regarding this correct uh that is correct uh Mr Spinelli I mean I'm going to be working it out with Mr Hernandez and the Highland so we can have Mr Spinelli here I think the what we were going to have is Mr Spinelli come in and talk about what Highland conformance does and how it's what the municipality can get from Highland's conformance and how the new how they're going to be handling the new guidance on affordable housing yeah I would like to have more of information so can make a better informed decision I'd request that possibly we table this um until Mr sp sp can give us that information so we can all collectively make a good good decision uh no problem Mr negle but you just have to do an official motion to table can I make a motion to table so I have a motion to table ordinance 2024 call 11 do I have a second on that motion do I have a second on the motion I'll second that Colette I I again I'd like to hear more about how the Highland's going to help support us so I'd ask that we wait till Mr smelli to to give us that information okay we have a second on the motion uh at this time uh so I'm going to go ahead and go into roll call Miss Hernandez I'm voting on the motion to table it motion to table until after Mr spinelly does the presentation no because it has nothing to do with what Mr Spinell is coming here for okay um then Mr uh Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella um good going to say no Mr uh neglia yes and Mr kifi yes okay so we have a 3-2 vote the motion passes the ordinance will be taed until further notice we will go ahead I will work with Mr Hernandez to schedule Mr Spinelli and um and then we'll take it from there moving along public session uh I'd like to entertain a motion to yes goad before we start the public session yes may yes please uh go ahead we do the Pres thank you council president never know what glass I need man this like a death trap here [Music] [Music] all right there you go i' like to call up um LS Roman and Emily [Music] fails so before I read this um certificate for civilian service I just want to give a little brief history of what took place you guys were there and you acted and responded fast a player fell to the ground on a basketball court into a cardiac arrest now his name is Marvin Johnson I don't know if he's here tonight with us come on up Marvin wow you're a big guy that's been hard um 911 was called but Lewis Roman AB fails use AED and perform CPR on Mr Marvin Johnson upon police arrival player was conscious and on theg ground and transported to the hospital as you can see he's here with us [Applause] today so what's the name of the team again the icy Hots all right woo that's a u but then the team took an initiative to not just to take CPR classes and just in case something like this happens again so I'm going to read these two certific I want to tell you as the mayor of the township that I grew up and I'm very proud that we have individuals that step up and I know you're very proud um you know and grateful as well so uh Chief would you like to come up hey read the same so I'm just going to use both your names but first before I do that Emily thank you I'm not going to kiss you Pim Troy Hills Police Department vents the civilian service award to Lewis Roman and EM Emily FS for outstanding AC of service by a civilian on May 20th 2024 due to his and her quick actions and immediately applying CPR Mr Roman assisted in Saving and Miss fails assisted in saving the life of a male basetball player who had collapsed on the court your initiative and selflessness during the crisis are valuable traits and appreciate appreciated by the paron try Hills community so thank you guys very much so leis this is for you have the chief present to you the two cilian award pins [Music] so well the good news is as you know politics gets a little heated up I know who my new bodyguard is so with that being said um I'm sure you're very grateful Mr Johnson I mean and your quick response and are you guys teammates oh there you go you have to revive them yeah I know I I could see that but um I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart that means a lot not just to myself to the entire community of course subin Troy Hills a quick response and you know coming in need of an individual that needed our help and your help so thank you and if I don't know if you want to say anything Mr Johnson that's up to you the mic not much um there's not a whole lot more to add um me and Louis have spoke several times in the last couple months but this the first time I've seen Emily since but I just wanted to express to both of you how grateful I am and I appreciate everything that you've done for me you literally saved my life that night good evening um you know one of the things I wanted to add um you said we're appreciative and ecstatic that Marvin is here with us today um but while taking the courses it was brought to my attention that um that our city our town is short on EMS good friend of mine Jerry bkey rest in peace um we work together in P in fire department and I was there I retired from the fire department um as a captain and we had we work together all the time and his biggest thing was Public Safety the police department the fire department and EMS you know making sure that they have whatever they need to protect us because they're like an insurance policy for us we take you know like you have insurance your own personal insurance and you hope you never have to collect it because that means you're not here we hope that we don't have to use them but we need to make sure they have all the resources they need that when we call them they're there and it was brought to my attention that EMS there's times at night that we only have one EMS unit working which is insane the thought of hoping that you're the first one that God forbid this emergency at your house if you're the first