you're on record all right here we go announcement is made that adequate notice of this meeting has been given and that it is being conducted in accordance with njsa 10 colon 4-6 at SEC of New Jersey open public meetings act Nora Colo Please Mr burtz here M gani pres Mr Mella here Mr Mr Patty yes president Mr Quinn here Mr ready pres we also have our board engineer Mr Lono and our board attorney Mr Johnson here all right we'll start the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance Mr Johnson can you swear in the uh professionals Please Mr LZ can you raise your right hand please just swear or that any testimony that you give tonight shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do all right we uh have three appointments tonight uh Miss grani will become a regular member uh Mr Petty will move to alternate one and we want to welcome Mr Quinn as alternate 2 this evening so we'll start with [Music] Loretta can you raise your right hand and repeat after me I Loretta gan I Loretta grani do solemnly swear do solemnly swear or affirm or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear or affirm that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of all the duties of the office of board of adjustment regular member Board of adjustment regular member Township of pany Troy Hills Township of ppan Troy Hills according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities so help so help me God thank welcome back thank you yes welcome board welcome back Santos Santos I need your signature right there oh yes definitely okay raise your right hand and repeat after me do a change I Santos p i Santos P do Solly swear or affirm our pH that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the con of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established to the government established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God I do further solemnly swear I do further solemnly swear or affirm or airm that I will impartially and justly that I will impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of perform all the duties of the office of board of adjustment Board of adjustment alternate member number one alternate member number one Township of pan Troy Hills Township of pan Troy Hills according to the best of my ability according to the best of so help me go help me go congratulations thank you congratulations thank you congratulations thank you Sor down there Mr Quinn you're up you're up can you raise your right hand and repeat after me please I Robert Quinn I Robert Quinn do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the government established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so helping God I do further solemnly swear or affirm I do further solemnly swear or affirm that I will impartially that I will impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of all the duties of the office of board of adjustment alternate member number two Board of adjustment alterate alternate member number two Township of parci Troy Hills Township of parci Troy Hills to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go so help me go congratulations thank you very much congratulations welcome thank you sign right there great thank you all right at this point if any member from the public wishes to address the board about anything is not currently on the agenda you may do so now hear none and see none meeting is open to the general public resolution uh 24 col 07 so and David hung 71 Clear View Road Block 125 lot 3 Zone R3 C variants to construct a shed uh two sheds combined contrary to section 430-10 c section 430-10 I and section 4 43-35 columns 10 and 13 so Mo second who second that second okay thank you um I apologize uh ready uh weren't able to vote on this one oh so burit made a motion second can be uh grani mozarella paty second Burt yes bani yes matella yes paty yes all right resolution is passed on to the next one application 23 colon 12 i a a 100e 46 block 693 Lot 25 Zone B-2 c/d variant to construct a billboard sign motion to approve this one I can yes you can yes somewh second anyone second uh Burt yes grani yes P yes ready yes resolution is approved all right on to our main agenda uh application 24 colon 21 sha Wellman forvil Road Block 567 lot one zone R4 looking for a c Varian to install a 5ft fence 4ot High solid 1ot lattice contrary to section 43011 A and B please step for okay will you both be testifying probably right okay so both of you raise your right hands please you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay State your names addresses and spell your last names please n Dort d r t for Veil Road Lake haaa New Jersey [Music] 0734 uh Sean Wellman W L L M for V Road Lake Kapa New Jersey could you repeat your first name B I'm sorry I didn't catch it n n e r e y d a thank you guys all right you're looking for uh variance section 43011 fences and walls allowed is 4 foot proposed is five and section 430-1156 through and you're proposing a solid fence uh tell us about the fence in the needs SP uh we're looking to where our property is on the corner um we have zero privacy we people walking through from Carlson Place onto Bell Road down too uh we're looking to put a fence on the side of our yard for privacy um and on the ambulance and the fire department for over 30 years come home on the weekend and we sit outside for a barbecue or just to sit outside with the kids everybody wav as we're sitting outside um I I have pictures want a look are they friends no I have no idea been here 52 years um but okay so um you have one market yeah just need to Mark uh there's a couple here we'll kind of split them up are they the same yes uh no sorry Michael they not the same so A1 and [Music] A2 so basically again um we have zero privacy on the corner lot Veil Road isain thille up into um so again we sit outside everybody's beeping and waving um people are cutting through our yard behind the house um to get from either Bale to Carlson or Carlson down to Bale um we also have two dogs two small Pomeranians that want to run free and if if um anybody's familiar with the area like I said we have no privacy on that on that corner block um so that's what we're really asking for is just instead of the 4ot solid fence I'm sorry in yeah instead of the 4ot solid fence it it's going to be a same 4 foot but we're going to add another foot of last I see it okay um when we talk to somebody downstairs um um in the engineering department they basically said that there's a new