that's solid that totally solid oh yeah well hello everyone welcome to Paran high school and I'm going to call the meeting of the Paran Troy Hills Board of Education to order on June 18th 2024 in compliance with chapter 231 Public Law 1975 entitled open public meetings acts adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as specified in the act in the following matter a meeting notice was published in the newspaper and on the district website on January 17th 2024 in addition the notice of the meeting was posted at the municipal building in the schools in a copy of the notice file with the Township Clerk and transmitted to other newspapers on June 7th 2024 these include the Daily Record The Star Ledger parsipany Focus tap into parsipany parsipany patch and of course the district website this regular public board meeting is being video recorded as per bylaw 0168 the recordings of these meetings will be available on our District website and our video on Theo YouTube channel we ask that you please refrain from using student or staff names in your statement and professionalism is expected at all times may I have the roll call please Mrs Abraham here Mr baros here Mrs kogan here Mrs mayor here Mr Rea here Mrs Chappelle here Dr Wright absent um Mrs Golder here m Mr chappa here please stand for the pledge to the flag to the FL of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right we are up to our student committee reports uh Emily for the high please hello everybody Paran High School senior Sunset was on the 12th from 7: to 9:30 finals started on the 13th and lasted until today but they're now over um the uh elections for the student council board next year have been out the president is Eva schmeer vice president is Medina rahamat the secretary is Zenia jahagir the treasurer is Karishma sha and the Board of Education liaison are Emma Gonzalez and Sharia parar the Project Graduation deadline was on the 14th for the event the Juniors chose their parking spots today and Senior brunch was on the 19th before the graduation rehearsal and graduation is on the 20th from 9:30 to 10:30 that's all thanks Sia please hi everyone members of the boys and girls La lacrosse teams went to goer children's hospital and dropped off their donations for the gold out games donations included gift cards and some toys for the patients in the pediatric oncology and hematology Center the first set of senior portrait dates for class of 2025 will be July 9th to 11th in the auditorium class of 2027 had a popsicle fundraiser after school last week today was the last day of finals and graduation practice for the class of 2024 today was the last day of chomebook return and to receive a graduation gown graduation is on Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and then Project Graduation is at Advent Adventure Crossing USA on Thursday from 8:00 to 6:00 a.m. thank you uh thank you uh do any board members have questions for our student committee seeing none uh today is also the last day or the last board meeting for Sia so I um truly have enjoyed having you as the board liaison um you have done spectacular job I'm presenting for the hills and uh you will leave big shoes to be filled uh for next year so thank you for everything you've done really appreciate [Applause] it we we even have uh Refreshments for you and the C no it's not for you but um so at this time we're going to um sorry yeah and Emily you'll be back next year correct oh no oh you have a new there's new on from okay well well so didto what I said about Sona I repeat myself but know thank you so much for your your time and efforts this uh this year uh we're going to suspend the regular agenda this evening for student awards I'd like to congratulate all of our students who will be uh receiving Awards tonight night uh at the end of the presentation there'll be a brief recess and there'll be Refreshments available in the cafeteria and at this time I'm going to turn this over to Dr Suter good evening welcome and before we begin I'd like to congratulate all the award recipients and we really wish you a safe and happy summer don't forget to read without any further Ado going to turn it over to miss Stout M out good evening I'm going to ask that each team or music grp group that we call up to stand up and come to the center aisle which is right there over by that desk then I'm going to call you forward one by one and you can come up and get your Awards will board members Mr rehea and Mr beros please come forward to help present these Awards okay we're going to start with the Brooklyn Middle School orchestra director Mr Adam ulit if those students can please line up here the north Jersey music educators Association Elementary honors Orchestra if you can line up in the center row right over there okay we'll start with violin Anna ladis Nora [Applause] twon railen Leo Rosemary certa [Applause] Anika Pata for the viola we have Raga Saha and for the cello we have Ryan Medina maroquin North Jersey music educators Association Middle High School honors Orchestra for violin we have sanana Baran [Applause] tan Johanna John Peter for the viola Michelle Lucas [Applause] Gomez for the cello Sharia bat nagar [Applause] ziram toos and Chloe [Applause] woo for the next group I know some of our students won't be here as our eighth graders had a Dorney Park trip but will the north Jersey school music [Music] association all I did was step away but okay North Jersey Music Association intermediate region Orchestra for the viola Laura Lee mazada [Applause] next