you're on record all righty good evening everyone announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 4-6 at SEC of the New Jersey open public meetings act Nora if you would please call the role Mr burit here Mr josco here Mr mozarella here Mr Petty yes Mr Quinn here Mr ready pres Mr will here chairman Kaplan here yes planner Mr Chadwick our board engineer Mr Rano and our board attorney Mr Johnson here all right please stand for the flag [Music] salute to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all would you like to you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes Mr L you swear or affirm any testimony that you give tonight should be the truth the whole truth okay at this point we will open the meeting to the general public if there's anyone in the audience who has business to conduct with the board that is not on tonight's agenda you may do so now okay no one step forward uh resolutions we have just just that one correct yep uh 2428 ifran Hassan 188 Edwards Road uh looks like this is a resolution of denial we have burkowitz grani mazarella Petty Quinn and Rey I have a motion movee second okay nor ber just to clarify yes vote is a denial correct yes vot is a denial to adopt the resolution yes Mella yes py yes Quinn yes ready yes okay care of that and on to the main event application 243 tedel Patel 93 Hy Road uh this is a a carry from June 19th come on out and if I recall from the footage I watched you were to consult an architect and come back with a proposal a different proposal based on the board's concerns that you heard that you raise your right hands please you swear or affirm that the testimony of the you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and no nothing but the truth yeah please state your name and spell your last name starting with you man Tel p p a p mic please your first name is t right t e j a l yes okay and you sir Mah Patel m a h i k t a t e l okay why don't you bring us up to speed we have some revised plans in front of us so we decided to uh take out that side Edition that was uh issue last time and then uh just line line it up with the house that is there currently and then just do a little Edition in the back and then uh we also took out the Second Story Edition so just the Edition in the back now you said you took out the Second Story Edition you said yeah [Music] we we knew was no it wasn't received in time to have a revised report they don't list the new the variances that the other one had a lot of variances several isn't this one one that we did not have uh pleas report as well no uh [Music] okay lot of Silence up here anyone uh have any questions for the app well sounds like he reduced it what VAR is looking for this was the old the addition would be in the front yard so the although the back of his house he's g a lot front yard setback is long as well so that's would be a variance I don't know whether or not he SE gravious cover hard [Music] to it looks like on planned here the Fuller set there's a zoning data table it looks like which one do you have I have this one right here that stamped July 19th you have that yeah got a lot coverage just okay all right so we're the lot coverage is 3% over perious the two no change from what it was yeah I'm sorry to interrupted it looks like the two there were two variances the last last time one for front yard setback and one for building coverage it appears that the front yard setback variance is no longer required with the change right got garage right that was y garage was going to go in there and stick out M remember it kind of got close to that y that road yeah you remember that the only variance it appears to be is the building coverage variance these t was not prepared by J this was prepared by the dynamic and I think there's a mistake the addition to the rear of the house is in the front yard of Clemington Road and that setback is 14 1/2 ft wasn't the testimony that they he's got this in the B2 Zone this is not a B2 Zone oh yes it is but didn't they want in the original uh testimony they wanted the front of the house to line up yeah yeah yeah no I don't I know I I forgot this is the B2 Zone and there is a exception on the front yards of the zone so it may be correct so you're asking for 3% over on the coverage yep do you have any discussions with your neighbors is any water runoff that usually goes in either direction do you have a neighbor on either side or no uh only on the like in their backyard and like our sidey yard there's on the side yard you have a neighbor yes do they ever get water from you do they ever complain I don't think so have you had discussions with them that they know what you do uh yes they we've sent out the letters and then informed everyone and no one has said anything to you they they are pulling out Pavements in the back and one of the little sheds y so the coverage should go down no they're not removing the pavement or the shed that's remaining they since they were asked to push it back they were keeping the pavement where they were going to remove it before well the plan we have right here says 14 by 29 foot driveway shall be removed uh that might be the previous one that's the old one this one still says we're removing I'm a little confused what what what variances are we asking to be approved tonight coverage just the coverage just coverage yeah that's what's on the application but on the documentation they submitted to us impervious coverage would require a variance it's a fairly Hefty one that's what my question is well so I'm confused