##VIDEO ID:aZ7_Nifk7ak## Council agenda Township PRP Troy Hills regular Township council meeting of August 20th 2024 introduction posting a notice adequate notice of this meeting has been provided in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings law by filing notice in the office of the Township Clerk and for posting the meeting notice on the bulletin board at the municipal building on January 4th 2024 where it has remained posted since that date a legal notice appeared in the daily record in the New York Star Ledger on January 8th 2024 may ask everyone to please rise for the FL salute Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for stand one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for [Music] all roll call Mr Hernandez here Mr McGrath has an excused absence Mr Mella here Mr neglia here Mr Ki also in attendance from mayor James Barbaro business administrator Jamie cryan Township attorney Michael Avery municipal clerk CED Madden council president we have a quorum may I begin yes please upcoming meeting September 10th 2024 at 700 p.m. is an agenda meeting uh September 24th 2024 at 7: p.m. is a regular meeting uh ordinances second reading and public hearing ordinance 20242 Bond ordinance providing for various Acquisitions and improvements for the golf utility of the Town CH precip Troy Hills in the county of Mo state of New Jersey appropriating 72,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 372,000 bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof the notice of the ordinance for the ordinance 20412 was published in a daily record the official newspaper of the township pcip Troy Hills on July 30th 2024 introduced at the July 23rd 202 24th regular meeting motion to accept motion uh ordinance 20 2412 be heard in second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Miss Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mel Mr neglia Mr Rey yes public hearing motion to open up the public hearing for ordinance 20242 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez M yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes and Mr kifi yes the floor is open to the public to speak on this ordinance only you have five minutes to speak seeing no one come on up Nick it's to talk it's a question could you give some idea of what these improvements uh are is that your only question uh yeah down last time when they when they were introduced I wrote them down I don't remember what they were this is uh do you recall Jimmy you ask me about what the improvements on the gal utility I remember asking about them last month it seemed like they're basic HVAC and just yeah I have yeah I have it here the purchase of Iration equipment including but not limited to a procore 1298 the purchase of two Force blowers and various improvements in the golf course including but not limited to a new gas boiler roof and gutter repairs improvements to all golf buildings including the installation of gutter guards Foundation improvements to the storage building Heating ventilation and air conditioning vent replacement to the East Golf Course building replacement to heating elements in the garages purchase and installation of interior and exterior security cameras replacement of grease traps repairs to concrete sidewalks and steps and the replacement or upgrade of kitchen equipment the improvements and purposes shall also include but are not limited to as applicable all work materials equipment labor and impertinences necessary therefore in incidental there too I didn't realize anyone else okay seeing no on motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 20242 close second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes whereas the above ordinance was read entitled on second reading and hearing held thereon now therefore be resolved that set ordinance be passed on Final reading and at notice a final passage of sness be published in a newspaper according to law motion to approve the resolution above for 2412 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by M Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes motion passes 2020 ordinance 2024 13 bondon is uh providing V for various 2024 Capital Acquisitions and improvements for the township pcip Troy Hills in the county of morris state of New Jersey uh the township appropriating 8,173 621 therefore and authorizing the issue issuance of 7,784 70 bonds or notes of the township to finance part of the cost thereof the notice forance 2024 13 was published in a daily record the official newspaper of the township precipitate Troy Hills on July 30th 2024 and introduced at the July 23rd 2024 regular meeting motion to accept ordinance 20 2413 be heard in second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neg yes Mr K yes motion passes public hearing motion to open a public hearing for ordinance 20 2413 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr kifi yes R is open to the public you have 5 minutes to speak on this ordinance only hi I'd like to can you provide any context what the various items are that are in the 8 million sure um the first is engineering various storm water and drainage improvements including but not limited to repairs to the detention basins ditch Swale and water quality Basin cleaning and Inlet upgrades to meet storm water compliance uh engineering upgrades to traffic signals including but not limited to equipment controllers and detection devices at various intersections throughout the township uh engineering annual inspections and repairs to various dams located throughout the township engineering the purchase and installation of solar LED traffic signs for speed limits and other regulatory signage throughout the township engineering various improvements to Veil Road from Route 46 to Baldwin Road engineering drainage Channel improvements at Drumlin drive and cleaning to reduce flooding in the area engineering the replacement of drainage pipes along wall Drive engineering resurfacing of the parking lot at the water department building engineering phase 9 roadway improvements to mount Taber Road engineering the purchase of a pickup truck for the township inspector streets and Roads purchase of various vehicle Vehicles including but not limited to a dinox roller A Sterling dump truck and an International Dump Truck parks and Forestry purchases various dump trucks and a loader parks and Forestry replacement of the electrical box at Seafield parks and Forestry various improvements to the bathroom building at uh Lenny lenpy Park including but not limited to replacement of the roof and skylights sanitation purchase of three international garbage trucks white cottage Phase 2 stabilization St stabilization stabilization improvements so sorry to white cottage and Stickley Museum repairs to stickly museum including but not limited to the horse barn Police Department goes Police Department office of emergency management purchase of marked police Ford uh interceptors and unmarked Chevy Tahoe police vehicles Police Department office of emergency management 911 system upgrades server Replacements printer Replacements and purchase and installation of automated license plate readers at multiple intersections throughout the township uh again Police Department OEM Fe ibility studies on various land Acquisitions and Renovations for the Emergency Operation Center to include Emergency Medical Services fire prevention and Animal Control uh Emergency Medical Services purchase of an ambulance uh Emergency Medical Services purchase of stretchers and stair chairs uh UCC that's uniform commerci uniform construction code purchase of two Ford sport utility vehicles Recreation installation of a Cricut Mount and section 20 cost that's thank you very much you got it uh comc again I'd just like to uh remind everyone if these sore uh updates are improvements and we don't encourage people to manage their sanitation uh properly with plastic bottles blown all over in the wind or store owners to clean up in front of their uh premises on a regular basis all that plastic eventually winds up in the sewer and in the waterways and and the soil and everything so it has to there should be some uh accompanyment to uh try to at least encourage people to have better practices and especially along the river you go down by the Rockaway River a lot of them sores are out big they have a big mouth that rains down here they go in and you see all the plastic floating down the river so if uh if you can keep that in mind anyone else okay seeing no one um go uh this is only for during the public session Mr SCH you can speak um motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 20 2413 motion second motion made by Mr neglia second by M Hernandez roll call M Hernandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes floor is closed whereas the above ordinance was read in title on second reading and hearing held thereon now therefore be it resolved that set ordinance be passed on Final reading that notice of final passage of set ordinance be published in a newspaper according to law motion to approve the above resolution for ordinance 20 2413 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez a roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes and Mr Ki yes motion passes ordinance 20244 in ordinance of the township Council of the township pacii Troy Hills County of Mor