you want turn our mics on there we go mics are on we can start now we have accumulated our quarum um we will start with attendant darthy in the corner please darthy Banes sheski facilities construction Michael Gua cork Nyla Smith the general council's office Christina Bergman the general council's office hly Han Office of the general counsel Michael tobio facilities construction uh Dave Dolan Facilities Management David Porter cork Jack Porter uh let's go over here good [Music] guyff construction thanks J Milo D verx construction Jacob Catz purle construction good morning angrew Garcia facilities Construction Whitney Durant TNG Constructors George press facilities construction keing HRI Brothers Construction Tony mishri Brothers Construction Sean M Core Construction okay no B Bliss today huh uh I think they have an audit committee meeting because normally audits are on Friday but in the summer when we're closed on Fridays they move it to Thursday and it let's move all their meetings to Thursday I didn't say that I didn't say that on record did I no uh darthy polus please go ahead we also have John chesher present we have Sam Shannon you there [Music] Sam yes okay hey Virginia Ferris here and Tom Burger you there [Music] Tom we don't hear you Tom back to you okay and then we have Mr Sanchez has joined as well okay Virginia are you in Vancouver no we gave up our condo and I'm just going to write it out here a little warmer I can guarantee that quite a bit okay all right um Chairman's report no nothing on my end Mr hule how are you all right [Laughter] imperfect very good all right um anyone with a conflict of interest for anything being reviewed today or anyone being approached by a lobbyist for anything on today's agenda right hearing none report Dorothy I assume that was received well and the board got it good thank you staff updates um before you go the staff updates did you want to update cork oh yes uh for all cork members information Frank Simon has decided that enough is enough uh he emailed me yesterday saying that at the age of 93 he's had enough and it's really getting to be too much with other things he has going so um he thank the school district for the cooperation over the years and that's why he kept serving um wished cork well to continue so we are down now to nine official members still need five for a quorum and the board members of those appointees are notified that it's U time to try to get us some more appointments so we remain a relevant committee oh my God I had no idea he was 93 I didn't either wow well he he's going to be missed he he had a unique view Viewpoint yep I was emailing with L doctor he wishes us all still well he's doing fine he had a little medical issue that's been resolved so that's good um he's just kind of sitting back and enjoying retirement now good for him so all right yes uh somebody got a hand up no I gu yes Joe yes Joe sorry yeah I just want to remind everybody we we we do have um elections coming up this this year we're have we're GNA have GNA have at least we're GNA have three new board members school board members and so um you know some of them may decide that they would like to wait until their replacement takes their place before they um recommend somebody to to Quirk so we're probably going to have some openings for a little while um so but it's a good thing that our policy is based upon the the number of active or or appointed Court members versus the number of seats that are available so we could continue to do business but um obviously soon as we get our new board members on on board we'll we'll encourage them to try to find people but if you know anybody we'll we'll get those names to them early that that would be helpful who are the who were the three who are not uh coming back U no Frank marer is not coming back uh Mr aala is not coming back and Mrs MC is not coming back but uh Miss aa's position's already been filled but won't be active till November no because the person that was going to run for that seat had no no objection so no no other person so that person's in uh Joe now that there's I think kind of five openings and those positions maybe it allows Mr Ferguson to get in because he's not being replaced he has more time on the board and I think his comment before was it was tough to find people filling the one or two slots that had to be filled now there's more possible slots so maybe he has people that might fit those categories correct I'll reach out to him about that okay yes we have uh some of the positions I think are at large positions yeah there's one at large one that's that's uh flexible for Mr Ferguson's benefit okay uh thanks for that Joe all right staff updates okay Michael did you have anything you wanted to touch on um a couple things so we had um I guess it was a week ago now or so we had a um hurricane tabletop districtwide where we got all the the essential departments together to run through a scenario of this this year was a category 45 catastrophic direct hit on the district um every year we do a little bit different scenario and run through it and make sure everybody's prepared for for the worst um and we've learned a lot from what happened in some of the previous hurricanes on the uh G coast and on the west coast also um so that was very and it it it brought about some things that we need to tweak um we had a lot of good things in in line um but we did have to make some tweaks on some things to get better prepared so it was very helpful um we do have some District training coming up for some several of our departments um we have a little bit of srf training next week a couple days of chapter five and fire safety and srf if you don't know that's the code that governs um educational facilities for the State of Texas or Florida flid Florida sorry I was there this weekend I say it's the travel L um fesa we have a that's a conference uh for Florida education providers is the week after the week of the 22nd so several of will be down there for that and somebody's giving a presentation too so that's there's we always glean a lot of good things from the different districts around the state um and then the week after we have our sep head training and that's crime prevention through educational um design and that's in conjunction with school police but several of our facilities construction um members will be at that just learn about how to be um how to design more safer facilities what that's about and more cognizant of operational challenges that go with the designs okay um okay well um mine's mine's more fun and social I I I can't believe I missed last month's uh cork meeting it was the first meeting I'd missed in seven years you weren't here oh yeah exactly what did somebody notice it um U certainly enjoyed um but uh and and very happy from my perspective I I can say I'd like to thank um all the staff members the different departments uh that work under me um they're all magnificent they're all very well prepared um and handled handled everything very well and I'd like to thank you all for for that um uh speaking of um that kind of um social side I just got an email about an hour ago from our dear friend Jim Canard Jim is um doing well um I'll I'll kind of reprise some of his comments of gain some weight too many snacks at cocktail hour traveling as much as we can and staying under budget it's always a good good feature for all of us right um found some interesting ways to get cheap airfare and discounted hotels good for him um still uh he still stinks at fishing um but the good news for him is his pontoon boat gets us to the nearby tiki bars and that's important so um it's um it was great hearing from him I'm going to reach back out to him and uh he also wants to wish everyone the best and hope everyone's doing well um always there's a whole list of people he's all asking about how's this person what are that person doing who's retiring and whatnot so um look forward to getting back to him and um and to that end I I the Shameless plug but I really do want to thank each and every one of the Court members that are here for attending for being a part of this this is a very important committee to the school district it has always been and now as we can see it's even more important and I really want to thank each and every one of you for the effort the commitment you guys make um it's hugely important I know we seem like on occasion we used to seem like we're adversarial um but no it's in fact it's the exact opposite we find a lot of um pride and and uh appreciation for that that which um you Court committee members um when you review all these items and uh the insights you give us um it's another set of eyes it's a different perspective and sometimes we we have the op we can lose sight and we do appreciate everything that you guys do so with that I I'll turn it over yeah I I also communicate with Jim Canard and uh we must have worn off on him because he has put himself on a very similar committee to Cork in in the Western County he's in in Florida so uh he said he's enjoying that and he's getting the same cooperation out of the staff there that we this staff provided to Cork over the years so he said uh he can see enjoying that why we enjoy it because there is a good communication uh and shared interests so that's good just so you guys know Michael has joined I'm not sure if it's Michael galand um must be we don't have another Michael do we it's the it's the goodlooking one and thank than you Michael that is more or less folically challenged than the other Michael I don't know all right thank you Michael uh public comments any public comments all right let's get down our consent agenda fc1 yes okay fc2 yes I wanted that I wanted that pulled fc3 yes okay fc4 [Music] fc5 pc1 I'm sorry uh if you can pull sc5 my apology okay you're getting near your quota Michael yeah no I'm for the rest of them okay PC2 PC3 bc4 bc5 bc6 bc7 bc8 ec9 move items not pulled on a consent agenda to board objection okay I I'll second that and congratulations to purchasing none there's p it is all right we got a first and a second any comments discussion poess Dorothy please the hook Hill no yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua yes Sam Shannon yes Tom Berger Yes Virginia Ferris yes thank you okay Michael F and fc1 thank you um on number two West Riviera um what is going to be happening to the three through five students that are presently at that school so the um the final decision has not been made to convert it to a K2 it's under consideration right now but with this is to start the design process um to answer your the your actual question uh the three through five students would be going through bethon which is a nearby school which has a similar capacity um and we would need some minor modifications to bethon to allow that um in particular we have um single restrooms in facilities there that would have to be connected with the vestibule so that's some minor work that would have to be converted for bathoon to become a 35 all right um for whomever the decision makers are I think that they ought to you know be made aware that there's also it'll the unintended expenses for the other school um the um playground equipment that is going to be removed is that able to be repurposed anywhere [Music] else so in for the um West Riv um it's not bought yet so that's not an issue um as far as bethon goes we would look at doing that I don't I don't know how old that equipment is but have to we could look into that yeah uh because it looks like the um playground is going to be switched out you know make sense uh and if there's something we can do with that equipment or you know let a municipality have it or if there's a not commed Association that has that um and I see Joe is looking at it because he probably thinks that I'm about proper age for the equipment being removed yeah I was gonna say go ahead Mr Sanchez I just again I know um Michael mentioned it but I just want to be very very um upfront and saying that this is very preliminary discussion um we haven't had Community input meetings yet on the discussion about um making one school a K2 and the other school a 35 and that has huge implications for the staffs and the families and communities um but we're bringing this at this time so that because we're ready we're we're into Construction now on West Riviera and we want to make sure we have the option we want to we don't want to take that option away from us so all this does is just gives us the option to be able to do this but um again I just want to reassure the the community who you who may or may not be paying attention to these meetings that we have not made any decisions for them U we will be bringing this to community input uh bringing it to the board before we make any final decisions about um reconfiguring the grade levels at the schools you know not wanting to delve into to the educational specifics on it you know we've been approving k um what is it K8 schools yes um and this seems to be going the opposite directions but I also you know saw those test scores come in last week and I guess a new new strategy needs to be figured out for some schools that's part of the consideration as well we need to we need we need to do something different then have different results do we have any K2 schools now or that would be the first we do we have yeah Jupiter Lighthouse beon Cove is a 35 Lighthouse is the K2 so we've already got uh empirical data I guess from those schools as to how well it works if it does yeah we do have those those those populations are pretty different than the River Beach population so you know this's questions about whether how appropriate is to make those comparisons but um but that is an example of what we do have okay and they are successful yeah that school those two schools are successful yes good okay um on number three on the bond issues um was the bond part of the contract price or was that an addition for example this there media Cent model was one of the parts to the GMP was the bond and they did a plug number uh we've seen this with a couple different contractors especially on the smaller contractor side is that they can't get a really firm number until they actually go to buy it out um so they have some estimates and we're encouraging them in the future to estimate a little high and then come over and give money back but um Bond cost escalated over last year or so so we're seeing um some of these come in on different projects it's included as a as a specific line item on the GMP that we can track and make sure that we only pay the actual cost so we're allowing in essence that to float yeah because I saw the the memo that came through as the reason why but I'm looking at the responsibility as us or the contractor for the increase in price yeah they're at the mercy of the bond companies that they're getting it from um so you know we make sure that we get that we pay dollar for dollar you can see to 38 cents there we pay exactly to the penny of how much it cost and not not any more left so and we do we're the ones who require the contractors to maintain this Bond yeah so it's it's a service provided it's not something that it's to their protection it's actually to the school district's protection and the