the meeting of the township of prony Troy Hills planning board for Monday July 22nd 2024 at 7:30 p.m. uh Miss Jolie would you call a role please mayor Barbaro here Mr dich here Mr Deo here uh Mr mey here uh Mr napalitano here Mr Shaw here Mr stanel here chairman denura here we have our board planner miss winter our board engineer Mr kiano and our board attorney Mr Lon all right announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act if we could stand for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep stands one nation indivisible all right this meeting is open to the general public is there anyone here who has something that is not on our agenda tonight that wishes to bring something to the attention of the board hearing and seeing none um we will start our agenda tonight with application 24 colon 514 wh Holdings five Wood Hollow Road Block 736 Lot 4 this is just for a soil move moving permit [Music] appr good evening Mr chairman members of the board Jason tuell attorney for the applicant um this was a warehouse project that was approved by the board by way of resolution to December of last year the applicants worked with the um board's Professionals for resolution compliance in fact I think we have a letter indicating that almost all the items are done so we're almost completed we also have a lot of our Outside Agency approvals including Conservation District uh certification uh there's no proposed changes to what the board approved um all we're here is for the for the soil moving permit um that I have Mr Chaplan from Stonefield engineering and design to go through speak a little bit Lou [Music] sure it's on um we probably should have asked for this when we were originally here the first time as part of the site plan application but it was called to our attention that um we needed the soil moving permit as part of our resolution compliance so I have one witness that I plan on calling Mr chairman Zachary Chaplan from Stonefield engineering design he testified before the board when we on the original s plan application but we can swear him in and qualify him and um go through the process sure Mr Trav please raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do name and address for the record please sure my name is Zachary Chaplan last name CH ha p l i n I'm with the firm Stonefield and engineering and design the office is located at 92 Park Avenue and wetherford New Jersey Council please qualify to witness all right sure Zach if you could give the board the benefit of your educational background licensees held whether they're current in good standing and experience before testifying before other similar boards in the state of New Jersey sure I received my bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Delaware I'm the licensed professional engineer in the states of New Jersey New York and Connecticut and my license is in good my licenses are in good standard um I've testified as an expert witness in the field of civil engineering uh over dozens of boards throughout the state including uh this board previously any questions by the board on the man's qualifications hearing and seeing none okay all right Mr Chaplan we're just here for the soil moving permit if you could just describe to the board um what's part of that process um as well as complying with the division of engineering's review memo dated June 27th 2024 sure so we prepared an exhibit that was submitted to the board um an earthwork exhibit basically what it shows is the cut fill analysis for the grading plan of the site um and what it shows is that there's approximately 31,630 cubic yards of cut 51,8 181 cubic yards of fill for a net of 20242 cubic yards of fill I do want to point out to the board that this does not take into account what's considered takeoffs so things like the paid section um drainage utilities where you need to remove soil to put in stone or the pavement layers um that was not taken into account uh you know for the analysis but when you do take it into account it actually drops with takeoffs to about 2800 cubic yards a fill so in summary it's a pretty balanced site when you look at the grading plan which is always our goal um as the engineer and the designer is to have a balanced site to avoid obviously bringing in or taking off a lot of from the property um and looking at the criteria um that the township has you know certainly we will meet all the criteria that's set forth in the code um we're also in receipt of the letter um from the township engineer which basically speaks to certain fees um and requirements that we need to meet and the applicant is is willing to do that as well all right and Zach as part of this process you got mors County Soil Conservation District certification yes that's correct and that deals with securing the site from erosion wind dealing with drainage issues while soil is being disturbed is that correct that's correct and the applicant will comply with the township as well as the soil conservation District's regulations correct all right and in this situation any trucks coming to the property um that are break breaking soil can come right and off the interstate correct correct they can come right off wood Hall Road they would not need to drive further down into the site they can come right off the highway and you've read the engineers memo the township engineer years memo dated June 27 2024 yes and just for the record we'll comply with that yes and in that letter the uh the engineer said took no objection to the board approving this application correct correct and from a just if you could reiterate from a resolution compliance standpoint on the original application where we stand yeah so um after receiving the approval we worked on making some changes to the plan that were as a result of just engineering comments and items within the resolution uh We've then had a couple submissions back and forth and we've gotten to the point where the plans are um acceptable um for Signature so um at this stage we've gotten um pretty much all our Outside Agency approvals the res compliance so we're pretty much at the at the Finish Line there okay that's all I have Mr chairman for Mr Chaplan members of the board or our engineer do you have any questions yeah can you give us some testimony on the proposed route sure so with we would expect trucks to come in off 287 and then they would basically come east make that right hand turn onto Wood Hollow and then a left hand turn onto our property okay and you had you got your uh soil Cs on the plan very good um looks like you have a net fill so you be importing soil correct and how many trucks do you anticipate in total and then duration I'm trying to get a feel for the duration and of that did you give any thought to the duration of number of trucks yeah so when you take into account the takeoffs like I said the net is 2800 cubic yards of fill um Each truck can roughly take about 10 to 14 cubic yards per truck so that equates to about 230 truck uh truck loads and again it really is going to be dependent on uh where you're getting sourcing The Fill from and you know how many trucks there are to bring to the site so it could happen in a matter of a week they might do it slower or it might take two weeks but I would say somewhere in that time frame at the point of the project where they need to fill they need to fill they'll bring it on okay and can you repeat the the the the revised net fill that you need to bring after you take in your sidewalks and all your DJ and payment box what's the what's the net fill number 2800 cubic yards 2800 okay thank you that's all I have other members of the board have questions on this witness on this testimony uh Mr chairman I just have one comment um the engineer review letter number seven Andrew there's a Township Council approval required but since this was part of a site plan application is that still a requirement because the ordinance has that kind of as an exclusion it well just read I got the code open and it just says if it's not how do it read this is under uh is it uh 356i yeah I uh any soil permit which is not any soil permit application which is not submitted together with a site plan you know it's over 400 yards is subject to review by Township Council so it appears that it's sub but I'll defer back to you on that but as I'm reading it it U it it seems they have to go to council since it was not submitted uh soil permit application together with the site plan application I I would assume that um the talip engineer when he did stated item seven he said approval is required and is is underlined right so I assume he reviewed that too we can confer with Council on the township engineer just to make sure we're all on the same page that's fine that's all I have Mr all right other members of the board Mr D uh Mr chairman just quick confirmations I believe there is some timing in terms of soil moving like 824 or whatever we would comply with that correct right okay thank you other members of the board have any questions I just I didn't ask this one so um I know you go moving toward compliance when does the developer when does the applicant anticipate on starting Demolition and con stru yeah I would have I I'm not sure of that I would have to you know obviously be subject to the building department review and all that but I I don't know thank you are there other members of the of the board that have questions hearing and seeing none are the members of the public who have questions on this witness on this testimony you can come forward uh state your name and your address and ask a question it it come up to the microphone [Music] please my name is rames Mahan and I live on Fairfield Road 19 Fairfield Road would you spell your name please Ramesh Mahajan spell it please oh okay do you want first name or last name both r a m e s h m a h a j a n you got it okay yes so where exactly is this Wood Hollow Road coming from otk 10 to ro [Music] 46 sorry where is the road are you asking where the project is located no the road Wood Hollow Road where where is Wood Hollow Road yeah uh it's I would call it southeast of 80 and 287 just Southeast someone is coming from uh Rune 10 to Roe 46 there is the intersection uh there's the exit for 287 North not sure I'm following the question there's a depiction right there that has the boundary roads yeah the site is bounded by Wood Hollow Smith and Jefferson and like I said it's just south and east of 80 and 287 it's currently an office building 28 and 287 M the reason I'm asking is are the trucks going to come on parip road the trucks more to I don't mean to interrupt I think you're confused in the application this is not the 2030 lanex this is a different application for soil move nobody it says ledex yeah no that's a second application I'll so it's okay so you see on the agenda yeah it this is application number one this is ours the ladex that you were asking about is this one application number two okay we are going to come over there after yes oh okay I okay no problem thank you no problem all [Music] right any other members of the public have questions on this application from this witness Mr homc you have a question yeah I do on this application for this Witness um any idea where this soil is coming from and if it's contaminated in any way or not it's it has to be clean certified fill from an lsrp we don't know exactly the source yet though so it is contaminated because it has it well we have we haven't sourced it yet so it will be clear we have we're bringing soil onto the site we're not taking it off right right that's my question is said it would not be contaminated cor we we would not bring cleaned no he said it would be clean would be clean soil that's what so that implies that it could be contaminated it is not contamin all right okay other members of the public have questions of this witness on this application this is this is not Planet X okay Christina Spinosa 13 1 marora Road uh so this is a new warehouse this one was approved it was it's a warehouse that was approved by the plane yeah yeah yeah no we just want the information yeah um so it's already built no it's going to be built and how many uh trucks loading bays are expected to be at this Warehouse that's already been done okay and so the site is going to be impact is coming off at 287 you said where at okay so I just have to put it in Google maps to figure that out to see if it's going to impact us even more with the 2030 landex I have no idea how it affects that application is not this appliation yeah okay all right thank you it matters to us maybe not to you but to us all [Music] right do you have anything further that's it you have questions on this application from this [Music] witness [Music] yes all right right any other questions on this witness on this testimony hearing and seeing none counselor uh no thank you Mr chairman very straightforward we'll comply with all the ordinance requirements we'll comply with your Township Engineers requirements regarding the uh the soil moving so we'd ask that the board approve the application okay other members of the public who wish to speak in opposition to the soil moving permit in favor of the soil moving permit hearing and seeing none do we have a motion for a resolution here Mr chairman what are we doing are we sending it to council or are we recommending or are we approving it but they get to review it well right now and that was really my this this would be my interpretation of it we probably should have file it did not come up in any of the review letters initially when we filed for the S plan application or else we would amended the application to include the soil um the soil moving permit I think we that's what we're doing effectively now which would negate the need for Township Council to review it it really is part of a site plan I mean we're doing it in conjunction with our resolution compliance I think it would be duplicative to go to the council but that we'll follow whatever instruction the board would like us to do and the township engineer would like us to do but I think the spirit of the ordinance is if you have a soil moving permit and a site plan application going on at the same time it's all within the purview of the planning board if all we were doing is moving soil on a site and not doing any sort of site plan application then I would agree would go to the township Council I think that's the intent of the ordinance but we'll follow whatever the board would like us to do the