state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 430 titled zoning to amend section 430-1347 was published in a daily record the official newspaper of the township proy Troy Hills on July 30th 2024 and introduced at the July 23rd 2024 regular meeting motion to accept ordinance 20 2414 be heard in its second and final reading motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muel roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mel yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes public hearing motion to open the public hearing for ordinance 20244 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr melum roll call Mr Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mel yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes floor is open to the public on this ordinance only I have five minutes to speak okay seeing no one can I have a motion to close the public hearing make a motion motion made by Mr muella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki yes floor is closed uh whereas the above ordinance was read in the on entitle on second reading and hearing held thereon now therefore be resolved that set ordinance be passed on Final reading that notice of final passage of set ordinance be published in newspaper according to law motion to approve the resolution above for ordinance 20244 motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr M roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes motion passes okay uh public session I'd like to entertain a motion to open the public session motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes okay the floor is now open to the public you have five minutes to speak on any matter do I have to identify myself you can just give your name you do not have to give your address ma'am thank you my name is Maran O'Brien I live in Mount tabber and I'm in phase two of the waterline replacement project unfortunately um so first thing I want to say is I want to thank the water department for the questionnaire that they sent out about possible obstructions I think that was very wise in light of all the horrible experience that has gone on in phase one I'll leave at that and use no foul language um at the last meeting that I attended about this water project which was in the Tabernacle if you remember Jamie I do um there was talk of possible bulleting of lines my understanding what was explained to me at that time from the gentleman from the water department was that this was a possible option where a pipe would a new pipe would be shot through the existing pipe so that that there wouldn't be a lot of disruption I am asking this because where my water pipeline is it goes right through my dining room so my concern is are they going to like rip my house apart and so what I want to know is when the bid process goes out does that get detailed in there as an option to Bullet lines as opposed to just ripping people's properties apart and tearing down fences and ripping up driveways and sidewalks and all of that that's one question I have um then the i' I'd also like to know in the bid process um because the experience that has been had in phase one with Regal Contracting has been appalling is it possible that you would have to hire them again in a bid process those are the questions that I have I I can so um in the bid speec you could put it that in there that bullet process and we can talk to the water department about that and secondly from the memo I received yesterday afternoon from the water department I don't think the town would be interested in that particular contractor thank you Jesus and and I don't believe the contractor would be looking to do work for the township either so it may be helpful but um um I can't promise I can't promise that you can't prevent them from but besides being the lowest you have to be the lowest responsible bid so if there's a history where somebody has not been responsive they haven't done the work properly etc etc etc you could disqualify that okay and so to prove that they have not been responsible you have to have written evidence of that well I don't want to yet yes I I don't want to get into too much because in case it goes that way but yes uh the best thing would be written evidence and I think the water utility is done a pretty good job at least on our end thus far of oh I can get you lot to list so support that I think if that's necessary we'll we'll let you know but like I said I don't believe the contractor is interested in doing another phase of the project and I don't believe the the Township's interested in continuing with the current developer Contra thank you thank you very much thank you Maran one thing I'm I'm look aiming to do because I can see this landscape is changing I will I'll speak to Kevin with regards to having another um meeting at the Tabernacle oh that'd be great yeah I'll have the water department with us as well so we that was very positive yeah it was a great it was actually very good so we'll do it again all right great okay thank you hi nany ch um on your resolution 202443 for the Mountain Way water tank Rehabilitation project um you said the contract was awarded to Union painters but on the bottom it says United paint painters Inc and then it says it again here so who's which company is it is United painters or Union painters differently in both spots I can answer that but is that your only question yeah it's I want to know it's here and it's here two different ways yeah sorry to the public for the confusion on that we made a mistake it's uh it's United United P okay thank you thanks councilwoman for pointing that out to us you're welcome [Music] good evening Ken doski uh prey so I'd like to talk about the fair share housing lawsuit and the board of audit a little bit so first Mr cryan thank you very much for responding to my questions last week requesting information on those two items I wanted to follow up on a couple of things first I just wanted to make it clear that U my purpose in asking these questions is only to provide some oversight on how the town is spending our tax money I have no bias toward or against either the fair share housing lawsuit or the Boe audit if they appear to be good uses of our time and money and have a high probability of success and will generate important benefits that cannot otherwise be achieved I would support the this basic logic uh regarding the fair share housing lawsuit he said that this is months away from being filed I understand that the DCA process is that they'll be issuing Municipal housing obligation numbers in October the town will have until the end of January to either accept the numbers or get different numbers approved by the state if they can't reach an agreement with the state municipalities must file a challenge in court by the end of February is paran's plan consistent with this timing are you going to wait until you receive the DCA numbers and try to work with them before filing a suit this would seem very complicated if you're planning to do this in conjunction with other towns um or is the parpy lawsuit on a totally different uh track so those are couple of questions you made it sound as if the reason this will take months is because of the challenge of working with other unties not the DCA timing if the purpose of the lawsuit is to work with other towns to stop or slow this process why are we not filing now instead of in several months because in several months the process will be you know the train will have left the station and things will be in progress what are the issues preventing this from happening now why aren the attorneys for all these towns meeting now to put this together I also have questions about the legal arguments and the legal strategy if we're going to work within the state plan time frame and first try to get a plan approved by using the numbers that the DCA gave us um then I can see not having all of our legal arguments in place because we haven't gone through that process if on the other hand we're going to file a suit based on other claims but we don't have clarity now as to what our claims are whates makes us think that we would have them in a couple of months I've been involved in similar processes and the first thing you do is always to establish the legal arguments and evaluate their probability of success in other words provide a clear and compelling legal strategy the article that you sent on Milburn is a good cautionary tale it would seem of a town that went to court without a strong case and is now paying the price for that and paying legal fees you cited a number of very good points about the problems being caused by feier share housing but it's not clear which if any of them form a legal basis for a lawsuit I did not see any claims of violations of the law in your statement are we suing to protect property recover damages claim some form of discrimination challenge the tight time frames frankly the time to address many of these was when the faure housing law was first being enacted by the by the state but uh I don't understand exactly what what the basis is on which we're going to file a suit um as to the role of the Highlands Council um I've been hopefully hopeful eternally that they can help reduce our numbers but I never thought that they could save the day I remain hopeful that the highlands Council tools