you're on record well according to the attorney I don't have the authority to call the meeting go ahead I gave you that author call call Mar six Board of adjustment meeting to order call the [Music] roll P the roll P the r things Mr burit here M gani here Mr Jos here Mr mozarella here Mr ready Pres uh we have our board planner Mr Chadwick our board engineer uh Mr lenowitz and our board attorney Mr Johnson we're all here oh yeah I he The Pledge first all right the announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 col 4-6 SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act uh uh now we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance States Justice all right uh correspondence got a letter from attorney for the Lydia vinder case uh requesting postponed gooses till May 22nd is that acceptable yes so move all in favor I I any opposed okay [Music] so yes sir [Music] I'm here all right next we have some resolutions you just have one just a Patel Madam coach not quite done I'm here for the record Mr willings is [Music] here record welcome thank you uh somebody want to move the Patel resolution mode second second grani Burt yes grani yes ready yes willing yep okay now we got uh amine Mr amine oh okay before you start those can I just swear your professional Mr CH can you raise your right hand you swear from that testimony give tonight should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yesy tonight should be the truth the trth yes do Mr are both of you going to testify my son he will speak he will speak yeah is your father going to speak too or just you just me just you okay can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give sh you the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I state your name and spell your last name please my first name is j i g a r last name is am a m i and who was with you my father Samir am and is he the owner of the property yes okay both have a seat just speak into the microphones uh so we can hear you and we put on the record um do I have to chair temporary chairman yes yes you should be so right now we don't have a chair or a vice chair so we need the nomination of a um a temporary chair for tonight's meeting an acting chair soe second that's Mr B Wier nominating yes by name Mr btz okay and um all in favor all here you go all right perfect now your chair thank you I think all right Miss but tell us what you you father want to do yeah so um this year I'm getting married and so me and my fiance once we get married we wanted to stay with my family over here uh at 32 Hall SE Road and um while we were you know plan planning on building this house we decided you know this this whole uh open deck coverage was an afterthought and so that's what it came down to and you know this is where we are right now so is anything on the property right now uh no just you know the construction is happening right [Music] now so was there what was there before before there was a you know house that was built long time ago that we bought okay and that house was completely demolished that is correct you're not using the foundation or have a whole new Foundation no no I mean so we're staying at renel right now so you realized you were starting the house you forgot to do something and this is an add-on that is correct okay the the deck is proportionate to theze size of the house that seems to be what's pushing you over uh the allowed uh coverage and open decks yeah yeah that's correct it's not a great big expansive deck in the back as I see a correct MH especially with the weather and my grandfather will be staying with us as well so with the convenience is what we're looking into [Applause] this I mean the deck is only about not than 12 12 ft wide it looks like it's 11 ft and uh which is I'm I don't see the zoning [Music] report I have it onl and nobody commented right we see we have no reports from and Mr chadrick you have no objection to any of this right no I think it's uh it's pretty dimin VAR all right nothing else you want to add is there no okay any members of the public wish to speak in opposition or in favor of this application seeing none uh close the public portion the application uh it's being fairly di Minimus I don't think we need to go the conference said somebody want to make a motion yes uh I make a motion it's a Min the Minimus uh application and I'll be voting for it you want me to continue yeah here make a mo okay application 23 24 excuse me 2401 uh Samir Amin at 32 Hy road block 330 lot 3 Zone off four recommend granting a SE variance to construct a roof front porch entranceway contrary to section 430-10 I and section 43035 column 10 second yes Bitz yes grani yes J yes moella yes ready yes Wills yes okay uh it's been granted uh we do a resolution to formalize it uh probably our next meeting which is in about two weeks so uh be thank you enjoy have a good [Music] night next application is 23461 15 New [Music] Road Mr chairman members of the board Joseph O'Neal here on behalf of 150 New Road LLC also known as friendly Tree Service who is looking to utilize this property for storage of vehicles vehicles only no materials and with me this evening is uh the managing member of the LLC Mr Anthony Lang I'd like to get him swor Anton actually Anon oh sorry Mr Lang