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ordinances item 50 p50 okay p50 was advertised in the Tampa a times November 22nd 2023 thank you Mr chairman Naros pisos planning economic growth Department item p50 is an ordinance amending the pases county comprehensive plan providing for text amendments to Future land use element appendix and providing for additional txt amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeal or cability in an effective date this is a continuance request to a date un SE You Came the DAT yep motion it was it was advertised as a continuance of Y take a motion uh move to continue second get a motion uh Ro call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to P51 okay so P51 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 24th 2024 um similar to an issue we had at the last meeting um this was in the Tampa Bay Times there was a scrier error that at the bottom corner of the paper it said 121 2024 but it was um we do have proof that it was published on the January 24th so just wanted to make that note for the record was it uh published as a continuance um to this date or it is shown on your agenda today as a continuance to a date uncertain so it's going to have to be read vertis and that will resolve the clerk's problem okay anyway all right move to continue second motion second rad call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p52 item P sorry yeah p52 was advertised on Tampa Bay Times January 24th 2024 and by affida with certified mailings and site postings okay item P5 2 is an ordinance amending the Paso County comprehensive plan providing for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and Sheet 15 from res 6 residential 6 dwelling in for grow acred to O office on approximately 2/3 of a nier of real property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Happy Hill Road in Lake View Drive and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repeater cability and and an effective dat this com with a recommendation of approval okay so we have anyone signed up for this item uh no sir we do not is anyone in the audience wish to speak to this item see a no one move approval second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford I District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on to P 53 so p-53 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times November 22nd 2023 and by affida certified mailings and site postings okay item p53 is peg2 2432 it's an ordinance Amendment the Pasco County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-5 and C12 from Ro retail office residential Comm commercial and Res three residential three dwelling units per gross acre to PD plan development on approximately 76.72 Acres of real property located south of State Road 52 approximately 900 ft west of Lander Lakes Boulevard and a text Amendment creating Subara policy flu 7176 L Lake 5241 and a map Amendment to the Future landage M map 2-9 adding sub area map 2- 976 landal Lakes 5241 and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date this compl with the recommendation of approval and we if the board desires a presentation we can do that okay has anyone signed up for this item uh no sir no one signed up anyone in the audience wish should speak to this item see no one move approval second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p54 p54 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 4th 2024 and by affidavit of certified mailings and site postings item p54 is peg2 24100 it is an ordinance amend the P County comprehensive plan providing for a comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use map map 2-15 and C20 from res six residential six dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial and con conservation on approximately 7.12 Acres of real property located at the North side on the north side of St before approximately 1 mile west of Lander Lakes Boulevard and providing for additional text amendments as necessary for internal consistency providing for repealer cability and an effective date this conses the recommendation of approval and if the board desires a presentation we can do that okay do anyone signed up for this item yes sir um I have one individual Diana ruo okay please come forward give your name and address for your Clerk you have three minutes to speak good afternoon ladies and gentlemen um um somebody that was involved in this before you speak I'm Sor your name and address for the record oh I'm sorry that's Diana Robo 2720 haly Lane okay zip code is 34638 thank you Miss good okay uh somebody advised me because my main concern was this to be possibly a commercial IAL place for another apartment building because there's five right now 3 and a half miles from my house and one going across the street from haly Lane 54 on that side so I didn't want to have um we're already way way overpopulated as it is over there and um quite frankly I don't understand how you know they can build that many apartments within that that close of an area and but that's not the point anyway um she advised me that this is basically just for 1.5 acres for like a retail or restaurant I mean if that's correct and that's what it states I don't have a problem with that I just didn't want to see no apartment building cuz we're overpopulated okay um's project overview says allow for the development of a 12,600 ft retail SL res restaurant okay how tall is this uh I I'm kind of can't really hear real good on this here so how tall is the uh the building is it three story four story or what what is it 12,000 foot restaurant is going to be single story I would single story but Terry's behind her Terry okay I mean if it's like just like a Resturant or single store I don't have a problem with that I live on haly Lane so it's not like not too far away from there like on the map that was with the letter here that I got okay miss the planning director will answer your question if you move away microphone so he can he can get there I'm sorry he'll answer you he'll answer your question if you will'll give him the mic I'll answer the question oh okay get out okay um nario PTO planning and economic growth uh this project is for a 12,00 foot 600 square foot uh commercial structure um it's going to be located essentially along the State 54 Frontage in this space here which is about an acre and a half of land the rest of the parcel uh as you can see is covered by the yellow which represents a wetland all of that will be conserved so that uh nothing can be built on all of this back here and the development will be fairly secluded and surrounded by the Wetland and so it'll be just a commercial development of a single story 12,600 ft type of project facing State Ro 54 okay so basically it's just a restroom it's there yeah okay I'm okay with that okay that's what it is thank you all right thank you question yeah um I have a question Terry looking at the map um the frontage is that on a frontage road I mean it doesn't touch 54 so what's going on there that those are the F do fonds that are between the these right here are uh fdot ponds for the rwood okay so this parcel is fronting the State 54 right of away um it's just set back because of the ponds and um what kind of pedestrian access is there to this property uh right now there is a sidewalk along that Frontage on the north side of 54 you can sort of see it on the map here it's this white so it has a sidewalk right there at the front of the property the sidewalk goes behind the FD ponds okay yeah okay thank you all right players of the board yeah make sure that you is anyone else here to uh speak to this item see a no one no one on WebEx no one on WebEx Mo approval second motion and a second uh all those in favor roll call District Two commissioner waitman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman op hi motion pass 5 Z move on to now is time for uh public hearings would you uh give them the procedures be happy to Mr chairman uh there are two resoning agendas regular and consent staff will present each application to the board of County Commissioners if staff or Planning Commission has recommended approval and there is no opposition to the application the application will be heard but will be considered by the board without further presentation if staff or Planning Commission has recommended denial or if there is opposition to the application the applicant will be given 5 minutes for presentation the opposition will be given three minutes for each individual or five minutes for a group representative and the applicant will be given 3 minutes for rebuttal any individual disagreeing with staff or Planning Commission recommendation or anyone wishing to object to any condition of the rezoning May at this time request that petition be pulled from the consent agenda in which case that application will be heard under the regular agenda later on during the meeting otherwise all rezoning applications on the consent agenda will be approved by a single motion and vote if you wish to speak to any petition please give your name and address and whether or not you've been sworn for the record these are Quasi judicial public hearings the law in Florida is that mere public support or opposition of an application is insufficient for this board to take action please limit your comments to those criteria found within the board's Land Development code for rezonings would you like me to swearing if anyone is going to speak to any other items on the agenda please stand and raise your right hand swear you okay do you swear affirm uh the testimony you're about to give is the truth so help you got thank you okay um first item is p55 okay so p55 was advertised in the Tampa Bay time September 20th 2023 and by apptive certified mailings and site postings um it was continued from the November 14th uh 23 and January 9th 24 meetings to today good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez planning and deel planning an economic growth I apologize um p55 is p24 7683 it's a res in the name of Crossways mpud the request is to continue the item to the April 10th 2024 bordera County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat say move to continue time certain second motion second by Rad call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on to p56 okay p56 was advertised in Tampa Bay Times November 1st 2023 and was continued um from the January 9th and February 6th meeting to today p56 is Peg 2477 08 a zoning amendment in the name of St Leo Commons Villages of Pasadena Hills MP rdpd V LLC the request is to continue the item to the April 10th 2024 boarda County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in dat City okay move to continue time second got a motion and second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on to P57 P57 was advertised in Tampa Bay Times December 20th 2023 um and it was continued from the February 6 meeting to today P57 is Peg 24771 18 zoning amendment in the names of Circle K at New State Road 52 and Prospect mpug spram fruit LLC the request is to continue the item to the April 10th 20124 board County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City move to continue time certain second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford H District 5 commissioner Mariano I District 1 chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z move on to p58 p58 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times December 20th 2023 and it was continued from the February 6th meeting to today p58 is Peg 24776 zoning amendment in the name of new Clinton LLC the request is to continue the item to the April 10th 2024 Board of County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 in D City move to continue time certain second got a motion second under discussion I want to be sure and see the site plan and I'm going to talk about these site plans of these multifamilies uh when we're when we're done wanted to have a little bit of discussion but we didn't have time for discussion under ours today yeah but I'm good I'm good to continue okay I've got a motion in a second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford I District 5 commissioner Mariano I District 1 chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on to p59 so p59 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 24 2024 p59 is Peg 24776 5 is zoning amendment in the name of Dempsey and daughters Inc Dempsey and daughters if the request is to to to uh continue the item to the April 10th 2024 board County Commissioner's meeting at 1:30 in dat City move to continue time certain second got we're going to be there till 2: in the morning on that day um you keep rolling them all over on April 10th we'll have to change public hearing to let start at 700 in the morning my dad moov his birthday okay all by Rad call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford I District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 move on to p60 p60 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times December 20th 2023 p60s peg2 2424 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment CPA 2301 Fletcher the request is to continue the item to the March 26th 2024 board to County Commissioners meeting at 1:30 Newport riching move to continue time certain second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z we move to um p61 is a consent item can we move to p63 please all right so p63 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times October 18th 20123 and by affida of certifi mailings and site postings uh this item was continued from the December 5th and January 9th meeting to today item p63 is p247 726 zoning Amendment Cherry Hills West mpud Master Plan unit development Veterans of Foreign Wars of us major Francis eade post 4283 and up others the applicant has requested a continuance to the April 10th 2024 Board of County Commissioners at 1:30 p.m. in dat City if you would please call for public comment to see if there's anyone here to speak on the matter please this one was not advertized as a Contin continuance on your agenda um so as the normal practice I would recommend that you take public comment from anyone in the audience who wishes to speak who may not attend the new continuance tape okay if they choose to speak today they can't speak when it comes back right anyone wish to speak today on this item or wait till it comes back seeing no one uh sir there there were two individuals signed up for p63 Eric they're still not there though correct okay never mind okay move to continue time certain second I'm under discussion I just want to make sure that we're result reserving right away across the front for a multi-use path a roll roll call vote okay District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 but it's a consent item uh p62 is also a consent item that was 63 that was 63 because it was being continued yep so that took care of that's so we we're back to 61 and 62 the your consent agenda oh okay go back 61 okay so p61 was advertised Tampa Bay Times November 22nd 2023 and by affida of certified mailings and postings it was continued from the January 9th meeting to today p61 is Peg 24772 5 it's a zoning Amendment Lando Lakes 5241 mpud master plan unit development Sand Ridge commercial LLC and sr52 Williams LLC it's for a rezoning from an mpud master plan unit development and RMH mobile home District to an mpud master plan unit development to allow uh for the maximum development of13 ,000 squ ft of commercial Office 300 multif family dwelling units and 50 Town Homes this comes through with a recommendation of approval with conditions as included in your agenda packet which includes the live local act condition uh specifically um for the use for the uses and zoning and also for the advore and tax exemption and that's uh condition number 51 um again comes here with a recommendation of approval with conditions from the Planning Commission and the planning and economic growth Department okay is any this consent item is anyone here to speak against this item did I have there is no one signed up no one signed up nobody on WebEx correct okay the item will stay remain on consent move to p62 p62 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times January 24th 2024 and by affida of certified M and site postings p62 is p24 7765 it's a zon Amendment new Riv New River LTD Pasco H Corporation New River H for a change in zoning from a C2 General commercial District to an mf1 multiple family medium density District to um basically to develop the site with a maximum number of 140 Town Homes um that's within the voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction it also incorporates development standards from policy memo 26 which have to do with architectural uh standards monotony control and Landscaping comes with a recommendation of approval from the planning and devel planning and economic growth Department in the Planning Commission Mr chairman I want to pull this one you want okay all right that is pull that's the end of the consent agenda by roll call vote um you need a motion to approve the 61 is the only item on the 61 approval P 61 and consent second okay District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner sorry District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 go back to the pulled item p62 p62 yes Mr chairman um so the reason I pulled it is I looked at the Declaration of covenants conditions and restrictions and on Section number three it says the driveway width should be a maximum of 2 ft wider in total than the garage door withd this is something that we talked about at the commission level there's no room to the side you got to walk in your grass to get up and I wanted to see it to to be the maximum of four feet so you have two feet on both sides to make it easy for someone to be able get out of the car walk up the side and get out there to get into their house that was the first one second one um on V it says Town Home Products with one car garages you'll have one car driveways yeah well if you're going to have one person come visit you and let's face it most garages are going to get filled up with other stuff anyway there's going to be nowhere to park so and I thought we talked about having driveways long enough for two cars so why we put these conditions in I don't know but that's my objection to it I will tell you why and I'm happy to show you the pictures if I can find them here um and we went through this deal with the Tampa Bay Builders Association on what was the right amount of Pavement in front of these and if you have a onecar garage and two lanes of pavement it's just all Concrete in the front and I'll show you those pictures if you want to see them from The Preserve to remind you what they look like and they look like ghetto ghetto so what they're supposed to do is have pay uh parking uh accessory parking places around the property but this is why I don't like front-loaded Town Homes I don't I think they should be rear loaded but I'm going to I'll let them come up but I'm going to show your picture Okay M willhide or yes ma'am good afternoon Barbara will height 8627 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie I'll drop a um so PM 26 which is what you all adopted you been sworn yes I've been sworn thank you this is PM 26 which the board adopted after much deliberation and back and forth and balancing things with the tbba um that represent Builders I represent a property owner I held off we held off the property own is represented myself