up we have the north Jersey school music association intermediate region Orchestra for the cello and the north Jersey music educators Association there we go okay North Jersey school music association intermediate region Orchestra cello and the north Jersey music educator Association intermediate Allstar Orchestra cello Jeffrey Lee and Arnav [Applause] Shaw next we have the Brook laon Middle School choir Daniel hazer Hazel is our director the north Jersey Music Association intermediate region choir if any of those students are here you can line up at the center [Applause] aisle soprano 1 is Lair Desai soprano 2 sfia diakite and Gia Phoebe and Alto who is here with us Saturn [Applause] [Music] [Applause] leang and now I'm going to turn it over to Mr Gray from Central thank you Mrs Stout Central Middle School band director Mrs Kristen cappuccino students who participated in the NJ SMA Elementary band Festival if you're here tonight please line up in the middle row okay Cassidy Deany was unable to be here tonight Zion hakani [Applause] Ray [Applause] Keller gunar rabenda [Applause] Zachary Schwarz and next Central Middle School chorus Mr Adam aguano director our students who accomplished NJ SMA intermediate region chorus status Raji Sha [Applause] Mahi [Applause] Panda Aran chacula Gilden [Applause] Lee Wyatt Griffith was unable to be here tonight and hini DJ Canan and next I'd like to introduce Mrs Melissa kuchi precip High School principal thank you Mr Gray uh first this evening I'd like to present Awards to Paran High School band directed by Mr Greg L and Miss Ain neglio so if you're here to receive awards for band this evening PHS students please line up in the center aisle North Jersey region one band North Jersey area band Ian Ali base clarinet Wind Ensemble [Applause] also North Jersey region one band North Jersey area band Carlos Ramirez baritone Sachs symphonic [Applause] band North Jersey area band Dominic caponegro tuba symphonic band Christian jacobo clarinet symphonic bands AJ Roman clarinet symphonic bands and Khloe young trombone Wind Ensemble now I'm going to hand it over to Dr Thompson we'll go back and forth with parsipany hills Awards as well we'd like to to ask the par Hills band uh to come up all the award winners and line up in the middle Isles please New Jersey school music association region band New Jersey All State band Nathan Lee think I failed to mention our directors are Michelle Christensen and Michael aapa North Jersey area band Maya [Applause] nir Shri narra John Gand Gander John shivakumar Isa vava [Applause] Lala North Jersey area band North North Jersey school music association Regional band Allison Kai Elizabeth Elven [Applause] Roshan matcher anag [Music] [Applause] Mundi North Jersey school music association Regional band Matthew ho [Applause] I'd like to uh now ask for our parcion Hills choir students to come up and line up in the middle Isles our director for the par Hills choir is Sarah mson okay I'll just njmea New Jersey All State mixed choir jayen Royal Morris area Honor Choir North Jersey school music association region one mixed chorus MJ mea New Jersey All State mixed choir hiy Stringham Morris area Honor Choir Victor hate avantika [Applause] lakshman sherah Jah Nicole NRA Morris area Honor Choir North Jersey school music association region one treble chorus Georgia [Applause] warley Morris area Honor Choir North Jersey school music association region one mixed chorus Lilith Dow I would now like to ask our parcion Hills math team led by Eric burkowitz and Katherine Driscoll to please come up and line the middle aisles High scorer on the team that led phhs to win the second place in Morris County in the New Jersey Math League high score on the team that led phhs to win the third place in the pi section of the 46th annual AMT NJ contest Ain masselon ran Masson High scorer on the team that led phhs to win the second place in Morris County New Jersey Math League Maya n amog [Applause] samaja heat sha Shri NRA John Gand here John Shiva [Applause] Kumar high score on the team that led phhs to win to third place in the pi section of the 46th annual AMT NJ contest Association of Math teachers of New Jersey suj Faldo [Applause] AAR karney sha Lum Lum asage Roshan matchi Kesha Patel cidi Patel Tista [Applause] tulan I'll now turn it over to Mrs kuchi I have the honor of recognizing paron High School baseball team coached by head coach uh Kenneth dokin any students that are here to receive athletic awards in baseball please line up in the center aisle first team All Conference Matthew Parker first team All Conference Kevin rean First Team all conference all academic team Brian [Applause] SAA second Team all conference all academic team Mason alamaa second Team all conference all academic team Romeo Cabrera second Team all conference all academic team Nathan [Applause] kamacho and honorable mention all conference Justin [Applause] aosta yeah I'd now like to ask our par Hills baseball team to please come up and line up in the middle aisle par Hills baseball we'll start off with our first team all conference all academic team Andrew Phelps and Joseph Catelli second Team all conference Thomas [Applause] rert second Team all conference all academic team Roco gou yelmo Jacob [Applause] forgat honorable mention all conference NC Nicholas [Applause] Yano next we'd like to present parcion High School golf coached by Michael Mueller if you're here to receive a golf award please come up to the center aisle First Team all conference all academic team