ordinance that the police officers or fire department need to see over the fence because of big dogs or loud dogs or threatening dogs you pretty much would hear the dogs before um you would see them um again just being a first responder for over 30 years very rarely are we encountering big dogs High all right so so I think I think uh I didn't get a good look at the pictures yet but I will when it comes down I think the be part of that variant is probably what we're looking at more is it considered a front yard yeah cuz the front's on two corners so is it is it a obstruction seeing cars turning things like that no I got look the set back from the end of the driveway to we set it back fur so our neighbors and any cars coming down um the block wouldn't be obstructed okay so clear there this goes to nor yes yeah yeah uh any questions from the board no none yeah this is a reasonable request uh for the privacy of the residents so I'm in fav of this no no do we want to open it to the public oh yes s anybody uh in the audience wish to speak for or against this variance anybody wish to ask any questions on this hear none see none anyone want to frame a resolution Mr chairman if I might offer a petion or two sure um I noticed from the picture that the house um I'll say to the top of the page next to this uh the driveway is along that same common sideline and I would suggest that as a condition of any approval that the uh the applicant verify with the township engineer that the fence will not interfere with the site distance for that driveway you guys good with that and having that check that's part of the um we did have somebody come to the house one of the engineers and met with us and absolutely had no problems with it so we need a report from that just to verify the setback from the end of the driveway to where the fen be right all I'm saying is that put a piece of paper in a file that says you know from the engineer saying I looked at it it's fine just something to cover something from the engineer makeing a condition of the application rather than have to come back for make it is that what you bet Mr L as as a condition definitely we do have the the engineer that was at the house Robert Okay so as a condition if this is approved we're going to ask that you just have him write on report for us to keep on file um that way we have it officially um okay any other questions guys we good n somebody want to frame a resolution application 24 col 21 Sean bman for rail road block 567 Lot number one zone r-4 to issue or Grant Ace variance to inst all five foot pens four 4T High solid with 1 foot high lce contrary to section 43011 A and B in the condition that the engineer uh up make sure that it is uh in compliance with the neighbors verify that there are no issues with the sight lines yeah that's ex have a second second berwitz yes bani yes Mella yes Petty yes ready yes all right motion is approved uh we will memorialize it at our next meeting which is the E you said 10th of July no 10th sorry the 10th July 10th and you can go on ahead at that point thank you very much thank you thank you enjoy oh I Dro by anyway on Facebook no no wor all right uh application 24 col 03 tahal Patel 93 Hy road block 297 lot 9 Zone R4 seeking a c variant to construct a two-story Edition uh second floor Edition front landing and stairs front side front walk side landing and stairs driveways ins side rear walk contrary to section 43035 columns 4 4 and 10 please come forward okay can you raise your right hands please do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay State each of you state your names and spell your first and last names and give us your addresses please my name Isel could you please speak into the microphone a little bit louder a little louder please thank you uh my name is Tel pel I'm from 93 Hy Ro P 054 uh p a p l my name is mahik Patel p a t l and the address is 93 Hy Road pipini New Jersey 070 if you I don't for if you could both speak up pull the microphones closer speak up and spell your first name okay uh mahik Patel p a t l and the address is 93 Hy Road pers New Jersey 07054 and your first name mahik spell it m a i k okay than hey ma'am your first name Basel and can you spell that please d e d l so who are these people she is yeah she still there that's her yeah that's her all right so looking at the application in R4 Zone uh looking for variances for the front yard the existing is 14.8 allowed is 25 proposed is 5.33 uh and building coverage existing is 16.65% and your proposing 23. 32% um question it's going closer it's going closer oh you're going closer to the setback closer to this gotcha to this right here okay all right uh want to give us a little information on what you need what you're looking to do and why yep so we're looking to build a little Edition in the back and a second story Edition and currently our house is two bedrooms and one bathroom and we're looking to just uh add more room CU in the future we'll we'll have like more like a bigger family and currently our laundry room is outside of our house so we have in the winter we have to go outside and then do the laundry so we're looking to bring that inside in the new addition and then currently we have electric heating and we would like to convert that to gas heating but in order to make room for the equipment for the gas uh heating you would like to make the addition in the back for that so in the plans that you submitted the sheet that says proposed yes okay you have that with [Music] you yes we okay so the existing house is 14.8 ft from the property line along Flemington Road correct yes okay and you want to put the addition in such a way so that it would be 5.3 5.3 ft to that property line right okay can you explain why you couldn't put the addition in such a way that it's remains 14.8 ft from that property line explain why you need it to be 5T away from the property line instead of 14.8 ft yeah so on that side we decided to add a garage which um required a minimum uh like uh size and that we had to push a little out um towards that side okay is there um so the 14.8 ft is to the property line is there an area of grass driveway Etc between the property line and the actual curb yes uh So currently um there's a driveway in the proposed uh addition area and then in the area between the existing and then the road there's grass okay so how much would there how much would the distance be between the curb and your proposed addition do you know that think [Music] yeah so I