High School District Board of Education meeting uh this evening February 5th 2024 during this meeting two opportunities are given to citizens to make comments uh in order for a citizen to make a comment uh they have to be physically present at the meeting and during the first opportunity comments regarding the agenda items are um invited the second opportunity will occur just prior to adjournment when residents May address General comments to the board Mr Yami roll call please Mrs farges here Mr blundo here miss Calderone here Mrs Wang here Mr luisy here Mrs Martin here Mr Stanis here miss stepin here Mr Weaver here thank you uh let's now have the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting has been provided provided by mailing copies of said notice to the record filing copies of said notice with the municipal Clerks of Hillsdale Montville riverville and woodcliffe lake and Publishing said notice in the record on July 21st 2023 next on the agenda we have the minute the O oath uh we are we have to do an oath for Mr Michael Weaver I still have pictures I Michael Weaver do Sol swear do solemly swear that I will support the constitu of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and theti of the state of New and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true Fai and to the and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government estblished in United States St and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God I Michael Weaver do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by the law for the office of member of a board of education andif and that I am not disqualified as a voter pursuant to rs19 4-1 nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime or offense listed in njs 18a 12-1 I will and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my abilities so help me God all right there you go [Applause] okay uh next we have us to the for the minutes for the December 18th meeting in 2023 and January 4th 2023 uh can I get a motion please so moveed second second any discussion uh January 4th 2024 what did I say 23 I don't know maybe oh okay 2024 uh roll call Mr blundo yes on December 18th uh abstain from January 4th Miss Calderone yes to both Mrs Swang yes to both Mr louisi yes to dece December 18th abstained January 4th Mrs Martin yes to both Mr stankis uh yes to both Miss stepin um abstain from December 18th and yes to January 4 Mr Weaver uh yes to December 18th abstain for January 4th Mrs Baris yes to both next we have comments from the public citizens are invited to make comments regarding agenda items and are limited to 3 minutes according to the pasak Valley Regional High School District Board of Education policy number 0167 persons wishing to speak must upon being recognized rise sign in and state their name town of residence and which agenda item they are referencing and it doesn't look like anyone is here so we'll move on uh hello you can sit did you um I just got to the part about comments from the public on anything that is on the agenda so you came just at the right time if you wanted to speak about something that is on the agenda we just wanted to hear about jsh CL topics in the high school okay so how about this at the end when we do the the at the end of the meeting we have comments from the public on things that are not on the agenda so if you could at that time stand up and speak um that would be great oh is it oh I'm sorry I thought you were talking about something that wasn't on the agenda if it is you can stand but hang on let me just see which page seven got it okay my mistake so uh if you would like to so uh to speak uh this is the time we this would be the time to talk about it so you can rise sign in uh with your name your town of residence uh and then uh we already know which agenda item you're speaking about perfect timing okay that's it so what now so you have three minutes to speak uh so state your name your town of residence and then you have three minutes to speak thank you very much uh thank you for welcoming me here my name is Dennis Rosenberg we are from Woodcliff Lake we just moved recently from ferlon uh this is my wife Sophia and aan is my son my sonan was president of Middle School in faon we moved recently here so now he's vice president of the great and he initiated together with a couple other students the idea of uh putting together a Jewish student union or a Jewish uh Club in the High School uh so we wanted just to stress out the importance especially these days where when anti-Semitism is on uprise like I wouldn't say never before but let's say uh long time it didn't happen like that in in this volume so I think uh ER Jewish students should be United they shouldn't be separated from other students the idea is to bring values of and traditions to uh all other students to uh to teach them about that and uh to give the opportunity to Jewish students to be United and spend some time together learning about culture and spreading ER their traditions and culture to other students uh basically that's it I hope you will positively consider that the importance of this thing and uh I would appreciate it very much if we uh will start actually as soon as possible uh this uh uh Gathering uh of uh Jewish students in the high school we have a great ER teacher Mr Lots which is uh will be coordinating this we got H support from a principal and I a lot of students show up in the interest meeting I think about 70 students or something like that showed up to the interest meeting uh so uh basically uh thank you very much for giving us this opportunity and discussing this and uh we will we hope we will move forward as well as uh all other things for our students here in h uh Woodcliff Lake and Montville High School I have children also in H middle school and the elementary school so we we will we will be we have a long journey together here thank you very much thank you thank you Mr Rosenberg I'm sorry um I guess my question was I see that this is for pasak Hills um does anyone know if there's been any um activity at pasag Valley for a similar Club so they have a different construct at pasak Valley they have a newly formed um I think it's called in thank you uh Interfaith Student Union okay and uh the students who were interested there was a smaller number and they chose at this time to keep it through