good morning there was a councilman in 2008 who always confronted with quality of life issues in fact there were nightclubs embedded in these working class neighborhoods and these nightclubs became neighborhood nuisances working with police and fire at that time we closed down nine of those notorious nightclubs one in particular was known as the Lava Lounge we've referred to it as the den of iniquity or house of ill repute and working again police fire director spal you remember this we not only closed down that notorious nightclub but today the former site of the Lava Lounge is now a preschool in an underserved area in the city of Patterson for children to flourish and so I'm so encouraged that our officer in charge has replicated that dedication to making sure that we root out these neighborhood nuisances that we take a zero tolerance approach and also combat that expression that it's only Patterson and anything goes well not anymore thanks to the leadership of our officer in charge Issa Abasi working in coordination with members of of my Administration the police department the fire department we've launched operation after dark which targeted these illegal nightclubs in the city of Patterson that were compromising the quality of life for our residents and OIC to take it a step further I Reed phone calls from these constituents that live in these neighborhoods and director spel you know full well because I will also communicate with you relative to what's happening in those specific areas let's say Pearl Street for example where we've had continuous issues with illegal nightclubs well I don't receive any more phone calls so operation after dark has been effective not only in improving the quality of life in those neighborhoods but also decreasing the number of phone calls that we get relative to complaints from constituents so we're sending a strong message to those that want to open up after hours illegally will not be tolerated but we're also sending an equally strong message to the people that we represent our residents that we're here for you and we're going to continue to combat illegal after hour operations in the city of Patterson as a result of operation after dark at this time I want to call forward the gentleman who launched this we were appreciative of his leadership and that is our officer in charge Issa Abasi thank you good afternoon so you know once again this shows how true collaboration can impact on quality of life the quality of life of the people in Patterson um you know I have to I have to acknowledge the work of our nlife task force which is uh an important contributor to operation after dark um you know led by Captain Edward Rodriguez uh over here to my left and my executive officer Captain Pat Murray uh this isn't this operation this task force is comprised of members of the division of criminal justice state ABC Patterson Police Department Patterson fire City legal um and to date since we started in March of uh this year 484 inspections of after hours and licensed premises 78 arrests 379 criminal charges 244 State ABC violations 378 summonses 2,000 bottles of alcohol confiscated five Firearms removed from illegal after hours locations before we launched this project this initiative we did an analysis what we found in the city of Patterson was that historically 15 to 18% of our shooting incidents had a Nexus to Illegal nightlife activity beyond that violent crime aggravated assaults and robberies significant Nexus to after hours nightlife activity so we knew that this was a place that we needed to make a difference however our work is not yet done and I have a message not only to the people that are operating these illegal after hours locations in the city of Patterson but to those that are enabling them we have forwarded over 45 locations to the state division of Criminal Justice for evaluation of criminal charges against business owners land owners who are allowing this to go on in their properties we're going to be looking at civil enforcement through City legal and through the state to seize properties and padlock locations so if you own one of these locations and your defense's ignorance of what's happening I would be very worried so once again I want to thank the mayor I want to thank all of all of the partners in The Nightlife task force and operation after dark after dark who are already making a significant difference in the quality of life and the reduction in crime in the city of Patterson we have a long way to go and we're very energetic and enthusiastic to get this done thank thank you thank you once again I want to commend our officer in charge Isa Basi for his leadership and he's right I want to Dov tell what he says we still I look we are off to an auspicious start and it's telling because residents have actually told me that they can sleep better at night as a result of operation after dark I'd like to now turn it over to our law director Corporation Council Aman abushi go for it so good morning everyone thank you for coming uh first and foremost I'd like to thank the mayor's office for uh supporting this initiative and I'd like to thank the people that stand behind me including uh city council um officer in charge fire department office of emergency management and there are people that are not behind me that have also supported this effort including uh business administrator Kathleen long and DPW when we stood up here and promised our community that we would take bold action we upheld our promise the Law Department continues to be supportive of these efforts and these efforts represent a multifactored approach to shutting these places down to date the law department has assisted in issuing over $200,000 in fire fines to these individuals the law department has also been instrumental in collecting approximately $250,000 in fines and penalties related to unlawful Property Management after hours establishments and other nuisances in the city we are going to continue our renewed focus on this effort just today we have an attorney in the Law Department Jason Santan s Santan sorry say introduce yourself that's the next operation say his name Jason is uh instrumental in the law department and moving this city forward today he will be appearing uh at a construction