[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Den are you ready okay okay I like to call the meeting into order so if we can stand for a moment of silence in the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all mam Clerk if we could have a the roll call please Mr Jamie Gerard here Mr here Mr John M here Mr Christopher here Mr Chris Williams here and chairman Charles G here and the proof of publication the items were advertised in the Tampa Bay Times on January 24th 2024 and February 21st 2024 or by Affidavit of certified na all right thank you so we have minutes uh yeah there are two uh minutes to approve um I guess first let me make a motion to approve the minutes from the November 16th meeting so I have a comment on the second one okay we have a motion second we have a second second okay all in favor signify by saying I I iose like sign and on the minutes for the January 18th meeting I think it's item p16 I think Chris P is absent but he seconded in in the minutes if somebody can just verify that we'll make a motion to approval with that revision second okay further discussion not I'll I'll uh signify by saying I I poos like sign okay course that was pretty cool the way you did that I know yeah okay I'd like to welcome everybody today and uh and say that we are the Planning Commission we're appointed by the board of County Commissioners and we meet twice monthly uh we serve as a local planning agency and we hold public hearings and transmit to the board of County Commissioners our recommendations on comprehensive plan amendments Land Development code amendments rezonings and conditional use amendments the planning Planning Commission is the final decision-making body for special exceptions certain appeals variance requests and certain alternative standard requests however final decisions may be appealed to the board of County Commissioners if anyone is in opposition to any development code Amendment resoning conditional use or any item where the Planning Commission transmits a recommendation to the board of County Commissioners it will be important for you to attend the board of county commissioner meeting for for those of you who are here maybe for the first time and aren't familiar with the uh format of the meeting we have three sections we have uh continuances we have consent items and we have regular items um in some cases the staff or the applicant may ask for a continuance on a particular item it's been our custom to Grant those requests unless there are extenuating circumstances um we all then we have consent items those are items that we've not received anything written or orally from the public uh with questions and those items are on consent we'll go through the cons consent items one at a time if we read something that's on consent and you'd like to have it heard or discuss it uh raise your hand we'll pull it from consent we'll put it onto the regular items the um then the regular items are the things that we will hear and uh the application the applicants will make their presentation and uh the question questioners will have an opportunity to ask questions about it and uh see if we can get to the bottom of whatever the issues might be uh applicants will have 3 minutes to make their presentations and objectors or commenters will have three minutes to State their objections and then the uh applicant will have uh five minutes to come back up and see if they can do anything to clear up any concerns it may be um we usually give time extra time to people to speak but only if they uh contact us in writing 24 hours prior to this meeting and I don't believe we've had any written requests is that correct that's correct Mr chair okay okay so this is a good time if you have a cell phone with you and most of you do I see some of you are texting at the moment um this is a good time to turn it off so that it doesn't go off when somebody's speaking and before we start the meeting we want to open the meeting for public comment and uh but also I'd like to introduce to you uh a great friend and a good employee of the county David Engel and I think he's here somewhere thank you there you are I saw you over there somewhere yeah as soon as I got my job I went under the desk David's going to give us some information about his job and and what he sees his new job at the county and what he sees is uh you know a path for the C County going forward well thank you very much David Engel I'm the director for planning and economic growth I've had a variety of opportunities here in the county to assist with our our purpose and our goals and our mission and I have a new new position now that I'm going to be providing leadership to planning zoning Administration Land Development processes as well as economic growth so many of you view me as a more of a business guy but I I have a masters in city and Regional planning from the blowstein school of ruter I've been a planning director worked in the planning Consulting business for about 8 or nine years and I've worked for large corporations as well as over 10 years in Wall Street so we got a lot of tools and you know I'm good at assessing organizations and I have to tell you that our team in planning is bright Talent ented and engaged and uh it's my goal to teach mentor and develop uh people the board of County Commissioners and our County Administration has directed me to be more focused on the planning side we're just not administrative processors we want to make Pasco County live up to its aspirations and also its potential so we're working more in a collaborative context with our development community and one thing I've noted and I've worked with planning commissions and planning boards throughout the Eastern seab board you are our local planning agency and we want to engage you to start doing planning work and not just reviewing development applications so more to come on that but I look forward to working with everybody and I'm very accessible please contact me if you want to talk or have any questions thank you yes thank you David we're very fortunate to have you and I appreciate you taking the time to come up and and tell us what your plan is so we're looking forward to working with you and uh I'll probably be the first one to be kicked out but you know that might be a good thing all right Mr chair we do have someone signed up to speak during public comment so if that's something we're ready for all right yes we are who's who's here to sign who's here to speak miss miss Nancy Hazelwood is here to speak okay NY hawood 34110 a nice place I hope you all are doing well today and welcome Mr Engle um you have something that's now in continence I don't want to speak to it but it raised some issues it was a joining or concurrent with the Northeast Ro area plan but there was no transition zone there so and it's high density and this is something we've asked before to be taken into consideration the Northeast roal area plant it's not going to be good to put high density development next door to the northeas RO area plan that's not going to work this plan raised another question what do you do with the traffic you start putting traffic in the northeas RO area plant on our Scenic roads that are two lanes because it's not supposed to have that type of vehicle pressure on it then that's going to crash it too if we don't do something about this soon we will no longer have a rural area plan thank yall thank you Nancy always appreciate your comments okay so for those who plan to give testimony today if you would stand raise your hand and be sworn do you swear the testimony you're about to do thek you very good all right are you ready good afternoon Mr chair Planning Commission members Denise Hernandez Planning and Development we're going to start on item PC3 which is Peg 24772 it's a zoning Amendment ancl River Resort mpud master plan unit development the request is to continue the item to the March 21st 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie all right is the applicant present anyone here to object okay I see no objection following item is item pc4 it's a it's Peg 24768 3 it's a zoning amendment in the name of Crossways mpud Crossways 301 LLC the request is to continue the item to the April 4th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in dve city and is the applicant presid anyone here to object okay following item is item pc5 Peg 24773 7 zoning amendment in the name of orange state ppv Master menu in development orange State Enterprises Inc the request is to continue the item to the April 4th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in dve City all right is the applicant present okay anyone he to object objections following item is PC pc6 which is Peg 24777 5 it's a zoning amendment in the names of Thomas Lee and Kimberly and sck the request is to continue the item to the m March 24th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie all right is that an applicant present anyone here to object you want know Mr chair if we may can we move on to item pc9 please yes so item pc9 is Peg 24763 n it's a zoning amendment in the name of timberidge mpud Master Plan unit development timberidge Dade City LLC for a rezoning from R3 medium density residential district to an mpud master plan unit development District the applicant yesterday requested a continuance of the item to the April 4th 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in Newport Richie so if you would please call to see if there is anyone here to speak on the item um because it was not advertised as a continuous all right is anyone here to speak on on uh pc9 okay and that's not what you already spoke on no um I to it being continued to it is it is continued to the April 4th 2024 1:30 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 in date City yeah okay you said all right so no objection okay so we're taking that off consent 2 2 Mr chair can you please explain what you just did I apologize as I'm being um my my annoying you is that you're saying [Laughter] right so on pc6 just in case I may have stated the wrong information the request is to continue the item to the March 21st 2024 Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 p.m. in Newport Richie sorry my Hispanic accent may have come I think that's what you said do we I think we ask if anybody was present for that one yes sir you do okay so on pc9 we're pulling it off consent well pc9 there is no nothing to present to you today because it's a continuance right um so I had explained to miss um Hazelwood that the board has a policy that if the person wants to speak to the item um even though it's a continuance that that person and and please I also defer to my colleague Elizabeth Blair with the county attorney's office but if the person wants to speak to the item today they and they do speak to the item they cannot speak at the date it's actually going to be heard on correct yeah so miss miss Hazelwood can make that decision if she'd like to but there's nothing to present to the uh the Planning Commission today because the presentation would be a continuance okay all right so you want to go back to the seven yeah so do do we want to hear from Miss Hazelwood if she wants to speak today I think she doesn't okay thank you right thank you very much so we're moving out now to item pc7 which is Peg 24776 5 it's a zoning amendment in the names of Dempsey and daughters Inc Dempsey and daughters for a change in zoning from an R2 low density residential district and a C2 General commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction that limits the uses or or um has the uses uh for commercial which is also known as a live local act restriction um comes here with a recommendation of approval okay is the applicant that that's on consent though right it is on consent do you want to do continu approve the Contin so that's going to be continued no no no it's a consent item she we switched over we haven't made a motion yet to approve the continuances do we want to do that yes yes I'll I'll make the motion to approve the uh modified continu its agenda adding uh pc9 pc9 correct pc9 to the uh continuous agenda second you have a motion and second on favor signify by saying I I I oppos like sign okay repe me sorry about that I could have made it easier just made a motion okay moving moving back to pc7 would you like me to read that into record as well again yes okay perfect Peg 24776 5 zoning amendment in the names of Dempsey and daughters Inc Dempsey and daughters for change in zoning from an R2 low density residential district and a C2 General commercial District to a C2 General commercial district with a voluntarily agreed upon deed restriction that uh limits that restricts the uses or um make sure that C2 uses are the uses that will be um actually used on that piece of property which is also known as the live local act uh deed restriction comes here with a recommendation of approval okay the applicant present anyone here to object okay the following item PC8 will be pulled there's someone here to speak on that item and um also as well well as item pc10 uh there's someone here to speak on that item also okay so we're going to move on because pc11 will have a presentation for you we're going to move on um to item apc2 which is in your addendum and that item is peg2 2468 on this item you're sitting as a local planning agency it's a comprehensive plan Amendment CPAs 2419 for Finlay commercial center it's for a small scale comprehensive plan Amendment to the Future land use maps 2-15 and sheet 01 amending the land use classification from res six residential six dwelling units per gross acre to Comm commercial on approximately 3.49 Acres of property that's located east of US 301 approximately 750 ft south of us98 comes through with a recommendation that you find it consistent with a comprehensive plan and recommend approval to the board of County Commissioners okay anyone here to speak okay anyone else just one person I did write that it was p I apologize okay so we'll pull that one then yes sir I I did write that that one was a poll I just okay overlooked my old handwriting no that's all right I apologize so that concludes your consent Agenda One consent motion to approve the one consent item of pc7 second we have a motion to Second further discussion on motion all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign all right so we're going to move to item PC8 and that will be presented to you by Adrien Scott okay good afternoon Adrien Scott planning Services before you today is Peg 2477 43 in the name of serene preserve mput here is the site location it is located within the South market area in the urban concentration area this is a zoning Amendment rezoning from ER estate residential to mpud master planed unit development to allow for the development of a maximum of 37 single family detached homes with a combination of 45 and 50t lots on approximately 20 26.6 acres the location is on the north side of Willow Bend Parkway 250 ft north of the Pasco Hillsboro County Line and approximately 1 mile from US Highway 41 here is the area View and as you can see you can see Hillsboro County on the other side and the context map with a th000 foot buffer and an image of the master plan and the non-binding concept plan um the applicant is seeking to have a variation for 91.6 d11 to not provide interconnects to the north and west of the subject site uh staff analysis on that is per LDC section 91.3 M1 in cases where a project site is located near right next to an existing platted single family residential subdivision Vision with no available roadway points of connection these projects are exempt from Cross access to other adjoining parcels and as there is an ex existing platted residence and wetlands surrounding the project site staff agrees that the proposed connections as shown on the MPD master plan meet the intent of the LDC we recommend approval of the requested Zone Amendment to the board of County Commissioners thank you I I do want to read one correction into the record on that one um the applicant did meet with the property owners uh for the property