good morning I would like to call the order the pass County Board County Commissioners uh and City's meeting uh County Workshop of March 5th 2024 this time please silence all electronic devices and use your microphones uh please please rise for the invitation oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and Grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen amen PL to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all M cler please call a r District Two commissioner wait District three commissioner zery District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here ad Mr carala County Administrator here from the city of Fort Richie Mayor John Eric Hoover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman Tom canella councilman Dave Mueller here councilwoman Cherokee Samson and Mr Matthew W coppler city manager from the City of Newport Richie mayor Chopper Davis here Deputy Mayor Matt Murphy here councilman Peter Alman here councilman Mike Peters here councilwoman Kelly motherson here and Miss Debbie man city manager here thank you okay thank you um welcome to this year's joint cities County Board Workshop special thanks to the staff for all the organizing of this event and go into your opening remarks that's a little note from me I I am more than happy to find you here today um and I mean in years past P Richie has not necessarily been a part of this meeting at times maybe the city manager or somebody but not everyone has been Shilling up so we're very thankful that yall are here today and we're open to hear what you have to say about your city and your issues and we want to hear those so we can help you so um Newport Richie has been coming pretty often and and joining but it's much better when everybody's at the table and it it works out better everyone so um just get your checkbook out I was going to use Chopper but uh Mr do you want to go into what we're going to do here today certainly uh Mr Sher thank you and just thank you uh everyone for joining us here in our Our Community Development conference group recently uh recently re renovated over here so thank you um the when we had a call for items we we distilled them down into really three main areas we talking about Transportation issues water natural resources as well as policy and growth management and uh the the agenda here is just follows those themes um along with the uh the organization that brought the item up so for example under Transportation Pasco County wanted to discuss Grand bouard uh looks like we have a couple items there as well as Green Key Road and pting so we'll just kind of Follow That theme of course you know as we organically have the conversation continue we get to the end if there's topics that uh folks didn't have a chance to to get on the agenda we certainly can can briefly uh go go through those items so I don't really want to take up much of your time so I think we could jump right into the Pasco County item of of green key under transportation so I think we have staff ready that can start on slight presentation of that green key on Grand Boulevard excuse Grand Boulevard so I'd like to bring forward our County engineer Nick G all right I think I'm going to make my way down here and just talk from that's all right just introduce who you are Nick so everybody at table knows see yeah yeah uh well good morning everyone uh my name is Nick uren and I'm the Pasco County engineer and briefly as a way of introduction I came here in June of 2023 I'm a resident of Pasco County and on my way to becoming a resident of the City of Newport Richie once we finish U constructing a home in your city so we're excited about that and uh came here after serving 20 years in Palm Beach County where we had 39 municipalities and a much larger room for joint County City City County City collaboration meeting so I'm I'm excited to be a part of this discussion and figure out how we can do Transportation projects that benefit our mutual constituents and uh our our community as a whole so I'm going to talk just briefly about some of the projects that are already U known Partnerships and then we'll open it up to discussion about those as well as any other items that we ought to be we ought to be touching on going forward um I don't know who's controlling the slide so go ahead and jump to the next slide um briefly our transportation engineer department has a mission statement we are here to plan build operate and maintain a safe connected efficient and multimodal transportation system for all users so all of those adjectives matter to us safe connected efficient multimodal and all users and what we like to say is we're trying to build a transportation system that works for an 8-year-old or an 80-year-old whether we're trying to get kids to school or whether we're trying to get to allow our residents to age in place we want to build facilities that work for the whole Community go ahead to the next SL uh some existing projects this is just a snapshot of our 5-year CIP focused on the western communities and the and the borders that we share with the two cities here this morning uh we've got several existing projects in the vicinity and I'm going to talk about just a few of them so jump to the next slide and we'll talk about uh Grand bouevard Bridge the design for this bridge replacement project project is underway the bridge was built in 1950 it's uh coming up on 75 years of service and we are going to be replacing it it's going to be a full tear down rebuild a reconstruction in fiscal year 26 is our hopeful start date for construction that's an existing partnership we have with the City of Newport Richie to look at design modifications to the new bridge and to try to increase the vertical clearance we're going to be designing that and uh defining the impacts of that increased vertical clearance as as we go through the design process and then figure out just how to make that an asset both for the Waterway navigation as well as the people traveling north south to get into the vibrant downtown of Newport riching and jump to the next Slide the grand this is a project that is outside of the city's limits Grand Boulevard sidewalk but we are constructing a continuous sidewalk all the way from south of State Road 54 up to Cecilia Drive which is the border between unincorporated County and City of Newport Richie and this is going to be creating a multimodal pathway a connection for pedestrian activity to get into the uh pathway Network that the city is already constructing on their portion of Grand Boulevard uh to the north of that jurisdictional boundary one more slide and then I wanted to touch on this is not an existing project but there is discussion underway through the mo of the potential to partner with the city of Fort Richie on modifications at the Grand Boulevard intersection with US1 19 this is the the idea is that we would be adding East and West left turn Lanes on the U Grand Boulevard approaches to 19 that would allow for fdot to approve the um uh golf cart Crossings at this intersection it would also improve the capacity and the operations of the intersection for the routine vehicles that are currently using it and this is a partnership that I think the city is hoping to pursue funding through the no so this is a one of those multi- agency initiatives where we can see if we can't secure some funding for this and then Pasco engineering would serve as a pass through to um provide oversight for our federal the the the rules and requirements for federal funding we could function as an administrator of the project and allow the City of Newport Richie to pursue that and uh get that built and then I think the last one I I am not as familiar with because this is more of a public works project but this was also on the agenda I think our public works department added it in and this is that green Key Road uh Paving and maintenance and I just wanted to mention that because it's on the agenda and highlight the location of it and Mike I'm afraid U I'm looking around the room and thinking it's either you or me or um or a wing in a prayer if there are questions on this one but we but again these are the projects that we've highlighted on the agenda these are Partnerships that we're doing to together with the cities and uh we wanted to open up for any conversation or discussion about these projects and I think I'll close with that last slide uh or if there are any other items that you want me to be aware of um I think we're ready for question and discussion on the transportation infrastructure any questions for Nick newer yes sir just a commentary about the bike trails that are going to be listed under natural resources but that bridge on Grand and the design work that the city's trying to do for bike trail coming from Marine Parkway and uh down Grand Boulevard uh hopefully I'm sure will be a component of the design of the bridge um and so so tidal Way Drive which is the one road when you pulled the slide up has a an existing building there used to be Clyde Hobby's uh law office um it's pretty high U but it's going to be curious to see how you figure that uh elevation uh as it as it goes to there so I know we're very interested in that the other comment about that bridge when you cut it down it's going to increase the traffic on Madison because all the traff trff that's got you know we have such a long north south river that the crossings of Ridge Road Main Street uh are going to go all the way back now to Trouble Creek so whatever traffic is coming into our city try to go east west or north south coming in from Tampa is going to be pretty well relegated to uh Rowan Road or Madison or 19 um and so um you mentioned Cecilia at the end of your sidewalk with the new golf high school that also is at the corner of Cecilia and Madison that is going to become a trouble spot uh because of the Ser amount of traffic flowing in uh and the no left turn and so I think if the transportation folks want to look at that intersection you've got two or three years before it could become very difficult I think uh at that at that part um that's that's part of ni's job I just want to ask a question about the um Grand Boulevard bike uh or pedestrian sidewalk is that going to be for bike paths hooking you know the whole ideal of east west bike path across the state the the Grand Boulevard project that we're building is a 5-ft sidewalk that's going to be constructed on the east side of the road primarily for pedestrian activity will it connect to u to the South to the orange belt Trail um then where it's also it goes up to Massachusetts of course connects the star heads across the state too yes yeah so the answer is yes we are one one of the things that we're doing on a countywide scale is constructing that multimodal Network including the extension of the orange belt Trail all the way through to connect with the state which uh the State of Florida has this uh Nation they have a Statewide multimodal trans Network that they call the SunRail system and orange belt Trail is part of that and we're going to be constructing that our our segments of the orange belt Trail as part of that overall Statewide suntrail and that is part of what gr's going to be and gr will have connections to that yes okay that's what I'm good question the sideb a sideb but that say B are on yes yes um just a question maybe jumping maybe we going talk about this under the under the bike trail connections but uh for Green Key Road um repaving and and uh Improvement maintenance uh you know there's there's some fling issues at back in that part of the world right but was so I don't know if the if the paving is that's going to be any elevation changes to the roads or any any drainage improvements along that roadway um as that's taken and one step further also I think there was at some point in time a discussion about a multi-use path a long green key out to the park and I want to know if that was in in um in PL I'm wondering if the gentleman who's poking his head in right now can answer that question perfect timing Mr let go up front actually question question ke whether there will be any increase