Ana Patel honorable mention all conference Madison [Music] delae honorable mention all conference Ronin wanie like to ask our parsipany Hills golf team Award winners coached by Marty Meen honorable mention all conference Rohit viswa thank you i' like to Now call up our Pary High parsipany Hills Regional boys lacrosse team please come up and line up in the middle [Applause] aisle our regional boys lacrosse team is coached by Head Coach Travis Blau make Sprint first team All Conference all academic team first team nji L Kimber division Zachary delori First Team all conference all academic second team nji L Kimber division Xavier [Applause] baleros first team NJ i l l conference Kimber division first team NJ AC conference Colonial division Malik alzubi second Team all conference all academic second team NJ i l l Kimber division Owen Garcia honorable mention NJ L conference Kimber division honorable mention njac conference Colonial division Damian carrian we would like to thank Mr Ray and Mr beros for presenting the awards at this time I'd like to call up Mrs kogan and Mrs Abraham I'd like to call up parcion high school's girls lacrosse coached by Miss Amanda de Jessa girls if you're here please come to the center aisle second Team all conference white division all academic team Emma stra [Applause] [Music] first team All Conference white division third Team all County all academic team Ava [Applause] teresi first team All Conference white division honorable mention all County Gabriella venola Panucci honorable mention all conference white division Samantha vidello [Applause] like to recognize our parcion Hills girls lacrosse team coached by McKenzie Gallow if you're here please line up in the middle aisle first team all conference all academic team Kimberly jandor second Team all conference all academic team Haley [Applause] Kells honorable mention all conference Stephanie [Applause] sabilia persy High School softball team uh athletes coached by Miss Paige Merl if you're here please line up at in the center aisle all count coaches team Julia [Applause] budich All County coaches team Ava [Applause] leesy First Team all conference all academic team Sophia MC Ride second Team all conference all academic team Georgia kachulis honorable mention all conference Ariana Z [Applause] jaac we now like to call up our parpy Hills softball team coached by Dan Olen please line up in the center aisle first team all conference all academic all Morris County coaches team Jada [Applause] Thompson First Team all conference all academic Jasmine [Applause] Sloan second Team all conference all academic all Morris County coaches team Carolyn [Applause] Hutchinson honorable mention all conference Karen [Applause] [Music] basil like to call up parney High School tennis team coached by coach Michael Miller if you're here to receive an award please come to the center aisle team sportsmanship award NJ conference Liberty division Maxwell Booker Chester [Applause] Brawn ronac [Music] pel V H Patel again these are team sportsmanship award n Jack conference Liberty division chrish papalia daru [Applause] R Roth noal Ren jren sack theel Ron [Applause] [Music] Jen and yug Radia honorable mention all conference Liberty division second doubles chrish papalia vihan Patel now I like to ask Coach Dave banavani to come up and our parh Hills tennis team honorable mention allc conference Dev Krishna I'd like to call out paron high school boy spring Spring Track coached by Russell Smith any athletes receiv receiving an award for Spring Track please line up in the center aisle first team All Conference Liberty division all academic team first place 800 meter n Jack championship third place 800 meter N2 G2 State sectionals arav garge second Team all conference Liberty division all academic team third place 3200 meter n Jack championships arav tiagi honorable mention all conference Liberty division Aaron yagi next up is parcion high school girls Spring Track if you're here to receive an award please line up in that center aisle our girl Spring Track is coached by Shan rembecki here we go first team all confence Liberty division all academic team first place 4X 100 met pen relays second place 4x400 met third place 100 meter third place 200 meter n Jack championships second place long jump and third place 100 m MC championships first place four by 4 by 100 second place 100 meter second place 200 met third place triple jump N2 G2 State sectional fifth place triple jump G2 state championships Amanda Dean first place 4X 100 meter pen relays first place 4x1 10 and2 G2 State sectionals Kylie [Applause] holler second Team all conference Liberty division all academic team first place 4X 100 meter pen relays second place 4x100 meter and Jack championships first place 4X 100 meter second place 400 intermediate hurdles N2 G2 State sectionals Miriam [Applause] candel second Team all conference Liberty division all academic team Maggie Lech [Applause] first team All Conference Liberty division first place 4x1 100 pen relays first place 100 meter second place 4x400 meter n Jack championships first place long jump second place 100 meter MC championships first place 100 meter first place 200 meter second place 400 meter first place 4X 100 meter N2 G2 State sectionals fifth place 100 meter 7eventh Place 200 meter G2 championships Jacqueline Reed honorable mention all conference Liberty division lyanna [Applause] [Music] Roman now I like to call up our boys par Hills boys Spring Track Team please line up in the center aisle coached by Michelle