chair today is March 11th and I am calling the academic advisory committee meeting to order at this time will the secretary call the role to establish if there is a quorum yeah good evening Mr Nate Collins thank you Reginal dures a ex Laura Felman Schoolboard district 6 Rachel frisber School Board District 3 I'm present Randy Gabriel ESC advisory Council cherelle gold School Board District 1 here I'm here Loria hilard Coalition for black student achievement Dr Gabriella Mendes Hispanic education Coalition present online hello everyone thank you Eugenia millander School Board District 7 charman postel Palm Beach County Council of PTA PTSA present online after the roll call I'll be in the building thank you Sheila Scott Luben Palm Beach State College president of line thank you Imran sadiki School Board District 5 good evening president Christin tip School Board District 2 hello everyone present thank you two three four five six seven and we do have a quorum thank you um Madam Secretary at this time we will entertain excuse me I have apologize excuse me um my apologies at this time we'll continue in the on the agenda and we will go to the next item on the agenda which is I don't know my allergies is acting up so I do apologize um the next item on the agenda is the approval of minutes from last month the minutes were distributed motion to approve thank you can you state your name name for the record Randy Gabriel thank you motion by Randy Gabriel second cherelle golden thank you minutes have been um approved in second all in favor hi or are there any discussions about any discussions hearing none all in favor I oppose motion Carri at this time we are a little early but we will entertain any public comments in the room or online there are no public comments online are there any public commenters or anyone in the public or at this time anyone who is in the room who have not had the opportunity to introduce yourself for the record um please use this opportunity to introduce yourself Madam chair joining us um joining us here in the boardroom um is Paige Lewis um Miss Lewis do you have any com public comments okay thank you um thanks for joining us and also joining um us here in the boardroom is our director for elementary education Adrien Howard and our director for secondary education Iver swier welcome thank you all for coming in and joining us and Madam chair we do have a hand raise um Dr um Mendes and be prior to before Dr Mendes uh open the mic I do want to make you aware that Dr millinder um she did join us this evening thank you I'm at the back door if somebody can open the door for me um you are all recognized and let the minutes reflect that um the attend as they have arrived um he Dr Mendes you are regiz yeah thank you um I received an email with the policies however I need a request to access them and I requested access and I think it was denied actually got access denied so did you um receive the request um are you trying to open the request with the email address that we have on file for you or a separate email oh I am not sure okay that's okay Miss Wood is giving she's providing access now do I'm Dr Mendes okay thank you so much I appreciate any additional questions at this time we'll move we'll move along on the agenda for updates from the chief academic officer Madam Che okay Madam chair um my update is going to come a large part of my update will come from the instructional review and that's why I've asked the academic team um to join me this evening um so I'm going to utilize the time that I have for the academic update I want to add on to the discussion around the midyear instructional review and that midyear instructional review it would take us back to the data that we looked at um at our last meeting and what we're going to do from looking at the data pretty much is now this is the data how we've how we are responding to the data and um moving forward so that's why I'm very pleased to be able to have both again the director of Elementary Ed and the director of secondary Ed um to join me as we talk about some of the work that we're doing within the department of curriculum but on the Lin set we do have some pieces to celebrate but also we know that we have still some growth opportunities there so Madam chair um it's at the will and the request that I'm making to allow my update to come as part of the midyear instructional review that is um if there is no objection seeing that U Mr R is here with us and he typically is here for a quick update um unless he would like to stay for the remainder of the day if there is no objection with the body um can we skip that area of the agenda for just a minute and go to allow Mr RL to give his updates for the library media services and then we'll come back and have the presentation are there any objections Miss Felman your hands is up is that an objection oh was a I didn't think my hand was up sorry I'm seeing something else my apologies hearing no objection Mr R good afternoon everybody uh so I my updates are very quick uh thank you guys for keeping up with giving us the commentary that we need uh we do appreciate the time that it takes to do that we do anticipate the the orders to be slowing down some as we move towards the latter part of the year and most of the funds have been expended um for this the state funds that passed through my department uh directly to the libraries uh the the deadline is actually this upcoming Friday so that should slow things down a little bit uh and then we should be able to move move on with the rest of the year but that's all the updates that I have for now thank you are there any questions at the time at this time for Mr RL hearing no questions unless you would like to stay with us for the remainder of the U meeting you are dis Miss thank you and thank you to the body please Dr Sheffield proceed with the presentation from um the midyear instructional review thank you um Madam chair again um it's of course as always um a great time where we come with this depart um this division here to just look in regards to the work that we're doing as it pertains in the area of AC academics those of you that were with us um last month I'm going to ask that you just bear with me I'm going to you're going to see some of the slides that you saw on last month particularly around the data pieces but I'm going to and it was important that I left I left the data slides in um but what you're going to see in terms of the new slides the new pieces that have been added is going to be around some of the work that we're doing as we talk about responding to the data in regards to what we're seeing from now from progress monitoring one to progress monitoring 2 and the work that we're doing leading up and preparing our students um for their endof theee assessments I mean I you know I hate to make reference to assessments because we should not be teaching to a test we should just be providing um Quality instructions because that's that's just what should be expected of us in this business of educating our students educating the total child um but not here there we know that it is here um we do have the standards we have the benchmarks and we must align ourself accordingly and just making certain that we're providing um the opportunities for our students to where they are successful for those um challenge for those assessments that are been placed in front of them a common theme that you're going to also hear um this evening is going to be a lot around the instructional pedagogy and the professional development because that's really and truly aot on what we've sort of wanting to focus on a lot this year is around the instructional pedagogy the professional development and what are we're doing and how we are enhancing and working alongside with our teachers because we know now um when our teachers are going you know when you're going into the College of Education um many will think that you know they graduated from the college education they're ready to hit the classrooms they have all those skills all those unique tools and so forth they're ready to go um but at the end of the today what we do realize is that when our teachers are coming into us um some of them are coming directly from a College of Education some of them are coming in terms of a second career and so the support that we're providing it just looks different and most importantly I tell them all the time is on the is on the job training so a common theme is going to be what we're doing again to enhance the instructional pedagogy of our teachers and trying to ensure their success I will say to you you that no we we have not closed all of those grow opportunities that many may see as we look through the data we realize that we still have some gaps there and we're just working alongside with the team and identifying those gaps and continue to look for ways in terms of collaborating working with the state working with other stakeholders in terms of making those needed adjustments and so forth so some of last Wednesday I'm not sure those that were able to watch the board workshop on last Wednesday Mr attorney and myself both we did do this midyear instructional re um review with the board on last Wednesday updating the board in regards to where we are as a district and most importantly around the post Esser and what does the poster means that means in regards to you know the past three years or so there were tremendous funding that were coming in in regards to around the co and trying to um close what we call those um those Co slides and so forth but as I tell people all the time you know our students we had those academic slides prior to co the slides widen is what has happened so you're going to hear talk a little bit in regards to how do we look and what how we're going to continue the work in which we've been able to do some of the work that we were able to do with Esser and now that those exra dollars will be gone and so some of that what you're going to hear again is that we utiliz a great deal of those fundings around building teacher capacity once those fundings were gone so here U Madam chair well everyone here again for the most part you all would have seen these slides at our last meeting so I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it but just for the sake of those that are just joining us that were not able to be with us um at our last month meeting is that on this particular slide here then I'm going to advance my way a couple of slides ahead but this particular slide here really and truly just talked in regards to you know our progress monitoring data um the predictions and also understanding that you know this year we talk a lot around you know um some baseline data and really trying to figure it out and making certain that um we're just doing what it is that we can do in terms of closing these gaps here in with this First Column here in reading and it talks around the prediction right now after our students had completed um the progress monitoring um progress monitoring one and two data and again these are strictly predictions you could see here around our grades 9 through 12 this was Ela that our Ela scores were actually up in secondary from where they were actually last year in progress monitoring 3 last spring then it goes up from grade 6 through 8th and then here grades 3 through 5 and our grade three and then we were looking at our K2 data and so forth then when we come over to math the second row here second column here talks again about our math data here then we have our science and then our Civics data that we are the Civics data here that we have what our students how our students perform in the Civics last year and what the predictions are here again for fy2 FY 24 this particular slide here we also looked at this slide last month um last month as well on this particular slide it just was by the the various subgroups um and I'm not going to again go through it because we went through it in detail spent a lot of time with this last month there with Dr Miller with Dr Miller but again when you start up top here in terms of looking the reading is up top our math is underneath and you have your K2 your k two here 35 grades 6 through 8 and grades again