that is to the north of it which is the Willow Bend unit J and they've asked um they're going to place a note on the mpud master plan it'll be Note 8 so if you look at the MPD master plan right now it ends at Note 7 so they're going to add note 8 and basically the note will save 50ft natural vegetation area to remain as depicted on mpw plan shall not have any constructed Park features but may be used to satisfy landscape buffer neighborhood park or setback requirements as determined at the preliminary development plan review which will not require a modification to this mpud this is just to amarate any concerns of those folks that are at that culdesac where it actually butts up to the project so that there is a vegetated buffer there um Adrian will will be sending the revised master plan to the clerk's office for their records any questions can we just see that PL again with the Lots on it I'm sorry the non-binding the non-binding one no so is there any buffer on required on the road side of that I guess that would be the back of those homes there there will be a buffer required um Brad tippen may be able to answer that question as to what the width of that buffer will be but yes there is a buffer required under the code okay who would be answering that question Brad tippen I told you Brad you can run but you can't hide yes there is a buffer along the roadway uh and you can increase that if that's something that you would like to see something special you can change what's in the code but there's a Code part what is what you KN off man uh I don't know off the top of my head does that buffer require a wall or a fence no not along the roadway that would be my biggest concern I think you know having the this hes back up to that road like that with no real barrier anybody else have that concern yes sir think a wall would be ideal what do you thinkz would think any owner in that going to want it anyway that's a pretty heavily traveled traveled road yeah I could see a car going right into one of those houses it's kind of a erace way through there you can absolutely request that and I'm sure that that's not going to be a problem for we can do that all right is the applicant present sure Barbara will height 6327 Grand Boulevard Newport Richie um for the applicant uh my team has advised we'd be happy to add a specific condition requiring a 20-ft buffer and a 6t PVC um fence along Willow B Parkway that exceeds the code quite a bit and I think it addresses your concern yeah primarily it does yeah as my concern I mean even a concrete wall the car can come through but yeah there definitely needs to be something there more substantial understood so all right all right um I don't have a particular presentation I think staff covers things very well and is there anyone else here that from the public that has comments or concerns okay um anything any more questions from up here suggestions I mean be okay with just a PVC fence as opposed to a wall wall I know car would go through both of them obviously but wall was slow down more I would think that would be a feature for anybody buying a home there that would be a POS yeah I'm happy to listen to anything so is this a D2 buffer or a D3 buffer that's required I think it would be a D1 yeah whatever the width of the RightWay is and and then then the width is determined based on the width of the RightWay right but I I mean it's not a residential roadway cuz we're talking about Willow Bend so I think it's just a general non-local road but that it seem to be a weakness in our code we're happy to do a 20ft buffer and a fence and exceed your code and seems reasonable um lots of projects are constructed that way a wall would be very expensive [Music] if you'd like to come up we need your name and address are you speaking on behalf of the applicant no all right anyone else to speak on on behalf of the applicant okay if not then come on up please state your name and address and you have you been sworn yes okay um yeah um I just like to point out the your name and address sorry my name is Brian good fellow my address is 1436 bent bu Court I've lived uh uh in willowen for 25 years okay um like first of all I like to point out that the fence on the north side of willan Parkway um all the way from Collier to the end of Willow Bend is a block wall mhm um I don't know that a PVC fence would be suitable in that um new proposed area anyway um as I said my family and I have lived in uh will B subdivision for 25 years uh during that time we have witnessed many changes to the area some good some not so good the connection of willan Parkway and County lime Road and the p peaceful peacefulness of this community traffic on willan Parkway is ridiculous and is now sarcastically referred to is alternate 54 adding to the traffic will will be the town homes now under construction on willowen Parkway towards US 41 now there is this plan to build an additional 37 homes on willowen Parkway this will further add to the traffic congestion uh next is um like to point out what what is the what about the impact to the environment has there or will there be an environmental study for the proposed development there are gopher tortoises living in this area and they are protected a protected species in Florida there is a process for notifying Florida FWC to analyze the situation and arrange for the safe capture and relocation of these animals has PWC been contacted regarding on this issue in my in my opinion the destruction of this green space and the environmental impact for the sake of 37 houses is unacceptable thank you all right thank you very much see we can get those questions answered for you sir we'll see if we can get those questions answered for you about the environmental impact thank my phone number my email address okay perfect very good anyone else barara do you have any comment if you want to respond he wanted to know if they're I know you're talking but he wanted to know if they're an environmental impact study and what are they going to do about the Gophers sure uh Barber will height for the applicant we have to do with all muds a listed species survey and we have conditions of approval relating to that um 2 3 4 five six 7 and eight so it's well covered by the county in connection with an MPD res zoning maybe we can give him a copy of what you've done there sure absolutely the homeowners that did contact us prior to the meeting you know we went we changed our MD plan we added a note we looked at what we could do to give them additional Comfort regarding buffering on that north side that 50 ft that's going to remain um natural and you know they're not here so certainly work with anybody that will work with us um we we would ask for 37 units that you not impose a wall requirement um the PVC fence will provide the buffer that you're looking for between the back of the lots and the road and it'll be landscaped and we have offered additional buffering so really I mean 37 units can't carry a a both from a a construction standpoint and then the maintenance of that wall as well that's a lot to carry so we'd asked that you know you work with us we work with you please all right and how's the board feel Jamie I'm not trying to be argumentative but I'm looking at the section 9052 and I think this is a D3 non-local roadway residential buffer which would require either a burm a wall or a hedge somewhere between between 6t minimum and 8T Max height no wooden fences is that right Brad that's correct it'd be a D3 uh you can require one of those options if you don't want the Hedge if you prefer it Toba fence with the Landscaping in front of the fence between the fence and the road the trees and whatnot uh you can make those types of requirements if if that's what this commission would like to do so question if it were to be a PVC fence would that be maintained by the lot owner or the [Music] HOA we usually have them in a in a tract yeah so it be the HOA or whoever it's DED to Bar will height again yet the the landscape goes in a tract um the landscape buffer goes in a tract platted tract and it goes to the HOA and maintained by the h I know it's more expensive to construct but I I to me it seems like it would build value those those lots and those homes would be worth more yeah I think about River Crossing Boulevard to cubis where you're driving down those are you know they're collector arterial roadways and they're lined with brick walls for those people's rear yards and I just when you have single family detached you going have children pets I I think to the neighbors Point too I mean I I travel this road quite frequently and it's walls that are north and south of the road there for the most part it's not PBC fences so um PVC f is kind of at a characteristic with with what else can we see like a street view of that what the neighbor was testifying [Music] to I think for sound purposes as well devop going to get more money having those lots for the better area yeah probably need like street view Google wall wall this goes around the corner this wall on the south side going all the south is Miss yeah m yeah this is the only time it steps into PVC but go further from the road for protection yeah but from there it's closer to the road it's it's yeah over there okay is that sir is that the wall or can I ask him to come back up so I can ask him question sir would you please come back up yeah get those up we need those up for sure I just wanted to ask you sir is that the wall you were referring to when you spoke to us that doesn't look like I think that's south of that's to the sou yeah that's to the South stra there off the County Line Road there's development there on other side keep going further down right it would be on the north side yeah there there's another further up for the after the bend it looks like it's a different wall it Willow Bend itself M past the B is that Magnolia trace that's up there I think we got to go the other way we going to ask David for a requisition for a faster computer for these folks you heard that David is David still [Laughter] here which direction would you like us to go in I'm sorry backwards so if you keep going north around the corner should curve to the left yep okay so and then you'll see um that looks like okay yeah this is a subject property here on the lab proper yeah you got to go around that bend that's that's um a wall that was put up when they put punch through uh willin Parkway to County Line Road right to block the noise for the people on Old um yeah and that's a masonary wall as well you got to keep going around that bend on the left there that's where I think you're proposing to put those houses in y so you got to go around all the way around that b and then you're in actually in will Ben subdivision you click further down the road it should move bigger it's on coming I'm looking for my car car is getting farther away yeah it's backing up you get amazing that Mercedes will never hit us know the world's slowest game in Grant tereso so it looks like there from I was online back in the back it looks like there's a combination of different things there there's one uh little you're com up on here on the l a wall the other subdivision uh has a pond in front with a picket fence behind um and then there's an area that has nothing so there's a whole different combination of things that see out yeah if you look to the left now you should be able to start to see the wall not not [Music] quite I see the sign on the left a little bit I see it yeah there you go there we go that's where it starts yeah okay okay okay so all right that's the wall you were talking about sir yes okay and then there's more wall when you get past the Magnolia trace there's uh cement wall Lo whatever on the left also that runs up to what's the next one sir did you mention you living that c the sack right there is that correct yeah on the left and okay okay there's a little p there and that next intersection that's for that's story Trace looks like where it's buffered by ponds you have the PVC and the there's a pond there right but where it's closer to the road directly it's very long and then after Magnolia trace of wall starts [Music] again LS right next to the and runs up to um can't remember the name of the street been trying to get over the same thing and then there's another no there it's all here oh yeah I think we have a pretty good idea what's what's there what do you guys want to do Chris Eric John so well it's a hard one I understand the applicant's position that we've only got 37 or so lots here and that can add to the cost but I'm also looking at what's the long-term quality of life for a resident on that lot and I look at children pets and I'm just not sure a PVC fence is in keeping with kind of the scenery along the existing roadway yes I agree I've lived here for 25 years the traffic now that they punched that through from willan Parkway to County Line Road the traffic is atrocious okay any more questions for respondent no no thank you very much sir thank you so much appreciate it so my client will agree to a um to do a pre-cast wall behind the houses we do have sections of our plan we don't have house to buding um so we really don't want to put a wall in front of a pond but we could certainly put a wall in front of where we have houses AB budding um will B Parkway okay and that area where we put the wall would be 20 ft so the and it would be a track with the HOA maintaining it okay can we see the flat again please so we can see where that wall would be we know it's a nonbing concept there not much else you can do with it there not much else you can do that's true so where would the wall not be where you can see where there is a pond on the the very on the very end and then up towards the but you would put them you put them along the lots that correct that front Willow Parkway thing we're concerned about to me that's reasonable so not not there not there and not not there just keep that natural just have a new battery in that thing yeah good see thank you Mr well I appreciate that um so do I hear a motion I think I heard the makings of a motion how do we word that so I would move to approve or recommend approval with the addition of a masonry whether that be pre-cast concrete brick whatever wall for the lots that back up to bit that front or have front that have any front edge or in this case rear edge along willowend Parkway and I appreciate the applicant offering that up and then sir just to clarify one of the questions that you had about gopher tortoises there are conditions in the mpud that require them to conduct all of the necessary go for tortoise surveys do any relocation if necessary and we're not living in the days where we can do takes of gopher tortoises they have to be captured and relocated to a preserve so these are things that are addressed okay so is that a motion I'll second thank you we have a motion we have a second any further discussion of the motion if not all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign motion carries Mr chair now we'll present item pc10 which will be presented by Ed zodian okay Ed Mr chairman members of the Planning Commission you for this matter you're sitting as the LPA the matter before you is CPA 2311 it's a comprehensive plan Amendment for sander Ben LLC excuse me I'm sorry I should the U The Proposal is to change the existing flu which is AG agricultural to AGR agricultural rule on a tract of land that's 92.6 Acres uh it is to help to develop 185 acre lots all be single family and it'll be 5 Acres a piece the uh these Lots will be served by well incepted the density works out to2 units per gross acre which complies with the AG excuse me the AGR flu and this track is situated in the world transition area and that is consistent with the r transition area as well uh it's at the northwest corner as you can see of Johnson Road and B brother Boulevard a rezoning and subdivision petition will follow this amendment plan this is the aerial location for your [Music] edification the context map as you can see is a bit void the void of items because this is endemic with this area there's