that club though they are always giv the opportunity to do something differently um if they want but I think that they felt they had some momentum uh with what that group had been doing and that was a new club that had formed this year as well great so I just wanted to address the family nice to see you again he T when we last saw each other I told you that you were going to come here and do great things so it's it's it's great to hear that you're already so involved and uh just your your presence here tonight with your parents on this topic um is appreciated so thank you for coming anyone else thank you very much okay so it doesn't look like there's anyone else to speak for the meeting so we'll move on to policy where we have three consent agenda items can I get a motion please I'll move second second any discussion I do have a question on the school calendar um do we know what the expectations are for juneth in terms of the federal holiday and when it's celebrated and what other surrounding districts are doing I I I thought I read I heard that the federal holiday is celebrated on the Monday even though it's not June 19th and so I know we're closing on the Tuesday I'm sorry we're graduating on Tuesday and that's the last day of school uh but if Monday is the federal holiday and I'm curious maybe what the other K8 District and surrounding districts are doing and if they're closing on the Monday um and how that impacts or or how that was factored into decision making on the calendar sure I'm not aware of any other surrounding districts that are closing on that Monday I know our K8 or not um if I hear anything or we get a directive we certainly can adjust any other discussion on policy no okay roll call please Mr usami Mr blundo yes Miss Calderon yes Mrs Swang yes Mr Lisi yes Mrs Martin yes Mr Stanis yes Miss stefins yes Mr Weaver abstain on one yes on two and three m varges yes next we have three consent agenda items for Education can I get a motion please second any discussion I had a question on oh go ahead no I had a question on number one so that's travel to Taiwan when would that be this the oh May 17th May 17th okay and and how much D due diligence have we done on the security uh front I like that Mr Lou right at Miss hang because she is one of the volunteers that that is helping uh with the Trope which is wonderful um I I don't have it in front of me um but they are working with uh a travel company as well as they've got gotten a report from uh the Department of State that looks like there's no concerns at this time if that were to change we would certainly um adjust but it the interesting thing about this trip typically our trips are not directly TR tied to curriculum this is a trip that is directly tied to curriculum um so they've done a ton of planning uh on what they're doing to support what they're teaching uh within the foreign language classes here in the building um but it's something that they uh would be keeping their eye on and uh both teachers um have been uh to Taiwan multiple times so it's not the first time that they would be taking this trip and it's not the first time they're taking students anything that I missed Miss [Laughter] Wang well I'm meeting with the two teachers tomorrow oh wonderful um one of them can't make it okay so they need someone who can speak Chinese to help with the 18 students that are going got it any further discussion good questions okay roll call please Mr y Mr blundo yes Miss Calderone yes Mrs Swang yes Mr Lisi yes Mrs Martin yes Mr Stanis yes Miss stefins yes Mr Weaver yes Mrs varis yes next we have human resources and there are 23 consent agenda items uh can I get a motion so moved second second well uh discussion please uh yeah I just um had a question that just clarification uh on the student clubs they're open to all students okay just said everybody yeah go ahead they are okay I mean these are teachable moments these are great ideas for cultural awareness and I think it's fantastic that they have uh these organizations where it's teachable moment agree thank you what I find amazing about the district is that like this example A lot of these are student driven clubs um so I'm proud of the students for getting that traction and showing the interest and actually making these things happen in our district any further discussion no okay roll call please Mr Yami Mr blundo yes Miss Calderon yes Mrs Wang yes Mr louisi yes Mrs Martin yes Mr stank yes Miss stepin yes Mr Weaver abstain 16 yes to everything else Mrs bares yes next we have Finance for which we have 27 consent agenda items can I get a motion please so moved second second any discussion yes so I do I do want to before I do the finance discussion I just want to say thank you again and uh so the way that that works that means that it passed and you're good to go for tomorrow so you can talk with Mr whe so thank you for uh doing that and thank you for coming to support him that's wonderful um I want to just bring uh our attention to something as I mentioned in December we were in the process of purchasing two properties um I'm so pleased to report that one of the properties 2011 West Grand which is the property directly adjacent to Hills High School um um is uh now our property so we're excited to begin the planning process I know right it should be like a um we're excited to bring begin the planning process over the next few years to determine how we might want to use this property um in the short term we're grateful to have the extra space and um in the long term it'll be interesting to see what we can uh you know grow and and facilitate with that land it's it's a little bit over an acre and a half and it actually uh goes along our Stadium pathway so it's the entire length of our eastern border uh including up into the woods uh so we're excited to be able to access uh that Stadium driveway a little bit more uh uh cleanly uh we also are um working with the town um as I had mentioned before to do a uh traffic study this also gives us a little bit more flexibility with regard to traffic because we now own more land going up uh West uh Grand so so we're excited about that I wanted to make sure that uh everybody kind of got that update and then we're still uh working on uh the purchase of the the house um for our Milestones program which is in hillsdown so thank you thank