each one of these from the last DDC meeting so that we can take it to to the full DDC for approval to go to the board is that everybody's else's understanding yes and just to bring Clarity and go through each one one more time I know we went through and spend some time so hopefully this won't be too painful for everybody so um I threw into a Google Docs is that okay if I share the screen yes [Music] I'm I'm working off the correct document right I think so okay [Music] all all right so [Music] can you make it a little bigger [Music] key perfect did we I'm trying to remember last time when we were meeting did we make any tweaks to it when we were in the full DDC or is this that one I worked on that while we were in the meeting I believe so this is okay so the one you just sent is the right one right okay oh do did you do roll call already um no could someone else do that right now because I can't see my screen right now trying to get back on Susan did you already get roll call you got who's here Susan we having one of those days you Susan can you all hear me yeah they seem to be Frozen um yeah they just texted me um they're having a tech issue all right why they're doing that re booting School District pish County um launch and maintain a immediate campaign with a target audience that includes students School District staff in the community the Media Comm show include the success stories of successible black male students what successful blackma students want their teachers others to know and what inclusive classrooms in school what look like okay I think this one you had cleaned up where we were talking right because it seems a little bit more clearer yeah I think so I open at that time because part so essentially that the stories are all student voice Leed correct that's right all right um I think we need like a action here School dist two launch or will launch well the recommendations include okay okay yeah yeah you're right you're right it's fine okay we can change it though if it would be clearer change that introdu no it's fine I just it's just for my notes so um second one school district create a database of school district and Community Based student and parent support programs that are responsive and supportive of spms the school okay this is what we talked about a while and um about trying to Define which organizations because there's a ba debate of Tak stack versus like um versus like the L and and my question Keith is do we have to define those now before we submit it as a recommendation because I think we're saying like let's just create a container and then we'll figure out the who gets into the Container later I think that's the recommendation versus like which organizations and getting into that if I recall Keith had an um like concern about such a database may already exist so maybe we say create a database of school blah blah blah blah for the purpose of dot dot dot would that make it less of a problem no I don't think it's a problem I just want to clear bit like on this particular part of how much like of who we were just so yeah on this one it could it could be later that's fine def finding maybe are we is the word database hanging us up as well oh okay all right no for me it's just which Community Based student parent support program and do you think Robinson Dr Robinson had a different opinion than what I had an opinion of well just how I interpret it but I want to make sure I got the intent but we can figure that out later Additionally the school district will engage business and Community Partners in expanding replicating and bolstering successful black students and programs to support them these organization clubs and Partnerships shall provide opportunities for spms to advocate for themselves and Elevate their leadership skills so when you say engage and I guess we F out later I guess to me that's a very generic like a here we have a database so it's very specific um and I guess just on this recommendation we create the database so what the database for to be shared with who who to use it who to so our purpose is we created the database and we build a lot of stuff that go on a shelf but the attent is for is it for principles to potentially partners with is it for um who I guess who's that for then was there an attent around that or was around first just build it and then we'll deal with that later of how to use it well I was thinking that it would be for all stakeholders right I mean I didn't have it narrowly defined but just to Circle back a bit I think for for most of these points what we kind of agreed to was that we would dig into once we had the blessing so to speak of the whole um DDC that then details of how to do it and do it with Fidelity um and without losing the intent we had to work out in meetings with District staff okay hi we're here the internet went down in the room we can't get on the big we were on the big screen but Smartboard so we're on the small one now welcome back ladies yes okay um let me just so Keith what is the um for you what's the hurdle there okay no it's not a hurdle it's just I'm just want Clarity around understanding it since I'm going to be part of the staff that engine that are going to like try to work to make sure this stuff happens yeah right so I just want Clarity what the intention is since I was so I'm just making so I'm just wrri my I just write myself some notes so I mean do we want to come up with kind of a collaboration where we bring all of the ones who are interested in this together to kind of have a task force and figure out how to fill any holes and um you know like we're doing this part and they're doing that part that kind of thing and then that task force or whatever you want to call it would be using this to try to reach out to more I could be totally off based I'm just wondering I think was Cassandra was saying some of the these we can figure out later of what where one why I just want to make sure I got I mean don't get me wrong I think these are all very good I just want to make sure I have the intention um you want to put in there to the question around you had a question around um what like defining engage so I don't want to miss that thank you yeah okay next one school district place a priority on creating environments that develop and enhance the sense of belonging and connectedness for successful blackm students by reserving time and space for activities such as Le ship groups spms mentoring younger spms and adult successful black males mentoring spms is that too awkward I gotta read a couple times to see this place a priority so this is I get what you're saying I guess it's not I guess it's just hard