yeah thank you Ryan thank you Patterson council members um let's um come back so we back to our special meeting on Tuesday March 5th uh so we have um a few item that we have to take formal action Madame clerk let's start with item number one on the special meeting yes Mr President item number one is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to Premier compaction Systems LLC for the purchase delivery and installation of solar power trash compactors throughout the Urban Enterprise zone areas it's bid number 23.6 for the Department of Economic Development Economic Development resolution 24 colon 1 move move by move by Council D and councilman second by councilman KH roll call uh M clerk on item number one roll call on item number one for approval councilman abdalaziz pass councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um I just want to say with this item here I visit um two cities uh and then I noticed the other night when I went to the county I saw that they had craw off big or something biggie something trash um compressor so um I like that oh biggy no council please anyhow I I looked at it I didn't like with the handle but the ones that we're getting it has the foot pedal which I like the foot pedal nobody don't do not want to touch things you know people are not touching doors and not such a knob so with that being said Madam cler my Bo Che thank you councilwoman councilwoman Dava my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson we're voting on resolution it is yes thank you councilman K yes M thank you councilman councilwoman M yes thank you councilwoman mes councilman valz I just want to say thank you first for the governor's office to allow us to bring back the U Zone in our city U give us $10 million and it's well spent in city with the leadership of economy development uh Department um you know when you go around uh small cities in the in the state of New Jersey and you see this cans and the first thing you say when we going to have it in Patterson so this is the time to see it in Patterson hope the community get orientated and making sure that the garbage goes inside the can so my V is yes thank you councilman VZ councilman abdulaziz thank you madam clerk so we definitely need these I have two uez zones are very vibrant probably the most vibrant busiest business districts in the city of Patterson and South Patterson and 21st staff um we are purchasing 90 and I'm glad to announce that about 30% of those are about I think 30% that is in the Sixth Ward which is a big one to help us keep our clean uh our streets clean so my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz Mr President thank you so very much mad clerk this is definitely a great decision on the right direction uh with funding from the US Zone um those are solar power track compactor they're very needy in our community and I'm looking forward to see those uh in my third war Park Avenue the 33rd and also BR Avenue are is a u z so let's continue moving the city forward my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are eight yeses one absence item number one is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number two item number two is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to Taro Building Services Incorporated doing business as service master TBS division for the clean cor commercial corridors throughout the Urban Enterprise zone areas rebid number 23.14 for the Department of Economic Development resolution 24 colon 1 two three so move move by Council second by Council womana roll call item number two roll call and item number two for approval councilman abdal aiz yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I have um read through this over and over and over um I read it over and over and I cannot support this item my vote is no thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson no thank you councilman Jackson councilman Kik yes thank you councilman councilwoman Ms before I vote on this item I I just want to say to our community um I know that this was a sealed B bid process but I just think that sometimes we have to uh look into the way that we do things when it comes to us disregarding Patterson residents for opportunities or not even an opportunity to extend additional opportunity to individuals that are already doing the work I think it's a sad day in Patterson that we will stand to support um someone from the outside being able to receive this benefit when we've had a Patterson resident do this work for years Madame clerk I cannot support this item I have to stand and in full support of Patterson first my vote is now thank you Dr m cman Valance so before I forget I forgot to mention from the previous um item that also I get in U trash can qu marry all the U zone so get ready for that but in this item in this item you know we cannot uh put a uh gray cloud over a clear process gray cloud over a clear process um those that have been in this seat to understand the procurement and the process had was done with a a professional um conduct um everybody was participant out of nine vendors that requested the package only six vendors return it back and came back with a low bidder on it is the process uh we know that whoever don't comply with a contract that was um honored uh then the uh any legal department in the city could look into it and then take the proper action uh we are here in front of us in front of us is this uh honoring the uh the request of what they requested for and then there's nothing else that we could do only to vote in affirmative knowing that our street needs to get clean it will help our DPW to maintain it clean and make sure the residents of got us to understand where you didn't go that we need to keep our street clean so that's my opinion based on all the document that I have in my hands that I analyze it and anal analyzing the process I think is a fair one so my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you madam clerk I on this item I pull this item out of the agenda to do my homework and to just double check and verifi that the process was correct and yes this was a there was a beating process multiple company participated um the lowers bid the lowest and responsibility bid it it was equally packaged for everybody uh there was no differences uh we have a an expert on a purchasing department which is Mr Harris who um a professional uh person that has been here for many many years so and something that we need to know is that this clean commercial Corridor grants if we refuse to use it now we're going to lose it we're going to have send the money back to the state we're not going to be able to use it again ever again and that's and that's something that needs to be done I'm looking forward to see this company doing the work if they don't do the work then we will go to the next person and the next person papaton is filthy and we have to work hard to clean our streets that's that's what that's that's the problem that we have ahead would I been say mad CL my vote is yes thank you Mr President so the vote are five yeses three NOS one absents item number two is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number three item number three item number three is a resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or close session in our joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss a pending workers compensation and the of Greg Gurley versus the city of patteron resolution 24 callon 124 no before we council president we should be doing item 11 because we're not doing executive session yeah we have to approve these resolution first the approvals are starting on at number 11 um we didn't we didn't all right mad clerk so all right item number yeah let's start by item 11 we did not do four and oh you didn't close and open we did not oh council president Point order uh we did not do we did not we need to open and closing it so we have to approve the items to go in and then we'll um start from 11 okay so I'll just read them together just for essence of time okay so the first one is the resolution is item number four resolution authorizing the municipal Council executive or Clos session in our joining the city council chambers 155 Marcus Street to discuss pending workers compensation in the matter of one Sierra versus city of patteron item number five is a resol I take the votes and everything resolution council president mad cler in the