where do you see that on this on the architectural plan zoning gate on the bottom well it says it's existing and they're not going to exceed with [Music] existing so maybe there was already a the dimension of the addition the dimension of the addition is about 396 Square ft and the 14x 29 Drive removal is like 46 ft so the drive removal roughly equals the addition so that's why that's that's why the impervious cover is kind of a wash yeah okay okay so you're going to remove 399 Square ft of existing driveway yeah I know answer yes it's WR on a plan [Music] yep that's correct okay as as written here 399 Square ft on your okay any other questions from the board no yeah actually I'm looking at this one now I guess this the one from July 19th it says removed already what was removed already oh that's canopy the canopy yeah okay I didn't know if that was supposed to mean that yeah yeah okay it's only question uh are there any question any more questions from the board any questions uh I guess I did I don't know if it was asked before but the the current house that you're heading on to you know when it was built 1965 1965 okay at this time I will ask for any questions uh from the public of the here none see none uh anyone in the public wish to speak for this application or against this application get no one um someone want to make a uh comment on this application yeah this is a significant improvement from the last meeting so I'm in favor of this okay application 2403 tajal Patel 93 Hy road block 297 lot 9 Zone R4 recommend granting a c variant to construct a two-story Edition is that it did they remove this the condition be that they remove the 399 ft of driveway right but there's no front Landing in stairs is that true is that is that all in there still well there's no Second Story is there no Second Story no second so it's just front landing and stairs front walk side landing and stairs Drive driveway ways and side and rear walk contrary to section 43035 columns 4 and 10 and the removal of 390 script for the black out y okay second yes yes yes pedy yes Quinn yes ready yes willing yes K yes so your application has passed congratulations we appreciate the work you've done to go back and forth with us to make sure that this was an appropriate fit for the property um you will uh get we will uh vote on the resolution at our next meeting and then you are free to proceed thank you just really quick I just want to make clear because that will confuse them uh after the resolutions memorialized within 10 days I'll get it out to you then you go to the Zone in department for your Zone empowerment and then you can go to construction okay okay you're almost there thank you all right have a good night that will bring us to application 2434 G Chandra 249 Atlantic Drive uh seeking a SE variance to construct a walk this should be pretty can you raise your right hands please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and enough about the truth can you state each of your names please spell your first and last names I'm AIT Chandra I spell it a j i p last name c h a n d r a Thomas wall t h o n a s w a l l okay you're here because it looks like you want to add a uh what it pavers yeah P walkway the driveway to the patio measuring 55 ft by 41 thus putting you 1.92% over what's allowed it's a simple paper walkway any questions from the board taking from the driveway to the patio all right someone want to uh make a comment this is so minim should be hear my opinion so I'll be voting in favor anyone on oh I'm sorry does anyone have any questions about the 1.92% that these poor people are here for all right anyone want to make a comment for or against I just did okay well for the public not not the elite up on the day um okay someone want to make a motion application 24 call 34 AIT Chandra 249 autic dri block 263 block number two 2.02 Zone r-4 to issue a grand C to construct a watch second B yes Jos mozzarella yes py yes Quinn yes ready yes will yes yes all right you guys are all set thanks for coming what Nora said before applies to you too you'll get you'll hear from her and you're ready to go you know if you just took out one block you probably would have been okay okay appli 2420 Salah Elan 880 Littleton Road all right looking and a major soil M moving permit the SE variant for an open Deck with landing and stairs and Patio underneath the open deck good evening everybody you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm of the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth please state your name spell your first and last name please s a e l z [Music] a all right may have a seat we're going to do this whole presentation for 3% oh it's the dirt okay um so it looks like we we have a note here that says uh square footage numbers have been reduced from the previous um application which I actually remember uh um the applicants professional decided to remove the necessary variances at the last hearing okay did we swear no not yet can you raise your right hand please you swear affirm that the testimony the to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do state your name spell your last first and last name please Jeffrey Goen architect and planner GF r e [Music] y 35 Pine Street marown and you've testified as a architect and planner before this board before correct yes I is your license still in good standing yes are you're acceptable thank okay we'll turn it over to you yes I think the first question might be how much soil are you proposing to import I'm sorry how much I guess we