funds are coming from the project conting or construction contingency so the cost of the GMP has not increased if if the BMP hasn't increased then why do we have to add additional funds we're not adding additional funds this is a contingency use authorization the funds are already within the GMP contract in the contingency line item and now we're just shifting it from the line item on the pay app up to the bond line item on the pay app so that's um on Timber trace this is now as I understand going to be a part of the specifications for all the schools correct it'll be part of the design standards to have that door that goes all the way up all righty um with reference to number six um Timber trace on the exhaust band um was there a prior increase for the um for the roof the roof [Music] framing D do you remember I don't know because it would seem to be if the need for the change was because the framing couldn't Provide support then um then we had redesigned this seems to be the third change we've had on this item just wondering what the complete expense has been that's Jud dad um so this one specifically uh as this is the administration expansion um there's a portion of the roofing that was that's supported by structure um framing but it is not uh joist like steel joist portion so where the original uh curve for the fan was was planned is wasn't structurally sufficient so we moved it over to a more structurally sound component of the expansion this portion it was originally put where the existing roof meets the new roof and that section wasn't you know doesn't have as um thick th of uh structural members as was needed to support the weight so we shifted it over to to accommodate it all right thank you I think Michael just so you know I think we've got a couple of core expansions going on and I think that we may have had a framing issue on one of the other ones you moving it over makes a whole lot more sense than rebuilding that roof portion thank you um on Windbrook was the reason why we weren't grandfather down that we have an existing structure um it's not it's not a tear down um wouldn't the code at the time we started grandfather Us in are we making any site plan changes at Windbrook or is it all just building work it's a complete modernization oh we're tearing the whole thing down most of it there's one building I think that remains a tear down rebuild [Music] yeah so that that triggers everybody getting their hands involved yeah the moment the moment you open the uh open the door they'll take every opportunity so we do have to bring everything up to code think Sam's calling the dog oh okay any else Michael yeah 11 the Garcia um under the bleachers is that going to be a specification change for all bleachers now we going to make that part of our Master spec I don't know if that's include we typically do that um I don't know if it's part of our Master spec or not and and be honest with you I don't know if it's an after the fact because it's been so long since we built a high school that I wasn't even here to know whether or not when we built the last high schools it should be made part of our standard right whether it was after the fact on after the fact on previous high schools let's just let's just bring that up to building code services that that should get inserted as part of our Master spec that's our notes yep sounds like a good call good call Michael next occasionally uh 16 Cunningham $8,300 for an office and Storage moisture barrier seems like a lot of money yeah unfortunately it's not I've done a number of these and it's just I cringe every time I get the price to put down the moisture barrier crazy expensive yeah uh whether we use r deex or whether we use latr Vapor band it's just I shake my head every time okay uh that's an area unfortunately where because it is so heavily there's a great deal of moisture out there everything floats that's that's almost you got a high moisture content out there and you know we don't have mck probably right below this laab but gains the order yeah I understand the need it's just U with by condos we we have these issues also um and you know I know that the material is pretty expensive you know it's a a th000 bucks each throw yep if that's what we're dealing with that's what we're dealing with all righty thank you you want to make a motion to let fc1 go through motion that cork is no objection to the board considering fc1 second by Virginia comments or questions Dorothy please Bill hook Hill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Guida yes Sam Shannon yes Tom Berger yes Virginia Ferris yes okay fc2 Michael you pulled it and I pulled it go ahead first Michael oh thank you so um this is a gate house that is located at the U main entrance what's this a student parking entrance or or what main main entrance main entrance uh Public Access primary Public Access and is there going to be an actual gate that's going to be preventing access or is it just going to be a house it's it's going to be a house there is no gate um well there a gate it's just no there's no if you're talking about like a community HOA arm gate that comes down or anything like that there is not going to be that there is the gate out in front of the campus uh but the guard house is set inside the campus so this is more like a outdoor air conditioned rain shelter more than an actual guard house as we all would think of when you enter an HOA I mean that was my question what's the function of this if it's really to allow a guard to be out in the middle of the parking lot someplace and be visible and yet not get wet and have air conditioning I'm okay with that but if the function was to you know stop everybody at the front entrance like you do in HOA then you you'll never have you know I95 won't be long enough for your backup or at some governmental buildings you know the federal courthouse has has a gate and all so you know I can understand the need in certain times but I I can't figure out what the function of this thing is it's it's off peak hours meaning like uh morning Rush when the kids uh parents are dropping off kids it's not everybody going through the guard housee being introduced or whatnot it's more once kids are in school and the campus is locked down somebody's coming coming on to campus they would go through that guard um house location be um validated because that will have communication with the main office to verify that you know so and so is here to pick up their son or uh so and so is here for a meeting with the principal that kind of thing so is this something that's going to be planned for all existing high schools it this was a new high school so it got put there is that is that the board's idea you put one at each High School yes and have the same function we have it at two other high schools already but the plan is to have it at all high schools and we're working through that design and construction process right now so it's it's it's after hours that or or non rush time for kids coming and going that people will be stopped and have to present ID like in an HOA gate and most schools now do have that um you're pointed out um a most of the high schools that have it they usually have a golf cart with a with the person sitting out there um in the sun and the rain yeah through the weather and pulling this the things down um this is more and and then they have to use a radio and try to communicate back but are we stopping people I mean I go to seminal Ridge a lot and it's always after the kids are there and there's a guy in the golf court and I just go in and I drive around and I drive to the front and I go to the visitor parking lot I've never ever been stopped ever and he doesn't know me so it's not like I'm getting through because he knows me never the same thing for me is you know I volunteer on local high school and I just drive in and go not gonna I'm not GNA out the school right now but I I've got some questions as to you know I understand things for show from time to time and everyone's heard my comments on school security but this doesn't seem to have a purpose and you know when you have a guy out with a golf cart waai you on I pass dyus there's that's AAL barrier that keeps someone driving through and also here um looking at the little drawing up there there's an alternative access way that someone can drive through uh which is probably an exit laying but it's it's right there I I just don't see that this provides any level of security well I i' prefer if we not get F okay yeah Mr Mr I you're probably going to say the same you're going to say the same thing I going to say is that you know we're we're we're getting into operational um issues about security that that we really would rather not have in the public and we have closed executive sessions with our board so we can have these discussions um and and um but I will say that what what happened in the case that that um Mr Porter pointed out shouldn't be happening we do have security monitors at our schools at our high schools and they should be stopping any Mone that that comes into the school and this and we have and we have a challenge filling those positions partially because um they're out in the heat during the heat of the day and they and in the rain during other times and they're is not highly paid individuals so we in addition to that we have um armed security officers sworn officers at every campus as required by law so there's there's multiple layers of of security um at our schools but it it is the direction that we got from the board that all of our high schools have these these guard houses and um to provide additional security but we're just not comfortable speaking in more detail about the justification for it and how they operating the hours of operation like that so I I respectfully ask that we uh not continue talking about Security in the public for like this question I'll have I mean where it's located on Garcia I I assume somebody's looked at back up and making sure we're not going to back up people on the on the road yeah because it looks like it's you know almost immediately right inside the entrance where you get maybe three cars and then you got backup yeah it's more like six or seven but uh yes and we we've done it actually we've had events at Garcia where um the public was coming in all for an 8:00 session and we've been able to uh get cars through um properly in a timely man a lot of those are oh you're here for such and such event okay park over there and then head to the front office um that's that's part of that so I guess my experience at s Ridge I didn't understand why we needed the guard house but if that person in a golf cart at s Ridge is supposed to be stopping me every time and that's purpose of this replacing somebody in a golf cart I don't have a problem with it then yeah I go out to West Tech all the time and that that is the purpose yeah stop you every time the golf cart Poor Man's out there in the hot any else Michael I'm going to suggest that we table this because uh if we're not to have a full discussion on this and this is being Hand by another department then let them deal with it make that table keep in mind that this particular one is completed and we're just trying to get everybody paid for this work at ccia um so that that may i' recommend if we could to have that discussion through your board member and have that as whether or not that should go forward as a policy but as far as this one goes it's already built and in tomber yes uh does anybody else notice that at the main building there's interference coming in and it may mess up the audio Yeah I've got the same we're hearing you guys loud and clear it's the way it ought to be but you guys are all all um distorted all of a sudden it started okay it hasn't been like this the whole time it's just no it just started I'm betting that somebody put a phone near one of the microphones uh doesn't seem that way maybe anything better now no no I know if we got anybody at it that can look at it quickly enough probably all right well thank you for letting us know [Music] um okay we got somebody G to come look at it uh Michael has a motion to the table do I have a second on that I'm not hearing a second so somebody else want to make a substitute motion on this [Music] item do we have a motion by anybody to let this go forward all right that's by Sam do we have a second I'll second Michael Gita seconded it any other comments or questions David didn't you also pull this I did my concerns were were answered because of now I know the purpose and the location of it um so I'm okay with it cuz to me it's basically a guard shelter uh instead of it's It's transferring a golf cart into something it's more of a shelter so um you know the board wants that we serve with the pleasure of the board um that's up to them to determine what they want for security John cheser yeah I had sent in a question about how the bathroom is going to be uh there's no bathroom in it so how's that going to work with the guard he's going to have to leave his post to run into the school to use the facilities there is that what I understand and then it will be [Music] unmanned yeah and I and I don't know how building code Services proved that I'm personally doing two guard houses right now I had to redesign them because there was no waiver for ADA toilet Provisions so I had a design Ada size bathrooms inside two guard houses so um yeah Building C Services would have had to have waved that requirement Sanchez Mr Sanchez no I was just going to say it at high schools there there's at least um two security off two police officers at at each high school so they can they can fill in while that individual runs their restroom so they other other staff that do there's no staff at high schools that they can fill in for that person while they run the restro okay we had a motion and a second any other comments or questions are we still having audio problems yes yes yes two I did not hear who made the motion and made the motion and I believe and Michael excuse me to go forward forward yes to go forward we now need to PLL thank you after the vote nowan is the sound issue is getting worse wow this is what happens when you don't put a bathroom in all right we're still working on the sound um um can you hear us enough that when we poll you you'll be able to answer yes yes okay the only concern the only concern is what we say in whether it's being recorded or not I believe it will cuz we can hear you loud and clear yeah we don't hear any Distortion we're not hearing any Distortion so our voices may or may not be distorted on the recording but yours are not yeah yours yours are being heard very well Bill the motion was to go forward with this item to to accept it okay all right darthy Pol please yes David Porter yes John chesher no Michael galand no Michael G yes Sam Shannon yes Tom burger no Virginia Ferris yes five yeses and three NOS okay and the NOS by the way I think we have to give a reason don't we yes yes it's an agreement with Michael's Theory but I wanted it to be able to go forward anyways but I agree with what Michael is saying if we're not going to be able to get all the full information we can't really vote on [Music] it I guess I guess the comment would