he didn't budge how was The Bu all right yall ready good afternoon I would like to call back to order the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners meeting of February 20th 2024 please silence all electronic devices and mute your microphones we will proceed with public hearing starting with uh ordinances uh item 43 p43 p43 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 and by Affidavit of certified mailings and site postings Jerry yeah yeah much better3 an still needs that mic needs to be turned up okay item p43 is an ordinance amending the PCO County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and she2 from Comm commercial to PD plan development and approximately 48.9 Acres of real property located at the southwest corner of the intersection of State Road 52 and land Lakes Boulevard and a text Amendment amending sub area policy flu 713 uh 7137 Tibbits land at sc's Corner Subara policy and a map Amendment to the Future Landings map map 2-9 amending Subara Map 2-9 37 tidbits land and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date this comes to you with recommendation of approval from the local planning agency and the planning and economic growth uh Department we have a presentation if one is desired Mr chairman yes sir I'd like to hear the presentation the same and right behind it actually do the zoning part of as well to combine them which one now um that be P51 to go with p43 like this I'm going to have the same request coming up for 44 and 52 as well okay you can you can do that you're going to have to give the public an opportunity to if there is public an opportunity to speak to speak to both of the items right um and take separate motions okay I'd prefer that you do 43 and then step down and then do 51 but it's up to you would that be our do 51 in order as it is or so do 43 so yeah 4 have staff do the have staff do the presentation for 43 have the applicant do their presentation for 43 get any comments okay and then move to to 51 and that wayf okay yeah I yeah okay all right oops good afternoon Amy tall with uh planning and economic growth it's the first time I've had to say that with the new reorganization um what you see before you is is a small scale comprehensive plan amendment in the name of Cass 2215 goers Corner PD uh we will read the ordinance into record you already read it okay never mind this is the adoption hearing for that um so I'll proceed so again this is a comprehensive plan Amendment it is a small scale Amendment from Comm commercial to PD plan development uh the applicant is proposing a flu Amendment from commm to PD on approximately 48.9 acres to allow ow for 400 multif family units and 300,000 Square ft of commercial retail the subject site is located at the intersection the South uh West intersection of State Road 54 and uh uh Lando Lakes Boulevard sorry and there is an amendment to policy flu 7.1.3 7 uh for the existing sub area policy there's also an accompanying MPD mpud plan develop or mpud resoning petition that you'll hear accompanying this so the subject site here is located in the Central Market area again at the southwest corner of State Road 50 or uh US 41 in land Lakes Boulevard I'm stuck on State Road 54 right now uh the subject site here is your aerial view of the project location here is a context map to show where the subject site is located in proximity to the area as you can see the red area being the subject property uh is located on the southwest corner of Lander Lakes Boulevard and you and State Road 52 uh couple predominant projects in the area being the Lando Lakes 5241 project which does abutt this project to the West um as you can see also project Arthur is in proximity of the area and we also have the Palm materials industrial site to the north here's the existing transp ation network uh we do have the trail us41 trail system and State Road 52 trail system within the uh sub area policy as well as the mut conditions of approval there are conditions to ensure that pedestrian connectivity within the project as well as along State Road 52 and US 41 are achieved through either a sidewalk or a multi-use path here is your uh conceptual plan that's associated to the sub area policy for the PD plan development the pink area is going to prioritize or ensure that employment generating uses are retained in that location uh the orange area is going to be your residential uses with a mutum component uh the pink area does allow for residential to occur but only if vertically integrated there are some wetlands in the area so this is just your environmental context to see what's going on your existing future land use is being commercial currently and your proposed amendment to PD is what this would look like on the map I do want to highlight the fact that the existing calm flu allows for a substantially greater amount of entitlements than what the applicant is proposing in the PD flu so currently in the existing commercial flu land use classification they can achieve up to 1,280 ,4 141 Square ft and then up to 1,175 units what they're proposing is substantially lower uh they're proposing 400 units of uh multif family and then they're also proposing 300,000 Square ft so quite a reduction in what is currently available and then this is just your snippet of the sub area policy and the changes that are occurring this is going to be your zoning where the mpud is going to take place and these are the policies that are supported by the uh proposed amendment and with that we recommend approval of the proposed comprehensive plan Amendment and adopt by by roll call board if you have any questions I be answer yes sir so I think I'm going to be okay with this from what Amy's just said um so I don't need to hear them both together at this point but okay I do want to say the the big thing for me is they could go with over a thousand apartments or multif family it's now coming down yeah suggestion lower am right so so that's that's like it's a it's a it's a very good thing what I also like to do is you talked about the commercial I don't want to hurt them on the commercial if they want to go more intense I don't want to slow them down in that either though sure so um actually on the mpud side there is a land use equivalency Matrix that does allow for any of the residential units to be converted if NE necessary so they can get an increase but even if it was more intense let's say you had some big office complex I wanted to come in here and and take over the site and I want to make sure that they don't get restricted from that uh commercial opportunity that could be there as well okay is there a way to modify that um unless we do that here if they decide to come in in the future and this is already adopted if it exceeds the 300,000 Square ft in the potential mutum conversion then they will need to come in for a comp plan Amendment i' I'd rather put the flexib in that now for them so they don't have to come back again yeah I don't know if that I me it g it it just give them another opportunity it doesn't change you doesn't change the multif family but if there's something stronger commercial that may want to go more vertical more intense I mean it's an opportunity could be creating a lot of jobs there I don't know but I I don't want to I don't restrict them from doing that well if they're going to make a big that to me that'd be a big change from what they're offering here now if they went fullblown for what entitlements they' have I'd be concerned it didn't come back for us so we could look at that right right uh Mr chairman Clark hobby hobby and hobby PA 109 North Brush Street Tampa Florida uh I understand what uh commissioner Mariano is saying I wouldn't have any objection if we on just on the comp plan not the mpud because we didn't study it in the mpud if we want to change that number from say 300,000 a commercial to 500 it would still be well beneath that it would be less than half of the existing uh potential entitlements but also realistically I don't think we're ever going to come anywhere near achieving that much anyway but I understand the commissioner's point about more flexibility on the commercial so I wouldn't have any problem if the board wanted to change that from 300 to 500 because it I think the traffic folks would tell us that's still not net increasing any of the traffic just for the comp plan I I couldn't do it on the mpud side though we didn't study it for timing and phasing okay Mr chairman Mr Ary yeah I was uh in Sarasota this weekend um visiting my son who was in from Greenwich and I was out at uh area called Lake Lakewood Ranch L Ranch yeah I was there too oh well then maybe you know what the project I'm talking about okay I I drove through some I drove through PES there and walked around Lakeside had lunch actually at Lakeside which was wonderful I think you know about it it's a mixed use development um surrounded by town homes and apartments on the water but at um I I wish I had taken a picture of it I thought I could get it here online but I think it's just come in um before Google Maps is there but at the corner of Fruitville Boulevard maybe and whatever Road you go in to get up to Lakes Shore ranch right um there is is a commercial corner with a lot of apartments and it has a storage facility are you familiar with this project um not but I mean I can Envision okay we we need to get some some photos because this is exactly what I talked to the applicant about in my meeting with them how you integrate multif family with commercial they even had they had a um storage facility you know like one of those main companies that's orange and white maybe that's that's a branded name that you remember um multistory but the whole bottom was commercial on retail and you couldn't even tell what it was on on one of the sides I it was so well done and then and then right across the street with on street parking are the apartments and you know over here's all the restaurants and it was it was pretty nicely integrated it it was more of your standard out partial commercial and as you got back towards the apartments it got higher and higher but I think it's a great example of how to how to better integrate multif family on a site um because I I am very fearful we're doing apartment complex and you got to get out of your car and drive over here another apartment complex all encapsulated and and this was just a good it just shows that it does work so I don't know who's the developer is commissioner Stark if I might just for the benefit your staff recognizes some of the things like that that you've been saying over the last couple years because it was your staff that asked us to retain the ability we we wanted to try to move any Apartments off of the hard corner so that you know we weren't just coming in there and eating the hard Corner up at this critical intersection uh with more apartments right because we hear the board talking about that but what staff insisted and is in the mpud when we get to that is it does allow vertically integrated units in that area but the good news is and this is what the critical thing is I think for the board on the comp plan and the mpud is it cuts the potential for multif family by like 60% so it's not going to be overwhelmed and really be a multif family project that's that's really the key for the comp plan and the mpud and when we get into the mpud stuff I'll give you some other really good benefits for the county if we end up having a discussion about that but there are a lot of them I'm just saying and I appreciate that how they moved it off the corner I'm just saying they don't have to be so separated if if it's there are ways to lay it out where they they work together your staff asked us to do that and there are conditions that allow that in the mpud already right Amy commissioner starky if I may I'd like to highlight the fact that if you see on this location map uh the red area is going to be the Go's Corner that's Curr ly being discussed uh the land of lakes 5241 is also a project that is coming around the same time frame and staff is actually treating both of those projects almost as one that's one and so we're making sure there's levels of connectivity between the two that's the way we need to do it that one should be I guess being proposed March 12th being heard on March 12th so okay well this this is the public meain so we need to hear hear from anyone that's here to speak to it do we have anyone signed up to speak to this item no sir nobody here and no one on WebEx see no audience to speak to this item see no one move approval second I got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z okay move on to P 44 okay so p44 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 and by appid of certified mailings and site postings item p44 uh is an ordinance amending the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-5 sheet 23 amending from res 6 residential six dwelling units per gross acre to PD plan development on approximately 25.5 7 Acres of real property located on the west side of Island Boulevard approximately 1,836 ft north of State 54 and a text Amendment creating Subara policy flu 7171 to Corwin at Wesley Wesley Hills PD and a map Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-9 adding sub area map 2- 971 the core wi at Wesley Hills PD and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeal of ability and an effective date uh this comes you with recommendation uh for approval from the uh local planning agency and the planning and economic growth Department we do have a presentation if necessary on this project as well discussion CH Terry thank you chair is this the time to to dis to discuss it or do we do it at 50 when we come and if you if you want to discuss the plan Amendment Now's the Time you mean that this is this is a this is a PG plan Amendment correct yes so pretty much it's all fair game at this point if you want to if you want to talk about it because they' they've tendered a plan yeah as part of the compl this is so I spent a good portion of a year working through this project I don't know if the applicants are here but if Now's the Time to come up and it's really unique what we work through as far as multif family I know multif family is getting taking some shots to the nose here lately but if there's do we have the options the four options that you guys is this the one on island do you want a presentation sounds like it sounds like it would be best to do a presentation yeah Miss well high if you come forward and well the upper staff to do the app I just want I hand out before staff start so that they have whichever is appropriate because this my my point is doing this is we a second second um motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner Starkey hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi uh district one chairman opy I motion pass 5 Z the to show this is we don't have as multif family makes its way into the county there's some uniqueness with this project and I think it's important that the board if they haven't seen it already uh Miss W height and staff and the the customer there talk to it um and just good good conversation to have Mr chairman yes so maybe we should just have staff do the presentation first then look let the applicant whichever is the appropriate be appropriate y okay item p44 is the ordinance amending account plan for the Corwin at Wesley Hills it's a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment I've read the title of the ordinance so the proposal is to change the future land use from res 6 six dwelling units per gross acre uh to a PD plan development to allow for 350 multif Family Apartments with 15,000 square ft of commercial retail off office on the site uh on 25 A2 Acres this is located on the west side of Ireland Boulevard just north of State Road 54 uh and it's where there's a sub area policy that comes along with it and there is the companion resoning that's been referred to later on on the agenda uh for today uh this is the general location so it's Southwest of Zephyr Hills in the South market area which also happens to be in the urban expansion area and this is the the overall aerial uh you'll notice the site outlined in red uh across the street from it although it's not showing up on the aerial is a shopping center here and then we have I believe Publix in the Home Depot just to the south of the subject site so as you can see there's quite a bit of intensity uh commercial typ of non-residential intensity that's lining up on sto 54 and Island Boulevard uh this is the the context map of the subject site itself uh indicating the locations of the residential as as well as the non-residential uh locations on site uh this is the existing feature L map as you can see the subject site is well within this uh beige hatched area which is the res six future land use and to the South you'll you'll notice uh the RO future land use coming up in this orange that runs along 54 here the map changes with the uh Within aend m to the comprehensive plan to the PD and the application of the sub area within that boundary here's that sub area policy um where we're setting up uh at a minimum 7,500 ft of retail commercial and 7,500 ft of office combined that makes for 15,000 square ft um that will be integrated with the multif family uses we'll not we'll note from here that in the mpud there's quite a bit of discussion about the vertical integration of this commercial office within uh the buildings that will have the multif family so first floor will be the commercial office and above will be multif family uh in terms of the transportation network uh there is a trail that runs along uh Island Boulevard it's known as the Morris Bridge handcart Trail this project is going to be uh proposing uh the establishment of its segment of the of that Network and they're going to build I believe it's a 10- foot wide um sidewalk or Trail segment on their property on their side of the Island Boulevard next to their property um here's the zoning uh on the subject property which is I believe AC and then these are the policies in particular that make the land use consistent um the transitional land use policy is is important to consider because of the commercial properties that are just to the South so as you're moving North from s 54 you're transitioning from high-intensity commercial non-residential into a mixed use project which is the core win at Wesley Hills and the the intensities and the densities begin to taper off uh as you move further north um with that uh we close the uh presentation with recommendation of approval um of the comprehensive plan Amendment any [Music] questions okay I think what we want to see is the site plan because a lot of work was done on this and we like the site plan right yeah and then I have a question for you because sometimes site plans aren't binding and you know we we need to make it binding if that's what we like about this I don't know which kind of development it is where Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie 34652 I have the pleasure of representing ECI group my clients are behind me ready to jump in and anything that I kind of don't cover or that you have more questions about you've already heard about where our site's located this is where ECI um does business they've already do business in Pasco County they were already your partners um and are happy to bring this project forward again where our site is this is interesting to show some context of all the retail that's already around us there's existing retail a lot of it's vagrant vagant vacant a lot of it's um Can Build out um and our site will only help that especially given the connectivity that we have to the South again showing the vacant commercial Parcels so this area is ready to to develop and and uh develop in a manner that you'll be proud of as you've already heard there's improvements to State Road 54 in this area as well as Island this is the site plan get jump into the site plan this is the site plan it did look look nothing like this when we started when I started this journey with my client group at ECI group we had two isolated 7500 squ foot buildings we didn't have any Central feature um we had four story buildings along Island we were asked to do three-story um to to minimize Long Island three story Long Island four story in the back is what's proposed you can see that there's two mixed use buildings that are shown in the in the orange and the pink um we have 15,000 square ft of retail office that's a minimum and a maximum they have to do mixed juice buildings two of at least two of them there's four different elevations for those mixed juice buildings which I'll share for you but there's also other interesting features where you have you'll see that the orientation of the retail buildings is to the center Green there where we come in to the project and that's on purpose but you'll also see that that retail wraps those orange buildings are just retail they're either one floor or two floor depending on the option and then you have the mixed use con concept is where the residential which is in pink joins those buildings connectivity to the South to the Publix against across a Duke easement Corridor which the clients already worked with Duke you'll see two connected connection spots to the north a pretty major north south um connection through the project no no Gates they want the public to enjoy this space that they're going to create both between the greens and then hopefully we'll have restaurants I mean I think when you look at this area in 15,000 squ ft you're not talking Nationals you're talking homegrown in boutiques and restaurants and the kind of things we all want to go see and we see want to see more of those places where we can take our families and go enjoy a Saturday night or a Sunday morning or Sunday afternoon and you and you did hear staff say we we didn't we only have to do five feet sidewalk along our our uh project boundary on Eland St said take a look at what FD is doing can you continue that we we said okay we we'll make sure it's 10t so quite a bit of work here and that has gone on as far as this is the a context that my team put together kmen put together just to show what's going on in the area the conductivity that we're starting and creating will then your staff can continue that as the property to the north is developed you can see our proximity to Avalon Park You' be able to take the trail at this Point South and then all the way along the uh north side of 54 to go to Avalon Park so you can go by bike you can go by walk just some architecture this is a rendering um of the project you can see that Central Green Space going all the way through the project down to the Project's Clubhouse can those three story buildings three story or four story three story on the front in the very back too okay three stories on the front four stories in the back I still think those those buildings this building over here is needs to be flipped but I'll I'll show you a picture here in a second this building right here is the one that yeah that's commissioner starky asked our client if that one can be flipped this way to give that road a a street feel let me just show you a couple of things and they might then I'm gonna let them jump up here and ask answer your questions and show off their project um these are these the required buildings we have four options of how we do those I doing a terrible job with this maybe I do need to let them maybe I do need to let them come up here for what we we talked about mixed juice buildings when I started working with staff on how to write the conditions I said let's show it and let's show the different ways that we can do mixed use integrated for these buildings and I learned a lot because there's actually different ways to do it we always think of just retail on the retail one story and then we put our apartments above it but my team pointed out there are retailers that want to be two stories so that's what you're seeing in the second option and option b and there's four of those and we have to be one of these options so how we become binding is the fact that we have to do two mixed juice buildings 15,000 ft maximum minimum and we have to comply with one of these four building types so that's that's how we bring our site plan to life um I anybody wants to get up here Stephen how did you get back this uh so so we we're the developer we're a um family company that put your your name for oh sorry I immedately I'm Steven Stover from ECI groups I'm the vice president of development um oh uh 1231 Pebble Creek Road Marietta uh Georgia um so uh one of the questions was about we want to make sure that we're getting what we're presenting here um you know we're we own our projects longterm um we still own projects we built in Pasco County 20 some years ago um we have a Development Division that I represent uh as well as a general contracting Division and a management division so um we spent a long time working through this plan because what we're proposing is what we want to build and so rather than just showing a bunch of pretty pictures we'd gather feedback from different folks and then we'd go to work with our Consultants experts on Commercial Leasing and layouts um to make sure that what we're presenting is what we can build and it will function and it will lease so um a lot of time was put um into this we we proferred four different flavors of how the retail and the buildings would are the mixed use buildings would um look and feel and function um and then our site plan as well if I can go back to our site plan you know here too um you know we got a lot of great recommendations our plan did start very differently than what you're seeing here and at every different turn and iteration you know we've tried to make it better and also still a functioning you know financeable project um you know we've added a central green that is open to the public will be open to the public our every intention is to program that and make that a great space that's our front door uh for the rest of the um residential um residents so it really matters to us that that retail and Commercial is really cool and interesting um you know we have every intention to build what we're showing here we've laid it out um you know if approved today you know our next step is to move into full design and permitting of of what