not much there in fact the closest Trail is 2 and half miles to the South and I've asked no and there are no plans for a trail this area Trail you said Trail yes I apologize this is the existing future land use Bap verification the proposed future land use the zoning currently as I said they will ask for a resoning petition after the amendment it is consistent with the North Market area it does recognize the rural transition area and is consistent with the comprehensive plan amendments your staff sug uh recommends that the local plan agency find the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommend approval to the board County Commissioners and I'll be delighted to answer any questions all right do we have any questions from up here one other I I'm sorry there were no objections from any of the internal uh reviews from our departments okay let me I'll just state that I for the record that I did receive a call from a resident uh that does have cons some concerns and questions and U so um I'll register that with the with Denise I'll be delighted to respond okay they have question all right thank you good afternoon Mr chairman and members of the plan commission I'm Cindy terany my address is 128 East Tarpon Avenue and Tarpon Springs and I'm the authorized representative for the applicant who also is the property owner sander Ben LLC and Ben Wilson is the owner of that sander of that LLC who owns it in whole um Mr Wilson is part of a longtime Pasco family this is a family property um he actually renovated the original Homestead on the property um and there's a second house that will also be retained as part of this project what we're requesting now the plan categories the change is solely a change in lot size I just wanted um to describe for you the intent in the plan C in the comp plan of these two plan categories the intent is exactly the same in both the AG that we are today the Agricultural and the agricultural role and the intent is to maintain the agricultural character and minimize infrastructure needs we clearly I totally intend to maintain the agricultural character of the property um agricultural uses will continue to be allowed on the property and we are minimizing any impacts on on the Public Services in fact there will be no extension of water and sewer the county has made that very clear and we are perfectly happy with that to provide public uh private Wells and private septic systems there are no natural resources that will be impacted we have like3 Acres of a wetland very small Wetland it is a class three um and with regard to the other public services uh as your staff report reports that there is no impact on those services um there will be minimal impact on Bellamy brothers because the change is really a change from a maximum of nine residential lots to 18 lot so it's a Dem Minimus impact on Bellamy brothers your staff report reports that Bellamy brothers is operating at an acceptable capacity today and there are no improvements planned for that road in the long range Transportation plan most importantly we did have a prea meeting with Jeff Jenkins the head of longrange planning and one of his planners Chris lamach in July of last year and they saw this as um consistent with the rural transition area in which we're located um as a that rural transition area is really serving as a transition between that State Road 52 very Urban Corridor that you're very familiar with and all those uh large lot mixed use projects along 52 between 41 and Bellamy brothers and actually extending to to uh the interstate um and the rural area which is to the east of this site it's to the east side of Bellamy brothers so they really saw that um as as consistent with the rural transition area it's not Suburban in any way shape or form with the size of the Lots with the uses that would be allowed on the property and the lack of public water and sewer to the site so again all um private well and private septic I I think I've covered all my points um I just say the other thing that of note is that from Bellamy brothers Boulevard and the concept plan that we have not finalized yet of course but the concept plan that we have uh we are um moving forward with at this point there'll only be two lots on Bellamy brothers Boulevard so the view to the public from this would be very minimal um the applicant has already um built a new road a new driveway to get from Bellamy brothers to access the two lots better than he had previously but again from Bellamy brothers Boulevard the public will generally see those two lots um which is pretty consistent with there's an entire variety of lot sizes uh in the immediate area and in the surrounding area I'm in this rural transition area and again our uses are continue to be Agricultural and Rural in nature even with the plan category change it simply is a change in the lot size and um we certainly are available to answer any questions my client is here as well should you have any questions for him and I'll stop now and uh then hold my time for a btal if I could Mr chairman yeah that' be great unless you have any questions for me of course okay any questions for C it was going to be my only question was I saw an aial that road was constructed so you just explained that yes it runs basically through the middle the property it goes Due West from Bellamy brothers Boulevard the new the new our new driveway because I I should mention too it's a little unclear in some of the maps but Johnston Road only extends as a road and a rideway east of Bellamy brothers Boulevard it does not extend West along the Ed South edge of my client's property so there'll only be two residents on Bellamy brothers there'll only be two lots that front on Bellamy brothers well there'll be one on each side of the road and then going as you go in there will be more lots that use that that new driveway to serve as their access okay uh all right let's who do we have to speak on on or have questions about it uh we have Mr Randolph barthle good afternoon uh I'm Randolph ble um we're proper owners owners directly your address please oh uh 26345 bayhead Road okay we are Property Owners directly west of this and south of this uh I I believe in private property rights but I also kind of anti-development Pasco County has has put out a program can't remember if I can get the the way it was placed way it was stated but it the meant the uh idea was that in Pasco County you have uh Urban amenities and Rural character the problem is the rural character is shrinking really fast um and in just as a short list in the last several years we've lost large ranches large pieces of property have been uh developed Canon Ranch two Rivers is being done developed staries is almost gone mckendry and Croft property is just about gone kbar Ranch is almost gone Kirkland Ranch is down to just maybe 40 acres there's not you know development just seems to always be approved no matter the size or the result or where it is it just seems to be approved the one thing I would try to talk about is the the traffic um there's been a big meeting in Derby just recently about the problems with traffic on 581 because it's become a major Corridor for people coming from Hernando County Brooksville straight through to Tampa to go down and hit the interstate go to Tampa um and in the time from uh 2017 until 22 there were uh five fatalities on the road between the Hernando County Line and Highway 52 and I don't know what it is this year but in 23 there were five fatalities on that same Road in the last year uh people do not worry about passing going uphill around curves or at intersections uh this Entrance Road looks really nice uh okay I'll hurry um the road that goes up is placed between two curves and if you look at it when you're entering there and on the inside of the curve there's pine trees to the South and on the inside of the curve to the north there's an Oak Hammock so when you come out to that main new entrance if people come flying around that curve and they do in a hurry you can get caught just trying to get out on the road uh I guess you know the other thing is that uh Mr Wilson approached us about buying some more land he wanted to get up to 100 acres so he could get 10 10 Parcels of uh 10 acres each uh and we did not really want to sell him a piece of land just to add he could add one more house but we didn't know that he would have been trying to add two more because he Ste with stuck with the same 92 Acres which already has two houses on it and a treehouse that looks like the Swiss Family Robinson buil it because it's really nice but uh I guess I'm just opposed to the change in putting that many houses in right there that's okay what what are you what would you propose well it's it's already approved 10 you know 10 acres to a house that's that's already his situation he's asking you to change it some of the people that lived in the area thought oh that's really nice he's going to change from one acre to 5 acres and we had to tell him no he's trying to change from 10 acres to 5 acres and that kind of surprised a lot of people they didn't quite understand what was going on okay and that's any questions for Mr bar no okay okay thank you anybody else yeah if you got to come forward please state your name and address good afternoon my name is Daniel rman uh 27131 Johnston Road uh I own the property directly across from um the proposed site um I forgive me I was not aware of the protocol I did not get sworn in prior to okay we can where you in right now do you swear affirm the testimony you're about to do is the trth be back yes so um I Echo a lot of my neighbor uh Mr baral's comments but before I make any additional comments I just wanted to add one thing uh uh terapon planning strategies they represent the applicant is that correct yes yes yes okay so I appreciate your all notice because otherwise I wouldn't be here right now uh that this was taking place today but I do question the tone of the notice that we received on this letter in the second page it says if you are in opposition to the above stated application you will need competent substantial evidence presented to support your opposition to me I it just blows my mind that the you know the applicant with that tone uh seems to suggest it puts the onus on us and the burden is on us to be prepared on how to present present these meetings maybe this is typical language for an applicant get it is okay so it's it's legal language and and that's fine but U to me they're asking for the exception from us the language is provided to them by the county okay all right well so just to then um add to Mr baral's comments um there that is a sensitive Wetland area directly across from the proposed property that we're talking about doubling the density on I own that Wetland area it's across Bellamy brothers um there was a diesel spill that took place back in I think it was January of 23 maybe February of 23 um I spent uh well north of five figures in um in environmental attorney fees at my own expense to ensure that that was cleaned up properly um just because in working with the county and the EPA I didn't have a lot of confidence that that my interests were being protected and um you know after certain developments um like snowcat Ridge which my neighbors and I affectionately refer to as Wally World um how that ever got approved um is beyond me and Beyond the knowledge of my neighbors just because that's completely out of character with the lifestyle that we think that we are here to preserve um development is going to take place we get that but there is a plan in place that allows for the density and that's what's been approved if every investor or developer thinks that they can just you know appeal for an exception and double the density and change what's already been approved we're just opening up the floodgates for more and more developments like this thank you okay thank you for coming anyone else Nancy Haywood 34110 a nice place and you been sworn yes sir I swore um so this is the transition area and um I would hope that the they would keep and it sounds like they are density in back and low density in front so that sounds pretty good I'm not sure about them increasing the size of the amount I I've been on bamy Brothers quite often lately and you're taking your life in your own hands getting out there contrary to what they were saying that road needs something right now you it's very dangerous and and I'm hearing complaints all over the place from that section of Northeast pascow uh so even putting any kind of extra on there and again that is um part of the Northeast row area plan I don't know um did you all put the wrong District on your uh agenda should be district one should be District One yeah what's it say does it all say one it's incorrectly States commission District 5 we will make a correction and um make sure that when it gets the board of County Commissioners it has the correct commission District people that might have been here if they knew it was district one but anyways uh I like a lot of what she's saying and I like the Lo L use but this this is what's going in there and it could be lower it could be maybe five less or something just to keep it Rural and it's nice that she's going to try to keep it a too that's you know it's getting close to where we want to go with all this thank y' allall thank you anyone else Jen carak 15925 uh green Glenn Lane Spring Hill Florida um in the Pasco section um I just want to reiterate and You' right I'm sorry what was that you've been sworn thank you she's sneaky you got to watch your Tes you're about to give yes um you know I just want to reiterate you know with regards to the um the district being inaccurate and would request as a result that you would um send this back for correction as a result of you know folks they look at this and to be honest I wasn't going to come today and then I noticed that that was on there and I was like wait a minute I don't think that's my district I'm in District 5 um and so noticed that and so I would just ask that you would take into consideration and ask for it to be sent back um and rescheduled as a result of it being um published inaccurately to the county and the residents of District 1 thank you all right thank you okay Cynthia okay is that it anyone else okay Mr chairman I have a question Denise um can you just confirm the number of units they could do at presid is so the property I believe is 92 Acres so at present they can do a total have a total of nine units at present with one dwelling per 10 acres thank you you're welcome thank you Mr chairman again Cindy terap pany for the applicant sander B and my client would like to make a few comments I just want to respond a couple things um the commissioner was correct we use the exact language notice language that's required by the county didn't alter that in any way shape or form except to add my name phone number and address um secondly as you all well know um the agenda publishing an incorrect commission district is not for incorrect notice um the last two speakers were not even in the notice list um and I went slightly over a th000 feet um for that so I don't think that that's really an issue of course defer to your attorney about that but it doesn't seem that that would be an issue um the real issue of this is that people still want that agricultural rural lifestyle the 10 acres is just becoming a little too much for some people um some folks U like 40 50 60 Acres or some more if they're um in you know in the agricultural business per se um but many people just want a 5 acre rural lifestyle and that's we proposing to do and as Mr Williams pointed out um we can do nine units today there's two units on the property today so we're only talking about a difference of um from 9 to 18 there's really already two so that's the difference we're talking about is um seven additional units um the wetlands just one of one of the speakers spoke about the wetlands um we had an evaluation done by qualified environmentalists that the map is as you guys know the maps tend to be a little sometimes a little off we