##VIDEO ID:M5NZQJlb6KM## Council agenda Township of precip Troy Hills Township Council agenda meeting of August 6 2024 introduction posting of notice adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings law by filing notice in the office of the Township Clerk and by posting the meeting notice on the Buon board at the municipal building on December 20th 2023 where it has remained posted since that date a legal notice appeared in the daily record in the New York Star Ledger on December 26 2023 may I ask everybody to please rise for the flag salute pled Al to flag United States of America [Music] stands all okay uh roll call M Hernandez here Mr McGrath here Mr Mella here Mr neglia here Mr Ki here also in attendance are mayor James Barbaro this administrator Jamie cryan uh Township attorney Michael Lavery and mpal clerk Leed Madden council president we have a quorum may I begin yes please okay upcoming meetings August 20th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. is the regular meeting September 10th 2024 at 7: p.m. is the agenda meeting at this time I would like the council and administration to please review ordinances for second reading numbers 1 through three before we go on to ordinance number four [Music] seeing that there are no questions we're going to go ahead and move on to ordinance number four which is up for a vote today ordinance 20241 ordinance of the township Council the township pacify Troy Hills County of moris state of New Jersey amending chapter 205 Highlands Regional master plan of the code of the township ppy Troy Hills the notice for this ordinance 202 2411 was published in a daily record of the official newspaper of the township of ppy Troy Hills on July 1st 2024 introduced at the June 25th regular meeting motion to accept ordinance 2024 11 be heard in the in the second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr McGrath roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes motion passes uh public hearing motion to open up the public hearing for ordinance 20241 motion second second motion made by M Hernandez second by Mr grath roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes the floor is open to the public on this ordinance only you have five minutes to speak kiany uh I'm going to thank you in advance for passing this ordinance uh I thought for a while this was never going to happen that this was become a Flying Dutchman of of ordinances that it was going to circle in The Ether forever you know and never be passed but uh I hope everybody got all their information that they needed and we're all set to go even if we have a power failure we're going to pass this ordinance right thank you very much we have a generator Nick HC Lake highw I'd also like to thank everyone for putting it back uh on the agenda and uh if I may uh uh remind people in August of 2004 which will be Saturday August the 10th the highlands water protection and planning Act was written into law after it was passed overwhelmingly by partisan on June the 10th of the same year so what the Highland for can Highlands conformance consistency actually does if if you're familiar with it it actually makes home rule even stronger uh without an actual environmental commission or commission members that sit on planning and zoning boards from my experience and I mean this as a a corrective criticism a lot of the members lacking ecological uh knowledge and some of these develop developers when they say these bizarre things like we're going to make it better the rain's going to come off the roof of the warehouse it's going to go into this uh drain and the Lake's going to get cleaner or we're going to take all the trees all the soil all the vegetation and we're going to make it better and they test ify as experts to this not as ecologists but as developers landscapers but I remember asking one uh developer's client can you give me an example of ecological Services he didn't know what I was talking about so uh it's a good thing and uh here I'll give you an example this is a basic ecology ecosystem service Services Replacements may only provide a fraction of the services Pro provided by the highly functional natural systems the ecological Services trees retain water they sequester carbon um what else can I say here uh all right uh but you get the idea we're 100% in the planning area we have nothing to lose if a developer comes and he's telling you what to do with your master plan hopefully those days are over so the highlands consistency should work out to be the most positive thing that happened to precip since cream cheese and and I'll leave it at that so thank you very much I see no one else hold on are you here to speak on the ordinance ma'am the highlands ordinance or no okay so this is for the Highland ordinance it's okay we're going to have a public session and you'll be able to speak not a problem okay uh seeing no one else for this specific ordinance uh I'd like to motion to close the public hearing please motion second motion made by M Hernandez seconded by Mr Negley a roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr um Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes okay the floor is closed whereas the above ordinance was read in title on second reading and a hearing held thereon now therefore be it resolved that set ordinance be passed on Final reading the notice of final passage of set ordinance be published in newspaper according to law can I get a motion to approve the above resolution for ordinance 20241 please motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr mcrath yes Mr Mel yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes okay uh motion passes um okay at this time uh I'd like to entertain a motion to open up the public session please motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call M Hernandez yes m Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr Nea Mr kifi yes okay now the floor is open to the public you can speak