in elevation drainage modifications or addition of a multi-use path as part of the repaving project okay so the only I can you got do the mic just good morning everybody sorry I was running late so I think uh what we would like to do is to raise it a little bit where we can but all those things that he mentioned now are not going to be included in the project including bike no they are not going to included so a multi-use trail uh along Green Key Road in the works no that is not part of the uh Road Road improvements it's mainly elevating the road to reduce the flooding in that area and also provided for uh providing for Road related drainage it's strictly a maintenance project is what is yes's the date on that you a date on that act construction we actually doing it excuse me can you a date a date uh I don't have the date with me but I can I can find that out and provide that and I'm sure you've in touch with the city cuz we the first part of that road is within our city limits and we probably want to coordinate uh pro at the same time yes we are we are any other questions brf bford if you will get that day one that's going to start and make sure you Richie is aware of that I will yeah thank you okay any other questions let me uh to help everybody understand if you need to ask a question is stick your name tag up like so and that way I won't miss you Mr chair uh actually in the spirit of talking about collaboration uh along Grand Boulevard I know our office of economic growth our planning folks have done some things i' I'd like Mr angle just if he could for just to speak for a quick second about some of those some of those efforts as well to see if that scurs any more discussion good you good [Music] morning get that word David Angel Pas County's planning and economic growth director so we have a variety of initiatives along Boulevard because it's a very important Carter to be vitalized so we're focusing on plac making bringing in Revenue there to do certain specific projects our first project is Street lighting uh from Cecilia South 54 we're going to try to use Street lighting that is similar to what Newport Richie uses so there's a consistency there and a brand and uh we are trying to secure grants for that and we're focusing on options with using solar power versus electric secondly uh we're working on a a street art mural project located on the Grand Boulevard we found that street art murals enhance the quality of uh the experience with the stores there and also elevates property values over time thirdly uh we are aggressively focusing on uh grants now for for this area of the County uh we have an AARP grant that we're about ready to submit this week for age friendly seating and Spa outside spaces at the senior center and uh we are going to be also working on an overlay district for Grand Boulevard and us 19 so we're focusing on incentives for redevelopment revitalization and form Bas Z thank you thank you any questions all for David just one one one last thing um you know the City Newport Richie is pleas supported of Port Richie's efforts and the County's efforts to the golf par Crossing um there at Grand Boulevard uh city's been successful with Dot's help and establishing a couple Crossings and it and it's been received very well and another been um in the past talks about Crossing underneath the bridge and that just seems to be could be economically difficult to do for for a lot of purposes and um I know a lot of our residents would would enjoy that opportunity to take the cough Parts across 194s the city of Port Richie so we urge that that project to continue because uh n was fdot spoken out about the use of that Crossing for gol cars in fact yes and and the reason that the left turns are being proposed at the intersection of grand and 19 is because that is a condition of allowing the golf carts to cross the intersection I think the golf carts with when they were combined with the vehicular traffic in a single Lane approaching the intersection they they they just move slow and so they deteriorate at the operational efficiency of the intersection but when you create the turn link then you can maintain both the efficiency and the safety trying to provide the balance to those two desired outcomes um along the same lines with the Grand Boulevard improvements you guys are looking at and obviously with our intersection there at Grand Boulevard 19 there's a section as you come out of the city of Port Newport Richie obviously there's sidewalks along the river there but as you get into for Richie you don't have any of that there's no sidewalks no way for Petri to walk along there to get down to the the Waterfront through that intersection I don't know a long-term Vision you guys look at potentially improving that area as well of Grand Boulevard something that we partner with or but I think I should clarify the the intersection of Grand in 19 the the role of Pasco County will be a facilitating role if the city was is to pursue funding through the no and receive grant funding and then be able to supplement that with City funds we would be a we basically offer our administrative um abilities and and certifications to the city to allow for those things to be constructed if the city wants to expand the scope of the project and pursue additional funding through the MP's Grant programs then certainly that could fall under that same umbrella but Pasco County is not pursuing funds to modify an existing City street at this time okay and what the street so much as actual sidewalks I guess that sure sure when I say Street I mean the content within the existing City's right of way not just the pavement you know I say Street I mean right of way so yeah we wouldn't be pursuing funds to to construct a sidewalk on a city street but if the city were to secure funds through a grant program and need our administrative abilities to utilize those funds then we would be happy to partner with the city great thanks and you will see that uh there's Grant funds available in NB that you need to talk to or reach out to no organization and be a part of that discussion and and there's monies there that can be had that a lot of times we forget they're there we need to reach out got that issue then reach out and see what's available for the city there for doing the sidewalks and things of that nature it's a very good thing to happen yes sir Nick would the safety grant that we just got from uh the feds would that be part of something that could be looked at stud um so I think commissioner what you're referred to is that us do just published a notice of funding opportunity for the Safe Streets for all grant program that's part of the Biden infrastructure bipartisan infrastructure Bill uh or bipartisan infrastructure law that was passed in 2020 2020 yes right um possibly so what we're doing right now just so the so the group is aware the mo has secured a grant through this uh safe streets BR umbrella program to conduct a countywide multimodal Transportation safety evaluation and create an action plan I'm looking at the no staff and they're giving me good head knot so I think I'm doing okay uh what we're going to do with that is try to excuse me try to identify projects that we can then submit future Grant applications uh for this save streets for all funding in the interim so in this particular cycle there may be some constraints on the types of projects we can submit because we haven't finalized and completed our action plan just yet but we are certainly going to make our cities aware of any and every potential funding opportunity as they become available once we establish this action plan or if there's any sort of possibility for a demonstration project we we'll figure it out and we will share information with you so that you don't miss Windows of opportunity come and speak to n we don't we're not aware of yeah there there are several that are coming up in fact I'll just mention while Tena is walking up I will mention that we are going to be submitting an application through the bridged Improvement program Grant which is another USD grant program to see if we can't buy down some of the costs associated with the grand bouevard Bridge replacement project so we're hopeful that that Grant application will be successful in contributing some federal funding that we've already paid up to Washington we want to bring it back down here to infrastructure projects that benefit our communities and the the Reconstruction or our rebuilding of Grand Boulevard Bridge is a multimodal infrastructure project is the kind of application that that bridge investment program looks very favorably on so we're hopeful that we'll see some success in that regard and Nick on that uh this is a good opportunity to thank both the city of Port Richie and City of Newport Richie for their letters of support that we could include in our application for that bridge gr yes good morning I'm ten Corman the N executive director I would just like to take a few moments I apologize about my voice it's very hor this morning um i' like to take a few moments to discuss the grant opportunities through the no so the no is the Metropolitan planning organization we get Federal and State dollars to complete and support our long range Transportation plans here in Pasco County so the biggest example right now is we're going through the work program cycle with fdot we are working on securing our Su funds which is a big part of our which is a I think it's a fairly it's a decent amount of money that we use to secure some of these local projects that we're trying to do this year the NBO is trying to turn um the needle when it comes to the smaller projects and getting those done around the county so we really want to work with the cities and the county to use some of those Su funds on top of that we get State funds dedicated District Revenue funds and we work alongside the state with those funds and PR prioritize and plan those as well on top of we go out for regional incentive grant program which we work with Ted to secure and uh prioritize those projects and we also use County incentive grant program dollars as well that is a grant through the state so we we have many Avenues to help and assist in with the projects that you're trying to do um you can always reach out to me or the no staff if you have projects um that you're going to get on the list of party projects thank you T any question for T okay yes sir not necessarily a question thank you um I just wanted maybe to give a little bit perspective from the city of for Richie's Viewpoint so we're also going through the Safe Streets program as well um we're going to be rebidding it out to get a consultant on the board and and with that I think at the same time as you're doing yours you know we'll be able to come up with some uh projects within the city that we think are going to be you know focused on you know not only the city's perspective but also Regional perspective you know case of uh Grand Boulevard you know if you take the golf cart Crossing out of it you don't have a very well functioning uh intersection to begin with and I think that's kind of what came together when the city applied for the golf cart processing is do recognized that you know don't have a great working intersection and probably are requiring a little bit more of us than than what they might have if we had a well functioning intersection but um you know we're looking at not only just providing a left but we're probably going to be providing a protected left so we're going to have to deal with the traffic signals as well so that that project you know probably went from a small amount One Day to a very large amount overnight on us as we been working with do um but again that that intersection that Corridor all the way into new part Richie I think is very important for both the city of Port Richie and the City of P Richie um you know connecting the downtown to the Waterfront uh I think is something that work well for both uh cities and I know in talking in short four months with uh City Council on this I think they see that as an important project going forward we're going