they were re writing the health education standards for the state how how we are to require instruction for health education as well as um resiliency education Civic and character education and life skills education because we no longer say um social emotional um they took that out of um the Florida um the Florida Statutes it's now life skills so this survey was used to drive the instruction for that as well as the youth mental health um training for adults but we wanted to share this with you for the community effort because I think that it is important to notice when um students are rating themselves when they're rating themselves low especially certain subgroups did I answer your question um yeah I think so I just want to process the little a little bit more so but I do appreciate the response thank you okay any other questions yes um on the citizenship which uh is is low and it would seem to be um one that schools would have a a fair responsibility for is there um what is the analysis uh for for that uh for that and then I have a a second question after that so we have not received local um or any results for this specific survey for the school district this is State um information um so it it was used to drive the instruction for health education so okay I I'm I'm pretty sure that they have used this to make sure the standards for healthcare Education address citizenship okay next and then the full the full report break does it break out for ESC for example it did not of course it did not break out um for ESC elll um or um um socio um economic low economic students it did not um Title One kids okay thank you Miss Kenny I was just wondering if um you all at the district saw the actual survey questions that were on the survey or if are the do we have access to that the actual questions that they were asked um that's a question I'll have to ask Mary CLA but I'm not I I I was not given the the questions just the data from the results if we can request a I too am like wondering how this compares to the um youth risk behavioral survey it seems to me like this is their replacement for that to eliminate all the lgbtq questions and um social emotional learning and all of those um things that they want to remove so I'm just wondering if we can I I feel like this has no information for for my group at all it doesn't but um just to see the questions that they're asking it's hard to get any kind of inform usable information from this survey without knowing what the questions are right um I I really have no idea what it how they're asking questions like about empathy to like score empathy and so it's on a liked scale so they're scoring themselves as to one equals never and five almost always so it's yeah right and I'm not sure what the question being asked no idea but um I will ask Mar um Mary CLA if we can um get those questions if if it's possible okay thank you and Dr Dr Cassandra did you raise your hand again no I was just saying that's a great question oh okay i' like that too Kimberly um yes I know that they didn't um some of the groups that I think we would want to get results from and see where we you know as people who care and as the Educators can help our disability and I know there's no way to really do lgbtq because we can't keep track of those numbers understandably but it seems like and also the socioeconomic those are the kids that will probably come up with the answers that give us more of a job to do you know these are the kids who are probably struggling in these areas is more than particular um like racial demographic groups or the intersectionality of the racial groups with these particular factors so as an enduser of this survey is there any way the distri for ability to be um for them to break out and also I don't know I guess kids it would be hard to ask them the economic questions but a representative of people with disabilities I think the answers um for a lot of these questions would be concerning for kids with disabilities oh yeah Kimberly was there a question in that yes the question is could the district put a request in that in the future uh the disability numbers um and answers are provided to you okay you wrote that down yeah okay I'm okay yes ma'am I'm gonna um I'm going to request that and I and again I'll ask Dr muinck about that thank you anyone else all right we're going to briefly go over the health behavior section of that particular survey and um the 10 domains there were injury prevention and safety Internet safety nutrition personal health prevention control of disease substance use and abuse um child trafficking prevention education teen dating violence and abuse sexual abstinence and resiliency education which we have already gone over resiliency um so injury prevention and safety 88% of students can recognize signs of cyber bullying um 16% of those students of the and these are just the sample students um to drive the um the health education initiative um 16% of those students reported being bullying and 12% of those students reported being Cyber Bullied injury and prevention 61% of students always wear a seat belt um right that's all um that's what Susan said that's all um let's see 40% in the last 30 days of that survey reported texting while driving and 11% of those students reported drinking while driving yikes Okay Internet safety um 79% of students been three or more hours on an average school day engaging in screen time 91% of students are aware of the risks of meeting with with someone in person that they have met online 89% of students can report unwanted mess messages from unknown senders 43% of students never respond to messages from unknown senders nutrition during the last seven days before the survey 23 only 23% of students almost always consumed a healthy food 42% of students ate breakfast for five or more days personal health 67% of students visited a dentist during the past 12 months 59% were Physically Active four more days and 21% of students engaged in eight or more hours of sleep on an average school night so we know our students they stay up late um Chris what was the age of the students 9th 10th and 11 12th 9th 10th 11 12th graders so that can range anywhere from 13 to 19 years old okay the percentage of students aware of the signs and symptoms of the following diseases obesity 79% 62% for lung disease 60% for heart disease and 69% for STI substance abuse and um use and abuse the the percent of students who have ever consumed the following substances 37% alcohol 7% cigarettes 19% V Ving 177% marijuana 8% unprescribed medication and 79% of the students are aware of the supports and resources available to them if they had a problem with substance abuse child trafficking 62% of the students can recognize the signs of human trafficking 76% of students can report the signs of human trafficking which means they know who to report it to teen Dating Violence 9% of the students have been a victim of teen Dating Violence 76% recognize teen dating um violence and abuse and 75% know who to report it to sexual abstinence 26% of students have engaged in sexual intercourse 69% of students are aware of the benefits of abstinence from sexual activity and 91% of the students are aware of the consequences of te pregnancy could you go up one what was the one um I'm going back up go up one okay this one all right okay thank you okay and this is the resiliency education of course um during the current year 22% of students almost always f the symptoms of stress anxiety or Depression 46% had feelings of sadness hopelessness loneliness nervousness worry or being afraid that stopped them from doing some usual activities 19% seriously considered harming themselves 31% sought out resources when they had a mental health challenge 77% of students have a trusted adult in their life and 78% of students are aware of resource if they had a mental health challenge or concern and that is it for the health um survey the health section of the survey are there any questions okay who's that hi Dr Robinson hey good morning sorry I'm late is any of this data disaggregated at all we tell girls have more depression boys or anything like that um this is how it was sent from Florida Department of Education the um the resiliency strand is disaggregated by the characteristics we went over that prior um to coming to the meeting but the health strands are not okay thank you somebody else got a hand up Michelle yeah I think just the same questions about um what the what the survey questions that were asked of the kids really were and if this was proportionate for like the size of like whether it's a large District the small districts and whether it's truly representative of our population um because you know some of these numbers there's some discrepancies between some of the um Community data around youth mental health and engagement in the highest levels of care as well as with know Baker reports from USF so I do think that that analytical part of this is really going to be important uh if we can get that from goe which I know is a tall order um but to get that disaggregated data to see how this relates specifically to Palm Beach is going to be really important got you you wrote that down Susan write it down please that she wants the um we want to try to get the questions and um to see and the disaggregated data and where the sample students come from is it from a large district is it from dist um different districts all all over and I would just and you know my question is are they really answering those questions um honestly because some of the data seems a little skew to me also yes Kimber is point also if we were able to disaggregate the es component supports what is the comprehension of questions that are actually being asked of the students if it's at their expected levels for understanding answering okay um Emy um I don't have a question I just feel like I I it's it's hard to come to these meetings every month and watch the Eraser of lgbtq students happening before our eyes and see what is happening politically um really affecting our kids and the 16% number for kids getting bullied um it it just shows me how generalized and vague this data is because we know from the risk behavioral survey that for um lgbtq kids that number is 40% so it's I don't have a question I just want to insert this feedback if there is any um advocacy happening at the district level for uh towards the Department of Education um I know yeah a tall order and I don't think anything will come of it under um the state government we have right now but I just want I just feel like I need to to say that to this group that um it it's very difficult for me to to watch the Erasure of lgbtq kids happening before our eyes and this is just yeah another example I'd like to comment that we have our chance to give them some feedback in November so yes when when it's time to vote so yes any other questions