to measure right right I guess could be artifacts of how we're making it a priority um and it could be the um it could be also identifying the opportunities that exist like are they actually have they actually been created so instead of creating environments or an addition uh was that for who's who just ask Kimberly just asked because I'm working on um I'm just putting my note um I'm creating environments anding time space so is what you're saying have they been created so like black black St Unions would be a time and space right right that would be one example okay okay okay so then I don't need this because time and space is priority okay I'm good um I I want to just can you go back for stay there for one second okay um this is really focused on I feel like I'm losing the opportunity here to talk about classrooms like that seems activity oriented which is I think is fine but when we think about environments um I want to make sure that we're including classrooms and let me know if that complicates it a little bit more um so like in my mind that's a separate bullet I mean you can say you can stick it in there but I think the the way to get there the action is completely different right because to included in classroom then that means that that's professional development that's working with the teachers and coaching them and da d d d da the other one can almost be done as a almost on the side you know like like The Lunchbox conversations or whatever right but y so in my head it's a that's a bullet I agree I mean it's definitely a big bite of the Apple to take yeah I agree and I mean I'm having a separate bullet is my point yes yes I'm with you all right so you want to do that after I get through the rest think through that that my recommendation might first go through the original list yeah because the last point it might go right after that anyway School administrators engage and Foster engage in and Foster open dialogue between successful blackmail students and School administration to build positive relationships School admin engage okay so that's really kind of open-ended I'm not really sure like how what does that look like can you I'll talk more about that one okay well I get it like at a high level I get it at a high level I don't get it at like AC below okay so that might be um the school the administrative team having lunch with um whoever the group diag what's the what I'm looking for designated or identified as successful blackma students like you know what at whatever intervals that's what Pops in my head I'm sure there's some better ideas but and and for me when I think about this I think about there is an ongoing um call for lack of better work right now advice advisory of successful blackmail students that that school administer administrators use to really support them and understanding if there's an environment that's being created um understanding if there's a disconnect with connectedness that's they're using um you know like really um creating a space and time for that advisory if you will of those colle B students okay so I like that's very measurable concrete I like that school can we are you open to school administrators create an advisory of spms to Foster open dialogue between School administration to build positive relationships yeah and it's it's almost like U um progress monitoring if you will yeah almost like the feedback back Loop did I did I hear you what we did is it working exactly yeah I just duplicated for here I just trying not school to create an advisory to pass an open Dive between successible is it um so the advisory I think the spms should come here all right so this is what how I rewrote it this is the original is Right Above It am I losing the anything your original 10 try make create in actable I saw one thumbs up um to Foster open dialogue to build positive relationships um okay two two thumbs up that's fine I'm going to strike this one okay so I'mma Be I'mma Be the nayay can I be this naysay since you making me look at this like I was like good with the first rendition but since you're making me really think about it um so is like create and maintain because you know create like could be enough so to speak but um and I don't know that maintain is not the best word I don't have myus on at the moment but um so but the other thing is to build positive relationships I'm not quite sure well in my mind that does not convey this feedback loop concept right some people con what what what I'm calling the feedback loop right so the way I'm thinking of this at least at this moment is that part of the point of this this relationship building would be for them to have dialogue about what are the issues what are the concerns what are the potential Solutions and then like the next time it's like did we hear you correctly this is what we're doing is at working and I think it might it likely would go both ways right so because the administration might say hey this I need your help with X Y and Z you know but it's more than just a relationship because you know how these people say I love my children and all that other mess right right as opposed to this is about well that's how I first read the first one okay so yeah and you're right so again when when we wrote it and just first read it in this meeting I was good but like I'm saying now that you making me dig into the thought more I have more thoughts that's what happens when you make me think see so so I put I so to your point I said to create an ongoing advisory um okay and then and just for notes I put so when we figure out some of the details issue Solutions ongoing two-way street I I agree with you Dr Robinson I think our next like if we if when we get this through I think coming back to really dig into um how to make these more um active and actionable we'll definitely need to do that because um I'm I'm hearing what you're what you're saying there okay all right School District provides ceu earning multi-level PD that starts with an asset based perspectiv on spms this PD will be guided by strategies that by the strategies used by the most successful teachers ofms um so here Keith I think what we were trying to say or what we're trying to realize is um how do we incorporate what's working like there are some teachers that are getting it right um have some strategies that are working have some ways that they are engaging with these students and so how do we incorporate that into like a kind of a cross professional development um so that it is um it starts from an asset-based perspective but how do we you know how do we how do we do that um in a way that doesn't feel like it's uh has to be mandatory or