one to get called and not the second cuz if you're second I'm assuming they're calling Mutual Aid and you know so you're going to be waiting a while and hoping that you know by the time the police get there and everything like that so you don't want to be number two so we really need to do something about it um you know I know it it costs more in taxes or whatever but you can't put a price on your life for or your loved ones the other thing I Al was also talking about is I used to be a former teacher before the fire department is when our kids have health classes maybe they should incorporate CPR training or something because our kids are babysitting or watching their siblings and God forbid that if something happens they at least are able to talk to uh the 911 dispatchers they will be able to do the basic minimum to try to help their siblings so these are little things that you you know we really need to be aware of and it's very important for all of us Public Safety is the most important thing that you know that that that we have in our in our town everywhere really so thank you though I I really didn't want to [Applause] talk I don't need a uh I mean said the thing that I can person creation for training me uh and then also my father brother uh and then if you have the opportunity like you said get it's a flight flight situation and I'm glad that I decided do what I thought but you have the opportunity thank you very much Mr rman just so you know we take uh Public Safety very seriously here in the township we've we we bolstered up our Police Department over the last two two and a half years we W from 81 Deployable police offices to 99 now um we do have um our Ambulance Service we had to put on paid ambulance because as you were saying no one's really volunteering anymore it's become very very difficult for these organizations to function uh as as Emily you said your father's been a first responder your whole family First Responders for many many many years here in Paran so I want to thank you Carl I've known you for many years and uh you do an outstanding job District all the districts fire districts and I knew Jerry bkey very well joy was a great guy you know he was he he's gone too soon let's put it that way so um so thank you and thank you for your commitment to the township [Applause] [Music] here then [Music] you all right if we we'll just take a minute or two just in case anybody that was just here for the presentation if you guys want to if you don't want to stay Thank you very much [Music] [Music] good okay at this time I'd like to entertain a motion to open up the public session motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by uh Mr Mel roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kif yes okay so the floor is now open to the public you have five minutes to speak on any matter good evening kendi I cannot tell you how upset annoyed irritated ex just exasperated I am with you guys over the fact that you just took this ordinance and delayed it for probably months this ordinance goes through the two-step phase two-step process so you've had it for a month and if you didn't understand what it was then you should have asked this is a very simple ordinance it'll let the town take advantage of the fact that it has the right to change the criteria for uh enforcing Highland Regional uh regulations and so what the idea here was to Mr nle I'm talking to you by the way the idea here was to protect people especially those in pting stone area who have had problems with development that was able to take advantage of the number of units that they were building on a given plot to avoid the regulations the Highland regulations especially those dealing with steep slopes so the people in puddingstone were very very much in favor of passing this ordinance and I have worked with you guys now for over a month Mr kifi you and I have talked numerous times about this you supported it you told me how you how you were very happy with this ordinance and when I spoke to you I think it was two meetings ago after it had been passed the first time I asked you do you think there's any problems with this going forward you said no I can't see any problem and so here we are um on the verge of finally giving the pting stone people the protection that they've been looking for and at the 11th Hour you decide for some reason I cannot fathom practically that oh no now we can't do it now maybe you know there's some involvement with the highlands Council that has to be taken into account Judy is 100% right Mr Spinelli is not going talk about this ordinance this ordinance has got nothing to do with the subject that he's going to come talk to you about and all you've done is basically taking away protection from the pting stone people and anybody else in town who has the same problem I thought we had this all settled I thought you all understood it you voted for it four weeks ago and now I can't understand how you could possibly say oh you know maybe there's something here I don't understand so let's stop it because obviously there's nothing good in this and you know you might as well just not I'm just so forget it I can't talk but I am extremely disgusted and annoyed with the actions of this [Music] Council Mr dosky I'll just say I didn't say I was against it all I said was H we're done we you can't all I said was I wanted to hear the presentation to get I miss hernand Mrs Hernandez just gave me a letter from Mr Spinelli that said there's going to be a lot of there's potentially a lot of changes and it could affect Town ordinances Etc I'm not saying I'm against it at all I'm just saying is I'd like to hear I agree I'd like to hear the presentation before we do that because if we do that and then Mr Spinelli tells us something different we have to change it again that wouldn't make sense all I'm saying okay I'm going to step in here