through goal setting so we're we're going to you're probably going to see that one of the goals coming out of there is looking at that Corridor and what the city can do to help stimulate more development long there um so we we kind of look forward to working not only with the the city of newor Richie on what we can do together but also the county because obviously blending is is one big key with us and there's so many different projects that that I think been on the drawing board that really have a round off center and uh I think we see from the city that we're we're going to be starting to push those to try to get those things going forward so we view that Corridor is very important that's my naturally when count ask about letter of support for that bridge far away from us but it's still a connection point to the city as well and you know we want to be able to draw all those people down to the Waterfront as we we develop that as well as along you know Grand Boulevard where we have a number of restaurants and and other establishments there that I think would benefit that get sidewalks and and get that mobility and connectivity with the downtown newp Richie so I think there's there's a lot of opportunity for all three of us to do something really brand on that Boulevard all right yeah the um I mean on the no priority list that the underpasses has been a priority um so I don't see why I'm in separate conversation for the no um but I don't see why we can't you know move our Focus to to a better solution which is the crossing and try to fund it through grants or whatever we need um I don't know if anybody else on the N wants to chime in on that but I think it's desperately needed and you know I think we should really focus on it I to say one thing about uh the no you know we're we've been looking at a regional no with Hillsboro and and pineos City of Tampa City St PBG and City we we've all been looking at at this process and at first we're a little nervous we'll lose our money that we have in our n now but in fact you continue to keep that money locally that we can talk about in our n but what it does for us is instead of being 47th as Pasco County looking at federal dollars we would in that Regional group we would be 17th looking for the federal dollars to come in area that helps everybody so movement around our region is very important and we still have some two- Lane roads that are connecting us to hillsbor and all need to be4 Lane like 301 is a a bigger portion of that would go into Hillsboro and they get more money to take care of that but we only have a small stretch there it's just as important for that small stretch as it is that larger Park so I don't have a problem working some of those issues secretary Gwen was really behind us to try to to work this out out and I'm actually gotten more on board as we talk more about it because the value of those federal dollars coming in our region very very important and we still have our monies that we normally see in our own po that's yeah back to the under I think it's something that the city should be working really hard on um the n's had a list for many years now I was number one at one point um if you can get people to cross underneath 19 not going over 19 it is so much safer uh I think your seniors your people going back and forth be much more prone rather take that six Lane Highway in in your hands um I think from what you're telling about the Dual left turn Lanes probably Improvement is going to be down that area it doesn't tight H the section with the little median issues going on there too you might spend as much money improving that that exchange going across and you would go into need so I would definitely work hard with that I think You' got a couple of businesses that between catchers I think would work with you and I think the other position when I heard on the other side of the bridge are actually willing to come to the table too and make the perance that's going to take you guys having that dialogue yes and and I agree I think you know they're they're really for my perspective two different issues um although they're similar they're different the the Grand Boulevard Crossing really is about vehicular traffic um you know I agree no pedestrians and and people on bicycles St across US 19 is crazy um and to provide another Outlet which I think the underpass would do uh makes a lot of sense and I think would would help in the again the mobility and the connectivity to to Newport riching um but that alone would not you know create the environment necessary to get the rest of of the way even for Rich and you know from the city's perspective we have to figure that out you know we get underneath the bridge going to the water for us really easy but getting from you know underneath the bridge all the way to new Richie and getting into the residential areas of Varity becomes a little more of an issue when we're going to have to you know plan and figure out the best way to make that connection but I think where where an Ask would be in this is you know we're we're not going to be able to figure that out on our by ourselves um we don't have the planning staff necessary to be doing doing some of this work um and so we're left to try and find grants to to actually do the engineering preliminary engineering and study necessary to make those connections um again I don't know from County's perspective but if there's any way we could work with them to to kind of focus on those areas um so we can maybe get ourselves in a better position to get the funding necessary to actually you know get from us talking about it here today day actually shovels in the ground and I think that's you unfortunately for us has been you know the challenge we we've talked about these things a lot we don't have any shovels in the ground yet and I think it's something that we don't to start doing Mr Mar before you go the shovels in the ground you have to get to design but I I will tell you the no tener Nick our team I know do would willing to go to the table and we'll sit down and work with you to help you get the engineering part of it done and get get rolling but it's going to take again taking that step Bo and other btim board yeah I apologize for overwhelming you with all the on Cody River I I gave you the feasibility study all that information part of that is the no we prioritize based on the information that we have so as far as quoting River it's on the priority list of project but it also needs support from both the cities as far as funding on top of the grants that we can also allocate and on top of working with Ted so it's just a communication that I think we can sit down and really work out and lay out Cody River and get that going on top of working with catches as well and getting that going as well so Mr chair can I help you to segue to uh item two with the Bike and Hike Trail uh as coun Peters had mentioned we we have talked a lot about multimodal and as they're up there um I uh would that be all right or are there still issues on on the part on Transportation because interestingly you know transportation is not the only reason for multimodal it's also Recreation and economic development and um I know there was a point when I was with the city when we were working on uh the Coast to Coast Trail which comes from Titusville and goes across Orlando through S of Brooksville uh dat City and gets all the way to the sunos parkway um but it a Coast to Coast Trail is more of a recreational trail uh and so it it bleeds into tourism and ecotourism and blueways and all of those things that are about our two twin cities on the river and the the attractiveness that we can have to sort of that e tourism area so that being said um when we talk about bike trails number of years back the city did do a master plan and uh Envision that the um that the Coast to Coast Trail could come through and I think it's Massachusetts Avenue which is sort of effectively now the Ridge Road Extension in some ways um if you continue it on out through the cubis and on on in so um for recreational uh and economic benefit of the recreational uh Gunther flag who's been on your no uh multimodal committee for a long time uh has the last piece of 60 Acres that lead all the way up to your Park on Trouble Creek Road and so we have had in the past uh a strategy for an overpass for bicycle trail at Marine Parkway to connect through from a recreational standpoint I mentioned it because when I was talking to dot when I worked for the city um and when you go for Grants and we did have like a $900,000 grant which we you were the one that informed me we didn't have it when I first got back on the committee Mr Oakley um that project is still I believe in the mo wish list um but for all of the work on Grand Boulevard and learning about the connection you're going to have to your other Trail and our opportunity with our our 8 acre Park and our nature-based tourism that we're focusing on um that overpass is still I think a a critical opportunity but only if it gets to the Gulf of Mexico because if I'm a if I'm you know on the Appalachian Trail I want to go from point A to B if I'm on the coast to coast Trail I want to go from Atlantic to the gulf and coming through our cities to get to the Gulf of Mexico on a Statewide trail that goes that direction uh is a is an incredibly uh OPP good opportunity I think for us to uh I identify oursel as this Nature Coast Sports Coast uh connectivity so um that's a lot of what we're working towards I think and uh uh I'm hopeful I know gun has been trying to sell that family property for a long time but he's always indicated a commitment to put his Trail through there which would be recreational and get us to the coast and then I know that had been suggested we could follow that Coast all the way to uh to connect to Tarpon Springs point being the pelis trail being one of the most popular trails in Florida and D eaten having been really re revitalized because of it uh and folks that like to travel longer distance and I can imagine uh having them come all the way into Pasco County and have a good easy uh recreational path to it I think is a good long-term strategy for our city and for the county so I would just uh as we talk about going to Fort Richie and back and creating that uh and I think um having looking at the resiliency along the coastline and all of the BP oil spill money that was meant to revitalize um we should be looking at all kind of potential grants to connect our cities even into Hernando along the coast and create a really exciting Trail we have so much natural land of the state park our own uh uh Coastal areas um so that's my my skill now I'm sorry but our our expert uh commissioner on Trails happens to be running late so I know she would be happy to add a lot more than what you be been see about trails and their connection and we all realize the connection of trails is very important economic being of of our County and how people move about it especially in a recreational way so we just want to see it come to our little downtowns and be part of our uh our mission not just to get it into Hillsboro OR pelis or the beaches uh there's an awful lot of north south roads in Tampa between Tampa and clear waterer Beach we got a real direct route and a coastal route I think is important yeah we've been looking at trails and Pasco going around San Antonio in D City and all the way to Tran a big big loop that actually keeping drive to dat area and then get on a trail spend the day on a trail and then end up in the community it really works out good I know it works out good overa for your cities too so thank you we just got off here's our commission expert of trails you late connection back over to the east side oh um well I was wondering um what the city's plants are uh on Grand Boulevard and um and your multi-use path you know we'd love to see it come down to 54 and hopefully maybe that all helps activate that property at 54 Grand which um um we need to really try and promote I think for redevelopment so do you have any okay sure grandle of our what what section well your section and then you