described by Ben Spinelli will help us calculate the buildout numbers that are more favorable than what the DCA requires by determining available land for development that is not environmentally constrained well that remains to be seen one point than which I'm fairly certain is that the Highland Council does not have the ability to shift obligations among the towns which is I think what you implied in your letter the fairshare housing center has said that if the regional need for each the re need for each region because they're going to put that send out numbers by region Cann not be met because the highlands munis cannot accommodate them then the remaining Regional need is not assigned elsewhere it just disappears so there's no need to shift numbers around between towns as to the board of ed audit you said it would only review publicly available documents I know that Mr McGrath who unfortunately is not here tonight has already done some excellent analysis of these documents regarding predictions of new students from developments versus actual additions birth rates long-term decline in annual enrollments student to teacher ratios Etc capacity versus expected enrollments have you looked at his analyses what else are you asking from the formal audit and how do you know that you can't get it from efforts like Mr McGrath's so these may not be the most conc most concise set of questions and these are both very very complex issues but that was the next phase in my thinking about trying to understand what's going on so whatever answers you can provide I'd appreciate thank you thank you Mr doski you you want me to just address like as far as the fair share or or affordable housing litigation I don't think we should be discussing like strategies uh what are strong points our weak points at this point in time certainly when the town decides to move forward with that if they do you're going to pass a resolution authorizing the litigation and at that time I think you could at least explain this is the this is the basis for the lawsuit but I don't certainly don't want to give any possible opponents the leg up by being able to watch this meeting or get copies of the minutes to find out what our strategy is that's all I think council president if so um when it comes to that lawsuit uh and and the the month that I said it was more about uh giving a conservative time frame uh to put it all together and it's it's not we're not relying on uh just this governing body to um you know lead the charge here there's other municipalities I believe Montell is one of them that is is leading the charge on this and there's a discussion over strategy of course and that's that's ongoing and that'll be talked about uh there's also a discussion about funding this and how the lawyers uh who will handle it will get paid so it's a it'll be a breakdown among members uh of cost and strengthen numbers cheaper than going out at our ourselves a better opportunity of of being successful um uh going out with others and um so that's that's part of you know those little Nuance things are are part of the reason why it'll take uh a little bit of time um and it may not take months it may take months um so we'll see but but I I I'll talk to you offline about this as I get more uh information each step of the way I'll just send you a quick email and say hey here we're with this we're at this and all of that so so you're um uh in the know with it because your uh emails back and forth and your questions and some of your replies have been very helpful uh to me in helping you know kind of take this this big bear down to you know a little or Bear right now um so so that's where it's at with that I'm sorry one one more I'm sorry sorry about that as far as uh the great stuff that uh councilman McGrath did is he did an incredible study on it incredibly time uh consuming and difficult to do on your own um what it that's kind of the Crux of where all of this started some of the numbers that are out there and are talked about are changed and they're different and they're all over the place and it's to get clarification um on things so uh having uh an expert uh a financial expert uh someone who's schooled in school financing um to take a look at this stuff and analyze it and uh uh uh give us you know their thoughts on it uh is just smart business it's doing or due diligence that's all that is uh you're call me uh I was wondering if anyone from his Council or or the mayor or anyone from the municipality is going to attend the uh the so the uh 20 years of the Highlands at the aboratorium at the Freeland hous of aboratorium I am I just other than Judy is anyone I just oh man all all right that's um I I hope you read it because um there's four three things here that that the highlands is going to help uh uh precip out uh the first one is the adoption of the amendment to the regional master plan that's been completed concerning round four of the housing and then three additional member uh measures will be available the first guidance on how round four affordable housing should be created this document will essentially be an instrument man annual for municipal planners how to create house the housing plan that is consistent with the regional management plan second will be the instruction how to calculate each municip municipalities built out build out over uh overall development potential for each town is the foundation for determining the affordable housing unit count that must be incorporated ated in each plan a GIS Geographic um uh in information system tool based to calculate the buildout is being created by the Highland staff and will be available to every town a training session by Highland staff will be available to every town a training session for municipal planners and officials will be conducted in the early fall the third is a round of grant funding to pay for the planning work these grants will be open to all Highlands mun municipalities however priority for this limited funding will be given to conforming towns so we're a conforming town now so that's good but what I what I see and I've discussed it with a friend of mine from the highlands coalition precip is is an outlier we're we're built out already but we're in Need for redevelopment all this corporate real estate we have so that's going to be the Dilemma to overcome that's why I keep on saying they have to make more affordable in ratio and less luxury or Market will will bear and that should be part of the lwuit because it makes sense so you know you uh uh I don't know how many more environmentally sensitive lands we do have left but they should be guarded by this in other words it'll just be Redevelopment there won't be any new land land taking and can anyone answer when is M Mr Spinelli do du to show up here for a uh I invited him again for September 10th we'll see what happens he doesn't want to come the paciic so they were waiting for some of this to you know be developed and um so maybe he was on vacation so I just reached out to him again all right yeah so we we we did do a positive thing by getting into conformance and we have to deal with the Redevelopment aspect and uh the the lawsuit should include the most affordable and the least luxury a market will bear so I'll leave it at that Joseph burilla 66 leamore drive I'm a fire Commissioner of Fire District 3 Lake precip I'm here on behalf of the whole Board of fire Commissioners has to do with the p sidewalk that runs along Hy road that is on the township rideway it is a need of repl replacement I met with the mayor a few times about this uh lately I'm getting no answers I made appearances to his office with his Administrative Assistant left messages got no response bard of fire Commissioners right now are very uh we're in a situation where if there's a lawsuit because somebody gets hurt it's going to come against the township our attorney Anthony buo addressed this issue last year with the administrator uh we got no satisfactory uh response so I think the council needs to address this issue because we're not getting anywhere it's a paver sidewalk that was put in 22 years ago you can't run 30 ton fire truck over a sidewalk that's not made to hold that weight and now it's in disrepair it's crumbling apart a lot of people walk this area and it's something's going to happen can I get a response from the mayor yes you can um first and foremost we did speak about it at the touch of truck and things that we can do here in the town so that we did have conversations several conversations Joe and you know that um in a right away as you know when something's in the RightWay the town really isn't responsible for the RightWay but we did agree you and I that the township would do it so the funds weren't there okay so now we've had conversations with our engineer and and I'm going to let you take over from me because you had more of the conversations with regards to it we're not going to let you flip the bill I I never got anything from um Anthony Buco he never called me up or anything the senator never called me up or anything so m yeah I'm just letting you know he he never contacted me and he us and he and he usually would contact me the uh the senator but he did not on this matter I just want to make that clear on the record um but yeah we're we're willing to you know fix the sidewalk I don't think it's going to