believe it is 5.3 ft okay so be another so it will be 10 ft total then between the curb and your proposed addition 5T 5T from that yes I believe so okay I'm just trying to so the board understands what it might actually look like when it's constructed in terms of how big the dist how far the distance is between the curb and the actual addition Y and you said that's going to be a garage so it's going to be a garage door there is that right correct okay you have two driveways one that's on Hy yes we currently have two driveways um on Hy and Flemington and we're uh planning to keep just one car length worth of driveway on both sides and remove the rest of the existing driveway Mr Johnson May understand that the the garage is going to be under the addition or this is just going to be a driveway it's going to be um the the garage will be right next to the driveway uh in the addition so that entire addition isn't the garage it's just partly a garage and what are the what's the rest of the the addition the rest will be like a utility room and a kitchen so you're going to have two kitchens uh no just just one kitchen didn't you just say on the addition there's going to be a kitchen am I did I misunderstand no that's correct okay and what's going to be in your present home now you have a kitchen there now y what's going to happen with that one so that's going to come out and then that'll be like a dining area I'm sorry I can't hear you so that will come out and it will be like a dining area dining area okay all right where's that kitchen currently kind of right front of the Edition is it it's all the way in in the back um and it's on the right side in the corner have a picture of what it's going to look like is the whole can I so if you look at the existing page on your on your plants is the whole [Music] area adjac adjacent to Flemington road is that all ashalt now Jason yes where you have the so so your whole yard so to speak is does the ashalt go all the way around your house it does so it goes all the way from Hy all the way back around to Flemington yeah that whole yard is all as there's no grass at all there's no grass at all except the the corner of I think he's removing most of so there is grass in the corner of Flemington and Hy and on Flemington um in the very corner on top okay your shed I'm sorry sir go go ahead your shed is being removed yes okay so just so I get that right that that shed currently is on ashalt or is it on grass it's on asphalt and what's the canopy that's shown on there oh um that was a little like Greenhouse tent that my mom had set up during the summer and that's being removed as well yeah so you're so if I understand correctly you're substantially are reducing the ashalt area yes and replacing it with grass yes okay will be L excuse me it'll improve it will improve imper and after this modifications are made so basically that the driveway on Hy Road will be closed driveway on road there will be a onear driveway uh on Hy Road and Flemington also we have a two car there's a one car driveway away y so there will be a one car driveway on Flemington as so you need both drivers um yes because I uh will we have three cars right now and I think yeah they can't oh and that driveway is currently there right now to conform Mr chairman if I might please um this application is for an addition to create a one and a half a twostory house from a one and a half story house it also is saying it needs a variance for the building coverage we don't have any dimensioned architectural plans to look at any of this right um we have a plan here if would you want to take a look we can bring That Into You cank it yeah we can mark it as A1 A1 what is it an architectural plan yeah just have to write on it yeah so the entire house is going to be another a second floor is going to be to the entire house uh yeah it's completely different house yeah it's so we're talking about because in your in your proposed here and we'll pass it back down that way in the proposed here it doesn't show it says one and a half story frame dwelling it doesn't say or show I mean that this does but let's it let's get it down there we [Music] some why do they have to have it stick out why can't it be conforming to you know the side why does that have to stick out I guess it doesn't stick out the garage is there it the garage Dimension over in the upper left hand corner yeah the be the whole back of house we're [Music] not kitchen back [Music] here there two bedrooms I guess bedroom and the second floor is DET sitting area so your home will consist of four bedrooms if I'm reading these plans correctly correct yes yes we're just uh just a little difficult just getting these now and then trying to go through it and see exactly what we're discussing up here and kind of deciding upon without any like you said without any uh do you know how old the house information do you know how old your current house is he was built in 1960 65 65 [Music] 1965 is your house going to conform with the other homes on your street or near you like will it be similar yes yes [Music] information would have been nice if we had seen said giving it to us now curently no this is it will be no I think that's what it will be more you should have put that one then is a good one maybe we can take the com Mr Lano can you can you comment on the size of the garage this is the first time I've seen this plan so understand um the garage looks like it's 20 by by 128 so that's a little oversized but not I mean that's not an unusual garage [Music] your there is I mean it seems to me that the the front yard setback is probably the most the biggest I would say CU it's going down to 5.33 Ft and the justification is because the garage needs to be that big that would be on Flemington uh Mr Johnson it looks miss grani it looks like that's the one if you look at this site plan it looks like that's the one on on Flemington Flemington look like this is the size of the house is 833 Square ft I don't know what the ordinance requires everything's like a th000 so it's undersized so this will make it perform bring my Tom get through that schedule with me any other questions up here at the moment while we're looking at the plan do you have any other testimony that you want to give anything else you want the board to [Music] [Music] consider um no I think that's that's all for now you want to ask the public if any members of the public have any questions any members of the public have any questions on this see none here