on any matter and you have 5 minutes to speak please just sign in before and you just have to state your name you do not have to State your address for the record uh Nancy Brighton uh speaking on behalf for the historic preservation advisory committee uh with a request for the council to uh pass a resolution in support of Revolution New Jersey uh that will allow the historical societies the parpan historical and preservation society as well as the mount Taber historical society and the committee to participate in the state's Revolution New Jersey commemorative activities of the 250th anniversary of the uh Declaration of Independence in 2026 the state of New Jersey is joining the national effort and has created Revolution New Jersey and it's asking municipalities and historical societies and historic organizations to support the effort and so they request that municipalities pass a resolution they will be recognized on uh the revolution New Jersey web page and all social media and that enables the historical societies to take part in the Statewide activities as well as benefit from collaboration on events and uh actually in media as well so I have copies of the template that the the revolution New Jersey committee has a template so the committee put a template together for you it can be revised however you need it to be to to say whatever the township requires on the top there is sort of a fact sheet that goes into what Revolution New Jersey is as well as the whole 250th anniversary the historical societies have already started uh working with the Mars County Historical societies to coordinate on the types of subject matter events and different things for um everybody's knowledge that parcion has uh a revolutionary war passed uh in the cemetery there's at least two two dozen individuals uh buried there who took part in in some fashion in the American Revolution as well as having a number of historic structures um and historic uh we all know the Livingston Benedict house was the place where William uh Livingston um hid out during the American Revolution so we're looking for support from the council to enable the historical societies to participate fully in this this commemoration thank you thank you [Music] good evening everyone my name is Sean estorga I'm a parip resident uh my wife and I anticipated a presentation tonight about the Cannabis ordinance ordinance in Paran and we don't see it on the agenda as you all know we have been advocating for this issue for nearly two years when we proposed changing the ordinance to allow classified retailers in town dispensaries in town there were zero adult use dispensaries in Morris County and we now have four near us two in Rockaway burrow one in Rockaway township and the most recent just opened in bhen my wife and I attended the grand opening in bhen on July 27th and ran into several parcion residents who were happy to have a dispensary that is conveniently located during our regular attendance at the economic development committee meetings here in town we have frequently discussed the benefits of establishing a dispensary within parsipany the mayor and chief of police from Rockway burrow came in and discussed their Town's experience since opening the first dispensary in Morris County and only had positive things to say about its impact on the local community some of some of you all were in attendance our Council meetings consistently address the need to fill vacant properties enhance property and land tax revenue and diversify the our Revenue sources to alleviate the tax burden our residents introducing a cannabis dispensary is in line with addressing these needs as there's a 2% Municipal tax on all revenues our residents are currently traveling outside Paran to purchase cannabis products effectively diverting these tax dollars to surrounding municipalities what is the defin definitive timeline for the Cannabis presentation and amending the ordinance in parip thank you good night when I do my report report on the Cannabis hi everyone hello everybody um real quick no fancy speeches or anything I know a lot of you guys have political connections with state state senators State Assembly people uh Federal Senators Federal assembly people though the amendment that I'm asking for it already passed the assembly but hopefully it'll pass the US Senate if you have pencils handy I don't know if you can do it it's HR 8998 it's to prevent the Delaware River uh Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area from becoming a federal Park they're trying to keep it the way it is is I know a lot of precip residents go up there in fact I found somebody's license up there it actually lived in town and I work at the store we called the person up and said hey we found your license in the woods anyway if you could possibly um this is for the U US Senate it's that's their bill now for the state senate there's another bill it's a133 and the second bill is Sr 93 that's also to prevent it from becoming a national park that's the first thing second thing uh I was going to ask is well we'll make that the third question um I have a tree in my front yard I've called the township about it they said too close to the power lines OSHA violation they had natural gas come out they trimmed it no problem but there's a lot of dead branches there my neighbors have actually called up Township and I'm not an arborist they're not arborists there's a lot of kids that walk down my street to go to school one of those branches has to be close to 1,000 lbs and if it falls on the power lines it's going to wipe out the whole neighborhood's power grid for God knows you know how long it's going to take to fix it not throwing anybody under the bus but you could actually see there's holes in the main trunk I have pictures but I guess you'll take my words for is is it a town tree yes it is okay I will I will I speak to the par for should direct there tomorrow and I know you know believe it or not