you're seeing here uh We've laid out the retail mixed juice buildings very intentionally we've turned them in board U rather than running them along the street the Island Boulevard like you typically see commercial in order to create kind of a Main Street feel as opposed to Highway retail going down the side of a road um so we're really kind of hoping that those two commercial buildings really support each other as well as the central green to kind of pull people into the site who may live across the street or just be driving by um it's not a gated community um we've enhanced the connectivity to the northern Parcels um so if and when they um get redeveloped that there's two easy points of connection spent a long time trying to figure out how to make that front North South Road a straight line um so that folks who live North if they want to just drive through as quickly as possible they can go directly south to the public site and hopefully drive by and see our commercial node and maybe want to stop off and visit that coffee shop or or restaurant so um we have spent a long time we you know golf cart or golf cart excuse me or yeah and from a pedestrian Trail yeah I you know and we support the um interart inter paral connectivity both vehicular and non-vehicular um so you know both along Island Boulevard where we extend the trail that um the county and state have invested a lot of money to build further south of our site and along 54 um but we also want that connection directly to the shopping center without folks having to go onto the public right way and thus create more traffic and hopefully hopefully bike or walk um you know so we we've we've been working on this for some time uh We've dramatically changed the plan we think it's better uh you know it's great feedback we got from a lot of different folks um over the past year and some um and I'm ha we're happy to elaborate further I don't know if I answered some of your questions or concerns well go ahead I my only concern is is that you turn that North building to um front that internal Road um to give it more of a sense of place you know or more walkable instead of you're walking by parking lots it's I think it just be nicer um but also now that I'm looking here once you get how how would your residents walk or bike to the grocery store would just be in the in the street no I think we're going to have sidewalk throughout this is just kind of indicative we require yeah this was a site plan and um in terms of that building turnning you know I I recognize your comment I we I hope you believe we're flexible and open-minded if you if you send me what you're thinking absolutely happy to rejigger it with our Architects and civil engineers yeah um can you show that picture that I emailed you Sonia um I found uh I couldn't I don't know how to make that little man get on my m map and make street view guy I yeah my street view guy is not showing up uh in this area um so maybe it's too new I don't know but I did find a site plan of what I was talking about and this is much more commercial than what you have um but uh so and Clark I was wondering if you saw this so um where it says honey Grace beauty and spa that's the storage facility but at the whole bottom is retail commercial and I I I look forward to getting you a what what happened can you go back I don't know what happened um but and then there's the apartments in the back so do you see how those apartments are along that internal Street yeah that that way that's what I'm talking about you're screened in the parking lot yeah and um it's just it's just a better feel to walk by the front of your building then to be walking by a parking lot if you're got this north south movement from these people from the north coming to the South so um yeah we can absolutely take a look at that yeah I I'm going to try and get more Jeff do you ever go down to Lakewood Ranch when you're down there well this is the S Sarasota portion of Lakewood Ranch oh it's in both counties it's actually three dris that go from State Road 64 all the way down um the the Sarasota component was mostly commercial industrial for years I don't know whether they've allowed any residential down there the manate side was all residential and well I don't I don't I don't know where the lines are but I just thought we drove we drove through here because my husb we had a potty stop and um and and the project looked so good my husband and I just kept driving around a little bit but I thought the layout was pretty pretty good so wait we're always looking for analoges of how we can make things great and so I mean it sincerely absolutely we'll look at it yeah and I just to be sure and I'm sure your people know this um since I have kind of a little bit of a restaurant um you just need to be sure on those commercial sites that they have way to get to their trash inventing trash and uh and the wheel in the beer and all that absolutely stock yeah so if you uh if you notice yeah the back part of each of those the reason why it's I mean we laid it out for a Main Street vibe but um there will be Pathways from the back and so we'll have to have back of house going on that back that way you can park a truck on the back side because we're going to hold you to this right close to it I hope you hold us and others to what we're showing you I I'm two commercial sites you're showing sorry they're three story uh so the front tu buildings are three story buildings the ground floor so they could have a commercial on two floors and then apartments on the third floor yeah and just so we can see it more visually you know we we actually had our architect put together a few different flavors of what this could be we want some flexibility so that we can accommodate different users um so you know a typical mixed use building this is again three stories the back buildings are for but you there was a concern about having four story buildings kind of overwhelm in Island Boulevard so these three story buildings along the front you know can have ground floor retail it'll be on the hard corner turning up Island but mostly going to create a Main Street vibe um we could do you know we've laid out a different option that's two-story some folks want much higher ceilings um like breweries and that type of thing there's different types of users that prefer that um you know another option we were we were studying like uh commissioner starky was saying we're studying a project near where we live and they had a three-story structure we thought that a separate two-story with a three-story next door would look kind of weird but we found an example that we really liked and so we proferred as well kind of a two-story with with adjacent three-story U multif family as an option as well based on an example that we saw that we thought worked really well that was a another Brewery concept that would be a rooftop component too correct yes so that's driving this specifically I had to convince her uh you know uh rooftops can be difficult to manage elevators stocking all the other reasons we've talked about but to be hon if you know if we could that would be the option we'd prefer we're not in the brewery business so you know we we can't profer what you know businesses we don't run but we we're seeking flexibility and we're also showing you clearly what we're intending to do not you know here's a bunch of pretty pictures and then we're going to go change it that's really not Our intention in general and we we'd like in five years yall say we'd love for ECI to do more projects in this area because of what you guys have done so we're a long-term reputation focused uh developers these are the kind of projects that enhance our community the one at gun Highway in 54 this one and I appreciate because I've been through it with some of my applicants the time it takes I appreciate all your time um but I think we when you start massaging these and making sure they know we want a sense of place we want something that builds community that um that we can do it and we can get there so uh this is a very nicely laid out project I I'm happy to vote for it well yeah Whitman I'm sorry okay go make I was just goingon to say commissioner Whiteman asked a lot of us and collaborated and I you know um I think project put that eloquently yeah that's right so uh you know multif family is not everyone's favorite thing to talk about and uh he pushed us to make this project better over you know a long time and you know I'll be I'm honest what I'm saying I I think the project is better as a result and um it's been real collaborative I get the feeling you've been hit from all angles here I I and uh and I tell you you know coming up to this we we've got a lot of heat from a lot of apartments in the whole area a lot of different things this is a lot different uh I'm glad you've listened to a lot of things that we've said and go through um and just giving yourself those options I think is smart um Barbara and I were talking even right beforehand about how much room you could do as far as the retail and the commercial go and I'd like to see I I like that that you need the options to figure out what you're going to go do with it but I want to make sure we hold you to what you've cut here as well but I want to make sure we give you flexibility too let's say you want to take the commercial and just even you get a few people that say you know what let's go stretch it further and go that way I want you to be able to go instead of just even being locked at 15,000 to go if you want to go to 30 go to 30 with a tradeoff with the units yeah I I you know I'm it's beyond my pay grade for what we can and can't do but I I typically in that scenario I would come back to you and say hey we have good news there's a there's a retail tenants are coming out of the Woodworks and we want to do more it's actually more profitable if it works in that scenario yeah um you know I think today it's been a long road we've been working on this for over a year um you know I think we would seek approval uh still today but and then come back so ke I'm not trying to not say to the approval what I'm trying to do is if we can build the flexibility now to go give you that and if if it takes a matrix to go make that happen then we can incorporate that today so you go forward I don't want to slow you down but I want to make sure that again if I can get more commercial retail and it works for you guys to be to be viable everything you've created here the into connectivity the the great aura that a lot of people I think from that mall they're going to go shopping at the mall they're going to want to come up there and probably have lunch or something else right along that way so I I I see that happening and and coming from the north whenever that does come it's going to go too so I I I like what you're doing I just want make sure that if there's a way that you need to to go expand the commercial we have that flexibility to put in there I think Barbara might have talked to office is there a reason why you went um a minimum maximum 15,000 yeah Barbara will height I was just conferring with um I don't know Terry's title anymore but I'm a planning director um so it sounds like to do that we need to just add language to our Subara policy that allows us to have a land use equivalency Matrix in our mpud and then we'll add language to the mpud that allows for that land use equivalency Matrix not to go from anything non-residential to residential but to be able to go residential to non-residential so if you want to include that in your motion you you'd add it to the sub area policy the to have a land use equc Matrix in the mpud that's how we could accomplish that okay for example so those bottom ones along how do you say that Eland or island island island like it's an island yes like an island yeah um they could be kind of like a flex Bas or live work kind of um situation so I would definitely want to give you the flexibility to let the market kind of say what those bottom ones are so however Barbara puts it we'll vote on it got get the wording right okay and we were actually going to build you know additional spaces a little bit further back that could that are intended to be live work where wherever you want them to be yeah y we want to give you that flexibility yeah as you get further deeper into the site commercial gets harder to be viable uh along the frontage um you know we just have to look at a little bit more we've we put a lot of time and effort into making sure that what we programmed um can function and lease and has back of house and how do you take the trash out um those types of things um my fellow board members may not know what a live work is so a live work is is when the bottom space is flexible to be commercial or office um in Seaside there's art galleries and yep stationary shops and bakeries things that are on the first floor and then they live above you yeah and particularly in kind of the zoom World um that's becoming before the 80s they started that what they started that before the 80s they're giving me grief we're we got futuristic look oh you know uh Our intention um I don't know how how did you do with the were you highlighted [Music] somewhere scary when I'm showing you know so thank you so Our intention for the building right there it's a little bit and right there so imagine you're driving in there's commercial right here um you know we want to build out this space here on this corner with patio space it's shown as green space this is just an indicative rendering but we kind of want this to be outdoor seating this to be outdoor seating so imagine you're driving by we want pops of color and people saying wow what's going on in there I should drive in and check it out now this is kind of a one-way Road um intentionally so that if you make the commitment we've captured your attention and you drive in now you have to drive all the way around this circle and past both of our retail so again we're trying to ensure that the first step is to get somebody to get Co into your development the next step is to get them to drive past your retail the final step is to get them to actually get out of their car we have parking along the roadways as a result we're employing a lot of good retail you know best practices we'd love to limit the amount of um tall Landscaping with like lower flowering plants on these hard Corners we'd like taller Landscaping back to screen the multif family from Island Boulevard it's you know it's it's more of a code thing we can talk with um as we get into the ldp and the building permit process but as you're driving here these ground floor units you know we're intending to have direct access for these two Corner units and these two um we'd build that unit a little bit differently it' be a different layout than you'd typically see so that somebody could have a front office they could be able to normally we build you know like your home you want an open floor plan where your kitchen is visible to your living room everybody can hang out and interact and that those type of units you don't want your business client to be able to see your kitchen and maybe you didn't do the dishes and that type of thing so you know um okay probably enough information I'm sorry well we've got a public heing and we don't want a lot time yeah we got we spent a lot of time thinking through this plan I apologize anyone sign up for this item no sir no one sign up for the item is anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item Mr chairman one pleasure of the board I'm going to just complement and just reiterate so from what I hear you said as far as that Landscaping goes in front of the residential part it's going to be heavy taller Landscaping but down in front of the retail you want to lower so people can see you from the roadway okay thank you okay of the board I guess move move approval with uh what's the the conditions the conditions that the conditions we talked about and the sub area policy yeah sub area policy and then we need to say something about binding in option A B C and and D how do we so you can handle that in the mpud I think would be the appr that's already bound into the mud those four they're attached okay so all right so we just need that land use Exchange Land language in our sub policy all right for motion second and a second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z all right move on to uh b45 yes sir so p45 was advertised in the business Observer on February 9th 202 for um but I want to make a note for the record um on one piece of their advertisement they had a scrier error for February 2nd um but it was the February 9th uh publication everywhere else so just making that note for the record we spoke with uh Elizabeth Blair and she was comfortable with it because it was advertised for today okay is a publication eror by the Tampa Bay Times oh I got but business Observer oh I'm sorry the business Observer all right item p45 um is an ordinance dissolving the meal point5 Community Development District pursuing to chapter 190 Florida Statutes and this comes with a recommendation to adopt the ordinance by roll call vote and to authorize the chairman to execute the original of the ordinance provided and direct board records accordingly we have a presentation if it's desired and why are they doing this they've the district has no outstanding financial obligations and no operating or maintenance duties or responsibilities anymore not needing in the retail coming in don't want it anyway so uh move to approve Public Public public hearing anyone here to speak to this item anyone signed up to speak no sir no one signed up to speak anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item seeing no one players of the board uh move to approve second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z we now move on to public hearings and Mr Stein Steiner there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition the application will be considered by the board without further presentation if the staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given five minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given 3 minutes for rebuttal any individual dis disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request the petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all resoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code for rezoning Madam clerk would you like to swear them in yes sir so anyone that is planning to speak please stand and raise your right hand okay do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to give is the TRU so help you God thank you all right we'll start with the p46 yes sir p46 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez planning and economic growth p46 is Peg 24772 two it's a zoning Amendment Carly property LLC the request is to uh continue the item to a date uncertain move to continue second I got a motion in a second roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p47 p 47 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times November 22nd 2023 um it was continued from the January 9th meeting to today p47 is Peg 24773 7 zoning Amendment orange State mpud master plan unit development orange State Enterprises Inc the request is to continue the item to the April 10th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat City move to continue time certain second got a motion in second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford I District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p48 okay p48 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 p48 is pg24 7754 zoning Amendment SN Hillside LLC CA Lane development the request is to continue the item to a date uncertain move to contined time uncertain second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District uh five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p49 p49 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times November 1st 2023 and by affida of certified mailings and site postings p49 is p p24 c03 it's conditional use Joan E Patterson Anthem net Inc Verizon Wireless toie request is to continue the item to a date uncertain move to continue time uncertain second got a motion second by row call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to uh p50 p50 was advertised in Tampa Bay Times December 20th 2023 p50 is pg2 2423 it's comprehensive plan Amendment C pass 2223 Pine Ridge little Ross this is a request to continue the item to a date uncertain move to continue time uncertain second motion second um all those in favor by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford I District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z we want to P 51 P-51 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 and by affida of certified mailings and site postings Mr chairman I was going to pull that just to give them the option for the extra 200,000 ft of retail commercial so we can pull that later so okay we'll pull this for right now and then we're continuing with other I'm assuming you're going to P pull 52 as well they're both together or well no but that was the one you just did that you're going to add a land use equivalency Matrix to that okay P 52 okay and move on to p53 p53 was advertising Tampa Bay Times General 3rd 2024 and January 7th 2024 and by affida certified mailings and site postings p53 is Peg 24775 n this is a zoning amendment in the names of efh Holdings LLC Elite pavers for a change in zoning from an AC agricultural district and C2 General commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction um with for the live local that reserves the uses for those uses listed as C2 General commercial District uses comes you with a recommendation of approval from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission who heard the item on January 18th of 24 okay is anyone here to speak against this item there's no one signed up no one signed up okay all right leave it on consent move on to p54 p54 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 and by affida certified mailings and site posting p54 is p24 cu4 it's conditional use Vincent Academy Adventure Coast Inc Vincent AC House Academy it's a conditional use for a group living arrangement in an AR agricultural residential district this will be consisting of 39 dormatory units for V Vincent Academy participants only comes here with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission who heard the item on January 18th of 24 is there anyone here to speak against this item there is no one signed up okay leave it on consent move on to [Music] p55 p55 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 and by affida certified mailings and site postings item p55 is peg2 24c u05 its conditional use in the names of Karen Cas luine Family Trust Anthem net Inc Verizon wiress for a 195 ft above ground level close Mount monopole Wireless communication facil in an AC agricultural District comes here with a recommendation of approval with conditions as including your agenda packet from both the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission who heard the item on January 18th of 24 okay anyone signed up there's no one signed up okay anyone here to speak against this item see no one uh leave it on consent move on to p56 p56 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 Mr chair I'm going to pull that one pull 56 56 yes okay move on to P57 no 57 is regular oh that's that's regular item okay move approval the consent agenda okay I got a motion second and second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z thank you now we'll go back to the pulled items1 uh P51 this Clark hobby uh commissioner were you pulling it just to add the extra square footage or yes just to to take from 300,000 footage extra uh up to 500,000 the applicant has no objection but I would ask the board I'm not sure that the previous motion on the comp plan Amendment included that I know we discussed it but I'm not sure that the motion for p43 included that as well so if we could just clarify that you've got an additional problem Clark you advertised for 300,000 so you'd have to read vertise the project to get the extra 200,000 on both of them well on the resoning okay well then we'll just have to stick with the 300,000 but at least we can come back later on it called out the square footage okay well with with that in mind commissioner you have no other objection if you can make a motion that would be great okay move approval 15 51 15 51 second and I got a motion in second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford yes yeah I apologize um for item P51 uh there's an there's exp party Communications that have already been provided to the clerk's office um from commissioner Oakley commissioner waitman and uh commissioner starky and commissioner Mariano on item P51 okay you just make a not yeah if you'd move and receive and file or or we already sent them to the clerk's office thank you okay we already have them all right they have so we're at uh p52 now and I believe you've got the same issue with p-52 that's correct that's why I'm St I'm standing by just still aot P5 we're only halfway through the vote you won yeah we're halfway through the vote on okay so I think commissioner starky can you confirm you just said I I didn't say I okay District Four commissioner Bradford I District 5 commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move to p52 and we'll um we'll hear from you first yes of course and I'm just going to State the item T the item number for the record peg2 24771 n and that's a zoning Amendment the Corwin at Wesley Hills mpud master plan unit development Stanley Hilton um yes on this item uh P 52 there are exper take Communications from commissioner commissioner Mariano and commissioner waitman got it all right so sir we and we skipped this one earlier we didn't do the proof so um I'm for the record it was advertised in Tampa Bay Times January 3rd 2024 and by affida certified mailings and site postings this is on 52 this is on 52 yeah we already done 51 but okay all right and then U is anyone well no one's here speak against we pulled it so pleasure of the board umy so you've got you've got um disclosures that need to be in those were provided to the Court's office as well correct yeah 52 52 yeah that's one okay right I thought that's what she was just doing okay yeah um Barbara you