on behalf of the municipal Council we welcome you to our meeting March 12 2024 at 7:11 p.m. welcome to the people's house Pat as a resident um so for the public portion if you wish to speak please add your name on the list by CL call the rooll yes Mr President good evening everyone roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday March 12th 2024 the time is now 7:15 p.m. councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton here councilwoman daver I added Council can I be added councilman jacksson here councilman khag councilwoman Mims I'm here okay councilman Udin I saw him right councilman Udin he's not here councilman VZ president Madame clerk Mr president president Madam clerk I thank you Mr President this evening's prayer will be rendered by none other than Reverend Phyllis Riley associate minister of Calvary Baptist Church which has been followed by the flag salute led by by councilwoman Marissa Dava let's stand for prayer please stand stand if you can father God I thank you for I thank you for this chyros moment this opportune time in history to declare your word over this legislative body the people that make up this great City and its mayor I pray that the eyes of their understand standing will be flooded with light that they will know why they have been called to serve for this appointed time I pray that they will seek to know how to apply your word in every matter concerning the city of Patterson and its people for the word of God is the final Authority on all matters and there is no Authority except that which has been sanctioned by you amen for it is you who created government and rested it on the shoulders of your son who delegated man to carry it out according to your Divine will and purpose I pray that the council as a whole will come to understand that only the word of God applied and believed is able to bring Unity to the legislative and administrative body that only by seeking you first will all things work together for the good of Patterson only when there is a genuine love and reverence for you as an everpresent active God in the city of Patterson Will you pour out of your spirit wisdom Revelation knowledge so that this city can be all that you purposed it to be father I declare a shift on this Council and administration from old paradigms that have proven ineffective and I declare your preeminence in every decision made concerning the people of this great City for as it is written those that rule must be just they must rule in the fear of the Lord amen then and only then will decisions be carried out according to your will and purpose and then and only then will light begin to shine upon this great city of righteousness father I pray that those who have ears to hear will hear what the spirit is saying to the church on today oh god this is my prayer I declare that it will not return unto your Void but it will accomplish what you please and it will prosper in the thing that you sent it this is my prayer in the name of Jesus amen amen amen flag of our country salute the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible for liberty and justice for all now let's do a moment of silence for a troop and for those that lost a loved one in our community you may be seated thank you madam clerk please read the statement of compliance thank you uh Mr President statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2023 2024 today's meeting date is March 12th 2024 the time is now 7:19 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2023 2024 on about July 1 2023 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly transmitted on our rep July 1 2023 to the north Jersey Harold new news the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County puls Dominicana news Lis International L special the partisan press the city post news tap into paron the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 23 2024 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this typ four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you mad uh Madame clerk uh before we go uh with the prman of Bill uh Council mes has a quick presentation Council mes think yes okay thank you uh council president and my colleagues Madam clerk so this presentation I going to do tonight um is supposed to be done last meeting but because the schedule was so tight uh the program was tight and we had a busy agenda so we left it for today and today is a special moment for this youth for this group um I went to a place uh in Patterson right here in the fifth world called bados and I'm standing outside and I listen to this perfect band plane and I thought it was one of the biggest band from Dominican Republic playing here in patteron called Elma jimbe right antthony Santos and when I went in there you know it was a Sunday brunch legally okay I noticed that it was youth the age from 16 to 19 and then I started looking into the media what they doing and there was an article out there that they use Bachata to curve bullying right and and and that trigged me a lot because sometime we see Youth and we don't praise them we don't do nothing for them or we you know leaving for the end but when we see youth like this we had to bring It Forward because patteron has the best youth of every other City probably don't have but we have it in the city of Patterson let's give him a round of applause so ladies and gentlemen the group that is called DNX 4 okay D nx4 range from the ages of 16 to 19 16 to 19 and that is a blessing so this encourag others to create bands to curve bullying to curve violence and you know and we as an adult could send a message from here that they are the future of pisan and they are the future of this nation they are future of this state so I want to call forward yes you could PL yes I want to call first Kevin [Applause] Nunes yeah they they got instruction okay okay say hi to her okay congratulation next one is Johan Luis [Applause] Abu J Carlos [Applause] Rosario you could say right here in the middle we're going to do a little shot later picture congratulations young man Ivan me TRX Chev yeah okay this one okay okay Junior Jose [Applause] Rosario yes of course man so this is part of the band you know it's a group of I believe uh 7 10 uh youth okay but the gentleman that I go to call now he just told me please don't save mine but you know if we cannot we need to recognize them too because they dedicated their time with the youth keeping out of crime keeping out the street good education so we need to brace them too so the manager of DNX 4 Marvin [Applause] Flores and when you finish with my colleagues here shaking hands I won't I would like you to have a couple words to the audience and um and from there we take a picture with them in the middle and those citations that you received today come and behalf of the Covenant body of the city of pison because when we do this we become a we body so congratulation come forward for you could say some words on behalf of them as manager of the group hey so I failed on public speaking so I'm not good at public public speak but anyways I'm very thankful because I think that they this gives them this encourages them to continue to the work that they're doing and that's at the same time um I I was I was raised P Mike we oh I'm sorry so I was um raised in Patterson all my life and um friends with Mike and we grew up you know we done music together so this is just uh you know thank you very much thank you all right all right thank you council member let's take a grp picture with the with the U with the band [Applause] you council president all right so council members uh before we start with the agenda let's put our hands together one more time for the Youth it's important we have to encourage our children you know and they are the future they are a future we have so many great children in our community great kids with a lot of talent we have to promote the positive things that happen in our community before I open the floor to my Council K and before I start the agenda let me let me have let me talk about uh something extremely important before before we start this meeting so I know a lot of members of the community came here to talk about the early voting so this is important that you hear this right so so far right now I spoke with the super superintendent of the board of election Madame Clerk and I we also have a spoke with the early voting on SE uh February the 20 Madame clerk sent a letter to the county um requesting early voting so the early voting is a goal as now so we don't have to submit any legislation in support of early voting there's no need for that because early voting it's in place right now now if any council member it does doesn't agree with the early body that council member could bring a uh legislation to stop the early voting to repeal early voting that's what needs to be done so there's no need for legislation in support of early voting I spoke with the superintendent of election some council member feel that there should be more polling size available for the early voting process the superintendent of election Express you know say they they they're they're welcome to receive any recommendation so if any council member has a recommendation we have to put a letter and send it through the clerk and they will look into to the commissioner they will look into the early voting the different site that you guys want to add on so they're not against that that is a recommendation and they're willing to look into um also I will open the floor uh to Madame clerk so that way she could you know just reiterate on that that way we could take that out of the way so right now so far if any council member wish to put a legislation to repeal it they're more than welcome so far we don't need imp Paro so so far we don't need to do anything we have to look into also during the June election and November election they used uh 10 early voting side they used two in patteron and the rest of the a poing side they distributed within the 50 municipality in the city of pison so with that being said Madame clerk so thanks council president um I have sent communication to the Board of Elections the attention of the administrator regarding the early voting and and the polling sites I am still awaiting a response from them so as soon as I have the response I'll circulate it to the um members of the council thank you and let's council president sure uh councilwoman I have councilman Udin and right after I have councilman no no council member just a minute I got you councilman Jackson let's start the meeting in a positive way so council members so let's keep in mind that the board of election they are the one authorized to add additional po side so through the clerk she will communicate with the with the county with the vote of election and they will choose they will decide if that polling side is available or not so far there's two polling side uh in the city of pison and that's where we are right now I got three council member that ask for the floor councilman Jackson councilman and Council M councilman Jackson thank you council president the moment is G coming past just give me a moment this is getting very um childish if you will council president we had a moment when the uh gentlemen the young people were here so I he he derailed and went to a whole another topic that was not even a part of the discussion but anyway let me just say this uh uh I'm I'm happy that to see the young people to get acknowledged longtime friend Marvin uh the other gentleman that councilman valz uh uh uh did not pronounce his name correctly that's part of the reason why I wanted to speak wanted to make sure that he gets properly acknowledged his name is Ivan matrax uh Chavez he is current he if any of you know the Jay-Z record with Shai that was recorded here in patteron I was a part of that that young man mate had recorded that and many many other hits he travels the world with um uh uh Romeo Santos who's a Michael Jackson of the Latin World he's right here from patteron he's a patteron person that has doing major things and obviously as you saw with the young group that he has been um uh nourishing so I wanted to make sure that mate you know I know he's he's a he's a busy guy flying all over the world and didn't have opportunity to come here but I wanted to make sure that he was properly acknowledged we kind of just pass over him he's a Grammy nominated artist producer he's uh he has multiple platinum and and gold records that he's produced over the years and right here ky Street First Ward um and and we're proud of him so I wanted to make sure that he was properly acknowledged I appreciate the moment uh council president thank you councilwoman uh councilman Udin thank you council president first of all thank you so very much everyone those who showed up one thing you should know is we the city of patteron our voter turnout rate is very low we are trying to encourage our residents our citizens to make sure come out and vote on the election day that's our purpose we want to make sure that people's voice is hard in their on the election day this is why I feel that we have to give access more access to our residents to make sure they come out and vote they should not use the excuses that election is on Tuesday and this is a working day and you notice the crisis that our families are going through is is family member or to lead a family the adults sometimes work two three jobs at the same time so they definitely have excuses not to come out and vote on Tuesdays we have three early voting days and that was as council president explained and I I wanted to put in the record that we do have early voting in place regardless the current resolution is expired am I correct council president that that is correct councilman I want to just State here that the people you can see right here they all are fasting during this Ramadan time they showed up to make their vot hard that they all want early voting they want to make sure that everyone come out and vote and I want council members to know the people the residents the citizens those who elected us all of us they won early voting so we should not stand against all the voting option that available for us and if we need to extend it if it does not require that's fine if you need to we have to place that but again since people came council president I would just request that if you would like to hear from them and I think we should uh if you can bring or can call the public portion AA so that he can hear their logical point that why they want Al voting in place thank you thank you councilman councilwoman Mims yes so first and foremost the item is not on the agenda so asking the public to come speak I'm not sure why it's not on the agenda that's number one the agenda council members council member Council floor be respectful counc you councilman oud so let me be clear I don't have an issue with early voting I think you should give opportunities for people to vote my concern is why is it only in the second and the third ward that's my issue when first fourth fifth and sixth PE the people that live in those Wards are not convinced the same way the second and the third are I have an issue with that I am councilwoman at large I represent the entire city so to sit and advocate for two Wards it speaks volumes to me because you have to think of every resident in the city of Patterson when this item came before us before we met the council at requested that there would be more locations they denied us and only gave us the two locations that's been our stand I don't think any council member is against early voting we encourage it we want to early vote give people an opportunity but I'm sure the people that are here watching I want you to be clear just like you can vote early in the second ward in the Third Ward let our seniors be convenien let our young people be convenienc they need the same convenience that your our seniors are not going to leave their buildings to go to 300 McBride app they're not going to leave their buildings to go to Dam app they're just not going to do it and to say well just have it there is selfish I think it's a selfish motive and intent we have to think of every person in the city of Patterson now I'm going to put this on the table council president you made a statement that you heard from the superintendent of Elections now if you heard from them I would like to see a copy of that email sent to All council members because in contradiction the clerk said she reached out and had not heard anything that's what she just stated so yes I did I did I have not hearded out a response right and she has not gotten response so I'm confused and I'm going to reach out to the Pake uh I'm going to reach out to the superintendent of Elections and I'm going to reach out because council president if that you reached out I would like that email sent to All council members and then I want to ask the question why did they respond to you and not to our Madam clerk I think that's there's a concern here if that is is if that's what happened I'm going to send a text message I'm letting you know right now while we're sitting here I'm sending a text to the superintendent of Elections because if you reached out to her and there was a response I'm going to ask for that response to be sent to All council members cuz I want to get some clarity around why one is being responded to and our Madam clerk who does the elections did not get a response we need to get some clarity I stand in total support of early voting but I totally do not support not being able to give it to all the other Wards stop only giving it to certain section of the city stop forgetting the other resid and guess what when you do second and third war because you forget the other Wars you have a low voter turnout that come out early if you want people to vote open it up across the city that's what I'm saying and that's what should take place and this entire Council should be fighting and we should be saying the same thing and standing on the same ground and if we're not doing that then there's something else that's going on behind it council president I just want to put that on the right thank you thank you and Council Bless you Nets but before that you totally you're 100% correct Council M Mims and I reach out to the board of election today my secretary Miss philli she reached out and she connect me with the superintendent of the board of election she I reach out to them because I want some clarity and they specifically say early voting is in place if you want to repeal it you guys have to have the power to do it if any council member wish to because it doesn't agree on that's in our power now they have the authority to add more polling side or no and he was very clear you could make a recommendation you could make suggestion any council member could add any polling side but it will be up to them I'm just giving information from the board of election because I know there's a lot of back and forth some Council M believe that they have to put a resolution in support of early voting and there's no need so if any council member now we have to work this collectively I'm in support Bly voting I I got I was elected in November I love it but the turnout is low because it's only two. side like and you're totally correct only seniors come on SO senior doesn't have the opportunity to go out so that item is not on the agenda I just want to make sure that everybody's clear that if you are in support of early voting you have you don't have to worry about it early voting is in place now what we have to do and the community is to request more polling side that that not in the school let's keep in mind not in the school but let's look for other buildings in our community and let's send it to the board of election say listen why what happened with our senior we have so many senior building that we could have early voting in our senior building so so let's make that happen so instead of using the time here let's work on that collectively and let's reach out to the board of election we have to put pressure because at the end he was very clear it's up to