grades 9 through 10 and again these are the same data that we looked at the previous slide but what is here it is broken down in regards to our in regards to our subgroups here for let's look at our Asian group and just I'm just going to show you in terms of how we're reading this slide here progress monitoring three this was the end of their spring test on last year based on all the data that were coming in for our Asian students from the last spring in regards to the prediction for FY 23 the prediction for Progress monitoring three it is saying right now we're predicting those students to come in say K2 is 65.4% grades 3 through 5 72.5 6 through 8 75.7 and then 79.8% grades 9 through 10 then we will read over we will continue to read over then when we get to our black students here you could see here it's very concerning not just for our black students where we have at 36.3% of our black students that were in grades 9 through 10 that were last year had a level of proficiency but then we're not getting excited because we're right now they're predicted here at a 40.9% we know that is not that is just not where we want our students to be we could do better our students could do better and it's the same here with our Hispanic students at 40% then here they are now predicted 5 Points 5 percentage Point higher here at 45% we're seeing progress but this progress again we're not closing the gaps in terms of at the measure in terms of what we would like to see again now I will continue to go on you could see we just you just read this read this um graph here you just continue to go on across and then we probably will come back to the data but what I want to do is I'm going to spend some time because I want to have discussion in regards to what are some of those pieces that we're doing in terms of trying to really slice this data and work with our teachers that are there working alongside with the students and that's one part because we know that teaching and learning must also continue outside of the classroom and outside of that instructional day and then some of those programs and things that we're doing outside of the school hours and as well in terms of what we're going to be planning to continue working with our students here during this summer and then I gave you a sample in terms of how we were reading how to read this graph for those that had not seen it up top for reading you will read it the same way here for the math and then of course our science data our science data looks much more um our science data looks much better here than our um than our reading and our math um we can see the progress that us that are happening here with our science you're going to hear us talk about in regards to why do we see why do we think we're making the kind of strives that we are making here with our SS in various um in various spots and the same thing here with some of the some of our subgroups here around Civics now when we talk about um the data and I know you probably ask me to go back to the slides for those that are just seing It For the First Time one thing that we are and we have put into place this year and that you're going to hear us talk a little bit about um Dr swier Miss Howard myself it's going to be a lot in regards around the professional learning you're going to hear us talk about the work that we've been doing all year as it pertains to with the University of Florida with the linger center around you know K around K2 our K3 reading um reading initi as it pertains to the signs of reading really leaning in in regards to you know the small group instruction and that approach in which we're taking there you're also going to hear us talking in regards to a lot of that monitoring progress and using these data data checkpoints that we have been really um using all year long from the months of October to December February March or what have you then what of course I think another big piece in terms of a lot of the work that we have done here and being intentional with this year now that we have seen the shift from FSA um to this new progress monitoring assessment here with the state on top of that with the new standards is that we've done more work excuse me I'm dealing with a sinus infection a sinus so excuse me um we've done more work excuse me working with the reg with working with the Regional Offices excuse me for a minute excuse me more work I'm collaboratively working with our Regional Offices our principal supervisors and so forth every Tuesday oh okay seem to get this every Tuesday um the curriculum team is meeting with the regional office team to where we are reporting out we're talking in regards to what they're seeing as they're visiting their campuses as they're doing their campus walkthroughs as they're visiting the classrooms and looking at in terms of the instruction from the student standpoint from the teacher standpoint in regards to what they're seeing what those immediate needs are still we do have what you don't see on this slide here to assist with that of collaboration is that we have developed a common classroom walkthrough too classroom walkthrough tool on that common classroom walkthrough tool that's helping us really gauge to where we can have authentic have authentic and deliberate conversations around teaching and learning what we're looking for on those classroom walkthrough tools with the same lens is around high quality instructional materal materials making certain that the materials that we're putting in front of our students making certain that those those materials of of high quality and also making certain that making certain and looking at the instructional pedagogy of the teacher what kind of support that we need to go in and provide the teacher if the teacher is having difficulty in terms of in terms of the concept in terms of understanding those standards those Benchmark and really looking at the depth of knowledge the deko of of the lessons that are being taught and most importantly also looking in regards to the student engagement where the students taking some ownership for their learnings and so forth this year um started in January I think um right now out of this building alone and the vast majority is coming out of the curriculum Department to where we've started in January right when we returned for second semester where we have over 80 staff members out of um 80 staff members from the from the district those that actually have their teaching certificate again the vast majority from the Department of curriculum to where they are actually going out and there we've shifted what the support is looking like at our school centers where now we are doing what is called um school-based student facing support where we F spent first semester working directly there with the teachers where we were modeling for instruction modeling lessons where we were coaching alongside with the teachers now they are actually working face to face with students um either in whole groups or providing small group instruction to students so the kind of support that we are providing has just shifted is what we have done in term when we're getting the data in terms of looking at the data to try to again make certain that our students are adequately prepared I'm going to advance over to those slid to the data slides because if I said to you earlier these slides are the slides we went through last month because what I wanted to do I wanted to get directly to the midyear instructional review component and I'm sorry I was going backwards I'm sorry so this is a slide that I actually wanted to get through because we've gone through those data slides now that we went through those data slides at last month's meeting and you know if you wanted to give me a call to for if you were not able to meet last month's meeting to say hey I missed it can you take me a little deeper in the slides I am more than willing to do that but for the intent of today's meeting is that we've had time we had all the conversations last month around the data that we glan through just to sort of get you back here now what we're going to look at is that okay you've shown us the data there are significant concerns that we have cuz it appears that we're still being stagman in some areas and then there are some areas to where we are making the growth share with us some of those highlights in regards to what is it that we're doing as a system that makes you all think that the data is going to continue to Trend or will Trend in the right direction now I'm not going to read this to you verbatim but what I am going to do I am going to pull out some of those big bucket of pieces hopefully I can get through without the coughing again excuse my voice here I'm just dealing with a bad um a bad sinus um so as I talked about earlier and I said to you a common theme was going to be a lot around you know the professional development really looking at the instructional pedagogy in terms of how we are supporting our teachers and the other key leaders there that are on the campus and making certain that they have those support structures and things that they need there you also heard me talk about and Miss how can lean into this and particularly around K2 K3 the work that we have been doing the entire year and we're looking forward to continuing that work um with the University of Florida next year because of the great feedback excuse me that we are receiving as it pertains to as it pertains to really digging deep and working with our teachers and with them having and getting a very un getting a clear understanding of what should be happening in small group instruction what does that look like and looking at those foundational skills for our students in K2 and in grades three and a course embedded in that it's going to talk about around the signs of reading and we know when we start talking about the signs of reading we're talking about you know the pheic awareness we're talking about the phonics the fluency the comprehension um and so forth and most importantly again we also you know the work the initiatives that we've started also in working with our private um providers as it pertains to you know our private three-year old foury old providers where our students are transitioning into kindergartens where we started last year around the transition to kindergarteners where we've now providing the resources for for our four-year-olds to we and providing them the I should say providing them the t2k um kits where it provides the family in regards to some resources and an understanding in regards to exactly what it is and what are the expectations for when our students are entered kindergarten what skills they're expected to have so we're trying to just build the bridge so that when our kids come to us we can get them coming to us on and en closing some of those gaps that we're noticing that they do not have and so that's another area in which we've started on while I try to and then also there are some pieces that we also doing in terms of again I talked around you know the collaborative pieces that we're doing with you know with the principal supervisors and making certain that we are speaking the same language we are using the same lens and in terms of we're not we're not holding back in regards to if it's not happening then what is it that we need to do to go there to make sure that it's happening but what I am wanting to do because you can tell I'm trying to get my voice here I'm going to ask Miss Howard I'm going to stop for a minute and ask Miss Howard to just talk a little bit around that K2 piece with the University of Florida that we are doing around the literacy Miss Howard good evening everyone um what Dr sherfield was sharing so far was correct uh we started this partnership with the University of Florida and working with um teachers in the K2 classrooms we identified 11 of our I would say our most intensive schools that the data revealed that they may need the more the most support in regards to professional learning uh for their teachers so we also duplicated that work with 32 other elementary schools so we've trained over 600 Educators agnostic of whatever program we're using in the classroom that those teachers have the