beginning of the meeting we did that we did but we did not vote Okay so start at 11 so this just Council and I just want to make sure we're right you guys open up the special meeting you didn't you vote to go to Executive session yes yes so we were in executive session correct Corporation Council now we are back out of executive session so we could take formal action now on no 11 correct formal action will be on number 11 so so we need to read number 11 now yeah number but that's number 11 on the agenda correct and that's the next step right now hold on Corporation Council okay so these are okay so let's go on to item number three it's resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or Clos session in or joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation in the matter of Gregory Gurley versus the city of Patterson it's a law resolution 41 124 move by Council second by councilman Jackson roll call man yes roll call on item number three for approval councilman abdulaziz find councilwoman C find it counil councilman Jackson yes comom Mims I know we're in the middle of roll call and you're not supposed to do that do this however I just need a point of clarification as to what's happening because the voting resolution item start at 11 so I'm just trying to understand why we're on these items so can you provide some clarity for person I'm I'm a little confused M so I'm just reading this and then I'll go on to the one we read we vote into the record so we so we should not be voting on this number vot on ital no so the council woman is correct right now what we're voting on is actually to go back into executive session read the resolution I just voted yes on saying resolution authorizing M Council to go into executive session so right now we are to go on 11 and right right right after we read it council member then we start 11 taking from my action so all all moves and seconds should be removed and any vote should be removed and we go to item 11 cuz someone moved and seconded that item so we have to remove all of that no the vote council president the vot council we're not voting on three that was just presented the whoever moved three and seconded three has to remove and if anyone voted we should be voting on item number 11 Council council president give me a second Madame clerk I'm not so no she said yes I'm not I'm not sure did we come did we say did we vote to come out of the elective section and go back we did okay we already did that we passed that we are on on on the regular meeting on the special meeting taking for Action so Madame cler's doing she's reading into the record we're reading for the record and then we'll vote and item number 11 because they were not voted on correct read mhm correct so item number four oh you just reading on the record and then we go back to and then we vote on that's a normal process yeah 11 11 all the way through 18 item number four is a resolution authorized in Municipal Council executive session in or joining the city council Chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation in the matter of one Sierra versus city of pis a law resolution 24125 item number five is a resolution authorized in a municipal Council executive or close session in our joining city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation in the matter of Kevin Collins versus the city of patteron item number six is a resolution authorizing Municipal Council executive or closed session in or joining city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation in the matter of ishmail quank versus city of patteron resolution 24127 item number seven is a resolution authorizing Municipal Council or executive session executive close session in or joining City ccer Chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of Muhammad Khalil versus city of patteron item number eight is a resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive for close session in our join in city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of herberta Gusman Elba Gonzalez and Alberta Guzman versus city of patteron item number nine is resolution authorizing Municipal Council or executive close session in or ad joined city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of Gina Zavala versus the city of patteron and item number 10 is a resolution authorized in Municipal Council executive or closed session in or adjoining city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of Justin Montgomery versus the city of patteron move by Council second second by councilwoman DAV and Council roll call and as well roll call roll call and items one through 10 councilman ABD CL councilwoman cartton yes I think this is the wrong councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Udin yes councilman valz thank you mad cler yes Mr President my vot is yes M cler so the votes are eight yeses one absent we will now enter into we will now vote on these items so now we'll start with item number 11 11 yes sir thank you item item number 11 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of Gregory Gurley versus city of patteron it's a law resolution 24 132 second second move by Council BL I second by Council R call cler on item 11 I second it too but it's okay come on okay thank you councilman abdes after a lengthy discussion executive my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman cotton item number 11 the one that you want to start for 11 the one where formal action will be taken working come M yes thank you councilwoman CT councilwoman Dava yes councilwoman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin yes councilman VZ thank you Madame clerk yes Mr President yes Madam clerk the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 11 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk we still have one of one of the lawyers that came for item number 18 let's take item 18 uh Madame clerk right now number 18 yes number 18 yes okay item number 18 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the M of Justin Montgomery versus the city of patteron so law resolution 24 139 so move second Mo by Council second by Council roll call item number 18 roll call on item number 18 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson just trying to be clear this is the the the one that's okay so let let me let me tell you something and uh let me be clear these are the reasons why I person like myself will seek out a seat like this there is absolutely no way I can be I can vote an approval of this this is a young man that had his teeth knocked out that got his face beat in falsely accused falsely charged the judge acknowledges that he was wrongfully treated he was cohorted however we know how the system is working when it comes to black people he was cohor in the in the in the taking a PTI for a crime he never committed and then you have people who have had far less happen to them take much bigger settlements now I get it we we're here to protect the Public's best interest when it comes to protecting the taxpayers dollars but we also have a certain interest that we have to protect with young people getting being mistreated this right here is just an irresponsible uh uh uh gesture across the board it's it it shows how the system is flawed when it comes to the treatment or the the uh uh the respect that's given to to young black people this person did not commit a crime now he has a record of PTI now he has and and and and and some people want to say well he has a lawyer he had a representation we have black people that has been rep falsely represented by by the system all the time we understand that these people go in the back room and make these deals and give up something on this end for something on that end this is an embarrassment and the fact that that we're not standing that even even even the the the administration should be standing firmer with the with the uh with the outcome of this this is this is unacceptable somebody to have have taken on so much abuse and then to potentially leave a situation where his attorney is going to reap more than he's going to uh than he will in a situation is is it's typical it's it's expected but I refuse to stand still on items like this I would never being supportive things like this this is part of the reason why I'm here and I'm going stand firm on it each and every time Madam clerk my vote is no councilman Jackson Council women Ms so um