something that's being kind of pushed down people's throats but instead it's it becomes embedded in how we think versus uh and activity or a workshop that we have to complete um so yeah I like it um yeah I think I I yeah I to me I think oops it's pretty clear now caution is ceu earning or points right that um I think that's a good intention for like motivation for people to participate um I just don't know the approval process if something none of that I don't know if J if you know um this doesn't have to go like to the doe for approval for points so internal points that would be a nightmare so I'm not right I'm not sure um what the process is for it but it would be great if the points were count towards certification because that is a um great incentive yeah yeah but I'm no I get that I just don't want it also be a bureaucracy F right it'll be a bureaucracy so um which I don't think it does but I don't know yeah the rules always changing but yeah that's straight can I ask a quick question here um are there and we may not know the answer now but I'm thinking you know when teachers go back to school there's a there's kind of some standard trainings that happen I'm guessing right there's some workshops that teachers all teachers go through um and so I'm I I would be thinking about what those are and then how we can incorporate what it is we're trying to um get to here in terms of how do we begin to kind of sprinkle in opportunities to shift mindsets about um blackmail students yeah no I love it no I think it's very good I like this one a lot I like them all yeah this one and I like the word sprinkles so it's not like okay you're going for six hours but you know chunks along the way like phasing it take a few strategies build that in come back give you some more modules yeah modules okay um good to move on for me unless anybody else has anything else presentation on spms should be made to our principles is that connected to anything else would that not be connected to the previous one profession I think it's separate because this because this one is focused on leadership I think the other one is is teacher oriented um we put a little more here about the the presentation should like include or will include so or is that more later am I jumping ahead too fast and are we going to include best practices by other principles who are implementing this well in their schools yeah I I think we should I mean I don't know we have to we to dig into the details but well just research based yeah and best practices for do we have to say research based huh do we have to say research based you know those are cold words well I mean Dr thus has a lot of research now whe yeah and okay so let's do a survey of people in the education system and ask them if they would include Dr thus is research when they say research based I'm just saying okay do whatever you want to do I'm I just I just know what that means in real life okay so let me be more inclusive research based best practices just say best practices can we remove research based I want to putting voices of okay yes right or I could just do best practices which would include voice well that's just me so good I'm it's other people on the on the committee I'm just saying I just one of my numerous traumas that's fine you're thinking peer reviewed right I was gonna say what do you mean Dr Robinson what comes up for you uh what works for white children white middle class children that the research research based yeah got uhuh just like in medicine is done you know on white males yeah um and in this C in this case if we said research based there's not a lot of research on successful black male students right here we go so if you say research based that they can only pull from what's there I I have some and then there's um a few others um but you'd have to be explicit research based um focused on yeah because they gonna look at Eric and all that stuff like you know what I mean yeah yeah I just need something more there that so yeah okay I'm good with P practices I just need something else there yeah it was just too like open so we're going to do a presentation and someone could interpret that pretty Loosely yeah yeah yeah um I just know how the system works but I I still feel like it's pretty open like what do we want them to do after the Pres the presentation like go up a little bit go back down a little bit um I don't know if it's up or right there like some of these might be ordered like what like to me I guess this would come first before this right because yeah I'm just trying to figure out what the action is post presentation um have some thoughts but no yeah you're right all right so well we can just make a note um to come back to that but I mean we could do a pilot program where some of them actually Implement what they learned and then come back and share results and kind of have a cohort and then expand say that again I mean what I've seen in this kind of situation you get a pilot program where certain schools actually have after hearing the presentation they go and try to implement some of these best practices and then come together as a cohort this worked for me I had trouble with this and that type of thing and then once they've kind of worked that out then expanded to other schools until you hit everyone that would be act I don't know that you could get the whole District to immediately although you all know better than I um to have followup but if you have a small group that's doing followup and then take the lessons from that and expand it out that may be doable feel afraid to shoot me down I just I'm trying to think yeah I mean I think this is like one of those we would come back to again after okay has out to but at least I'm getting better Clarity um School District should create and maintain a multi-level approach to increasing the connectedness and sense of belonging for successful black man students this should include but not limited to bumper stickers honor societies and video featuring spms School distri maintaining multi-level appro roach increasingly connected as and and here Keith what we were trying to what we're trying to create is um some type of Satur saturation within the district where students actually see themselves successful um and see um positive kind of affirmations if you will of themselves within the district so um that that's what we're trying to get to get at and those are just some some things that came up quickly for us so I see myself right [Music] um people don't really put bumper stickers on the car anymore but social media might be a great thing like create some type of social media presence like I like that I see myself