be feeling a black of total full information lack of information regarding the security usage the function the operation and function of the Guard house and the location and you know why do we need it I also would be adding to this uh my concerns that the information we have do have indicates that this will not be able to fulfill its intended purpose and further I repeat my comments that the efforts by the district do not adequately address the threats that are now allowed because of the weaponization of our communities well Michael that might be your comment but that may not be the general comment of the dissenting three people understand okay I think Mr ches we have to hear have something different right to add John do you have anything different to add no same C just a lack of information on the operational um how yeah okay thank you um yes would like to reset the speakers and see if helps at all so just let's just pause a second we're going to reset things so you might hear some deadness for a minute that's is it sounding better oh yeah yes I see I don't see a white light on our speakers white one's down here on now it came on it went off it's on and it's back on don't go too far we were trying to torture you online that I mean you know now we can't do that that was fun all right we are done consent uh we're down to in progress FC work we still have fc3 and fc5 I yeah okay Michael you pulled them fc3 right so um on this one it appears that fpnl provided some type of right for this um other data company was it crown or whatever to put their stuff up but at the same time fpnl gave us clearance to move ahead that really gave us permission to move ahead we needed to move ahead and correct me if I'm wrong Michael they didn't have all the information they didn't even know who was on their own polls yeah there was four different companies on their polls um and there was a extensive so the keep in mind this was several years back so I'm hearing some of this third fourth hand but there was um lots of coordination that went into trying to get this moved and um that got delayed for an extensive amount of time um trying to get all the pools moved and things off the lines and the different companies permissions permissions um the contractor is just billing for a small portion of that time um requesting to to be paid for a large portion a small portion of the over 405 day delay um I don't know all the specifics I don't know Dorothy and Angel have a little bit more information than I do but Glenn was the project manager who's no longer here Michael I can tell you from personal experience that I did a project maybe 10 years ago along Westgate and it is a nightmare with the easements and the utilities and figuring out who's on what poll and getting all the permissions and it delays every project that's built along Westgate when we have we have the same problem with not problem challenge we have the same challenge with AT&T I know we have uh we we coordinate and communicate with them early during the design process get them locked down but then we're still beholden to their implementation schedule when they're going to get it on their work schedule uh and oftentimes they just miss they slip by several weeks several months I think even Pine Grove is a perfect example uh correct me if I'm wrong Angel um we have that project ready to open up um thankfully our team had an alternate um route to get AT&T service to the school I guess we had an umbilical from the old service um because they just couldn't get it done in time and there's I know we've had this discussion many years uh and many times um but you know beting our head against the wall sometimes is you know where we're at we have we have a lot of work to do to try to insist that they stay on on task and on time I'm tell you I I was sort of impressed that it open open on schedule with all this delay that's we we um we had literally had the turn Lanes um Hedrick brothers did an incredible job they built the turn lanes and literally had the the the poles right in the middle of the turn lane they actually built around the poles to make sure that when the final polls got removed and and all that service got relocated that we could turn and Turn and Burn really quickly and that was that was because they didn't want to sit around with their with their you know hands in their pockets waiting for it and uh they did what they needed to do that was the one of the big efforts that Hedrick um did to make sure that we were able to open the school um on time despite that um the service line being in the way why was someone impressed with that Michael nothing further thank you I make a motion all right the usual one that cour has no objection to the board considering this item you a second on fc3 second by Virginia comments questions pois darthy please Bill hooko yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua yes Sam Shannon yes Tom burer Yes Virginia feris yes all right Michael fc5 um grandfather again the the elevators um it seemed like the code had changed but is a reason why we can't grandfather those in if they're otherwise operational we we can't and those and when it's concerned safety of elevators they they do a mandate and we have to go back and update all the elevators in the district to comply with this um wish we can just say no but we we can't and it happens quite regularly and I I don't want to actually disparage the industry but the elevator industry and M I'm suspect you you know what I'm talking about um it's a very tough industry that's very controlled and uh they pretty much I mean I don't want to say the lobbyists but they they control it uh to make sure that every every elevator everywhere has to be updated each and every time and this is not on common our maintenance department um has contracts and we constantly have to upgrade all existing elevators in fact we actually get fined if we don't comply so um we have to comply with it on cheser yeah if it's um a mandate that's known and is typical on projects how come this was only found during construction why wasn't it part of the original uh design so in this case the um the work was going to be done as a maintenance item mmpo is doing the updates to all our districtwide elevators um they were having a hard time getting their vendors out to service this particular school um in time to meet the other contract requirements that the contractor was doing so the contractor got a price to do it on his own and and put it as a change into the project so originally it was going to be MMO doing the elevator work but instead the contractor took over and got it done so able to meet our [Music] schedule a lot of the the changes were um the elevator had to be tied into the fire alarm system and we were replacing the fire alarm system as part of this project so it was easier to coordinate the two of them together in this project um maintenance like Michael said they started out doing it but as they were trying to coordinate the the fire alarm portion of it they ran into difficulties so they ask for it to be transferred over we don't have the control over the vendors the way you would expect you know School District with however many elevators we have you know 100 elevators throughout the district you think oh we'd have better control over the vendors that we have and it just doesn't work that way maintenance does the best they can they do a great job stand on top of it but this was a an audible called in order to make sure that we got it all done um in compliance with the uh building codes uh inspections all right the yeah this is a quarter of a million dollars this one item when these things come down the line how are we budgeting for this if we have to do this districtwide so the the actual mandate wasn't a quarter million dollars part of that in addition was that tie in like Dorothy said to the fire alarm system um the the Mandate was had to do with the the doors um I don't know all the details because it's a maintenance item but um so we're not spending 250,000 out of school but there are mandates and we do have to cover the cost so we do have contingencies in our budgets to cover um these things I mean we get unfunded mandates all the time from the state and we just have to deal with it you know and if this exceeds our um contingency because it is a facility renewal it is a sales tax referendum project um we would have to go back to ISO if if it were far in excess of what we have in the project contingency we'd have to go back to ISO and get permission for additional funds in this case I don't think we did I don't think we have had to ask for additionals so um unlike my clients who have some of the same frustrations if not more than I've heard already presumably David's clients don't have you know the the type of muscle that a school district does um just something to think about as you're discussing with other jurisdictions whether it be the county who has a lot of elevators um and neighboring school districts is whether or not we want to create our own elevator maintenance company so that we have some ability to address these issues um something just to think about for for the long run I know that there's you know pros and cons I'm thinking about that but you know um tremendous amounts of money go into these elevator maintenance uh contracts yeah unfortunately um it's even the case where they're all proprietary so you can't get the other company to work on your their elevator or else you avoid all the warranty so that complicates a little bit farther even um Michael we can't find enough people to work on air conditioning units and to fix door knobs and there there's no way possible we're going to be able to get certified elevator technicians and pay them enough versus what Bon Coupe and other major elevator companies are going to pay them with benefits and you know I good idea but I don't think it's going to fly anyway if you find me you know floating in an old elevator cab that's been welded shut you you know why yeah you could leave your law job and you could go start working on elevators it may be more profitable actually may be a little less stressful too all anything else Michael no but thank you you want to make a motion sure no objection fc5 right a second second by Sam questions comments garthy please Bill Hill yes David Porter yes John chesher yes Michael galand yes Michael Gua yes Sam Shannon yes Tom Berger Yes Virginia Ferris yes okay are we now done agenda okay thank you all right now we're on to in progress FCA work update yeah I'm going to slow you down just a second yes sir uh we have historically had a representative L doctor that explained what happened here to the board part of that job included when there was an item went through with negative votes that was announced we've had that situation happen today so my question is are we covered yes and how that's done the way we're doing it now darthy is the new L doctor okay and the other one is I didn't catch what the vote was total 53 five for three against okay and we got the dissenting comments and darthy notes those down and then she does a report she sends it to me I do an edit just to make sure I think it's the same thing we talked about and then by Monday morning first thing she uploads it to the board that the board has it for their Wednesday meeting to see the report from Cork so the process is working the same okay when Lou was doing it thank you yep okay gentlemen okay um you guys probably were spoiled last month with Michael doing the updates so I will as always I will slow it down right 20 seconds go Dar you want to start scrolling through that okay those you can see our numbers um we're staying on Pace with our Pace um we'd love to spend more and we continue to upgrade um uh Staffing and project capacities as a matter of fact some of the items you've seen on the board this month um were for some of our purchasing contracts to increase our spend so darthy is um going hog Wild on projects she's got tons and tons of projects what we have 150 some OD projects um or in an active state right now in minor projects um next slide um you'll notice um we've got a lot of those um projects in process some of the blue ones that um some of our contractors and Architects will be looking at um U I know we can't read it because it's so far away but um those of you at home who are looking at it um you'll see that there's some trans Transportation projects on there Michael if you want to touch on uh the process that we're going to go through for transportation projects sure so we've had those on on the plan as part of the referendum for a long time to do um when we first developed those we put in a plug number because we didn't really have an idea what those would cost um we did a master plan for one of our new facilities there's three two modernizations and one new facility being planned for transportation um we did a master plan um we had a my my apologies to interrupt but could the screen size be uh zoomed larger so that we can actually see this move it up a little bit there you go I wasn't sure if you were having the same problem that I I'm seeing it from a distance with glasses and I'm having a hard time so yeah reduce it down just a little bit there we go thank you okay since M interrupted can I interrupt also yeah I have to sign off at 10 o'clock so I'm gonna leave now okay we still off Corum yeah okay all right why yep yep thanks see you bye bye so we're probably um seven or eight months out from doing these rfqs but we're we we've heard or in the process of negotiating with an architect to do update our master plan and cost estimating for each facility um so our initial master plan was really just for the one new build um but as we're getting in this we realize that the other two existing monetizations have different challenges and we want want to make sure that when we go out for the arue we have at least a a good Baseline to start with so we're getting those costs updated uh to have an appropriate budget and an appropriate project scope identified so that when we go forward with those there's no hurdles on [Music] thata U so a couple of items one of the transportation items are we still dealing with um EVS for some of our vehicles or we are are at our um Bus locations we have three different locations I think George that we put them in are they completed or close to they are finished as far as built the electricity has not been turned on yet process and then we have some buses that have haven't been in place yet but they've been selected and in the process being ordered to support those EV stations Mr Sanchez yeah I I was just going to say we have um we have I think it's 20 buses on order that are due in uh probably the beginning of 2025 so couple items on that then one is as we're looking at the infrastructures recognizing the issues we've had with fpnl um planning it advance so hopefully we have the everage that we need for these facilities uh Second and somewhat related um is there someone looking at how we're going to evaluate whether these vehicles and the infrastructure for them make sense Jo do you want to answer that or because we we have George Perez and and Michael we know what the buses can do now and what the technology um