##VIDEO ID:T4iNZnWAilU## you're on record okay announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act nor M grani present Mr Mella here Mr Quinn here Mr ready pres Mr Willams is not here we have four people at this point I haven't heard from babbe is that it's enough he says we go with four as long we have the majority it's enough it's enough now we'll say Chief no okay we also have our board planner Mr Chadwick our board in board engineer Mr Lono and board attorney Mr Johnson here okay stand for pledge of the United States of America stand indivisible Mr CH can you raise your right hand please testimony thaton you T the truth yes I do okay at this point if there's anybody here from the public that has something to speak on other than what's on tonight's agenda please come forward now see none hear none okay resolutions application 24 colon 34 a Chandra 249 Atlantic Drive variance to construct a SE a walk SE variant a second second V second GR uh nope grani cannot okay somebody else has do it Robert is that Quinn yes yeah mozzarella yes Quinn yes ready yes okay second one is application 24 colon 20 Salah elzay 880 Littleton Road C variance for an open Deck with landing and stairs and a major soil moving permit some second mozarella yes qu yes ready yes okay those are the resolutions uh little bit off the agenda we're going to start with application 23 colon 10 Klein Outdoor Advertising uh moving this is that correct that's correct uh Mr chair good evening everybody it's a d variance of course and uh we only have four members presently so I cannot proceed to go ahead and ask I get ad Jour I understand your next available meeting is September 25th is that right nor that is correct okay September notice and'll give all EXs through the thank you sir if anybody's here for that particular one uh we will be coming back September 25th right is that a special meeting or 7:30 a regular 730 7:30 on September 25th there will be no further notice to it thank you everyone have a great time thank you so if you're here for that you can leave and if not we'll start rolling okay next up application 24 colon 15 Martin one ju 22 Lawrence Road uh C variant to construct a new two-story single family dwelling with attached garage and open Deck with stairs contrary to section 43035 even good evening Ben L from por of Rober Gman and marown on behalf of the applicant Martin Wong um were here a couple months ago um and my client testified as to some of his plans for the uh complet you know what they hope to complete with their project um I think it's maybe worth it to bring him back up if that's all right and we'll uh we'll just go through the a little bit about you know why we're here and what we're what we're seeking um after that we'll hear from the uh engineer and um our architect um discussing you know why uh we believe believe that you know C2 variants in this case is is um we we hope hope will be granted based on um looking at the um criteria for approval um we are seeking there's two variances for existing non-conforming for a lot area and lot width um we are improving existing non-conforming coverage but still needing variances for impervious coverage in minimum um front yard setback and um we were we are seeking variances for the yards and courts and op deck proposed with the uh proposed is 38.6 7% um 24% as required and a maximum building coverage um we are seeking to go from 25% to 32% but um as I said impervious coverage is being reduced from hopefully 49 or from uh 54.2% to 48.9% and as I said the front yard setback we're hoping be approved to be reduced um from [Music] 16 presently to 21 um I think just if I can real quick the one of the bigger things of this last time around was the storm water management getting the Eng we met with the engineer and we discussed um and our engineer will bring you know discuss okay how that meeting went and what you know why we were able to or why we received a letter um just yesterday you know stating that they um didn't didn't have an objection to the project after their review okay all right can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes can you state your name spell your first and last name and give us your address please Martin Juan m a r t i n last name w n 192 Westervelt Place loai New Jersey 0764 thank you um Mr W can you tell me a little bit about uh your plans for the home and um how you know how you came to find parity and what you you plan on doing sure um so uh we found my my my parents they live here in Coran and they um uh my family is here today I have my second daughter who's about to be born next month and uh we are looking to kind of uh move in to par siany and and um I want to grow my family here and um I just feel that for my family's future our Sian is um our future home and we do need the space because our family is growing and so we're here before you today to hopefully um um know move in and and and just uh this project will really help our family to kind of grow and uh flourish here in the great town of thank you Martin can you tell me a little bit about what the house um presently at the property sure so the current house is just a one floor one story building uh very old and it's just um has one bedroom just not big enough to to house uh our family currently so um we we want to definitely um uh improve and also uh just make new improvements with this project and and definitely it's been uh probably I'd say one of the older houses on the Block that we finally um uh you know be start to to change and and um build thank you and how many uh bedrooms are you seeking to have in the new uh I believe there's three bedrooms in the uh in the new story um I'm sorry the new Pro okay thank you very much there's a so this is taking down the current house that's there and rebuilding completely yes and apparently how many bedrooms are in it just one just one just one and you're proposing three um I another question I just SLI my mind any other questions from the board currently I do have a question um looking at the photo of the present home to the left of it that's a two-story home that is there at the present time yes and I also see in back of you there's another two-story home okay thank you that was actually what I was thinking about asking but now I looked at the picture anybody else any questions did you go through the engineer report you you guys in compliance with that yes you agree okay the engineer will speak speak on beh you know what we've uh we we had a great meeting with the um Bor I'm sorry the township Engineers um about them a few weeks ago and they provided a letter yesterday but that our engineer will discuss it um there's no other questions from Mr ju uh at at this point I'll let everybody know before we go any further if anybody from the public has any questions for this witness you can come up and ask questions at the end of the excuse me at the end of the hearing you have a chance to speak for or against it but right now it's just questions direct questions to each witness that comes up any questions state your name you got to state your name Robert Ki 25 marcala right behind the proposed house tell your last name please K I C Ki will the print be larger than the existing print that's being demolished footprint you mean the the house the structure the walls it's probably a question for the engineer or the architect yeah I think we could we're going to go through the pl for yeah the engineer will speak on that too and you'll have the opportunity to ask the question as well thank you any other questions from the public [Music] on R questions just state your name and spell your last name please Columbo p a l u MBO 28 Lawrence Road I am the house to the left in the photo um we were told at the last hearing we would get email copies of both of the engineering reports from the lawyer and none of us received them he only received it yesterday yesterday afternoon how convenient I received it today I know but I mean we should have had those documents don't you think before the hearing because that I'm on the left side I have serious drainage concerns I'm sure they do too they're immediately behind that that was our that was our big ask and that's why they met with the township engineer and we did get the letter yesterday right so we'll have the engineer go through that with us and I assure you we're going to ask those same questions since they were our questions okay the last time as well okay [Music] yes Patricia vasto I live on the uh can you spell your last name and address V I live on the other side of this house that's going to be taken down what is your address 20 Lawrence Road has uh Fire and Rescue come out to take a look at the proposed house that's going up this is the time for you to ask questions of this witness Mr Juan on the testimony that he just gave okay then I'll be back anyone else see none hear none anything from this witness anybody else I just one question is there an encroachment along your South Side adjacent to the woman that just spoke sidewalk probably better for the engineer as well but let me see no I to your client what's that to your client okay is there a is there a sidewalk that runs along the house next to you the woman who just spoke um concrete walk survey showing it looks like it approaches on your do you know that or no well the the front walk into the it goes across the not what he's proposing yes there's a it says concrete sidewalk and it shows a line for that sidewalk which appears to be on your client's lot did that is that disclosed or there had been [Music] any okay if how about put a different away are you planning to remove any of that I think um I just spoke with our engineer he's aware of what you're talking about it might be able to shed some light on it that would be would be better probably Mr um I'm just told it's the neighbors conrete walkway that's not being disturbed but I I'll um leave to him to speak about it okay um anything else all right thank you thank you so at this time I'd like to call Tom scrael the uh project engineer up to uh speak about the project um he was sworn into at the last meeting and um deemed an expert but if you'd like we could do it again I don't know if I'll swear I'm again but we don't need to qualify okay you swear from that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth not the mother truth I do thank you thank you I guess we'll uh we could while we have Mr Chadwick's question we could start with that um about the encroachment that was discussed yeah I'm trying to bring up street view on so I could show people but not cooperating use