you Miss bot any questions further discussion no roll call please Mr blundo yes Miss Cal donon yes Mrs Wang yes Mr louisi yes Mrs Martin yes Mr sankus yes Miss stefin yes Mr Weaver yes Mrs vgis yes okay next we have old business uh anyone have any questions discussion on the old business Mrs Martin uh two quick questions um one I know we talked about um that some Wi-Fi for PV students was in the work wanted to know if we had any more update about that um and then way back when the um girls dance team came and presented to us and I know that there some things were in the work for that as well we could just address where we are with those two things so uh the extra funding for girls dance team is part of the consideration for the budget right now um so that'll be something that we talk about we're looking at uh additional funding for the girls dance team I believe it was ice hockey and swim had asked for uh additional offsets so that's part of um what we're looking at in terms of what specifics will be included to increase that leverage of the budget um so I'll say that will be that conversation will be forthcoming probably with one of our initial budget uh conversations um I'm sorry what was the other question um the Wi-Fi oh the Wi-Fi NeverEnding Wi-Fi oh my gosh how did I forget so actually yes we had a whole with this yes so we actually had a very nice conversation earlier today Mr Zeller and I spoke with the mayor in Hillsdale um specifically that we had a so where we left this off last let me actually back up for a second so we had a um agency come in several years ago to do a boost study basically you can pay as a commercial you know property we can pay to have like a commercial booster put on the building to increase the signal in the surrounding area at the time uh the professionals that came in said that they couldn't even give us a quote because there was not enough signal for them to boost so we actually now fast forward um to about a month and a half ago we've actually now contracted with a second company because the Wi-Fi signal has changed I'm sorry I'm saying Wi-Fi the cellular signal has changed slightly we think there's a chance there may be enough signal now to boost um so we um we do have uh another uh company coming in to do a would you call it an audit Mr Mr Zeller an audit of the cellular signal to see if we can now put a booster on the top of the building if we can then that's something that we'll bring back to all of you and talk about we talk to the mayor today because we had a call from uh Congressman goth heimer's office about uh cellular access in our region about two weeks ago three weeks ago uh his office is looking at areas like ours that have limited access because it's not just Valley it's the surrounding area um it's Hillsdale Elementary School it's all the way down um towards the golf down and up uh uh towards the golf course um as well so it's it really is actually we figured it out it's about a square mile surrounding the high school that has substantially limited cell service so his office got involved um and we spoke with the mayor of Hillsdale this morning who was going to be coordinating with uh the congressman's office to see if there are any funds to you know increase signal um the bottom line is that they've done several studies on this apparently a cell tower was put up uh in woodcliffe Lake like near Hillsdale uh a couple of years ago that may be why we're getting a little bit of a better signal now than we were um but it still remains um very weak I mean it's very difficult to get a cell signal um at pasca Valley um for our own internal workings um our radios do work there um we don't have security concerns about it because of that we also have it where students can get on the Wi-Fi to um uh g chat anytime so we you know uh Mr pucho will often say to parents you know get the Gchat app on your phone your kids can Gchat from their laptops anytime at all during the day um and can get on their own devices um at the end of the school day so that's kind of where we are uh once that company comes in and does the audit I'm very curious to see if there's enough signal now to boost because that would be a really nice conversation for us to be able to have thank you m can I comment oh please my concern is not during school hours it's it's the um athlete or band member that's there at 9:00 at night and yeah I don't know do do the coaches always stay till the last person I would not everybody does and they should well I know I get that but something happens they can't call mhm and then isn't there a tower I thought there was a tower on the corner of everdell and Pont is that not a it looked like looks like a tower I don't know no I'm not sure where that is think so because they get horrible reception over there even I know but how do the how do the homes get how do the homes they don't they use the horizon or whatever because I know Deer Trail has none back there neither does everell people that live on that street just don't have it I actually live in that area now too and I don't have salice at my home it's it's a frustration I did uh I did learn that River Val apparently got permission from maybe the county or the state to put a sail Tower up out near the public golf course um but as far as I can tell they haven't started the planning process of that yet that would definitely impact us because when you look geographically um if you look at topographic map you can see that if there was a tower there it would absolutely hit um down so that's another possibility if that um project gets underway we do allow the students to get on the Wi-Fi with their cell phones um at night so if an athlete is there at night the issue is that um you know the and I think that parents now know where to wait because there are Parts in the parking lot where you can get cell signal and I see parents there like right like I hear I hear B parents kind of chuckling um but uh you can get you can get limited cell signal in the church parking lot and in the front of the building um and I think that you know that happens sometimes too with parents um but it's it's it's frustrating and you know short of us trying to build a cell tower which is not not at all feasible unfortunately um it's really difficult for us to to do it other than continuing to try to help facilitate the