there used to be a lot of trees on my street probably lost about four or five if they could replace that tree not planning on moving soon so okay whatever it's a maple tree and like I said precip used to have a lot of trees in the neighborhoods they get older they die with the amount of pollution off of 80 I think one tree takes care of one acre of grass basically for uh cleaning the air and the third thing is the thing I always nag you guys about any luck on the construction yard um I I did have correspondence with the woman from the NJ do um I'm not going to wa from my report because and as you know it's very difficult for them to get back to you now we did have conversations with regards to the property and when I spoke to Justin leer the property was supposedly being leased out to one of the vendors uh to complete the projects when I spoke to her she was kind of surprised because she took over for some other gentleman yeah but she's supposed to get back to me within a week or two and once she does I I'll actually call you Call that's I I see you all the time yeah I know sh right I know I know where to find you yeah all right that's all I want to bother you guys for tonight thank you thank [Music] you good evening everyone I'm Cassara grao from pan I'm just speaking on behalf of the pcip neighborhood watch I wanted to highlight our upcoming meeting on Wednesday August 28th at 7 p.m which will be held at the precip municipal courthouse we'll be hosting the New Jersey bike and walk Coalition and they'll be giving a presentation on Street safety uh this event is as always open to all prony residents and business owners and I really hope that all of you can attend we appreciate your support and uh attendance thank you Tony Fano I everybody knows we're on L 41 Robin Hood Road Mars Plains New Jersey I want to pass on a thank you for one of our business Community people his name is Kenny Sims he his family lived here for a long time Mount tab resence for approximately 100 years he would like to thank the mayor and the board for the public transportation for the senior citizens they can't take UBS and especially four of his clients cannot because they're blun so he asked me to say thank you and keep it going [Music] [Music] good evening all my name is deont Sharma from Glenmont comment uh just followup questions uh the last several years we have these uh same issues that we are coming here for uh question number one has the township parpan filed litigation against the Glenmont commment developer if so Glenmont residents residents be included in the discussion with Township uh Township Representatives during the litigation phase question number two when will the township of parip take ownersh ship of the falling roads of single family homes located on season Glen Drive Winter set Drive Gathering Hill and event Tide Court question three when will the township parpan do the next round of pole Patchwork by in appropriate standards question four during the last count council meeting Glenmont residents were assured that the vacant lot with over grown four to 5 ft grass will be removed by a landscape or contracted by City still so far there have been no updates and conditions have worsened anyone can uh help me answer these questions thank you you want to start yes please so the litigation is going to be filed imminently we're just there's one last meeting with the township engineering department to go over some basic facts uh before it gets filed um the residents can certainly intervene in the litigation if they want to be part of it um I assume that's eventually the homeowners association is going to be involved in that litigation as well um and that's what I can tell you at this point and as to when that litigation is going to be you know the town's filing against a developer I'm sure the developer is going to counter claim against the homeowners association and it's going to take some time so I can't give you a timeline as to when that's going to be resolved anyone else from the public okay I'm sorry you can you can if you'd like you could speak after the meeting uh if you have any other follow-up questions but unfortunately I we can't allow any more questions so I apologize do you need to say something man please come on up good evening everyone um so my name is Melanie Medina could you just speak closer to the mic thanks um my name is Melanie Medina so I'm a resident in town my kids go to school here the reason why I'm here tonight is because I'm very concerned about our schools and the direction that they're going um I did write an email last week to our superintendent and our president of the Board of Ed because I'm very concerned about the waving of the policy um for the maximum number of children in an elementary school class um I in response to that email I got an email from our superintendent doing in my opinion doing a lot of finger pointing at you as well as with the board um for not meeting uh with them in regards to the pilots and the overcrowding and things like that um so I'm just here basically to ask that you meet with them because it is our kids that are in the middle I'm I'm sorry Council just for are you done right okay I just wanted clarification so you you wrote a letter uh alerting them about the overcrowding of the classrooms and they blame it on the town no so I wrote an email saying that I was very unhappy with them weaving the policy that caps Elementary School classes k to5 at 25 students my daughter's class was very large my daughter's kindergarten class was 26 children and her first grade class was 25 um and the email that I got back had I can read it to you it's on my phone but it does say a lot that they've been asking for a meeting they said it publicly at the meeting well that's not going to reduce the school size that has nothing to do with it sure for sure but it does talk about Revenue sharing from the pilots and that they need to know that before that they can make