know as we weedo that bridge right that bridg we want to make sure it has a room for a multi-use trail hopefully connected something um that we need to look at um doing on our end as as we maybe do some Redevelopment going down Grand Bard I'll tell you um our office recently did a um a planning exercise at gun in 54 I don't remember what you call those but we no no well we went past the charette we actually took action and we we um did a uh kind of like a sector plan I guess for the property on gunam 54 from the cemetery to um interlocking and it's voluntary for the people that live in there um but it was a it a way to try and um hope that that area would redevelop in a better way than just halfhazard and um I hope that we can come and bring that same kind of plan to ERS and you know ERS has a nice grid it used to be a little town um maybe that's where we can put in um that uh zoning that Frank starky likes to talk about um have a planner missing middle no um in ERS area so you know whatever you're doing on Grand could T help tie in to ERS area and then and then then we have the Grand in 54 um property that could be some kind of anchor on the southide so just thinking of uplifting all those communities Grand Boulevard yeah and we do plan to establish a path along Grand Boulevard at this point our path system um which is a 10 foot wide multimodal path along with um pedestrian amenities um will span to Marine Parkway and that's as far south at this point as it's planned to span will we so but we're going to put but we're going to put it on the bridge which is we are going to put it on the bridge but it's not going to connect anything but a sidewalk on either side maybe for now it will expand to a sidewalk system on the other side of Marine Parkway to cicilia but now that you're mentioning what you're doing to 54 I think it gives us good cause to consider um spanning it um out further south as well yeah I I sense some of you an article that um actually Tina sent me about winter garden and what the um rails what trail rails Trails U yeah what that did for winter Garten um and I had seen that years ago when I was on the green waste Trails Council we had a meeting there um 25 years ago about how they were U really U embracing that trail as part of their Redevelopment strategy so I just think the more Trails we can bring into your downtown the better your downtown's going to be yes this Trail will go into our downtown area actually it will connect the finalis trail to the starky trail and its conclusion um but that's that's going down to cubulous right um it will take Madison Massachusetts um yeah but what about people that live to South we need to make that connection that you're referencing yeah yeah Grand seems to have the WID to do something special do thank you didn't we just hear at the five sidewalk that you installing I think that's what I heard yeah that was one yeah and so your own trail your own uh project doesn't doesn't enable include that I guess gentlem in the begin I don't know anything about that hiding behind he he said five commissioner I I had mentioned that we have a a sidewalk project for Grand Boulevard that we're doing only 5T a 5 foot sidewalk on the east side of yeah that's and and I think it's important to note that Mariner Parkway is south of the river and so the the 10t multi-use path that the city is constructing on Grand will go across the river our reconstru Ed Bridge along with their reconstructed roadway we provide a continuous 10-ft pathway on the west side of the road all the way down to Mariner Parkway and then I think what we need the purpose of discussions like this is to talk about whether we would like to continue that maybe the city brings it all the way down to cilia and we pick it up from there and try to do something on the west side as a pathway enhancement I know David mentioned D mention the street lighting and so you this is the point of Workshop like this do we do we all want to collaborate and work together to build that kind of an outcome in order to provide multimodal connectivity to these different nodes of development like the property you reference on 54 yeah so I I haven't seen that any information on that sidewalk um but for me it's I prefer to see a map than to just talk about it so I understand but what we're talking about but do we have any Maps here he he showed where the go forward to one more one more sorry that's the Bridge Project and then this is our sidewalk limit so we're starting all the way down south of 54 this is oh the Grand Boulevard sidewalk South yeah right so we're going we're doing the Grand Boulevard sidewalk all the way down several miles south of 54 all the way up to Cecilia I did not know you were going north of 54 on that's right we're going up to the city limit so it's going through alers yes but but it's only 5 foot yeah can I'd really like to look at that to be wider I mean I don't know that we can get a 10 foot there but can we get an 8 foot that two people can walk side by side or someone can ride a bike CU you can't ride a bike on a 5 foot sidewalk it's under construction right now oh jeez so again I think the city's intent is the 10-ft pathway on the west side of grand and we can look in the future at the possibility of the RightWay needed to support to support a 10-ft pathway on the west side of okay I never knew that wasth yeah I have some information going back to the year old days but this is 23 years ago not 25 years ago I John Gallagher had been offered by the railroad for that rail uh and turned it down so we had an opportunity to have the rail trail and it was given up uh in the early 2000s are you talking about the cross town no the old railroad tracks that were going on Grand Boulevard which used to be Highway 19 and that's where snail's nursery and a lot of the orange droves in ERS were but point point being um looking at the RightWay figuring out what we can do uh Safe Streets may be narrowing them I know our former mayor Marlo was B on the width of the Road Grand Boulevard is only one lane coming in if it's going to be a uh a beautiful inance and uh for the purposes of economic growth uh it's going to take some some looking at but uh while we appreciate going Grand Boulevard we also appreciate your help getting us to the Gulf of Mexico so we could be part of that Coast to Coast Trail so it seems as things come through the city they turn and go off so we we really want to be part of this trail system I I would say that um that property that's on TR Creek that you and I um was your family's property uh I think that is working its way through our eamp process great again so um we have that opportunity to bring that trail on 19 um up through that trouble Creek to at least to Eagle Park and then we have some challenges to get getting um from Eagle over um uh South but I think it's quite easy for us to get it to eag what's the end of trou yeah I think at the bridge we should be at least an 8ot path maybe a 10t if you can make it work but I don't put we should put that in design you should have two choke boards on both that yeah I I believe that the intention yeah we're on the same page on that one the bridge the bridge deck should accommodate a continuous 10 pathway Yeah country yep Town and Country Bas uh septic to I brought up last meeting talk about city was going to look at doing the subject and any PR um at the last meeting you brought up specifically the county and the city working together on Grant applications and we haven't identified a grant at this point that we thought we would work on together if you identified one state SE super grants is that is there a specific grant that you you know um on March 22nd um there is a meeting at the county that you will be invited to if you haven't gotten your invitation already there'll be a lot of federal agencies there with um Mark B I don't know who you want to we have fers that we going to hand out here to give that information and um we can find out more information there but certainly that know the date now yeah and that but that's also something that you you can ask delegation to fund right so we could had an appropriation requesting um for this this year or something but we would like that I would like that to continue didn't didn't we vote to continue that M yeah so I don't know where we are on it on which one the well town of country yeah the deal was the deal was was that uh the city and the county would work jointly to work jointly on a project we haven't completed okay who who on the county side is working on that well I mean you know we've got our grants coordinator on o where're we stand ready but I you know okay well one of y'all has to like take a step forward take take steps forward and meet and you know get that moving as soon as we complete the land exchange then we will do that say that again as soon as we complete the land exchange then we will do that if it's utilities area over excuse me if it's utilities area why would it matter Why not start now because you got grants to probably end by July and if you wait for land exchange you may miss another cycle that's still your Utilities in I believe it is the city of New Utility Services it is our but hey work together and let's go get the money and but either way if we get the money or not that that project be voted that we wanted to have Miss Mans and I will talk yeah we certainly well thank you um what's happening on your um can I ask question go ahead what's happening on the Domin dominium project we've actually had good news on that project um in recent times um at at um several months ago there they reported a a rather significant funding shortage yeah and I know that um you commissioner have been very involved in helping them sort of close um the gap on that and they have um come much closer at least to a point that they feel that they'll be able to initiate construction this year if everything um comes together as plan and they have scheduled a meeting with me um to talk about the few remaining details on transfer of some development rights um and the onset of the permitting process so I feel very good that they've been able to um bring to closure uh funding and proceed with the project for my up on this this is an AG restricted 60% Ami project behind the south gate public how many units 388 388 so B and I I'm just so happy for our citizens Elder citizens that can't afford place that this is going to be an opportunity for them when they uh when I learned that they were going to be short of funding I look to see if we could kind of do a live local deal where we we would take them off the tax rols what until they got to that t in this is a this is a charitable purpose but because they are 60% age restricted they are not on the T they're already off the so it learn something did you know that yes and they are um it's a fine project and it's project we have a dominum project going by ank high school but it's not HCT but it is 60% 260 okay uh we I mean seems like we entered something about waste waterer treatment PL but I'm not sure we captured all as um I put that in here um did you guys already talk about that no we have not um and I where we're at okay so this is something that we'll talk about on March 22nd I don't know when you want to bring this up Dr Bell but um you know there's a lot of money for infrastructure and and talk about uh Coastal hardening and whatever the correct terms are um and it seems that having a a wastewater treatment plant uh in a low L Ling Coastal area is not a good idea and um you we talked about this before of the desire to maybe move that off the coast and so um there's plenty of money uh out there that we could go after to get that moving so this is one of the things we'll be discussing on March 22nd with all the federal agencies because that is a plan for you all um that we share jointly is it 6040 yes no no good 5149 now that you took overl 5149 but sure ownership Jo we're still not you're not in control just wa anyway uh that's not the highest for that property right I drove by it the other day yeah that that's a good good functioning plan with still a lot of