from moving this forward so you could settle on what you wanted um in p M 26 and so that we could adopt it into this resoning so I'd ask you not to retrade PM 26 on a site specific project especially when we have no Builder here we have no tvba here and these CH these changes do have ramifications if you want to visit PM 26 I would that's fine um but we we did everything right here and we're at the end of the end of the road and would ask you not to on this specific matter try to change PM 26 without having the right stakeholders in the room please Mr chairman yes I'm fine to continue it but the discussions we had uh I'm sure we didn't agree on that we had length for for parking for not just one car but two cars this this Lang about this language is in many many documents that got approved M um it didn't make it up I did not make it up for this particular project this is language has been approved over and over since PM 26 was approved by board so the driveway is 26 ft is that what you're saying so the what it says is the driver should be a maximum of 2 feet wider and taller than the driveway door the garage door width that's what the language says yeah and there's a reason why and and I'm going to look for that photo right as I recall listening to the discussions it was that balance between green space and pavement and functionality and driveways and that's what I recall the conversation with uh the builders associations they worked long and hard on this I'll send the photo I'm going to who was it that I send it to what's her name Sonia Sonia this is what we don't want Sonia oh what sorry son Sonia nope I don't know why the the other Sonia is showing up what's your s there it is okay sending that to you just to remind you what we don't want and um Barbara do you have other parking spaces in the complex for guests again PM 26 covered all those items and so we we incorporated PM 26 we I do not have a builder and we represent myself and Mr burner represent um the property owner and we we've been at this for a while we held off many many multif family apartment developers and worked with uh to the point where we had the property commit to ploted town home so it's been quite a journey and then we held off to wait for PM 26 because we wanted to see you guys settled in on what your standards were for town homes so we tried to to uh do everything right here Mr chairman yes you know part of the reason for me with reservation we're going from commercial property to residential which generally goes against my flow yeah but when we when we looked at this and I know we had a discussion about the the impervious situation Etc how do you want to have it I wanted to give the flexibility to the Builder to be able to go if they wanted the extra 2 ft if they thought it was good for their product but as far as the length of the driveway would Vehicles come in we talked about trucks Etc you know we we talked about that so I don't know when this changed or why it didn't change but that was one of my strong concerns and I thought we' address at least the parking where it wasn't just going to be a one car thing I mean I just don't see where you're going to set it up this is a picture where this is what happens when when you have the um single car garage and two two lane driveway um it there's no place to put any land keeping that's why theyve worked hard with the Tampa Bay Builders Association um and um others to come up with a plan that's quite specific on the ratios of Green Space to to um concrete so um May I add about the commercial so this land use has been changed to residential this is our fourth public hearing on this matter um our second one before you you did change the the land use to residential it was the zoning was what was called a um conflict zoning which means the C2 zoning preceded your comprehensive plan in the year 1990 and what the comp plan said was is it commercial or is it residential because you had a commercial zoning that preceded a residential land use in this case your comp plan said this is not the appropriate place for commercial and so we couldn't change it to commercial it had to be resid itial so the comp plan was changed to allow for this project um and that's gone to the the state and is effective now so that just wanted to remind you the history about the because I understand the issue with commercial when you see that but that's the history and again I'm aware of that Mr chairman but it's just a matter of again we're making a change what do we want to end up with here and I just don't want to see Park people parking on the street nowhere to go I mean I I I've lived that situ with my girls when they were up in Orlando and no one had a parking spot you had one car garage one spot and you had three girls living in the one in the apartment oh goodness I mean just didn't make any sense a one car garage one parking spot and then you got to go try to find a spot it was a battle all the time you know what I would suggest is maybe is is a if you have a onecar garage maybe you're have a limited you can't have three bedrooms I mean maybe or or but I'm not I'm not okay with concreting the whole front yard well that's the extreme that you're showing the picture of that's not going to happen even with what's in place now that is something we do want to prevent I've s I've seen that as well as we droving around but we're not going to get that anyway and the things we put in place are going to help to keep from getting that but again to me if you're going to be walking out of your little narrow driveway you're going to walk in your grass anyway it's going to be tough getting in and out anyway and give the build flexibility on that part but again I haven't seen anything satisfying as far as what what the parking situation is going to be well so what's this going to look like Terry have y'all it's not going to look like this picture right this project Commissioners this is why you did PM 26 this is why you spent all last year going debating and figuring out what you wanted to do for standards so that it wouldn't look like that I don't have a builder so I can't render for you but you did PM 26 spent a lot of time and we waited held this project back so that you could settle on that so that we could copy it verbatim into uh this deed restriction so Terry what what's the solution here what we got anything written that tells us we got to have so much green space in in these products Mr chairman I mean yeah so you the planning department adopted yes the memo 26 PM 26 to address this scenario right as will height is representing that the deed restrictions reflect that memo commissioner Mariano doesn't wants to give them more flexibility than that or or once U I'll let him speak for himself but but what's before you fixes this picture it's my understanding that's correct the the memo F that memo fixes it it won't be to avoid this scenario we we work together with the board of County Commissioners and the industry and the planners and the planning uh department at the time to not repeat this by establishing these standards and in the standards of PM 26 which I think are outlined in the in the agenda memo as well there is a landscaping table that's provided therein to help guide the avoidance of what we see in this picture MH and so the dimensions that were crafted in that memorandum that are now incorporated into various deed restrictions and conditions of approval across uh many projects are these limitations on the final widths of driveways so that they don't over uh extend themselves and limit or make it impossible to install the Landscaping that we're also requiring so everything's been balanced and optimized in that sense with within PM 26 um just as a point of reference for this particular property or the subject property here it was always the case that the comprehensive plan had designated this as residential of future land use the recent comprehensive plan Amendment brought it to a res uh 6 uh designation we attempted to correct the flu so to speak to make it for commercial but none of the policies of the comprehensive plan would support the application of the commercial designation and so because it was already residential we maintained it and kept it as residential the board adopted uh that it makes it made sense to increase the density to resed six at the time because this is a major Frontage and this is where we tend to put uh more than single family detached in other words in this case town so that's why the PM 26 standards are included in this m m chairman yes so keep in mind I'm okay with going through with the zoning Etc as far as going to the residential part of it the way the property is situated it's got issues that are different so I'm okay with that I'm just making reference to it but look the flexibility to go from 2 feet to 4T is something I talked about a long time ago um and again the Town Home Products of onecar garages you could have a three-bedroom Place could be a two-bedroom place even right mhm you've got four people living there you're going to have one parking spot and one garage space it just doesn't work and and I haven heard anything to say what's going to cover yeah I mean I don't mind continu it so we can have more discussion to it but I don't want to see this going especially with that condition number five are there any other spaces for this Extra Spaces yeah how many in this what's the rate so you guys Commissioners I don't have a builder or you don't have a builder I do not have a builder I have a property owner um and we have again we waited for you to do PM 26 all of those things were debated and you settled on PM 26 you've approved until this moment projects with these exact same standards in them many of them since PM 26 so I can't help you today I and I would ask you if you all wanted to go back and look at pm 26 you can do so but it's really not fair to this client that this one gets picked to debate PM 26 this is this is a ukian straight zoning so it defaults to whatever your Land Development code requirements are or this PM 26 which is sort of above the Land Development code in that but but it's the same parking requir IR IR Ms that you would require of this of this type right and if they only have one spot in front of their their town home and it require and I don't know the requirements Liam may know the requirements are Terry off the top of their head but if it requires one and a half spaces or two spaces that's what you've set as the as the requirement and they're going to have to make it up someplace on the site if there's only one one spot in front of the right front of the town we took care of that by requiring certain amount of other spaces within a development in that memo are you guys trying to find that is that what's going on over there no we were just checking the parking against Land Development I I don't know how to get the little man to drop onto the road anymore and bring up the views the street views it's like went away but um you know we we addressed all this stuff and we addressed the extra parking cuz I I I get it and if they there's not enough then they're blocking the sidewalk and I'm telling you the solution to all this is a rear loaded Town Homes it really is go with me there let's just do rear loaded Town Homes wouldn't have this problem cuz they can pack Park multiple cars in the back and then they can park a car on the street slows the traffic down it's safer for everybody and they look much better again Mr chairman I think we discussed the park I'm a little concerned staff doesn't have the answers first and if if this is way it's going through again I wanted to see the flexibility from the get-go I don't recall it ever coming back to it to say we're not going to do the flexibility I know the parking was a big issue and I don't think from the sound of it from Steph I don't see it get it's resolved maybe there's something more Comon all right Terry Mr chairman for the parking uh question uh if you have a twocc car garage on the unit you'll have you'll have two cars able to park in the garage two cars to park on the driveway that's four cars total the Land Development clod for uh Town Homes is or single family attached units um is two spaces per unit so that those two spaces could be in the garage and you'll have another two spaces on the driveway too depending on the length of that driveway um all of that would be deliberated and considered at the time of site plan review uh so that whatever is proposed must meet the parking requirements of the Land Development code they won't be able to do a variance per se on on the parking requirements Mr chairman yes he's not answering the question the question comes to number five what about the Town Home Products with a one car garage she'll have one car driveways that's the issue not a two-car one one car in the one car scenario you would have you're still required two per unit so it would be one car in the garage one car on the driveway two what if I have three people living there or four people living there where are they going to park I don't I don't think we manage that part but but I'm saying that it was discussion that came up with this board and I gave this specific example my daughter's living in the three-bedroom one car garage so you had the one parking spot in the garage the one parking spot in the driveway and someone had to run around trying to find a spot and when someone had to leave if someone the car is in the garage the other person had to come out move the car and go it's a disaster moving up and down the streets were super narrow too there was nowhere to park I mean literally we going to create that in a in a college town yeah yeah but it doesn't matter what it's called where I lived before in the states for King you would have like a three or four bedroomroom apartment you'd have five or six cars so it's um it's strange how you know you gather everybody's being sub so all these guys or college students wh they work work they all live together but it's a disaster for us parking so and they end up parking in the streets it's hard to go down the streets but I don't know how you correct that yeah you cannot correct that with a front loaded Town Hall you can't yes you can you can't put six parking spaces in front of a two-car garage what four huh then the whole thing is the whole front yard is concrete yeah you can't do it it's they got to park somewhere yeah they got to make some extra parking spaces or if you have six people in a three-bedroom town home you shouldn't be living there they end up to many people anyway shouldn't be allowed to have that many cars Mr chairman there is we can't we can't fix that problem can't judge that there is a code requirement for visitor parking too it's 0.25 spaces per unit for visitor parking now we we have worked with various town home developments at the site plan review stage to identify locations of opportunity where additional on street parking for example can be accommodated that has taken place in the past so the the question is very much a site planning matter and the code establishes the the the code required amount of parking and then we try to identify what more can be done within the confines of the Land Development code to accomplish uh a good site plan um another thing that happens with these is that if if you wanted on street parking someone's explained to me when you have the onec car garage if you have a two 2 one one 22 and you want to put have on street parking there's not enough Green Space in between some of these places to do on street parking so maybe we just don't allow one car garage anymore I'm with that so but no but you can't you can't make that rule now but something that we have to so what's the pr of the board on this one um but for me it's not okay to pave the whole front of these Town HS that is a look that we don't then make the building shorter and then put more separation between them don't make reloaded and you won't have this problem I'm okay with that too but this this is a disaster coming you're creating a swum of the future nowhere to par okay so this is a public hearing so uh is anyone here wish to speak to this item there is no one signed up and no one signed up no sir okay pleasure the board um just under discussion I have a lot of homes in um the western side of the county where they have onecar garages that aren't even garages anymore yeah storage un and they've got five trucks parked on the on the grass it looks horrible horrible the grass is dead I next time you go to am skills just look across the street and just see what people have done to their their homes it's horrible so it's an interesting discussion but I would not allow parking in your yard um but I don't also don't want them to pave their whole yard either so it's a problem Mr chairman okay so I mean you can you can go to a lot of places in West Pasco a lot of those little places we buildt for retirees two bedroom houses one car garage one car driveway and all over those places the families have moved in yeah right and now what have you got you got all sorts of people parking all the code enforcement Nightmare Night nightmare so putting something like this with that one condition in there you're encouraging that same thing to happen again because later on when they get crowded there's nowhere else to park where are they going to park just like they do at the other places right in the grass well if I was someone renting um a a an apartment and there were going to be three drivers in it I wouldn't get a one car garage I'd get the two-car garage what if you have a choice so are all these one one car garage she doesn't have a plan yet no there's no plan So the plan is to follow exactly what you told us to follow that's what she's saying she doesn't even have a she doesn't even have a builder yet this is just so actually when we get when we get the actual plan we'll be voting be you see the site the staff will I'm sorry I'm sorry okay we we waited because I didn't have a builder we waited for you to do PM 26 so we could get to this day chairman yes I I very much appreciate commissioner's Point commissioner starky's point but we worked Quagmire and M white and our client they waited as we went through the changes and we fought pretty dog on hard to stiff on our multif family developers to come and take take this piece it's been what over year or so that we've been working through this they've been patient and the Landscaping standards and the parking with everything that goes into it I just knowing the history to get to hear in the negotiations that took place I would I would likely support this just due the the amount of work that's gone into it I don't know if there's a way if we approve it a verbal whatever County attorney to to incorporate commissioner Mariano's concerns and some of commissioner starky's concerns to avoid the potential of what's being described I'd like to do that but we've this project has incorporated you know all all of the board's concerns and the comments that we that we worked with with tbba and um to to and including the residents uh the neighbors there they they weren't really overly excited if I recall right that they with commercial potentially coming in and they definitely didn't want to see multif family and so the town homes were a good fit here so I'll just leave my statement as B that okay fers of the board um uh can I ask a question on that that's a too was that a too um easement in the part of that property