based on the case in and of itself in our session I wanted to see this case has been closed the judge has rendered a decision and the plains have agreed to the settlement amount we have it in riy there's a case number with that being said my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman urin my vote is yes M thank you councilman valz the facts of the facts is that this gentleman was not tried in a federal court for a criminal charge he went there to claim his civil rights um nothing to do with a Criminal part he settled with a PTI that's why he wants it he settled if he was not s for PTI he would get a different trial but we're not here for that we here based on the claims that he's making he has a good lawyer the lawyer spoke to the not the judge to his client the client with the family the family with the other family and all they agreed that that's the settlement that he wants we are here blessing his witches we are here blessing his witches as I stated other councilmen here have challenge when we say no and they call us to Federal Court we'll be kind myself even Council McCoy wasn't one of those audience out there and when they say settle is beneficial for the city or not we going to pay more money I'm not here to uh be the uh doctor of the law I'm here to make sure that things are doing right and I commend the uh the attorney uh to U understand that we are distressed City and that we are here to support the settlement that the gentleman asks for so my vote is yes thank you councilman valet Mr President thank you m clerk uh you heard this before this is a um $500,000 settlement that both party agree to set into this deal um the lawyer so we have a very sensitive discussion last week at the finance committee today on the executive section very sad because for a bad police officer we are in this situation um I feel very sorry for the victim because I saw the picture um so we have to prevent this from happening and and Internal Affairs there if you know that a office wasn't didn't treat you correctly you have a department that you could go and talk to a person there make a report we have to bring transparency at all the level in government with that being said my vot is yes clar thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses one no one absent item number 18 is hereby adopted thank you m CL item number 12 M clerk yes item number 12 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of one Sierra versus city of patteron so law resolution 24 colon 133 move second move by Council M Les second by Council Mims and councilwoman Dava roll call M cler roll call on item number 12 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes Council DAV yes councilman Jackson no council councilwoman Ms yes councilman urin yes councilman valz and this is a working come oh yes yes Works in come oh yes Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the vote are seven yes is one no one absent item number 12 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 13 item number 13 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of Kevin Collins versus city of patteron law resolution 24 134 so move move by Council Davila second by council member Le roll call M cler on item number 13 roll call on item number 13 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson no councilwoman Mims yes Madam Clark councilman Udin yes councilman Valen this is an employee that got hurt on a job so my vote is yours thank you councilman valz Mr President my vot is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses one no one absent item number 13 is here hereby adopted item number 14 yes item number 14 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of ishmail kvan versus city of Patterson is law resolution 243 byoun by counc caller on item number 14 roll call on item number 14 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk just for a point of clarity because I'm getting a couple text messages from some people uh it's not uncommon in fact it's probably more common than ever that I'm eight in favor one against and my eight in favor one against at this point is is in protest because you know for us to sit here and callously not acknowledge the fact that y I appreciate that so for us that so callously not acknowledge the fact that black people have been hung on trees have been sprayed with hoses have been attacked by dogs and when people are mistreated we are here as I'm here I stand with every single Community as I was called out recently for not supporting the ceasefire which is totally incorrect I support it every single time whenever there's any Community that's been disenfranchised and for a young man to be so brutally beaten and then and then those who are elected not to stand against the uh the mistreatment I I'm just it just doesn't sit well with me so although these items may justifiably be uh uh needed to be paid out out I can't sit here with a clear conscience and understanding that this young man was brutally beaten teeth knocked out of his face falsely arrested then within a court of law forced or cohorted however it was I wasn't there to take a plea agreement to force be take a PTI which he's never entitled to again who's never had a history of criminal activity but was in a certain segment of our community the police were called and we know often times you could call police in this hours before they respond but seven units respond and out of seven units not one of them stopped this officer from beating the crap out of him and we're going to sit here and just vote on him uh uh an approval of of a of a settlement that's half of the amount of a of an employee that was wrongfully terminated that the judge uh uh uh suggested a million dollars for and this one as he got in his face beat in is being suggested 500,000 so again that's just a point of clarity for the public you know no one is entitled that could have been my son who was accused of stealing an ice cream bar and then leaves out with with with with his teeth knocked out his face taking a plea arrangement for PTI Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson conwoman M so we're voting on this item which is a workman's comp they're very clearcut concerns right when you do a work workman's comp that mean that an employee that works here he got hurt during on during his work duty based on whatever that concern is our lawyers work diligently to try to come to a place of settlement which sometimes parties have to to agree to or not and then they choose to go to jury on a previous item for what we previously voted on and I didn't get to go into full conversation with the situation with the young man there are some serious concerns because the officer involved has had some previous um issues however the case is closed they went before the judge and the individual that was involved agreed agreed to the settlement so we if he agreed to it with his lawyer present we're just here to approve what was agreed upon for me I just wanted an in writing to see that that was done we received that information I have it here we have a case number and it shows that the plaintiff uh he agreed to the settlement and we supported his agreement we I'm not saying that this shouldn't have taken place because it it we know it should not happen but if you go to court with your lawyer and you say I agreed to 500,000 who am I to say because I'm not your lawyer you said you want it I'm here to vote to give it to you that's what we did that's why we voted yes because you wanted it and we agreed to that now if you don't want it then that you go through the legal process with your lawyer to come back and do whatever if it's possible to do that but as a council body it is our responsibility when this comes before us an executive session to to review the case and to listen to the information I I have to commend our legal department cuz every one of these cases even though there are dollar amounts and some may seem higher than others every one of these were were requested at a higher amount they were brought down even the $500,000 the initial it was 1.5 million so we voted on 500,000 so Patterson I'm sure it'll be in the newspaper but I want you to hear first they agree to it it is our responsibility within 60 days to vote to approve it so people are not waiting on their money Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman urin my vot is yes M thank you councilman