the commissioner to approve the side council member so council president as was stated the early voting is on is an effect but it all depends on the county to say if you could to have more than two polling sites at this time they only have two and probably they're going to put one you never know because that's in their decision Council woman men just stated and we've been lobing for since two 2022 when this came up we say we want an each w a polling site never happened and you know how many much money they spend in the election for the low turnout exactly more less than 800 people went out to vote less they 800 people one thing I learned from that that I never saw a lot of buses kidnapped from the senior centers to the poing site okay offering lunch offering uh business cards offering this offering that you don't play with the minds of the voters at all you know we already had early voting 45 days 30 something days before election the vote by mail now they don't learn they they cannot vote by mail anymore because the AG is looking at that right but now they want to try to kidnap buses from those places and take it to a polling site and in that bus you see them offering things just Vote for This candidate so we had to give a little bit respect to our seniors the senior we serve those resident that live in the fifth W I said it off camera the other day and I going to say it today I have nine sites in the fifth War okay okay at of the nin sight for our in senior senior citizen complex you think I want to pull out my seniors to walk all the way out to the with the traffic that is in downtown the medication that I have to take you Rising those individuals their health and their safety so and what I got to say this in that for least you know low turnout lack of falling sight and we have vote by mail we support that people go out and vote but it's a fair cross the board that will serve the whole entire community and that people not feel disfranchised we not disfranchising the people here the thing is that people take care just for political purpose they just start saying that we against that this is this and this is that but we want everybody to participate now if you don't want to go out early to vote make sure that your polling site that your one that you always assigned to go out and vote go vote make your voice heard make sure you vote for Louis vet but vote thank you council president uh uh councilman Jackson right after Council you council president cson next so let me uh make some corrections first of all the low voed turnout has absolutely nothing to do with polling sites we just took a large bus down to New Brunswick in support of Ros Baraka for governor sir and we'll travel wherever we need to travel when you're going to support something that's going to be in your best interest the low voter turnout was because of such a poor performance over the first term of this Administration when people riding around around see garbage everywhere when the numbers are being reported falsely talking about the crime is being reduced there were twoot three shootings today seven shootings this week my neighbor's car was shot just driving down Clinton Street three times after she just dropped her grandchildren off but we're over here towing cars at 10:00 at night for being too close to the to the crosswalk also here's another correction this isn't in in the on the on the agenda but it's the council president that felt the need to discuss it he brought it up so now when somebody's saying that we should have a discussion or let the public have an opportunity to talk about it oh it's not an agenda item you made it an agenda item by talking about it let me set the record straight even further someone on this Council tried their best to have it repealed while the false information that was given from from the the the the city attorney's office saying that it was a need to do it every single time and renew it but obviously now we find out that that's false who did the research on the on the uh the legislation it should have been done from the legal department it should have to be the clerk or whomever else reaching out to the the county clerk if we had an item placed on the agenda there should have been appropriate research done by the legal department to find out whether or not there was a necessity and if those of you who don't recall go back and watch the meeting because I spoke totally against it and Corporation counsel said out of his mouth that it was required that we continue to renew it each year now we're finding out differently but remember I said that then as I normally do so let's set the record straight I the polling sites aren't in the First Ward but I will have transportation for my residents who are looking forward to Breaking new records in the First Ward to get people out because they're tired of hearing listen and then let me let me one last thing first of all as my business has been unlawfully and unfairly targeted I don't have extra money to be paying people to come forward here and speak on my behalf I don't need to pay people or coorse people to come here and speak on my behalf when resident after president and people after people continue to come forward and talk about the truth that councilman Jackson is talking and and re reiterate some of the things that I'm talking about it's not me carrying anybody or anyone else carrying my water it's people acknowledging that they're being cheated we're being mistreated and for all of you who have who have any letter of Doubt let me say this you know who you should be blaming that chairman that we just named the street after the chairman the P County chairman who is looking to control these elections who made a move to breath the the Schoolboard elections during the large scale elections right now who in in in choosing a sheriff in a predominantly minority Town how many years we got to wait to get representation on the sheriff's department over 400 officers over 400 officers 25 black but you black people keep running out there supporting the Democratic party like they got your best interest in mind and if the Bangladesh think that your represent representation is even bigger go count the numbers even the Hispanic Community which is 70% has less than 50 officers on the sheriff's department and yet again we had a Muslim we had an African-American we had people from pan that was candidates to be to be put their name up for Sheriff and all of them gets bypassed how do that how does that look further right this Governor came into Patterson talking about he would never cut the school budget the first thing he did was cut our school budget then when I came after him now you see me being unfairly targeted well I'm going tell you this I don't care what skin color you are if you're not going to get out here and support RZ Baraka who is showing the the state and the country how to do it Section 8 the home ownership Equalization of uh economic opportunities this Governor over his tenure The Last 5 Years 0.14% of access to contracts for the black community yet 95% of the black community supported him who's stupid that's the question Ras Baraka 2025 if you guys don't all line up and you don't get on the bus and do whatever you need to do to go support them you deserve everything you get thank go you didn't you didn't you didn't Kirk tell anybody else you're not going to do it to me because it's not not what listen as coun listen this discussion now you want to mus you you you You' been in the mic for 10 hmer of Truth is falling on your face you going to come back I will give you the mic again I'm dropping the mic because I'm letting everybody know what the realities are and you would I think you were the one who brought that legislation forward if you weren't you was in full support you let it get to the agenda but yet the items that I asked to be on the agenda you pulled it off thank you councilman DAV this guy council president failure councilman DAV guys this is a show every day yes show so and uh I I would have to just add something and I am going to change the subject for a minute um and it's the two gentlemen that are standing back there uh there is a yellow line and there's a reason why that's there we do not no no no this is for your safety okay if you see that is all taped and to the officers because there are falling pieces and that is why that is put there just wanted to let it known okay please anyone Sebastian thanks a lot okay but just to bring it back um councilwoman Mims um I would say you said it the best right I don't think there's one individual here who is against early voting I think that is your right we have it in place already as you can receive your vote by mail ballot and as soon as you get it you vote and return it um but what I don't agree with exactly what you stated and what has been stated here today it should be fair across the city it should be fair it should be all six Wards and there should be a a representation for all all right that you're able to go in in your area um and let's keep it real and I think everyone here knows it's already in place we can ask for whatever you want to ask we are not getting all six Wards we're not getting it's all about money all right and that is budgeted was budgeted already we're not getting it so either this Council decides the majority or all to say you know what we have the right to put legislation forward to say we do not want early voting and let it just continue with the vote by mail and the days at the poll or we leave it as is because we don't have to do anything that this already in place so I just wanted to say that out there again I am not against early voting what I'm against is the fact that it is not fair across the wards and only certain Wards get the benefit and others don't and I think that that is thank you councilwoman and I I think that we we have you know we have a very good debate about this and let me and let me be let me be very clear I'm being in support of early voting since the day one I was elected in November with early voting I never had any problem but as a council president I have to bring the conversation the concern to the public and there's a lot of concern with candidates with the community about the process of early voting and there's a lot of misinformation out there I did my homework I did my job the res the legislation is not on the agenda because of now any council member that wish to repeal the legislation they more than free in a minute they're more than welcome to bring it if they have the vote for so far as of now we have early voting in the city of patteron we hear the process to reach out to the county if we want more poll inside and that's what we should be fighting for to allow our senior and the resident of the city of patteron to have at least one police s on each War to give opportunity that's a fight that we all should collaborate in that councilwoman so with that thank you thank you council president so one thing I need to clarify right here the resolution does not State how many voting sites we we have or we should have does not say that it states that we want it say it states the intention that we want early voting that's all he says now I have no idea what stops you from moving it forward does not say that we want two or we want six it just says we want early voting now previously this resolution was passed in this chamber and we were awarded two sides yes definitely we should fight for more sites to make sure that we our people has access equally as you have stated however I have no idea what's the rational stance where we want to give people access but we want to cut off and go back to zero what's the what's the rational on this I have no clue but if you state if you states on the resolution independently resolution does not State about the numbers of the polling side that we we we want so I think we should move forward council president this item was on the agenda last Workshop session that was removed by you which was was your Authority and you did it that's right but again you should know this is the residents the voters they want early voting now is no no no no no no it ISC if I I if I may let me finish let me no no no counc president let meish it let me let me finish it now let's say you got the response from the uh County that we have early voting in place now as Council woman M stated that sometimes later we found out that there is no arly taking place who's going to take the who's going to take the responsibility since we don't have any written answer from the uh Election Commission so I think we should have an email answer for to you or someone else that yes arly voting in place let me clarify another thing to everyone sitting right here you don't have to speak on the agenda that's one thing I should clarify that's I councilman I don't like that part people came here they want to make their voice hard on anything you want to say you don't have to speak on the agenda you don't have have to speak on the agenda yes you came here just know this we are sitting here getting paid you came here because you care about Patterson and he came to speak for only three luxurious minutes because you care and if we want to limit it to you have to speak on the agenda we the council members do not keep keep this decorum we don't even speak on the agenda and we are talking to you about this shame on us thank you so so so before we get into a payment of bill just an answer just an answer so so we got to have public portion make sure if you want to make a if you want to comment on this topic or anything you want make sure you add your name on the list it's number one and very soon we're going to have public portion I see a lot of senior here we're going to take care of Bruce Lop because I know Bruce Lop is in the house first that way they could leave early now if you want to speak at your name on the list number one number two there is early voting in place the reason why I start this conversation was to avoid the the discussion is if we want more than two if you want to know another one reach out to Madame Clerk and send the letter to the county that's about it so let's stop the conversation right we have early voting so payment of Bill councilwoman Dava no wait a second come on wait no I go before you go first so let the record reflect that we have councilman D joined the meeting and didn't notice that so after payment of Bill councilman D you will have the floor payment of Bill no we got C both okay after let me just say to on this no let me just say you just councilwoman councilwoman D is ready for payment of Bill let's let's take that out the way then we going to go to pay coun that's all I mean we normally do that you did that whole side okay remember I just want to say to you council president now you bought the issue up now it seems like to me you having a conversation with the superintendent of election but yet they not said in Madam clerk nothing they ain't put nothing in writing to Madam Clerk and you keep saying you talking to them on the phone but yet they won't send Madam clerk nothing who who is is it's her election cuz it's May her her staff is already short but it's her election but you're saying they're talking to you superintendent of election but they're not responding to Madam clerk why they're not responding to Madam clerk that should have been an issue that you should have said Put it Down in writing put the email and um councilwoman M early vote is in the second and the sixth for it's not the third thir they so council members so I'm just saying to you 36 I don't care how much we request I don't care how much we ask I don't care they're still never going to put it in all six Wars they're never going to do it and I think the community needs to know that that they're not going to put it in each War it's going to affect two WS yes it's going to affect two wordss understand that councilwoman count so before before you Council mad cler have the information that I have M clerk know that is there early voting because she sent the letter February the 20 when mad clerk is waiting on the polling Side location uh and let me yell to Mad C that wish you could clarify that the discussion is the polling side because before we used to have the Run Avenue and I find out that it's going to be in Heritage Place now right Madam clerk well I'm not sure what's going to be in the letter but the um Board of Elections will respond to my um communication by tomorrow so once it comes in I'll see what they say we did request all right thank you Madame cler so Madame cler is waiting on the polling location Council memb so if you have a recommendation talk to sent the email to people you you know you got nine council members sitting here when you're doing something that we do not know what you're doing you send an email to each of us this is what I'm doing this is a response I got back and this is how we're going to go forward send out an email you making conversation and nobody else don't know about it but you yeah than councilman thank you council president so Excuse excuse me for coming in a little late I was fast in and I decided to break fast at home and now I'm replenished for tonight's meeting so that's a good thing Madam Clerk and Corporation counsel you guys know my stance when it comes to early voting I support it 100% um we're going to have early voting like it or not for the June primary state law early voting is going to be from May 29th to June SE 4th it's happening 7 days prior this counil has no say the clerk has no say we have to do it we have early voting for November 10 days me any day that's open for people to to to voice their opinion there it goes I'm for it but at the end of the day for municipal election the council has to say what I want and selfishly I need to know if we're going to proceed with early voting or not Corporation councel what's the deadline because I have my mailers all ready to line up to send out and I need to let my residents know if we're going to have it or we're not going to have it my my I'm running six of us are running we're ready to go I need to tell my residents if we're going to be able to do it there's a deadline it's not fair to all the candidates the rules need to be set for the election so if we're going to have early voting let's make the decision if not this Council doesn't want it let us proceed so I can relay that message the rules of the election personally I have all my mailers ready to go and if I'm sending out mailers to my residents I want to be able to say vote on May 5th or May 7th at these locations so they have that option if we're not going to do it let us know but there has to be a time frame that we have to be held by can't just say we're going to do this April 30th in in Russia and then it changes the the whole election so what's the the the legal deadline before we that we have to make a decision is already in place from May 10th through the 12th for municipal election now I know when the early voting is I need to know when do we have to pass a resolution cuz the the clerk's office has to the the clerk's office has president this is item that's not on the agenda we extending that information floor point of order council president no point councilman abdalaziz is often talking about items that's not on the agenda that information was already disseminated he was late let him go watch the you already have the opportunity to speak on matter man he's always he's always calling a point of order to move on it that's not on the agenda we answered that question that question was already answered let me help you out there's early voting and it's not just conclude Council just Wast time just conclud mad clerk just letting this stuff what was a question just go ahead when do we have to pass that resolution for early voting is there well the ordinance is already in place so there's no need to pass a resolution yes it's concr we could amend the ordinance thank you so so we finish the conversation everything is in play there's no need to have more dialog on this payment of Bill Council no you got to ask Corporation Council Corporation Council you