it's yeah so um so you can't build on that right that's just part of the property yeah but we did commission Dy took your comments when we talked about this last time about potential Trail and yeah took it back you know whatever Public Access opportunity to right and I'm a friend of mine's on the board of Amira which is 's parent company and I'm trying to see if they'll be amable to opening up U property for uh Trails but I I would be supporting this as well yes commissioner say a Duke eement we can't build on it Duke yeah they're harder well I don't know I haven't tried one through but you did I mean commissioner start we met with you you did point that out to staff maybe an opportunity there for their ts program yeah okay okay it's just that the the property boundary cover goes past it well because it's the easement so it would yeah it's not fee right all right I move approval second Motion in second roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano Nate district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 41 move on to um p64 64 did we do 63 we did 63 we did okay yes sir all right 64 okay p64 was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times October 18th 2023 it was continued from January 9 to today okay good afternoon Commissioners Denise Hernandez planning planning and economic growth item p64 is pg24 7744 it's a zoning Amendment davew Hanny and Nema toer me for a change in zoning from an R3 high medium density residential district and C1 neighborhood commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with several voluntarily agreed upon deed restrictions which are included in your agenda packet under finding of fact number two which includes some of the following um the applicant has um agreed to prohibit direct and indirect access to Waverly Avenue um installing a 6 foot high block wall along the W along Waverly Avenue and along that portion of Shaw Avenue that a buts residential zoning District um at the time of preliminary site plan um also Alo including some um additional buffering which includes a shade tree every 20 ft between the block wall and Waverly Avenue and between the block wall in that portion of Shaw Avenue that a puts residential zoning District then also limiting hours of operation from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday being closed on Sunday having a 25ft setback provided along South front property line facing Waverly Avenue uh not having any Overhead Doors facing wly Avenue and of course also including the live local Act um deed restriction that specifically states that the uses will be those uses uh that are consistent with C2 also prohibiting certain uses which um include car washes gas stations drive-through restaurants self storage facility freestanding recreational vehicle and boat storage and C2 General commercial District conditional uses and special exception uses comes to with a recommendation of approval from the planning and economic growth department and the Planning Commission um I do not see anyone here signed up to speak um it was on regular because there were some concerns uh which possibly have been addressed through the voluntarily agreed upon deed restrictions if you would please call for public comment okay does anyone signed up to speak to this item so um someone has signed up but it does not look like he is online correct Mr Peppers correct okay so no one is no one's here to speak no one's here to speak anybody in the audience wish to speak this item see no one pleas the yes I want to say I think staff did a good job with this I mean C2 is all around it so I think they did good listen to the neighborhood so for them not to show means we done great work so yeah the applicant was willing to to agree to De to the voluntarily agree upon deed restrictions and the Planning Commission really did a great job appreciate that getting to that point question um I listened to the Planning Commission meeting on this was this your did you have two of them or one Planning Commission we had one Planning Commission meeting it's been so was continued at one point in time so yes and but there were some deed code violations around there code violations on you may know Liam might know more information on that so there was um code violations on the adjacent property Li Divine planning and economic growth Department um there were some um code violations the property owner actually owns an adjacent property um that had code violations and he was cited for that and has is going through the process of correcting those violations state your name so I I'm looking at I didn't hear you and I'm looking I know who he is like what road is that that 54 is it on 54 I'm looking up 54 at that the building with the orange roof yeah is that his property who property that's his property but that property is not included in the subject rezoning okay but how did how did he concrete the whole thing so that would be for his adjacent property he could speak to that but that's not really I just someone needs to look at that because you're not I mean the whole front the whole front of that commercial piece is concrete from side to side so I'm just curious um just want to call that out to someone to look at um it just bothers me when people come in and do things against our rules and um I guess that's the subject for another dat but yeah um I do appreciate that someone at the Planning Commission lots of times it's John um points out code violations around property that we're looking at and and I hope that when he does that someone alerts code um or minimum housing or someone and they go out and do take a look at it that it doesn't just fall on depth ears because they don't all have to come from Commissioners offices they should anyone can turn in code violations but I'm looking at a building that paved the whole front yard uh right down right next to it so okay there I have a motion on the floor to approve second so and that's the primary motion to Zone it to C2 so you've got three motions on this in this particular one but I you're you're it's the primary motion which is to reone to C2 just for clarity so yes sorry if I if I may um there were provided alternative motions um since this was a little bit of a controversal item at Planning Commission staff provided alternative motions um I don't know if you want me to go through the alternative motions but staff is recommending approval is I just want for the record that the motion that the commissioner is making is to rezone it to C2 which is alternative motion one which is the which is the primary motion not the Alternatives yeah we got a motion in a second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z that ends the public hearing items um all we have live is old business except you wanted to discuss one item so well well I wanted to discuss a philosophy and suggest that maybe um we Workshop it um I just I know that when uh a multifam developer or whatever comes into my office and I I know that you do this commissioner wait um I really try and um encourage a better site plan that um adds some value to the community around it because we don't we've just been approving these apartments with no thought to the connectivity or or how it affects um sometimes the community around it and and you know we've done we've approved so many makes me nervous um and it just I just want them to be the best they can be within the parameters that we have and I I do feel bad when um someone's come in with engineered or you know engineered l layouts and I know that the applicant has spent a lot of money and time coming up with a fit plan um my husband calls them and and then based on what each one of us tell them they start going back to the drawing board so I just wondered if it made sense for us to um Workshop or discuss what we're looking for and uh so that people like Barbara or anyone who's got a client they can I think they they can kind of direct them to hey you just plop this stuff down they're not going to prove it for example Fletcher if you saw the one by the airport with all the town uh apartments in the front the town homes in the back there is nothing redeeming about that plan and there is no way I'm going to vote for that like that um I it's just how many units can you fit on a piece of property in MA maximize the value of the property without any thought to quality of life for anyone living in there or around it and um so I just personally am trying to be a lot more thoughtful about what these look and feel like and I wanted to share that with you cuz I don't know what you're doing in your meetings because we have Sunshine um but that's what I'm doing in mine so I'm just going to throw that out there with I'll I'll jump in you my M here the uh I'm highly bar multicam project comes in our office we pretty critical yeah same and uh I I challenge them you know what you what's the amenities going what's going to bring the quality of life where's the you know an opportunity for entrepreneurship to occur and that was really the driving force behind the project we saw last meeting on island yeah that was a good one yeah and and and it was nice to have the developer there who was genuinely listened um and worked through when we must have met half a dozen times probably going back and forth and know I was pretty Frank with him kick told him kick rocks a number a number of times uh but they kept coming back wanted to be a good partner and they came up with something unique and I'm hoping that that project's the Catalyst right which I things we brought up this conversation to what's our identity what's our multif family style living what's our identity what do we want to see in Pasco moving forward so um I'd be welcome to a workshop and bring in stakeholders and maybe see what's around the rest around working around the rest of the country and find something that that fits that fits for us I mean our residents come to us every day they're looking for amenities all day of life and it's an opportunity with that many folks coming into an area to create you know a nice ecosystem we we certainly don't want to build a community where they have to get in their car and go somewhere to do anything um and I keep or I'm going to keep I keep having the Planters pull up the one on island I keep the book from I never remember the name of it the something Village Pasadena Village I don't know uh the one that um Mr Landis did uh where it has the Village Green and the commercial properties overlooking the Village Green and then there's apartments and then there's town homes around that I keep that site plan in my office I'm going to keep the island one I might um pull out the one that we did at um in Odessa where they put the two restaurants kind of like what they did on island but much tight a tighter piece of land with a little green space in between um and a walkway to the back I mean I think we should have some good examples of what we're looking for and and that's we just canect we don't have to approve these so if they want to come in with multif family and town home we can require a better product Mr chairman I also don't think they should be stuck all the way up and down are you going to shut me down no I'm not going to shut you down I'm I am going to make a pitch that it's probably been five years since I've made which is most of what is coming before you is ukian is straight zoning we are now starting to get into a position of putting deed restrictions on ukian zoning to rule out things that we don't want in a particular zoning classification the issues that both in the conversation on the town homes and and the and what you're bringing up is they are areas where if you refined your code they could the the developers would have to comply with those changes I mean number parking spaces Green Space design all that sort of thing are things that you can put in your straight zoning categories and in your PD categories but but especially in the straight zoning categories and get you to where you're not having to have meetings to impose your will on them it's certainty and it's it's what's your code requires and it's practicality and certainty that they can that they can see this is your expectation when they come in to do business in Pasco County and so that's the pitch from your lawyer that I've not made in a couple of years so I'm trying I like it I mean right I think it's appropriate that we that we tighten these things up Mr chairman yes sir so I agree the certainty is is a good thing and uh Mr County attorney thank for bringing that again cuz I think it is something we should put in um you know the difficulty with that previous zoning we had literally we discussed it I thought we had pretty well resolved all but one the the first one but I don't see anything addressing you know the things we're concerned about what's going to happen so I think that needs to come back let's go review that and let's go look at AR zoning what do we really want from these things as far as the apartment conversation Everywhere I Go they say too many apartmentss we've got way too many and we granted them we didn't have to Saddlebrook we could even force that off to the side wouldn't affected directly in there 7 Oaks didn't have to do that one overpass I know we're fighting that because there's even more pressure coming up I we got some meetings coming up I know I do um we were just studied recently I think connected cities had done commissioned the study to do it to study how are we doing on Commercial development and I'm happy to say we're going to in very short period of time David is going to probably do the presentation if not the next meeting the meeting after we're actually the number one commercial producing county in the state of Florida wow and that's done with the infrastructure we put in place and I think the incentives to go along with it and this board pushing for good commercial development so we we've done a lot of good stuff but we got to watch what's going to come up next and again the citizens I'm talking to especially Trinity Wesley Chapel they see enough they don't need more I mean 19 we could probably use a few for if they're affordable not with all the amenities in the world but true affordable uh units there's some use for it but especially the Wesley Chapel Trinity area 41 there's in 41's a concern like we did one today but that already had density in it and I'm glad that they actually took some of the apartments out and put town homes in it and kept the commercial locked in and they're working real close with us to make a north south Connector Road that's going to help with the traffic flow so that type of thing working with them you know that's a good thing but it's definitely something we need to keep an eye out for um I thought we had asked for a study of what we a map of approved apartment or multif family sites do we have that yet I mean I in a way whenever we approve one we should see what's around you know it's it's hard hard sometimes to see it in context to what's around it I'm not yeah and I I think that we we need to have that kind of map good afternoon David Engel planning and economic growth director so the board's conversation today is music to our ears and we heard you loud and clear when you had to conducted a workshop and discussed land use and expectations so since I've been the director of the department now it's about four weeks we've already Pro proactively engag developers trying to come up with better outcomes on developments I'll give you an example Go's Corner was a Clark hobi project next door was Barbara will Height's project 4152 they weren't plop and drops we actually asked the two attorneys to get together with their developers and integrate these facilities into one holistic community so we're building communities not cut and paste development so the retail the situation of multif family tucked away behind uh open space and wetlands and things like that would thoughtfully designed so um as uh you'll probably hear some of the attorneys are being we reach out to them we ask them to sit down and if you look at most of our actions we basically are your board is in a discretionary position because it's either a rezone request for ukan zoning or a comp plan plan Amendment so that gives us the latitude to come up with better outcomes in a collaborative fashion so we're doing that as far as the entitlement study uh the board had requested that we do connected City and Bop and those studies are coming to a close and we're also working on a countywide entitlement study uh also looking behind the curtain at planning and economic growth we are working on performance standards for like tnd form based zoning depending on where it is in the county and other mechanisms to have much more collaborative beneficial development because we only have one crack at the Apple we can't you know once something in the ground is there 50 to 60 years plus so we take your guidance seriously and we are moving forward um that leads me to say something else I'm telling them when they come in and a lot of times you see the apartments in the back and commercial in the front and it's it's a fast food with the parking lot fast food with parking lot fast through the parking lot I don't want to do that to any more roads than what we did to 54 it's not a good development plan at all so um I don't know what the answer is I'm not a planner but I know I know when I don't like something and that is what I don't like I don't know I don't think I don't like it we shouldn't copy it again again we we hear you and I'll give you another example U Barbara here bar Barbara brought in a commercial development on state 52 near marada and we actually created a neighborhood commercial embedded in the center not on the periphery with with walkability and access so we are moving away from strip commercial to more thoughtful commercial being integrated in a walkable Community secondly uh we are holding collaborative sessions now with our Land Development community on drive-through restaurants on car washes so we're moving forward and uh we provided uh the County Administrator and our ACA uh board priority projects with delivery dates and we'll be adding to it for tnd and some of the other things we're working on so I want to throw out to you all um an invitation I'm going to go um there's something called the Congress for new urbanism my brother-in-law's been on the board for years and um their annual meeting is in um Cincinnati and I will have my assistant email to you the different breakouts that you go on and you literally go and you go and see a part of the neighborhood out you know around around that area that used the form based code and what it did for them um rear loaded neighborhoods uh there's all different I couldn't believe all the very interesting um field trips that you go on and so it's in I think it's in April I I don't remember the dates right now but I'm going to go and I'd love for more of y'all to go um I'm trying to get the County Administrator go love for you to go who whoever and you know when we went to Bentonville it really opened our eyes to um what what more can be done with with trails and we're bringing back some of those ideas and Keith will explain to you one of his big projects that's coming when when it's ready for him to explain um but when you can go and see what communities have done that we say we want to do it's it's powerful so I would invite you to go um I I think it's really important that these things get