reason why I brought up the question was it's a bit of a gray area because it's technically a standal loone application but it is part of a site plan application so that's why I brought it up um I would agree with Council that the intent is when you when you have a standalone soil moving application the council has the ultimate say but since the planning board has the ultimate say of the overall site plan application that does not have to go to the plan the back to the council so I agree with Council on that that's why I raised it it was a bit of a gray area on how it was and and I have no issue coordinating with council with the township engineer or the or the township attorney just to confirm that everybody's on the same page with that issue okay so what we're doing is we're approving this resolution to approve the soil moving permit subject to further discussions over whether it needs to go before Council it would be um whether or not it is a condition of the S moving application um it's in the engineering review letter I think a conversation with the township attorney would probably be best to determine whether or not yeah the interpretation is accurate that's fine that's fine okay do I have a motion to that effect so are we approving or just we're approve a motion to approve the soil movement per uh subject to council's caveats okay all right uh Mr chairman a motion to approve application 24 colon 514 wh Holdings fivewood Hollow Road loock 736 lot for soil moving pering permit as for the council's comments do I have a second second um nor would you call a role please bararia yes yes yeso yes yes right thank you everybody okay next we are going to call application number 24 Co 506 20 to 30 ladex urban renewal LLC 20 to 36 L 20 to30 ladex Plaza West lot 226 Lots 3 and 3.2 Zone rol uh we are I believe in the middle of um the public speaking on this and we've had a significant amount of Public Presentation and discussion already yes Mr chairman and uh for the record JohnnyO representing the applicant uh we did uh commence public comment uh number of the members of the public have spoken uh the chairman did agree that folks had one opportunity to speak uh so those who have spoken uh do not under what was agreed to at the last meeting have another opportunity to come back and speak this is our I think fourth hearing on this matter and uh candidly we're hoping to conclude well what we're going to do tonight is that everybody who has already spoken at the last meeting we'd like you to hold back for now I'm going to give people a brief chance there are a couple of people have indicated that they have some more things that are different to say if you do have something different to say than you said last time then please present it after those who have not presented to us at this time so let's get the opportunity to those who have not spoken to us on this either in opposition or in favor and I'm going to ask for that at this time um and Mr chairman again I think you had mentioned last time but if folks were being repetitive that you know I'm going to ask that if anybody repeats what they said before we're going to we're going to need to cut you short if you have something new to bring to the board if you have uh not commented to us before or if you have to uh amend something specific that you said at the last meeting uh then we will entertain those we do not want you to go long if if it makes sense have there been any requests to the board that we're not aware of as the applicant because I think we should have been made aware of of any requests that came in from the public that would differ from the ground rules that were established at the end of the last hearing so I don't know where that I'm just trying to understand what occurred because what what occurred should be occurring in the hearing what I want to do is start with the people that have not yet spoken okay have them make their presentations or their points and then after they're done there has been at least one person who has indicated that they wish to speak further because they have further information and I don't want to shut her down ier the chairman all right so if you have not spoken to this meeting at the last meeting that we heard this case if you could please come forward and come to the microphone identify yourself and make your point if you haven't spoken please I didn't speak at I'm going to ask that you folks come up I'm going to swear you in you're going to be placed under their oath me yes hang on one second I'm going to I'm going to ask you that you speak slowly obviously you're going to you're going to state your name please spell your last okay and speak slowly because I am taking notes of your testimony okay and um you will be subject to any questioning by the council if he has any okay well he thinks it's funny well um because he was laughing over there the last lady was asking questions I'm sorry but I just have to tell him if it was his kids he'd be a little more concerned okay please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth shall help you gu I do name and address for the record please Rosemary rardy r i c h a r d i 34 allent Town Road in Lake Paran we still haven't found out what kind of a Trucking terminal this is going to be we that answer was never given to us and we heard that it's a 24 a 247 operation is that true yes I I'm not here to answer questions this is the time for public comment we're not answering questions from answer the question we we've provided our Witnesses uh to provide answers to testimony this is a time for this is a time for public comment that was you were you were given an opportunity to ask questions of the Witnesses earlyer on in the application process tonight is your time to present a case not ask questions anymore you're supposed to here you're supposed to ask qu not ask questions but present your reasons why you're either opposing I'm against the the uh terminal I'm against it because there's kids not far from where this is where this is being constructed we have young kids that play there it's a playground it's a school ground you have houses behind there you're having trucks 247 going in and out of that terminal we don't even know what terminal it is is it what do you what do you what are you putting in there they gave that test I wasn't here if I was here I would know the answer the I I just think it's a terrible Place mayor to put a terminal like that when there's a school so damn close to this building I think it's a shame and I think if any of your kids were in that school you would oppose it too all I have to say I think that's all there's so many other open spots and you got to put it behind the school are there other members of the public who haven't spoken on this subject please come forward and identify yourself I think we may have gotten your name in a no we're going to do it again maryi Mary piki um I was at my kitchen table hang oniki hang on I'm going to swear you in okay okay okay please raise your right hand do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do please state your name and spell your last for the record Mary piki P Ur zy C Ki and your address um I'm at The Oaks in Denville I used to live at 273 Marcelo in Pony I feel I have a right to be here because I lived there for 50 53 years and the town has changed significantly well anyhow I'd like to make a statement I was sitting at my kitchen table trying to write what I wanted to say tonight that might have been have have some impact on your decision tonight but unfortunately due to the passing of decisions on resolutions and ordinances passed for this application of ladex West this will not happen from the first decision made by the Town Council on January 24th 20123 the decision you will make tonight the plan as it known will pass for an area in need of Redevelopment without consideration with consideration for se s Warehouse development only two studies were authorized by the town and assigned to hraa Associates one a preliminary investigation of the studied area designated as non- condemnation Redevelopment area and the re Redevelopment plan ladex red Redevelopment area after reading the plan with time on my hands which I had I found this plan for the development from the first page to the 75th page was totally geared for for warehouse development with 23 Bays for tractor trailers use there would be no other recommendation only one paragraph in that report on page 73 did recommend a broadening of land use to include indoor Recreation entertainment hotels fitness centers daycare assisted living and multifamily mixed use I also would like to add my own ideas as disabled vet housing senior C Senor senior citizen affordable housing since ppne only has three complexes Brookside 55 Veil and broadwood Baldwin Oaks since there's an aging population in pipany this site would have been a good option if you choose to listen to any of those Arc for adults with special needs would also be a good option the most disappointing part of the plan was the fact that we the taxpayers paid with our tax money for the plan which was so slated in favor of the developer for a warehouse that one might say the developer should have paid for the study the plan was W written with no consider ation or input from the residents who live in the surrounding areas the study C culminated on July the 21st 2023 when or ordinance I would like to meet the person who wrote the language of this ordinance I refer to the second paragraph fifth sentence down site truck dependent development in a highly accessible location near the intersection of interstates Route 80 and 287 as well as US Highways 46 and 202 that's pipany and Littleton Road and designed a nonresidential development that minimize the potential for impact on the residential areas and the environment and the historic resources it is clear to me that the people in this audience that whoever wrote that sentence M might might have never been or might have passed only runs through our beloved residential neighborhoods surrounded by ledc site never rode around our environmental treasure called lake pipany and a stopping place a stopping place in the spring and the fall for migratory water fowl never sorry never thought about the students who went to East Lake School and played out in the playground and I do have some pictures that I want to show you and Mr chairman well m piziki is doing that and she's entitled to make her statement but of course the Redevelopment plan is irrelevant to these proceedings and this is a site this is a site plan application the Redevelopment plan is the Redevelopment plan it was approved by the township Council the role of this board as everyone knows is not to determine what the use should be that was done by the Town Council and you know thus far we haven't heard any comments on the Redevelopment plan we're just hearing people comment on the use which is not relevant to the application so I I just for the record have to Lodge that objection uh if I think folks should be given a certain period of time within which to make their comments particularly when those comments bear no relevance to the issues before the uh the board it's prejudicial to the we're the excuse me but we are the residents of the township of hill we are the ones who are going to have to live with your decisions hold on hold on a second not you so so this part of the presentation you are that's why you're under oath you're giving a statement under Ro this is your opportunity that we promised that you'll have the opportunity to speak okay Council has the right to raise objections and to cross-examine you at this point he has raised an objection for the record now you it's your floor is yours and you can present the exhibits that you have okay thank you okay one of the exhibits I have is of the schoolyard okay and I want to know the buffer of trees that are going to be coming down because this um do you have a packet of photographs that you would like to submit if you'd like to take them how many photographs you have I have four of the school grounds and one of what happened today in Clifton with a tractor trailer in a residential neighborhood okay Mr and the relevance to that is I object to the tractor trailer which was on Route three from what I understand from the news reports not in a residential neighborhood it was on on rout three excuse me but it abundant the the route three accident abutted just like we are abutting the area of his ladex proposal sui can you please present the photographs to council so you can look at them Council from the last meeting there were three exhibits should we just keep them cumulative right back of the house hang on Miss presi okay keep them cumulative this is East Lake School okay and the playground area which is approximately maybe I would say 25 ft from the the F you know property line and this is the trees that you people I believe will have to take down if you're going to put a sound wall and and the Very fact that idling is not allowed in front of the school while idling should not be allowed in the back of the school and where this property is I mean air does travel so I Council other than the picture of of the tractor trailer accident do you have any objection to the other [Music] photographs well I object to this Photograph because I I can't really tell what it's of um can you can you just mark them in the top hand corner we're starting with B4 are you kidding me you can give them to me almost here watch you all right the one that you object to is the school in the background it's in front the sign is in front of the school where you park the buses and the car and the trucks that deliver we're I'm going to collectively Mark these as the oh I can't CU you have certain objections so the playground is going to be B4 right e picture of the two pictures of East slake school is B5 right okay B5 this is a picture of a no Idol sign and basketall court that you present as the [Music] six to which Mr for the record Mr engino has objected to B7 is a photograph of a truck fir I'm sorry it's B yep B7 B8 is also a picture of a truck fire and B9 is also a picture of a truck so Mr engino has objected to B7 B8 and B9 n uh purposes of relevancy yes okay B6 is also objected to because you just don't know the bandage point of this correct okay so that leaves B4 and B5 is a picture of the playground and the East Lake School M piki these these documents have been marked would you light them back so you