good afternoon everyone welcome to the February 2nd 2024 meeting of the pay County Board of County Commissioners a makeup for our last uh scheduled Tuesday meeting which was cancelled uh let's begin with the roll call and announcement of the open public meetings law Lou County Commissioners Cruz here Duffy here and for the record please note that commissioner Duffy is participating telephonically uh Commissioners Gallow here James here leapor here deputy director Lazar here director Bartlett here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance sorry yes uh the B County Board uh County Commissioners has agreed to change the date of the regular board meeting which was originally scheduled and advertise in the annual notice for Tuesday January 23rd 2024 to Friday uh February 2nd 20 24 today Friday February 2nd the regular board meeting will commence at 12: noon in the in the room 2:20 in the county commissioner boardroom theate County Administration Building 401 Grand Street Patterson New Jersey The Herald news and the record was noticed on Tuesday January 30th 2024 that the pay County Board of County Commissioners regular board meeting had has been changed to today Friday February 2nd 2024 commencing at 12: noon this satisfied the 48 hour advanced notice of the board meeting a copy of the public notice was also published in the legal ad section of both the Herald news and the record thank you Lou um As We rise uh I'm going to take the next couple items a little bit out of order we are going to start with the pledge we're going to follow that with a moment of silence um 2024 so far has been uh here in Pay County what her majesty the queen would have called an Anis heris uh a terrible terrible start to 202 before as we began the year losing councilwoman Lauren Murphy uh in the city of Clifton a longtime public servant of this County at the Board of Social Services and the One-Stop a leader in our Democratic party and someone who everyone I'm sure has a story uh of how she helped and made a difference in their lives and then of course as we were here waiting to start our meeting last week we got the terrible news about Sheriff Richard bernick so uh after the the uh Pledge of Allegiance please remain standing for a moment of silence to remember them as well as all the others that we've lost uh in the military through Co and otherwise and then uh Father Ryan i' would ask you to bring us out of that moment of silence with some words of Solace would you Le in the pledge please join me in placing your hand over your heart exuding our flag IED to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands na God indivisible liy and justice for all name of the father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit Creator God with you there is no Darkness your character has no shadows and you are pure and good yet in our broken world we see so much Darkness around us bring your light and restoring presence to the dark places in our lives bring your hope to hearts that feel defeated bring your love and compassion to those in pain give us Faith to say with the psalmist Lord your light is my lamp my God illuminates my darkness show us glimpses of your presence with us and the comfort you can bring you are Trust worthy good and true and we thank you for caring for us so deeply and beautifully open our eyes to see you at work today give us your life in Jesus name amen amen thank you Father returning at the agenda may I have a motion to the approve the minutes of December 28 2023 move it County Commissioner is Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James leor yes deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes and may I have a motion to approve the minutes of January 3rd 2024 second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James laor deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes I have a motion for approval of the Proclamation second um Cruz and secondly by uh leor G Gall okay County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James yes leapor deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes that brings us to letter H our administrator's report Matthew uh thank you director first I'm going to call up uh Dr Gill our our health officer and Aris silly Pentel our assistant Health officer to um uh present on the state of health in the county of PES come on up Dr D thank you bear in mind that the information that we provide is based on uh programs that we provide throughout the county there are a couple of programs like that and the others are specifically for the municipalities that we cover so it's almost a two-fold type of report um I just want to acknowledge in the room are my division leads um and so if you have any particular question uh for their programs they'll be happy to answer your questions okay um as you know we have several divisions in the health department and this slide shows those divisions um a skill of environmental emergency preparedness communicable disas and n nursing health promotion and wellness and this is a 2023 report but for 2024 we are also going to have weights and measures so for next year you'll have uh a report from weights and measures as well all right the first division I'm mentioning is the mosquito control Division and um this is the slide that uh speaks to what they have uh they had done for 2023 um there were 26 West Nile virus mosquito pools that means when they went testing they in 26 different areas in the county they found uh West Nile Virus uh there were two cases of West Nile virus in P County um but happily no one um lost their lives for it um our requests for services were down last year um we're not sure why perhaps you know the work was done so well that nobody complained um because I think the previous time uh it was over 400 requests for services um another important point I like to share is the uh 15,000 uh fish that were stocked in our streams um and pools so that uh uh they could eat the uh mosquito larvae if necessary and public uh education events that are are superintendent and um entomologists may have uh had in the community the division of environmental health is a pretty large Division and um they completed over 700 side visits and that is uh planned inspections that they did and then complaints that they would get from the or residents um some of the