the mic please yeah make sure you he the it's it's actually the neighbors there's asphalt on up against a neighbor's house that AB buts ours um so that's what's shown the joint between those two I'm not sure if it's concrete or asphalt honestly that's why I was trying to bring up street view to to confirm that but it's it's actually the neighbors improve movement that puts up against our driveway so it's not our encroachment onto their property it's it's the opposite it looks like there you're not going to remove it we have no we don't need to remove it if if that serves a purpose for them we're we're happy to to leave it there all right okay well I think we could um we don't have to go I don't think it's what what your intent was what's that what your intent was and that's pretty clear just leave it as it is yep um best way to get started probably would be to tell us a little bit about the meeting that we had with the town and the um you know what the questions we're going into it and what you know how how they've been addressed yeah the changes in the plan are almost all storm water management related you want me to just go through them all real quick so the the latest plan has two revisions lower left corner the second revision is 725-24 revised drainage and coverage um so the coverage aspect is twofold we added the existing improved lot coverage kind of top right on the drawing just left of the area map so you can see the decrease in impervious coverage that's being proposed um we're going from 2,136 squ Ft existing impervious coverage to 1,939 square ft there is a type there the a typo there the total is shown uh the same for for both but the the numbers at the bottom where underneath where it says total those are the correct numbers so 2,136 ft is what is ex existing today we're reducing it to 1,939 so basically removing 200 ft over the entire site um the only other minor change in impervious coverage if you recall last time there was a AC unit shown outside the the dwelling we've taken those units and put them under the deck so they're not counted twice that that coverage is included in the deck coverage number um so there's a very slight in decrease in overall impervious coverage on the site proposed conditions as compared to the last drawing I'm sorry Mr sh did that remove a variance as well yeah there was an accessory setback variance that is no longer necessary and then the the larger change on the drawing uh we met with the township engineer um they went through their requirements their criteria for storm water management uh we bounced it around a little bit what options we had and ultimately we came up with the design you see uh and what that is is we're collecting all of the roof water and we're piping that to ctech units in the front in the front of the lot the ctech units are shown bottom right corner of the drawing that's a cross-section view so they're basically like half round pipes that are underground um the roof leader pipes get piped into those it infiltrates into the soil um we also are providing an overflow so in the event you get larger than the 3-in storm which is what this is designed for as per your engineer uh if we get larger than the 3-in storm the Overflow um comes out of the top of the ctech units and connects to the existing storm waterers management system Township system in the street so under existing conditions there are no storm water management um items on site at all so everything runs off the roof leaders run off the driveway runs off um The Patio the shed in the rear everything either runs off the side in this particular case most of it runs off to the rear um under proposed conditions we're collecting driveway roof all of it will eventually get into the municipal system so it's a huge Improvement not only are we reducing the coverage on the lot which in most cases would prude us from even having to provide detention infiltration um we're also providing the infiltration for a 3-in storm so it's a significant Improvement stormw management wise um for the site for the Neighbors you know the community as a whole hey could you um we a question about the footprint of the building and its changes yeah those coverage numbers again are are upper right on the drawing the existing dwelling is 931 Square ft the proposed dwelling is 1288 so we're adding about 350 ft in the dwelling but again the net is a reduction and that that comes from removing there's a bunch of driveway on site that's not necessary there's a driveway that runs all along the right side of the house now there's a this big shed in the back concrete pad in the back all of those items are being removed um so again the net is a reduction but the dwelling itself is an increase okay and then I guess we could just go through the um variances being requested the minimum lot area minimum lot width yeah those are existing conditions there's nothing we can do about those we're non-conforming as far as lot of area 6,000 is required 4,000 exists and lot width 60 is required and 40 is exists mhm and then the uh yards and courts and open decks um this is a percentage requirement from the township yeah that's basically the dwelling plus the deck MH um you're allowed 20% for the dwelling and they give you an extra 4% for the decks um so that's what that 24% represents um the variants were requesting for the dwelling itself would there's no way we could then meet The Yards courts and deck requirement so they kind of go hand inand the one variance creates the other okay and you discussed the building coverage percentages the impervious coverage is being um reduced from its present State as you said and then the front yard setback yeah we're proposing 21 and the existing setback is I can't find that number right now but I think it's think 14 .7 is what I have yeah there it is 14.7 ft and um so again the house will be just a little bit further from the road than it is presently yes so that's the part of the change in the footprint yes um those are all my questions for the uh engineer we have the what currently runs along the right side of the house it's all paved asphalt driveway all the way to the back property line yeah you can see the I should have mentioned this first and I think I might have at last meeting hopefully I did all of the existing features are the lighter gray tone what's being proposed are the darker tones so you can see kind of at the upper right hand corner of the proposed dwelling as you look at uh the the engineering site plan it says asphalt driveway that's the edge of the existing pavement so it goes all the way to the back of the deck you're you're basically going to take everything off this lot yes the house driveway shed concrete pad back there everything yes fences in the back you going to leave those the what in the back I'm sorry the fences there was no plan to remove any fences yeah I just I'm just asking okay so where currently where the shed is is the shed on a concrete pad as well or is that just on the soil I'm not sure if that has a concrete pet under it or not it's included in the coverage either way um and that's coming out that's coming out if there's a concrete pad that'll come out as well yes that coverage is being removed I I think we should update the survey to show yeah that those two uh the shed and the concrete pad in the back are to be removed because I don't see that there's a note upper right on the site plan it's pointing to the concrete pad it says all existing improvements to be removed so is the same plan submitted to the board yes sorry whatever you're talking that the plan is submitted to the bo here we go yeah yeah there were any surface Improvement on the site is being removed okay the only thing we're re trying to reuse are the utilities and how how much of the driveway is coming out or I mean all of it's coming out but are you replacing driveway I'm trying to yeah our proposed driveway which includes the wall and the front steps is 392 Square ft the existing driveway in front walk is 759 okay rather than along the right side that's going to go into the the driveway will go towards the front of the house on that left side yes we're we're doing garage under um so everything slopes down from the street and it's a okay so driveway 10 10 foot wide driveway it's it's all right I see driveway be in front of their house so it's not going to be on either side of prop no you go straight down into the garage doors so the neighbor won't have the driveway connected to cement it'll be all soil and grass correct yes so it'll now be impervious that the areas AB buding the neighboring properties where they're now paved will will hopefully be if approved would be um impervious at that point yeah on the right side will and the rear is all grass will'll all be grass the left side will all be grass under existing conditions the right side is is essentially all p the left side is is a mixture of it's it's mostly lawn now but there's like an oil tank there there's a little bump out on the existing dwelling all that will be gone um but anything outside our proposed foundation will be lawn so I'll take up more of the water and again the rear the rear as well y except for the deck it'll all be long yes what's what's the deck going to be made of is it just solid wood deck yeah tracks maybe you know wood is wood looking deck what's below the deck just the AC unit the AC units and there'll be gravel under there just so it's maintainable how high off the ground is the deck that the AC units will fit on there the first floor is 305 so if you take one 35.4 so you take one step out um say you're at 305 at the deck level and the grade in the back is like 297 and a half so you got almost 6 and A2 ft okay stage running down right yeah s so in summary from your uh professional opinion the current structure and ground coverage and everything is going to be improved upon with your new plan all the issues I think absolutely um you know the primary issue last time that we heard loud and clear was storm waterer management um and now you've addressed that in the town engineers in agreement with your plan that that addresses yeah they found it acceptable they have a couple other minor comments about construction related items removing drop curbs install in compliance with all which we will comply with okay thank you do you have that file of best management prct best pra management practices Report with the town on this or not we did not because it's all roof water um which there's no requirement other than I didn't see it the engineers report I just didn't know and one thing I I I should mention