skills to teach small group instruction uh and those liter U foundational literacy skills we uh what's not mentioned here too is that when you're doing professional learning the important piece of of it is the monitoring piece uh so we have made an effort to make sure that we have followed up with the principles with debrief meetings after every training um and also we conducted lab sites with the University of Florida where the teachers received one-on-one coaching and actually got to see it in action and we're duplicating that work with 32 other elementary schools where our specialist from the curriculum department is doing that exact same work um it is our hope that we can continue this work for next year um so we can continue to give teachers the skills that they need uh the teach teers as far as feedback has been very positive uh they have really appreciated actually getting learning some skills and having that type of support uh definitely when we make the shift for some of those teachers that are younger to the science of reading uh and even some of our experienced teachers who seem to know every everything and I give them credit they they embrac the new learning that took place um so we're really looking forward to continuing the work uh we trained again like I said over 600 teachers we're in the planning stages uh for um increasing and continuing this work uh for next year um but not leaving any any teacher unturned so we will go back to some of those schools whether they didn't um weren't allowed to attend the training because we do kick it off in July with a three-day intensive training with UF and so we plan on doing that again so I'm just excited about continuing in that work um one of the things that we are going to do and it's not on here um as Dr Sheffield hit on the transition to kindergarten we are going to collaborate with the ELC and our prek teachers uh with kindergarten teachers so they can have some um vertical planning as to what the expectations are for a kindergarten and making sure those prek teachers understand that work um with that I think that's about it is anything else I should have no thank you Miss Howard allow me time to and I think we're going to have to tag team here okay I'm just cuz my voice um just for my voice here and I think you did say that um the work that we're doing and that our teachers are going through because we're really tuning honing in around those foundational skills is that more importantly that it's not just our teachers but District staff is also participating in that training yes to where we'll be able to do more of a train the trainer y but uh Miss golden Miss Sherelle yes can you hear me I'm sorry yes um it says in the presentation create the uh t uh 2K Ambassador private uh public private what what is that a part of what you did last month or is this something because I don't I don't remember that at all okay well no what you got last month is that you just saw the data what this is here these slides here is around the how we're responding to the data that was reviewed um so you know what is what is the what is that Ambassador oh the ambassador program there are like four there are four part-time ambassadors through our early childhood Department with Mrs um MJ steel um and what those ambassadors are they are actually working with our families that are maybe on vouchers that are participating in our VPK program that will be transitioning to kindergarteners and so those families as they're identified the the embassadors that we have they're just working very closely and making certain that those families We are continuing to provide them the resources that they may need um that we become aware of and just ensuring this success of our students so they're working the ambassadors are employees here um they're part-time and there are lays on between the district The Early Learning Coalition who provides the vouchers to our families and we look for resources that our families may be in need of okay all right so that would so that would help with um as far as I remember years ago you guys used to go out in the community and and talk to actual parents and see what they needed that's exactly what they do okay all right okay we're bringing those ambassadors back to try to have to have that um to have that bridge for us between the district ELC and the family great great that I'm sure that will help because that was such a that that program was so good that program really helped a lot of families thank you um Miss fitburn Rachel yes um I think it's in the PowerPoint but I just wanted to confirm um this training that's happening is that happening to reading Specialists and also ese teachers or just the classroom teachers right now we we worked collabora with not only the ESC department but as well as elll so their staff went through the training with the specialist from the curriculum Department this summer so we made sure that all students and all teachers will be involved so when they when we invite schools anyone who touches K through second grade students uh are invited to attend the training and be trained and and Rachel thank you for that question um thank you for that because also what we have done because we've really spent some time this year um in making certain that we have our um particularly because ESC is a part of the academic is on the academic side where Kevin is a part of our team elll Works directly there with Keith but we also um reaches out and invite elll to the table as well to work directly with us so when we are having our curriculum meeting and so forth it is important that we have you know Kevin will have his Desy his curriculum person the same with elll to where we all are collaborating and are at the table at the same time and being inclusive of all students a prime example is just on last week the state released their dates for their gave us our slots for our state summer trainings well it was important to me in regard to the number of seats that they provided to us is that making certain that we reach out and make certain that we have our ESC um academic team um that has been selected by Mr morari and the same thing with l l to where the teams can travel together and spend time and I think they're going to be in Orlando but spend time during the summer when we are doing and taking a deeper dive in terms of looking at the standards looking at you know looking at these benchmarks and making decision around action planning um we are doing that and being inclusive of all students at the same time because we realize those strategies can meet the needs of all all students that's Fant ftic thank you I had a followup question so um you know we're looking at the data and um I know this year the dyslexia screener is now the star assessment which you're using for K through two to determine you know the issues and you're using that to track the data and the progress um is there has there been any um written protocol if a a child does not do well in the star for instruction at this time is there a set um pathway that that child is supposed to do or is that up to the individual schools at this time I don't know if I understand the question can can you repeat the question because I want to make sure I understand what you're asking so so at this point I know the we were using the star early literacy as a benchmark for K through K through two and um there's a lot of data points in there like um for example rapid naming and pheic awareness Sy phonics and um it's now required by law for you to be used as a dyslexia screener so if a child in K through two fails or or shows in not fails but shows indication that they possibly could be dyslexic like it's a screener that it says what is the protocol for the teacher at that point what have they been told what they should do next and um you know should that child get evaluated for a learning disability is are they going into a special um type of um Intervention Program what is the protocol now that we have this indicator that tells someone is you know has you know is screened and and has a positive screening for dyslexia I'm wondering if anything has been developed as of now okay so nothing has been developed on the state end as far as the if a child does show some deficiencies but when uh students score in a certain proficiency rate in that assessment it is recommended that we start those tier interventions so we no longer wait for another data point or anything to come we use that assessment and they are supposed to at that point start intervention if deemed needed for the student so at that point it should be automatic if they if they screen okay and um and are they using a ufly program in that intervention um what is ufly you said that um regardless of the program taught in the school that they're coming in and do so I don't know what this actual UI program is like how is it helping okay I didn't I didn't mention youly at all we're doing lassinger work youly is an approved intervention that we use within the district if the school deems that that is the intervention that best meets the needs of that child then they may use that intervention but I can't say that for every school that that would be the path that they would actually take what what program are they using right now you said Rachel if you can pause for a second because I'm reading the room a little bit and I think there's so much more to the presentation if we can hold that conver um hold that question and allow the presenters to finish the presentation um and they it may get to your question I think it might not be part of this presentation but I do want them to finish the presentation and um within the presentation there might might be some areas that can answer some of your question or lead you to a different pathway within that same questioning thank you you're very welcome um um thank you madam chair and again that was just some of the work and great conversation of course around the the literacy within K5 but I think before we go on before I leave this slide Mrs Dr swier did you want and I know that we are seeing um we're seeing our dat data sh if of course in the right direction um they're at the secondary level and I know our schools were having um tremendous success with study sync and then with no no red ink in terms of some of the adjustments that we've made with secondary did you have anything you wanted to share in regards to the work that's being done with secondary I think all I would like to share um about that is that this year has been a more focused and concerted effort um through collaboration with the various departments whether that be ESC whether that be multi cultural in terms of really setting the groundwork for the expectations of product use whether that's study sync as you mentioned whether that's no R in um and really embracing the use and really using best practices you mentioned one of the things that uh we focused on this year was professional learning so we developed a teacher leader cohort this year um where each School sent a design where they would learn collaborative practices with teachers from across the county to really dig deeply into the content itself best practices for implementation of the materials and best practices for pedagogy so that way when they go back to their school site they can not only utilize those strategies but then also share those within their plc's and I think that has a huge effect on the data that we're seeing and why we see just really um a lot of teachers being able to do cross-curricular planning and be able to um have a more unified vision for implementation with their school sites and then I'm not going to when I go through these next few slides the you're going to see opportunities for growth is definitely a theme throughout because the next piece that we're look at would be math because it's math science and social studies but what I want to say when you see opportunities for growth and you're reading your slides and it talks about funding I do not want you to think that funding is not there funding is there what we're saying around the funding opport unities and why we have it under opportunities for growth is making certain that the funding that have