[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so are you enjoying your externship good you have a good Mentor yes he know wow I don't know if he knows everything but he damn sure knows a lot almost everything don't say I know everything please too much pressure me he's been doing it a long time all ready yep I'm ready was for good afternoon I call to order the Planning Commission meeting of February 2 2nd 2024 um before we get started just take a moment here because I'm pretty sure most of you have cell phones out there just take a moment check your cell phone make sure cell phones pagers all those kind of electronic devices are off or in the silent position um let's go ahead and start the meeting uh please rise for a moment of silence and the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands Nation Under indivisible andice Madame clerk can you please call the role Mr here Mr here Mr John Moody here Mr Christopher here Mr richardel here okay um the Planning Commission is appointed by the board of County Commissioners we meet twice a month the Planning Commission serves as a local planning agency we hold public hearings and transmit to the Barda County Commissioners recommendations on comprehensive plan amendments Land Development code amendments rezonings and conditional use requests the com the Planning Commission is the final decision-making body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests and certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone is in opposition to any comprehensive plan Amendment Land Development code Amendment resoning conditional use or any item where the Planning Commission transmits a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners it is important that you attend the appropriate Board of County Commissioners meeting and if you have any questions you can see staff after the meeting and they can give you those dates um I think we have one set of meeting minutes to [Music] approve oh I'm sorry approve a publication please the items are advertised times on February 7th 2024 or by affid Affidavit of certified mailing and [Applause] thank you all right uh meeting minutes so I'd move approval of the meeting minutes with one um small mimit to language on page 16 to 25 it says um Vice chairman J already called on the motion the vote was unanimous and the motion carried with Mr Hansel voting nay I think the unanimous thing is kind of misleading it should just say the motion carried with Mr Hansel voting a but other than that that's I would move approval with um second okay a motion and a second any other further discussion all in favor I I all opposed motion carries okay uh before we get started on the agenda um we're going to take a minute here at the beginning to take uh public comment for any items that are not on the agenda from any in-person participants or any WebEx participants who have pre-registered or are currently on Q um is there any bodybody here to speak to anything that's not on the agenda okay and Mr chair for the record I have no one signed up to speak for on public comment or through any other uh for any other agenda item on WebEx okay very good so we'll move on to the public hearing procedure public hearing process uh inperson participants and participants attending through webc including the applicants who have pre-registered for the Planning Commission meeting will be notified by County staff when they're permitted to speak applicants are limited to 5 minutes and participants are limited to 3 minutes unless any additional time is approved at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting and I don't think there's anybody no request for additional time okay uh when you come up to um to speak uh we do ask whether you're in person or on WebEx please um state your name address the agenda item number and the title or the agenda item title of what you're here to speak with and then either the three or five minute timer will start um before we get started can we go ahead and have everybody that plans to give any public anybody that plans to speak just please stand so you can be [Music] sworn do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give to help you go okay and for those of you that haven't been here before our our public hearing um agenda is broken up into three different sections there's the consent agenda items um that'll be first then there are any continuance items and then we'll proceed to the regular items portion of the agenda um today we have six public hearing items on the cassen agenda three of them are continuance and three are consent and we also have two regular items these items will be approved by regular vote unless the items is pulled from consent once the motion is made on the consent agenda the chair will call for a second and the motion will be voted on right so Denise you want to start with the continu absolutely good afternoon Mr chair good afternoon Planning Commission members Denise Hernandez Planning and Development the first item is PC2 which is Peg 247740 it's a zoning Amendment the residences at Rolling Hills mpud master plan unit development Dan Niko Properties LLC the request is to continue the item to the March 21st 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie okay is the applicant present anybody here to speak on this item okay so I think we'll go on to the next one item PC3 is Peg 24 cu13 a conditional use in the name of Word of Life Fellowship Word of Life GLA the request is to continue the item to the March 21st 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay is the applicant present anybody else here to speak okay on this next item you're sitting as the local planning agency item pc4 is Peg 24179 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment C pass 2324 Diagonal Road Business Park the request is to continue the item to the March 21st 2024 Planning Commission meet LPA meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay is the applicant present anyone else here to speak okay I think that's all the items on the consent agenda move to continue item I'm sorry continu items sorry move to continue items PC2 PC3 and pc4 to the March 21st Planning Commission meeting and LPA meeting in Newport Richie second okay motion a second any other discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries the following item is item pc5 which is peg2 2477 70 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Brena M Hicks it's a change in zoning from an RMH mobile home District to a P1 professional office District comes you with a recommendation of approval okay is the applicant present is there anybody else here to speak okay following item is pc6 on this item you're sitting as the LPA so the item is Peg 24171 it's a development agreement the name of KR Estates LLC KR Estates it's for the construction of a multi-use path and for the award of Mobility fee credits for the design permitting and construction of offsite the offsite portion of the multi-use path and for the difference between the cost of the required 5- foot sidewalk on site and the constructed multi-use path comes to with a recommendation of approval okay is the applicant present anybody here to speak on this item okay following item is pc7 p24 2106 it's for a variance Shephard parcel non-conforming lot tra Travis Shepard it's for a reduction in the required minimum lot area from 1 acre to 0.536 of an acre in an AR agricultural residential district comes here with a recommendation of approval with with conditions as included in your agenda packet okay is the applicant present anybody here to speak on this item anybody else okay and that concludes your consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda consisting of pc5 pc6 and pc7 second okay uh motion a second all in favor I I opposed motion [Applause] carries okay now we'll move on to the regular portion of the agenda thank you Mr chairman nario pitos planning and economic growth Department um this next item on the agenda is a zoning Amendment for Beacon Woods East mpud um which is a modification to the mpvd master plan and and the conditions of approval uh accordingly um so the amendment uh is to rezone essentially because it's a substantial modification to the MP from an mpud to an mpud essentially updating the conditions of approval associated with the beacon Woods East mpud uh in order to uh set forth passive uses that may occur in specific specific golf course areas and to include conditions of approval to address uh the same um so this item was previously uh heard and recommended by the Planning Commission on octo recommended for approval to the BCC uh on October 19 and the project went to the December 5th Board of County Commissioners meeting at that meeting uh a number of uh concerns were raised associated with the civil silic cultural aspects of the of the mpud and the board recommended or remanded rather the project back to Planning Commission in order to handle the Sila silvicultural aspects uh and to update the conditions of approval associated with that um remanding it back to the Planning Commission so here we are today essentially uh updating the Planning Commission on what took place since the December 5th board meeting uh as a brief overview this is where it is in the county uh Northwest part of Pasco County um here is an outline of the beacon Woods uh development area where the mpud uh is the zoning District um here shows the zoning District itself subject property and the various zonings that have been uh Incorporated in the area uh in particular where we are can't see from here my eyes are as good us um this is the area in question for the for the beacon Woods uh modification here's the future land use for the area again I'm rolling through this because this has been previously presented um the 1,000 ft buffer around the the subject area and this is the master plan uh and the affected areas in terms of the golf course areas that that we were referring to so the conditions of approval the coas they were revised to include specific uses in the golf course series initially uh included uh walking trails open play areas top Lots playgrounds recreational courts it included the ability to put an entrance Road uh through the the golf course area including utilities flood plan compensation areas drainage and then since the December 5th board County Commissioners meeting which remanded the project back to the Planning Commission uh additional conditions of approval were conditions of approval were added for controlled plantings Gardens trees palms or silver culture uh so that um if uh certain areas were dedicated to HOAs uh in the area they could refra they could retain some of the growth that had taken place uh since the golf course was closed so with that we bring the project back to you with a recommendation for approval following the October recommendation of approval uh with the inclusion of the silver cultural conditions of approval okay any anything up here for Terry a question who owns the property right now uh I believe the property is still owned by Mr lman the applicants representative is here so they could better speak to that okay that's all I want to know good afternoon Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie this is the gift that keeps on giving I am back again I think we have all the paperwork in order to answer your question Mr tanell is the property's owned by lman Links uh the lman family I don't represent the lman family I represent the contract purchaser for a portion of the property which is NVR um homes Ryan Holmes so basically as we went along this journey there's many multiple people involved other than just my client wanting to develop 218 Lots on an R4 portion of the PO portion of property there's property zoned R4 that my client's buying next to the golf course my client's doing 218 homes there under R4 60 by 100 lots and as part of that development they're purchasing a portion of the golf course and going to put flood plane drainage and neighborhood parks in there got all that but what I didn't get was that there's other property there's trees there's HOAs and so I've been working for a year or so to try to get everything else the paperwork written properly for all these other issues um but I think I've finally achieved with work with the County attorneys off with Mr Goldstein working with the Estates that are represented here homeor Association working with the lman and their representatives of property I think we finally got the paperwork all in order we had to remand um much the disappointment of the of the estate uh homeowners association because one of the things that we did in connection with my client buying a portion of the property in connection with their development of the R4 property was we my client was able to to bring all of the property the golf course property under their contract so that they could commit if the HOAs want the respective property that they would the property be conveyed to them the other Golf Course property coming up with the solution right because you got a defunct Golf Course you've got these areas behind people's homes and so we've worked with the Estates which are our actual neighbors there's the Estates that are our neighbors um to our project and then across Little Road there's Fairway the golf course went across the road there's Fairway Oaks I Fairway Oaks have not worked with with us um they I had a question this week they wanted environmental reports somebody from that uh organization want environmental reports we had given those environmental reports a year ago my client was actually asked by the HOA or at least one of the HOAs to do environmental reports on the golf course this is outside of where they're purchasing and developing so for the benefit of those HOAs so that there would be they could look at them and make sure there wasn't