want to add your last go ahead Corporation councel thank you thank you council president uh ordinance thank you council president go ahead and so I'll be clear because I've been consistent in this correct um we had received Communications from the Board of Elections that we needed to pass an ordinance in order to opt in that was the initial correspondence correct Madam Clerk and Madam Clerk and I have been lock stepping this and working together so there's been no misrepresentations there's been no misstatements we were on the same page so we then sought Clarity from the Board of Elections as to whether or not we needed to opt in or we were already opted in given their initial communication to us correct Madam clerk yes yes madame clerk uh doing her due diligence reached out to the Board of Elections we also reached out to the Board of Elections for clarity I have not received anything in writing from them and I understand Madam clerk has not received anything in writing from corre I am told that I'll get something in writing by tomorrow okay and so out of an abundance of caution and if anybody uh read the ordinance that we drafted out of an abundance of caution because of the uh muddled Waters created we drafted ordinance to make sure we were opted in because if that was truly the council's intention we wanted it to be reaffirmed and we didn't want the voters of the city of P of Patterson to not have that opportunity so we drafted that and that was on the last agenda however ever my understanding is since then the Board of Elections has confirmed although not to me and not to Madam clerk that we're already opted in and there's no ordinance necessary so at this point I'm going to I'm going to defer to Madam Clerk and we will continue to support Madam Clerk and anything that she needs to ensure that this is a fair open and smooth election thank you council president council president just a minute that mad clerk yes council president so and members of the public is 8:00 I really like to have the ply portion around 8 because people need to go back home and get ready for the next day we hav't start the we haven't started meeting it's 8:00 but I will do I'm going to do the public portion I asked some council member please don't talk for 10 15 minutes let let's be mindful of my the council Cali and let's be mindful of the public when I try to stop I don't try to stop somebody just because but after you speaking for 10 15 minutes not fair now this is what I'm going to do we received when I call the county just for this situation when I call the county they told me that you send the letter febrary the 20 affirming that we won early voting and they said and they say that early voting is in place is that correct or not they said they'll respond to me by tomorrow because what I call they say the early voting is in place so what we're going to do tomorrow what we're going to do tomorrow when you get that confirmation you going to send it to all our Council Cali and everybody because as a candidate all the candidate and everybody involved in this election need to have the right information in order for us to move forward let's do payment bill pay bill president payment of bills no we're not doing that no we moving forward Corporation Council just stated a un untr we're moving forward we're not moving forward councilman you say that this it was on the agenda now listen but you going to give everybody an opportunity B counil president you Bill Corporation Council just said that the last item that was on the agenda was to was to approve it that's not true the last item that was on that Corporation Council prepared was to repeal pay of Bill it was not to continue goad go ahead pay of Bill that last item that Corporation was to repeal voting that's a lie for him to sit here and lie and then you just pass over it the item that was on the agenda the last time was to repeal early voting it was not to allow I'm not going to sit here and allow of dispersements are for 23, 875,000 m657 32 uh I want you to look at the computer checks the Board of Education got payment for I believe it was a uh January and February am I correct Madame pa okay that totaled uh uh 12,1 194,195 payment to the Board of Education uh in addition if you look at the $4,500 43081 that right there are payments um uh for retirees am I correct Madam ba all right so you know with that said you know um I motion for payment of bills for the amount of 23, 875,000 m875 52571 councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk I'll use this moment to bring forward a point of clarity if you're wondering why the dysfunction in the city this is it right here you allow everybody else to speak but yet when it comes time to be truthful about something these council members made an attempt to bring forward a resolution to repeal early voting I asked Corporation counsel that day on what Authority the council moves by the authority of the law meaning a state statute a federal guideline a ordinance we don't just move by a rumor they rumored that we needed to repeal it and then vote on it again which I said then made absolutely no sense yet here we are the council president brings this item up again acting as is as as as if he's in favor what this is about they're measuring their popularity at the moment during the last election when it was the mayor's election it was advantageous certain people thought that it would be great but they know they don't they're not as strong right now and now they want to get the early voting out of the way leave it the way it is and let's be truthful let's be truthful if we're going to bring an item forward to repeal it let's say what that is let's and then if there's an authority that's provided then quote The Authority that's the job of the Corporation Council not to give an opinion that's not based on the any authority of law the law has to support and or uh uh uh had the foundation of which we're we're moving forward on which it absolutely did not and based on that I cannot this if you're wondering why there's such a dysfunction we just vote on millions and millions of dollars that have no clue on what things are for do these types of things to mislead the public and then play with it like it's a game people wake up Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Ms so we I know we had a long discussion of an item that wasn't on the agenda but what we're voting on right now are for the payment of bills the bills that we're voting on are are for services that have been rendered um many items um that are included uh very vital services that happen in our city and also uh this payroll for our city employees I'm never going to vote not to pay our employees I'm never going to pay not to educate our children it's very important that we vote Yes on these items and I support it 1,00% my vote is yes Madam cler thank you Dr Mims councilman urin thank you Madame Clark uh just for the clarification from the previous discussion that we if we see this Miss uh Madame Clark that there a confusion of word what uh council president said got response from the uh Board of election I think if it's you know we don't want to hear differently but if this is the case I think we need to bring this item back to the agenda next Tuesday and we should have special meeting with that being said my vote is yes to this item thank you councilman urin councilman valz so payment of bills are school taxes 12 million plus and payroll 5 million so we know what we're voting for so and and retire payment pension so that's what we have here in front of us so I will vote my vote is yes thank you councilman bz Mr President U thank you council member for voting on the pension and payment for our employees they deserve to get paid and I'm I'm very transparen and I was the one that removed the item from the agenda the early voting item and to have this discussion as far as I know Madam Clerk and I we're on the same page what I hear I'm very sure mad clerk here and we're going to wait for the response to mot for the county um the the the floor is open for whoever wants to put any legislation on the floor as a council president I'm here to run the meeting respectfully some council member their goal is to fight against all Council Cali that's not my goal here my goal is to find solution to the problem so with that being said Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you council president the votes are six yeses one no two absences payment of bills in the amount of 23, 875,000 52571 is hereby adopted thank you m CL let's St out number one on second reading Bruce Lop yes yes let's item number one is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance approving tax abatement for 24 months with payment in low of taxes for property known as Brook slow Terrace Cooperative Association Inc pursuant to the long-term tax exemption law njsa 48 colon 20-1 is an administra item it's ordinance 24- second move by councilwoman Davila Council M councilman Val second by councilwoman Mims uh poly hearing is now open for item number one members of the public the public to wish to speak on this item see not move to close see him not move to close by councilman MIM second by councilwoman Davila roll call to close a public hearing on item number one madame clerk yes Mr President roll call to close a public hearing and item number one councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk to my good res presid of Brook slope I would like to be the one the first to congratulate you guys and to say uh as I told you before I got you remember what I told you then and just think about the amount of discourse you was met with in previous meetings and now how how how God sees favor to move mountains in your direction and uh let's be mindful of that so I'm proud that of this moment congratulations Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman M so right now we're just closing the public portion we will vote for the item in a few minutes so CL you can clap then don't clap yet cuz you don't got the votes yet right now we're just closing public portion I want TR to wait I want you be clapping and then it don't happen so I think it's fine but I'm just helping with the process we're just closing a public portion but you could clap to close it too my my vote is yes to Clos public portion thank you Dr Mims yes thank you councilman Valance Mr President my V is yes but I col to close the hearing thank you so the votes are seven yeses two absence is public hearing and item number one is hereby closed thank you mad clerk roll call Mad clerk on item number one on second rating roll call and item number one for approval councilman abdalaziz pass councilwoman cotton go ahead this has been a long haul but we get to the Finish Line we going to have two more years to make sure we get what we need to get and for us for for me to say to Brook slope that um having someone you have completely turned your board around you have hired new attorneys you have hired New Management people this that is very important I know it takes more than a year to get records and things straighten out it takes two years at least so I just want everyone to stay on board stay on top stay on top of everything make sure you be at the board meeting do what make sure you everybody's doing what they're supposed to do to make sure and I'm saying to you I'm happy to be of support of this item cuz this has been a long time coming and I want to say I want to make sure that you make sure that you make sure that everybody do what they supposed to do don't give no slack to nobody make sure they do what they supposed to do Madam clerk with that being said my vote is yes thank you thank you councilwoman CT councilwoman Dava so I would love to have the other council members that say that they're in full support be sitting right here that are here today because we do understand that councilman C is absent today um y'all see that's what I'm going to say but what I do want to say is this and there's quite a few of you that know me for many years know that I'm a person of my word some of the information that was being given that we weren't in support a lot of things were being said but I'm going to say this to you because I stand on my word all right and never and I can tell you it's for myself I can't talk about my other colleagues I can only talk for self okay that the only issues that we had you all knew about them and it was that management company paperwork and so forth so what was being told to you that no that is not true okay but like I said some of you know me for years you know I'm saying the truth especially because from day one we were having the conversations of what was going on so with that said all right the council you know and I could say some of my colleagues don't look at this as a good thing right because you've gotten it before be whatever the reasons that they may have you know because the community doesn't look good you know the community doesn't look at it in a good way about you know why should I have to carry right why do they not have to pay into the uh um education taxes all right so there's a lot of stuff so the council sometimes gets a little all the you know they're going to come out here they're going to be upset the way I look at it we hired a financial uh um uh a financial group right that is supposed to assist the city right but also gave you a hand to look at all of your paperwork and to say this is where you need help and they made certain recommendations we didn't have to take the recommendations but I really felt just like my colleague Council woman kind just stated and I know you're going to hear it from others the importance of you didn't have a good management company there's a lot going on your board has changed and we're here now saying we want to give you that support and give you that extension that is necess Neary for all of the paperwork to get together because two years in you come back and it's not there I don't think you'll have that support because this is the second chance we already gave you the extension for the year but I stand on my word I believe that everything is going to come together and for all my veterans that live there my seniors my family members that live there I don't know who they are but it's okay we W to leave it at that all right um and you know for my previous colleagues that I've worked with for many years for some of my colleagues Who currently live there right I say that I stand and to making sure okay that you all um receive the living that is necessary for all of you especially those that are less that have unfortunately have uh uh less income and you know count on you know this this um small um if I could say fee that they pay others have different you know scenarios so with that said um as I told you from day one my vote is yes for the extension of two years thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk was just going to vote Yes but I would not pass on the opportunity to bring more truth to the table ownership matters ownership matters when other facilities are getting pilots in perpetu it that means forever when elected officials bend over backwards for large developers while they're pocketing millions of dollars when elected officials Bend and move the lines for redevelopment zones for developers but yet don't want to find some Grace for for residents of the community longstanding residents of the community third second third generation residents we know what it is you guys know exactly where it is and like and as I said before I got you I will make sure if I got to drag it across the line myself because the pressure pressure bust pipes let me just put it that way and I'm excited that this is happening and I'm I'm I'm excited to see what's what's what's down the line for Brook slope Terrace and and again ownership matters Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims so to the members of Brook slope that are present you can start clapping in a few minutes got three votes need two more all right so start getting those you can clap after me cuz I'm number four okay so when you came before us the first time even though there were some things that were not in place even though there were some gaps and situations going because for me and I wrote it on my paper I always believe in grace I believe that even when you have not put your best foot forward not because of yourselves but because you just didn't know you have to recalibrate and get some things together rebuild your board have conversations meet with people I always tell people surround yourself with people that are smarter than yourselves doesn't make you um any less but it helps you to build and to grow and to continue the steadiness of what you already have in place so when you met the first time we voted for you I voted yes I have not wavered but in between the vote when it came you kept coming back with information that wasn't missing I gave out a lot of pointers and many of you have reached out to me you called me you text me and you thanked me for those pointers because a lot of that stuff you have in place and I'm excited about that because we in life everybody needs to be extended Grace cuz none of us are perfect we don't all get it together we don't all we don't know everything it would be great if you could but it would just be too much for anyone to handle and so I am grateful to see the extension of Grace for um for Brooks slope for two more years it gives you an opportunity to build an opportunity to develop and get some training within your board and also to have guest people come in to help build and train and develop the board that may not even understand finances performers those type of things that name you probably said well what what is that but those are things that at least show people that you you're on the track of knowing what's required so I commend you Brooks slope for coming back advocating not giving up working with NW Financial to do what you what you need to do but also as I stated before get someone else to provide some Financial oversight so if they skip a beat you can check them too all right you got to check people when it comes to your your checks okay and your payments so with that being stated I'm going to give Grace I represent you as your councilwoman at large I represent the entire city and I'm not doing it for elections because I'm not of the six that's running I I won in 2022 so I'm not doing it cuz I'm running for office amen somebody so Madam clerk my vote is yes you can start clapping now thank you Dr M councilman urin thank you madam clerk the members from the Brooks load I just want toate what I did in the first reading that personally I am against evi Ms Pilots when you came for extension previously for 18 months I believe was it one year one year extension yes I supported it no I'm talking about the first one 12 months that was 12 months I I supported it but again you came back for another extension before I vote Yes or No I want to State something I personally stand against pilot because it hars the other uh members of the community I don't want to get into details but one thing I should know you should know that that this in this 24 months you should put yourself together to make sure that you are ready to come back now if you come back for another extension in advance I'm saying sorry that I cannot support because we have to think about residents in general and with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilman Odin councilman Valance so before I vote let me let me bring some clarity here to the I'm trying to concentrate what I say don't don't just kidding so this hand the happy camper so let me bring some clarity here my colleagues are going agree on this we the council had denied Pilots to private developers and you know what was the biggest one that really I feel sorry that never went through the governor tower that got 800 and plus seniors in there and the chairman of Finance in that time killed that to us to take a decision because we thought about the seniors not about the developer you know what 800 plus seniors living over there means they still improve