issues that they addressed were odor noise um Solid Waste Hazmat incident so you know the uh jack knife tractor trailers and our response uh to the oil or whatever that's spilled uh these pictures here represent some of the places that our our team responded to and um in in the course of their work uh we don't do the work by ourselves uh we work with the state the feds if necessary to um to get to protect the health and well-being of our residents yes um Paul yeah uh the top one was a car carrier put on fire on Route 80 right where goes over River by to bottom one is U that was a joint exercise with the other counties in the UI region at the metal lands where they were simulating a some sort of bomb threat in the old arena there were able to utilize that's just uh the multi agency um inter agency working mut a type stuff showing that you know we were able to bring all those assets from different municipalities and counties and use them as one and then far right is a a water inspection so it's just showing the infrastructure of where the well is coming into a facility than so as I mentioned about the collaboration and Paul mentioned uasi uh for those who don't know uasi stands for urban area strategic initiative and we have and it comprises of Seven Counties the ones that um are just outside New York New York City and two large cities the large cities are Jersey City and um and Newark I mean Jersey City yes and newerk um and so not only do we collaborate with them for HazMat events and exercises but we also do a lot of emergency preparedness exercises with that team as well and Arelli actually serves on the board um for the public health Team uh the right to know program is also part of Environ mental and um that's the that's the program that goes into businesses and also trains County Employees regarding the right to know what kind of chemicals they're exposed through in the community and this just shows that some of the the radon testkit program that we distribute to Residents and our requests regarding uh I guess Oprah requests regarding F files Etc that we um that we do the office of consumer protection is um a new office as per the new code uh but we were actually doing the work already and that's the team that does the inspections of restaurants and pools and so forth and uh this file shows um this slide shows some of the inspections that they completed for 2023 um actually like the graphic there the graphic shows where uh it's dangerous to hold food you know the temperature that's dangerous food um which is one of the ways that they conduct their inspections um back in the old days the inspections were what we call floors walls and ceilings um now it's it's more science-based and it's time and temperature controls because that's how bacteria grows depending on the temperature so this just speaks to what they have uh done and we have a team of uh six inspectors now under this these are the ones that also go excuse me into our uh contracted municipalities to conduct the inspections uh this slide again is from the same team um we trained several staff to uh provide um uh food managers and food handler certifications so there's a requirement for all the food establishments to have people who are trained in food management and food handling and uh what they normally do is they would find a provider and um take the classes from them and provide a certificate to us uh we decided that we wanted to have people on our team who are certified to teach and certified to Proctor the exam so we had three people trained last year to do that that's just some highlights of what's Happening um the third bullet is really interesting because uh this is with one of our partners West Milford which is almost you know all septics and so um there was a big program that they had there and our team really helped to to manage the uh the septic pumping uh program in West Milford um and that's really prepares us for other locations where there is a high percentage of um of septics this next slide has office of solid waste and recycling and this is the department that provides us with the collection events uh throughout the year where we're able to dispose of either uh documents that we want to share uh shred uh computer electronics Haster uh materials um just to name a few and for 2023 our environmental health educator uh went around pay County Schools camps and Recreation uh programs and really spoke with children from prek to up to fifth grade about the importance of recycling um help them build those skills on how to recycle properly throughout P County and they were able to conduct a total of 222 25 programs and reach a total of 3,52 students in P County also for 2023 uh the office worked with uh Clifton city of Clifton and created a shared services agreement so we could begin to to have a program known as the poly sirene foam recycling program um so for this specific program their their equipment or our equipment is installed in the city of Clifton DPW building and we have provided city of Clifton with collection bins as you can see in in the image in the slide and these are basically the bins where the residents of the city of clipon currently will be able to uh drop off any foam packaging waste and hopefully in the spring time of 2024 we will be able to expand this into our other municipalities as well so for early 2024 we're looking into purchasing additional uh collection bins and hopefully create additional shared services uh agreements uh so our municipalities can work with Clifton and in collecting this and reducing uh the waste that comes from packag products how big um Nina would have that information The Collection bins um they can basically hold three very large sort of like the industrial size uh Hefty side type bags like the 50 gallon they can hold three of those in one of those bins uh some of the municipalities are looking to actually get some rolloff containers because they're anticipating a lot more than just you know what could fit in those bins however if the bins overflow the municipalities can simply just bring the material to Clifton on a more frequent basis it would really be up to them at this point we're expecting them just to bring it whenever it's full and I guess they're going to kind of assess how long it takes to fill a bin so then when municip cont on that