none anybody on the board any other questions any thoughts [Music] any other thoughts on the with the information I have you know we have I have no topography so I can't check the building height I mean I didn't I didn't do any calculation to verify the stuff you know you know not the place for addition these these these architect plans did you show these the zoning officer yes yes sir so so she had them when they were making up the report y so it was high a question even if it is in nonon they don't he's got now 148 he's only going to be having 5 ft that's another one that's that's just I guess the biggest question we have right now is there any way for that that garage to be reduced matched up with the house I mean that that's the biggest I I think that's the biggest issue right because impious we said we're going down right and that's not even on there and that's not one of the uh perious coverage is now in compliance right if the build if the building coverage that's not the building coverage not and that one set back yeah because of the garage and I I don't know the numbers on it but I mean if the garage is cut down would that change the building coverage oh definitely to fit yeah so I mean both of those both of those opportunities or both of those issues for the variants seem to be uh that garage seems to be the the piece of it that's you know I mean maybe we look at getting that flush to the Bly I don't know um is it would it be okay if we push the entire addition in the back to the left uh oh I I mean right so it lines up on the Flemington side of the house and it extends a little um on the other side then you're going to have a setback on the other side yeah we probably have the same issue on the other side maybe maybe not yeah it would have to be it would have to be looked at I mean if you did that it would bring up that question and it would have to be looked at again to see if there would be a variance needed for that side as well right yeah right now it looks like it's 10.8 yeah I think 6 ft in the OR for zone so we're looking at [Music] what I don't know how many feet is that even how many feet off the house is the garage no no no just from the house itself yeah yeah that Dimension right there 5' 8 in is that Dimension like I said with the information I have I can't you need the height you want the height of the building well the height of the building is based upon the average grade around the house okay and the average grade isn't on the survey is you can't compute the average because there's no topography um so I don't we really can't say what that is I hadn't like I said I have to go through all the numbers and verify variance as far as the building coverage um so no I don't have any more any additional I just have those outstanding questions that you know it's it's it's dimensioned is 32 feet to the ridge which is not correct it's supposed to be 32 feet from the midpoint from the gutter to the ridge it looks like there's enough room there but it needs to be verified okay just put it to put it to the slide so it's just exactly 6 ft from the line so don't need a variance yeah the township engineer has a concern about the height and the ridge line topography who doesn't have any of that information right so there are some outstanding questions that the board has about your application yep okay so you've heard their concerns about the size of the garage and it's its proximity to the sidey yard setback on Flemington Road okay question is would you be willing to come back with another set of plans that reduces that okay and your question is can you shift it towards your neighbor the question then would come up as to whether that creates a sidey guard setback issue on that property line okay the other question was what is the actual proposed height of the Building compared to the surrounding topography um because it doesn't seem to be shown on this set of plans A1 it's certainly not shown on the plans that were submitted with your application okay so there seems to be some you've heard the concerns from the board about those issues okay so I guess my question to you is do you want to take a mo take some time talk to your archit detect about these issues and perhaps see if your plans can be reworked to at least minimize some of the requests that you're making in terms of your variance requests do you understand Mr Johnson would it also be a good um opportunity for the architect to come before us to explain what is proposed for your home you you can do that you can bring your architect next time it could be very helpful so that the board has an understand a better understanding of what like the finished product might look like and what impact that might have on your neighbors and the surrounding area okay okay do you understand yep so would you be willing to to come back on after you have maybe reworked your plans a little bit you don't have to they can vote on your application tonight but you heard the concerns that they have with respect to the application as it's currently being submitted yeah a vote without all the information is you know can I just mention something regarding the height if the height was an issue they would have needed a variance for that and if they didn't need a variance at all whatever the height that it is now is what they would have received the permit for current true yeah yeah I mean that's I don't think the Height's probably not an issue in terms of the ne the need for a variance it's not on there I I don't anticipate it being a variance but again we're going from one and a half to two so we're getting taller um it looks like from the numbers unless that property has got some severe slopes to it it looks like it'll be okay but it's just something that should be verified right and the zoning officer would have done that y seems that seems to be no reason to think that that's not the case uh okay so uh we'll come back with their advice plan I'm sorry we'll come back with their advised plan okay so you're asking the board instead of voting on your application tonight you want to um come back on a different day and you're giving the board the extensions to make their decision until you come back with additional plans correct that's what you're asking us to do asking this board to do yep that's correct okay we have a DAT are we giving him back these plans or are we keeping this I going ask do we need these back or do you have another copy that would be an exhibit wouldn't it that's an exhibit