meeting uh tonight is April 8th 2024 uh during this meeting two opportunities are provided for citizens to make comments during the first opportunity comments regarding agenda items are invited the second opportunity will occur just prior to adjournment when residents May address General comments to the board persons wishing to speak must be must upon being recognized rise and state their name and town of residence comment be limited to issues if personal remarks or discording statements are made the presiding officer shall require the speaker to sit down okay uh Mr Yami roll call M FIS here Mr blendo M Cal Mr SW here Mr Lucy Mrs Martin here Mr sanis here Miss stens here Mr Weber here let's all stand for the flag to flag the United States of America to the for it stands Nation indivisible andice adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by mailing copies of said notice to the record filing copies of said notice with the municipal Clerks of Hillsdale Montville riverville and Woodcliff Lake and Publishing said notice in the record on July 21st 2023 uh we just came out of executive session the executive session was for legal matters and lasted for about 30 minutes next we have routine matters uh and I will be giving the report for the governance committee uh we met and we this is the first time uh to my knowledge that we're having a governance committee for the pasc Valley Regional District and uh when I had attended the Conference in October uh is where I really realized wow a lot of districts have these board norms and certain rules and things that need to be followed and um I really think having things in writing and we all us on the committee uh we all really agreed that having uh written out Norms were the best way to go uh just so anybody who's new that comes in um we can there's no question as to hey uh what's attendance like uh what what is expected of us like that sort of thing so uh really it was just a first meeting to sort of uh put our heads together and talk about what we wanted to do as far as in the governance committee and uh so we did we all did agree that we would like to have these written out and um anything to add you okay so that was it for governance committee next we have the curriculum committee and Mr stankis will okay so we had the curriculum and Technology committee meeting and it it was uh pretty extensive it's our our first one this year and uh just going to give you a few updates I posted things of from the supervisor AG gave a report sorry should I start again you're fine nobody wants to hear all that okay so the supervisors gave their reports about the year and what was outstanding in their subject areas and I got to say that the school is extremely proactive extremely ahead of the curve and it's just great to see all these positive things going on um I give you the quick qack update um qac is of course the state monitoring system of the school they visited on March 5th for a full day they reviewed our test score performance they review our curricula inrs procedures and practices they review our instructional programs and everything else uh our test scores showed outstanding Improvement they were among the very best that they have seen this year uh they especially uh we were especially commended for ELA and math in 9th and 11th grade our curriculum was well beyond compliant we were commended for our work and special notation given to social studies and math our IR IR RS practices are compliant and uh help to put in process a motion to assist needed students students at need we were also commended for our updates post pandemic they visited several classrooms at Hills and during the discussion I asked about well do they visit both schools and typically they'll visit a school and then they'll look at the uh structures and the nuances of the uh District overall so uh we got excellent scores in fact um Miss balot uh talked about how um the county superintendent actually gave us praise for how well we did in the qac uh survey and the overview so um we also get a lot of Praise from College Bound students I know my four children when they've gotten to college they've commented back fact that they were well prepared for everything that college threw at them because they went through the Pas Valley district and I think uh our students are very positive about that as well and it seems to be a continuing thing so then we heard from uh Dr Mark Russo um the others in in the different fields of supervision and uh if you want to read more about that I mean I I can go into detail but take all the time here we did have assessment updates uh we also learned about the technology plans going forward so if anybody wants to look at the report um any members it's all there all the things are out there it's okay with you we'll attach it to the Friday update so everybody can look at it yeah yeah that's fine I be great and it was I mean I think it was probably almost a 2our meeting so there was a lot you did a good Jobing the it is I I I really want to talk more about it but I know you know we're pressed for time and and things but you know it was really you see I'm just scrolling through here how many different highlights we have from every Department it's just amazing uh what we see right you would agree I actually I do I do agree with you I think it was fantastic I do think that it might be better if we had another update here where where the public could see M all the wonderful things our district is doing um I was just completely um just wowed by by everything the district was doing um and you know St you said you know this this it was very lengthy um really wonderful things um it would take up a lot of time to go into it but I love how Innovative um our district is the the AI incorporated into the classrooms I mean everything so it's just hard to um highlight specific things other than the qack which is what you did but again I do think it's it's nice when we have maybe maybe um at a later date if we can have another one where we're all present the public can hear it I think that's