can refer to them no okay I'm going to hold on they will be part of the record okay oh you may do that okay and the reason why I'm showing you the those pictures is accidents do happen even if you don't think they won't and you talking about 23 tractor trailers pulling up to a bay I mean I know it doesn't sound logical to you but if the brakes fail as it was coming down to leave on their Road or if the guy had a a health problem and wound up putting his foot on the gas or even or it's just very possible that accidents can happen and those kids are playing on that school in those school ground in close proximity and a wall is not going to stop a tractor trailer as you can see from those pictures that's the reason why you have okay now if you don't mind can I continue with my statement how much longer do you expect to be well I'll I'll cut it short I'll I'll cut out out the problems that I have with I was going to ask a question but I understand I can't and it was on what the highlands commission had sent and whether the reply was written to them in already or not that was it but never all right they never thought about the students going to East Lake School and playing out in the playground okay never thought of air quality the children were bringing not caring about what happened when nitro Nitro nitrogen oxide and fine particle course course particles lead to the INF the formation of ozone and smog in the air we breathe n Nitro oxide pollutant is one of the main pollutants released by diesel engine trucks Mr chairman I I just have the lodge an objection all of these things have been been covered uh we had Mr miss Monica barquero I apologies if I mispronounce the name talked about cancer from admission Banning trailers uh we had Wendy AEL uh discussed daycare indoor gym senior housing quality of life issues and other uses um so a lot of these issues have already been brought up okay then I'll skip I'm just I'm just saying for the board that these are not new uh arguments that are being made okay then the issue I have will'll cut it short if that's what you like shs I lost my best page well anyhow um when the highlands did do their report and consistency uh their consistency letter sent I I wondered why and did call to find out they didn't get more extensive to water they didn't feel that water quantity was an issue but I believe someone in testimony here said that they would probably need a new water main because they didn't have enough water if there was an emergency in the building or they would have to put two water tanks I I I'm I'm going to stop you there because they spent a lot of time trying to address that issue and you're misrepresenting how they presented it so it's not addressed is that what you're saying it is addressed I Council we spent a lot of time as the chairman said addressing the issue of fire suppression water for fire suppression I will be addressing it again in my closing I would refer the board and Miss piziki to the extensive testimony on that issue already provided by two Engineers yeah okay and the only other thing is then I would mention the fact that the historic aspect of this application was totally totally ignored okay I mean when you understand the historic research and the property the historic property which was discussed I understood but yes I just again I just this has been covered in comment by Miss Peterson so to the extent the ground rules are that we're not repeating other part hasn't when we add on to that okay because I think it is it is relevant to the board and to the people in the audience and the people who reside in Lake pipany of what the Peterson Family contributed her mom was on that board of education for many years she opened her house her house to all those children okay to see what kind of History was developed there all right who does that chairman this is not at all relevant they would open up their houses on weekends to understand not the history yes it might not be relevant to you but it should be relevant to the people who want to develop things here okay and guess what there wouldn't be East Lake School where East Lake School is today because Julie's mom donated that money for East Lake school and they deserve to have some respect yes [Applause] I would like to say more but that's it about water of of air quality because of my condition thank there other members of the public who haven't haven't spoken yet who wish to speak in opposition to this um you can come up and identify yourself I know we're going to by the way because we have a time we we are going to have start to having time limits all right we intend to try to get through this tonight I just something short canel hold on sorry please raise your hand do you swear fir the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the hold truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes name and address for the record please spell your last c a n please stay your name and spell please speak L please can you have to speak into the microphone Lori Canary c a n c i l l i e r i I apologize can you speak louder and spell your name again is it on it's on you just need to raise your voice okay spell your last name again C A an c i l l i e r i i e r i yes okay okay Miss Canary what's your address than you okay your address 242 Pitman Road par siy okay go ahead Miss cancellor uh recently a couple of weeks ago there was um little boy was killed only a couple blocks from the site in by traffic so can you imagine what's what's going to happen when people are trying to pass trucks everybody's in such a hurry on the roads around here these days and they're going to be trying to pass trucks and this little boy was just recently killed eight years old now that's not a sign or an example of what things can happen and that's the first thing that came to my mind when I read that article is now we're going to have this Warehouse with truck these trucks coming in and out P people passing them because they're impatient to get around them that now that's a big liability this is a huge liability and we're going to keep this in mind the residents will all keep this in mind this liability that we have of what I just said and what about cut throughs they're going to be impatient and want to maybe get lost the drivers are going to be impatient themselves get lost they're on time you know they're backed up on time whatever what these truck drivers do cutting through down Hy Road Allentown Road Littleton Road who knows where we're calling the cops all the time on the wacky people driving in this little community of Lake parcion we're calling the cops all the time now now we're going to have this exponentially monstrous thing going on in our little our little Nook here this is just inconceivable I just hope that you all see how ludicrous this is and just think about this it's just ridiculous just for that little boy's sake at least of things to come that's all all I want to [Music] say all right next uh [Music] witness please raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes name and address for the record please Christine Espinosa 131 marora and if there's anyone from like the news paper I'd like to be anonymous say your address again I'm sorry uh 131 marora Road okay Miss um I was fine until I got here I'm sorry um it's disheartening to know the mayor and his board members both planning board and council members are prioritizing monetary gain over our quality of life although we understand the importance of economic growth this location is not like fit for a warehouse we need silence we need to hear what she has to say [Music] my husband and I chose to raise our children here in paron so they can have a better and safer upbringing we left the big urban city of norc New Jersey for a reason not to end up in another urban city we fell in love with paran's charm and Beauty which it will lose once this Warehouse is built all of the children in our community uses the school's playground as it's the closest walkable playground in the area that Health implications due to the air quality and noise pollution will greatly impact my children as one has asthma and the other with autism I can't imagine all the others who also have serious pre-existing health conditions elderly or young most of you have children and grandchildren and you guys two the owners would you like for them to attend a school or live in an area where there's tractor trailers coming in and out 247 24 hours every day the public safety is our main concern we have been opposing this Warehouse to prevent tragedy from happening and one occurred the very day after our last meeting here an 8-year-old boy named aan Gupta was fatally struck by an SUV while riding his bike trying to go home his death is the fourth fatality here in pan this year with the current and new residents of Park C and the increase of truck traffic who's to say that would be the last the increase of traffic will most likely have an impact on delaying residents going to and from work school bus is picking up children and First Responders Alik Mr Mayor your statement after aon's death says that you call for Action by the DT to increase pedestrian safety and for them to respond with a fix on their roads but this is your town you must you must take the first course of action for our safety and preventing this Warehouse from happening I know that you were you once I heard you say at the tricky trade that you were a boy who attended East Lake Elementary I just want you just as a parent yourself feel how your mother would have felt if she were to hear a this going on I think she might be with us fighting against this and I do have some things to put in evidence and it's really easy when no one lives here it's really easy for you to just turn your cheek but just understand we really care about our community and our children I had pictures of the children in the playground but rushing to get here I left it I have it on my phone I don't know if that matters or not but I do have some things for evidence and one of them is also from the uh the master plan of the town that shows the heavy traffic areas which is on parcion road from 202 and 287 and that's without part two and this Warehouse so how do I submit this what exactly so that map what else do you want to I don't know if uh well the mayor's statement I highlighted what I said and he also said safety cannot take a back seat I also give that to counil I also have from the new from New Jersey State Police um the fatal crash statistics on the four fatalities here in parip I also have the uh the the East Lake Elementary School boundaries map the School attendance Zone and you can see right there just see it for yourself is that [Music] everything I don't know if you that to I I have no objection to the master plan uh document I do object to the others on the grounds of relevance so that's be 10 how many how many are there uh well there's the master plan sheet and then oh this is just proof that it's from the master anything concerning the master plan I have no objection to but it's just the school zone of where all the residents live you just pass those up so I can mark them okay [Music] so we're going to Mark so we're going to Mark the um map from the master plan as B10 with no objection we're going to Mark the boundary of the school as b11 with objection as to relevancy B12 is the fatal crash sta statistics Mar b12 with objection for relevancy and B 13 is a correspondence mayor the mayor's correspondence B13 with objection from uh Council for relevance can I say one more thing sure I remember in the last meeting Mr chairman you had mentioned that you guys do have the power to deny this but just afraid of having either a lawsuit from the owners or affordable housing so I just want you guys to all think about the lives of the children and the residents that will be affected by these tractor trailer trucks 24 hours every day if that matters more than a lawsuit or affordable housing thank you [Applause] [Music] another person was to come up and [Music] okay thank you is it working it survived the fall okay good ume raise your right hand ma'am you swear airm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do name and address for the record please please by your last Pat delente d l a capital Fu n t 30 Deerfield Road in Lake pany can I sit [Music] down okay I have lived in Lake prey area for more than 50 years when I first moved in this was a neighborhood of small suburban homes some of them still summer cottages I was told that there was some commercial development but that would be good for homeowners as those businesses would be ratables that would pay a higher tax rate and keep my property taxes down there have been a lot of changes in those 50 years lake ppne is still a good place to live but not for people with limited income housing prices have skyrocketed and yet our elected and appointed Township officials have described it as a glided community in need of urban renewal a term usually associated with impoverished neighborhoods and rundown housing houses in Lake pany are not rund down and certainly not cheap so the blight seems to have come from overdevelopment more commercial buildings than companies to rent them the result empty buildings who made the decisions that we needed more commercial development was it you was it previous town councils and planning boards now the same political Business Leaders with the help of developers and their ATT attorneys want Lake perney to have additional Comm commercial building not offices but a warehouse to be accessed by a two-lane road and in close proximity to East late Elementary School shame on you [Applause] a few years ago the people of pran came out in droves to draft a master plan which was eventually published in 2020 let me tell you those meetings were well attended a lot of input we expressed our hopes for the future of this community I don't remember anyone wishing for a warehouse near one of the schools we again came out and droves last December to oppose the pilot program and just think about those letter what those letters stand for payment in Li of taxes that was a marathon session lasting into the night hours after which the council voted to ignore the public wishes adoption of the pilot program has made it possible for lawyers to create clever little loopholes to make believe that precip road is a major highway and this Warehouse won't create a hazard for people moving into the new condos or the many families