not directly aligned the Wetland that's showing there is not on our property um so we would not have any impact on on that property and then finally I've become aware recently that in this year's state budget um the intersection at airs airs hymon whichever you want to call it um airs Hyman and Bellamy Brothers It's Le less than a mile or so north of this site um is being put in the budget for a roundabout at that intersection right now just has a stop sign and a flashing light I travel that all the time going from airs to our property which is further east on Hyman Road so I think the roundabout will definitely improve that um and finally I would say there was some comment about the curve in front of the property we're not talking about a super elated curve or blind curve or any elevation change in that curve is there a small curve in front of the property yes but I don't think it presents any sort of a real um traffic Hazard um you know for these homes or other homes um within the property um and I just like to let uh my client Mr Wilson speak very quickly if I could thank you okay Ben Wilson 1207 Chesapeake Drive Odessa Florida I also spend quite a bit of time at uh 17001 Bellamy brothers Boulevard which is this property um I redid the homestead there um which was a house when I bought it that was falling down but it was all hard to Pine so I restored it um the couple couple of points I I bought this uh this property and I'm preparing it as a family property um my son who 10 years old is part of that plan obviously I don't know that my son will have the same abilities or knowledge that I have and as part of the reason I'm going through this process today um couple clarifications I've never met Mr Barthel I have met his brother um I have two neighbors that I can see from my property one is Larry barthle who's on the on my north side and the other is Philip Reinhardt who's on my other side but I can literally sort of see their houses the the property is uh basically about a quarter of a mile wide um and by the way that that road that curve you see that slight curve that's over a quarter of a mile so I'm in the middle of that which uh the driveway I built was for the you know the county told me to put the driveway um so that's why I put it there um but I wanted to make something clear he had made the comment that I tried to buy the property and he implied that I was trying to buy that propert property for the purposes of extending this at the time I was trying to buy that property we were talking about trying to call this property the 100 Acre Woods because my son is in love with uh Winnie the Poo and so I was trying to get an additional 8 Acres so it qualified as 100 acres so it wasn't I didn't have any alter I just want to make that clear I had no alteria motive for trying to do that and I didn't even talk to Mr Randy barthol because I didn't know I don't even know who he is I do know he owns the property to my West and I didn't know it was him actually um I guess it's one of his brothers or maybe your son Mark um one of their one of uh it's a big family yeah one of the family uh had approached us about working out with them to fix the fence lines uh that were in bad shape the property was in really bad shape when I bought it it was all overgrown which obviously we worked really hard at but uh I did it uh we worked together with them uh they supplied the material and I paid for the labor to redo all the fences um so I I like I said I never I've never met Mr barel to to this Randy barel to this day but my intention is not to create something that's not in line with the area 5 acres is a really nice place to be able to go and have uh you you can have a horse you can do what we do we can ride mini bikes um you can have a treehouse my God what a what a novel concept you can have a treehouse on a piece of property um so that's just my reason for what we're doing and hopefully you will consider this appropriately thank you any questions for uh Mr Wilson no okay um I do have one question Mr Wilson is it is there any flexibility in terms of your 18 units um I the property if you saw the driveway works out that there's six 5 acre lots on the on the right six five so the literally be six Lots coming along the back I think it would border his property and then there are six Lots on the other side so roads kind of goes in the center those those uh two of those lots are already occupied by the existing Homestead and buy one of the other houses so I'm really only if you look at it I'm only really adding 16 lots to them already there um I don't think you know I think that's fair to be honest with you I think it's a fair use of the property it's consistent I've met with several people in the community and they all thought it was consistent so I'm going to say no for right now okay yes um this is a plan Amendment and so yes we are asking for the 5 acre lots it's entirely possible um once the the lots are being marketed people could buy there might be some people that are interested in two 5 acre lots we can't guarantee that but I just want to say that that you know we're we're asking for and we can lay it out with 18 5 acre lots that may not be the ultimate um you know amount of development but again the difference is only nine Lots we can do nine today we're asking for nine more that's the only difference and and again it's still agricultural it's not going to a residential plan category it's still Agricultural and all those agricultural uses will still be allowed our folks I know a lot of people are concerned I've heard concerns previously people are concerned about development the new development is going to complain about the agricultural uses near them that's not going to be an issue here because they're it's all its agricultural uses on our site and on adjacent prop thank you Mr thank you I question Denise sorry yes go ahead okay Denise Denise comment again or not uh no not unless you're called up yeah just get one shot otherwise we can be going back and forth I I just had a question about the zoning um would the Lots be large enough for ad uses under the LDC with the sizes okay yes they would be yes okay and then does somebody have an actual copy of the notice that ran in the paper because I can't see what district is actually in the paper well the district is not shown in the notice but I do have it here do you have the ad because it has a picture the map oh the ad uh yeah the actual ad yeah I'd like to know whether we memo and on the agenda isn't is but we would look at from a legal standpoint of what notice is required it's what ran in the paper here's the notice from and what was on the letters that you sent if it was the correct address and parcel ID those kind of things would matter see I can't see this it's too small this is the same problem I'm having when I blow it up does anyone have the actual ad it's in the agenda when you zo and to try and see the the district number map you can't read it yeah I'll see if I can see it on which one this one okay did you get your answer no I no one seems to be able to Patty is bringing it up for you just you know unfortunately we have a very the computer is really slow as as was previously stated because I I have the agenda packet open but once David you heard that right to read it you can't read it okay get ready to share it this was the MTH that was included okay then that's that's correct then because that is the map that was printed in the paper correct I'm satisfied so that's five or one it's one it it's one it was printed as one so just the memo was the air and the agenda has the wrong number because it's taken from the memo I got okay thank you all right so Mr pler I would make a com is it Mr rman is that yes so just just talking going back to what you were saying about providing competent evidence or you know that that language used the reason we have to do that is this is a it's a quasi judicial hearing so we can't deny someone's application just based on I don't think this should be approved Ral that's why we have to use that wording because we have to honor the rights of both sides of people you know both the landowner and and the people obviously that that you know the the people that own property so but I just wanted to clarify that that's the reason why that we we have to have a legal reason for denying an application or for modifying conditions of approval in the application and that's that's why it's written that way this is actually a leg islative hearing it is so um I'm a little B Twix in between on the thing well I am too I mean I'll go ahead personally I'd like one of those 5 acre tracks and I'm with Miss terapan I can't afford the 10 acre track but I could probably afford the 5 acre track that being said when I look and I'm I'm hoping maybe maybe you can help me firm up my my thoughts on this staff can we see a zoomed out land use map on this I saw some AGR near the property but everything that surrounds it is AG and this sort of creates an island and itself but I wanted to see what is the likelihood that that fil in over time or P Mr chairman but you want to see the county right John I'm sorry you want to see more of the county you just don't I want to see more you know we see a th000 ft around the property I want to see right so this is the side here um this is the same can you please use a microphone you need your pointer oh there's one up here there's the microphone it's dangerous where you point cynth micone cynth oh the laser obviously I'm technically challenged so if it's all right is it all right with you if I stand here and okay good so this is a um it has my scribbles on it so I apologize for that but just to give you in context here is um this is the site um this is The Preserve um uh conservation this is a a PD and an MPD project um uh and and it's at uh it was at 1 to five it's I mean it was at 1 to 10 now it's also at 1 to five I believe in the PD this is uh 1 to5 this green color all this in here including the site we're in now is 1 to 10 so when the larger and then another um two sections or about 2 miles down you get to the State Road 52 Corridor and as you know those large projects along the 52 Corridor extend about some of them as much as 4 miles north from 52 just in sections um so it's you know that's what uh I think Mr Jenkins was talking about is a transition between the very Urban activity on 52 which we're not this rural transition area which is all the area we're in and then uh to the east of Bellamy brothers Boulevard is the Northeast rural area so there definitely is plan car cury were requesting is in the vicinity of the site it's not adjacent that's that's true but it is in the vicinity of the site Mr chairman yes M planning and economic growth um Pasco mapper is going to be brought up to help answer Mr Moody's question okay um so just a minute here so what I'd like to illustrate on the over head is the relationship of the rural transition area with the future land use categories that are existing within the rural transition area AGR as a future land use exists within the RTA that's the um reddish or pink uh flu so if uh Patty if you can point to the one just to the north there you go there that's AGR right there and then if you toggle the flu layer off you'll notice that it's within the RTA and there's another uh AGR uh future land use that's also an RTA um all the way on the south end close to 52 I think um the point that I'm making though is that the AGR future land use category is consistent with the rule transition area and the RO transition area is consistent with the AGR flu okay thank you Daren yeah I feel like five five acres is still fitting within it's not like we're looking for a development of six houses per acre or anything like that still fitting within the rural character of the area that's my personal personal feeling that I I would agree with Derek on that for this area I appreciate the the owner's efforts to try to maintain that rural character up in that area and I think you know 5 acres is I think that's a good use of this property I don't I don't disagree with that statement but I struggle with the fact that it's surrounded by all 10 acres and you know i' probably I've been on DRC and Planning Commission probably longer than anybody except maybe John and it just opens the door and I'm not saying in the future it might not be appropriate but I to struggle with cuz the next person comes in and know you did it over there and you know maybe that's okay but I'm struggling with having an island of 5 acre lots in the middle of that anybody else damy no I mean I I feel like 5 Acres represents a rural transition but I also feel like there's a lot of controversy right now about what's going to happen What in the area that we call Rural protection and I just feel for now I'd be more inclined to hold the line until there have been more decisions made on what happens with the Northeast rural protection area I don't want to start biting into that chewing into that until those decisions are made and I'm sure there's going to be a lot of discussion and debate going forward we' got a new comprehensive plan that needs to be adopted so for the moment I'd be a no on this proposal maybe I don't know it's everybody has different definitions of Rural and and I mean we're consistent with the rural transition area everything I've heard today I mean this one per 58 or one per five acres is consistent with this rural transition area there's other areas where that's been established within the same area we're not again we're not talking about the Northeast protection area that's on the other side of belly Brothers um so I mean they're maintaining and I appreciate they're maintaining the agricultural characteristics of the property and yes it's smaller than 10 acres um but again it's consistent in my opinion with the comprehensive plan yeah yeah I I think um one of the arguments we would always have to have is that it would have to be some have to be as you said a competent substantial argument to V against it and unfortunately it's in some people's cases it is consistent with the what what the plan is so to vote against it would almost be voting against the plan and I'm not sure that would hold even hold up um my one of my concerns was the fact that I know in that area they have uh a lot of hunting and stuff like that going on what I hate to see is I hate to see new people moving into an area then as soon as somebody shoots a gun off they want to start complaining to everybody that oh I moved here because it supposed to be quiet and peaceful and I somebody's shooting a deer over there you know so I mean I would say that at the very least if this is approved then when when it's approved any property that's sold in there people should be required to be notified you know don't start complaining because there's people shooting or doing agricultural work or anything like that burning something or because you they've been there a long time the Bartle family and uh and uh they've done a lot to contribute to the community too and you know I think we need to respect their concerns so um and I know I know Mr Wilson of your background and uh I know you're an honorable man and I know you're you're doing it for the right re actually I didn't even know it was your property but uh um I could see why um Larry ble and them wouldn't mind being your neighbor I would mind being your neighbor um I think if you get to know Randy and his wife you'll find their pretty nice people too so um they even like me once in a while I would be will to add because Sor um just FYI I've actually given them permission to shoot the hogs on my property so uh I'll remember I'm okay with gunfire yeah um I on on the other side of that Larry barthle his brother has his cattle his Brahma on my property and and uses them for that so he asked me I don't hunt on the property because of because he doesn't want me shooting his he he seen me shoot a BB gun he knows how bad I am um anyway uh so I would I am fully committed that I would you know I would add that to you know conditions of the of of any Deeds that I