the poly St is not going to be a curbside material what it's going to be is it's going to be a drop off item for the municipality for the um for the residents they'll bring it to their drop off center and then the municip IP ality will bring it on an as needed basis to Clifton where it will be processed there that's not City no it's at the DPW on East 7th Street we just had a meeting on in December actually with all the towns they got to see a demonstration it's been up and running for about two months and um the municipal recycling coordinators were very excited to be jumping onto this and so some of them have actually started looking for getting rolloff containers as I say as opposed to just the smaller bins thinking that they're going to be having quite a quite a need for it people are really interested in in getting rid of that packaging waste in addition with the office of solid waste and recycling um we distributed over 6,000 reusable tote bags um due to the single use plastic bag legislation that um was adopted on May 2022 so in order for us to assist our residents and so they could help us with this legislation we provided those tote bags um in our different municipalities in Pay County also with our recy recycle coach application um this is the application that we can download into our phones and get information regarding curbside collection uh in the municipality individualize municipality and also um so we could make people aware of the collection events that are occurring in Pay County yes yes yes correct that's the application so so the application previously provided us with only English and Spanish in 2023 we made sure to add Arab Arabic language as well and um we had a total of 27 recycling collection programs for 2023 this next slide is our emergency preparedness um division so we do emergency preparedness at the department of health services and we work with our mrc's who are our Medical Reserve Corps um they assisted us all through the covid-19 pandemic and they continue to assist us with any onsite offside clinics that we may have for just any events that are occurring drills um and we also provide them with trainings so for 2023 we provided them with CPR training summer safety ready senior workshops and also active shooter uh event that took place on August 2023 so we keep them engaged and active and just continue to provide these trainings so they could develop additional skills or just you know keep them sharp for a next emergency that we may face so to speak about the health department um this is about the Medical Reserve core and our goal is to have all of them trained in CPR on first aid regarding the county I think that decision will have to come from this body to inform us on how you would like us to proceed but um the sheriff's department and other departments have the uh the bandwidth and the trained Personnel to do the training this particular report is about the people who helped us us at William Patterson and other places and what we provide for them and regarding goals for that those goals are set by the state and actually it comes from the feds um and then the state will give us a work program and tell us these are the areas we want you to concentrate on this year and so this was one of them PA off get paid off yeah for sure just to demonstrate how you know emergency preparedness is an important um task in the health department early 20123 because things were calming down with covid we decided to do an inventory drill where staff and mrc's went into the warehouse and we really went through each single piece of Supply equipment just to see what we currently have and then if we need to order additional um equipment or supplies to get that done so this is the image that you see up here our our staff and the MRC volunteers assisting us with that project one last thing about the mrc's um uh at the beginning of covid um we were able to distribute uh uh masks and gloves to all of the health departments even to the hospitals because we had them in our way Warehouse so we provide a lot of other services that we can't obviously bring to this table all right so the next division is communicable disease and nursing and um so that's the epidemiologists and the nurses and you've seen all of them out on the road and the programs that they do uh this slide speaks about the you know various pieces of data that um are epidemiologists put together for us but I also wanted to bring to your attention in 2023 49 residents of pay County died from covid um and that's that's huge and that's important to know in January of 2024 we have already lost eight residents of pay County to covid so covid might be you know uh prevalent and it's endemic but you know we are still losing people to covid so we really must be mindful of that going forward so this slide speaks to all the different things that they do in in addition to co obviously they do other diseases um and the numbers represent the municipalities that we cover uh 18 18 outbreaks were managed and and they're usually in long-term care facilities uh day carees uh schools and our epidemiologists are the lead uh in managing those they work with the school nurses they work with with the icps whether it's Hospital whether it is long-term care facilities ICP stands for infection control Personnel yes the number of res haveed the one that's two th no two th yes that's the from the entire from the beginning of the covid to now actually today the number went up a little bit so it's 2289 you're welcome um new for 2023 was the health clinic uh in towa the well child Clinic we got approval from the state and from the feds and so we have these vaccine for children program adult vaccine programs and they've been very active and more so with the Immigrant situation that we that we have uh we have three locations toal wanu and West Milford we also do lead screenings glucose screenings and you know the screenings that you're all familiar with that we do uh the eye screening continues and for 2024 uh we just discussed with uh the commission for the blind to expand the program so we're actually going to have two uh two clinics per month they're both going to be at the Toto totoa location thanks not right now but we're going to start again soon health promotion and wellness uh so in our department we continue to provide