been provided to us that we are making certain that we are doing our due diligence in again in the monitoring and holding tight and making certain that what we're utilizing that is meeting the needs of all students and so forth so I just point that out because you know someone said earlier that are you guys are you all really not receiving the funding no we're receiving the funding we just want to make certain that the funding that we're receiving and how it is being utilized that is being utilized to meet the needs of all students and it's just not where we are buying stuff so we are being very intentional and deliberate about how we are spending the funding and then when we get on this to this next slide here around to responding to some of the math the math data um you're going to again hear a common theme when you look at this slide around the work that we're doing around professional development um this year um we're really excited about you know Dr swier um and some other key um District staff and Regional staff is participating in a year-long um cohart with tntp impact Florida which is working directly there with the state and some other districts to where we're really looking at what we call the math Focus Cadre and what that is and why we really got excited and we decided to participate what impact asked us about it is that they're working together to really look at from kindergarten up to grade nine because this is not unique to Palm Beach County why is there such a gap in our students to by the time they get to ninth grade our students do not have those foundational math skills that they need for Algebra 1 and we know Algebra 1 is a gatekeeper it will keep our students from graduating high school so we've we've spent the entire just about the entire year Dr swier is part of that team she reports out and I actually think that they were here today um working in regards to looking in regards to in creating a plan and to have deep conversations in regards to those kind of shifts that's needing to take place so and I point that out because it's not that where we see the data we continue to do the same thing you're going to continue to get the same results at what point do you stop and it's what you call looking at the root cause analysis um and not constantly working in triage we know with little literacy we really need to look at those foundational skills like why student why are we having such a hard time by the time our students get to us in grade three well you don't wait till the students get to grade three to try to teach them to read we know those foundational skills from when our students enter us day one even before they enter us that's why this transition to kindergarten and US building these positive relationships with our private providers is important to us because that's us really and truly honing in looking at those foundational skills and that's what we're doing here with math as well um also you know and we we've gotten great feedback you know we've asked the superintendent um this year you know for additional funding around um our ASAP IB training to where we can do what is called Roundtable discussions for our teachers bringing those teachers in having Roundtable discussions in terms of digging deep Looking In terms of what is it that I because we realized we've opened up and widened you know um in regards to the number of students that were coming into the accelerated coursework but as we were widening the number and increasing the number of students that were coming in participating in accelerated coursework we wanted to make certain and ensure that those students had success so we spent a lot of time and we needed additional funding to work with teachers to where teachers understood in regards to and some of was just having that efficacy training and and working with them around efficacy having that sense of belief to where some students that are coming in Into Your Ace your AP or your IB to where their learning is going to be it's going to be different so you're going to have to differentiate in your accelerated coursework just as if you would had to differentiate in a non-accelerated coursework because many times when our students are in those accelerated coursework you know we tend to think that we are the facilit haers and that they should be able to do this work on their own without that kind of assistance and that's not necessarily the case it's providing them the opportunity having that sense of efficacy and belief and giving them that chance so we spent a lot of time um and py around working with our teachers and understanding um in regards to the unique opportunities that we have been providing to our students um Eva did you want to add anything to that um yes yes I will at this time we'll pause for questions leading up to this point as it relates to the presentation um Miss Felman you're recognized thank you um so I have a couple of questions um both on this slide and the last slide one of the opportunities uh mentioned was the uh having enough access to appropriate instructional material um is there an issue with there are teachers and students who do not have access to appropriate instructional material no what we're saying is that we want to make certain that we are continuing in every opportunity and when we're observing we should be observing like you look in the celebration on this particular slide that second line says implementation of the districtwide districtwide walkthrough tool the first item on that walkthrough tool is that anytime we go in and we observe obing and we're walking we should make certain that the inst that the materials in front of students is high quality instruction materials it should not be something that we are printing from you know A to Z or you know teacher talk or some of the the websites and so forth to where they are not aligned to standards and the depth of knowledge is not there for our students so we're just making and being intentional that we want to make certain at all times that our students have high quality instruction materials in front of them we're being committed to that law that's what that is saying so I guess if it were worded that ensuring the continuation of all students and teachers having access to appropriate instructional material might be more clear because you're ensuring the continuation of that as opposed to this the way it's written it does sound like this is brand new and that that that's what caught my eye so I'm glad to hear that the material is there you're just looking to ensure that it will continue to be there do I understand that correctly yes okay um and then with okay so you mentioned the need for differentiated instruction within the amp program um and that to help make sure that teachers are aware that that is that is a need to implement um is there I I've got a number of questions so the the the first question is um the process for identifying students for the amp program have you found that to be successful as is do any of the metrics need to be changed um and I'm assuming the amp program has been successful in terms of making sure that students have the knowledge they need to continue all the way through nth grade um and Beyond within math no I don't think that I think we have done a I think we have done a great job in terms of providing more access to our students because there are students that probably if we had not taken a time to look um in Ard to students not having access because I think we've held it so tight um and now that we have really worked alongside with our schools um and you know with our principls and with our teachers and putting those pieces in place to provide the opportunities for those students that may not have where those opportunities may not have been provided and the data shows that those students can be successful I I don't I don't think that there's a problem um identifying the students that's great um and then within that's good to hear I'm glad that it's been successful I think it's a wonderful idea to have this and um I think it could possibly be useful for for other subjects as well for students um has there been any analysis of the impact of math anxiety on um on students students difficulty in achieving math meeting the math goals that we have have we done a study on math anxiety yes math anxiety and disc calcula has that been a factor that's been taken into account um Eva you want to talk on so part of the research that we're doing in the partnership with tntp and impact Florida is not only just looking at the instructional materials and assessments but it's also taking the time to do teacher surveys as well as student surveys into their experience in mathematics both teaching and then um the students learning and so we have definitely begun that work in looking at the impacts of mathematical identity and success rates as it relates to either acceleration or just achievement in general um and so we're starting to see some Trends um in terms of just experience and and the compon components of pedagogy that are present and to how some positively impact math identity more than others so for example we're seeing patterns and Trends in collaboration leading to a higher mathematical identity and that less of that stress that you're seeing because they're getting ready to be able to learn how to collaborate with one another to be able to identify their best practices and learning and then share that strength and being able to turn to appear and then say this is what worked for me here's how I I got the answer that I got and that builds that kind of self-confidence in that math identity and so we're still we're still digging into that work and looking at the impact because a large part of this research is looking at longitudinal data we're going back 10 years to see the patterns and Trends in the data that has happened and Arisen over the course of time and what that leads to in terms of implementation and effects on algebra one over the long term that's wonderful to hear um so I have a follow-up question to that one more question so as part of that what what is the time frame for the um for when you'll have you did talk about it being longitudal longitudinal so the the first set of data you're expecting to have by when so we're currently in the works of developing our implementation plan this year was focused on completely being a planning year looking at uh root cause analysis identifying potential grade levels where we want to start prototyping a potential um Support Program um that leads to higher um efficacy over time and so we would begin this summer at looking at some potential prototypes with either schools or specific grade levels where we want to start this work and then scaling that over time I just want to pause for just a minute because we are halfway through the presentation and I feel like if we stop at every um PowerPoint we are not going to get through the presentation so I'm going to ask that if we can please hold the question um I know I had asked you know staff but I don't think it's going to be fair to not hear um the entire conversation and the entire presentation so if we can hold off the questions until the end of the presentation this allows our presenters to um complete their thoughts and complete the presentation I know it's kind of hard but looking at the time I don't think we're going to get through the presentation if we stop at every PowerPoint if there is no objection um to hold the questions if the body will entertain that for me so that we can really hear the conversation and have our questions ready last question thank you are there any objections hearing none thank you you may proceed and then um before we leave this particular slide here I did want to point out M we didn't go through each bullet you know each item here but I did want to point out one thing for this year as well because it was part of that house bill 7039 it was similar to a reading intervention that we have what we have to have that reading intervention handbook the decision tree and so forth well what we've done this year is that we've developed a K4 math inter aention handbook it was not required you know the um what the house bill 7039 indicated