conversation in the larger Community okay just to to build on what Pat's saying can we if you haven't just give a I don't know if a reminder is the right word to these evening coaches to please not leave the facility if they see children hanging around waiting for a ride I'm sure they know it but I don't think a reminder can hurt I'll tell you what kids do because they don't want to be embarrassed and be stuck with a coach they pretend to leave and they go hide and the coaches leave I've seen it um so it's it's not on the coaches necessarily I think it's that they think the kids are all gone and it's not elementary school they're not walking and handing off to it apparent right right so just to piggyback on on this question we had talked about this three four years ago Mr blundo or Mr usami maybe you can refresh us because someone had come in and propose putting something on top of the school y was that a separate Tower or is that the booster that's being referred to and our questions were with regard to then disposal of it and taking it down and who would be responsible for it and I believe that was during Dr gunderson's time and then we didn't really talk about it again until recently yeah I think it was a booster I think Mr Zeller met with some people and that was where uh where Miss bot me Miss bot mentioned that there just was enough to boost so that was the Boost they realized that there's nothing to boost um we did we did ask an architect to go check this out because they had done something similar in another District so I reached out to this architect since he had experience in it um he checked but unfortunately the carrier said no they're not doing anything at this time and I think that's what I had reported a couple of years ago I think that may have been with Dr fishbine yeah so then what is uh uh gimer what is his proposed solution to this does he have a proposed solution uh his uh request was uh to be able to talk with the township about it so I think his solution would be directly related to something that the township uh could consider I'm not I'm not sure directly we should also follow up with riverville we don't have to wait you know make phone call and call them and say is it in their plans and um if so what's the timing why do all this they're and if they're running into any bureaucratic snags we could potentially put pressure on whomever that might be because it's a safety issue at a high school so um I I would recommend reaching out to them seeing where they are if anywhere sure well the shame of this is we've been talking about this for at least three or four four years and then if anything were ever to happen then everybody points fingers at each other and it was someone else's fault so if Josh gottheimer is out there and Josh would like to throw some money at the problem uh rather than ask the township and then the township points back to the federal government or the state government uh there needs to be a solution to it because we've been talking about it for too long I agree I think this is this is more of an urgent matter this should be at our Forefront right now because I'm really concerned if this was here I would be all over this every single day believe me this is really this is serious um you know uh I don't like this at all that they're not able to get access to the outside world so this is really concerning to me anyone else part of uh so just to uh be clear about what the congressman is talking about he's talking about federal funds that can go only to townships or counties uh to build facilities we wouldn't be eligible so we've you know we we've talked with him now um two or three times about whether or not we our area would be eligible for those funds but um the TP would have to agree to to do it so and I know that I think I shouldn't say this I'm my understanding is that uh these funds were secured for the township maybe six years ago and um the the uh voters in the township neglected to you know move forward on it um so I think that that's part of the issue is that there's only so much that we can control and we're trying to you know within our sphere of what we can do I feel like we're trying to do as much as we can this new study that's coming I'm hopeful that they can get a little bit of a signal because like I said there's definitely some signal there now whereas you know four years ago there was Zero signal so if we can get that to happen that's something we can control do we still have a safety oh sorry sorry um Sarah would would would it help to have maybe a joint meeting with the the townships and have the school board involved or somehow is there something that we can do to kind of you know not just River Veil Hillsdale like just the just the neighboring towns to get everybody involved possibly we spoke with the mayor this morning he left it with the mayor of Hillsdale this morning he left it with us that he was going to speak to congressman gottheimer this week um and then uh you know let us know if there was you know anything there that he felt Could Happen um so we can certainly follow up with him and see if it's something that we could do um to do that but I think that um the townships would have to host that um because they're ultimately the only ones that are eligible to get that funding but we can certainly facilitate that and you know continue to ask questions by that though if they got the funding let's say the town of Hills they got the funding is it that it can't be housed on our property like the pasc valley property or is it just that it it could be housed on our property oh okay um so it just has to kind of funnel through them but it could be yeah I don't know all the ins and outs of it but there are schools that have sell boosters and cell towers on them okay um yeah I I I I if we you know if we learn that there's any Avenue here I feel like then we can have a you know a larger discussion about the actual Logistics of that yeah yeah Stephan's point do we still have a Safety Committee because that seems like it would be the appropriate committee to invite the township and the congressman to participate in a meeting to discuss this topic because I feel like unless we initiate it and we drive it then it's just going to get continued to be bounced around and go nowhere as it's done for the last four years at least if not