living nearby and then when parents especially mothers of the school children come before you with their worries your fears you have the nerve to say this isn't the right time you're misreading the regulations you should have come sooner do you understand the term mansplaining when men condescend to explain something to women so they won't have to worry our pretty little heads about it again shame on you if you really want to rebuild that area then create an Annex or something that would benefit the local schools or children [Applause] [Music] Nancy Brighton b r Nancy Brighton b r i g swear from the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth or nothing but the truth help you guys yes name and address dire so Nancy Brighton b r i g h t o n at 15 Maplewood like the beach 15 Maplewood yep so I also representing the chair I'm the chair of the historic preservation advisory committee uh for the town of pany so I am going to talk about historic property something a little different um uh what I everybody is aware of the Livingston Benedict house and what I have here to give to everyone is the uh conservation easement that's on it but it also tells you about the properties that are on it so you understand the um uh por portion of the entire property that is of concern is the barn that's the closest to the road so as part of this whole Redevelopment and use is making sure we avoid and minimize effects to that Barn which is a contributing element to that National register property can you please present this to council yep he's got one right there what is this proport to it is the conservation easement on the property a part which property the one the Livingston the entirety of the Livingston Benedict property [Music] you're saying that this is the easement on the property that's subject to this application no it's the easement on the Livingston Benedict property itself for conser because it has in it a description of the property to include all of the buildings and the building uh on the property that is the closest to the road that leads down to the warehouse is the barn which is a contributing El to the National St I mean I would object to this because it's not doesn't have to do with the property it is it's not an easement that by the witness's own account and and I've not reviewed this but by the witness's own account it's not an EAS that impacts this property directly so I can you can you better explain your position as to how this is relevant yep because the barn sits right on that road that the trucks will go down to the warehouse and so the concern is you just want to make you aware of that there is the bond it bond is next to the road so in coming up with ways to to avoid and minimize impacts of this development on that property you're not alleging that in any way this development is going to encroach with into that within that it should not encroach into that easement okay and the testimony has been that it does not correct unless well unless a truck hits it because it really sits right on the road that's the problem it's right quite well it's right right adjacent to that road that goes down but just to be clear there none of the site plan encroaches on to that eement I don't believe I need the testimony was that now I think we could Adit into evidence uh at the objection of councel for relevancy like we did the other exhibits how many pages is this 20 so it's 20 pages is there a date on it yeah it's dated in 2003 I think I look for the date January I'll let the witness say but [Music] looks here it is September 2000 October 2000 is the last date on it last last signature okay we're going to collectively Mark that as exhibit b14 and that is just a con conservation easement and your your testimony is going to be relevant to the barn correct correct and how how how how the prop that because the barn AB buts the road very close extremely close that we are concern that the development make sure that there's nothing that ensures that is staying away from that close area of the bar I'm just going to ask you that you keep your testimony relevant to the barn because that's that's the structure that is closest are they any structures that are you there are no other structures but um my other part of my testimony has to go with Governor Livingston Park which is um uh non is non-developed was discussed as part of this and it was there was discussion on the Turning of the trucks in govern Livingston Park and taking part of the park so what I wanted to provide uh also was the uh encumbrance list of which the governor Livingston Park is it's it's Green Acres okay so that um using um there's probably restrictions in case you weren't aware I don't know we didn't discuss that this is a separate exhibit yeah so this is a it's the Declaration of encumbrance of all the GRE Green Acres Program lands in the town that includes the governor Livingston Park you're not suggesting and can you please Council yep you're not suggesting in that this application would somehow violate the Green Acres restrictions it was unclear because it was not brought up during the turn discussion of the Turning of the trucks and its effect on Governor Livingston Park there was some discussion and I in the circular argument how it was resolved as to whether or not anything was going to be cut off of govern Governor Livingston Park to allow for the Turning so in in case the planning board didn't have it you have the Green Acres encumbrance okay so b14 is your con conservation easement B15 the Declaration of incumbrances incumbrances for governor living Park Council any objection to B15 no objection to B5 okay goad M uh that's what I just wanted to revise it to you ensure raise awareness of the bond and its proximity to the road as well as the encumbrance to Governor living Park okay do you have extra copies for [Music] me make sure is correct are these all one M ma'am ma'am could you help me through this because you have a lot of documents here no cop these are all duplicates so I'm going to I'm only going to keep one just help me through this these are all your copies going to return turn those back to you and this is the historic preservation and this is all copies as well thank you so much all right other members of the public who wish to speak in opposition who haven't spoken yet in opposition one moment okay please raise your right hand do you swear from the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got name and address please spell your last Please spell your full name sir I m e s h do you have a microphone yes thank you can you hear yes r a m e s h m a h a j a n n a h a j m and your address 19 Warfield [Music] Road Maham Maham go [Music] ahead yes okay um I'm more concerned about the traffic on paron Road right now if anybody is coming from uh root 46 to root 10 it takes like about 30 minute just to cross the 287 intersection and most of the motorist they are cutting through the side lines because of the traffic and they are going at exceedingly high speed even on my street that is that is what I wanted to bring about also if someone is on the par road is extremely hard to make even the right turn forget the left turn so these is the these are the things I want to point out that's the word thank you thank you other members of the public who wish to speak in opposition now we have one individual if you've if you've spoken before please wait your turn uh if you haven't spoken in opposition please come forward and please raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the hold truth and nothing about the truth I help you God yes name and address of the record please spell your name Caroline Fisher f i s c h e r my address is 12 Homer Street go ahead M fer um so I grew up in parney I had a very good childhood I had a great start to my education as a former student of East Lake School um and as we talk about this Warehouse I can't help but think that kids who are going there now and will go there in the future will not have the same opportunities that I had as a student there um being distracted every 15 minutes with a truck going by while you're trying to learn the foundation of education I don't see how that could help you um and also when you go outside to play at recess and you're supposed to be breathing fresh air and get a break and you're breathing in fumes that doesn't seem right and I think that this would be a truly terrible thing to [Music] [Applause] do other members my name is please enter the microphone my name is j your right hand first do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes I do name and address for the record please call your name Janet theal t h e o b a l d 86 PATCO Drive Lake pfan resident for over 50 years my question is with all this wonderful big expansion of this wonderful truck stop a trucking company coming in okay mayor question for you sir what's happening with our Police Department our fire department our volunteer ambulance department this is going to be a big disaster hitting us how are our citizens going to be protected here in this town as it is we have a volunteer fire dep department they do an excellent job I'm not saying they don't but it's volunteer are are our men going to be able to deal with these semis coming in I'll answer your questions like when the when the portion is over with I will answer that question with regards to the Police Department ambulance and all that and fire because there's the process here so I I will answer those questions I'll answer the questions Pat I'll answer your questions I'll answer everybody's questions that directed at me uh personally so I'll ask I'll definitely answer those questions okay looking forward to the answers thank you other members of the public who have questions or uh wish to voice opposition at this time you swear airm the testimony you're about to give it be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so you name and address for the record please spell your name my name is Jack Rea 15 Brook La Drive Mars PLS New Jersey we live about a mile and a half from the East Lake School I'm a member of the POR board of education but I'm just speaking here on on my my behalf as a private citizen but as a member of the board and serving the public as each of you do I'm I'm confused um Mr REO first said he was not here speaking on behalf of the board and then he said as a member of the board of education so I think that really me I speaking from my experience as a member of the board and and that we do serve the public as each of you do and you will all have let me just get some clarification if I can I I this is important for the record excuse me it's a fair question and I'm going to say up for a reason I'm the mayor I can't come up as a private citizen but you're allowed to aren't you a board of education member 24/7 yes okay thank you well I I think it's important to know councel if I may I have an objection I'm entitled to make my objection okay it's really clarification the question Mr Ray are you here on behalf of yourself or are you here representing the views of the Board of Education I am here representing my own views not the Board of Education okay thank you okay thank you so as a private citizen I I expect our both elected and appointed officials and and some of you I know personally and and and I think each of you has a good heart and wants to represent the public as best as possible but sometimes that involves not taking the path of of least resistance sometimes it involves pursuing something that's that's more difficult and this whole I've only heard about this project in the last month or so and one of the things that I just wonder there's plenty of open space over by Campus Drive on the other side of town and I'm just wondering why there can't be some uh some broker deal between developers that come up with a better use of the property by the school and then move the warehouse with trucks coming in over by Campus Drive and I'm sure that there could be something that could be an equitable deal for the developers and for the town chairman I have to object excuse me this is way off counil please I have to answer the question on this there are things going on on Campus Drive you know that we've had hearings on it you have two I think you got two warehouses going there and possibly a third Warehouse going over there as well so you know that these areas have been in need of Redevelopment cuz it's been a Hot Topic I say so when you're talking about this site and all these other sites and that's why when I close out I have to explain myself and explain the reason why these things are happening here in pipany you know we have 19 vacant Office Buildings we're going to be going to 25 okay now Campus Drive is is is going to be a very busy area I bet you the people on Campus Drive saying why you bring it over here so you know we we have it's a delicate balance Jack you know that's a delicate balance and then when we when we talk about when we talk about putting housing in that's a no no nobody wants housing in the township because it's not really housing is called affordable housing which in in essence is high density housing okay so this is what we're we have to gravel with here in the town we've had Co now we have pre uh postco we're dealing with the companies moving out left and right okay and what's going to happen that shift is going to go to the homeowners it's going to go to the residential will it affect our police department will afflect a lot of things in our town but I know what you're saying I I wish we they would go go to certain areas but we don't own the land the town doesn't own it you don't own it the schools don't own it these are these are private companies that own property okay and as long as they meet the land use requirements it's very difficult to to not approve certain things all I'm saying is because there because this building is close to a school that a little bit more effort should be found to should be expended to find a better solution than putting tractor trailers on a hill that if somebody if a driver falls asleep or you know gets sick and passes that application was vetted to the Board of Education yeah Mr chairman I again I one of your ground rules was that things were repetitive that ien this is this is getting I should have cut you off Jack but I haven't spoken here and this is the first time and I haven't and the second meeting that I've been at nobody has talked about maybe finding a way to structure a deal and I