is that now for math students now any student in Reading K4 um K4 math student as soon as the student has been identified in terms of having a deficiency we should notify the parent but what we have done we took it a step further and with the math team really worked alongside with the reading team and being really intentional in regards to the work that we were doing and providing the the support um for those students that have been identified so I do want to um you know say thank you to um Dr Swan because she leads up that math team in terms of just working closely with the reading team to where we were able to provide this resource for our K4 Math teachers and in the area of science um again um with science you saw some of the success that we've had there with science one piece that we did do again outside continuing with the professional development and so forth what we did try what we started last year um was what was called an SLA which is Science Leadership Academy and there was a group of schools that were identified based on their data um that particip participated in a year-long PD um in terms of again working directly there with those teachers enhancing their um instructional pedagogy in every school that participated um saw tremendous growth within their schools last within their students last year on their end of year assessment because of the growth that those schools saw last year now we had more schools wanting to participate in this science Leadership Academy so when you see um when you see these kind of things and it and you see the impact that it's having not just on our teachers but on our students then of course it just gives you that you know gives you that excitement so we are continuing we're in year two of this science um K5 Science Leadership Academy because of the progress in which we've seen we've also this year um create we started um again Dr swier and that team um they start wrote a grant and was approved where we've have this C perch which is the underwater robotics um program and it was our first time this year and we have one school Park Vista High School there are 26 schools that signed up to participate in it wanting to give the students that experience um underwater Robotics and F first time I'm doing it with the 26 schools Park Vista has been invited to participate um at the international level right so again where you um you know we don't tend to talk about the great things that are happening um within you know within our within the system we just hear those things that are not going so well but we are in the business of educating you know all students so there are definitely um some opportunity um gaps that we have and I know that we're closing them it's just that at one point at some point you had to just do that hard stop to say you have to deal with the root cause and for literacy the root cause is really truly looking at what's happening with those foundational skills and so I'm really excited about the work that we're doing and I know it's going to take time and we're definitely going to see the progress there um Dr swier is there anything else um can you think of in regards to um science in terms of the work that we're doing there I think the only other important thing to mention is that we developed um a Common Language of expectations for instruction for this year um we haven't had necessar a change in our standards and so we wanted to make sure that we weren't lulled into this like complacency and that way we were really ensuring that um we were putting high quality instructional materials in front of our students we did undergo um the instructional materials adoption this past summer um and so we've selected a um three different texts that are before the board um we're just pending uh the doe approval of the of the text to be able to move forward with um those materials but we developed a secondary science look for so then that when no matter who you are walking those science classrooms that you have the same expectation um of excellent science instruction happening in our SK in our classrooms thank you um Dr swier and then of course the last slide here and we'll be you know definitely want to leave some time for questions is around um is around social studies now with social studies we did have some new standards um in social studies particularly there um in Civics and of course you know Financial literacy um the ninth grade students that started this year entering in 24 this is the class to where those students must have a half credit of financial literacy before they can graduate so we've successfully um created a financial literacy pathware to ensure that those students will meet that requirement by the time they graduate you heard me say earlier in regards to we do not talk about the great things that are happening where this is now in legislation I have to tell you palich County we were ahead of the state in this one because we'd already have a already had a team a team of two that was dedicated to financial literacy um Mr Aaron Stanish and his team member and Aaron actually worked and alongside with the state and helping them develop some of the work there um for financial literacy when it became and went into statue so we're definitely ahead of the game here and you know we had many schools that were already providing this opportunity to our students so you know kudos to um miss you know to Aon and the team for the great work that they have done around that also um here when we talk about you know the continuation of our teachers you could see here um this is year two that the state has what is called the Civic seal of Excellence teacher training program as a scholar program for our Civic teachers if they successfully complete that training program with the state I think they get a stiping of about 3,000 $3,000 but again it's not just about the three $3,000 it's an actual professional development opportunity to where it's enhancing their skills so and I think that's also contributing to the progress that we're seeing within our teachers in that area there of social studies um Eva is there anything else you want to add in regards to social studies outside of the common things um the only other thing to add would be that um we have done tremendous work this year in really evaluating the rewrites to the Civics and US History standards that the state um had put forth and um really we have done a fantastic job at not only looking at our scope and sequence and integrating those new benchmarks languages but also making sure that our assessments mirror those same changes so that when the students are getting ready to be um you know assessed on those new benchmarks that they're ready for that thank you and Eva talking around in regards to the assessment and I know just today I saw I was looking at the I was providing some feedback to the te to the teis that we were putting out um to our student to our teachers do you want to talk in regards to what they are yeah so the state um does have sample test items so as we know we we made the shift to um an Adaptive test platform um for Math and for ELA and then we're also doing that this year with multiple choices but it's still um a digital access for uh social studies and for Science and so we wanted to make sure that our students were prepared um for the variety of questions they might see and so the state had um a sample test available for the students to engage in that way um but our assessment team in collaboration with our department kind of went above and beyond and created sample test items so the students can practice um a variety of different item types so that they can be better prepared um and the department of communications ALS Al worked to develop um a a video for students by students to get themel to get them ready for what they were going to see on that digital assessment this year thank thank you Eva and then the last piece because I see that Madam chair we have quite a few hands up but the last piece here because I know they're excited they're ready this here was just the data that we the graduation data that we went over last time so before um so I skip the graduation slides so what we did there we responded to just talking about some of the work that we are doing around Ela math science and social studies those were the the four big areas but what I want to assure you is that this kind of work is not just with Ela math science and social studies we're being intentional about all content area about all of our content areas you know if I were to ask um Miss Howard to talk about you know the work that's happening within Fine Arts and so forth because that's another area that falls within her she would be able to talk about that and so forth so I just wanted to point that out but before we go on and then I share with you in regards to the work that we're doing this summer to continue the learning you heard me say earlier that a large part of this was okay post Esser these dollars are gone we're all in budget meetings now in regards to those positions or what have you there will no longer be you know these individuals will now be back into classrooms they'll be working directly there with students they're going to be some of the best teachers they are because I'm sure they have learned a lot well this slides here just talk about how we're going to be able to continue the work and a lot of what you've heard this um this this evening around the um around those common themes and a big one here you heard us talk a lot about professional development professional development the instructional pedagogy of our teachers you know high quality instructional materials and so forth so when you talk around the increasing of student achievement that professional development is crucial you hear them talk about you know the Cadre trainings the content CL um Clinic trainings these are the trainings to where you know we set up um based in regards to the scope and sequence the teacher is having they know their lesson plans they know the scope if they're wanting to attend some Cadre trainings or content trainings to help onboard them for the upcoming lessons um if they're a little nervous about it they need some you know they need some additional support there they can attend those trainings some of those trainings are in person some of them are virtually also we're continuing we're going to be able to go back and continue with the modeling and coaching support where I'm going to model the instruction for a teacher in terms of what a good lesson will look like depending on what kind of assistances that they need then the teacher is going to then teach that lesson and I will Coach them up if that's what's needed and then of course we talk around the plc's the professional learning communities the team already goes out they already meet with the teachers in their professional learning communities to where they're planning for instruction and they're digging deep looking at the root cause and helping them plan if that's exact if that is what they need if they're you know if that's what they're need of and then the last the second part talks around the systems in terms of like what are some of the systems that we need to make certain that we are holding tight here as a district you heard us talk around you know the standard-based classroom walkthrough tool meaning that we're using that standard walkthrough tool to where everyone that is walking and providing support and coaching we're speaking the same L language and we know exactly what it is that we're looking for I call it the three T's you know I talk about you know the text the task and the talk you know the text is it high quality instructional material the task what does it look like is it aligned to the standard and so forth the engagement is the student engage into their learnings and so forth in terms of what should what should a a true classroom look like when we're entering and looking for enhanced instruction and again you hear me talk about the root cause analysis and not being afraid to talk about the root cause and provide those constructive feedback in regards to what it is that we think that needs to take place because if you don't dig deep we're