in the area without the pilot they to nice beautiful sense they doing cameras they doing a lot of stuff they had good communication with me to make sure I was sen and Governor Towers get what they Des serve because they have a connection with the the councilman I don't fill my pockets with money to serve my residents in the fifth War the other project was back here C arms they came here private developer we say no right because they demonstrated that in the years that they had the pilot they didn't put money into that project into the residence in this case we agreed from day one to extend the pilot what put in a hall to give one year was because the file was incomplete who say that the administration the people that were sentence Brooks Low they was not connecting That's History that's that is a fact then the administration said we need to work with them we going to put finan um WF Financial on board to make it happen we approved the 12 month they came back requesting 18 month so look at at the 18 month we already lost 6 month 7 month right so sitting here I say hold on councel colleag let's be fair instead of 18 let's give him 24 and people that was here could certify that I recommended the 24 the colleagues did not hesitate they didn't got off track only one that say is disgrace that we do in 24 right but we here to make sure that the residents in the area in that place Brooks Low all serve with the right Fair pilot now if I go to the somewhere as here it says here way back in 1992 okay I believe yeah the city of Patterson Housing Authority determined that the tax acception was necessary for a financial facility a transition from public to private ownership for the Brooks slow Terrace corporate Inc that was way back in 1992 then I go a little bit further in the whereas they are current 2 100 units out of those 100 unit 40 of them are section 8 that's facts we have people low income in those Brooks slow apartment housing or whatever what they want to call it oh before they correct me how I speak because now I get correction for that and and spelling names but I'm a proud Puerto Rican raised in the Bronx with BR brown and black so I probably cannot speak good but I know how to do my decision right for the people of patteron so if you keep on reading the whereas and whereas and the contract and what they have to me listen I'm not going to say that tomorrow probably I'm not going to give the opportunity because change of circumstance things could happen what I'm here to say is that we already spoke to the board president I spoke to the Press uh attorney that when they come back again the menu is complete for we could move forward for something permanent that the resident could take advantage to have a home to live and put also food on the table in the house so saying that I know how to count my vote is yes thank you councilman Valance councilman ABD thank you madam clerk so to the residents in the Sixth Ward and to the taxpayers in the city of Patterson this is pretty much a tax increase to you in 1992 the city council at the time granted a tax AB bment for 15 years that Council in 1992 and said here you go this is home coops that they have ownership of shares in this development and then the council gave them another 15 years of a tax AB bment so now we're looking at 30 years of tax AB what does that mean to the six Ward residents and taxpayers that means if there's 10 of us and we all allowe we got to pay $1,000 usually everyone will pay $100 for the bill what we're doing here is moving the tax burden from brookl to the taxpayers so now the out of the 10 of us one gets a tax abatement we get a $1,000 bill instead of paying $100 we got to pay $111 this is a tax increase because when the school district districts raises our taxes by 8% Brook so doesn't pay that bill we pick up that burden today this tax abatement and we're talking about lowincome housing there's people in Brook slope sitting there today that make $200,000 a year with their financials that are submitted to the city of Patterson with this vote we just gave him a tax break when is enough for enough when I go door too the first thing my residents tell me is I'm getting taxed out of this city and things like this and we've been slowly weeding off these tax abatements at the city council controls councilman BL is Right Governor Towers had 30 years they didn't get a tax payment today they're pairing their fair share Colts arm came back for a renewal for 30 years they're paying their Fair share 30 years for Brook soap for home ownership Garrett Heights up on the hill they had a tax AB bment they came here for um an extension it was denied by the council today with this being passed it's a tax increase to the taxpayers that's the truth while while the school board is raising our taxes they don't pay that share the taxpayers pay that share and I can't support this and I won't support this in two years my vote is no thank you councilman abdalaziz Mr President thank you Madame clerk um so I took this item first because this item is being we've been having discussion about this item for a while but let me just tell you this in order for you to get something done you have to be able to sit on the table either either even sometime with people that you don't agree on sometime with people that you don't like on and and and and just pay attention to this when you see people that they not willing to work with other people it's hard for them to get something done don't believe that uh the reason why the first time we took action on this item it was back there on the finance committee meeting forget about I've been fighting for that's a lie so you could say what if you're not willing to sit on the table with with a person even if you don't like that person if you don't agree with that person this not about me it's not about the mayor it's not about some people say oh now you working with the mayor no I got to work on things that matter for the city of patteron with the mayor with the VA with anybody because I care about this city because not about me so talking about Bruce the first the decision that we took the decision for one year extension right there when I saw that the document was not correct councilwoman D was there and two other council members so we noticed that there was a need for an extension because the document was not ready the construction projection was not ready we decide to say okay let's do an an additional one year now I'm very excited because Bruce law have a new board in place I see things are moving on the right direction I'm excited about that but that's where we took the decision on a finance committee meeting it wasn't here because of the fight that's a lie so in order for us to do some more to get something done here believe me we have to spend hours in in those committee two 3 4 hours things that you don't see but when we come come here we're supposed to come here to agree and take action to support the community not to put a show and a big fight now uh uh AMW Financial Group is working with Bruce Lop I'm very satisfied stay on top because you guys are the one paying AMW Financial Group for them to help you guys get the document together this is not a tax increase this is an extension to hundreds of family that live on Bruce L that deserve to be here for the tax payment and we giving you a 2year exension for you to put all the document ready we have section a family that live in section A Senor that live on a fixed inco that live on Bruce love this is the right thing to do this is the right thing to support the community we support you in the beginning and we support you all the way to the end my vote is yes Madam cler thank you Mr President so the votes are seven yeses one no one absent item number one is hereby adopted thank you so members of the community just pay attention for a minute we we're going to do I see we have little babies in the room I see family live here that needs to go home now we have 20 speaker we're going to open public poral I will respectfully ask you that right after the 3 minutes you move out of the mic and you allow the next person and that's the new rules here no five no 10 only 3 minutes we have 20 speaker we're going to spend one hour on public poral so with that being said Madame clerk let's call the first Speaker yes Mr President just a correction it's 22 speakers oh you Crosser to okay who's the first Speaker M first speaker is Miss Darlene Morris daring you're welcome um Darlene good evening how are you hi my name is dorlene Morris and I thank you for this opportunity to be able to speak and I'm going to try to get out everything I want to say particularly I'm speaking particularly to the black community although I think is applicable to everybody I what I want to say is that there's no White Horse and nobody's coming to save us okay I see so many things going on I looked at the other day how that up I think it was in the first Ward how that the um police came in at night to start Towing cars first of all the city is overcrowded you have big buildings and people are in those big buildings so you don't have anywhere to park and then they come in the quiet of the night when people are sleeping and they these people are lowincome anyway most of them and then somebody's coming to take their car which they can't get to work tomorrow they can't take their kids to school and the streets are crowded where are they supposed to put their cars I think it's reprehensible that that and the lady that was praying said that the people in leadership are supposed to be equal judges well it doesn't happen across the board all night long I kept hearing all everything is feir every abdalaziz is talking about somebody's going to pay extra dollar well when I wrote down his reward this today all the streets were as smooth as a baby's ass when I came on the four for I'm I'm afraid that all my axles are going to break because all the roads are so screwed up those are some serious problems it's not equal it's not equal anywhere but what we do want is equinity we want people to be able to get the things that they need and you know as well as I know that it's not fair I'll give you some examples the um Art Factory they run up the code but they get to do business Abby libes they didn't pay rent for years they get to stay Mike Jackson they send somebody down in the middle of the weekend to close this restaurant so a black business care through business we don't get equality so we at least to our equinity and then also with regards to I see people come here week after week complaining about the same issues and you ignore them you just do nothing I guess thinking that they're just going to go away and disappear I think that the mayor comes and he tried to ingratiate himself with the black communities then co-opt our leaders I think that the black people need to come together pick some real strong leaders like M Mike jacks like commissa Rogers that won't be co-opted by this Administration and stand up for what black people need in this community cuz you don't know you are getting your butts kicked out if you don't come together and vote together on one Accord and get some people in there that's going to vote your interest vote for my next speaker man CL yes Mr next speaker is Mr Eddie olis good evening all uh the last time I it's it's it's become a a habit every every week I come here every couple of weeks and I talk about this program the $4 million program and let me just say uh Madame ba that in the Private Industry you would not last one day you would be fired right away because the council president asked you to give me some information and to this day you have not given it to me oh yeah and I mean it that's is it is reprehensible you work for us you don't work for the mayor and you do not work for the president of this Council now I want to mention some of the things um you know I I I I went to the I I submitted an application to Oprah the information so I'm going to get it I'm going to get it and I'm going to make you all look like fools when I do I'm going to come here and I'm going going to make you look like fools and if I don't get it with the Oprah I'm going to go to the local uh uh Finance board and get the information I'm going to get it one way or the other now the um it's like like every time I come here I have it's too bad that that Mr Udin and and uh lisis VZ are not here because when I came here the last time uh oh very good the um oudin councilman oudin had a complain that I come here and I complain but then I don't wait until the end to hear the answers he doesn't have the answers he doesn't know but he's just venting but he didn't say anything the last time that I came here this room was full there were people outside we couldn't fit in here everybody left but he felt the need to single me out and to mention me so I mean it's just that you guys don't like it when I'm not talking um but anyway the the the main complaint from you was that we come here and we complain and we don't bring Solutions if we had the solution Solutions we wouldn't need you when when you're when you're campaigning you come to us and you tell us that you have the answers and you're going to do everything that we need you to do and then you come here and say that we don't have the solutions no we don't have the solutions that's why we we voted you in and and Dr Mims I I don't know how many times I'm going to say this I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine you asked uh um uh Michael Taylor to go back and look at the tape and I'm going to do the same to you go back and look at the tape when I mention your PhD I never said you're supposed to have one I just said that you have a PhD and that should place you in in in in in in a at a level that is above the average if you don't understand that then I really have to question your your your PhD I really would I mean it's it's it goes without saying and so I I want to close with this and I want to thank I want to thank uh uh Sebastian Mahia I want to thank him because he came to this Council and he asked that you pass a resolution where we not only televis these meetings but televis all of the public meetings and I want to thank him that's exactly what you should do Mr President you've been talking at that for years you you've talked about that well present the resolution and pass it yeah thank you thank you next speaker mad clerk Mr Justin rocker Justin rer 44 good evening before I start my speech I do want to say one thing about Mr olivarez he's been coming here every week asking the same question I think would behoove the council and Administration to make sure that they do everything in their power to answer his question um because you know as as residents as concerned citizens it does become a little disheartening when we have uh questions that are gone unanswered and we come here week after week after week and we don't get the answers that we're looking for so um you know I stand with you sir and I hope that you get the answers that you're looking for so with regards to my speech tonight I'm just uh going to talk to you briefly about some of the concerns well some of the uh key items that I'm looking forward to addressing while I'm in the count while I'm uh when I'm elected as uh the next councilman of the fourth War so um good evening everyone I'm Justin ruer for those that don't know I'm running for the 44 City Council seat I stand before you humbly at uh offer myself as a candidate for the representation of the fourth ward but my candidacy is not merely uh about seeking a title it's about fighting and advocating for the rights and the well-being of the residents within our community and our city as a whole affordable housing is not just a talking point it's a pressing issue that affects the livelihoods of our neighbors as your representative I pledge to Advocate fiercely for policies that promote affordable housing initiatives ensuring that every resident of the fourth W has access to safe and affordable housing options another key area that I'm looking forward to uh fighting for for our residents is quality of life quality of life is a fundamental aspect of our community's prosperity I'm committed to working very hard to enhance the quality of life for all residents from improving infrastructure to fostering a vibrant local economy that creates jobs and opportunities for our residents and most importantly our youth our senior citizens are the pillar of our community and they deserve our utmost respect and support as your next councilman I'll be a vocal advocate for our senior citizens fighting to ensure that they have the access to the resources and services they need to age with dignity and Security in closing I want to reaffirm my dedication to serving the residents of the fourth ward and the city of Patterson I'm committed to being a voice to the voiceless a champion for the marginalized and a tireless advocate for the betterment of our entire Community thank you and I hope you guys have a good night if you don't know me I'm Justin Rucker I'm your candidate for the 44 Council seat please support me May 14th 2024 thank you next speaker mad clerk next speaker is Mark Aria Martha uh good evening Martha even from People's Park neighborhood um I am here again to speak about revisiting 21st Avenue so um I uh my last meeting that I was here I went to The Madam clerk's office and I requested an Oprah on all the accidents on 21st Avenue since it became a one way all the um crimes that occurred on 21st Avenue since became a oneway and on 20th Avenue so I live on 20th Avenue in the corner of 21st Street I'll give you some dates of some accidents that I have on record uh with photos January 23rd 20th Avenue Corner 21st Street February 11th 20th Avenue Corner 21st Street February 24th 20th Avenue Corner 22nd Street February 28th 20th Avenue Corner 22nd Street March 3rd 20th Avenue Corner State Street which hit a car hit the governor Tower's fence now we're talking about we were lucky that it was 2:30 in the morning and no everyone was inside but clearly that's a school there and over 800 senior citizens we talk about quality of life so we got 60 parking on 21st Avenue and quality of life for the entire city community that commutes in and out of Madison Avenue exit are bothered today at 3:00 there was a call for fire I saw the firet truck be stuck on 20th and Madison Avenue beep in the horn with some of my neighbors saw me outside and it took them 20 minutes to get around now I want to know how long did that how long did it take to that firetruck to respond to that emergency lives are at stake 21st Avenue is a problem for all residents today I went to Tony's Pharmacy that got robbed three times or four I don't even know it still has the bullet in the ceiling and the pharmacy right so I had a sher's um camera parked on 21st Avenue and 19th Street which was recently removed a couple of weeks ago months whatever I don't know I boycotted 21st Avenue but anyway that became a hot spot since it became a oneway now we could all go back to the record that this was on June the 11 2019 when we all came here to the city council with over 520 petitions to stop 21st Avenue seniors came out in bus loads we were represented by that's right we were represented by Bill parley Christine Miller and myself that got all those Ians our councilman Mr lisis valz failed us when you go back to June the 11th right June the 11th 2019 you could go on YouTube and watch that video Al councilman Al clearly stated that cilman Lewis bz failed the community from the fifth W because he didn't do a meeting or informed us so I think we should revisit this this is a safety matter thank you all of Patterson next speaker mad clerk next speaker is Mr Sebastian Mahia good evening Patterson my name is Sebastian Mahia I'm sorry Sebastian if I may before you start in your 3 minutes and members of the public I will respectfully ask to move every item that you have on top of the um so on on this area um respectfully so let's move every item so if there's if you have any uh political advertisement or any document please put them on the other side or you could put it