councilman Valance once again I don't know why we are repeating things like if the public will not understand what is a PTI this gentleman accepted a PTI because he believed that he wanted it a PTM he didn't want it he got a good lawyer the lawyer would say let's fight the case and probably you get more charges you never know I'm not discussing the criminal case things was done properly they was requesting a big amount of money but back and forth they agreed to get that type of money so I don't know why we have to go back and forth we are here for workers come all those individual that got hurt in the job that has entitled to put a claim and works income insurance will pay for it and that also is agreed by a mediator in the work comp uh cases like that so saying that I'm voting for the health of this individual that get compensate so my vote is yes thank you Council valz Mr President thank you m clerk thank you councilwoman men for for that on item 18 that we already voted on on item number 14 my vote is yes P clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses one no one absent item number 14 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 15 item number 15 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Muhammad khil versus city of Pon law resolution 24 call 136 so move second Mo by Council second by councilman roll call on item 15 roll call on item number 15 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um um the items that we had to discuss in his ex session some of them was workman comp some of them was litigations now the law allows the Workman count if they work for the city and they get hurt they get paid paid or they get they can settle it depends on what what type of injuries they have uh if they cannot work no more if they can't work some more so these items are items that is workman comp and litigation items so we have to decide um to the judges um the lawyers that we have working for us um and sometimes they start out like way way out the window and their job is to try to bring it down especially too for the workman comp if they get inally hurt I mean we had some bad cases and I can tell you um we had a we had a few cases here where we had to borrow money to pay medical bills for about eight employees that they were that sickly so sometimes you may not they're there the laws allowed you to have the workman comp stuff so Madam clerk my vot is thank you Council woman I know y' talking about Council councilwoman Dava councilman Jackson no councilman councilwoman U Mims so in this particular case this is not a workman's uh compensation case is a litigation but even in litigation cases it's still um when you come to these particular cases there are different um insinuating circumstances but I will say it again I think our legal team did a great job in allowing uh the amount dollar amount to be reduced um and these are settlement amounts so with that being stated Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr memes councilman Udin so again yeah so this is not working conversation he was mistreated by one of the officer and was imprisoned and this is the case is is is here for so again um my vote is yes thank you councilman Odin councilman valz I just want to say that this legation cases that involve police is from PR uh previous situation that happened before the state taking over the police department and a lot of these cases probably was the one that motivated the state to come in so all the cases are from 19 17 16 and they are in front of us now and um you know and we need to do the right thing when it comes up to us so still the taxpayer paying the errors of others in the past hopefully under this two-year contract that this um officer in charge have we don't have to come back and keep on paying for wrongdoings in the police Le bment so my vot is yes thank you councilman vet Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you I'm sorry I did um I'm sorry madam mad sorry madam clerk I passed so yes I have to come back to you I'm sorry no no problem Madame clerk Council DAV so I'm I'm very um feeling certain I'm going to abstain from this um vote abstain abstain okay thank you so I'll announce the votes now uh the votes are six council members please please I'll announce the votes now six yeses one no one abstention one absent item number 15 is hereby adopted thank you m CL item number 17 want 16 you want 16 16 16 so item number 16 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Alberta Guzman Elba Gonzalez and Alberta Guzman versus city of Pon law resolution 24 colon 137 move by Council second by Council Dava roll call M clerk on item 16 roll call on item number 16 councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ when this case happened we didn't have cameras thanks God now we got cameras that could work both sides now so um my vot is yes Mr President i v is yes M cler thank you the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 16 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 17 item number 17 is a resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Gina Zavala yopan versus city of patteron resolution 24 colon 138 so move move by coun second by councilwoman Davila roll call M clerk on item 17 roll call on item number 17 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin councilman Jackson no councilman councilwoman Ms before I vote just a point of observation I'm not sure what's going on with the clock but I'm receiving messages that the clock has um uh it's not it's I don't know if it's not working or there's a glitch so we can take a look at that because everyone can see that on the camera the clock that's used it's supposed to have a timer on it but it looks like there's a glitch Madam clerk with that being stated my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my V is yes I fix it now yeah councilman Val I have to fix in the clock yes Mr President have yes Clerk thank you the votes are seven yeses one no one absent item number 17 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk council member this um last item with this like last item we conclude our special meeting that we have March 5th at 8 p.m. so let's do public portion now members of the public um you have 3 minutes to address this Council um respectfully right after the 3 minute I'm going to ask you to let allow the F the next speaker to use his three minute let's be respectful to this chamber and to the c p so mad cler how many speaker do we have let's call the first speakers let's call the first Speaker first speaker is Kim Freeman or kit Freeman Mr Ken Freeman from the Third I really got stuck hold on it's 259 pass these pictures I need the pictures back let's wait on the clock BT clerk until we get the information wait a second man here you go now okay I do three minutes man Mr Freeman I'm just told the clerk to wait on the clock until we receive the information I don't like people staring at me with evil intent I really don't you laugh for you want you threaten me again I'm a press Char you can't threaten somebody say you going to punch them in the face because you feel that they R who are you I don't let nobody get with than I don't care who they are you crazy or not you're the one crazy okay you can laugh where you want that's why Alex is hired I don't know how you can work for a guy with all these indictments okay this is ridiculous you can say whatever you want about me I've never been indicted and I've never been to prison but he's going to pris the three minutes on the three minutes CL start start the clock M cler next time you threaten me say you going in the face you're going to prison now you laugh or you laugh about that oh right you woman all right you ready yeah whatever you say what you want in bre I say more you can out talk you can't out argue me know know you're the one crazy like most black women I know you don't jump on a man's face one thing I tell you teddy Martinez came to me like a man all the other women came at me ready to fight and you know you can't win I don't understand anyway that $625 ticket for the commercial thing I'm glad you said follow the law okay cuz when the law kicks you in your ass I'm going right here and be happy about it now I'm here because of the package that you have we have some constituents in the Sixth Ward and I try to talk to Al and I like Al I a got nothing against but obviously there's a person on Nic 267 I