um I did mention that there's an overflow from the ctech units so the way these were designed the way these were sized you can see you know it's an upside down pipe basically so the storage is in the stone initially then it's in the pipe and then eventually you get to the Overflow pipe we only included the storage in our calculation below the outlet of the Overflow so this thing could fill up another foot and you'll never see it it's not going to come out on the surface it'll still get into the the municipal drainage system so that's additional storage we're not even taking credit for so it's it's very conservatively designed uh and I'm I'm extremely comfortable this will be a a noticeable Improvement for the Neighbors you any any other questions from the board Mr chairman I would just suggest that if the board acts favorably on this that there be some kind of statement in a resolution that the action of the board does not justify the encroachment or make that encroachment uh I don't want to say bless it it doesn't it doesn't legitimize the encroachment okay questions all right at this point if anybody sorry I there's a question I forgot that did come up last time that I just wanted to have addressed in case it doesn't again um Mr SC will there be any changes to the grading no you you can look at the the proposed grading is where existing Contour is just tie into the proposed uh dwelling we're not changing any of the spot elevations around the site so the lawn areas will continue to drain as they do now um most of them will or the impervious areas will now become lawn areas and the dwelling will be taken out of the equation so that that's where the conservative runoff comes into play thank you so the town Engineers Point number three a minor soil moving permit must be uh obtained yeah understood Foundation okay yeah okay I'm thank you so there will be no fill brought to this side no I'm sorry what no Phill no we disc are you going to have a basement in this house yes we discussed it with the engineer the the only number that gets included in the soil movement number is what you're spreading around the site so if we're Excavating for a foundation and taking it away that's a zero so our so mement application is going to be for you know 20 cubic yards of top [Music] soil you you're intending to take the foundation the volume of dirt is degrade the basement and spread it around on the lot no we're intending to tru truck it away well we'll just bring in top soil to top dress the what's the lawn areas okay again it'll be a very minor after after removing the pavement or removing the the other stuff correct yeah okay there's not a basement currently right no it's a craw space okay any other questions good no question all right at this point if anybody has any questions for this witness please come up state your name again yep we need you to state your name again and address once again it's Robert Kiki 25 marcala uh I'm concerned I I'm happy to hear that the concrete uh pad has been removed but there's still even absent the concrete pad in the corner a budding 25 Marcela and 17 Marcela just to questions right now you'll have your chance to is there a question yeah okay okay you're taking the pad out the concrete pad what is being and and I assume it's being replaced with top soil there is still a 3-foot drop what's being done to address that because right now between 17 and 25 we have a river when we get a heavy rain the privets in the back that were previously there were taken out so everything is funneling into that corner and like I said I'm happy that you're taking out the concrete I realize that'll create more perious space but I still have a 3-foot drop back there and I I did not have the benefit of this plan we were promised we weren't given I can't see that far so if it's addressed on your plan I apologize but speak to me what's going to happen back there well if if everybody looks at the drawing right at the the rear property line right above where it says Lot 10 you can see where it says chain link fence there's there's an elevation 297 in change and the elevation on the on the property to the rear is 29530 so there is a twoot drop there the problem is the drop is literally on the property line it takes place that that twoot change takes place along the property line so we can't smooth that out without assistance and permission from the neighbor um I mean we would be happy to smooth that out it doesn't hurt us um but we we couldn't I couldn't show grading on the nebish property on a drawing um so Mr Mr engineer in layman term what is the grading solution that you're proposing with the consent of the adjoining property owners well I I guess you you mentioned that it's it's primarily a stor waterer management issue um that is being solved based on the testimony I already gave the fact that right now everything from the all the impervious area runs off most of it directly toward the rear and then down that slope um we are changing that completely we're removing a bunch of impervious area and the impervious area that's left we're collecting it all and taking it out the front so all the water from this lot the 4,000 ft right now that drains toward the back n virtually none of that a very small percentage of that will continue to run out the b um that's how you solve the stor War management issue to solve the grading issue which once you solve the stor War management issue I'm not sure the grading issue is really that important but if you don't like the fact that there's a twoot drop along the property line I I think you need to work with your neighbor assuming we would get approvals and we could smooth that out a little bit your satisfaction there's no reason we couldn't it's not a question of Aesthetics as much as it's a question of assurances that it's not going to aggravate the flooding between 25 and 17 which occurs every time we have a heavy rain that's all I'm concerned about definely not I think his testimony as testimony said it will be much abated with the they all everything that used to go about back is going to come to the front with their their plan and their system put in place as they testify I've been doing this for 30 plus years I don't think I've ever ever reduced coverage and stored a 3-in storm on a residential site this is the most conservative storm waterer management again on on a small scale residential site that I've done in 30 plus years it's it's it's going to get much better any other questions and to what extent will the variance requested on the size of the deck um affect the storm water management the again the deck is part of the area that any water that drips through the deck there'll be gravel underneath it honestly most of that gets absorbed during the real strong storms the intense storms any water that runs off will continue to flow the way it is now which again is toward the rear but the area that's being directed that way has been so significantly reduced that the next change is is definitely going to be a decrease toward your property I i' to ask questions about the other variances that are being requested especially about the backyard set back yeah if you if they're relevant to his T are you going to have a plan EXC okay care yeah in terms of the from a privacy point of view and from an aesthetic point of view your lot is higher than my lot which is fine but you're now you're building a house that's going to be even taller I'm going to have my neighbors peering into my backyard and into my house and now you've got my neighbors 4T closer than they were before how do you address those concerns am I not correct well we'll start by saying I mean the this is obviously not testimony but the so the rear yard setback is 20 20 ft is permitted it 25 we only have the March 21st 2024 proposed there's no update showing one of time rear yard was not let me ask a question would you client be open to boing Landscaping Evergreen Landscaping along the back rear [Music] yard oh would you would you be willing to put Landscaping on the back of the yard absolutely absolutely I just you know we're even planning to um put rock or or I'm sorry bricks you know just to kind of uce no she's he's saying for coverage so you your lot's 40 foot wide I me well first of all we'll say I there was no I was under the impression just so you know what I thought that it was currently was a 25 yard setback 25 ft 25 ft sorry and that we were they were requesting a variance no no to 20 not no 25 is the front yard set back yeah yeah what is the back set sorry 20 is permitted where 30 is proposed so we'll be well we're well within the they're 10t yeah we're 10t from what what we would be allowed to you know as of right to build okay so and in other words the house this proposed house is not closer to your house than the current house okay okay and what and in terms of and when the deck is put on how will it be in terms of how far will be what's the distance between the edge of the deck and the property line 20 just over 20 20.2 feet and just just to be clear the back of our proposed house more or less lines up with the back of the existing deck it's about a foot and a half further away from you than the existing deck so our house will be closer than the existing house I don't want to yeah right that's understood it's I'm asking about the deck will the existing deck be closer than the the existing deck yeah the existing deck is and I'm scaling this number about 28 and change to the edge of the existing deck off the rear property line we're proposing 20.2 so the deck will be about 8 ft closer something if if it is if privacy is a matter we are looking to possibly replace the fence with for of um white white fences the plastic fenes that don't have any sort of visibility to um you know we I'm planning to move the the current fence there and set up some sort of um privacy F that's our fence that's our fence I don't know this the fence in the back is our fence okay so I so then on the prop if it would be on the property line it would be he could put a fence if you were to seek it would be a budding the other fence but won't the deck be higher than the existing deck yes yes that's it okay so if you go higher I'm lower by definition again no Varian is being sought for for that not seeking a variance for that so no I understand but in terms of make I'm adding privacy that's not what we're here for and I think we we've stipulated that we would be willing to agree to Landscaping trees and such and such across the when we be able to see that and the same time if you have a privacy you side also you can put some