outside so any document but respectfully no it's it's just it's just a that please you know I I will appreciate it so Sebastian you got you three minute good evening thank you got members thank you again right oh God that's a that's a mcoy Ru he never wanted anything on so so so council members of the public we going through the public portion when you go to court listen this is your house this is the people's house so members of the public this is the people's house right and there's rule on the chamber that we need to follow the rule you don't you don't go you don't eat inside the court you don't eat it's all I'm saying all I'm saying say members of the public if you could remove whatever you have on top I will deeply appreciate it and I'm asking respectfully so and we're going to continue with the I don't see I don't see a problem on this I don't see it sasan you got the three minute good even go ahead Sebastian you got you three minutes go ahead Patterson first off I love you I want to start with that I love even all all of you over there all of you behind me my whole Community I love all of you I want to I want to go off by saying I'm a certified candidate for the fifth W Council seat in the city of Patterson certified once elected councilman I aim to be a proactive legislator and tonight I am presenting my platform highlighting the issues that are impacting the residents of the Fifth Ward my platform is we me over me each of these issues is backed by legislation that I have already written and I am ready to present to my Council colleagues once elected we over me well-lit streets for a safer environment economic gain through new job opportunities and financial education Outreach for neighborhood associations vital support for small businesses enhanced education through improved City Council Schoolboard relations repairing streets with modern solutions more focus on crime prevention and Public Safety and endorsing sewer upgrades to prevent flooding my message to the residents of the fifth W is clear you have an alternative you have a superior alternative that brings fresh innovative ideas to the table advocating for the issues that matter to you in conclusion I no we over me is not going anywhere we will continue pushing we will continue fighting we will continue being everywhere like white on rice we will be behind you in front of you and to the side of you we will be everywhere we will be omnip potent in our desire in our drive to be the next fif for councilman in the city of Patterson I will continue shaking hands kissing babies talking to neighbors doing anything I have to do to become your next representative in the Fifth Ward in conclusion I am ready I am ready willing and able to debate today tomorrow in the rain in the dark par in the desert anywhere on un tundo ABC the people deserve to see who their representatives are trying to be who's trying to be their next representative I'm ready willing and able any platform any Community organization that wants to do a forum I'm here I'm ready to serve my community to the best of my capacity my name is Sean Mia I am a candidate for the fifth for Council seat in the city of Patterson next speak man clerk thank you yes the next speaker is Elvis Duran the church boy Elvis dorm fourth War patteron New Jersey um just want to say it's kind of heated in City Hall tonight it's election season patteron New Jersey WrestleMania who's going to win Tuesday May 14th but guess what y'all forget it's about the people the people got to vote and guess what it's the people got to work for you if you don't got no money to pay the people for workot on May 14 why you running nobody's not going to workot for free just want y'all to know that Tuesday May 14 it's going to be jobs available Patterson New Jersey 25,000 people watching on Opa 16,000 people is watching on V listen up contact these candidates get to know these candidates to every candidate that's running run a respectful race okay run a respectful race because you know why people is looking job it's all about jobs people y'all it's all about jobs people need jobs we need Recreation for the Youth we need low income we got a lot of homeless people out here looking for places to go okay I hope the Mayors listen this listen to this too okay speaker of J Victor Cruz is opening up Crystal k r y s t a l if you never heard of Crystal Google crystals k r y St a l Victor Cruz the former football player is opening up a franchise called crystals on 211 Main Street downtown patteron New Jersey okay also souu I love souu y'all on chicken and wa for soul f is located on 270 Broadway patteron New Jersey you want some good soul food you want some down home woo South Carolina North Carolina Soul F stop by go inside with some money bring your money come to on chicken and waffle Soul Food on 270 Broadway patteron New Jersey also it's a new a brand new black black own Pharmacy in patter New Jersey and guess what y always talking about oh we need more black businesses so what's good support the black businesses new black own Pharmacy called new pat pat wve new Pat wve on 125 Broadway around the corner from motor vehicle with the where the bank used to be new Pat wave is open for more information you can contact 973 567 44 55 got one more announcement council president one more you you're a good council president thank you thank you go ahead um I somebody say but guess what it's all good my birthday celebration y'all and 28 years of doing gospel promoting Elvis dorm Outreach music productions presents a birthday concert in 28 years gospel anniversary Sunday May 19th at 4:00 p.m. and it's going to be on the first war I'm coming to the first war with this y'all on Sunday May 19th at 4:00 p.m. at New Generation Kingdom of power Ministry 170 North Main Street patteron New Jersey where the pastor is Pastor Thomas Purry 170 North Main Street patteron New Jersey Sunday May 19th at 4:00 p.m. it's going to be featuring one of the top gospel singers in the world Ashley Motley of pison New Jersey also Dominique tarale of patteron New Jersey for more information you can contact me at 862 823 3895 and council president just want everybody to know in here I'm talking to the TV I'm talking to 25,000 people that's watching on opo 16 16,000 people is watching on vaza okay and God knows how many people watch on YouTube okay thank you for your time counsel God bless y'all and guess what there's power in the name Jesus amen to thaty hey wait wait coun councilman council president I'm not ashamed to say Jesus amen Jesus Christ got his hands on patteron New Jersey amen okay God bless you let's speak about CL next speaker is Miss Cameo black good evening haveone council president can I get the respect that I deserve thank you appreciate it I'm here because I don't know if y'all aware of Mr C councilman lisis valz he decided that he wanted to lock kids inside of the bakery after he locked the babies inside of the bakery he reached out to Esau security guard and the they came said it was nothing they could do but he wanted to verify that the kids wasn't cutting school that's none of your business you go Way Beyond and be be above charges need to be filed against this man um a little while ago you were saying something about the US attorney general with the election but it's crazy everybody that's Sebastian that I got helped to sign his petitions you reached out to every person and asked was that a real person how do he keep gaining access to this stuff he need to be investigated and I mean immediately he abuses his power I'm sick of this men um the other day 3:52 a.m. I called the police they never came Mike Jackson down in his wood cars getting told but him his wife and everybody else is on the sidewalk underneath the stop sign I have pictures I have videos of these babies thanking me for coming in the bakery to save their life the security guard that came with him in the bakery was from a totally different School God forbid if something would have happened in that school how could that um security guard did his job if he over here doing something else that he has no business doing I'm sick of you abusing your power chastian for the fifth War you have to go everybody don't like you that's why you you feel op pressure that's why you calling these people asking are they real people hell yeah they real people and we want you I'm in the fourth War I'm here to stay you got the landlord to take me to court guess what I won my case the damn judge told the L get out his courtroom you can laugh all you want to but before it's all said and done you're going to jail and I put that on my dad mother and my kids before I lay down in the dirt you going to be in handcuffs and when you go federal court I'm going to be in the front row seat clapping cuz I can't wait till they get your ass keep thinking of Mayor and all these other people behind you I see who came to your Ribbon cutting and everything I know who down with you but them the same people that's going to be handcuffed and Shackled with you have a good night next speaker M next speaker is Mr Daniel Mia um hey Daniel good [Music] evening got let's speak had months she been here way over three months why she members of the public please let's let's continue the public [Music] portion baby Sebastian good evening go ahead um no M yeah okay so go ahead Daniel Mia 3 minutes go ahead all right so hello my name is Daniel Mahia and again I am the CEO of Silk City 1 Silk City 1 is a QR code which I to install on every door with the goal of creating transparency in the city within the the QR code once people the scan they would be able to uh be given three options the first options is any city jobs that's available whether it's governmental or local uh second option is any City events which would be uh divided into events by the people and events by businesses as to where uh every two weeks uh we would select a few businesses to give a discount uh you know as a promotion to draw the attention of a new clientele and then the third option would be for the city council or the electees where you would present yourself to the people basically thanking them for the opportunity that they've given you uh to make a difference on the bottom there would be a more about and then after that there there would be a section of to uh uh called Todo list as where based on the information that we collect from the people uh you would be notified what needs to be done uh to better the city if you're not doing their your job or whether you're doing your job they would have a comment section to uh voice their opinion and as mentioned if you are not doing your job within the uh law of recall uh recall referendum it's like the stock market 51% and uh the people would have the right to vote you out I plan to my goal is to collect 25 cents per home uh for 6 months which is around I think now Market uh based on all the properties that are rented is like 270,000 uh with the goal of cleaning the river through the method of Hydroponics and aquaponics the fruits that's being produced it would be uh given to those to the schools and to uh places of uh you know where people are in need um so City 1 is not just one uh place where it's just here in the city but it is the main focus because this is where I live at the moment and yeah that's about it oh yeah sorry just to make sure um I did mention before that uh you know due to the council run uh happening now I wanted to do like a video of each one of you that are running for your award um so I could put it on the website and people could basically you know be able to click the link and see what you have what other uh thing you have promoting in the city that's about it transparency appreciate it thank thank you next speaker mad clerk next speaker is Miss Chanel Fields um Shannon Phil is here not she's Chanel yeah oh you know I'm here good evening Council he play so much it's all about you tonight though Mendes while I understand that you have your own perspective just know it's disheartening to hear you lie as you spread false information about me to the city of Patterson during the the last televised council meeting you presented many false statements what I found most disturbing was how you lacked the focus to speak on any of my issues of importance presented at hand as you often do instead you chose to show your continued immaturity through viciously attacking my character and stating that I only come before this Council to obtain 15 seconds of Fame you further stated that I was waiting for you to interrupt me after 10 minutes and insinuated that I was sent by council members to dis to disrupt this Council I'm here to tell you that's not true at all we are not sent by anyone I know I'm not many of us are educated and degreed and all of us know how to voice our concerns without being puppeteered in the way that you have been by some of your co- counil and the mayor clearly you know nothing about me or my former career of 11 years of Fame as you put it in daytime television do your research before looking stupid in the public eye I want to be clear so that you always always know that when you see me come before this city council know that I'm coming to do God's work I'm always standing in the gap for the city of Patterson residents concerns such as the grandparents program for seniors raising awareness and parents that are raising grandchildren from Mrs uh Wah's program and I'm going to keep bringing every Community concern before this Council I come on behalf of disadvantaged children youth disabled and the elderly it has never and will never be about me but always about the people you see the difference between between you and me I already know who I am right I don't ever need to be an elected official to serve and do the work of the people I don't hide behind titles I don't hide behind organizations I do the work of the people because it's the right thing to do keep your focus on this Council and work on minimizing your life's corruption and keep your Affairs in order I value honesty and integrity in our interactions so it's important to me to address any misunderstandings or misinformation that you may choose to put out to the city of Patterson about me I believe in addressing conflicts maturely and directly so moving forward let's strive for mutual respect and understanding and I did it in under 3 minutes good night next speaker Madam clerk next speaker is Assad actor Mr Assad actor Assad that he left he's outside next speaker Mr cor commissioner Cory Teague Pon New Jersey um I I've said this I don't know how many election Cycles I'm going to say it again Proverbs 29:2 when the righteous are in Authority the people rejoice when the wicked beareth rule the people mourn wow until patteron figures it out you're going to keep going through what you're going through that's all there is to it matter of fact that same chapter Proverbs 29 first verse it says he who being often reproved if he hardeneth his neck shall suddenly be destroyed than that without remedy at what point are y'all going to stop having stiff necks and just come to the realization I like you yeah we're good friends we went to school together we're in the same fraternity we're in the same Club but you're just not the right fit for the leadership in this city nothing personal but the direction that we want to see the city go in you're not trying to take it in that direction so we have to make a decision based on where the city is now and where we want the city to go pay attention y'all watch what happens we have to stop allowing the people that we employ and elect to disrespect us we got to cut that out we have to start if you go in any other community especially in the suburbs they will come down to that council meeting if grass is overgrown in front of City Hall we allow people to piss out front we don't say nothing at what point are we going to get this men mentality out of our head that oh this is just patters anything goes and we can just accept whatever happens absolutely I'm behind Sebastian Mia a lot of you guys didn't think that he was even going to get certified thank you brother yeah a lot of folks didn't a lot of the so-called political pundits let me tell you about your so-called political power there's a stop point to that it's not going to last forever I don't care what you think you're not going to be in power Forever at some point if you don't get elected out if you don't retire time is going to take its course and you won't be there anymore one way or the other that seat is going to be empty and another generation is going to have to come in anybody that stands up against Mike Jackson is a fool because if you can sit in this deranged City and be calm cool and collected something's wrong with you the Bible I read tells me that God is not the author of confusion so I have to disagree with my brother Jesus do not have his hand on this city no at all this city is not being ran righteously no it's not being ran the way it should be and the people are being forsaken the Bible teaches us to worry about the widows to worry about the children who don't have their parents things of that nature that's not happening right now but there is a solution and that solution is May 14th don't fall for the oky doe check out the results Mike Jackson is the only person sitting in that seat who's going to fight for you in that Ward if he's not here if he's not in that first Ward seat after May 14 I don't even want to be here anymore cuz there ain't going to be nothing left as much as I love this city there ain't going to be nothing left if he's not in that seat after May 14th and you can copy that and send it anywhere you want good evening next speaker B CL next speaker Miss brother RC RC okay oh man good evening family good evening brother RC from Patterson and I must say you know uh my heart is heavy and my mind is concerned and the reason why I say that is because I'm not a selfish person and I don't have a selfish spirit and when I look at uh the things that are going on um it's it's it's very touching especially when you have relatives um that live in this community and you want them to be safe and you want to be able to trust them to go to the patteron mall or even go to a park but unfortunately some of the parks are locked but before I forget I have to um acknowledge um one of my neighbors uh brother named Barry dreford uh he passed away um he was the brother that always was there in our community to uh make sure that we were able to eat be having a service tomorrow uh 10:00 a.m. um it's going to be held at uh Grace Chapel um Church starting at 10:00 so with that being said you know when I think about the seniors and I say well wow how is this city going to be when I get older is it going to be a benefit or a blessing I have to realize that sometimes the that are being committed is being committed by those who don't know any better and that's unfortunately when I look at accountability and Leadership I wonder what would I do and what would I say it's not about pleasing people the most important thing is tough love and when you are able to share with people that you about standing in the Gap and being tough and having a qualifications to do it that speaks value so I rather see the actions to move forward instead of people just talking about it really just be about it because at the end of the day yes I mean the streets the garbage the lighting the Pake River the flooding I mean it's it's it's overwhelming and when people are sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired you're going to get some of these results because when you look at what is being implemented so for example if I say hey I want to go somewhere in patteron and sit down and eat I don't feel safe taking my family I really don't so it's like who would want to come and invest in patteron if it's not really showing any quality or qualifications and it's unfortunate that and I'm quite sure half of you that are in this room when you do go out you go out to other places and you know the one thing that was really ironic was I was having a conversation with my wife and I and for whatever reason I said hey you know