sold that the property is rural and and and what and yeah and and always be that way and don't complain about it you know I would that we get that all the time you know I moved here from Ohio and you know and it was quiet nobody was doing and all of a sudden somebody shot off a gun and and I'm I'm when my son gets a little older we're going to shoot 22s out there so I'm find it out do you need a resoning does he need a resoning yeah it's there is no resoning application at this time so so there is but will he need one there there would need to be one because right now in zoned AC which is 1 for 10 and there's no conditioning a comp plan Amendment no we're not going to condition but I'm just considering that before the resoning actually occurs he could actually provide a de restriction like that correct yeah I wouldn't be part of this approval all right I'll make a motion to approve PC test have a motion I will second it motion second second further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed N I guess we need a roll call yeah Mr Jamie Gerard hi Mr Derek pet hi Mr John Moody no Mr Christopher cool hi Mr Chris Williams nay and chairman Charles gck I that is four eyes two NS motion carries okay thank app did you want your paper back with this too thank you now if we can just get B to bring more of that NVR stuff at 5 acre lots would be in good shape that's right yeah right Mr chair the next item is apc2 if we can get folks to please leave the AUD just let him commiserate for a minute and Mr Brian yunker will be presenting apc2 Brian hi good afternoon Brian junker with planning and economic growth Department okay good afternoon Brian junker um planning economic growth Department here to present Peg 2468 comprehensive plan Amendment under the name of finlake commercial center C pass 2319 okay the proposal comprehensive plan Amendment the flu change is changing from Rec six residential 6 to commercial the purpose is to allow for 21,000 ft of commercial on approximately 3.49 um Acres the location is on the east side of US Highway 301 approximately 750 ft south of um us98 there will be an accompanying resoning petition under the number of RC 7788 Russell K and ly finle the property is located on the East Market here is a side loc location context map the subject site is side on red here is an aerial view of the site here we got the transportation Network mark with the different roads and trails that are around our subject site I will need to mention for the record that we do have the lushi day City Trail Loop that is a 12T wide multi-use Trail 1536 M long from green swamp Trail Loop to the Willa cushi still Trail at Nando County and the second one is the most down Trail is a 1.69 mile long located within the RightWay of the CSX line from County Road 575 to us301 here is the existing future landine use is currently residential six the proposed future line use the proposal is um to amend the flu to commercial com MH the current zoning is AC or cultural the proposed amendment is consistent with the following comprehensive plan policies we got policy flu 1.6.3 transitional line use policy flu 1.6.4 neighborhood commercial uses policy flu 8.1.4 East Market area establishment and policy flu 2.1.9 rural lighting standards the recommendation comes to you recommend to find the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommend approval to The Bard or County Commissioners okay thank you here if you have any questions any questions nothing okay I guess you're all free huh thank you okay anything from the audience yes yes did you want to allow the applicant to speak first or that would be great it's fine when I said from the audience I a minut sorry sorry uh good afternoon an Pollock uh with Fletcher Fisher law firm representing the applicant um I just wanted to say a few things I think the staff report you know really goes into uh the status of this property um it is uh uh consistent with the comprehensive plan in many different ways uh we're proposing a small commercial center on us301 in an area that is uh somewhat of a transition between uh the uh area to the South and the more commercial area just to the north uh we are looking to um create something that is also compatible with the general area uh it's on 301 and there is a lot of uh commercial development in the general area uh but there there's also some residential and some rural as well most of the commercial that's around is is old it clearly wasn't regulated it's a lot of um recycling places and used car uh sales and Truck Repair and other things of that sort and what we're looking to do is really bring in a transitional commercial use on a property that really is is pretty much designed well for that type of use uh the our traffic uh assessment determined that the proposed use would not um cause problems would there would be adequate capacity on 301 and in fact um the staff report notes that they are uh proposing widening 301 from 98 which is really just North uh up to us50 uh State Road 50 um so clearly this is an area that is um considered for future development and what we're hoping is this is also in the Luchi plan area and I know the county is still working on finalizing that but we have entered into or we will as part of our zoning that we're going through enter into a deed restriction that will require us to comply with the Luchi uh design standards that are coming in we are uh committing to um not have certain uses allowed including what the county staff called Dirty uses um and what are those um the uses specifically are uh car washes pre-owned vehicle Sales and Leasing Standalone warehousing and general storage auto repair garages lumber yards Standalone lawn mower sales mortuaries crematoriums outdoor Pottery sales propane sales septic tank sales sod sales shooting archery ranges self storage and freestanding uh RV storage and Sals and auto towing and uh of connected storage of vehicles in addition we're also having to um commit to not building residential in order to meet the County's desires with regard to live local um we had a neighborhood meeting uh about a week and a half two weeks ago and we met with a couple neighbors and one of which is uh behind the property and is here today and it's going to speak um and our goal is to work with them to ensure that we uh impact them as little as possible uh most of what we're talking about um in terms of site development changes are more appropriate at the zoning stage or even really the site uh development stage and not the comprehensive plan stage so we would encourage you to recognize that we are trying to work things out but ultimately this comes down to a decision about consistency and general compatibility in the area which we think both as staff has agreed is is appropriate here and uh we think based on the multitude of commercial uses in the area that this really is an appropriate place to have a uh commercial development that will meet all the new standards that Pasco County is implementing at this point so I'm here for any questions and any questions I I do have one add for you in this staff M it's more of an observation I'm not opposed to the project but um I noticed that in the utility assessment for this um P water is right there but waste water is about 4,300 ft to the Northeast um which is kind of a heavy lift I think for a 21,000 foot commercial areas I'm just pointing that pointing that out more as a and and I think what we had uh planned to do with that is our initial uh Research into that suggested we would not need to actually connect to sewer so at this point as we move forward past this stage into zoning and sight development that's something that we're definitely going to be looking deeper at because our initial research indicated that we could put uh use septic on the site okay that's contrary to what the the J memo says though right so okay I me at this point we it it is what it is and we will be complying with County requirements so um to the extent they require uh changes we'll have to do that all right thank you have questions anybody else here in favor of the applicant that wants to speak all right somebody with questions I think you had I have Mr Thomas Gilroy Gilmore to speak on this item um actually it's the Mr Yer his display yeah and then the gis of the good afternoon msar chairman board members um before I get started I just maybe try keep me on track because I'm very passionate about the slam that that we bought in 2017 it's 14 acres and it's goes around the back side of that property that's um basically being uh for the change okay Mr Gore we did we're going to need your address okay it's a 20216 US Highway 301 D City Florida thank you um now it would be the I think his F uh maybe third slide uh maybe go one more it would be the building capacity okay right here the purpose um right here we we've been notified 28,000 Square ft mhm and this one says 21,000 this is the correct one this is the correct one 21,000 right wouldn't it be I I think so I don't know I I mean I have the I have the the layout that they the that applicant provided what what's the official one that we need to hold them to well it's going to be based on the 50% F or I'm sorry 60 something per f for the C flu yes I'm I'm going to allow my colleague Brian yunker I I know for the rezoning their timing and phasing was done on 49,5 Ft for the rezon but I know that's not what we're doing today I do apologize may you please repeat the question well you got two different numbers you got 28,000 Square ft on the paper that he has and you got 21,000 are we coming up with the allowable square footage and are they even limited to square footage by this other than the F or the traffic yeah there's an F in the flute I mean I think but I don't think the1 holds their hand so I'm happy to speak on this um originally when we submitted um The Proposal that we had in mind was was 21,000 but that included um further space for uh loading and um perhaps more intense uses on the property and so when we decided in order to be perhaps more compatible with the area and cut back on some of the the ability to maybe have more uh Warehouse housing kinds of uses um we took away some of that loading area and it ended up creating additional square footage of building that could be used um instead of that loading space that's where the change came the concept plan that we've been working off of of course is just a that it's a concept plan and ultimately um we believe we would be permitted to build what is possible under the code under the F that beats parking storm water and all those standards I don't think we have um any plans to build anything more than somewhere in the low 20s uh to do that uh she did mention the the traffic study for the zoning and which again is is not um something that's been submitted for this project but um when you submit for ukan zoning which we're requesting C2 uh your traffic report has to be based on the worst case scenario and under the basic of that that that would be um 49,000 ft we see an no aial photograph in our package of this site it look to me like there might be a big lake on this thing I have one here there's a proposal for a storm water Pond yeah and I'd also bring up the issue of the you know normally when you build a building you're going to have to square what total but these are [Music] 10 see [Music] it's 1035 by 81 I guess different buildings or same buildings and that's what brings my question is will that be in phases or like building out or is that all done again unless I misunderstand this is only a comprehensive plan so there's no site plan that's part of this approval okay um the site plan will be developed as part of the construction plan approval and we'll need to meet the requirements or what's what they're allowed to do Under the zoning and the land use okay and and I just say this building is almost like same size of the football field and and it sits in front of our house so when when you look at the site plan you know if that's the max they can do I mean that's what we're looking at and I just say if you can blow that up a little bit and go a little higher that is the house I sit in every day we have lunch breakfast dinner on that porch and that's exactly what I'll be looking at is a retention pond and a football size building less than probably not even you know maybe 400 ft away with the 100 parking thoughts what theyve planned um it it just to me I I you say bring confidence you know information to I'm I'm just not sure how this building is going to work in this area um well this isn't the meeting to approve that building anyway this is a to approve the zoning this this is not this isn't zoning L this is the there's two layers one's one's called comprehensive plan that's set by the state of Florida and then there's the zoning that's set by the county so anytime zoning has changed it has to match the flu the underlying state regulations so that's what we're looking at now we're looking at that part and then they'd have to come back for the zoning and the site plan to get approved okay okay I I you know 3 weeks ago I had no idea most people don't me s plan and it I lost two days just looking at the letter saying competent you know I mean on both sides it's it's got to be I I know I I could tell you I don't want that to be looking at a building that's right in front of my mhm place where we you know purchased and you know basically but I would say there is there is a commercial up and down this area and if you move north to the other side of our property and this is why I'd be so concerned what with what's going on in the luch area uh just go a little bit north uh just little okay all right if you can bring usually these have light note right there come come back up just a little bit yeah uh right there right there this is AC property here and it buts up to our property and there's a lot of woods our our property is pretty much pasture we we try to keep it clean and mode if if you can bring that that see that AC right there mhm can you and you go back to the other map there you are uh no no I'm the down at the bottom toward the bottom right there can you see what happened up in the right corner that's why I'm very concerned about what's in the area uh can you go up to that right corner of that property North yeah right there right there um that's a problem that's an environmental hazard there um that property is zoned AC and it's got probably 75 trucks in it and that's where I'm concerned about the property being rezoned in my front that if they don't follow it then I I've got to actually deal with these situations right um if you can go back to the live shot um to the property that oh well go go north go north because we're talking about commercial and redoing the Luchi area just right across the street on comr these two areas right here if you can go in and and click on what the property use is for Noe right side of the road mhm bring the live shop the actual uh right above north of coma coma right there yeah and this would be considered uh vacant commercial but you can see there's probably 3 to 400 trucks in this property and and I only bring this up because once they rezone I mean again I have to deal with these problems mhm um and I think there's enough commercial to go through there and maybe build that building on I guess do they call them marial roads and collector um this would be a good spot but it's not being used properly mhm and I I think that there's other spots for this building this football football siiz building to be erected and have as much thoroughfare as it needs um and I just say the first plan that came out was I I guess infuriated me because they basically went across our easement and it was a exit for that that property we share a drive they had asphalt on the other side of my drive so when I come out my only exit would be to go right on to their two exits and and they actually went on to our property with asphalt like without even talking with us and we we did we did get that um corrected but it was just like you know you think they would talk to the the neighbors and I