exhibit we have to keep until the cas is finished okay um July 24th and July 24th be the back dat back okay so you're got to so we're going to carry the case with all extensions necessary to for the board to make its decision until July 24th okay okay yep do do you understand what you need to do yep just come back with their advice plan and make submit set of revised plans yep before to to Nora y before you come back okay you need to submit revised plans to the zoning department so the zoning officer can do the review gotcha do you have enough time July 24th yep that's enough time okay okay do you have any questions no questions okay yeah you need a motion uh motion to move to the next meeting on 24th so mode second with all necessary extensions with all necessary extensions soe second all in favor y anybody opposed yep all right we'll see you the 24th make sure you get the plants to Nora and we'll see you then thank you sorry to zoning board not Nora no I don't want them doesn't need I'm going to give you all right moving on application 24 colon 19 Jason bull clac 8 citrone way block 750 lot 7 Zone R2 looking for a c variant to construct a shed on a stone pad with wood border and roof structure over an existing deck contrary to section 430-10 I and section 43035 columns 10 and 13 okay can you raise your right hand please just swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes okay can you state your name and spell your first and last names please Jason block loock j a s o n b l a c l a c an address your address y 8 Citroen way parity New Jersey 07054 all right you're looking for a 10x 14 foot shed on a 12T by 16t Stone pad with a wood border and a 17 by 22t roof structure over the existing deck um section 430-10 I yards and courts open deck your existing is 16.62% and you're actually bringing it to 23.93 tell us about your uh needs and the reason for doning yep so uh I'll go with the shed first so on the plan you can see where my current shed is um currently got the that the lower spot or it might be the lowest spot in my yard so a lot of water collects there and unfortunately that shed the floor and the bottom uh walls are starting to rot so in order for me to not have to rebuild it and have the same water issue happening again I'm now going to move it to a higher part of my yard and if I'm going to be moving it uh the might as well go a little bit bigger uh I currently have a two car garage uh currently have one car would like to eventually get a second car so the stuff that is occupies that other garage would then move over into the new shed regarding the proposed roof um Sun typically rises in the front and then sets in the back so in the afternoon on a like a day like this it looks nice to to go sit out on the deck but then after 10 minutes it's extremely hot and bright so thought about getting potentially an awning uh to to give some shade and we have umbrellas out there but um we' want something a little bit more permanent a little bit more robust so that's the reason for uh that proposed roof [Music] area are you going to be removing the existing shed yes anything else you want to add to that [Music] or not that I can think of right now questions from the board anybody I have a question I see uh I see the you've been adding the garage but you're also extending the roof correct uh oh what about the garage yeah over the garage you're expanding the garage Char from 10 by4 from the existing shed correct putting another shed yeah put new sh so this will be what second one other one's going away yeah okay you're removing the existing yeah so also have one shed in the backyard it'll just be in a different location and slightly larger okay any other questions no no anybody have any questions of this buness see none here none good okay uh anybody wish to speak against this Varan or in favor see none hear none do we need any uh so anybody all right anybody want to make a comment on it yeah this is a reasonable request for the benefit of the family yep so I'm in favor of soone want a frame resolution application 24 col 19 Jason bull black La okay yeah eight C block 750 Lot Number 7 Zone r-2 to is isue or Grant a seance to construct a shed on a stone pad with wood border and the roof structure over an existing deck contrary to section 430-10 I and section 430 d35 column 10 and 13 motion second somebody second I second second burtz yes bani yes jtz oh sorry he's not here Quinn and I want to apologize I missed you uh last time Quinn yes mozarella yes Teddy yes ready yes all right Mar is approved we will memorialize this at our next meeting July 10th and you can go on ahead at that point thank you very much thank you have a good night all right application 24 call4 Paul Martino 1181 n road block 495 lot 2.01 Zone R1 looking for C variant to construct uh for construction of a patio with trellis roofed and covered loia a pool housee and stairs contrary to section 43013 B uh one and 43-35 column 13 can you raise your right hands please you swear or affirm of the tesor that your B should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do I do can you state both of you state your names spell your first and last names and provide us with your address please uh Deborah Martino d e b r a m a r t i n o 1181 n Road intin 075 Paul Martino 1181 no Road Putin really it's the end of Lake hawaa all right so the variant you're looking for 252t patio with trellis uh 270t roof covered loia if I'm pronouncing that right uh 198t square foot poolhouse 9 ft of stairs uh contrary is section 43013 B accessory height there's none existing allowed is 15 your proposing 18.2 and impervious coverage section 43035 colum 13 the existing is 3838 allowed is 20 and your proposing 40.1% talk to us tell us okay so we're looking for a little increase on the impervious if you know my house I'm the last house on N Road by the river on River Road and n Road and um it's a very secluded place I really have no neighbors I own the property to the East and to the West we're heavily wooded in the back across the street is the um I guess it's the No Man's Land of the golf course which I cut and maintain and keep it nice there I've made a lot of improvements to this property over the years you know I take a lot of pride in it and um I'm I just I'm turning 65 and I'm ready to retire and my wife told me that I can't come home till after 5: so I need somewhere to go and we've always wanted a pool house and uh you know our our yard is very sunny and it's again it's very hot