an issue with taking Golf Course property so that work was done the states reviewed it the states went through all the procedures and they they have Representatives here they are they were disappointed at the board meeting because they were ready to be done with this so that they can have the property conveyed to them so they can start maintaining the property as an HOA that is behind a lot of people's homes um so with that we have the conditions 30 35 through 38 the other thing that happened was we were requested to agree to remove trees um in ponds outside of whereby clients going to develop so this is going again going well and Beyond um anything that I contemplated when I was representing what I represent as developers but we added condition 38 that says if the if the HOA requests if HOA is going to be conveyed to the property and the HOA requests that trees and ponds be removed there's a process in 38 for that to occur the Estates were on record when we were here before and before the board that they don't want any trees removed um they've got it they they are set up they are ready to take the property and they know and they know how to maintain it so but we did add the condition in here if it is requested um my client will go uh beyond what uh they're developing and remove trees from ponds so that's kind of what brings us back um um I think the I know the Estates are are satisfied with how the conditions are reading I know that Mr lman the underlying property owner is satisfied my clients more than satisfied County attorney staff we've really worked hard hard at this so if we have any questions I'd be happy to answer them um we're just looking forward to moving this forward so that my client can actually develop the property and that's the facilitation of it's through my client sticking in all this time on this contract that they're going to facilitate this property going to the to the HOAs if they want them so my client's the solution to this long ongoing saga with a defunct golf course and and what happens to it so thank you great thank you Barbara is there anybody here to speak to this item Mr chair I have some folks signed up to speak on this item I've got Jack brummit followed by Joe Sears then Jeff bomgardner and Phil rodk okay when when you come up again I guess if you're next in line please try to come up to the front so we can keep this moving and also when you come up please make sure you state your your name and address and then just acknowledge that you've been sworn please my name is Jack bumit I live at 8845 excuse me 8542 Coral Creek Loop in Hudson where I've resided for the last 25 years I'm also the president of the homeowners association for the states and reserve of Beacon Woods this is the second time I've appeared before this group U you faces look familiar from last October and I'm here to say that we offer more than lip service about our desire to uh receive the conveyance of this property since our our last appearance before you uh we have we have purchased a $17,000 commercial lawn nor we have had three volunteer work days on the golf course the first one we had 48 people volunteer the second we had 30 and the third we had 30 about about 30 people at the conclusion of each of these work days I had two questions when can we do this this again and when are we going to own the property beginning in O in November uh because of the delays in in getting this property we reached an agreement with Mr lman to lease the 25 acres we're eventually going to receive from him for $1 a month and uh our people are working vigorously to keep this the Fairway ways looking nice and they do look beautiful uh the only problem we have is we have too many people wanting to volunteer to work and and to do this I say all this to you to just let you know that we are we've got skin in this and our people want this to happen this this resolves an issue that's been uh plaguing us for the last four years since the closure of the golf course and uh we're ready to move on and my my encouragement to you is to vote approval for this amendment today okay thank you so much thanks for coming out Mr Joe Sears thank you my name is Joe Sears I'm a property owner at 13915 Tage Loop in Hudson uh which is in the reserve and the Estates we're lucky to have a guy like Jack brummet as our president um I'm here to talk to you about um conditions for approval rezoning petition 7742 uh this is re this is proposed by NVR Incorporated Ryan Holmes and it's referred to as the Enclave of Beacon Woods on County um county maps I first appeared in front of you on October 19 2023 uh during that meeting I observed approval by Planning Commission members it's very frustrating to appear before you again and again express my support for this project thank you again for what you do in preserving and improving the quality of life for all of us I assure you that our HOA wants nothing more than that for the 480 homes in which we represent and we appreciate your efforts our current home is ninth across five states two of which are located in Pasco County uh we are in support of this project moving forward and the road modification requested by NVR the modification will architecturally complement the existing homes in the area and we ALS we have worked very very close with uh the um prop current property owner um who has worked very very close with us in working with Ryan Holmes so it's been this has not been just a oneandone type of project and we've been working on this for for up to four years as Jack mentioned we also believe this is the best option for easing congestion and optimizing traffic flow in this part of the county more importantly it is the best option for emergency response vehicles and personnel as a community we have seen change coming when sadly the golf course closed April 22nd 2019 unlike other Golf Course course closure in the in the county however over 50,000 evergreen trees were planted on the property by the responsible owner in 2020 we took an active role in that and this was followed up by and additional 500 trees planted by ho residents in early 2021 including yours truly since 2020 our community has embraced the change from a golf course to a tree farm by spending hundreds if not thousands of Sweat Equity hours cleaning up the fairways I want to add that we did this at no cost to Pasco County taxpayers this was all on our dime this was all using our trucks our fuel and our Sweat Equity um where we remove dog fennel and other weed plants the result is both an Aesthetics and neighborhood morale boost as Jack mentioned people are excited about doing something with this I would I would dare say I'd stand up the Estates and Reserve to any other HOA in the county as far as where we are now with with Community Pride morale and it really centers around this project the um our community has worked hard and the owner to maintain trees which now four years later serve to a as a vehicle traffic sound and sight barrier to Hudson Avenue I should add too that if you take a look at the property maps and you take a look at the uh property appraiser you'd be amazed at how much how much more in taxes the county actually is benefited by homes people want to buy these homes I mean they're along Hudson Avenue but with with those trees the the sound is uh reduction is amazing and and the way it it looks um we we accepted this gift on January 23 21st last year uh the property was enthusiastically approved by 87% of the residents so you know there's a lot lot of very pluses there in closing we urge you to approve this change the road modification is the best traffic option for safe access into and out of the homes and you enthusiastically approved that last time um and those are to be built adjacent to our neighborhood as well as um uh as well and also as this uh Amendment as written will allow us to maintain the future gifted property as we see fit um I encourage you if if you ever get a chance to come down there give me a call I'll be happy to take you around the property although Joe Jack would probably beat me to it um thank you again for your time and service to Pascal County residents thank you can I ask you a quick question sir so um have you heard about what's going on with Fairway Oaks and um you know and the Master Association about whether they'll take the other track in the event Fairway Oaks I have could you elaborate on that just so we know what the status is I have you know when we first took a look at this um one of the things we wanted to do was we took it to the residents and we asked the residents what do you want us to do and again um we so we we asked people and we took a vote you know you want to know what what do people really think and like I said for us it was 87% of the people who voted wanted this um I'm not sure exactly what happened with Fairway Oaks or how that was handled that probably would be better served by their uh president they have a different HOA structure I know in order to approve things like this it's quite onerous I think as much as 100% of the homes have to approve when they accept property like that I think that's a a real stumbling block for them you know for us it's 50% so um I'm pretty pretty well aware of that I know regardless of that I know that uh Mr lman has held up his end of the bargain in maintaining that property over there uh as agricultural with a um there's a fire break that's required it's on our side too but I am familiar with that and I can't really speak speak speak to that I can only tell you that we took a very deliberate process to go through to accept what what we would like let me ask the question different way does the Master Association have the same rules as Fairway where they need 100% vote I mean is your is your Association part of the Master Association it is and the Master Association is not an HOA it is it is uh it comes under Administrative Code uh statute 617 it is it is a corporation but it's a little different structure I'm real familiar with it because I also was the uh Covenant revision chair for the revision of our covenant uh two years ago so I'm very familiar with it it's it's a different it's a corporation it's comprised of the HOAs and they have representative my my question is has the Master Association determined whether they would if Fairway declines to take the property have there been any discussions with the Master Association about taking the Fairway Oaks property I don't believe so I'm pretty I'm 99% sure that the answer to that is no okay so but we are very happy with with uh 12 17 11 3 and four those are the fairways and we're excited about that and we have supported that for four years now okay thank you sir thank you thank you Jeff Bom Bomb Gardner is next good afternoon afternoon I'm just here uh real quick sir before you start before you start just name an address please okay Jeff bomgardner 7612 silven Drive Hudson and you have been sworn you have been sworn yes I have been very good thank you uh I just want to back up what Jack and Joe just said about this whole Community coming together I've been involved in that area almost every day uh with the residents talking to people there about uh what these people have done it's almost like kind of reminds me back where I grew up in laner County Pennsylvania where the Amish all get together and we're going to build a barn today these people just have such a good work ethic where they just show up they don't get paid they bring their own tools they bring their own equipment and they just clean it up because they have pride in this place when this place first closed down a lot of animosity and that's of course that's expected because they have a golf course and look out it's pretty and green and everything uh the animosity has seemed to go away in this neighborhood I've been around every day in that neighborhood for the past whatever it was when it closed uh July 10th of 2019 uh and got to know a lot of the neighbors heard I I I seem to be a sounding board where everybody would come to complain and I would say look the good things are going to happen here good things are going to happen obviously it's there it's going to probably be one of the nicest neighborhoods in all of Hudson with instituting the parks and the recreation we we just aren't building developments like this it's going to be beautiful so thank you for your time I think that they really really did uh work hard to appreciate your vote to vote to move this forward finally okay thank you thank you any questions nope the last person signed up to speak is Phil rork afternoon my name is Phil rodri I reside at 13923 Tennison drive and I've been sworn in um my property does border the rezoned area which I understand is already zoned R4 so it's this technical thing about getting it approved to another zoning is something Beyond me but I'm I'm very happy about this because for number one um everything has been presented very professionally and I would like to thank Mr lman who I've not met I couldn't Point him out in this room for working with our HOA which also I'm very proud of um I have one caveat though um at at at the end of this because I think it' be a very beautiful thing but I I feel that I wasn't there when it was built as a golf course and I'm sure it was very dismaying for some people that were always looking out seeing groomed land beautiful land that was safe uh safe and not just a whole lot of ruckus um we don't have that now of course Mr lman had every right to plant a cash crop of trees which was a brilliant idea I hope those trees can be replanted if if needed that's that's beyond me but my final caveat is that uh I and that that Community am very concerned about the wild coyotes that run Havoc there there was yapping the other night I didn't see them but I've seen enough western movies to know what coyotes sound like