fixed sooner rather than later because we're just we're so busy and we're we're approving things and I know we want to improve them in a in a better way and I think I think we pretty much are all on the same page on most of the stuff so which I'm grateful for because from what I hear a lot of counties are not like this yeah we get what D said is we're we're moving toward what you're talking about so quickly yeah CU it's fast moving it's coming quicker yes sir Mr chairman yes sir there was an item I wanted to bring up but uh it's not too late it's only 247 just it' be kind of a quick one and I don't need need decision on it today but just I just going to throw throw it out there because it was brought to me as uh commissioner waitman had brought up the Surplus lands about should we go a nonprofit should we go otherwise and I don't think I I made this point clear enough and I know it was like was a longer day so maybe just didn't sink in and we did make a decision but we can't reconsider but I just want to throw it out there the thought was to a contractor that I talked to that was interested in buying some properties I said well we're looking at this discussion now hang on the discussion went pretty much well let me ask you this if you're going to go put this stuff out for bid if you let everybody bid on it let's say a nonprofit May $1,000 you may get a profit one to say I'm going to bid $20,000 you may get a situation where you owe in fees that were that are owed like $5,000 that you're not going to collect from the nonprofit for $1,000 but you'd be able to collect that money for the profit is it something you guys were the motion in the majority you consider should we throw it out there to let the profit and nonprofit and then make a decision once we look at the offers what we want to do cuz if it's so close you could say let the nonprofit have it but if it's a big gap and the the profits going to pay more money we can pay off some of the debts that we've going to have to pay somebody do we want to consider that and here here's why I would say no um and and we're talking about 10 a year may I don't even know if we could do 10 a year but um how many five to 10 five five year um they already have an opportunity to go buy it before it comes us CU it's coming to us because they didn't pay their taxes so they have that opportunity already go do your homework um but when it comes to us it's our ability to help a nonprofit put something out uh that helps a family begin a journey of home ownership so I think that is part of our responsibility to help people get home ownership and so it's very little skin off our back back but it helps these nonprofits build these homes which we have already put in the rule that has to go to someone who has an income restriction so I think that's a noble project and I think not doing projects like that is what brought us live local you know nimbyism turning down a a uh a project we had a we had one at be Creek that would have been wonderful um the units were nicer than the houses around it in some cases um but we voted it down and and so we I think that study is going to show we we have a a problem when it gets to the lower income people of of being able to find something that's affordable and I think that's a noble thing to have five lots a year go to help someone build a house for someone whose income challenged also we control more of what kind of product they put in there if it's if it's just someone buying a lot they could put a mobile home on there a used mobile home or something and not improve that neighborhood so the other thing this does in my opinion is starts to restabilize a neighborhood so that's why I would I don't want to go down that path okay just wanted to bring it up okay still time yeah all right we'll move uh we're going to keep working on you guys yeah we'll move to uh back to ordinary business and I think Mr cabal is that thank you Mr chair just one item we were approached by the town of St Leo uh they had an immediate need for Fire and Life Safety permitting plan review and inspections uh so um I am asking the board to approve ratify and confirm uh my actions of entering into an interlocal agreement with the town uh for a period of 6 months to provide those Services they would pay us our our normal fees as though any other any other developer would would pay but it helps provide them uh those Services until they're able to sort things out on their end right and in addition to that if you would add the city authorizing the administrator to sign for this the same agreement for the city of Dade City who um is also in in the market for we've got one of those coming as well yeah thank you Jeff did you want to talk about the March 22nd [Music] meeting isn't that get I'd like to get a motion on get that one done while I figure out what's going on move got a motion a second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 Z okay don't we want to shout out to that meeting about that meeting so this is the Tampa Bay Regional planning Council Pas County departmental and municipalities recovery listening SST listening session that's Dr bis's deal and yeah Mark are you you're not here it's going to be it's going to be at 9:00 a.m. it's in our EOC I believe yes and um yeah that's going to be where all the different federal agencies are going to be there um and talk about all the money they have for our projects and they want to hear good ideas on projects yes and so we will we will be participating in that and um it's going to be a hoop that's all sir that's all you have yes sir okay Mr Ste no thank you no thank you no thank you I have no comments that's a little too long so yes you have something no sir oh my gosh moving along today yall moving right along Yeah final uh I have a few items uh February 23rd I attended the engine 16 push in at State Road 54 in zeph Hills um on that day there we go we're pushing that truck in thank thank goodness we're a driver and the engine that works but uh very nice P was almost million dollar trucks in so but the next one we went over to uh just off 41 to station 28 and had a ribbon cutting ceremony and we uh were able to rededicate this station uh it's the first time it's had a what they call it a um this is the one on 41 yes no h Road just off 4 off a hail road yeah yeah but the rededication the fact they have uh officers there that are working for living there rather than volunteers they used to all be volunteer and and um the fact of it is uh this station within this past year since they've opened that back up has done 900 calls yeah I was going to add to that it's within uh two other stations within yeah it the gap of the service area M yeah splits the gap of the service area so it was a great idea uh by Chief Perez and the team to to Really identify ways to improve response time and so by reusing this asset we we've been able to to do that in the land Lakes area so right and while we there waiting on the ribbon cutting and doing what we were doing there they had a call that both um both EMS and and the fire engine went out on the call they later the fire engine came back in the um mems They Carried a person to the hospital then they finally come back in and when right before we were going to leave they had uh two calls they went on separate ways the engine went one way for man not breathing and then the ambulance ambulance going the other way for another they're on the road every time I'm driving around every they're always working so but that fatality on 52 last week my brother watched the whole thing where that car pulled out got T-boned from that neighborhood apparently that's a very dangerous intersection we need to look at it looking on online uh do you I think that's your District do you know the intersection where that fatality was where it's on 52 somewhere near Bellamy brothers um I I'll look on my map here but and looking online it said there were there would had just been another fatality at that intersectionality on B brothers so oh they've had some it made me think that we really need to look at this intersection a huge yeah there's a lot of people I think it's even Citrus County and Hernando County coming down into our County and we're looking we're looking into safety Improvement a long Bellamy BR we're working on those I've had a meeting out there actually about 100 people in the community attended that meeting um and Branford and his team is working on on issues for safety um reached out the sheriff's department they put out a a traffic speed alarm where it will it actually counts traffic but it counts the speed of the traffic so um we're I think one of the things for safety we're going to make it where nonp pass Zone cuz the accidents we've had lately have been where cars are passing and then someone turn on to the road in front of them and head on collision so they got to do so you know there's major things that need to be done Mr yep so on that note you know driving down the road is pretty tight we've got a big Development coming in yeah I don't know if we're designing to make that road wider well we are looking at that as a an end result but uh we're trying to do what we can first to do safety reasons first and answer those but eventually one day we're talking about a rebuild of that entire road cuz on down the way it's it's not very wide it's a real road and it it needs to be widened and and uh going on till it hits Hernando County so but that's in the future and that's something we've really been needing to look at it has soft shoulders on uh as you get on down down past Johnson Road in there around the bartha ranch and all they have there's been several accidents down in around those curves and people are are passing where they shouldn't be passing I mean even though it allows you to there's too much traffic there anymore for them to be passing and be safe uh I attended a workshop down at D City this past week spoke for the Evans family for a mixed use uh development piece out here at U where the public it says and it was a storage unit but the city council in D city were seeming to have a issue with the fact they thought this building was just a standalone but in fact they didn't realize that the entire 80 acres was a part of uh the Public's mixed use cuz it's got a Burger King it's got a bank and then of course the storage unit coming but some of the Commissioners a couple of them are new and they're trying to understand things um there and and they have never done it before so they don't quite understand sometimes that I've talked to the city manager and hopefully they'll get some more training because they need some of that training to make good decisions for the city they they've annexed a bunch of property into the City and they can't be uh naysayers and say no to every all the growth is coming because in a sense they they did it themselves when they Annex property in so people are coming and the growth's going to happen so there'll be a lot of good things coming of it but this uh storage facility be a nice building doesn't pays good aalon tax to the city which they need and uh not much traffic Forest Police or anything else that would cause them to have to pay a lot of services for it but it's a good product and then I hope the sighting isn't uh I hope the the site plan is something that's not like what we've done on 54 I hope it's improved well this is not on the road it's not on it's not facing out on Clinton Avenue or anything it's back into the development so um next on uh I visited the Tropical Acres EST States again saw that the U fdot had U widen up the time limit on on 56 and 301 to release traffic there for a longer period of time and also back uh at the other light toward 39 they or Chanty excuse me chy road they've done the same there and it made that traffic kind of spread out and it it's better than it was but they were having people killed coming out of Florida uh Tropical Acres in that property uh try just trying to get out on the road and and go to Zer Hills and eventually there's a light coming there and fdot has been working with me to uh make the is out there much better until we get that light there so and hopefully within this next year we'll have that light which will help that Community right there next thing was uh and chief Perez attended with me because the first time I went out about a month ago um there was a lot of questions about fire service and and how they were handling their fire their calls for their in their park so and he answered those and uh it was it went very the meeting went went very well so uh March 5th we held a joint workshop with Newport Richie and Port Richie um I was I was actually ecstatic the fact that PT Richie came and uh most everybody came but one or two parties but um and I think it was a very good meeting that we had everybody was uh that room was not one-sided like it has been the last two years prior to that when we didn't have Fort Richie being a part of it so I think they're changing and they're going to be working and do the best for poor Richie so I look forward to that so but um and what else we got here oh uh we had an invest invest invest H investure an attorney would know that for the uh new judge uh new NY and it was well attended uh basically almost standing room only when if you hadn't gotten there early so the room was full and uh very well done and uh and of the understanding he's been working for 6 months prior to this and everyone spoke very well of the work he was doing was very good so all right that's all I have so anything else any want to bring up hold now y'all realize it's only 5 after 3 I got meetings tday I'm good but April 10th is going to be a lot later we're [Music] [Music] jour [Music] Wildlife depend on you to keep them healthy excess fertilizer grass clippings trash oils and pet waste wash into gutters and storm drains when it rains storm water carries these pollut directly into our lakes and rivers creating --------- [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh merciful Creator your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature make us thankful for your loving Providence and grant grant that we remembering the account that we must one day give may be faithful stewards of your good gifts amen Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all Madam clerk please call The roow District Two commissioner waitman pres District three commissioner starky here District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano here district one chairman Oakley here I think I just heard Gary's with us okay so we have a quorum um now is the time for public comment citizens are given an opportunity to comment on any current or future agenda item coming before the board uh on on other business or the board's perview uh today's public comment will be uh handled as as follows first we will take comment from people that are in person here today then we will take uh public comment from those who are pre-registered for a WebEx link and currently on Q we request that uh those that address the board uh their comments are not directed personally toward any commissioner or team member but rather direct to the issues this provides mutual respect between board members and the public after starting your uh stating your name and address for the clerk 3 Minute Timer will be started after 2 minutes a single beat will indicate you have one minute left when you time is up two beats will will'll sound and you should finish your comments um WebEx participant will be disconnected Ed um autom automatically after they finish their comment or their 3 minutes is up Madam clerk do we have anyone signed up for public comment uh yes sir we have two for in person um so Randy Shane is the first one followed by n Nancy Hazelwood okay so Mr Shane state your name and address for the clerk good morning my name my name is Randy Shane I'm at 9021 Wire Road zepher Hills Florida um good morning Commissioners chairman and other Commissioners uh this is kind of a followup from my uh email on 215 uh about the spray jet Pap uh data that we collected from Bruce BS um I don't know can I move to receiving file what's that got a mo Motion in a second all those all those uh in favor in in favor roll say I but it's roll call all right District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass okay yes um yeah it's just my follow-up email um the the data that we collected from Brucey DS for the spray jet faer is uh outstanding um each of you have a copy of it uh it's basically uh the spray jet paper versus traditional Paving um and the bond strength is just uh almost double um using an analogy um I don't know about the how many people remember the old bag phones the the old bag cell phones um I'm sure we all used them back in the day uh but that's kind of like the the old bag phone is like those conventional paper and the new iPhone 15 is like a spray jet paper that's what we're talking about the difference here and um uh just I don't I want to use all my time but um out here on Meridian Avenue um we do work for Dade City as well and we um I got with them about 6 months or 8 months ago and Meridian had a eastbound from the courthouse just past City Hall I asked them if that was their Road it's got a bunch of slippage on it and on your way out today drive down that road that's what conventional Paving does um I don't know when that was done but they told me that was a County Road uh Meridian uh so and I'm just going by what they said I don't know for a fact that it's a county road but uh that'll give you an idea of that slippage that you get from conventional pting uh when you when you say slippage what does that mean what's that slippage I don't know what you mean I know what it is to slip slippage yeah it's where the um it's basically when you mail an overlay or if you just overlay and you uh you do you don't get that Bond uh that's what we're talking about this report the the uh the bond to the old pavment is almost double with the spray jet paper versus conventional Paving but if you look down through there you'll see it um it's it's almost like uh it's not rippled but the asphalt the old asphalt is just sliding on top of the old asphalt the new asphalt sliding on top of the old yeah the new asphalt sliding on top of the N I'm going to look at I mean the old so you can see the spots down through there I took some pictures but uh I don't have those you know they're on my iPhone but you can you can see it plain as day on that eastbound Lane and that's that's the difference uh that's the biggest difference uh between the um spray jet paper and conventional P that's why we're really pushing this uh spray jet paper with the county and not just the county but the state um we're looking at doing um little road uh that's the next road we have uh we'd love to use spray jet paper there um and the state is going to be coming out to that as well we've got their attention with this report as well so there's any other questions no there's no questions this public comments okay okay all right all right thanks thank you yep all right Miss Hazelwood name and address really you got to tell me I should a ni Place State City Florida um I I'm here to Badger you all about the Brooksville Ridge again uh I went by ramsy Road in St Joe and the whole place is just down 25 ft and then you look across to St Joe Road so you've got on both sides of St Joe Road and you've got another one being taken down I thought they were only going to stay in one section but