and sunny so having something like this would just be a an added value for us um you know we don't have any detriment with neighbors or or public or anybody driving by um we try to keep a very low profile but it would be something that um we've both been looking for for quite some time so if you could explain to the for the board the the ordinance requires that accessory buildings which this pool housee would be can be no more than 15 ft you're proposing 18 ft 2 in why is that the architect did that okay do you know why do you know what the reason well she would have been here but she's actually on vacation she's traveling otherwise we would have brought her I I think part of it is in the dimensional way it lays out like we wanted to have a little storage area in the back then enough to fit a little kitchen there um an outdoor sitting area TV you know my M my main request um and then we just have like a little pergula over it so I guess when we dimensioned it out and how it would work for whatever dimensional Lumber it was and whatever the uh kitchen area was liances that's how it came out okay thank you do you have any architecture plans with you that can show what it's going to look like yes I think we supplied them with you but Mark that as A1 that Mark that as [Music] A1 got it burning thanks yeah this is all that we're going to hang out to that if you want no you can yeah I would have brought more if I knew but we we submitted a budet so basically what it is is you got to go back to the microphone sorry yeah we got to get your on record the closed in part is basically just a storage area just to put the pool stuff because I have to bring it to another yard to store it so if you look at the enclosed structure that's just like a maybe an 8 by8 area for storage then you have a uh an area with a roof over it just to have the shade that's where we're going to have the little kitchen area a little sitting area the TV and then you'll see just a Pera outside um up on top so that's [Music] open and they have columns there that's just another sitting area and just add some interest there is there going to be anything in the Attic area where the roof is no they see there's a window up there it's all open it's it's open so when you ask just for Aesthetics when you're inside sitting down it goes up to an A-frame okay so that's all open in there all right so but it still doesn't really answer the question why went from 15 ft to 18 ft were you're talking about the dimension or the height the height the height that's what the variance is for CU well I think I I thought the variance was for the imper we were looking for two variances one for the height of an accessory building 15 ft is permitted you're looking for 182 yeah I guess really what it comes down to is just the you know the pitch of the roof and the slope of the roof to make it look symmetrical and and balanced you know I I I don't think it's for any you know we're not looking for storage or anything like that and we're so far removed from everybody I that's why we're asking for the variance I'd rather have it look right and and you know and work it kind of mirrors what our house looks like the roof angles and so it's kind of a it's supposed to look like what our a little bit like what our house looks like and the property closest to this structure is owned by yourself correct correct on both sides you could stand in my yard and see nobody see nobody any other [Music] questions so as far as I guess my question from the imper coverage piece of it you're saying your nearest neighbor is not impacted at all with as our property is it's it's basically a hill coming down right to the river so water is not an issue um we've had no well the only flooding we've had recently is our neighbors property slid down into the river and they're trying to do a clean up now but it's like a beaver dam there so lately the water's been on the lowest piece of the property but we've had been 25 years we've never had an issue there at all and I but I guess the the issue is more so of your neighbors rather than their neighbors my neighbors actually drained to my property so not an issue any other questions comments anybody in the audience have any questions for these Witnesses on this see none hear none uh anybody want to speak for or against this see none hear none as well we need a conference or we Mr chairman if the board is is inclined to approve this I would suggest the condition that the applicant go to the township engineer and verify compliance of the ordinance with respect to a minor development for storm water there's a there's a chapter in the in the ordinance that if you're not a major development which this is not there's a specific calculation for dryw storage and all that stuff based upon the new impervious cover would you be willing to make sure you be conform you conform to that in the resolution when I spoke with them though they didn't mention anything of that well it's just it's just in case they come look at it and everything's fine and he may very well say no I just seeing this now and I don't have the book in front of me to know what the trigger is not a problem he certainly don't want to have it happen after the fact right um anything else anybody no so we want to frame a resolution I think we're good application 2414 Paul Martino 1181 n road block 495 lot 2.01 Zone R1 Grant a sea variant construction of a patio with trellis roofed covered loia poolhouse and stairs contrary to section 430-1347 35 column 13 with you want storm water sir you want storm water be verified by the township engineer all right verified by the township engineer for stormwater second ready berwitz yes Rani yes Quinn yes M yes Teddy yes ready yes okay you guys are all set we'll memorialize it at the next uh at the next meeting which is July 10th and if my wife doesn't want me home by 5 I'll see you in the chat thank you I like to thank the board thank you have a good night guys good luck by the way you've done a beautiful job with your property over Years thank you so much all right application 24 col 28 aan Hassan 188 Edwards Road Block 698 lot 31 Zone R3 SE variants to construct a habitable attic with bathroom and Loft area creating a three-story dwelling contrary to section 43-35 column 11 okay can you raise your right hand please just swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give should be the truth the whole truth and nothing about yes can you uh state your name spell your first and last