because I sent this ordinance to people to talk about this and March after the putting Stone application at the board of adjustment after they cut down 300 trees for two driveways on steep slopes and created such Devastation there I sent it in March okay so this is August what we wanted to do is potentially keep another developer or the same developer coming back and doing the same thing by slowing it down when the executive director of the Highlands Council Mr Spinelli is coming to talk to us about what they are going to be doing with the affordable housing guidelines that they we can weigh they they can weigh in now and we can too will it help us will it not help us and yeah maybe they will be changing some land use but we wanted to ordinances but what we were hoping to do from the time that application fa that pudding Stone was prevent another one coming forward and wasting a year of people's time and energy to fight for something as that should never have happened and so long even let me get started how this seems kind of political too because I've been hearing a lot about what was going on at the planning board with the with the warehouse an open space that's being taken to use for a turnaround there's a lot of stuff that's going on between the highlands and us and the council and as I know I'm a minority but I'm going to keep talking about it because it's important it's important for pipany the tree City pipany really because what we do is cut down trees and we don't care about the environment here and this is what people like about proy I'm I'm frustrated too I don't I don't ask for much and it takes me five times to get an answer for many things go ahead ma'am I guess I can speak now you can speak okay I I've come to numerous Council meetings uh first one started in I guess it was April May missed June cuz I was out of town I'm here for July I want to know what's going on with the flood wall project as the plan's been drawn up my number one question can anybody answer that has plans been done by the engineering department go you ma'am go ahead and ask all your questions and you want them all at once has the plan's been drawn up has it been submitted for bidding if so who has the bidding on the project you said you were going to start it in late some summer um I think this is late summer when is it going to commence and when are you going to clear behind the wall all the vegetation I got pictures this started three what four years ago this ridiculous shouldn't be that hard of a project you had to wait for somebody to come in and tell you what had to be done that's been done waiting for the engineer Department to make up the plans has it been done I don't know council president oh yeah are you done you're done are the questions I I will I'll have an update for you tomorrow I have the exact update on where it is uh but I'll have a a very specific update for you tomorrow morning is if that's okay do you know if it's been put out for bid not yet not that I not that I'm aware of so obviously it's not going to get done this year well come on let's be honest it's going to take a little time to put it out the bit Yeah so it takes a month or two that's going to put us into the PO and then I mean are you going to be able to do the work when it gets home can't go back and forth council president this can't be a back and forth so probably easier to do apologize ma um with the vegetation and all of that it's probably easier to do in the fall but what I'll do is I'll have an exact timeline for you tomorrow uh I have an estimate on clearing behind my wall of $1,000 ma'am I I I'm sorry I have to stop you I apologize cuz we're going back and forth if you'd like you can speak to Mr cry after the meeting or as he said he'll reach out to you tomorrow I do apologize for that thank you Nick HC Lake KW I I can't believe the same thing the highlands water protection and planning Act was originally passed in 2004 you're in the highlands you're in part of the Highlands back in 2010 we had the opportunity to get in and engino kept us out there for the wrong reasons there's a YouTube made about it but what does it take to get a precip official to to do due diligence and study on his own about the what the highlands conformance is all about what does it take is it going to take Mr Spinelli to come here are you going to understand anything he says there really is and what Judy said what spanelli's it has nothing to do with this ordinance are any of you familiar with the Crea of life on the Pacific uh on the puding Stone Ridge that was going to be trashed by a developer with an in appropriate development overscale development these developers have been running precip for a long time what the highlands protection act does it actually enforce his home rule it cils and prevents inappropriate uh over development uh major development and I don't understand how how you finally the time has come we're built out we can't do anything except leave ourselves vulnerable to to developers put it back on the agenda for for next next week you don't need Spinelli to to come to help you make up your mind your mind should be made up the way and I hate to say it but shame on you if you you live in a Highlands Community the ACT has been around since 2004 we almost got in it until Mr engino pulled the rug out from under us and nobody is still knows anything about the Highland that's pathetic pathetic and I can't help but thinking I'm going to say it you get your campaign financing from a lot of these big developers and I that might have something to do with it you know you never know you never know but uh the same thing I can't believe I come here and I figure hey something positive is going to happen and there's an undermine but you know Mr labor you know I I think you're pretty familiar with the with Highland maybe you should give the class along with Mr SP Spinelli