a really great idea maybe we can even do um similar to what we did last year we would do a couple any any questions from okay thank you Mr stanus sure next we have student report by Maline Gibbs from pasc Valley High School good evening my name is Maddie Gibbs and I'll be giving the PB student monthly report to start with classroom items item number one the PB jazz band performed at the New Jersey state Jazz competition prelims on March 4 they received a silver rating and qualified for state finals finishing fifth in their division in addition senior trombonist minl Quinn and sophomore Alto saxophonist mingyang Quinn received honorable mention outstanding soloist Awards the band looks forward to performing at the state finals on April 27th at Matan High School item number two as part of our study of Eastern religions specifically Hinduism the PB social studies elective religion in in America visited the baps swamin Arian Hindu temple in Robinsville New Jersey on March 8th we toured the temple in the campus observed two religious ceremonies and enjoyed lunch at the shiona cafe which was also on campus grounds we were very grateful for the use of a District bus that made the trip possible and hope to continue the trip with next year's class item number three pb's literature of the Holocaust classes along with several several other history and English classes had the opportunity to gather in the auditorium on March 7th to listen to Holocaust Survivor Mark sea W and his daughter author an Arnold share their family's tale of Holocaust survival for co-curricular items item number one PB model un had an incredible experience at St peters's University's model un conference students gained valuable insight into the workings of the United Nations and sophomores Jolie Ross and Sophie schmoyer wrote a position paper for the unea committee and received the award for most improved item number two the history Club had a busy month of February over 50 students attended Hamilton on Broadway to honor Black History Month the club had a movie night where students were invited to watch race a film about Jesse Owens in the 1936 monics Additionally the history Club was grateful to have the chance to hear from Sally fford speak about her childhood as a survivor of host item number three the Pas pasc Valley and PAs Hills stem League will be hosting 11 teams at a competition on April 16 in the new gym at P our competition will focus on a renewable energy source wind in particular all the teams will be challenged to create a prototype answer research questions create a threedimensional drawing perform an oral presentation in front of three to four judges and test their final solution against other teams all Board of Education members and administrators are invited to attend the competition we will have a keynote speaker at 8:30 in the PB Auditorium followed by the actual challenge of the new gy the award ceremony will begin promptly at 1:30 p.m. item number four members of the P PV and NHS walk to Meadow Brook on March 8th to celebrate read Across America week with the elementary school students the high school students read stories to every class and engage the students in a variety of reading and book rated activities and everyone had a great time for athletic items congratulations to the following witer athletes who earned First Team all Bergen County honors this is a well-deserved recognition for athlete and the teams they represent First Team all County athletes are Selena buich for girls basketball Jessica mocha for girls swimming Tyler Rothstein for hockey and Patrick CS for indoor track item number two congratulations to the following winter coaches on being named big North coaches of the Year these recognitions are a reflection of the remarkable Seasons the teams had and all the teams achieved over the course of the Year big North coaches the year are coach Johan Buchanan for girls swimming and coaches Gary Byer and Steven Schneider for wrestling item number three congratulations to Jessica mocha Amanda Bramley Nicole Choy Sally ruin and Brian Z were qualifying for the swimming state meet of Champions our five swimmers competed in two relays in addition to Jessica swimming in the 503e and 100 brro and Amanda swimming in the 100 back congrats on the qualifying for this prestigious meet and representing all pasak swimming for a fun fact during the the week of March 4th PB celebrated class cause week with events throughout the week to raise awareness and fundraising for our class causes the week kicked off with a PSA highlighting each class cause and advertisements for ways students could get involved all grades decorated the hallways on the first floor hosted events each day and participated in a school live volleyball tournament with all proceeds going to the class causes great job to all grades on raising awareness and funds for these wonderful classes and now for my joke how does penguin build its house it glues it together thank you so much thank you maty next we have U minutes can I get a motion to approve the minutes for March 18 R call please Mr usami oh I didn't say discussion i w have discuss so I was a little confused on the minutes it was regular meeting for four minutes executive meeting and then wasn't there a regular meeting after that yes um technically we always start in regular session so that's why it's 7 o'cl and then we go into executive and we come back out into open session so technically regular minutes open up at 7 do you any other discussion Mr call please Mr this yes Mrs Martin yes Mr Stanis yes M stens yes Mr we yes for regular abstain for executive was yes next we have comments from the public citizens are invited to make comments regarding agenda items and are limited to three minutes according to the pasak Valley Regional High School District Board of Education policy number 0167 persons wishing to speak must upon being recognized rise sign in and state their name town of residents and agenda item they are referencing there is no one here so we will move forward next up for policy we have