can both answer right at the same time huh okay go ahead I'm sorry how much are you proposing to import essentially uh everything that we're here to show you tonight was already approved by the board when the house was originally approved so the numbers haven't changed except that it's just a matter of how the uh coverage was calculated it was a mistake in the calculation um so the soil uh yardage is 3882 cubic feet cubic yard yards uh which is the same as what was shown to the board when we originally had it approved but we just failed to or never really realized that we had to have a soil moving application approved by the board because it's over 100 yards so that's the only reason that we're back here um no change proposed to the site or The Cutting or the filling and you're going to lift this whole site yes uh a lot of it there's a cutting a cutv uh diagram just submitted to you it shows the dark patching which is the cutting and then the filling is the light gray but yeah it's a very steep slope so it is being filled quite a bit uh to make it buildable can you define quite a bit I'm sorry can you define quite a bit bu I think that's part of the question The Cutting is um I'm sorry quite a bit I think it's 8 81b cut and 479 pill so the net the net is 398 398 what uh cubic yards you'll be importing 398 cubic yards of soil right that's yes the engineer has already reviewed it uh we we thought we'd be able to do that administratively after the approval but that's when we found out that we needed to have the major soil application appr approximately how many TRS um it's usually 16b yard per truck so if it's 25 trucks or so you'll agree that you'll only be working the hours permitted from not the weekends and all that stuff probably a few days of trucking and um and that'll all be supervised by the engineer as far as the route the source of the soil and the whole operation so the net after the cut is $3.99 yes okay I assume you've seen the March 25th Memo from the engineer I it's a March 6th of this year March 25th I don't think I received that he would have sent it to you to the owner you were the I guess letter one of the things on this report says tree removal proposed no tree I do have a copy March 25th yes 24 yeah and you agree to comply with all of those conditions yes is that the is that the first first time you seen the letter I I just didn't recall that we had received it but I um I must have just missed it but no it's it's uh it's consistent with what I met with him twice and we went over verbally and uh he he explained everything we also do have the Morris County Soil Conservation District certificate for soil erosion control and they will be supervising the tracking pad and all of the um all those things during construction so you you agree with the you are in compliance with the town engineer yes yes are there any trees left on this lot I'm sorry are there any trees yes and we have them shown on the soil plan there's one where the house is going to be located removed he asked if there's any remaining there's two more in the back we don't remove anything yet not be removed yet it's a total of five yes in that work area they'll come down yeah are you going to replace them um I I don't see why not we have quite a few trees on this side already that are remaining okay we could probably put a few more on the uh left side of the front on the street side if the board would like that I don't see any problem with that we would like that no because we just to uh Department of Transportation they have lot of trees in front to yeah good all right any other questions from the board is I just want to make sure sir that you said you just got this note from the engineer I just want to confirm with you that everything on there you're in agreement to do okay construction meeting the fees of Fe performance guarantee $2,000 like check and get that back after everything is done properly they going to give me $2,000 they're going to give you your $2,000 prot trees uh getting a permit for any removals yeah this is all fine we agree with that yes okay I will deliver that they Pro you've seen this I will good very good okay thank you no any final questions any questions from the public of this applicants no one's com forward I can interrupt I just want to point out that this application is also for a deck which you have that information in front of you 500t open Deck with landed and stairs and a 355t patio under the deck so yeah right changed is that new no well it's it's uh the deck was I thought the only you you testified the only new thing was the soil oh no I'm I'm sorry if just came across the wrong way but we are here for a deck variance and when when the house was approved back about a year ago now the deck was shown on there and the board was aware of the deck but uh we were making the most of the exception in the ordinance under the yards and courts where you allow the 4% in excess of building coverage we read it as coverage and we just didn't realize you had to that it did not apply to improv lot coverage it only applies to building coverage according to the zoning officer so when we went for the zoning permit thinking everything was fine she caught that and said you should have listed the coverage of the deck as improved black coverage because it's not accepted the way building coverages I hope that's clear I I have the language I wouldn't mind reading it to you um it's a it's a sentence or two that provides for that what what is the deck made of like TRS or something yeah it's a