understand there there are economic issues that have to be dealt with I'm I don't deny that all I'm saying is that sometimes there could be there should be an effort to maybe broker a deal between developers and maybe find a better solution than than putting a warehouse with giant trucks right next to a school thank you [Applause] try how are you [Music] all okay Kaye Macintosh 16 Allen Town Road I'm going and swear you with you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give it be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do name and address for the record please Hal McIntosh 16 Allentown Road New Jersey speak slowly please can you spell your first name k a y l e i g h y any you last Macintosh m a c k i n t o s h and address please 16 allent toown Road par New Jersey okay M MC you can go ahead okay so I came up with your solution all right the town is not happy you represent us and we're thankful for all you do because without you guys you wouldn't be propelling this town forward right you're the voices and you're the hearts behind us and we thank you honestly now if this comes down to a financial price point of Revenue you are not going to have Revenue like you believe you are coming in the next two years okay just before my way coming here Murphy Administration released a new it's here um a new climate change program for the immense amount of heat that we are feeling especially with the senior citizens climate is critical and sustainability is the initiative okay that is the future industrialization is not the future like you believe it is according to these reports right here and this is from industrialization is on a major decline I have all the reports from County from town I prepared the COA report and the Mount Laurel doctor I took a breakdown through analytics okay of all the area that is vacant and available for redevelopment in this County now I know that this probably doesn't have the most upto-date software that they use when you know assessing situations based on actual numbers and percentages and whatnot for Revenue but I do okay I have this I have access to this these are all factual numbers these are all relevant and these are all accurate and all this data comes from the government just so you know none of it is my own opinion and when I see from the Govern I mean like the government websites Epi blah blah blah this like I was saying chairman I again this a site plan application um I don't hear anything remotely relevant to the S site plan application goad so basically understand what you're saying okay so basically what you're looking at is with agreeing to this Warehouse a lot of finds a lot of higher property taxes for the people because of these finds like I started saying the carbon budget the carbon budget is something that we all have to look at with wide eyes okay it's our reality a warehouse violates the carbon budget now the vacant landspace and whatnot there are other initiatives that I don't believe that are being put into you know the pot of potential outcomes to um to come up with that other like carbon share auctions and whatnot Green Space is going to be the biggest commodity that there is okay now the decision was between senior housing and a warehouse I sat down and I worked really really hard dedicating everything to me and I actually found a way to have a higher Revenue profit than that of park across the street which was high stake and high investment to generate more revenue for the property owners and for the town okay this Warehouse if the application it was already approved we know that this was a bundled land purchase of multiple properties so therefore you guys are kind of locked in I know this but what we can do is we could all come to a happy medium about this decision a realistic happy medium and we could actually sit down and look at the real numbers the long-term numbers that you can see how this will affect with lawsuits when all the children start having health problems when you can see what the fines from the EPA are going to be and now the missions and whatnot there's better Solutions you just have to have the open mind and the understanding of what technology has propelled us with within the last you know couple years with analytics and whatnot okay so I just want to say thank you that's there and you know as a mother of an 8-year-old who goes to East Lake every day he goes to that school and he plays in the playground he has lymphoma yeah environmental Clause there's already a contaminated site the EPA recognizes right there on parip road the down the downward slope of the land caused runoff from that contaminated site now is that the cause of his lymphoma well I don't know nobody's going to know that because we don't have you know all God's answers right analytics doesn't go backwards like and solve that problem maybe one day soon enough it will but probability wise yeah it could be a major Contender now I have a household of two other people who have lung cancer at one point I was in moristown Memorial Hospital while atlan kth now and I had somebody watching my son while I was running between desic and another floor attending to my grandmother and my father both diagnosed within a month apart right after the Road on Allentown started being dug up and replaced because of the gas lines my grandmother up getting another form of carcinoma in her throat chromium 45 the emissions the particulate the air quality yes it's been said a million times before but I cannot stress to you enough this will have dire consequences this is not the place it's a high populated area the senior housing fulfills the co some of the COA needs and the M Laurel Doctrine I have a solution okay and that's all I want to say thank you so [Music] much oh and one more thing right here this is from the town this is a petition of all the people in the town so far we only just started this a few days ago um there's several hundred signatures of other people who believe that this is not a good idea I'm just going to cut you off with regard to petian because it's very particular and there actually is case law on we can't accept petitions because in order for you to voice an objection like everybody here you have to show up and be sworn in and be subject to subject to cross exam so I I'm just telling you what the case law says so I want you to be aware well again I I understand that but the board I'm going to instruct the that they cannot consider a petition simply because the people who signed that petition should have been here personally to view their their objections and the board can't just simply rely on a number of signatures they have to rely on specific objections that again everybody here tonight is particularly raising so I'm going to I'm not going to accept the petition actually what I will do is I'll accept the petition but I'm going to instru instruct the board not to consider the petition as holding any evidentiary weight whatsoever that's perfectly fine I agree to that um I just want to um I agree I just want it for the purpose of just putting in the back of your mind as a person I I can I'm going to cut you off I'm going to accept it as B16 sure but I'm going to instruct the board that they not cannot consider a petition as having any evidentiary weight whatsoever in their final decision making that's okay so do you want yeah please I'll take it please thank you very much you're welcome B16 for the record Council yes all right now we finished with those who have not presented before an objection now miss Peterson you had uh requested uh to come up and uh make a statement again and I know she's going to be heard but just for the record I want to renew my objection that this instruction from the chair was clear at the last meeting I believe uh thank you Council your objection is noted for the record Miss uh Peterson you did indicate that you wanted to make a clarification correct my based on your last testimony and that is the basis for your uh coming up again here thank you madam okay at the last now Madam you were swor in at the last meeting I I was swor at the last meeting you were still under oath I'm not going to rewear you when you were on the record as being under oath you're still under o just name and address Julia Peterson 25 Old ppy Road at the last hearing I testified about a particular council meeting and a tape that I said I didn't think existed anymore but it does exist so I was in error when I implied that it didn't exist and um I'm not even going to go into what it says or what it it is about I'm going to take that up with the council but it is indicative of why for all of us this was a total waste of time thank [Music] you all right I am going to allow a brief very brief further expansion for those of you who have spoken to us before if you have a minute's worth of presentation that You' like to make otherwise I'm going to cut you short Mr homc please limit your comments to one minute Mr uh Nicholas homc 26 on Avenue Paran yes Mr homc you were previously sworn at the last meeting you remain under oath understand that yes thank you um I would like to make this Council aware that none of these meetings should have even taken place until after June 18th 2024 I Haven in front of me and you said you have in your possession the highlands consistency report so I will bring your attention to page two of the report final planning docu documents must include all required design modifications and or provide other appropriate information as to the mechanisms by which all Highlands Council conditions will be satisfied to remain consistent the applicant must provide documentation to the highlands Council indicating that the specified conditions have been met they these modifications couldn't have possibly been what we saw they were before they they were conditions that needed to be modified so these meetings and in my opinion should be started all over again because what you were supposedly in a presence of experts and looking at and test and and and we were many questions were not answered we not what is required by the highlands consistency so we should be beginning all over again and right thank you very much that's your minute yep okay thank you thank [Music] you others who have addressed this before I have a one minute if you wish speak to us again this [Music] is my name is Elliot Ruger I'm the policy and communications director at the New Jersey Highlands Coalition my last name is Ru GA and I have and again Mr chair I I I object um Mr rugo um identified himself last time is working for the highlands Coalition he gave his address as the highlands Coalition um he should be represented by Council or that organization should be represented by Council I don't think it's appropriate for him to be here uh testifying uh on behalf of the Highlands Coalition that's a way to exclude people who can't afford counsel that's the counselor I don't know if that's law well what Authority do you have this is my position this is what I do personal position I'm I'm here as an individual if if that has I mean my job is to represent the2 organizations that are member of our Coalition I do that every day wherever I go hang on one second but I'm not a legal counil yes sir problem is is that there you have nothing to suggest that you speak with the authority of all of those people so to council's objection I'm going to agree you can speak as a private individual that you don't have any information or authority in writing they was provided to this board that you speak on behalf of the Highlands Coalition with the with that specific Authority so you can speak in your individual capacity as a private citizen of the state of New Jersey you understand that not as an employee who represents I'm not a legal representation okay you don't I cannot accept that you are are okay you represent the entire Coalition without something more than your oral presentation to that fact you stand okay you are not a licensed attorney you have not been hired by the coalition to represent the Coalition and you may be a member of the Coalition but like a member of I'm not a member of the Coalition I'm a paid staff member of the Coalition and this is this is what I do every day so let me give you an analogy if I was a member of a union I canot stand up at a public hearing and speak speak on behalf of a union without Express Authority written by the Union what if I was an executive of the Union I would still want the board to give that Authority I I can easily acquire that but it won't take a minute again you can speak now as a private citizen making representations based on the testimony you heard and your opinions based on the testimony you heard as an individual not as a member of the Highlands Coalition we cannot represent on behalf of the Coalition here tonight without Express written Authority can I bring that Express written Authority at a later date and you can back I have to deal with what's in front of me here okay okay so let's just get through this whatever terms Mr ruga now you did present testimony at the last meeting you were um sworn in at that last meeting remain under oath do you understand that yep okay Mr R and I am I am bringing different testimony I'm not being repetitive understood so uh if the uh chairman has any discretion I may go after a minute let's see how it goes um try to keep it to I will I will try to be as brief as I can and if I go over it won't be much longer um the idea behind a designation of an area in need of development is to try to attract new uh investment in an otherwise blighted area that you'd not been able to um um attract investment and however if you change the zoning merely for the benefit of the current property owner to do something they want to do that's not consistent with the existing zoning isn't that spot zoning and in in in your your um resolution where you created this Zone the purposes of the plan among other things were to design a non-residential development that minimizes the potential for impacts on residential areas and environment and historic resources now you we heard a lot of testimony today from residents and people who live in historic um properties that they are going to be impacted and you don't have to drive a truck over that Park to impact it there's a term of art called an area of potential effects it's defined in the in the in the federal um pres U preservation Act and the New Jersey historic preservation act and an AP is often larger than the project area