what I want to go to a place and check out some country music you know the first scene that came up on her phone Jacksonville I don't know why but at the end of the day it is about all of us and we got a generation that's watching us and right now you know what they are seeing they are seeing how the hurt is being passed on from adult to adult and it's going from family to family and it's that real so when we talk about respect you got to be about it and you're right it is okay to agree to disagree and yes it's it's okay to say these prayers and this and that but you know what the real issue is we have so much division in this city with the Dominicans the Muslims the Puerto Ricans and the black and we're not coming together thank you I'm brother RC thank you for allowing me to speak thank you next speaker man Clerk Miss Deborah Hannibal she's good evening good evening Deborah Hannibal Patterson New Jersey good evening council president council members Madame clerk hi Deputy clerk tonight Sophia Alexander and the administration happy women's History Month I want to start with a quote the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any and that's from Alice Walker I stand before you tonight to remind you that you have power and power is in your vote the city council election will will be held on May 14th 2024 there are 22 people interested in seats on this Council you have the power to keep or replace members of the council I want you to take a look I love data so we'll look at the data all of the workshop meetings aren't recorded and there's a reason why that isn't happening that I want you to to go back and look go to the videotape and look at the YouTube and see who is supporting you and things that are are concerning you see who's in the seat when the public comes to speak that's all there I want you to take a look there are people that bring issues to us from other communities and we support them when they bring an issue we'll sign on to a resolution but when things affect our community there is a no vote so I want I I'm not going to have a opportunity to tell you the whole story but I heard a story about a man called o Otis Moss Jr and when it was time for him to go to the polls to cast his ballot he was turned away and went to several different polling stations they were told told him you can't vote here you can't vote here he had to walk 18 miles he walked 18 miles to be able to cast a vote so what that tells me it's important it's important to vote I used to read my sons a story that was called Pierre I don't care well it's time to start caring I know it looks like there's no hope for Patterson but I grew up here when it was a beautiful place and you came downtown you wanted to be downtown you saw people on the buses coming downtown Patterson this was the place to be now you come to lunch and I'm sorry I'm going to go a little over and I apologize go ahead but listen here this is what Otis MTH said listen here promise me if you ever get the chance to vote vote we all have an opportunity we didn't always have that opportunity voting mattered then and it matters now we need everybody we need the young we need the old we used to have challenges back in the day East Side versus Kennedy I want to see how many students vote you guys have the right at 18 vote and then the other issue is there was a sneaky trick to try to limit our access to public records so contact your elected officials and tell them to vote no to S 2930 A4 445 and I'm going to tell you this is called receipts this is what the young people call it if you want to get receipts you fall in Oprah requests um and I'm going to say it every time I come to this m mic I'm going to wrap it up you don't have to take my word that the ba gave herself a $50,000 raise you can request that record if somebody talked about the towing that happened the other night request the record see where the towing took place don't take OA away and they tried to do it sneaky but C thank you thank you next speaker mad clerk next speaker is Miss F Santana F Santana no no no G yes good evening uh good evening good evening Pat P my name is f Santana and today I'm here in front of you president of Patterson looking for the opportunity to serve you as your next Council woman in the first world Patterson deserve leadership that we can be proud of Patterson deserve leadership that can lead by example Patterson is home the first war is home and guess what the resident of the first war deserve better and I'm here not to give you vague political promise because you're going to hear those all the time but I'm here to guarantee you that I'm commitment my commitment to my community that I will diligent care about the resident of the first word I want an opportunity to show you with my actions that we can work together that together we can make the first world safe clean and affordable we have to pay attention to this election this is really important for the next four year all the decisions that are going to be made here are going to affect the quality of life of you so let's make sure we come out we come out and vote May 14 and we vote we we going to vote for the change that we deserved 2024 is a big year Patterson be ready because I know that with your support and with a God blessing we going to make the progress that the first war deserved I thinkk all the residents that science May last year have opened the doors to receive me to talk to me about the issues that are affecting them I thank those more than 500 people that have signed my petition the trust that they put in on me I guarantee you is worth it because I'm going to work hard I'm someone who is dedicated that will make ethical decision for for you for the residents of the first war let's put the resident the first were first thank you so much for the opportunity speaking tonight thank you next speaker next speaker is Miss commission Rogers Jones Awesome y'all better clap for me when I'm done too good evening I want a hand clap when I'm done too you ready it's warm in here okay good evening everyone good oh thank you it's up it's really warm in here people Kamisha Rogers Jones for for patteron New Jersey um I have so much to say tonight um I am Kamisha L Rogers Jones and I am running for the for for Council seat I am also I want to talk to the community about the early voting and after I heard so many things stated I want to say to the community if we want more polling sites then let us act on it so I got a number for you 973 881 4515 call them up and tell them we need more sites because we want access to early voting okay I I I don't agree with us taking that away and I'm glad that that's not what we're doing but I do agree that it needs to be in every W and so Community let's not wait for the council people or even mam clerk let your voices be heard it doesn't have to just be here call that number and let them know that we want more sites I also want to encourage you in regards to the Oprah um issue that's happening now if you go on my my Facebook page you can see the information that I shared from the League of Women Voters and how they're trying to um trying to stop or infiltrate the Oprah the um open public review you know what it is records okay I can't even think of all right they trying to append that and we need to fight it Community we are on the brink of History we have 68 days 67 68 days before we go out and vote for change we have for years stated our displeasure with our current representation I know for the residents in the fourth ward I the parents that I met as they were walking their children to school what is that experience like we talk about quality of life and you hear that from a lot of candidates but what are we talking about what is your experience like scking sitting on your porch what is your experience like walking to your church what is your experience like taking your children to school this is what we're talking about quality of life and I know for me when I walk to work cuz I walk to work a lot and when I walk down Lafayette it's disheartening it's dirty I don't feel safe and I deserve better and better is here and that is in the form of Kamisha L Rogers Jones so on May 14th when you go to vote I want you to vote for the needs that you have been that have been ignored by current um representation I am here to support our community to push our community forward to see us Thrive to see that we get the things that we deserve within the fourth ward Fourth Ward forward Kamisha El Rogers Jones Is A Better Way Forward for the fourth May 14 don't forget me don't forget your needs and don't forget that we deserve better and I am that thank you next speaker M clerk next speaker is Keith Watson good night everyone uh good evening I did I did I did and and and in my like big request to all of the Jamaican lady and the Black American ladies and the Spanish and the white you know International you know close to the mic oh it's it's it's so I'm I'm just saying big shout out big request to all the ladies in the house you know International but I mean you are the mothers of the Hur and I'm just here to remind you of the last time I was here uh Mims was here and I clearly said that if you a Christian and somebody have a problem with with you and you goes to the altar to make sacrifice to pray to God and you suddenly remember that somebody have a problem with you is that you leave from the Altar and go and make it right with the person before you pray to God I I I I did say that the last time and I that was given my brother McCoy an opportunity to make it right with me cuz I am a child of God also and I believe that sometimes there's things go too far and it's good to get things behind now not that I'm a support of him but to make my connection with God even better now but he didn't do that but he did the opposite I saw a flyer with Alex Mendes's wife and all of the downfall I mean who does that I mean you could be desperate to run for an office but then you have to have some Integrity that somebody as their family their kids you know use your conscience and said you know you're a Christian first and see if Jesus would do something like that you know the Bible said that if a brother overtaken with a fault he that is spiritual should restore such a one with the spirit of meekness now I even sent some text to Jackson I mean Jackson was going through a hard time with the city and you know and all the text that comes in to our Jamaican group from the mcco he's going to jail he he should lose his business and I sent it to him he has them on his phone now who does that I mean the same brother sat there when Jeff Jones was mayor and lead the charge against mayor Jones and then you tell me that he's fully B and this guy and this guy is the same guy who talked down on Martin Luther King and is the one day we have cuz if everybody know my store downtown the one day I Clos my store in the city of Patterson is Martin Luther day every other day I that's the only day I Clos my store because because of Martin Luther King we can vote for you guys and you guys can sit there who does that as a Jamaican I'm very embarrassing to even be associate with the the brother some of the action that he did which in the park and some of the stuff that he I'm telling you seriously cuz I'm telling you when you victimize your own and and and and you do stuff like that it is that we have to look into ourselves and said please wrap it up all right thank you next speaker Madam clerk next speaker is John de los [Music] Santos good evening good evening City Council Members good evening I here to address the Cannabis business licensing situation it's uh we're approaching 11 months now I am the first applicant I as I've stated many times over on this microphone I'm here to seek some clarification uh in terms of when the council is going to bring back cannabis on back to the agenda um I mean I need some type of clarification on how we're moving forward I have reached out to council president various times no response I do have uh other council members that I do reach out to and they're very kind and do respond and Care um but I've been awarded a a grant by the New Jersey Department of uh Eda uh Economic Development Authority and it's a very involved process and I have dedicated myself myself to this process but I need to understand if I'm taking this money that I've been awarded to a different municipality or the municipality where I live in uh 10 months is a little strous to have someone sit here and spend their money that they've been able to allocate for a business to get up and running to open in their town which is an Impact Zone which is classified as one of the most prolific impact zones we have here and what was passed by the state to help social equity and places like our city is being delayed so I I need to know when we're moving forward with this because enough is enough I mean people are tired of being tired I yield the rest of my time thank you next speaker M CL next speak the next speaker is Mr Joel Keys Jr Joe Keys Patterson shout out to brother RC for acknowledging my cousin Barry's passing rest in peace cousin Barry is a revolutionary African-American people in patteron we have the right to unite and not feel guilt or Shame about it the following are prophetic words from our dear ancestor Malcolm X explaining why we have the right to unite and not feel guilt or Shame about it he refers to this skull doery as a trap regarding the opinions of the state apparatus concerning the prospects of African-Americans organizing Malcolm said quote they also know that the only way we're going to do it is through Unity so they create another trap every effort we make to unite among ourselves on the basis of what we are they labeled it as what racism if we say that we want to form something that's based on black people getting together the white man calls that racism mind you and then some of these old white-m minded Negroes do the same thing they say that's racism I don't want to belong to anything that's all black a lot of them say this but it's only because they themselves have been bitten by the bug and they think the only way they can belong to something that is going to be Progressive or successful it has got to have the white man in it many of them think that now what bases are you and I going to get together on we've got to have some kind of basis but as soon as we mention the only basis that we've got to get together on they trick Us by telling our leaders you know that anything that's all black is putting segregation in Reverse unquote our people were politically naive to fall for that Trap Back Then and it would be politically naive if our people fall for that same trap today doing the next mayor election let's show no shame and feel no guilt for support important africanamerican candidate council member Mike Jackson by the way it is obvious why they attempt this trick or implement this track that anything all black is segregation in Reverse also you can easily understand why it has worked against us it is because African-Americans have been fighting against segregation and racism for our entire existence in the United States and for for integration for decades so it is natural for the opposition to attempt that subjective supposition which is not a legitimate argument but instead one of the 14 subcategories of ego defense mechanisms thank you next speaker mad clerk next speaker is Frank G filipelli it's a flip good evening everyone I got to get here earlier cuz I did didn't get a uh agenda and everyone's complaining about the heat but then I realized I'm too cool to get hot but anyway I am the second world councilman uh candidate in God inshah I will be the second war councilman come May uh I was born raised and live in the city of Patterson second w a product of school 27 the product of John F Kennedy High School um I'm not a politician everyone you're not going to see me pull strings and you're not going to see me dance around issues I'm a hard grit guy I come from Patterson I am Patterson I just want people to know when I'm on that seat it's our seat and I'm going to fight for our seat Hill Crest I won't let Toto or Barrow beat us up with more developments in that that they don't care about uh I congratulate Brook slow projects on their Victory today uh for fortunately me and Mike Jackson were at the planning board last night and it was another great Victory uh we stopped a development from going up on Hayden Heights Hayden Heights as you know was tax Abad like Al said for 30 years and then all of a sudden they pulled the car the carpet from underneath them and their their taxes like doubled $111,000 for a townhouse wow and they get rid of their own garbage they do their own snow plowing they don't Patterson Police don't even know that's Patterson up there talk about taxation without representation it's shameful it's shameful I'm here everyone knows everyone on this panel knows even the two gentlemen that I'm running against knows I am the man for that seat I don't dislike them I can't wait to debate them um we're going to treat it like a sporting event EV I say this all the time there's going to be a loser there's going to be a winner but I don't hate anyone there's no reason to hate but I have to let the second ward understand there's this notion that's going around that you can't beat them first of all I'm on the ballot I do have a chance I'm on a ballot second of all they control they got this cute little word they call harvesting ballots harvesting votes they control a very small fraction of the second W votes whether you want to believe believe it or not the problem is everyone in the second ward is so fed up like the gentleman said before they're tired of being sick and tired I knock on doors people don't even want to open them they're like get away I'm not a politician I'm a bluecollar carpenter I'm a community leader I used to sit in and uh chair the uez board for 10 years I was a chairman of Youth guidance here in the city of Patterson for 28 years appointed by every mayor up until Andre because I don't know way but the bottom line is I'm here for the community and one more thing if I can the agenda uh talks about the Vets Parts you know dearly I hold the vets of Patterson in in my in my heart there's a $250,000 grant for Hayden Heights the veterans uh Park which is little Park in unav which a certain Community wanted to dismantle and put their and just take it over the bottom line is both of those parks are in the second ward and then there's the DeMark in t Antonio who was a council person who was from Patterson you know he wasn't from an island far away he wasn't from a country far away we can't forget the people from our community anyway on that not please May 14th May 12th May 10th whatever it is I I'm confused about the early voting but make sure Frankie flip they call me Frankie flip AKA thank you so much for the time thank you next speak man CL Mr KT Freeman yeah I like okay this is women's month right before I begin I just want to publicly apologize the two people that's to Teddy Martinez and that's to Marissa D now I said some bad things about and she took it on the chin said some bad things defending MS so I apologize to you I apologize to Teddy because Teddy wasn't a part of what they orchestrated and they pick him you know what I'm saying so that's what I'm saying all right now woman's M my mother my great aunts and my grandmother were the four most important people in my life all right they raised me all right so I have nothing against women all right like James Brown said there's a man's world where it would be nothing without a woman in it uh I don't have a whole lot of time so that's why a right speech God of War my nephew is still in the Red Sea fighting you know how I feel about that the Border issues that border issu is going to be the main thing that we going to vote about and I've already me and Louis had a little talk and everything we cannot let so millions and millions of people and it ain't just his spanic when I see China and other people Russians going across and they got laptops and everything they going to R the silon city