Perry Mark Smith Kimberly HCK Chris Wells and Karen binski these team members were the moris county relays small school Champions mors County individual champions of the small School Division following people were all part part of that team Divine Blackwood Lewis caponegro okay yeah thought they'd be quicker no I don't think I don't see him Lewis caponegro Ivan Chen Damen [Applause] corales Marcelo [Applause] dorio Michael [Applause] Holden Brandon Wang Brandon was the first team all conference all count all academic sectional Champion group two state meet uh state champion meet of Champions qualifier Daniel janeski Daniel is a second Team all conference all academic member Christoph for [Applause] janeski carak Keen Jam mavan carkin is the second Team all conference and all academic Clark lerza [Applause] Raphael Lindsay Raphael is First Team all conference Michael Lindsay Brian Mets brillan Moore brillan is second Team all conference all academic Nicholas olivaria Benjamin Olen Matthew Padia manav [Applause] Patel V Patel aayush pavin a is second Team all conference all academic Zachary Richards pal Zach is First Team all conference all academic Jason Rosen chai Royal chai is First Team all conference all County all academic sectional Champion group two state meet uh state champion meet of Champions qualifier Efrain sha Efrain is honorable mention all conference Julio tatis Julio is First Team allconference all count all academic sectional Champion group two state champion meet of Champions Matthew tesi Simeon Washington Simeon is First Team all conference all County all academic sectional Champion group two state champion me of Champions qualifier Irvin [Applause] Wilson Mina Yanni Andrew Zang at this time I'd now like to ask our par Hills girls Spring Track Team to come up are you going to all righty is there any correspondents to come before the board Mrs Tedesco yes there is to Andy chafo president and all the pory Board of Education members it is with deep gratitude that I write this note of thanks for the beautiful gift you presented for my retirement I'll cherish it always as I will always cherish my red plate for being env's teacher of the year I guess North veil's teacher of the year your Rec your recognitions over the years have been very meaningful thank you for your continued hard work and dedication to the children and staff of our district it has been my honor to be part of the education system for our town best wishes for your continued success sincer sincerely Laura Nelson very nice very thank you Mrs Nelson is there any unfinished business to come before the board seeing none okay before we go into committee reports that was just a couple of things um we are still working on identifying a a third meeting date with the uh mayor and the two count Town Council Members uh he's reached out to me on a couple of occasions just expressing that he wants to have this next meeting and I believe um he's now working with Joanie given we have a total of 10 people five from each side that we're trying to schedule uh dates with so uh we'll continue to to uh pursue that um hopefully it's sooner than later as I think we're making some progress and I don't want the delay to uh derail that progress there was um a a mayor's Round Table uh last week and um topic was um high density developments uh driven by affordable housing mandates as well as pilot programs and uh there were a couple of board members who were in attendance and there was an explanation of tax Collections and how these impact school budgets uh and we had a discuss with the mayor of um Mount Arlington afterwards to talk about how they're handling um high density housing and pilot programs there and would anybody like to speak on on that anything they heard from the mayor's Round Table Mr bario sure thank you Mr President um I guess the only thing I wanted to add was out of the the five Mayors who attended the round table um it appeared that uh three took a little bit of a different path um than our mayor and I forget who the other mayor was at off top of my head um but one of the things I think was a clear understanding that came from I would say pretty much all of the surrounding Mayors who attended was the communication between the township bard of Ed and the other stakeholders was really key um especially if you were part you know the uh the mayor of Hanover Township um spoke about um his uh uh ordinance that I believe he personally wrote is all part of the faulknera agreement in which basically it dictates if we do a pilot this is how much each stakeholder that's their percentage of it um and I think in their case like for example the Board of Ed gets like it was 37 or 34% and it went from there so um it was definitely interesting to hear the other mayor's philosophy I mean the mayor of East Handover Township just said we don't do pilots um now again they're not the same size as parpy but uh you know it wasn't a one-sized fitall discuss discussion which I was pleased to hear different perspectives on that thank you thank thanks Tim any questions okay thank you um the Educational Services Commission of Morris County's mission is to provide a variety of services to the districts of Morris County and the surrounding areas they provide many Innovative programs to assist districts meet their statutory and financial responsibilities to the students and community and they're particularly noted for their special education and transport transportation services one of our own uh board members was elected to the ESC