they've carried that all the way to I don't know that road that with Luchi electrics on so you've got two there I am concerned about it happening all over the Northeast roal area it's called the Brooksville Ridge it is a high recharge water area y'all are starting to have water problems you need all your water taking down these Hills and then Plastering them with asphalt streets and rooftops are not is not going to help the situation at all so I am hoping you will enact some type of changes so that those Hills are protected and no longer allowed to be taken down in that area they are rare in Florida also so if y'all would please hear my plea thank y'all thank you anyone is anyone in the audience wish to speak at public coming this morning that did not sign up see a no and we have anybody on WebEx yes sir we do the first individual signed up on WebEx is Miss Angel cook Miss Cook are you there Miss Cook are you there if you are you are muted thank you okay name and address for the record and then you have three minutes thank you good morning commissioner my name is Angel 614 Jefferson Street New Port Richie 34652 I'm here on behalf of the Rotary Club of holiday I a past president of the Rotary Club of holiday and for five years have served as a chairperson for both the holiday Street parade and the Chasco Fiesta Street parade both parades attract thousands of Spectators and follow the same route which is just under three miles the greatest challenge that we face with both parades is maintaining Public Safety to safely cover the parade route requires 2400 barricades a few years ago Pasco County dispersed to the three municipalities ities the barricades that they had stored and managed those barricades are shared throughout the county for various large events over time a portion of the barricades have been discarded due to damage currently Newport Richie has 950 Dade City has 189 and Zephyr Hills has 222 barricades for both parades we borrow from Dade City and Zephyr Hills leaving us still short over a thousand barricades requiring us to call other cities to borrow theirs in the past we have borrowed denan and the City of Tampa when we borrow barricades from those cities our Rotary Club must solicit volunteers who are willing to use their personal or business vehicles and trailers along with giving up a couple of days work to get them those volunteers drive to those cities to get the barricades and physically load them and transport them to Newport Richie then after the parade volunteers must trans transport them back to the city we borrow them from and on load them the liability alone with the chance of an auto accident during transport or a volunteer being injured while lifting that many barricades is reason enough for me to ask for help in getting barricades that we need to Newport Richie once we add in almost three miles of parade route where Spectators are lining the streets for the floats the risk is extremely high of an injury occurring we need these additional 14400 barricades to keep the Gest from approaching the float and prevent the risk of someone getting hit because of float operator is not able to see them residents from not only Pasco County but the surrounding counties come to these parades it is our duty to make them as safe as as possible I would like the board of County Commissioners help in securing the purchase of these much-needed barricades to continue this 45y year tradition of these Community parades I appreciate your time and consideration on behalf of the Rotary Club of holiday thank you all right the next individual signed up is Nicholas mans Mr mans are you there Mr mans if you are there you are muted muted okay I can hear you now so name and address for the record and then you have three minutes got it so my name is uh Nicholas mans my address is 4863 Wellbrook Drive Newport riching Florida 34653 so good morning Commissioners um my name is like I said Nicholas mans I'm also here representing the Ry Club of holiday and as Angel stated he is the the past past president of the club but I'm the current president of Ry club and uh just to pee back on her comments just a little bit the public safety issue is first and foremost our our top concern both for our club as well as the city educ for Richie but the the rot Cal Holiday chco steering committee they fa this every time we put on both of these grades and just to provide a little background in mid 2000s the county used tourism dollars to buy barricades however year after year the crowds keep getting bigger and the parades keep getting more popular so as those parades grow bigger and the crowd grows bigger so does the need for the barricade as angel said as volunteers we try to get them from the various cities but the overwhelming am time and Manpower is is an us and the availability is inconsistent so I mean the bottom line is today's parades are unsafe so we're asking the County Commissioners to fund the purchase of barricades to protect the citizens and our ability to continue the parade tradition that the City of Newport Richie and the PCO County residents have been [Music] that it that is it are you finished yes sir okay thank you now we move on to we have uh time certains on our resolutions so we'll move um and it's 10:15 now our time certain for resolution is 10:45 uh uh so we'll move on into consent items the consent agenda paper I have items uh C15 uh withdrawn c17 pull and revise c26 withdrawn c36 withdrawn c37 withdrawn that's all on my list the board has okay does anybody in the board wish to pull any other items seeing none move approval the remaining consense agenda second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass Five Zer uh we'll move on to the pulled items uh C15 of course withdrawn c117 pull and revise yes sir good morning chairman and board um there's two parts to this P Revis the first one Anderson name and Department name and department for the record Doug Anderson assistant director Pasco County Facilities Management thank you okay uh there were two errors the first one was a there was a scribers error in the subject of the actual agenda memo and changing project Group C was revised to project Group D and also on the second page of the memo Group C was revised to group d uh the second the second Po and revised was page 38 of exhibit a and Civic clerk was showing track changes so these changes were applied to the original uh sign document and signed so we were replacing that with Pages 38 39 40 and 41 of the um of the agreement move approv with the noted changes second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass Five Z and Mr chairman yes if I could uh hey Doug I want to say your team did phenomenal job when we brought this item up and we had the discussion with it so greatly appreciate you guys working with the request of the board I think you did a fantastic job with it thanks commissioner thank you very much I'll pass on to the team okay all that's left on the seat is c26 as withdrawn c36 withdrawn and c37 withdrawn so that completes [Music] the uh consent agenda this is very unusual meeting still have plenty of time so um r48 there Mr chairman yes sir I think the people from r47 are here so we could actually do that one are they ready okay come forward good morning uh David Engel planning and economic growth director I'm happy here today uh happy to be here today because we are presenting a Expansion Project of an existing business called Global ETS they are leading uh testing lab for electronic equipment and they're situated in the West Pasco um Industrial Park C the slides up please thank you so again the Project's located in the west side of Pasco County at the West Pasco industrial park on success drive right off of State Road 54 the project uh is been situated there for a number of years and it's had a number of expansions the project is a qualified Target industry as certified by the Pasco Economic Development Council the business is proposing a $3 million Capital renovation uh of an $8,000 ft facility they are going to create 32 new full-time jobs and their contribution to the gross County project product annually will be $6.1 million once the folks are hired and the facility is completed uh this Pro this is a job creation incentive uh pursuant to our job creation ordinance uh there's a maximum of $160,000 incapped for this incentive and the average wage is projected at $95,500 and every year for every dollar of the incentive they'll return $37 to the county in uh an economic benefit so uh the planning and economic growth Department uh recommends approval of this incentive but prior to taking a vote I'd like to introduce Turner Arbor he's the economic development senior economic development manager for the Pasco Economic Development Council thank you okay morning Commissioners yes sir it's a great day in Pasco County yes sir I do it right okay I'm thrilled to be here today to celebrate the growth of and to shine the spotlight on global Electronics testing services better known as gets a member of our business Community since 2012 uh with their recent expansion they're poised to create 32 new high skill High wage jobs each with a focus on high-tech Innovation and an international impact gats is somewhat unique in Pasco as their defense contractor with a global footprint uh that is headquartered right here in Odessa today they operate across five locations worldwide including strategic hubs in Asia Europe and North America and they exemplify excellence and international collaboration and Technical technological advancement as leaders in independent as leaders in Independent Electrical component authentication and testing services get sets the standard for innovation in their industry their cuttingedge technology and advanced testing methodologies have been developed in part through a partnership with the University of South Florida and have enabled them to grow into a global leader in defense Tech technology by choosing Pasco County as a site for their expansion they're not only investing in our community but also helping to reinforce Pasco as our reputation as a hub for defense and high-tech Innovation and we are excited to see their continued success and with that i' like to invite up dan t president CEO of yes say a few words yes sir well thank you thank you uh I'm deeply grateful for the consideration thank you for um um Pasco EDC and the board the board members um clobs actually wouldn't be here without you uh the help of the Pasco Community I really appreciate that as a citizen of Pasco been here since 2006 when um the roow is not fully built you see where they are right now it's amazing for me here super excited uh I'm long time here and I go to continue to expand further and this is just the beginning and you're going to see us that right now we have some major projects inhouse that bring technology AI Technologies to the Pasco County and really put us on the map as far as what we develop internally with the patent technology that we have here so I really really appreciate the support of everyone here the Pas community and I I cannot thank you enough appreciate it thank you sir can we get your name for the record I'm sorry my name is Dan Tang I'm the owner of global s LLC thank you Mr T thank you okay ch um Dan Dan um I'm just so excited to see you here and um we've been friends for a while so and to to watch your company just explode is so exciting can you talk a little bit about a little bit more about what you do and your expansion over the last few years absolutely so we're specializ electronic counterfeit electronic components so uh in this um world counterfeit electronic uh it make up around $200 billion worth uh globally so pretty much anytime our any Aerospace defense company using electronic components that is not uh certified or has been going uh purchase to uh a traceable uh Source uh will go through US BLS is independent third party test lab we authenticate to ensure the device is integrity is uh meet the standard and that it is no counterfeit uh going to um our our system our government actually here have a lot of issues where we have counterfeit uh product Escape uh that go into the submarine jet fighter so a lot of the concern people may not be aware is a lot Electronic Component is very Hightech and very complex uh lots of time you can't tell until you put in the system and once in the system and you activate the chip and the chip can fail at any uh temperature range especially if it's on an aircraft aircraft up in the air minus 65 degrees celsus chip does not perform what it's supposed to be doing result catastrophic there life at risk so our job here to ensure the Integrity of components that goes into uh pretty much everything uh from the Aerospace industry to Automotive um you name you got because electronic is is the number four most traded commodity uh in the world and I I know the um with our government here we're trying to protect our Technologies here and it's one of the reason why we know that uh United States is um passing the bills to expand and bring the fat manufacturer back to the United States here so this is very critical uh where we are it's very critical in in in the application and um where uh the the piece of property where he's expanding to you all will know because it it is the property next to that frat house right uh yes so no that's it's near it's in the near the frat house um but it's in the back end but when you men get that property I thought you going we're in the process of working out to to obtain that property for future growth oh maybe I wasn't supposed to say anything that's a project that work like I say we're we're already just uh expanded this year and um we're we talking about expand further with a new project called blue op view so I'm very excited in the next couple years to introduce that project uh as we continue to grow and um Dan is a part of my International CEO group that I take around um the Tampa Bay area and look at assets and fun things and U I think you enjoy it so thank you little com camaraderie with the other other guys so I'm just so excited to watch your success and that um you're going to be here what one last question what kind of job skills will this create are you looking for engineers you looking for you know what what kind of folks are you looking for just so people are hearing this excellent excellent question actually our job require very highly skilled technical master degree uh including even PhD electrical engineer not only majority of our our team electrical engineers but only that we also have master degree uh chemical engineer as well as mechanical engineers as we are designing uh some of the um a product that we we have patent in-house as well so collaborating with University of South Florida was is a big big help and that's majority of our um Talent has come from the uh graduate from USF wonderful yeah we thank you for you've been here a long time so you've been helping us grow and grow until we're reaching that point we're premar County and thank you and your team for for being here and doing what you do for Pasco County so thank you I appreciate it appr every and I've got a grandson that's a chemical engineer I'll have him call you you anything say yeah I just like to say congratulations keep up the great work um it it's been fun watching you grow thank you thank you yeah absolutely Echo the the sentiments of my fellow Commissioners and uh exciting to hear hear you guys growing and expanding your footprint and appreciate all you bring to our County so thank you I appreciate that okay yeah uh so do we need a motion yeah yeah I think we did I'll make that motion all right got a motion second uh by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman I District three commissioner starky I District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion passed 401 so second commission okay all right you wait you said it past 41 4 Z 4 Z okay we just add one not a no vote so I'm sure he's for you but he had to step away so if you will uh join me down front we'll have the pictures I'm GNA go [Music] first very good than okay that was 47 48 is standing here and 48s in front of us okay yes good morning good morning Commissioners um Brum assistant County Administrator public infrastructure Branch I'm pleased today to recommend the appointment of Mr Kevin pla as our next Solid Waste director Kevin when through our rather rigorous interview process with other well qualified candidates and made it job Kevin is a professional with more than 25 years of management and Technical experience he's a leader with philosophies and practices consistent with Pasco core values he fully understands what people performance purpose and performance me I have no doubt he will be an excellent addition to the Pasco team I will now ask Kevin to step forward to say some few words good morning good morning chairman Oakley Commissioners my name is Kevin Pisa um I have had the very fortunate experience of being involved in Pasco County Solid Waste for over 30 years I've done that on the private sector and actually my involvement began when I was was an intern at the University of Florida uh I have a lot of experience and um but Mo my most notable experiences really occurred at Pasco County of advancement of leadership driving people driving Innovation so I'm very fortunate and I've always felt very close to to Pasco County so when this opportunity came up for the solid waste director position I did not believe I could pass it up uh I'm very much aligned with the vision of the community of the Commissioners I think going back to even the mid 80s the the vision that the Commissioners had on solid waste and how that truly drives sustainability and protection of Natural Resources that's what drives me today the continued vision of this community and the Commissioners and how I can work with a very solid team that's in place today to continue to drive innovation and protect the natural resources that we have so I really appreciate the opportunity I do appreciate the team that's in place I think it's a great team and as Branford said I think your interview and uh vetting process for um you know interviewing people is extremely robust and I certainly appreciate it so thank you I uh spoke to a gentleman that's known you for quite a while as John Powers last night he said you were the man so I know that you can do the job so he said you've got all the information and education all to help us move forward so I appreciate that apprciate yes sir thank CH yeah congrats on the on the new post and not the be remiss but John Batista back there for holding holding holding down the fort until you came along so John good job and appreciate all all the work the solid waste folks do for our County this your yeah Kevin you got a very impressive resume and probably more impressive work history um delighted to have you back on the team and uh especially in a big lead role so thank you very much Mr I just welcome to the team thank you great to have you um I'm looking for a motion move approval second motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford okay District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 4 Z thank you thank you very much yes sir welcome aboard well bring you uh come on back and we'll take a picture remember this day everybody okay we'll take a little slower I guess whatever so that was 48 yes sir 49 49 49 ready R 49 so okay good morning Commissioners J JJ Murphy I I remember standing up here about 16 