don't know if you know these guys or not whatever I don't care all I know is when I went out with brother udy who I might he gets a because he's accessible he's out in the public he's out there doing what we should have been doing with the with the uh clergy and Community Patrol that they have North I've been talking about this for 3 years UD did it without even all that and you got clergy bro Third Ward is not safe anymore and that's a shame another thing parking we need designated parking I lived in my address for 32 years we never had a parking problem we have now out of the available 12 parking spots that's around my house whatever like that we have 19 cars now I told you next door they had five cars now there's four units over here I don't know if Alex and his people bought it but they're his people because I complained he went over there now they all nicey nicey to I've been there 32 years these people have been here six months and now the lady next door Jamaican she don't like all right the garders next door next door to me they don't like the elderly PE uh what's my man uh uh from East Side Mr Nelson in now and we have another to make family right across the fre all I need is two paring spots just two there's six of them around my house I have three in front three on the side across the street they got four three four four why can't I come home speak cleaning next speaker next speaker is Mr Cory Mr Cory T Mr left next speak about CL toan Wells toan left next speak about CL commissa Rogers Jones commissa left too let's okay former councilman Bill William Bill McCoy thank you madam clerk part of part of good government is transparency and want to clct the clock the three minute clock please officer officer you're going to have to leave the chamber because we need to continue the public portion he have to leave the chamber now now so you have your name on the police pi and all right so so you will have a all right the three minutes on good evening three minutes on I'll allow her to speak ahead of me if you would come to the mic what so you have your name on the po p Okay C speaking why council president we are being televised ma' yes C council president why don't you let her speak to the ba right on the side so miss you come and talk to the VA Corporation Council um they will do a sidebar with you uh excuse me uh you you you listen you're in TV if you could go outside or the way Side Bar I know you don't want to be on TV so I mean I could see your friend mic so you could if you could do a side by with councilman Jackson but also Corporation Council as well uh or whoever any council member that will definitely that will address you all right next speaker Madam clerk coun councilman William Bill McCoy Bill McCoy um candidate for the third W May 14th election let me just say 528 15th Avenue patteron New Jersey let me just say real quickly that Effective Government requires that we be transparent and that we be accountable to the to the public you know I hear folks talk about process I've been a five-time council member and the council president is not invested with any greater power than any other council person his job is to maintain the the Quorum and to run the meeting the only time that the council president have a have a right to say what goes on the agenda or not is after the regular meeting but the items going to Workshop should really be done through consensus and move to the to the regular meeting I want to talk about this contract that you guys um voted on with regards to the closed bid the council president last couple of weeks was saying how bad it was the difference between the two and you come back tonight and councilman bz and you say oh they follow the process but the public doesn't know the process they don't understand it's quite apparent that 159 to 380 there's an issue and I think we owed an we had an obligation to explain that vote to the coun to the to the public I do believe there's provision clo open bid or not to declare something that is not a responsible bid the testimony was already placed on the agenda that if you look at the basic cost of providing the service it appears that it's exceeds or equal the amount of the bid that would render it not a responsible bid and there is a provision for that but I'm not arguing whether you should have approved it or not what I'm arguing to you is that you had not explained sufficiently to the public why that bid was a responsible bid and acceptable to say that if the guy doesn't do the job then you'll come back later and deal with it is is um waiting for the car to run off the ditch before you um take a proper motion so I wanted to encourage the the council to pay more attention tonight's process it is now after 11: and that's the time that we're open the public portion many of the people that came to speak to you tonight couldn't stay until this hour and I think it was deliberate that we we we don't really want to hear from the public and we did everything possible to drive that meeting to the latest portion of the day that's not good government if folks can't have confidence in their government and that the confidence is driven by the transparency and accountability so I would encourage you um in the future to make sure that at least we are explaining our vote to the public similarly to what you did with some of the workers Cal cases I think this one cries out for that it seems unfair thank you next speaker mad clerk next speaker is Miss Francis Harrison Francis Harrison 302 East First Street um let me say good evening to everyone and I have some concerns to piggy back on what Mr McCoy has said I keep hearing the process too and I got a little problem with some of the processes that are being put out there because as he said they are not being explained and I don't think they're being worked out because as we know this new garbage company we have a problem with this bulk and I don't know if you needed more information from the community to help you guys make the decision that you made but I don't think you got it the other thing I wanted to talk about is this um resolution number one you're talking about these um solar power garbage cans and I understand that the money was allocated maybe a year and a half ago and it was a talk about 300 cans I'd like to know the process on that how many cans it actually is where these cans are going to be prorities cans going to be monitored have you also included those corridors have you included those businesses there to take the ownership on doing this I hope this is all part of your processes because you keep saying processes but as we can see as Citizens a lot of your your processes don't follow through because there's a an enforcement and there's a follow through and a monitoring of a lot of these processes that are dumped on us as Citizens such as the sewer now we got the garbage can okay now we got the garbage company the processes need to be dealt with you guys need to reach out to your constituents find out what their concerns are before you put a rubber stamp on something it's becoming a big problem the other question I had was about um hold up a minute we understand those of us who understand litigation and those of us who understand workers compensation you guys went through it and explained it a little bit workers compensation is the law litigation is good when you say that the lawyers were able to get the lowest bed that's not good let's say they were able to compromise they were able to work with the people because it sound like you were trying to lowball these people based on whatever their condition or whatever was going on with them I'm also here to speak about ceasefire I'm a member of ceasefire and we have plann our annual walk which is on Saturday Palm Sunday we will be taking our walk again ceasefire is to stop the LA the next shooting I'm also here as the president of the East Side neighborhood association we have a lot of issues in the East Side in terms of the airbnbs in terms of the um the other things could I have a few more minutes last have to it up M Harrison please um there is a lot of things that need to be addressed as resolutions not Street naming not oneway streets there are are ordinance on the book that really need your attention as legislators the Airbnb is an issue the parking is an issue the garbage is an issue there are a lot of things on the book please these guys legislate