and uh I have a puppy you know n 10 months old and and even though it's not a 55 plus community and and people don't have fences which is great because it's beautiful fences are very ugly um then I'm concerned about my puppy and perhaps grandchildren small children I don't even know what I'd do if if I'm we are have to keep our dogs on a leash of course and I do but if a coyote a pack of coyotes approached me I I'd pick up my dog and I'd take the bites because I could probably take it better than my puppy could or any children so just to prevent any future lawsuits about who's responsible for not doing anything perhaps the Department of Natural Resources can re relocate the coyotes to starky Wilderness or there's probably a lot more to eat out there for the coyotes than there is in our old golf course so uh I'm very much in favor and I I I plead with this board to approve it so it moves on to the next step thank you very much thank youbody else up here have anything just to answer the the comment it would beely be up to the property owner whether it's Mr lman the HOA whoever ends up owning the property would be their responsibility to maintain the property in accordance the only standard under this these conditions would be in accordance with agricultural standards so sometimes in agricultural operation there are wild animals there but it would be up to the property owner to make sure that the the property is kept up we the request that was made by the HOA was theyd be required to live with an agricultural level of Maintenance so that's different than a well-groomed manicured Golf Course um so ultimately it would be up to the HOA or Mr lman or whoever the owner is to ensure the maintenance that you're you're asking for okay thank you I just want to ask if I recall the lady in the back you spoke last time on this case for Fairway Oaks yes yes ma'am did you want to speak okay okay okay okay very good so nobody else here to speak I don't know Barbara did you want to come back up for anything any rebuttal rebuttal to uh everybody in favor can we mark this down all the speakers in favor when I did take on this project I said you know I really wanted to try to come up with help come up with a solution and my client as well and to hear people speaking in favor of it like they are um really makes me feel good we sent out 745 odd not notices for this hearing we did it before as well so this has been done twice so to think that we touched 745 homeowners with our notices two times and we had um all the speaking in in favor of it I think we've accomplished something here so thank you hope hope question in the event the other Homeowner Association does not accept the gift of property does that in any way affect the developer moving forward with the subdivision project okay I was going to ask the same question hopefully they are able to work it out on that side too because that'd be great for them too I I know a lot of work's going on up there obviously um so thank you to everybody that's been involved and and coming to this conclusion I know Chuck will have fun when he hears that we spent 30 minutes talking about something that everybody was in favor of [Laughter] soing any additional discussion I'd move approval for p8 p8 I I will second that okay we have second time Motion in a second is there any other discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries and Denise this goes back to the board when um this goes back to the board on if I'm not mistaken March 26th at 1:30 in Newport Richie okay thank you give everybody a minute to clear out any bets on whether all the rest of the folks are in favor of the next project probably good afternoon William for Millian planning economic growth and before we get started I'd like to enter a letter of objection that I got from some citizens onto the record okay move to receive and file second motion a second to receive and file all in favor I I opposed motion carries additionally some ex uh partake Communications were received and I will be sending those to the clerk's office but this is the jar Palms mutd this is peg4 7734 it is located in the northwest corner of Pasco County uh right off of us19 this is a rezoning from mut to mutd uh the original mut jar Palms allowed for 499 RV spaces this new mutd proposal will be for 250 platted town homes and Villas it's approximately 42.8 Acres on the east side of US1 19 just to the south of Cher Lane here is the location map the zoning map reflecting the original expired impuy the future land use of residential 24 here is a contextual map showing us19 its proximity to County Line Road and the subject site as well as three imputes that are in the area ARA Heights Sun West Harbor Town and Heritage Pines MD here is the proposed master plan you'll see two access points to us9 as well as an emergency access point on Cher Lane as well as cross connects to the commercial out Parcels there uh that are labeled 21 22 and 23 on this master plan uh that faults within the RO future land use here is the the non-binding conceptual plan for this mwd there is one variation that's being requested through this MPD from 9016 d11 which is the uh Street design and dedication requirements this is for the applicant to not provide interconnects to the east or to the south of course that is because of the existing homes that we saw on the location map that the applicant proposes to not connect there to to disrupt those people and I I will point out as well on the master plan there is a 35 foot buffer being proposed by the applicant in response to some of the uh talks that they had with the citizens in the area and that is 20 ft greater in width than would otherwise have been required by the LDC which would have been a type four buffer and with that that comes to you guys with the recommendation of approval with conditions do you guys have any questions for me Willi this is an old expired mpud or was previously is that right yes what was included in that prior mpud right that was uh that was 499 RV spaces in the old Jore Palms MD okay thank you thank you wait can I ask do you have a copy of this letter we have just received from Mr yach do I myself have a copy you have a copy of that I I don't I gave you guys my copies if you guys have an extra you're welcome to have my copy I guess my main question is I I have it saved electronically is there anything in here that would cause you to change your recommendation or any of the recommended conditions no sir that the that was that was kind of how the applicant got to that 35t buffer was through this the these are concerns from the neighborhood meeting that the applicant had and that additional buffering was a product of that neighborhood neighborhood meeting is it an accurate statement it says the code States the landscape buffer between the Agricultural and nud should be 50 ft does that no true representation of the code that's not an accurate representation in the code that's just a I think he the gentleman is U mentioning the rear setback which is 50 feet as is the front setback so that's not a a buffer or a requirement for landscaping it's just a setback okay thank you very much thank you is the applicant present yes good afternoon uh Cammy Corbett with the law firm of Hill Ward and Henderson 101 East Kennedy Boulevard Tampa Florida and I have been sworn I'm here this afternoon representing Meritage Homes they are the fif fifth largest home builder in the US uh they offer four sale products for single family town homes and Villas and most of their buyers are firsttime home buyers or firsttime move up and they are an industry leader in energy efficient uh Home Building I think Mr Vermillion did a really good job of running through what our request is and explaining how the request is consistent and compatible with the surrounding area we are at a res 24 future land use category and we're at about a density of six units to the acre so we're a significant reduction or actually a 49% decrease in the number of units that are allowed currently or that were previously approved for this site for the RVs and a 75% decrease in the total allowable density between the 24 units the acre to the six units the acre and we're offering a platted town home product and we have an alternative for a villa but either way home ownership opportunity instead of a transient RV park which was previously approved on this site and as Mr villian pointed out we are increasing the buffer by 10 ft to provide a 30ft uh 35t uh buffer offer that was uh previously proposed as 25 uh between the time that the gentleman wrote the letter and the conditions of approval right now uh we do have our entire team here to answer any questions there are some questions raised in the letter regarding drainage but of course all of those we're not allowed to adversely affect anyone uh when we go through the development process but we can have provide more specific uh responses if you'd like and there are also some questions regarding transportation and we do have Steve Henry our traffic engineer here to answer any questions should you have have any but other than that we're here to answer any questions is the former mpud still valid or is it expired it is expired okay okay any other questions from up here not yet okay thank you think we'll now take public comment I'm guessing Denise is are sign in sign up sheet yes we have we have two um people signed up to speak uh Mark yacht and Charles strickler okay Mr yacht if you can please state your name and address uh I have some things I want to add to the file can I present them yeah but real quick just state your name and address and then just acknowled you've been sworn I'm Dr Mark yacht I'm the retired Health officer from the Pasco County Health Department I served in that capacity for 20 years I live at 18137 Branch Road Hudson Florida okay thank you can I um I guess just real quick I mean we can receive in file like we did before but you're not going to get those back is that okay I emailed a filing but I was told I had to bring and sub we can do we have an overhead that you can we can use thank you all right uh we had a committee meeting following the meeting with uh Meritage homes and their representatives uh in the highlands which will be impacted by this uh construction our priority was to deny this project in its entirety it does not in any way uh complement the character or meet the character of the Highlands Community it's 250 units in the total scope of the property uh we live in 2 and A2 and 5 acre homes with few exceptions uh we have livestock uh within the highlands we have chickens we have all sorts of uh wages I mean we have we have wealthy we have not so wealthy uh we're a unique community and 250 units that could bring in a thousand people to live on 40 plus acres is not something we can uh approve or in any way desire however if it is the uh desire of this group to approve this petition to bring in 250 units on uh 40 plus ACR then we would uh suggest certain conditions and the conditions are well stated in a letter I sent uh November 24th uh to Denise uh to discuss the objections we had in detail as to what we were concerned about but let's look at uh some of the highlights and then I'll quit uh first it's not in character with the highlands at all it's not in character with the community and that is an issue you must uh take seriously the access road currently at the rear of Branch Road properties should be protected they were planning to put a fence and block off an access road which could have allowed emergency vehicles behind our Branch Road properties our Branch Road properties the Western end of our Branch Ro prop properties above but uh this proposed community so that access road uh should be for emergency vehicles and other reasons protected now beyond that access road there should be a buffer and that buffer should be by code 50 ft you have allowed 35 uh that's fine but I hope that 35 foot buffer is protected and then the appropriate perimeter fence uh be constructed by concrete uh cinder blocks and stucco because that would allow for noise abatement it should be 8 ft high and further isolate that Community from the overall Highlands Community it's not in keeping with our community the emergency road they proposed that uh enters Chrysler uh Lane is unpaved it's unfinished it was a time it was completely uh uh not uh there was no a ability to transverse it you can drive your car up it so they need to take responsibility the contractors or the county to maintain Chrysler road if that road is going to be an emergency access road to 19 and it should not go south that emergency road should not come back south to Branch otherwise we'll have a lot of their traffic coming into Branch Road and that is undesirable and not in keeping with the fact that we have to maintain our roads now if they want to maintain our roads fine Mak an access to branch Road all right so their emergency exit on the North side that goes to 19 needs to be paved and properly maintained otherwise it's it's just going to deteriorate and very rapidly because that area is a Sugar Sand and it it's not a road you can uh keep in operating condition unless you're maintaining it all right we are easily flooded and that is shows up in the pictures that I just gave you we need to be sure that a condition is proper assessment of overrun water water keeping their uh issue with water control within their Community uh we we are concerned about pump stations we have had trouble with the Highland the Heritage Pines Community being flooded because one of their pump stations failed uh we also are concerned about our aquifer our aquifer is uh uh we're all on Wells pretty much in fact we all are on Wells and several of us are here today uh we have to be sure that our aquafer is not going to be affected by their irrigation now they may have a