standard wood so the water's going to go through that yeah what's under it patio underneath there a patio under it made of what papers concrete papers so it will have a porous what's what's it Bound by what's in between the papers uh like a a um po a polymer sand or some some kind of um that will allow water to flow through yes John you have any opinion on that one I I just make a condition in the resolution okay it was it was an oversight sorry um no offense this application was a mess from going it just seems to continue to be but no offense I said that didn't I wer you weren't offend were you not intended but it is a fact yes thank you okay all right uh give that new uh bit of information I will ask the board again if they have any other questions and I will ask the public again if they have any questions for this applicant know's come forward I don't even know if we have public here to be honest with you um anyone in the public want to make a comment for or against this application and anyone uh someone on the board uh make a statement about this application please I guess the fact that it is um going to let the water run through and that the engineer has sent a letter that you guys have agreed to abide by uh I will be voting for it someone like to frame resolution application 24 call 20 Salah El Zen yes 880 Littleton Road Block 195 Lot number 13 Zone R DD to issue or Grant a major soil moving permit C variance for an open Deck with landing and stairs patio contrary to section 43035 column 13 should be made up of comp conditions no the applicant agreed to the board Engineers yes uh recommendations as well as the patio with the uh what sand not not the concrete one right can can we place good trees that to be removed replace yes remov all of the trees will be replaced with the new PLS second JS burit yes yes moella yes Teddy yes Quin yes ready yes will yes yes very much good luck to you thank you thank you you're welcome and last but not least right our friends from liquid Search application 2425 seeking a minor site plan with d variant for child daycare and to construct a playground presumably for the child [Music] [Music] daycare good evening members of the board uh my name is Linda herley I'm an attorney with the firm of Breer Danzig we're representing the applicant tonight um just by way of a uh very brief background as the board may recall this applicant has received prior approvals in connection with this property um to allow the existing house of worship and Cafe uses as well as variances previously related to signs parking and impervious coverage um as the chairman mentioned this application tonight is for a day use at the building um they're proposing to convert or to utilize I shouldn't say convert to utilize about 7500 square fet of space in the building for a day paare Monday through Friday um that space is currently used for children's programming on Sundays so it's uh repurposing or using a space um additional time during the week as well as an outdoor playground in connection with that daycare use um other part of the application is to uh replace or reface um a freestanding sign a monument sign at the property um the sign itself the structure is not going to change um it'll be the same size and shape and the same structure it's just going to be repaced um and we'll have testimony tonight with respect to the uh the question that came up with the the Chick-fil-A logo you'll hear testimony the explanation of how Chick-fil-A interplays with the the Cafe use and and why that's being proposed on the uh on the sign um so that's sort of an overview of what we're here for uh have two witnesses tonight um Pastor Dave Brooks as well as our engineer and planner so unless there's any questions initially I'd like to just in so I'd like to call can you raise your right hand please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you about to give should be the truth the whole truth and go the truth you state your name spell your first and last name please David Brooks d a v d b KS thank you thank you you can proceed um Pastor Brooks if you would please tell the board um for those who may not know um what your role and responsibilities are with the applicant yeah I'm the executive pastor at the church and I have responsibility um for strategy and the support systems of the church and in that you're familiar with the day-to-day operations of the church yes I am um and can you give us an just an overview of the the church and its current operations in the building at this time sure uh liquid is a uh nonprofit non-denominational Christian Church uh we primarily have services on Sunday at 9 10:30 and 12 uh but we also use the building for Ministry purposes during the week we have youth activities on Friday and Sunday nights and then we have groups that meet there uh during the week we also have a cafe that operates and employs uh adults with special needs we thank you for your approval on that previously uh and I'm thankful to say that we now employ 17 adults uh with special needs who are learning employment skills and a building community and we're very proud of them and we were kindly featured in parsipany focus in February thanks to Frank kill um but we've uh felt that was a a big success that allows people in our community with special needs to have opportunities to get gainful employment and can you describe um what the proposed daycare use will be so we plan to have this for um kids who from birth uh up until kindergarten not kindergarten but up until kindergarten it would be