why cuz our education system and I used to be an educator we can't compete we don't go to school enough Japanese go to school 2 130 days we can't compete now black leadership last week I was sitting in the hallway and all the fraternities and sororities came out there these so-called leadership I sat to the side I belong to one of attorneys but I'm telling you just like that debacle at the library that so-called picture all these black leaders and everything and like I said in the 9s and when we did all this work saved the children right after M March I Ain see none of these Jokers there I might have saw some of the alas there cuz we sit the bus down there we sit probably 2,000 bus down there to M Man March but I didn't see that and then the other photo ops of people I'm not going to say it but the next meeting I'm going to say we got to stop being political prostitutes I'm singing We got to stop people going to the churches or people that represent that only represent the churches or women's issue I know it's women's issue but guess what yall responsible for some of this stuff when the marriage weight went from 1940 97% of black people married 1970 70% of black people married 70% 19 uh 2000 it switched to 70% head of household black women 2020 it was up to 73% black women living home without a man 2024 is 80% of black children living in a household where there's no man now I could criticize Ruby for a lot of things but what she said about Ed if Ed was here he would have protected her see she knows being being married 50 years mean something but the culture in community in the black community does not support marriage does not encourage marriage everybody want to be independent and black men don't have no jobs that's a recipe PE for the destruction of the black family in patteron and in the United States I believe in marriage I'm getting ready to get married third time I don't want to be alone what ruby I might criticize Ruby for a lot of things I still love her but she was married to Ed for 50 I don't know my my grandmother 50 years my aunts 50 Years everybody I know my 50 years but you know what happened this is how I got on the de us and I'm glad D is here when I came to Willam P College I was homeless Del helped me get housing I was homeless the semester I got in National D list I was homeless sleeping in the library Dela got me housing for the next the semester her and uh Dr Jones got me a job I was sleeping in my van see you not you know deal I tell you from n Dean list Del knows how how important that was and the 10 other black men I put on Dean's List and you know who hated us Del tell not a lie the Deltas hated us because we took over Willie P coll and I have a witness so you know what black women y'all want to marry black men you don't want to acknowledge black men are smart you think you're smarter than us you got degrees you got money but guess what you're going to die alone let speaking m there are no more speakers motion to close moot to close move by Council woman second by Council close cler CL R call to close the public P right after people who come here R call to close has to speak and you make an effort not to let them on who the put a time limit on when they have to sign the list but yet some nights they get to speak at 11:00 the gentleman asked to speak so members of the is still open he has MERS let him speak there's another gentleman speak so what I do what I do and I was very specific on the beginning of the meeting I kept the list until 8:00 so we have a whole I the a full agenda that maybe by midnight 1:00 we would not have quot un to finish City business in other city like Noah you have to even call couple of day before to add end the list I'm very flexible I'm very accessible to the people people nobody can say that I'm stopping people from speaking but right now I guarantee you to by big KN some council member they going to say I need to go home and we we haven't finished City business our job is to conduct City business and we have to do that so my apologies if if somebody came late Edwin you want to I'll do a side bar with you I'll take care I will do a side bar with you I will have a conversation with you wait for me um because right after council members we have the police department we have a closeout section with patteron police and we have't here so what I'm doing here is conducting City business so with that being said let's close a public portion Madame ba to close it was moved to close by Council second by Council roll call to close a public portion roll call to close a public portion for of Tuesday March 12th 2024 Council councilwoman C councilman abilities yes sir right on time right thank you m right on time thank you madam clerk you're welcome um to address some of the concerns that came in front of the council some of the public uh 21st staff I guess they stepped out so as council person you need to listen to the needs of your residents and some of the concerns I heard from residents on 20 20th AV that actually live on the opposite side of where the traffic pattern um changed and for five years you list three or four accidents um I think that is that anecdotal evidence is not worthy to say that the traffic pattern is the reason people are are getting car acents let's start holding the driver accountable right somebody crashing into a a a fence at 2:30 in the morning when there's no traffic at all at 2:30 in the morning on either side is is absurd and and that traffic pattern was approved 5 years ago that has enhanced that area when it comes to parking the co my colleague in the fifth award fought that tooth and nail and then negotiated to get pedestrian safety enhancements on 20 20th AV that greatly um benefit the senior citizens on the fifth award side and the sixth award side so as you can tell it's political season and now they're grasping for desperation to put three accidents in a 5year span and it's on the other side of 20th hav if you go around the city many people I just heard my my colleague in the first war saying there's no parking anywhere right so putting smarter plans in place listening to the residents um in the Sixth Ward we're looking for other strategic ways to get more parking in the People's Park section South Patterson and Lake View but uh to say here that the councilman failed absolutely not the councilman tried his best we debated and then negotiated something for his residents that's what you call Smart um smart um legislating to make sure that his residents benefit from a program that we put in place um the first Speaker I don't recall her name mentioned the Sixth Ward I want to thank her I work very very hard to make sure what's her name Darlene Morris I want to thank her for highlighting the roads in the Sixth Ward that have been repaved in the last six years while I sat on this Council I work my tail off to make sure that psng um uh repay from curve to curve so I I thank her she could keep coming here I will not apologize I will not apologize for advocating for my ward right I say this to my residents if they're when I sit down with the administration and they say to me we're uh we're repaving 12 roads Citywide I ask for 12 roads that's my job I asked for the world and I negotiate and fight tooth and nail to deliver and guess what this spring there's 22 roads getting repaved in the city 12 of them are in the Sixth Ward I am proud to say that I will run on my record and it makes I guess somebody says she's not even from this city but I thank her for for highlighting the work I've been doing in the Sixth Ward right roads repaved quality of life Issues new parks but it's not only the Sixth Ward I will support any initiative that my colleagues come in front of with ideas so to say that one area is not another then you know what I will not apologize for fighting for my residence um and I want to thank her for highlighting that um six W residents I'm going to use the public Porche to invite all six W residents to our Easter egg H hump it'll be Saturday March 30th um every year we have hundreds of hundreds of families that come to school 25 this year it's going to be at 12:00 p.m. come on down to school 25 Illinois and Trav um we're going to have uh the golden tickets out there so when the kids find that golden ticket you got to see their face cuz they win a bike right we don't give out a bike we a raffle they go over they open up their eggs they find the golden ticket and they they get a bike it's a true my partnering with the six War neighborhood association so please come out um March 30th that Saturday and come see come see and I invite anyone in the city come see the new renovated baseball field that we got done at school 25 that cost the taxpayers 0 a donation that we spent a quar million dollars on that field that'll be our first event to getting uh that with that field newly renovated and that's what we do in the Sixth Ward we get things done regard regardless what's it going to take private donations holding companies accountable holding PSG accountable we will continue getting the job done so Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cartton well Council councilman let me just say that um you also you're also your people are putting up $40 million too so they're putting up the money oh I forgot that we got a $40 million I'm tell you I got a lot of people everybody can't but i$4 million rec center right they doing it but no Madam clerk thank you um I just want to say there was a few things that were said um and you know what I find is that um we're not when my kids grew up it was totally different I had neighbors you know people I I don't never say Hood I had neighbors I had good neighbors they looked out for each other and even now where I'm at now in a block that I've been there for 39 years there's only two families that's been there one's been there 45 I'm there 39 but what I do is I make sure who comes in that block I go see them I let them know I live in that house right there and I want to know what your name you know we're supposed to be here together we work together and what I find is that um most people accept it I had a I had a young lady that moved to Butler Street and people always think of Butler Street like oh Butler Street Highland Street but there's some good people that live on those blocks you know you can think that looking living in a certain area it's not going to be but you have people that actually are looking out for each other um to making sure that you know you get home I've gone home at 2:00 in the morning and somebody's in my driveway waiting and not to say to hurt me but to say they wanted to talk to me about an issue that's going on um and neighborhood so what you have to say is that and you know I've been here now I'm in my 12th year and I just want to say too that it's not always about legislating cuz some of the calls that come in has nothing to do with legislating and what you have to understand is that I've been here since hurricane Sandy that was devastating to our city I don't care devastating what I find is sometimes people don't know what we've gone through someone said we were better off 4 years ago no we wasn't we was in Co they were throwing bodies and refrigerated trailers how dare you say we were better off 4 years ago no we weren't people were just dying they didn't know what to do and so when you have things like that happen people need to grip and hold on to something they need someone they need people to help them to understand going through Hurricane Sandy going through Co I had seniors seniors that didn't have a mat card the banks was closed I had adults that couldn't get their unemployment check for 8 to n months I had to figure out how can I get the their unemployment check how can I figure out how to get things that they needed because they when you had a senior that never had a mat card and all of a sudden his bank is shut down how do you get them some money and you know I got four senior buildings in my ward and for the year and a half I think sometimes people forget what we've gone through they really have forgotten twice a week I made sure those seniors got fed I made sure that I went there even with the Hurricane Sandy there were some buildings that didn't have no electricity for two or three four day maybe I think one of my buildings was like over a week no no electricity everybody had to be inside of a in the rec room the rec room was the only room that had electricity so everybody had to come down and and and cook so there's a lot of things and what now I find is that we got so many other laws on the books that are not being enforced and let me tell you something we have less liquor stores down the fourth ward than we had 20 years ago you can ride around you ain't got hours 12 and 22nd no more you ain't got lucky 12 no more we ain't got 27th and 10th app no more you know because we had to put laws into place to kind of like just regulate some of this things you know whether you can't regulate too much to bars but liquor stores you know we put things in place that you know it's to cut I live in a hot spot teab in 27 that's a hot spot I was going to bed at 5:00 in the morning cuz they come out out and they don't want to go home and Clos at 3:00 they want to stay there at 5:00 and that's just that's that's what they did but there's so many things that's been happening I would say in the last um 12 years say the last 15 years that that you can see how some things have changed um there were blocks in the fourth ward not only in the fourth W and in in some other WS where you have blocks of abandoned vacant houses and this is going back say 2010 with the mortgage crisis with um you know all that has been happening but we must as neighbors I find that we must keep oursel together we must work together we must do what we have to do the only problem that I have with um and I and I I was out in the hallway and I said to someone don't you dare tell me about voting Council woman I know what our family went through for us to vote councilwoman it's about being fair when you're not being fair when you're not opening up to everybody you're not opening up to all 64 it's not being fair so for them to say it's going to be it's not so I'm hear you wait a second and so I just want to say there's so much that we can do together we can have a meeting together and I just want to say we are having a meeting at Second Baptist I want to announce that I'm Second Baptist on March the 20th at 6: to 8 60 72 72 cow Street we are having a meeting there uh I have some more to say but I'll wait till my um you know um when I get to my closing remarks because for for us and I tell you one thing for my ancestors i' I've listened to my ancestors and right now today I don't care how old you are you supposed to listen to your elders no matter how old you get you're supposed to listen to your elders Madam Clerk the my vote is yes thank you councilwoman CT councilwoman Dava I'm not going to do so and I'm saying it respectfully everyone that's here wants to address every situation I I can't do that right now um and and I apologize to some of our directors that have been sitting here we did say we were going to take certain items and we haven't and and you're still sitting here and we expect you to be here tomorrow at 8:30 in the morning okay um wish everyone luck that decides at the end of the day if you want to run for office bring your message out there knock on doors bring the message convince the people that you're the right choice I don't knock anyone that decides that they want to run for office um but with that said we have not done any of the city business today I need you all to take a look at this agenda and see all of the items so you know with that said you know to my colleagues I'm letting you know right now and to my community out there that I will have to leave early so with that said if we can get stuff done council president um Madame clerk thank you very much my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilwoman DAV councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk first let me start by making a few notations uh as we begin to vote to close the public portion um councilman of the Sixth Ward had ran into the council chambers I hadn't seen him run so fast since the last time he was slipping his shoes on and running out the council chambers and I I mean obviously after he finishes his uh spewing off the the rhetoric he ran out just as fast so um just just notating the track shoes but anyway um before I move on I will be remissed for all of you who out here who knew and loved my dear friend um Janine Gadson who uh I took the liberty to make sure that her presence was in the in the council chambers she served this city for 27 years she dedicated herself for 27 years she took abuse she was uh mistreated and um you know I find it you know fascinating that the administration chose to support all kinds of other endeavors LC Castello there's already a park named after Luke Castello we cutting ribbons naming streets no acknowledgement for 27 years of service no acknowledgement for 27 years of service I mean when a when a member of your team uh uh such uh um um suddenly loses their life and there's no acknowledgement so and and with all due respect to everyone please don't ask me to be placed on the on on on on her item because as she was a great friend of mine a very good friend of mine trust me she would not be happy with me allowing other people to be added to the to that item and I'm I'm going to make sure I respect her her wishes cuz I I I know her that well but anyway um with that being said um had an opportunity to to stand with my brother Frank filipelli who I'm very um hopeful I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure he is the next Second World council person we stood here in in solidarity to fight against the overdevelopment I ride around Franklin Lakes these are places that have homes that have two acres of land in front of each home that have you know uh uh uh tree Scapes and and and and Wildlife running through their neighborhoods and they they have signs in front of their houses that says stop the overdevelopment there was a lawyer that came here who represented Woodland Park he clearly made a statement you can obviously because these meetings are not televised which is a tragedy this Council should make sure every single one of those meetings are televised but he made a statement saying that uh this is not the suburbs because the residents came and they said hey it's our last piece of wildlife we have some W uh uh uh rural area space there and there's Wildlife that comes forward he said oh this not the suburbs we're not here to protect green and open space we're here to provide housing pison meaning that pison is here to provide housing that's what they think about us that let's just dump it in pison and here we are we watch it night in and night out we look at at these buildings that's being erected all over the place the parking that's being overrun while our residents are being targeted the victims continue to be victimized I could ride around the city I could find infractions all over the place but yet specific areas are targeted so when you hear about 12 roads out of 24 that's half being paved in the six Ward and the councilman then taking credit for it of the former ward of the mayor the mayor makes the decision on which roads get paved but yet it's he he's clearly acknowledging there's a disparity just like the dispar study that was done by the state so it's unfortunate maybe some expect me to kiss tail and lick boots as much as some people have I will be remissive I didn't point out the fact that I had other people who stood side by side with me indifference of this Administration and all of a sudden everything they bring forward is now not only acceptable but cheered upon what does that tell you that either you were so foolish and you were that wrong before or something happened of where some somehow these things became acceptable to you that's another truth that comes biting you in the ass ass all of a sudden now I'll say this Mr abdalaziz and I'm sure you can hear me Darlene