because it can include indirect impacts for example increased noise or emissions or visual impacts to Historic properties and that can extend Way Beyond the actual boundary of that property okay thank you we've got and I I got one other thing to say why I why I question whether this is spot zoning because in um according to the New Jersey um election law commission database on February 17 2022 the ladex corporation made a 1,000 contribution to the mayor's reelection campaign and in March 21st 202 I have an objection this is this is Way Beyond we're just this is so far beyond the the the relevancy of a site plan application Mr chairman and and every time you give a rule respectfully take a lot they take a lots I I think this just needs to end this is this is getting this is getting to the Absurd and candidly is prejudicial to my client P purely with site plan at this point well I I have this on the record and uh there's the 2600 Mr chairman I I'm going continue to object this is ridiculous yep we you you've bet I've given you three minutes not one you're very generous Mr chairman thank you all right thank [Music] [Applause] you all right I think we've gone through everybody everybody's had a chance to speak you've you've spoken tonight oh we're we're kind of time Limited here now I guess we should just I want to make a Mr chairman can I are you ready for my closing I we're at 9:15 and I know there's board deliberation and um yes I'll wait to have something very brief Mary I just have one Highland letter okay hang on one second' maryi sorry Miss peki yeah just speak into the mic sure you previously sworn you're still on the roow okay yes okay okay this would be number condition six as required under the precip Troy Hills Highland reference ordinance ordinance number 20 2105 adopted April 21st 2021 amending submission requests for application for development no application for development may be considered by the township land use board until the project has been deemed consistent by the highlands Council the highlands Council seeks to ensure that any condition placed on the findings of the consistence are properly incorporated into local approval process and when such OB um projects are approved by the local board that all rent conditions have been addressed and I believe that would have to be to the highlands in writing and I also question condition number five the one that has uh similar the applicant proposed 23 loading spaces 15 more required by local ordinance I was wondering wouldn't that then require a zone of a variance the answer obviously is no and this ground has been covered through testimony this ground has been covered through testimony and this is not this is an opportunity for public uh comment this is not a Q&A of of witnesses whether it be through Town's professionals or our professionals and this is issue was addressed at length there was I mean everything was deemed complete before every and a and a and a written notice gone to um Mary I forgot what the last name was chair I okay and the other thing of it is is I don't understand when this application on um March I think it was the 19th um was filed in the the board office of the of the it was stamped Board of adjustment and now here we are both the application and the everything was stamped Board of adjustment and that's why I always thought to myself why wasn't it stamped planning board and if it went to the wrong place it should have been resubmitted that was my error simply my error that's it y now there was one more person that had a a statement to make this is time com I have not been presting before so Madam please raise your right hand do you swear affirm the testimony about give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so be do yes I name and address for the record please spell your name um L VA a last name s h a 69 allent Town Road par Ben name say the address again I'm sorry 69 Allen Town Road okay M go ahead my two biggest concerns I'm actually speaking on behalf of the community who has has not even yet come in you can't speak on behalf of anybody but yourself okay the applicant has used Park 's data for traffic scenario and I cannot talk in behalf or I cannot say anything about Park you no you community you can but you have you have to present it as if it were your own you cannot read somebody else's statement you cannot present on behave of anybody else but yourself all I'm going to say that the the residents of Park you children will be going to e East Lake they will be crossing the road that will have trucks every 15 minutes now either parents has to drive them and add extra 10 minutes to their commute or they in a good weather they'll be walking them across do they have to be concerned about these trucks not uh is that something VI enough to do no obviously not there is a large community that lives below allent toown road down uh I mean sorry below Paran Road I don't know the exact number but if I have to guesstimate it's over 10,000 household or houses they all come up to parip road to take many other roads uh to go to work to go to school and uh and many other reason so you are inconveniencing all those household just for economic development I am for an economic growth for in Paran I've been living in Paran for over 25 years and at 69 Allen Town Road for past 20 some years I've seen Paran grow there are many sides where uh we can dip into for economic growth this 2030 sorry if I'm saying it wrong 2030 lenex Plaza site is absolutely not the the side to collect more taxes it can be used for something else I just I have been part of this process before Redevelopment process and you the the the members board members have favored me very very well I am just asking you request behalf of everybody who's sitting behind me if I call out who's opposing everyone of them will raise their hand and I hope you ask at the end of this proceeding to everyone who's sitting in the audience who is opposing and who is favoring I bet you my bottom dollar here no one in the audience will say I'm in favor of it and so I'm requesting all of you humanly possible please consider children's safety children's health communities heal elderly there are so many elderly who lives whove been living 50 some years 30 some years I bought a house from a 90 plus year old uh resident and I'm sure all of these residents will be living another 40 some years I want to live here 40 more years but not under this circumstance ances where I have to every two second think oh is the truck going to come down by my house because the truck decides that there is so much traffic on toip road let me cut through Allen Town Road guess what there's not enough space and now the truck hits the subway truck hits the very first house and then comes down and it's a very very bad Hill coming down the Allentown Road I don't know who's driven on allent toown road it's the most driven drove in the lake pip area everybody uses the Allentown Road to go outside the same thing is going to happen with the trucks because right by marur Road the trucks can access 287 truck can access ad is and me many other major highways I really really uh request all of you in Finale I don't know if anybody's left to speak about but if you if you want want everyone to come up because you're denying the petition and if you're saying the person has to be here to say I oppose I hope you give us all here a chance to come up here and say I oppose I oppose for this Redevelopment at this side thank [Applause] you thank you for speaking um any other members of the public who wish to speak at this time that haven't or yes y do you swear from the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the true s you God name and address please please spell your name l e l n commo c a a m n o address uh one Hamilton Ro go ahead M Comm I just I just want to say um I've U my husband and I and our three children have been in Paran for 32 years and it's just so shocking to me and such a nightmare this whole discussion this to me is like a a no-brainer I can't I can't imagine any anybody with any sanity or with a heart that can even in their Wildest Dreams imagine a trucking Warehouse 24/7 so close to children it's it's so sickening and shocking and um I'm so sorry that that this is what it has come to in beautiful Lake [Music] paron um that's all I have to [Applause] say you do you swear firm a testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth so help you God yes I do name address for the record Irena i r y n a k l ym last name 129 marur Road k a l y m m like Mary kayin mm ARA Kin I'm sorry on your address again 129 marur Road go ahead M K what I want to say that I'm against this ware house I think it's that the worst decision that can can be made because our nice sleeping area H we all hardworking people and we all deserve like after weekends we want to sit like on our backyards we want to walk around the lake in a nice quiet Zone you know not in the commercial one uh all these trucks they they will add huge traffic to foron Road and uh I'm not talking about truck and trailers they use local rades even if it's signed they cannot use but still they driving through those roads um small cars they will use Road around around around Lake they will use that road to escape the traffic and we don't have sidewalks around our nice Lake and all people know that in the morning in the evening a lot of people they walk around Lake but we don't have this sidewalk how about the traffic will be on a pipon road and around the lake road will be busy too because of of the traffic on the pon road so please think about our safety think about our people our children's we against this warehouse thank [Applause] you do you swear from the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but truth so help you go I do name and address for the record please Nicole frany n i o f r a NZ E I spell your last name again I'm sorry f r a n z e and address 251 Madison mod Lake pany go ahead Mr Fran um like a lot of other people here I grew up in parsipany um I was a planning professional in New York for 27 years and ran my own department for 16 I became a planner because of the out ofc control development that happened in the 80s in parsipany with this explosion of corporate parks with no understanding of what would happen in the future because even at the time they were constructed they were vacant so now L precipi being hemmed in three different sides with warehouses [Music] traffic cuts through par Lake pipan all of the time it has a very very direct effect on our life I see that the town is in a bad position in terms of Redevelopment and I understand that but the idea that you're making zoning changes for specific projects is unacceptable none of my planning boards ever would have done that none of my town boards ever would have done that without considering the impacts at the time you're making making the changes instead of having hearings years later if you want to get out onto pcip Road or if you want to get out onto H like come from Hy to the other side you have to go where there's a light or you can't get out people cut through from the corporate Park there's no detriment there's nothing stopping these trucks from traveling through Lake prity nothing have you ever considered conditions no 24/7 you can only 12 hours or 8 hours or 9 hours significant buffer areas between the school and this facility dampening for their brakes because where I live all I hear is traffic in the middle of the night you know not everybody's up between 900 and 5 some people work third shift people's lives are 24/7 now if you're outside at 2 in the morning you hear air brakes now you're going to have that adjacent to a residential neighbor because they're going down a hill what are you going to do about that have you thought about challenging the applicant master plan has goals and your job is to make sure there's free and good traffic in the community you're supposed to look after our safety and Welfare you're supposed to protect our historic resources and the idea that you're going to have this amount of truck traffic 24/7 immediately adjacent to that site My Girl Scout Troop went up there and we learned about gardening we learned about a lot of things outside how are you supposed to do that without amount of truck traffic going through plus the addition of the residential traffic that's going to be across the street on that on the other side there is no way to walk on that road and you know that and you're channeling kids if you didn't have this there people could come you could have had people cross at the light go down that road and access the school that way but now they're not going to be able to do that this is unsafe it's incompatible land use for that area and you all know it and if you're afraid of getting sued I don't care I'd rather pay more taxes and finally stand up to the horrible development that has happened in this community I really would cuz this isn't helping me my mother lived here and she died here and she would come to these hearings over and over to try to stop what you were doing and you never listened are you ever going to listen to what we want I mean lake pipany is being it's just being turned into something it shouldn't you're turning down small Cottages putting up these big huge houses that are looming of over other houses the point of Planning and Zoning is to safeguard our community I urge you to reread the goals that are in our master plan and see if your decision is compatible with that those goals cuz I didn't work on the master plan just for the fun of it my mother was dying and I took time out to read those goals to make sure that they would hopefully provide some kind of guide to you about how you're supposed to make these decisions thank [Music] [Applause] you anyone else hearing and seeing none this ends the public portion of tonight's meeting counselor thank you uh Mr chairman first of all Miss canc read it me yeah no a Char okay um first of all I I was not laughing at you no I my no my client gestured and I want to uh first of all um he was he was right over there he was gesturing to me so I I don't want you to feel like there was you know anybody laughing at you or laughing at anybody else so I I wanted to say that this is our town I I understand that I want to say I understand and I live here too but I just want no but I live in pity and I just wanted to make sure that you understood that okay um Mr chairman on behalf of the applicant and the