pushes or something to cover um how tall how tall is the current fence the chain link that's there I believe it's only four but I'm going from memory chain link fact is it higher six it's it's hard to tell because the way the Lots your lot is up above and it goes like this and it slopes downward it's which is the 2 six or 28 where it hits the maximum and actually keeps going farther down as you go down the street I think the best thing for us to do would be to do some Landscaping which my client intends to do anyway it's going to stabilize that slope it's going to provide screening it'll take more water too if they want to put up a fence on their own it'll it'll they have the right to do that that but that's something that they'll think about down the road but for now I think Landscaping is the best way to go is that could be a condition of approval be the Privacy that's basic we can write that into we can write that into the resolution added to that can put that in there if we approve if we approve it would it be advantageous for the applicant to speak to our Forestry Department to see what type of shrubbery would be why don't we just specify Evergreens okay yeah like I said that will also help with pulling up some water too that's probably the best way to go okay anything else no I think that addresses my concerns thank you thank you thank you anybody else have any questions questions come on up need you just state your name and address again sorry Michelle Palumbo 28 Lawrence Road par so I am the house the mic of the second Second Story dwelling to the right okay or to the left on this picture so the footprint of the house is changing right we're they're gaining space on the side of 20 and they're gaining space on the side of 28 is that the footprint is yeah the footprint is wider considerably right I mean I'm looking at the it's wider on your side again if you look at the um the lighter tone underneath the setback on your side the the house JS out yes I know a little bit of an l-shape yeah so where it juts out the setback is 5.4 ft on your side and we're proposing 6.5 so we're actually a foot further away on your side you're you're to the right right I'm sorry left of this picture right if you're if you're so this existing is me this is the existing setback 5.4 that's the building line 's the bump out right this is the oil tank this is the bump out so we're that much closer on this side and that much closer this is the old building line I'm just going to highlight it for you if you don't mind this is it right this line yeah got that's the existing building right our proposed building is here so it's a foot so it's a foot okay um as far as the chain Ling fence on my side goes that is not my fence by the way that was put on my side by the pre previous owner so um will that fence I have never removed it um just because it was courtesy to the people who lived there before um will that all come out I mean I want it out but I I roach the same Pro the same issue as Bob with drainage because I Am Lower in the back my property does slope back to them um so that would be my concern as well where when that fence comes out which I hope that it does I'll say that right now on your property it is not it is on my property but it is not my fence it's a very long story you don't need to hear about the fence is the fence is definitely on her property it's tough for me when I go out there to tell whose fence it is no well the gate is on the gate's on that side that's that fence this is the chain link fence you can see the the dimension I'm pointing at it's 7 ft so it's 8 in on right it's four foot it's 4 foot off of my deck right now um and like I said it's a long story nobody needs to hear it um but I never removed it but we would like it removed we were waiting to see what happened with the property I nobody wants this house gone I'm going to say that more than me so we'll cut to the tra you plan on taking the fence down take the fence down and put up like whatever agreement your F will go away but it's on your proper it is it is on my property I just never took it down he's going to do some renovation on your property now um I'm happy about that um I am though concerned with the fact that it I have a my house was 1933 my house sat in the 100 by 100 this 40 was divided back in 194 now questions please we let speak on anything you want I guess question is when because I'm so close cuz my property line is so close to my house when this heavy equipment starts coming in to do the demolition to do the regrading to do the building I'm very concerned my Foundation is 1933 I'm losing a little bit of space actually you're gaining it right well I'm gaining a foot I think right I'm not losing them but I'm concerned about the heavy equipment that's going to come in and put pressure are I I mean we're close we're 5T it's really not huge equipment on a 40 by 100 fo lot it's going to be a a rubber tire backo maybe a track excavator um they literally pull the building walls down and that's not what I see what's going on in town I'll just say that but well this we're talking about this smaller now I get it but I mean they might have said the same thing I don't know we don't let them say that we make sure they do it any other questions um I guess not okay I don't know it's 11t I guess it's 11t from one like the house line to the other to your house exactly so it's it's fairly a narrow space close but it's not on the prop the neighbor's house is 4.9 and we're 6.5 so everything else is quiet around we'll have them do it at 2 o'clock in the morning oh I thanks sh yeah I'm up anyway but um okay so I my concern was def fence and drainage issues because like I said I Am Lower in the back and if they're going to provide landscaping and everything else as they are for um the back property then I would expect that we would have to expect the same thing on our side okay okay okay thank you any other questions questions please come up name and address please vast 20 Lawrence on the right side of of the house um I have concern about the driveway where they're going to put the grass okay um the cement that's there evidently it was put there when I bought the house it was there for some type of drainage because the water was coming into the basement into my house so my concern is when they start digging and they start digging over more towards my house am I going to get more water in my basement that's my concern I with that just from visually inspecting it I agree with you that that's why that was put there we have a driveway that runs again all the way along the right side of our house it was right up against the neighbor dwelling more or L it doesn't go all the way it goes halfway down we go back to the back of the deck the driveway does go to I think it's the back of the deck yeah it goes beyond the back of your house no I don't think so yeah looking at the picture I think it go it's it's very close but I don't think it goes to I can show you on the lines on the survey if you'd like but we definitely extend that far back I'm concerned about the drainage on that side that's the edge of our driveway see way back here okay this is your house here okay and I agree with you that so basically our driveway pitches away from our lot it does angle a little bit towards mine correct which was probably an issue so somebody decided to come in and put a little ramp against your foundation to force the water to the back so that it couldn't run down along the edge of your foundation and seep into the basement I agree that that's probably why that was done okay what we're proposing to do will not affect that at all we already said if you want us to leave that in there we'll leave it in there but once this is lawn and we're meeting those same elevations the water's still going to run along the edge of the concrete there's a 3ft water table underneath as you probably there's not we did Tes you were there yeah I was there and you you did that without flagging the prop the property wasn't even flagged when you did it so like I'm not sure what that means but we that means that nobody came out and put flags for the utilities the mark out was called in it was called in it but you were supposed to wait three days before it was done and you did not do that because I spoke to them this morning all right we're just keep it the questions we can do the other other conversation that's not the case but uh that's my concern as far as the water goes got it so okay will the water situation for her property be lessened by this construction absolutely absolutely we're not affecting the direction of the runoff at all which is why that concrete ramp again I believe was put in just from looking at it in hindsight um and that will not be affected so it'll serve the same purpose but there'll be much less water in the area and even though the concrete ramp encroaches on your client's property there's no intention to remove that correct no no and if again I don't it's not going to serve the same purpose anymore it could be removed but I don't want to go down that road if the neighbor thinks it's important we'll leave it if there is a water problem who's responsible they they they have to abide by the engineers requirements that the engineer feels is significant enough to keep the water properly maintained at that point they they that's all they have to follow they have to follow the engineer the township Engineers okay report and he's saying that with what they're proposing it'll be okay okay thank you again there's presently no storm water management system in place right there will be based on the plan for the okay thank you any other questions Mr chairman can I just make one comment and the the neighbor might want to respond to it we did do test holes out there we went down 7 feet in the front yard seven in change so we were 4T below the basement floor and no one okay anybody anybody else have any other questions see none hear none any other Witnesses I'm good you're good done good yeah thank you any other Witnesses um I get the architect here to go through the plans what the house is going to look like if if the the board that's the issue for us right now no so Mr Kim we okay oh no you said it's okay you don't have to you don't need to testify uh anything else that's it um yeah we hope that the he wants to talk they said it's okay you don't need good yeah we over this the last thank don't talk unless you have to yeah trust want I I just appreciate the board's time um again we learned a lot last meeting we had a great meeting with the township engineer and hop to bring