allows the buses to be able to do how how they can operate um we know that the tech te is continuing to improve yeah it changes even from just a couple years ago um there's things you could do fast charges and the charges are lasting longer and the buses can go longer routes and that's part of the challenge is that our buses go you know all day so we need to make sure that the we have routes that fit for these buses so we're taking it in steps and uh sh and our transportation director has been in constant communication with both the bus manufacturers FPL the charging station manufacturers and coordinating that effort um and of course I don't know all the details of it but and one of the things I wanted to kind of mention I know I'm cutting off George too but um we have fpnl on on the ones that we've done they are a partner with us they are well while we we previously just maybe disparaged them by saying you know normally on our projects they're hard to get to get work on this one they want them to work they want this to be a a positive uh you know influential um opport opportunity to show off what they can do what fpnl can do how we can be sustainable you know energy efficient um so that they are um actively a a good partner with us on on these Pro on these projects the upgrades that we've been doing so you know what I'm just looking at is once we get moving on this is a way to evaluate um you know the the different parts on the total cost and you know hopefully as part of that you'll be speaking to the neighboring districts or other districts large ones around the country that are doing this to see what actually works so that we're not just doing this alone just want to make certain that you know we've got a six-month lead in before these things come in at minimum once they come in then at some point we have scheduled an evaluation and someone or some department is going to be looking at it to see you know whether it actually meets the expectations and what can be done Joe go ahead yeah I just going to add we we um know we participate in the Council of great City Schools um and this was a topic of discussion this a topic discussion for the last couple of years about how um these electric buses are doing and because there other districts that have them Orange County has them already Broward has them already St Hillsboro has them on on order um California has a big order in for a couple hundred of them um we're learning from their experiences and um you know we're we're proceeding we're proing cautiously um you know we do have pares county is geographically larger than than a lot of other counties most other counties and so we're going to have so the opportunity to use electric buses at this point with their limited range um is somewhat limited so we don't want to want to proceed cautiously so um that's that's our goal we want to make sure that we put these on routes that um that we're not going to be challenged to have the buses run out of char before you know before the end of the day so uh we actually so we have budget for 40 of them at this point we're like I said we're only proceeding with 20 for this time and we'll see how they work for us here in PES County we go to Mr Galant your your question I think your your expectation would yes we will absolutely be doing evaluation energy usage um other extraneous costs unexpected costs all that will be evaluated it's probably going to take a period of time whether it's a six-month run or a year run where we can um you know uh come come up with all that data and be able to evaluate it but you're absolutely right there is no question as we get into it once we start rolling it there will be a followup or continual follow-ups to see is it efficient is it effective are there other opportunities where we can grow maybe we can increase the uh uh capacities of the battery chargers and make it a little better we will certainly be constantly uh re-evaluating whether or not it's um it's successful or or if it can be more successful and we actually got some really great feedback from some of the schools that have gone through it already of Lessons Learned where they did make some pretty substantial mistakes and because they just didn't know any better and we were able to implement that and not duplicate that so they were very transparent with us knowing that we need we we do the same thing with them stuff that we pilot and share that information so information is is is fantastic one thing to think about that maybe in the George Jetson uh future but we are actually seeing now developers looking at with the electronic veh the EVS moving to potentially autonomous driving it's changing in design of parking facilities and even having remote facilities on that and that's you know I said far far future but just something to have a heads up on yeah we had that that discussion this week actually we were talking about that just future planning what that looks like for our facilities and a lot of it as you know is kind of guessing but we're we are we do keep tabs on that and uh we're not Trailblazers by any means we want to make sure things work but um we we are looking out for that kind of stuff are are we planning any uh EV panels to help uh provide the electric directly on site for some of the bus charges not at the Bus locations right now um those the Bus locations are so strapped for space so every square inch has a bus parked on it if you go to any of them and the buildings themselves on a bus location are really tiny but some of the other locations we are like our West acreage new elementary school we have some um solar panels and we're doing that kind of thing so where we can yes absolutely okay was there an option for a solar panel on top of the bus to help to charge it during the daytime or the electric buses to self charge themselves with a solar panel was that an option I don't know George can get up there and B A couple to the top of the metal roof of the bus I don't think we're there yet but uh it will come to that I think has a self charging road I don't know if you saw that yeah they're testing that now yeah okay uh John Yeah question on the back to the table the full service center phase 2 for 15 million um do you what is the scope of work involved with that and then I have another question after that okay phase two for for that for those of you who are familiar with the campus there are uh three buildings um that are older um that are original buildings or well I'll just say they're old um uh they are um of a historic nature they're not historic Park but they are old enough um to be that um we are uh proposing to uh rehabilitate um at least two of the buildings building one and building 12 um for adult ed uh type programs um Culinary Academy might be one of them and uh what's it for building existing old kitchen and yeah the old cafeteria we would look to turn that in C into a a AR Academy and um and then the building one is the um the original campus the original building um and that would probably be turned into classrooms for adult at uh programs as well it had been envisioned and master planned so that we have enough parking to build those out and um our board and our superintendent had the vision to move forward with that so we are uh hiring an architect and starting to look into that we're working with the city of Del Beach on uh the academic programs and what you know what would serve the community best is that in our five or 10 year plan so it's already been budgeted it's already been budgeted it was budgeted last year that's why we're putting it out now because there's Adult Ed involved do we get any money from the adult head side like we did for the for the Chuck Shaw facility do you say we well this the district I mean when we did the truck Shaw facility there was $12 million that the adult head had to spend on building and so that went towards that facility correct this is not the um the Del full service phase one project was borrow cops borrow I you mean cops it was meaning adult had collected its own money over the years that's for Chuck Shaw that was the exception to the rule okay so they don't they don't have another pot of money that continues to school district pays for this the um facilities Adult Ed facilities okay yeah all right yeah my my other question was I see that for this for that project and Palm Beach Central High School that the RFP has been issued for the architect however I don't recall seeing the email requesting uh Court member for the selection committees I can't so delway full service for sure has not been issued yet uh we had planned to issue that but we were delayed a little bit um P Central I'm not sure on I don't I don't that Barbara thank you neither yes neither have been issued yet um the scope is being defined for Del re and also for Palm Beach Central very shortly and pal Central is just it was not just but it is a facility renewal project right so that's our one of our traditional projects that we've been working on and it will fall outside of our pre-selected yeah correct I think it's I can't read it very well but I think it's 5 million Central so it's over the 4 million and because the CCNA has been raised we're not going to bump that up to have kind of another group of pre-selected uh n cont at this point we're good with our system the way we have it fine yeah anything else John no thank you okay continue guys thanksa one item on the historic Rosevelt High School are we going to be holding until all of the different players figure out where they're going with this or we just moving forward so we're moving forward so our responsibility is the shell of the the buildings um so we will have some coordination with the other entities even though they haven't um gotten firm commitments from them about the operational part of it so there will be some coordination with them as far as what you know what will go into the shell part of it um but our responsibility is building this shell and they would come in and do the buildout after the fact so by the shell we talking about uh the exterior uh doors windows accessways also yes yeah air conditioning yeah all the all the infrastructure yeah the air conditioning electrical service but not receptacles because we don't know where walls are going so it's a big open building it's enclosed you know you're going to have problems I just foresee as the design for the interior comes up and folks are going to talk about Windows Doors where the HVAC is but um I understand the all the different players involved but I don't want the school district get caught in between and then paying additional Bill Mr Sanchez I say I'll let Joe answer first because I have but I rather have him well there's I'll let you know that um just to give everybody update on where this is the county did approve a million dollars for planning purposes um so and in their efforts they're going to be they've contracted with Community Foundation of palmach County to start doing well create it's a whole complicated process going on but they're setting up another entity that's going to do fundraising um they're going to hire their they're going to hire an architect that's going to work on the library SL Media Center the interior stuff that that we're not doing um the library and the museum they're going to be hiring a designer for that so we think that the timing will work out fine with them hiring their architect and US Hiring Our Architects so that they can work side by side and and we're not um getting ahead of them too far so they can they have input on us so it our process takes a little bit of time to get going so I don't think we'll have an architect on board probably before I don't know what is it October maybe November whatever time frame that we shouldn't we shouldn't be far ahead of them in terms of process so that our the two architects can work side by side and make sure that we don't do anything that that we have to undo so I think we're we're okay yeah if you notice Del full service and Roosevelt full service have been on these slides for you know a while now and they've pushed back um because of those reasons that you mentioned Mr Gan that we want to make sure that those other things are in line to make sure we're ready to go forward with it so um that's that's why we've delayed these because they've been funded and we're ready move but we want to make sure that we don't get caught in that yeah yeah those are going to be simple compared to this one unfortunately this platform does not have a cross your fingers and hope for the best emoji yes the question I would have is if we're doing the shell U maybe they don't get the fundraising for know two years um we're going to have to air condition that building or it's going to be a green moldy mess on the inside by the time they take it over so that means going to have to basically put insulation in drywall put the finished ceiling in to cover the the insulation and pay an air conditioning bill for however long it takes before the other tenants decide to take it over does it then become their electric bill for use of the building or is that the school district's responsibility once it gets operational and before it gets operational but you know finished yeah we haven't we haven't gotten that for negotiated agreement with um the city or well I'm not sure the city is goingon to be a partner in this yet but um the Count's certainly a partner in it um but we'll we'll have to address those those issues that'll be part of the contract negotiations okay until they come on in it's we're the owner of it so we're going to be paying all the bills yeah yeah it just needs to be budgeted I mean we don't know how long maybe it's 10 years before somebody gets their act together and it's an empty building that's air condition that's why we're looking at you squirly because we kind of know that there's lots of discussions that have to go on and we do we like you say we recognize those are certainly concerns um I I you know overseeing maintenance as well I sit here and say how much do I need to budget for um upgrades because if it goes five years do I need to replace the air handlers do I need to replace um you know other system systemwide uh things so I need to constantly change belts Etc these are all the costs that keep an eye on as we uh get into those discussions okay [Music] continue and again um my apologies for dragging this out what did I say I when I do them they end up taking an hour and a half but that's the thing I wanted to make sure we had at least brought forth the concept of some of the work we're doing the uh Transportation projects and and others that we don't necessarily give you regular updates on but this is opportunity you see them on the list we'll talk about them so um Darth you want to go back and see if we can get back to to the slides okay um again all the rest of these I'm going to leave for you you can see the difference between the Reds and the blues the reds are under the CCNA the blues are uh ones that are over that and will be uh coming through the board we've got some projects coming up in September moving on question the ITV station um are we still transmitting or this is all internet now that we're doing South ITV is Communications the