future plans and go forward it so just a reference so if you go back and watch the school board session uh the superintendent said they're going to wave the 25 to1 ratio because of students coming in from pilots and construction so I think the question should be is is what's the impact of that so number of students number of teachers classroom sizes how many students have come in from Pilots year-to date what's the expectation year-over-year and then that will give you the answer back as to how that might work and I think that they can figure that out too I mean there's tons of studies there's tons of towns with you pilot programs but I think I'll answer the one question though not one students come from the pilots pilots aren't even done yet so unless they're at UPS unless the UPS no I agree with you but I do think that meeting is important for the thinking forward for our kids ma'am and Ju Just so you know Pilots don't create students okay high density housing is what's bringing in the students the pilots have no bearing on the amount of students whatsoever I agree I'm just here to ask that I think both entities need to work together because the reality is they do affect each other absolutely thank you thanks thank you the board is actually crazy it's a crazy response what's wrong with that board really like that uh Nick comak Lake K Waton uh just getting back to the highlands for your own information there's a a a YouTube documentary movie that's been around for a long time and it's called rediscovering The Highlands rediscovered and was a a Water Resource uh doctor Dr um uh Dan Von ABS you can find it on YouTube uh it's been in the library but you might you might want to see the movie and you know precip and is part of the Highlands and I believe they should even showed them the movie in the school uh on the pilots and the warehouses th this is my take on it the warehouse is going to employ people I don't know how many people but I would imagine quite a bit I can't imagine them not wanting to live in PRP but what what I would think if there's any way to really work out a deal with a developer and to lower your housing number say being we are going to be a a center of employment for these warehouses and we do have affordable housing which is mostly not affordable increase the number of affordable units to accommodate the warehouse laborers and lower your numbers if that makes any any sense s are you done ni uh I want to say a couple more things yeah okay all right um the uh the uh the marijuana Botanical I uh if I'm saying it right I can't understand why it's so uh so much opposition you you can walk into a smoke shop a vape shop and those products are really degenerate and are bad for your health and the trash is all all over the place and you got the energy drinks and in my adopted area which I celebrated 10 years in the old cleaning up the trash in the noil you wouldn't believe the amount of that stuff I find in the litter stream so I can't see how a marijuana uh store or whatever medical could really do any harm and on Carl's thing about the national not one to be a national park I've been a volunteer in a national park in the Delaware Water Water Gap off officially since I've been 26 years old and I've done a lot of hard labor and this is the third attempt that was made to change the title of the park it is a national park already it's a national Recreation Area it's the lowest form of National Park it's like whatever the people want they want to have a picnic in the in the in the garbage that's okay very little law enforcement high impact the park where the title change can only get better it couldn't possibly get any worse and the new element in mostly in Sussex County that is against it most of their information is is false it's Mi it's misleading it's not true and I I hate to say they're anti-government people it's like when the when the national park took over and condemned all the property you still have people living up there that don't like the national park and the government for what they think you know could have been their property but the idea of the national park by the former superintendent John Donahue if you get into it it's really a a really good thing they even have an element where they want to bring back Native Americans actual descendants of the M Mohan Indians that lived in the valley and actually bring them back into the park it's not going to take away hunting or fishing that's all uh uh made up and and and part of it is going to be a a reserve you'll get more money and more law enforcement with a real National Park recreation areas you know you know so I wouldn't I wouldn't uh you know you should do a lot more research on that for you support any of it and I even took a course in National Park management years ago and used to go to a lot of meetings so I do know what I'm talking about so uh Nick in reference to your idea great idea I I'm sure we all wish that we could do that where more of these apartments that are being built could be for the affordable the problem is there's a thing called Builder remedy because the developers don't make any money off of the affordable units so Builder remedy allows them for every one affordable to build four regular units and what they do is they jack up the price of those four units to cover the cost of the affordable if let's for instance next round let's say we get a th000 more units of affordable that we need that means they get to build five 5,000 more units we would love to just say okay if our number is a th000 build a th000 and that's it we're done cuz we would already be done with all the stuff we have springing up if we were allowed but the developers would never build it because they don't make any money so that's why it's we're we're now calling it high density because in order to cover it they're getting all these extra units that's the problem your idea is a great idea but we can't do it I I think the highlands