safety could fall under Wellness I mean that is wellbeing of students so I think Mr Weaver is bringing up a good point and I would also like to say facilities yeah facilities is another one um I think we need to be relentless Sarah I think you're you're right in saying it's got to be the town you also mentioned another entity that we haven't contacted which is the county right we are we are residents of the county of Bergen they are eligible for these funds and I don't think we should take a passive approach I think we should be aggressive we should call riverville we should call the county you've already established communication with Hillsdale be relentless come at this from every angle cuz what I'm hearing from just about every person here is that there's a high level of concern so I would not wait just my personal opinion I would be proactive and go to them aggressively I I just want to say that uh we have done our part I mean we have contact there is no real emergency issue for the school cuz we have access we have the Wi-Fi we have all the radio access and everything else the issue is you know outside of school hours uh students and even residents in that neighborhood around are even more at a disadvantage because they don't have access to our frequency and our and our ability to contact out so uh in a sense it's a it's a community thing we've done we've done a lot we've done our part I don't want people to think that you know the schools aren't able to you know make contact you that we have a situation we are um but again this is cellular and Wi-Fi different things so we have the ability to get out I'm not sure it's it's a community thing though didn't it get voted it didn't get voted the funding didn't get voted on what I'm saying is it's a neighborhood thing those residents that are in a dead Zone as well right no that's true but the I don't know who voted if it was a public Vote or if it was people coming out to the township committee but I do know that there was a plan that was squashed um right that's what I'm saying the the the security concerns are much more acute when you have children of that age whether they're second grade or uh seniors um so I'm not sure people outside of that really see how uh Joe mentioned right it's it's it's it's really concerning like I I I I I I think we waight I agree with Joe on this yeah okay we can follow up I'll follow up with uh the Hillsdale mayor first just because I know we just had a conversation with him um and then in the meantime I'll follow up with rivale to see where they are on the proposal that's supposed to go by the golf course because that could be a a big help and then I would actually suggest if we're going to to do um if we're going to facilitate a meeting with the Mayors I think it should probably be board leadership not to put that on you guys but I think that makes sense that's fine and if that if the if the board consensus is to have board leadership uh participate in such a meeting and follow up on that then we can just move forward with that as well do you want me to find out of the county who to contact oh that would be wonderful yeah thank you I think the other thing is also in the meantime while we're waiting for all this to happen um do the kids know the Wi-Fi like does the Wi-Fi automatically go on at 251 when school's oh okay all right I just want to make sure because Sports and things like that if there are even if there are parents who you know something happens and a parent but there's not really students there is there a way to maybe put the wifi in those places that we use like the the the gym um you know after school hours Wi-Fi password or something like that just so everyone has access to it because I that makes sense you're you're right of course they're going to know my apologies yes you're right but that's only py students when we bring outside children in and rent out the facilities right they don't have access right this is only something our students have and there's a lot of tournaments with uh K to 8 not but fourth to eighth grade the issue though um the issue is that we have a closed Wi-Fi network we don't have an open network so well well if you have the password you couldn't no you have it's like you have to log in individually you like you you like yes you have to have thank you you have to have an account with our Network yeah oh all right well then yeah it's even more of a safety thing I feel like because I I do if it was open to everyone that would make sense that like okay not a big deal you can get on but since you can't now um I do think because there could be a home a visiting town that comes in you know an adult could have a heart attack God God forbid you know that something like that did happen um we' need emergency services and so so you can access anybody that is on the Wi-Fi you can access 911 from your cell phone so as long as you know even at just we always have somebody in the building custodian um otherwise uh we also have phones and aeds in every space and if you pull the AED Off the Wall um or trigger a fire alarm it sends out that emergency signal which I get it you know this would be a lot better if we could do that but there are some there are a couple of safety things in where if there's an emergency there is the ability to to uh to to call out but um I I appreciate that I think that's good information um I just do think in this day and age 2024 where we're at we should be able to yeah I think there's an expectation when when I think that when people visit the school there's an expectation and I will say this always bubbles up um in like September because incoming freshmen it takes them a little bit to realize kind of like to have their parents download g chat and to you know um you know figure out that they have to log into the Wi-Fi after hours and set up their phones that way um and we Al we also get you know comments and questions from parents so this year uh Mr poio did send out like a little update to freshman parents that said like hey this is what you can do this is what your children have access to you know don't forget to download the the Google chat app um you know you can do that but it's yeah it's not it's certainly not ideal I think that you know trying to get a meeting together with the Mayors is a great Next Step um quick follow up is it is it