any other statements any other comments um Janina I just I put a question in the chat I I just wanted to be reminded of what the two from the very beginning um you said that were medium I guess noted and it was mentoring and something else and I just want to if you can remind me what that one was I'm going to um we're going to send all this survey information to you um let me see I have to go back to it um it was mentorship and citizenship citizenship thank you yes ma'am okay thank you very much any other question any other comment we moving along the next item in the agenda is the fiscal year 20125 the meeting schedule if you probably get a copy of this uh for 2024 the next next one is there's no meetings in July no meeting in July share it I'm share it for you okay they're going to share so August 22nd September 26 October 24 November 21st for 2024 in December there's no meeting then we jump after the three kings remember comes in January the 6 will be Festa P will be on uh January 23rd uh February 27 March 20 April 23rd and then jump to May 15 and then to June 12th 2025 so we're looking forward make sure all of you staying alive staying alive we would like to help you just uh April 23rd is a Wednesday we won't be here on Thursday just like this year it's take your child to work day so we'll be here Wednesday and we did June 12th it's the 2 Thursday early so we don't have this conflict next year conflict with juneth yeah all right cuz we'll be off that day right celebrating okay and then the next item in the agenda was on on finished business the haab MS recommendation to the board subcommittee representative please she said we didn't have anything we don't have anything okay wait for Kei okay we move along I'll wait somebody's hand is up go ahead so good morning um for for the meeting dates are is this just for us to review so that we could approve at the beginning of the year we're supposed to vote on or will we be approving this July I think we're supposed to vote on it yes yes we are well I said that at this meeting because typically um typically the Committees are or the members of the Committees could be appointed based on their appointments to this committee uh which could be year to year if I'm not mistaken I just want to make sure um because in the past we have always approved this calendar at the first meeting if I'm not mistaken either the last meeting or the first meeting of the year I just want to make sure that we're approving it appropriately so I I believe we're approving it at the last meeting of the year which is this meeting okay it was attached and so if we are approving it is are we review because we were going to the next agenda item is this the time that we are entertaining a motion on the floor we should let do a motion to approve that they need to review the calendar in advance it was attached to the calendar invite right right correct correct so if we're approving it at this time um then I I will so do we need ex so sh Char do you think we need extra time you think others need extra time to review I personally don't think we need extra time because this calendar is usually consistent every year um with the time frame that we would normally meet so I personally don't think we need extra time but um I would definitely ask the committee if there is no objection to move forward and approving this calendar now seeing that this is the last meeting of the calendar year or I'm say I'm sorry of the school year and the next meeting would be to approve that August 22nd meeting typically we would approve the August meeting and then review it at the next meeting but I don't see any objections for us to approve this calendar as it is and if there is any revision that needs to come forward in August we address those concerns at that time do we have a motion but I would I would definitely put a motion on the floor to approve this calendar for FY 2425 as is um but I would need a second I I would put a motion I don't know if the hand is um going to supersede my motion second we have a second we have a motion we have a second the motion came from charmain yes and the second came from Dr Robinson Dr Robinson thank you and I just have a question may question question please yeah just just a quick question you may have said this and I apologize what are what's the number in pin after the dates what's that number mean it's it's the the the Thursday whatever the Thursday at 4th Thursday 4th Thursday 4th Thursday 3D Thursday 4th Thursday 4th Thursday third Thursday fourth Wednesday third Thursday second Thursday Dr Cass it's the week that the um that that Thursday fall of the month of the month okay all right can we maybe note that somewhere on that calendar just as somebody's looking at it they know what that means does it say somewhere I don't see an asct anywhere no she'll um Susan will change it yeah makes sense thank you any other comment question so the agenda proposed agenda is approved a motion the motion wasn't completed we just had a motion on the floor with a second and we were at a discussion with a question on the floor okay we need to vote so we have a vote so we have a vote all in favor I I I I anyone oppose we move forward the motion process thank you okay well and if we look at them the agenda our fiscal year meeting is a ajour wish you all a great summer stay dry and use on lotion because it will help you it's going to be hot thank you guys we appreciate it thank you bye-bye