be the little bricks again I don't think that's uh conducive for that area like you said you have these I don't know how many tons Vehicles going over those um but we did have a meeting with our um engineer so and you can take it from there thanks have you spoken with our engineer last week the engineer told me that the project is not in his hands and it may not be funded this year I reported that back to my board of fire Commissioners last night and you can imagine the response I got it is so who's who's who might the believe uh it's in the engineer's hands um he's trying we're trying to find to get the funds to make sure it gets done as quickly as possible uh that's where it's at right now now this is a project that is would be your responsibility but the town is taking uh over over the responsibility for you just because it's in the RightWay doesn't make it our responsibility it's a sidewalk like it would be anywhere else in town but because uh of of the uh uh work that you guys do for the town um mayor and the council talked about doing this for you uh and it will be done it's just a matter of making sure that we get the funds together okay let me just reiterate the fire housee was built 22 years ago the Town Council at that time had a sidewalk program where they put in a beautiful P sidewalk which was the wrong thing to do so how can you say that it belongs to fortif fire commissioner District 3 when you put it in well let me just read section 360 hyen 28 of the parpy code which says Duty AB budding land owner the construction repair alteration reaying and maintaining a sidewalks are hereby declared to be the duty of the ab budding land owner so whoever's property the sidewalks on it's their responsibility to repair the sidewalk yeah and and a week and a half ago that's that's when we had our last conversation with uh the engineer about this and he had mentioned that he does not want to do the uh uh pavers again that he wanted to make sure that that it's not the pvers again over um so he was working on uh uh trying to figure out pricing and and trying to get it uh uh taken care of so it's it's in the works if I had the ability to do it myself I'd go out there and do it myself but I don't well I I I saw them last Wednesday I went to the engineers department and I asked where are we on this project yeah the engineer himself said he doesn't have the project and that it may not be funded this year so you're talking about a week and a half and I'm talking about a week well we we we'll speak with the engineer tomorrow I'll speak with in fact I got a better one Joe how about you have a meeting with us it'll be usy that way we're all in the same room okay if you want to bring the senator that would be good as well okay all right cuz this where we have you know not this one said this this one said that we'll all be in the same room okay thank you you're welcome Joe [Music] good evening everyone Sarah grao from pany um at the last coun meeting it was stated that there would be a cannabis presentation tonight and I don't see it on the agenda um so I I was hoping to get some kind of update on when that would happen I'll give you an update right now with regards to it is that your only question yes okay the Cannabis ordinance as it is now I don't feel comfortable with I'm not I'm not going to present a cannabis ordinance I don't feel comfortable with so what I did was I reached out to um and I know some of us know him up here Ramen Delo and I'm going to be sitting with uh Radell that go over the ordinance where I feel I could feel comfortable with it as well as the council and Ron seems to be the guru of uh as for attorneys for cannabis and we had a really positive um um conversation and basically what Ron said is want to create ordinance that fits pory and that's what we're going to do and that's what I want to do as well that fits Pary and I I would assume cuz I'm going to be meeting with him this week or next week Jamie and I will be meeting with him and we're going to present he'll do the presentation uh because he's the pro and that's just my opinion I've heard so many good things about him I had great conversation with him last week and um I'm looking forward to seeing them and getting the Cannabis ordinance on and the presentation as well [Music] my name is my name is Bob vedia and I I live in par siony judging from the comments made by the administration and some of the council members at the past few Town Council meetings it seems like an ordinance allowing the retail sale of marijuana in pany will become a reality in the near future the mayor has been very honest about why a retail marijuana ordinance will pass as he has said on more than one occasion it's all about the money but at what C to parcion will that addition additional Revenue come yeah my goal is not to prevent an ordinance that allows the retail sale of marijuana in parcion rather I want to make sure that whatever ordinance is drafted contains language which calls for the monitoring of the effects of retail marijuana on parcion and which safeguards the Township against any possible negative effects that a that the dispensary business may have on the quality of life in the Township in order to provide the necessary safeguards I recommend that the ordinance should contain a built-in expiration date of 5 years after the first dispensary is allowed to operate after that time the council would re-evaluate if the dispensary business should be renewed for example if the sale of marijuana causes an causes unacceptable increases in the crime rate in the township the number of traffic accidents the rate of marijuana usage by school AG children or the number of marijuana related incidents requiring police intervention then the ordinance should not be renewed and all dispensary licenses in the township should be revoked if you're going to approve the sale of a drug that has numerous adverse side effects and to which the center of disease control now estimates that 10% of its users will become addicted the ordinance must include safeguards for the future of porcion thank [Applause] you anyone else [Music] Jack Ray 15 Rong drives wanted to raise a couple of issues um obviously I've been here before and I'm a member of the par Board of Education uh one of the things we wanted to talk about was the audit of the Board of Education the Redundant audit of the Board of Education uh Robin Tedesco and Dr Su worked very hard to achieve a budget budget targets given the restraint the restraints imposed by the state of New Jersey namely the 2% State cast the accusations of financial mismanagement are wrongheaded the school district is one of 27% of New Jersey school districts to complete their audit by the December 5th deadline the audit received an unqualified audit opinion which is the best kind unlike the town of por which received an adverse opinion there were no internal control deficiencies found during the audit and and which reflects well on Robin dco and Dr Su the Board of Education auditor expenses should be it has to be discuss if they should be incurred by the town or if they should be at campaign expense because they're obviously being you this auditor is is for campaign purposes only as far as the pilots go we'd like to uh I hate the Monday Morning Quarterback but since this is trending I guess I'll have to join the trend announcing uh repeatedly that the town is wide open to Pilots puts parity in uh in a week negotiating position why are all the pilots 30-year turns the financial expert that was here in November said that they are as short as 11 years but it seems that all the pilots that we are pursuing are 30 years 155e 10 is 600 units and translates into 240 children based on the demographic studies that we've done we have the facility in progress but educating 240 children creates a a cost outflow each year of about $6 million that has to be funded somehow where will that money come from any residential pilot deals should include a revenue share equal to the cost to educate these children and that's about it but thank you [Music] Tim beros 24 Farmstead drive on August 6 2024 like many of my fellow Paran taxpayers I sat in this very chamber and listened to the administration announced a taxpayer funded audit of the Board of Education let me be clear this audit seems like nothing more than political retaliation against board members who once supported the administration but now find themselves at odds especially after residential development Pilots were negotiated without consulting the key stakeholders in our town this audit which falls under the payto pay statute limits conveniently bypasses the need for our Town's Council to approve it but let's not forget the Board of Education already conducts its own taxpayer funded order which is fully public and submitted to the Department of Education and Training in all my many years on the board never once has the state of New Jersey questioned our financial integrity at the same August 6th meeting as the administration wrapped up its announcement I watched and disbelieved as Council vice president who served as Board of Education president for six years sat silently I served with him during those years often on the finance committee we reviewed every audit asked tough questions and met with the business administrator the superintendent and the Auditors