for the city of P thank you Mr francon let's speak am cler there are no more speakers motion to close motion to close counc president I a constituent council president have a constituent here I think she didn't sign up by accident sign for council president she sign this is public portion for the for a special meeting do a public portion for the regular meeting council members council members everybody that came here to speak point of order council member there's a person in the public and I want that person to speak please come to the mic come to the mic so we will give you three minutes for you to come to the mic everybody spoke about everything why she cannot speak about her issue okay um the reason I'm here is I have a neighbor speak close to the mic that way we could hear you I have a neighbor who runs a 24hour s we pling business from his driveway and this is pretty much my house looks like almost every day I've been complaining alos I've been complaining I've been complaining to zoning I've been complaining to police it seems like everyone is saying it's not something they handle so I'm trying to figure out who can I contact that that could resolve the situation so councilman D he's your councilman councilman D so okay so he will be in touch with you roll call to close public paral by coun D second by councilman um um um Al de ro call to close a public portion of the municipal council meeting ABD thank you madam clerk to address the concern from one of my constituents um she is right I have reported this to the administration I have reported this to zoning I have reported this to Police director I even connected the constituent with the OIC face to face where they she addressed this concern with the highest level of government officials in our city Madame ba I would uh once again you could hear their address the mayor has been notified about this issue hiier Fernandez has been notified about about this issue the OIC has been notified about this issue right the Police director has been notified about this issue the zoning officer has been visited that location notifi issue I've done my part to relay your message to the highest levels and you had face Toof face U dialogue with them about this issue now now the ba Madame ba please bring it in your cabinet meetings um and hopefully you can address this resid concerned my vote is yes thank you thank you con there there's no excuse me there's no rebound please talk to your councilman she should you're the councilman you represent her please continue mad CL councilwoman cotton councilman of D aiz is the quote unquote mayor of the Sixth Ward you can speak to him speak to the mayor of the sixth W councilman abdulaziz he's part he's a president of GTD getting things done please let have respect where her concerned please council members we voting on we voting to we voting on closing the public portion please I know councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson I I was wondering what what happened to the GTV with May crap now you crying I mean listen these are common occurrences all over the place and it's unfortunate that um you know this and um it's unfortunate that the young lady has to experience this but this is a common occurrence around the entire Community the city's as dirty as it's ever been like I I've never never seen this city as as dirty as it is and people just being able to conduct business doing all kinds of different you know um things throughout the city is anything goes in patteron this is just it this is what we what we've gotten but this is according to what this Council has been willing to support So to your point Miss Francis you know we've we you we've witnessed these infractions throughout the centuries how people have gone before a court and just because they've gone before a court you you're talking about an employee that was wrongfully terminated right who by the way we're going to we're going to spend this City's going to spend a great deal of money on right the judge offers him a million but offers somebody that gets his teeth knocked out 500,000 now not to say that $500,000 is a small amount but by the time you factor in all of the fees and things of that nature we're supposed to be here to defend the Public's best interest yes we do have to defend the the taxpayers but allowing these types of situations to occur when we have other people who are awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars for far less for being called out of their name and in the workplace for the for more failure by this Administration and then everybody talks about how great it is oh an amazing job we've done I've never seen a city this bad but we continue to to Pat Pat each other on the back give up give up give everyone accolades for failures and then to watch a young man get mistreated like that and then and then we don't stand you know in support of or against his mistreatment when we know how corrupt this the uh Judicial Systems are this young the other young man was just brutally beaten handcuffed kneed in the face and the officer was acquitted but they on my doorstep for one ballot one atente pallot this stuff is you can't make this stuff up I would never sit silence silently on this WOW W anyway it it's pointless like the the agenda is that's driven here is it's obvious Madam clerk I appreciate it my vote is um yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims so um I just want to say as we come to close to the viewing public I want to thank the viewing public and I'm waiting because I I don't know if it's personal but when I'm speaking on the camera it it zooms on everyone else and never me so I I have to put it on record okay get it done ran okay I I'm I'm beginning to take it personal here give it a chance give it a chance it's like every occurrence there's no chance I'm going to call it out that's right that's right it's covering ra I'm going to call it out so speech freed of speech I want to thank the public for coming out and those that are viewing I know it's a special meeting but it was a workshop um we come out and there's a lot of things that get done um as we sit here um and then next Tuesday we'll be voting on some more items but I just want to say to the community at large uh when it comes to situations and circumstances as it pertain to the residents in the city um as legislators it is our responsibility to do our due diligence and researching knowing the facts and then voting accordingly or amending the ordinances that are on the books or creating new ones with that being stated um I want to close by saying first of all happy birthday to my daughter who turned 34 years old today and happy birthday to lady yahana mendz today is her birthday as well she must be special she's born on my daughter's birthday so to my daughter I'll make sure she looks tomorrow that she gets her shout out um and to uh everyone it is read Across America week in our schools so make sure if you have time or availability that you reach out to a principal and you go in and read to our children they love it in our buildings yes yes so make sure you reach out um I'm at school 21 if you want to read at my school there's no time limit sometime we have the rules and then we overdo it I just say so um if you would like to read at a school reach out to a principal if you are an alumni of school 21 please reach out to me um and we'll definitely try to fit you into our calendar we have a very very robust list of great people that are coming to our school um and I'm really happy about that Miss Francis keep doing what you're doing keep doing what you're doing you're doing a phenomenal job and one of the things that I learned um in growing up was that we have to respect our elders we have to respect people period and when that is lost there is a problem in our community Madame clerk with that stated my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you madam Clark good evening Patterson those who are still awake and watching us live on YouTube for those who are here in the chamber came to make your voice hard um thank you for sharing your concern today uh we had one special meeting with the uh Workshop session and one uh request uh to council president our people come here spend hours here in the chamber just to speak for three luxurious minutes and at least we should have given them chance in earlier at least they can speak and go home so in the