does it work in like on the soccer field on the football field does the Wi-Fi work there certain parts yes certain parts Wi-Fi or cell phone so there's Wi-Fi coverage all the way out to the tennis courts cell coverage you can get if you're on the bleachers okay so just to be clear if I'm a visitor from anywhere and I'm not connected to the Wi-Fi can I call 911 on your cell phone or generally on my cell phone possibly you can definitely call 911 from a phone in the building possibly is not a good enough answer for me especially when we're renting out these facilities to outside groups who are coming in and I mean the liability I feel like we have is enormous I agree I I do think that um you especially having this I think this is the first time we're really having such an in-depth conversation about this and I appreciate that a lot I do think that we need to put a little bit of emphasis behind this and so you know we have the facilities let's let's do it through the facilities committee um definitely it can you know let's not wait for a committee we're not we're not going to wait for that because I think having this discussion and really putting everything out on the table um makes it a little bit clearer and this is not something that is just on you know this is a entire District problem so I I do think that I would love to see this looked at more and I'm very happy that we've had this conversation thank you for bringing it up Mrs Martin any anyone else on this subject um yeah girls locker room I know we talked about this and I know we bought a new property but where are we in terms of uh the hills um girls locker room so the quotes that we got in were multiples of million dollars to even do an adjustment uh so right now the consensus the recommendation coming out of facility and I believe that we voted on this as a full board though it may have just been a report is that we are funneling our um Capital towards saving up to be able to do one of those projects um the alternate there would be that we do have a um bond that comes due in 2028 that we could potentially do a tax negative referendum on meaning that the endom bill would be a tax negative if that does come to fruition and something that the board wants to do we would start talking about that probably in 2026 20127 that would be something that we could build into that um that Bond uh to be able to do because we're really looking at to do it right you're looking at probably five or six million um to do it not even that great was like 3 and a half million um and honestly I think that the three and a half million proposal to me first of all didn't address the um it didn't address the the square footage issue um it did make the spaces nicer um but they were still not equal spaces so you know that's a lot of money to put towards something that's a Band-Aid um so uh I think it was maybe last fall last winter um we had a conversation about trying to just funnel Monies to save up to be able to do a a better fix on it because it does remain um an issue how long do you anticipate that would be so you said if it was the other option it' be like 2028 we talk about 26 yeah it depends on where the other projects are coming in so we've got two projects right now that we um had already uh kind of committed to which would be the two auditoriums um we're not getting great prices on those so we may we just had a conversation about this earlier today we may end up going back out to bid on those again um because they're coming in much higher than we had originally anticipated so it really depends on what the spending is on those two projects and then what's left over and how much we have savings year-over-year that's the auditorium project yes Auditorium the two Auditorium projects are what I'm saying are are uh where the funds are allocated correct I I asked like where how long would it take and it Miss bot said it would depend on where we get to with the auditorium and then based on that would be how much we'd save for the girls um locker room so I appreciate Miss stefin bringing this up so that I'm not beating the dead horse by myself anymore on it um I think my my concern is that there's still not a concrete plan in place again after four years now of talking about it uh with different administrations and different board members um and I think I'm concerned as well about the auditoriums I mean the auditoriums were originally budgeted on the the long-term plan at a million dollar and then it came back at like upwards of $2 million and I mean the auditoriums are not anything that I can recall us talking about in in fin or facilities where we've looked at or seen anything and that's still something that is sounds like is not getting done and there's really been no updates on it at least within the past year that I can recall um if we're looking at at doing something related to the locker rooms with regard to a a tax neutral um referendum then I would like to see that planning start now um because we know that there are other projects that need to be done um and if hopefully we learn the lesson from the auditorium that we thought it was a million but now you know the last I heard it was over two if we're thinking a locker room is going to be 5 to six five or six more years out um it's not going to be five or six anymore um and to know what other projects need to be done uh for example when we received correspondence from the the PV football program and their concerns about the the snack stand um that's probably another project that needs to be considered with with restrooms out there right because we don't have access to that and you know we've seen the porta potties if you've been over at that field right um so um again hopefully I feel like we were saying this this time last year too uh we can have those conversations and see that long-term planning um so that we can understand you know what projects need to be done and what those anticipated costs are are going to be because the anticipated cost for auditoriums it it it's more than double that right now which is why I think we're probably having so much trouble um getting them done so we definitely discussed this in the facilities committee with Robert it was also at about the same time when we were talking about acquiring the property on the other side of pasak Hills across the street and we