going to continuously put on the Band-Aid right and that's why I'm so excited a about the work that we're doing around that K2 that K2 piece in terms of looking in and with the transition to kindergarteners and having those ambassadors out there working with our families because those are root that's what I consider root cause looking at the foundational skills and start there and then of course this last one is very important here we have a grant where we're going to be able to working with Mr McCormick to where we're going to actually be able to put what I called a an expert for school-based team in each of the regions because if we can get and have model school-based teams on all of our campuses to where they understand that mtss framework and so forth that's going to help us really and truly look for those put those those multi-tier systems and things in place to help us properly subgroup our planning to address the academic needs for for our students whether it be their social skills whether it be academics or their behavior um that mtss piece is very important and then of course that last bullet for us around the instruction the high quality instruction material it is there not saying that it's not it is there but we're making certain that if there we go in and we see to where the material is not high quality that the material is not standard based it is not aligned to the standard that we're okay pulling those materials and explaining the why and showing what high quality instruction materials look like and of course continuing to provide our align scope and sequence our um curriculum resources and of course our fsqs and our unit assessments those are our formative and summative assessments and when we look at this particular um this particular slide here what it really and truly reminds me of is what I call the um fcim model it's the Florida contains Improvement model the plan doe Act check where we are planning for instruction we are planning for the instruction we're now that we have planned for it we're going to go ahead and deliver the instruction once we've delivered it we're going to then provide the assessment to see where our students are and based on what the data is showing us we're going to alter our instruction and differentiate based on what the data is telling us and going back and retach remodel or do whatever it is to ensure the success of our students and our teachers and that's you know and that's the approach that we are taking in regards to really looking at the root cause in terms of how do we move forward and from there Madam chair um chair the last part to this um I'll get this mouse down packed before I leave this evening the last part of this again I just created the slide and I think i' already provided this to you all is in regards to the work that we will continue to do um and Miss Howard is our um contact person for summer I know she loves it um she's our Summer She's our summer school um she's our summer school lead um and you know we have our VPK Head Start programs of course their date starts a little early ends a little later because they have to put in more hours and then of course for elementary we'll have our rising stars um and we have our exp um we have our summer reading Academy for grade three those students that did not um that scored a level one there on their progress on their state assessment progress three monitoring three and then for middle school middle school is the only um area to where they will only be open for three weeks Middle School course recovery will be for three weeks and the reason that's for three weeks is that Middle School recover course recovery runs the entire year it runs the entire year so they will have to they will have three weeks over the summer to finish up those students that may be lacking their quality points there and then we're also doing a 3 weeks math academy and that 3 weeks math academy there is those seventh grade um foundational math skills for our students that are uh for our students that are really struggling with those leaving sixth grade coming into seventh but then in working with our schools the schools are going to get really really creative in working with misser because some are already saying I seventh is great but there is something else that I may want to do alongside with that but our middle schools will have their 3 weeks program midle School course recovery and a middle and the 3 weeks math academy our high schools will be open all summer the entire time June 10th through the 17th all of our high schools reason be Mr Collins I'm sure you get this one uh that graduation support um graduation support and driver ed we know graduation support you have that uity group in there those students the seniors now they had some hiccups they did not graduate in May we Tred to graduate them this Summer to get them through their cohort then another part to that is going to be our Juniors um class of 25 they are they have not yet passed their state test in terms of their reading test are that algebra so those students will be doing ACT SAT or that CLT prep to try to get their con coordinate scores so we need them to be on their campuses because those our most fragile students and we want them to be with individuals to whom they've built relationships with and then of course we have driver ed and then on our um cluster sites we will have our esy our esol and our migrant programs so Madam chair I know that was a mouthful that was a lot this evening but I just felt that we showed you guys we showed you all the data last time um and didn't give you an opportunity to just talk about how we're responding to some of the data that was a lot and you have a lot of hands and we have 15 minutes so be mindful of the time um at this time I am going to entertain questions in the order that I have on our computer as well as for the speakers who had not spoken yet so please limit your time to two minutes I am going to time because we want to give everybody an opportunity to talk and at any moment if anyone want to entertain a motion to extend time you have the floor to um interrupt so in the order of Christine tibits Dr Mendes Amron and Randy those the first four Christine you have the floor Christine can you hear us if you can I'll go to Dr Mendes and then come back I'm sorry I don't think I raised my hand if it's raised I'm sorry yes ma'am not a problem Dr Mendes uh yes I think my question would be a bit long for tonight um so I will I will see if we can address that next term and it next time and it has to do with what what what is expected of us when we just receive presentations how we're supposed to advise and I'm not sure what our role is if we just listen to so it's something that we maybe we can think and consider for next time and the other thing is like I completely agree with the presenter that we had to celebrate the good things and I really appreciate all the professional development that um the district is doing along with UF now um I feel a bit offended when we we're presenting like we should celebrate the state professional development that pays teacher $300 but tells teacher things like there are some good things about the slavery or you know that that kind of Prof de development that and and do his and does history changes history I I'm not celebrating that just um wanted to know you know because like sometimes we say things and we if we don't show that we disagree is we like why we are quietly um accepting that I am not accepting that kind or much less celebrating that kind of professional development I just wanted to state that thank thank you thank you Dr um Dr Mendes if we have time at the um end of the agenda I would like to address your first part of the question which I have already wrote down to address but at this time um Emer good evening uh it was a very thorough presentation I don't have any questions um but I am interested in hearing the conversation so thank you thank you Randy I don't have my hand raised it's showing I'm sorry we went with the the hands that were raised so if you don't have your hand raised just let me know I'm so sorry Sheila okay I I didn't raise my hand either what do you see the blue thing that's up there um R um sorry cherelle did you have your hands raised it must be my eyes at this time oh I did have a question before I um give the floor to Rachel and then Laura since they have already spoke um one part of the questions you you talked about root cause analysis and I guess I can ask all of them because they all tie to the same thing that I'm going to say root cause analysis and future strategic planning standard-based classroom walkth through and professional development so with all of those um one part of that question is who is part of the conversation and two how are substitutes specifically um long-term substitutes part of these are or are they part of these um walkthroughs or professional developments um as it relates to long-term substitutes that are teaching some of the core classes because of the shortage of if there is a long-term substitute if there is a long-term substitute then they are cuz of course course when we're doing professional learning like if we're going for a PLC and they're attending during say if it's grade five Ela PLC and if they are there because they're a long-term substitute then they can participate okay so are they available to participate cuz from what I have seen on school sites once substitutes come in they leave well it depends a day-to-day substitute no now if it's a long-term substitute you know cuz a long-term substitute it could be there for 6 months or it could been a substitute that you know what have you mons they they do have an opportunity to participate in the professional learning but day to-day substitute no are they aware of that well that's the that's School Bas I would say principle because we don't have any that's not something we control you know that's something that's managed there at the school site because they know in terms of what their immediate needs are and I guess I I brought that up because that is something you know as a formal substitute and still have the access to sub there has been opportunity unities where me myself personally was able to be a long-term sub and we're not invited to that conversation there well I wasn't as long as some of the other ones that did the core classes they're not invited to the trainings they're not invited to the conversations when it comes to you know um sometimes they're not even they don't have the instructional materials to teach and these are core classes so I just want to you know put that from the top level from the district level to you know take back to maybe the um principles like they may not know I don't know if they know or not but they may whether they know or it is not inforced or it is not something is something that's in hindsight but I think it will be beneficial for some of our classes especially if it's a core class um because there are substitutes that are teaching in core class that are long-term as well so it's not an answer I'm not looking for an answer either it's just something to put in the forbin Rachel and then Laura I actually didn't have my hand raised but now that you called on me I add a quick question um before um when I was cut off um when I was speaking I you were saying that UI was not um a program that um you you're using but there's also another program using for University of Florida so I was wondering what that was um no I'm gonna turn it over to Miss Howard then I'm gonna um I just need to get another water um youly we do utilize youly we have I think 39 schools that utilizes it but youly Spyro um foundations um you know just similar to any other um research-based Intervention Program it all depends in regards to what exactly is that the need of that of that child is that's why we do have there are various programs that are within our Ser that the schools can utilize but I'm going to let Miss Howard finish this but I just jumped in real quick because I didn't want to say that we did not utilize youly because we do utilize you fly I think we have 39 schools Miss Howard yes 39 schools but Miss Howard would jump in but thank you