Communications Department is in the South ITV building station they they their main offices are there um so this is a facility renewal at their facility um I think there's somewhere around a million dollars worth of work um that is slated for that including rest upgrades and and uh whatnot um it's not a traditional uh school facility renewal but that's that's what that South ey TV is it's uh are we transmitting there I think there is um a tower I don't know if we actually transmit anything uh because nowadays everything's all Digital Underground fiber optic kind of thing but um that's not where that money that's not where that project is it's simply a facility of an ancillary space where the Communications Department is housed thank you okay next ones uh I'm not going to read any of these but uh this is more of a detailed breakout of where uh a lot of our projects stand in the design side and [Music] um okay I couldn't read the old when you had it in so I can't read it now um um moving on okay now's our list uh of all the work that's been going on in facility renewals I never mentioned it but you know it's it's middle of July and um we only have uh uh looks like we only have one Spa in the room and he's busy working himself as it is um everybody's out doing summer work you've got 150 some odd uh projects that are um going on this Summer that were reporting out um so it's a bit of uh focus on the work and and less on the reporting so uh you'll notice that uh all these are uh just detail updates of what's going on in facility renewal projects do we have projects that are intended to open for the August 12th that we're not going to make no we're making completion on everything it was supposed to be ready for August 12th they'll be ready you're going to put me on the spot and I'm going to say no we will we will be ready the schools that we have um for example uh Pine Grove that's Angel's project that's uh knock on wood that's going to be ready to open um uh now it's a phase one of it so there's more work to go on on that one um DD Eisenhower the second floor buildout is going to be ready for opening it's it's done um I had I had the list out um grow Park is Del gr park is all that they've even been operating this summer so Eisenhower had a second story we never occupied vacon yeah 20 years or what no DD and how was built what in h yeah 15 12 so we had a second floor of a school building never wow only of the second floor yeah okay about 60% of it was occupied and about 40% of it was just open shell oh interesting and it's now converted from a K5 to a K8 that's that's the six um program that's opening up there um uh yeah as mentioned Grove Park Gro Park is is opening but it's it's been ready and they're even using it this summer for all their camps and they they gave it a soft opening over they essentially have been opened yeah but their official opening is now so um you can see going scrolling through the uh facility renewal [Music] work some of our fun [Music] photos and one of my favorite photos I think is coming up um right there on the right the load Bank test we took a photo of a load Bank test screen but anyway there's a lot of work going on you can see um okay um West ACD um that is uh uh that's Joel's project it's our new elementary school out west um it's just underway we had the groundbreaking a couple of months ago few months ago there it is there there's our site um the Big Green area to the right it is the Future Park and then to the right of that is actually Southern Boulevard this is planned to open next August AUST 2025 correct [Music] wow underground infrastructure going in I'll ask the question again do we document where those pipes are with a surveyor locating the pipes on a drawing yes good obviously we take plenty of photographs no but we do and that's approved through our inspection Department that's part of the process to do it to get approval and and it's strict they go back and forth and make sure it's right good okay yeah we've heard you we've heard you talking about the old as builts and whether the Architects should be relying on them and whether or not they're worthy but we ended up with so many change orders over the 23 years I've been on this thing it's like well the asts weren't right there's a method to make it right good yeah okay um Grove Park um expansions this uh makes reference to remember the build instead of the yeah the addition edition's done so um wow yeah that came out really nice other than the green oh did I say that out yeah I know now it's a beautiful who determines that zovich or was that somebody at the district that determined that no comment was it wasn't the principal I hope no okay good principal's changed so I don't want the green to become blue next to correct no no no you're right you're right it's uh Pine Grove Pine Grove I hail to Angel for the the headaches that he puts up with um Pine Grove is as you may recall um building I think it's building two is the two and three are the existing buildings that are being renovated all right and building one is the z-shaped building on the right hand side and that thingy right there building one was constructed and um will open in August building two and three also renovated during the building the construction of building one um and I I don't know if you can see um for to the right of that picture is the parking lot it's the park there's a adjacent Park and we we built a temporary parking lot and um uh there's covered walkway that leads to the you can see in the bottom left the main building the the old building um and that building that's where they operated out of for the last year while was all constructed um they're going to open up and then they're going to knock down that building and build a parking lot there one suggestion if it doesn't add over top of the district's logo at the bottom right corner on these slides if you could list the CM and the architect oh it's a good point that would be helpful to flush through these because if we serve on a selection committee we start getting the idea of okay CM really knocked this out architect did a decent design job yeah and forgive me I'm drawing a on the architect but I know Whit is the contractor at cm and PG is the AR okay okay no they've done a done a fabulous job um yeah so and and I I will caveat this and say please note that all virtually all the photos that we're showing are probably like upwards of four weeks old okay so while it you'd look at it and go it's it's July 11th if it looks like that we're in trouble no it's it doesn't necessarily look like that a lot of these are are um few weeks at least well that was wet concrete so I know it's not wet anymore right but like I know if you see there's no s in that site well don't worry about it that's that's being taken care of that's we're far ahead of that now so okay Windbrook Windbrook is uh just under construction this one's um Hedrick Brothers Construction um uh I think it's building two is the existing one that we're renovating and sched for August of 25 [Music] W okay keep going there's your casting beds we have to save any buildings here is it a total tear down uh there's one building one that's sitting right there in the top middle is being rectangle yeah okay okay West Riviera um this is the modernization um as you can see they've been moved over to Lincoln Elementary um grow Park moved out west Riv moved in and um well we're already knocking stuff down so it's on its way and that one uh correct me I'm for wrong that's actually 2 we're scheduled for December of next year but we may not open till the following August yeah so that's why we we just started so getting that modernization done by next August is probably unachievable that's why we're we're looking at next December and um and presumably we're presuming that the the district the academics will say let's just open up in a a we found that with Grove Park it just wasn't going to be worth it just let it get done building's going to be there for another 50 years why Rush the last two weeks and and get it right and that's the thing I feel like you said I I feel like grow Park we kind of had a soft opening and it probably turning out better that way because we've had a chance to have some people in it see it beat it around realize where we need some work on it so Del full service is essentially done but uh we're just finishing up some of the Landscaping um in there it's uh it's it's open the facilities are open and they're they're running classes in our in that new new campus um historic Roosevelt that's uh um right now I think they yeah they poured the foundations for the new building that's new twostory building and they've already done a lot of the the demo work on both the gym and uh the building 8 we we I guess we refer to it as the the uh um [Music] lab okay there's some photos there's the gym in the bottom right corner just up to the left of it is the uh is the building eight that's being renovated and then just north of both of those is where that the foundation for the uh yeah right where her cursor is right now that's the that's where they're building the new two-story building and you above that you can see the historic building um and that's part of that'll be part of the phase two build out it's a mess poring foundations okay um Michel I know you want to touch on the core expansions I know we're um we're finishing up on the seminal Trails core yeah they're just working on their final inspections with the health department and getting that open for the school year so um that was a core expansion ready to open for this um this fall have we updated our Master spec with all the extra hand s that we've run into as change orders because of Health Department St we're learning as we go and that's not necessarily in our Master spec per se it's it's because it's part of the code now so that once it becomes part of the code it's not our choice yeah all right uh and Timber Trace they've been open for a little bit now they're just doing some punch list and I'm working through that no comments yeah my my daughter went to kindergarten there and she's 30 7 now so I think we've been working on that since she left kindergarten 37 years yeah okay um and now we're turning all over to all the fun stuff and um uh we uh we had a we had a meeting with Joe where we got to explain why Dorothy is you know like overwhelmed she's got a ton of work project you saw the first slide was the projects that are in design that are going to be moving forward you saw one of them was our parking lot here so that's actually permitting and we will have an upgraded parking lot sometime this is biggy multiple re roofs Marquees modular relocation projects the media centers the guard houses we just talked about um cell tower projects they're never ending and uh there's some pretty photos the the oh the build out of DD Eisenhower is right there um again I'll I'll I'll cave out the Boer Fieldhouse that's what it looks like now it doesn't it's been considerably improved it's just it's an old photo that's another time sens one so that will be open for the start of the games um they're they're practicing without obviousy but that will be open for the start of the [Music] game and K Cunningham the top right if you can go back to that slide that top right Kate Cunningham the new Pavilion that's uh that that school never really had the uh the big uh restroom building with the covered Pavilion um when it was built and we uh we built a new one out there and the only thing we're working on that's all finished and we're just working on the covered walkways to get them back to the main campus from there and uh our Jupiter Fieldhouse our Jupiter Fieldhouse is under construction darthy Where Do We Stand because I know Mr Sanchez literally texted me a little while ago we want to update uh on that do you know where we stand um they're working on foundations now that's a very recent picture um they are scheduled be finished in February of 25 but they are running a bit ahead of schedule right now okay so we're going to tell them February of 25 because I well we got Palm Beach Central there we're doing work there now but now it's going to be also an RFP for design I mean why why weren't we just waiting on this until it became part of the main because the FCA projects have defined scope of what we're allowed to address and this is not part of that scope so it cannot be funded with sales tax funding um this is just improvements because the parents there are not so and um bottom line is they they pull in and drop the kids off wherever and do u-turns and the traffic is a nightmare and backs up on the Forest Hill so we're putting in some islands and things like that that are going to force them to go through the loops yeah it's a good point um one of the things U you don't actually see behind the curtain all all that often and then we actually have a Consortium um of traffic people Page County Sheriff's our school police some of us um Marissa gon from uh building Cod she's our civil engineer she's our like our general manager uh we all meet um once a month and we kind of review and revisit what's where are the traffic concerns at schools and we'll get complaints from the county or we'll get complaints from the vill of Wellington at palom Central you know the people are coming out tearing out doing well how do we do this we can't rely on the hope that the parents are going to do right so sometimes we actually have to implement projects to uh make the traffic flow better safer um more optimized and uh that's you know we have capital capital money under darthy again that's you kind of wonder what does she do she's she's got her hands into a lot of stuff the minor projects team they're all over the place lots of different areas so we thought she just ran the cork meetings and did the cork minute okay that's it I don't get paid enough one point about opening in the middle of the Year going back to Grove Park that you may have run into if we had tried to open the middle of the year and contractors were still on the site building the addition you may then have had the Jessica Lunsford law kick in because they were building on an empty site to begin with now they're building on an occupied site now all of a sudden maybe half the half the people don't comply so that's always something to be aware of if we're going to try to open midyear and contractors are still on site correct and we we uh we suffer that on every project um just the non new construction projects every vendor that we have on site and every contractor they need to be compliant and it's always a challenge making sure they're locking Gates locking doors whatnot it is a it's a big issue for us so yeah if there's an opportunity to do work when nobody's around we we like to we like to take advantage of that well for future planning purposes I mean saying well we might open in December okay no it's probably just not a good idea on many levels and the schools I feel the same way when we've talked to the Regionals about that they've basically come back to us and said yeah the problem is Mom and Dad get used to dropping the kid off at the bus stop and whatnot now all of a sudden they have to walk them to school at December you know at at the