future if you can have the public portion a bit earlier then this time will be uh greatly appreciated I'm pretty sure I having said my vote is yes to thank you councilman urin councilman valz um before closing this uh po uh this special meeting Madame ba I want you to please update me uh where we are uh with the Police contract okay where we are with the um situation of the police department contract both sides if you could send meil email um at least where we at yes correct um second um you know that some sometime people say that when we vote on contracts Etc I don't know if you could go back into the record and look into the situation that we have with roselli roselli got in in court got us in court and try to freeze the city and that's why we ended it with an emergency contract of garbage so if anybody is not satisfied of a process they had they could get to the legal advice and go and tell them this and I don't agree on this in the legal system and then they probably could challenge the city everybody has that right to see sick for legal advice in any movement that we do here um this is U oh I going to do one says me why you press that butt okay uh Happy Happy U um International women's month okay um also um we cannot when we settle this cases that involve police is sad because some people make comments that pull more down the morale of the police I'm happy to have a police department that is improving and that is working uh and trying to keep us safe so Madam clerk I know you're your your office did a great job in in in this process of trying to put everybody in in this next election and those that qualify congratulation those that going to run congratulation and I hope that congratulate us when we come back so my my vote is is yes thank you thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you m cler thank you thank you uh we finished the agenda and just allow me to speak for for a few minutes uh for just two minutes um I decide to stay on a positive side doing the work first of all I'm very excited to see my third world resident happy about the am Park totally renovated we have exercise machine machine and amist new table new grill for the community to enjoy the park east side park totally renovated stateoftheart tennis court we coming up with a clinic to teach our children how to play tenant on east side park 14th Avenue repay totally done East 4 Second Street never been paid for over 30 years we fix it on the my leadership as a council of the third world leader die on the my leadership it was a dilapidated Factory I support our project we have a brand new school a new child school that is going to um educate our children and that's what I do this the third world now has a councilman that is started sleeping on this chair no more I'm not sleeping on this chair on this chair I'm active and I'm working I'm getting the job done for the first time in over 20 years the third has a councilman that you could touch that you could see a councilman that go to your house that address your problem and that's what I do and I could do this all day long because I love to serve the community that's the big differ between councilman Alex mday and any other person so I'm excited and I'm getting ready for this election I'm getting ready May 14 I'm running for a re-election to be your councilman of the third war for the next term and we have a line of project on the pipeline that I'm going to address to my I'm going to share with my constituents but I want to say thank you to all my resident of the third world because they're happy and they're excited about the leadership that they have in the third world with Alex Mendes as your councilman and now as council president my job over here is to bring the cor into the chamber but to give the opportunity to my Council Cali when you see when you hear council member oh my item was not on the agenda look there's something wrong you have to follow the process now um so those uh those garbage receptacle that we have the new garbage that that are coming listen there's a lot of positive thing I know there's a lot of problem but let's concentrate on the things that we could do to move our city forward let's talk about what can we do collectively I understand that the city we have a lot of problem with the ball pick up we all know that we have a lot of problem we're struggling with that I'm educating all my constituent to call eail get into the website but it's we not not there yet we have a very extensive discussion with the administration and we try to get this done collectively so I'm looking forward to continue the work that I've been doing with my constituents on the third war all the cases that that that you that you hear here they went to court the judge Rule and they agree on the sentiment and that's the reason why they are in front of us let's continue working let's continue moving the city forward if you have any question for me my cell phone number it's 9739 31436 last but not least happy birthday to my wife Johan Mendes um and uh she came to exper her birthday with me she's right there in my office so we got some cake but I appreciate her support and also Council woman MS to your daughter happy birthday to your daughter may God continue blessing her with long life uh you know and and happiness so uh mad clerk so let's keep moving the city forward let's keep getting the job done Madame ba there's a lot of work to do but we're going to stay on a positive side it's a lot of work to do we have to continue the conversation with the ball pickup what are we doing to make it better what's going to happen what's the next step uh we definitely have to continue the job I know we have a conversation we build street cleaning is back on track uh um the um uh also Madame uh Madame ba the um uh the recycling it's it's a problem I I had a conversation with the inspector with the supervisor ju he doesn't have the truck he doesn't have the manow we have to sit down and see how we're going to bring the amount of people that we need on the recycling department to make sure that we do the route that need to be done um definitely we have a new truck but we need more driver and we need the staff so with that being said P so good night let's keep let's keep fighting my vot is yes M clerk Madame clerk before you make the road call I just want to say to um my um out in the community that we're having um this year we celebrated 20 years with my art and essay contest with Interfaith um performing art school it'll be 20 years I have been with her for 15 years uh we will be doing it at the library from 4 to 6 on Thursday and let me tell you it is absolutely wonderful we had over 800 entries councilwoman over 800 ENT entries because you know why our contest is good cuz we give our children Cash Money the first second and third place we give you cash and I encourage parents to please when you see contestants please just just have your child enter just in case the school doesn't do it then you do it yourself if you see something and also on Friday at school number 15 which is in your award councilman I need you to come if councilwoman me to anyone uh it's called beautification of school number 15 you going to Friday 15 15 you going to see how those children painted the hallways like the AL Moody at the AL Moody School on MAR street so please if you want to come out just come visit School number 15 on Friday after 1:00 but also for Thursday just please come out I just want to say it is absolutely beautiful these kids and I always say we have talented children and sometimes each have a different talent and they do different things and just like our black history program was about the Arts yes and the Arts is everything it could be cooking it could be painting it could be writing it could be everything so we have some talent talent children and some of the stuff that you will see we have it on display thank you council president all Youk thank you all of you in the audience have a good night it's before midnight Ryan don't don't don't don't go yet Ryan thank you good night everyone good night people in the audience have a good night everybody council president I just want to make an announcement on Friday March the 22nd um I will be honoring 22 women with the woman who Rock award uh it will be here at City Hall all of the honores have been identified um I've been doing this for many many years and I'm looking forward