four consent agenda items uh can I have a motion please second discussion roll call please Mr Yami this yes Mrs Martin yes Mr Stanis yes Miss St yes Mr Weber abstain three abstain four P 24 31.4 and R4 31.4 Mrs yes next we have education for which we have three consent agenda items can I have a motion please any discussion I mean since it's an overnight trip and my daughter just went on one I just want to acknowledge all of our teachers who chaperon students on these trips they're huge undertakings and um I think sometimes because I have one in my own house my daughter doesn't realize how much of a responsibility is for the adults who are taking them um and so it's it's appreciated it's a wonderful experience that we our students any other discussion call please Mr us Mrs cor yes Mrs Martin yes Mr sis yes M St yes Mr wheer yes Mrs bares yes next we have human resources item number six will be omitted so therefore we have nine consent agenda items can I get a motion please so mov second any discussion roll call please Mr us Mrs W yes Mrs Mor yes Mr stankus yes m yes Mr Weaver yes Mrs VES yes next we have Finance for which we have 22 consented agenda items can I have a motion please so move second any discussion so just like to extend my thanks to the Bur of Mel for their shared Services agreement with our SE SLE o3s I think it's a a significant resource we're able to provide our students in in both schools and wouldn't be possible without the the partnership with those those towns both Mel and Hills so my appreciation for them anyone else vot call please Mr Mrs Juan yes Mrs Mor yes Mr Stanis yes M steens yes Mr Weaver yes Mrs RIS yes next we move on to Old business I have an update so uh Elizabeth is not here uh Elizabeth cin had mentioned at some previous meetings about a partnership with Bergen County um with the alternatives to domestic violence Workshop um that are being offered free of charge to schools to be able to host she was very pleased um that that has come to fruition and the Hills Valley Coalition is going to be hosting that here at uh pasak Valley Regional on May 8th the workshop itself is called building healthy relationships a parents gued to recognizing and addressing team Dating Violence and you can find information on the workshop in uh Ken square or on the Hills Valley Coalition social media site um I did want to give update on the referendum um as I had mentioned before we've asked our senior admin team to begin to identify priorities for us and Mr usami actually very smartly asked them to consider priorities separate from cost first so first step is to identify the needs and the desires and um the direction that they would like us to see before we consider the cost that would be imposed on that as you know uh our BS come due in 2028 which means that we would have the opportunity um to pass a tax neutral referendum at that time or to ask for a tax neutral referendum at that time so we want to look at what will that look like and what would be included um in our at our May meeting uh we're going to have our architect present he's going to discuss with the board the first steps of what that referendum process would look like including his proposal for a full use evaluation and audit he also will discuss potential timelines and expectations with regard to where that audit leads and and what that would look like and then at that same meeting um we asked him to respond to the requests for a room utilization studies specifically with regard to the locker rooms um so he'll have those presentations at our May meeting cell tower um we've been in contact with the townships um specifically down at pasat Valley uh and we understand that to are being constructed in uh the area uh that may have a positive impact on our service down at pasc Valley one is um projected to be completed within the next few months to a year the other has a little bit of a longer timeline um that said as you know we engaged with a study um to evaluate if there's other solutions that we can have ourselves and um the results of that study are going to be presented at the April 28th board meeting um um which will include some alternatives for us to consider should the cell towers not yield an additional signal um so that we have that information at our fingerprints our fingertips should that not work and then with regard to the budget um we have a tentatively uh work to schedule a finance committee meeting between now and the budget adoption to go over the details um of the budget uh and also at that meeting we would hear from the athletic directors regarding not just boosters the question about booster spending but also the overall changes to the athletic budget um those changes are also outlined in a memo that we will be Distributing are we Distributing that now or we're going to email that Mr you me we're going to email that I think right yeah we'll email you guys uh the full board will receive a memo with the information that the finance committee has received thus far um and giving some highlights to the budget and the budget process uh we would just ask that you let us know prior to the budget hearing which is on April 28th if you have any questions that you want us to address and we also would open up if anyone would like to meet with us directly to go over the budget um we can do that either individually or in small groups or we could do that over the phone or Zoom or in person whatever is easiest for all of you um we're happy to sit down and go over any questions and details you have let us know if any questions that you may have uh Yas will give his annual budget presentation at that April 28th meeting which will include additional details as well those are all my updates for business thank you thank you Miss glot uh anyone else with old business so I do have a question on on our budget process that I I did bring up last year so our process is we vote on the overall increase which we did at the last meeting which I believe is 24 2.4% and then the budget is presented and we finalized our vote on the budget correct