I to Mr Spinelli but all right expert all right but uh some of you should be a little bit of an expert uh by now if a guy like me can can educate uh myself about it I'm I'm sure you can but very disappointing very disappoint council president just as a point of clarification I believe and and and Mr lab if you can uh uh verify the highlands had asked for us to hold off on this anyway uh during this because they had stuff that they wanted us to they were incorporating this action in a larger scale action they were going to ask of communities that's correct a matter of fact Mary dude havock Wier sent an email to Ed snikes our planner and said look we're revising the rules so we'd rather you waited and then Incorporated that and that's exactly what you said actually Mary Jew said if Paran would approve all the highlands land use ordinances you know that's never going to happen you know that well we don't do that now do that then Mary je said and Ed was getting in between it's this is really a simple thing I shouldn't have gotten so out of hand no no I'm reading what she wrote I'm going to says the new ordinance will be ready in about a month their ordinance we would strongly recommend that you wait and adopt the new ordinance and then you could change the threshold in there thanks Mary Jude that's her words not mine good we can't we can't we can't we can't guys I'm sorry we can't it's a fact that's great we'll do it then we'll do all the good due diligence for Highlands when it's when it's comes in thank you Mr we remember this for a month from now Ken I'm sorry I'm just stating cannot we cannot can cannot speak to them after the meeting Ken I I I've i' I commute with Mary Jude as well she's being bureaucratic and she's thinking that we're thinking in the right way but we don't all think in the same way so we'll see what happens when it comes out we'll see anyone else from the [Music] public B vanzi sippy um my comments during the public portion of of the last council meeting were primarily intended for mayor Barbaro but at the time the mayor was unable to attend the meeting because of a higher responsibility related to the heartbreaking traffic accident that took the life of an 18 of an 8-year-old pany boy that evening tonight I'd like to repeat a summarized version of my comments and listen to the mayor's response in my opinion the primary goal of the next mayor's Roundtable meeting should be for all Mayors in attendance to follow the lead of the mayor of East Hanover and come to an agreement to reject all pilots on average a municipality collects about three times the revenue from conventional taxation than it would if the same property were given a pilot a prime example of this is stanbury which pays over $2 million less per year and over $60 million less over a 30 over the 30-year pilot period than it would if it were taxed conventionally the amount of tax revenue that pory forfeited on stanbury alone is staggering but it's only a drop in the bucket when you consider how many more pilots have already been approved or may be approved after stury an agreement among the Mayors not to offer Pilots means that a developer would have to build at conventional taxation rates or not build at all but the threat of not building at all is nowhere near as bad as it sounds consider these facts one ppon would collect as much tax revenue from one conventionally tax project project and two vacant properties then it would from offering all three properties a pilot second somewhat mindboggling is the fact that Pary would collect more Revenue by leaving a a property vacant for 15 years and then taxing it conventionally for the next 15 years than it would receive from 30 years of pilot payments and lastly Pari had managed to approve a 2024 budget rate hike of of OB just 2.29% despite having 20 major office property vacancies on its books an agreement not to offer Pilots takes away the ability of developers to play one mayor against the other and will save parci hundreds of millions of dollars over 30 years is this a type of collusion yeah you bet it is but municipalities are allowed to collude under shared service agreements to enter into joint contracts in order to obtain savings for the sharing participants why can't they collude not to enter a contract such as a pilot in order to maximize tax revenues for members of the group and let's not forget that municipalities are not legally required to offer Pilots to begin with given the potentially large amount of savings that a no pilot agreement would generate it seems like an idea worth investigating so mayor Barbaro I would like to know if you would be willing to propose at the next mayor's roundt meeting that all Mayors and attendance come to an agreement to stop offering Pilots thank [Music] [Music] you okay seeing no one else from the public I'd like to make a motion I'd like to attend a motion to close the public session motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes uh Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes okay the floor is closed consent agenda be it resolved all items listed with an asri are considered routine and noncontroversial by the township Council will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence the agenda motion to approve the consent agenda please motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes motion passes moving along approval of minutes we have uh minutes from the agenda meeting of June 11th 2024 and minutes from the regular meeting of June 25 2024 motion to approve the minutes motion take second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mel roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes moving along to presentations and reports mayor um I'm going to um first before I get to my report I want to answer Mr V here with regards to um he's talking about the East Handover mayor he also indicated the