probably want to come up on this so yeah on this one as I understand that there's going to be a loom from allowing to convert multif family to Commercial and multif family to office I did draft language I don't know if David can look at it real quick and we could delay this you could to hear a couple more items and we could work out the language Barbara can you just introduce yourself for this item will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie so we can either delay a couple items so we can get the language exact or we can kind of just make the condition and then we can work out the language with staff Mr chairman yes so what I what I like to do as far as giving an option I don't want to see a conversion from multi family to I mean from retail to multif family but I don't mind going the other way right it says the applicant development Exchange multif family apartment entitlements for additional commercial retail and or office entitlements and on this one I don't think there's as much of an advertising issue because you're taking existing entitlements and moving them over where with Clarks you were just adding square footage that didn't that the public wasn't aware of yeah this would be trip neutal with our language so Mr chair i' I've reviewed barbera's language I think it's fine okay I mean normally we do include attached the loom but she's doing it based on it which I think is fine okay thank you sir want me to read it in real quick you can yes sure this is revised MPD condition 35 land use maximum shall be in accordance with the following permitted uses and development limits table as shown in table one below the applicant developer May Exchange multif family apartment entitlements for additional commercial retail and and or office entitlements the exchange rate shall be based upon the trip generation rate of the land use or most similar land use in the Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation manual it land use exchange request shall be submitted to PDD for verification as the implementation in accordance with this condition and administrative approval and table one Remains the Same okay and the last thing we need just to make sure we're going to be Barbara and the last thing we need to add in is you're going to stick to the plan that's been kind of submitted those are in there um we already they bound they already bound we already bound y to all right so move approval p52 as hold on hold on a minute it's Public public meetings anyone wish to speak to this item in the audience there's no one signed up no one signed up yes sir move approval with the noted conditions just stated by the county uh by the Barbara will the attorney I got a motion starky second second okay uh by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 z uh move on that gets you to 56 which was the last item that was pulled off of consent oh yeah okay p56 so p56 was advertised in the Tampa Bay times January 3rd 2024 Barbara please don't leave um Mr chairman I I pulled this for an item um and Terry I'm glad you're here to speak to it but I was talking with my U appointe John Moody about this because I wanted them to take a look at it and I think Barbara looked at it as well um John recommends striking the language with the requirements of the muds and I I I I tend to favor his recommendation I'm trying to pull in the computer I can't seem to get it but you want can you want to talk it through are you comfortable with that yes nario Pito planning and economic growth U there's a policy provision policy oh okay um there's two policies in the comprehensive plan policy flu 1.3.1 and COA uh 2.2.3 there essentially identical policies just existing in two different parts of the comprehensive plan um the policies are rather ambiguous in terms of how development that's in the coastal High Hazard area or along the coast of Pasco County ought to be approved either you can read the policy and it can be a requirement to be rezoned to mpud or you can read the policy to uh not have to be rezoned to an mutd to allow enable Redevelopment to take place using a ukian zoning district for example and uh essentially use the requirements that are outlined in the Land Development code for muds at the time of the site plan review um and so there was a interpretation that was made back in 2018 is um where uh the planning and development department at the time determined that it's not necessary to have to rezone the entire Coast to mpud and then and thus make it a little bit more difficult to redevelop on the coastline you can use the ukian zoning districts and just take those conditions or those requirements rather from the land of elment code that are related to muds and put them as conditions on the site plans uh since we condition site plans at any rate um and so uh as I said as the policy was ambiguous we made this interpretation at the presentation of the parallel flood amendments uh at the local planning agency uh comment was made well if this is an interpretation that's been working for all these years um maybe we should include it into the comprehensive plan and not have it actually be simply an interpretation but actually let the comprehensive plan speak to that uh and that's what we've attempted to add into this amendment for the parall of flood so that as someone reads the comprehensive plan they are clear that they're not it's not necessary you still can do an mpud if you want to but it's not necessary to do an mpud in order to revelop up on the coast um that's that's the idea that that's been discussed of late so if I is there any harm continuing this well the project is Grant funded so we do name for the record oh sorry Lauren fling Planning Development um it is Grant funded by fdp uh grant that we got so there's a couple timelines that we need to keep in mind of I think continuing it might uh exceed those timelines that we have currently I I'm just talking about twoe continuance um I don't know that the deadlines off top of my head I believe that they were in April though and I think we're already going for 326 for the adoption since it's large scale but we we have two hearing we we another hearing to take is a transmittal hearing to the state right so we still have time so if it comes back you'll understand why but I'm going to review this with you guys AB I'll bring probably Barbara and John in the same meeting and and talk it through I want to make sure we get it right okay I'll move approval public comment we have someone signed up someone signed up okay goad and give their state your name and address good good afternoon to the board my name is Angel Torres and my address is 9907 Woodstock Lane in Port Richie Florida Mr Tes were you were you sworn in uh yes ma'am okay thank you so uh item 56 on the agenda the parallel flood act um I wanted to speak on this item because it is great to see our board members putting an effort you know to protect our people especially or our community actually and ensuring that our flood zones are well prepared for the future especially with the rising sea levels you know I'm a disabled veteran um my home was almost in the red zone so I was kind of scared you know last year in the last hurricane and uh my wife and I decided Well it's a we could run away and hopefully uh you know I won't get too injured I did have a couple surgeries um so I've been dealing with a lot of pain and stuff when traveling so we decided actually let's stay because there's kids on our street there's you know seniors on our street we have to protect them at the end of the day that mattered more to us than anything else than even my own pain so hopefully with the new uh amendments in place you know with the more protection for the flood zones there's we won't be too much in the red zone we won't have to worry as much you know so that's a big thing that I I really am thankful for uh because you guys are doing this for us hopefully um also I wanted to speak in regards to the scoring system which is called the CRS we recently went down um I don't know how much but it's a good thing the lower the lower the score on the CRS the better results in big discounts for residents on flood insurances so that's a big plus for uh Pasco County and um I also want to speak to about uh the resilient Pasco project G project the Pasco County is undertaking uh Pasco County received the grant for [Music] is led by Mark Dr Mark Bellis the development of this office is actually a amazing step because you know you got planning strategy and sustainability for the future Pasco so I thank you for all you do for all of us as a student as a veteran disabled veteran and a Community member just like you guys I really want to thank you for everything you guys do for us so thank you yeah thank you for your report that's great thank you yes sir thank you for your service too thank you sir see okay anyone else wish to speak this item see a no one pleasure board move approval a motion second but under discussion I did have one question okay what is a coastal there's a term here that I haven't seen and you know I'm going through house plans I'm one year into get working on my Foundation plan um Coastal Construction Control line I I've learned about the limo line but I never heard of a Coastal Construction Control line you're fix to learn good afternoon Katherine Hartley I'm a project manager with the firm uh Benish um our address for the record is 1000 North Ashley uh Tampa Florida sweet 400 Tampa Florida 33602 uh you actually don't have a Coastal Construction Control were you sworn in yesk you yeah they don't have to be you don't have a Coastal Construction Control line that is in the statute for the counties that do have ones um pass excuse me pelis does the ones that have barrier islands have a Coastal Construction Control line and it basically prevents you from going building beyond that line unless it's a boardwalk or something like that more passive so you can't build your house past that line but Pasco doesn't actually have one so let me ask you a question because maybe you're knowledge about this as I'm dealing with my new house out in G fers and I have a limb wall line which is the something to do with waves yes it's a wave action that's so it's a little Inland from your velocity Zone yes so if we have a coastal Barrier Island why are we dealing with limo lines because that is in your flood insurance rate map for clarification I'm the Count's I'm your consultant for this project sorry about that but um that's in all of the flood insurance rate Maps so you've got the velocity Zone the vzone um and then the limo line is a recent addition to that so it gets a little it gets the limited wave action not like the velocity Zone does but it will it's still subject to that do they take into account Barrier Islands uh in front of a house or I mean because I'm just trying to figure out how how you get bu how you build back waves when you have Barrier Island I'm sorry could you repeat the question so we have a Barrier island called ano key MH and then and so when they do these limb wall lines are they kind of arbitrary or do they look to see what the coastal conditions are if there are barrier islands in front of it I don't know the answer to that question I say this because I've been to the FEMA headquarters in DC or Virginia actually when um they were doing the bigger Waters and uh we tried to get the formula that the actuaries were using to do their rates and they they wouldn't share it and so they sometimes the thing the things that they come up with uh you just don't know if they really looked at the Topography of an area well topography certainly because all the new flood insurance rate maps at least the ones in Florida the most recent ones that maybe word we're using lar so yes so but are they Tak into account Barrier Islands in front of people's property that I don't know for the limo line cuz I had heard that when they first did years ago the um lines that a lot of them were just arbitrary there wasn't any real science behind them but they had big effect on people and so and this limo thing is having an effect on on me and I I just want to know what you know how far away from a barrier items do you have to live to start worrying about 12T waves you know getting built back up and when the water is 2T deep for for half of that distance or 3T deep how you going to get a 6' 12T wave or is it 13t or what I think it was 1 to 3 feet for limo so limited wave action so just a little bit well it's I don't I'm just not trusting of the science behind it I just think they didn't look at the Barrier Islands M chairman I think we should have a bit bigger discussion on this as well and I can actually bring it up with with ter and Company too but you you make sense with with a Barrier Island which the Army Corps loves to see those and they would even like to see us create them as alen Rose mentioned to us several times if the waves coming from the Gulf and we've got like three feet of water because we're such a high high level shallow very shallow that you can't get a full wave anyway but to get a 12T wave or whatever it may be coming over that Island to have a tsunami it has to be a 7.9 uh earthquake generating tsunami between enlo key and me right so I I think your Point's very very very good and that's again why I didn't want to just pass this thing right away anyway but now we got a little time to look at it I think it's a good thing to look at yeah I don't know if that's in here I wasn't briefed on this that I recall so and you and I have all the coast yeah yeah I mean I I don't know why I asked an engineer how how I could have U how I could be I have to go get a scouring report now the only person that does it is in Alabama or Arkansas or somewhere and I'm like where are these waves coming from remember Boatyard over in Hudson we had we re planted it rezoned it to to make it all work and they had studied it and they were going to keep a guy from putting up a like a 5ft seaw wall even though his neighbor around the corner had one that high and they blamed it on the same type of thing and it took an engineer to actually study it look at it and say there's nothing here let I had two Engineers tell me there's no way there's going to be a weight there MH so okay so Mr carbella Terry I I think it's good that we get briefed on this thanks okay that was under that was my second and my discussion so I have a have a motion in a second then roll call vote roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner star very reluctant I District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano I because I know I have another shot of this and district one chairman Oakley I need to see the science motion pass 5 thank you okay we'll move on to P57 which is a regular item okay P57 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 24th 2024 good afternoon Mr chairman members of the board Jason Mel Public Works director uh P57 is a resolution cancelling resolution number 23- 042 relating to the aresa paving assessment project pvas number 3510 discontin ing the Arista Paving project that propos assessment and a notice of intent to lean adopted under resolution number 23-42 for giving all County costs incurred to date for the assessment project authorizing the refund of all prepaid assessments received through the RS project and providing for an effective date U Mr chairman I need to ask the attorney I yes you have a conflict okay I I must refused myself a roll call vote no you got public comment anyone for the public wish to speak to this item you don't have to you don't want to but you're here you might as well if you want to afternoon name and address for the record good afternoon Michael Cox 10831 panicum Court Newport Richie I'm the president of the air State HOA uh good afternoon Mr chairman and distinguished members of the commission aresa finds itself with one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat we'd like to get on the boat and go with you on your new mstu that's uh I see your staff's recommended approval and we would appreciate you supporting that thank you anyone else to speak to this item seeing no one who approve second got a motion second roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner oh yeah no no no back abstains I just going along with it too we all know that except for her so district for commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 40 you abstain so I'm not even going to count you as a note so all right move my uh I think we have uh I have to figure out where we were at so I think we finished off on R38 which was the planning item I wouldn't mind having Terry recap that conversation and just make sure that we're clear from the board good since we you come forward yes sir Rec good afternoon Mr chairman start from the top just kidding um so there were four items that needed clarification from this morning's um discussion we clarified the Mandate for amenities we clarified the distance between facade to facade to be 15 fet um we clarified that we need to add architectural standards for two-story structure ures so that they're not all stucco uh and to avoid uh architectural monotony and we clarified that up to 30% of the uh units within such a development may have individual garages or driveways um the plating question was also clarified in the sense that platting isn't a maintenance Tool uh but that uh if a development in the future wanted to to uh plant itself they could go through the condo planting process which would be through the state um so the intent of policy memos like these is to collaborate with the board of County Commissioners in the establishment of a planning Direction and this policy memo uh or these types of policy memal bring the concerns and comments that the board of County Commissioners makes to the front of the mpud planning and negotiation process instead of having them appear at the approval hearings we're going to take these typ types of concerns and bring them forward and that's a very useful tool for the staff because we can use these memos as a starting line that will help direct the planning activity and it helps applicants to know what to expect in the planning process itself and finally the policy memo is not approving any particular project today's policy memo uh the BCC will always have the ability to review and approve future horizontal Apartments should they come forward now um I'm not going to go through all of this again but it we only saw this example this morning we've added a few more contextual examples so that you can see the flavor of these types of multif family products as horizontal Apartments do feel a particular Market need for various demographics particularly for Millennials who comprise a greater portion of the workforce where the general preference among that demographic is uh to own less let me stop you there because I think that statement is absolutely false well there there's a number of studies that point to that idea but nonetheless it's a it's a type of housing product that's uh desired there's a Marketplace for it where are these from so this is a Florida example they have gutters by the way folks in this picture here yes it also this also illustrates the distance uh the corridor distance from facade to facade water this looks to be wider 15 to 20 feet or so uh this is an example from Texas sort of illustrating the variety of architecture that can be added to these types of uh developments brick and Hardy Plank and stone here's another example uh I believe this is also Texas see I like that the buildings don't look exactly like I didn't like that in the first one I didn't like that the beer you couldn't tell one you know every building was the same lost in there right this I like better I think we need some variety the architectural standards that are outlined in here does require at least um three three different architectural elevations with a minimum of three architectural features differing between them is that uh that could be we have that in aot is that enough is that enough I mean does that include um uh Hardy plank yes stone or and brick yes and porches if they're two story yeah stco sighing which would be the Hardy plank uh brick stone no no Stu siding is not Hardy plank no no stucco comma siding siding can be the Hardy plank okay yeah uh Hardy plank is a brand right um brick stone etc those types of veneers would be what we're looking for in terms of these uh product uh these um developments uh as I said is that on only on the front or on all the sides because I'm looking here uh seems like it should be on everything but the back not just the front sometimes people just put it see at least this one wrapped it around the corner do you see that but then it's got hardy hardy or bordon baton all the way down the other side so let's make sure that it's not just the front we can we can make that more explicit in the menal um so this example is from Texas uh I believe this example is from Arizona you can kind of see this um this would be your 10ft walkway right so facade here to facade here and these are sort of showing the recessed entry ways that we discussed this morning um here's an example of a site plan from Lakewood Ranch um we talked about this here in Florida I believe this one's in in Sarasota uh you can see how the depth of these units doesn't really exceed three um much of it is two at some points like right here you see a a stack of three um and that's pretty much it it doesn't get much Terry what um on the can you go back to the ones on the top right what's going on there what are those in the back what's that in the back top right who are you talking about uh other side no no no come back up what are those like along the lake what are those little buildings what are those these are units have them in there they're just little teeny ones presumably probably the one-bedroom versions that looks changed it up a little bit yeah here's Liquid Ranch um here's an example from Texas I couldn't get an image this was off of their website but I couldn't get an image that was a little bit clearer but again you can kind of understand the the stacking that they that they do they don't go more than two or three deep um in terms of the development here in this case you have uh major thoroughfare commercial development that's being developed and then the density that then Blends out to single family detached further to the I think those are apart Apartments there to the very Apartments coming yeah probably right here Vertical Apartments right there and the commercial Outlaws out front you kind of see the building right there getting developed um and then those the images just to provide a little bit more context for what we're talking about uh today so that that's the that was the recap and a little bit more if the board had any additional things to note chairman uh yes thank you chair Terry back to what we're talking about this this product it's highly likely it's going to trigger some level of storage to come in behind it facility can we do some due diligence your team do some due diligence on especially if we have the deconstructor department and then we have say our standard four story or whatever Apartments coming in nearby can we find out what triggers storage cuz it's they they see there seems to be a consistent pattern that we see these go in storage Car Wash what have you but those two pop up pretty quick and since we're looking at that anyway especially if we don't have garages on these if it's only 30% we could probably predict what's going to be coming around the corner here on Commercial Zone sites Mr chairman yes sir is commissioner wman considered a millennial I don't know what I I want to I want to tell you I I've got the same things written down right here garages come in no you no garages you're going to get more car washers more storage and I added Dollar Generals to General Store that's well Mr chairman what one idea may be and this this may be a a an a question or an idea for in a broader sense for all multif family not just for horizontal but also for vertical but to actually have a requirement for multif family projects to provide on-site storage so you don't have to wait for a market trigger you can actually condition it condition those projects and say thou shalt provide on-site storage to help you know combat the proliferation of self storage facilities well there's a example commissioner starky talked about down there South Florida somewhere I just we could there there's a pretty consistent pattern that we see throughout the county now and I just we know it's coming in we think bigger picture long term think we just need to educate ourselves and and and be prepared for what's coming in and manage it the right way would you like for us to develop this idea to re to require on-site storage for multi family I'm not opposed do it well what does that mean um you could have I know that like when where my son lived in an apartment complex in St Pete you had the ability to rent uh you know 5 by 10 you could put your bike your you know Christmas stuff yeah or your golf clubs and stuff in um or you could rent a garage so maybe it's providing an option um a certain percentage of op options Mr Mr chairman Mr chairman let me let me point out a couple things like on this site plan along the discussion of garages so this site plan and and most buil to rent that comes in there are there are units here that are Standalone garages right that someone can lease uh in addition to their to their monthly rent you can see these here the buildings that are in the parking area those are four space right undercover units and they rent you choose to rent an additional space if you want Mr major if if I'm not mistaken I've seen this before but it's not there's not a storage unit or a garage for each apartment in the whole place there's a certain percentage of those that people can lease if I'm not mistaken that is correct that is correct and so the idea that's exactly right Mr chair so in addition to these Standalone units with the percentage of units that was discussed to have a garage you know now you've accomplished some of that some of that question um was there any storage them could have up two we didn't require them up to up to you was there any storage with this the project we that was approved on Island Boulevard was there any storage with those apartments yes