to ensure everything was above board not once did the council vice president raise a single concern about our fiscal management yet now the administration accuses the school district of poor planning and mismanagement I remind the council that the poran school district is currently building additional classrooms at the Littleton Elementary School without asking that public for any extra funding does that sound like poor planning to you as an elected official I've sadly come to expect slander from those who disagree with the current Administration but what's truly dis disrespect disgraceful is seeing hardworking dedicated Professionals in our school district who count every nickel and dime to keep our budget within the 2% State cap and pass our audits publicly disparaged these are people who do everything possible to avoid cutting services while providing the best education to our students so I asked the Town Council not the administration why now why start this audit after six consecutive years of earning the certificate of excellence in our audits with the former Board of Education president sitting right there beside you someone who knows the quality of the work being done why now is this political retribution is it because we're fighting for our fair share for the 7,000 students and 1,000 teachers and staff in our district or is it because someone said something at an event that the administration didn't like the public deserves an answer why now [Music] good evening my name is Susie golderer from parcion I am a board member on the parcion Troy Hills Board of Education I am here though as a private citizen and homeowner I am very concerned and disappointed that the mayor has taken to disparaging our school district and hardworking staff I am also very saddened to have heard councilman neglia saying absolutely nothing councilman neglia you served on the board of education for many years and I can't believe that you allowed the mayor to say things about the District staff knowing exactly how the budget and finances of the school district are strictly managed board members do review and approve the monthly bills and yearly budget yet the board has nothing to do with putting it together in any way the board asks questions but in no way do board members get to say what they personally want added or taken out of the budget board members unlike what people may think have to stay in their Lane and cannot administer The District board members are held tightly bound ethics rules that the municipal government obviously is not board it is the responsibility of the superintendent and business administrator along with the rest of the administration who make up the line items in the budget based on many meetings and discussions with pertinent staff and what it's looking to be achieved in the year to come within the district every school district has to send their budget to also be approved by the county superintendent's office the district has received Awards in the last six consecutive years and the way the budget is put together and managed there are about 30 districts in the state of New Jersey that received this award out of 593 70% of our school district of our School District budget is salaries and benefits which leaves 30% to cover School needs for buildings and grounds of the 15 school buildings supplies Furniture technology for the school transportation costs and a whole lot more parp has never received back 100% of the money they sent to Trenton for Education the percentages I'm going to mention are not accurate to the decimal point they're just reference parity School District used to receive around 30% of now and now with the funding formula pacifically receives less than 60% of state aid so it may seem to an average citizen that there are numbers have remained static in the 7,000 to 7200 range of of pupils the district is receiving more money yet it's still not receiving 100% of their money the parp school district district has always worked with less money since more money is always sent to the avit school districts such as New York and Jersey City the school district stands to lose over $30 million for each 30-year pilot program negotiated by the mayor and the Town Council for each housing pilot program approved mayor you have stated that individual board members have made the board of education political because they attended a parip memorial candidate announcement yet you have in the past welcomed any person regardless of position to support you board members have been have attended your fundraisers and no push back for any one of their attendance I supported you for Council races I supported you for mayor until you backtracked from the only the main promise that you made was to get rid of engino your first term and on the first meeting you backed from that to say things about board members is bad enough because it is only being done for vindictive reasons board members are elected State officials and though there is there is no compensation it is understood that criticism is part of the position but to go after staff that make their living working for the district working hard to provide a superb education with a small percentage we receive back from the state as Aid is a point you mayor have never supported my candid candidacy for anything and I have never disrespected or embarrassed you because of it why because you have the right to support candidates that align to their values and principles I have the same rights as you do and I can support whoever on their respective office calling people names like money hungry really I find that very unprofessional I implore that you meet with the Boe to do the people's work politics should not enter the work of the municipal government and school district of the same town the community at large is more important than anyone's ego my name is Andy Chao and I'm the president of the parsipany Troy Hills Board of Education I and other board members who spoke tonight are speaking solely on our own we do we are not representive parity Boe council president as Mrs Golder alluded to past current board members have supported the campaigns of the mayor we have knocked on doors walked and called on his behalf he encouraged this political activity when it benefited him only now that it supports uh his support has turned to uh his opponent is this activity not allowed and irrational mayor that is a textbook definition of hypocrite barar onino engino and barbaria this Dynamic dual of Destruction that continues to harm the town the barbaria bungled highdensity housing projects that he negotiated will harm our town make no mistake I'm going to refer to these developments as barbaros bungalos barbaros Bungalow will en Rich Teran Caso and the developers with tax breaks paid for by the rest of us now a little bit about the audit this auditor Frank de Maran Associates Council what specific concerns the township has about the school's budget I've never heard any for the township to take the extraordinary action of spending taxpayer dollars ordering the School District surely something specific must be of concern or is the mayor seeking taxpayer funded political retaliation as a pretext for the Sham audit make no mistake this is not an independent audit the township has no legitimate authority to audit the school district this is that political retribution Unleashed by an unhinged mayor with tacid approval by this Council it's a taxpayer funded Hatchet job now let's get back to the order of Frank the Maria and to the barbaria and Ino Dynamic deal of Destruction we now add Frank D Maria and create the Triad of treachery three very charmmy people D Maria is the CFO for the town of Beville engino is the Redevelopment attorney for the town of Beville engino Barbaro and Di Maria the Triad of treachery further engo and D Maria also represent hacketstown very chummy indeed council president what was the vetting process to hire this independent quote unquote audit firm were other firms interviewed I I suspect not I suspect that this was a Barbaro Andino set up from the beginning that was something like this hey John it's Jamie that school Bridge really pissing me off what can we do to stop this oh well Jamie maybe we can hire an auditor and they can find something in their budget John it's a great idea okay let the township pay them a few thousand doll and they'll find something for a there okay great because this is a sham now this auditor B Maran Associates was a school district auditor for lers despite being their auditor for years the B Maria firm failed to uncover a district deficit in lur of $4 million that audit firm failed the lur School business administrator and the dmia firm were not renewed or in other words they were fired and a state monitor was inserted and this is who barbaria wants to bring to our town dear friends and Town Council Members did you know the last Township AIT uncovered a serious concern that quote would enable a person to perpetuate errors and prevent detection within a reasonable period of time un quote the town should correct its own documented order deficiencies instead of creating lies about the school district in conclusion we have learned that barber will lie to protect his political position he will create a false narrative without Merit to so division barbaros is inept or worse in negotiating with