pipe for their regular water for showers and whatever you know for their for their Plumbing but they're going to need to irrigate that property we need to make sure that irrigation is not affecting our aquifer all right uh there should be no access to Meridian Boulevard uh although we understand there won't be but in case that comes up they need to then main maintain Meridian Boulevard or the county should maintain Meridian Boulevard if they're going to put their traffic into our community uh I already mentioned an 8ft concrete cinder block wall with stuckle overlay not a PVC wall which will deteriorate in time and then the homeowners will have to maintain it because once the contractors ad they're gone okay it's the owners that have to take over a PVC wall and we all know it is not an adequate wall that won't deteriorate over time so it should be a cinder block wall and it should be covered with stucco and surround the perimeter of their property except for their access all right the buffer we talked about oh this is a very important issue they're planning multiple story buildings twostory maybe three story those buildings would look into our community uh I think that the back of their Community east side of their Community should be one-story buildings only because we don't want to see them and those folks certainly don't want to see us and that has to be considered because the way they've designed their Community 250 units that rear end of that Community will be above the wall and will be very visible to them which brings up the buffer the buffer is supposed to be behind the wall and I assume that the vegetation behind the wall will not be touched then there's the setu in front of the wall how much space is there needed to basically from the wall into their Community uh that should not have any construction and be you know basically add to uh this buffer zone and also for the convenience of the people that are going to live in the community you know all right finally uh there's another important issue lighting if their lighting and they will have Lighting in their Community is shining into our community uh they should design their lighting so that we're not affected by the lighting in their in their particular development traffic issues this is a very serious issue traffic has to be uh uh determined during peak hours and during hours with when we have our snowbirds down here to do a traffic study early in the morning or at night is not going to give an accurate picture of the kind of traffic that goes up and down 19 and here's the reason we have one major access into our community Meridian Boulevard when you come out of Meridian Boulevard if you want to go south on 19 you have to go north first swing across 19 and make a u-turn to come South on 19 their exits could interfere with the traffic flow when someone from our community or anyone wants to go south on 19 because there we are being forced to go north on 19 that's fine and then we make our U-turn because that's the way the traffic is designed and that's fine but they're going to have a thousand people in there coming in and out and that could affect traffic P pattern significantly and that needs to be understood good so just real quick yeah and just real quick I know we took us a while to get these pictures up and I think you're probably over your 3 minutes at this point I'm sorry it took us a while to get these pictures up and I realized that but you're probably over your three minutes so we've given you a little bit of extra time I just need you to to wrap it up and then as you're doing that I don't know if there's anything in particular here in the pictures that you want to go over okay yeah the only thing that the pictures are to represent is we have serious flooding problems and the county knows that because theyve had to come in and do repairs at times we are uh we are a community that takes care of its own roads but they were never engineered properly years and years ago so when we even with the slightest rain we're going to get flooding those are old pictures these are pictures I took recently that picture I took and that's just after a a typical rain because you know we haven't had much rain that was just a rain for a few hours and that's Meridian Boulevard right there flooded when it when we get heavy rains that that road can be covered all right there's another example example I don't is that my that's not my picture that's a picture that was given to me by one of the residents of flooding they faced at their home from serious rain light rains can give us a lot of collection serious rains we get flooding that's why it's so important for them to control runoff from their Community if they don't we're going to have problems we we'll let them address that when they come up here I mean there's a couple Engineers up here on the board and I know there's several people listening from the county as well I everybody well where and there's there's a lot of regulations out there that that govern this type of thing so if you can just I just need you to go ahead and in closing I know you've got a quite a bit of stuff outlined here in the letter just can we go back to the first I'm just going to close by saying hold on one second we've got one question for you the very first one okay please speak a little louder because I'm not where is this house what is the address of this my house is this the house is that your house that particular house I don't know it was given to me by a resident uh during very heavy rainstorms I can explain the pictures I took but there's two pictures in there I don't know exactly where they are in the highlands Philly lanean on Philly Lane they were able to get that we can't we can't sir just if you just come up here and just speak in the microphone so she can catch this on the so the clerk can catch that yes Sir Charles Scott strickler 18 335 Branch Road and I do recognize the location it's across diagonal from my property it's at the intersection of Branch Road and Philly Lane there's a swamp type property right at that intersection and that swamp floods right there mostly from Heritage but it also comes off of 19 there were pumping stations that put that water into that area there's now currently a marker and a survey point with a water height marker and and Survey Crews have come out and they've monitored that location it seems to be better but last year was a drought so you know it could be next year that that area is additionally flooded like that than thank you okay just to end our our our group once this petition denied this was came out of a community meeting we were voted to represent uh that group here uh the county was invited to that meeting chose not to show up but but we are against this and we appreciate this opportunity to discuss particular issue in the Land Development code or the comprehensive plan I'm sorry is there a particular issue you can point out in the Land Development code or the comprehensive plan that would be a reason for denial Scott you might know that better is there something I'm asking you when he can he can talk when it's his turn to talk okay he's going to speak and would you get give him that question okay yeah just make sure when you're you back at the microphone whenever you talk she just has to be able to capture it on the recording that's all okay I'm for all intensive purposes I'm done I'll take any questions but I don't hear well so I'll have to walk up to you another question Willam when when did the mpud the the one that expired when did that expire the previous one he going to answer that yes yes yes sir and and then I don't remember right off the top of my head uh Denise is pulling it up right now in our in our system though I'm just curious Dr yach if you were involved with the mpvd approval initially for this this area gave an approval with conditions is that what you're ask were you were you involved with that process when it was supposed to be zoning board okay I was not involved in that earlier process I should have and William we were looking at 499 499 RV spaces and it look looks like that expired in 2016 in 16 okay it expired in 16 but they did obtain executive order extensions so I think the last one looks like it may have expired in 2022 or so okay thank you okay thank you for coming out and and thanks for your explanation thank you sir thank you very much Denise who was next on the list I don't remember sorry um sure Mr Charles strickler that's the last person I have signed up to speak good afternoon board members uh retired lieutenant colonel Charles Scott strickler 18335 Branch Road Hudson Florida I have adjacent property to the uh proposed mpud site that is owned by Caleb Miller the only reason I mentioned the fact that I'm a retired lieutenant colonel is because of the honesty that I want to bring forward um Meritage Homes said that they have quality homes I want to introduce two items I have two sworn statements that have been notorized that I would like to present to the board may I do so move to receive and file second all in favor I I oppose motion carries just give them to the clerk there and then she'll distribute those long like multi-page uh one is a one pager give the CL is also just a one pager but like five examples behind it there's two two actually one statements one is against Mr uh Caleb Miller and one is against Meritage Homes so sir does the applicant have a copy of these because I don't I mean I think they should have a chance to rebut whatever is in there I don't know if they don't have a copy can we give them one I'm happy to give them my and I only have five copies I'm sorry I was I understood from the commission that it was going to be a five we can the DI that's fine we can more copies if I if we could get at least one of those copies to the applicant I'd appreciate it y trying to figure out there's like three pages to three okay three yeah that's one yeah this is all one set second page of the first one pager yeah is actually the correct notary so I went to Wells Fargo this morning and they notorized it they said that the site from the floorida site was not correct which is on the front so they put the correct notary which says that I did it in person okay a little bit this different this is picture okay go ahead CCH take one down and pass it around you ready to proceed yeah go ahead the uh first one very simple straightforward I filed a claim with the Fish and Wildlife Commission incident number 2491 14147 for the destruction of tortoise Mounds done by property owner Caleb Miller and understood by Meritage Holmes that that was done they immediately did their survey for the Gopher Turtles after the clearing of the land so we had the destruction of the land for two weeks by by a undercutting brush machine destroying the turtle Mounds during the month of May June July which is their egg laying season and then W the survey crew came in they had it in the application came in and marked the tape they came up with 30 Turtles I I say that there's more like 60 from my estimate so this is an inaccurate estimate and in collusion of fraud second is my uh were they issued a site a from FWC it's only been recently uh done so both the tortoise program and law enforcement have been notified they have not issued a finding on the investigation yet okay any other questions on that I'll move forward the uh second one marage home just said that they're a quality home builder right here is five direct searches off of Google they have a 1.1 average out of five and a one is the lowest you can get so a zero average this is coming from the Better Business Bureau this is coming from consumer affairs this is coming from house I provided you this search the example you can look it up yourselves this is not a quality home builder they're deceitful they have lied to me they've lied at the meeting that we had for the neighborhood piece and then the last piece that I had that I just took today is this photo aaph that you have this is how they advertised your meeting in a garbage dump and on the ground today or yesterday they put it up on Route 19 this is deceit this is deceit I walked up and down looking for this sign for the last two weeks marking it I I've got it in emails I have proof of this it was not on 19 it was on Cher Lane and a dump rained on not put up they didn't give us a 30-day notification deceitful company destroys Turtles this is this this is not the the the people that we want developing a community for us a 1.15 out of five that's 300 300 voices that have put it in writing that are not here but are standing behind me five different websites do the Google search I didn't I didn't cherry pick the ones that were low this comes from the top down Better Business Bureau says there are 1.15 97% not like the good side 87% from the last ones 97% of the people say the company is deceitful and dishonest and that's their words I have had the same experience personally at hand thank you can we see the one the last photograph you just held out I couldn't see that from here yeah the last one here is on Chrysler Lane this is that unimproved road to the north it goes up the hill it's kind of paved for a little bit and then it turns into dirt we have we have in our package their proof of publication notification and they they posted a sign on 19 they included photos on 19 well I have a picture so maybe maybe they set the sign up there took the picture took it down I doubt it but maybe they did um and they did one also on Crusher Lane so the uh prior notification was on 19 i i i concur with that when we did the neighborhood meeting they did that and put it up on 19 this last time I go up down 19 every day it was put up either yesterday or today the photos that I have I have them date marked on my on my thing if we want to go into a deep dive on evidence they put it in a garbage dump on Cher road because I I walked up and down and looked for it forever because we wanted to know when this meeting was okay very good well I appreciate you coming out thank you can can I ask you a quick question too yeah and I didn't get the the question go ahead um so you know I know you you're citing the stuff on Google and all that which has some Merit I'm sure but it's also hearsay so can you speak more to the specific things that you were you said you were lied to or specific things that you encountered yourself and dealing with the developer yeah the the environmental study is is really what uh what got me first off I asked him who who destroyed the land who destroyed the Mounds right they didn't want to speak to that they danced around they wouldn't say who did it right so I had to eventually say well then the owner of the property Caleb Miller is responsible for it they said okay they didn't agree didn't disagree I told the environmental study person I asked him I got it you can do permits and you can remove go for Turtles you get a permit for that I got it you got 30 of them that you have identified from your partial survey not your full survey but your partial survey and it's going to cost you $171,000 according to their survey piece I said well what about all the other Turtles that you destroyed we didn't destroy Turtles I was like well that the owner destroyed ahead of time after you've drawn your data but before you do your survey he does the destruction of Mounds inside of the area right and then I asked him well what are you going to do about the trees right are you going to just going to clearcut the area just like everybody else does I said you have migratory birds that are in the area did you do a migratory bird study according to federal law no he looked at me he's like wide eye I said you have woodpeckers in there really they have plated woodpeckers in there and they possibly have cockaded woodpeckers in there but I'm not a biologist so I have the FWC biologist working on that right now so those those are the two main things that uh they're there the the one that threw me over the top is when they put that notification on Chrysler Lane and it sits in a dump right there and then they put it up again and the storm blew it over and then two days before the meeting here they put it out on 19 shame on them Meritage home is not the people that the citizens of Pasco County need building their homes they're going to be trouble from day one to the day they walk away turn it over to a HOA just like these HOA guys and they're going to be held responsible the ho owners are going to have to deal with from a horrible corporation that I have tried to document my opinion the opinion of the Better Business bureo 1.15 rating out of five so and just so you know the picture that we have here on the in our pack shows that sign and the trash wasn't there so it's possible the trash got dumped who knows who it got dumped by but it's possible the trash got dumped after the picture and after the sign was posted so just just so you know it also looks like that area on the North side is one of the only areas that they could have posted that's on a Chrysler so it's you can see the second sign I I can I'm looking at it we have the pictures in in the trash and the reason I found it it's cuz my dog was stolen so I went out there with my old GPS tracker and I freaking because they my GPS track was it was in the trash right there and I was like oh here's their sign that they're informing us of the neighborhood meeting they put it out there yeah so it looks like the garbage got dumped after it was posted yeah there's garbage all over the place when they came and they undercut the thing there's homeless people in there they destroyed homeless camps so here under oath you you legitimately think they went out there and found a pile of garbage and put the sign in middle of the garbage they put it twice okay I just wanted to make sure I I just want to make sure I understood okay yes not only once was the sign put there when it was put up a second time because that first sign is all water damaged we can we can go back out and you can go up and look at it right now it's sitting right there and then the second time when I came out I took a photograph of it in front of a sheriff and the sheriff was there and I can give you the case number for that so yes under oath I am swearing to God and that's why I use my my former piece because I swore oath to the Constitution and to the Senate to protect and defend the Constitution so yes this is 100% the truth well I'm not again I wasn't questioning whether the sign is in the garbage I was asking you if you personally thought they went out there and found a pile of garbage and put the sign in the middle of the pile of garbage when they put it up yes I do because I'll tell you the reason you answer the question it was just yes or no that's fine because the first time they put it on the sign line that has the for sale lot that's how we saw the first neighborhood meeting the second time because they don't want us here they put it out on Chrysler road on the very back side on a very a lot of times a lot of developers will put multiple signs around the property even though they're only required I think by code to put it on one side on the most prominent side but a lot of times they will put it on multiple sides I got you it's not un and under oath I I will tell you it was not there on 19 until at least two days ago okay well I mean we we have them under oath swearing that they posted a sign on February 7th so we've got it on both sides so just full clarity on on both sides of the story here okay that's that's why it goes back credibility of witnesses right so I put mine under a notary I took it directly from 300 people got okay you know John did you have a question you very much when was the complaint made to FWC about the gopher tortoises the original one was done Wednesday of last week and the other one was done um well I just did a follow-up call today and when do you uh they actually say that they actually went in and Disturbed these Burrows yes sir are are you saying that they cleared the property or partially cleared the property is that where you they did they came with the brush hog you know those the tractor things with the with the rotating brush hog things so they came in they they created three new trails through the property dug all the way down through the dirt bounded up some areas and then went through the property for 14 days and there's tons of residents that because it was it's annoying it's disturbing and it flails up and it takes the brush that was about you know from chest to to head high it took it all the way down to the ground it went over the top of burrows it destroyed molested and when when was this it was June July of last year and you just the complaint last week huh and you just made the complaint about gopher tortoises last week I had made the complaint to them I only have found out about all the code and the actual remedies for this so according to FWC I have 18 months for that complaint to be filed and it's now been eight months so I am one year away from having expired my opportunity to I'm not saying that you're wrong or that you're not telling the truth but I'm asking how do you know that they Disturbed goer tortois Burrows they said that there's 30 right now who said W okay so their consultant says they found approximately 30 Burrows they marked 30 Burrows most of them that they marked so what I'm asking is how do you know they were Disturbed cuz I can look directly into the property I I'm an adjacent property well how big is this property my property is 5 Acres theirs is 40 acres so you can see the all 40 acres of no no no I can see you asked me how do you know is were all 30 Burrows concentrated in one place they're mostly con no because they didn't do a complete survey they did a partial survey and extrapolated statistical data analysis that says there's 30 Turtles there well that's common in the that's typical I understand but you're asking me how I know how do they know that there's only 30 Turtles how do they know they didn't destroy I'm not saying they're right or wrong I'm just asking how do you know the Burrows were Disturbed did you see a disturbed burrow did you see a dead tortoise I I have a picture of a disturbed tur can you show us that huh Can you show us that it will take me a few minutes but I've got it on camera it's where they had plowed a road put the spoil to the side because they didn't want to get on the fire break road that Mr Yates had talked about piled it up right there and the Tortoise was able to dig itself back out of that area and and leave his pile so the answer is yes I do have a photo and it'll take me some time to produce that evidence and I can come back and give it to you or if you want want to make sure that when I make a decision or a recommendation that I'm basing it on something that's sound not just he said she said and right so if you if you've got that I'm happy to look at it and we'll take that under consideration okay now the question that I didn't get answered by Dr yacht was is there some particular Land Development code section Andor comprehensive plan section that you think that this development should be denied based on I'm asking you that because this is a quasi judicial hearing and we we can't deny a development just because you don't like it you have to stick to matters of the Land Development code or the comprehensive plan and so if there's some reason that you can point out I'm happy to take that under consideration but I can't just I can't just recommend a denial because you don't want it that the law doesn't allow us to do that that's not how the process works I'm trying to help you I I got you so first off they violated the law so the protection of habitat is protected under Florida law and it's protected under federal law they're in violation of that so they have restoration processes they have to go through in order to continue with their development they have not met that criteria so therefore it should be denied until the investigation is complete and restoration has been done that meets federal regulations and Florida regulations for the protection of wildlight habitat there's also setbacks they're asking for waivers I do not like what they've asked for and a waiver so okay the law is the law they're asking for a waiver I say it should be denied I I don't think ask for a waer they they don't have we'll continue with that the waiver that they've asked for is not to have to connect to your neighborhood with the street that's correct that's the only variance they're asking for from the code actually the code allows a 15ot set back and I believe they're increasing that to a 35 35 for the landscape buffer cor landscape buffer correct not setback landscape buffer yeah okay well I think I mean I know the applicants here they have a chance to rebut and I know they they'll probably have explanations here I mean understanding the the full process here I mean this is this is zoning the next thing they have to go through is the site plan and the permitting which they have to go through all the state agencies they have to do all the Environmental Studies they have to pull all the Gopher tortois permits um a lot of these people involved in this particular project do projects all over the place this isn't their first project I doubt that they would go out there and I mean there's serious penalties for impacting protected species I mean turtles tortoises all the things you've mentioned so I mean they they will and and I'm I'm fully confident that they will follow and pull all the permits now the goph for tortoise impact permit and Chris correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they can even pull that permit until they have a site development permit no sir y it has to be done within what 30 days of construction and there there are steps that they have to take 90 days comprehensive study needs within 90 days but yeah so what they're doing is is absolutely appropriate for for the stage of the stage of the project iser who owns the property has not followed those rules okay well we're not Mr Miller own owns the property okay Meritage is the agent authorized agent to speak on beh so he is the actual owner of the property and responsible for actions on that property until such time that he sells it to Meritage it's under contract not for sale the applicant's going to come back up and I feel confident that they'll address address what's happened out there and provide explanation for us to hear okay okay I appreciate your time thank you very much thank you thank you all right uh was that it is there anybody else here to speak Mr chair do you mind if um you just call just in case I didn't capture everyone that's fine is there anybody else here to speak on this item okay if you can please come forward hi my name is uh Linda Bell and I've lived on the property for over 50 years I'm a retired uh Pasco County school teacher now when the Millers ma'am what's your what's your address oh I'm sorry 18329 Branch Road Hudson uh when we had dealings with the Millers before they were very nice we actually did not oppose the RV site it was explained to us that it was going to be a nice park type thing where the people would have their RVs it'd be there during the winter months then they go away for the summer there was going to be PE peaceful and calm we did not oppose that then all of a sudden now they're changing what they wanted to do instead of a nice RV park with retired people and and I I spent a lot of time with the Millers they took us out to the Word of Life they even donated materials to my school now all of a sudden they want to change it a, people 250 units now did they lie when they said it was going to be a nice piece peaceful RV park and all of a sudden now decide they want to make it into some kind of $3 $250 of unit with a thousand people who knows of all different ages as a teacher I like all different ages but my idea what happened where from this nice peaceful RV park to 250 units with all kinds of people and noise and who knows what and water where does the water come from and like the gentleman said the the the uh flooding is really bad and my husband and I we have to take care of the road we go out and fix potholes ourselves by going ahead and buying $40 $60 worth of of asphalt so that's my my I guess my concern what happened did they lie to us now all of a sudden they want to put all these units that's just that's what has me upset also well thank you for your time thank you for coming out thank you okay uh anybody else here to speak on this item if not uh is the applicant you want to come forth and maybe provide us some uh rebuttal on any of the items that were brought up sure Cammy Corbett again with the law firm of Hill Ward and Henderson just real briefly on what was approved previously it was 499 RV spaces that was no limitation on age it was not restricted to a 55 and older nor was it restricted to seasonal or short-term rentals those were potentially fulltime residents and we are red reducing the number of units by uh by in half um I would like to have Joe Simo from W to come up and directly address some of the issues related to the gopher tortoises as well as the drainage issues okay good afternoon everyone uh Joe Simo with Water Resource Associates AKA W engineering 12363 Hampton Park Boulevard Tampa Florida 33624 I do need to be sworn okay please do you swear from the testimony you're about to give is the TRU so help you I do uh we'll tackle the drainage first um the our proposed project is going to drain towards 19 uh it's going to drain towards 19 at elevations around 15 to 20 that's going to be the control elevations to the West that we're draining to uh looking at the residents along branch and along Meridian their elevations are around 25 30 40 so significantly higher it's going to be a fun engineering design there's not usually a lot of topography like this on a site there is in this case um so we're not draining at them by any means uh I did recognize the flooding concerns along Branch Road um specifically along Philly I think I'm saying that right again again we're not draining in any way shape or form in that direction uh to be fair there is drainage that tries to get from them to the east across dust to the west to 19 uh our site plan will be reviewed by the southwest Florida Water Management District and multiple departments within Pasco County that review the storm water and they will absolutely be looking at that spot with a magnifying glass to make sure we have the adequate bypass through it um we are in the hammock Creek Regional Watershed model which we will plug our proposed conditions into we won't just do our site in the vacuum we'll plug it into the regional Watershed model um I think I've covered the drainage and then real quick on the environmental I am the owner and principal of Water Resource Associates AKA W um I'm happy to talk with this gentleman afterwards and answer any questions he has um our environmental team does everything by the book I'm not sure what he was referring to about the previous owner but um our environmental staff did nothing more but walk transex miles through that site just looking for go for toris Burrows and flag whatever ones they saw um it was a partial survey as is required during the mpud no more than 90 days out from construction we're required to do a 100% survey anything we find that needs to be relocated needs all the proper permits to relocate there are no more incidental take permits like the old days we've got to find a home for anything that's in the way of construction happy to answer any questions quick quick question I'm looking at Pasco mapper at one foot too yeah unfortunately Pasco mapper doesn't give us the luxury of defining Basin boundaries but sure in your opinion is this an open drainage basin or a closed drainage basin the north half of the site is an open Basin the southern half of the site is a closed Basin that will all get taken into account in our design and for the record in closed basins Your Design will be for the 100e 24hour event correct yes sir we'll be looking at the 100-year storm down there and we've already looked at the portions of the homes along branch and Meridian that and the soil type out here and the soil type is a so it perks like crazy perks perks good and it's low runoff potential correct and just just to clarify I'm sure that raised some Flags perking well is good for the design because it means we have to retain more it doesn't mean we get a free pass so that that's a good thing for the design being conserv Basin design criteria okay all right and we've identified the portions of the homes along branch and Meridian that are draining towards us and we've specifically put our ponds and collector basins in locations to accept that flow not block it or try to divert it or anything like that okay that's all Joe before you while you're up here I guess speaking on utilities because I didn't see anything referenced in the memo is this on County Water and Sewer there facilities in place yes County Water and Sewer so no septic tanks nothing of the sort all right and are we in the wey watchy B map area here the weaky watchy B map area yeah just curious about whether or not we a te knows the question I'm going to ask just whether or not we're collect connecting to reclaim or if there's reclaim service available Han Pas County Utilities uh we are in the bmap area so we cannot actually no reclaim watera okay fair enough thank you the nearest reclaim is like three miles away so and we have water and sewer along 19 yep and there's uh sufficient capacity yes these are lines okay anything else for Joe not for Joe but maybe for the young lady I sorry I forgot your name I know you represent the the buyer uh so I don't know if you can speak to anything that the owner's done there but do you know anything about running mulchers and Bush Hogs through the property by the owner Camy Corbett again with Hill Ward Henderson we what we are aware of through the broker for the property that they did clear for fire suppression but that was approximately two years ago wasn't anything contemporaneous to this application in any way shap or form and whatever inventory for gopher tortoises have done have been done was subsequent to that clearance okay question for you and maybe it's better asked to David is the County Commission and does the County Commission have the legal authority to demand the minimum value of a home sir once you have a chance to speak I'm I'm sorry we we have to limit it to one time or else we'll be here all week [Music] um I would say generally no I mean I think that that now the legislature has preempted some of our ability to to regulate Aesthetics but but in terms but I think the county can regulate you can't add a condition of approval that says Thou sh have a minimum home value of you couldn't because because the home are control you could have a recession and all the home values go below that correct but but make sure I give you a complete answer to your question though the county can regulate sizes um certain amount of Aesthetics Landscaping things that might enhance the value of a home but not actual value does that make sense yeah yes you answered the question okay yes and if I could address that to real quickly I think he's specifically responding to a request uh made by a citizen to condition the development to have a minimum sales price of $500,000 or more um I would say that that would not be a lawful condition I don't know how it would be enforcable and it um and it would also invite a slippery slope of an evaluation of what the current home values are along uh the abing properties and I don't think that's any conversation anybody really wants to get into um another uh issue that was brought up was was traffic um because it looks like there's two proposed um access points on 19 there and it looks like one of them is Right adjacent to I guess it's another road across uh 19 as well a turn through so is there a plan to signalize that or is there a plan to if I could have Steve Henry our transportation engineer that's what I figured you'd say well and I what I'll do is I'll I've got some graphics to show you okay here I I got multiple copies if you want to okay do I need to move to receive and file you want to back Steve or no move to receive and file second second let me give you motion to receive and file on a second all in favor I hi I oppos motion carries pass multiple copies of those okay anyway so you look at those and what I've done is shown the site plan on aerial and then provided the location of the two access points these access points actually align with directional Medan openings that are in US 19 today um and if you look at those aals you can actually see where they've already built dot already built the right turn lanes for for the project uh they're striped out today because there's no driveway there but they've actually built the right turn lane so to answer your question would it ever be signalized no because it's a directional median opening and we also looked at the level of service to those and it meets the both delay and VC criteria with the project and we also looked at the length of those turn Lanes both the right and left turn lanes and with the project the turn lanes are long enough in fact a little bit longer than they need to be with our project and Steve you don't do traffic counts in the middle of the night right no correct we we do counts AM and PM peak hour we convert those to peak season so we're looking at the absolute worst case as far as the Year we We convert them to the actual peak week of the year that was a question I was going to ask I knew the answer to the question but I wanted you to State it for to address that particular concern we have Joe Simo up one more time too y yes sir irrigation Wells at what point do they trigger a consumptive use permit from the Water Management District oh that's a good question uh I think when it gets above 4 in to six above 4 in yes correct otherwise we're presumed not to have any substantive impact on the AC you still need a construction permit so there's still regulations you need to jump through understood so above a 4 in line yes above a 4 in well well well gotcha miss Corbin I know you've only been given this today but I assume that you'll correspond with Mr yacht or talk to Mr yacht and Mr strier about their concerns if they have an already rais them to you we will certainly continue a dialogue these concerns are similar to those that were raised at the neighborhood meeting that have been subsequently received in in the file and that we have taken them in into consideration by increasing our buffers we did move the dog park it was originally at the northern portion of if you look at the conceptual plan you'll see the dog park is at the center of the location of the community instead of at the Northern end we also moved a lift station that was on the east side of the property to the west side of the property in response to the concern so we have tried to listen to the concerns of the residents and address them to the best we can and we would continue that dialogue to the extent that there's anything that we could reasonably incorporate it into into the proposal how about Dr yacht's request for for a wall instead of a a fence on the a wall a concrete wall or masonry wall from a long-term maintenance standpoint is really a burden on the homeowners um we are going to be placing the uh the fence that we are proposing is going to be on the property line the interior property line and the screening will be on the Eastern side of that and so it makes it easier for the long-term maintenance of the HOA masonry walls are a lot more subject to Environmental so you know constraints are I guess they get deteriorate yeah exactly cracking and it really burdens might be initial cost to Meritage but it's the long-term homeowners that have to take care of that and we just aren't really sure that there's any additional mitigation that's provided by that material uh but it's certainly something we could consider you know continue a dialogue regarding the material related to that fence but I don't think concrete or masonry wall makes a a lot of sense so along that 35 ft um buffer there is there PL plans to leave as much vegetation existing intact some of that um is going to be challenging more so than in other sites because of the topography but to the extent that we can do that we certainly will I mean obviously anything we take out we have to replant pursuant to the landscaping and screening but that's essentially what we're looking at but the topog topography here is a little bit more challenging than a normal site okay regarding that back area where they had the one story structure request did you address that that's not something we can really accom here because we do have Town Homes which are typically two stories we're not any different in terms of Building height with the adjacent Property Owners which are allowed a 35- foot building height um so there's really not I don't think we could consider that here there's we're given that we're we have 10t of rear yard setback plus another 35t or 45t from the property line plus there is extensive extensive existing vegetation on their side so we really think that the likelihood that they'd be able to have any impact from that or any be any looming over from the two-story Town Homes to a one-story home is really not something um that we think is is would happen here is there anything in the AR zoning District that would prevent them for building a two or three story home on their own lot no there is not and with that we're here to answer any questions yeah I I I know there was a question about lighting I don't even know really for it's for you to answer but that's that's all requirement of the code as far as on-site lighting and spillage offsite goes um I know there was a comment somebody said something about um access to Meridian and how this project there is no access here to Meridian no um the access to the north to ker is emergency access only correct um it's not to be you know all of the access and and permanent access by any residents is is directly off US1 19 so um okay can I ask William a question well it's kind of indirectly a question for William is there anybody from natural resources that is available I just want to know if there's anything they heard today that would cause them to change their recommendation and the conditions of approval to deal wither questions too if we can get somebody so uh whenever Mr strickler called me I immediately let Jackie Jordan from natural resources know and she didn't have any other concerns once once I relayed what Mr had said to me so she aside from The Stance so all the testimony that we heard today about endangered species go for tortoises Jack he's heard all that before it it wasn't specific to what was said today it was more in the general these species could be being disturbed and I I told Mr strigler that I would let the natural resources department know to see if we need any additional uh conditions done I'm confused by something that was mentioned in in one of the conditions of approval and it had to do with bald eagle nests and I was just confused by the language and what I couldn't tell was are you saying if we find a nest later or were there some was there a nest found during the initial environmental assessment because I saw where it says there may have been kestral is that is that conditions six that you're ref it does say the presence of any new bald eagle so that implies that there might be an existing one uh that that is a question for Jackie these are all all conditions that were they were provided to me well that's why I started the conversation is Jackie available not I don't see her online she has listed as out of the office today so there's nobody from natural resources available to answer questions I just I'm just while we're waiting can I ask a another question what's the minimum minimum flood recurrence interval that you're required to set a lift station top up above you have to be um one foot above that 100 Year okay very good that's for the top of for the top of the LI station yes I understand so Denise if the answer is no I guess my request would be that when this goes to the board that somebody from natural resources be available either in person or online to address these allegations because I I'm not sure that this the Planning Commission or even the board have the expertise to [Music] know you know were these issues investigated when natural resources went out because there's a series of conditions to deal with gopher tortoises Eagles Nest American kestral and you know isn't that in the context though of the development approval I mean the gentleman's assertion was that the current property owner went out and did this not the applicant for this well I agree but I believe that our natural resources staff develops these conditions by doing a site visit they don't just they don't just dream up these conditions I mean they do a site visit and determine whether say was observed right so so they do it based on actual observations of yeah of habitat so I get your point but natural resources could probably tell us whether when they when they went out there whether there was evidence of this prior disturbance activity or not I I mean they investigate a lot of sites and so I think they they probably would be able to again she mentioned it was fire Break um that was done by the previous owner U two years ago so all I'm saying is I think it would be helpful to have their input on the allegations because they do they did an actual site visit to look for these species and to look for the habitat so um I guess what I'm trying to say is but that allegation is against the owner not the not the applicant in the case okay they may if the owner went out and did this and I'm not saying he did or he didn't then the appropriate means is Code Enforcement sites him for some violation of County ordinance and or FWC or us fish and wildlife comes out and cites him or arrests him as the case may be for some violation of state or federal law but that doesn't have much to do with the well it might in the sense that if there was some mitigative measures required as a result of that violation it might result in additional conditions on the developer to mitigate to mitigate for those prior disturbances so um and but I don't know whether natural resources found evidence of Prior disturbances that would require additional mitigative measures got I don't know if they know about this complaint and whether if it's found to be valid whether it would result in additional mitigative measures I mean so that's why I think it would be helpful to have their expertise when we have these discussions I I didn't know that they weren't available so Terry were you going to say something y nario Pito planning and economic growth um we can talk to natural resources and they can be present at the BCC public hearing with us okay okay it's just interesting you all have like Transportation people on call you have utilities people on call for some reason you don't that's why I'm not sure why we don't have natural resources on call but we we'll we'll talk it over with Keith in the normal course of events it's just a standard condition that you'll comply was state and federal law with regard to listed Andor endangered species and I'm curious I'll be anxious to learn I mean I have pated woodpeckers on my own property I don't know well the difference though in this cases apparently there was an allegation prior to this hearing that they were violating state or federal laws relates to Nature species so I would think I would think the natural resources might be here to speak to it that that's that was my kind of my point okay you go ahead if I could Camy cor again just there are issues related to gopher tortoises in this letter dated November 14th that have been in the record with your staff since November so I don't really think that although the specifics of what were what was presented today in testimony in terms of what was Disturbed or not Disturbed came up maybe today but it's been an ongoing complaint of the residents regarding natural resources issues so I think for me I presume that since we've dealt with it in the conditions the natural resources staff has reviewed this application and has not found any issues with it I don't have any objection obviously to going forward having them available but I don't want it to anybody to go away from this hearing to think that this is a brand new issue that came up today for the first time these folks are opposed to the development they were opposed to the development when we had our neighborhood meeting the gentleman testified himself and it's in his sworn statement that he raised the issue of gopher tortoises during our November meeting in our our community meeting so this is not a new new issue that's just being brought up today the complaint wasn't filed until just recently this this letter November 14th which is I think the same letter that you received today has been on file since November well that's different person so that's they're they're both raising similar issues Dr Yachts letter raises issues of species and goph for tortoises and habitat from November um and again the gentleman's sworn State written statement and his testimony today Mr strickler said that he raised this at our neighborhood meeting and has testified that he talked to us about it at the neighborhood meeting so this is not a brand new issue that came up today and again no objection to pursuing you know verifying and making sure going forward to BCC natural resources available to answer any questions but again I want the record to be clear this is not the first time that this has come up David just for the record aabon does list that those are Eagles Nest of the northeast of this property but it's outside of the 660 foot buffer it's not not on the proper right so that is something that uh Mr Simo group would definitely need to coordinate with uh FWS or the like so the condition that's in the conditions of approvals is appropriate for that I have a question for Denise so the MPD is expired correct so the current zoning is AR is that correct so that that's not really how it works it's just an mpud with no entitlements okay yeah so it's mpud with no entitlements to mpud okay it doesn't revert back to it's not like puds which were sunsetted so if a PUD is expired then it reverts to what the district was prior to it being PUD and puds are not set up like that okay thank you one thing we need to keep in mind is that the current future land use Is Res 24 right so they could come in and ask for any multif family District that complies with the Reds 24 and I think the applicant said they were actually in the number of units proposed having a significant reduction in density from what would otherwise be allowed in the res 24 blue category mul multi and they could be doing they could have come in here and asked for an mpud for is this in the urban service area or outside the urban service service area it's it's in the urban service area all right so in the urban service area there's no height limitation they could have come in here and asked for a high-rise apartment building on the same site under res 24 not saying that from a business perspective that might be the right or wrong place but they could have done that yeah okay and there's just there's actually hotels on 19 that you know the back end are just single family homes too so I've seen that could be worse [Music] mhm okay uh anything else up here that I'll look for a motion so so if we move for approval should do we need to mention that we recommend an environmental person be present for the BCC meeting to that since it's not really an additional condition I don't think you need to I think staff has gotten the message on that issue okay good sorry I apologize it's just I just want to make a very quick comment sir you have you'll have an opportunity to make any comment you want to the board County Commissioners you this this matter still has to go to the board of County Commissioners at a public hearing so any additional comments you have you can make to the board of County Commissioners we're a recommending body to the board of County Commissioners have no limit to their comments and we did they they had a rebuttal period as the applicant the way the the procedures that were outlined at the beginning they had five minutes and and they held some of their time back think they said anything incorrect you can bring it up to the board of County Commissioners well you know that's that's a pass that's a Mr chair if it's all right I'd indulge the gentleman if he wants to come up i' happy to ask him a question so that he can have another minute to just make sure you understand that the applicant then has a chance to rep whatever that you he says if you want to bring him up again do you have a question sure because he never answered my first question yeah go ahead I have a question for you am I invited you need to come to the podium yes I'm inviting you because I need to ask you a question what can I say uh no the only thing I want to oh he's going to ask your question this will be very quick he's gonna ask your question go ahead then you can think about the response sir you need to stay at the podium I can't hear I it sounded like there's probably going to be a motion to recommend approval of the development to the board of County Commissioners is there some reason in the comprehensive plan or the Land Development code that this should not be approved okay my understanding and remember I'm not a lawyer I'm just a a partially retired doctor okay we came up here not as experts but thinking in terms of the impact on our community which is a zoned agricultural which it was before uh Miller brought up his rezoning request that we did not as Linda Bell so amply discussed we did not challenge because we did not anticipate anything more than a a decent looking uh Miller likee mobile park because Miller builds very nice Parks okay and I work I was on on boards with Miller when I was a health officer is he's a stellar gentleman this is not about Miller however I first I want to confirm what Scott said I saw right behind my property for two weeks or so thinking that whoever was doing it had permission to do it I mean I wasn't going to question it come in with their bulldozers and chop down trees question to you okay so I'm just confirming what he told you you don't think we're not reing testim the question that wased he was now to your in the comp plan and the Land Development the only way I can answer that question as I said I'm not an attorney and I'm not an expert on the codes but my understanding is Pasco County when someone build something in Pasco County they're supposed to respect the character of the community that it's in this does not respect the character of the community that it's in and that's all I'm going to say so I get I'm so how is that that the case the future land use designation on the property is residential 24 units to the acre okay well does that zoned agricultural you tell me so your your area is zoned agricultural but the the land we're discussing right here has a future Z agricultural but has a future land it has a future land use of 24 units per acre so and that was already passed as part of the comprehensive plan years ago okay I I my only final comment and I really don't want to prolong this you'll you guys vote how you want to but this is not our community 250 units bringing in a thousand people uh with a wall that will deteriorate over a few years falling back on the homeowner associations if this is the kind of community you want to put in the highlands fine I mean we'll live with it uh hopefully you'll respect some very reasonable conditions which involve traffic flooding uh buffer zones uh people not peeking into our properties from high rises but that's this is your belly wig not mine and I thank you for the opportunity I mean I again on those points I think a lot of those points are going to be addressed or are addressed with this mpud they're providing a buffer they're they're Limited in height I think there's a 35 foot height limitation um the the traffic they're they're taking care of the traffic they're going to be required to take care of of storm water and all their permitting efforts so it's not that they're not going to be required to do anything they're not getting a free pass to go out there and build what they want um but just you guys need to understand the process um and again it comes down to a property rights issue in some form or fashion for that current property owner as well I mean he's entitled to have something there just like the person that developed your property had a right to develop your property into something um so the thing I see is we're asking for 250 platted town homes so figure somewhere between two and three people live in each town home so if I give the maximum three it's 750 permanent residents these are properties that will be under fee simple ownership when it's done whereas the prior development was an RV park with 499 spaces of transient res this would have been an upscale park that's what told us it might have and I can think of further south on 19 quite a few RV parks that now have a lot of permanent to semi-permanent residents that maybe maybe aren't the County's most Stellar residents but and if you had three residents per RV that's 1500 two mobile parks were turned down by you guys that tried to infringe in our community because of the quality of those parks there were low quality Parks uh and know I'm not defending Miller but I'm telling you uh he his uh presentation to us showed the kind of parks he runs which are very very upscale nice parks and as Linda Bell said we uh we didn't have too much of a problem with that but I don't as I said I don't want to prolong that yeah you you you you see what they're building here if you feel that's appropriate then you vote the way you want to with with the appropriate conditions I hope and then we go from there look we'll live with it I'm not I've been in that home 30 years again I know the point's already been driven home but there's a lot more that could have been asked for maybe so so okay maybe so okay thank you so um I just have one more question for the staff or the applicant in can on the issue of buffering um condition 10 it talks about a 6 foot privacy fence um Can somebody elaborate what that means does that mean opaque does that mean like I don't know what kind of fence you don't get much privacy with one that's not opaque well I I just want to make sure for the record what the intent is when we use the term privacy what does that mean does that mean it's fully opaque does it mean cam Rec it again for the record yes it means opaque okay so it's likely PVC or would some type of material like that yes okay right it's actually in the code so if you look at the code it tells them exactly what the material has to be what is all our sta is is that a defined term in the code privacy FS yes it is he's asking staff Denise or William if they know the answer to that question so I would prefer to defer to Brad um tip in on this item as he is the uh the the person who's delicated Authority for that section Brad tippen uh when we look at buffers and fences within buffers as part of the six-foot screening they are required to be opaque by the code is there any further specification on type of material uh not wood but it can be block it can be PVC so just not wood yes I'm just trying to help well the only Reas just let the staff the only reason I'm asking this question is well if it's not a defined term I'm just wondering why we're not using opaque I'm quickly checking appendix a right now for you dve and no I do not see privacy fence as a defined term in appendix a of the LDC can we change that word privacy to opaque if that would help clarify I have no objection does the applicant object to that no okay okay well whoever is making well first of all let the applicant do you have any rebuttal the only one brief point that I would make is not withstanding the fact that those properties to the East are zoned agricultural they do carry a future land use category of res six and we are consistent with that okay so um whoever is making the motion if you could do it if you're going to make recomend recommend approval if you could do it with a change to condition 10 changing the term privacy to opaque okay I I will make the motion to approve with the changing condition 10 from privacy fence to opaque fence and I will second that motion okay so motion and a second uh any other further discussion yeah I just want to say the owner the develop part of one of the one of the elements in our comprehensive plan is that we recognize property rights and I look at what this development could be with the current future land use category and what the applicant has proposed and we're looking at densities that are in line with the res six future land use category when they could have been res 24 by any other applicant and I will very frankly tell the residents this isn't the first time I've seen this property somebody came in my office a little more than a year ago and wanted to Zone this to Industrial so I think it's a much better proposal for your area and I'm not insensitive to your AR zoning District I live on AR zoned property too and I have chickens maybe before the end of the year I'll have some piglets but so I'm not insensitive to that but I look at what this could be and what the proposal is and I find that far more compatible with your neighborhood than what the person that came into my office and wanted to reone this into an mpud for industry which could be could provide a lot more light intrusion noise intrusion possible pollution issues and I want to assure you all because I work with this staff day in and day out these people are going to have this development examined from one end to the other with a rigor and I think Mr Simo can attest to this um in quite rigorous fashion and they're not just going to submit one plan and get a permit in a couple of weeks this is going to go back and forth for probably a year with the staff before this is all hammered out and with the southwest Florida Water Management District and with the D over the utilities there's going to be a lot of eyes that look at this thing so I want to assure you that they're just not going to come in and mow everything down and kill every endangered species that may or may not be on the property and cause all kinds of noise light pollution and the other things this is going to be looked at so that's why I'll be voting to approve that's why our laws are written that way to protect against that they're very specifically written to to uh protect the people that border that property for those reasons so and they they won't be able to circumvent those laws so okay anything else no okay there's a motion and a second uh with no further discussion all in favor I I opposed motion carries I think that's the last item on the agenda I think it is it is a motion to adjourn move to adjourn second motion a second all in favor I I oppos motion [Music] carries [Music] [Music] Pasco County waterways and Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollutants directly into our lakes and rivers creating an unhealthy environment for fish water foul and other Aquatic animals storm drains are meant for clean rainwater most other discharges are illegal if you suspect an illicit discharge please contact Pasco County Department of Public public works at 72783 [Music] 43611 the average shelter return to owner rate for cats is less than 2% that means if you bring a community cat to our shelter it's not likely they'll end up being returned to their caregivers cats in our communities often have one or more caregivers and they usually hang up in their home area the best thing to do for these cats is to leave them be share that message and you too can help battle pet overpopulation if you're concerned the kittens have really been orphaned meaning they haven't been moved or you're sure mom hasn't been back in at least eight consecutive hours then you can step in and care for the kittens Animal Services offers resources on our website about kitten fostering span neuter Services trap rentals and vaccinations whether you have a single Community cat or a bunch of kitties we encourage you to contact us at 813 9291 1212 or through our website for more information on our snip trap neuter vaccinate release program this means healthier and fewer Community cats in your neighborhood healthier because we can prevent diseases like rabies and fewer because all of the cats that we treat are also spayed and neutered cats are eligible for the program at 8 weeks old Pasco County is a strong and growing community and through our combined efforts we can help save lives with three simple words leave them [Music] [Applause] [Music] be welcome to Pasco County the fastest growing County in the Tampa Bay Area the Pasco Board of County Commissioners is a High performing organization with 2700 employees representing 57 lines of business serving nearly 600,000 people over 740 square miles and we're always looking for talented people to join our team this is your opportunity to help make your community a better place to live work and play if you're ready to be part of a great success story consider a career with Pasco County Government recently recognized as a top workplace for 2021 opportunities include careers in utilities Public Works traffic operations Solid Waste Animal Services public transportation Information Technology libraries Parks Human Services Recreation and Natural Resources Administration Senior Services Fire Rescue 911 Fleet building construction services code enforcement planning environmental science and so much more plus our benefits package is tough to beat we offer employee wellness centers Health vision and dental benefits paid holidays and tuition reimbursement just to name a few we are local government reimagined we're Progressive Innovative and in many areas Pasco County is leading the way want to learn more about what we do and how you can be part of it VIs visit my paso. and click on job and volunteer opportunities our team is more than 2700 strong your neighbors friends and even family [Music] members come join Pasco County and make a difference every day [Music] [Music] Mak [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] honey start the grill so where are you guys going on [Music] [Applause] vacation the best dum part of the game last one [Music] [Music] that's yeah has anybody seen Sam what Sam it doesn't have to end like [Music] this [Music] and there are ways to develop to also that go hand inand with preserv so like if that whole there is like if you wanted to put a building and you excavated the whole Foundation that was going to be taken out cool like we actually potentially know more now than we would have if there was no building which doesn't necessarily mean that we need to be digging up everything but if it's going to get destroyed that would be a good way um might be a more appropriate way to go about it is actually Excavating scientifically the site instead of coming in with back hos where you know you end up with a giant pile of there are definitely ways to to balance the two you know okay construction and you know moving forward and also preserving the past so there there are lots of good examp it just takes it takes groups like this and work like this where people are talking and working together and you know and holding people accountable and you know saying like no no no this is what needs to happen if you want to do this this is what we're going to need you to do before before that [Music] [Applause] [Music] go Pasco and Pasco County libraries our perfect Partners perfect place to buy your bus pass I'm very excited to introduce our newest Library where you could buy bus passes we listened to your requests and you can now buy your bus passes at the downtown Newport Richie Library it's very convenient to come from where I live to the library to pick up a bus pass before I would have to use two buses and now I can use one the Newport Richie Public Library acts as a information Hub to the entire West Pasco Community we are thrilled to be able to offer the go Pasco bus passes as an additional service for our community the bus passes that you could buy at the downtown Newport Richie Library are 31-day regular and reduced and the 20 ride and don't forget you can get your day passes on the bus the partnership between go Pasco and the Newport Richie library downtown is a great great partnership we've wanted this for many years I just love go Pasco find your way to Pasco County libraries with go Pasco at go pasco.com [Music] he [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] a [Applause] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Music] la [Music] oh [Music] hey hey [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] m