Christmas break and sometimes they don't necessarily like to have to make that change in their schedule they'd rather just wait till August and have a new new school year new new schedule well even for the kids and little kids I mean they used to going to the same school and maybe they're the last year at that school half of that school year they're to a different school another school yeah okay any other questions for uh staff followup that was a long one yes lot of stuff all right we're g to move on discussions or updates on anything else by members are we going to do the followup yeah I went past that too I didn't check it off yes followup go ahead Virginia you got comments yes I wanted to thank you for the um media update and the pictures um I have to say I was stunned with the desk chairs that filled in the main part there um certainly didn't look like a media center that were accustomed to is does it but um that that was set up for testing right there it only happens a few times during the year when we have the the standardized testing you look at the shape of those desks they're actually made to bank together in circles so that you can oh okay I wondered where the tables were yeah okay and I'm wondering where the bookshelves are um so there are some bookshelves too they just don't have the books I don't know if you want scroll um the books aren't on them but there's definitely some shelves on the right you see in that one picture all right if you would stop at the floor [Music] plan I printed it out but I couldn't read everything it is all of that Media Center even those rooms on the right hand side all the way up and down on the right hand side these areas are not no the cross-hatched areas are not part of the media center okay all right thank you and then on the left hand side there was a picture of the what seven rooms um study rooms the study rooms they appeared to have a TV in them and some bookshelves right and I wondered were [Music] they I guess I thought those were the only bookshelves that I could find go to picture nine there you go that's the rendering of one and then if you go to picture nine it's actually built that Campell I know you can't address how how this functions and how it's being used right there but it did make me curious as to yeah you can see in each of these rooms the these squares are the shelves Dr Campbell's got his hand there maybe he can add something Dr Campell go ahead yeah thank you um with with these media center redesigns especially the one here DW the perimeter shelving that was in place originally has been left intact any shelving that's in the floors has been replaced by mobile shelving so that when they do transfer to this testing environment they can still keep the books on the shelves and they roll those mobile bookcases to the side and it's not just for testing but they can do it for meetings and it just makes it a more flexible space but we but when we begin the project we determine how many books they have in their collection and ensure that we provide enough Shel in the final design to still hold all of those books but a lot of the shelves that you're typically used to seeing in the middle of the floors have been replaced by mobile show so they can get moved out as needed but it's not reduced their book counts at all thank you and in those separate little rooms are those special collections in each room no those are just U that we have these small group rooms in place and in that particular school and also coming up later in Olympic Heights because it's the same design those shelves were already in place so we wanted to keep that shelving available um if the school decides to to redo how they organize it like for instance with dwire they have a a good IV Finance program they might treat those rooms as specialty collections for that but at this point they're they weren't designed for any specialty areas just were continuing the shelving in place so so it appears that you this med the media centers you're building now are being built of I understand for multiple purposes and the shelves are being stuck in places just to keep them somewhere um which is is a little foreign to me but uh I thank you for the explanation well I have a question is there a reduction in books um that you've seen over the years in the media center when we talk to the media specialist there is a been a slight reduction over the years because of the switch to so many ebooks but not as drastic as as what we might might have thought a few years ago with this the change the ebooks there's still a lot of books in these in these media centers um the high schools are averaging anywhere from 10,000 to 12,000 books in their collections even after these redesigns and and correct me if I'm wrong traditionally the elementaries um are have a higher percentage like a like they they stay with more of the tactile actual books as opposed to the E the ebooks yes if you were looking at like a ratio per child that ratio is certainly higher at the elementary um but we're there's you know obviously a smaller number of books given the uh the population but they're still still keeping a lot of the physical books there it's not not as drastic as some of these images may look because the the bookshelves just get rolled to the side as needed and put back in place all of these are are just very flexible furniture options so that they can switch you know in the afternoon to be ready for a new new meeting the next day or back to normal Media Center operations is there a picture of where these uh portable shelves are in this particular setup for testing it doesn't appear there's any space for them I don't believe we have a picture over here but this Media Center I know they have a couple of those rooms that you asked is that part of the media center there not part of the media center but they are large production rooms that service the media center so they're likely going into there you know we designed the buildings years ago you needed these large production rooms to store the old large TVs and and VCRs and DVD players on carts since we've gone away from those there are large rooms in the media centers that can accommodate Furniture as needed but they're right adjacent to the media center and and which of these pictures is what we Librarians use to turn the circulation desk I believe that picture 11 if I can see it well enough is the from standing behind the um the circulation desk at this point I'm looking at that one correctly that definitely the one in the bot number 12 is looking is looking out from the uh circulation desk that's directly in front of the circulation desk and that curved area that's those are bookshelves on the back side of there those are those mobile bookshelves correct okay Virginia okay again I I thank you for this it's it's a little bit uh a lot for me to take in the big changes being made and uh uh I'm I'm glad there are still books being Madea no they're they're definitely still there it's just that the media center really is the largest meeting space available on a campus so it fits multiple needs but it is still still a media center at heart okay thank you I had a couple items on followup uh item one um we head and profit on GMP time it gets presented we're now 16 months after it was brought up um 14 months 15 months I don't know how we expedite these I know they weren't critical but if we just keep kicking the can down the road I don't see them ever happening um and then number two I know you've been working on policies but again we're now uh about 12 months almost since that got brought up um David on that one it was three years ago next month that Court approved that revise policy for contingency use it's been three years and now it's going to be another six months so that's kind of ridiculous how long it takes to get a policy revised [Music] yeah understood um yeah I mean that's about all we can say about it and the district is is um um helping to push me um because we are um all all departments are re revisiting re-evaluating our policies um and updating them because not just in section s but um there are plenty of other policies that are um you know 15 20 years nobody's touched them and and um we're we're now being um pushed I'll say to uh make sure that we are drawing a new line and saying all of our policies so in addition to should I didn't bring up that I in addition to the policies we have we've probably got about three or four others that we going to be um uh bring back to Cork if need be um we're still looking at them whether or not they want to change Michael so the question still is why is it taking so long is there a problem with the policy is there it's me Michael I'm sorry Mr gelfin I'm sorry did i' I've acknowledged this before I'll keep whipping myself it is my failure to bring It Forward thankfully over the last year I now have a new director of construction who's helped me take on a lot of the responsibilities because prior to Michael coming and joining us I was kind of wearing two hats and wasn't focusing quite as much on that and I um as I've said before I I apologize my circumstance is um has freed up and I am now in a position to be able to take these that's why those three items that I'm taking forward we're also looking at other ones that we're we're working on because I have other people that are doing the work with me to help make it happen again I my My Sunshine blow to to Michael for him being here has made my world that much easier to to look at a lot more things but there is a a lengthy process once it's even approved to go through the workshopping and the board that's in in route right now to get finally adopted um so it's all right let's go to three meetings I think it is um no two two meetings okay so it's fit into the pipeline then at this point oh it's been in the PIP line and it's just a matter of me pushing it um and now I have had the opportunity to push it and our uh the only reason it's going to December is because uh my my three would have gone sooner um it's just that uh when the school district collectively decided to push all the uh policies um bunch of other policies have taken precedence to mind so the earliest slot that I could get was December so I guess then Joe you've got to make certain that he gets a nice size plunger to make certain that it it all gets down the line and make certain that uh with both of the jobs that he had I guess lead has to make certain that both of his paychecks for both positions get signed okay um discussion by anybody for anything else uh John yes uh last month at our court meeting legal advis that the local preference was eliminated by the legislature so can we have a discussion on how this will affect our cm and designer selections and changing our policy for the selections the the school board right now we don't have a local preference policy so the new legislation has no effect on us buter in our selection of CMS and designers we do uh we have a um CCNA requires that we consider location um and so it it's not a local preference it doesn't give a preference based on geo geo geography to someone and the new legislation specifically says if you are required to consider location as a part of of state law it is it does not come under the purview of the new legislation so our board specifically has not authorized any type of local preference so when we score um and we give a point or two it's only because CCNA requires that we consider right Mr Sanchez this came out this came up last month because I was complaining about how we didn't have uh uh local Palm Beach County Contractors and Halu interrupted me and said well there is this local preference um by the legislature now so if that's not the case if it doesn't apply to CCNA I'll renew what I said last month and that is that I recall Mr Sanchez mentioned at an earlier cour meeting earlier in the year that the board had asked him to review the definition of local and if that's happening I like cour to be involved in that Mr sanes okay so um this this I think this is a topic worthy of its own discussion at court because I I think there's there's a little confusion between local preference and location because local preference is not allowed but location is one of the criteria in CCNA selection and right now I think if I'm not mistaken we get one point if it's in our criteria in our selection for for location and it's the same for whether you're in Palm Beach Broward or Miami day and some of our vendors have come to us especially Palm Beach located vendors have asked if we can consider um a different differentiating that that location criteria so that it's it gives more preference to um firms who have an office closer to the location of the project that which my understanding is allowed by CCNA but I don't want to I don't want to debate that here because I think that requires us to have some more conversation um further so I I would be more than happy to put this issue on the for an agenda for a future cor meeting so that we can flush this out more thoroughly thank you I think that's a great idea thank you uh let's not let this one wait 14 to 16 months maybe in the next month or two okay uh is that it John yes thank you okay um minutes Virginia any comments they look very good okay I didn't have any issues on minutes anyone else with issues on the minutes all right the minutes are then accepted did uh any discussion of anything else skip the date of the next cork meeting no I'm going to get there date of next cork meeting August 15th make sure your calendars have that on there three days after the start of school and the only thing for the next agenda that was just talked about if it can make the next agenda we'll be talking about uh uh location and points Mr Sanchez yeah I won't be here on on August 15th so oh that's right yes so if we can move that to the September meeting I appreciate that topic okay and if anything what I'll I'll suggest is um maybe for cork members if there are things you're looking for like tell us next month if you want us to focus on areas before that discussion happened in September I'd rather be able to do research if you feel that there's certain areas where you'd like to see us focus on um certain concerns bring those topics up to us next month so we have the chance to research them and in September we will then have that discussion all right so the planed September agenda item at least one of them will be talking about location points under CCNA location SL local preference local preference well it's not local preference you can't say local preference two different things but there's a there is it's it's a difference with the distinction okay right all right that's why I said location preference because that that you're allowed to say location all right uh anything else by Court members I have one question school start what's August 12 just ahead of the meeting y three days ahead of the meeting it's better than last year last year opening uh opening school was the day of cork yeah I'm happy that I have three days of of uh of opportunity to see how it works well I remember last year when it was the day of school opening it was really thin with staff members because they were running out take care of many emergencies at