developers to create barbaro's bungalows all over town he's happiest when neighbors bow to his whim without question he deflects to others to cover up his own administration's failures mayor you're failing at your job now how much time do I have you have a minute and three seconds okay so I will I will give you a very good example of the mayor's deceit through the truth he he posted this on his Facebook page this afternoon and for the most part it's an accurate depiction of local property taxes in how they dispersed in a municipality the vast majority goes to the school district about 27 or so percent to the town 5% to the county some to the fire districts and come to the library 30 seconds Mr CH what the mayor doesn't say is part the state constitution this is how all districts are funded in every school district in every town the chart would look the same so he leaves that out now in this chart and I don't I don't have the taxpayer funded people to do these charts for me uh 95% of Pilots go to the town and 5% go to the county shutting out fire districts libraries and the school district it's a [Applause] shame have a good night [Music] [Music] Richard Suarez parcion New Jersey you know mayor for several months you stated at Town Council meetings that discussions between your Administration and the Board of Ed were very close to reaching a deal as to how much funding would be supplied to the Boe from tax money generated by Pilot properties you stated you would not make comment until the agreement was finalized well Mr Mayor it's now August and the deal appears to still be in limbo exactly how hard can it be to come up with an agreement on these funds the city is either going to stand up and do the right thing as far as the school funding goes or it's going to reneg on its obligation to provide adequate money if the city reneges the burden to make up the missing funds will of course be placed on the existing homeowners in town the residents deserve and demand that the Boe funding formula be finalized before any further pilot programs are approved by the Town Council at the behest of the mayor as far as the audit goes this is this is a sham come on we all know what's going on we all know this is irrational as as the mayor said it said about people on on the board of ed what is rational about doing this when their audits have come back Snow White year after year after year does the mayor have an in in inside tip that that the cost of number two pencils are are too high I mean you know give us something don't don't just say it's because it's irrational you could say that about anything I could say say that about you wanting to do this audit to begin with it's a joke everybody here knows it what what's going on shame on the council members who who were on on on the board of ed you know better what's going on here let me get my blood pressure down also what is going on with the renovations on on the library are the state funds still available is there a Sunset date on these funds I was told that there isn't but it's been an awful long time and we have seen zero notada zip going on with the renovations are you really prepared to spend $6 million to renovate a building that's so old and so inadequate that you'd be wasting $6 M million I worked on on on projects where we renovated bu buildings many times the majority of the times it's cheaper and better in the long run to knock it down and start from scratch so you're starting with a clean slate why no one else wants to admit that I don't know I worked for the state for 40 years I've seen it there's cost overruns on every renovation project because there's unforeseen things and yet the mayor the council turn a blind Blind Eye what's going on with with that and I'm very disappointed here that the person who's going to be looking over the books for the city in regards to the board of education has any present or prior dealings with your very good friend John and everybody knows you guys are tight so don't even say that that doesn't H happen also 30 seconds sir thank you also I'd like to know what the cost is for the sidewalk Renovations along North beverick Road and we now have a fourth person killed three on on Route 4 46 which is a tragedy I brought this up 6 weeks ago what has the town done be between I I brought this up and this last person be being killed on on on Route 46 sir if nothing's being done shame on all of you [Music] see no one else entertain a motion to close the public hearing motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr kifi yes okay moving along to the consent agenda be it resolved all items with an aspect are considered routine and noncontroversial by the township Council will be approved by one motion there will be no separate discussion of these items unless a council member so requests in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considering its normal sequence on the agenda motion to approve the consent agenda motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by M Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr michella yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes okay a motion passes approval of minutes for the agenda meeting of uh 7924 and regular meeting of 72324 motion to approve the minutes motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr herandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes motion passes moving on to presentations and reports mayor thank you cled um a lot was said tonight um accusing me of politics and you saw politics at its best tonight so with that being said um the tragedy on Route 46 parting experience let me change my glasses PA experience to start pedestrian fatality in less than months on approximately 1.5 mile stretch around 46 last night I was at that um you know hit and run really really what it was that we don't know I don't know everything in details but our team remains committed to doing whatever we can to ensure this is the last tragedy on our roads can't guarantee it we We Can't Stop people from crossing the road you know we're going to be meeting with the D NJ D and commissioner o Conor the last week of um August uh with regards to Route 46 and and all the state highways we're also going to be meeting with the county with uh regards to the county roads uh the Baldwin Road repair update and finally it's going to be repaired after meeting with contractors an analys was an analysis was performed through the sewer utility for the course to repair the effect Council awarded the contract to make the necessary repairs to Jay Fletcher creamer work is scheduled to begin on the evening of September 9th this weekend was an eventful weekend we had the Indian flag raising ceremony I'd like to take this opportunity to thank jiger sha who um ran it with Raj Patel the president of the indian-american cultural committee and the MC sandre pandia summer concert uh this th this Friday night we will have super Trans Am I can tell you they're a very good band um wants to come out and enjoy themselves that would be uh a very good event to attend our Farmers Market is going strong with regards and I I already mentioned cannabis and um I hear what you said Bob some of those areas that I'm sticking the where I'm having a tough time with that's why I have to bring somebody in with regards to um you a perfect example would be I don't want to stress our Police Department out there's no way to really uh measure how much marijuana in somebody's system and just the way the laws are with regards to that I don't want to put them In Harm's Way and in in dealing with situations so I brought a gentleman in that I I really believe can do the job with regards to the Cannabis yeah we're not I'm not I agree with you I've said it from day one it's it's about at the end of the day it's about getting revenue and everybody has to be upfront about that some people wholehearted believe that it's not not about that and I've met individuals cuz Sarah doesn't and I I respect her for her thoughts and her opinions on it as I said Maryann we're going to uh set of a meeting with uh at the Tabernacle again with regards to the and I'll just give a little update on that the galvanized pipes what happened was the Federal Government you the EPA the federal EPA came out with a directive that no lead pipes would be in any municipalities so at that time P siony was fine we had no lead pipes but then the state of New Jersey changed the course and said that galvanized pipes and in Mount tabber if anybody knows Mount tabber it's a very difficult area pipes under houses through other properties and they're all galvanized and a lot of individuals and families are affected you know you heard some stuff here tonight with regards to um Politics as you saw tonight you saw the political um in my opinion nonsense that happened here tonight they they talk about I'm not saying I'm saying you guys in the back AB absolutely Andy so what happened here they're they're going back and forth and trying to negotiate this out in public fine I said it today I posted it and this is what I'm going to say our BB case in tax burning burden is a burden on the town and and and and I and I love the school system I love the educational system but the bottom line is I hired somebody that can explain cuz all these numbers are all over the place when you speak to Matt McGrath that's