think this how this whole Project's come about this Pro this uh parcel was 120,000 I I don't know if it's able if you're able to but uh if you buy it get it reson is probably worth 5 600 maybe 800,000 um and and is this the intention I don't I don't know but we're like again we have to deal with it so it looks like this parcel here is Zone C2 currently and this one's Zone C2 as well this one Zone AC like you mentioned and the person that owns the the corner if you go right on the south side of kummer comr he also owns the 17 Acres yeah the same owner here as well so this I mean this spot right here might be a potential code VI oh it's a it'll W if there was a fire it'll wipe out that whole neighborhood cuz basically what I've seen they went in and cleared and put lime rock down and they left the clearing a burm around that area and again I'm not you know I I know growth we lived on 50 4 in Little Road I went up to the uh the planning and uh division in 2017 and looked at there was nine new projects all the way down 54 and me and my wife went as far east in the county as a we could go and and then all a sudden I get a football siiz building in my front yard and I I understand they do but it's it's also residential AC res presential one or two homes I I I don't know you know and I I would share the drive with them but I'm going to be looking at you know 10 different businesses and then a pond you know retention probably 75 ft from my front door so so for what it's worth the this is Zone C2 and I think uh this is C2 as well this is AC agricultural so it looks like this you know this may be a potential violation but the applicant is looking for a um uh future land Chang to come and then to potentially develop office space which would be a C1 zoning is that correct yeah but but he also stated so C1 wouldn't allow for something like that right but he also had stated during neighborhood meeting that he was eventually going to take his business and take the whole building and I've seen that done down in in uh I think I know what he's trying to do is down in uh 54 and almost Seven Springs there's a um a plumbing supply basically with five different businesses on each side and uh snare Tractor Supply um and I think that's what his intentions are but I I'm afraid that it's going to get to this point where it's going to be a warehouse with Overhead Doors trucks in the back and this is all you know this what I'll be looking at mhm so I I just I worry about about getting the zoning changed and and I only bring up those other companies because how did that happen well then you would if this gets approved then you'd have to come back to the meeting when they apply for a zoning change that's the more important meeting okay because that's that's where it would make that differentiation between office and something that's more heavy use for example okay and I and I didn't know the protocol well this basically we got these plans and I I wish I would have known that it was just the land that's trying to be approved now it's just a future land use for this one so the big one would be the zoning and that's where so they would most likely apply for for C1 which would allow the office space but it wouldn't allow some of those heavier uses that you're talking about it so if they if they they it they said no hey we want to change it to C2 or something like that that's where you could voice your objection to that okay and You' be noticed on that too they they obligation to notice you on that so when it goes his own it you'll you'll receive notice yeah I'm kind of lost right now because this is what I thought they were coming up to do today no we're not pro we're not approving that today right and the other thing too you mentioned is you know looking out your back door at the at the project so that's where you could voice your concerns about that as well and then that could potentially be rectified by buffering and things like that that that would be my front door your front door and and I just say if you can pull into that and and I just say I want to get as much you know I'm passionate about the Luchi area we live there that if if if you that click on that 14 acres it's just north of the property that's in question no just south of that right there right there okay this is my property mine and my wife's property this this is what we have and we actually wrote a letter to the church that we would maintain that and we have for the last seven years so that's why we have the two homes right there now back to the parcel that's in question um click on the parcel that it looks like a low laying area yeah that was that was about 6 months ago that actually burned towards our house um the the the owner you know we went met in the neighborhood and I know he's here um asked me what I what did I wanted him to do I I called him and said your place is on fire he said the fire he called the fire department and said they were already there I okay well last night it burnt just like that again and and you know what I would tell them is maybe maybe brush hog your area or whatever but that's what it looks like today that was 6 months ago so I'm just saying like he has really as I feel has no concern of what our the neighborhood so if you're presing this to inclus ify the surrounding area I I mean I think you know there's questions whether it's conducive to that area okay well we always they didn't take the neighborhood into consideration so but as say this isn't a zoning meeting so we're we're just doing the underlying feature Landes right now so so I just have another question if I want to Zone my 14 acres I I could do this and what the board recommends today the same opportunity yeah okay you have to apply to change future land use just like and I was going to change mine to residentials you know agress so I could maybe add a house and I think on the first question on the application it said make check with your neighbors and I I the only time I talked to him when I called him to tell him his place was on fire he he asked me about changing it and I'm like you know no you're you're not even concerned about the the the the land or anything well we'll try we try to take the personal stuff out of it we just need to decide whether it's a whether it's a reasonable request or not so and I just have to say one more thing you coming right off 98 this is 98 and 301 there will be a traffic line at 98 and 301 that's already proposed that we had fdot out you know taking pictures of our land um and also to come into Pasco County and see a football siiz building with be pretty much out of the ordinary mhm I mean that's the that would be the biggest building from that point all the way down to the the old likes building and and I'm just saying like when you Zone it and then you you let them take that building all the way out to the max it's like there's too many other spots that can actually you accomodate that we'll give you another B example when the zoning comes in in the meantime I've given you a lot more than 3 minutes so I want to make sure sorry but there's only one person that had to speak so I just let let you have more time so thank you for coming welcome back uh thank you uh an Pollock again for the applicant just wanted to um touch on some of the concerns that Mr Gilmore raised um in in terms of the uh surrounding uses there there is C2 zoning across the street as well even though it's got I think res six still uh future land use um so there is a lot of commercial around and and he's right there is a lot of ugly inappropriate commercial around um and that is not what we're proposing here um and certainly the county staff have been very adamant about having appropriate uses come in and that's why they are insisting that we um have a deed restriction getting rid of pretty much all those uses that are in the nearby area uh so that we can't do that including warehousing and all that and the the other thing is going back to um we are required once the Luchi plan comes into effect we're going to be required to comply with those design guidelines which I think will uh not only benefit the community as a whole as they drive by 301 and see what's built there but also um the adjacent Property Owners um because the the buffer offering and all those requirements will uh be stronger there so um ultimately we think this will be better in the future and certainly with regard to the fire um and particularly I just found out today about the fire yesterday um we are looking to call the fire inspector the arson inspector to kind of see what's going on because um I I believe they were planning to Remo it next week but it hadn't gotten to the point where they thought it needed but nevertheless it seems something strange is going on so we're calling to kind of find that out because we don't want to and certainly once we get through this process and we build a building uh or buildings or whatever is appropriate for the site um the the the owner will be there regularly um he owns a uh air conditioning uh repair and uh sales business and that's really what he's looking to have as one of the tenants in this site uh but uh currently no plans to to uh expand completely uh maybe perhaps in the future but that is certainly um not something that he's currently looking to do his wife is a realtor and maybe she puts a real estate office in there um and some some other kind of office uses we are looking I believe at C2 um because uh for some of the the trades more trades uses there but again that goes back to the fact that we have to have that deep restriction let me ask a question couple questions about that so first off do you agree with the staff report in in what Manner in how it's how your application is supported I believe so the staff sites policy flew 1.6.4 neighborhood commercial uses yes okay and then it goes on to say the comprehensive plan defines smallscale neighborhood commercial uses as commercial uses that are for Acres or or less in size with no more than 20,000 Square ft of gross leasable area but yet the application here says 21,000 and the gentleman testified that he thought there might be more well I'm trying to figure out and I'm confused and maybe we can ask Mr pedos this later and I even have clients that might be affected by this how are we supporting changing the land use to Comm based on neighborhood commercial and then the applicant comes in and says I'm going to ask for C2 General commercial not C1 neighborhood commercial I believe C2 is a a compatible zoning district with Comm and it depends on the particular uses that are coming in and to the extent that only 20,000 would be allowed that's what we would have to the part I'm confused about I'm hoping they can shed some light is the 20,000 Square ft because I you know we don't have the right to condition a comprehensive plan Amendment on how many square feet they can build unless they want to put a voluntary deed restriction and I'm not suggesting you should but I'm confused on how we're supporting this amendment based on a policy that would limit commercial to 20,000 Square ft the four acres is covered you got 3.49 I get it Nar those planning devel planning and economic growth Department thing um the next item on the agenda actually answers this question where that provision that portion of the provision of the comprehensive plan uh in policy 21 164 deletes or eliminates the 20,000 scare okay so they're on the same agenda maybe we should have heard that one first it's your lucky day somewh purposeful yeah I was going to say might have been something was discovered and uh needed to be fixed that's good I I I'm I think I've probably adjust everything if you have any further questions um I'm here to answer them but I would respectfully request your uh support of this thank you okay comments I don't have any comments I move to approve I think it's consistent with the comprehensive plan and Mr thank you for clarifying the question yeah I mean we can get more into the details when it comes to the zoning application I'll second it have a motion and second forther discussion all in favor of the motion I I motion carries all right you'll be notified when the zoning comes up be notified when the zoning comes up up yeah we'll let some folks clear out and then we'll move on to pc11 okay okay thank we're ready okay next item on the agenda is uh PC 11 uh this is the Omnibus text Amendment which is a com County initiated comprehensive plan amendment to do a few text changes to the comprehensive plan it's peg2 2411 and the purpose here is to improve and the consistency between the comprehensive plan and Land Development code in a few Provisions address commercial compatibility within the uh comprehensive plan we'll talk to the issue that we just going to talk upon tou that uh imp uh describe the location of industrial land uses and Implement development standards for future land use classifications within the urban services and the amendment is going to touch on these two chapters chapter two future land use development and in the future L pend as well as chapter 3 conservation element but the vast majority of the work is happening within future Lang element and we'll see in just a second uh before I I continue though um in your attachments in in the packet that you received digitally on page seven of the um of the of the redline version of the proposed changes you'll note uh the RO and then on page8 the MU uh future land use categories um I would like to uh request to withdraw certain amendments that are associated with those future land use categories uh particularly in in both cases they have a ratio of land uses for example for the RO retail office residential um we have uh a ratio of residential 0 to 75% retail 0 to 75% office 0 to 75% the proposed amendment was striking that language and including new language that would say that residential development should be located with an initial 300 ft I'm not going to get into all of it but that language is being withdrawn for both the RO and the MU so I'm not going to present are you going to come back with something different or potentially potentially but for today we're simply withdrawing it but Contin with the rest of so that won't be part of this presentation okay uh so those are the particular policies that we touching in this text Amendment to the comprehensive plan uh policy flu 123 which is a category one Wetlands incompatible uses policy that's going to talk about our industrial um future land use classifications policy through 161 commercial development um policy flu 162 location of commercial development policy FL 164 neighborhood commercial uses uh that's that's where we're going to touch the 20,000 ft question uh and then some additional amendments that are happening in the appendix in in flu A4 calculations of residential density and uh A6 and the definitions of the future land use classifications themselves the last one called c1312 is actually an Associated policy to policy through 123 so what's happening in 123 is being repeated in 1312 for co1 so what is happening in policy through1 123 um what we're basically saying is we're amending to allow greater flexibility where industrial uses can be located adjacent to category one what uh we're essentially saying that industrial heavy industrial land uses are limited from being adjacent to category 1 we're deleting from the provision ilil which means that ilil cannot locate properly next to category one well because all all systems all all manner of industrial activity is contained within the light industrial buildings that typically go into I um and then there's some further clarification on can I ask just a quick question about that just the language category one wetlands and surface waters I'm not aware of any place and maybe there is but I'm just not aware of it in the comp plan where we talk about surface waters and so and the question that I have are you now recategorizing things as category one wetlands and surface waters meaning you're giving a category to surface waters or are you just saying that light industrial or heavy industrial uses can't