is going to be helping you out sooner than can have back that would be great anyone [Music] else hello Jess Becker from pting Stone I actually don't have any questions or complaints I just want to thank you for all for putting the highlands ordinance back on the agenda and for voting for it we had putting Stone really appreciate it and I just wanted to come up and thank you all tonight thanks and thank you to Ken for all his hard work on that thank [Music] you anyone else okay I'd like to tion a motion to close the public hearing motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes floor is close at this time I'd like you guys to quickly review the consent agenda and the approval of minutes seeing there are no questions we're going to go ahead and move on to presentations and reports mayor thank you um goad first I would like to start off with I would like to thank uh cyclecraft for the bike helmet donation um uh Brenda and Cat po uh they're very very involved they want to be involved in the community since we had the incident on Littleton Road with the young boy being killed um so they're going to be a partner with the township of course simy Troy Hills it's an initiative that we're going to be working uh directly with organizations like cyclecraft so that was that and then here um I just want to give some numbers out for gov pilot our pilot numbers year to date there were 46 68 um I guess complaints you can call them and 433 that have been closed that's 93% 30 are in progress which is 6% and five are still open so we're working to close it out at 100% community policing and safety I put an initiative out that I want our police officers when they're going around town to stop take the time out see children playing go out introduce yourself go to the palal um like when I was a kid here in por siany that's that's what they did and was pretty awesome and that's what they've been doing they've been engaging with students children and with our residents so I want to thank uh the chief for taking that initiative uh that we created and moving forward with it the farmers market okay I don't know if it's going to be this Friday considering all the rain we're going to get but uh the farmers Market's going very well and if we do have the concert three-day uh weekend will be playing as for the Canabis presentation um we will have the presentation on August 20th um the thing with the Cannabis ordinance was I there was things in it I just did not like and I know that if we have put this forward I would have vetoed it uh I want to have a sound one uh this although it can make a lot of Revenue there's all all those residents all residents that are rejected to it that don't want to have a cannabis U dispensary and parpy I understand that we need to you know move forward and um I think that the the presentation we have I think the council will be satisfied as well as those members that have come up here with regards to the school board I um I prepared the letter that I'm sending to the board president um by email either tomorrow or Thursday and I'm going to read it into the record uh dear board president chafo I hope this letter finds you well thank you for your cor correspondence date of July 24th 2024 updating me that the ad hoc Committee of the Board of Education consisting of you Susie Golder and Michelle Chappelle are prepared to meet at my convenience now before I read on reason why I didn't meet was a lot of individuals were on summer vacation at one point uh Mr McGrath was away so we waited for the school season to end and then I'm going to get to my next part but I I would be remissed for not mentioning that since our last productive meeting there has been an alarming political activity by Mr Chao and other board members and as you know board members are not supposed to be involved in politics because it takes away from placing the focus where it should be when making decisions on paran's children our school district like all districts is facing challenging circumstances rising cost out of control spending and curricular mandates that may not fit Pan's best interest the work of the board should be focused on supporting children and guiding our district through these challenges rather than engaging in partis in politics as Dr Timothy Pernell executive director and CEO of the New Jersey Schoolboard Association said the work of the board should be focused on supporting children and guiding our districts through these challenges rather than engaging in partisan arguments in a time of Nationwide political polarization I respectful request that the bimy Board of Education put aside focusing on local politics and join me in focus on working together in the interest of our residents students and our children in the interest of ensuring we are all making sound financial decisions on behalf of the students and residents of Pary tro Hills please consider saving money it takes to send a certified letter to me and just send an email family is among life's most precious gifts I hope you and members of the board have a peaceful and relaxing rest of the summer surrounded by family friends good cheer and great weather best regards mayor James barbar but I have to take this a step [Music] further since the last meeting that the school board had and ma'am if you can give me a copy of your email that was sent to you I would appreciate that there were a lot of comments that were made by the school board president towards me and Council vice president but since witnessing the board of vcation ir rational behavior and I only mean all board members I become concerned that they are not good stewards of our taxpayers dollars and that decisions may be hurting our children and our teachers so I have engaged in a special school auditor to determine whether our funds are being expended wisely and appropriately So my answer to Mr Chapo and the board of education is if you really want to meet keep the politics out of it and before