Monday through Friday open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. um as Linda said we're going to take four of our rooms that are used for children's programming on Sunday and then just change the furniture a little and use them for the preschool on daycare during the week uh we plan to um open this to everybody in the community obviously church members kids would be welcome but we would also want it for parcion and Morris County residents uh we want it similar to the cafe we want to be able to not only serve our community but serve the Greater Community I talked with the mayor and he had said that he felt this was a good opportunity uh because there's always a need for good child care uh in communities we will have um starting out probably about six staff um as we begin but we're going to keep a 10 to1 ratio and may end up having um 15 staff with the projected potential of having 130 um kids in the program uh after we build it up we uh plan to use what we call our West uh parking area uh to support the uh preschool so we would have a place for parents to come in and drop off their kids uh using that parking lot um that presently is used by our staff that they can move to the north parking lot where there are 500 spots but this west parking lot where there are 100 spots we would basically take um the first um 30 to 40 and segregate that just for the preschool the parents can stop there get out bring their kids in check them into the classroom and then uh and then get back and with respect to the um the sign aspect of the of the application um this is as I mentioned just a a change in the face with a change in the Tex on the sign correct yeah so the the existing 5 foot by 8ot by 8 in deep aluminum sign will not change we just plan to change the aluminum facing on the front with the AC acrylic lettering um and so we just had lettering for um this particular uh for the preschool and then we would um we also have on there that we would include this logo um for Chick-fil-A and want don't you explain to the board your relationship with Chick-fil-A so um we consider Chick-fil-A just to be another supplier similar Costco and Cisco Anthony's Bakery and Hot Bagels um they Supply us five menu opt options Monday through Thursday so we get two sandwiches one wrap two salads that we pick up at 11:30 and then we have that as a venue item uh for lunch uh in the cafe if people come in um our average sales um in 2022 and 20123 were about 17 items a day um we it's grown to about 25 items in um in 24 but it really hasn't created a significant um amount of traffic um enough that we think it's worth having as an additional menu item um and Chick-fil-A has given us the option of using their logo um so it's inside on our menu board um and then we would want to put it on um the signage outside as well and you using that to teach life skills yes is that is that just for uh Associates that work there or is that for any for anybody for anybody that uses because it's open to the public so anybody that wants to come in can use it um and since and so just to clarify so you you've been selling the Chick-fil-A item now for yeah since the Inception so we we started in October of 2023 and we started this partnership at with Chick-fil-A at that point so we've been selling these items for the last um 20 months and there was in fact a point in time where there was a Chick-fil-A logo actually on your sign yeah we didn't realize that was a mistake we had put a new sign in and we that that was added once we started this application and I realized that hadn't been approved we took that off um earlier this year um we've seen sales um continue to to increase not appreciably um during this period um but we did have a sign for a while and during the time that you had to sign um while you may have seen sales increase and continue to increase um did you experience any traffic or parking or circulation issues during the lunchtime when you know until those items sold out right no I mean when you when you think about um the volume of sales we have we basically make a sale now about every 7 Minutes previously with about every 10 minutes so it really has an increased traffic that would impact parking we have plenty of parking on the North side that people can use when they come to the cafe um so we haven't seen any issues with parking or traffic which side so you got the north side where this traffic is what about the daycare which side is that the daycare is going to be on the West Side that's going to be their entrance so what I'm wondering then is what and maybe one of the maybe the experts going to do this um what traffic uh safety measures are you taking now that you you you were asking for fivey olds and under who can sometimes Sprint away from Mom or Dad in a parking lot um what precautions are you proposing in this uh to support the daycare so that's where we're saying um the cafe uses the north parking lot um because that's the one that's closest to the cafe this west parking lot is where what we would propose using for the uh daycare and then we will have this segmented area um during the week Monday through Friday where parents can come in and quickly get to the sidewalk and then get into the building and not have to move across are you going to stripe a crosswalk what are you going to stripe a crosswalk where people is a designated area to cross where Drive know to pay attention look for little kids generally on the week the only people who would be there would be um our staff and people coming in to the uh