capacity left but I think it makes sense for us to to start the relocation because I'm I'm in agreement that the coastal area is not the not the best place for it so um but that's that's that is huge project and and we'll have to find some some size of GRS to help us yeah so how much land does that set off it it's it's not huge but what is it four acres it's in a couple pieces it's kind of so if you're looking at it would you actually be looking to expand it if you're going to move it away from that Coast but expand it to help take care of other areas the growth is happening it would make sense to do I think yeah so you probably need to look for a piece property that we need to look for one you're you're 49% now so there might be clean when we move it so we have to see be a good spot for some fish farming after it's emptied out fish all right let's move on for re Coastal restoration resiliency as a for Richie item so yeah put that on there just kind of I guess a little bit and give an update of where we at also working with the county um dredging has been a long time sore point with the with res to get that done as well and nowly it's kind of a non-starter seems like on a lot of fronts but uh so what we're looking at obviously is doing a more comprehensive castal restoration resilency project where there's lots of federal dollars that are available to to help out with that um I know our our Port Authority chair Carl Roth has been working with our city manager Matt anything anything add Matt on kind of where you guys are at with those talks but uh as a part of our scope stuff that we're looking at meeting tonight actually talking about what we can do with our waterways and whatnot so we have um we have some dring going on now I mean I heard about it a while back but haven't heard we've got some projects that are currently in permitting right now on those priority areas and then the board is recently approved uh engineering contracts for us to begin doing I'll just call smaller dredging projects getting them set up and the the idea is because the msbu is to establish kind of a revolving fund and then start start moving towards maintenance of those of those waterways so that's part of that strategy I don't know Branford if I've left anything out on that yeah you ask that yes I think I think said design Pro okay so yes C where with knowah we put some booms on Anthony one of our grand people was out there talking about what's going on uh and trying to work with the city we talked about Magnolia Valley a storm water project coming through we've done the northern out outfall design the southern outfall could come back into play again which I think would be great to clear out that big pond on Bay those five canals that connect out so I think the potential there is huge uh there's opportunities there to kind of combine that directly with do as well as other funding sources of there like you're mentioning which is music to my ear finally you guys are say finally but I'm glad you guys are moving that way with it cuz we finally get the templ in place to do mspu up and down the whole coast and you guys could be added to it as we talked you know months before uh Dave see you're on the board now I'm sure you guys can keep mov but if you work with our staff to happy to work with you to try to get you in the loop and get you from the funding Cycles as we go through and the study parts that are coming up uh Westport is an agenda item coming up uh that's on the uh Tuesday's meeting is one of those MSP who's coming forward okay sorry Mr chair ex I keep putting this thing up want to lay down uh thank you chairman uh you know um um commissioner Mariano has has led to charge on the expansion of our U scalping season has been very successful and you know I bring this up under this Coastal restoration and and resiliency because we know that the quality of the water uh does have an impact upon on scallops you know there was a net man put in years ago that's brought Fisheries back along the coastline but really what I was wanted to talk about this group today um is that um and it falls within this category of dredging and so forth and really U the three of us here I'd like to see us come together to to you know maybe form um a group to really study the water quality of the CHC River um um it's um it is a very important uh recreational source and economic source for all three of us and I think that um we need to probably uh the city could take steps um but if those steps are not similar to what PT Richie would take or also Upstream the county would take it doesn't it wouldn't make sense that water washes up and down through that River at all times and this is this is not a project or or something that can be done overnight but I think we need to start and and focus on what things we can do to preserve and enhance the quality of that River and um and and start finding ways that that we can we can do so I know the city is looking at ways to to capture more storm water um um to keep it from a from dirty water necessarily flowing back into the into the river as at a rate it is now but um we also need that upstream and downstream so I you know I would propose that we we try to get together a group to start begin exploring that and and U and seeing just what kind of steps we could start putting in place it's a long-term project but you know we never get there if we don't start so just want to bring that out problem yes sir and I guess to Fort Richie um I'm on the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council along with Mr Mariano and um I happen to be the chairman of the Five County re Regional resiliency uh uh committee which is one of the most active activities there and that includes Manatee Citrus Hernando Pas Andis Hillsboro there's a ton of money that's coming in and there's been a lot of discussion at our last steering committee meeting about this is the time we have to go for it so when it comes to asking for funding or going after it um the regional planning Council has now started to dispatch their members their staff so they have someone appointed to the county now and they have someone appointed to our city and I don't know what it takes for the size of the city of Port Richie to join the the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council but they are the recipient of a lot of these funds so I would encourage you to maybe consider or attend but there is a summit on and I've got the date here on May the 9th and the 10th at Clearwater Beach which is bringing in professionals from all over in fact uh Mike you you have attended not only that with your staff uh but to uh to council Peters com um we have got interest from St Leo University in beginning to hold their uh marine biology classes in West Pasco um and they they're interested in bringing their brand their University brand over to the coast and the Energy Management Center which is I think probably officially on the Port Richie side of things um they're overloaded with classes and they need another location so Mr bidr if I could put you on the on the U Hot Seat uh you and I discussed exactly what Mike was talking about and finding ways that we could examine from the vulnerability studies the available monies uh some joint programs may I ask if I could ask you to speak to the what was germinated your idea or am I if I'm allow yeah good morning I'm Al Mone I work in public infrastructure but also with Mark bis in the office of strategy and sustainability we've we've been engaged for well over a year now working on a countywide vulnerability assessment and that's going to be culminating here pretty quickly um both of our City's president have also been doing the same initiative the same effort I think um city of Port Richie has you've completed yours and then Newport Richie is in final stages final stages of completing yours right so we're we're about neck and neck with you honor and and uh another thing brought up was the March 22nd meeting which will be the morning of March 22nd in our EOC 9:00 a.m to 1: p.m. uh a lot of state and federal agencies coming in to talk about um um physical resilience and also econom IC resilience uh so to the point of what councilman Alman was talking about um yes we've we've been meeting with and working with our EMC the energy and Marine Center that the Pasco County school board has and trying to trying to see if there's any uh Synergy and momentum that we can gain with different activities whether it's St Leo uh engaging or participating or even uh expanding they are I think they are planning to um expand or renovate that facility but um to the extent of getting the Florida Institute of oceanography involved and and pushing to develop a center what's called a center of excellence that exists up and down the Gulf Coast so we're we're looking at all different avenues for stuff like that so and I just want to reiterate I if you could just say one minute because about what's going on on March 22nd yeah um the in the wake of several of our storms ellia and again the the federal government and the state government have coordinated to to offer up funding for uh for physical and economic resilience and the main the main players in terms of the agencies have been uh Tampa Bay Regional planning Council in our region but also working with uh us Eda Economic Development agency um FEMA and fdm both and as well as Florida commerce there's a number of other agencies that also have money that could apply to Pasco County uh some that we don't immediately think of like the Army Corps of Engineers we've already had a conversation with them as an outshoot of some of these meetings but the meetings have been happening um as far north as Citrus County and all the way down to manate county and now pasco's coming in on March they're coming they're actually coming to M Pasco County March 22nd morning March 22nd so there'll be Eda um Army Corps of Engineers a number of just all of all of the different funding agencies agencies out there um not the least of which could be for our purposes uh USDA uh can provide money for projects that aren't necessarily strictly agricultural but you know we are an agricultural County so we can apply for some of that so that an invite will be coming out perhaps as soon as this afternoon if not in the next the next day or two and that's being pushed out by the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council thank you um had following up on this conversation um and what mayor alluded to I've been working with our court Authority uh chair kind of quietly um putting together a strategy of of a more Regional approach to the water quality issues not only along the river but also in the saries uh that are to make up on the cough coast of the city and I think it's something that that the city is more than willing to take the lead on once Council does a goal setting and say they want to do that um but I think it's something that really is going to take a regional effort and and probably the state effort really uh to bring about because it's not going to be funded ultimately the things that are necessary to to do this are are millions and millions and tens of millions and millions of dollars um you know we we have reached out to the P region of planning we're a collaborator on their their more recent Grant application um we're looking to bring them in a little bit closer maybe not join but again that's that's something the city council have to discuss and whether that's that's a good move for us ASA but what what we've been looking at uh the uh the chair myself is putting together a a a a regional meeting to start talking about this and again I think uh he has an interesting perspective that maybe government isn't the solution to this and I can't necessarily disagree with them that we really need to bring our universities we need to bring our mpos we need to bring uh private sector people together to really start looking at this and creating momentum to move forward with it um we we actually when we first met we were supposed to be having a meeting this month um but again life got in the way uh but it's something