you could actually create a a a Instagram with I see myself actually go see right now and create that Instagram page I see myself Tik Tock what' you say don't use Tik Tock don't use the tickity talk Tik Tok don't use Tik Tok um and and create the social media presence for that um I'm not sure if you have The Lunchbox talks on the social Med you have Instagram for lunchbox talks already but like you know social media presence is always something you can do yeah I agree like I love the videos that um are coming out now there's you know there's different videos coming out from school district um different teachers and just kind of celebrating I mean something like that so add social media y we leaving bumper stickers for us us at no one's putting a nobody's putting a bumper sticker on their Tesla but that doesn't mean we remove it um put in their National Honor Society stickers on their cards okay it's not gonna hurt you to leave it there energy on it but I just want to throw in I like bumper sers so but for me even though not I I know what it says and I understand the intent but for me it was also about this probably why I'm just trying to defend bumper stickers is um the AL the audience is also the general public right um so you know so I'm Let's Pretend for the moment that bumper stickers are a real thing and and you're riding down the street and you see a bumper sticker that says you know my my son is a member of the black Honor Society or whatever whatever it is I'm saying so yeah PSA are good but I'm just you know I'm I'm trying to change the narrative take see if there's a way to use this to change the narrative in the public I agree maybe add PSAs because that's going to reach the public and won't cost anything except for creating them but you could get some of the kids involved in that all right PSA I took note I think Community maintain a multile the connectedness and sense of belonging I feel like Community to your point then should be in here somewhere but so I'm just talking would say after the first sentence say um this um the initiative will also inform the public about spms achievement how about multi-level approach to increasing the awareness I don't know I'm making up this ain't going to work but I'm going just throw it out awareness of sbms as well as increasing the connectedness and sense of belonging for sbms something we could simply it it has to be a way to say that with fewer words I would put the um increasing connectiveness or connectedness as the first thing and then um making the public aware second I just don't like public aware it's like hello we just that's why informing the public about spms achievements I just think it sounds negative like sounds like degrading I don't know to me okay uh promote promote I like promote Miss Ela Miss Ela Janina you like Ela help I was talk I was talk I was talking to Susan we were talking about spring break she was asking me was I G to be off um to increase in so multi-level approach to increasing and promoting connectedness that's School CommunityWide how's that the school district will create maintain a multi-level approach to increasing and promoting the connectedness and sense of belonging vers spms CommunityWide y n I think that works okay does it okay I think so is Marcus here he is I'm here I'm listening in good morning good morning just saw you pop up and then disappear how about maintain a multi-level CommunityWide approach does that do it I don't know so moving CommunityWide right above uh right before approach then does that mean the community owns it no the sentence says the school district creates a maintain oh I see what you're saying is this a collaboration with the community I don't know no I the audience includes the community I get it yeah yeah that works right the what did you say [Music] Kimberly um I think the community is partially the audience it doesn't yeah I scratched what I said okay yeah I'm sorry but yeah that works I like that and we're good with adding and promoting and we put a dash between community and wide all right we're good M okay create a space to re-educate reeducate I love that re-educate administrators on how behavioral health professional can and should play a critical role in the development of and support to spms should include skills for handling stressors such as microaggressions and macroaggressions on school campuses elsewhere oh God that cracks me up Dr Robinson I know what you're saying but can we say it another way be more diplomatic why you going attribute that to me this this is a whole I know you no because I would have said deep program that's what was in my head making me laugh um well fix it I mean I you know long as the work gets done and the micro micro macroaggressions could be interpreted against the law in the great free state of Florida so but why can't you not create a provide professional development because I don't think there was ever any really professional development on how to use bhps on campus that's good what' you say J I don't think there was ever really any real professional development on how to utilize your bhps on campus there was just kind of like um you can hire your bhps so maybe no there no that's not true okay any mandatory any mandatory okay I'm just going to let you know that when I was at my school my principal did not go through any training or professional development before he hired his BHP now he might have been an anomaly but oh the administrator uh okay but we we um we vet them we do a I'm not talking about the BHP she's saying Pro I got how to use them properly how to utilize them properly Keith so I'm saying maybe we need to provide training for because you're saying Administration right Dr Robinson Dr Robinson the committee said this no okay the committee said um whoever said it are you guys saying that leadership is not using the bhps properly on campus yeah that's what I'm saying so maybe we can say provide training not for the bhps um Mr oswal but for leadership teams teachers whoever staff okay but let's first figure out the BHP part and then deal with other people F no no no they didn't say provide training for bhps they said provide training reeducate no no no no no that's not what it said that's not what we meant they said I'm gonna tell you exactly what it said read it to you right I see it okay I'm Gonna Go mute again and start talking about spring break um the B culturally relevant doesn't seem to fit there I I'm trying to I think be culturally relevant and include skills he should include culture skills fames stressers is that what you're saying but it first this should include culturally relevant skills for handling