mayor that if you were maybe the if you were the mayor of Pary he might look at Pilots differently why because we're the largest um Suburban uh third largest Suburban um corporate cent no the first large the largest Suburban Corporate Center in the state of New Jersey and the third larger Corporate Center in the state of New Jersey um so with that being said uh East can has nowhere the amount of revenues to lose that we would have to lose when it comes to that I all the other mayors that and many mayors that I know in the in their communities are are in favor of Pilots that work for each Township uh and you do say in your opinion which I appreciate with regards to that and you said here and you say these buildings are going to just lay vacant we we'll make more money well that's not what's happening what they're doing is when it stays vacant they're going to they're going to take their structures down we had that already with njm the jgy manufacturer so what happens what you get is land tax so what and the land tax is nowhere near the revenues that you get with a um pilot program we're here to create jobs we're here to keep companies here with regards to um you know Economic Development um now not every and I've said this many times not every area is going to have meet the criteria for pilots and um so far I've met with uh many developers and Pilots haven't even been mentioned with you I don't know if they want them or not but to sit here and say that you know we're going to make no revenue and you're going to shift the burden which our tax assessor already told told told everybody that the burden's going to go and and Matt McGrath our council members is going to go from 6040 to 7030 uh so you know I do appreciate you saying this your opinion so I'm going to get to my report now it's actually uh pretty long so let me um the re traffic fatality in our community has deeply saddened us all and serves as a critical reminder of the importance of traffic safety for both pedestrians and drivers we all share the responsibility of ensuring our streets are safe for everyone for drivers stay alert I'm not going to read everything into detail obey the speed limits yield to pedestrians stay off your cell phones when you're driving for pedestrians be visible use crosswalks and stay alert so what prompted as you know uh we had the uh tragedy in the last meeting I was here which is very disheartening for me I was there and um I couldn't keep my composure when I was over there cuz it was sad but I contacted got to go to another glasses I contacted the commissioner Steve Shaw who's the aison to the County DPW and secretary to New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority he contacted the County engineer vits and the administrator Dina lry to discuss the situation of pedestrian safety in General on County Roads Dina did reach out to our administrator their engineer department is waiting on a police investigation or the County investigation to be complete so they can look at the data and be better informed of the unfortunate circumstances that led to the fatality the county is currently developing a local action safety plan in conjunction with the NJ PPA to address pedestrian safety on all our roads that plan will be in place what I was told by the end of the year um Chris scales who's the chief of staff at the New Jersey Department of Transportation for commissioner okan reached out to me to let me know that the department is thinking of our community involving the young 8-year-old boy and are prepared to do what they can to support our town moving forward to to ensure that this doesn't happen again so we're going to set up a meeting between the state and the county um and my Administration to find um safety measures and also with our Police Department engineering department I wanted I want to let you know that a lot of residents have reached out to me I'm actually in front of council vice president Frank Nea at a um Women's Club tricky Trey thanking for the increased police patrol up in Lake pany ume on Kingston Road um and other roads here in town and they were very very appreciative and we're going to um we're going to be it up even more and I'm going to say this if you're speeding you're going to get a ticket if you're texting you're going to get a ticket that's what's going to happen here in the township it's been happening even before the tragedy but that's a fact signs can only do so much the only thing that really works is enforcement and we're going to get a lot of complaints because a lot of neighbors are going to get tickets but we can't tolerate any any speeding on local roads and any roads I know there's been a lot of discussion with the Cannabis that ordinance will be on shortly I don't feel comfortable with it right now um and I'm I'm getting there I'll be totally candid I'm I don't want our town to become the mega Center of dispensaries I'm in favor of doing dispensaries but I want to get it right I want to get it right not just for myself I want to get it right for the council and I want to get it right for the residents as well so I'm I'm I'm not going to promise but I believe it will be ready for the first meeting in um August I have meetings set up with our Planner on Thursday July 18th it was actually really nice day here in Paran I welcomed a group of students visiting from China to town hall to a group of 11 High School Aid students tour the municipal building spending time with danas our property tax assessor Len hoe bim's Chief Financial Officer and Charles Fen parim building inspector before joining me and the council chambers to discuss municipal government former council president Mike deur was present Council vice president Frank Nea was present and Board of Ed member Julie Meer also were there to answer any questions that the these students asked and it was really great to welcome this program