different type of programs throughout pay County on everything you could see listed here so childhood lead poisoning prevention um chronic disease just um if it's something that we're able to provide we make sure to provide it to our um to our towns um so for 2023 we did a total of 93 programs and reached uh 3,100 uh residents in Pay County with this information um also we were working on um events so we had our Women's Health Extravaganza and our Men's Health extravaganzas and we promoted this information so we can provide our community residents with free health services as it's something that is necessary and hopefully will lead to Better Health in the long run um so Women's Health extravagance we were able to reach 62 women in Pay County for the Men's Health extravagance we reached 49 and then for our family wellness event we reached a total of 20 families in Pake County and this slide here is um information regarding our overdose fatality review team um this is a program that is run um funded by CDC and run by the Department of Health um we have a ofr coordinator and our coordinator meets with um different agencies in in the county and in the state so our medical examiner um with our Sheriff's Department our Prosecutor's uh office and just any agency that deals with overdose and opioids um they meet on a bonly basis they receive uh cases from the medical examiner and they go over these decedent cases and they really just discuss what happened with these particular cases um what was the gap between um you know hospital and a treatment center and they really just try to identify any Gap app s identify preventable risk factors and at the end recommend um potential efforts that are going to help the state of New Jersey so they do this on a bonly basis and um not to brag but for 2023 early 2023 um the State Department of Health was looking for two exemplary uh agencies ofr agencies so they could present to the CDC what we're doing at the state um Ocean County was the original ofr in the state and then it expanded to other counties in the state and um the other agency was pay County and they were very impressed with what we've been doing with our Forum the no more dead ends on the road to recovery Forum um so we just detailed what our ofr uh program was doing in P County and the success of the Forum um so the Forum that we held for 2023 took place in October 27 when we held our first annual uh Forum we had 86 attendees this year we had 115 attendees and obviously for 2024 we're planning to do our third annual forum and we're expecting an increase of attendees as well all right so another thing that we began last year was the community health needs assessment another requirement for um for the state and this one is very uh detailed and I'm hoping that all of you have done it already if you haven't please do it we're we're our goal is to get 5300 surveys completed it's it's intense but we're really trying to capture what residents in Pay County need because that's going to help us to figure out what programs to provide um the other piece of this that's really uh exciting ing is that we're going to use the needs assessment to help us with the public health accreditation board which is another program that we started is to accredit to accredit the department to National standards and the purpose for that is to raise the standard of our services here in Pay County um not many I think there are eth now uh Health departments in New Jersey are accredited one County um and that last year uh we we um PA County had our first uh Department accredited and that was city of Clifton so big shout out and kudos to Clifton for achieving accreditation um so that's that's next for us that's that's uh We've we've started we've hired somebody who is the main person for that and it's on its way all right so that's the end of the you know the pieces that we wanted to bring to your attention for today and is required on the njsa New Jersey statutes annotated for the health department but I grabbed this slide from the last presentation normal presentation that we did and that was the slide that was the last slide from the 2020 presentation I did here um and it was telling about the Hot Topic of Corona virus and well we know the history of that now so I just wanted to end with that because that's what we knew at that time and have we come along way since then yes all right thanks for listening we have met our requirements we could check that this box off and uh if you have any if you have any questions for us you know where to find us and um thanks for listening and thanks to the team for being here and answering all the questions and of course thanks to you arisi thank you very much Dr that's uh as always a reminder of uh the way your unit saves lives here in B County every day appreciate that Matt what's next yep uh thank you Dr Gill and and Iris Elli um next we have a public hearing for the County's 2024 Grant application to the Green Acres Program for improvements at The pekman Preserve one of our facilities in the pay County Park system so I'll turn this over to L I'll read the announcement of public hearing this public hearing is being held to solicit the comments from the public regarding the county of P seeking funding through the state of New Jersey Green Acres Program for improvements at pekman preserve located at Wilmore Road locate uh Little Falls New Jersey 07424 nearest intersection at Wilmore Road and Prospect Street project scope the county of P proposes uh improvements at pekman preserve through the development of a passive recreational area a concept plan shows the proposed changes and preliminary cost estimates and environmental impact assessment to the project can be found at the county thank you uh for dcha the public hearing is being held today 12: noon on Friday February 20 uh Friday February 2nd in the in this room the County Administration Building the following public hearing was noticed in the Herold news and the record on January TW uh 12th 2024 County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy you still with us it's a here Gallow yes James leor deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett uh here uh can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this Green Acres application or and James right yep okay uh