yes um Dr Sheffield did answer so I think what happens is there's a confusion when we mention University of Florida and the work that we're doing with the linger Center the Lasser Center is a consultant it's a consultant contract we have with them and what I mentioned was the skills that they're providing for teachers the professional learning opportunity is agnostic of any program that the teacher may be using so the skills that they learn in lassinger I'm not saying they can't use them if they utilize youly for an intervention yes they can so so is the linger sent that you're using is that in all schools or just the 39 or is that across the board right now we we kicked it off with um 43 schools and that's elementary middle and high school or just element that is just Elementary it is a k through second grade Focus okay okay interesting I'm gonna google it so can learn more thank you okay you're welcome Laura did your was your hands up I promise you on this end we can see your hands up guys I don't know what glitch we have in the system Laura you recognize if your hands is up thank you my hand was up so um the last question that I had had before was um with this push to help students be ready for Algebra 1 and ninth grade is there work to emphasize um I appreciate that there was mentioned earlier about the work to um the findings or at least the preliminary findings that working on collaboration skills has been helpful to prepare students further and reduce anxiety um with math but is there work to emphasize problem solving skills versus um rote memorization absolutely with the new benchmark there is a higher focus on the real world application of the content and so much of the training that we engage in this year is on developing the skills of our teachers and making sure that we're getting to the the depth and breadth of the rigor of The Benchmark so that they are provided scenarios with a real world context that they um are getting to deeper levels of thinking and understanding of the math so that it's not just while there is a place for fluency and there is a place for rope memorization there are specific standards that call for the application of content and so we're making sure that we are strategically addressing that in every professional learning that we offer great um and I guess a follow-up question is how are we bringing this information into uh the prek programs to help students be better prepared because those um math foundational skills are started during preschool actually and um I remember reading some research that actually math School skills in kindergarten are better predictors of future success in graduation than actual reading yeah that was actually part of the conversation today um we we started looking at where we feel our our biggest need is and we're still digging into the data to kind of identify that but um there was a huge look into and discussion about um how we work effectively with our prek and VPK offerings similar to the way that literacy does and developing strategies that might support our families at developing those skills or our VPK programming giving them um specific skills that we would want to make sure that they have as they enter kindergarten um because you know it it may be something as simple as a parent believing that all they have to do is identify a number but right now the expectations entering kindergarten is so much more than that um and so really just communicating that not only with our providers but also with our families okay because I I appreciate I appreciate that we came to this page but I don't actually see the mention of the prek information on here maybe I've just missed it but I see mentioning of K but not PRK no Laura I came to that page because what is not mentioned there is that we've started with um with VPK with the age of learning where we were doing the um where they started with the Early Learning Coalition to where have invested for all of our VPK classrooms as well as the private providers with the age of learning um their mind reading Academy and for the upcoming year what they're going to be looking at is also making that same kind of investment for um for VPK for math for our district VPK as well again as our private private VPK providers this is the collaboration that we're doing again with Early Learning Coalition and the age of learning to your point Point okay great so and they're not just working on number recognition but they're working on I'm assuming they're also working on like sorting and categor categorizing and those other math skills those are those are the standards yes yep okay great Mr Colin you're recognized um I'm secondary I'm secondary I've always been secondary but I've been volunteering at some of the U Elementary School what what can the district do to help some of the principles build with attendance all of this stuff everybody's saying is fine but if the children are not in school they don't learn and I'm finding out that particularly uh with our youngsters of color that's a major major issue they're just not attending school and and we talked about incentives and probably too late for this year but what can the district do to help principles incentivize youngsters to be in school uh Mr Collins we do have um under Mr oswal um he is he's over student services student services is under him and he actually has a whole team uh with Amy um M Ma mazac Amy mazako is the manager that leads up his attendance team so he has a team that's actually out there and that's what they do so I would say if you have a principal and there are some students that are not coming or some families that they need to have some direct contact with okay I would refer her to Mr oswal so that she he can connect her to um ma am Mazo okay because we have an attendance team okay and and La next thing is and I'll be through I'm I'm old always been old school minut and I know it's about time to go second motion the state dictates how you teach uh timetables you know your timetable structure does the state dictate that even you want to teach talking about your math yeah um so yes and no um the last set of standards that we were under um called for a an algorithm to be used so that innately kind of said there's one way to attack a problem and only one way this set of Standards says that there are multiple ways to get to the same answer and actually encourages students to share their representations and so you'll see multiple representation shown in a number of Standards including our multiplication um because depending on their grade level some student might see it by using math blocks another one might just be able to do it for lack of a better term old school way by just writing it out linearly um and so the new set of Standards kind of encourages that discourse amongst our students and showing the way they find their problems because if I'm asking you what 3 * 4 is you might just see it in your head because you have that fluency but I can see it in terms of a physical representation of blocks or a pattern of structure so there's not a single way to solve the problem um but it is one of several ways to solve the problem okay I I I understood what you said I I'm just I guess I'm old school the roadway that I was exposed to uh guided me through high school and then guided me through college so I just the the roadway I I know I know things are different now completely different studs it I mean but how does a teacher find this how does a teacher know uh to do those different different um um trying to find a nice way we strategies strategies be able to be able to do that with it it's embedded into the actual instructional materials the different ways to show the representation okay okay because that that will help your algebra tremendously old school um Charelle did you have your hands up Miss golden yeah uh I did um so I I wanted to to speak on the the guy that just spoke Mr Collins so when you spoke about attendance and you said particularly color do you have the data on that to support well ion I won't really want to get into the particulars yeah yeah so let me finish let me finish my question okay so when you when you generalize that do you have data to support is just color or do are you saying at your school you find it more common I I really don't have a school it's just that I volunteer from time to time okay and I usually uh uh sometimes that's okay I'm finished with the that you you answer my question thank you so much okay just to support him um we the Hispanic education Coalition receives um assistant principal from different assistant superintendent from different regions and and and Dr P um Al also Dr Feliciano and they show data with us and they share data uh last year in terms of attendance and hardiness and there is a and the problem is greater with Hispanic students and African-Americans or black students um according to the data they showed okay thanks okay um okay thank you so again um I know Mrs um CH post charm had to leave um I'm not sure if she's still on the call is she still on I don't I don't think she is on so um Lara hi yes um I'd made a motion earlier to extend Time by 10 minutes um that was at 7:15 p.m. I heard I believe um I not sure who else but I did hear someone else second it I second it is your okay great thank you um and uh all in favor hi hi do we have any more questions or well we still have an agenda on the agenda to discuss ideas for upcoming topics yes oh yeah so we still need okay so that's next five minutes yes right so um any opposed okay motion carries um and so we have five more minutes considering that motion was made at 7:15 um so does anyone have any ideas for upcoming agenda topics that they'd like to present or hear about talk about discuss um yes I i' like to know what the district is doing to address the use of generative AI by students because they're using it and how they basically how how is the district training um teachers on this what policies are there if there are any policies how are they supporting teachers and schools and um administrators on this topic okay so we have um so you're looking at both how to how it's included within the curriculum in a positive way as well as how to ensure that it's not being a tool for some form of abuse and that that's my philosophy about this but I just want to know what the how how the district is addressing this in regards with c okay I mean part of it is I mean this is the whole new industry well yeah right so there we have the potential of students who could go into this as um as a career Focus as well as you know how do we make sure students are doing the learning that they need to do yeah exactly yeah there are there are many many ways of addressing this issue that's why I wanted to know how the the the district is addressing it if if it is great so if we could add that to the list is there anyone else with any other ideas I would also like to to to review the roles of of the members of this committee and the role of the committee um because I I join not to long ago but so far the only thing I saw is that the district brings presentations and we listen and we ask questions and to me that's a bit different from advising so I would like to include a discussion on on the role of the committee in um in the district certainly I would I would assume that that would be possible um part of um historically how this committee has given that advice is um sometimes through learning and understanding what is fir first learning and understanding what is happening in the district and then with getting that information or by virtue of what questions are asked that um that gives feedback to The District staff and information is uh brought back to our school board members on particular areas of whether it could be an area of concern or uh area of praise and that through that system and conversation we are able to give that advice there are have been a few times over the years not many when the committee has actually uh passed a motion that is then making a statement of specific advice um that is presented to the school board during the uh during the Schoolboard meetings the monthly Schoolboard meetings but I certainly think going over that could be