stressors on school campuses and elsewhere I think the stressors are the culturally relevant skills for handling I mean it's the stress professors that they face that like I didn't face in school so the skills I don't know you all tell me it just sounds weird to me what's another word for micro go ahead Marcus no stuck on stressors instead of stressors maybe used the word challenges yeah say again instead of stressors use the word challenges challenges faced not stressors faced byms y yes I like that am I leaving culturally culturally relevant skills this should include cultur SKS what do we mean by culturally relevant I think we didn't have race based race based um understanding of what students go through or culture uh yeah race based so but I can't say race space right so it's it's actually around lived experiences um but but but but my but I think what um where I get so that that's ideal right lived experiences um but if the if the BHP is not black or African-American they may not have that Li experience so my question then becomes how do we equip them with the skills the knowledge and the sensitivity to support blackmail students on campuses so to to your the point that was happening between Yi and Janina there still may need to be a space where there's some training for bhps as well in the case that they don't come with 100% should we make that another bullet point or no all right so I'm going to get rid of culture irrelevant because I don't want to be because we're getting hung up on intent wait a minute why why did you remove culturally relevant again I use that word because of House Bill no C relevant is okay it's micro macroaggression oh okay so we're getting rid of micro and macroaggression right so you I I can live with it in or without cultur irrelevant I'm the one put it in so um it's up to you you put it in to replace microaggressions and macroaggressions but then Marcus said I like what he said challenges faced by spms okay which to me sounds more lived experiences that Cassandra was saying to me in my head I about y'alls but mine so is the question still around um should we include culturally relevant skills I think Dr Robertson was asking why we got rid of it I don't want it to get hung up on that term two for people if Janina just heard it as like hb7 I don't want people to get like turned away either okay that they're doing something illegal well some people going think it's illegal for us to talk about successful black male students okay okay so like I'm like all right so all right I got I gotta filter myself here so okay I vote to keep it in and so to Marcus question when you say culturally relevant um the the to me this the the word the single word that if you ask me one word it would be respectful right because um you know like like I've been like black since I was conceived but I've never been poor so I don't have that lived experience but I think that I have come to respect the the challenges and the systems that create those challenges right so um so I don't know to me culturally affirming that feels better to you than culturally relevant I'm I like affirming you know that's my word right I like affir that's that's fine I mean anything that speaks to the black student experience the black male student experience right I think affirming does that better than relevant relevant sounds so blaz like oh let's make sure it's Rel and it's jargoning now too so I'm fine with the fir all right so we're good so wait can I throw one more thing in so I'm just this is what happens when you make me think okay so I don't I don't think I want to remove but I could actually I think live without the word culturally because see my thing is affirming who they are right and so you know there's not a single quote Black Culture right there's a especially if you start talking about that diaspora but there's and there's a whole lot of there's a lot of overlap there's a lot of things we claim we will call Black Culture but that doesn't mean each black child has grown up in that culture right I want to affirm them whoever they are however they are with their whole black self however that presents so okay I'm done you can leave the word culturally in there I'm just saying my thing what made me happy was affirming so thank you for that no well you said there's no one black culture and kind of trigger that maybe CH come out now well I don't know take a vote but I'm just saying to I mean I didn't know like black when I was at BO Beach High School I don't know if I knew I don't think I knew Black Culture right so but I think I affirmed kids right I it's the affirmation that's important and that's why the word was my word was respectful but you need to know who people are in order to respect them and then the next step is affirm them right so to me but I just want however they show up right for them to show up and people recognize them as the blessings that they are you know yes yep yep all right agree all right so I'm deleting the straight through um okay so one two three four five six seven8 um now you mentioned about the classroom piece are we going to stick with the eight we got which is pretty Visionary or we going to keep going because I I I think the more we create a laundry list the hard to be focused agreed and um I do want to include classroom somewhere like I just I feel like that is where they live most of the time their their time is spent in that classroom and so if we don't figure out I mean if we don't have a a way of incorporating that then it's not it's not going to be sticky agre that's what a rubber that's what a rub M the road we we can put all these things in place if we want to but it's practiced it's enforced it's built in the classroom I agree I agree it's the root of a lot of my problems correct and there's two if you ask them what's that I said and theirs too meaning the students yeah absolutely [Music] so um I'm class classroom and school we got the school above right with the school dist classroom environments develop enance connect we got classro vs this stuff I don't think necessarily plays in now right and it may be just as simple as that for now I know what that looks like yeah I I I would be okay with that for for now as a placeholder [Music] I make it more actual concrete for teachers right because this is not necessarily adman right well I think everything starts at the leadership level but we got that above right we can build that into some of the other trainings that talked about like for black males for administrators and but we don't have anything in the class if it's about the classroom then the teacher is the one that controls that climate every day and