doesn't you're on record okay there he is you're on the record chairman so here we are announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that is being conducted in accordance with njs 10 colons 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act nor please call the role Mr buret here M grani here Mr Petty yeah Mr ready yes Mr willings here chairman irane pres we also have our board planner Mr Chadwick pres our board attorney Mr Johnson and our new board engineer but I'm not sure how you say your last name Tom Lano L manowitz Mr L manowitz start off the evening with the Pledge of Allegiance please United States of America stand naiv at this point in this evening's meeting is there any member of the public that has any business brought to this sport that is not on this evening's agenda I hear none see none we have any correspondence nor no correspondence just resolutions okay we have one resolution we have two two of two no the second one is in draft form um oh just so one oh uh publication 2317 uh burkowitz grani Petty ready and willings someone want to move that there a second please any discussion nor call rooll burtz yes bani yes dtz oh sorry he's not here pdie yes ready yes will yes whatever happened with the side entrance that look like a shed on this property did he make it smaller or I thought anybody remember that was in the resolution was it yeah it's in the resolution the board had imposed a number of conditions on improving that particular portion okay if you recall there was a a condition that he resed correctly that he finished it correctly that it painted to match the house and that he installed a window on the street facing sign which is all Incorporated in the resolution and put some land escaping in correct okay I know the next their neighbor was concerned okie dokie um application 2342 jri Patel this is a a case that's been carried from December 20th before you do that can I just SAR in the oh yeah sure go right ahe Mr chav can you raise your right hand s any testimony that you give this evening shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes SAR affirm that ton give theing should be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes I do how many years have you done that so this case was carried because of some issues about drainage but I as I saw from looking at the tape uh is there additional testimony that you have tonight that uh no so I think the all the confusion and everything like that was laid out with uh you understand you were you were sworn in the last time you were correct do you understand think you're still under road yeah okay so nothing has changed as just the proposed I think there was a confusion on all that so it was all taken care of with engineering and gen so should be said because everything is staying as is it was just replaced from concrete to favor itself so if I understand it correctly your original application seemed as though you were expanding some various sidewalks and patios but you're not actually doing that correct yeah so is it correct that all you're doing is replacing what was there already that had become deteriorated yes sir correct yes sir okay there any other any other questions by the board any members of the public have any questions on the testimony given I know it's brief testimony but if you were here at the TW this 1220 meeting there was some no okay there any you you there's nothing anything else you'd like to say right yes sir are there any members of the public who wish speak in opposition to this application in support of this application I Hear n and SE on um minous requests gentlemen and ladies replacing ex ex conditions someone frame a resolution please application 23 col 42 J Patel 8 rwood Avenue block 582 Lot number 25 Zone r-4 to isue or Grant C variance to construct the sidewalk expansion print walk expansion shed on existing papers and legalize a walkway and rare Pao contrary to section 430-10 c and section 43-35 column 8 10 and 13 second any discussion nor call the roll I'm sorry he second it will buret yes bani yes ready yes willing yes hurricane yes results of Varian is granted I guess you can continue what you're doing you'll get a a zoning Premier as soon as we approve the resolution which should be in two weeks okay thank you very much thank you I'm sorry that's I'm thinking I'm the next meeting I'm losing it I am losing it I whole pack what we doing next here the um cin Outdoor Advertising Mr O'Neal we heard part because I got notes on come back some demonstrating good evening Mr chairman members of the board Joseph O'Neal here on behalf of Klein Outdoor Advertising this is a continuing matter we are uh back again to give more testimony regarding elimination from the sign a couple other issues so with your permission I'd like to get right into the engine go right ahead Mr under you have the floor just for the record you could just reintroduce yourself oh sure uh William AR vot Jr from l2a land is on on the S Eng and you were swarm last time and your stand you're still under Road right okay Mr O'Neal before we go into the lights do we want to reiterate the things that were agreed to in the last meeting height sizes things of that well we can run through that with with okay yeah we've got some exhibits along those lines too about the height things like that okay sure um okay so what we were proposing was a uh dual-sided or v-shaped uh billboard uh it's digital there's a message sign on both sides uh what we U proposing is a 14t tall by 48t Wide Sign that's 672 ft Square Fe um the height the overall height from the ground to the top off sign 55 55 excuse me 55 correct I I heard the tape and I thought it was changed from 60 to 45 ft you need to get into that we were uh we were originally at um we were originally at 60 ft right um we had submitted plans to at 50 ft or at the last year we had spoke about a 50 ft we did a uh we did a test at the site we uh basically did a crane test at the site and due to the trees on um why don't we why don't we put that up sure you have you have a photo exhibit showing what we're talking about yes I did so I can just switch to you're going to need to mark that they can't hear in the back we're going to have talking to your mic okay is not on no I don't think it's on that that I think it's on now it's on no no it's not it's on but it's not are those working not to press button up and sure okay so basically when you were marking A7 A7 what is A7 okay you acknowledging that we did talk about looking at this going down to 45 ft you're kind of skipping sure too far ahead we did we did throw around a couple numbers there um 50 45 ft we we basically hung a a a an object at the site and at the 45 and 50t Mark mark it was too low to be visible um from the southbound Direction so the right hand re because of the trees uh to the south of the site to the north of the site I'm okay um with the with the height it's it's the southbound re is what's driving the 55t tall so high to 55 we're back to 55 correct and you're back to beting a variance for height correct a big variance correct are we are we still removing trees or is that we will be uh trimming trees on the neighboring parcel to the south of us but not in the right way uh to my knowledge not in the right way it would be on the neighboring parcel where we had looked at putting the sign I had not last you were contemplating clearing within the RightWay you are not no I don't I don't foresee clearing in the right of way um I'll I'll put up a picture this is this is from the this is from the test that was done that so A8 is the Northbound or the leftand read as you're driving you're looking to the left and that is the proposed perspective of the proposed sign at the 55t height so you can see there's a faint red line along the right hand side of the image and at the very top is our number of 55 ft in height so that is 55 ft above the GR grade of the subject property I 287 is another on average 33 ft lower than our site so it's 85 ft above the 287 PL on average correct from our site so I can I can if you guys want to see that a little closer I can certainly hand that over does that photo we got it does that photo reflect cing of any the trees or not no I'm sorry say that one more time does that photo reflect any topping of the trees no it does to the north I guess you said no can you show us a southbound picture like that um because you're saying you have to go that high what because of southbound trees yes the it's it's all trees I don't have a picture from the southbound but it's it's all trees that's we were just shown you a picture of trees so it still be all trees even at this height correct so you won't have view from the south pound that is correct okay wait I didn't understand it's not visible for southbound traffic it's it's obstructed by the by the trees on the neighboring parcel so we ft at 55 ft you were okay no no so you'll never it'll never work from the southbound side I need to trim trees on the southbound side correct oh do you need do you need approval from the uh thejason property on it yes and we have that no other uh no other authorizations are needed take down trees or to cut trees or trees we're not cutting down trees it would just be trimming of trees trimming the trees yeah trimming pruning you need to help me here a little bit sure the trees that are blocking the southbound view you don't have a picture for us you're saying you're going to trim the trees can you tell us about how much you're going to trim them how much you have to cut off the trees so the southbound traffic can see your sign very good question um it would be it we would be topping some of the trees in that in that view shed um I I don't honestly have I don't have you don't know the height of the trees I don't I mean that the adjacent property is also on a slope uh away from the site as well so it's it's a variable of what your testimony is is you'll trim the trees to the level you have to so your sign is visible from the southbound that's correct and that could be pretty significant yeah he's not we have something in writing from the neighboring property owner saying that he's agreed to this no not at this time he has verbally agreed with our uh with the applicant and uh we would provide that to the board should you see fit to approve this application so it can be a condition yes one of the concerns was the homes across the highway but now we're back at 55 ft do we know whether we're going to see this from the residential neighborhood to the west and the south of this um just putting back the aerial that was exhibit A1 um so you're I I believe you're referring to the relatively newel over there correct that that we discussed last meeting I think we started to talk about how to Shield the bulbs individually so that it would not uh be direct view but now the thing is 55 ft in the air in the homes in the lower right hand