yes there was there were garages that were shown on their site plan so there's there's the opportunity to establish that percentage to but I've seen that before to allow to allow that garages along with these Standalone it's not a bad idea that we require up to x amount of storage we could make it um I would thank you see what percentage is a normal thing for number of apartments or whatever so CU you're not going to do that to the entire thing because you can have them there nobody r at all so I agree I can tell you my in my past life we were we were going for about 35% about 35 of the parking was to be in these Standalone garage units right okay I think that's something be good to include in some of these because it it makes it a lot nicer Mr chairman yes sir Let Me Flo a suggestion so instead of going three deep or four deep let's go two deep and let's allow 50% of them to have garages or make them have 50% of garages which you'll end up with having a row with people with garages up front they can drive right into or whatever parking up front and then for the people people that don't have the money want to save a little bit they can go walk in the back to another unit in the back almost like an admu I I I'm going to disagree because then it you start getting very expensive and having a lot more a lot more pavement what do you think is going to cost to rent the garage it's not cheap I have no idea I just don't want to limit them to I think three deep is M Mr chairman the yes sir I need to point out the language that you've told Terry to use which is up to 30% doesn't require them to do it but it doesn't change that they could do it if they wish to well no they could do it if with if you don't put that in the in the memo they can they can build garage there's nothing that prohibits the garages so I'm not sure that you've added anything by saying up to 30% if you want to make it a requirement that'd be one thing but but but I don't you haven't gained anything that they couldn't that the developer couldn't already do so so what we were talking about before was attached garages not detached so we said up to 30% attached garages okay but maybe we need to um also now add and a certain amount of detached garages or storage they're not all garages some of them are storage closets part of the allowance up to 30% was to establish a threshold by which we could consider these as multif family that is to say not single family detached units because remember that the distinction was that a single family detached buil to rent product had a individual driveway and an individual garage and so the discussion from this morning was well we should have some units that have a garage and a driveway onto themselves and and what would be the point where we would say okay you could do as many as you would like we said 30 up to 30% uh and still be classified as multif family that is to say a single parcel under common ownership and the other side of that is you once you bring this forward and a project comes forward you have reason to make a better choice or them to make a better choice and we actually put that station on a certain projects as they come forward to us whether they have it or not have it or yes yeah would storage be more like a suggestion chairman would would storage be considered because of the nature of this would storage be considered an amenity I mean if if they're going to have to leave off site they're going to have to have storage so they're going to leave where they're living drive to wherever go to their storage place climb stairs or take an elevator sure if we had a more formal storage plan would would would storage potentially be defined or what these folks would consider an amenity within the community and just have it you know like this picture and the go down to the end where it teas and it's back there in a corner and it's you know three or four high and I don't know just thinking out loud yeah I think so because amenities don't necessarily have to be recreational in scope they it's still an amenity can be functional right and it's an added asset to the community things that are available on site right because it still be and then it still be Revenue generating for the the business that owns these things right some way some huh they're going to pay for it yeah that's another Revenue gener right yeah okay so we can add a requirement for on-site storage I'm I'm I guess what I'm saying is is maybe explore and see since we don't really understand it get with stakeholders and you know see what get I recommend get their expert opinion and maybe there's other places that have that or work or explore what commissioner starky was sharing with this down in Lakewood Ranch um I kind of save very you know save our commercial spaces for something a little bit more exciting okay that's fine we can bring that back not not withstanding the rest of the policy I heard discuss with industry on that so y okay that's it for me any other question questions so we're going to get we going to have a motion yeah I think we we would appreciate if the board would you know approve us moving forward with this policy memo at this time recognizing that there's other bites at the Apple as projects come forward and that policy and these things can evolve as we as we learn more right so we we'll discuss Self Storage but right now we have really nothing staff really has nothing to go on and at least if the board is comfortable with the things that we've out here today we can begin doing that in accordance with what Terry said as of today if they haven't had first round comments we can we can begin that we can begin that process and it doesn't mean that we can't add to it or you know take a look at it in six months and see if we're happy with it or not happy with it uh certainly we will bring back the on-site storage I think there's there's some Merit that needs to be explored there and I think staff is ready to do that so all right pleasure of the board I would I'll make the motion under the pretense that this is a evolving and living memo here and uh you know commissioner starky mentioned workshopping and bringing up in kind of a different form uh with all those points in mind and that we we get to have a conversation in a different way about it so I'll move approval with those recommendations second I got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano n district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 4 One move on to R39 good afternoon board Andrew Baxter Facilities Management director I'm here to Where is the okay hiding it here to discuss the uh revisions and modifications to our Surplus and disposition policy if you'll recall we brought forward uh a agenda item last summer related to Surplus a uh property to Habitat for Humanity and the board asked us to go back and take a look at our policy we've met with each of you individually and we have brought back what we believe to be a consensus view on what we heard from you all and so I will go through what those revisions were first that throughout the policy we did uh minor updates just to ensure that all of the processes were aligned with what we actually do um we're also looked at updating the way we integrate our labeling and GIS work with the property praiser and so that's included in the policy um there were also revisions to align our naming conventions throughout um when this policy was first created the real estate department was actually a department under the development services Branch um and so now it is a division within facilities management and so we have uh just made sure that throughout the policy all of those minor edits are corrected the major edits and the additions to the policy uh was related to the surplus of affordable housing not for profits and so what we have is in section five um a through D we outline what is the order of operation ations for the surplus of property first we check to make sure that there is any County use for this property then if there is no County use we move on to notifying other governmental authorities as appropriate quasi governmental or special use cases uh if those are not viable uh or there's no response then we make the property available for public bid and if we receive no bids then we would offer it to affordable housing not for profits if the property is appropriate for that use so that only occurs after a public bid and I think that's important to note then in uh then in section 6D we really Define um some of the stipulations that would come into effect if we move into that sort of a surplus scenario related to affordable housing um and those are basically uh setting a minimum of $1,000 unless otherwise determined by the board so there's some flexibility in there for the board if they so desire it uh and then also requiring a 5-year reversionary Clause if the property is not used for affordable housing and then finally requiring all affordable housing entities to be vetted through the Community Development Department before they can sub offers so those are the major adjustments to this policy and so we look for the board's approval of the policy U or discussion so that we can make modifications Mr chairman yes sir uh I think you've done a great job with us let me ask you a question though when you say you're going to afford the housing entities to be vetted well it's affordable housing is you you got to pretty much know how the record is never mind I'm good okay Mr chairman yes um you know I where where where'd this one go well I'm not going to say anything till it comes back so we'll just watch the clock tick I do have a picture you can go ahead and put my picture on Holiday Drive and Marcy was here this morning but I guess she couldn't be here okay no not those those are live works the one on Holiday Drive all right let me get my nice uh that one okay and then my staff sent me some talking points here and I have to find it okay so in 2019 a survey done by the Florida Housing Coalition it it wasn't a formal survey and it was not int intended to yield statistical data but the response shed light on how effectively the local government surplus land statutes are being implemented and provide guidance on how to improve awareness and activities related to the disposition of surplus land for affordable housing 68 local governments responded to the survey and 62% of them donate Surplus land Parcels to nonprofit organizations so this is the one that we turned down to Habitat on my drug infested Holiday Drive which I drove those of you who weren't elected yet I took Mike Moore down the street and I showed you I showed you how bad the street was now um we have five vacant Parcels on this street now because we've condemned a bunch of stuff but this is not this is not that one that was really bad that had all the fentanyl in it that's little down the street where it's all trailers um but we could have had a house under construction on this by now and a family living in it but instead it's sitting there looking like this in the neighborhood so um housing costs and material costs are so expensive now these guys building these houses and getting families in for the first time they need every penny they can get and so if it had so I I just want to go back to you all again and do what we were doing before and suggest that we do we first offer these to not in certain neighborhoods I mean not every parcel is correct but but if it's a parcel where we deem the the house could be of benefit to the neighborhood and it uplifts it um and that they guarantee that the the and I don't remember who gave me this idea but it is a very good idea the recipient of of those who receive these these Parcels must be like a threeyear resid president of Pasco County and um I was that you I don't know someone once gave an idea on a if if we were to give any tax abatements on future affordable housing that we need to stipulate that it's Pasco residents who are getting that affordable housing not people coming up from another County so I I really like that idea so I would like to go back to you and say on Residential Properties in the neighborhoods that are sued we should just offer these um for zero to a a nonprofit building a house because if we you know we have this opportunity in Holiday we have um we have metop Ministries building their family homeless shelter and then we have dominium building the affordable housing project by anod High School 60% Ami and then we have amp skills that can help these people get a good job and and Metropol Ministries is also putting their commercial kitchen back in so people can get um certifications in culinary and they're also going to be teaching people how to get um licenses for daycare I mean we have this really cool ecosystem coming where people can who were homeless can go live somewhere for a few years save up some money get a job qualifi for a habitat or some what of the other organizations that build um you know to to build this community and I just want to say again that that we should consider just donating these I mean what's $1,000 do to us but it means something to these to these new homeowners and to Habitat uh because obviously they didn't bid on it when we said no you can't have it for free they didn't bid on it and so it's still sitting there like this this is a recent picture so a surplus land disposition program may be useful to revitalized neighborhoods that have experienced blight or destabilization you know we're getting Tallahassee legislating to us things that we don't want because so many communities have turned their back on Workforce housing and and um I just really feel strongly that this is one of the major tools in a toolbox is to help these guys get the land so I Marcy I don't know if you want to say anything to on this subject you sure she's on Marcy they're looking toe oh name it so I just want to remind you 6 yeah go ahead so I I I guess it it is sort of appropriate or unappropriate for me to just say Amen commissioner starky it is a great tool in the toolbox and um and I think that the last time uh uh this this item came before you uh all it it was explained that we all already you know these lots already go through everybody else to see if anybody wants it and and nobody uh bids on it and no other agencies no other departments uh there there is no interest so it's not as if uh the county in any way shape or form has given away or given up the opportunity to get funding from other sources in addition to no other interest uh the other thing is is that while we are carrying these properties we're incurring in it we're incurring costs whether it's our office or facilities the county is incurring costs by maintaining these properties and to put them out for places like habitat or um Sun Coast Housing or the different housing agencies that we have to put a home mon and then have it bring in taxable in taxes into the county it just and then turn the neighborhood around it's a win-win um and and I would agree that ,000 uh uh we would save way more than $1,000 by putting the property out to a housing agency thank you thanks Marcy CH Kathy peerson assistant County Administrator um Public Services I wanted to reiterate too that there's a 5year reversionary clause of the property is not used for affordable housing I almost think it should be three myself but um five years if they can't get the rack going would you got to lose it comes back to the county and we start all over again so that's a really important fact to consider also five years is a long time yeah maybe we should change that to three years I would like to clarify one other thing that Marcy commented on related to what commissioner starky is proposing if we would go back to the way we were doing it before um that would occur prior to a public bid so we would offer it to the county we would offer it to oh so the county Department's first y County departments first these then then we would go to not for-profits quasi governmental um or other governmental agencies um and then we would go to public sale and this idea of housing not for profit would actually be part of step two instead of creating the way we broke it out is now it's step four there would be no step four if we went back to the previous way we were thinking about it that's fine with me Mr chairman yes sir what's the time difference from doing the bid for the profits to take a look at it and let's say they don't do act on it to have the paperwork ready to go put it back out in the street to go for nonprofit what's the time difference 30 days 60 days can I hear the question one more time I I want to just make sure I understand it if you going to put it out in the market for the profit group to bid okay and it fails what's the time constraint to go right back out again to offer to the nonprofits assuming you're getting all the paperwork ready now assuming that everything is sort of geared in that process to immediately rebid I would think a few days um I mean I'm I'm fine just the way you get it set up I don't mind going back to the three years but well you know what someone could pick this up on Holiday Drive and throw a trail a nasty old trailer on there and what have you done for the community put those conditions in we don't what conditions there can't be a trailer when we when we would sell for public bid we do put these type of conditions in already uh to ensure that this been sitting there since this is still sitting there not making anybody any money when we could have had a habitat home on there should we vote for $1,000 you're going to keep a family from getting a house well didn't habitat get a they would build one there or no they we were we were we were Sur using it we had this program humming along just fine and then all of a sudden we put the brakes on on it helping people get their starter home um and now that whole project is dead uh can you show the can you showell the house this is the habitat house that were you there uh no I was here with the representatives Senator Hooper uh the sheriff this is this is near Mile Stretch where where my hoard is we we did this H we went and did this house with habitat and this is so improved that neighborhood already Kathy Kathy Pearson Bor I just was wondering if you would maybe consider piloting this and and let us try a few homes and see where we go with this instead of making a full- ledged property right now I mean just just a thought and just raising that question because I think it can work work I think we've got habitat we've got other not for-profits want wanting to do this um what does it hurt to at least try it for a few houses so I just throw that out there so Kathy come back so if they're wanting to do this why are we still having property sitting because because we we quit doing it at the board's Direction because it was not approved we've been waiting to have this policy come before you commissioner this all started a few months ago and we brought a piece of property to you all and it was um we we got out voted to do it so that's why we came back to you with a new policy so that's where we're at okay sure I remember the one with the the habitat before but the Lots were too low is that one of the big issues we had with habitat oh that's that that's something different um but yeah that was inis lan I know that so these are random um lots that come to us when we've de we've demoed uh something and they're not paying their taxes and they they what's the word a sheet yeah they come back to us and it's so this these are ones we get back in yeah correct from someone that just that's the typical way they're these come there's other ways that they come to us but the typical way is through a sheev yeah and some some could have bought those tax someone could have bought those if they wanted them the the public a for-profit company can go buy those tax receipts and take them before they come to us so that's their opportunity we're not stopping a a for-profit company from doing anything what we're stopping is is the ability to provide more Workforce housing for com for our citizens understand but most your for profit companies coming in on something like that they're not getting a habitat house which is a lot there's a lot of donations in a habitat house that Mak affordable and a for-profit company coming in and build way cost of materials in our right now you're not going to find them coming so just makes it too expensive for the neighborhood so so I'm not sure what your point is but do you like the idea of of us going back to how we were doing it where if we get a surplus lot like we did on Holiday Drive we we offer it in a rotating manner to the nonprofit say if habitat got one I think this is the way you were doing it then it's the another one that's registered with us they get the first stab by it and and it goes in this circle and that's how we were doing it goes in the order yeah um but I would add that the recipient has to be at least a three-year resident from Pasco County yeah well L also want to put in the stipulation that if nothing happens with it in three years then it comes back to us to yeah I'm okay with that yeah five years is a long time for nothing just yeah I mean that doesn't help anything right yeah oh so clarification on the reversionary Clause is that five years of reversionary clause doesn't mean we have to wait five years for anything to happen once if we would transfer this to say habitat they build a house if somebody moves in year one year two they pay their bills year three they pay their bills on year four they just stop paying and they're evicted then that property could revert back to us is what that F that's the station yeah I thought it was I was thinking it still being the same lot nothing happen yeah we're saying if you don't start building the house within 3 years correct the timer starts when we transfer it the timer starts when we transfer it but if if for whatever reason it stops being used for that's that's between habitat who holds the zero mortgage and and them not us by yeah no it's just that if they they need to start building the house by three years within three years we don't want the empty lot sitting there not helping the neighborhood and not helping a family and it has to be Pasco resident this is a separate thing than things that like we gave the feeding Tampa Bay that that property we gave to them to use for feeding Tampa of CLA they ended up selling but we're now we've taken care of that I guess haven't we y reversionary clausers are okay are what we add to just about every one of our our transactions now right well I'm okay with this and and I believe in habitat houses I I think they do a great job they're not the only there's three or four in Tampa Bay that are doing good work so similar work and now one one Community now is starting to get into that as well which is a a great organization yeah so what's The Pledge of the board I chairman a question than on the remember when we talked with notifying do we just go to step out my eyeballs are floating um on the before it went to the not for profit was it step three that we discussed sending direct mail to adjacent yes sir that was something disced with you that uh if we stayed with this four-step process then notification on the public bid uh would also go to the the neighboring Parcels of that of that potential parcel that we're looking at and we've agreed that that's in in the Rules of Engagement it is it is not currently in the rules that is on that's something that again what what we presented was sort of a a collaboration version of what we thought we heard from the board in the first discussion that there's been a lot of other things actually discussed here today that are starting to make me wonder uh exactly where we're headed but uh we can come back to you so whatever you want to add or subtract within within the notific within the notification process not everybody is going to be following online you know if there's a resoning or your your properties ped youin 500 ft you receive a physical letter from the county this the house being replaced with a house and this is this is the step before the not for-profit I think that neighboring property owners who may or may not you know be retired may not have internet and I've talked about this with Mr Brighton boach and it's we don't need any special rules but we mail them a letter on that the second step of private sector opportunity to purchase uh these these properties hey this is going for bid here's a letter they may not following on bonfire and bonfire is a pain in the rear to operate anyway these online bid platforms that governments use so they get a letter and mail then they're notified oh okay maybe I want to buy this maybe I want a little bit bigger yard or what have you and if they choose not to buy it they choose not to buy it but I think neighboring properties should be noticed especially if they're joining hey this property is for sale by your government you have an opp opportunity to purchase it if you want to before it goes if they all Decline and what do we say on average maybe 10 letters per parcel maybe so it's not many it's not a lot of work yeah but I think it's it's transparent to the property owners that hey this is happening here's an opportunity if they choose not to buy it then we move forward to sell it to the not for profit but I think the the the sell price all be higher than the Thousand I'm I'm kind of around that, 1500 to two to 2,000 mark on selling these especially if the county has taxpayer money invested into cleaning it up I think our taxpayer needs to be made whole I just you know that that's where I'm at with it but I'm I'm willing to compromise because I appreciate what we're trying to do here for affordable housing and the cost of living and home ownership but a dollar is definitely a no-go and I think we need to be higher higher than a thousand but I think that the noticing to the neighboring Property Owners a simple letter from the county saying this is for sale you have the opportunity to buy it and they may pay more um and they have they say no then we then we go we go to that that that next step so that's been my conversation with with the team and um those are just my thoughts on that well I'm I'm kind of confused on it because we're talking about doing away the thousand and now well he wants to do away with it I don't I I mean he