I go on about the Schoolboard auditor I want to congratulate the five residents who have declared their candidacy for three open seats in the up coming Board of Education Election to be held on November 5th five candidates have filed for the three available seats and residents will vote to decide who will serve on the board this year our residents have some great choices with three incumbents Judy Meyer Cel but Abraham Susan Golder along with Board of Education member Matthew DeVito and Victoria stockill who has been a staunch advocate for individuals with autism and special needs I wish all the candidates in the upcoming election so we will be hiring um Frank D Maria and Associates Lop accountants and advisors Frank deir is a Schoolboard auditor he's a CPA certified public accountant he's a cgma certified Global Management accountant RMA registered Municipal accountant MST Masters of Science and Taxation cmfo certifi Municipal Financial advisor I truly want to meet with the board but I really don't want the politics involved in it things were going very well until recently so if Mr Chapo is really really interested really interested and has the best interest of the children the students and its residents then he will keep the politics out of it if he doesn't then we're not going to meet it's that simple because why meet when everything's going to be uh like like you said in the back when the the woman said that we have to get along keep the politics out of it we had some great meetings uh Council vice president you know they were good councilman McGrath they were good but if the politics keeps getting involved it's not going to hurt nobody with the children so I'm willing to move forward I know councilman Council vice president nle is and councilman McGrath we've had many conversations with and one of the conversation was getting a Schoolboard auditor uh to look at their numbers their books and look at the ratios that you you spoke about and uh this guy comes highly proud it so I thank you um I thank you uh council president for giving me the time thank you C of councel well I would just say um you know just in in response to hearing that I guess you know my I can only say all the the board members that I've dealt with i i in my opinion I think they do have the best interests of our children at heart and I and I know they do um great work for the for for the whole Community um you and I think that you know conversations between the town and the the Board of Ed should be had um I I just worry that an audit might be something that will move us farther apart instead of pulling us together um i' I'd like to you know get some more information on what will transpire with that since this is the first time I'm hearing of it um but um the second thing I was going to mention is I uh you know as Nancy brought up I really hope that at the next council meeting we can add the the resolution um commemorating the 250th anniversary of uh you know the United States because we do have the Washington Rambo Trail um and some other Revolutionary War aspects that I think we can highlight as a municipality and are really timely okay um T patney the only item I have is for executive session which is the potential settlement of the tax appe okay thank you U business administrator uh no report tonight thank you thank you I I do not have a report at this time and there's no correspondence and uh we're moving along to to the approval of payroll and bills list CFO Leonard ho recommends authorization for payment to authorizes payment of the August 2nd 2024 regular and miscellaneous payroll estimated at 1, 650,000 and number two payment of bills from voucher list 8124 through a324 which is 1, 15793 111 now please have a motion to approve the authorization for payment motion second motion made by Mr Hernandez seconded by Mr neglia roll call M Hernandez Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes okay motion passes uh at this time we're going to go ahead and read the resolution for executive session uh just for the public uh uh for their information uh we're going to be in executive session no longer than about 5 minutes and we do anticipate action to be taken immediately thereafter uh with that being said resolution whereas the open public meetings act P 1975 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the township council is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the township Council wishes to discuss attorney client privilege matters with regards to settlement agreement and whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of of the above no longer requires confidentiality the minutes will be made public now therefore be resolved by Township Council of Township pcip Troy Hills that the public be excluded from this meeting motion to adjourn into a close session make a motion second motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes and Mr Ki yes we're going to adjourn into a close session for a few minutes thank [Music] you properties uh there was a recommendation from special tax Council as well as the tax assessor uh to uh accept the settlement in these two uh appeals so we would just need a resolution adopted by the council if they're so inclined to approve it okay thank you Mr lvery at this time we do have a resolution that is placed on the agenda uh for the settlement agreement in the matter of mcc3 acquisition LLC JL versus parpi Troy Hills at this time it is resolution for the record by the way 20241 134 uh can I have a motion to approve the resolution motion second you made that motion Mr neglia yes motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia yes Mr K yes motion passes may I please have a motion to adjourn the meeting make a motion motion made by Mr motion made by Mr muella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Miss Hernandez yes Mr McGrath Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki yes we're adjourned have a good night everybody