appeal in relationship to a fine of approximately $22,000 that was issued in relationship uh to this initiative so the law department will continue to uh support this initiative I have to of course uh thank the OIC for uh uh spearheading this initiative and I must knowe uh that the execution has appeared to be Flawless uh many times when these sorts of operations take hold in the city you worry about things like overp policing you worry about things like uh overly aggressive policing uh today I have not heard uh any complaints uh in those areas I also um I also uh understand that the police officers have been doing their job expertly and professionally and that's a testament to the leadership and expertise of our OIC so with that thank you again mayor and I appreciate the opportunity to speak here today see that tundo arrived right on time and they made their presence felt so we'd like to hear from our councilman lisis aves who also do it in Spanish for tundo councilman yeah you're welcome welcome you're welcome so first of all thank you OIC thank you uh mayor thank you for the leadership of the Police Department fire department director you know we are the middle the middle persons of the city when we get the complaints we are the middle so we get the complaints we call them a lot when we get the complaints we for a lot and that's a collaboration that the council have to have I will advice any individual and I'm going to read it like this because I just saw the data last night I will advise all those 78 arrest individual do not call a council member to baell you out call your lawyer we not here to bail out no one we are here to bring quality of life to the city of Patterson if they doing the job we are here to support the police department if they doing the job we going to for resources for they could do the job better but don't call a counsilman to tell them how we could work this out we not lawyers we are legislative body we are the listeners for your concerns and to make it happen with the team that we have back here behind us no thank you have a good day thank you thank you I also want to acknowledge and thank our council president Alex Mendes for joining us today as well look you you want to say something okay he's chomping at the he he spoke for you thank you thank you so very much uh good morning I definitely as a president of the city council we're in full support this governing body is in full support of the officer in charge at our Patterson Police Department uh supporting this initiative Zero Tolerance with after hours and illegal activity in the city of pison uh our resident they deserve to live in peace in the great city of pison this is a city with hardworking family and all they want is to be able to sleep in peace in the city of piso we full support of this initiative and we're looking forward to see more people being arrested if they break it the law and off it's enough um a lot of people that say that everything goes in P so under this leadership on the police department that's not going to happen and this governing body is in full support of what what's going out in the city of for those that try to initiate with those illegal activity let me encourage and recommend you not to do it because this Police Department is going to be behind you to stop you thank you so very much mayor just want to acknowledge our public safety director Jerry spal both captains Murray and Rodriguez and our fire chief Alejandro Alex Alisa so in summary operation after dark is a multifactor faed cross- departmental approach to making sure that the quality of life in neighborhoods and patteron is no longer compromised that residents can sleep better and call and complain less as a result of this Crackdown on crime and afterhour clubs that are operating illegally it is a zero tolerance approach and like stated before and I mentioned it that in patter it's not anything goes anymore are there any questions yes Tony please thank you T ladies first Tony yeah yeah so I alluded earlier I I used a specific it was Pearl Street it was another home that was being used as an after hour Club so those are the types of establishments that we want to Target because well any after hour operation that's illegal but when you're in the when you're smack dab in a workingclass neighborhood we're going to come after you well that's right so people would yeah yeah noise primarily things that spill out into the streets any type of ille illegal activity when I was alluding to the Lava Lounge earlier there were a whole host of nefarious acts that were being performed inside and outside of these establishments and if the OIC wants to elaborate a little further yeah Tony so you know you're seeing quality of life conditions ranging from you know public intoxication to parking conditions Etc but then uh these locations also have an Nexus to sex trafficking uh narcotics and weapons offenses uh we're seeing it in in W empty warehouses in in daytime businesses that at night are operating as social clubs including uh Auto Repair Shops and and storage facilities Etc so um you know we've identified nearly 60 locations illegal after hours locations in the city of Patterson uh and and we are aggressively pursu prioritizing and pursuing them auto repair shops you can only imagine he said abandoned factories uh ill yeah storage facilities illegal activity Knows No Boundaries so that's where we're barber shops that that's right that's correct not city hall though not City Hall we work after hours but uh there's no operation like that Chris Keening kind of piggy said there do these people like had to say these people think they're doing nothing wrong other than holding a big party yeah you know quite frankly I think that's spot on they may not even been aware that they're doing anything illicit and that's why we have to launch this type of operation because people in the surrounding a neighborhoods know that this isn't what they paid for as far as their taxes are concerned they want to be able to sleep at night and they don't want to have to see certain things like the public intoxication or hear about sex trafficking that may be taking place in the city of Patterson so yeah a couple things there Chris right and I want to clarify maybe some of