different schools that were opening we had we had Garcia and West Pointon were opening last year so August 15th you're okay with to not have that urg we be be fine with us okay anything else by anyone all right we're adjourned thank you take care everyone for good rest everyone [Music] --------- for for e e hey I think we'll go ahead and start the meeting thank you all for being with us uh for uh this July meeting Joyce would you do the roll call please okay Dave Tally here Tammy McDonald Alyssa Devon Michael Dixon I think he's online but I don't know if he can hear okay um Mark bymaster here Kathy wiel LeAndre camel here okay um at this time three have responded I'm not sure we actually have a quorum don't think we do Michael okay we're going to need to wait to see if Mr Dixon is online and we need him to respond verbally I can go ahead and do introductions okay I think in the interim we'll go ahead and do introduction so we'll start as always with Patricia please good morning Patricia Morales from the office of general counsel Heather Frederick Chief Financial Officer Annette pinck accounting director Danielle Thomas Office of the Inspector General Susie K office of Inspector General Bob Bliss office of Inspector General Randy loss ig's office we go to you Transportation great Dave Tally audit committee Teresa Michael Inspector General har High councel Joyce Edison inspector General's office Christina Daniels inspector General's office DeAndre campel audit committee Mark by Master audit committee okay thank you we'll wait just a minute and see if Michael shows up Michael Dixon there you go thank you Mr Dixon Michael thank you for joining us on vacation you make us a quorum so I appreciate it no problem okay uh I have a very bad I have a very bad connection where I am but I'll do the best I can to participate uh first item has to do with the agenda and I'd like to recommend a revision on the agenda I'd like to take item 6.2 and move that ahead of item 6.1 so it'll be 6.2 6.1 and with revision I'd accept approve approval of the revised agenda motion to approve the agenda with the revision I'll second any discussion all in favor all opposed passes 40 okay take a minute and look at the uh minutes of the May 10th meeting and when you have a chance to review those I'll accept a motion to approve LeAndre motion to approve the amendment as presented is there a second a second second a discussion all in favor I all oppos pass unanimously public comments do none we'll go to the Inspector General update Terry all right good morning everybody uh we have a couple of of updates the first one is um happy for one person sad for us but this is Susie K's last audit committee uh she's retiring after 30 years with the district and um Susie has been the uh audit supervisor since audit supervisors were invented um so I think she actually wrote the original yellow book and red book so um she's one of the original authors oh but she is truly going to be missed although she's starting her retirement a little late than what originally planned but we are going to miss her and I just want to thank her for all of her work and her institutional knowledge and the fact that she can work with Randy um law is just amazing and absolutely absolutely she has been working in our office since 2004 when we first took over the internal funds audit from the outside CPA firms and then she's one of the main Auditors you know uh working on the internal funds and also a part of performance Audits and uh special reviews during her 20 years of service in our office she identified numerous you know uh improprieties and money stealing and working with the school police and state attorney's office to you know prosecute several uh employees so but I don't want it to happen anymore but that's what she has been accomplished in the past but thank you Susie we do truly app appreciate and we are going to miss you congratulations now on to another update uh the legislative update I've been talking to everybody about the changes to the um ethics code of ethics that the legislature has enacted um we are prepared to move forward um in our office hand how we handle complaints we're going to make sure we comply with Florida Statutes at all times um irregardless of whether or not we agree with it or not we always follow what the rules are I mean that is kind of our function in the world um we are working with the general council's office to get a legal opinion uh to make sure that when we refer cases or refer complaints out to Ops or to the regional or principal that we're not violating it or giving them something that they are not supposed to have to deal with or if we're not shering our responsibilities we want to make sure that everything's covered so general council's office is working with our attorney and and they're going to get us something um so we make sure that we're all on track and there's no conflicting information and we also have how many new people starting today two one one sorry it's that one uh uh new employee we were starting today she uh was a bookkeepers at one of the school for like through two to three years and prior to that she was also an English teacher and then today she will be first day uh with our office so now we'll at least have somebody that can write and correct our grammar so that's good yes yeah um that's it for for my updates um we do have the next issue which I'm going to take over which is the chair and vice chair election or extension discussion uh board policy 1.0 91.4 pointd consistent with policy 1.09 governs audit committee chairs turn of service under these policies a Committee Member is limited to four consecutive years of committee chair the current chair Mr tally is currently in his fifth consecutive year of service uh the aform policies permits a chair to extend his term limit based on recommendation from the audit committee and approval of the school board last year this committee recommended in the board approv Mr Tally's term extension this time I'd like to call to open discussion any recommendations to extend Mr Tally's term as chair your prern to 1.09 point4 Point D um do I have a motion to have a discussion I to make a motion can you hear me do I have a second second second okay any who's who we got this is Tammy McDonald okay so Tam's here thank you okay all right all in favor I I any opposed okay all right um Mr does anybody want to I I spoke to Mr tally beforehand he said he's willing to continue another year um as anybody but he will defer if somebody really wants to to do the audit chair uh do we have anybody that really wants to do audit chair or they're welcome I don't know I think I might be offended by that no record reflects Mr Bas was vly [Laughter] shaking okay do we have a motion to recommend extending Mr Tally's term limit as chair of the audit committee for the upcoming year motion to extend a second I'll second all in favor I I any opposed I all right Mr tally you're stuck with us yes thank you okay at at this time um we will reach out out to the board we already have the letter prepared just in case that our Council here is right on top of things and I'll get that submitted to the next board meeting and then at the next audit committee meeting we'll have our formal vote for chair and vice chair thank you all right we're done with mine okay before we go on let the minutes reflect we have uh Tammy McDonald who's here so we now have a total of five uh in attendance uh let's go on to item six we'll start with item 62 special review of Lakeworth High School's Band program Susie this is your this is your swad song not sure so good morning everybody again um morning this uh Joyce am I up okay okay good just so this is actually a revisit um of a an audit that was presented back October 20th and the committee requested some additional information um I'm going to basically blow through the front end because it is the same information that you saw in October the you know the basic this was for the Lakeworth High School Band program the principal had brought concerns to the office regarding fair share fees owed by students and how the monies were being received and our conclusions at that time were that the fair share assessments were not supported in terms of documentation um there was about 24,000 in estimated funds that appeared to be going to an outside organization the booster club and the financial obligations for the students in other words those fees that were not paid were not adequately supported to document what was truly owed um we found in conversations with parents that the students were participating in unsafe fundraising activities and there was also General non-compliance with the money collection procedures so we did go back we requested additional information from the school one of the uh requests from the committee was was to compare what was occurring under the current principle with the prior Administration since it had been her first year they wanted to know did these things exist beforehand and the answer was generally yes um the there were still uh during the current principle the band director was using these unnumbered uh band booster receipts uh we did find some pre-numbered classroom rece receipts for some collections in the prior year but predominantly there were not receipts being used uh the funds that were being deposited into the internal funds were comingled into a single account they did not use separate accounts for fundraisers field trips which is part of our protocols and then during the um there was also you know we did the same estimation of fees and looked at the bank state statements from the booster accounts from the prior year that which was provided to us and we came up with an estimate of what may have gone into the booster club's bank account but they're were not able to confirm the actual sources of money because they didn't keep any records all we have is just deposit tickets so we don't know what the actual source of funds were that were deposited as far as the additional questions that were asked there was a specific question wanting to know if money replaced into the booster account after the auditor started was to you know to ask questions maybe indicating misuse of funds and based on looking at canceled check dimages we looked at debit charges and I will tell you that any money that was removed from the account or the expenditures of the funds work going to band related expenses however again because there is no detailed deposit and expenditure documentation we can't definitively determine if there's any missing or misus School funds the additional other question was on how we made contact with the family members to see if we could confirm any of the financial information and when I went back to the auditor's notes the prior auditor she made contact with 28 families using email addresses that were provided by the school we only had three families respond we also attempted phone calls two of the responding parents were the ones that provided information regarding participation in school fundraisers but none of the families that responded were able to provide us any financial information that could be confirmed by the school or the booster club's records and the final note is that the band director of that school resigned from the school district effective June 1st of this year that anything to do with this review not that I'm aware of H okay and I will leave it open for questions are there any questions comments also note that the principle is online in case there are any questions for the principal um no questions I do appreciate the additional due diligence um to just follow through on this report um we we are there's a path forward correct in [Music] preventing turn their phone [Music] off okay there's a path forward in mitigating this issue or um just any corrective actions um so that we're not having to do this um revisit this again this type of activity that would be oh it booster clubs are not going away and it is an an option uh of the principal whether those booster clubs run through the school inter internal accounts or run outside of the internal accounts uh the part that was not followed correctly was that the fair share should have stayed within the school internal accounts and should not have gone through the booster club um they the booster club if they're going to operate would do their own outside fundraising and it would be completely independent and so that was the issue that was here is that it they just didn't follow procedures that's right um and so and and then we also are there was the question of fair share and whether we should continue fair share and is that that it created a bigger question uh districtwide uh so we are working on a pilot Pro program uh the BAM program initially was going to be included in that pilot program we have uh four uh high schools that will be participating it where we're going to be centralizing uh the uh collection activities as well as um most of the the payments for athletics uh we'll be the gate receipts will be coming directly to the the district and then we're going to be setting up budgets for each of those schools in order to determine how to what is what is is the amount that the district is going to have to subsidize in order to make sure that we have Equity across all schools Our intention was to include band as part of that as well what we found is band operates very differently and anyone who is in a band and has ever been in a band which I was not um they're very unique from school to school and so we are holding off on band for a year and they're going to be shadowing um the pilot process with Athletics to see how we can bring band into that pilot in the in the subsequent year which would be in 2026 but it I'm not sure that it's going to be possible to eliminate fair share for ban just learning more about how they they operate thank you no further questions thank you that M questions or comments if not I'll accept a motion to approve this report motion to approve a second discussion all in favor all opposed passed unanimously and let the records reflect that uh Alysa danan has joined us so we now have six members in attendance so it pass 60 okay thank you Susie as always you did a good job as a again okay let's go on to item 6.1 the fiscal year 2024 unannounced cash count 15 sample schools Danielle good morning again I am Danielle Thomas and I'm here this morning to present to you the audit of the fiscal year 2024 unannounced cash counts at 15 sample schools the objectives of this audit were to determine one the extent of compliance with District procedures for money Collections and two if all monies placed in the drop saves were properly accounted for the sample selection included 15 schools for review based on the prior year audit findings of the schools as well as our ongoing data analysis of the schools money collection and bank deposit records so what did we conclude number one we found that there were no monies missing all deposits were deposited into the school's bank accounts as expected the total fund mons counted equal $217,450 in cash and approximately $170 and one excuse me $170,000 17,141 in checks excuse me the site visits included comparing contents of cash and