of Morris County's board of directors so I like to congratulate Michelle Chappelle on being elected to the [Applause] board um as a reminder the annual NJ SBA Workshop will be uh October 21st to the 24th so please let Joanie know that you uh are interested or not and we are looking forward to our upcoming High School graduation ceremonies on on Thursday uh June 20th uh if you haven't heard by now we have moved the graduations to the same time beginning at 9:00 am on the 20th Dr Suter anything to add to that I was going to mention it in my superintendence bulletin but now that you have perfect it never hurts to repeat something um so Madame attorney uh bring this on you not looking for an answer now but there's been some um discussion about the Oprah Reform Bill and I was hoping perhaps for the July or August meeting you could maybe summarize what that means to a public body like the Board of Education be happy to thank you very much and that's all I had so committee reports I know there were some changes of date so I'm not sure uh who has a report or not so I'm just going to go down the table and if you have a committee report early aison report uh please feel free so I'll start to my right uh Michelle so for personnel uh we had no U residual issues to discuss so we meeting was cancelled um and then I did have the ESC uh meeting where it was the reorg meeting for the year um and so that really was the order of business nothing else thank you sheel I don't have any meeting reports uh thank you okay thank you Tim thank you Mr President uh policy has not met we're scheduled to meet um early next week but I do have a leaon report from the uh Town council meeting of uh June 11 2024 um so basically um there was a a lot of discussion well to hear I i' I've written the report up unfortunately I did not get it to Mrs benos in time for her to distribute it but everybody hopefully has a copy and um I will uh I sent a copy uh to Mrs penos to put it up on the uh on our shared uh Library there so you have it if you want to refer to it um it was pretty much a standard um council meeting but there's a couple of areas that I would like to get into a little more detail um I spoke to Mr chafo about and he suggested that I expand on it a little bit so during the mayor's report um besides you know um he spoke about a lot of things that were happening in town uh the the new police officers that were uh were sworn in but he did touch on the uh mayor's panel discussion and about the tax Appeals and so what happened and what has been said uh on Monday at the round table by uh by the mayor and then Tuesday was repeated again at the um council meeting was that I guess in 2022 23 um the township lost roughly $2 million in tax tax bills now I do not believe that that is what they're they that's what they had to lose as far as their tax base was concerned I'm not really sure I was trying to get information on that and it's a little hard to get a hold of unfortunately but uh we'll go with the number 2 million in ratables um that uh the mayor said they had to pay what he pointed out uh which he always he pointed out on Monday was that 63% of that impacted the School portion but that the township doesn't get that money back and that um the board or the district keeps that tax money so I've heard this now a couple of times and it was bothering me because it's not how I understand it and I wanted to do some homework on it um so and I'm sure repeating this to most of everybody here at this table who knows this already but I'm just going to repeat it again because I like to hear myself disc talk um so in 2024 25 it looks like the township is facing $1 billion in tax appeals um and I believe they're roughing it that if they were they understand they're not going to lose all the tax appeals but they are going to uh probably sustain about a $700,000 loss to that effect or or more in in tax appeals um before I go too far into that also um the ladex plaza development which is 500 Park which just opened up I believe it is um is now heading into phase two um there's a phase two happening I don't think they've actually started the uh process yet but what was also acknowledged was that although the first initial phase was not a pilot which is payment in Li of taxes but second phase there is going to be a recommendation to do a pilot and at least they're anticipating it and the mayor acknowledg that you know again this would be by order I mean the the council would have to approve their request for a pilot so it's not here yet but they're anticipating the the ask is coming so anyways getting back to the tax appeals um in doing my homework and I attached it to the uh back of the last page I believe it was I did some homework and I'm citing the actual ordinance not the ordinance was sorry the statute New Jersey statute njsa 54 col 3 -21 and this is a summary you can all look it up because I double checked my my uh my stuff here long and short of it is the school school districts in New Jersey are primarily funded through local tax property rate taxes the school budget is is determined based on District's operational needs and remains fixed regardless of changes in the tax based due to successful tax appear uh that is in the statute so basically it's not like if the town loses money in tax appeals that the school district would produce the check for 63% of that loss or whatever percentage that loss might be um so in doing more homework on this besides the fact that the school district um the school district bases their