the patrons don't realize they're doing something illegal right and in some cases it's cultural um but the the the Proprietors of these businesses the people that are making money behind it do very much know that they're doing something illegal uh beyond that some of it has a Nexus to organized gang activity right um so yes they're charging um and and yes they're making money and yes the people that operate these places know they're doing something illegal which is why it's our ultimate priority to get get them into the criminal justice system to uh you know pay for what they're doing um what's happening in this city is we are importing problems we're importing problems from other parts of the state we're importing problems from New York City because there is this prior feeling that what goes in Patterson stays in Patterson anything's allowed that day is over thank you yeah oh yeah yeah please and then we'll go to Nick Callaway um very briefly in followup Chris to that question um our office has taken a zero tolerance policy towards uh the summonses the arrests the events associated with these uh illegal establishments and Jason from my office has done a tremendous job of being very very aggressive and so when we get some of these cases that are tagged uh in this category we uh pay special attention to them we don't give them breaks in prosecutions we don't give them breaks on fines and as the OIC said a lot of these people do this to make money and so we're going to make it very very expensive for them to do that type of business in patters and we're going to put them out of business crime does not pay in the city of Patterson that's true that's true very valid point legal businesses are getting hurt because of these illegal operations very good Council Nick and then we well I get the too yeah come on what are you talking about I get [Music] complaints yeah yeah sure sure sure of course like I said it before noise related certain things like that spill out into the streets I can elaborate on like what when I was a counsilman the types of complaints that I received relative to like people on other people's properties def defaming or defacing property as well so there vandalism is involved as as far as and also loud music do you want to elaborate there right public urination which is illegal and so so listen the complaint come from loud noise up to using drugs in the street urinating in the front of the houses uh living the street dirty double parking you know and this going on the list going on and on we get the calls Captain muru testify that I don't have a time to call him or textt him uh regarding this issues but that's it work we only informed we cannot go to the house and and shut potty Downs or whatever that's why I encourage all those individual that does does this kind of activity don't call us to get baell out I will send you to jail right away because I want quality life I want I want to be able to sleep too my col also you know we get all these complaints so I'm thankful for the leadership that the Law Department is working with the legislative body to put teeth in ordinance and making sure the administration understand that we all want uh quality life in the city of Pastor making sure that they get it uh under our leadership in the council and that we are here for the residents and when I said that uh local business that really pay their taxes and they go through ABC and pay their due the taxes or whatever they getting hurt and they crying to go after uh this type of business illegal business and we could address also the quality life and calls that we get from food trucks and other things around the city people want quality of life we want your business to run property you need to go by the books not off the books and Nick to your question also think about what happens afterwards when people come out of these illegal nightclubs and get robbed there can be an altercation it could lead to a stabbing maybe even a shooting so like I stated before things do spill out into the streets so the illegal activity is not confined to that specific facility it plays out in public and it is what to the detriment of the poor people that have to see witness all these types of activity or hear these activities I'm sorry you were waiting patiently tundo we saved you for last because you were showed up last go ahead well I hope they're cutting hair in barber shops I hope they're not cutting anything else in the barber shops look we have ordinances we have laws and patteron we only ask people to abide by the laws and make sure that you have an establishment that is doing right by the public so if you're a barber shop we expect you to follow through on what your purpose is which is to cut hair and I'm sure do other things as far as like grooming men is concerned or women for that matter Yeah well yeah it all it all depends right on on the severity of whatever it is that we site them for but if it's something really egregious yeah we will move towards like I said before with Lava Lounge we shut it down completely now it's a preschool so you can expect summonses for sure at the very minimum but if we have to take Extreme Measures that's why we have our legal department involved and we won't hesitate to do that and and what we're talking about here you know is is a daytime business closing down and then an advertised party on social media Flyers admission some cases tickets so the these are sophisticated uh establishments this this is not somebody staying late in the barber shop to enjoy a beer with with their Barber any additional questions if that's all we have I also want to provide an update as you know we had a water main break yesterday on Spring and 21st Avenue St Valley Water Commission has been working feverishly to isolate that area I also want to commend our fire department under the leadership of Chief Alisa they were pumping water into the cooling system at St Joseph's hospital so we' advert a disaster and an evacuation but we also still have a boil water advisory in effect for those areas that have been impacted whether it's South Patterson parts of downtown as well but we also have a distribution plan for anyone who needs that water and so at this time I'm going to defer to our coordinator of the