wants to keep it I don't and I would not not be for this um because I think it's a barrier to getting more affordable houses and and I think and I also don't think it helps us in our tax base because if if one of my drug trailers buys more land for more people to live on um what what has that done for our tax roles and the community I my my goal is to get more people in housing and to lift up the neighborhoods we we benefit a lot more than $1,500 when a house is is on a tax roll yeah but are we verifying to put a family in their firsttime home next to a drug housee that's a double-edged sword here how are we hey come byy this move in and this family's all excited then they're next they have a very dangerous neighbor that could blow them up if something goes wrong in their keep working on cleaning up up the neighborhood that's what we've done in Leisure Lane and it's a lot better already so um we haven't heard from our commissioner that's at home um I'm not sure where Jack is I know where you are I think I know where we are so I've come a long way on this from where I was you killed that well a dollar is inappropriate inapo commissioner BR let me give you my thoughts um I think a thousand $1,000 is the appropriate amount I know that's still a lot of lot of money to me500 2,000 uh that could be future but I think I think $1,000 that's thought so you're saying don't don't Surplus this to the nonprofits that's your nonprofit if the nonprofits uh don't use it and over the neighborhood think ,000 uh do a neighborhood family is appropriate that's what he said I I didn't understand what he said what he's saying is if if I the nonprofits if we go through the process and offer it to nonprofits and they don't accept it or take it then he's okay with $1,000 for selling to someone that's not the nonprofit okay to start a bid at 1,000 to the public right to the public okay isn't that right Mr Bradford that is correct sir okay okay then I'm gonna I want to call a vote right now I move to uh approve this with taking away the 1,000 for nonprofits and I don't want a letter going to the neighbors to for them to bite it either because that's not for in my mind cleaning up the neighborhood and they could have bought it when it was on the courthouse steps so they they had their opportunity yeah so that's my motion so I just want to clarify so we've listed an order of operations here what I'm what I'm hearing you say commissioner I think I think Andrew's on the same wavelength four which is right now step four is making it available to affordable housing you want to move that up above that's where we were before basically merge it into two is is to what what I'm hearing you say and then our last resort is a for-profit vote yeah and then we take away any sort of financial barrier for for non profits not for profits basically reverting back to the old policy yeah uh but we want to add that it two things h a house has to start within three years and it must go to a Pasco County resident of three years is three years a good is good seems like it yeah I think three years okay Mr chair could we also Define what affordable means because I'm about to litigate that issue so I want so I like some Direction when you them we don't I think we should just leave it as a not for-profit entity and call a day yeah many of our well it would have to it would have to be qualified through your community development for for those affordable they have certain income levels that they all work with well my understanding from RC is that's below 80% of Ami is that her is that her policy Marcy not on there anymore she's on she's fuming up to the camera oh she said yes she saying yes well actually then I have a clarifying question from rcy then I mean is that I mean so when Habitat for Humanity for example builds a home and then they get a mortgage and they sell it to someone I mean do they have to meet the 80% criteria is that a hard and fast rule well uh it is and it isn't so habitat has this interesting rule where when they start working with somebody um they have to serve that person so even if that person uh is working with them for 18 months or two years they may have qualified for 80% and Below when they first started but it might go higher that doesn't mean that we have to continue to serve them uh so um so we've had that issue with them before so so generally speaking habitat does help people that are 80% or below but if they're working in their system long enough they might end up making more money that or even during the course of their ownership of the home could eventually find themselves in in a different bracket correct well we would hope that they would andway home ownership homeowner we don't check it I mean they all have qualifying rules for them to be uh providing a charitable purpose for their recipients if the policy requires Community Development to deem it to be affordable then I'm fine with it I just wasn't yeah clear that the policy was doing that yeah they they they do have to do that okay okay so that's your motion that was my motion all right I got a motion Mr Bradford I might need your second all I'll second all right I got a motion second roll call vote okay District Two commissioner waitman uh opposed based on the notification process District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford hi District Five commissioner Mariano nay district one chairman Oakley I vote to but and and just for clarification how many of these do we get a year less than 10 somewhere in the neighborhood of six to 10 yeah it's but it means a lot to those 10 families yeah okay okay thank you all right move on to thank you R40 presentation hi good afternoon Amy Ferell budget director with the Office of Management and budget um I'm here to present om 40016 it is a presentation only going over our revenue forecast and some key economic indicators while we build out our fiscal year 25 budget exciting stuff right all right so our agenda for today first we want to reground ourselves and our priorities for building our 25 budget there are a couple outstanding inquiries from our January board Workshop that we want to close the loop on um we're going to look at a few economic indicators as well as our internal projections for taxable assessed values other major revenues um that hit the general fund and then a couple other major funds as well some key expense drivers and then we'll show you the remaining budget calendar all right so January we workshopped and we got some board Direction on targeted Redevelopment on the US 19 Corridor pedestrian safety such as sidewalks and street lights small business incentives and process streamlining looking to maintain our current Reserve limit within the general fund and we'd like to assign millage to two new mstu parks and Paving all right to so when we were um discussing the reserve limits in the general fund we were talking about um the gfoa standard of 60 operating days as well as two catastrophic events so two inquiries that the board had were um some of those counties that were impacted by Ian in September of 22 how were they impacted so we're still working through some of those details but what we were able to get from then to now is their current Reserve policies and you'll see that theirs are much more restrictive and aggressive than what operating with um and so preliminary looks they did take some hit to their reserves but we're still digging through some of those details the second thing that you all asked us for what happens if we have a catastrophic event so here are some figures we have two different figures here if we lose property west of US 19 on our tax roles and then if we lose all of the properties west of little road um so $39 million if our properties fall flat west of US1 19 and are no longer on our tax rules and then um worst worst worst case 112 million so then just double that for the cost of two no big deal just making sure you're listening all right so now we're going to fast forward look at some of our key economic indicators that we're looking at while building our 25 budget and then how those indicators drive us towards our internal projections for taxable assess values all right so here we're looking at real GDP and so this lets us know are people still buying things right so we're looking at consumer spending it's this particular um economic indicator is less about how much items are costing and more about the quantity um because inflation could could impact it if we were just looking at how much does it cost right but we want to know are people still buying things and good news is that is up for the past few quarters so we are still looking good there people are still wanting to spend some money um and so this particular indicator points us towards our sales tax and how we project that Revenue all right so we're also looking at low unemployment um really good local pretty much what this means is it costs more to hire good people because we have a competitive labor market so this particular indicator and other like indicators have um made us relook our timing of our pay plan so we have accelerated that from a three-year cycle to a two-year cycle to make sure that we are staying competitive in this market all right so earlier today you um the clerk's office um did a presentation and they were talking about our US inflation what you'll see at a more localized level is our inflation is still higher than that of the national level so we're looking at roughly 5.2% regionally and so this really impacts Us in terms of capital projects our cost of equipment and then our service contracts that's where we really feel this inflation still all right so another indicator we look at our new home permit so we are starting to see these level off a little bit um I did get some Intel from my friends in building that while these are tapering down we are seeing a slight Spike up in renovation permits so it's looks as if people are investing in their homes rather than jumping into new ones and then let's look at at the history of our new construction values so lots what this is telling us is that we probably can expect to have these continued high levels of growth we're just not expecting this um so then on the next slide we're going to take a look at how this translates into our taxable assessed value growth over the last few years so last two years we had a big spike and our taxable assess value growth um and so we have come up with some three scenarios and it's important to note here that these three scenarios that we're going to show you on the next slide are um the budget offices internal projections based off of historically how we've been performing it's far too soon in we not sending these to the sheriff or anyone else to start making their budgets right well this is public so we've we've we've instructed constitutional offices including the sheriff is that we're we're targeting our budget to be between 8 and 12% increase in Tav so right we just got caught last year little hiccup right and so um again it's important to note that this is our internal projection from the budget office it is far too early in the process for the Property Appraiser's office to give us any kind of preliminary numbers we don't get those numbers till June so we're looking at like Mike had said between an 8 and 12% range um with the understanding that it could come in lower it could come in higher but we do need some guard rails for building the budget so we're um we're shooting for a mid-range of 10 but while also scenario planning in 8 and 12 just so we're ready to expand or contract as the property appraiser numbers get fleshed out all right so it's important to note that while we're looking here at remaining projected increases before other factors there are many other factors in the general excuse me in the general fund that will tell us truly how much money we think we have at the end of the day for additional recurring um business plan initiatives so this is just one factor in how do we think the general fund's going to shake out all right so let me Orient you to these slides because the next few are going to look very similarly the tan bars are our current performance in all of the revenues that we're about to look at the darker bar is what we thought we were going to be doing this time last year and then the light one again those are going to be how we're shaking out with our current estimates given the new performance of the revenue right so we thought this time last year our half cent sales tax was is going to be performing a little bit higher than it's coming in right now and same thing with our 25 projection um so still growing but not at the same Pace that we thought it was going to wait isn't that your color a little similar to me so um which is which is the one that what is that downward sloping line the downward sloping line is our year-over-year growth so you see that we're not growing at the same pace so it's growing but a little bit not as much as it had grown the previous year so that just shows and online it's going down yes so how how do you say it's growing well because the trend so we're up from 21 to the projection to 25 we will have more it's just not increasing as fast so if we had a big spike in 21 in our sales tax and then a smaller spike in 22 an even smaller spike in 23 and then we're projected an even smaller spike in 24 interesting question yes so we went there was carbal was there few other people from C we went to the the state of the region address at USF last week very fascinating there there's a website it's worth reading and it was highlighted and I sat with one of the Muma College of Business professors help work work through a lot of the data they pulled up from our region he St 57 cents of every dollar is going into housing Insurance all encompassing in this current economy in our region 57 cents of every earned dollar goes into housing in a balanced Market about a third 30 33% of your of every dollar earned should be going into housing so if that's the case if 57 cents of every dollar people are are going in and they're just trying to afford to live and have a roof over the head I don't know that kind of it shows why the spending is down because they're just trying to pay taxes and insurance and and ba based on that when it comes time to talk taxes I I really hope that folks take a look at the state of the region and and how folks money is being spent and what they're doing with it so that I think that little tin pit there really helps us identify why your sales tax dollars are underperforming I think I don't know I'm just guessing what well and so also coupled with the fact that we are seeing some Cooling in inflation so that will also translate into Less sales tax when inflation's higher it sales tax also goes up so you'll see that slight decline with the cooling of the inflation interesting I'm I'm not I'm not a big fan of your color okay noted noted all right they all brown I'm hearing bright colors next time you're speaking my love language commissioner have Comm two comms that were color blind but they're not here anymore are you color blind you guys no I'm just blind [Laughter] tou all right my preferred color palette is rainbow and bright so I will do better next time all right so our County revenue sharing um is overperforming so while we've got some slight underperforming and half cent sales tax we are uh a bit overperforming in our County revenue share um what does that mean we're oversharing with our constitutionals or what does that mean no so the these are the revenues that the state collects is collects and then they divy them out to the county so this is our cigarette tax collections net sales and our use tax so we're doing really well with our cigarette sales is that what you're saying throughout the State of Florida it would appear yeah alol this is funner than I thought it was going to be people drinking more now all right so our ambulance fee revenue is also holding steady this is about roughly 5% of our general fund recurring Revenue what is this crazy l the year-over-year growth it's the same line on all of them I will take that out next time too commissioner does not like those I'm going to that one noted [Laughter] noted all right so then our commun communication service tax so this one actually lives in our Municipal service fund but since our general fund supports our Municipal Services fund it is important to look at this one and know that it is um a bit volatile and unsteady and unpredictable at best all right so before we move on to expense drivers any more questions on Amy's fun yet 911 charts um so while this one is predominantly used for emergency services it's not necessarily for emergency services the 911 has its own fund um that is a separate tax is Amy isn't this the one that the legislature gave us when they took away our ability to franchise the cable company and Dan Dan's going yes my Dan says yes that was that was a Marcy thumbs up we we used to we used to be able to do franchise fees across the cable industry and that's another thing the legislature took away from you and they said we'll do it for you and pass it down and so that's we take our little piece and that's so this is what you two years all right so now just some reminders again this is not new information we talked about this in January at the budget Workshop um but we've got to operationalize our Detention Center expansion we've got the pay study happening there we are tracking closely the retirement Bill to see how that's going to shake out um so all of these expense pressures still exist and it's what we are keeping at top of mind when we're going through looking at building our 25 budget so your key takeaways for the general fund um besides Amy's going to make charts much prettier and easier to read is we've got a mixed look on our Revenue so we are going into this budget cycle very conservatively um we have some large must pays on the horizon a couple years out not just in 25 um such as the dshift starting for fire rescue we need to make sure that we're planning for um continuing to staff the expansion of the detention centers that continues through phase two um and future fire stations that we know we need um we're also maintaining an intentional focus on staying competitive in the labor market and so we're really just looking for some strategic and targeted additions of recurring expenses as it relates to business plan initiatives in the general fund all right so how are some of our other major revenues performing um so our local option fuel taxes so these are our first and second local option fuel taxes so that funds some of Public Works onm and our Capital road construction um so those are again we're seeing the year-over-year growth is trending unfavorably some might say unfavorable TR and our penny for Pasco is also looking a bit lower than we had projected it's still high it's just not as high as we thought it was going to be all right so where are we in the budget calendar well right now we're in February and we're talking revenues and economic indicators and some key expenses in March you guys will get to hang out with me again while we talk about the status of the general fund Municipal service fund and our fire mstu um the county is deep in budget scrub mode building our budgets for fiscal year 25 from um an operational standpoint what do we need for the next five years for Capital and um what kind of business plan initiatives are we looking at in June we're going to get the preliminary numbers from the Property Appraiser's office we will also be workshopping with you all um and continue to refine those priorities in July we'll get the final taxable assess values we will um get our tentative millage rates and adopt our tentative budget and then in September we get to hang out again for our first and final public hearings where we adopt final millages and final budget numbers what questions do you guys have for me right well I'm not going to stay up too long for you guys to have some thank you all right thank you move on to uh R 41 on presentation Public Services Adam's had a long day who doesn't like a little tourism talk at the end of the day good afternoon Commissioners Adam Thomas tourism director of Pas County uh today we're just going to take a little quick overview of the 2023 visitor economy to Pasco County and forgive me mean for the sake of time I'm just going to skim through this real fast and really look at the big picture the overall picture um and just kind of detail um some of the economic impact indicators for the uh Pasco County visitor economy so this year or 2023 we actually uh went over a billion dollars of economic impact which is up 12% year-over-year from 2022 and I want to call out real quick Sports tourism because Sports tourism is a big part of our business and it's really the lifeblood of of who we are as a destination and in 2023 our results just in sports tourism in general we welcomed over 4500 teams into Pasco County that's over 83 events through out the county not only at Wiregrass Ranch Sports campus Sarah vanberg tennis facility Advent Health Center ice but also Mitchell Ranch starky Park Wesley Chapel District park um we're working on other events at Sunwest Park as well those events actually generated over 32 and a half thousand room nights that generated over a 31 million economic impact and we're we're outpacing those numbers this year for 2024 so that economic impact is derived from the visitor spending and the visitor spending was up uh over 12% year-over-year over $712 million that spending came from 1.4 million visitors to Pasco County you know even though we're starting to become real flat um in in who we're inviting or the amount of visitors we're we're inviting to Pasco County uh we're we're seeing our numbers getting back to pre pandemic levels from 2019 so we're stabilizing there but it's the quality of visitors that we are attracting year-over-year to Pasco County and I'll get into that in a little bit but the economic Outlook or snapshot for the the lodging statistics and this is just for hotels we have different modes of of of lodging for for Pasco County this is strictly for hotels you can see that our occupancy is down almost 10% but our rate is up uh over 6% which is driving our Revenue per available room and that's where our where the rubber meets the road sort of say when it comes to tourist development tax Mr chairman I'm staying the slide for a second so I was looking at the math and when I take 68.1 minus 61.8 I get like 6. three but you got 9.3 why why is that number different um not sure it's there's the next slide's got the same thing you've got a difference of 6% it's actually 7.14 on that and the next one over is which one that that sixo number I get like 7.14 then the next number I get when I said the arrow down on the first one that percent AG is the one the commissioner is questioning so I get an occupancy rate that doesn't drop as much going by that number when I flip over I'm looking at the same thing it's only it's actually gone up 7.14 and the other one's 3.13 I don't know I'm just wonder where these numbers are coming from uh they come from our our the star report that we get on a monthly basis and I can I can double check those those numbers but right now the occupancy is down almost 10% because of the inventory that is up across the board for for Pas County we've actually increased our our our room inventory year over year so that's why the the the numbers are actually down but I'll check I'll double check the uh the accuracy on on on the on on the percentages okay so room nights again uh we are down 3% because of the inventory is up um so 1.4 million rooms that were sold in 2023 uh job supported so we are a job generator job supported throughout Pasco County and in 20 23 we were actually up 8% generating over 12,000 answer by the way because it's the rate of deine percent show off so m is right so those those uh jobs within Pasco County generated uh salary and wages over $332 million and that was up year-over-year 15% and we know that every 21 uh 121 uh visitors we bring into Pasco County creates one job one additional job so the more people we bring in the county the more people we are putting to work tourist development tax up 35% uh year-over-year uh we went from $5.2 million to $6.7 million year over a year which is going to help us pay off some of the debts the services the bonds and the payoff amount for rad Sports and then here's here's the big um return for investment for us you know people ask us all our time I'm not in the tourism industry I don't work at a hotel I don't work at an attraction what does what does what does tourism do for me well this is what tourism does for the citizens of Pasco County and saves over $417 um in local state and taxes uh local taxes and state taxes uh in 2023 so I'm not going to get into the Weeds on the previsit and uh some of the um uh information I'm just going to uh skip through this real fast whoa whoa whoa I want you to touch these you want to you want go so the trip planning cycle 50 50% of visitors actually plan their their their trip to the Florida Sports Coast Pasco County within their first month and here's how they're searching for us they're looking for us on Google they're organically talking to friends and family about Pasco County and what Pasco County has to offer in terms of visitor experience and then they're also checking us out on on on social media on on Facebook Instagram is really big for us it really tells the story and captures the story of the the destination through V uh video and images and the reason why visitors are visiting Pasco County again visiting friends and family over 30% 20% is actually attending a sporting event here in our destination and you know what 18% just want to get away they just want to get away to a nice quiet destination to get out of a a metropolitan area and see some of our natural assets that that that make up Florida Sports Coast Transportation mode of transportation we are still a drive market so the Southeast region of the United States we are still seeing 91% of our visitors drive into Pasco County whether that be uh their own personal Transportation running a car or RV and 9% actually flew into Tampa International Airport so recall of advertising so this is our return on marketing investment we know up to 25% of