daycare um so our staff will all be will already know about the needs for the daycare we hadn't planned on putting in any striping um we had considered temporary signage um that would be just put up during the week um that would designate those particular slots and the parents have to come in with the child is no yeah the way the security works we want the parent dropping off the child in the classroom so there's security with them they have to have a keyop that only they and other authorized people can get into the classrooms and they have to pick their child up at the classroom so nobody else is authorized to drop them off or Pi themy are you licensed by the state we will be you will be okay how many um students how many children are you expecting you know initially we're we're figuring we're going to have a about 40 or 50 but we could grow to 130 we have the capacity to grow to 13 and what would the staff ratio be to the 130 10 to one okay so 13 staff members okay no busing involved you no uh I I think it would behoove you to have a striped crosswalk a designated Crossing area where you can also put up a permanent sign that says uh whatever the the wording is drivers must stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk I really think that that would be a wise move for you both for the safety of the children and also just for her own liability right okay I might be jumping the gun here but it says construct the playground too where's that going to be located and Mr Hansen's going to bring up the plan I any other questions no one for the record unless you have something to say Mr Kill no one from the public is here okay thank you this is John Hansen who is um I know he's appeared before this board before both our civil engineer and planner I can please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're to D should be the truth the whole truth the of the truth I do state your name spell your first and last name please John Hansen JN hn thank you um as I said I know Mr Hanson has been here before would you like me to go through this full qualifications um are you still licensed I am I'm liced New Jersey as a professional engineer and a professional planner and both my licenses are good and You' been qualified before this board previously I have is acceptable John you would go through the uh the plan that was submitted as part of the application sure um so this is a plan set that I have here it's a plan set that you should have on file uh it's dated 226 2024 and it's got five sheets in the set um so you know I'll be brief and just kind of talk about the existing conditions and what we're planning to do on the on the site um this is block 7 36 lot 20 it's known as 299 webro Road the entire property acreage is just over 11 acres it's about 11256 Acres it's located in the S5 zone so the last approval that we were here for which I was involved in um we did an expansion to the parking lot occupied the the church throughout the entire building and um was a big application with underground storm water system and so on and so forth so that application uh approved a variance for the impervious coverage of 79% um so the property right now is at 78.9 7% just under that that limit um and what we're proposing to do is simply construct a outdoor playgrounds associated with child care center as Mr Brooks has uh described and it's positioned in location and I'm pointing to on Chet 2 the overall map which shows the entire sites and we've nestled it into the northwest corner of the building so there's a little jog in the building there there's a man door in that location so students would be brought uh from the inside of the facility through the man door into this outdoor playground the outdoor playground will be um orded off with 6' high fence so it's safe and it um basically blocks the playground equipment and the uh shade structur and so for inside so inside of the um the fenced area which would be 30 ft from the building by 80 ft long um will be your typical playground equipment walkways and then the surface that um you would see is like a synthetic type surface that the children were playing so that surface since we're talking about impervious coverage even though it's the perious type material it's it's designed so the water goes through it the regulations require us to consider it impervious all right so the entire impervious surface that we're proposing as part of the project will increase by 3,183 uh Square ft so as a condition of approval if the board approves the project we'd work with Mr M mano to make sure that our storm waterer management accounts for that and we've talked to him um or associ for my talk to them and basically we have a plan for how we'll do that so we'll capture the water underneath make some minor modifications the outlet structure and uh go on our way um so also part of the of the project is um landscaping and I just wanted to bring that to the board's attention here so if you turn to sheet 4 you see that we have a pretty extensive Landscaping plan so the playground will be positioned over some Turf area and some landscaped area that's currently there now um so that'll be removed to make for the playground but as part of the project we'll have significant amount of additional Landscaping to not only buffer the fence but to also uh add to the north side of the property so if you've been to the property lately you'll see that there are some big colum there type uh Landscaping on the North side but just some voids in there and you know the the church to their