be next to surface waters cuz I don't think there's any place in the comp plan that talks about surface waters U my understanding is simple it's a natural resources requested that addition of surface waters um and if only is affecting heavy industrial uses well I understand that but I guess is there anyone trying to make is that I don't need to be inserting new places to add confusion into something we're trying to clarify let's let them explain it if they're available we don't regul to the best of my knowledge there's no regulation of surface waters I think I know why they're doing it but I'll let natural resources speak to it first good afternoon can can you all hear me we can I'm Jackie Jordan with natural resources um we're current working on the C of 2050 updates and Wetland and surface water it's consistent with State um language so we re the entire comp plan and eventually land element code to match that working so it's what theface Waters so there's Anonymous is what you're saying they're not no all wetlands are surface fls but All Surface waterers aren't well and so the state um 62 340 for administrative code that delineates and defin Wetland it's listed as W in surface water so we're matching our language to be consistent with the state I guess I'm confused I don't know how surface water can can't be a wetland right how what do surface water exactly surface water is not necessarily a wetland and I will tell you that I do not agree with that statement that all wetlands are surface waters that is not a factual statement that's a state state definition surface waters does appear in the compound right now but I don't know much about it just doing a simple F you have a non Wetland surface water for example like the residential canals that don't have any mangr going along with them that would be considered a surface water correct that's an exactly the point surface water right the reason that I'm bringing that up is because I've actually had somebody come tell me I need to put a 25- ft buffer against a residential Canal claiming that it's a wetland it's not it's a surface water and so I don't want to add another point where there can be confusion about where things that we're where we require protection from wetlands and I'm not against Wetland protection by any means but I don't want to start creating confusion as to where these things are required and where they are not required right they buffers go against Wetlands I don't want there to all of a sudden be this confusion that now it's required adjacent to surface water objective con 1.6 is called groundwater and surface water protection it talks about maintain and enhance the quality and quantity of groundwater and surface water through the utilization natural resources Etc so there's already some regulation in this objective for surface water protection so it does make sense to say you don't want heavy industrial next to it through this other policy okay so an Upland cut ditch is defined in state law as other surface waters can I have a drainage ditch go through an industrial property we're talking about that's the problem with the that's the problem I'm trying to point out about the language we need to be very very careful here because there are very legal definitions and like I said an Upland cut ditch that's a wet ditch as categorized as other surface waters in the state so if we start put inserting the word surface waters then all of a sudden we can have problems where oh well you can't have that industrial site next to that drainage dits it's or or mosquito control ditch so and all I'm pointing out John is that the word's been in the D then here in the conf but6 so I don't know what problem now coming up I understand that but now we're creating the word category one wetlands and surface waters I don't think the intent of the comp plan is to stop Industrial Development where we have a drainage ditch no of course not what we're trying to accomplish is what we've run into with having to create using the PD land use category to address this very situation and having through sub area policies say you can't put your heavy uses here on site you can put your light uses here oh put your Heavies over here we're trying to make it just simple that you don't have the prohibition of light industrial next to but if somebody goes back and interprets and somebody gives a legal interpretation of this section are they going to read that and say you can't put heavy industrial next to surface waters that's the question that's to your point that's that's right so then maybe it's a definition situation we are trying to make it easier to place light I'm not saying it can't be resolved I'm just saying this adds confusion the whole purpose of this amendment is to CL is to get rid of confusion and clarify things and I think by adding that language we're adding confusion perhaps you and David can come up with whether it be a definition something create clarification maybe a definition that says surface waterers do not include man-made drainage ditches I mean it can be simple you're right why do you have to add an surface waters into this section of the code that we're talking about that's my point and what she's saying is cuz we're going to add it in 2050 cough plan well I'm glad staff has unilaterally decided that's what we're going to add we haven't had a discussion about about this yet I understand you're trying to keep with the state language but you know that's 2050 well what I'm trying to say I I didn't know that that was the plan Jackie I'm sorry I didn't know that was your plan and while you're doing the 20 while you were looking at putting surface waters in here now I thought it was simply just to clarify that we didn't want heavy industrial next to surface waters not knowing that that includes drainage dit so I think that can be clarified right and that's all I'm trying to say is that hey someone can come along and say well that's categorized as surface waters you can't be there you might have a I don't think that's the intent problem may I just have one more thing sure so if it was a cut drainage wh or ditch it would not be considered a category one wellon and surface water therefore would not be subject to this requirement so so you just made my point for me that that's what I said are we creating a new definition of a category one Wetland and surface water or are we having just category one Wetlands it's a Nuance of the language Jackie right and the river river systems are can be considered just surface water just well AR any well all the B correct so would want industrial heavy activities next to the river it's considered a category one Wetland and surface water you're not understanding the point today in the comprehensive plan the wetlands on the fringes of the ano River are category one Wetlands okay we don't have a definition of category one wetlands and surface waters in the comp plan today but surface waters part doesn't exist I think the Planning Commission understands my point yeah and I I I mean again maybe I think somebody down the road is going to interpret that that you can't have heavy industrial next to I mean I've had people give me legal interpretations where it says okay it says can have it next to Sur category one wetlands and surface water so you take the word and cl category one out and so you can't have an ex surface waters right I don't know why I I can't comprehend why the and surface waters has to be added but that's just my opinion yeah I agree I agree with you so we can remove those surface waters now can that can that portion be removed and service Waters we're here to make a recommendation so we can talk about that after yeah all right okay uh well let's move on Terry come back to that I guess second the slideshow thanks Jackie now I made you lose your place Terry I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I said now I made you lose your place I'm sorry no that's okay that's okay uh so now we're going to start talking about uh future land use uh policies 161 and through uh 164 to talk about the commercial devel the um in the in the up in the upcoming classifications and Provisions uh for the future land use policies we're going to talk a lot about small scale neighborhood commercial and Commercial infill and there's other parts of the and a commerci a small scale commercial definition that are sort of add odds with one another two of them are talking about 5 acre thresholds and one commercial info uh definition is talking about about 4 acres and so in the next set of policies we're aligning all of that to be 5 Acres as the as the consistent threshold across the board and also in the particular provision uh for 164 we're going to delete the 2,000 sare foot records so in this case here uh we're defining policy through1 161f commercial infield development of 5 Acres or less and we're taking the definition that's currently the glossery of the comprehensive plan and bringing it Forward into the comprehensive plan putting it under F because the glosser really shouldn't be regulating the provision should be the regulating feature it's also easier to read this way and then we're also adding number three within the urban service area the floor area ratio shall not apply and lock cover lock coverage of the zoning District shall be used this this uh number three provision uh is also being added as we'll see in a minute uh to each of the future land use classifications so that when a future land use is within the urban service area uh they are consistent with past uh County ordinance and policy as it relates to height restrictions or lack thereof next slide this is policy flue 162 this is a clarification on roadway intersections uh that these it that you may put Comm at the intersection of arterials and collectors or any combination thereof so this just a clarification statement here in policy flu 64 uh you actually see now the discussion that was playing out not to exceed 5 Acres or less in size is the new statement that uh fits in fits into 164 to make it consistent across the board so that we're only talking about a 5 acre threshold and not 5 acres for here and 4 acres for there just 5 Acres across the board that's going to be the controlling aspect of what enables small scale commercial development or neighborhood development versus uh anything larger more Regional and say shouldn't just say not to exceed 5 acres in size yes that's yeah yeah get rid of or less yeah we could that's we can figure that my inside English teacher was screaming I just noticed it myself while I was talking not to exceed so moving on then to section flu A4 calculations of residential density uh this provision is modified uh to explain what should happen when you have fractional density so ENT essentially if you're. five or more round up to the nearest whole number and you that's your new density uh if you're 0.5 or less then you keep it at that so if you're like 3.4 you're 3.4 if you're 3.6 you can round up to four Cas in the A6 appendix uh we're clarifying that daycare facilities are allowed permitted in all land use classifications they technically were they were just listed multiple times across the the different uh future land use classifications uh and then of course number seven there the the the additional density calculation language is added there to make sure that it's it's applicable uh in every density calculation that we that we that we do okay so this is an example example slide this is red six for the future language specification this language here has been added to pretty much every flu thank you uh definition within the urban service area the floor area ratio shall not apply and lot coverage shall be subject to the zoning District so each blue has a f or floor area ratio working very well I'm trying to oh the laser yeah that might so each each uh future land use classification has a floor area ratio and go back to six um and what we have on the books right now is in the urban service areas uh we try not to limit the height for certain types of development non-residential or other residential development Styles and so uh the floor area ratio actually creates the cap uh which is a sort of an unintended consequence uh if you remove the Flor area ratio then that height allowance that we have as an incentive for redevelopment and development can actually occur now so F was introducing an artificial cap where we didn't want it uh that then what actually controls the development if you don't have that Hy uh limit from the f is the actual loot coverage of the own District itself and then this this is carrying through pretty much uh through each of the future land use classifications um in this uh Amendment the IH future land use category is further explained in terms of what's going to be allowed and not allowed for retail commercial support uses they both have I don't remember which button I'm pressing with these two things um you have this line here and it and it gives you a list of the types of commercial support uses that can occur within either of these industrial futural land use specifications and so uh currently there is an allowance to do 15% uh commercial but nobody knew exactly what kind of commercial can actually take place and there was always a certain type of commercial that we would allow to take place that was sort of compatible with other with employment generating land uses and so this provision attempts to uh clarify that for the IH and I F quick question Terry on that one are you saying if they develop support commercial that it shall include restaurants dry cleaners auto maintenance repair and service stations or are you is the intent and I think your intent is and this is another place confusing language that you know they may have support commercials such as restaurants dry cleaners auto maintenance and you're not saying they have to have all of these things but I think that word shall include may add some confusion to that I see your point yeah and may include yeah maybe the word may okay that's noted okay and are this is there a current limitation of 15% yes where is that in the A6 appendix okay okay are you just moving it out of the appendix to well no it's still in the appendix the what's in there today the language that's in there today only says 15 % support commercial I see yes okay I understand so would would you put like a a cell phone shop AT&T or Verizon Wireless or something like that as a typical retailer would you allow retail into an industrial area under that 15% I think the the logic of making that 15% allowance was to put commercial uses that were compatible with the employment center so that people could go get their sandwiches or drop off their kids at the day or pay their cell phone bill you can do that by text M not if it's broken yeah if Towers this next amendment was to the employment center future land use itself there's a number of big amendments happening to the employment center future luse uh these amendments were requested by the board of County Commissioners um uh the main thing is to enable greater flexibility uh for land use implementation and so what you see on the overhead board here is that corporate business park or targeted primary businesses or industrial uses in the employment center may take up the entire employment that are flu uh before they were mandated or limited to just 75% up to 75% of the flu that meant that at least 20% or possibly even 5% of the land uses could be uh non employment generating land uses there was a mandate in the EC flu that at least 20% had to be multif family uh and 5% had to be support commercial or office uh with these edits what we're we're now we're now removing the Mandate for multif family and we're also removing the Mandate for support commercial office uses you can still do these uses in the EC flu uh and we kept the maximums in place you can do up to 40% of the EC flu may be multif family or up to 20% of the EC flu may be commercial or office uh but no more than that uh the key was to increase increase it to 100% which is really the goal of the employment center future land use