professional team we want to thank the board um each and every member for your time and attention attention to this application uh you're well informed ask probative questions uh and in our view probably made the application better this has been a long and multi-tiered process public process under the New Jersey Redevelopment law it began with the mayor and Council recognizing that vacant Office Buildings are a blight unpre and do not contribute in any way towards the public good the mayor and Council recognized that zoning alone could not and would not fix the problem as it Rel to this site and candidly the market responded with two uses multif family residential and Warehouse use it would be a warehouse use that actually serves the local community it's not a distribution center for a region um the policy makers decided on the latter the Town Council and we have worked with them and the board and the board's professionals and the town's professionals to create this project um the board recommended that the subject area be declared in need of Redevelopment the board determined that the Redevelopment plan which creates the new Zoning for this property was not inconsistent with master plan and the Redevelopment plan was unanimously approved by the township Council and that's how this process is supposed to work it's supposed to work with the redeveloper and the township working together in a collaborative way to create a plan that benefits both prior to the commencement of the public hearings we met with representatives of the board of Education part try funeral home and the Petersons um this application commenced on May 20th was carried to June 3rd where at no testimony was heard then carried to June 10th and then July 8th and finally this evening you have heard testimony from two civil engineers from langon Dan Miola on May 20th and John cot on June 10th Mr Cot the primary project engineer was unable to attend the May 20th hearing due to a family medical emergency on May 20th Mr miolo provided testimony regarding the project he emphasized that this project would provide a community environmental benefit especially for those south of the property including lake precion with respect to the environment because the property in its redeveloped state will capture and treat groundwater in accordance with the latest NJ rules and regulations so that there would be a direct benefit to the lake as a result of this proess also on May 20th you heard testimony from the applicant sound expert Mr Muer his testimony was that the state and local noise requirements will be met significantly the applicant is not seeking any relief with regard to noise and the applicant understands that as a condition of approval that the applicant will have an ongoing obligation to comply with those noise regulations on June 10th the board heard a testimony from Mr Cody regarding four issues one was the reasons for why the project is designed the way it is two was the sidewalks in pcip Road Three was the water tank and pump house and four was the turning radius with regard to the sidewalk it must be pointed out that pran road is a County Road and as such this board does not have jurisdiction over a County Road and doesn't have the jurisdiction to require a sidewalk that said the applicant understands this board desire to create uh pedest pedestrian connectivity in precip and therefore the application has no the applicant has no objection to either installing a sidewalk or providing the funding for the township to install the sidewalk as a condition of approval provided that Morris County approves same with regard to the turning radius um your board engineer wanted some widening of the turning radius again we will work with him in the county to provide uh to further that objective and to widen that right turn as much as we can uh to the extent that there is any property that's deed restricted over there I don't know whether it is or it isn't I'm advised that there's not here that all of this is within the public right away obviously that will be looked at um but we'll get as wide of a of a turn there as the county will permit uh I can represent to the board that Mr Cody has spoken with the county and Morris County is immutable to working with us to widen that turn and to create the sidewalk um we just want to know what the board would like to see with regard to a sidewalk we'll agree with it working with the county as a condition of approval regarding the water tank and the pump house Mr Cody testified that the same are needed because the existing water supply does not support the current fire suppression need the applicant has agreed as a condition of approval that it will meet with the Paran water department to see if an enhanced connection can be established at the site at a cost consistent with the cost of the tank and the pump house if so the applicant will either uh provide uh the work for that connection or fund it if the cost of such connection exceeds the cost of the tank in the pump house and the township determines that it wants to enhance the system as a whole we talked about that um then the applicant will contribute to the cost of such enhanced connection um to the project in amount equal to what the applicant would have paid for the uh tank and the pump house um again those would be conditions of approval on June 10th the board also heard testimony from Project architect Kyle fer regarding the building design and Alan loan regarding traffic we had Mr rothan back on July 8th uh to answer questions relevant to the application which were not previously asked uh and while we do want to be differential to residents on traffic issues again I can't say this enough but this is a County Road this is not a road on which the board has jurisdiction this is a County Road um and the testimony was that as a County Road this road is intended to provide among other things trucks to access Route 287 that is what this road is intended to do and that is the uh testimony of uh the traffic testimon of the engineer which is uncontroverted by any expert in this uh application um moreover New Jersey Law is clear even if it were a municipal road that um an application for permitted use cannot be legally denied on the basis of traffic volume uh alone and I site to the Dunkin Donut's case which is actually an appal division case is a well-known case it is relied on and has been relied on since the mid 1980s um by uh boards all across the state because that is the wellestablished law in the state of New Jersey uh and again the use here was unanimously approved by the council uh as the board is aware because Paran opted into the highlands which u i Bel believe was and I think tonight was confirmed occurred at the very very end of the prior Administration there is a need for Highlands consistency we received a letter from the highlands Council J dat of June 18th where in consistency was determined subject to six conditions I think I said five the last time I was mistaken it was six um I discussed those conditions with the applicant and we responded to the highlands Council by letter dated uh June 28th our letter indicated that the applicant was agreeable to five of the six conditions condition number five being objectionable and as the board recall that was the condition that wanted to limit the number of bays and the number of parking spaces um the Highland Council then sent a confirming email which rescinded its objection to the number of bays and with regard to the parking it was agreed that the minimum amount of parking would be provided the balance of the parking would be banked uh without need to come back to the board or the highlands it could be constructed and utilized uh as tenant demand required but in the initial instance um we would not be providing that parking and we will agree obviously to to those uh items as conditions of approval as well um lastly the board heard testimony on July 8th from the applicants planner rer ffield regarding the the deviations uh requested by the applicant none of which were discussed by any members of the public uh tonight tonight suffice to say we believe that the record clearly establishes the basis for those deviations on July 8th public comment commenced um is clear that those opposed to the application simply oppose the use uh respectfully I submit that it is not the board's place or jurisdiction to determine what the use should or should not be uh the use is the province of the township Council and the township Council unanimously determined this use to be permitted at this location uh again we met privately with Peterson's before submitting this application Miss Peterson admitted at the July 8th hearing under cross-examination that while she she did not support a warehouse that this was a good plan Mr kot testified that this plan is the one the very one that was presented to the Board of Education the Peterson Peterson's and the Paro Funeral Home all of whom we met with on the same day prior to the commencement of the hearings um the applicant again renews objections to Mr rug's testimony and his participation in the proceeding he identified himself as the Director of policy of the Highland Coalition and gave his Highlands Coalition address he's not a lawyer so to preserve the record we request that his testimony be stricken from the record um moreover Mr ruger's attempt to practice law on behalf of the Highland Coalition was also improper which is why the law requires organizations such as the highlands coalition to be represented by Council uh and I do want to point out that there was reference made um I'll get to that Mr Cody indicated and I will reiterate because I was there that the applicant met with representatives of the Highland Council right here in town hall prior to this application being filed and the Highland's Council indicat that based upon the nature of this site the consistency determination would be forthcoming and they had no objection to our filing the application as to the outrageous allegations made by Mr riger that these meetings are illegal I want to make three points um one this again this is why the law requires organizations to be represented by an attorney of which he is not two we proceeded with this uh application in tandem with the highlands Council and I think the uh correspondence back and forth shows this in my letter I indicated we were getting to the uh last hearing and number three Mr Ruger just couldn't be more wrong on the law so brought here tonight uh the 2024 edition of the New Jersey zoning and land use Administration the Cox book we land use lawyers kind of use it as a authority of sorts on things and I just want to read very quickly from page 205 which is section 14- 3.2 because Mr ruger's assertion and we heard it again from Mr homyak was that the board was improper by hearing this application because it shouldn't have been deemed complete in Cox it should be noted that a board might decide to proceed to heal a matter even where the application isn't complete allowing an applicant to supply certain required information at a later stage of the proceedings in no sense is the filing of a complete application a jurisdictional prerequisite to board action as is the case in the giving of statutory notice again the complete application provision of is is of importance only with respect to the starting of the clock this board acted entirely appropriately and we acted in tandem with the highlands Council and assertions to the contrary are just plain wrong um Mr chairman my client has been working with the township um well before I say that I I I also want to say that I understand and appreciate the comments that have been made by folks that have come up here um obviously they have very strong opinions and we all have to respect them um but we also have a process and it's difficult when you have areas where there are a mixture of things going on uses folks who've been here traffic Etc but the reality is here that we went through a very long public process that included multiple steps of public hearings before this board before the Town Council Etc um and so this is really an as of right uh application again I have a client and that's that is I think true um I just want to say Mr chairman that my client has been working with the township um and its various Department in the like including this board to repurpose this vacant office building um which parsipany has determined as a blight on this community uh and we look forward to working continuing our work with the board and with the township uh in furtherance of in that regard and uh we thank the board for your time and attention and we just ask that the board uh here follow the law which is pretty clear uh and approve this application thank you okay this closes the evidentiary portion of tonight's hearing I think we should take a five minute [Music] break so 5 minute breaking board for Monday July 22nd is reconvening uh nor would you call the role please mayor Barbaro Mr D Mr diero Mr M Mr Napolitano here Mr Shaw yeah St here chairman here all right uh we have ended the evidentiary portion of tonight's meeting I'm going to ask the board if they would like to move to go into conference to discuss what we've heard here or if they would like to move a motion can we make a comment Mr chairman yes absolutely if you will because of the proximity of this application to East Lake School and to the part try funeral home there's no way that I can support this application other comments by members of the I have a lot uh just want to say this been our fifth meeting I believe uh project Engineers they testified that everything will be done to make sure that there be no contamination Le poron uh we heard from a sound engineer that testified that sound will uh be deflected and no I mean no walls are perfect we get that we here Route 80 all day long 287 uh I need some serious clarification because was the Board of Education notified and were they met with and if they were not no one from them came up and object to any question they didn't question any witness they didn't make any concerns today so I I believe that they were notified and they have the with this project so I'm going to go up my gut there and say that they they knew about it and they said everything's fine so but I heard some yelling before in the back that maybe that wasn't true was were they met with yeah they were met with okay thank you uh uh and the council also voted unanimously to make this a warehouse