to paron again um after a short break now they started with us in about 2012 um and Council president Mike at that time is the one whose neighbor brought them here to town hall these students are in the top of their class in China and fostering and understanding is always a great thing to do I tell I'm sure our Council vice president did really enjoy the company here and they were really and I have to tell you they spoke pretty good English and um it was actually pretty rewarding then on Friday um July no I'm sorry July uh 19th I had the honor to attend the Eagle Scout court of honor feru pisani and Mark settler of um troop 72 ramu pisani Marcel are the outstanding citizens and I'm honored and proud of their accomplishments in becoming Eagle Scouts I presented them and I say this for a reason I presented them with an eagle scout statute a Swiss army knife and an American flag and what does an American flag represent well it represents and when I always ask e Bo Scout it's um I give this to them in honor of my father and Gregory Michael Barbaro who was a World War II veteran and all veterans to do in honor I asked them to fly it on Memorial Day on frag day on 4th of July and Veterans Day in remembrance of those who sacrifice were room for sacrifice and did sacrifice for the life of this great country today I'm actually proud to say that after many many many weeks and weeks and weeks of negotiations with the blue collar supervisors I mean blue collar excuse me uh we signed the agreement with the blue collar today um and I'm I'm proud of both sides and I want to say this about our blue collar workers and we have one in the audience here today they work very hard for this Township they have a commitment to the township um each department but I always respect justify one not that I like one better than the other I just was a controller of one um it's sanitation and I can tell you this we have we have the best sanitation uh in the county and in the state because we have members that care for the community live in the community as well um it's not an easy job it's probably one of the toughest jobs in the town um when you think about it you have a you have a hopper or you call it that or truck at the end of the day when you dump it can be anywhere between 14 to 19 tons and that means somebody was in the back of that picking that kind of weight up during the whole day so I want to I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our DPW workers all our sanitation our water department everything that they do for the community not just sanitation but they also plow our streets they also take care of us you know when it's snowing in storms when trees go down everything so thank you and I'm glad that we finally have an agreement and I look forward to working candidly with all of you and your and and thank you again so anyway in closing fun fridays will continue this Friday July 26th with our form is market and we have a local band playing Five wheeel drive so if you have time to come out listen to the band um they're actually very good and um that's it for my report and I want to say one more thing um Chief I want to tell you I've been getting like I said before not just for the the speeding and the traffic but for our community outreach program that we have in the town uh the residents love it they love the fact that our police are available at any time so thank you very much mayor thank you for the update just a quick question do you know when the Mars County prosecutor's office plans to finish their investigation that is I don't know off hand and I I don't we don't even know they we don't really intermingle with them or that cuz it's pretty much a m you're not supposed to I'm not supposed to now maybe the chief can uh find out but I I can't I can't interfere in fact when I was there I I had I could not be around the prosecutor's office while they were doing the crime scene crime so we we will find out when we hope that they come to a conclusion shortly so thank you councilman um thank you you for your explaining everything that happened that that evening that was horrible for us to sit here and all that that was going on at the same time um as the leaan with the traffic committee I was wondering if you needed the traffic committee to be involved with any of these um meetings that you're having with the county and moving forward in the police what I would like to do if once we have these meetings I would like to have a meeting with the traffic committee to explain to them what we've discussed um going forward with our Traffic Safety here in the township as you know um it's I I'll just give you one example and and and I know a lot of the residents in town are very upset you have these young young young kids that are very Brazen and they're driving or riding their bicycles and doing wheelies in front of you and it's just getting to a point where we have to start enforcing and we are going to they have these new electric vehicles bicycles that they just drive around with no helmets on um I got a text message at um not Facebook said someone on 202 with on a little motorcycle young kid with no helmet and we're going to start enforcing we're going to start to hammer I mean we have no choice not only they putting the S at risk they're putting those individuals that are driving at risk and I know I was a kid grown up here in town and I I'll tell you this much I didn't and I wouldn't cuz I'd have to take the the brunt of what my mother and father would have done and you know there seems to be no fear anymore uh we had a situation in Lake Kat as you all read um this weekend that when I read when I spoke to the chief I was just stunned literally stunned and the only way we're going to combat this is by enforcement um I I'm really I get get sick to my stomach now when I see a kid without a helmet riding a bicycle um and we have we have