months ago doing my uh introduction so uh it's good to be in front of you again uh what I know now I didn't know then certainly about uh correctional facilities and inmate health care and all those things uh what I will tell you is I stand Here proud side by side with the chief we went through an ex extensive process with purchasing we had a committee to get to where we are today the chief will walk you through a presentation but I really believe that this investment um moving forward will save money uh because of some of your leadership and some of your actions in term on the federal level uh we're in this fight we went to Washington uh to work on the insurance issues so inmate healthc care uh doesn't end today uh it starts today and I think if we move forward we'll start with a good partner so with that Chief do your thing appreciate it um good morning uh Stacy Jenkins chief of Corrections uh representing uh the Corrections Department and Public Safety um I'm here today to request approval from the board to Grant an award of bid for inmate medical mental health and pharmaceutical services to naare Incorporated for initial term of 5 years with one additional 5year renewal um as this board is aware um prior to assuming the correct ction facility operations in October of 2022 um you accepted and extended multiple vendor contracts with an intent of evaluating the services and providers over the first year of operation um in June of 2023 Pasco count solicited an invitation to negotiate for inmate healthcare services and we we received seven proposals from seven different Correctional healthare providers the seven providers written responses were evaluated by a evaluation committee who further reduced a vendor list to four for oral presentation and then selected two vendors which we negotiated with negotiation considerations included onsite and offsite care for the inmates vendor experience providing Health Care within a large Correctional Facility experience within Florida Florida litigation Financial standing and added value Services there we go navare has appr proven a record and experience of proactive and a proactive care model um and they provided us the confidence um that we believe that they can operate our medical uh treatment for our inmates navare provided Staffing and price considerations for our current population up to approximately 1,700 inmates for and for the expansion that is going to eventually House of 250 inmates they also offered a perdum rate so if we fall below that uh 1,700 uh number or above uh certain uh thresholds um we will either pay into or be credited uh for those populations navare cost presented to the board includes projected offsite cost at $2,250,000 with a shared cost for off-site or Specialty Care between that $2,250,000 up to 2,750,000 anything over that 200 or $2,750,000 cost would be a full responsibility of the county so I'm requesting the board approval this is the breakdown of uh funding for this particular contract and I'm requesting approval for a 5-year term at a not to exceed value of 81 m524 720 .98 um I'm available for any questions or concerns and we do have representatives from nap here in the audience any questions from the board I just say ouch yeah and you know we're continuing to work on help with this um just so everyone knows one when we were in Tallahassee we talked to our legislators about um um getting the ability to cap the cost the same way the state does with um right now it's different for them versus us which makes no sense and I I think that if we worked out a little better and earlier I think there was a lot there may be support for that one and two um at the federal level we continue to talk with our Congressional Delegation and others about the um what I think is a mistake Maybe um with the Social Security Act where if you get arrested and you go to go to jail you immediately lose your federal health benefits and um you can spend a quite amount of time in there and then you're found not guilty and you come out and you've got no benefits and you have to reapply and and the county uh taxpayers have to pick up that liability and it makes no sense so we continue to try and change that at the federal level as well so maybe we'll well you know if we are successful and this comes down will this is this a fixed cost or is this projected what if what if we're successful that is a question this is a full health care and a a presumption that we continue as normal um I am sure that the selected vendor will work with us if we receive um reductions in cost okay okay any other questions Mr yeah I would like to make sure that we're going to have that flexibility so if that's not in the contract let's take a close look at it if the County attorneys looked at it someone's coming up to the podium maybe yes sir morning Commissioners my name is Kenny Davis I'm a senior vice president with nap care if you achieve what you're talking about as a partner moving forward in this Venture we will certainly look at those things and the the savings that you can find through those federal or state programs we're absolutely going to redo this with those in mind we're we all benefit from that we're all citizens of some County somewhere and that's a benefit to everybody may you come to Washington with us you could talk about I'll stay in hillsbor okay all right all right move approval second got a motion second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford go ahead he's yeah District 5 commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley hi motion pass 4 Z thank you now it's time certain it is uh 1045 so we'll have rs1 okay so um is anyone here for World Down syndrome day if so please come to the podium bring your group okay I'm going to read the resolution a resolution by the border County commissioners of Pasco County Florida declaring March 21 2024 as World Down syndrome day in Pasco County resolution number 24- 077 whereas World Down syndrome day is a global awareness day that has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012 and advocates for the rights inclusion and well-being of people with Down syndrome and whereas Down syndrome occurs when an individual has an extra partial or whole copy of chromosome 21 and it is not yet known why this syndrome occurs or what causes it and whereas individuals with Down Syndrome can achieve optimal quality of life through parental care and support medical guidance adequate Access to Health Care early intervention programs inclusive education and community-based support systems facilitating their participation in mainstream society and the Fulfillment of their personal potential and whereas World Down syndrome day is held on the 21st day of the 3D month to signify the uniqueness of the triplication tonomy of the 21st chromosome that causes Down syndrome and whereas World Down syndrome day's goal is to educate the community about the myth surrounding Down syndrome and to stop the stereotyping of individuals with Down syndrome and whereas around 1 in every 800 babies will be born with Down syndrome in the United States and about 5,100 babies with Down Syndrome are born in the United States each year making Down syndrome the most common chromosomal condition and whereas individuals with Down Syndrome have an inherent right to be accepted and included as valued and equal members of the community and whereas the theme for this year's World Down syndrome day is end the stereotypes which emphasizes that stereotypes can stop people with Down synd from being treated like other people and that each person with Down Syndrome is different just like everyone else and whereas on March 21 2024 Pasco County can create a voice for people with Down Syndrome by Illuminating landmarks in blue and yellow to commemorate World Down syndrome day now therefore be it resolved by the board of County commissioners of Pasco County Florida that said board hereby declares March 21 2024 as World Down syndrome day in Pasco County and encourages the illumination of landmarks in blue and yellow From Dusk to Dawn done and resolved in regular session with a Corum present in voting this 12th day of March 20124 motion move approval second got a motion in second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley hi motion pass 5 welcome uh do you have something you'd like to present to us here so yes yes we do thank you so very much um respected Commissioners I appreciate the chance to address you today I'm Ashley and I'm joined with my four-year-old son tell me your name what's your name no what's your name bro bro [Laughter] and uh partnering with um my good friend Becca here she's also a vice president of our local nonprofit downum organization called friends um I'm the president and executive director but um we serve families in Hillsboro pinelis and now we recently had Pasco County as well so we're expanding and we love it but um we offer essential special needs information education and resources to expectant and new families we also do fun activities in a safe inclusive environment but um we want to thank you especially uh councilman waitman for uh sponsoring us for today and we thank you all for uh passing for March 21st to be recogniz this world down Sy Day in Pasco County my brother-in-law taught him that thank you brother-in-law thought of that they'll say Uncle Chris um world Down syndrome day as uh m Alvarez was saying that um it was uh put by on uh in 2012 the whole world recognizes March 21st as World Down syndrome day so all over the world um monuments and structures all over will light up blue and yellow the awareness colors for Down syndrome and uh it promotes inclusion and awareness and like the theme and stereotypes this year to end the stereotypes that you know people with Down Syndrome um you know can't hold jobs can't can't be included in regular school classes and and all that's not true and you'll see if you watch ABC Action News actually on world down syndome B we're going to be interviewed about all that as well and uh I'll hand it over to here so she can talk he want take over he wants to talk good morning U my name is Rebecca roko um I'm a resident my myself and my family is a resident of West Pasco County we lived here for nearly 4 years I'm a wife I'm a mother to three beautiful children and I'm also a critical care nurse um our daughter Lindy is eight and she really wanted to be here today but she's in school right now in Pasco County um so Lindy she's the biggest best sister to our twin boys uh Kaden and Cooper and I do also want to thank you for allowing me to just share a minute of why World Down syndrome Day means so much to me and my family um on July 5th 2021 at just 28 weeks we welcome dark twin boys into the world uh in our Cooper here in the front was the one in 700 babies born each year with the third copy of our of the 21st chromosome which is also known as Tricom 21 or down syndrome this year will be our third year celebrating World Down syndrome day we are so excited about this we encourage all of our friends and families to celebrate with us by wearing mismatched socks or wearing something blue and yellow which is the colors of down syndrome awareness World Down syndrome day which is held on March 21st is a global awareness day like we talked about which has been observed by the United Nations since 2012 um our family loves celebrating World Down syndrome day my daughter saves her casual pass for this day um from last year every day so she can dress in blue and yellow and support her brother um and like we've talked about um world Down syndrome day um we are calling for people around the world to end the stereotypes a stereotype is a set of ideas that people have about when someone about something or someone um is like stereotypes could be positive they can be negative or neutral but once formed a stereotype can be difficult to change stereotypes about Down syndrome and those who have it can cause unwarranted fear for new parents and families the little ones born with Down Syndrome I personally felt that fear and I experienced despair as I sobbed for hours when learning of this diagnosis I felt that our lives were over and we would be terminally overburdened and that we would have no future as a family all because because of an extra microscopic entity the most common chromosomal anomaly in humans Tri triom 21 Down syndrome stereotypes are hurtful for people with Down syndrome and intellectual disabilities stereotypes can stop them from being treated like other people they are often treated like children they are often underestimated and often excluded having Down syndrome or an intellectual disability is only one small part of a person there are many awesome things we can learn by observing those with Down Syndrome this world Down syndrome day our family is asking you our community and Commissioners to join with us in the rest of the World by declaring and recognizing March 21st as World Down syndrome day in Pasco County we are also calling on on the board to please consider lining up a landmark in our County in blue and yellow to show support for all those with Down Syndrome World Down syndrome day is so important to me and my family and we want to do our part to help remove this stereotype Sur surounding Down syndrome as well as update a sometimes archaic public opinion as to what Down syndrome is and to what to expect from people who have it thank you again um Commissioners and Council for your time and your consideration for approving we really really appreciate it very much okay to receive and file all those by uh R call vote District Two commissioner waitman hi District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman o i motion pass 5 well thank you for for coming today and making us aware of of this day so I'm not sure if we knew about this day before be honest with you I don't it's not well thank you so much so y'all have a facility you go to or anything or just through families contact with families is how you do yes just Word of Mouth uh we have a a very big walk that we do the Buddy Walk every year in October October is actually uh Down syndrome awareness month for the world so we actually have a big uh walk it's our biggest fundraiser so it just word of mouth and people um hearing about us and uh we have a website but we're trying to get the word out so we uh we do big celebrations with the org organization we're actually having a world down synd Day event on the 23rd atampa where are you doing we always celebrate we always celebrating something zampa Z okay any other questions Mr Whitman thank you chair Yeah Ashley and Becca and Dad what's what's Mark sorry yes you see a little busy in my opinion we're all parents and grandparents here our kids are all most precious gift and uh it's an honor that you all reach out to us and educate us on the challenges and the blessings that you have when raising kids that have you know this situation so you know anytime that that you want to share information with us I think we'd all probably be open to hearing and and learning more and I'm happy to love and support you all as you as you go through life so thank you for being here today we you could come back October because we actually spoke in front of Tampa City Council in October for down we would love to come back okay you have anything say uh just God bless you thank well do you do walk in Pasco County yet no we are so it's just one central location where everybody from all the counties come to it we had almost a thousand attendees last year keeps growing and growing every year so I'm looking at your website well we'll all uh come down and we'll make a picture and and actually try to put it on media that media will know about March 21st now thank you so much [Music] a okay everybody here please wait let me good thank you [Music] get [Music] now we got r45 yeah there we go the 11:00 just arrived the 11:00's r45 right on time I I make in here today our clock's not working but good morning Commissioners can everybody hear me all right yes well my name is Ari jav and it's my pleasure to be here to recognize Pasco County today for your commitment to commission manager form of government and I'm here on behalf of fccma which stands for florid the city and county management association and the award being presented today is actually by icma which stands for international County and City management association it's my distinct privilege to recognize you for your support and your commitment to actually providing guidance and support to your county manager and I also would like to to recognize your county manager for the exceptional service that he has provided to the community and I also want to share a quick fact that back in 2009 there was a poll conducted to find out how many uh folks or citizens knew about you know the role of government leaders in shaping your communities and it was found that only 5% of the citizens in the communities knew what that meant so in 2015 fccma decided to to take this baton and raise awareness about different communities and different counties about what it means to actually have a professional County manager and what what he or she does for the local community so I guess in a nutshell what I wanted to highlight is that the reason for having a professional County manager is to basically separate the legislative duties from your Administration oversight again my privilege and honor here to to be presenting you with this 50y year anniversary for the commissioner manager form of government so with your permission I would like to present this to the chair and the Commissioners and the county manager and I would ask everybody if you can recognize them maybe give them a round of applause for okay thank you we'll go down anyone want to speak question Mar yeah can ask a question so this past year we had a uh legislation ramification from the previous year's Bill about live local I wondering what type of um role you guys took and how you did you look at the issue at all I can actually get that information over to our appropriate personnel who deals with that stuff and they can be in touch with you that's not under my perview I actually am part of the professional management matters committee there's a separate legislative committee that deals with those things and I'll be happy to Pro I guess have a followup with that I I recommend you make it a big issue for yourselves to study it because with a group like yours to lead the way city and county together um we started fighting the battle pretty much a lot of others joined in including cities and I think the more support coming up the better because we still don't know what the full effects going to be this year but we know we're going to have to be ready for next year sure thank you okay anything else all right we'll come down and take a picture so I think you should that's good thank I want to thank everybody for this opportunity thank you and have a great day thank you 11 really early for that one really early so we covered everything over business we go to Old business we'll go to Old business for now until the time gets right for the next one is which is at 11:30 Andy Taylor's here CH out you waiting for yes okay we'll wait on it all right Seth ordinary business yes so commissioner starky follows water tax watch Pretty closely and they're 2023 and look report came out there's a pile of information in here and I was curious since we're having more robust budget conversations I guess quarterly now as we're going through