our visitors who plan their trip to Florida Sports Coast Pasco County have seen read or heard or have been influenced by an advertisement and we know that up to 80% were influenced by set advertisements the top source of medium or platform they're noticing our advertisements on is social media 38% Billboards that would be digital Billboards or out home Billboards that we're strategically placing within the State of Florida or online advertisements at 22% and here were our our visitor of origin and the regions that they that they come from and we're seeing a bigger increase of visitation in the midwest last year that was at 133% but it's starting to grow right right now at 16% and the bulk of our visitation actually comes from the state of Florida at 72% followed up by New York Georgia Georg Ohio Michigan Illinois Indiana and Kentucky top markets of origin again the bulk of our visitation 38% is coming out of the Tampa Bay Market Orlando market and actually the city of New York so who are our visitors well we know they uh the medium age is 50 years old earning over $81,000 of income and they're primarily females females are the decisionmaking in all households across the us and our visitors and they are deciding where they're going on their vacation top accommodations 25% of our visitors are staying in hotel motels 177% are staying with with friends and family once they're in market and 44% did not stay overnight in our short-term lodging so that's the conversion that we're trying to hit we're trying to decrease that overnight uh did not stay in overnight accommodations we're trying to decrease that number while increasing our hotel stfe so there's a conversion Market that or um uh metric that we're trying to change Java party size we know that uh up to 238% were spent during the uh each day per day uh while they were here in market and every party size actually spends over ,000 while they're in Pasco County top visitor activities we all love to eat so casual dining is the top activity while they're here in market shop shopping again spending time quality time with family and friends and also visiting our natural assets with our nature and Parks so I want to stop here for a second because here's where the areas that they visited the most while here in Pasco County with the top two rounding out Newport Richie and Wesley Chapel because it makes sense because the bulk of our hotels and our lodging accommodations start in Newport Richie and in Wesley Chapel but hold that moment five of the top five of the the top six are from Shady Hills over along the coast just focus to that as we look at all these numbers what is 10 is there's a hotel in Hudson is that from that hotel in Hudson there's a motel in Hudson okay and there's there's also short-term lodging there's vacation rentals in in in Hudson as well okay okay so this includ rent reent rentals so one is that kind of like downtown Newport Richie but then there's a lot of short-term rentals and Gul harvers this is just areas areas visited it's not areas visited this is not hotels this is this is where people actually oh so they're doing a survey you're not getting responses back from hotels where no this is face we so what they what our research firm actually does is face Toof face intercepts um at key points of interest um here in Pasco County and they also do email surveys okay so numbers 13 4 four five six and 10 are all from the West Side what six scaling has a big play in that correct yes sir visitor satisfaction so this is one of our key performing metrics because the the retention of who our visitors are is really key for us so if we keep the retention rate high we can focus on new markets and new areas of growth so right now at one out of 10 um people gave us an 8.61 as a place they like to visit and 92% of our visitors will return with 60% of 66% definitely we will return to Pasco County for a future vacation top desired additional activities so we also ask our visitors what else would we' like to see what else is what else would they would like to experience while in market so more restaurants fine dining it's great that we see uh uh Cooper's Hawk coming into to West Chapel it's great we have B of Bravo coming in but we want more additional dining options we are getting Cooper's Hawk too you know Trinity we need we need more we need more options more uh casual dining options more family uh activities more shopping options more sporting events the bigger our portfolio expands as a destination the more these these numbers actually go up perception of Pasco County or Florida Sports Coast we asked them what do you think about Pasco County once that you were here on a vacation the perfect uh relaxing vacation spot to get away you can sit and watch dolphins jump in a sunset over the water there are so many opportunities for indoor outdoor activities here truly something for everyone so detail finding so the tourist Development Council actually asked us to go and take a look over the past 5 years to see how we were progressing see where we're at uh from 2019 and you can see our lodging metrics kind of fluctuate from pre-pandemic levels to post pandemic levels and now we're getting back stabilizing for pre poost uh pre-pandemic levels in terms of occupancy our rate is still increasing with the uh with our average daily rate um and revenue per available room is actually uh stabilizing right now because occupancy is going down with the uh fluctuation of inventory and the Florida fatigue I really want to harp on that for a second the Florida fatigue is real we're not only seeing it here in Pasco County the whole state of Florida is actually down in occupancy in terms of visitation while international travel is up still booming yeah it is up so Floridians domestic uh visitors uh are are actually going overseas and now that new markets have opened up so you can see a decline in occupancy and visitation to the State of Florida and the domestic so economic impact of Tourism you can see our visitors are steadily increasing since 2020 coming out of the pandemic um room nights have gone down over year over-year economic impact and direct spending is still outpacing prior years I do want to take a second to focus on the taxes supported by the visitor economy over $9 million in terms of taxes this is your gas tax this is your property not property tax it's um uh sales tax tourist development tax all the taxes that are generated from the uh the visitor spending over the course of the past year so going to go on and get down to more of the details because this is the uh the visitors to Florida Sports Coast that that have paid that have stayed in paid accommodations un accommodations and day Trippers so we kind of use this this information to start building future campaigns future marketing campaigns and future business plans um and uh future initiatives in terms of attractions or attracting the the right visitor direct spending by category again paid unpaid and day Trippers you can see how it's broken down year over year from 2019 direct spending by visitor type so visitors that that spend in Market one week or less up to a visitor that spends 3 to six months in market so those of your long-term visitors uh over the course of uh Snowbird season which is now which is our high peak season yes sir if you go back one slide Adam your day Trippers is that made up of our residents just going out and hitting up popstroke and hitting the mall or going to the no sir these are all um visitors that are coming from the Tempa Bay MSA so it's not our own residents and citizens these are folks that are driving in from a 50 mile or greater distance okay thank you reason for visiting again going into the details of why the visitor is here recall of advertising social media Billboards these are all of our media placements our platforms that we are in investing in to reach the right consumer at the right time on the right medium to get the right return on marketing investment regions of origin of where the traveler profile has come from again 5 over 54% of the uh the The Traveler is coming in from Florida 1% International so there's your opportunity of growth and that's why we're investing heavily into International marketing and international sales just skimming down into the regions of origin from The Traveler profile markets of origin from visitor type to overnight visitor you can see all all visitors are coming from the markets of Tampa St Pete Orlando Dayo me Melbourne Beach New York City Atlanta Chicago Washington DC hagertown Baltimore Boston and then the overnight visitors in terms of of visitor Market visitor origin travel party size we know that at least 2.6 visitors are coming in a consistent uh basis on for travel party size and over 36 of all visitors travel with one children or more average income and age over the course of the previous year of 2023 61% female 40% mail length of stay and this just goes on and on and on in more detail so I won't bore you with bore you with the minutia of this I know it's late in the day I'll take any questions can you go back for a second what's the length the Day Tripper so the so the biggest one is 25 six nights six nights over six nights in market so that's again that's your long-term visitor that's your now you're an international visitor but those are the snowbirds that are staying here for for the next four months okay Mr chairman yes so Adam thanks for the presentation I and I wanted you to go through it because there was a lot of good stuff that was in there um one of the things you mentioned about international travel at 1% yes and we've got a new line in from Virgin Atlantic uh that may be something if we haven't touched on Advertising maybe something to look at maybe all those foreign Airlines of some sort to do something um but I wanted to talk about the family people family visits visiting friends coming down special events I know for years we always struggle in the summertime here uh we try to focus on what we're going to do in the summer for trying to promote events and those get that heavily scored uh we learned that Chasco Fiesta The zeep Hills uh offense they have here ccod Festival all those things are good for families to go say you know come see me we'll go here we'll go there that type of thing um scalping we started out with a 10-day season a few years back uh Adam thanks for your help because we went up there uh we were able to convince them eventually up to 37 Days the science showed that the scalloping supports a 40-day season so we're going to get that matter of fact I'm driving up tomorrow I'm I'm driving up tonight to go talk to fish and wildlife they get their final meeting where they're going to make their final vote and I was asked to go up there after participating to to make sure we lock that in frankly um so in getting that uh we're going to have our weekend uh at I think it's going to come out to at least four maybe possibly five weekends and I reached out to Drew CER who's actually running the um shrimp from Crab Festival this weekend at Sun West he's done it for like nine years now eight years now uh done a great good job I reached out to him a few weeks ago to try to get with Adam and Keith about setting something up um to do something for that five-week period so every weekend every Friday Saturday Sunday we got something going out there um I think when you take scalpings in activity especially along the coast now you can drive it to say okay not only can you go do your scalloping but now you get an event to go to take the family there during or after and do something more and create some more activity it's a huge opportunity for us last year we got started too late on it right now if we move quick enough we can um so I know Drew is starting the contact um a little late and I want him to but I know you got a TDC meeting tomorrow I don't think you can make that but I'd like it to be part of the conversation as you go forward with it and put him on the event between now and then Adam to work with you and Keith number one to try to cut cut the fees down for him as far as with Parks but number two to you to find out what we can do to help him do promotions so he can do the promotions and make this 40-day period a real big impact what what was the impact last year we said $12 million uh a little over $1 million $1 million that was last year Richie could do something too well everybody can move up and down but I'm just saying for that 40 for that for that season we can go everywhere I mean gildogs may want to jump into whatever may there's again with sun west up there with the beach right there and all we got going on with the new volleyball tents there could be some great activities together so I'd like you to go work with him and Keith and let's let's see what we can to bring back bring back for an idea and get it for the next agenda item so we can start preparing are we starting our Scout season after the 4th of July yes it's going to it's going to start probably the Wednesday after the 4th and they're going to kind of do that so we don't get go crazy on Fourth Jolly weekend but it'll be the following weekend after that it'll kick in this way a fish and wildlife and Pascal uh Sheriff's Department get a kind of rest and recover for a couple of days and after that it should be stable but it's all those weekends get better and better uh for the sculping anyway fourth day last year you could have looked at my window you could have walked you walked right across the water it was it was crazy that was one of the discussion points he okay we'll push it back to make it easy for everybody but it was a spectacular it was like it was amazing seeing all those boats out there but yeah we we were comfortable going back a week because we figure everybody that's going to be out fourth July in a boat is going to go out there where they can scallop or not but after that point it's a nice push for the family activities getting together and just having having a good time out there we have our best scalloping trips of of my career last year in in September in Northern Hernando County in September yeah and they get bigger and bigger they get bigger and bigger no they were humongous and we we finally for the first time hit a limit um we're not I don't know tre's very good but the rest of us maybe we're too social I don't know but it's so much fun we know you're you're right on the point to to to when you look at the the visitor um experience right they're coming in for scalloping what's going to make them stay heightened experience they here to a little bit longer spend a little bit more money in market and again there's other destinations in the State of Florida that offer scalloping but nobody offers a scalloping Festival so this is a great opportunity to actually capture that audience and keep them here a little bit longer so yes I to we we we got beat on the Blueberry Festival let's not lose on this one so let's let's go make it happen and and I want to say that you know I appreciate you know working with you on TDC because it was really quickly that we then reestablished getting those volleyball Nets which will be in by March they say so coming right up and I know cons has been great getting some things set up so it's going to be a big boost for that area and you know I want to thank the board again for the allocation of the money to go build the structure we need to make it even look better we do have something we need to talk about and Ralph's sitting over there um and it not only affects Sports um money it affects Transportation money so the the talk about sunsetting ta uh sales tax referendums yeah and includes the um the the the tourism tax they want to they want to Sunset it and then you have to go back out again to see if the that's the okay that's the dumbest one I mean that that's other people paying for our stuff so is that really moving so that is the proposal in the house tax budget the Senate came out yesterday it's not in that one uh the house would be the uh tdt would have to go back to the voters every six years I I don't I don't even understand that one it's so counterintuitive to what we are in Florida we're you know tourism is such a big part of where we get our revenue from um okay so uh do you want to talk about the governor's baseball dinner I don't think sure well last week we had the honor of of sponsoring the the the governor's baseball dinner to kickoff spring training for all 15 major league baseball teams uh in the State of Florida for the grapefruit league and uh this year it was um at Stein Brunner field yeah and they honored uh Tino Martinez as um as honory of of the Florida Sports foundation so last year commissioner Mariano had had an opportunity to come uh with us to Dun Eden and we're going to continue to support the Florida Sports foundation and and commissioner starky was there as well were you there oh yeah you are D yeah I got to cover that one yeah so uh unfortunately the governor didn't come this year he came last year he didn't come this year but it again still a great time great opportunity to to to really get our brand out um there were other destinations uh that were sponsoring but we were the headline sponsor of the uh the governor's baseball dinner so very good yeah it a nice night the weather was absolutely spectacular and Tina was so humble so okay any more that it all right thank you very much appreciate it now we can do ordinary business Mr Whitman thanks sir I guess we call up Roy and Mr tippen so we've been since we came in office we've been some of you may be famili working on minor R subdivisions and there's some pretty strict pretty strict guide guidelines there and this this issue comes out of qu Hollow but I think minor RS offer a a fantastic housing product um you know more executive style housing opportunities for residents I think it works well in different different areas of our County but this issue deals with uh in the code and and driveways uh so I'll let we'll need to make a I guess a the board likes what we have to say here a motion to try to help temporarily fix the code to help these these projects work better so I'll let Roy take it from here yes sir Mr chairman Roy major assist administrator development services so we had a discussion uh with commissioner waitman and and and several stakeholders who have projects in with those broke sorry last job with Pasco County uh for a minor rural subdivision and and the particular the particular applicant is having one with three lots and so under the under the code indicates that a minor rural subdivision will have to produce a paved road that is 12 feet wide foot and a half of paved shoulder on each side of that U stretch of pavement that would have to be engineered and so while that seems potentially appropriate for uh one a minor rural that's doing you know larger Lots or that is going for that executive housing market this individual is has bought this property to to just cut these three lots um U I'm under the impression either one or two of them work for family members and one one or two might be for sale so so the the Crux of it is that that requirement to do a paved engineered Road would be honorous to applicants that're doing smaller rural minor subdivisions so we kind of put our heads together and and the idea came out that that the code is asking for a paved cross-section can we Define paved as as a stabilized as a stabilized roadway stabilization will be defined by loadbearing ratio load bearing ratio is a a well-known testing measurement that road densities are measured by not to go too deep into the Weeds on this but in as a the ask is could we substitute a a road surface that is lbr 40 load ratio 40 as opposed to having it being paved and engineered would an lbr 40 adequately substitute for this pavement criteria and so asking our County engineer if that would be something he would find acceptable initial discussion said it would be uh asking Fire Marshal from if this would be acceptable to them uh they said it would be and so the idea is is that to give the minor World subdivision developers an opportunity to provide this stabilized roadway surface which meets this lbr 40 criteria instead of having it engineered and paved yeah I mean you're talking like you know you can save trees this way you can keep what the minor rural subdivision field is through a many the code doing doing this way so it's very interesting conversation and uh the folks who do min Ro subdivisions they they really kind of feel picked on almost and it's such an uphill battle for them to get their their their projects across the Finish Line they're selling million dooll housing product on acre pluses and it's what you want them on a dirt road folks want uh I don't want them on a dirt road yeah I have I have a couple questions on the about this one uh first I want to make sure the roads so when they go to construct their house and all the heavy equipment's going in there in the in in the rain who's going to who's responsible to regrade it I don't want the county to be taken on that these are these are private roads okay they'll be private okay um how many houses can be in a rural minor subis 12 16 or 16 in the two a future land use classifications 10 in res one and when the P so that's so interesting let's discuss that and then when the pvas comes through the these people if they do want it paid will have to pay a premium no there's no P roads are no pavement if they want to come into the county system they can never they can't they can't no it's so sorry the the the minor the minor rural subdivision criteria is access by easement that's that's really the big difference and so that's a private Ingress egress easement for these minimal the the small number of lots that this allows the and that's why that's the other reason why the code standard is lessened for the this access versus U uh full subdivis okay and more questions is there a minimum lot size and are they on County Water and utility are they all on septic no they're on septic and well well do they have to be they they're large Lots they don't have to be but generally there's not going to be utilities out to service that okay and is that what you going to say question yeah the minimum L size if you're in res one uh it it obviously goes by uh the zoning and the land use comparatively but uh it's going to be basically none of these are going to be smaller than an acre they're all going to be larger than an acre um most will like be larger than that we're looking at most these four or five acre lots coming in here as far as utilities uh the actual presence of uh sewer and water lines County sewer and water actually means you cannot do an mrss so it it changes the type of subdivision you can do so these are these are well and septic Lots okay and and private this is a private roadway to access lots that don't have Frontage along a regular roadway basically well my problem is um I'm in a rural area now and with what y were talking about I wouldn't have a paveed road to my house right now I'd have a dirt road or something similar and it would not be very nice at all and personally I I wouldn't want to do that to anybody if they're going to have an executive Home on lot goodness you need to have a road just to be clear this doesn't prohibit anyone froming a roadway this is this is for those those smaller uh folks maybe someone that owns you know four or five acres that wants to split it up um and do something and have the access by easement uh but you know Paving a road uh creates cost with engineering it creates some Swift Mud permitting processes and some other things that can happen that can actually creep in there and make it a very cost prohibitive thing to subdivide the property uh and there is also a a large group of of folks that want access uh off that dirt road you know the little go Trail they want that true kind of rural feel um so that's what this allows it allows it as an option U but we also want to make sure that it was safe so we you know that's why we talk County engineer in Fire Marshall say is lbr 40 something that's safe you can achieve that through a number of different means other than Paving uh and and it still provides a safe access point for these folks that just can't afford to do it in those other matters but it does not prohibit anybody from actually Paving if you're putting million dollar houses on a lot or million dollar things more person would you want a Rock Road go into a million dollar home yeah so but they're going to they're going to want to pay the road if somebody's trying to sell that type of property they're going to want to pay the road I've seen some what people what people are asking for not having to PVE a road to divide all these Lots off they're just trying to do away with a certain expense that they make all this money off this land and they don't put any real effort in making a nice Road for these executive homes on on Rural Acres like 5 acre lots or whatever so and commissioner let you underscore that a couple things is that the lbr 40 it can be achieved through putting out millings compacting it compacting the the soil something called Geo web you can put go web distribute that put put sand or gravel in it compact it and so it's not something that is that is going to be uh temporary or really subject to weather when you achieve that level of density so it is that's a pretty reliable number and then and then answer the question is these again these are more intended for you know folks who might who might subdivide their property with the intention of of putting temporary not temporary but mobile homes on it or something like that not really the you know the upper scale housing I I think it's important that we give our residents in the landowners an option to have to force somebody to do with their property I think an opt helping a small group people develop these kind of lots I've seen this happen that's that's what it is is they they don't want to put any cost in it because they want to make more money out of the Lots so I'm just not for that yes I want you to consider a situation and I know we all we all were briefed on it a while ago but you had one gentleman who bought I don't know how many acres of land out in out in rural area and it was to keep a developer from coming in putting in a 100 homes whatever and he's going to do like 11 H area I'm talking