were trying to balance all of the the finances and how could this all be done well that project obviously is not on the burner at this point um we definitely talked about Robert made a strong pitch that doing the auditoriums was a priority I I believe there was some abatement I'm not sure there was a reason so there's a there's a be there's a minimum that we have to do at the hills Auditorium that's probably going to be about 700,000 that's an abatement and the idea was if we're going to Abate it we might as well do everything but what I would suggest is perhaps Robert make a report to the entire board and not just the committee about where we are on these things so that we can all ask him questions and we can all see as a group where we are sure but it was all discussed that was the decision and the recommendation of the committee at the time based on Robert's input but some things have changed and obviously we're bringing it up again so we should probably have a presentation so specifically looking at an update on the auditorium projects the auditorium projects and then a discussion on where how we go forward with the girls locker room okay um we can mention the uh the snack State uh stand as well that that Mr Weaver brought up um but do it as a group because when we when a couple of us hear it and then somebody's absent and then we bring it so I think we should have a it seems like it's important enough to have a presentation from him sure's anticipated coming upw yep any more discussion I just have uh one more old business item uh know related to uh Miss Martin's I guess it was about the dance team and request for funding so when we had gotten the correspondence from the PV football boosters program back in I think it was October I know I had shared a communication just asking for you know the boosters raises money for I I I guess the football program um and then the questions were who else would use that facility and what are they raising money for and I know I had requested at the time could we get a report or an understanding of of what outof pocket expenses are programs all extracurriculars not just Athletics expecting of their students like how much money are we asking from parents if you're part of this club if you're part of that club um and how much who has the support of of boosters like which of those programs so these are all of extracurriculars these are all of our um requests this program is asking for $200 and then which programs have fundraising and boosters and how much are they raising because I'd hate to see one group be fully funded for something and then another group not receive funding for anything and be you know responsible for all these out of pocket expenses um so I know there was a communication back that we'd be able to get access to that um in a in a finance but we never had any followup so I can forward that communication from back in October again and maybe that could it's probably related to what you were speaking about um and would be good information to have as we're looking to fund different activities through the budget right and I have a quick question too when there's ad ions to like a wrestling match kids pay $3 adults pay five whatever does that go back to the programming or does that go where does that money go it depends oh I know like the state ones like the big games go somewhere else but as far as like the local like last week my husband went to wrestling he paid five bucks to get in does that go to the wrestling program or to the Athletics so yeah it might go to a generalized athletic fund but it might go to the booster club for example the theater program charges that goes into the theater budget the spring concert uh charges like a dollar at Hills that actually goes right back into like the coral to pay for um you know things specifically for that activity Athletics when they collect tickets so to speak um technically that should go back into the athletic fund and then can be used to offset um shap it's usually used to offet like chaperon security and other like kind of recurring expenses but it's not enough to cover those lines um unless there's somewhere else Mr you saw me that I'm missing that it goes too yeah yeah because it's like baseball games they don't charge wrestling they do sometimes we went to a dance that oh PV dance send off was amazing um but that they didn't charge for so it's like it's kind of hard to know what you're paying like I'm always with cash in Pocket I'm like am I paying to get into this what am I not um so I just didn't know if it went to a general fund or if this actually helps that that particular program yeah um yeah just the the general fund um yeah and then boosters if they're raising money that goes directly to towards them but I will say you know um at Hills the concession stand is actually operated by the senior class at Valley the concession stands are operated by individual booster clubs so it's a little it just is it's it's different by event and different by location so I think there in lies the question of you have the senior class running it at Hills and I imagine that goes towards their senior expenses but at Valley they're running it for specific programs so at Hills then the programs that aren't having access to those additional funds by the boosters maybe paying more out of pocket money whereas Valley the boosters are running the concessions which is reducing the cost or out of pocket costs for the players possibly in their programs so having that understanding of what's expected of of what families from each school for each extracurricular activity I think would be a a big help sure and if you guys uh you know um want to give me uh you know uh just a second because we did look into this and I feel like I have a list so just give me one second if I can find it quickly well while you're doing that if you don't mind me bringing up a point and I might have read this wrong so somebody can correct me but did I see that That Snack stand at Valley they're talking like a million dollars did I read that right so just just we have another solution but yes okay okay because you know a million dollars is never going to be covered by selling snacks okay not in our lifetimes so do you just take that million dollars and find a way to get it back to the to the programs we had the same we had the