on page was it 24 23 21 that was 41 yeah just go per capita total County revenue no we want expenditures just down a couple pages from this is this is a really fascinating um Publications so anyway yeah so Pasco so when we're going through and we're looking at expenditures pasco's ranked 23 on expenditures and we have a big old budget and you know for me I'm very measured on on our you know way we tax our our citizens and wants versus needs so obviously seeing this it just made me curious as to what what are we doing in our expenditures that makes Pasco 20 23 of 67 counties and there's other information in there I think it be we can identify what what's the driver to to how it ranks Pasco I think that' be create some fine dialogue as we go through as we go through our budget process so um interesting report I know commissioner starky references tax watch quite often and um just thought to bring that to everybody's attention that we're 22 and and spending money so CU see what all what all we're getting Bay for a buck out of out of that number that's pretty much it for me today okay um M sty I'm busy looking at Florida Tax watches latest publication all right I I have some photos um I was driving up 19 the other day and TW twice it just my heart just dropped that but we're still having businesses do this and I just I don't know how we we got to really pump up our education so this is this is a place where I go to buy bait um I went there uh Saturday to get um bait for my grandson to fish and this is what they did to their trees and it just you know I'm trying to clean up holiday and and make it a much more attractive place for businesses and residents and we're always getting slammed on no no one cares about holiday and to watch a business do something like this is really frustrating so um I I know I know this is not legal and I our our code uh enforcement is on this now but it's going to take years for this to come back um and never mind that their hedge is is just non-existent um next picture um oh so here's what the wind Dixie used to look like um and now they' just chopped off the whole all the top of it so you can see that billboard on someone else's property um this doesn't look nearly as bad from this view as when you're coming up 19 um the same thing happened on Little Road we caught the company that was cutting the B the trees down so you could see the billboard um and they got fined tens of thousands of dollars for all all the our trees they're on our public right away and they cut them down to see a billboard on private property so um again I I don't know if it's education just um what it is but we just have to find a way to um to let our businesses know it's not okay to be doing this um Mr chairman yes sty just to add look looking at that right there though this reminds me of with Luchi from years ago went through and the other utilities as well went through and cut the power cut around the power lines so they didn't grow up to it we made may want to look at I think we did make some changes that you wouldn't put any more oak trees right underneath the power line yeah well that's not the power line the power Line's up much higher that is a um like a telephone line or something it's not it's not this was not done for the power lines it looks like that in this picture this was done so you could see that billboard there another reason why I hate Billboards um okay uh next picture um okay this this is right across from the county building um we passed an ordinance on the feather banners and I just want to remind our code officers that they're not you're not allowed to have as many as you want you're you're allowed one um and so just want to just remind everyone that that uh we we did take care of that it's just still Pro prolific all around the county um next I want to talk about about the Trinity pumps and I brought this up a number of times we have um we have these pumps on Little Road in front of uh one's in front of Thousand Oaks and there's one on the other side kind of by gener I think it's Generations Church it might be Pope United Methodist Church um I've asked for us to do something that looks nicer than having that pump which uh is you know it's it's very unsightly along the side of the road I want to suggest someone said they want well they'll surround it with chain Le fence no that that's not that's just as unsightly as as the pump so can't we make something like these um um privacy screens that just give it a little more class than having a pump frankly I worried about vandalism on a pump like that so uh I just think we could do better and we should do better okay um uh La uh well I have two more things three more things sorry um uh I learned this weekend that once a month the ank Lighthouse is open uh it's on the first weekend of every month it stops in May and may will be the last they stop in the summer because it's too hot to climb the tower in the summer and it picks back up in the fall but um that's us on the top of the tower there um my husband my grandson and uh Katie's boy and my daughter and another friend 120 steps um but it's a beautiful view up there and and it's just a great a um a nice thing to go to go see this Lighthouse actually 35 years ago when it was um all rusted out and steps were missing and um we used to go up there and have picnics at the very top all the time my husband and I got engaged about 100 yards from from the bottom of that an that uh Lighthouse so I actually am taking those CEOs that on the on the my next tour that's one of our stops our last stop is to uh go visit the ank Lighthouse um okay uh wanted to talk and remind everybody that we we made a commitment to our citizens about um buying up our private utilities and there was a time when we had a plan and I don't know what that plan is anymore we purchased two we uh what was the first one that we got it was Jasmine Lakes home Terrace okay J that one then the next one we got was lindri um we got help from the legislature and help from with arpa funds to buy that um I think the next one is Matt Hatter the last system is Aloha and I and I'm not saying we got to you know do it now I'm just saying what is our plan because I I'm always out there talking to people especially the lwha people cuz that's a lot of my district not water so bad um and the rates are so high that we we just need to be able to articulate a plan did you want to say something on that I was going to I was going to say as far as the order as far as we in which we took them um Aloha would be first the no I think it's the biggest one so they said it would be last because it'll have the most impact Aloha the Aloha system carries the most debt and and would be the largest impact back to the county so you would want to probably tackle that one last just just because of the complexities involved the Consolidated system the Mad Hatter system is actually a system that's experiencing growth and it would make sense to be your next acquisition Target utilities is doing an efficiency study right now and they'll be handling uh rates for for next year as well that would be the time to to really look at officially making making a move on that system yeah I mean those people have suffered for a long time yeah well I that's why I want to make sure that we have a plan because all of a sudden I don't think we have a plan um I had a meeting with citizens who live in um uh gosh off of Seven Springs Boulevard Nature's Hideway and some of the communities in there um there there's a charter school going in and they're concerned about the traffic and we so I was you know zooming in like I do on my iPad the map around it and looking and there is a Wastewater or a water treatment facility that is Aloha right behind there and so I I asked our utilities department what what would the law you know when we buy a loha what are we going to do with those their old facilities they said well we probably close it down so so there's another funding source and I just wonder um when we bought lendri was there any property that came with it and can we can we um put it out there on the market and use that money to help go towards the next one and and how many properties does the Loa have maybe around so you know maybe there's I know that's going to be small but we should at least look at that as part of the funding opportunity but I feel like we need to have a plan on buying these guys out um lastly um I wanted to talk to you about the anoat River Park and I want to send this letter down to you guys um we sent this out in December and you know we've had citizens come here and talk to us about their fears of change at the park so um and I get it and understand it and we haven't been able to discuss it um because we've been going through some um revisions to the plan and some clarification of what I think the county and what we all may want to see out there versus what was submitted uh so this is a letter that went out to um Mr Overton and um it states in here that it it's really Our intention to have a much more thoughtfully designed and sized um restaurant than what was presented to us and you know the ankot River Park is a jewel and I we used to go there for soccer picnics when my older kids were were uh young um now we we did we used to rent it from duke but a number of years ago we bought it we bought it from duke plus the other part part that we weren't utilizing and they weren't utilizing and that the reason the county bought it was for boat or access so that is part of the main function of that Park um and Our intention is to improve the boater access improve the beach um and and and um on a Saturday morning it's it's pretty much a mess out there with all the boers trying to get out they line up really really early in the morning and there's even been fist fights and trouble out there so we want to um make the park work better bring the new part that we bought um into the uh plan but keep it as much as possible in its natural um state so um there's more to be discussed on this in the future I just wanted you to know that the county uh is not anticipating a 40,000 ft anything um when I saw that plan it took my breath away um that is not the intent of our improvements to the park and more more to come later that's enough okay okay Mr Mar or Mr Bradford you say nothing okay thank you okay Mr Mar thank you sir um so I asked um uh Randy Shane from APS to come forward today to talk about the uh Bruce B Downs project how successful it was um little roads coming up as well which starts this week I believe um and on it was an I think another opportunity to take advantage of a great houseall base sealing the joints up and it's like 05% of what the total cost would be of the project just like the Bruce B Don's project would be so I'd like to see it done because I would tell you that road we did it four years ago as it was evapor disintegrating on us and I think we got a video there Sonia that I sent over that's that's the video of um aps's machines it'll show the joints going beside it but the the video part is what I wanted to show as far as we had seen part of it before this is just how little road looks as you're driving along and you'll notice the travel Lanes anyway so if you look at the travel lades what happens is it it eliminates right there continually cars will have to move in and out Etc so I want to look at the long-term fix I think if we spend the extra money to do it with the aps it'll service for a lot longer um and recently I think with all the infrastructure making improvements it's a it's another minuscule investment that gives us a higher quality product um I'm looking for the dollar amount was it 19,000 like or is this a material that you put in with the pavement we're doing well it's it's it's really the machine the desert and what what happens is the you old tack machines will you spray the tack down the truck then comes over the asphalt drives over the tack and puts the asphalt down sometimes it takes a little bit of delay like when we did 41 some of those sections you put the tack down but it rained so they didn't even do the tack till the next you had the retack again right this situation here is you're putting the tack down and the asphalt's coming right over top of it then when you take a m it happens right away in this immediately smooth it all down it's really a fast process as well as are we using this on a little road this going to start pretty soon do we know this is like going to start this week um so is it something that's coming right after this whiteon I got to bring it again I asked staff as we did Bruce BS to bring an agenda item back to where we can just redo the maybe the bid and just let them just go do it if they want if they want to do it um I think we should spend it on every road to improve it but you there's going to take a motion for that um do we have that number confirmed was it more memb of the boards chair I'm Jason mckl um Public Works director um to ask your question commissioner Mariano the additional cost for the spray jet was estimated of um no more than 19,000 okay so i' like to make a Mo we use the aps technology um for the $199,000 well well I I I mean what do you guys want to do I we can't tell them how to do the work wait I I'm I got lost here is is this the right thing to do I mean I mean should they bring us a proposal I mean this is the proposal well I no I I think that I think it looks fantastic and I I want it I want to but I think there's a procedure well not and like I said the flaw of the procedure is we put it in the bid specs to be put in there but they didn't put it we can execute it instantly who's who's doing the job it would be APS who I'm I don't know what we're voting on and I think the attorney is about to speak here as pay Sy one for same okay so if APS is doing the project um and this is a mean and methods that APS can use I I I guess I'm I too am a little confused as why we need board action to do the work that we can't just authorize this and move or we need board action to expend an extra 19 there's nothing in the contract is that is that the limitation here I I too I'm just trying to understand right exactly and in which case we can approve a change order if I if I could um just like we did with the Bruce bowns uh several several meetings ago um the the action required is to allow for that line item that does not exist in the current bids right now to be approved to spend that additional up to $119,000 for this particular item that is being singled out that is not included right now it's in the bids overall but it's it's within a it's within the overall um kind of assortment of items it's not called out specifically so the company that's that's won the bid Mr are they able to do this here I may why don't we have a purchasing director address how how the bid okay yeah good morning car Roberts purchasing director this was a line item bid the contract was awarded to this vendor as a line item bid and this item was not one of those specific line items we also did not allow for additional work outside of those line items within the bid itself okay I I've never heard of so that's why that's why we would would need a motion to put this in but is the company that won the bid are they able to put this material in yes they are and and again Mr chairman way back when we did the bids for this we wanted to make that option we didn't want to be locked in to have to do it every time yeah but we wanted to put it in where we could do it and I think we just need to somehow restructure the bid where staff can just do it on definitely Little Road would be a good well and you see if you see the if you if you would keep running that video you you'll see exactly where this is such a critical thing I mean if you drive down a little road to the South you'll actually see the joint separating but you can play the video one more time okay but literally and this is like a classic case it happened to the northern part of the road I don't want to see it happen again too quickly and if you put this extra strength better system down it's it's going to just give us a much longer life on it I you saw the tensil the coefficient the strength is like double we have an anticipated EXT you know life extension of the road with this product like we PID $220,000 but either either way to quantify like how much we're we're going to find out cuz we did Hudson Avenue this way uh Bruce be down so we'll get documentation but again just for the base start it bonds much better and lasts much long and then we can see the joints just going go down 54 go down little road those joints to me is like such a huge thing when you can connect them together with with the same T mhm it be a test case okay yeah so uh me remake the motion so is the motion to add the work line item into it and you'll negotiate price like up to 20,000 or up to 19,000 I think right it's it's just so you know the mo the the cost of it is already factored in to what it's going to be yeah I had them calculated and it was like up to 19,400 was it so commissioner W um it on on that particular item um the estimate was provided by the vendor and verified by staff about approximately what that cost would be okay so that's why we estimated the vendor confirmed by staff the $199,000 okay so I have a motion for that you have a motion to spend up to $119,500 for thebody got technology I'll second I thought you made which one of you made the motion okay CU I was confused was making it while ago thought okay I got a motion in a second roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky District Four Commission Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 chairman if we also could make a motion to add this line item to the contract for the future so that in in the future we don't have to come back and ask again if we would like to use the technology so move second got a motion in second by roll call vote District Two commissioner waitman District 3 commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District 5 commissioner Mariano I district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 thank you thank you okay um I've got another item actually two you got the you got to hurry okay um on on the barricades um years ago the County Commission uh work with TDC TDC funded the barricades you heard the story about how the situation is um Chasco Fiesta's coming up and there was actually three bids that were done they looked at it and they can actually get them in time for the upcoming chco Fiesta parade um which is only a couple weeks away and to make it happen um I need to make a motion for the Pasco County BCC to donate TDC money of 1 $139,100 with the stipulation the funds be used to purchase the barricades may be utilized by the county and the other nonprofits so who would own where does this money come from uh I suggest tourist development just as we had done before well I'm not Mr I'm not going to second that as I recall what what you did before was TDC bought the barricades and then at some point you transferred them to the rotary because we were having to M move them we didn't move TDC funds directly into the not for-profits accounts right and and I got purchasing talk to it why they need why they suggested we go this way well so I think if if I may real quick just okay in terms of source of funding I I think probably need to put that perview on Administration to determine yeah this is seems to me like as as the statements even were made during public Comon legitimate Public