so it's hard for any board member if you're not on the finance committee to understand everything that's going into the budgeting process uh and then be able to ask questions on it so I don't know what to ask questions on because I'm not on the finance committee and I haven't seen any of the thought and thinking that's g into the creation of the budget um I know in speaking to board members from other districts they get the full presentation then have the opportunity to ask questions and then they vote on it um at at the second meeting so one uh I guess there was reference made at the last meeting to the fact that there were three retirements and we are not renewing or we're not hiring those for those positions and so that was concerning to me for a few reasons like what positions are they why do we no longer need them there was reference made to enrollment decreases what have those enrollment decreases look like um and so had that comment not been made it wouldn't have allowed for the opportunity to have that conversation prior to the board presentation where we're expected to vote on the budget right I'm sorry I don't understand the question so had there just not been passing reference to the fact that we're not like we're letting three positions go right we're in eliminating three teaching positions in order to make the budget work for this upcoming year is that correct are you talking about the report that was given during the preliminary budget you had made reference to three positions not being being absorbed correct right so there was no mention as to what those positions were and specific reasons why they were being eliminated because I think when you look at other districts and towns right it's a big deal when you have to eliminate positions in essence to be able to make your budget for the upcoming school year and so with no other information as to what those positions are and why those positions are being eliminated that's a little concerning to me so do you have more information on those positions and what they are so uh this is what I just alluded to that we'll give the full board uh the information that the finance committee received and we'll give that to all of you in time toie before we do the final budget if you have questions from there um I wouldn't categorize it as eliminating positions as absorbing um the reason that I say it that way is that we have um a number of sections that are not necessarily full uh and as we work through our sectioning report if we're able to absorb the sections into a single teacher as opposed to splitting between two teachers that's something that we're looking at prioritizing um also have a very small number of students who have signed up for uh certain subjects that we may be um shifting around so for example um I think that when all of said and done we're going to likely have about 11 uh retirements and resignations by the end of the year but we only need to backfill about nine of those positions and that's not because we're cutting something or eliminating a program or um you know not running things it's because we have fewer students who have signed up for particular sessions I'll give very specific example um we have fewer students who have been signing up for example for Chinese language than they have in the past we have two full-time Chinese language teachers it does not appear with the way that the schedule is currently working out that we need both teachers assigned fully to Chinese uh it looks like uh we can because our teachers often are uh multiple uh certificated um it looks like we can uh likely Shuffle that a little bit around uh so that one of those teachers picks up some sections in another area uh instead of having 10 sections it looks like we only need about six so when we're talking about um uh you know uh the resignations and how we're feeling I wouldn't categorize it as an elimination I would categorize it as an absorption and one of the reasons we're able to absorb is that when you look at where we were preco to where we are now um and Mr yam if you know these numbers let me know because I don't know them off the top of my head but I believe that we've lost upwards of 400 students so 440 students is uh the last time I was here so that was almost 10 years ago 11 years ago so it makes sense that there are some areas for which we may need fewer sections uh in order to still run the same programs the same thing happened last year um uh with some of our section we've been you know systematically looking for those openings and fing the schedule um you know with openings to give us as much flexibility as we can um without having you know a direct impact dist stent services so Chinese is one what do the other two um so I would have to uh give you the finalized sectioning report which we are still working on with guidance um but I can tell you things that we're looking at um whether or not this will be finalized I don't know um but one of the the areas that we're looking at is we have fewer students who have signed up to take French we have fewer students sign signed up to take Italian we have fewer students who have signed up to take uh various vocal music courses than they have in the past um so those are the areas that we're specifically targeting and we also have fewer students who signed up for some of our electives for example I think we only had three total students sign up for accounting this year and that's a course that we had run in the past so we're really looking at can we absorb that um you know those sections that we may have held a place for um thinking that other students would sign up or you know that we would eventually grow a program um we're not looking to necessarily do that because we can see in the last two years that those programs haven't grown um that they have had a decrease um we're still running French we're still running Italian we're still running Chinese um just perhaps not with the same number of stuff that we've done in the past the same thing for our music programs um we're looking at uh you know utilizing uh some of those instructors in in different ways so I know go a few years back when we were presented with the new schedule was to really the focus of the new schedule was I guess consistency across days and also to be able to expand the offering of electives so I guess the question is have we seen an increase in the number of students taking electives have students been surveyed on electives that they'd like to take and have we increase the number of electives that we are able to offer and then that goes to this where we're eliminating three positions which we are we're eliminating three teaching positions it may be be because of the man but with electives could they be repurposed in other places if that's a focus of the schedule I'd like to and I don't know if that came up inul yeah question here do do we are we working in enough flexibility to be able to to move according to what the students want as far as their cours workor in other words are we looking ahead and are we making plans right this this is really because yeah from year to year uh students uh preferences do change and the the demographics do change as well so are we factoring all those things in when we make these decisions and if we weren't eliminating through teaching I if it was a quote unquote need where else would we like what would be the Alternatives within the budget to look to cut from if not for teaching staff I I'm a little confused I thought we weren't you have retired teachers so we're not really eliminating we're just we're just people are leaving not refilling positions so it's not And to clarify no one is getting laid off or anything like that that's not part of this restructure right right I think it's semantics it's absorbed eliminated if if you have for example 100 teaching positions and next year you have 97 you have three less than the year before and that's few were teaching positions and so if a focus of the district a few years back in creating this new master schedule I mean it was specific in the presentation which was to expand elective offerings provide more opportunity students to take electives so my concern is like have we accomplished that goal um what percentage of students were taking electives you know we talked about Jimmy had talked about college readiness right we had also talked about trade work and had we have we been doing enough as a district to extend trade offerings for students so I don't remember any presentations over the last few years that we've surveyed students with to electives um if we have I'd love to see that data and that information um I'd love to see how many students have have are now taking electives During the pasc period or just using it as a as a study hall uh versus before um and I'd like to know if it weren't for these three positions not being filled and the savings that comes with it which is probably about $300,000 how much do we budget per per new position per hire about 100,000 each probably so if it wasn't for that $300,000 like where would that savings come from otherwise right it's just by not having the budget presented to us last meeting it doesn't allow for opportunity for those questions to be asked like we're then asking them the night of um so I think in the future it would help to have the budgeted information presented well in advance of the final quote uh but for this specifically it would help to have more information because I struggle with saying that we're absorbing three positions like not knowing where else other need in the district exists not having that full picture provided to us especially when we've created this new master schedule where we said we want to provide more offerings to students I think that we're gonna I think that you um if you hear from the directors I think they will be able to respond to a lot of your questions to be honest with you and also they've expanded business courses over the last so the electives are there there's plenty of electives for the students and I think that they have been listening and and really expanded on some of the business courses available um I'm just talking um I know that that there's several of those um and I think that um they they probably can respond to how the uh the students um I don't know if it is per survey maybe um Russo right it's both and and I think that the the presentation that we can ask them to give will certainly answer that I think the short answer here is that when we're talking about absorbing positions we're not talking about eliminating programs or reducing electives that's not that those are not the words that I'm saying specifically because I don't think it is semantics I think that it's specific we're not eliminating electives we're not eliminating programs we are looking at student need and we're looking at student desire and if there are courses that run with fewer than let's say you know eight students we're looking at whether or not we can offer them an alternate year classes because frankly it's not a great experience for a student to have only five students in a class if we can run those courses every other year and have 10 students that's a better experience um the other thing that we're looking at is we have 180 less students today um in 2023 24 than we did in 2020 um so that's why we're able to not fill every position that has left not because we're eliminating programs or reducing the number of electives in fact if you look at uh 2021 to today um we actually have increased our pass back period um elective offerings um meaning that students can now take two electives they don't have to take AUD and in 2021 um half of our student body had to take a study hall uh so you know in terms of that goal being reached um that is what we're doing right now students can and often do take um multiple electives in 9th through 12th grade uh whereas in 2021 when we had more students we we did we did reduce that we're no longer um curtailing that or throttling that in any way um at this point you know students can take two electives they schedule we have I mean we have you know a somewhat um notable decrease in the total number of students that we have um and so we can um absorb more of that into the staff that that exists I also think a big change over the last couple years was the internships I think a lot of students are doing that as well and I think that talks somewhat to trades um but for scheduling purposes a lot of those kids aren't even in the schol in the afternoons because they're out working on a trade that could be that could be adding to this too actually that's interesting because I don't think that I facted that into uh the analysis um looking at the numbers that we have right now registered for incoming eighth graders versus um exiting seniors we're going to have at least 50 fewer students on next year so that you know it does decline now I will say interestingly and to your point because I think that there is a much bigger picture to look at here I don't believe that this decline is um Perpetual when we speak with our sending districts and we're so fortunate to have such a close relationship with those sending districts um we know that in their k12 and prek they're seeing increases especially in Montville um they're seeing large increases in those lower elementary so I think that this dip in enrollment is going to increase back up which is also why we're certainly we're not trying to rip teachers we're not trying to eliminate anyone uh we're not trying to cut programs we're trying to think about how can we continue to offer more courses and more electives one of the questions before us is actually is there a way for us to shuffle around uh to provide six additional sections of business for next year because we had a lot of students um more than we anticipated uh select some of those Business course offerings so that's something that we've been working on um to try to to see if there's ways that we can Shuffle that around our schedule is a it's a it's a for moting and ongoing process and the reason um that it takes us so long to sort of figure out the sectioning and and look at those answers um is because you know our counseling department and our principles really try to make sure that kids get the elective that they asked for um I've been in similarly sized systems where you rank one to 10 and you get what you get and you get the most efficient schedule and that's it we don't do that um and it's remarkable that we don't do that because you know we would be having a different conversation right now if that was our practice because that would I mean that would reduce our total number of offerings substantially because if you're looking at just filling for efficiency um you're not necessarily looking to fow our students are requesting and we make a concerted effort to fill where students are requesting and then if students can't quite get into if there's a single section that runs um we have a multitude of alternatives for those students um including online virtual High School um je enrollment courses with different un um and so we try to work with students individually to see if we can offer them a similar uh course um so that they can take something that they're interested in the other thing that we'll do is once the schedule is set if there are those more unique courses that you can't necessarily take offline or online I should say um they'll actually look to see if we can reshuffle and then we often will add in six periods I mean I don't know the total number of six Peri classes we had last year but those sixth periods begin with requests for us to fill students so even if we were to not fill these three positions and then all of a sudden we realize that we need additional we can add in a couple of six periods if needed it doesn't necessarily mean that we need to hire a full person and so I would say my recommendation would continue to be that um you know we look at the total number of sections that we need to run and not hire for vacancies unless we have a demonstrative need um the other thing I know our uh schools and our supervisors have been looking at is that um they'd like to see some change offerings and by um not filling in when someone leaves that gives us an opportunity to restructure and so we'd like to be able to capitalize on some of those restructuring um opportunities as well obviously that's not included in the elimination or in the uh not filling or the absorption but it is included in our overall calculation of what we're looking at and where we're going um so I think that having the supervisors talk a little bit more certainly give a clearer picture um about the electives and all of the opportunities that our students have because I would not categorize this as eliminating or reducing opportunities in any capacity it also gives us the opportunity for when the current prek-k 123 kids start to shift up in five six years um we've not eliminated or um you know cailed anying programming and we have the staff capacity to be able to expand together to um especially we fully anticipate uh that we will see an upswing uh especially in the Arts um uh vocal and Performing Arts We Believe will up take again when we look at our Middle School band numbers um they are substantially larger uh going into September than they were two years ago um so unfortunately this is we believe a covid impact where students didn't take instrumental lessons in those Upper Elementary grades has kind of trickled up to us so we're not looking at um the Staffing there actually remains static um as you know we've reassigned one of our music teachers to supervisor of music and World Language she remains available to take over classes if they were to increase again and actually uh she and I had a conversation this morning um you know she has some additional data to look at that we actually that may end up not being a position that we end up observing fully um because there's a couple of things that run during the day that we could actually absorve into the teacher schedule so we're trying to look creatively at it um but I do feel confident that we don't need to fill every