a project to the um area that will um not only be beneficial aesthetically but also will be helpful for any water issues that were previously caused by this by this property and we you know we hope that um for those reasons the uh C2 variants could be granted based on um you know the positive effect on the neighborhood and the town um and we don't see any detriment based on the fact that there's no storm water management right now and there you know there will be a a new a new one put in put in place so we appreciate your time thank you y anybody in the audience that wishes to speak against this please step forward now this your chance to speak freely I'm not speaking necessarily against it but could somebody tell me how this furthers paran's master plan are we looking for C1 or C2 variant here thank you I can speak at that it's a C2 we're seeking um we think that it satisfies the pos positive criteria as it's updating the housing stock which is goal number 11 in this master plan it's a desirable V adds the desirability of the visual environment which is goal 11 um it uh increases water mitigation and um reduces impervious coverage which is goal eight and we believe that you know for those reasons they meets the positive I wasn't able to come up with any negatives that this is um is is hurting I guess the gentleman had some you know comments about the changing in elevations and who can see into whose whose yards um but we believe that that's um not you know doesn't rise to the level of of something that should you know should deem this um denied or should should should have this application denied do you think there's a C1 variance here as well um we I spent a lot of time thinking about that and um just the size of the yeah no it's it's it's it's an undersized lot but we're we're not really able to uh try and gain access to purchased lots to make it the right size and you know we were I was a little bit concerned you know about whether it would be um you know where the hardship comes from and if it's you know if it's something that would have raised that level so I was the hardship is size of a lot yeah so and but it was self you it was created by by the owner but no no so yeah I me we certainly I think it's an undersized lot that um is you know trying to build a you know a modern home with simply three bedrooms which I think is pretty standard now um it would be very difficult to do without without seeking some variant help so thank you anybody else against I'd like to counter aren't you effectively pricing out people that have the smaller houses that's not our concern right now sir on this application okay that's how we're making our decision on okay I I don't know if that it does or not but that's not what we're voting on all right I just you know watching what's going on around the lake I I hear you okay I think it would help it but that's not what we're dealing with tonight I mean there're people are purchasing undersized Lots sir that's not that's tonight I'm sorry I appreciate your concern but we can only deal with what we're de dealt cards we're dealt with okay thank you we we think it's a it's a nice house for this family that's looking to move to town y um and again you know don't believe it's they going to negatively affect the the neighborhood or the neighboring property anyone else against come up and this is your opportunity to speak either for or against the application anybody for the application wish to come forward and speak see none hear none uh anybody on the board you would you like to come up and say anything or just it yeah they said for it you don't have to be sworn in to say you're for it right well they're going to testify don't I think you're going to get to know him we're good anybody on the board wish to make a comment we good I don't need to callose session but if the board does any conference any conference my my feeling is the following clear uh this lot is proposed or has some major water issues through history okay and the neighbors have a right to be concerned about that and the concerns that have been addressed Now by Mr Juan and his planners uh to my satisfaction that there actually is going to be an improvement on the amount of water coming from his property to the neighbor's property and that should be uh greatly appreciated and evated and frankly uh looking at the structure I think it' be a nice addition to the neighborhood frankly and uh I be voting in favor of it I think they've been very compliant with every request we made and they're in compliant with the engineers report so I'll be voting in favor of this application anybody else want to make any comments some yeah is a is a significant Improvement in the stom water management and uh the applicant uh put lot of efforts to go to the engineer office and uh in compliance with the report so I'm in favor of I'll just throw one out there I think he's uh been very compromising over the times we spoke um definitely think that you've made the adjustments to improve the water hopefully everybody will see the difference quickly um and I'll probably voting yes for it anybody want a frame a resolution application 24 col 15 Martin V 22 Lawrence Road Block number 289 l 10 Zone r-4 to Grant a SE variance to construct a new twostory single family dwelling with attached garage and open Deck with stairs contact to section 43-35 2 3 4 810 and 13 section 430-10 I uh in compliance with the engineer report and the recommendations whatever the board and uh the applicant agreed the the Privacy Evergreens in the rear yard and the removal of the fence yes P are removed one one side and the back side is the Evergreen plants on the rear we will also not remove the concrete on the right that's encroaching presently yeah I'll put that all in the resolution yes second grani nor grani yes Mella yes Quinn yes ready yes willings yes okay the application has been approved we will memorialize this at our next meeting on what's that 21st Nora uh yes Poss all right once we're done with that you can go on ahead um Good Luck thank okay next up application 24 colon 36 Michael muai 26 uev block 562 variant C variant to constructive patio contrary to section 43035 raise your right hand please if you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth we have a seat state your name spell your last name and give us your address uh Michael Moy last name is mui 26 Ute Avenue Lake haat New Jersey 07034 did you see the engineers report no I didn't would you like to take take a few minutes to look at it now yeah did it get now to me or anything oh yeah you might want to have a conversation with the municipal engineer and come back after you have that conversation okay yeah what we're suggesting is you ask for the case to be carried okay and have a meeting with the engineer oh why what did they say did something happen there's some con there's some substantial considerations with respect to storm water management issues okay all right which I'm not an engineer but I would imagine that some of his comments might be quite costly so you might want to get a little bit more information all right so the point being is for us to approve your various requests folks hello folks folks folks in the hallway thank you so for us to hear and approve you need to agree to what the engineer is going to suggest you do okay and he's probably going to propose some potentially costly alterations to your storm monor manager so before you get this approval you need to do that okay okay so you might want to know what that might entail before yeah like I said we just moved here have a young baby like we didn't didn't know what was going on we wanted a patio we were getting estimates no one said anything and then actually uh the guy who I called actually worked on the house previously I think he did some work and um he was like you got to get a there yeah so like suggest go over to the engineer report talk to the township engineer there's there's quite a bit on there that needs I didn't even hire a contractor yet okay good good good smart man good thinking well I didn't know we do we have a a possible you want us to carry this to another day yeah right and you're giving the I me if it's going to be like $100,000 like you I'm not going to be able to do talk to the engineer okay okay so you want us to carry this to another day and you're granting the board all necessary extensions correct yeah do I get charged more or anything not by us not no we might be saving your money okay okay uh sorry like I said I'm so in the repair hold on pictures and everything we can carry the application to October 9th October 9th so before then have review that letter okay talk to the engineer see what it's going to take get your estimates and see if you're going to do it okay sounds good thank October 8 you was anybody here for that case anybody here for that one gu just came hang working right all right board at some point in time all right 24 colen 33 Jane lber nine bang bangart Place block 64 C variant to construct an open deck two sets of stairs contrary to section 43035 column 4 513 and section 430-10 can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm the testimony that you're about to give the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes state your name spell your first and last name and give us your address please uh Jane j a n e lever l e b r nine bangart Place Mount Taver thank you okay want to tell us about your uh proposal here um proposing um to replace uh my existing deck off of my living room um with a composite deck and uh keep the same uh size and footings so where it shows in the survey it's it's not a regular deck it's kind of a I don't know not a trapezoid I was shape well yeah that's exactly the footprint of the existing deck is yes it was put in by um I believe the previous owner I've owned my house for 12 years so and you're not using using any of the old deck to not just resurfacing you got be brand new uh yes except for I I'm not sure with construction um but I know we're keeping the same footings um so yeah okay put new material on the old fooing uh that I don't know um I have my contractor here he might be able to well do you know where the water will run through the deck that's a question time Groove it's boards with his openings between the boards um I don't know that either I'm not sure with composite how that is constructed if it's if it's composite I doubt grp but we have the contract to come up yeah let's have the cont sure have your contract I have the contractor come up do you want to just much easier you can give us the answers raise your right hand please you swear our affirm the testimony that you're about to give sh be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes state your name spell your first and last name please Dave Dave btio 15 C Taylor Road Lafayette New Jersey how do you spare last name b e d o and you're the contractor for this project yes and what will the deck be made out of it's composite the existing frame is footprint is all staying and it's composite decking with rails and will it will there be gaps between the boards yes standard the standard uh yeah so the water all run right through it right that was a question that was a question what is the so you're replacing your old Deck with a new deck in the same why are you here yeah that's we're kind of asking the question why are you here but hey you did it right anybody want to sorry oh sorry that's a Rec any questions from anybody in the public for this witness anybody want to speak for or against all right anybody want to frame a resolution improving a current old deck I don't see what why they're here so I'll be voting favor all right want to frame that out there fr's usually good application 24 col 33 J Leb bard block number 64 L 3 Zone R-3 to issue a grant C to construct an open de with two sets of stes cont to section 43-35 column 4 513 and section 430-10 I basically it is a replacement of the V second on it second grani nor grani yes mozarella yes ready yes willing yes yep it's okay I'd like to answer a question as to why they are here okay when you remove something it is now as if it has never existed therefore they need say that I think he's using the frame just putting the new deck on the FR stay yes but for zoning it's if you take the deck off it's considered remove it's all yes even though take a house down to the foundation leave the foundation it's still a new home so they cook the KCK football to us to waste our time okay thanks thank Youk uh when can we stff you know fair enough okay uh we have a date with next meeting is it oh we approve she said got I didn't say they didn't it's possible just we just did all right what they can we uh you're approved we we'll memorialize it over next you know when I receive the resolution okay so we can't go for it until we receive the form resolution yes okay and no um taking down the deck until we get the resolution or shouldn't do anything until you get wait you get resolution and will that be sent to me by regular mail or I'll send it to you through the mail and then you're going to go back to the zoning department for your zoning permit oh okay greatr okay terrific okay thank you so much I appreciate it one all right Next Up application 24 col 41 May and delos Santos block 716 uh permission to park property owner's vehicle in property owner driveway one us us oh you're here for her I don't I don't have have any maybe it's under here was with us there it is right I was okay can you raise your right hand Please Mr can you raise your right hand please you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes state your name full name and spell your first last name my name is May and Del Santos residents at 52 Hawkins Avenue par Jersey uh it's m a e space a n NE e last name is d e l oos space capital s a n t o s and who do you have with you here today my neighbor who doesn't want me to park in my you're an objector so you can you can sit back there sit back and wait for now you'll get your turn we'll let you know you can dig the front seat you don't go all the way back you right there okay so it's so I mean the application is pretty self-explanatory I know back in 2018 um I had a previous application and I know he complained about me parking on the existing part of my driveway which I said at the time it wasn't going to be an issue I didn't was really use utilizing it but now I do I have I have another car that we have that we've purchased so I need like additional driveway I mean it's my driveway I should be able to park in it like any other Paran resident correct how many people live in the house huh it's of my parents okay so how many cars do you have we have four okay but I mean still again it's it's just you know I want to be able to park in my driveway just like any other pry resident he tells me he doesn't want to look out his window and see my car but I'm just like but that's what a driveway is for so it's just like I mean I mean I really don't know how else want to explain that let me ask you a question a few years ago when you wanted the driveway extansion water appr it excuse me didn't you just say in 2018 you were here I wasn't here for a driveway expansion it was for a shed but he came to come mention that he didn't like the fact that I parked in the side that driveway existed when you yes bought the house yes okay and so it's still my drive it's it's always been there ever since I've moved in since '96 I mean okay 96 I just want to able to utilize my driveway 96 is when you moved in the house yeah and the driveway Isa been there it's always been PA it's always been a driveway and you just have not had a car parked on it no I didn't have to utilize it back then but now that I have now you want to park a car on your driveway it was there all the time yeah I'm not really asking you have driveway and you want to park your cars not for rental or any my car why why are you here what are you violating why do we have to approve preist being nonon one of the conditions of the approval was that she not used the driveway to park her vehicle she's asking you to remove that condition to allow her to use the driveway okay is she condition of what approval that was in the resolution yeah that she could not utilize her driveway she's asking you to remove that condition from the resolution was back in 2018 back in 2018 when you approved her variance she agreed and it was a condition of approval that she not used the driveway I she was asked by her neighbor or the board asked her not to do because her neighbor came out to complain about her parking in that area of her driveway so at that time to do it at that time at that time she didn't need that so she said yes now she want is she no excuse me is she encroaching on any of the neor 's property with her driveway no her her variance was you have you're supposed to have 5T separation between your driveway and your side property line all right she doesn't Okay are there any shrubs that are uh blocking the driveway or giving some distinction I mean he does have trees planted which I was also concerned about that's like Park borderline at least one by my gate but that was just because the tree over the years has like I guess the roots caused my driveway you know to rise up so then now that we have like you know we fixed that now it's like you know a new driveway I'm concerned if those roots will like continue growing which I know they will if that's going to create more damage but is there there's no fence between you and there's no fence I mean he just has like this wait hold on what are you showing what are you showing us uh this is one of the trees that he has like literally planted like by my gate okay can you just write an a Capital A-1 on the upper right hand corner of that picture you have a pen here you go here I just way a big A-1 no and what is that picture of uh this is uh just a tree that he had planted that was like I guess borderline with his property and like my driveway the right lower portion of that photograph does that show your driveway this TR yeah this is actually my Drive-In this is where his trees planted so it's like borderline yes yes of course this tree that this tre's growing bigger and bigger your mom didn't want to cut that that's what okay okay not that's got nothing that's not the issue do we need that picture yeah even here's another picture I can show you of hold on now you got to write a a-2 on that one and you're gonna leave those with us no problem so here I took a picture of the side area where I just really want to park my car I mean I don't I just I don't know how else to explain it is any of that grass area yours that's his that's all his yes so the proper just the excuse me all the PVE all of the P all of the paved area is yours yes okay all right thank you so I'm just kindly asking to rightfully just park in my property just like any other resident would in driveway I have another question you're not speaking of blood enough for us to heat oh I'm so sorry I'm I'm just saying like I just want to be able to just you know rightfully park in my driveway like any other parip resident does this parking you do you do understand that the driveway is nonconforming right and there are it's supposed to be 5 ft from the property line it wasn't when you moved in and who knows when it was constructed so you've been it's been non-conforming for 30 years based on what you've said before M I have I have a question there are three people in the home at the present time oh yes and you have four cars yes I just purchased a vehicle this year are you going to be selling one of the cars so that you'll have three in the in the driveway I mean is it wrong to have four no you can have as many so long as you're on your driveway yeah I mean I can easily fit three cars but I just I just want to be able to have the additional space I don't even Park fully all the way back in I'm usually the one that parks on that side so I always reverse in anyway okay so the four cars that you have one is already on the street you have one on the street and three in the driveway okay thank you any other questions any questions from from the public at this point you have any questions do you have any question yet put some in okay you'll have your chance in a minute do you have any questions for for her no okay do you have anything else no that's it just asking up park in my driveway okay at this point if anybody like to speak for or against please come forward that's you can you raise your right hand please do you swear that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth state your name spell your first and last name and tell us your address please James spell your last name name spell your last name c c okay maybe you should sit have seat talking to the microphone can I have my pen back if you don't oh yes I'm so [Music] sorry into the microphone just make sure you're talking into the microphone please I'm sorry talk into the microphone so we can hear you too please okay uh so you live next door to her I I live next door to uh V Santos and in uh on February 7th uh 2018 she was applying to have a section of driveway I need you to speak into the microphone you have to speak up between our homes to have it legalized apparently it wasn't legally constructed but it was there uh I'm sorry sir it was there and it been existing for how many years it was there I don't know ever since you lived there I moved in 2008 I move it was there then right it was there thenk but and she wanted to legalize it she wanted to have it legalized and uh this has really grown into quite a story we went I'm sorry we went before a committee to discuss this and uh I took a sidebar with her I invited out into the hallway to discuss what are what the issue was I I had three things that I wanted her to comply to to resolve the problem number one was that her father or she would take the break that he placed along my driveway at three foot intervals another thing was that he would take down a piece of plywood that he added to the fence I didn't want that there and the third issue was I didn't want a car parked in that section of space that was that she wanted to have legalized had no problem with legalizing it in retrospect I should afforded tooth and nails but I don't know how long the section is but it wasn't it was it wasn't legalized I said fine I I I won't object to you legalizing that I'm sorry my throat isn't in too good a shape we went on February 7th to discuss this and we went before the committee I don't I've never done this before so I don't know what what I what the appropriate title is but she made certain agreements with me uh one of the agreements that she has not expanded the driveway and just wants to to legalize it the driveway though isn't the section we're talking about the section that we're talking about between the two houses is not built to accommodate a [Music] car I can pass out what is that we have that you do have so you can see where the section is that you want into the microphone please you can see the section that she wants legalized it's not a b section the microphone please pull it towards you you can move it towards you watch the tone there's no tone I've asked you several times to speak into the microphone well I'm not doing doing it out of malice I'm doing it because I wasn't prepared quite for what's going on I will try I'm sorry don't shake your head now may uh one of the questions was I asked her if the applicant would be parking cars in the driveway that extended to the side of the house and that's that small section the applicant said that she would not park a car in the driveway on that side of the house now I think I can resolve this [Music] today microphone what are you showing the the I I'm showing she put a car in between that section where we had agreed where there would be no car placed okay that's that small section that she wanted to legalize and which I agreed to I said [Music] fine I if you look at this car please into the microphone it takes up the full width of that space she's on my property to for her to exess that exit that car or get into that car she has to come on my property to get in and out it's too close to her house so if she pulls the car in backwards she won't be able to open the car door on that side if she pulls in the driveway forward she has to be on my property she has has to exit the car to step and step on white grass my neighbor gave her permission to do that and under the circumstances I absolutely am opposed to her parking a car in there now I looked I looked I went on the internet and I went to look [Music] at legal sizes of the width of of a driveway and for a driveway that size it said between 10 and 12 ft she's not 10 to 12 ft she doesn't have that space if you look at the this you can see at the top at the top part of that that is the survey survey yes it's 8 I'm sorry it's 8 .10 ft if you look at the base of that rectangular piece of property where she wants to park her car it's 8.08 ft it doesn't comply to with the standards of those a driveway to accommodate that car that size car she only has a space for one and you can actually see the footprints moving from her car what in the snow where she had to exit that is not a driveway it's a walkway it was meant to be a walkway and it is a walkway it's not a driveway and she does have space in in the front of the house to park three cars comfortably and if she took some of the stuff that she put up in the front and put it in the backyard she could probably gain another 4T of space to move forward into the thing I also would like to stay and I offered her to park in my driveway I I have a big driveway and I'm I live alone she said it's too far to walk so as far as I'm concerned she could forget that the me [Music] too and and that's basically where we are she did agree that she would not Park the dve bo back in in 2018 and to me if you agree to something you should buy with what you agree you don't keep changing it every year every two years or every three years or every eight or 10 yeah and that's where we're going to go with this because she's not going to stop but the point is she's on my property for her to put a car in that space because it's only 8 ft wide she would have to exit on my property and absolutely I would not give her that permission so she had a smaller car and didn't have to step on your property she could put a little sports car there and it would probably maybe fit I'm not sure yes sir no no do do you have anything else to say if anyone has questions I you know I have a million pictures she's been that's another thing she's been doing ever since the agreement she's been parking cars in there now one of the cars her fourth car she backs in because she has to get around the side of the building so if you pick I'm sorry if I was going to make a big chart for you to see and I I didn't get time to do it this small section if she backs she can't get out on the her her side because the door won't open it's not wide enough to to open so what she does is she pulls it in halfway and then she has the front of the car sticking into the main driveway and the back of the car sticking maybe a third of the way up in in in the other section it's just it's just not it's not it's it's a walkway when it was put in it was should have been a walkway it's not it cannot accommodate a regular [Music] car anything else I don't know sure I've never done this before do I need to give you more information you have anything else you want to say does there anything else you want to say yes no okay do you have any questions for him not not exactly questions but we'll give you a chance to respond and rebuttal but do you have any questions for no I don't okay do you have anything else you want to say yeah I'm sorry it's late I'm a little disappointed every time she parked a car in the space where there was partial I called up and I guess I complained and nothing was done as a matter of fact last time just before we don't have any piece of that who did you call I called the uh the code people the uh the gentleman down in the basement of the building I I don't know his name do you know the department you spoke to uh the lady on the end does he spoke with the code enforcement officer who had been out there okay and you and him have been discussing the issues in your response was he wanted to put up an ugly fence put up a fence so she couldn't get out the ugly side facing her make it as ugly as possible that has nothing to do with what the issue is that that was your respon I could have put banana trees up okay I mean okay that wasn't is all right so you've been you've had your say okay do you have anything you'd like to say in a bottle to the opposition brief for that van we no longer have that van specifically but like now like if if I can show you an example just of like how much space I use I'm going to have to do I'm so sorry do you have any other ones besides that um no I think this might be the last one I think just as an example like this is probably as as much space that I use just partially I don't completely fully Park all the way like he said like I need to get out it's easier for me to reverse Park but like just even complaining just for a couple feet just to use that just to fit all the cars comfortably cuz I always feel like I have to Tetris now with all the cars if willing or like say for example like in the snow you know we get a lot of flowers on Hawkins so of course you know like I've been I've had cops like knock on my door saying hey get your cars off the street so I always have to like maneuver and if I can't even use just a couple feet of that side where am I supposed to put it you know so it's like and then like even afterwards I always shovel like the street just to put another car back on the street just to make things easier so it's like if I can't even use a couple feet like what else am I supposed to do if like when the winter comes and he's even like come and harass me saying I'm going to get a lawyer blah blah blah and even if I tried to do is temporarily you know just to make things work but like I can't live like this anymore where I can't just come home and just park in my driveway okay so anybody else sir you were given sir you were given the opportunity to speak I asked you if you had anything else to say you changing the dialogue she that was her rebuttal to your opposition okay okay I asked you a few times whether you had anything else to say and you said no I have a lot to say well we don't have much time you have to step back so in case anybody else wants to come up to speak I'm sorry step back and say because so somebody else can come anybody else want to speak for or against this come forward can you raise your right hand please yes you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes state your name spell your first and last name give us your address please Muhammad Kel m o h a e d k a n d i l 299 South Road just make sure you're speak into the microphone so the feel like the scariest thing in all of this is if they if you did rule in this lovely gentleman's favor I have a fear that this would not be the end of it as she mentioned earlier I feel like there's been a pattern of harassment from his end and I feel like there's always one thing if it's not this thing it's another so my fear in ruling in his favor is it's going to give him that sense of power that he just going to feel like he can keep going with every next thing to the point where she had a tree in her yard that she was trimming that he had an issue with it's just one thing after another and he also seems to contradict himself because he said I gave her no permission to step on my property but then sentences after he said I told her she could park in my driveway do you have anything to say with respect to the application that she's making tonight for permission to remove the condition from the previous resolution that she can't par I believe she she has lived at the property longer the driveway was like that since she moved there he moved there after the fact I feel like by that point she can't control how big the dri how the driveway was designed he can't control how the driveway was designed it is her driveway just rly anybody would think they could park in their driveway I don't think that's I think it's common sense just listening to the opening case of him saying the case is somebody wanting to park their car in their driveway it just sounds silly to me okay anything else uh I think that's about it okay thank you anyone else I respond resp so you you've had your opportunity sir anybody else have any other questions do we need to go in the conference oh no need actually she has her driveway she can park the car only thing is we cannot tell her to enter his property but she if she stay in her property and Par the driveway that's sir you've had your opportunity to speak I I heard you three times I'm sorry and yet you still come up to the microphone well a gentleman was here and he said some things that I wanted to respond to he said it multiple times you had your opportunity to speak so we just just sit back go ahead anything else yeah that's my opinion yeah the is the issue I think the issue the trespass is a civil matter has nothing to do with us right absolutely has nothing to do with this book couldn't agree more anybody else have anything to say then who do I go to go you talk to your attorney let him tell but it ain't us the driveway is too small sir sir we we've gone through it already you're over you're over finished all right do we need a conference do we think no no okay some want to frame a resolution or ready what you saying want to finish what you were saying no I'm done is is her property she can prop Park her cars you know that's that's what my opinion all right frame a resolution so the resolution would be to remove that condition from the prior resolution approving the variance yep that's it application 24 41 May any Los Santos block number what is the address there no addressor 52 52 Hawkings block number 716 slot number 16 Zone RC to Grant the permission to par property own vehicle in the property owner Drive uh with the the previous condition what is that to remove the previous condition to remove the previous and allow her to park vehicles on that portion of the driveway allow her to park in the B second grani Nora grani yes mozzarella yes qun yes ready yes Wills yes one more granted your your uh application is granted we will make it official at our next meeting thank you thank you so much for your time good luck right thank don't step in his falls and breaks that leg who's liable that's it's a legal question that would be best addressed by an attorney other than me it's going to be addressed by an attorney and okay that's that's fine sir we have another another application through next application 24 call 26 Beck 70 sandre Drive block 720 see variant to construct the two-story Edition and driveway expansion contrary to section 43035 col four [Music] sorry [Music] yes can you raise your right hand please you swear or that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth trth and nothing but the yes have you seen the engineer report uh no yes oh I read it you haven't seen it you read saw the letter somebody read it too there was a letter there was a letter sorry it's a time night I I thought there was going to be a big report you seen it you read it to her so she's no okay all right I just wanted to make sure you've seen it yes yes you're prepared to address the comments made in the engineers report yes okay great do you have people with you here tonight yes testify okay why don't you start by telling the board what you want to do um so I want to do an addition on my house to um uh it's a two-story Edition and an expansion of the driveway my intention is um my older father and mother to move in they're they need be on a first level um uh handicap accessible so uh I could take care of them medical costs are getting a lot and they need care and it would be a good opportunity for them they'll have the money to take care of themselves or have an in you know somebody come in every day and care okay and uh who do you have with you tonight I have my architect John want to come okay raise your right hand please just where our firm the testimon that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes okay state your name with us and give us your qualifications uh my name is uh Jonathan babula j o n a t h n b a b Ula I'm a registered architect in uh New York New Jersey I went to NGIT graduated in 2004 with the Bachelor of architecture and I had my license since 2015 I've testified between over a dozen boards um between Bergen Morris Sussex uh Su County okay he qualified all want to talk to us about the uh overall project sure um um as Miss Becka mentioned it is a two-story addition to the left side of the house um it is an existing split level dwelling so there are multiple levels in there existing the uh this left side of the house there is a um driveway an existing driveway and an existing garage here uh which is at grade level and that's the side that we are doing the addition uh we are seeking a front yard variance um the required front yard variance is 40 ft uh right now it is there it's a corner lot so there are both 40 and 40 uh on this left side Edition which is towards the uh front or towards uh the front Sandra Drive um the new setback would be 25 feet so we're we're going 15 feet over um our coverages are we conform with all our building coverages and our impervious coverages uh we are widening the driveway uh to expand for more car space as there will be more cars there um let see just uh what's what's on the that side of the expansion what's is there a Neighbor Next Door no so this this side of the expansion it is a corner lot so it is the road it's these properties here are like an island and the road goes completely around so it is sander drive and that side of the house is the road so there's no neighbor no Neighbors on that side well you showing on your plan that there's a house next to you that that house is uh the beer yard technically or sidey yard um in the back there yeah I was asking over here the5 oh no that's the street there you're saying sandard the other H the house that would be on your West Side ACC where's its Frontage uh the the that house uh the neighbor's house is also a corner lot so its front I think is on the opposite side of uh our applicant front yard so the rear yard of that house is as little as 5.3 ft uh currently existing yes okay [Music] oh um as I mentioned um you know we have uh required 15% building coverage existing is 7.5 we are increasing it to 10% uh the required impervious coverage is 30% existing is 10.9 and we are increasing it to 16.4% um you know due to the exact location of the house where it is built now uh like I said it's 40t and 40 ft the property itself is 140 ft wide but the the dwelling was built all the way to the left side so um it kind of gives us a a hardship here of uh not being able to expand it in the widthwise on that side there uh without going for a variance uh the reason why we are as I said uh building the addition on the left side is because the existing grade goes down so it is level um more accessible for elderly people um and the left side Edition is going here on the right side the the grade does go up a significant amount uh so there would have that would require steps and uh kind of defeat the purpose there if you went on the right side would you encroach more to the neighboring properties than if you went on the left side Sor uh yes because it it does the lot does narrow as you go to the right side so yes that that in would decrease that's that back there probably encroaching one of the yard areas yeah yeah and the only variance you need is the front yard setback correct looking at the floor plans it does not look as if any of the rooms are set up so that it could be a kitchen no no there will be no second kitchen um as I said this this is the existing Flor plan where the existing garage is we are converting some of that space as an entry kind of mud room here and then the addition is going to the left which will be a bedroom their own bathroom and a walk-in closet and this will help with any Assisted Living if they need nurses or any Aid coming in so again it's at the ground level here okay and did you have you reviewed the engineer report I did and uh yes to address any of the questions there will be uh a small retaining wall on the left uh yeah the left side of the new driveway here in between 2 to 3 ft High um so it would just be you know Keystone block retaining wall and as far as any um drainage uh we will certainly comply um we are willing to put in a dryw and uh we will be you know working with the town engineer to make sure everything complies so so you're willing to satisfy all the conditions in the July 11th 2024 report correct correct correct correct anything else any questions in summary my understanding is uh the addition needs to go on this that's why you're here for the variance because you have to put it there because it goes on the other side you'd have the steep slope issue for stairs and it wouldn't accommodate the function she needs for her parents is that correct correct thank you very much good anything else okay uh any other Witnesses [Music] no you speaking for again any questions from you okay anybody wishing to come forward and speak for against I don't see anyone hear anyone I think Mr willins kind of put the uh put the plan together on that one right I think so yeah somebody like to do we need to go on a conference no someone want to FR a resolution application 24 col 26 din 70 standard block number 720 lock to Zone R-3 to issue a grant C variance to con a two story Edition and driveway extension cont to section 43-35 column 4 and with the recommend in compliance with the recommendation from the engineers report second second anyone second grani grani yes Mella yes Quinn yes ready yes yep all right it's been approved we will make it official at our next meeting and then you can go on ahead good luck thank you very much good night good night good night motion to adjourn anyone motion on all right everyone remember about the August uh 21st August 21st is that 7:00 or 7:30 7 7 7 everybody in favor of adjourning