is to be a Place full of employment generating land use this is excellent uh we also made some clarifications in terms of what should happen if we have have uh rezonings taking place they should be EC muds or they should be ukian districts with a development agreement uh or in a development agreement on the existing ukan zoning District itself so you might have an i1 already in an EC we can handle that through the development agreement process if there was any particular kind of uh condition that needed to be met and of course at the very bottom you'll see once more the F restriction not applying within the urban surface area uh this amendment is just simply to remove the Wetland overlay alog together uh most wetlands are taken care of by the conservation Co FL we've seen a couple of amendments recently actually with that will they will partition the site and say this portion we're going to keep con seal plan conservation uh in other in very many other projects like as in muds you often see conservation easements being placed on Wetlands so between the easements on the one hand and the conservation flu on the other wo has really never come forward and so it's just extra in the comprehensive plan right now so if it's a so we don't have any lands with that classification on them today thought that we could find and then finally U on to chapter three policy con 1312 this is the same policy provision that we just talked about a few minutes ago at the very top of the presentation and Mr Moody had questions about the surus water it's a it's the exact replica within the conservation element and if if uh the Planning Commission has a recommendation as to the surface waters language we would carry it through this policy as well and I believe that it's the all right we would recommend uh that the local planning agency find the proposed amendment consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommend the board County Commissioners minus the language that we talked about for RO and mu and surface waters and the surface waters if that's the the planning commission's recommendation Terry there's a definition of surface water currently in the glossery that we should probably look at want to pull it up yeah if you want to you want to see it okay be helpful yeah CH I know right I was not like this on the side at all it must be all the Oaks here or something I don't know D I should have stayed in Newport Rich was thex actually have the comp plan open over here so well this will actually make my point so I I can try to read it surface water a recognizably permanent body of water including swamp or Marsh areas contained within a discernable boundary or Bank created naturally or artificially water from natural spring spring Springs shall be classified as surface water when it exits from the spring onto the Earth's surface and includes the word artificially which would include wet detention ponds and wet drainage ditches Terry if you go back to your last slide of your presentation yes the last sentence in that slide kind of again further exacerbates the point of if if I'm reading that and I again I didn't go to law school and never tried to practice in my if I read that and I see it I read it as any development which occurs in these locations must demonstrate that no significant adverse impacts to the surface waters will result in an increased buffer shall be required I I just personally don't like the word and surface waters in that in that section then we're going to recommend they pull that surface water word yeah again a perfect example is an industrial use that needs shipping uh to a Waterway and you build a canal to ship stuff out of your Industrial Area through by water I mean it's artificially created the water in the port itself is surface water exactly yeah so you you create that Canal to ship and that would be the size that meets the category one definition okay well those would be our recommendations can we make that in the form of a motion okay so hearing he public hearing it's a public hearing you hear from oh do we have to yeah is there anyone in the public that would like to speak there's two no you had a turn just teasing come on come on up okay I don't know this can ask questions and make suggestions Nancy hawood 34110 a nice place first off I read through this probably skimmed it this is not easy reading uh appendix page 3 of 21 A6 official future land use map General applications I liked that first page it explained a lot but I go and turn it to 4 of 21 and number three says within the Northeast Pasco rural area res one future land use classification is deemed to be a rural land use classification within the rural transition area res one may be developed as either a conservation subdivision or an mpud Somebody explain that to me please that sounds like it says res one it's a Ral thingy and I put it is where is this it's um the packets page 162 161 162 the back and you know this is existing language right we're not we're not making this change exist now questioning that's what I'm it needs to be changed if that's the existing one is one of the things I'm asking I think Terry you have something to comment on there no you want B first okay the other one is in the EC um the that you just went over the employment centers there's nothing in here about employment centers in the northeas RO area plan I think some special criteria needs to be put on them so they fit in maybe not taking up every single inch of land but making it look like an employment center in a wood or something even if you add light industrial let's make it work within the northeas area okay I'm finished thank you thanks nany uh as nario PTO planning economic growth as it relates to the res one as um as Blair noted it's existing language it's been in there for a long time it's actually integral to the r strategy for the county that res one is the highest density classification within Northeast uh County Ral rural area so um in Northeast rural it's considered rural in the rest of the county that is to say outside of the rural territories uh or territory uh it's not considered rural it's actually called spraw density called what spraw density so the the comprehensive plan it doesn't specifically Define it as small density but it has a series of policies that uh favor res 3 particularly in the acquisition of utilities so if you're not essentially res 3 density um or excuse me if you're if you're looking for utilities you have to be at a minimum of R three density so to the point that res one is a SC density we try to discourage that M learning all kinds of neat things today yeah how when they don't like something we just give it a bad name sprawl density and dirty uses dirty us dirty uses I don't use that term dirty uses um well apparently somebody from the staff used it so is that like taking a bad Bill and giving it a pretty name all the time yeah but but the scoll discussion has happened many times over the years yeah at public King so that that's a those of us that live on more than an acre like our sprawl thank you we're happy with it you know what I can walk down my street right in the middle of it I don't have to worry about getting hit by a car yeah oh yeah sure as far as the employment center that's not really that wasn't really a question so noted from the public yeah thank you here daring Barbara will 6327 Grand Boulevard for someone I don't know probably just myself um I want to thank staff for bringing this forward this is needed they have a very high workload and to you know bring forward a glitch comp plan amendment is is appreciated I want to say that I do support the if the Planning Commission would remove and surface waters can of worms as you guys have have got yourself into um and of course support staff taking out that language the RO and the MU as they described thank you thank you you're finally agreeing with us huh maybe we should have Barbara make the motion took off for get to hear you as public com part she's been patiently waiting for Mee all right one more I think there was one more is there another one Janetta yeah did you have oh she bringing notes I'm getting serious now my uh J carak um 15925 um Green Glen Lane um I'm just coming because oh and I had my whole points here and I've just lost them I apologize um you know the things that are in here there's a lot of changes and um and the one thing that I want to say is that you know you know I stand in agreement there have been many things that have happened in the Shady Hills Community that where there were conflicting um uh um uses and you know I know that you know I believe that part of this is to address some of those things but some of the concerns when when you're you know the removal um in the wetlands and that's the one part thing I can't for whatever reason I can't get up uh to bring up here on my fancy iPad um you know when it when it was speaking about the surface waters and the wetlands and I think in terms of you know a lot of the things that we have been advocating for and against in Shady Hills and one of those things being you know the concern with regards to the um the light industrial going in um near the the head of the pth Luchi I think it is and the aqua fur you know being negatively impacted by heavy industrial and light industrial uses and so when I think in terms of the changes where it specifies the removal um and just adding a buffer and to to you know the the potential contamination is the concern that I have with regards to the way it's written um regardless of of anything else because you know as it stands right now there's remains concerns about about um the potential contamination um to and there are many teachers and and Folks at Mary gella that have expressed significant complaints whether or not they they're coming and bringing those forward to the school board I don't know but there is a significant um concern from parents um and and teachers with regards to you know it's a slip fre slope essentially is what I'm saying and I think that this is a you know a huge change um that is being proposed but most importantly you know is there really public comment being sought out and is that taken into um you know consideration as we come today there's no meetings after five guys I'm just saying you know the statute 125.638 after 5:00 p.m. per Florida statute we've continued to ask for it and so I just ask with something as significant as this that we would consider a meeting after 5:00 p.m. thank you all right Terry anything else okay any comments questions motions motion well I I got a question for Jackie just one last question are you still with us Jackie yes I am excellent um so was your intent to protect things like lakes and rivers by the use of the term surface water correct and and the way it would be read would be category one Wetland and category one Waters oh there's categories something I didn't know that iiz there are categories for surface waters either there aren't that's the point I was trying to make we're creating a new well if she means lakes and rivers what we just say say lakes and rivers then well and then we go to Derek's Mr pontet is point what if we have someone look what if we have a water dependent use that is classified as Light Industry okay that's on a surface water such as a lake or a river fish processing but lights lights allowed to be next to those things heav is not that's the way it's written that's what we're fixing his point was a port cargo load what's cargo load is Cargo loading a C1 use in our zoning code I'm talking about big cranes unloading boat exactly be an industrial use right correct that's IND this point we could have such a thing all right thank you Jackie so yeah if it was a channelized port then we would it would be a manmade structure would be one but it would it says artificial it says artificial artificial created right yeah or natural in the in the blossy or natural it would me it would meet the definition of the category one if it was artificial would tell you that there are those of us there's probably a lot of them out in the land use Community there's a lot of them in the development community that are hoping at some point we're actually going to dispose of those definitions in our comprehensive plan the state does not categorize wetlands and I don't understand why Pascal County sees any need to categorize Wetlands beyond what the state of Florida the Army Corps of the the US EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers don't C categorize them the State of Florida doesn't categorize them but yet we see fit to categorize them we should probably at some point try to get rid of those too but as a practitioner I would agree with you it only creates confusion yes right because that definition clearly says manmade natural or unnatural and so surface water would fall under that uh if it's a manmade Canal that means you couldn't you have to have a buffer you couldn't have that Port operation going on next to the water which is where it would need to be I don't think there's anybody here that wants to pollute natural rivers lakes and streams and oceans that's not the intent but we also want to make sure that we're not backdoor creating some new definition in our comp plan that isn't intended to be defined and that could be a hindrance to economic growth correct okay so so with that I will make a make the motion so is there like you might have to help me with this one Elizabeth okay um so I we'll call it I will make a motion to approve CPA 2212 the Omnibus text Amendment deleting those sections regarding the RO and mixed use land use categories deleting the term and surface waters from the amendment and then in the industrial section with maybe you can help me with this one Elizabeth getting word rid of the word shall and may for the support commercial uses what page number is that on oh boy where it talks about the shall be limited to 15% right yes that's the one that is it's on page 10 in the definition of the IH land use future land use category on page 10 of 21 and I and iil yes sir would you like to add to your Amendment the deleting the oral part of once yes and yes what was that also deleting just a just a basically a typo it's where it says or less the five acres or less oh yeah yes 164 thank you well thank you for my help in creating that crafting that potion it's a team effort that's all I'll second can I just clarify one thing you're not actually deleting the RO and the m you you're just not making changes we're deleting them from this proposed amendment we're not deleting the RO category not to be clear there are there are still amendments in the flu it's just that language deleting the ratio and adding that 300 um provision 300 quote provision that we're withdrawing from the flu so you so you are making changes if the RO well it's actually then if he's withdrawn it it's not part of the proposal so how about we just yeah CU we still have the F discussion and Ro so and so yes understood okay so it's as though you never saw it correct right okay all right I got it now the clerk has to actually memorialize that in the minut so do we have it do you want to St has a motion it's a motion to it's a motion to recommend approval of the amendments to the comprehensive plan finding them consistent with the comprehensive plan with the exception of the term surface water being added to those two policies you want to see surface waters and surface water Struck from there and then the uh definition of uses in the industrial heavy industrial Light to be modified using the word may instead of shall and then deleting this phrase or less from the 5 acre commercial uh Provisions from whatever section4 and 164 is that everything yes okay okay still second thank you he'll second that for the third time third time so we have a motion in a second any further discussion on the motion not all in favor signify by saying I I oppos like sign and motion carries okay made it we make it to the end I think we did yep motion motion to to adjourn second all right second all in favor [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh