free palese free free Palestine free free Palestine from the river to the sea from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free Palestine will be free I'd like to ask any community members that would like to participate and help us in honoring the martyrs of this year in Gazza and across Palestine to please come to this side of the stage we'll be starting by reading stories about the lives lost in Gaza in the West Bank and in occupied Palestine Ahmed Al naar was only 18 months old and was the youngest in his family he was spoiled by his parents and siblings his family was displaced many times until they reached Rafa the safe Zone Ahmed was killed along with his three siblings when Israeli forces bomb their tent during the recent ra tent Massacre many of you probably know Ahmed as the headless body held by his father but please try to remember Ahmed as he was a beautiful young boy with his life ahead of him if anyone else would like to read stories you can come up to the stage Eng any community members we want to include you as we mourned the lives lost in Gazza and all of Palestine Orchid died at the age of six she was named after a flower and her mother said she was the most beautiful flower on December 20th an air strike hit her home and killed her and her siblings after 4 months her mother was finally able to retrieve her body and give her a proper burial L sa collapsed and died of heat exhaustion while she and her mother were fleeing to Egypt on foot no emergency services could reach her her mother is currently in a coma due to the shock of losing her daughter ehab a 29 was a devoted husband son and hardworking young man during the genocide he worked as a volunteer digging Graves at the cemetery he was killed by a sniper while working there in November his wife just gave birth to the newborn who he will never get to meet musab ALB was described as a bright cheerful smart child by his father he was killed by an air strike alongside his mother sheat as I read these names and I read these stories I want us all to think and remember and reflect on every life that has been lost this year and over the past 76 years of the Israeli occupation sain Judah was named after her mother after being delivered prematurely when she had to be rescued from her mother's womb after an air strike on their home in Rafa 5 days after being put on an incubator she died Dr Adnan and B worked Around the Clock throughout the current genocide despite threats bombing and constant attacks he was kidnapped while injured and then killed in an Israeli prison Isa Safi was a young college student who went to a protest after classes in the West Bank when he was shot and killed and left to die on the streets by Israeli forces muhamad Ahmed Al Hub he was 24 years old he studied journalism and media at at AA University in Gazza and dreamed of becoming a famous journalist he often volunteered with organizations in human rights and media networks he graduated on October 6th but he was waiting for the genocide to be over to share his graduation photos he was murdered last month and he never got to post his pictures himself mik Han bana was an 8-year-old Who Loved getting her hair done and going to school she was killed in her sleep by an Israeli air strike an suan was only 51 days old when he was born during the temporary ceasefire and killed when the pause ended his death certificate was released before his birth certificate was issued every single one of the names every single number in the death toll that we keep getting released every day has a name has a story has a life we must continue to remember and honor every single one of them that have been murdered and murdered at the hands of the Israeli forces I want to thank everyone who joined us today for the flag raising and for any protest before and throughout free free Palestine free free Palestine free free Palestine free free Palestine free free Palestine free free from the river to the sea from the river to the sea from the river to the sea from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free Palestine will be free Palestine will be free Palestine free thank you for joining us for today's flag raising [Applause] ceremony we invite you to visit our T show case as well as our Palestine education tables for our Palestine trivia we have representatives from our Civic engagement team we are all here in community to stand for Palestine thank you everyone for joining us today as we Mark day 245 of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the attack on Palestine we want to Center today's Gathering by hearing as you've heard all of these stories and things thank you for coming and joining us as we read all of them some of you may have noticed that the statistics in the death toll have not really been increasing the same way as they used to be it's crucial to note this is not because the deaths have become less it's because we no longer have the resources to count and and count the statistics of those dead as we did before and that is why we continue to Center their lives their story and their names this is the least that we can do to open up our flag raising today I want to invite our Arabic program students to the front of the stage to help us sing the Palestinian national anthem all of our Arabic program students please come to the front on these steps to sing FID our Palestinian national anthem these students have worked very hard this year with their teachers and and their families excuse me attention attention everyone attention everyone please the kids are going to perform we need everyone to take steps back behind the statue everybody move back everybody move back create some space for the kids create some space for the performance everyone is welcome here and I'm happy to see such a great turnout for the raising of the Palestinian flag everybody move back everybody move back please move back if we could have those uh those cones moved as as well please thank you community policing and Patterson Police for all their help and for being here today can I get a round of applause for Patterson Community Affairs thank you Patterson Police Community [Applause] [Music] Affairs free free pal fre fre [Applause] okay now without further Ado without further Ado we're going to have our children perform thank you go ahead start [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] pH [Music] r for [Music] we have another huge round of applause for our Arabic program students thank you thank you to the teacher teachers and to their families my name is bat sharat I'm the Palestine education director at the Palestinian American Community Center and on behalf of all of us at Pac I want to thank you all for joining us here at Patterson City Hall for our seventh annual Palestinian flag raising ceremony yes can I got a big big round of applause we are wrapping up another successful Palestine week we had a week full of Palestine education advocacy and engagement for everyone we are not done yet so please I invite any parents to join us for Arabic for the kids tomorrow we are also having our book club on Sunday and that is how we'll be wrapping up this Palestine week we want to thank the mayor of P mayor Andre sa for his continuous support of Palestine and our community and for signing the proclamation each year making this week known as Patterson's Palestine week we want to acknowledge Al abdulaziz for being the First Palestinian elected official in Patterson and Paving the way for future Palestinians to hold position in the city we also want to give an acknowledgement to Mayor Allah who gave a strong run and and is doing so much for our community it was just a few weeks ago that we last gathered together to honor Palestine day on Palestine way we came out in the thousands and showed how strong and United as a community we are now more than ever it's crucial that we show up in every way to show that our existence is existance and it will continue and we will be strong no matter what we want to shout out all of our the organizations and partners and officials that are joining us today we want to give a shout out to jvp and Veterans for peace who have actually joined us on a walk this is a stop on their walk in protest as they go from Maine all the way down to the DC area to mobilize and amplify voices for a collective liberation here in Patterson we recently increased our turnout at the polls for the primaries and we came out in the strongest numbers yet and that is because of you our community Patterson should be proud and recognize this as a win for all of us we will continue to come out together and win in strong in strength as a community we want to do this to and remind you all that we have to continue to show up together one way is to do that is by stopping the IRA definition that equates anti Zionism to anti-Semitism from moving past the committee we want everyone to make sure that they are part of our database and stay connected with us so that we can continue to fight for Palestine in every way that we can from within our communities [Applause] please visit our Civic engagement tables and our youth members to help you do that and get involved for Palestine advocacy in every way that we can now I would like to welcome with our with welcoming remarks from pack the board president di [Applause] Musta alum I would like to start by thanking the mayor the city council the council president corporate Council all the elected and appointed officials that are with us today without you this will never happen we appreciate everything you do for us we appreciate you always standing with the Palestinian Community with the oppressed always standing for justice we appreciate that you were the first to unanimously name change the name of part of Main Street into Palestine way we appreciate that you were one of the first to sign a resolution asking for a ceasefire Palestinians are proud to call pison home and pisan is a better place because Palestinian call it home we are contributing to its beauty to its Spirit to it to its promise of a brighter future for all who dwell within its borders the Palestinian American Community Center plays a pivotal role in empowering and and organizing our community in parison through its tireless efforts it has fostered greater Civic involvement among Palestinian Americans in CL in pison it serves as a hub of networking education and support nurturing a sense of belonging and pride among our community members moreover the Palestinian American Community Center has been instrumental in advocating for our interest and values ensuring that the voices of Palestinian and Arab Americans are heard and respected in local governance its initiatives have led to appointments of qualified individuals from our community to key positions as well as election of officials who represent our concerns and aspirations ladies and gentlemen today in the heart of pison the Palestinian flag flag were raised as a symbol of resilience a symbol of Hope and unyielding Spirit of the people yearning for freedom for too long the Palestinian people have endured the harsh Winds of Oppression the Relentless storms of Injustice yet like the Olive Tree that stands firm am the desert sand we have pers persevered we have refused to be silent we refuse to be forgotten today we raise the Palestinian flag in pison let us let us honor the resilience of our people in hza and throughout of Palestine despite the enduring unimaginable suffering ethnic cleansing and genocide they stand tall unwavering in their quest for justice Justice and freedom let this flag serve as a peer of Hope a reminder that our struggle continues until every Palestinian enjoys the freedom self-determination right of rain dignity and [Applause] peace we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those standing in solidarity and unity with the Palestinians your support strengthens our resolve and reaffirms our Universal pursuit of justice and peace Together We Stand stronger louder and more determined than ever so let us Stand Tall let us stand proud and let us continue to fight for a future where all people regardless of race religion or Creed can live in peace and dignity for in the end it's not raising of a flag that defines us but the unwavering commitment to Justice freedom and Humanity thank [Applause] you thank you di Mustafa for those welcoming remarks from pth we always want to Center any of our events especially now at the this time with prayer and Dua so I would like to invite the Islamic Center P County shh is ham to start us with a Dua or prayer for Palestine we start off by praising Allah the king of kings and sending our peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and we are joined together on this beautiful day this beautiful Friday and the weather is amazing outside and what makes today more amazing and More Beautiful is the rising of the Palestinian flag and the Beautiful city of patteron and Patterson is Palestine they both start with P Patterson is Palestine and if you want some of the best Palestinian food or the best Palestinian canfa you can find it in pison you don't have to go too far and if you go to Main Street you'll find that there's a section of Main Street called Palestine way and it will Intrigue you because when you go to Palestine way you'll see the store fronts are written in Arabic and you'll see the Palestinian flag all over the all over Main Street and you want some good shaa you find some good shaa on main street but the Palestinian flag signifies a lot it signifies Justice and freedom and resistance it signifies unwavering resolve that's the spirit of Palestine and Palestinians they are unwavering in their resolve from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free repeat after me from the river from the river from the river to the Sea Palestine Palestine will be free will be free free free Palestine free free Palestine free free free free we ask Allah first I would like to thank before we make some Dua the city of pisan and the city council of pisan we want to thank them from the depths of our heart and we want to thank the mayor my friend Andre Saia for the opportunity to raise the Palestinian flag in the Blessed city of pisan we thank them all for for recognizing the state of Palestine we ask Allah on this beautiful day to bless our brothers and sisters in Palestine with ease in their hardships and we ask Allah on this beautiful day to free and liberate Palestine and we ask Allah to grant us the opportunity to visit Palestine after it's been completely liberated and we ask Allah to bring peace and unity in all over the world we ask Allah to be with those who are oppressed and to do away with the oppressors I'll get it thank you for those words we would I would now like to open the floor to Mayor Andre s to give a few word words as mayor thank you yes thank you asalamu allum so for those of you who are here for the first time at a flag raising in the city of Patterson we have a protocol as a matter of fact I issue a proclamation so for example if we raise the Dominican flag I Proclaim that everyone here is Dominican yes if we raise the Puerto Rican flag I Proclaim that everybody here is Puerto Rican when we raise the Jamaican flag in all fairness I say that everyone here is Jamaican so I am proclaiming right now if it's your first time here everyone and I mean everyone is Palestinian at this flag raising so turn to your neighbor to the right and say hello my fellow Palestinian turn to the neighbor to your left and say Hello My Pal fellow Palestinian turn to the neighbor behind you behind you and say hello my fellow Palestinian and when you say hello my fellow Palestinian welcome him or her to little Palestine to Patterson the capital of Palestine in the United States of America where we proudly raised the Palestinian flag where we proudly have renamed Main Street Palestine way and celebrate Palestine day on Palestine way turn to your neighbor and say hello my fellow Palestinian Palestinian I'm proud to be the mayor to appoint the First Palestinian American to a cabinet position our Corporation Council Aman abushi I'm proud to be the mayor who elevated the First Palestinian as a chief judge anywhere in the United States of America chief judge John Abdul Hari and last month proud to appoint the first palestinian-american to be a police captain here in the city of Patterson Salah Judah so I started by saying assalamu alaykum which is we come in peace and we leave in peace we came together as Palestinians and we leave together as Palestinians when we raised this flag and we want the world to know that Palestinians are peaceloving people and that Patterson the section where Palestinians specifically call home is the safest and the strongest it's cuz Palestinians happen to live there and so I welcome everyone all the Palestinians that made it a point to join us here today even for those that came for the first time thank [Applause] you thank you mayor S I would like to give a big thank you to Mayor sa for always supporting Palestine and supporting our community and I also want to give a huge thank you to all of the council members that have supported us and that are here with us today and in spirit I want to give a thank you to councilman president Menendez councilwoman Mendes sorry Mendes councilwoman D councilman I'm sorry Council woman M Ms councilwoman cotton councilman valz and councilman khik khik khik I said it the the Arabic way I want to thank you all for supporting our community today and every day I would now like to welcome I'm missing any am I missing anyone thank you to all of you you and I want to give I want to give some space to councilman AB for a few words so I I don't and I want everyone not to be distracted by the guests that come to recognize the great contributions that Palestinians have given to this city but today like every day this Council the mayor and I'm going to say the city now we always remember our brothers and sisters in GZA are we always here what are we doing and in the city of Patterson along with my colleagues on the city council we always want to push and remember the Palestinian cause we've done it when we uh passed resolutions we've done it by raising the flag we've done it by renaming Main Street but the most proud moment and I want to thank all the poni cuz it was anchored from Patterson on Tuesday sent a message to our president and Patterson was the only District in the state that will be sending a delegate to President Biden and let him know that we do not forget hezza cease fire now patteron so thank you thank you to my colleagues thank you to the pattersoni because in Patterson we will never forget fallest and as I sit on this Council and I sat on Palestine way with every ounce of blood in me we will advocate for falline so to our guests that are here today and I want to let you know loud and clear we will always fight for Palestine we will always remind people that we are resilient and you can take us out of Palestine but you'll never never forget Palestine the fight will always happen in Patterson so remember heza remember fistin and I want to thank my Council colleagues because without all of you guys it just doesn't happen in South Patterson that message that we sent on Tuesday right we sent it amongst the entire city so thank you thank you all for being here and please join me in welcoming our council president that will speak on behalf of the council council president Mendes thank you thank you thank you councilman see asalam free free bste fre pal pis is a better City because the Palestinian called Pon home and as you look around we have eight council member out of nine because oh it's only eight because we love our Palestinian brother's sister it's amazing the contribution that Palestine that the Palestine Community have made in the city of Paro you just got off South P so we got the best forood the best community in this city and we are behind you we fight side by side with you and pison it's a beautiful city because of the palai community is right here and we're going to continue working together marching together and fighting together may God continue blessing all thank [Applause] you thank you thank you council president all the council members this is the seventh annual flag raising here at Patterson I would like to recognize someone who helped establish the the flag raising tradition here on behalf of the Arab American Institute I'd like to introduce AB [Applause] allum let's everybody hear it come on wake up free free Palestine free free Palestine free free Palestine free free Palestine peace be upon you since I started this flag raising with the Arab American organization since 2012 this year is a very painful one crying our hearts out for loved ones who lost their life back home Mr President you your red line has been crossed many times has been crossed many times you said it so many times but what are you doing about it we should be all United against Injustice for the Palestinian people from this country we live in and support this flag raising is a way to unite all of us until we Prevail and free Palestine free free Palestine free free Palestine I'm pleading on our lawmakers