councilman MATC when you speak to councilman when you speak councilman Matt McGrath he was an eye opener he showed me some stuff and I went and I spoke to an order can you help us decipher these numbers and that's the bottom line so if if if everything's good there's nothing to worry about but the town before it gives any money up to any organization any other government body has to do with du diligence and that's what we're doing here in pipany um with regards to funding when we lose a tax appeal and we have many tax appeals coming up when we lose the tax appeal we don't get any money back none we got to pay the 63% twice whatever the school board gives us we got to pay and we've got a billion dollars in tax appeals this year as of April 1st we have a lot more tax appeals coming we lost one last week as as we want in the council vot it and to settle it okay so the township gets hit twice I'm sure we can come up with an agreement but I want to feel comfortable and I believe the council wants to feel comfortable moving forward you know when you guys spoke I didn't scream or yell and you get up you throw your arms in the air Nancy you're sitting up there ster that's fine do what you have to do I respected you when you spoke I gave you the opportunity to speak cuz I'm not going to interrupt you I'm not I'm not going to do do that so if when you speak I will wholeheartedly listen to you okay and when I speak I expect the same that's all that's mutual respect so with that being said I'm going through with the audit I think it's prudent that the township does that because when you hear that and it's true with what the Board of Education president said on the pilot we get 95% of it but we don't get any other dollars back and I think that's why the legislators created that system because they knew in hard Economic Times which it was pilots were a means of jump starting an economy in a Township or or else what you'd have vacant you have vacant office spaces and who who at the end of the day is going to pay for those bacing office baces you the taxpayers nobody's here to hurt the school system not at all not whatsoever I just want to feel comfortable with a professional that can explain the numbers to me to everybody so that being said you know it's kind of funny and there's no even need to even get mad anymore because you start to look at some of the things and some of the things that people say um I was going to respond to some stuff that Mr bario has put on Facebook but it truly is not worth it um we're supposed to be professional so I'm going to do that I'm going to be professional so that being said please see that's that's exactly it that's the disrespect you get and when they want to scream and yell in the back put picket signs up put signs up that we take bribes and all that kind of stuff it kind of It kind of you kind of say to yourself you know what that's ridiculous when you can't come to the table you have to insult and that's exactly what they do they want to insult insult but they don't tell you about the they just want to come and insult you so they can get their way well you can insult me all you want that's political satire I'm used to it I'll take it and I can promise you if you if you ridicule me and you call me names like it's been done on Facebook I promise you I will not go to the police department and claim uh harassment and assassination plot I guarantee you I won't do that so you can you can call me any name you want and you do it on Facebook and that's fine but that being said um I think on once everything's said and done we get our order back we get the recommendations we get to the table we negotiate that's why I'll feel comfortable I hope the council feels the same way CU that's how I feel well I definitely want to share my perspective and I can assure you I can't speak for the rest of the council uh I do not feel the same way I feel that what we are seeing here is in response to a butchered process that took place from November to December where the Board of Education was pleading with us at every single meeting to be involved in these Mass development deals that have very real impacts on their day-to-day responsibilities as stewards of our taxpayer money on the board of education and that wasn't done that they were ignored the people who had concerns were ignored every single person who expressed opposition to what took place had their thumb nose and as we fast forward to the issue that is before us in audit um I know I was blindsided by it uh can't speak for everybody else but I think we need to call it what it is that that this threat to audit the board of education is simply a blatant Act of retaliation designed to silent silence dissent and suppress political opposition to people who hold a contrary view of how these pilot agreements took place I don't think there's anything inappropriate about individual board members expressing their political viewpoints on what impacts our community um we we had Council vice president uh Frank neglia who was the board of pre board president at the time when he ran there were no concerns then about the political activity and it needs to be on a consistent basis treated the the the same way um I I think that this proposed audit uh really mirrors the definition of abuse of power it's using government authority to Target and punish those with differing views that's what is happening here if we wanted to have an understanding of the board of education's financials we can watch the January 4th 2024 tape where their own auditor came before them for a full hour and watch it as I have and you'll see the following that our Board of Education filed on time that they're in the top 20% of school districts Statewide and all of their internal controls were above board so this is a waste of taxpayer money and abuse of power then then then the audit there's nothing to worry about well that's can I ask a question can I ask a question who who are you asking the question I'm asking the question of the council president are we voting for the audit not tonight okay do we have more than one bid for the audit or do we just hand it to one person and the other question I have is not question it's a statement where is I know Mr McGrath councilman McGrath went through this why and what was what did he find because they they do the they did do a budget and they did have an audit independently like we do and it's expensive to do an audit so I'm concerned when we have so many things on the horizon we have the current infrastructure we have storm water issues we have development that's happening and not being filled and then the next round of development that we're not meeting even even talking about when we all should be meeting together and working towards solving those problems cooperatively so I think and and I think uh in that vein we should make it very clear on record where each council person stands on this audit so with that said I would like to make a motion um for a resolution expressing opposition to this proposed audit okay we have a motion on the floor do I have a second on that motion well I'll second it if we have if that means that we will have to talk about what going forward is that well no what would happen is since I have I have the motion cover I just think it's be discussed the motion as as the council member stated um is expressing opposition uh so even that that's all that's all the motion is so in order since I do have a motion on the table uh I would need a second and if you want to have discussion you can and if you don't we will just proceed to a vote we can continue to discuss it but I think it's you don't really need as far as I'm concerned at this particular point in time uh if you're doing a resolution or you're doing a motion for a resolution to discuss that's not necessary as you're already discussing it right now and because you don't have a resolution in front of us there's no resolution at this particular point in time exactly so I mean I don't mean always be contrary no no it's not about contrary I'm just saying for procedural standpoint like I was passing I was when we started talking about the audit last time I was like wait what because well I think that's why it's not on tonight so that you can get more yeah but but where is the on I mean these people on are are professional they're not going to put their their professions at stake or just like in the in the township and people on our committees we're we try to do the best we can we're not going to put ourselves at risk I can't imagine that there's a lot of my there especially if they have the accolades that they do from the state I mean we we we rever the police department and the public workers but the teachers are so important too in the Board of Ed absolutely and it's just frust I know this is politics and it's frustrating and I just would like to see us working together to do more things we have a lot we have a lot to cover we have a lot going on and this affordable housing thing is going to is is a train coming at us and we haven't really sat down to even talk about what that's going to look like and we need to talk with them and we need to talk with the Departments [Music] too and yeah and I know it's pilots and I know the whole thing about real estate however there's more tools in the toolbox and we should explore all all the