same argument at the the turf field in riverville oh we can host a Super Bowl and make $10,000 I can give you $10,000 for the next 100 years you know there's more advantages to the turf field but that was the point spend a million dollars to sell to sell uh concessions yeah our concession stand is like about $1 to $200 a week right so but you you have a cheaper solution which we can talk about with Robert when he comes yes yes yeah while we're waiting for yeah Miss bot uh I would like to say that I am super happy to see the entire board here today and I think this is a really really great meeting I think the fact that we've all put in input we've talked about things that we've talked about for years but maybe just really have been touched upon I think each and every single one of us including our student representatives are very important to this running as a board and um I really hope that we can continue to have more meetings where everybody is in attendance because it really is so each person's voice matters so much and um new voices you know with new input uh but the fact that we're talking about something like the Wi-Fi and have such a great discussion about it after all this time I think it really says a lot about um being together as a full board so I'd like all of us this year to try and make as many meetings as we can so that we can be a more effective board I'm out next week sorry how dare you um okay and then while miss well yeah I'm not finding it quickly but I'll I'll look for it and get back to you because I do have a chart that both athletic directors had put together um I I just am not I'm just not immediately finding it sorry okay okay no worries uh any other discussion for old business okay uh anything for new business so I did have two things we've been talking about such heavy topics I wanted to just be a little uplifting right so I drive through this hot mess of traffic every morning to to drop my kids off at school and uh parents the earlier you get here the better right if you wait till the last minute you have to expect to sit in traffic um and know how bad the weather has been in the fall with rain and the cold and and just what I've seen in the past month and I think today was the first day I've seen the sun since maybe December right so I just want to thank the custodians and the security I don't know what it looks like if Valley um but there's someone stationed down at the entrance um near the student entrance so the entrance off of Grand and then where the students enter the lot to get the kids in the lot and then to separate people off into two lines to keep it flowing and then there's someone who's stationed up at the crosswalk um getting the kids across and the teachers across and if not for those two individuals who stand out there in the cold and the rain every day um which is you know I imagine very difficult way to start your day um kids wouldn't get through here and the parents wouldn't get through here safely so for those individuals who do that every morning it's uh it's greatly appreciated and a Valley note I um I wanted to thank the girls basketball team you'll probably do this in your next report but um every Sunday before Martin Luther King Day dating back to I think 2004 the pasak Valley girls basketball team under the leadership of Coach Jasper they're really one of the first programs to start these benefit events that you see now with with in the fall with soccer in the in the in the winter and in the spring with different softball events for different charitable organizations so they've been doing it now for 20 years um he started it back in 2004 with I think Brian Dunn from old toan who was a teacher back at Hills uh back in the day and he's a great one who got away unfortunately um and they host a full day worth of game starting at like 9: in the morning it goes until you know probably 7 8 9:00 at night um and I think over the years they've raised funds for Autism Awareness diabetes uh Wounded Warrior um and this past event was for the Zach leri foundation and uh the event is really possible because the pasak valley girls players spend their entire day after their game volunteering their time whether it's in the snack stand or selling 50/50 tickets um and just the fact that they've been doing it for 20 years now and the fact that other programs throughout the state have kind of taken that idea and run with it um just speaks to you know coach Jasper's leadership and uh what he's done with that program over the years so just my appreciation to all that they've done um with that event and my thanks that's it thank you Mr we I guess with a newest if we're talking about the sports um PV dance team will be leaving for um Nationals in Florida so the best of luck to all of them and I don't know what happened today but the PV cheer program Advanced uh to tonight and if they did well tonight I don't know my daughter was there watching them and cheering on her friends um but if they Advance tonight I think they're the 16th uh they get to a big competition so yeah good luck good luck to the girls yeah any other new business uh I just have one comment to say about the Committees um so we handed everyone got the committee assignments um I would like the chair of each committee to if you know that someone is not going to be there if you could let myself or SAR know because if someone wants to sit in on a meeting I know you all want to do more for the board I I do see that um if you wanted to sit in on one of those meetings for a uh committee that you are not on um that would be a great thing so if if you know someone says hey they I can't make it the chair can always tell Sarah and uh Miss bot and myself and we can relay it to everyone and if someone wants to be there you know because we tried to do our best to you know work out these committees the way uh everyone requested um but you know there's only so many things that people can be on so just please keep that in mind do we have dates for anything yet or it's no not yet because it has to be worked out blah blah blah okay any other new business no uh next would be a section four comments from the public and this would be on um anything not and uh things uh limited to the agenda okay there's no one here um so can I get a motion for adjournment please so moved second second we're adjourned that