names please and provide us with your address first name ifon i r f n last name Hassan H SS an 188 Edwards Road bney New Jersey [Music] 07054 all right you're looking to construct a habitable habitable attic with a bathroom and Loft creating a three story dwelling contrary to section 43035 column 11 maximum stories allow is 2 and A2 and you are proposing three um the zoning ordinance section 4308 terms define attic is the open uninhabitable space between the ceiling beams top habitable story and roof Rafters in any building talk to us about your plants uh well the house is in the flood zone and we cannot have have a basement uh and we need some area to store our stuff so the attic we are thinking to use as a storage space and uh I have older parents and uh if they are putting a stuff away and they need to use a bathroom they probably couldn't able to make it down to the bathroom so we was thinking they can have a bathroom upstairs and uh whenever they are using the storage area they can use the bathroom they don't need to rush downstairs so basically the attic is kind of a seller kind of a basement for us because we are in a flood zone and we cannot have a basement in this house so excuse me the attic space is going to be for your for your for your family also to live no it's a pretty big house the house is 4,000 square ft they're not going to live we're just going to use as a storage area okay but you mentioned something about your family using the bathroom upstairs rather than going downstairs am I correct in assuming that uh well if if you're upstairs and you're an older person you want to be comfortable like you want to finish while you are there to store things you can use the bathroom in that area instead of making downstairs so what else is going to be in the Attic besides the bathroom just storage just storage nothing else so there's going to be stairs from second floor second floor to the third FL and they're saying it would be more advantageous for the elderly to climb up those stairs to go to the bathroom is that what you're telling us no I'm saying if they're up there for some reason and they need need to use the bathroom they can use the bathroom in the Attic instead of trying to rush back to the second floor to use the bathroom it's not a it's not a bedroom it's a storage area so why would they be but you're asking for a bathroom up there it's going to be a storage area but you're asking for a bathroom correct that is correct yes yeah I mean if you're just using storage attic the basic premise of an attic is storage without needing to be a bathroom understanding that you know um yeah I use the bathroom quite a lot myself but uh we're talking about storage you know I I I don't know my mom my mom takes forever when she's putting the clothes away she she's there for $4 hour5 hour it's not intended to be any living area that is correct no they're not going to be made into another bedroom area upstairs no we cannot do that why wasn't this in your original application when we granted the two story house we didn't think of that and while we was building the house we realized hey we have no basement where we going to put all the stuff we have uh and then we change the plans that hey we can use that for a storage are you making any changes to the exterior at all not at all and it's your testimony that you're only intending to use this area for storage that is correct and that you need the bathroom just in case your mother is up there and to storing things and needs to go to the bathroom that is correct okay she's she's she's old she takes her forever to get up the stairs just want to make sure I understand your time so just kind of I guess from our standpoint up here you know we we worry and talk about in the future when you sell the house or things like that then the next person could come in and just as soon turn it into another floor to live in um and you know obviously you're telling us that's not going to be the case but with a bathroom and you know storage space up there it's it could be easily turned into that um and that that's where our concern lies and obviously you know uh three story thre story houses are not something we normally go through obviously so um that's where we sit on it that's where I sit on it I don't know well the windows are very small we only have have very small tiny windows they're like foot and a half wide by 2T top that's the only thing we have up there uh plus we have our uh Heating units are up there so it's not something comfortable and the house is 4,000 square ft so we have plenty of bedrooms downstairs plenty of bathrooms it's a pretty big house and anybody is going to be in future if I ever sell going to be buying a house of this size I'm sure they're not going to be living in an attic because attic is going to be extremely hot are you putting a shower in there I'm putting a shower in there yes well uh my mom is sort of a handicap she has to have use after the bathroom she needs to use the standing shower to clean up it sounds from your testim I don't like someone is going to be living up there um that's not possible because I have five bedrooms and five bathrooms in existing house and nobody needs to live up there all the way in the Attic then why do you need a full B uh because when you're building a bathroom adding a full bathroom can add a more value to your house and the cost wise it's exactly the same cost so for me it was like for a future it will be a low hanging food the house will say like six bathrooms instead of saying a half a bath but the cost wise building that bathroom is going to be exactly the same I think kind of five bathrooms is one thing and six bathro isn't going to sell me the house personally um that wouldn't be what would sell me the house based on what it looks like with the six bathroom in the Attic well I'm not looking to sell the bathroom but like in future just to add a value different we have we have some ordinance yeah it's on there that's that's what the that's what the the same exact thing do you have any other testimony or any other evidence you would like to present you have question okay is the house occupied now no it's not okay so so it's not done being it's not finished yet yeah yeah and have you built the attic to the height you want or the height the town wants the height Town wants so it's the plans what take part what you have there and make it bigger no nothing is changing in the structure well the height is uh it's not it's exact same height