shiron rry thank you for joining us I believe this is a milestone I've been in office for six years it's the first time show round Tre has Grace pres and I believe this is my 1,000th press conference you kidding me yeah this month no I'm kidding this Jun I was going to say that would be that would be a lot I do get criticized by Council people but I feel like you have to communicate with your community I see thank and I and I I'm a Happ thank you speaking of communicating with your community that's a pivot point because we're joined by the executive director of the clean communities Council but before we arrive at that moment I want to remind residents that we've launched an ambitious initiative athlete entitled Patterson is is picking up so we've activated our Green Team we have an environmental commission as a part of our participation in sustainable Jersey we have greened our green Fair where our clean communties coordinator Juan Hernandez and his team make sure that we distribute recycling bins and we still have recycling bins available so please let us know for those of you watching Facebook live or individuals like Roger Greer who decided to take a walk downtown I just saw your post on Facebook that was your only comment there make sure you inform us if you need a recycling V because that's all a part of Patterson is picking up I mentioned this at the ceremony with Joanne one of the most I believe assertive or aggressive anti-litter campaigns was in Texas it was called Don't Mess with Texas get it messes not because like they're tough Texans or whatever they wanted to make sure that people were cleaning up after themselves and they were keeping their state clean so we want to keep our city clean and you can play a role through our Urban Enterprise Zone we've already hired a company to clean our commercial Porters through our Urban Enterprise Zone within a few weeks we will have solar power trash receptacles 90 of them strewn throughout the city in those same commercial corridors so you see there's a lot of connectivity the stars are aligning as as far as Patterson is picking up is concerned and we are very proud to have Joanne Jin I pronounced it properly I practiced like all morning in the mirror because she's a rock star when it comes to clean communities and she comes bearing gifts and our clean communities coordinator just informed me that in 2022 please pay Noe to this please pay close attention everything everybody we received $26,000 last year we received $231,000 so that number continues to rise as a matter of fact if I'm not mistaken the clean communities fund was established in 1986 correct arguably the greatest year in human history because the Mets won their second World Series the Giants won their first Super Bowl and Mike Tyson became the youngest man to ever win the heavyweight title you never thought I'd mention all those things in a queen communities press conference but ever since 1986 this is the largest award that the city of Patterson has ever received so that's why we want to celebrate but also want to remind everyone that we all play a part in keeping our community clean I'm looking at Roger Breer he's very meticulous he's spearheaded he Catal Iz The Barber Park occupation and it is transformation time I just want to point out something cuz this is about keeping your community clean and safe very important Barbera park at one time was a drug Den Barber Park was once known as syringe Central but Roger Greer his sister Nancy Victoria Kendo Bal hakee and others they reclaim the park for the children and so my Administration is rewarding their remarkable efforts by investing over a million dollars in the renovation of Barbara Park so when we say transformation please can applaud it's Restaurant Week everybody so yes we We Salute You and I believe we're on schedule our goal is to present to unveil the new and improved Barber Park a clean Community Park just in sign for National Landon Prime which this year falls on Tuesday August 6 hopefully the Mets will still be in the hunt cuz they aren't now right director that's right we've also been joined by our acting DPW director Manny OA who's always behind the scenes that's why he doesn't want to come up front so I would like to present to some and introduce to others the aforementioned rockar of clean communities here in the state of New Jersey Joanne J please join thank you mayor um I'm just really happy to be here in Patterson I love their tagline Patterson is picking up and it's actually going to serve as a launch point to have a tagline contest um it is true do we get money we don't know yet oh come on but you're get Whoever has the best clean communities tagline um is going to be the recipient of an award and that was actually launched by so we may we may have to pull out the practice and pick up award um but we love a tagline you know New Jersey clean communities as the mayor said has been around for um over 30 years and we try to get people to not litter and obviously it's still a problem anybody that's in New Jersey sees that litter is still um a number one problem and we're happy to be part of um a DP presentation today giving Patterson $283,000 and I just want to say thank you thank you thank you including me in this um event thank you thank you Joan Joan it's an honor to have you here thank for joining us and I want to point out we weren't aware of and also our general supervisor Michael G Jackson is here too keeping our community C gentlemen if you want to join us at any time we'd be honored to have you up here no like I said but I do want to make note I want to dtail on something Joanne said earlier as far as this slogan contest is concerned I don't want to find out like Paran is picking up or pamis is picking up you co you coined it so that's it you saw it Facebook live and we have W many witnesses here but I also want to inform residents like Roger Breer and anyone who's watching on our city hall Facebook page that this money will not only be used for some anti- litter initiatives and potentially getting people to recycle more but we really want to combat illegal dumping and we want to invest in cameras so I've notified our clean communities coordinator that I want a percentage of this money to go towards purchasing cameras so we can combat illegal dumping in the city of Patterson which is clearly not exclusive to us it happens in a lot of urban areas but we must do what we can to make sure that we keep our community clean and catch those that want to resort to elicit activity ladies and gentlemen our CLE communties coordinator Juan Hernandez thank you so much thank you so much for Joan to be here no only because you always support Patterson is also for all the info that you always bring to us and the other members of the council too thank you also mayor for the support the program is working and we're going to keep moving forward we have many ways how to use these funds I think we are been using the right way and also this year not only cameras we also going to get our new graffi removal truck okay and also we are going to be spending more time with the stone uh water managements and also in the working with the school with the uh cleaning up all the parks and different areas the illegal dumping is increasing and thanks for the support we are going to stop and thank you so much for believing this program and support this program thank you thank you so again I can't emphasize or should I say underscore enough how significant it is that Joan join us here in the city of Patterson they know her throughout the state of New Jersey whether you call it a corpal or Taylor Ham you know we call it Taylor Ham here right Joan but this solidifies the seriousness that we apply to keeping our community clean and doing the best we can to make sure that Patterson is picking up so a year from now we'll have a press conference Joan will join us we'll get a $3,000 Plus Check Yes and we will win the Statewide clean committee's slogan contest cuz Patterson is picking up thank you very much for joining us thank you [Applause] [Music]