County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy you still with us Duffy all right uh Gallow yes James yes leor yes deputy director lazara yes director Bartlett yes so this is not the public portion of a regular meeting this is specific to this Green Green Acres application does anyone present desire to be heard on the application County County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy Gallow yes James leor yes deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes can I have a motion to adjourn that public hearing I'll move it County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy Gallow yes James yes leor deputy director uh lazara yes director Bartlett yes can I have two seconds just to call sure Matt while Le stepped away do you want to explain our next uh public uh hearing and then we'll have him we'll open it when he gets uh sure and I'll just note I think there's a typo in the uh the agenda but the next public hearing is held to um to solicit comments from the Department of culture and historic Affairs desire to establish pre-qualification of biders for the exterior uh restoration of the historic bate County Courthouse um this is related to our um one of the capital ordinances that we're introducing um while we have a moment of downtime do you maybe Kelly can come up and explain to us a little bit what this project is about that that'd be great putting you on the spot you want to pull up a chair and turn on the microphone teaching voice all right um okay thank you um so first thank you and the administration for U moving this project forward um in many of our historic preservation initiatives over the last six seven years um and just relaying a comment we've been speaking with other counties and working on cross count Partnerships and Pake county is seen as the model for historic preservation throughout the state um so the courthouse though planned starting the construction in 1890s was completed in 1904 um it's listed in the uh Courthouse historic district which was locally designated in 2014 team with help to uh Matthew Jordan actually and the HBC and then in 2015 on the state and National registers of historic places which was uh prompted by the pay County's planning department um in 2020 we received a um a grant to run a conditions assessment which outlined all the deficiencies uh with the building and prepared sort of um recommendations um on that and cost estimating so with that report and moving forward with construction documents uh we were able to apply and receive a 2.25 uh million doll Grant from the New Jersey historic trust um this is the second largest Grant by the state to uh the county for preservation um we were actually the first County to receive a $2.25 million Grant it's through their multiphase program which was a new program um and that was for Lambert Castle in 2019 um so we're very for forunate to be able to um be awarded those projects um so just in summary this is for the exterior rest restoration which will include all masonry repairs um repointing fixing the ballasts the Cornus uh cleaning all of the biogrowth on the building um we will be repairing the copper Dome um and the statuary at the top um we will be looking at repair and replacement of all the metal work details some have been lost so those will come back um and we'll be removing the stairs if you're on the uh Clark Street side there's that sort of granite block that will be gone so the original Portico and entrance uh will be brought back and then there are some Landscaping elements to connect from the Hamilton Street side to the Clark Street side um and yeah that's it any questions it's exciting it is exciting it will be thank you is that going to affect at all um use of the building during the process no any of the courtrooms no and we are going to be working with the judges on we have a meeting I think on Monday with the assignment judge and the trial court administrator to go over the impact and how we're going to make sure that they can maintain Court operations during construction I know that the uh chief justice is going to be visiting our Judiciary later this month I'm sure he'd love to hear about this if you got any little write up on it please sh so okay so that was the part we were going to hear after the public hearing roll call but instead we're going to move into the public hearing roll call right now oh and sorry announcement and roll call there there was this isce I noted it okay all right um this public hearing is being held in solicit comments from the public regarding the county of P Department of cultural and historic Affairs desire to establish pre-qualifications to bids for the exterior restoration of the historic Bay County Courthouse whose address is 71 Hamilton Street in the county of patter in the city of Patterson New Jersey the goal of this projects are to clean repair and restore the entire exterior condition of the building repair all existing metal work installation of the new Roofing reconstruction of stairs and repair improvements to The Copper Dome the scope of work consists of single Prime contract uh for General conditions acquisition of all required permits provisions of temporary facilities and controls selective Demolition and masonary and roof restoration according to the project manual plans and specifications the public hearing is being held today 12th noon uh February 2nd in room in this room 220 Bay County Administration Building the following public hearing was notifi noticed in the Herald news and the record on January 6 2024 16th uh thank you l rooll call County Commissioners Cruz here Duffy Gallow here James leapor deputy director Zar here director Bartlett here can I have a motion to open the public hearing second okay County Commissioners Duffy uh Cruz yes Duffy Gallow yes James leapor deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes does anyone present desire to be heard on the application Kelly just describe to us all right second invite Duffy uh County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James leapor deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes and I'll take a motion to aurn the public hearing second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy Gallow yes James leor deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes all right Matt anything else on your agenda