can you Lang I'm sorry can you raise your right hand please U do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth but nothing but the truth I do can you state your name and spell your last name please Anton an t n last name l n g Anton L sorry about that Mr L so you are the uh principal in charge of the LLC it's going to be operating on this site correct I am and uh the person in charge of the friendly Tree Service to whom these vehicles are operating for yes so can you describe for us please what it is you plan to do on the site you're going to be just storing your vehicles here yes uh you're going to be uh doing some Light maintenance uh but no repair of the vehicles no oil changes no washing of the vehicles correct and you might be moving some materials between between the trucks we were talking a little before the hearing about how some of the smaller trucks you'll take some of the clippings put them in a larger truck and then haul that away to the dump right sometimes yes now there's a shed on the site yes and uh I had inadvertently said the shed was going to be removed but it's actually going to be staying and it's on the ples Mr coren will be discussing shortly what are you planning to do with that shed uh that area I would like to either store or make those minor repairs in that area so you're storing materials like some uh light welding equipment there in case you have to do some work on the truck tools like a Snap-On chest uh miscellaneous parts for you know things break but the heavy maintenance anything involving taking the motor apart really is going to be done uh where uh either at uh my other location in orange or uh pasta is right down the street uh they have mechanics there there's an outdoor truck wash there um other than my own I don't want to do it on my own property I own it I don't want to pollute it I want it to be clean and sure yeah so on the trucks themselves you're not really keeping any hazardous materials unless you want to count a small gas can trra for fueling the equp uh chainsaw gas uh oil uh no more than a few gallon um cans with backflow preventers uh just for the operation of when they're on a uh at someone's home just to fill up chainsaws and blowers so there's really as we indicated you're not going to be dumping anything here on site the only waste that'll be generated will be in the office we're going to talk about that in a minute right just what three girls can yeah three three girls in a commercial office that's the only use that's going to be inside the existing building right correct is that existing building labeled as a dwelling on the map it was a dwelling yes but that'll be your office now yes it is your office now no no it's got to be improved that's so the what's shown on the plan as a dwelling will now be your office that's correct anybody living there no okay so how long has it been since it was used as a dwelling you know do you know has building it's boarded up not since I've bought it okay I don't know what's going on before then I think I think this Zone allows dwellings even though it's an industrial Zone there's a provision in there that goes back to a council Council woman yeah who live there oh he J so you mentioned you're going to have three employees in the office what are the hours of operation uh uh not simultaneous uh some girls come in at 7:00 another girl starts at 10: so between the hours of 700 and 5: we have office coverage thank you I have no further questions for this witness any board members have any questions how many vehicles are you going to have there if I could defer that to Mr Corson he'll show you a plan oh okay are you going to put a sign up uh out front by the road I don't know any place doesn't show it any place am I allowed to if you want what you need to say yes yes and then you're going to ask your engineer where you going to put it where the engineer can put and you're going to comply with the stand how Bigg a sign you want you want just your a a telephone number yeah 4x4 or something like that yes a conforming sign there you go so we'll amend the application for a conforming sign and just that one side right yes yes [Music] yeah okay okay any members you'll show that on the revised plan whatever it is yes I will Mr chairman I have a couple questions go ahead um just one thing you indicated that the shed is going to stay now yes yeah okay because the plans we have show that it's not so do we have revised plans coming well I'll defer that to Mr cor okay other question to the north of the site uh the driveway the paved driveway to this site was widened to the point now where it encroaches on the neighboring property by about 20 ft um what's the intention on that paved area if I could defer that to Mr cor and I'd appreciate that okay that's all I have Mr chairman thank you any Elance you seen all the endary comments is that time to ask that question uh that's for Mr cor okay good all right good thank you any members of the public wish to ask any questions of this witness I see none go ahead next witness Mr [Music] cor your right hand you s or affirm testimony about to give should be the truth the whole truth of nothing but the truth I do you state your name and spell your last name please Peter Corson spell k r z Mr coron you are engineer for this evening you've been before this board many times I have yes and your licenses in good standing it is and you've previously been qualified as an engineer before this board yes he s and qualified go ahead so Mr cor go ahead and uh tell us what we're doing here on the site if you won't mind okay okay this uh is the existing conditions plan is a sheet two of three uh dated July 18th uh the property itself is 19,7 120 square ft and it's actually this bold Double Dash line right here that's the property you can see the former dwelling located close to New Road uh there's a onear attached garage on the south side and a concrete driveway that leads up to that um what Mr L manowitz also mentioned is that there's an asphalt driveway that encroaches onto the property to the North Lot 17 and that provides access to the back area which is primarily gravel although there is a section of asphalt right in back of the building uh the shed that Mr O'Neal referred to is is right here and there's a concrete wall to the west of that um Topography is relatively flat the building the main building is at is at a high point it slopes down towards New Road and towards the gravel area in the back and that area in the back is is very flat um the gravel area also extends off site to the west and surrounding that gravel area is a chain link fence which leads uh to the building and there's actually a gate on the North side for that um also what's shown on this plan are significant environmental constraints and they're twofold one of them is wetlands and that's the a number line that you see wrapping around the fence that's the wet land line and associated with that is a 50 fft wide buffer so you can see that the the only area on site that is not impacted by the buffer is a small rectangle and then it brought s out as you get closer to New Road uh the second constraint is the flood Hazard area limit uh that's at elevation [Music] 1756 and that is the L number designation line here which cuts through the building so that the back portion of the building the shed and the gravel area in the back is all in the flood plane uh the front of the building the garage the concrete driveway is all out of the flood plan Next plan is the site plan this is sheet three of three also dated July 18 2023 uh so this is an enlargement of the previous plan you could see the property line here the main building right here and there are no improvements proposed other than the sign that was just mentioned and we will modify that plan to have a conforming location and size for that sign um that still has to be coordinated with the applicant um could I interrupt one second sure the original the existing conditions you explained the backyard area the fence we're talking about exists correct yes does that include that land that was not part of this line it does I'll bring that [Music] back I'll just outline the property again it's this smaller rectangle with the Double Dash line right here and you can see that the fence and the gravel area extends back and it's it's coincident with the Wetland line so you can see this area in the back is actually off site um based on my review it's been like that for at least 20 years if you do a Google Maps search um I speak with you I speak with the environmentalist on this probably the environmentalist yeah but I I found one that you could there was one in 1995 you really couldn't it wasn't that leging that is this application going to include that back area well we're not we're not touching that at all that's that's not being touched at all there and and that's actually apparent on the site plan but you told me the fence no encompasses that it encompasses that but this is this is an enlargement so that offsite area in that fence is beyond this plan so fence there there's no plans for a new fence in the back correct Mr coron the survey will you show the trailers on that plan perpendicular to the back property line yes there will be no demarcation to the end of the property and that encroachment or whatever we want to call it correct [Music] correct okay I just uh so everybody know what I'm talking yeah kind if you could spilled as time goes on you get spilled back further and nobody would know the difference right how fence do I'm not saying that's but it could happen could it's possible is that an issue John should he be putting a fence up where his property line is I think there should be something there I don't know if you have to have offense or just will stops so so why line on the ground is I mean is there a reason you do do you have any any negotiations with the property owner behind you you going need to come back up and that's all gravel where the trucks are going to be to the chippers I mean I didn't realize that that when I looked at the property that that back end wasn't quite a lot of 18 I have not talked to any of the [Music] neighbors you do maintain the fenses now right but the fence is up they they fence beyond their property yeah it's on the neighbor's property yeah but if you go out look at it you wouldn't know that because somebody told you right right so if you you were asked to put up a line or some cones or something to delineate your property line would you be opposed to that like wheel stops not at all okay everything that you want to do is shown on your property on that sheet that's part of the application exactly right okay okay so getting back to the site plan uh as I mentioned there are no uh proposed improvements uh what what is shown are uh vehicle locations and there are seven um passenger vehicles uh proposed one is a visitor vehicle parked in the concrete driveway in front of the garage uh there's also an employee vehicle inside the garage and there are five employee Vehicles parked in the back gravel area and addition to those there are six commercial vehicles and they are composed of a truck and shipper combination four of those there there's a pickup and stump grinder in the um shed and there's a bucket truck immediately to the East and that really is it for the site plan um if you look on sheet one of three in the upper right there's a zoning data table and you can see there's a bunch of no changes for proposed that's because there are no improvements uh there are several exist in non-conforming conditions and they're indicated and at the top of course you see that there is the variance for the tree service [Music] business there variances for parking Thea the vehicles right yeah below yeah below the zoning data table is the parking requirements table and you can see that there are four variances requested there uh the first one is for maximum driveway width which is required to be 24 ft um however as mentioned there is this existing driveway that encroaches on to lot 17 and that total width is 56 ft so we're proposing to keep that the way it is right now um and that would be 56 ft for that variance uh the second variance is for minimums second I'm sorry how much of that 56 feet is on the subject property I hope all of it no not that's the issue he he's got 35 ft so 35 ft so wouldn't you be looking for approval of 35 ft rather than approval of 56 ft yes on our property yeah that's that's assuming that we go with a Zer foot setback from the for the driveway correct but we do need that yes that's exactly right thank you Mr John so I'll make that correction on the plan plan um so the second variance is for that Z foot setback for that driveway uh the third variance is for minimum parking setback from the rear and side property lines that's required to be 5 ft uh all of the vehicles you see are 5 ft or at 5 ft except for the pickup and stump grinder which is located in the shed and that shed happens to be actually encroach over the property line so that's why it's listed as zero there so if if there's a truck and shipper parking in the back and there is a delineation of the property line by some physical structure like a stop um if that was put 5T so you'd want that to be right on the property line versus 5et from the property line that's what you're asking for correct we are for maneuverability of the vehicles yes is that correct Mr person I'm not sure I understood sure so we've already talked about having some kind type of physical delineation of the property line in the rear of the property right right so but the trucks and chippers that you have lined up on the plan um if they were within 5T of that property line you you would need a variance correct if they are more 5T or more so you're asking for a variance because you want them on the property line correct not not those the only one that we're looking for variance for is is this Pi pick up and stunt now now I understand just that one just that one correct um the final variance listed is for the number of commercial vehicles and that's a total of six and you heard me describe those the chipper stump grinder and bucket truck um so that's that's it I'm I'm um ready to move on to the review letters unless somebody has has any questions I I just so the vehicles the truck and chipper uh you're going to have three women in the office so we have that for employee parking people that drive these trucks and shippers they drive there every day in their own vehicle and then take those Vehicles out I we are showing um a total of seven employee Vehicles so that's um s six six employee Vehicles so we have the three women in the office and three car is available for other Personnel but we have six commercial vehicles so if all all driven six drivers have to be inside uh the owner applicant will be able to answer that better than [Music] I I guess the point be you have six commercial vehicles here right and you have three uh people in the office you have only five or six employee vehicle parking areas so if you have all vehicles had to have a driver that would be six and three nine you need nine I can commute some guys from Orange uh we have a van I can commute some guys from Orange I have a van okay uh I have uh friendly people on um ever Road I can park at their place uh we can make it work wouldn't they if they take the trucks the chip trailers out are they just going to park there anyway they back to the vehicle out well assuming they're starting there as they as they where they work from uh we have another location that they would that could start from we can pick up these trucks and so instead of me taking trucks uh from Orange every day to Morristown uh we can get these trucks from parci and take them to you know further west and F how many how many people do you think going to work out of this site I'm sorry how many employees do you think are going to work out of this site not the office girls but the guys you f there's two guys on every truck um they would uh definitely not need to park there where would they Park when they came to down in Orange down in Orange yes you carry them up here in your van yes uh uh there's a car wash uh that has two locations one in East Handover and one down the street for me in Orange uh they do the same thing with the van and it works out okay so your employee base is down in the oranges some place most people live locally down there and that you I haven't been up here so I haven't hired any right got all the G6 down I got it okay now all this area right now is gravel yes Mr graer yes and there's no plans to make it more solid surface like from the winter how do you plow gravel how do you plow gravel how do I mean you have a snowstorm how do you get out here careful that's terrible when you plow gravel it all just that's what I'm thinking rolls up into a pile at the end of your yard this whole winter go ahead this all winter we never PL it once we didn't use it at all what about we if we have a snow like two three I I don't need to depend on on this location to uh especially in the winter it's my offseason uh this year we did not plow it at at all uh I put trucks there uh you know that we wouldn't need to use for for the winter I can show you it sounds crazy I can show you pictures of our orange location there's uh you know the trucks there and space there are you allowed to take trees down during the winter sure why not you have to for some storms right some stor no we were it's good time okay thank you there ordinance against it in par no they take trees down in the winter and parts it Mr cor you were going to go through the report uh yeah start with the um board Engineers report this is dated November 9th on sheet two page two um just going to hit the outstanding comments uh first one is signage and lighting we talked about signage as far as lighting goes there's existing wallpack fixtures on the former house and those are to be used um number five will comply and show the location of the storm water down spouts currently I think there's four and and they discharge onto the ground surface uh number six has to do with storm water management there's no proposed storm water management since we're not making any improvements uh number seven there's no trees that will be impacted and there is no Landscaping proposed number eight proposed utility tie-ins there are none uh number 10 I have a question about um and it's proposed parking spaces shall be provided with dimensions on the plan um I con certainly had dimensions on the plan I'm just wondering in reality if if you're looking for delineation out in the field which would be kind of difficult in the gravel area and probably unnecessary since it's going to be employees parking back there so I just wanted some clarification on that one well I think there was an agreement we put some bumper stops along that back property line while we just put them all the way across and just label 1 2 3 4 on the on the bumper stop the bumper SL yeah that's fine while I'm talking where's the X to the sign where we want to put it next to the driveway you go in the back the signage on the front yard there it's hard to say there there a couple trees down the proper front of me yeah there's a couple trees there so it wouldn't be good in the front I think they kind of well let's wait for Mr mcdonal to get up with his photos and we can make a decision from there good idea okay number 12 we talked about um number 14 is just a typo at all correct and then moving on to the board planner's report I think you just I'm the board planner and I think you we've addressed the all the items but for who we're going to put this on okay what about the shed encroachment the set CES pre-exists this is not you know I I mean I think his biggest problem is encroachment on other people's property but that's not part of this plan that's his issue uh the item two I spent quite a deal bit of time reading the the reports because I was amazed that D Granted all those approvals and I did speak to the author of it and yes Mr is here for questions I don't see any real need you got your approvals yes and uh the report is pretty thorough I mean it's very thorough but I'm surprised that DP gave all that area well it's also one of the reasons why we're keeping the grab yeah you have to keep it yeah but to the point of number two there's no vehicle repairs or storage of Hazards material uh no as Mr Lang indicated there's no materials are going to be stored here there not going to be any piles of anything uh the repairs of the motors uh anything that opens up the motor will be done off site all the washing will be done off site and that's to keep things from getting on the ground you you take the the basic uh material limbs leaves whatever you have do a recycle right uh primarily uh Nature's Choice there multiple locations One LED with yeah recycler that's do you do grass too or no no just trees yeah okay Mr Corson could you go over number four regarding trash yeah I think it was mentioned it's just going to be a small office that's going to occupy that former dwelling so it'll just be office trash waste and recyclables and it'll be handled by I'm assuming a private utility huler private hauler going to haul the trash of the office I have a self generator license take it across the [Music] street no you have a way of disposing of yes privately yes did you [Music] yes and with respect to the driveway you did acknowledge that I was right that it was there but is that going to stay the encroachment on the neighbor yes there there aren't any plans there aren't any proposals right now for removing that correct okay and I think you know Mr chadwood kind of went in the direction of the encroachments um I would suggest that the if any resolution of approval would specify that that approval does not legitimize any encroachments and that the applicant is it's solely responsible for anything that happens Beyond this and that they can't come back and say well the board said it was okay for that encroachment to be there good point is it application no because it's not part of the property we'll accept you can't make a proposal on somebody else's property we had that last time so what what was suggested I think is a good I do I will make sure the resolution contains that language yes you're in agreement with that right yes sir if we got approve the resolution you're agreeing to [Music] yeah okay I don't have any more questions to Mr coron no thank you Mr coron Mr [Music] McDon [Music] one of these three mics am I allowed to use any one of them your choice all three none you swear affirm that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do please State and spell your last name sure hi everyone my name is John McDon that spelled MC d o n o u g and for the record you've been qualified before this board on many occasions correct yes I have and you're so qualified [Music] tonight Mr you're familiar with the application here before the bo I am you've examined local ordinances and master plan yes I have I wonder if you can give us your findings in regard to this application and it's interaction with those sure pretty straightforward application we know we need D1 use relief to allow for use that's not permitted or expressly permitted in the zone we're in the LI iw2 Zone The Limited industrial wholesale District which does allow for a wide variety of commercial and Industrial uses um including restaurants including offices and including contractor type uses as well which is not far a field from what the applicant is proposing here the ordinance allows warehousing light industrial uh electrical HVAC plumbing and Refrigeration Equipment Sales and Service businesses all could go here so the fact that we have an applicant here that is proposing a tree service business is not far field from exactly what the um the Zone would contemplate here whenever we look at D1 use relief we look at whether the relief is a substantial departure from what the Zone plan contemplates and I think the board can certainly find that this is not a substantial departure from The Zone plan likewise this is not a substant itial departure from the character of the area which has established itself itself along new road as I'll say a mixed bag of uses you actually still have some remnant R3 uses there along the stretch but the predominant character of new road as a as a connector or collector between 46 and 280 is a commercial uh Road uh Service Road and you've got a number of commercial and Industrial businesses along that relatively short stretch of roadway um including contractor yards that have been approved along the way uh by this board and truck storage and the like and one right across the street as well so that is somewhat of the character of the area that has shaped itself on a roadway that offers excellent connectivity to the regional Highway Network so we think we've got good sight suitability here in terms of the positive criteria with respect to the condition of the property it's cleared it's generally flat generally free of environmental constraints wetlands and and the like likewise we have a site that has excellent buffering here which provides for good separation from residential uses including those apartments that go out to 46 I still call them the new Road Apartments I think they're now called The Partridge Apartments but we are separated from that development by 14 acres of wooded Wetland areas on Lots 17 which wraps around the subject and then lot uh 15 which is beyond that and in aggregate those two lots are upwards of 14 acres or so so there's good built-in natural buffering around the perimeter of the property as we work our way to the South we've got an industrial use that's where that encroachment with the 5- foot setback that Mr Corin talked about occurs so it's really against another industrial use and it's within a building that's already there so it's not like it's a a new encroachment per se um in terms of the statutory test the positive and the negative criteria I think the board can find that several purposes of zoning are Advanced here including purpose a the promotion of the general welfare again because the site is particularly suitable for the use based on what I just said its condition and its context also the advancement of purpose M that's our planning goal for