options that we have so I just want to make clear for the record M fernandz that was not a second and we're just yeah I just want to make clear it's just discussion at this point do that we're discussing and and we don't have a motion at this particular point in time at at this point anyway so if you guys just want to continue the discussions the Town Council does have the table so if anybody else would like to speak you're more than welcome to do so if not we're going to go ahead and move on to the town attorney I I have one thing I absolutely council president Council um the economic development team alongside mayor James barbaria will host the ribbon cutting ceremony to welcome the following businesses the public is cordially invited to join the celebration dunin Donuts September 7th 2024 9:30 a.m. at 1980 Route 10 West Mars Plains premium digital Office Solution Tuesday September 17 2024 12:00 p.m. 1:41 New Road and Premier classic cars Saturday September 21st 2024 11:30 a.m. 3460 Route 46 the next meeting of the economic development committee is on Tuesday uh excuse me Thursday September 4th at 6:30 p.m. at 90 East Hy Road Third Floor conference room the public is invited please RSVP with chairman Frank kahill at 97 73 559 6000 thank you any other member from Township Council I have one thing I just we were talking about traffic and um the parity neighborhood watch is having a New Jersey bike and walk Coalition pedestrian and bike safety a vision for safer streets in pany at a August 27th 7 p.m. at the pany municipal courthouse please come 7 p.m. anyone else from Council okay uh Township attorney yes I just have a brief report um as the council knows uh Glenmont Commons developers had submitted an opener request to the town for a sewer report that the town had commissioned and paid for and uh this has to do with the sore lines that are in Glenmont Commons developers where the roads are terrible so the the sewer lines run uh adjacent to those roadways um they submitted an OP request since the county hasn't decided whether or not we're going to accept those sewers or whether or not we're going to accept the sewage from Caster line states which is a development they're building in Denville um it was denied because it's predecisional uh Glenmont Commons developers sued the town as you know uh to get that and we got the judge's order today uh which denied their relief um said that our the clerks uh withholding of that report was proper as it was predecisional and uh hopefully that'll be the end of it there obviously the entitled to appeal but you know I don't know that that's going to go anywhere that's it thank you buiness administrator I no report tonight and I do not have a report tonight moving along to ordinances first reading ordinance 20245 Bond ordinance providing for various sewer utility Capital Improvements in and by the township ory Troy Hills in the county of mois state of New Jersey appropriating 5,726 th000 there uh therefore and authorizing the issuance of 5,726 th000 bonds or notes to finance the cost thereof be it resolved that the above uh the above ordinance be introduced read by title and passed on first reading at a meeting of the township Council of Township pcip Troy Hills held on August 20th 20 2024 and that settledness be further considered for second reading and final passage and meeting to be held on September 24th 2024 at 7 p.m. prevailing time or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at the municipal building in set Township at which time all persons interested shall be given the opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance be further resolved that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise set ordinance with the notice of introduction thereof being published in the official newspaper according to law motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by M Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mel yes Mr neglia yes and Mr K yes motion passes ordinance 20246 Bond owners providing for various improvements and upgrades to the waste water treatment plant in and by the township of Pacific Troy Hills in the county of Mo state of New Jersey appropriating 9,500,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 9,500,000 bonds are not to finance the cost thereof be it resolved that the above ordinance be introduced read by turle and passel on first reading at a meeting of the township Council of Township ccip Troy Hills held on August 20th 202 2024 and that settl be further considered for second reading and final passage at a meeting to be held on September 24th 2024 at 7 p.m. prevailing time or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at the municipal building in set Township at which time all persons interested shall be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance be further resolved that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise sness with notice of introduction thereof being published in in the official newspaper according to law motion to approve approve the above resolution make a motion second motion made by Mr Mella seconded by Mr negli a roll call Mr herandez Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki motion passes ordinance 2024 17 Bond ordinance amending and supplementing Bond ordinance number 20239 here to4 finally adopted on September 5th 2023 by the township precipi Troy Hills in the county of Mo state of New Jersey to increase the appropriation therein to 1,700,000 increase the authorization of bonds or notes therein to 1 milon 700,000 and to increase cost provided in uh njsa 40a colon 2-20 be result that the above wance be introduced right by title and pass on first reading at a meeting of the township Council of the township Troy Hills held on August 20th 2024 and that sance be further considered for second reading in final passage at a meeting to be held on September 24th 2024 at 700 p.m. prevailing time or soon thereafter as the matter may be reached at the municipal building in set Township at which time all persons interested shall be given the opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance being further resolved that the clerk be authorized and directed to advertise that ordinance with notice of introduction thereof being published in the official newspaper according to law Mo motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez Mr muella yes Mr neglia yes Mr Ki yes motion passes moving along to the non-consent agenda resolution 2024 141 granting a major so per moving permit to SK 3 Century Associates LLC block 202 lot 1.7 motion to approve the resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr K yes motion passes r224 142 authorizing and directing submission of Grant application for fiscal year 2023 Community Grant motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by M Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr Ki yes motion passes r224 143 authorizing award a contract to Union painters Incorporated for the Mountain Way tank Rehabilitation pro project motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez Mr Mel Mr neglia Mr K yes R 2024 144 authorizing the purchase of two two 2025 Ford Explorer four-wheel drive vehicles with options motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Hernandez roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mella Mr neglia Ki yes r224 145 authorizing a contract for the precip Township senior senator rof project motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr herandez roll call Mr herandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes r224 146 insertion of any special item of Revenue in the budget Municipal Alliance Grant FY for year 2025 motion to approve the above resolution motion second motion made by Mr Hernandez seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez Mr Mella Mr neglia Mr K yes motion passes r224 147 authorizing the execution of a developers agreement with pipany Littleton LLC motion to approve the resolution above motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr herandez roll call Mr herandez yes Mr Mella yes Mr neglia Mr kifi yes motion passes r224 148 execution of funding agree Ms for pre-development activities associated with the potential development of real property in the township proci Troy Hills motion to approve the resolution above motion y second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr Mella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr Mel yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes motion passes there are no applications for license and permits moving on to approval of payroll and bills list CFO lonard ho recommends authorization for payment number one authorized payment of the August 16th 2024 regular Miss payroll estimated at 1, 650,000 and for August 30th 2024 at 1,700,000 payment of bills from voucher list 8815 through 817 which is 2,6 89790 7053 motion to approve the authorization per payment motion second motion made by Mr neglia seconded by Mr muella roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr muella yes Mr neglia Mr Ki yes okay may I please have a motion to adjourn the meeting make a motion second motion made by Mr muella seconded by Mr neglia roll call Mr Hernandez yes Mr neglia yes Mr Mella yes Mr Ki yes the meeting is adjourned and have a great night everybody thank you take care take care