to really and and that's something we have we have a public safety measure going out from the PD with regards to sa helmet safety with regards to um these parents are being held accountable because we can't be their parents it's like you know we you know I raised my children already but we can't be parents we can't be everywhere but it's up to the parents to step up and that's going to be the message that we're going to send out from our police department and from the administration you need to take responsibility for your children they can't be riding around um ATT agonizing drivers we can't allow that any we're not going to allow it thank you we'd like to be involved if that's okay a public information maybe with the schools too from the traffic committee I mean you tell us and we'll do it thank you down Council the only thing I had to say I know we spoke about this earlier but I was alerted today that there was a homeless person sleeping on the corner of um 53 and um Park and uh you know made you aware of it but just uh that was pretty crazy to to see in this morning that uh we had somebody just sleeping on the side of the road and I sent a picture to uh the business administrator and council president anything else from Town Council yes I had a library committee meeting as liaison um on the other night and um we were talking about the lake High wat the library that's where the uh meeting was and uh they had mentioned they had a meeting earlier uh with the mayor and ba regarding uh refurbishment of the building I know the um the roof is in pretty bad shape so I was just hoping that can be put on the fast track I don't I don't know what the plans are for it but um we can get that done as soon as possible I think that's a good start and you know hopefully they can uh get the grants that they're looking for to do to refurbishment and or you know whatever else they need to do okay moving along to uh Township attorney uh no report council president business administrator thank you council president I just wanted to quickly also thank the uh uh flu collar workers the one of the items on the agenda that was I put on to the last moment um the um r224 d133 the adopting memorandum of agreement between the township of paron Troy Hills and uh Paran blue collar workers uh we have I know you have been updated on uh negotiations uh for a while um we're happy to bring this to fruition to you for to consider a final consideration um very great ful for the uh workers overall they as mayor said they do a great job they work very hard under tough circumstances they don't have the opportunity to you know um turn up an air conditioner when they're outside or or turn on the heat when they're during the winter they're working outside dealing in tough conditions dealing with tough smells tough noise all of that it's not easy work and it is uh uh very appreciated um want to uh uh thank the members of the uh um negotiating team for being professional and for uh uh their leadership uh on this issu Patrick Campbell Craig Sor Richard herbs and Mike Smith um they did a a great job uh advocating for their members um and trying to uh uh give themselves and their co-workers uh uh put them in the best positions that they possibly could you now the contract is important because when we offer Fair wages we are a better Community for it because we're able to uh attract more uh employees many of our blue collar workers uh are Town residents like mayor said um so the money that they're earning is going back right back into the local economy so it's really important to make sure that we're paying uh at the very least a fair wage and I think this contract goes far uh towards uh uh getting us to where it should be it would be you know considered to be uh one of the better contracts um uh that they've experienced uh over the last year four or five contracts um but more importantly the reason for that is is that uh they're they were at a point where they were not getting as much as they deserved and this contract gets them much closer to that it's not perfect I think if you speak with any member of the blue collar uh unit they'll tell you that it's not great it's good um same thing with uh the uh towns negotiating team it's not great but it's good but the goal is to make sure that we are you know addressing issues like safety and salary and total compensation and training and making sure that we're putting our workers in a position to stay here for long periods of time so they continue serving our residents and uh I think this goes a long way towards that um also uh wanted to quickly mention that uh the uh um we're going to be doing summer hours for uh Township employees uh this year there was a delay and deciding that this is for White Collar employees um uh you know that aren't uh uh covered by any Collective bargain agreement um there was you know a Slowdown or or a delay in decid having final decision on this because we wanted to try to make you sure it was uh done properly now the goal is to make sure that residents are served and covered during these periods um the White Collar emplo will not be working any less hours they'll be working the same amount of hours that they are supposed to work but they'll be able to uh go uh home early on a Friday uh by working through their lunches uh you know every day during the week um it's a a pretty good opportunity and anybody who is who has duties after uh 3 o'clock on a Friday uh that it not covered they have to continue doing the duties it's not going to you know generate extra overtime or extra comp time or anything like that it's going to be the same uh uh hours work and same uh pay for those hours worked um a lot of other towns are doing it it I think it's important as a uh uh an opportunity to um allow our uh residents who you know just think about when you come and I see people shaking their head and I understand