position that left given the nummers that we currently have a little bit of the picture when we send out we'll send out uh the full documents that the budget committee got uh to the full board which will give you that I think they'll give you that overall um budget to look at and then be able to ask questions before the meeting available I mean I have to say I do I apologize Mrs go ahead no I just want to add another comment on the electives that might affect the electives because my kids are in the school certain electives have certain credits or weight to it so if it's not weighted enough it will hurt their GPA so I don't really understand that but maybe we could maybe someone can explain that to me and why we waigh that way and that might affect why people don't pick certain things and then why do we weigh that way when it's something of value that's a great question and it's something that um Dr back Ander and his team are constantly evaluating we had a couple of VAR specific requests to evaluate that again this year and I know he's been working with a couple of departments to look at that I can ask them for an update that's a good question the examples like cooking cooking is not weighed well but everyone needs to learn how to cook interesting oh I have to say that I really like the discussion here um as far as what's going on in high schools um first of all there College and Career Readiness skills which everybody has to have by the state and uh we're doing a superb job with that we're also part of the league of innovation Innovative schools so we're always looking at Cutting Edge and bringing in new IDE ideas um you know as an educator we're constantly hearing the the situation out there as students are graduating and the reality is that everything is moving at a super fast cascading exponential speed can I add a few more words in it but it it really is charging ahead that students who are graduating today the jobs will be completely different by the time they get through college when students often ask me you know uh what should I go into I I tell them go into something that you're passionate about because we don't really know the the the the input of AI what kind of uh Replacements we're going to see uh there there has to be a realistic and and major changes done in careers and and even like the work week and everything I'm going to get into all of that but the key and I think you alluded to this is the flexibility of our faculty something comes along that is in demand at this time if we have the teachers that can go into that and do that role and then if it's low in demand and of course you move you got to move to wherever the needs are and we're in a constantly changing environment here more so than ever before so um I I I think I think we're doing a great job uh you know yeah and I love the idea that these concerns are coming to the Forefront in these discussions here because these are the discussions that we need to have it's great I'm glad I provided you with the opportunity to of your report so Mr Weaver I I think I appreciate your perspective on it and and I I think just like Mr stankus I do think that it's a great thing to talk about that's what we're here for right that's what we as a board are here for on the flip side to what you were saying though if there were two classes that were smaller numbers and were paying to people to sort of when it could be one class I I think we as a board that's part of our responsibility right to sort of say all right like where are we financially we are we have to answer to our constituents and be responsible so I I think there's different nuances to uh that point that you made but I I do appreciate it and I I do I really do think that this is a great conversation also because um you know Mrs Miss bot is you know this is newer district for her um I think this is just great to change change is a good thing and so I think the more perspectives we get on it I think the better it is so I appreciate your I just hope that forward thinking and forward looking if we are going to see increases in ovement going forward and we are looking to extand programs all we've been told is how budgeting is going to be more difficult every year so are we going to be able to build those positions back into the budget over time I appreciate that sure of course Mr yeah I would think so once enrollment starts going up then we always get an enrollment adjustment that's why you see some of the other districts whose enrollment have have been increasing get an En yes that does mean that you go above the 2% tax L increase however there's a need for it so that therefore you you start building and you start adding staff or progam and state aid would also yeah and state aid should come into I know that's always you know as well in your District I'm sure state aid is always a it's a tricky thing and fortunately we've been uh in that seven-year period where to the funding formula where we've been under we're one of the districts that were underfunded according to the formula we've been getting increases however with declining um enrollment we're not getting as big an increase as I wish we would have but um as a someone who does the budget but hopefully going forward as our enrollment increases it'll help us in state aid fingers crossed and also in enroll adjustment so something that it's a big Balancing Act and hopefully uh you know by getting this way of of trying to become more efficient as far as what we're doing here as far as Staffing is concerned we'll get there anything else anyone else for old business okay let's move on to new business any new business okay next we have comments from the public citizens are invited to make comments and are limited to 3 minutes according to the pasac Valley Regional High School District Board of Education policy 0167 persons wishing to speak must upon being recognized rise sign in and state their name and town of residents and there's no one here so we can move on do I have a motion for adjournment second any objections to your Jour no okay we are