efficient use of land basically working with what's there taking that former dwelling that building converting it to an office use is something we see throughout the community so we think there's ideal suitability there as well and then the open yard area in the back which does have that nice frame of trees around it and then finally purpose G to provide for a variety of uses in appropriate locations that's the planning goal to provide for a mix of commercial uses the location here is appropriate because it is a commercial use along a commercial Corridor which has that excellent connectivity to the regional Network in terms of the negative criteria I'll fall back on the operational testimony and Mr kman corin's testimony that the site will be organized in a a well organized fashion a logical fashion it'll flow and function safely and orderly without creating any adverse or uh detrimental impacts on the property or in terms of the character of the area and the surrounding area as well again we always have to reconcile with the omission of the use from the Zone plan and your 2020 master plan again considering that the master plan has reaffirmed the uses that could go here we're looking at a use that again is not substantially deviant or substantially a departure from that which could be all said it's a it's a good application it's a good use of previously disturbed land it integrates very well with the landscape and the site itself and for that reason we think that the main relief the Board needs to move on is the relief all of the other relief the C relief is subsidiary and necessary to effectuate to effectuate a good use of space with that said we think the statutory test for both the D1 and the C relief are met and approval is warranted thank you I have no further questions for Mr McDon at 8:15 just you didn't prepare a report correct you just I preport I just want to make sure I wasn't missing anything and is what is this zone is the LI iw2 Zone and R3 Zone yes and my understanding Mr Chadwick can correct me is those Pockets were in areas where there were established residential uses I they put it in decades ago one of the as I said one of the councilmen used to live there and was she was correct most of those R3 uses are gone there are still some out there but most have converted like this are we going to locate the sign now you you were going Mr O'Neal said you were going to show some photos of the site or whatever is it you want me to show some photos of the site Jo now would help us the sign you go as A1 for does anyone have a on that side of the table and I'll hand these out but I will say The Logical location to me would be Upstream if you're driving South on New Road it would be to put the sign immediately to the north of that access point any objection to that [Music] AR the trees along the front there a little bit let's see the pictures please can see wants to see his pictures yeah I want to see a picture that's A1 for A1 the whole package of pictures is A1 package you describe that for very A1 are going to be pictures that we're taking today on this foggy jeary day um the main thing you're going to see here here they're all taken from a drone shot the first two you barely can see what's going on on the property because it's so well buffered as we lift up a little and look down you'll you'll see more and you can see some of their vehicles on site giving you a sense of proportion what we talking and that red truck with the white bucket is the entrance to the development that's correct that is correct yes which is another reason why I I should stand corrected on where I think the sign should go I was thinking the sign should go to the right of that truck in this Photograph or I I call it Upstream um on the approach that would be on an adjacent property so it's got to go on the downhill side so it's on the left hand side of the driveway so you're going to have to Lim out some trees to have it show down and have it download uh yes yes so why don't we decide the size of this sign is 4x4 with the name and telephone number is that good enough you going to light it up or not no you want to light on you if you're going to light it up indirect indirect no plastic that's right indirect little flood light on the bottom something Vol wire however you want to do it you can stick those little solar lights out uh would that be to the south of the driveway entrance the South or for reference just to the right of that little white car that little SUV that might be hard to put on I mean I assume there aren't a lot of clients think so coming to this site but you must have vendors of some sort so to the South the north entrance driveway thaty service ofri is that delineated perfect okay uh I guess it was a part of the testimon I think the the uh traffic in and out of this site onto New Road how far looking at this picture how far here is Route 46 and how far down to the bottom is [Music] 87 280 I mean 287 yeah 28 28 so from the site to 46 it's about midway between in the middle it is about it is about Midway okay so be about a mile each Direction a quarter mile actually 1,200 linear feet so coming coming out of the site your vehicles the vehicles could go either to the right or to the left because there's an opening go across