office of emergency management Mr Troy s good morning so as we speak right at this press conference we will have we'll be Distributing pallets of we have seven pallets of water we would have an additional five we're Distributing one case per household to everybody in the B water advisory until they run out once they run out we'll reassess and we'll go from there the b r water advisory will be in effect until further notice probably 24 to 48 hours I've been on location this morning and yesterday at the water main break they're assure me that it should be taken care of today so if anybody needs water that's inside the boil water advisory if you bring your ID we will freely give you a case of water at the Southside Firehouse 126 gyf we'll be there all day giving out water for everybody thank you any questions for they they have one in water but it's trickling and it's not some it's so light that you know they have to fill a pot takes a while so if you're going through anything if you're having problems come by there we'll give you case of water we still have cooling sites open throughout the city in the City libraries giving out cold water for everybody we're working with the pison Police Department pison fire department Community Police in Pake Valley Water we have Red Cross volunteers I've talked to the ba I've talked to the mayor we we're all working together to help the problem and fix the problem make sure everybody's good so work with us let us know what you have going on but be patient because we can't fix a pipe fast in Pake Valley Water spring Spring Street in 21st half it's it's affecting 24,000 but inside of the ball water revisory it's close to like 4 to 5,000 and and what is concern the extreme heat that expec in terms of to shower make ice businesses I'm just more more well one of the things we worry about we just want you to stay hydrated you know you might not be able to take a shower for a couple hours that won't that's not the end of the world but we want you to stay hydrated want you to stay cool so we're setting up places so you can come inside keep your temperature now and then if you have something going on it's emergency please call 911 you're not a doctor I'm not a doctor let us take you to the doctor get you checked out you know we just want to keep you hydrated we don't have anybody getting sick just because of the Heat this is the beginning of summer we have a long time to go so let's work together that's true today yeah right couple days longest day of the [Music] year I don't want to put a Time on it because every time they you put a Time on something else can happen so we're going to go with we're going to di until they fix it we're going to make sure you have water yeah yeah that's the way we're going to I don't want to put a Time Li on 126 gyf 126 gyf all right thank you thank you also note that schools will be dismissed early today at 1 o' all after school activities have been cancelled and our summer concert series that we were launching today on the summer solstice longest day of the year has been canceled as well so schools will be dismissed early today at 1:00 the Every After School activity has been cancelled as well and our summer concert series that we were supposed to launch today on the first day of summer the summer solstice longest day of the year because you wanted me to repeat at verbatim is also canceled as well no no it's just the heat yeah yeah because unfortunately they're conflated right so you got the heat and then now we're battling this water main break which affects that section but when we're talking about the early dismissal that's the heat wave as well I'm getting calls I don't know about the 911 but I'm personally getting text messages and calls that's why we've been issuing Robo calls going on social media doing what we can to communicate with the community that's been impacted schools have AC no not that we know of nothing has been brought to attent our attention relative to issues with air conditioning but they will be dismissed today at 1:00 and I believe 1:00 as well tomorrow because of the extreme heat so June 27th next week is the last day of School Chief I think to you no actually we don't have any 911 calls other than the regular uh you know heat exhaustion stuff which we get every year uh our our numbers have not uh increased uh due to the water uh we are working closely with the Pake Valley Water Commission to address the issue as well as with the chief Abasi uh in order we have plans in place in the event that there is a an Emergency a fire emergency in that area we have put plans in place with the police department as well as our mutual Aid partners and with the Pake Valley Water Commission oh yeah that's true that's uh one of the issues yeah that's one of the issues we're addressing with the police department that there have been so forthcoming and and uh willing to help us is is um to please I'll ask the residents please do not open fire hydrants I know this is an issue that happens every year and we do go and we shut him down because he shouldn't be doing it anyway uh but due to the low water pressures in certain of parts of the City right now we're at dangerously low levels um uh I asked uh the resident please do not open the water the hydrants uh I know that people need to cool off and stuff but try and find a shaded area go into an air conditioned area um to the mall or whatever the case may be but please do not open uh fire hydrants I we do we have two pools so we have two two pools Riverside vets pool which is on Fifth Avenue and lucella pool not too far from here right off Grand Street the OEM coordinator did allude to cooling centers our libraries are serving as cooling centers and they're giving out cold water as a result it's the South Patterson branch of the library and the main branch of the library but we also have 60 Temple Street in the library will serve as a cooling center and will provide cold water as well yes they you know about that Adam thank you yes the staff is super friendly now they're going to ask for a raise thank you Adam I appreciate that so I appreciate the media media coverage and the members the only thing I ask going forward no more in New York Yankees paraphernalia at press conferences thank you