useful as we do have some newer members thank you so I do have a couple of ideas myself um one is to talk about um the efforts that are being made to prepare to adjust the um the school days to the new school start times in the I can't remember if it starts in the school year 2025 or 2026 um but if we could talk about that um another thing that was mentioned a few years ago would be as we've seen success in the amp program for math is to take a look at uh whether or not we want to um expand that program so it's not focused solely on math but instead also including for example language arts or social studies and science um to really tap into where we can help our students Excel and accelerate um when it's appropriate um also another topic which I think could be very interesting uh which would be focused on discal culia um the efforts the school district is doing to ensure that students are diagnosed appropriately or at least identified as being at risk for that as well as math anxiety um and I do appreciate that the Florida progam the UF program is working within that um so which brings me to um from what I understood from today's presentation that the UF math program um is completing their planning year this year so perhaps by the towards the end of this school year we could hear or maybe the beginning of next but we could hear a summary of of what the findings have been during the planning and what the what therefore the plans are going to be for the implementation for f for the following year um and one of the slides earlier today mentioned the ex an extended elementary school day so I was hoping we could hear more information about that and um someone mentioned a concern about absenteeism and I think that um that might be a good topic as well for a future um for a future meeting Laura excuse me um Vice chair um do you you realize we only have two meetings um okay so no I had not put time into my head and May car over to next year so I think right now I think the to me I think the priority would be to um would be for the agenda items for April and may um for April and May I'm thinking but of course I'll leave it to the will of I mean you know for the will of the committee I mean because having a long list here so I would think that the committee would want to prioritize for April and May right but I figured with this long list we could do that prioritization for these two meetings and then carry over other ideas for the beginning of next year Okay so can we because I have 728 so can we um can we at least get to April and May right so next time um if we did that uh description of the role of the committee I think for part of for a small part of the next meeting plus um would there be something ready is the school start times later school start times for 2025 or for 2026 that's for 2026 okay so let's deal with that next year okay um and the program planning year information you know the summary of that would that be ready by May or would that be better off are you talking about the um the math Focus the K9 math Focus that will be continuing that concludes in May so you will have to have the committee the group will be doing their you know they'll be doing their wrapup okay so that sounds like that could be a good way to start off next year okay um and what was the I my head's blanked out from AI artificial is that something that could be ready for April or May or not really yes it can okay that'd be great and Christine you raised your hand yes sorry I don't mean to um throw another item out here especially since we're over the extended time I was just wondering if it would be um available to do a quick update on the VPK enrollment for this upcoming school year just to if you have any quick numbers of which schools are already I don't know getting a bunch of applications or filling all their spaces in which ones really VPK haven't gotten any yes bpk sure that will be I sit on the board for early learning so that would be I I will definitely be able to do that and I work with MJ my director for Early Childhood yeah I just know that kindergarten is doing you know did their round of enrollments and everything just wondering um if it was ready for April or May okay and what I'll do with that one I'll just do the VPK enrollment for fy2 and then I'll add them I'll ask them to just add on in terms of how we're doing with the transition to kindergarten because the open house starts um I think we kick off registration for transition to kindergarten I think we kick that off April um I think it kicks off April 17th but I'll add the transition to kindergarten to the VPK enrollment that sounds great perfect thank you so much so are we best off doing that one in April or in May no I'll do it in um I'll do it in April um because I mean they've done great work so I think we could just talk about they could just talk about what we've done leading up to our next meeting and kicking off the registration I think it starts April 17th and I may be a week it may start a week early don't quote me on my date because April 17th is in my head because that is the reg districtwide registration day for um after care um cuz you know last year we opened up after care for registration on the same day so we're doing that again this year and April 17th is that date um parents have an opportunity to register for after care um I think it opens up at 6: pm on that day okay great and um then could we do the AI in May um you want to do AI in May okay so for um so for April the road unless anybody else has a different topic they want to cover in May I mean we can do the AI in May I mean in April because the role of the academic advisory that's not going to take long because we did that in August because remember we did that's how we always kick off our meetings um at the beginning of the year where we provide the the bylaws we provide the policy that go um that that we're governed by and I'm just going to have Bruce to come back go back over the policy and talk about the role that we did in August um which will not my suggestion was to discuss that not just to get another presentation of I mean but what do we what are we're discussing I don't understand I mean we're Bound by the policy so okay but one thing is to say okay we could for example it says that we cannot change certain things that we cannot be providers that we can but can we suggest things can we I mean because the only thing I'm doing for the the all the meetings I have been here is listening to presentations and asking questions I don't see how that is advising so I'm thinking maybe we have a a a discussion of what advising means see what others other districts do how things are done in in a way that may be more enriching for the district because the idea of an advisory Council maybe sometimes to hear the voices and suggestions of the members and I haven't seen that maybe because I join later through the year I don't know so there have there sorry to to I know we're short on time so there there have been times when yes there have been suggestions made and sometimes they have been minor suggestions and sometimes they've been more major suggestions and sometimes so there they have been comments from one of the or two of the committee members or three of the committee members there have been other times when there have been Suggestions by way of an actual motion that has been made and then there's a vote and that suggestion is then presented more formally um and so those things have happened but they don't necessarily happen every meeting um and I do believe that by nature of some of the questions that are asked and the discussion that ensues that people have uh staff members have understood concerns and taken that into consideration into their work as well and I see Christine and uh Randy I think Christine you were first I apologize I didn't take my hand down from last time okay so Randy you did raise your hand I believe oh yes I just wanted to comment on the advisory um um you know what versus policy and you know my understanding and I've sat on many committees and even um um in tasse on one of the doe on Florida doe committees is that has in in the role of advisory we advise that um and then they make the decision we're not a policy committee um so in in the role as an advisory is an advisory to the staff and they have made changes prior um on our comments but um we we don't make policy and I I don't know if that's a correct um correct interpretation um but as far as you know being on an advisory many advisory Pol committees at state level and local levels is that um we don't set policy we don't change policy um but we we come from a wealth of information from different members and and within that we we make our comments and our suggestions um to to the uh um committee yeah sh yeah um also uh so um last year we had we had uh was it Keith that came to us remember how they wanted to try to find the people that needed to graduate because he asked us what could we do how could we help them any suggestions so they came to us with to get our feedback to find out what they can do to get certain people to graduate because they was looking for these people also we had um we had where they were seeking information from us about VPK there was a group uh that they couldn't they didn't know how to go out to to get them to join um VPK so they came to us as The Advisory Board and we s we gave them suggestions so it it's just a matter of you know like she said we're advising they they do come to us to ask questions but we we can't make any policies but our feedback is helpful because we represent like you whoever you represent you're representing that community so you are you whatever you're saying you're rep you're speaking from them as a whole so it's not like you're going to make any decisions but this group it's a great group because it's educational it helps you know what's going on that you may not necessarily know in school you know you may not know what's going on but has a hold and it tells how the district is affecting everyone and how well they're doing and how they're struggling and what they're doing to resolve it um does that make sense or does that put C certain things at ease for you for me no for the yeah Gabriella yeah her yeah that's me uh yeah no I just suggested that we discuss all that in the in in the future in another meeting May or April but yes I I understand so far and and one other place that we do give advice as well is they uh the district has sought Our advice regarding the um instructional materials the library oh yeah definitely the library yeah Library thought about that we do have that frequent request yes to very that was very recent and I think that's also been very helpful it has been very actually protect part of what you were speaking about earlier Gabrielle so um thank you for your patience Dr chef field and so since you had commented that the AI would be a shorter presentation um I think my guess is the committee is comfortable whichever one of those two items whether you find it's better to present the VPK in April or in May and the you know if you would make that decision as to which one is better I think that um everyone would be fine with that okay I'll follow up with um staff for AI I'll talk with him because I've seen some of you know some of the work that we're doing there um so I'll talk with Dr Miller and that team and then I also will talk with um I'll get with MJ with the Early Childhood around VPK and the transition to kinder and want to make certain that we can do both of them just um to where we can have great conversation so if we can I'll fit them all in both of those in in April that's what I'll put on the agenda wonderful and if um in the AI work can we also talk about what we are doing to prepare students for future careers in AI if they have that um if I'll put that there I'll just you know I'll make that as a bullet point I would include in that the work that we do with AP Computer Science work as well okay alrighty thank you so much thank you all um at 7:40 um do we have a motion to adjourn the meeting I I motion toj I second meeting's adjourned have a great night everyone thank you again have a good evening thank you all good