credit really wanted to beautify the site and so the part of the project is to fill that in can I just interrupt you for a second it does not appear that the board has a set of these plans we don't that's okay that yeah so could you just going to need to Mark those as an exhibit the board doesn't actually have a set of these we have looks like we the board received some a set one sheet on April 10th but not these five sheets Mr what's the date on that again date of those plans February 26 with no revisions no revisions yeah those are the plans I have sheets yes I Mark these A1 yes [Music] please okay John on the Landscaping plan I review that the new Landscaping was primarily decorative grasses did I misread the plan are am I correct yeah right now out there you have some Russian sage you have you know um brasses and there's yeah basically the Landscaping is you know drought tolerant type deer resistant type Landscaping so they they try to keep that you know I think it looks good it's tasteful but that being said if there are certain suggestions to the Landscaping I would think you evergreen shrubs would add some variety to it and enhance it and we' be happy leave that up to your uh designers and not just looking over okay we'd be happy to do that as a condition of any improval one other feature is part of our um site plan is you'll notice in this area if you've been to the site I'm pointing to the northwest corner of the site um there's a flag pole with a couple of steps out to it and what they'd like to do is make this a little bit more of a welcoming uh area here so they're adding about 450 ft of brick pavers to just make that a little more welcoming area and um around the flag pole so no change to the flag pole anything but just some additional impervious coverage there um so in short we're here for a d variance um because this is not permitted use in the zone however it is an inherently beneficial use child care centers are known by the court as that and then we're also here for a small uh C variant for the increase in impervious C coverage so we were approved for 79% we're at 7962 it's a very small increase but nonetheless we need your approval for that so uh just to get into unless there's any questions I'll just get into the the variance testimony I just that one question where the uh the the outdoor uh area is it's going to be fenced off from the parking lot I guess it's it's totally fenced off uh will be a white vinyl six foot high fence so you won't see the the uh the perces inside and it'll be safe so the kids won't be able to get out no I just would you think this should you think it would make any sense to put some bollocks on front of the fence well the fence is set back so that they won't be a a car won't be able to hit it it's it's basically offset from the parking lot so the you have the parking lot over let me just show you here so in this dashed box area this is where the uh playground would go and here's your parking over here so there's just no possible conflict with vehicles okay are they required any other questions on engineer now my question was about the fence as well just to you answered it oh you know the one thing I did want to mention too the chairman had said about the crosswalk so what I'm pointing to here is the west side of the building and all of this head-on parking here is all adjacent to a sidewalk so essentially uh the parents can park up against the sidewalk they'll they won't have to cross any traffic they'll be able to get the kid right out of the car walk right onto the sidewalk and then walk right into the building so there you know frankly there just isn't a need for uh painted crosswalk um and I think all these you know very safe we' got 30 people dropping off I know not all at the same time but how how far is that curve where parents are going to park along the curb before drop off purposes um I can count up the spaces here it looks like there's there about 40 spaces there yeah so a significant amount of spaces I think um along the curve yeah not 40 people can park and no one needs to cross the parking lot that's right okay just where where's the playground there that rectangle well this is just the detail of where it is on the map but it's it's right in this northwest corner and then just where would the roadway be where the cars are driving I think Bernie kind of asked this already but so we have this is the main entrance over here with the access that comes in there's a two-way entrance only and then you have the access over here so this is between the two no ability for parking or uh accessing but they would be going outside of it right I guess my my my thought is and maybe I'm being overly cautious or or thinking the worst case scenario but a car loses control it goes through that fence and there's kids there I don't know maybe like concrete ballast or something I don't know just it's just it's just a thought in my head just for safety for the kids that's all understood I think the uh I mean I I can talk to Mr books about and we'd be happy to look at that one more time yeah I'm I'm thinking worst case scenario but that's just me um have is if there uh students several children in the fenced off area is there any way for them to get out of that fenced off area without going back into the building so if there's a fire in that room how do we keep the kids safe interesting okay so the question is if there was a fire in the building can they get out to a can they get out to the fence so could we put a one-way door we have there's Gates