the only thing you're doing is adding the bathroom just adding the bathroom inside that's what you're asking this for to do is to get Grant you the variance so that you can add the back that is correct yes that make it considered habitable that makes it all right so so turns it into a third story yeah so the third story piece of it is when you put a bathroom on a level it makes it a habitable level which in turn creates another story in the house and in the town uh ordinance is no three-story home so as it exists now it's not considered three St without the bathroom it's not habitable it's not yeah not habitable it's just an attic right I thought you had something to do with height no it doesn't the he right in the right spot there any other questions any other questions Sor so I'm sorry FR I got confused problem so you're saying nobody lives in the house right now it's under construction yes so it's like your mom goes there so you want to be proactively thinking for her so she's elderly right so but if want have you thought about going mom going up to the attic is equal to going down right I don't have a basement that's the whole point no for first floor she lives on the second floor correct right the bedrooms are on the second floor so she coming down is she coming down like 15 Steps is equal to going 10 steps above no what I'm saying is if she's in the Attic storing stuff are trying to bring stuff okay she can use the bathroom while she is up there oh yes so basically so how many times would Mom go just I'm for your mom not for at right how many times would we go into the attic keep on working there and then we end up having that situation and not not frequently maybe maybe probably in once in a month maybe exactly I'm I'm trying to save money for you yeah right this is something very basically eliminating the shower basically means toilet and the sink it should be storage exactly if you put a bathroom or something extra that is livable it becomes living habitable Mr Hassan would you be willing excuse me would you be willing to eliminate the shower uh I can do that okay does that change the do it still needs a variance but it might alleviate some of your concerns not sure or Min half bath yeah just limiting a half bath instead of the full bath well that's what he's here for that's why he's here that's the Judgment we're going to make that's the call you're going to make any other questions from the board any questions of this witness from the public anybody wish to speak for or against this variant proposal from the public see none hear none commentary do we need to go into conference I think we might all going to conference yeah somebody start no no you're in conference now or you move that you're going into confence move that he's going to confence move we go into conference all in favor I opposed okay conference is on what do you think I'm I'm concerned about the uh the uh the shower in the bathroom area um I think if you eliminate that I think that would sit a little better with this board I think I I I get hung up on we've had cases like this in the past and we've kind of you know not looked at it from the standpoint we've always looked at it the standpoint of becoming habitable down the road and that's the concern I think that I have and I I understand you're looking for mom to have be comfortable up there but I just think adding a bathroom in the antic is just that's just for storage is is a bit much in my opinion yeah same thing with me uh especially attic is very hot in the Summers and all a people even should not be going there even for hours not not for hours even for minutes sometimes but however even half bath or full bath that becomes a habitable so say recently we had couple of cases where we denied the applications so uh there should not be any bathroom or any it is strictly for storage purpose I will agree well I don't have a basement so mostly confence denying not denying him place for storage just denying him B corre Storage and that's just what he's looking for the bathrooms I I have a problem with a bathroom in an attic it becomes to me it becomes a potential living space but really shouldn't be there so I'm anybody else you yeah I I agree with what you all said I feel more likey when safety safety issue as well because of the plumbing and all the stuff in attic I know you are you don't have a basement but attic definitely is not a good yep okay uh anybody else anything in full agreement with everybody else here motion motion to come out of conference someone all in favor opposed all right anybody want to make some comments publicly well than you I at the point where someone is going to frame a resolution of denial that anybody want to frame a resolution but I'm looking for my uh agenda so I get get the right numbers I got you got it I got it uh an application 24 Callum 28 for if on us on 188 Edward Road block 698 L 31 in new R3 Zone I move that we deny the request for receive variant to construct a habital attic with the bathroom uh and Loft area and that uh deny the creation of the third story to the second second I'm sorry who second that second ready okay uh bur just so I'm clear I'm clear we're voting yes to deny yes okay burth yes grani yes Quinn yes mozarella yes py yes ready yes all right it's been denied uh can I G back with the half a bathroom you can make another applic appliation consider but based upon the comments in conference doesn't seem likely they would look favorably on that but you're welcome to make another application thank you as of now you just had an attic for storage we're not we're not denying you an attic right just a bit just a bit motion yes all right at this point I'm going to make a motion to go into close s close session oh do that first whereas the open public meetings act PL 1975 chapter 231 permits the exclusion of public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the township of Barony Troy Hills Board of adjustment is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist and whereas the township of Pary Troy Hills Board of adjustment wishes to discuss attorney client privilege regarding Pacific Outdoors versus part Troy Hills Board of adjustment and whereas minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the above no longer requires confidentiality the minutes can be made public now therefore be resolved by the township of parity tro Hills Board of adjustment that the public be excluded from this meeting motion for a Clos session so Mo second e e