that I think you know representatives from the county uh you know are on our plans to invite definitely the representatives new for Richie um and and a lot of other you know the States Federal uh a lot of universities I mean we we want to get a lot of perspectives on what it really is going to take to you know restore the you know the that's the wrong we're never going to restore what was there right but we're going to adapt to what it is today to try to bring back what restoration could have been right we didn't do the development along the coast as it is I think that's an important issue um you know to the city because you look at the value it definitely it's it's unnecessarily thriving it's it's okay it could be so much better um and you know going out into the the golf I think we need to have goals that that really say that we need to be more Inland to protect what we have in the golf and again that's where it brings uh you guys and the county in because in the end what we're dumping into it is what's causing the issue there and and to stop that and correct it is very expensive um I've been at the end of of a long pipe in a County from a county removed from the county I was in that was dumping a lot of effluent into Lake and uh you know to get the 40 or so uh jurisdictions on board is a massive uh thing here we don't have that you know we have a few and I think we have a better chance of correcting this and setting this on a trajectory that I think we all can be proud of down the road but it's going to take us getting together and and bringing in the private sector the education um a lot of different uh players that you know probably haven't been brought to the table yet yeah I um I strongly recommend you join the regional planning Council I don't think the members is that much money for a city of their size I don't pay the bills so it's not a lot of money but right now resiliency is the big thing and for years they struggled for relevancy when Dr is kind of get kicked away uh it's a it's a big deal right now uh recently working with the Estuary who Jo deals with Tampa Bay that everything connects to it they wanted to go put some baffle boxes after I was talking about them and I said well that's good that you guys want to do it but I want to do it for the rest of the region too so we did a joint application with the regional planning Council and the es got a total of $8.5 million now I will say had Sher with the EST he pushed forward the EST and left out the rest of us but the rest of us are coming in oh I know that so we're we're we're now making that stand going forward um and the leadership is fully supportive to it so when that money comes out this is like $4.5 million $4 and A4 million then to go for BFF Boxes now to work with the Seas those BFF Boxes treat the water before it gets to the GF so it keeps the biting clean it keeps the river cleaner and those opportunities are out there and it's good money we've got a lot of local expertise that can go do it so I suggest you jump in even if you're don't want to decide on joining right away come to the meetings watch watch them on Zoom or something but get a feel for what's going on but right now with this Summit coming up great educational stuff going on great participation again if you can tame up with their money that they get it's only going to help you that much more so you have Regional group you want to get it's already existed um so I'm texting with keik over there uh put you on the spot but um if you if you remember last year at one of these meetings I had looked at the list from last year's Appropriations and saw how few counties or cities and organizations in our County ask for funding from the state and put a call out there to all the cities please be asking for money and I don't think you guys did an appropriation we did we did oh that's awesome all right so um there is there is one for working waterfronts um but Keith tells me is saying you need to have a regional Watershed protection plan to get working Waterfront money is that correct I me and I think that's one where there's a pot of money in there you just get your share of it when you ask so Keith Wy Pasco County Parks Recreation Natural Resources Director I mean quite honestly commissioner any any Grant application you need to have a shell Freddy plan I don't think that's something that this group doesn't know um I think you know we can talk about collaborating and getting together but quite honestly you need a very clear and direct plan in place and Alan and I've talked about this a bunch um I think we're heading in that direction uh to date I don't think we have that plan so that's pretty much what I was implying okay but are you aware the working waterfronts grant program that's one of those ones like the cultural one that there's money appropriated just sitting there and you have to just go ask for a piece of that pot um it seems that would be great for your Waterfront so um asked me one says Landscaping sign you know that sir um just again um listen I'm so happy to see your new sign that goes across and your hotel and um the college but um councilman Peters and I have talked about the very very poor Landscaping in front of those buildings which to me um means that there's there's a hole in your Landscaping ordinance um is there anything we can do to beep up the Landscaping from those two signature businesses in front of your community it it's it's so sad what they look like I mean that's so minimal in response I can tell you that there's a letter of agreement in place to upgrade the Landscaping at the comfort in hotel and I do have a meeting with with the developer of the Kaiser property on Thursday at which time I do hope to um persuade him into some additional landscape um so that they improve the look of that property because as you're indicating the scale of the building um really minimizes the size of Landscaping on the property it just doesn't seem to have any balance and and you're right um it it emanates from the fact that our landscape ordinance is really outdated and needs to be improved and that is a project that we do have in mind and um it's a priority project and we will be upgrading that and our sign ordinance as well yeah and and to just touch on the sign ordinance for a second um you know we went to Monument signs a long time ago and so and we are if you drive down 54 for South you'll see a lot of the signs big ones have come down and and and we've given some grants to help that and I know you have some you may have a program that maybe will help that I don't know but I we when we drove to Tallahasse you drove to Tallahasse the session if you get up there in kry and those other places where that storms went through all those lollipop that's what that stick with the thing those are called lollipop signs destroyed destroyed so um not only are the monument signs and i' say this port Rich too because you have a sign problem too um not not only are much more aesthetic and um um out more um I don't want the other ones are so outdated they they they don't get killed in a storm so it's U we also just changed ours I'm not necessarily a fan of it um but we we do allow now um the changeable face signs we have restrictions on them they can't be real bright they can't change so often um and um but in there's a tradeoff if you do a changeable face sign um you can't have other kind of signs so it's it's one or nothing we also said no more feather banners and I don't even know if you guys allow those um do not U but um unfortunately we we're not really enforcing that yet you can you can have one feather Banner you can't have multiple but um is there a time limit on the feather Banner well it I mean typ banners for 30 days or something should be yeah they're supposed to have a little yeah we're on a 365 we we are there is a time limit for a temporary time but it's not that's why it's so such a hard thing for people to enforce I mean to have code enforcement go up to every sign and look at the back and see if it's got a sticker whatever it's it's just really hard so um we just went to one per and I don't know if Denise is here there there's some nuances to our sign ORS but we're constantly improving it yall are you know we can just send you ours instead of Reinventing the wheel and you could tweak it to see you know what may not fit yours I can tell you our height is 11 ft um our width is 22 feet which is kind of crazy it's like a school bus sitting on the ground I wouldn't have you copy that 22 feet um and there are some um nuances when if you have a parcel with multiple um multiple tenants you can have a different kind of sign um but we're happy to send that to you if that helps you with your process same with you Denise would you like to say something to the sign just add a little bit and then possibly Bo them our ordinance see it absolutely hello everyone Denise Hernandez I'm the zoning administrator zoning administrator with the planning and economic growth department so uh yes we did U modify our assign code in 2022 um also another thing that would be helpful for the cities is that our sign code is also um consistent with the Supreme Court decision in 2015 of readed versus town of Gilbert so it's not cont content based so I will certainly send our sign code to everyone here um or I'll forward it to Mr carbal office and have everyone um a list of the uh the information on our sign code so we restructured our sign code made it consistent with the Supreme Court decision versus Gilbert and also our board said to us hey we want to see digital signs so we created a digital sign program for uh Parcels that are zoned commercial office industrial and um commercial office and uh industrial so okay thanks Murphy I was just going to say back about the landscapeing and I talked with Miss B about especially what you're talking about up front there and I think the issue was and it's obviously not specified in our ordinance but the size of the plants you know if you if you say you know we got to put a tree in or put a put a bush in and it's you know only a foot tall it's going to take 10 years for that thing to to grow to where you want it so I think we need to just you know Implement that where it's got to be a little bit further along in their life cycle and taller bigger to the help of that that's your gateway right there your Landscaping architecture building is what makes it all worthwhile people coming in your community and they actually falling love because it looks better and uh you know all the growth and everything that we have it's not that we can stop the growth but in fact you can make it look better and look like you want to look for your community there's going to be more of landscaping with our new s right just to let you know that uh we we now have a commercial code enforcement team that um got in our budget last October they they started at the County Line Road on us9 and they come up to 54 and now they're going down 54 I think we have 70 violations so far um of businesses who have let existing Landscaping di um including our car dealers just it's everybody so um we are working with those um businesses to get that Landscaping put back in whether it's because they violated Our Land landcaping ordinance and or they or they didn't have to have any Landscaping because they predated it and we have Grant programs for that so we are working hard to bring those back up well fantastic and we appreciate that you know the work the County's done with the the landscaping and the meean on us9 we take we take pride in our section and try to maintain that and and you mentioned that Kaiser Kaiser University it's interesting um M mans I've had a couple discussions regarding that specific building um that that is a prototype building that Kaiser uses uh various parts of the state and you know you know it really came to life to me um earlier this year as I was driving down Interstate 75 towards uh for Meyers I pressed kge University just like that they had won they had 100 palm trees on Prop go hey how do we l out right so we're going to we're we'll talk with those folks and hopefully get that and and but we do and we will make changes to our our landscape bu and and we have gone out to Bid And I think we've accepted someone to take over our maintenance of our medians on 19 because I think the company we had wasn't doing a great job we've also um I have a meeting coming up we're also going to be doing the meanss in in our roads um and we'll do one road a year I think um I think we're starting with little road um but you know that I worked real hard a long time ago to get those bushes in those those um medians and we didn't really do a great job on little on um Seven Springs uh I they're all over but so we're going to start doing a better job of of landscaping in those meetings and taking care and that that will work its way through the whole you find a lot of your businesses that are Landscaping spelled down they basically had to have fall into the ordinance when they first put the business in so they're interested in starting their business getting going selling product making money and they forget about their landscape I mean just pass them cuz they're there to make money well I did have a and they'll make money better if they look better so I had a banker literally tell me that they get their Co and they take it out and they move to another one so we have we kind of they don't do it anymore I get a break from my law in the winter but I got to go back to work in the summer yeah so but um nextport Richie have propert County property uh at 5246 St dve yeah so I this is your property you guys bought where the hotel is there on the corner the bridge you plans to put a boat ramp in so I I want to you know see where you're all at with that I know I think last time we talked a couple years out from actually doing that obviously we've got our Waterfront which is most mostly for sale and it's part it's under contract the gild dog properties as well as the old trail Park Lot 19 um investors in the city as well as I think they there's a couple investors that in the city and outside the city as well that are looking at paring that doing some stuff down there I without getting too many details a lot of stuff going on interest our boat ramp obviously right there in the center of all that Waterfront not the greatest location to have that um with you guys plans do a boat ramp there um I guess I was want to see the future as we as we look at longterm plans on what we do with our boat ramp uh couple with you all on that project we we also have a pier that we've kind of done designed plans on that Limestone Pier is right next to that um that's that's a plan we're looking at we don't know if we're going to go it's the old 19 Bridge um Old Road Old Dix no right the end whiskey right right whiv it's the old bridge remnants and so you're wanting to do something to that P well so what we've done so far obviously is we've been engineering plans to go forward that um and what they the old structure there regardless whether they put a new one in on top of it or we don't do anything with it needs to be tore out it's it's not a viable structure okay and so I think that that coming out of there whether we put another Pier on top of it which I don't necessar I think that's not the greatest idea unless we couple with you guys project on what you guys do with your vote ramp or whatever now it be a P4 so Keith FY again um we what we have done to date is we obviously conducted a feasibility study very high level to see if in fact we would have success in using that property as a boat ramp and so obviously without all of the inwater surveys and things like that the it's it's good uh there's there's a good opportunity there um but we've been talking to city manager Debbie mans and other other folks at City of Newport Richie about a potential partnership so I think until all that comes clear we're not exactly sure where we're going to go with that project I will clarify that um that it's not in the Parks Capital plan as of now so we're waiting to get direction from the BCC on what we do when I uh was speaking to the previous uh city manager for the city of Port Richie we had talked about knowing the structural Integrity of that of the of the uh Old Bridge is what you know is where it was at we were talking about maybe converting it to get it out of the Waterway and bring that Public Access along the shoreline so that way you you know you're not missing any opportunities for Public Access but you're not obstructing the Waterway because I think from a pering perspective if you look at all the activity at that location and that structure stays in the water it's probably going to reduce the quite honestly the potential to ultimately get a permit at the end of the day so just from a public safety standpoint I don't know if Debbie if you want to say anything or commissioner starky well I I just think that um you know if you remember from the Uli study uh the first one years AG go and second one but we're we're underutilizing some of the best asset in the county and um I'm excited that there may be an opportunity to uh do something on that uh south side of the river that would involve all three of us and um and you know my goal when I first started hunting up and down the coastline was to find more places to put boats and knowing what all the great work Jack's done on extending the Scout season and and knowing what's going on at ank River Park where there's fist fight on Saturday morning because you know not enough people can get their boats in and this is a Statewide problem it's not just us but um we we need more voter access to the water not less and so um we were lucky to jump on that property and we are willing to work with everybody to get the best solution for everybody I don't think what's there now is the best solution and I'm I'm glad this Project's moving forward yeah thank you and um you I think de man's brought great point a couple years ago we talked about getting this land and we got it it's actually trying to work on that hotel motel that's right there as well you get those three pieces together now you get something that's really could be really impressive um I will say fishal Wildlife is also like to get a spot on that River as well where they can they have to ticket somebody or bring someone in they can actually have a spot and have a headquarters to go from as well to give them good access to get to up and down the coast so uh definitely a thing of work but I think that hotel down the street is R next store is going to be a key piece of whole thing I think there's some things to play there there's a lot of access to the to that River and to out to the D that we need to make better uh we're willing to help Jack's help with the Scot season Mike Wells prior to him got that Scot season started there Jack work F and got it got it over there starts a little later but the main reason starting later is back to get larger stuff so I don't I don't know who set the limit that's not for you can get those G Buck but you're not going to eat those din un you hav w salad or something but it takes a lot of so it's cheaper getting L of so but uh the fact of it is is we're here to work with each each of y'all and to make this side of the county as as beautiful as we can because uh there's a lot of there's two histories there's East Side history L West Side history but uh we have a lot of things that that we need to work together and do better so tourism that's tourism and yeah yeah bring a lot of tour and it's in our name right Sports Coast yes take care Coast thing on yeah so I I put this on here I it's initiative of mine to to grow grow the city for Richie and it's it's my understanding in the past you our water service goes outside the city all the way up to 52 on the west side of 19 and so my understanding is is that at one time the city actually went to acquire that those properties where our water footprint is and that got shut down the end so I guess I wanted to kind of Bring It On see you guys at are you guys you got support annexation and we if we look to grow and how we're going to I think there's some stuff in the works now we kind of look at at what area we want to tackle but I want to see if the county has supports that effort I know I say from your perspective I would think that that would only help you you guys continue to bring in the same adum tax that you have um we take it on and we actually serve our police fire so it makes sense I believe there's some issues with service now people in County that's what I hear so I think it' be a win-win for both of us obiously we grow uh we will take on a little bit more we service those areas releas some of that service from you guys but financially you still kind of make so I just want to see if that's something that you guys support or not before we start to look at that I mean I think Devil's always in the details we love to learn more about what what the plans are and and and see and and make sure it's a you know mutually beneficial thing so let's let's sit down I'll be happy to sit your city manager and you know go details and be able to run through ourly but I just like said the idea if you guys support it I guess it makes sense OB if I mean obviously if it makes sense and board finds finds that too is good for Community to grow but the fact of it is needs to be uh mutually supported and and let flourish and and do the best because when you take on a lot of annexation we've had some on the east side lately a lot of annexation and then they find out they don't have ability to service with sewer or water and things of this nature and we kind of stuck because they didn't work ahead of time and make sure we have all these things in place so it's very important and we're more than happy team be more than happy to sit down with you and go over the details yeah let's get it on the calendar perfect than thank you all right any other question van thank you Mr chairman before we to close I wanted to um ask about a subject that was very nicely presented to us at our last session by Mrs Pearson and it had to do with a housing project that was proposed for our homeless population and I know that you as a commission have been good enough to appropriate some funding to support a project and I was just interested in a status report that's possible and it looks like it is person she's ready hello everybody Kathy Pearson assistant County Administrator Public Services thank you um Debbie for bringing that up and I want to say first of all thank you to our Board of County Commissioners yes they have been fully supported in funding a project for the homeless and I want to say Debbie uh s man you bed that I met with your LIF team last week phenomenal thank you so there chief of police has formed a lift team where they actually go into the into the camps and they're really trying to help Supply services for them and we learned a lot we're going to continue meeting on a quarterly basis but again I asked them the question is the homeless population increasing and they said oh yes our homeless Count's not showing that but the um folks that are actually working with them are saying it is and so again I asked what what's the county need to do we have no way the them so I know I did that presentation to you we are actively we have a building picked out Eric Brighton Bach and I have been working diligently with these folks um I guess I might as well share it it's the Times building on 19 which has about 8 Acres uh they're willing to work with us unfortunately it's not as easy sale as we would have liked it to be because the feds have seized their assets so we are going through a whole big rig with that to try to even get that going so we are still waiting pattern for that in the meantime though we have looked at other locations we will continue to look at other locations um I've looked at a few last week uh with Eric's real estate team we've got a couple more planned in the next few weeks and hopefully we can come to some sort of a resolution where we can get a place having not for profit run it have a size enough land where we can put pallet homes on there and really start help make an impact for our homeless thank you is that good BR let me ask a question because I was formed to this from a homeless shelter we have in the county uh last week the last two weeks they had people from down in Largo being shipped up and bust up here dropped off with no notice to the EA the shelter coming in and I want to know if our population is increasing where are they coming from and where are we do what are we doing to send it back to where they came from I can't answer that question commissioner I'm sorry I can't but I did talk with the lift team because there was that article in the paper and we did talk about they're not voluntarily bringing people from other counties they're trying to do the best they can to get them back to the counties where they belong so I did work and address that and I think we've addressed that countywide with a lot of the non for-profits I I don't know the lco one so I can't follow up and even if you want to give me some information I'll follow up with them I did follow up with this one with the Debbie and the lift group and there were some certain circumstances with that one and and I know you just worked with us closely on um we had a fire up on the old flea market up at Hudson and I called it in for a fire Sheriff's St were going out there and they found a it was an 8-year-old and a 14-year-old y living there they were from Hernando Y and came down and staff was working to get back up there yes but clearly if we got to take care of our own homeless that's one thing I don't want to take care of somebody else's I want to send it back to work and that was once we found out they were from Hernando County the orders were and we said no we're not going to provide you Services because they already had services in her so why are you going to take away from services from us so I just want to say that I want to say thank you for the County Commission we are definitely definitely know it's a problem the county has stepped in just be patient with us we're we're trying to find that right location be know of one give me a ring thanks so that ends think we've got lessed here to talk about Mr would you closing words or no I just uh you know thank uh thank all of you for for joining us here um you know from administrative perspective uh you know it's it's great to have these getting getting everyone together to share ideas and see where there's alignment and consensus that really helps us you know as as uh city managers and administrators to kind of focus focus our efforts so thank you thank you for your your cander and your discussion uh thanks to the team for for showing up here today too to answer questions and uh you know U looking looking forward to uh to doing another one sometime soon so just okay appreciate you yeah thank you you're Noti we're here and we're willing to help um I'm a little disadvantage because I'm person uh anything from 41 back to East sides of green I can tell you about without even going out look at the project tell you about that but when you come on the west side of 41 I'm limited even though I had a business here back in the 80s uh such business I had here on Madison that uh that I we'll we'll share sh shares hunting spots well hunting over there limited down you where you might have been hunting at one time it's a house sitting there now so it's a shame of some of that but the fact of it is I care about the West Side just as I care for the East Side um I rely on my Commissioners here on the West Side to and I've always made ever since I first ran I've always I've waited in the water the and uh in fact there somebody said why are you doing that I said well someday there going be a question and there's going to be something to vote on to help in that curing that flooding issue I want to be able to vote with Jack or Catherine whoever's got the issue to support them and good things that can happen here in the west side I've always supported the Pioneer museum has our history on the on the east side and over here they have the the histor Society here that that takes care of the West Side so it's it's really great that we have we have two histories but we're not let them die so we we keep trying to support them so Jack thank you German is absolutely right he was one time he's first running we he's over in Griffin Park I'm down in Beacon Woods I'm with a guy who's just showed me the past week the flood waters were like up here and then it dropped down my D meanwhile he's the other side of the flood waters going up that helped us find out what the problem is matter of fact in our Consortium money coming up is part of that they we fix that comut uh just from that expertise but I'm glad you mention P Museum years it's been great but P Museum very big I want to say I was down to U I used to sit in the board with the Richie s theater many years ago with Charlie scel governor and um very impressive what we had accomplished but I will tell you that new board there is very impressive awesome they're doing the things that we talked about doing that didn't get done as far as like bringing other acts in but we'd love to put some money into we want to see you guys jump into it to and let's go Elevate that thing I think the owner ofand said it's the Cornerstone of the city it is you talk about that coming from the person that owns that's great that's a like a Target industry that canate all sorts of other great things are around it and that's say the team in very impress yeah I just wanted to recognize again Mr carala came and spoke to the municipal Association of pasco's meeting over in San Antonio last 6 months a year ago however long it's been um and at that meeting he he uh referenced the kind of spirit of the core that's here today and not looking at our Municipal boundaries as being our responsibilities and yours being the the remainder but rather sort of this the union of the set of our of our County uh and so I want to thank you for that uh sort of inspiration to us to work together it was mentioned earlier about your help with Administration and in my long career from 1986 till now the and seeing all of the County uh staff seeing your County staff at uh City management County administrative conferences Redevelopment conferences resiliency conferences um it it is uh an incredibly powerful group that you have at your disposal as County Commissioners and I'm going to encourage my colleagues I think I believe we'll be an agreement we can't talk unless we're in a meeting like this together but that um as you know um we have a Citywide CRA it's been the caus of much concern by a lot of people because how much money of tax money that goes from our city residents taxes that they pay to the county that's coming back and pouring back into the City of Newport Richie so when we talk about the money to do projects we have that capability you have the administrative and planning support right now we don't even have a planning director at this time I really am excited about these collaborative discussions the school board the county seeing what has been done for example in the starky ranch I think example of the county and the school board working together with libraries um this is this goes well with our citizens uh we serve probably 80% of the folks in our retail are coming from outside the city limits so to the degree we can invite you to participate in the development of our plan so that you feel part of it um I for one remember remember when we sat with Mike wells and hilderbrand in the gang uh when Mike Wells first proposed countywide a library bond issue and a countywide recreation bond issue and our city had been ahead of the game uh in that we were just building a new library and our recreation facility is we feel a superior facility uh to many around and we know that you're building those same kind of facilities now um I'm hopeful that we can be truly become partners with you all and um so thank you for having this meeting and there's a lot of of ideas that are still left bouncing around but now's the time for us to do them the money is out there the grants are out there I would appeal to my colleagues you guys have the expertise to help us administratively we've already got some of your money look at our Redevelopment plan and make it your Redevelopment plan and use that money to really do what your plan that Catherine who had something else to go to apparently um mentioned earlier which was a awardwinning plan at the regional planning Council that said the River District the past the Newport Richie Port Richie Center was going to be the impetus for the economic revitalization of uh the west side of the county that's so important and so we have some money to put some skin in the game now I remember you saying that the first day got back in the second time um and some of it is your skin so uh hopefully we can find a way to support what is really exciting that's happening in the city I uh and I think uh this is the best of times after this 20 first year of public service for me uh to be with my colleagues to be able to see the results of all this activity and thank you for having this Mee thank you thank chair U I just want to go back when you open the meeting you mentioned about this lack of participation for Rich so I want to apologize for that I let you know we're here now and we tend to stay here and be part of this I think this being extremely viable I think uh it's very important that we the county the two cities work together on the growth that's coming in and so I would actually make a suggestion that instead of having these once a year that we can May the cage be better is BU anually at least twice a year um and maybe even more than that but I think more than once a year is definitely an order I think that would be beneficial you that discuss but I wasn't trying to U point you out that no a lot of your people hadn't been here before but the fact of it is I'm very happy to see you here yeah they will because we want to have this collaboration between both cities and and US CU we all work together uh Mr K brought U County attorney didn't bring anything he had work to do today but probably think something lat and different people different divisions are here to answer questions and do what we want to do together unless you're in this office right in this meeting right here you really don't know where the lines are between the two cities and the county well you know I know on the east side they look like your hand stret over the city and you got these fingers of the city the county on the next one City one County and crazy so I call it swiss cheese we always need to look at that further and try to make that those fingers kind of disappear so we can right yeah so I think that's plus plus for all of us actually to be able to work cuz I know what we did early on we had had storm and we had all that trash all over the all over the county it was hard to figure out oh we don't pick up on that tree we pick up on this next tree and it pretty amazing how we got it all cleaned up but the our staff and group did a great job great job so U we missed the bullet a few times and uh some of our storms this last one was very lucky we missed that buet so you can see the distruction north of us when it went out Florida and then all up in Georgia if you driv 75 Le see Billboards and sign just T so and some of that still had been so but I want to thank you again for everybody being here uh we will try to talk about have uh maybe another meeting year cuz sometimes I I'd rather talk to you more just once a year so I just went and spoke at the D City uh at a workshop and there and I I hadn't been before that counsil since the 70s when I spoke to him for but as a commissioner I've never been there like that but it was in the 70s when I was there speaking to the council about a project back that time but uh been a long time for for that Council but there's a lot of things we need to work together and do things right because uh the city's have the opportunity to Annex but we need to make sure we got services for everybody so your citiz or our citizens so with that I'll uh close meeting with J right you