it right that's that's correct go north or south on New Road and this is the straight stretch of new road as you work your way to the South by Wawa it starts to really curve around so I I'll leave it to Pete to contradict me but I think you have good clear lines of sight both way because of the straightness of the road good okay [Music] good so looking at just real quick looking at uh picture number four so we're going to make sure that those Vehicles aren't that close to the fence right that's what we're talking about yeah with the bumper Stu yeah so we move those way up because they're already there adding on to what mreli is saying are those bumper stops also going to be the uh employee V vehicles that are next to the wood chippers are they going all the way down all the way down property line all the way those are the ones we're going to number I [Music] think and then my last question I guess uh there's no major changes to the house you're just going to kind of unboard it obviously if it's boarded up you set the windows and there's nothing it needs to just be just Spruce it up okay okay these these storage areas behind there there's you're not going to be having trucks come back there and dumping wood chips and piles all that kind of stuff there that was the testimon all goes off what what are in these what are in the the one on page four the picture there shows a a covered kind of structure it looks like that's the shed that is the shed that's the open frame shed yes okay good and to the left of that what's all that stuff between the it looks to me like asphalt it's all asphalt and that's all broken up it looks like in pretty bad shape well this is the asphalt here no I don't know if it's in yeah might be just dry I think it's just wet there I'm sorry I think that's just wet in the picture okay okay and all the rest of that that's gravel yeah okay is it gravel Now is it going to be gravel please with reference to fire fire department questions we're accepting those [Music] conditions [Music] wonderful okay so how long you is the current owner bought own the property 2021 is what the tax record show so you've been passing some Vehicles go in and out there already right which is fine yeah that's yeah thank you any else anybody have any questions no Mr M by the silence I'll say no any members of the public have any questions from Mr MC any other Witnesses uh that's concludes our application and I will rely on the testimony provided thank the board for its time I think this is Def definitely a good [Music] site uh any members of the public have any to say either in favor or against application Rec could show none anybody want do we need to go to conference no no no somebody want to say something nice about this uh we need a do we need a resolution with aty including that uh the stuff we talk about yeah oh yeah we need resoltion I think it's drafted or you want to well we need we need a yeah we agree to all the conditions we need a motion to to approve we need a recommendation right recommendation a motion to approve it so I think it's a good a good purpose and a good spot agreeing with everything we've asked for and I'll be voting for it okay if everybody else agrees with that somebody needs to make a motion application 23 colon 46 150 New Road LLC 150 new road block number 767 Lot number 18 Zone l i W-2 to isue with the site plan with C andd variance for outdoor storage of tree removal equipment with all the conditions and uh so and so whatever we discussed in the meeting and the conditions I have just for the record rep no maintenance or repair of vehicles no storage of materials um the parking steps at the rear parking lot at the rear property line and there is no approval of any offsite conditions that were noted during the presentation and the sign and the sign the front yard the fr the sign to the south of the north entrance way to the property which we will show on Revis okay second I want to correct that that there will be some Light maintenance there some welding of the frame necessary but no maintenance on the motor no maintenance of the of engines okay Light maintenance of hand equipment like those kinds of things not not the bucket trucks or yeah W those okay he wants to be able to weld and yeah make frames but he doesn't couldn't do engine repair just say no no engine repair no engine heav no uh any anywhere where there's going to be any skillage of hazardous materials I take it right to a mechanic okay I just want to make sure that we're clear on the resolution I don't want on my land either I I'll I'll send it to your attorney to make sure we're clear on on on what the conditions are yes good second all all these condition should be noted on the map by uh on the site plan so we have them so when the site plan comes back in you have a series of General notes which will be the conditions of the resolution well that's just the maintenance issue would be the the storage of materials and stuff what it helps what it helps is the inspector that goes out he's got the map and the everything right there everything will be on the plan one way or another yes got it Bitz yes gani yes yes Mella yes ready yes willing thank you everyone have a nice evening thank you okay business no mode second all in favor all have a