okay Gat that are alarmed so they're open and are you open to anything other than a white vinyl fence some muted color or something that doesn't shine when lights in it or what would be the suggestion they make material matal that is you know very light Grays that doesn't have the sheen that some of those white pencils have they're the brick is kind of an off get something Clos yeah I think it would be sitting better than just that St white v um no other questions I'll just get to the planning testimony um so as I mentioned this is an inherently beneficient use it's a DE one variant um with inherently beneficial uses and I'm sure the board is aware and the positive criteria is essentially um already courts have understood that this is promotes the the public welfare the general welfare and so really you look at the negative criteria if the negative criteria is established there's no substantial detriment uh that you know the board should hopefully approve the the variants so in this case really the the Sea Test the sea courts are uh what governs the four part test I'll just go through it briefly uh the first part is evaluate the public interest served by the interent with beneficial use obviously the public interest here is child care identify any adverse consequences of granting the variance we feel that there are none um of course the uh the public the parking works the traffic works and the sites going be landscaped appropriately it says consider conditions which might be imposed to mitigate any adverse consequences in our opinion that's not applicable although we do have a lot of landscaping that I think will naturally uh mitigate the development and then finally balance the public interest in granting the variance versus the adverse impact as lessened by any conditions imposed by the board and determine whether on balance whether there would be a substantial detriment to the public good if the variance was granted and so in my opinion as a professional planner I believe we passed the seet test I believe that there's uh no adverse impacts here and that the project uh is worthy of your approval and then lastly we do have this C variance for the impervious coverage I believe that's subsumed within the D um but nonetheless I would it would say that it would be a C2 variance if you found it to be that uh that way and not subsumed within the D and really here again you know the purposes of the Minal land use law would be granted which would lower the positive CR criteria creating a desirable visual environment uh which is purpose a landscaping um we have public a which is promotion of the public good and the general welfare and um there's no substantial detriment certainly uh no detriment at all in my opinion uh so I believe that the uh the board can feel comfortable that they can grant both these nances and then lastly I'm sorry go ahead I say lastly we did uh get the memo from Mr Mr L manowitz as I said we my associate has been able to talk to him I've read through the memo and uh I believe that we can satisfy his conditions uh the project is exempt with respect to the highlands uh we can address the storm water management and the other administrative issues that and that was what I was about to ask you thank you and just for the board's information I did speak as Mr Hansen said with them uh there will be some modifications required but I don't see there's a uh I don't anticipate there being a um a game changer here when we try to work that out it the amount of impervious is minor compared to the amount of impervious in the original design so just some modifications it it would certainly seem that that's possible to make this work uh because this is still considered a major development for storm water because once you start a major development it's going to stay a major development uh in spite of the fact this is a fairly minim increase in impervious agre I don't have that's it okay um questions from the board nope no and there's still no public here so we will dispense with that anybody want to make a comment sure I think it's a pretty easy application they agreed to do everything that the enger at asked I think they've been good neighbors doing good things so I'll be voting for it okay PR resolution [Music] anyone application number 25 colon 24 col 25 Liquid Church 299 webro road block 736 lot 20 Zone s-5 minor minor sight plan with d variant for child daycare and to construct a playground with agreeing to everything stipulated uh by the engineer am I missing anything yeah okay second ready yes Jos yes moella yes yes Quin yes ready yes yes yes all right all thank you at this point we're going to go into close session and uh got to read the speech it says Frank get out whereas the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the township of Pary Troy Hills Board of adjustment is one of is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the township of wow good timing Pary Troy Hills Board of adjustment wishes to discuss attorney client privilege regarding into close right now Pacific outdoor and pth uh boa and whereas the township of Paran Troy Hills boa wishes to discuss attorney Cent privilege regarding Danny real versus partk TR Hill boa and whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above is no no longer requires confid jeez confidentiality the minutes can be made public now therefore be it resolved by the township of Pary Troy Hills Board of adjustment that the public be excluded from this meeting all right thank you everybody you know what happens the St