to honoring this great diversity of amazing women who rock out time and time again for their communities um to continue to move things forward so it will be here in the chambers on the 22nd at 6 o'cl p.m. please come out and let's celebrate these Amazing Days council president council president uh why not you guys speak U I just want to announce that my grand open in my headquarters will be 4:36 Main Street this Saturday at 3 o' I invite you thank you um um thank you Ryan thank you you could take a let me announce the votes yes so the votes are eight yeses one absent the public portion of the municipal council is hereby closed thank you good night pison let's go back Let's do let's do the roll call motion to close motion to go back to Workshop motion move by councilman valz second by councilman Udin going back to Workshop to reconvene to reconvene so roll call to reconvene the municipal work work shop of Tuesday March March 5th 2024 --------- clerk please call the role yes Mr President Ro call for municipal Council special meeting of Tuesday March 5th 2024 at 8:35 p.m. councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes councilman khik here councilwoman Mims I'm here councilman Udin here councilman VZ Mr President yes M CL P cler please read the steming of compliance yes Mr President notice of the time date location and agenda of this meeting was transmitted to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County PS Dominicana news Lis International lpal the patteron press the city post news tap into patteron the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices at or about 11: a.m. on February 28th 2024 such notices were posted on the bulletin board in the offices of the city clerk at City Hall thank you man clerk so now so we have to go into a secutive section on clerk so I read notes okay subers to the open public meetings act be advised that the municipal Council of the city of Patterson has scheduled a special meeting for Tuesday March 5th 2024 at 8:00 pm to be held in the council chambers third floor City Hall 155 Market Street Patterson New Jersey for the purpose of discussing the following matters public portion one resolution authorizing the award of contract to Premier compaction Systems LLC for the purchase delivery and installation of solar power trash compactors throughout the Urban Enterprise zone areas bid number 23.6 for the Department of Economic Development Economic Development resolution 24 colon1 122 formal action will be taken two resolution authorizing the award of contract to tarica Building Services in Incorporated doing business as service master TBS division for the clean commercial corridors throughout the Urban Enterprise zone areas rebid number 23.14 for the Department of Economic Development Economic Development resolution 23 col1 23 formal Act action will be taken three resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or Clos session in or ad joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation in a matter of Gregor Gurley versus the city of patteron it's a law resolution 24 colon 1 24 formal action will be taken four resolution author authorizing a municipal Council executive or Clos session in or ad join in the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss workers compensation in the matter of Juan Sierra versus the city of patteron law resolution 24 colon1 125 and five resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or close session in or adjoining the city council chambers 15 to five Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation in the matter of Kevin Collins versus the city of Patterson Law resolution 24 colon 126 formal action will be taken number six resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or closed session in or ad joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation in the matter of ishmail ganic versus city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 127 formal action will be taken seven resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or closed session in our adjoined city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of Muhammad khil versus city of patteron law resolution 4 call 128 formal action will be taken number eight resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or close session in or ad joining the city council chambers 155 Marcus Street to discuss pending litigation in a matter of Alberta Guzman Elba Gonzalez and Alberta Guzman versus the city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 129 formal action will be taken number nine resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or close session in or adjoining city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of Gina zala versus city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 130 formal action will be taken number 10 is resolution authorizing a municipal Council executive or Clos session in or ad joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of Justin Montgomery versus city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 131 formal action will be taken executive sessions executive or close session in or ad joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation claim in the matter of Gregor Gurley versus city of patteron no formal action will be taken executive or close session in or ad joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation claim in the matter of one Sierra versus city of patteron no formal action will be taken executive or closed session in or are joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation claim in the matter of Kevin Collins versus city of patteron no formal action will be taken executive or Clos session in or adjoining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending workers compensation claim in the matter of ishmail kavan versus vers the city of patteron no formal action will be taken executive or close session in or joining city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation claim in the matter of Muhammad khil versus city of patteron no formal action will be taken executive or Clos session in or ad joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation in the matter of amberta Guzman Elba Gonzalez and Alberta Guzman versus the city of pson no formal action will be taken executive or closed session in or are joining the city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation claim in the matter of Gina Zavala versus the city of patteron no formal action will will be taken executive or close session in or adjoining city council chambers 155 Market Street to discuss pending litigation claim in the matter of Justin Montgomery versus city of Patterson no formal action will be taken the resolutions are as follows resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of Gregory Gurley versus city of patteron so law resolution 24 colon 132 formal action will be taken 12 resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of one Sierra versus city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 133 formal action will be taken 13 resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of Kevin Collins versus city of patteron it's a law resolution 24 colon 134 formal action will be taken 14 resolution authorizing settlement of pending workers compensation claim in the matter of ishmail kavan versus city of pison it's a law resolution 24 colon 135 formal action will be be taken 15 resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Muhammad khil versus the city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 136 formal action will be taken 16 resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Alberta Guzman Elva Gonzalez and Alberta Guzman versus the city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 1 137 formal action will be taken 17 resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Gina zala versus city of patteron so law resolution 24 colon 138 formal action will be taken and 18 resolution authorizing settlement of pending litigation claim in the matter of Justin Montgomery versus the city of patteron law resolution 24 colon 139 formal action will be taken Mr President thank you madam clerk at this moment now we will go into a executive section to have a discussion about those um I don't that we already put it on record M clerk so want to take one and two executive session you didn't want to do one and two first yeah so what we do in sec