Safety type expense so whether it's tourism funds whether it's Public Safety funds or general funds I I I think you should leave that to me to to make that call if that's okay um furthermore I think that in order to uh expedite things that the board um really give the funds directly to the rotary of of holiday with with the Express stipulation that that's what they're going to purchase with them uh that certainly would streamline the procurement process I'm looking at for my I've seen head nods from carry and you know obviously you're going to cut that to a nonprofit is with with the stipulation and I I think we can ensure that uh the county really quite honestly I have no desire to to store or manage or maintain these barricades so I presume that the City of Newport Rich here the rotary would would manage that for now and into the future but those would be my concerns over this provided that in you know whatever the board decides and and I think that I would want to give in the motion the flexibility for you to kind of make that Arrangement happen so we get the security that they stay for Pasco County's use as well Mr W thank you chair I'm not opposed it's it's probably time we get some more barricades since our events are growing more folks are coming in to town or you know more people moving here but I think these barricades need to be County of an asset whether the parks manages them or something we're going to take funds to buy them which I think they're necessary but I think the county needs to maintain ownership and if a club needs them or something we create a process for them to use however many many they need because it should be a universal as events grow that way we just don't buy them for one select group I think these need to be an offering countywide for any kind of big public you know festival or what have and the City of Newport Richie was willing to work with us to store them as well I think I like I said I'd give the County Administrator the chance to work out the details it just happens to be because this Parade's coming up and you heard all the work it's going to take to get all those barricades all those business people are going to drive down come back up Etc if they just get delivered here now it's just a matter of our our our own goodies from from the jail out there putting them all up it'll save a l lot of time grief and to just prevent any accidents from happening by having these barricades in place Mr chairman yes I I'm more in agreement with that then uh I don't even think that is a correct process for us to just sit here and spend TDC money I mean they have a board and they have a process and so for us to just step in and spend their money with so um if you think you have the money um then I would agree with waitman that um you know Public Safety at some of these events is is important um another idea too is and I don't know how quickly you can buy barricades I have no idea but can we lend resources to go down to Tampa and pick some up I kind of like the idea of sharing with the different communities because uh you know how often are they really used um but in the short term is that an option um but I would be in support if of purchasing of them if everyone thinks they're really needed it seems it seems like the cities control those things they they have blockades and all every city daddy city has them and Z else has them so I would assume Newport Richie has them to a point or PT Richie but I think it'd be best let the administrator look into this and if you have to just call if it comes out a different plan and doesn't look like it should go that way then we need to know how it should go that's fair to everybody not just buy for one one group and go forward so Mr chairman in years past it was designed where like I said it was it was it was used for TDC funds years ago whether it's used for that fund I'm I'm not biased or one or the other but I know that was just the venue we had done before so I was comfortable with it I can put the flexibility in the motion uh up to the administrator how decide how he wants to pay for it but the timing of it was critical and that's why I had to bring it quick without going to any now is that the problem they don't have enough now they about half what they need and if they have to borrow them they going to drive all the way to Tamper and you heard all the business people got to go make that move cuz we can't go do that uh this way here we just streamline everything and then we can work out the arrangements like they didn't know it till now what's that they wouldn't have known this when they finished last year uh I I had brought it up a few months back nothing happened with it so it just kind of come up again to say Let's go see if we can find it they went out and actually looked and got some found vendors I get three bids checked them all out found out what the the availability was and they just got that back to me like 2 days ago so I I think that too if I quick decision for I I had a conversation with Michael cot um and I think that they used to also get some from D the city of Duneden but they won't share theirs I think that's what he said they're they're not they must be using them or something so um again my I think the two options are we help provide resources to go down and get the ones from Tampa if they're willing to share or um or we figure out a way to help pay for them but it seems like maybe the city should pitch in something because the parades are in the city not the county but um but still uh I think it's a good thing that our parades are growing um in popularity and we don't want to have you know the child run over by a float um and so if we save one life you know with more barriers it's it's a good thing so so I'll make a motion to buy the Barra arcades for the amount of money up to $139,700 give the administrator the flexibility to set up the terms of the purchase as well as storage and control of it later on it remain a county asset then I if I can clarify well I don't let you decide if there's a second or not but um just to clarify uh I think the City of Newport Richie was willing to store them so if the county has access to them is that okay versus the county storing them or is your intent commissioner to have the county maintain possession at all times of these assets I I don't I don't have a preference of where they're stored it's a county asset therefore County should be able to have you're the ruler of those correct in charge of those but good spirit of who uses the barricades stor wherever okay and does the board have a problem with us um you know if we're going to streamline this and make this quick to essentially cut a check to 501c3 the rotary of of holiday in order to expedite the purchase that's if if we purchase them then I would object to that you would okay I would I would too okay so it just doesn't seem the right way to doing you're you're doing a rush job wouldn't I mean somebody had to know this way before now and we should have known it before now so we don't have to rush in such a decision to spend citizens money for one community over other so that's that's I mean that's and in years past those barricades were gone to both sides of the county they said he Z Hill is going to get to use them as well and stored and some of them are still up there from the initial purchase so if when anybody needs them they should have access to them if you will look into this and then see which way we need to go I I think the motion was was I think it was clear up to 139 300 30 you had the number uh flexibility to determine the the funding source and then of course we'll we'll take the most expedient procurement path that is within board Bo so my problem is is the fact that we got $139,000 laying around to buy these these things concerns me that we automatic real quickly go do something like that without some more thought any so let me let me ask a question is um it's Public Safety is that part of penny for Pasco I again I'm I'm thinking through number of of of options on that so I wouldn't be my my head is gone there yes ma'am I'm not saying that that's we I have to vet that okay let let me ask commissioner Mariana a question um what do you know what the turnaround time was to get them delivered they can get these to the 18th the parade I think is the 23rd so it's pretty tight it's super tight that's why we had to had to bring it today okay well I I'm sure that you guys can figure out cobbling sources and Frank and again I would make a call to the cities I mean we're getting hit with this at the last minute too but seems like the parades are in the city so maybe they can participate in some way in the cost that's what we say second I'll let I'll let wait in a second I'm not crazy about actually if I could if I could add one more and I I don't know you know Jeff and I have had had time to to Really you know coordinate on this but I mean one one option is if you could allow me to s Source it that that would certainly expedite the uh the procurement process I'll add that to the motion well if it's a sole source it's a sole source that's a decision your purchasing director needs to make I don't know I would think that barricades are available from more than one source but that would be a procurement question okay I don't know GA some I just have an issue with this so well for the sake of Public Safety and I feel like this is an asset that the county needs and will use for I mean what's the life on these things 10 years or more be 20 yeah we'll we I think we'll use these more regularly um it's a bit of a fire drill but I'll I'll Trust the County Administrator I'll second the motion District 5 commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley hi I just one of the 5 thank you uh one other item Mr chairman I know you're going to cover but I'm was going to I got your group stand here okay good let's go we'll do them uh 40 actually that one was 1150 time certain I'm 11:30 no this is right here this is T all right I think this is yours come go on the barricades and just make sure you fold the chat down so they don't look at it so I I just found out uh commissioner Andy Taylor Regional Affairs manager Tampa Electric company I just found out walking in the park staff does not know the amount they're about to so this is going to get real fun real fast um and I was told the amount so good morning chairman Commissioners thank you so much for having us here today and the administration team for working with me so we've got a very special presentation today uh I'm here with the Tio family Barbecue Cookoff for charity it's a separate 501c3 entity they've done this for 13 years for Charities commissioner wait waitman I believe you uh had attended in the past with one of your uh past jobs with speaker Weatherford you mentioned and we've got your pair program from parts and wreck so you'll see photos from the February event scrolling on your screen Katie from commissioner starky's office attended with her family as well which was uh wonderful to see her there so I know Parks and Recreation opportunities for people with disabilities is a priority of yours and it's a priority of mine in 2019 then commissioner Moore and his trusted and beloved legislative Aid brought you would that be Sheriff T brought brought you donations from Community organizations so we can match and create the first inclusive uh playground at Westway Chapel District par not something a county can normally do with the specialized equipment most of you were at that uh that groundbreaking and that ribbon cutting and it was a very special day since then this current board I know you've voted on cdbg funds and Equipment purchases on your consent agenda to create those inclusive playgrounds at other Parks throughout the county it's a priority of yours in May of this year Florida Sports Coast is going to host the uh wheelchair National wheelchair rugby championships at the Wiregrass Ranch Sports Campus of Pasco County I'm proud that I had a hand in introducing them to the uh to their partners for that bid that was a competitive National bid they won so this is a priority of yours it's a priority priority of mine so when I saw what was happening with the too family Barbecue that one of the beneficiaries was the pair program I had to jump in some of these folks as you know I'm I'm still pretty new in my role they didn't know me but I was the crazy guys saying we got to come here today and do this so thank you all for uh for joining me so with that to make the actual presentation and tell you a little more about the event I'm going to turn it over to Sam nowakowski he's the president of the Tio family uh cook off charity thank you thank you yes uh good afternoon chair uh uh my name is Sam owski um I been the chair been employee Tamp ELC 41 years I'm going to retired this year um but this this this committee behind me there's others that involved with it this has been going on 13 years and it started out basically it started out in the line Department against a couple guys crws want to compete with barbecue and that's how it started out and now we're 13 years into it and we've grown it every year and this year was the biggest year ever we've had and involves these are Tamp electric employees we have the backing of Tampa Electric company but our company really pitches the point to us to go out and serve our community and we've always served the Hillsboro County right because that's majority of our our people in Hillsboro County but we do serve as Pasco County okay and we uh serve as P County and uh every year we get together we take in uh applications uh the committee reviews them we we do online interviews uh we want to make sure the money we raise goes to the charity we don't have all these fees involved we want to help the community and uh this year we chose pears one of the Charities raise money for uh we have like you say record crowd this year we have all the support from Tamp electric company but it's the Tamp electric employees that do all this we don't get really much assistance from our company uh we do it upon ourselves to raise money for the community just in our blood I think everyone here it's in our blood to help the community and we're ready to go next year year and we're going to figure out who we're going to help next year can't wait so I'd like to go ahead and I don't know if Natalie or you want to what's it um that's awesome I didn't yes the amount uh we we we took a we raised the amount of of $54,000 and we like you said we had two Charities we we thought they were both very important to our community so we just split it down $27,000 for [Applause] [Music] [Applause] PA so I I'm just going to say thank you for everyone that's involved in this I'm not even really going to speak because quite honestly the team that puts this stuff together is right here um very very inspiring group this money is going to you know is going to go right back to this program so it's going to expand their potential to do these deliver these type of services which is just amazing so Kim would you just take a second to just describe the program to the board [Applause] like so uh Recreation Equity is what we focus on with this PA program Pasco adaptive inclusive Recreation um so getting underestimated populations involved in our Park system that's our platform and this m woo got go a long way to do a lot of thank you thank you thank you Miss Kim can you give your name for the record Kimberly Miller thank you okay sounds [Music] good you want to stand we'll come down for a photo but uh the metime stand here yeah we'll stand here you got a lot so yall just line up in front of I'll come I'll come chairman other the but I would like to thank you for doing this and I know Parks thanks you um it's going to really help a lot of people so weird mle okay mik for legislative Aid to Andy Taylor wait for everybody there we go smile one two keep looking there we go big okay folks right here great thank you all yeah that's awesome wonderful that's a lot of [Laughter] barbecue if you didn't notice U one of the photographers look very familiar and I noticed he came in early this morning I thought he' got misdirection and got here but uh the fact of it is he was there that's that's Barney because Andy Taylor sheriff sheriff Taylor and uh but Barney was here taking pictures so just so you know chairman I have a question so I I am unaware if pair is uh an organization under the county do we need to accept the check do what not to to check would be the check I would be to the board of County Commissioners designated to the the pars how's that normally go he's got Keith has it in his back pocket yeah let's let's officially accept it okay so motion by commissioner Mar second by commissioner waitman okay okay okay uh by roll call vote all right District Two commissioner waitman District three commissioner starky hi District Four commissioner Bradford District Five commissioner Mariano hi district one chairman Oakley I motion pass 5 z Mr Wy if you will hand the check to board records we will bring it in for you yeah don't let him get out of here with that he thought he was just going to deposit it into the petty cash f you know yeah that's right thank you okay we have a Time certain R 46 or was that it what is did we do R 45 yes sir all of them are done yeah man we skipped over them here and there and everywhere uh Jack you had one more out just one more picture and I know you're going to cover it so that's just a uh I was at the Founders Day Parade it was great great event and uh commissioner was leading the way right in front of me so great day yeah it was a good day but that's all I have so that's all you have well I I forgot some I forgot two things but right now I can only remember one of them well well since you forgot one of them and have one we'll let you do the one and then we'll adjourn for lunch um I uh Marcy um let me know that she's a volunteer at the ano Lighthouse she got engaged at the top and that I had the Weekend Run it's the second weekend of the month not the first weekend that it's open to the public um oh okay I remember what the other one was if you remember a number of years ago I was able to to get um like $3 million from the legislature to sleeve the pipes in Gulf Harbors um they they um they put all this this liner in all the uh I guess the sewer pipes um and what was happening was there was so much salt water intrusion in there it was swamp in the wastewater treatment facility that we share with Newport Richie and it was really causing them problems um and so they finished they finished it all sometime in the last year well I was at a meeting Friday night on the Gul Harbor's Park um and the residents told me that the water quality is so much improved in the channels from that project so I wanted to share that with our utilities department Department um and and all of you and I'm going to call Chris brow who's the one who you know sent that money our way that made such a difference and I noticed that yesterday when we were going on our um the Saturday when we were pulling away from the dock at our house and Bo and Gul Harbor that I could see like 3 or 4 feet down from my um on my my uh dock poles MH which I've never been able to do that before so what a difference just cleaning sleeving those pipes what a difference that made yeah so that's good yeah great news all right we're going to adjourn to 1:30 when we come back for public hearing that [Music] [Music] right [Music]