Biden Administration and the president himself to end the the massive genocide in Gaza Mr President your weapons which you support Israel with killing everything and anything in Gaza from young to old from wom to men children to newborn they targeted as well ambulances and press workers total Destruction total Destruction of schools hospitals masks churches refugee camps which were assigned to be safe heaven for for civilians as its own your that that is your red line being crossed how many times Mr President Israel still still claim to be the victim Mr President end the bias shame shame on you Palestine will be free any any time Palestine will be free this country country was built on equal rights and it hurts me to report the national anthem even I am a veteran The Anthem end with liberty and justice for all as we all know with liberty and justice for all Mr President that is a total lie in killing over 36,000 and injuring over 110,000 of Civilian Palestinian mostly kids and women Mr President this is a total genocide it's a total genocide what you going to do about it where is the Justice the justice for all as our Anem s our that our country was built on I'm pleading for an immediate ceasefire for Gaza Gaza Gaza don't you cry Gaza don't you cry free free Gaza free free Gaza free free Palestine free free Palestine also I'm pleading for to end the occupation for the rest of the land for Palestine to go back to 1948 and the massive killing of Civilian and the total Destruction and end the brutality for the Palestinian people and the settlement that been built on all Palestinian na all over eliminate checkpoints that that been throughout Palestine enough is enough stop the bias enough is enough stop the bias today and tomorrow and forever we will stand in solidarity with Gaza and the Palestinian people until we Prevail until we Prevail Gaza and Palestine will be free free free Palestine free free free free Palestine free free free free Gaza free thank you very much for coming today God bless you all thank you thank you so much as we stand here to advocate for Palestine we also want to continue to highlight the contributions of the Palestinian Americans in our community I'd like to introduce the the first ever Palestinian American city of Patterson corporate council member aan abushi thank you thank you for that so I I'll try to be brief my big brother as I look out there I see people from all walks of life I see my Spanish speaking [Applause] people an actually called Elsa a little while ago Swig I see ate it up I see our africanamerican brothers and sisters out there I see our Jewish brothers and sisters out there all of them [Applause] Shalom when I look out there and I see a crowd that reflects the diversity and the richness of our city I can't help but to think about the solidarity that's being shown now and my call is that this solidarity continues as our black and brown brothers and sisters suffer we offer solidarity for them as our Spanish speaking brothers and sisters our Puerto Ricans our Dominicans our peruvians seek Justice we support them and so as we raise that flag we raise it knowing that that is a flag Seeking Justice for All Those oppressed all over the world here in our great City and in the Middle East thank you very much for this opportunity thank you so free free Palestine fre free pal free free Palestine free free thank you everyone again for coming we always want to give space to community members that that come and support us so I would like to introduce a Patterson resident and graduate of our Arabic path program to share a poem with us as we close to end our [Applause] day also want to thank the president of the Dominican parade for joining us Elsa Mia and Deputy Mayor and commissioner Joel D Ramirez an honorary Palestinian and bass his where are you step forward yell baby everyone [Music] for for [Music] free free paltin free free pal free you guys I just want to very briefly recognize a prom a prominent Palestinian who's doing great work here in Patterson and that's the officer in charge Issa [Applause] abbassi we thank him the work that he's doing here in his collaboration with the mayor's office we also thank Community Police for the tremendous job that they're doing here today and we can give them a great Round of [Applause] Applause um we are we actually invited I wanted to share that we invited Dal abui she is from Gaza and she was planning on speaking with us today but unfortunately she s her regards she was unable to come she thean has lost 280 members of her family this year we'd like to raise the flag if everyone can turn their attention as we raise the flag the Palestinian flag together yeah we're going to raise the flag today we are raising the flag a half [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] [Applause] spee [Music] speee speech [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] fore for [Music] live forever will live forever from the sea to the River from the sea to the river will live forever will live forever free free free free fretin free freee free free free free free free free free free The River To The Sea from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free Palestine will be free from the river to the sea from The River To The Sea will be free will be free freeeeeee