about you can't put in 100 homes so no I'm but I'm just saying in general so you so to take the pressure away from development trying to come in and redevelop everything take away rural character um I think we called it a substandard road I drove the road it was actually had asphalt on it and it was like drove the whole thing it wasn't it wasn't a great Road you're not going to go fast on it but for those people if they're comfortable with it I mean they're making a decision if they want to do it or not that's a different situation though because those were the example you're giving it was those were County Roads that were substandard that that and he was not doing a minor rural subdivision because he exceeded the number that would be allowed as a minor rural subdivision but the he didn't run any roads into his project right he cut them all off the County Road M okay anyway to to let someone subdivide their property if it's easements that need be go and and they don't want to have it asphalt because they don't want to pay the expense for it if they know worth the getting and and I'll give an example with my grandparents they had bought a house on a lake there was probably 100 homes around this whole lake and we drove on it for 20 years on a dirt road till they finally paved it but everybody knew what it was and everyone just did it and they were okay with it so if they make the call I'd rather give I give them the flexibility to make the call especially if it's a private road in that that regard I wouldn't want to do this a lot no well they're going to do it a lot that's what that's that's the only thing yeah I don't think it's Premiere really it's not um so your jef's helping a small group of people that are developing this is there another way to help these people they want the cost to go away from doing that so um uh we had this discussion starting last week this was uh we thought was a pretty workable idea um with the again with the lb40 idea we could certainly kick this around some more and see if there's something we do less less houses like less than 12 sure sure would you mind if I read the language that we're suggesting because it might answer some of the questions as to kind of what the intent is here um uh this is a modification of the existing language it says mrss access ways shall consist of a 12T paved cross-section with a one and 1/2t stable shoulder on each side on individual applications for mrs's where the Fire Marshall determines there is no life safety issue for an unpaved accessway a 12T unpaved stabilized section with 1 and a2t stabilized shoulders may be used unless otherwise determined by the fire marshall unpaved stabilized sections for an mrss should have a minimum load bearing ratio of 40 lbr 40 uh such unpaved stabilized access way shall not be considered an improvement requiring the applicant to be a civil engineer in terms of LDC 403 um so you know we're still encouraging the pavement but it's allowing the option for folks uh that they really wanted that rural character I mean rural character you go out half the places in Pasco County character in Odessa where you can't get to because but some people do want that and and we were just trying to provide an opportunity for for people to that want that to still have that as an opportunity um and we're trying to create that flexibility through this how about that government creating flexibility for people we try creating headaches for government it ends up a headache in the long run for the government um to answer your question commissioner yes you you have would have the discretion to lower it to a minor rural subdivision of five Lots or three lots or whatever that's completely a what if what if they had uh just say what if they had 12 lots and so to state within this boundary to be able to do it this way you're only allowing three homes to be off something like this and so they do three different areas on the same same Master property they have so so typically the way these uh these get discussed and with us uh is the Fire Marshall actually looks at the amount of distance that their heavy trucks have to drive to get to somebody's house so if this road gets too long WR they say no and that's what this Clause is in here that says unless the Fire Marshall says no um because typically what happen is on those 10 or 12 lot subdivisions there's a long access way to get back there and that's what the Fire Marshall says no that's too far we want it paved um but it generally will leave this up to the Fire Marshall to determine you know what distance is too far what distance is safe um and if that's you know one lot back off the road two lots back off the road and then you know once you get a little bit further than that maybe maybe he says no uh but it leaves it up to them and then that safety aspect you know um I'm really torn coming you know being married to a Ranon family but I can show you a streets that are not County maintained in Odessa that were built like this yeah they're bigger Lots if you drive down ches Peak and you turn left and you go back in there you can't drive them and you know what nobody on there wants to pay to have their road fixed the county came in there once and tried to fix it but it is it is like it's crazy how bad those roads are but they're their roads and um and and so the houses have deteriorated in valued down there it's a rough it's gotten rougher and rougher and rougher and I don't know what the answer is there but I I'm not sure I want to be encouraging that well I can tell you this is this is a 3 Acre a little over 3 Acre Road in Quil Hollow and the roads in quill Hollow are pretty tough and it's coming off a main main pave Road easy streets intersection you come in and it's it's it's 3 acres and it's 1 two and three so if there's a cap on the number of homes like you guys are talking about at 12 I mean this is this makes sense for for a project like this and the roads that are coming into qu Hollow that the County's responsible for R of a mess but I I think this is a fine compromise and if you cap the number of homes I have no issue with that but when you create an option for for people government is creating an opt actually being habitat let get init I made a compromise you know gotay you know well that's a you know what I I normally you know I think no one what I have in my district um I I just don't want to encourage that so I'm going to probably be a no yeah I'm not I'm not going to encourage I I and I'll be happy to show you that road those roads that are private roads dirt roads that are turning worse worse and worse okay so Mr chairman let's let's let's talk to that area so Quail Hollow it's got all sorts of pressure for development like all the apartments got down up and down Old Pasco Road all the way down you get so much development pressure going on right there so I didn't even know this was the area but now that you mentioned it that's probably a perfect area to go do this because we can't you only take so much traffic in that area right now anyway we're jam-packed all right 54 Old 5 in holl so you'll know some of their main roads which I don't know if I don't even think they're County maintained have a potho big as this whole deas here m in the road then when it rains and all you can't travel that way at all just wash out and none of those neighbors take any responsibility to straighten out that road it's the biggest mess you've ever seen in your life well i' I've driven the area cuz I'm between looking at the telephone or the still out there the poll that was going on out there drove all the way down Linhurst all the way down some side roads there to try to look at like is there a connection there from 41 to going across I went the backside from the Swift Mud property came across and it's like the're big big homes and big big properties and rather than having more homes being jammed in there trying to get them out later on and all that pressure that's out there I'd rather minimize it and have the Big Lots people know what they're buying it's lend of the free and the brave so the these are uh Mrs sub iions are you know limited to 10 Lots or 16 Lots depending on the the land use area that they're in future land use so we can look at if if You' prefer to cap it we can do something like half of those lots if it's you know five where you're allowed 10 or eight where you're allowed 16 make it simple we can cap it like that I mean if you're if you'd like to pursue that that's a very easy add to this that we could you said allow 16 so an mrss in in the a land uses allows for 16 Lots um in a res one land use it only allows for 10 so I was saying that in those AGS you you know eight of them if it was eight or less you could use this method or uh in the res one if it's five or less you could use this method we can we could do a cap like that and make this uh a fairly I mean that's a very simple fix of this language we can we can do that and have that I don't think it's a good idea I don't either we had heard from Mr Bradford Mr Bradford what do you think private roads I don't know that he cares look on his face oh but he has to go in for the one time F he is begging us he's coming commissioner would see be subdivision it seem to me if we build a subdivision uh the roads you should be able to accommodate like a fire engine at least uh and is prime development I get that I want that everybody wants that in the correct way I just I just think we ought to BR back off a little bit and make sure it's done and make sure it's done properly those are my thoughts well the Fire Marshall doesn't disapprove of this fire marshall support I mean we have the fire marshall staff to approve it so the Fire Marshall in this this instance and if we cap it says hey there's there's not a problem here and we're creating real real value in a in a prime value area of our of our County and it gives land owners an option an option to actually have some property rights and do something with their their property that they choose to do and if they want to pave it hey they can pave it if they have to have standards of lb40 fantastic it's better it's not like the wild west here it gives the land owner and the homeowner an option and that's great thing about this country is we have choices they choose to maintain it hey they choose to maintain if they don't it's not it's not the County's obligation to maintain to maintain this road you you haven't been here when uh when they're coming in they show up with all the pictures and they say we can't the school buses won't come down the ambulance won't come down look I'm in the garbage business we get down Road you get down Road more than anybody more than any fire truck more we pay for it and we get done I just think we need to give Property Owners a little bit more flexibility what they do and I'm for this fix is there is there something else we can do uh we can take this back and think about it some more but quite frankly I don't know that there's much else we can do because uh like I said we're really leaving this up to the fire marshal um and the safety issue and and to to commissioner Bradford's Point uh you know we we won't let any development do this if the Fire Marshall says it's not safe so if they if they need something more than they than they'll ask for it um generally on on most of these shorter runs of of roadway uh they're okay with the lbr 40 uh there may be certain terrain if it's a certain type of Hillside or something like that where it's going to be going uh that they might want something different but uh you know otherwise the the code language that's already in there at 12 feet of paved is as pretty much as low as you can go besides this so there's really not much else that we can do to help them out except for possibly take this and and use a cap to allow certain smaller versions of these mrs's to come in and do this all I can speak to her is district one so district one doesn't want more dirt roads so we got more than anybody else in any District right now and since I have half the land mass youall won't give me half the paving so I don't want to continue having just a bunch of rough roads and dirt roads we want something better than that and the dirt roads the the non County maintained dirt roads in my district in the Odessa area disaster yeah property vales going down they work out they get potholes it just goes on and on and on yeah I'm not okay with it we're a lot of sand hills and things that nature in district one I know I don't know if you have any dirt roads in your I wouldn't have bought the lot I've got if it had been on a dir inherited all the district just to clar roads these These are actually stabilized roads so this is not I don't want a Lime Rock Road either there's a pile of monor rural opportunity up Jack way well you did say millings right service yeah there are a number of different ways that you can achieve this through compaction millings and geoweb and uh there's you know million ways to skin the cat really to to get to that lbr 40 um but once they get there once you have it at lb40 it's considered stabilized it's not going to it's not going to dissipate like not everything everything needs some repair eventually but it's it's not going to dissipate as badly as a just basic dirt road that you might see I think I think maybe I would consider it and you'd have to bring it back if they're if all those people enter into some kind of Poa HOA Property Owners Association or something that guarantees that they're fixing that road that's the only way and it's and it's tested to be an ldr or whatever that thing is I I need more assurances that that roads will to be taken care of and we're not going to have headaches in the future is there a way to do that we would we we would certainly want to see the you know the cores the core samples to validate its lb40 or ldr 40 and so that's that's pretty only one time or every so often well we can always condition this to any way you know with with a a cap on Lots we can they can take core samples and and produce that in a period of time but um taking the core samples is is a is a well-known testing procedure and so we we could I know that we' built lime um we' built lime rock roads with millings on it at our blueberry farm and they don't last forever um and you have to come back and we have to scrape um do things to them they're not maintenance free neither ass and so I wouldn't you know you'd have to have some kind of Association that agrees to maintain it because one person may want to fix it but everyone else doesn't in those kind of neighborhoods right and never yeah wait yeah I've seen [Music] it I think we'd be going backwards be honest we I don't care to do that I don't know where Jack is okay you got something else to bring forward no sir no no sir this is it but I'm I'm for for this change so it's pleasure of what the majority is that's right I wouldn't mind looking at it further I think you might have three I vote to to make the change and cap I mean if other board members cap it or what have you but I vote to make make the change recomend recommended by by staff with whatever makes other board members comfortable with capping it or what have you I don't think we got a third yet I I think maybe if we bring this back in a couple weeks or something that might be a better way to go we can we can certainly do that let's to get some more information and give us something to look at right off the cuff and study and we can ask questions too at a time in the meantime please go dry bow dry bow Roland what else do I have back in there yeah just go ask your look up those roads inall where people don't take care of the road and nobody else helps I mean it's terrible I mean half this room could be one of the Pooles on the road that they got it rains you can't drive through there all right I'm not feeling well so let's keep so just to clarify uh really the only thing that we can add to this would be a cap and if if you could do a cap and a and a Property Owners Association uh we can't really do a property owns association with this type of situation it's going to be a little bit diff well the board could do it could could add it to minor rural subdivisions there's not there are we going to require that of all of them or just these take it back and look at it you need to need to do some research and bring it back if you want to bring it back if there's an agreement to maintain the road then I I might be well M are rules General we have thank you all right M Dy is that it for you yep okay I have some things more things but I'm going to wait on somebody what cuz I'm not feeling well so you want if Mr Bradford had been here today I probably would have been online myself um okay okay uh we had our TMA meeting you were there right was that good I thought it went pretty well yes um we had our normal um sfac Hillsboro County Commissioners can I say that she want she was it was not a bad meeting one was a commissioner one was a city council person it was a good meeting yeah but all in all we were positive thinking and moving forward and um we went through the numbers and it turns out I think we're going to be at the bigger number and and we mentioned that so so we're kind of aters are going to be bigger well the whole thing so we're going to be more towards the 25 members and we kind of looked at it as t 10 for Hillsboro seven for pelis four for Pasco and of the 10 for Hillsboro they can Divi them up however they want there would be two Transit people one from the airport one from the port we hadn't decided if there would be voting or non voting so that got us a 10 7 21 22 23 and then commissioner Edgars wanted to discuss if we had citizen representation um Governor appointment or the two cities the two largest cities east and west but I'm not sure if if those kind of people can vote larger cities Clear Water City of Tampa and St Pete as one and want to represent the the city's voices or or there was other discussion I was going to bring this up um if as if we have a small City's representation so the small cities get together and every year they have a rotating person we need three for that or each County could have a city's person from their County and we could rotate them in from our own counties so there's there's still a couple options to still be worked out but we're looking at the larger one but in my opinion the magic number is always Pasco pelis least one more Pasco are very strong together yeah we're very strong together and um and we have some good members on Hillsboro that on Tampa Bay Water I know that yeah Ser yeah I you know we hear from the one voice from Tampa oh know yeah um Miss herac but we don't know what the the ones are thinking so and she's she's their voice um was there anything else on the TMA that no we had the the two ports everybody was in agreement on the airport and the port just because they're Regional Port International and Airport impact we haven't decideed if they were voting or non- voting the breakdown of the Three Counties and then discussion on small cities cuz panels has what 24 cities yeah we have a handful and and commission the mayor May from Temple Terrace is very very he was very mayor Ross was he did a great job I'm so glad he's part of this discussion now so I thought it was uh on the whole very very positive um we're going to not have the small cities discussion until the not this next meeting but the following meeting because he wants to be there so that'll be in the June one um but overall very very positive um there was something else that from Tampa but anyway all right uh if I could let me let me jump in a little bit Yeah so I mean we had our presentation with the n one of the things that I wanted to make sure is we kept our voting structure the way it was going to be where we had that slight edge with pass getting together every number I threw out had that yeah but if you bring in those Port the port in the airport you're going to Beal it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter you still they can be non- voting but you you don't want to change that structure I don't think there I mean we got all the density from the port in the airport well that's where the voting block is stronger anyway that's why they have so much population they've already get an edge by having the port in the airport you're going to give them more of an edge by having the entity there so if they want to if up at our no to see where we are because I I if I could finish sorry if you decide that here though no I know but we you brought it up so we're going to talk about it if you if you look at if you dilute the vote further by having those two on there it takes away the very thing you were trying to accomplish they get the density again from those things I think you really need to look be CAU I'm I'm glad to have them on the board I just don't want to dilute the vote that's the key and if they want to have the um the bus the transit people on there too same thing but just don't let have them vote let them have the representation let them get the input when you try to go to the cities and all the other things now you're also taking from populations that's already there and again diluting it further keep it where the vote stay the way they are if they want to give the vote to the port in the airport in the big cities let them go do that they that may that may be where they go but don't change the basic structure to put us in a further minority okay we got to have this discussion at the no um we'll have this discussion at our next no because that's where it has to come out of not here right we just you brought ideas out I'm just going to go go with them that's what's up and I I didn't you know I I see the value in both I personally think Joe Lano is a big Regional thinker so he's retiring um but I don't have a I don't have a real stake in the ground on that other that we always the two counties always have a majority over the other one in voting pelis pelis and Hillsboro Pasco was outnumbered there pels and Hillsboro were pretty adant about having the ports in the conversation and we were so we were just kind of like okay we'll think we need all of our three voices though there we were at a disadvantage CU I'm very grateful you were there but we normally could have three voices there at the TM we only had two um okay but that I'm just glad we're we're moving on uh this was the governor's luncheon I know Ron was there yeah um that was uh there very nice I'm right there in that picture um so that that was good um we went to the N I'm not going to really go over that right jack are you covering no um go go back to go back can you we met with Gus first of all he has a new office isn't it a beautiful view out of his office I thought that was a picture no that is that is Gus's Office right there um that he told us that the things that we had funded in his earmarks for this year they that he's been told they're going through so we're very excited about that Kathy had a lot of questions about cares that we'll have have to get with you after he wants to be sure that um he's not going to get embarrassed with supporting something and now I hear there's some back and forth on what's going on with that building in dat City but it's not my thing I haven't been involved with that but um anyway the congressman just has a lot of questions on car maybe you could fill in his staff um uh Jack and I met with a bunch of agencies and um trying to learn how to do better on our build or raise grants whatever it's called so we have some ideas and JJ was with us and hopefully you did well with all the issues you had to work on um that that speed and the on the last morning they take the it was bigger this year than last year they had every agency there um massive amounts of um people to help counties navigate or find out information about about different things so that was that was excellent okay I gave you this protocol for Citizens reports of homeless encampments so and you know my office gets a lot of calls I think ja does too maybe the the rest of you don't get as many too many but every time uh we get one our response is a little different so we had the sheriff in there the Sheriff's Office represented all the different agencies in the county that would need to be their code and uh attorney um we had the Brigade from Metropol Ministries and we had the um Coalition I Kathy was online and um we came up with this procedure of how to what to do if you get a citizen call on an homeless encampment for now and me things may change following this legisl legislation but um we wanted to make sure that every office got this I think all your staff should have been emailed this procedure but um if you have any comments don't give them to me right now you can give them to me later um okay last I'm glad you did this we need a protocol yeah we needed that oh standard operating procedure you know how that lady came up and talked about about the uh illegal immigrants and gave us this thing I was thinking this morning listening to the news when I was driving home from Sarasota yesterday and I normally don't wait into very political things but I feel I need to wait into this one because Texas at least wasn't a sanctuary State and if you cross the border in Texas there was some kind of law enforcement or something there Homeland Security something or border patrol in California apparently and thereon there's nothing there's nothing and they were talking how people are just walking over from kistan so from China they're just walking into the state so why am I paying all this money at the airport for security that's what I want to know so I'm I'm getting a little fed up with it that we don't have some kind of security here and I I'm I don't necessarily want to prove something that was given to me that I haven't read that has a lot more maybe politics in it that I would want maybe but I'm getting the point where I feel like I need to make a statement that shouldn't be okay that anyone can come from any country and just walk in without any questions nothing so uh that's what I want to say about California um lastly uh we have 352 structures on the list to be demoed we're we are so far behind on average we add 130 a year we have $450,000 allocated for demolition each fiscal year and we've never run out of the demolition fund since the program started so it's