culture longterm some are fantastic and some are destructive maybe this is where we bring in other teachers who do it really well yeah for teachers by teachers oh I like that that's go um elevating other classroom teachers by then putting PD then maybe a second sentence these trainings shall be conducted by classroom teachers who have [Music] demonstrated um do we want to say will or May the trainings the training may may you all good with that all right good with those Emojis all right Dr Robinson last call I'm sorry I'm distracted with something else um but yeah it's um is there a priority order at all or do we want do you want a priority order or is that too crazy s priority order for what the is a recommendation of what you would like to see first second third or is it kind of it appears that what we have flows the way it's supposed to flow I could be wrong let go back to the top key for a second why did I have this highlighted oh yes I will second no I'm just talking out loud I just want to make sure there's not anything else any other intention that I'm good I know we're past time so I'm good I like it um do you think it is it does it behoove us to prioritize or I think we can do that after maybe in the subgroup work like you know a lot of this so if this goes to the board of recommendations right for I think we could talk about you know early wins like what could we do that's an early win that's not a heavy lift gotta versus you know the training may take a little more time or maybe not I don't know you know or you know the media campaign type one maybe could be simultaneous by others other people so some of it could be at the same time and knock it off like with and integrating it in uh strategic plan other people taking ownership for some things of work that's already ongoing so I think it needs a whole like project plan rather does that make sense versus trying to prioritize now I just talk myself out of it because we got to make connections so it gets infused and not another thing what's the timeline should we be thinking about like I know we have to get it through the DD see and so what are we looking at in terms of timeline so we me what the 28th gets adopted there um I see this is a a written as well as a comment by the chair of DDC but that it gets emailed to the board from the chair um and [Music] um I mean are we asking for permission from the board or just more of a Dr Robinson is this something that from your experience I mean is this something that the board that we're gonna ask the board to take action or just kind of consens right so it's just kind of no I think you take it to Cabinet I think it's presented by DDC chair at the board meeting and then it goes to cabinet for Action that's what I think off the top of my head so the recommendations are submitted to the board is District leadership for for Action yeah then I can take it leadership and then we can work from there but so right after the board meeting which that board meeting April's like 17th from there take it to Cabinet the following day following Monday to get the blessing the rest of leadership to start moving forward and then we can all work on an action plan after that the end of the end of April beginning of May so we're looking at implementation for the new school year um yeah I mean I mean there might be some things that can be done earlier on some of these but yeah if we're going to have to create content or what content's already created there might be some some things we could offer over the summer for administrators or teachers if we have't already or BH ideally bhps um if because we mentioned doing something for BHP specific I know this is about um admin but like I have a lot of control there so and we they have some extra days where we do training so if we wanted to build a training in for them that's something that could be done sooner than later um with their extra Duty days in June that make sense and then couldn't we start working on videos too yeah we just have to figure out how that who does that how to do it like like just some structure around people are going to say what are you what are you looking for right so um yeah there's going to be stories of know maybe some valid dictorian that are going to come up in graduations that we want to capture and for for some of that to your point and so I think we all kind of got to be more intentional around how we start collecting that or follow up interviews or maybe some of others Pathfinders yeah there's all kinds of stuff that'll go on in May that could really lift voices that we want to capture stories before these kids go out and seniors that are leaving will have a lot to say because they're out so I think I think so I think probably um at the the DDC Mee April is that you know that maybe try to enlist others who want to be part of taking some action and doing some work and not just recommendations that enlist others as well around that take some ownership and I think to Kim Kimberly's point I feel like we should be um working kind of a um a multi level like I know we have to get through the process and and all the things in terms of sign offs and um let's not miss the opportunity for uh you know the graduations are coming up in May right part of what we wanted to do was we want to identify those teachers who are getting it right so those students probably can identify teachers who they feel created the space for them and and was a part of their their academic Journey so just thinking about how we um holistically think about what it is we're trying to do and utilize what's already in place or already going to be happening so we don't miss the opportunities yeah so Janine is gonna have to kind of own some of that project management of all that stuff and who's going to be doing what but yeah absolutely there's a whole lot we could be doing right I also want to make sure we Engage The Other DDC members you know uh Cassandra Oliver uh you know with the the chamber I know like her husband is on with me at the FAU um alumni board and you know they do a lot of uh a lot of stuff specifically for a black alumni and you know they're engaging a whole bunch of people that could be doing some things and stories he's really you know into this space so I think there's opportunities to to make other connections to that people would really get excited about that's awesome I have a bright idea so um now I don't know if this is what Dr Cassandra was was saying but this is what made me think is to ask the successful black male students who the teachers were that affirmed and inspired them but guess what make videos of that their testimonial about the teacher like that testimonial um thinking that teacher andap that and then spread that because then that also SS the message um to other teachers to you know don't you want your successful blackmail students to talk to speak about you this way per you know you know how they do their little happy the economic council's Awards okay so so we had the successful black male students essentially do their award for their teachers and Sh that as PSAs and everything I'm just okay I'm done thank you bye yeah that's right uh Janina got that so you can get started on that now and what I really love I love that um Dr Robinson because the other thing that it will do and I know we're not thinking about research necessarily but you know the research that suggests and there's some some level of um support for it is um you know students black students male students need to see black male teachers or teachers of color got it and what it will what what this will do though is not let everybody else off the hook because then it will actually show that and my in my research actually showed it didn't matter by the way I do have that in there that students these students did not say oh because I had this teacher and there was a teacher of most of them did not have a teacher of color um most of them was were white male teachers or white female teachers of course so for me that's not it wasn't a factor and I think if we can like Dr Robertson said if we begin to Pro you know show and share that there are teachers who not necess don't necessarily look like these students but are getting it right with the students for whatever whatever their strategies are what however they're connecting with them it's working right and so then I think that does support other teachers to get on board and become a part of like really thinking about how to make the connection as opposed to you know kind of sitting on sitting in the in the stands as they say yeah no they this was on a it was on Nightly News with Lester hope that's you know how they always said those happy go-lucky stories at the end um where they had some things like this where they had kids write letters about you know your favorite teacher then the kids read it to the teacher and they captured in a film and then you know you hear you're crying you're inspired and you're like I want to be like that so yeah I love that it'd be great that would be great you know videos schools could use all the time for different to help move their staffs to a better place I love it J you got and I'm happy to go back to some of my students too because I was always curious about what teachers they were talking about anyway sure yeah and you're out of that cone now right you do right all right um so we have to get approval from ddec before we make a movement on anything because it's a subcommittee how does that work right yeah well I mean you can start thinking through I mean clearly it's right but I'm just saying we have to push forward and then they have to approve the the I the yeah but I mean like this I'll probably take the leadership ahead of time just so obviously I don't Mr quickly just so I know what's coming I mean to me it's it's all good stuff what's the format of this would this be a resolution by ddec is there like what's the level of formality so to speak uh to me is a recommendation that the board um support leadership to take action on these recommendations talking out loud yeah if we get too formal then we get bureaucracy as you know okay is there anything in between in between recommendation and resolution I mean I just want it to be important you know I'll go with recommendation but just just think about that like No I um well you got me thinking uh I'm just Googling resolutions versus recommendation resolutions are mandates which must be worked on if passed by an adequate majority recommendations are a suggested line of action which societies might choose to follow um so to that point like if it's a resolution or a is there a piece B I mean should we put data in here as to the why or is that an assumption by all like knowing that you know black suent achievement is you know probably like the lowest performing subgroup or something to say you know therefore you know a couple we you want to do talk about doing we asses and stuff yeah um to give more teeth as to why this should be supported versus an assumption what we all know right but the general public May bi Behavior to deal with biased Behavior so go go ahead U camberly I'll go after you I was gonna say um couldn't we attach Dr Corbin thus report from paper and then maybe I think you had at the beginning kind of um what's the word for itain points and so executive summary that we could possibly use if that's okay with you yeah I was just trying yeah if something in there has like something just in here to create like that sense of urgency well we can use our own data right School District data I mean they're familiar with the data so I I think the data is important well we can highlight it for them um and the consistency of that data um so I think that's important because it's theirs right you can't argue with that um and I think of course you can have the research that buts up against that if you know for whatever that's worth and um I think introducing them to this concept of targeted universalism is important as well because instead of it seeing it being seen as oh it's just and why are we focused on black male students they under if when they understand that if we get it right with blackmail students all students will benefit they've got to understand and begin to hear that and so I think we should introduce that to them as well so I think that's good I think I think I wanted to I'm hoping that it will we will present it to them as a resolution and so I I would like um I don't know that we need to have a whole another meeting on this but to draft it in resolution form with the wees and yada yada right I think at the end we can introduce the targeted universalism without using the term right I don't why can't we use I don't think it's it's why and I don't want to say it on this in this format okay I understand um but but the concept the clure would be in the end that you know it's that thing they used to say I used to hate this a rising tide lifts all boats right and it and it lists the ones who are in the shallowest water first or whatever that stuff was that they said right but but I think in the end if if you give um okay I can't come up with a nice word if you if give people who are predisposed to not want to do something for a single group if you give them the statement that if we get it right with them all children will benefit right if you give them that um almost as a closing it maybe you know first thought um then I I think that might work so that's that's my suggestion this point subject to change with more input so I will I just I'll just say that I have um when when I did my um presentations to the uh the principals group South County um I introduced that language to them nobody had heard of it and they actually appreciated it um but I hear what you're saying Dr Robertson but I I just want to say I've already interjected that language in the world to principles at schools and um superintendents well it's been interjected other places I'm I'm talking about in something that would become a public document oh I see what you're saying but then we're going to just play Devil's Advocate we're going to delay process so we're going to create all these H I'm sorry I'm let me listen carefully no I'm just saying I mean to create all the where as and I like it but then we just we're GNA need another meeting time because I got other meetings go too when is the next DDC the 28th I think I have to jump everyone I'm sorry I'm late for a meeting bye than you bye bye thank you two weeks on the 28th two weeks from today so okay I'll go with whatever you guys say but I think that um the where as the resolution format does not have to delay the process if we are willing to um communicate like just share it by email and just ride with it right because we don't have to work word Smith everything and then whatever word smithing would need to take place can take place in the D e Sy okay so there's a subcommittee the morning of the 28th in two weeks we could do the yeah no we need to do the where asses ahead of time no that's what I'm saying before the for discuss it then yeah but I'm saying we need to write it ahead of time so um well um I think Janina if you could DRFT out something um and may she can draft out something as staff that way we can submit it to the rest of the group unless somebody else wants to draft something out um and submit to the group to for starting point the morning of the 28th does that work that's fine so Janina if you um yeah she can work with you oneon-one because she's not she's staff right she not sunshine okay why you looking crazy like that who you no I'm looking at the chat box because I didn't see that there were stuff in there oh oh okay I was kind of joking about the resolution it just seems that most resolutions are like let's create a week and let's honor this person or that person I'm like let's create spms week and then it will have an year you know ongoing follow uh followup from then on and I know that won't go fly with the state but so okay and so I know we got to go so I'm G just ask um Mr oswal and um n Simone's mama so would you guys kind of cuz I listen I okay let me come back I'm you muted probably good but so to that point in the school district a resolutions seen as just like little happy things like the you know like the the week to celebrate tulips or whatever right like which way would it be taken more seriously because that's that's my point is I just want it to be and I don't know to me if it's a resolution coming from DDC it feels like it has more weight than a recommendation coming from DDC that's in alignment with the definitions that you read Mr oswal but say resolutions are yeah I mean to Kimberly's Point resolutions are just more kind of Feelgood like yay we're all support is aren't we wonderful people um they're kind of self-fulfilling in my head um that's what they are in the school district right that's because that's what you asked yeah yeah it is what I ask but in the rest of the world it's not so right so I'll leave it alone right I'm just saying our culture right it's yeah yeah yeah um aren't we like we care about all kids type thing so to me um the recommendation s um unless I get some kind of weird vibe at leadership we could just start working on it so leave it as recommendation I won't I won't fight about this we talk more online we got that other meaning we decide to change and we want to draft something for consideration um I do think it needs a couple lines around data of something to to why it's a priority that was my biggest piece is that people understand that you know and and I won't say too much on this but I told you what happened at the midyear instructional review and no one said a damn word right so that's my concern um so we could work we could put the data in there something that creates a little like hello we got a problem here Houston wait what's on the agenda for ddec in two weeks the main thing will be the uh classic learning test and then a couple gualan Grandma Center uh uh Susan who's the other group do we have another group yet volunteer Association I've got to confirm with her though because just haven't been in contact with her okay okay so the the reason I and this will be on there to revisit from based on what we did last okay so you know Adam Miller did um he did a you know the annual report that I asked for for with the disaggregated data for based on race gender and soci economic status um with the bar graphs and Y yada so he did that for me he actually supposed to present it to the Coalition for black student achievement meeting at the end of the month so I just had a flash thought that maybe that presentation could be part of ddec but you already have a full agenda so but we could use some of that that data as the reasons why we need to focus on successful blackmail student yeah the CLT is going important because you know legislative session is over nothing's changed um for Concord scores so they're higher we got a graduation problem people I understand okay I'm not trying to change the agenda no I'm just saying I need some other people screaming about this and taking some action people lost their voices yeah so true no I'm serious it's like people clearly I gotta get off here you going to pull some bad things me I got witnesses I don't need Witnesses I know right so you know a member of the Coalition had a cardiac event at the last school board meeting last last month okay yeah so I don't know it's rough okay I'm I'm done talking this is good all right so are we still doing are are we still creating the resolution because I I more data so I think that's where I think the committee can just touch base if you can work with Dr Robins put in the beginning of that document and I'll share the one that I just did in Google doc with [Music] you some kind of data point or and verbiage around why this is a a PRI priority okay okay all right y'all have a great weekend great spring break all right thank you bye you bye bye bye bye