that but uh nobody's coming here and talking to our residents on a hot streak nobody's coming in and say hey thanks we appreciate it those are the minority of people most people are coming in yelling and screaming at our employees unfortunately because our employees are doing a great job overall you could look at any organization out there whether it's Google Apple the church anything you're going to find good band and indifferent and here you'll find good band and indiffer but what I found is that the good far outweighs the Bad and the indifferent and I appreciate them that's all I have thank you I don't have a report moving along to ordinances first reading ordinance 20242 Bond ordinance providing for various Acquisitions and improvements for the golf utility of the township parity Troy Hills in the county of moris state of New Jersey appropriating 372,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 372,000 bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof be it resolved that the above ORD has been introduced read by title and pass on first reading at a meeting of the township council at township RP Troy Hills held on July 23rd 2024 and that settledness be further considered for second reading and final passage meeting to be held on August 20th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time or or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at the M building of set Township at which time all persons interested shall be given opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance be further resolved that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise set ordinance with the notice of introduction thereof being published in the official newspaper according to law motion to approve the above resolution motion can I get a second second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr uh Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes motion passes ordinance 2024 colon 13 Bond ordance providing for various 2024 Capital Acquisitions and improvements for the township precip Troy Hills in the county of Mo state of New Jersey the township appr appropriating 8,173 621 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $ 7,784 70 bonds are not to the township to finance part of the cost thereof be it resolved that the above ordinance be introduced read by title and pass on first reading of meeting of the township Council of the township Troy Hills held on July 23rd 2024 and that settl be further considered for second reading and final passage at a meeting to be held on August 20th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at the municipal building in set Township at which time all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance be further resolve that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise Ser with the notice of introduction thereof being published in the official newspaper according to law motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia second by Mr Mella roll call M Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes moving along to ordinance 2024 call in 14 ordance of the township Council of the township forp Troy Hills County of Moore state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 430 titled zoning to amend section 43 30 -153 titled accessory uses to update same be resolved that the above ordinance be introduced read by title and pass on first reading at a meeting of the township Council of the township precip Troy Hills held on July 23rd 2024 and that set ordinance be further considered for second reading and final passage and a meeting to be held on August 20th 2024 at 7:00 p.m. prevailing time or soon after as or soon thereafter as a matter may be reached at the municipal building in set Township at which all at which time all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance be further resolved that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise set ordinance and a notice of introduction thereof being published in the official newspaper according to law motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr nandz yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia and Mr kif yes motion passes non-consent agenda R22 24-32 authorizing the award of a contract to n Tennis Club LLC for the operation of indoor tennis facility and Provisions of tennis director professional and related service at the precip community center motion to approve the resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes motion passes are 2024 133 adopting a memorandum of agreement between the township parcion Troy Hills and parcion blue collar workers motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes okay um approval of the payroll and bills list CFO Leonard ho recommends authorization for payment number one authorizes payment the July 19th 2024 regular and miscellaneous payroll estimated at $1,650,000 and number two payment of bills from voucher list of July 15 2024 through July 17th which is 3,915 3148 motion to approve the authorization for payment above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr McGrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes could I please have a motion to adjourn the meeting I just want to real quick um Mr cry if we could just make sure the uh the blue collar workers I'm sure they're going to be on retro and stuff like that if we could try to just make sure that gets done as soon as possible we'll do good can I please have a motion to adour the meeting make a motion I got a motion can I get a second or no we're staying here tonight I think everybody wants to say I I'll make a second that that was a hard one for you second motion made by Mr Mel second by Mr kifi roll call uh Mr Hernandez um yes U Mr mcrath yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes we are adjourned have a nice night everybody right just you and me nobody else want to