project but I still have to go with uh my own thoughts my own feelings uh and children's safety is always number one for me yes there are sidewalks I assume we're going to have more crossing guards because many kids are going to come from Park uh Park Q or Park whatever they call it uh and have to walk till East Lake it's within one mile I believe if you're less than a mile you have to walk there's no Transportation uh I do believe that we'll make sure they are safe I know there's some concerned about the air quality in the area uh but my gut is telling me about knowing this so that's where I'll going all right other members of the board have commentary on this yes I do um a lot of questions were directed at me tonight with regards to this application um pipany is in a um very uh tough situation and I I and I made those comments and I contined to make them with regards now I will say yes the school board was met with Public Safety will will be dealt with questions were asked about uh the police department um just so you know that when I came back as mayor we were down to 81 Deployable police officers now we're up to 99 Deployable police officers so we have really um have really directed uh Public Safety with regards to the young boy being um killed I was there and it was really disheartening um we are we've beefed up prior to that we beefed up the public safety process here in the town we're going to continue to do that I will be meeting with the county Representatives that's a County Road Littleton Road and pony road is also a County Road um I already contacted the state so we're going to have a meeting on Public Safety here in the township now here's the Dilemma that we have in the township number one these projects that have become to us are either going to be one of two things industrial commercial or residential precipi is carrying over right now 463 affordable housing units into the next round okay the next round so that means if you times that by four that's how many units we're going to have to build round four is coming in January of 2025 at the end of the year we're going to probably get hit with another 1,000 um affordable housing units with regards and the really high density housing it's more you know like I said I'm going to affordable housing administrator it's not all that easy but it's going to impact the community um uh at large very now the the the woman that was here before the planner when it comes to affordable housing and it comes to any type of housing one thing you cannot use is offside traffic uh we learned that with Park we learned that with landex that we cannot deny a Project based on traffic that's offsite and what is offsite Pacific Road Paci many roads and offsite and we cannot deny any application when it comes to affordable housing okay so now the Dilemma is this what will happen to 30 land index me in my opinion I've been doing this for a while I've seen it in other towns where I was an administrator that's going to be four or five story building of housing that's my opinion um and that would be detrimental to the town as well and to the school system because as you as as Miss as you said with regards to the pilot programs one thing the pilot programs does is that we get to keep commercial properties here and we we can distract any type of housing units let's talk about the 19 right now we have 19 vacant office spaces in Pary we're going to be going probably to 25 vacant office spaces in Pary 25 so that shift and the burden you're going to see 70% of your taxes are going to come for residents and 30% are going to come from commercial well this is why things like warehousing uh we got Lifetime Fitness we have U Top offl these are the things that drive away the housing um portion of it okay now you talked about Public Safety on the road um with the warehouse of course we're going to Beef It Up we're not going to allow any any trucks on Allen toown Road we're not going to allow any of that now can we be there 24/7 no you can't be there 24/7 okay so I'm in favor of this project only for those reasons one we don't want to see any more housing in the township we're going to see it we're not going to stop it we're just not going to but we can reduce it as much as we can um I make a commitment of Public Safety I always have we'll talk about our fire departments uh as Mrs theold said with regards to the volunteers well Vol no one's volunteering anymore to begin with and and that's a shame I wish uh the fact of matter that more people would volunteer for our ambulance for our fire districts and stuff like that it's not an easy decision but it's a decision that in my opinion that we have to either Punt and then come for the next round and then you know what's going to happen What happen right now you you're looking at phase one atlantex across the street Phase 2 is coming and when phase two come it's going to it's going to congest the area even more so I hope I answer also of the questions and if not please call my office and I'll answer more about thank I I just stated my opinion you gave me your opinions um do I have to like it no it's not it's not an easy decision it truly isn't an easy decision to make but if you think that a four or five story building with 300 cars is not a lot that's going to be a lot as well so and the public safety we I will and believe me our Police Department is tops I can tell you the L 7 residents on Kingston Road they contacted me saying thank you thank you more tickets are being handed out a lot of Resident lot of residents are getting tickets if you want if you're going to speed on our roads I'm telling you right now you're going to get a ticket if you're texting you're going to get a ticket uh enforcement enforcement enforcement signs do nothing we're going to enforce and we're going to hire more police officers others members of the board have comments on this at this time hearing and seeing none from them I I am going to have to uh state that I agree with the mayor I think that the state is responsible for our having to put this here I think that the requirements of affordable housing the requirements ments that are put on us by outside agencies make it very difficult to have home rule once upon a time we had home rule that's changed we don't have that anymore we have to meet the standards of the state and sometimes they give us a little bit of flexibility as to what we do so all of this development all of it has been through both Republic and Democratic administrations so it is not something that we can do anything other than to try to ride rather than trying to stop we can't stop it this is the one thing we can do is we can try to deflect it with other options the the witnesses presented showed that the number even though we talk about 247 truck traffic much of that is attenuated by the fact that this is meant not to be a major distribution warehouse but a local use Warehouse so that the traffic will not be continuous and all the time it will be occasional it's just that they are available to do it 247 so I am I am going to vote in favor of this because I do not see any way that what would come about wouldn't be worse so and if I can add chairman with regards to the number of units you're looking at 6,000 more units in parcion at the end of 2025 um that's a lot of units that's a lot of population increase that's a lot of traffic and it's something that we're trying to avoid we're trying to take as many properties as we can off the rolls for any type of um high density housing um and this is one of them and there's other ones um I don't have the luxury to say I'm coming up here as a private citizen I'm the mayor 247 that's how people look at it I would I I don't know how any other board in the town can actually even say that but I can't do that I have to come here as the mayor I have to come here 24/7 and that's what I have to do and I also have to be candidate and of front and honest with you and that's exactly what I'm doing I mean the fact is that do I want to see anything else built in Pary absolutely not I don't I grew up here I want to high school with you and we graduated together I don't want to I don't want to see all this building going up but the chairman said it the word you really need to understand mandated the state mandates this we have no control and when the planner here said uh you know well just Sue you're suing the courts you're not just suing you're suing this new Jersey state supreme court who makes the decision on affordable housing so how do you sue somebody that makes the decision okay that's difficult for us I've met with many mayors um and we are thinking of suing I have no clue where it's going to get us I have no clue whatsoever but we're trying to get a delay maybe maybe we get a reduction in the number of units that are going to be piled here in pipany but you're not just talking about pory Road you're talking about 202 you Littleton row you're talking about everywhere in this town that is going to have vacant office space and I'm going to name two vacant office spaces right now one is Windam Hotels that's going to be vacant DSM on 45 Waterview Plaza those are huge pieces of property okay that's going to be air marked unless we do something unless we meet with a developer unless we say now a lot of people say well why don't we put this here why don't we put that there you know what I thought the same thing but guess what we don't own the property I have no clue who bought the property on 30 landed deex that was sold from somebody okay somebody sold that property to make a profit now we don't own any of these properties and I'll give you one example is Waterview we tried to purchase Waterview for 75 million and then the Supreme Court on on March 10th 2015 came out to affordable housing rules that property went to 7.5 million in value to 20 $25 million in value that's what that's that's the way things are going right now and I have to tell you uh Lake poran is the area that I grew up in there I mean they're just converting houses into these big units okay you can't stop it they meet the requirements they meet all the requirements here in the township the problem is we don't like what's going on but we have to make a decision we have to make a decision that's best for the township and it's either you're going to have a five or six story building not just the you're looking in all this entire town we are trying to do everything we can the council the administration to try to avoid all the housing in the township um because it's going to eventually when you have 6,000 units even with the rutar study you're looking at probably 500 students and I'm going low extra students and all of a sudden it just keeps going up up and up well this by doing we're doing here that is not going to happen there's going to be no housing there no no anything like that and believe me when I tell you if the truck goes on that road you call my office we will come down there we will handle it we will take care of it you cannot had all you want that's fine uh cuz I get it I'm only being candid with you I'm only being honest with you the fact is that we are going to we have poed up our Police Department we're going to beep it up more we should be we we should be at probably close to 110 police officers that's what our ordinance calls for we're not we were down to 81 now we're beefing it up so thank you chairman all right where are there any other members of the board have comments at this time is there somebody willing to make a movement on a res resolution at this time I'll make a motion for application 24 colon 506 2030 ladex urban renewal loc 20-30 ladex Plaza West block 226 colon uh three I'm sorry lots colon 3 and 3.2 Zone colon rol preliminary and final major site plan major sewing mover permit for construction of Warehouse with office space Loading Docks Drive-In ramps trash compactor Bay and parking uh motion to approve do I have a second all second sure should we list the requirements yeah all the about what are all the so the condition is the sidewalk installation um subject to County Council I would suggest maybe an if and when agreement subject to the county approval um but it also depends on um the timing of it rather just construct it as part of the application if the county gives it to go ahead but that's one of the conditions that's fine we're we're we just want to know what you want and up the county with it together okay um the pump house um you will meet with the uh Township Water Commission to determine its um feasibility to connect to the main if the cost is greater than what you're willing to construct a pump house for you'll make a contribution equal to the cost of the pump house so that the town can install an upgrade to the water main in that area uh you'll comply or work with the county for the truck turning uh template uh turning radius adjusting the curb line uh within the public right away and you'll work with the engineer to try to achieve the maximum turning radius allowable and that will be at the county direction as well um comply with the noise regulations and any other open items in Mr kiano's report that are have not been addressed I'll kind of leave it as a general comment yeah I think everything else we I think we were okay with everything else that was in the report correct so be Andrew unless there's anything you recall that's hanging out there I I think we've kind of letter those were the big ticket items uh that would just be a catch up provision um and then the requirements of the soil moving application pre-con meeting and and the like the the only other condition is the uh uh with regard to the highlands the highlands that um we we would um we would be doing banked parking in accordance I mean for right now purposes in accordance with the correspondence between uh my office and the highlands basically my letter of of uh June 28th which the highlands responded back said was acceptable to them so that that would be another condition that's all I have Mr chairman okay any other uh conditions that anybody can remember no I don't remember any either Nora would you call the role please orario yes the yes Deo yes mey no napalitano no Shaw yes stanel yes Dinsmore yes thank you very much Mr chairman and members of the board appreciate your time as always okay thank you all for participating I think we learned a lot and we knew we came to a result is very satisfying but at the same time motion to adjourn Mr chairman do I hear a second second all