that's all I have for director to today director thank you all right thank you very much uh and thanks to everybody who was part of that from our staff um so that brings us to county commissioner reports I said a lot of what I wanted to say earlier in the meeting um but for our employees and for law enforcement officers and for everyone here in uh the county of pic I just want to uh remind you that if you need help if you need to talk to someone there are resources available for any pay County employee our employee assistance program can be reached at 1800 663 0404 uh there's a cop to cop counseling service available for law enforcement officers at 1866 267 2267 St Joseph's crisis hotline can be reached at 973 754 2230 and of course anywhere in the nation 247 you can uh call the uh the National Suicide and crisis hot hotline by dialing 988 zy orlander uh commissioner Duffy anything no nothing thank you all right Nick nothing thank you Bruce I just want to thank all of our department heads uh we we've had a rough beginning of this year you guys have been a big help to everybody in through a lot of this so I really do appreciate everybody who helped uh everybody who respected the family families that were dealing with this uh and didn't make terrible comments you guys have been there for all of us and I really do appreciate it and I will not forget it very good uh with no Communications that brings us to letter k on the agenda the oral portion C have a motion to open the public portion of the meeting move it second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James yes leor deputy director lazara yes director Bartlett yes uh this is the part where members of the public can approach the podium uh you will have three minutes please begin with your name and address uh and take note that whatever you have have to say will become part of the public record of today's meeting second seconded by Duffy County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James leor yes deputy director uh Lazar yes director Bartlett yes uh that brings us to letter L A resolution requiring 23ds vote Lou do you need to read the name of that into the record no okay then I'll just call for a uh motion and a second on L1 County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James yes leapor deputy director lazara yes director Bartlett yes that brings it to letter M the consent agenda Council any late starters or amendments yes director we do have one Le starter just read it in the record for the record it's a resolution qualifying New Jersey Board of Public Utilities licensed third party electric and or natural gas suppliers to provide electricity and natural glas natural gas supply services to participating members of the pay county energy Regional Cooperative pricing system for calendar year 2024 pursuant to njsa 48 colon 11-5 and RFQ 24-6 1 i' ask that m73 be added to the consent agenda okay I'll call for that motion in a second before I do that are there any items on the consent agenda that any commissioner wants pulled off and voted separately okay seeing none can I have a motion to add m73 second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James leor yes deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes and can I have a motion to adopt the consent agenda M1 through m73 I'll move it second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy Gallow yes James yes deputy director Lazaro yes director Barlett yes all right that brings us to new uh n one Sor else we're good okay uh N1 okay um if uh Council guantee I'm sorry director the guarantee ordinance incorrectly included the phrase veterans housing project and two location the title as well as the third line of the sixth whereas Clause the correct phrase should read senior housing project okay with that change uh can I have do we need to read anything into the record L director we received a supplemental death statement from the CFO uh and then I will read um I will read the first uh guaranteed ordinance um 202 24-1 amended and reinstated guaranteed ordinance of the county of P New Jersey securing the B County Improvement authorities county of for say guaranteed revenue bonds senior housing project series 2024 in one uh in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed uh 20 million okay County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James yes leor deputy director lazara yes director Bartlett yes that brings us to bond ordinance 20 24-02 Bond ordinance to authorize the undertaking of the pay County Courthouse exterior restoration project in and by and for the open space trust fund of the county of P state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of $1,500,000 to pay the cost thereof to appropriate the state um I'm sorry to appropriate appropriate a state Grant to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance of such bonds second withy County Commissioner is Cruz yes Duffy Gallo yes James yes four yes deputy director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes that brings us to bond ordinance 20243 Bond ordinance to authorize the making of various public improvements in by and for the county of B state of New Jersey to appropriate the sum of 10,500 th000 to pay for the cost thereof to make make a down payment to authorize the issuance of bonds to finance such appropriation and to provide for the issuance of such I'm sorry issuance of bond anticipation notes anticip ation of the issuance of such bonds second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy Gallow yes James yes leapor deputy director um lazara yes director Bartlett yes can I have a motion on the Personnel the personel second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James yes leapor yes deputy director lazara yes director Bartlett yes bills bills second County Commissioners Cruz yes Duffy yes Gallow yes James yes leor yes deputy director lazara yes director Bartlett yes thank you very much everyone please join us back here on Tuesday the 13th of February uh for a celebration of Black History Month and our next regular meeting can I have a motion to adjourn County Commissioners Cruz Duffy Gallow yes James leapor deput director Lazar yes director Bartlett yes thank you very much have a good day thank you commission thank you all right have a good all right thank right just said one