corner of that exhibit I have no idea will will they see that sign from there now you're back to AC yeah let me go back to because the town houses across the way you demonstrated it was somewhat perpendicular to them and that you would be able to I I redirect the bulbs yeah I I refer to them as cups or so the part of the bulb you can see is when you're coming down the highway now this case however the flat surface of the billboard will be to the South okay as you put that up let me ask a question as we go for it make sure what apples and apples this chart was done when it was what what height were you expecting that to be at that time this is at the 55 this is so this is a current correct proposal that's corre the reflectory of the light that's correct and this this is this is just the picture from the lighting report that was submitted to the board as part of the application so this is this is uh basically the um this is the South this is southbound well this is facing the southbound uh Direction so this is the lighting study is that part of A7 yes this is part of A7 it was just a larger it was just a larger picture that's let's mark the let's mark this new one as A8 A8 is that's what I've got A8 is this uh you describe this for this would be a A9 yes so let's go back to A7 because I don't think we identif we we described A7 for the record is A7 excerpt from the lighting study correct A7 is the three excerpts from the lighting study you have the I do not believe that lighting study was I don't I don't think it was no I don't think it what are we talking about so you okay so we had a lighting study uh prepared at the 55 ft height for the 14x 48 billboard that we're proposing so the images that we have here are the uh different uh viewpoints of the billboard so the first on your left hand side that would be the southbound or the right hand read uh for the for the project this this direction is where we have the uh encumbrance of the trees facing us so you can see um the line of trees on the uh property to the south of us um that we're going to trim the middle picture that is the Northbound or the leftand Read Sign here that that is the picture that we're showing you on the perspective which was A8 I had it from the last time oh okay I heard the cas and then the the basically the rings that you see in each direction are the different lighting intensities at a certain distance away from the away from the sign during the day or at night this is at nighttime uh this is nighttime level uh where the billboard dims to 3% of its output during the day it runs at 100% cuz is competing with the Sun during the nighttime hours it dims down to 3% of its output and what these graphs and uh distances are showing you are the lighting or illumination levels at the ground above ambient light so they're not factoring in any light source it's as if this is the only uh object that's uh illuminated so and what are the numbers on there sure so these Rings it starts uh at the center of the board it's 100t 200t 300t 400t and then 500t you have this flip you have the same in the opposite direction so the most intense uh light level is at the 0 degree degree angle with the center of the board as you feather out to different angles 20 20 40 60 and whatnot the light dims down because you're not focused at the center of the of the um screen so the center of the dot is is as if you were staring straight at the billboard and standing right at the billboard is that correct at the different at the different distances so there's a 100 200 and so on so forth to 500 foot okay but the center of the dot is is as if the billboard was right in front of your face it's the billboard correct but we we have trans we have taken that level down to the ground level at basically 5T above ground so that's that's on average the average eye level of of a person so I'm going to give you the the most intense reading that's at the0 degree Mark okay so at 100 ft you would be this is at the ground level at Point 68 foot candles at 200 ft you would be at17 foot candles at 300 ft you would be at 08 foot candles 400 ft you'd be at 04 foot candles and at 500 ft you'd be at 03 foot candles so what this is showing you is the the purpose of the billboard is not to illuminate or cast illumination onto the ground it it's it does not act as if it's a light in this room or a parking lot a light that's lighting up a parking lot the sign just has luminance so the message can be read so the light trespass from this board at the ground level is very low and this is this would be as if this was the only object illuminated in a dark sky so when you add in any ambient lighting from street lights car lights from other properties this is the worst case scenario that we're that we're showing you is that we would be 6817 8 04 03 above that ambient light is it possible for you to describe that in a more layman's term instead of foot candles like could you give us a h an example of what that might look like sure um like this room you're probably if I had a if I had a light meter right here you probably be somewhere in the 40 to 50t Candle range okay for typical parking lot uh lighting 40 to 50 correct in this room easily 45 maybe easily so in the parking lot you're typically going to see lighting levels you're going to have a minimum the5 foot candles to somewhere in the range of two to three foot candles depending on what the use is so to Mr the point being you're saying this room is four to 40 40 four to five oh eent and the highest level you're going to be there is what 068 I I I don't think it's the issue light being lighting up the area around the sign I think it's the surface of the sign whether you're going to be able to see that from your from your home or not and to what degree it will be um impacting neor yeah the the lights are shielded right individual the lights are Shi get to the I I think we talked about the shielding of the individual bulbs correct for the residents across the highway correct so they would not be able to really see the bulbs and they should not be seeing the surface so homes that are south of indale the other areial you had shows where they're located and there that's that lower right hand corner this one yeah those are all the homes and I don't know whether or not we're going to be enough distance away so the billboard will be really a little spot in the in the uh horizon or whether it's going to be something that is significant Mr Chad weren't you also mentioning about louvers going on the side and putting cups on the lights change the tur to a cup okay instead of louvers lers were the wings that were going on the edge of the billboard okay we've changed that to cups now no cups let's use Lou lers yes okay is it technically possible to direct the louvers on the sign so that it's only visible to the motorists on R 287 is that technically possible so uh that that's also a very good question so this this billboard from watchfire that's the manufacturer this is what they call 140 Dee viewing angle you have 70 70° on either side of the zero access point they do make another version that is a 60% viewing angle so that's that brings you to the 30% 30 degree on both sides however if you have visibility of the front of the board you're going to see it it's it will block out if you're beyond the 60° Mark you will not see a message on that side that's all Industrial in that area where you were just point correct so anything beyond the 60° Mark you will not have a visual of the sign it cuts off it you're at a too too steep of an angle looking at the board but what if if you're within the cone if you're within if you're within basically from Z to 40 that that is the prime viewing angle and then once you get Beyond 40 it will start to deteriorate for you that's why they do manufacture a board that is a 60° 30° in each Direction um but that's s proposing here well the problem here we were talking about at the last hearing is that the uh the new residential development is within that cone across the street yeah there's no way that some of those people if they can see through the trees will be able to see the sign and the lowest you could go technically is technologically is 60° Ang that's that's the lowest State manufacturer correct 30 on each side that'll have no effect on those I thought the lers were going to block the direct Vision to the Vault for the town homes the head no it was only there's no way to block that there's there's nothing that there's nothing it would it only blocks the side there now there's louvers on the top and the bottom which direct the light forward and not up or down they can they basically inset the diodes into the the actual panels and they turn them that's how you get the tighter angle but like I said if you can see the board if you're whether I make it 60 Dees on either side or 30° on either side if you can if you're within that visual frame and you can see the board you will see the message yeah there's no I I see some confusion in everybody's faces what you're talking about and you can't you can't adjust the up down for let me ask this question so the sign is above the um Highway by 85 ft I think was said and it's also above the tow houses across the street correct you know the the relative just the relative height between the sign and the tow houses do you know that you're at well we don't but the tow houses appear to be at some point sunken in below the highway the buildings foundations so there's no way to point it down to hit the highway and then not hit the town hill yeah I just want to be clear about that if you're seeing it from a car on the highway you're going to see it from the town step out of the car on the shoulder you're at the town homes or whatever they are you're going to see it there too there's no way to get visibility to the roadway not have visibility to that Ro and also with without having visibility to the houses on intervail the in the area of intervail that's also not possible technically well that I think we have to look at the angle of that can you can you go through that can you explain whether with the with a smaller angle you would eliminate the town the houses and the intervail area from being able to see the sign is that yeah that's that's where the six the 70 to 60° makes differ if the 30° takes it out yes can you can you go takes it out um yeah I'm just trying to see if I have a picture that's that that's far enough for you on there um I could probably do that take a minute to look at that I could just have one minute while he's looking that up a minute sure I can't J easy turn it off so distract walk there and boom something else is there turn I don't know how far it is away from this I mean this is a point time where yeah you see theard put half a mile away read I've always told if you've got your plans out on the table that you're measuring them with your tools it's probably a good time to ask for this matter to be carried so we can get some more specific answers to some of the particular questions especially uh Miss grani question about how much of these trees are going to be topped on the southbound side I think that question is also probably pregnant on this side uh so I noticed that the board is a little uh you we're down to six here voting tonight so we would probably ask this matter be carried at the end of testimony I'd like to ask that now so we could actually get that study into your hands that they were talking about you have a chance Mr Chadwick uh to go over that so I request this matter be carried can you provide the distance of the billboard to the homes along souths side of IND yes so we've got a relationship of this bill facing this billboard to those homes on the south side of interv yeah there's no homes on North side yeah yeah I know I yeah this group yeah I I have no idea how far it is from there to you billboard location I mean we can all of us can guess but we'll get that specifically for you I thought we had the same thing to the town HS and as well as the orientation of the structures because if they're 90° to the road their view to the highway is vastly different than if they are parallel to the road and looking up yeah well you know what we're talking about with these 30 degrees on each side of this billboard if we start turning the billboard to lose say the town homes are we picking up the houses less screening on that's why I'm asking you to look we have to if they're a half a mile away which they aren't but looking at a billboard a half a mile away as opposed to a few hundred yards is a big difference yeah yeah well uh I think we need to come back with a little clearer presentation and the other thing I'm totally lost on the louvers now you're telling me that the bulb is recessed into the face of the mounting face that's how it works how about we as part of what we're providing we provide the detail of what we're talking about there so you can actually see so we could see what a lver versus I understood these things are almost like a Blinder on a horse yeah you're correct there's a Louver on the top and the bottom of each bow correct on each group of diodes there's three together there's a a red green and and a white red green and a blue I'm sorry yeah so we're but we're going to come back with the detail correct we're asking for right now is right so for what they do for is May any May 8 thank you may we ask should that be done without further notice do I have a motion to carry this case to May 8th without further notice and with whatever extensions are required moved all in favor anyone opposed ladies and gentlemen if you're here for the client Outdoor Advertising case 23 col 10 uh you will not receive any further notice that the meeting will be on May 8 make so you're going to stay in the chair aren't you Mr you're not even going to move are you so if you're here for this case folks and you want to leave I think for this foron all righty well if you're ready Mr O'Neal um case 2357 Royal Coachman 99 and 119 Cherry Hill Road preliminary and final site plan D variant to construct the garage and outdoor storage of vehicles it may yeah good evening again Mr chairman members of the board Joseph O'Neal here on behalf of Royal Coachman now this is an application for utilization of an existing parking lot at 99 in9 Cherry Hill Road the reason we're before you this evening is because their offices are on one lot and they're proposing utilizing the parking lot on the other lot so it's not directly an accessory it's an accessory on a different lot that is a use variant and you don't need any sea varities correct no no C variances at all Park plentiful parking all the setbacks are previously approved there's really no changes to the parking lot except for some restriping that we're going to be talking about and they're proposing putting in a uh garage which we'll show you some details on shortly uh for storage of some cleaning materials that'll help them prep some of those uh vehicles that are going to be parked there for use we're going to get some of that operational testimony for my first witness Mr Jeffrey carterhead okay can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give tonight should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but I do can you state your name and spell your last my name is Jeffrey my name is Jeffrey carna my last name is c a r t a g n a Mr cardan could you please uh let the board know your position sure I'm a partner Executive Vice President at Royal Coachman how long have you been at that position about 11 years now so can you describe for us what royal Coachman does we are a chafford ground transportation company providing services to majority of uh corporations and private individuals as well could you please be closer to the microphone sure can you hear me better now very thank you very much so we are a chord ground we're a chord ground transportation company we provide transportation to corporations and to private individuals as well we've been in business for 50 years so that not really a taxi company but one of the things you're going to be providing out of this location are shuttle services for local businesses in the area is that true correct yes for example one of the shuttles we provide is for uh marada which is a new resident here in Paran we provide a shuttle from their office here in parsipany totin so we do that every day back and forth and we provide transportation for their employees and those similar services for other entities in the area yeah we conduct a lot of businesses with a lot of the companies here in parity and other pharmaceutical or financial or Insurance related companies throughout the state of New Jersey now you're more than just a New Jersey based company right correct that is correct we uh have our headquarters in uh bahala New York so your services are provided all across North Jersey out of this location correct uh we provide services throughout all of New Jersey uh um into Pennsylvania we provide services um in New York we provide services in Connecticut so uh what is it you're proposing to do on this uh parking lot now where it's an existing parking lot that hasn't been really utilized because the buildings are vacant correct there's a low low occupancy at the V at the buildings this particular site was uh appealing to us because of the parking opportunity here we're allowed to um have our vehicles here we'd like to create um a garage or a shed uh that allows us to prep the vehicles in the inclement weather and that's what we're looking to have approved today and by prep we mean just cleaning there's no correct yeah ABS it's not a garage no it's prep we have two Porters and their job is to prep the vehicles to make sure the vehicles are uh clean and up to certain standards and this is just for storage and materials there's no offices there no no our offices are um located in 99 cherio so when they for instance uh report in in the morning they're reporting into 99 Cherry Hill Road they're going out to take care of the cars correct that's pretty much all that's going to be going on there correct how many cars are you going to be storing there um Max Max yeah I think it's about 20 vehicles um um I'm not sure it really depends on the time of year what's going on we also have shuttle accounts where we keep the vehicles located at the corporation so for one example would be uh brist Meer squid is another one of our accounts our vehicles uh stay on their property for the most part and they come back if there's uh you know they're closed for a holiday or something like that and when they're all back there how many you got on the site um um it would you know it could be anywhere from 10 to 15 to 20 10 to 20 yeah yeah it depends like Sean Hall University is another one of our accounts so you know when that account is closed we'll bring the vehicles back for some time but it's usually not all at the same time cuz they're closed for the summer for for school while BMS May close for the new year so if all your clients close how many vehicles will you have in your Fleet for Royal Coachman that will come back to that site or could be back to the site yeah I would say no more than 20 Vehicles the Maj yeah the majority of our vehicles um are held by our our chauffers so they take them home every correct can you describe the vehicles uh the vehicles are uh sedans um SUVs Vans and buses any stretch stretch limits no unfortunately the stretch limos are uh they've gone out of style we we get calls for stretch limos once in a while for like sweet 16s and stuff but uh we kind of shy away from that especially with that horrific accident that happened in New York um it's just you know we're more corporate we don't uh we don't even like have party buses where you know you have forward- facing Vehicles it's just too much of a liability for us so you said that um the drivers take the the cars home you mentioned sedans SUV and you also said buses correct the buses be at the location or are they taking those home also both we have a mix yeah sometimes they're parked at the uh Corporation for example I mentioned uh BMS the vehicles parked there I mentioned seaten Hall University the vehicles parked there so we have various client um clients where we park the vehicles at their location because it's advantageous to just have the drivers go there we're showing two buses when when we get to Mr Walsh's testimony he'll show you all the thank you I have no further questions for could you describe the maintenance activities you anticipate well all of our maintenance is provided by third-party vendors so our maintenance is done outside of our location so we bring them to garages and mechanics and that type of stuff it's the onsite is more prep okay what is what prep is like vacuuming a car is it cleaning the outside of the no it's it would be that like if someone if a car goes out and there's you know you know inclement weather and someone steps inside and they have to you know clean the vehicle make sure the vehicle's up to a certain standard so it's not washing a vehicle that site no do you anticipate there there's no water running water at that site currently correct there is not currently now do you anticipate adding running water to the site uh I believe that's submitted in the plans we we are proposing adding some water to that electri what's I'm sorry I was going to ask what's the purpose of that if if you have outside locations to clean the cars well so for us the most important thing is electricity which has to do with you know if it's cold outside um so the guys aren't working in the cold um water is something that we put on there um I mean they have access to the office so it's not like they're going to be using the bathroom out there so um I don't think it's something that we have to have and your building doesn't anticipate having restrooms in it correct that's not anticipated no no they they go back to 99 Cherry Hill what is the purpose of having the building what do you mean that it's exactly for what I mentioned with respect to the inclement weather um having a vehicle being able to pull a vehicle in there um if it's raining or if it's snowing the guys have to be able to work so now they're not able to do that okay do you have any other questions of this one no further questions is is somebody going to explain the building yes any other questions by the board any members of the public have any questions of this witness on the testimony given this evening so please come forward um before you talk give us your name and address so it's Patrick Lynch I live on nine Homer Street in forany which is uh behind my house where this is going to be so I'm just wondering is it it's actually going to be less vehicles that are going to be on the property than than are there now you just said there only about 20 I've got pictures of probably 50 please don't don't touch oops just um ask a question ask the question is there going to be less vehicles moving forward on the property I that mic should work so C So currently there are some vehicles that um are in the process of being sold so there's Vehicles without plates and we're in the process of selling those Vehicles so maybe that's what the gentleman is referring to but it's your testimony that the maximum you anticipate is 20 vehicles on this property okay any other questions by the public please come forward if you want to ask a question stand up and come forward I'm getting okay take your time now we got all night don't worry about it just give us your name and address please okay hi my name is sa Nora I live at three Homer Street I'm the owner of the home and this property is right back of us um my question is um I'm hearing vague numbers of the quantity of cars I I'm concerned about that um um so it's 20 um limos and then um like how many buses and how many SVS can I ask that well I think they stated that it's 20 in total isn't it wasn't that the testimony yes no 20 in total no he's talking about the utilization on the lot I think it might be better if we save this question for Mr Walsh and he's delineated parking on that lot it be kind of an Apples to Apples type of comparison he'll be the next week you understand but there's going to be a professional who will talk about the about that okay so then at that point either we'll get our qu answer or we'll ask more questions okay okay so um am I allowed to ask question about environmental impact or no I I I don't know about the proceedings I don't know how they go not this witness not not the right witness probably not this all right cuz I was concerned with like oil coming out of the cars like underneath and getting washed out into like the streams and things that please please don't testify this is the time for asking questions okay thank you that was my question thank thank you you our time on that one any any other member of the public who has a question to ask this witness question please come forward don't just raise your hand ladies and gentlemen when I say come on up okay uh my name is Peter chleone I live at 13 Homer Street uh behind the the area there um my question is uh in regards to the shed I got to notice that there was going to be a shed now we're talking about a garage can we discuss or find out what the size of this garage and height would be going to have a it's going to testify I'm okay thank you anybody else come on up hello from 11 Gan Street and um well two questions could we move this over so then see it because we can't see anything of what speak but he didn't testify this he testify tonight yet but I would recommend that if you can't see come forward nobody on this board will bite you I promise you so if you have trouble if you're all the way in the back and you can't see what's going on there's ample seats there seats over there on the side or we'll we'll try to have them tilted a little bit when when he um the question that I had was also that was mentioned that the two buildings 99 and 119 have very low um tency right now and so why is it that we're using this um parking area uh instead of the other parking spaces that are totally available because those buildings are not being used we'll talk about that with a different Mr C else my name is Sigman Balaban 10 grean Street parcion this might be the wrong question for this gentleman I'll take my chances you seem very thorough in your presentation I'd like to know why the entire neighborhood was not notified of your like letters were sent out only to two houses well there only they're only required to send houses sent to resident or sent to Property Owners within 200 ft of the proposed um application variance okay okay so if you're more than 200 feet away correct me if I'm wrong Mr O'Neal that's what you did right just 200 ft just 200 ft and we publish the notice and it gets published in the paper also okay but the entire Community is affected by the flow of traffic I I don't have I don't have any control over how notification is done that's it's in the state law state law okay okay okay but not okay well thank you I'm sorry any other members of the public next witness Joseph thank you thank you raise your right hand please you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth yes I do can you state your name spell your last name uh Robert E Walsh wsh uh 8 Ridgedale app Cedar NOS New Jersey Chief civil and environmental engineer for EI Associates you give the board please the benefit of your experience uh yes licensed professional engineer licensed uh professional planner I prepared the plans that'll be presented tonight for the application and uh I prep I believe I um presented before this board before certainly the planning board in course and you've been previously qualified as an engineer yes go it's good okay Mr wall so we putted a couple of questions to you because Mr cardana was talking about operations on site the number of cars that they expect operationally come on and off the site but you've prepared an exhibit showing uh the number of cars that are actually provided in the lease to be accommodated on that lot can we go over that sure I'm just going to refer to the first exhibit of and I I don't know if you want to number these there there have been some slight revisions to this only in that uh there's previously had a planning board as the signature block we Chang at the zoning board um I guess that's a new exhibit then so A1 will be A1 and basically the development consists of two building Lots uh with two separate principal buildings lot 16 is occupies the southern portion of the entire uh site which consists of the two building lot 16001 is the site that the applicant is occupying I think the application said roughly 5,500 Square fet they're occupying uh in that building and the area where they're going to park the vehicles and construct the garage is is located in the southern portion of the overall property on lot 16 so uh and that lot that's basically underutilized and is at the southern portion of the overall property so that's c01 also our exhibit A1 now I'm going could you stand back a little bit as you the view of even though there's no one moving up forward in the room this nice lady has so why don't you show her so the the one the one plan that we have here has red the marks on is that is that where the parking is going to be yes uh drawing c01 uh shows the uh red vehicles in it uh those are 12 uh 28 ft long uh mini buses uh I don't know how many passengers I have that information somewhere in my paperwor uh we also show adjacent to that two vehicles which are located between the proposed 36x 36x 15t High shed or garage if you will uh though that is described as a 39 ft long mini buus and then finally we have two of the largest Vehicles that'll be on site are the motor coach buses so that's those are the vehicles that we're proposing to place on the site that exceed the normal parking lot striping now there there are as the applicant stated um cars that they would use to um you know just like a regular trip to the airport or something like that regular sedan siiz vehicles and they would occupy the other spaces that are not going to be altered at all so can you can you tell me either exactly or approximately the distance from the edge of the parking spaces that you're going to be using to the property property line uh this is a 50 scale drawing and um it's got to be approximately 100 ft to the nearest property line and it's a fully wooded area with mainly 100t at least 100 feet before you hit somebody property correct okay thank you I see the Reds and all the other colors and then to the left of that you have all these proposed EV charging stations the EV charging stations are proposed on lot 16 and are located in an area it says for proposed EV parking spaces uh at this location and there's another location just to the left of your red markings there sir uh and yes right and then six here so for a total of 10 these are in connection with this business yes yes it's for storage of uh specifically for that you mentioned when you were starting out that the lease specifies a number of vehicles that can be on the property I'm not aware of what it specifies the number of spaces that can be modified which is what I'm trying to get to we're adjusting 60 of the spaces 60 60 right 60 of the spaces because of the larger vehicle so spaces and vehicles aren't the same though we're not going to have 60 Vehicles no because they're they're larger vehicles but we're still in compliance with parking regulations there's excess parking on the site for both so if you had two spaces and one of these vehicles is 28 ft long they'd be using two spaces correct so we're going to be restrip is that what C1 depicts yes although we did not show the relocate restriping of those spaces we just showed how the actual size of the vehicles would fit within those spaces and in our parking calculation uh we showed the the reduction in stasis the test the testimony of your client was it was 20 20 Vehicles would be yeah that's that's about right Mr oal if if the applicant offices were in this building in what building the other lot what what number of building is this they're in 99 and what building is this this is one the lot with 19 19 is a different Line Street number uh is 99 for the one where the applicants uh will be occupying and 19 19 is the one for lot 16 that's the one closest to Cherry Hill Road different different different building differents there be it' go to per I got the two different maybe a minor site plan for restriping the par but there wouldn't be any variances required the only reason you're here is because of the two buildings there was one building the Lots weren't merged for whatever reason these are separate lots and the land lot is separate from the buildings no you got the buildings are on it own it's a unified complex but it's on two lots okay right now help me here sure I I clearly see block 411 lot 16001 and block 411 lot 16 okay those then the red stuff here and the other part down there what are they on what lot and block are they on okay let me show you let me show you something uh this is the property line that separates the two if I could just cut you off how about you answer the question that's sure okay so what was the question I'm sorry which lot is the parking so this stuff you separated out 16 this is inside of that last 16 correct and where is their what lot is their offices on 16001 now show them where the line is it runs north of 119 which is lot 16 building and then goes in between the two principal buildings and then runs parallel to the souths side of the 199 lot 1601 and then it runs along the center line of the main driveway that Loops through the site and then it runs along the southern part of the Eastern parking lot that's a associated with 16001 so this Southern Port the this the lot is kind of elongated going east to west relative to Cherry Hill Road Mr well why would you not have this on a little insert inside that lot so we could understand that I mean it looks like a totally separate place you're saying that is within that lot I I I don't get it I I guess I'm getting it out but I don't get why we can't see that visually here well the line is over slam pardon me the the line is on the planes the line is on the line line with bearings and dist I'm not I'm not okay look I think what you're probably talking about is the planning exhibit which just shows the lot line which I'll be getting to okay good thank you sir all right so I have a now you're we were talking about the water potentially being run up to the garage yes uh we're running electric out there and for the purposes of Maintenance between trips like vacuuming and stuff it was we're proposing to run a 1in water line out there for just general M maintenance a hose Tib and uh but it's not for a car wash per se they're not going to be washing cars up there but it's just to have water for the purposes of having water relative to maintaining a vehicle in between trips yeah I spill my coffee the car the van comes back they can clean that up right but it's not set up for a car wash no laboratory which would need a waistline no bathrooms so there would be no need to conduct the exterior washing of vehicles at the site that was the testimony and there's no plan to do that so there would be no issue with respect to potential runoff from washing of vehicles exactly why okay would that potentially create any environmental issues with the stream located on the site so if they don't conduct that activity there's no potential for runoff into that stream correct from them from them from them not to say they might be runoff from somebody else but they will not create any runoff there's no activity in that lot that's going to cause any runoff that's going to trigger an environmental impact correct and did you did you actually examine that issue is part of your review of this application yes great you have any more questions I have no more questions for any any questions by but I skipped something I can see any questions Mr wsh is not done oh yes the shed I know Mr Chadwick had concern that the uh garage building was not detailed enough we we have I guess this will be exhibit a uh take 10 I think no it's different A2 I think we're only up to A2 a22 yeah I think this is a manufacturers cut sheet in uh we're proposing a building that's 36x 36x 15 that plan and we basically put the cover sheet of that pre-engineered building uh on the plans on drawing C02 uh and you'll know that that building calls for a 16t high to the Gable and 20t and some change to the Ridge and we took that off the plan that came from the manufacturer it's a standard building and what the applicant is proposing is something that stays below the 15 ft I think there's an ordinance requirement that anything in a residential Zone accessor Reb buildings in a residential zone or a business Zone I don't know whether the rol qualifies as a business Zone but the maximum height for the accessory structure system so we're going to comply with that you don't need any variant for that that's what you right there's no variance asso and the color on the cover sheet is roughly the color going to be selected I think so but there's a standard manufacturers color range maybe the applicant can answer that better than I can the the principal buildings on this side are masonry exterior yeah Stu on thing right and this this shed or building will be located uh on lot 16 correct with all of this other parking that we see in red yes that's just asphalt paving I think what paints the picture better the the planner has some aerial uh Birds ey view okay thank you thank you sir that'll be better for you know photographic representation okay thank you oh I see it and the last exhibit I have it's just CO2 which you have and what I've done is um I think breaman Peterson had a uh requested that additional large bus Maneuvers be added to the plan so we have plan number one plan number two which shows a vehicle getting in and out of that rear lot the largest vehicle being the the bus coach bus and we demonstrated that it can get in and out of there and the request was that we show some truck maneuvers excuse me bus Maneuvers from the entrances that Cherry Hill Road here we have the Southwest uh on plan number three we have the Southwest uh entry Lane uh with a bus maneuver plan number four which was added shows the Northwest Ingress and egress lanes and then finally we showed rather than just the coming from the southern entrance and going into the parking lot and then leaving as shown in plans one and to we've added uh the alternative what if somebody came in the northern entrance uh from Cherry Hill Road they could also access the parking area where the building where the vehicles would be stored and and I think there was a request that we put the planimetric template rather than just the bus profile on the plant so that's what we've done so Mr Walsh uh we will submit these plants for review so you've marked exhibits but if the board sees fit to approve this application we'll submit this for further comments from the engineer satisfy any of his concerns but basically there's no problem on any of these terms that's really just something that needs to be confirmed correct no further questions from any other questions from the board any members of the public have any questions of Mr Walsh on the testimony he's given please understand you're going to question him on the test testimony given at N9 Homer street directly with want to I'm a little confused with this testimony here I'm very familiar with the area back there the 119 building and the 99 building and there's a lot can speak into the mic there's a lot of is it muted maybe that little thing at the top make sure it's flipped up at the top it was off right give her one of the other mics I've lost the other where is the other one oh you've got it I'm only going to give you so many Jo again Kathy lynch9 Homer Street I'm very familiar with the corporate area over there because I live directly behind it and I hear how you're trying to get an understanding of what the actual looks like I'm going to ask him right now question my question is you keep referring to lot 16 which I believe is that whole area back there where all those current vehicles are currently parked what lot are they currently on 16 okay so this what you're are proposing is not in the area where those vehicles are currently being housed all 60 of them I don't think I'm not sure what you're talking about quite frankly right now there are over 60 Vehicles being housed in an area when you come in off of Cherry Hill Road into 1999 parking lot those vehicles are being housed next to ass salt shed all those vehicles that are currently in there you're proposing a different location not where those cars currently are your your rendition here looks as though it's going to the back of this huge corporate lot I have to I have to cut you off because slow down we we don't know what you're talking about are they his are they his are they I have pictures if she's going to put on evidence that's fine but we can't answer your question so okay but if we're proposing a site I'm sure that the gentleman have walked in the area and see what's currently on the lot so right now there are over 60 Vehicles housed on that lot and I'm asking are you proposing this in that same location because you are talking about Royal Coachmen buses and cars that are currently there we're talking about in that lot do you see that exhibit on the floor there yes I do and I live at block 411 lot 66 and I see where the red is and I'm asking you that is being proposed at the back of the lot but you currently have 60 or so Vehicles being housed somewhere else so I'm asking that is all considered lot 66 we don't know I'm not saying you're incorrect okay I'm just saying we don't know so I don't understand how you could propose something but you don't know what's currently going on on the lands because we're only in temporary offices there nothing's been approved but when you make a site plan do you not walk around and determine what is currently on the lot I walk there yesterday I will adjust this gentleman I walked there yesterday and there were over 60 vehicles I watched those people going in and out of those cars throughout the day so that testimony before said that there were 20 cars there I have pictures in my phone said a maximum he said a maximum of 20 refering to gentleman say said would be sold okay so I'm asking they are not proposing it in that area they're proposing a whole totally different area so are those cars going to remain there as well excuse me a minute I Mr Mr Wallace didn't testify on that part with the part but I think back to the initial testimony Mr O'Neal there's confusion on how many cars are there okay uh the testimony was there's 20 cars we have residents here saying they have pictures and indications and more of that now we understand you have some Vehicles there that you're trying to sell is that correct they're there now about 20 Vehicles so I I here's the thing this is an active parking lot I mean there's nothing preventing people and the landlord from doing whatever he wants in the parking lot we're here for this application that's not true Joe you can't sit up a for sale lot in your parking lot I believe you need some kind of temporary app excuse me he's they're allowed to park cars in the parking lot correct they're allowed to park cars overnight in the parking if they are a tenant on the site they can park cars there they've got a temporary lease but they needed a use variant to bring the LI here which is why you're here the fact he brought 60 cars down that's what I keep trying to tell you it's not them we don't know what that is oh that's an active parking lot that's somebody else's car I don't know if they've cont you know just not to throw a cent bus but if Paul Miller has got something going on on has nothing to do with Royal Coach wait excuse me one second you say there was 60 cars there I can't did you in any way determine that those 60 cars are owned by Royal Coachman a lot of them say Royal Coachman on them I have the pictures you can zoom in 60 or a lot there's tons of them tons of them he's saying he doesn't she's she's borderl more than so let's stick with yeah I think that it would be better you know his testimony is he's got 20 cars on that lot right now and there are other cars with r cour but they have no plates that's what he's are both buildings are there other tenants in that in 99 can I just clarify though these cars are not excuse me please you cannot testify you will be given the opportunity to testify at a later time not now that was your point to well we've got do you have any other questions for Mr W I have a question um you said that there will be probably no water and you said that there won't be any environmental concerns because the brook is running right behind that area there there won't be any runoff from Fuel and stuff coming out of from these cars that would run it's a parking lot so whatever it was approved as a parking lot it will function as a parking there's no environmental new uh use activity uh store products that would uh do anything uh environmentally to affect what's already been these are all going to be licensed Vehicles Road ready Vehicles no wrecks no it's already been tested no repair work being done there change or changing of vehicle fluids or anything like that so the answer thank you Sigman Balaban 10 Gan Street I hope I'm staying on point this time if I'm not I'm sure you'll stop me um you indicated that the entrance to the parking lot will be off Cherry Hill Road correct okay since we're a residential Community how are they getting there this is the uh your organization in other words are they going to be driving through the hills of trit be going the S property line ACC go through here provides this is a building on this okay so the only only route you're going to use is Cherry Hill Road I mean from 287 or you know what what about locally I I don't think any driver of these vehicles has any desire to go down I can't you know if we're I'm going to cut you off there but because if an employee of bear needs to be picked up at the direction of bear then the vehicle's going to go to his home and pick him up I mean there's no restriction like that but it's not part there's no interaction right now between the site of the neighborhood behind by any roadway and we're not proposing any changes at all but you don't you don't know that yes I do know that we are not proposing any changes that would interact with that neighborhood at all not part of this application no reason to do it don't want to do it okay I know you don't want to do it but I just want to reconfirm that we will not have traffic going through the hills of Troy yeah that's right you're not there's no reason under any circumstance no unless you know that un pick up and under any circumstances I don't know if you can you can't no you can't we know Cherry Hill Road there's a massive accident and they can't get out of the parking lot it's very possible that to have the only egress may be to go through Hills of Troy there's no way into Hills Troy is there yeah if there's accident on ter Hill Road enjoy your cup of coffee cuz you can't get off the line yeah but they'd have to get up on the 202 we're not uh we're not doing that at all the site is not being changed okay except for restriping with my concern respectfully we are a residential area excuse me questions okay questions we can testify we can talk give me a chance later okay just ask questions let's move this along you have any questions okay the question I have I ne Pro from 11 grean Street um there are three buildings one is 99 and 199 and then there's the other one that's 119 and I can't visual I mean visualize the one in the corner that's closest to grean and and Cherry Hill Road is number 119 well there 199 it's on 199 so that little 199 yeah that's not part of the off the property it's in thisth of the entrance into so what's confusing by looking at this is like those two buildings 99 and 119 um here the only way you get there is through Cherry Hill Road but if you're coming up from the north I mean from the southbound how do you get to there we can only access the site from Cherry Hill Road yeah I'm not aware of well I'm speaking about Cherry Hill Road that's that's the next the Turning maneuver to get a bus you can't make a uturn we're not changing whatever the allowable turning Maneuvers are for traffic on Cherry H yeah we're we're not adding any parking it's just that little Bridge there that connects the 99 to that little Al Cove area which is like really houses a lot of parking spaces is way it's not even walking excuse your question my question is how come you're not using the other parking spaces that are over there our understanding is that's not available for this purpose any other questions of Mr wsh I don't see any okay saan Nora 3 Homer street again um did I hear correctly that there was a 39t bus yes 39t Mini Bus too 39 ft mini bus or not is a big bus right can you tell me the sizes of the other buses and how many there are there are 245 foot long coach buses okay and then the other ones are more like I think let me use the proper terminology long mini buses which are 208 okay question is would you need to submit anything to NJ doot for the Turning radiuses of these buses or no no I think he just discussed that didn't he didn't he just answer that you're not this this is an approved blot yes approved Ingress and egress correct whatever requirements whatever well the board's the board's engineer ask for for exactly what she's talking about turning radiuses which is I think where she's going and uh that's the exhibit that he put up there satisfact we're proving that we don't need to do anything to the parking lot any other members of the public I hear none see none do you have any other Witnesses Mr I do my plan your planet yes okay is he here yes he is okay good it's good news do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do state your name by last name please Alexander dowy d u g h rty y Mr dowy can you get the board please to benefit of your experience certainly I testified FR this board uh previously I'm a professional planner licensed PP as well as aicp could and current I testified its capacity on a weekly and daily basis I'm here on behalf of mcana Associates at 101 dter Avenue Suite 1A of moris plains ucation I'm sorry uh think four years ttif yes few times you've I submit him as a professional planner for the applications thank you you have examined the local ordinances and master plan yes you've had a chance to examine this application has been to the site yes wonder if you can go ahead and give us your conclusions about the interaction this application and those standards certainly um earlier I uh picked up something uh chairman was uh mentioning here we we do have two distinct um properties U by lot and block characteristic wise it looks like it's one large lot from the public realm indeed there are two lots we are here really on a technicality and that's from section 430 d 27 uh Z or o I'm sorry from the uh local ordinance and I'll read that verbatim uh for the record parking provided on the same Lots as main building all street parking spaces for one and two families and multif family delling shop be provided on the same lot as the main building all street parking spaces for other uses shall be provided on the same lot as the main building to be served by such parking unless otherwise provided therein given this is two lots on a tax map and the Tenant is occupying the other structure though this site is inter interrelated and connected by virtue of the parking lots it's two different Lots thus technically we need a variance if he were to occupy an office space in the other building affiliated with that lot we would not be here seeking uh what is a D1 use variance so that's essentially what we're here for um the exhibit packet we have before you slide one shows the overall campus the commercial campus outlined in yellow you'll see a white zigzag kind of line running through the middle that separates the two lots we have the site I identified by the word site in yellow that's the parking area this is block 16 I'm sorry lot 16 we are a block 411 he is proposing to park his vehicle on lot 16 his office is located on lot 16.1 just on the other side of that uh white line and this four sheet exhibit is A3 correct yes that's correct thank you so with that being said if you can see from this aerial here it makes sense why the landlord uh has come to some agreement by virtue of parking his vehicle in this section this part of the parking lot is kind of remote by itself and if we go through the exhibit packet on the next sheet we have some Drone footage that was taken uh earlier today we can kind of see that REM remoteness if you will um from what's actually out there today so these are some of the vehicles that uh the residents are referring to the larger buses that's what was there today uh when we went out there with the Drone um and then the yellow thing in the background you can kind of see on the next couple slides I believe that was one of the residents was talking about the salt and the um the equipment yes this parking area is located within that same um area that the salt and and the uh salt uh salt plows or piles are located Township salt I'm sorry is that Township salt and plow I think it's the site salt I don't know who owns that salt but it's a pretty big salt piles back there with that yellow um Machinery that's nothing the new with royal Coachman though no no no no no so that's the property owner storing that and is there any proposal to change that in any way well it's not part of this application we're going to be utilizing that for parking you're going to be utilizing the area where that sold it's not delineated parking but uh so it's if you look on slide four or page four where the vehicles are kind of a uh already Affiliated uh on that aial that portion and if you reflect back to the site plan that portion off to the right is this area that um uh we are proposing uh to modify the striping and have the parking I've been corrected the uh we we do not have access to where that uh in that area that salt is and I guess that's a front end loader there yeah so it's going to be off to the right you'll see a driveway aisle coming in um that connects to the other parking lot that little uh road that interconnects the two sites right there off to the right right there is the proposed parking and the restriping um and if you look at slide four and again if you look back at the uh the site plan where you see um those uh handful of uh black uh SUVs next to the uh patch of grass right there that section right there I believe it was four stalls is the approximate size of this proposed uh shed or service uh uh structure so it's going to be right there in the Middle where those black vehicles are and then this area here is the area that the the tenant and the landlord have come to an agreement to park their vehicles um so essentially we are here for a technicality because his office is in the other building but he's given him access from this this remote parking area to park his cars kind of away from the larger parking lot and it's the placement of the shed actually or the garage uh an accessory structure which would not be a problem if it was all on the same lot correct which really brought this to head you can not place of structure without this approval so with that being said I want to point out on a the aerial 4 here the parking lot is predominantly empty as we've heard testimony the buildings are are you know low in tendency um as a planner the office Market is is is pretty much shed up like a PR uh we are repurposing a lot of these Office Buildings for multi-purpose use even some residential conversions are taking place across the across the state um so we have a parking lot underutilized parking lot we have a l use that needs a parking lot um you know it's it's kind of a you know an Adaptive reuse of a parking lot but it's not at that that we're parking cars in a parking lot but if I understand correctly yes even reutilizing these particular parking places there's still plenty of existing parking to accommodate the ordinance with respect to the parking required by that building so if we were to dedicate 60 spaces towards this use this this site is overp parked by 61 spaces so whether it's 60 vehicles or the 20 the applicant has has testified to this site is overp parked by 61 spaces currently today so if there was a Resurgence in the office Market in the next you know two months and this parking lot needed to be filled for the tenants that would occupy that building technically we are overp parked by the local ordinance for office space and parking ratios um so with that being said the D1 use variants to occupy parking offsite structure and the structure the the structure will come into light with the D1 but basically what we have here is um a technicality with the parking and and the Lots here but we believe this application is is straight down the middle uh advances purpose a the project promotes the general Weare because the site is particularly suited for the use by virtue of its context uh it is in the exact same business campus as the main use and its conditions the the targeted parking area is seldom ever used as you can see this area is further removed from the buildings um so we don't really Park back here um with that being said um also advances purpose and the project remotes uh the planning goal for efficient use of land uh because the site is completely you know underutilized as an existing parking area and requires very minimal site alterations as you heard from the engineer um and the Tenant the applicant I'm sorry we like that water out there we don't need it we there's very minimal sight alteration here um it it's for vehicles it's really and cleaning the Interiors of the cars there is no tree clearing there's no physical expansion of the parking lot there's no roads being paved here going to other neighborhoods we are just utilizing the existing asphalt as it is for parking of of of the uh um the limo service the advanced purpose je the project promotes the planning goals for a variety of land uses in appropriate locations um because the benefits a permitted use that Services the public with limo driver Service Catering to businesses and the employment um Center of moris County we have shuttle services to the airport transportation corporate Transportation uh to meeting events Etc um per J the project remotes good planning goals for the uh conservation of energy resources and viable national resources in the state to avoid de degradation of the environment through Pro improper land use um so we have that because we also are going to propose a few EV Make Ready stalls um with that's a new state requirement we we're not going to you know pave over virgin land we're going to use this existing parking lot restripe it we're going to throw some EV uh charging stations in there um by way of the new State uh uh legislation that came out EV stalls need to be put in when we alter and create new parking stalls and new projects coming online so by virtue of this existing parking lot not having EV we want to put e there and kind of bring this parkon to into compliance and more importantly Royal Coachman is exploring using e more energ efficient vehicle transportation yes will those EV charging stations be available to the public I don't believe it's the public absolutely not because the Public's back here is for the the corporate campus if you will um particularly in this in this case the campus is vacant it would be probably just used just for strictly coach if it's not used by Royal Coachman it's going to be locked so it won't be used by any kids decid at night they want to charge mom's Tesla there um when we look at the negative criteria I believe the based on a testimony youve heard before there's no substantial detriment to the public the surrounding neighborhood um the use will easily integrate with the site there's no interference with circulation other parking conditions in that regards um the location is remote it's well screened um the accessory building will not require um you know any outside sewage in that regards and infrastructure being needed uh uh on the town when we look at this it's uh really a weather protective uh area for their staff for their vehicles to come in as you heard knock the snow off clean out the inside wipe down the dash anything on the carpet vacuum up get out there there's no maintenance no fluid speed change you heard no repairs to the vehicles there won't be any salvage vehicles stored back here this is simply wipe down the Interiors keep it clean keep it fresh have the guys available uh out of the weather um as we heard the sewer the water all that we don't need the water it'd be nice to have it but the bathrooms are inside in that regard this is really just uh ability to get out of the weather and prep the Interiors of the car um we look at this um the 2020 master plan encourag creative ways to repurpose uh paran's office uh sites and that's right from your master plan uh we have a lot of office corporate campuses um this is not uh you know just unique to farany but it it is a Trend that a lot of misties are facing so we have a big air use for parking it's underutilized for parking we're going to repurpose that and park Lim most service Vehicles here um and it's fairly well suited for vehicle parking it is a parking lot um I did hear some concerns about the environmental concerns in that regard there's nothing that would stop uh a leaky oil uh a car with some leaky oil coming you know if in the Heyday when this office complex you know there's nothing here that would be substantially detrimental than what is already permitted to be here which is parking lot full of cars except Alex that our client if the car's leaking oil is taking it to the shop yes so there's not really going to be a concern these are commercial vehicles high-end commercial vehicles limos buses you know um SUVs uh and and you know uh Town Cars um you know there is this this operation is very much reputation based operation and enjoyment uh so you're in the vehicle during Transportation it needs to be clean come to your house your site your your uh office and he's leaking oil and transmission you're probably not going to call right it's it's a it's an image both inside and out uh with that being said I think when we look at this application uh you know collectively the propos the proposal for the permitted use um and the associated parking uh for its commercial Fleet the relief really is a technicality the parking is on the other lot and his office is in the other bu building um again the sites are interconnected it's one larger campus um I believe the statutory criteria for Relief would be met and approval would be warranted I just have one question yes sir the variance is being caused because the spaces are being assigned at least basically Royal Coachman as is the construction of the garage or ship correct correct this is an open parking lot so anyone can really go park there at any time correct so the fact fact that we're signing this and we're kind of putting this this uh yeah that's the distinction yeah that's the distinction if he didn't assign this parking lot to them or give them some stalls and say Hey you know if the if the municipality will let you put up that structure um you know for your for your guys and know wipe your cars down if that wasn't the case there's nothing really stopping him from parking the cars back here anyways it's the fact that he's being assigned these stalls and his offices in the other building thank you I have no further questions for I have a couple please so your your pictures and your drones are very helpful to me I'm going to start on page one yeah uh and the site we're looking at is uh clearly delineated and we have residents here that live on Homer Street and grean Street uh will their site what will they be seeing any different when this stuff goes in than they can see right now apparently nothing it'll be the same thing we're not taking any trees down no trees down and the building that is going in the shed is going to be up in the top right Corner kind of that site okay so the homeowners on they are they going to be able to see that shed now that that it's not there now I I believe the specs for the shed are pretty small I don't have the there's a lot of screening back yeah that's what I say so all those trees stay there all the resid there's nothing coming down right all right the other question I have is with the current photographs thank you very much so the the vehicles that are already parked there are royal Coachman Vehicles most of them in in your drone picture okay yeah uh so and you have obviously some buses and stretch limel and all that kind of stuff in there right there's 16 Vehicles there I don't see a stretch limo but I do see Vans yeah okay yeah some Vans there those are probably the ones you're trying to sell I don't know but but it does it doesn't matter what the point I'm asking trying to get it too the the driveway down through the middle here so everything where the salt thing is that is not included in this property no that's not part of the Le not part of the deal at all okay so just to right after right and then how how how do they get from Cherry Hill back to here can you I I see that driveway right there okay so they go all the way out through here so they go through all through through property this is the salt area yeah he's only allowed to have this side of the no I got that jry Hill Road how how they enter so there's a drive a and there's this goes out the main road that goes out and then it circulates to the lot okay the end is really up at the top yeah there's another one right there so there's two points to access this lot has access and the other lot has access 16 and 16.1 So based on the T money if if I can understand not behind the res no there's this this lock this is just is blocked in no there's no there's no access to that site so right now because that area that we're talking about is a public parking lot right now when this is approved if approved it would not allow for any public to park in that area anymore it be reserved for resered for the tenant okay so that basically says no other parking from right anywh there so that should reduce the number of cars being parked back there I would assume I would assume as well 60 he's given up those 60 spaces for Coachman he only needs about 20 Vehicles back there okay good okay we probably corre this is not public parking lot priv a private lot and it's controlled by the owners of the prop yes but it's open by to the public there's no gate it's open to the public it's for it's for these yeah I didn't mean to say it's a municipal part no I did I definitely did not mean to say that couple questions are you going to put any lights with this building there's no changes there's lights already back there so there's no new lights no new lights no new nothing um signage you going to have any new signage I don't think that's anticipated I don't think it's needed right signage I I didn't I didn't notice for signage your customers AR going back there it's very remot as you can see the buses themselves do they have that beo every time they back up it is an ocean requir oh the answer is yes they do we can't take it we can't shut it up it's so require uh you didn't submit a report though right just your testimony no just I just wanted to make sure we would miss any other questions question yeah sure Bernie go ahead just for the record how many parking spaces will the garage be eliminating uh four spaces four too deep so total of eight no four it's four left and right and then the other stall behind it so eight in total but it's only four wide okay okay so that brings you down to 53 plus right no that's the whole that's included in the no but you close these parking spaces well he's given them 60 as part of a a contract for the for the tenant but we don't need all 60 from what uh the applicant testified to so eight of them he wants to put the structure on for his guys to uh stage his interior of the car are you familiar with the contract no that's what I just heard the testimony for the engineer didn't know and you don't know I I I have 60 spaces uh for this application that's what my office has that's our understanding the office is 60 spaces are that right- hand side I think we have a limit of the number of vehicles that will be on this site as part of this application yeah sure and we have a description of what they might be exactly right any other questions by the board any members of the public have any questions of the Planner on this testimony given this evening no questions I have no further Witnesses you uh want to hold off summation until we hear from members of the public I would like to yes sir um okay at this point in this evening's meeting um I'm going to ask members of the public if they would like to come up and testify and you you you will be uh put under oath just like all the witnesses were and once again you're going to state your name and your address and the first thing I'm going to say are there any members of the public who wish to speak in opposition to this application if you're in in opposition to this application this is your opportunity to come up and speak I hear none in Cena is there any member of the public who wishes to speak in favor of this application I hear none and see none that closes that part of the meeting um are we in a position to go into conference tonight with six people you know what I mean I think so I have no problem with okay smm well I'll uh I'll rely on the application as presented uh we think it's a relatively straightforward application for utilization of existing parking with no changes to the parking lot I'll thank the board and the members of the public for coming out uh for this application thank do I have a motion to Wi to conference so move per is there a second all in favor anyone opposed um who would like to start I'll start thank you Mr Berk I I think this is a DI minimist application uh and it's only here by the happen stance that whoever created these two buildings is stupid enough to put them on two lots uh I think John was the planner when they buil these does he remember doing it he thinks he does actually I think these buildings were they predated you God they're really old um so anyway I have no I have no objection to what is proposed and the stipulations and conditions that the applicant has agreed to I think are are reasonable uh so I'll be voting yes Mr scani yes uh I was concerned about uh the uh the parking but from the pictures that were given to us I appreciate them very much and I think I made it clear that U there is sufficient parking and I also will be voting yes Mr Perry I think I OTE yes too I just have one question I'm sorry I'm going to go back to the question that I would like to find out on the building the building is constructed new right now I just wanted to understand why now what's what's the purpose of bringing this new building for the prepping the vehicles what in case it's raining during the winter months uh they want to stand inside under a shelter to uh clean out the vehicle okay you know to just wash they're not washing it or anything but they do need to vacuum and things like that that's what the power is and the electricity would help them do that so all these years all this has been done in the naked weather well there's no my client isn't on hasn't been on site until recently so this was just a regular old parking lot gotcha I yes ready yeah this is a reasonable application uh especially the applicant has office and is looking for additional parking next to it so it is a kind of uh confusing two lots in one thing but and there no major changes in the uh uh they are looking for and it is a pretty easy one to add some additional spaces and the structure they're proposing is to make sure that in the winter time they can use it for uh cleaning the car of of busing so I'm in favor of this St on yeah uh first I I would uh compliment uh the testimony of the witnesses I think they adequately answer answered most of all the concerns that the residents had and the questions they had I don't know fully to their satisfaction but we had nobody speaking opposition to the application which I think is a tribute to the testimony given uh I must say going in that uh were questions there but they did a nice job I also say Royal Coachman has been a wonderful uh company and a resident of business resident of of pipany uh and this I think fulfills their business need needs so they can continue doing their business there and I'll be voting in favor of the application I appreciate the M the public that came out tonight and please don't take me being rude if I tried to keep you on point that's the way these meetings have to go okay so again I apologize if I ruffled anybody's feathers um I hope the public understands that this is this is a this isn't a variance that we're granting merely because of a lot line if this was one one big piece of property none of us would be here tonight so this board will look at especially when we have applications where commercial property is boarding res residential property I'm I'm very sensitive to that but there's a lot of things that this board cannot correct can't correct things that happened 50 years ago or 40 years ago or because of of a particular commercial uh property can do something I understand there's an issue with the with um an amount of salt that is stored outdoors in a in a three wall enclosure and it there's concern that it's going to be leeching into the street into the to the stream if this is a valid issue you should take that up with the township engineer the mayor the councel we can't do anything about it and it's not part of this application but it's not but I but I understand there is an issue and I just want to tell them where they can go to get hopefully get satisfaction health offic health offic health offic yes so I am in favor of the application uh again it's a good it's a good business here in Paran provides jobs um and so uh I'll be V voting in favor motion totic conference moved second all in favor any want oppose um we don't need to have him draft the re resolution do we just we just go vote St yeah it's pretty straight can someone frame a resolution for tonight then Mr chairman I just got one question if I might yes sir um the application in its original form was inconsistent with respect to the water line we've heard the applicant say we'd like it we don't need it but I haven't heard yes or no does the board going to allow it or we not going to allow it does you know I just need a definite on the the fate of that water line you you you want the water line they do want the water line yeah and I don't think that's that's a problem for the board as long as as long as there's no car washing cuz that gets into our tier one tier a we can't wash cars with a 1 in water no it's not that tip so no just the one in water line no exterior washing of vehicles absolutely no exterior washing we don't want to go there any more than you want someone would be a condition of approval yes that is fine someone frame a resolution so we can move on application 23 callon 5 7 Royal Coachman 99 and 119 Cherry Hill Road Block 411 Lars 16 and 16.01 Grant a preliminary and F and final major side plan SL D variant to construct garage and outdoor storage of vehicles and there won't be any car wash second one any discussion nor col roll Mr burwitz yes mrani yes Mr paty yes Mr ready yes Mr Williams yesman yes therefore the resolution is passed thank you everyone have a great night do I have any we going to I think it's 9:30 can we do a little executive session that's okay yeah we just have to have members of the public please leave sure you want to Joe can you swing those doors closed as you leave just should be quick folks is that what you did went to a room even night happy night