budget and then comes to the board for a budget approval on the tax ratables that the town provides the school district so if the tax ratables on a home is let's say $500,000 then we'll base our budget on that number that's given by the town it's not made up by the district it's not made up by the board um you know it's something that we get from the tax assessor um so um in the uh in the immortal words of Paul Harvey the rest of the story is is that yes if we lose if the township loses a large amount of ratables then the next budget um uh time we will get a taxes we will get a rateable assessment that'll probably much lower than what we had this year and with that having been said then when you go for your let's say the 2% which we work with you're probably going to get less the district will have to be able to fund now there's a lot to that formula um so it's not an absolute but the bottom line is is that it's obviously key that all parties um you know are understand what the the issues are with the the local taxes and how appeals affect the district but I think not totally understanding the context of the mayor's statement that to give a misunderstanding to the public that if the township loses a million dollars in tax appeals that the district is somehow getting away Scott free with 63% of that um I think is a is a misunderstanding of the way this works and um so I want to you know don't know if anybody has any questions I try to be as clear about this in my write up as possible again I cited the statute and I also U was able to get information from our Morris County Representatives who helped me tremendously as I was doing my homework um and again this was on my own because I really felt that I was misunder understanding the way this process works and I was relieved to know that I was fairly untarget there were some things I didn't know but most of it was core and I think that um to our business administrator and the team on the finance side my hats off for working what is seems to be a very complex uh uh situation here but uh yes you know once the the board or once the district puts out their budget that is what will will run the district for the year irregardless whether we are getting more taxes because of development and and our ratables are going up or what we're losing and the ratables are going down those numbers for us that's what is determined runs the district so that is my report there are any questions uh Mr R uh yeah two two things on on the um the first of all if if there is an appeal and we lose and the town loses some Revenue we still have to educate the same number of students correct so it's really not there's no relation between a number of students being educated and losing tax revenue on a building the second thing is doesn't the town if they think that there is a vulnerability on on tax revenue from a building going under don't they set up a reserve for potential uh Revenue that won't be realized or at least have like an allowance for possible but maybe I I'm getting a shake of the head that they don't but maybe they should maybe that's something that has to be considered and I know that's not our job but that is just something that they should probably be consider considering there are probably a lot more qualified people sitting at this table than me that could probably answer that but I didn't get the sense that that would be the case jtim thanks for putting the effort and the research for that I appreciate it uh Mr Reay any committee or L on reports I don't have any uh committee anything to report we do have a palal meeting this coming Thursday uh on the 20th so I'll report on the next board meeting for that thank you Judy uh the only thing I'll mention was I went to that second teacher um recognition ceremony and there were some pars ofan teachers recognized and it was lovely again and they were grateful that you know we were I was there representing the board thank you Allison I do have a committee report building and grounds met tonight and intended were myself Mr baros Mrs mayor Mr Chao Mrs Tesco and Dr Sutter the first item was summer projects the district is scheduling the summer work to be done Paving and floor flooring repair and replacement will be starting next week the jrw chiller the bids for this project were opened on June 14th the lowest bidder did not submit the correct paperwork the bids received for the the project were all over budget the PHS PHS pays lab interior alterations the bid for that project were also opened on June 14th there was only one bid received and it too was over budget so the district will rebid this project during the summer the mount cha Taber chairlift the bids for that project were also open on June 14th the bids received were again over budget but due to the nature of that replacement the district is recommending awarding the bid to do the project and I believe it's in our bulletin tonight um I gave an update on the recent planning board meetings the warehouse going in across from the ladex development is being questioned um by the community so the hearings have gone on for several times and that has not finished at the planning board yet the developments at sixsen way are also I think on their third or fourth meeting being discussed at this point no bus stop has been designated on that development but sidewalks have been added to the plans and then we the last thing we discussed was the rod grant for the phhs HVAC replacement this project is being partially funded by the rod Grant which has finally been