check located in the drop safes with the drop safe logs related to collection and deposit records it also included let me just go back sorry it also included examining and reconciling change funds if available lastly it concl included confirming the collections were subsequently deposited into the school's bank accounts the unannounced cash counts were performed on December 18th 2023 as well as between the dates of April 26th and May 14th of the current year secondly we concluded that there were no findings at seven schools two of the schools without findings had no collections in the drop saves nor any pending deposits for processing the remaining five schools had no non-compliances with District money collection procedures lastly although there were no monies missing and no findings in seven schools there were non-compliances with District procedures for the remaining eight schools these eight schools had one or more of the following non-compliances change funds discrepancy at one school unused change funds not stored in the drop saves at one school there was no documentation for the transfer of custody when issuing and returning the change fund and collection there were collections without money's collected reports and collections that were not recorded on the drop safe logs at two schools additionally sponsors did not retain the yellow copies of mcrs at six schools collections were not timely deposited at one school and sponsors did not turn in collections daily at two schools lastly mcrs and drop safe logs were not properly completed at three schools at this time that concludes my presentation and the floor is open for discussion discussion questions is by by change funds I have a question yes please let me let me I have a couple questions number can you hear me yes yeah okay of the I want to ask a question how are the 15 schools that were sampled uh could you go back and tell us how they were selected you said from the prior year audit who I mean there were 15 schools could you reiterate exactly how they were how they were selected based on the prior year audit findings we selected those schools that had audit findings we selected those uh schools and um 15 Rel related to the the internal funds audit and the money collection process yeah I understand that I understand that but what criteria was used was it were were there negative findings on these 15 schools last year yes there were negative findings there were actually audit findings for these schools that were selected there were findings yeah to add uh Mr Dixon to add to it 14 of the schools were based on the prior years and the current fiscal 2024 years all the findings with the money collection process and another one school that was uh uh conducted in December was the when we are doing the internal funds audit we founded a consistent delay in processing and depositing money and uh accounting services also identified this problem and then uh we informed us and that's why we included this schools to do an additional cash count after the internal funds audit in December um of the2 200 some thousand how much is that as a how much is that as a percentage of the total all schools all schools that you know I'm sorry Mr Dixon you you're asking about the total collection during the entire years or what well I I'm trying to understand the you know the significance of this of the significance of this sample as it relates as it relates to the overall school district and all the cash accounts that are out there is it 5% 10% um Mr Dixon this is Susie yeah hi hi uh I'm supposed to be done okay so the when we do the school audits we track obviously all the findings that are going on and we actually have a chart that we rank the different findings especially in money collection so we have certain ones that have higher ranking than others and at the end of the time we go through and we determine which schools had the highest problems in terms of money collection and those go on our cash count um list we can't necessarily determine how much money we're going to count when we go out on a surprise day because yeah you know there could be nothing in the safe as there was in two schools that day there money cash collections have greatly reduced in the last years uh after covid so we're actually finding less and less cash in the schools because the district is working hard for more credit card uh collection so to say percentage wise of by money that's going to be very difficult percentage wise of are these the schools that probably have the most significant problems in their money collection then I would say we hit a high number okay thank you you're welcome okay any other questions I had a quick but by change funds that mean that's like the bank the cash drawer the amount that's supposed to always be in the school some schools draw a change fund from the bank that they use yes kind of like what you're calling a cash drawer that they'll use for change at Games events things like that and and in in this report that the there's no real improprieties that were found it's just more of a compliance issues yeah okay any um LeAndre here any repeat non-compliance issues from the prior year that you're um seeing again with the paperwork there's always repeats but it's necessarily not at the same school each time with so many well not so many with some of those non-compliance issues from a documentation perspective um to they reminder however just just reiterate to those schools that those issues and let's reduce the documentation issues those non-compliance from a documentation perspective and then of course our Auditors in the next round of audits that are about to begin are already been headlined on the schools that had issues during our counts and they're going to be top of the list for Audits and they'll be looked at more focused on that area when they get to that school um to the through the chair to miss Michaels are we one I'm supporting this I will make that motion to support the report as presented however I'm going to ask through the through the chair to miss Michaels are you doing some of those um things to look out for we share our work plan or your work plan with the schools so that they could possibly prepare themselves to the best of their ability to what we're going to um be looking for um on an annual basis yes I we are taking input right now from executive management the the and we always are open to any issues or any concerns um the audit plan will be is always published it'll be brought to the the audit committee and we will present it and it's available to all the principles as well and the principles know you know they know every year we're coming um they know that there's going to be you know 15 schools selected on at least we have gone back and done several cash counts at different times depending on what we found if there was something while they're doing the internal funds for every school they may see something that says o we need to come back and that is something because that we have to keep the audit plan fluid understand you know so we will keep that and we will communicate with the principles and we also work with the new principles as well you know I'm in government on that in the city manager side we get the tips and Trends from so we doing something similar internally with the school board we give best practices tips and Trends and information out to the schools that's coming through uh Heather oh okay so so we added that um as part of our start of school um U presentation so we provided a template uh to each of the schools so that they can use that with their teachers as part of their uh back to school um and in there we include these are the common AUD findings U that have been out there so that they can as a reminder I I did want to mention you know one of the the findings we always look for that there's no missing money uh we did make um did do a little bit of a overhaul of our um uh cash oh gosh now I just lost the the change fund process last year where we looked at every school that had a change fund uh we capped it um at each of the schools and then we're looking for the principles to provide provide um approval so that they're aware of the change fund that they're going to be receiving at that school site so we'll relook at those changes we made see whether we need to enhance them anymore um the other finding is related to the MCR the copies of the MCR forms we know that the sponsors are not going to keep the yellow copies of the form so what we did is we added an additional control at the school level where uh we do a Reconciliation as part of the drop safe log where the bookkeepers enters the information and then we have an independent person go back to the drop safe log look at the um the MCR form match it up with what was deposited to make sure that what was entered into the system matches what was on the drop safe log then that receipt goes back to um the sponsor but that way we're doing a confirmation that the information that was deposited uh was actually entered into the system in the right account because we know we can't depend on every teacher to keep that copy of the MCR form so we do wherever we can it is still best practice for the teacher to keep it U but I most of them are probably not even looking at it so that's why we tried to add some mitigating controls at a central level audit still looks at it we still want audit to look at it but we have another control in place to ensure that everything that is being deposited is is actually being entered um so we use this as a tool to be able to see which schools need a refresher uh but a lot of these we do have mitigating controls in place place and just wanted to reiterate there was no missing money which is what we always uh look for and strive for thank you heather any other questions comments if not I'll entertain a motion to approve this uh audit motion to approve I'll second discussion all in favor I I all opposed passed unanimously 60 thank you Danielle appreciate it okay we're going on to item seven compliance and quality assurance uh these are FYI items but feel free to review 7.1 first and if you have any questions on that uh Bob I'm sure can answer them so take a minute and review that and if there are any questions uh let's ask Bob are there any questions okay then we'll move on to uh the second item recommendation implementation status report as of June 30th any questions comments could I could I highlight one item on this report because it's something that I'm um I'm proud to report is almost at the point of completion uh it's the review of The District Vehicles driver's license verification process that is something that was highlighted by the Inspector Inspector General as a significant risk because it had been several years since the district had uh been able to to find a solution to correct it it was something that we contined to work on uh but we were able to find an outside provider you know so we we thought outside of the box thought a little bit different ly and work together with um Mr Sanchez uh the Chief Operating Officer uh when he was at different conferences he found out that there are actually third-party service providers that we could work with that could help assist us in reviewing and monitoring an oversight um of the uh White Fleet Vehicles after they had been re removed at the state level where we were no longer able to access that information so we went through an RFP process uh we have contracted with a vendor uh We've hired an additional support staff in HR and right now we're just working through the integration process of how to get that information to the vendor so we expect within the next uh two months to have that fully operational so I really want to thank Shane searchwell who's sitting in the audience because he helps with the whole RFP process as well as Tim kubri who agreed to take it on within the HR department so for both of them um that's the reason why we're able to get this accomplished so thank you to the IG for highlighting it again and really pushing us to think differently uh because we were able to come up with a solution thanks for the update appre I wanted to highlight that because that's a positive always take those okay any other comments or questions um regarding background screening procedures I I see that the HR actions to complete the Falcon database clean up 33,900 accounts have been removed um what is the percentage what does that look like um that completion is what is what is the 33,000 the significance of that yeah I can provide an update on that and can everybody hear me okay there yes yes all right um this was a function that moved over to uh HR um and when we initially took it over there was identified around 50 ,000 estimated Falcon accounts that had to be deleted um year to date uh the total number um of deletions give me one second I had two fiscal years here uh we have 40,946 deleted we have roughly about 9,000 more to delete so we've been working on this uh since roughly October of 22 so we're nearing the end of that um some projected annual savings um total around and these are um law enforcement accounts that we have an annual fee on um and so therefore we're at a estimated $250,000 in annual savings each year um for the deletions we've already completed so we have roughly about 9,000 more to complete and I I just wanted to also highlight that if you recall with the committee had a lot of question as as to why can't we integrate why is this so difficult and why is it such a manual process and it's a manual process because we're working with uh the uh Florida Department of Law Enforcement is that uh right I don't know if I have have the right department but theyve restrict us in the access we have and there is no way for us to actually integrate uh we tried uh but because the the access is so restricted on the law enforcement side from the state side it's a very very manual process for us to go through and uh to delete those records that are are um no longer active great thank you again Heather appreciate it any other comments questions okay we'll move on are there any general comments if not Susie again thank you for your hard work and dedication this 30 years and wish you a wonderful retirement we we'll miss you but you've left your bark we appreciate um there any other business but come before the committee Terry I have one last thing um for the audit plan if there's anything that the committee members or anybody that you know um any of our advisers or Consultants anybody who has anything that they want us to look at to put in the audit plan um please email those to either Randy or I or call us however you want to do that but take some time I don't want to just throw that out at you all um take some time to really think about what we've done these past years what we can do next year but we are looking for input as well okay anything else may I I'd like to just congratulate Susie and thank you for your many years of service it's been pleasure thank you okay if there's nothing else I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn thir second second discussion all in favor I unanimously meeting is adjourned our next meeting scheduled to be Friday August nice rest of the subur e