not that we're not putting enough money that we don't have any companies to do it I do have a meeting coming up with um someone who wants to get into this business and to find out how this works with the county I have no idea how we find demolition companies I know we had two one guy died uh and then we just had the one then we got another one and something happened and he can't do it anymore so we have one company to demolish 350 structures so I'm hopeful that we'll find a solution well let me look into why that is I'm sure some of it's a due process you know you can't just go demo someone's house just you know there's there's a process that I think been processed so I I mean if if it's a if it's a contractor volume issue then then certainly it makes sense yeah if it's something else then then we'll we'll identify that and bring that back I think it's contractor volume okay that's all I'm going to do today oh great I have say two things for next oh Gary you're up ordinary business I had a note that he had to step away so I'm oh he did okay we'll go with Jack then all right so as we said earlier the shrimp and crab Festival this weekend should be great the weather AIO is going to be excellent um I want to say the Employee Appreciation they went fantastic um absolutely incredible everyone was like energized it was so good to everybody interacting having fun um it was really just a well well well done event I think Mike carella had more fun than anybody out there I don't know didn't we see somebody throwing rolls or biscuits at the who's the Cookie Monster I won't say who it was but uh the lines moved very quickly uh the Florida Cracker their team was great they they I guess three mon there cooking the chicken like 2:45 in the morning I mean they were like they were like set up and ready to go and food was great so yeah did it did a phenomenal job I had they said it one time not to interrupt you but they said at one time they'd serve, 1500 people in about 30 minutes is verying it's a expert cookie handing out I'll tell you that SLO slopping too for Jeff good stuff so I had an idea and I floated this to a couple of folks so I'm going to float it to the board so coming up I'd love to see us do like a family day you know up North with my grandmother worked they had the digital Equipment Corporation they had this big function up at Cy be Lake Park and they brought everybody all the families out probably did it over a couple of days different events and all the families went out there and just for a day just went out and had fun we did that so much fun it was a great thing ra yeah I I think you think we're going to do that for the I think we could do it I'm think it's employes I think we should I think we could do it up at Sun West Park I don't know where you going where you going to put everybody at Sun West Park well so you do it for a few different weekends or whatever a couple weekends or whatever but I mean that that accommodates several thousand people so I haven't made it to one employee weekend yet I'm I was out of town well we missed you we missed well you want to want I'm not feel in love so so maybe you take it over full weekend or whatever what the course may be but set it for a weekend event so that everybody gets a shot to go they pick their times when they want to go and and let let them let them all out there that's a lot of Staff time to organize just think you just give him a pass to go I think that's something we just we need to think about and well again I want proud to develop a plan like sure and I'm just I'm floating out there it's kind of like I just was so energized seeing everybody having fun and knowing that the families would probably love to be there too hanging out too wouldn't it be great to have the different kids playing with each other having a departments could have a family day however departments do you know I know fire rescue for example has one coming up just as as an example we can certainly we can certainly take a look obviously there's there's logistical concerns and things but you know listen I too was energized by it I thought it was a fantastic event and you know let me listen just that that event was put on so well because we let our employees think about it figure it out and they made it happen so uh I'll I'll put that back to the team and let me see what kind of ideas we come back yeah and keep in mind I don't want to change what we did either what we did at at that event in that venue the way it all went I don't want to change that I want to keep that event too I'm looking in addition to um all right so Comm stck I'm glad you brought up code enforcement so I'm going to I'm going to touch on out on in my area I see tons of panhandlers I call I text whatever it's like sometimes you're off shift sometimes you're on shift way back when we had the budget coming on I said if we're going to put more code people on I wanted someone to cover 19 if I do nothing else but take care of the pan handlers out there that are in the way and our safety ordinance violators if I do nothing else but that it makes the area look better it makes my people happier because they don't want to see it is that us or the sheriff well it's the sheriff's only got so much time to go do it I'm going to give them a compliment in a minute but you know a lot of times they got well I mean they got other calls going on and other priorities you know pen handle is not their top priority right all right but it's important to our citizens and if I'm going to have code enforcement you know and they they can go and at least if nothing else bother the people um I think we should do it if they're violating our ordinance on the safety can't they can't code Code Enforcement write a violation on our safety ordinance it's no no okay but they can so they can warn them or detain them or let them know they can't detain them yeah I mean talk to them and and get them off okay either way they can they can hold a sign up they can give a courtesy warning courtesy warning and carry a sign with him saying do not give to the pan the panhandler in the safety ordinance because you you can be fined something like that what what happens and and I'll give an example the latest one that's been going on you've heard me probably talk about last meeting meeting before uh is there's one guy out there with a sign that says why lie I need a beer yeah he's out there all the time he goes over from 19 to 52 be would drive I see him all the time he's got the same sign code did a great job getting out there the other day and and they you know Sheriff couldn't get there so they go out there he runs away and goes into a new Kia and drives away okay so we're not talking about people that are doing anything more than scamming the system and going through and they're not good for our society they're not good they're not good they're not working and I mean the guy's dressed good and driving a new car I mean and then cod's got that he's going to he's going to court March 4th and they're going to take that and as as a discussion point but we need to I I want to see I code people and I told you this from the get-go the budget if I'm going to pay for extra code enforcement the most important thing to me in my district is having those guys up there making sure that if they see somebody out there and when Pat Roden came in a little bit ago they adjust the calendar I think the previous year to have a couple of guys work until at least dark where they can go out there because a lot of times they'll be out there after 5 so I want to see something done suggestion um the sheriff has civilian volunteers why don't we see if we can get a a group of them to do 19 quor they have the official truck they're in the uniform I think you know tell them that they're not allowed to be there I and I've sent the emails I just don't see code being able to do anything well I sent just so you know when I send the emails out I send it to chase Alex and I send it to to Pat and Pat Phillips too so I mean I sent it to both sides whoever can do something go do it knowing if one's tied up or if if the sheriff's tied up that some something that can happen to make something go but continually they don't get there and they just keep on going I I will say driving back from Sarasota um I came up is that 41 it had some other numbers on it too well you you could have come up I didn't come up 75 they said it was a parking lot 41 301 41 or 301 the two north south somebody on every corner M every corner had someone in the middle in the median and people were giving them money if people would just not give money they stand there and again if if there's enough attention to it and we've and we've got the best ordinance that we've ever had to go work with this RightWay safety ordinance to use I mean Lee County did it we copied their thing worked great for them if we enforce it I said that from the GetGo it will work and that it doesn't have to be the sheriff our own code people could say it's illegal I don't think you have any extra code people I let me tell you it's more important to do anything else than go look at bushes or other things too well I'm telling you take me on my my 19 area give me my district let me go let me go work my code people how I want because I'm telling you right now my people are frustrated over and over again I hear it next thing I want do I do want to thank the Sheriff's Office uh Sonia saw this yesterday I'm going to read to what she she wrote down for me uh at the yesterday the sheriff's office around 3:30 4:00 two PSO deputies in the left bound Lane at the intersection of 54 in Little Road were seen intervening with a woman with a card borne sign selling roses um I'll just go I won't go to all the details but they acted on it and I greatly appreciate it awesome type of thing we need and that's all I have sir thank you Mr cabal so I think a lot of folks will talk about the Employee Appreciation Day in their own way and we've just got some some great uh photographs that were that were taken while we were out there I just I want to thank the board uh for for their support of our of our employees and being out there to help participate in activities uh uh serve food um because uh that I it it meant a lot to a lot of folks I had a lot of our folks come up to me and uh they they loved the event in fact I heard it was probably the best best one ever is is what I'm hearing they loved everything from the venue out there at Wesley Chapel District park a lot didn't even know it existed and the amenities and things that we had out there to uh to you know obviously you know Chamber of Commerce weather day it was it was it was perfect you know we did a lot of different activities you can see here the the axe throwing was was always popular we did more of that but we had artistic um events as well right we had painting we had a jam session for for some of our musically inclined folks yoga yoga and he was sweating I you know I thought yoga was just a stretching thing but he was sweating Mr chairman are you are you sure that was me I I I cannot confirm or deny my participation in the yoga I could have been wrong I could have been wrong you know so so you know and yeah I had a good time getting out there too and seeing folks and even playing a little footb there oh look at that guy who's that guy must have been another touchdown so uh but uh no but it was it was great so again just thank you for for your support and all that I think it was um it was definitely well appreciated by all of our folks and I guess publicly I'd like to thank the leadership team for helping come up with a lot of the ideas and actually helping to put it on part of it is that we we serve our employees back so we look at that servant Leadership Model very very seriously and so you know we had department heads out there making sure we were clean it up helping to collect trash and do a lot of those things uh the other thing is is just want to mention it to you it's just a heads up I attended a very interesting conference last week um Florida fccma on artificial intelligence and and government and it's really got a lot of thinking going on both the benefits as well as potential pitfalls of it so uh we'll be meeting uh with within the ranks here to determine where we are where we should be using Ai and uh start to construct a policy around its use use that we'll we'll be talking to the board about in in coming months but just want to let you know that that's out there yeah Mr chair can I talk to that so I guess Patrick D did a presentation Patrick dutter did a phenomenal job talking about the development review assist that we are already using for for site plans so yes and he did a fantastic job yeah so I should have mentioned this so at the no conference they have this AI Forum that goes on so I'm I'm listening to all the stuff and they're all getting worried about the AI this and the AI that what's going on here what's going on what can happen and bad etc etc etc and uh to the end I asked a question to to one of the folks that was on the panel and I said tell me this I says because one of the things they're looking is they're going to try to use this artificial intelligence with d uh NEPA and all different things for permitting I says that and they mentioned the Army Corp in a previous meeting I was at so I was like I'm like loaded up for this one I says are you going to use this with the Army Corps to actually help the permitting go through and then uh one lady says I'm working really close with NEPA we're working closely with with all the things they're doing to try to actually go that way and then I told them how we had gone through and actually hired it to do per site permitting uh MPS and it's really helping us quite a bit and they were like amazed that we were that far ahead of the game but and they didn't see any downside to that type of thing so much as his fear on AI and certain things to what we're doing it far I mean I had like two other groups come up to me afterwards say tell me more about what you're doing tell me what's going on and how's it working for you so I mean what we're doing we we like on we're breaking The Cutting Edge we're ahead of it yeah I'm I'm very proud of our of our use and I think really it's how we are going to leverage it and use it and that that's really the key is is how you use it and making sure that we're I I I think that there's boundless opportunities within within government to really make things better for our citizens sure there's there's probably areas that you need to be careful of and watch but on the whole it's understanding how to use it and leverage it and I think uh a lot of training and a lot of our folks are going to I really see a lot of benefits coming for it so I'm I'm looking forward to sitting down with the team seeing where we're using it where we can expand it more importantly how we can put some some guard rails around it to to make sure that we we use it appropriately if we get the laws changed right I think um we can use it for code enforcement as well I I don't understand it the property appraiser can use drones to survey property and the sheriff can use it but our code enforcement can't use it is that right Ralph yeah that okay so let's let's work on that next year as a policy change that's all that's all I have we'll note that with federal government um Mr chairman flying over it anyway like it we've been uh we had were served with a lawsuit um kapple versus and Blanchard versus Pasco County Pasco County property appraiser and PAs Pasco County Tax Collector um it challenges our ability to Levy advolum taxes on the property um this is real this is real from America this is real from America some Russian thing this this is [Music] um a uh two individuals who believe that they are sovereign to Pasco County um what my purpose for bringing bringing it up with you is um I would like authorization to work with the property appraiser um and the tax collector but the property appraiser has a has outside councel that is already defending a similar lawsuit in Hernando County um the defense should be the same for all three of us summary judgment request this is a motion to dismiss it's a motion for summary judgment it's what yeah um but it's my belief I have not gotten this confirmed by the property appraiser but it's my belief that our interests are all similar um there should be no conflict in his lawyer representing us um and I would like to be able to offer a third of his costs if they if their outside council is going to handle it we'd monitor it inside for you all but it's um the lawsuit actually has um property appraiser and the tax collector H uh there is a count for 1983 damages so they have personal liability purportedly in the lawsuit so they have they have more at stake than we do um but anyway the the the real purpose is um I'd like to be able to offer contrib three of us and then we'll take a third of the charges that that would be the that would be the need a motion um I don't believe so as long as you as long as you you by consensus auth authorize me to make that offer to the property sir I do good approach yeah yeah thank you there's three quick four that's it that's it thank you all right I have two quick announcements cler yes sir so uh clerk Nikki officiated the Valentine's Day ceremony at the historic Courthouse it was beautiful 19 couples said I do um it's the 16th annual so since we started um 323 couples have been married over those 16 years you do um renewing of vows cuz I saw someone doing this somewhere else and and there were people there that were renewing vals we do um not this no one signed up this year but last year we had had some okay so um so it's beautiful and it was at the historic courthouse so thank you for the use of the grounds and it's looking nice the memorial it's almost done so um and then my second announcement March 2nd is passport Saturday um so this is in our official records in both of the government centers here in West Pasco inade city um we open on Saturday March 2nd from 900 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. um for citizens to come and get their passport so it works really well um so if you want to get your kids passport so you don't have to take them out of school you can bring them on Saturday so that's good that's it that's it can can I come back no no we were supposed to be done at three I know well you got you got an email I made a promise based on what I saw in her book but I I took the part of Miss Ary out of that you you just you got you you all got an email on growing Global so if you know I think we have like three spots left if you know of a company that you think would be interested in learning how to export you can forward that email to them it's coming up uh that's it well I'll tell you about the our our employees going to Germany do you want me to tell you about our employees going to Germany or you want me to wait uh go ahead I'll wait on you and then I'll finish um we had um two employee two young men come from Germany through uh the Newport Richie rotary I think I I talked about them before one worked in our our vet with our animal services and one worked um at at mopta um we are now going to send two young professionals over to Germany through this Rotary Club in gersheim our our sister County or friendship County whatever we want to call it I'm very excited that we are going to have one of our uh vet Texs from our Animal Services all paid trip to go work in one over there in gersheim for 3 weeks and then uh one of our one of our texts from our utilities that went through the amskills boot camp and got hired by our utilities department we'll be going uh over I think I don't know if they oh yeah they haven't picked the animal services one yet so I don't have a name but we know which one is going from our utilities department a 20-year-old um young professional and he'll be working for a major company in Germany that does utilities so this is uh I'm so excited this is something we want to expand um but we have our first two exchanges happening that'll probably be the end of May beginning of June Isn't that cool that's good and thank you to Newport Rie rotary they're paying for it oh good good do that's it yeah okay well um I've just got a few things uh attended the governor's day lunching which there's pictures right there for you so uh that Wilton of course was there he was the MC for the day and I did listen to our governor speak and I was very amazed that for our national debt Federal National Debt each one of us would only to pay it off would only have to pay aund roughly $60,000 plus dollars each of us for national debt in Florida our debt that we owe for for the State of Florida and they've been reducing debt all along which is very very good it was only $600 per person in Florida Prett which is pretty amazing and so I listened to his speech but he really uh made sense with some things that I hadn't heard him say before but it it was very good so uh next I I went uh to riveridge uh High School on uh Friday night at 6 6:00 gave a for Tampa Bay Water environmental stewardship award to a middle schooler middle schooler and um went it went very well and it's great that uh environmentally um young people are getting to learn about our environment and how we can have water for ourselves and also water for our environment around us so we had to live together with with our surroundings a lot of people don't realize it but and when you hear rain and thunder like the last two days I mean we're collecting that water now for our drinking water as it comes in the reservoir and the lakes and the streams and all that that comes in our system but I told a gentlemen that and I've always heard this God's way of uh fertilizing the Earth is when it thunders Lightnings during rainstorm it reacts with neutrons and forms nitrogen in the water which fertilizes the Earth some people never heard that before but I've always heard that and U but it's a good thing water I mean we don't we can't live without water so but we have a lot in the future uh plans for having more and more water for our residents new plans new programs uh yesterday was opening day of Pasco County Fair it runs through February 25th U of course everybody's invited to go I didn't see anybody there milking cow last night I'm I was in Sarasota and I'm sick M's done that before so I've done it several times S I missed it so but it's it got started very well so it looks like it's going to be a good week for the fair so a lot of kids a lot of involvement a lot of um we actually cut the ribbon yesterday morning for the new AAR that we have there uh which wilon help get the funds to be able to build that AAR and we're on um and JJ's much aware of this we're on uh firewatch because we couldn't put the sprinkler system in there because we didn't have enough water in the area of dat City to be able to uh use sprinklers in there right now so we've got that set up so we're on fire watch throughout the week so there and uh our folks are are there and ready to go if some issue comes up but we're watching that and it it'll be good and then afterwards we're going to try to make some plans where we can take care of the the fire system for that Barn so it's so strange we talk about the fire system for a metal Barn concrete and all these things when the Barnet was there we didn't have a fire system in it it wasn't required or anything and if you struck a match in it would burn up in a couple hours or so but we got to have it for this new metal barn but it those strange things but that's that's a new way of life and things so but and then um of course I it's hard to say um how great a day yesterday was but I'm telling you it was very well planned out plenty of room plenty of room for parking other than we had a little bit of line and we probably disrupted a few people that travel in the area during that time of day we probably interrupted them a little bit because we had lines in the roads out there but uh I think it went very well um and I think I had beans everywhere on me so I serve beans but I got them more than just in somebody's plate I got them on my shirt on my shoes so but it was it was fun and there's picture of all this stuff here so there you go this is a picture where they had a antique car show and it turned out very nice uh Roy actually got a trophy I believe of a I believe a Chevrolet piston that was just as the hosting department and the idea is if another department you know kind of hosts it and coordinates it we we'll pass that P trophy on oh you're going to pass that one on right but that that whole car show was was was put together by one of our inspectors one of our building inspectors yeah yeah and and it was good it was very I mean I went out there and we walked and looked at the car so it pretty nice so and then this happened I don't know who these people are you going to turn that thing on or are you bumping we're not doing the bump no we're not doing no bump we're doing a something nothing there we go a 3D one Mar oh Marie oh oh it's the 3D camera who is that Marie yeah oh good I didn't recognize oh that's [Laughter] funny that was actually a very big hit I've seen that at a wedding I never I never got on it but that was a very interesting machine like that so it was pretty good so but it was a great day and I I I certainly appreciate all our employees and I had a plan for Troy Stevenson has agme on the go and he was going to have one of the trucks out there saying how much we appreciated everybody it didn't happen because his employees overslept to about 11:00 that day I found out this morning but he was willing he was going to do that for nothing for us so we'll get him back another time to do that for us so but uh I am uh I'm pleased a lot of a lot of things in area are happening a lot of things are very good for our folks um and with that I'm done anybody else got anything good for the world here if not oh Gary does Gary have anything yeah is Gary back uh he was back but hey here he is oh Gary hey I would just like to say that uh any my Pres condition I can't do these things but you guys are doing some exciting things and I can't wait to get back and uh be a part of the team and uh it makes me proud to be on the Pasco County Commission it really does thank you a we'll see you back soon thank you all right with that we're jour [Music]