approved there's a motion on tonight's superintendent bolletin to approve that award the project will will be bid in August of 2024 thank you any questions for Allison uh Susie I don't I don't have a specific uh committee report but on June 9th I did go down to Trenton for the new njsba County Association leadership training and what was discussed was um artificial intelligence and they discussed how it's being incorporated into the classroom and they discussed the one of the topics that were discussed was plagurism and how the different uh school districts are dealing with that and how everybody's trying to wrap their head around how because a lot of the kids are using AI to write their papers one of the things is is that you know the the teachers when they're reading the uh papers know the the um the way that that student writes in general and um they have a history with with that student so it's fairly easy for right now to um determine the only problem is that AI eventually starts learning the way that you speak and then we'll write the paper based on that so there's a lot of things that are not factual and um so they have so the student uh then has to make sure that even though AI is writing a paper for them that they go in and research it because they have to make sure that whatever information they're putting on it is factual but I will send um they did send us the the two one of the presenters was um of course I'm going to forget his name now he worked for us it um Barry haes I'm sorry yes I'm sorry Barry Haynes Dr hes and um and I mean the presentations were excellent and I will like I said share the uh two PDF files that they shared with us but it was you know it was it was 3 hours and it went by really fast so it was it it was um it was very interesting so maybe a consideration of us you know having a presentation by someone on AI wouldn't be a bad thing and the Department of Education has put a new link on their website which I can also share with you guys um because they also have put some parameters together and such but it's an ever you know it's changing rapidly but it's still at the beginning of it so it was very interesting thank you thank you Su any questions for Susie no okay we are up to the approval of the executive session regular limites of June 6 2024 may I have a motion please uh Judy uh Michelle roll call please Mrs Abraham yes Mr baros yes Mrs kogan yes Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mrs Chapelle yes Mrs golderer yes Mr Choppa uh yes Dr Suter we up to superintendent bullon number 22 I turn the microphone to you thank you president chafo good evening I want to give a special thank you to my bestie Miss Joanie benos for all she did to make this night so special come on give it up also I'd like to thank miss Karen Timberman for all she does in helping us this week she does a great [Applause] job I attended moving up ceremony at Intervale school on Wednesday June 12th and at Troy Hills on Thursday June 13th both Mr W and Mrs Mr Martens did a great job students and parents were all smiles and very happy I did see some sad faces for those who did not want to leave the fifth grade some parents as well um I attended Brook laws Middle School graduation ceremony on Monday June 17th um at Pary High School's field parney Hills High School field I'm planning on going to Central Middle School's graduation ceremony tomorrow at 9:30 at Paran High School field also please don't forget the parcion high school graduation ceremony is scheduled for Thursday June 20th and the time has changed from 9:30 to 9:00 due to the extreme heat notification of this time change has been sent to All Paran High School parents and graduates um finally parcion Hills High School's graduation ceron was scheduled for 1:30 on June 20th however due to the extreme heat expected at 1:30 we are moving the parcion Hills High School graduation to 9:00 a.m. for safety purposes a school messenger has gone out notifying parents Guardians and students of the change in closing I'd like to congratulate the graduating classes of 2024 I would also like to thank the hardworking employees of the parfan troyo school district as well as the Boe for a great school Year enjoy your summer stay safe healthy and relax tonight for your approval we have superintendent buleon items 1 through 54 with addendum and reading items 5 through 86 thank you Bob any questions on the superintendent bulletin seeing none Mrs Tesco secretary's report please hi everyone on tonight's secretary's report we have our regular business motions including several contracts for the 2425 school year does anybody have any questions thank you okay uh is there any new business to come before the board yes right see none we are now at the hearing of the public um at this time if there is anyone who would like to address the board please come up sign your name and address in the book at the lect turn and stay for the record and please address the chair um each person okay I'm not going to read that whole thing okay would anyone from the public like to speak okay public session is closed okay roll call vote uh superintendent bulletin number 22 items 1 through 54 with theend items 55- 86 may I have a motion please sheo Allison second roll call please Mrs Abraham yes Mr baros we cues on 21 yes to everything else Mrs kogan yes Mrs mayor yes Mr Rea yes Mrs Chapelle yes Mrs golderer yes Mr Choppa yes as there's no further business for the board may have a motion to adjourn Susie second Michelle all in favor I I we are adjourned