Morris is more of a resident of the city of Patterson than you will ever be she grew up here in Alabama project she spent her entire life her kids still live here yes she chose to move out because the deplorable conditions of this city but she still drives down the parkway just to come here and spank on you and she doesn't in eloquent fashion and she's been a employee to Patterson public schools for s for for decades and still continues to pour into Patterson still continues to come here she runs a nacka program that helps people stop not lose their homes helps people become firsttime homeowners what effort has he done in that in that vein no what we do is we we continue to overdevelop so I applaud her for doing so and guess what I didn't pay her gas fair or her toll for her to come down the Parkway and and and chastise you it just is what it is um and and we appreciate you sister Mars I thank you very much uh lastly I'll say this Miss Sana I truly appreciate you and I respect your your ambition and um respectfully I would say this uh I encourage you because I don't plan to be in the seat for very long whether it's it's here I'm only here and I've only chosen to run for office after I was T after my business was targeted I never knew anything about politics I didn't know who what a council person did I had people run fake uh or or mischief and in elections that I didn't know anything about but I can tell you what my approval rating is very high it's for and it's high for a reason because I never waver and I would advise you I would suggest to you let me not advise I don't want to give anyone advice if you're following the tutelage of people that's running this city into a hole you are doing yourself a disservice you're a beautiful person beautiful woman we've known each other for a while you you you should choose your mentorship wisely because the people that you've chosen to Mentor you are the very ones who are victimized in our community and if you are the one to stand next stand after me in the first I would hope that not just the first W residents that the community would find the same advocacy in you that they have been able to find in me so I'm not discouraging anyone but I I am saying if if you're going to try to Spotlight some wrongdoings that I'm doing trust me the community is not as stupid as as you think they are they're not and and trust me and believe me we are in in route for a change and I'll say this this last piece in closing people wake up rise Baraka for governor I'm going to do everything in my power and if you are not in support of it then you are just as guilty as the people that have put the shackles on this community we need a governor in this community in this state that cares about Urban centers we need a governor in this state that cares about black people Spanish people Arab people Muslim people all the people white people as well we need a governor who is who is concerned and and compassionate about everyone who understands that if there's one Community being mistreated then it's just as likely as all communities being mistreated and I'll say this my message goes out to the to the OIC the officer in charge if you believe that you're you're out or delving out fairly this treatment that the community is receiving as I'm in classic Towing giving money away to Residents to help them get their vehicles out of tow have have I has as I have single mothers calling me crying because they they can't afford to get their car out they wake up in the morning and they can't take their kids to school if that's what we're doing while you pulling Detectives off of doing detective work and to write tickets and Tow cards at in the we hours of the night when there's still gunshots ringing in the in the in the in the in in the entire city and look how the media is publicizing that three shootings today alone did you hear anybody make an announcement about that seven shootings this week no announcements of that but they would paint the narrative that the violence is is diminishing my son called well my my daughter's had softball practice I want a special shout out to my brother Chris Irving we've had our differences in the past but the brother really did a great service for me and my family and I appreciate it greatly my daughters was calling they was they was coming from the finishing practice my son's like should I go pick him up I'm afraid to let my son drive around the city go pick up my children and these people who don't live here have the nerve the audacity to paint the picture as if things are improving I ask you residents are things improving I ask all of you at home and if you feel like there's somebody going to fight harder for you then by all means please relieve me of this burden put them in the seat and see what you get see what you get another puppet another Yes Man another pancake as soon as the bubbles soon as the the batter starts bubbling they flipping they was one way one day and then another way the next I will give the sixth World councilman credit he has never flipped he's been a he's been a he's been riding that cotel for well actually he did cuz remember he ran against him and he came to the podium back then spitting all kinds of fire then all of a sudden he's like oh because they're getting what they want I don't worry council president I know it's too much trth for you to swallow in one night I will be back though keep just keep talking Madam clerk yes coun I will continue to put on the pressure my vote is short thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman MIM so to the public that is present and to those that are viewing I do the same thing every um time we have a meeting I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come sacrifice speak up or just stand in support of those things that you believe are right for for you as a resident or our community so there were many issues uh there was a statement made and I'm praying council president after we all um do public portion we close out that you allow Madame ba to address uh there was a gentleman that came to the microphone he did make a request about the $4 million and what that represented I would like an opportunity to be given to Madame ba to answer that publicly so it is it is on record what was the response and what that a dollar amount is and what hasn't been what has been spent and still left over that way we all can provide Clarity to that because that was ask and I know a lot of times we just keep going and the public asks questions and they don't get responses so after we're done please allow um Madame ba to to answer to that response I know it's election season and um the election is on May the 14th people going to come to the microphone they're going to say they stand in support or you have people that are running again or whatever that is and I said it a couple weeks ago it's fine that you want to run right cuz you have the opportunity that's your god-given right to run but when you stand stand with your plan and platform as to what you're going to do different that's right when you come and you bash the person that's in the seat or try to degrade the person that's in the seat it takes away from you as a candidate because people are watching and saying why would I want this person to represent me right and they may not tell you that they in your face they're going to say one thing you'll find that one they may not vote two they may not vote for you and three nothing's going to change so you have to present something better to the community that that you want to vote for you than what is currently in the seat so you got to make sure you remember that because bashing or attacking or all that stuff it doesn't help at all because remember even though you're not an elected official um and you're running for an office everybody has a past you have a track record so when you start bashing them they're going to bring some stuff up and then there going to be a a a circus right back and forth back and forth and the community needs people that are solution based that are going to present and bring forth recommendations that's going to make our city better they also want people that will represent in peace they watch our meetings all over the state when you travel out the state everyone talks about Patterson City Council meetings the chaos right and it's not even organized it's disorganized chaos with a lot of dysfunction they talk about it all over the state so when you're coming here you don't want to be on the outside on the microphone adding to that you don't want to be in addition to that and even on this side for me when people come to the microphone I look I I think it's admirable that you take the time to come to attack me as a councilwoman at large I appreciate it that means you left your family to come and celebrate me I appreciate that you left the time that you could have spent eating your dinner taking a nap taking a bath or a shower to come and celebrate the work that I'm doing because we we really don't talk about people unless we admire them because people that really I I don't really want to call it hating but people that don't like you for whatever reason they're just confused supporters so we have to educate them on why it's important to support people that sit in these seats and support them I'll say this in closing go back and look at the things that were voted on look at that go back and look at the things that were done look at the things that are happening in the community MERS council members let's be respectful of the council woman please that we close on do we want better yes but my my question to you or my homework for you is what does better look like right what does it look like and if you can Define what it looks like present and propose that plan and then you run on that because Patterson needs things to improve when we're at riding through the city and you're hearing in the middle of the day that there's a shooting going on when kids are leaving after school programs families are sitting on their porch is a nice day and those are not the concerns of the day that's a problem that's a huge concern that we're not concerned that our youth are being impacted our seniors are being impacted we have pot holes all through this city when you drive through this city these are some nice days so I'm going to put it on record that we do go through these cities and fill these po holes some of these holes are craters when you drive through the city on Broadway I spoke about this before on Broadway and East 18 when they did the work with the um sewer they did some sewer work there and I mentioned it when it was done that it was shabby work and I was told no it got a settle it wasn't shabby if you go through there now it's a crater and your car can almost fall through the hole because it was shabby work being done in that particular area so I'm saying again to our Administration that we have to make sure we do a full evaluation of what's Happening all throughout the community um I agree with when people in our community pass away or something has happened that we make an acknowledgement of them even on our access Channel even if we put it in place that maybe for 30 days we recognize that person on the access channel that we give our condolences something as and I'm not sure if we can lower the flag in the city or whatever that takes but just to show the compassion and sympathy to the uh to the community and to their family I think is is just duly noted and um in closing cuz we could be here all night about every item that was spok on but I'm not going to do that because we still have 50 plus items on the agenda so in closing I say this we come in here the meeting started at 700 we are now at 9:25 we have only done two items oh 10:25 I'm trying to Spring Forward 10:25 we've only done two items on the agenda two payment of bills and one second reading item and we still have a whole bunch of items to go which are important to the progression of our community let's keep moving forward let's keep building and stop battling cuz for me I'm not running so I'm not standing to give a political speech I'm not running I ran last time and want I'm not running I want our city to be better and for us to come together in a place of peace and all this bashing and attacking guess what children were sitting here tonight children are watching our meetings and if we don't care that we act and respond that way when children are present that speaks volumes to me Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you madam Clark good evening everyone those are here those were here and those who are watching us live on YouTube uh first of all thank you so very much for coming here and every Tuesday you come here because you care about Patterson I always say that because it means a lot to me coming here to speak for 3 minutes and sitting for 3 4 hours it's not easy you have to be acknowledged you have to be you know we have to be thankful that cuz you are coming in here and making your voice hard and one thing I always carry is I want to see more engaged committee members are engaged in our decisions so that we can do better job we have to care than what our community wants and it's not just you are coming to the council chamber is easy CU you know that in in especially in our city our you know adults are to lead their family proper way sometimes they do two full-time jobs but still they come here every Tuesday because they want to make sure that the city they're living in is is safe the quality of life they deserve are are getting it and whatever Services they need to get the they should get from from the city as well now think about the tax that they're paying are they getting this return I don't think so I think we should do better than what we are doing today and of course as our other council members mentioned that everyone running in the race we usually good luck but again you should stand on the platform that are coming it the criticism that's we are done enough council chambers every Tuesday think about ask yourself that how you see this council meeting it's every Tuesday is is a drama here in the chamber because we love to bash each other criticize criticize each other intentionally and that's what we are doing it I definitely want people to come here and speak speak whatever they want they can criticize and I love to hear that we love to hear that and I'm talking about but as a council members I try and use every single strategy possible to reach and get closer to the people I don't just Patrol on Friday and Saturday night but you know by this time I say we try to build so many associations neighborhood associations blackwatch programs Lieutenant detective Lieutenant Sheron knows that how many blackw program we created over the city of Patterson at least by now 15 blackwatch groups are created in the group 15 I'm talking about myself with the with the initiative of community uh policing and every time anything happen in any neighborhood we are on the group chat and and so many of the group chat you know sh uh Lieutenant Easton is added to these groups too to see what's happening every single conversation as well that's what we are doing we are creating neighborhood association that make sure people comes together make make sure people stand together so that we the elected officials will care that what people think again I'm I'm what what my stand is that if people come together the council members or whoever making the decision they have to make sure that they have to answer their question one day maybe not today they can take can go by today but once they run for the election they can they have to pay for this decision and this is this is why I want to make sure that every single individual living in the city is somehow connected somehow engaged and as you can notice today than when last Workshop session we spoke about the hourly voting and people want it again I say that we always talk about voter turnout low and everything people are frustrated people you know those who came out they said there's no change coming you know they are coming they're spending their day they are electing us and they not getting the service that they deserve to get so again we have to give them access whatever possible from our end to make sure that in the upcoming election not only this election in future elections we have to give them as much access possible people came here people left but they left the signatures to Madame Clark uh for the record Madame Clark I handed over the uh signatures from the people that came here in support of the hourly voting so we want to make sure that people has that access yes we have only two sides which is not our you know uh this not what we we we we uh you know decide that how many sites we want that come from the county but of course as a council members we can push for we can request you can write letters to the county that we want more polling sites in the city we definitely can do that but with the two we have we cannot just go against these two we should keep these two and fight for four more even if you want more let's go let's go for you know more sites and let us send letters to the um County and and fight for this again uh one more thing I need to address here uh Madame Clark that uh the constables that we have in the city are you know that thing should be addressed and clarified as well there's so many people are appointed at uh P County constables and uh with the recent bill by um our governor there's no more constables but thing is those who are uh those who are appointed uh newly I you say last year or very recent they paid about over $1,000 for their uh insurance for their uh bid uh bids and and and uniform and badge are they getting reimbursement that should be clarified because it cannot just stop something in the middle what they have to say those who are appointed they have to complete their term and then should be terminated you cannot just say today the L and return if you return then their money should be reimbursed that that that's I'm I'm stating here and Madam Clark we need clarification on this with that being said everyone of those who came here again just know this I don't know how many items you completed but you came here if you need to stay here for longer we need to stay here that's I always say this I'm getting paid to stay here I'm getting paid to stay here and I'm thankful for this and I'm getting Prestige I'm getting honor from the people then what's what's my point of you know not not sitting here if people can stay here until midnight why I cannot stay here so again thank you so very much for for being here those who are watching us but if you think if you want to build a uh Community block Watch program you want to have neighborhood association anytime you can call me every Sunday I see I sit I invite people in different uh parts of the city in cofish shop 1 hour sit down with me have free free uh cup of coffee and have friendly chat it doesn't have to be always about City but it had can relationship we can build over the city we can learn about each other we can talk about the issue that you are you know facing every single neighborhood it's it's a it's a big city just know this every single section has different kind of Crisis Council candidate Frank Philipp he's here he's from the uh heal section the this particular section faces some kind of Crisis maybe other sides facing totally different type of Crisis so we have to bring all the neighborhoods and address every single neighborhood individually we have to address the issue that we are facing in every single neighborhood so again thank you so very much everyone I'm open to all of you just know this you want to create a black watch you want to create an association and I'm just an example only few weeks ago we created a new Association in Stony Road it's called Stony Road Network that's on on the people who living in Stony Road neighborhood area so we are trying to build as many Association the only reason I want people to be engaged people should know what's happening cuz sometimes people are not engaged or they complain for the sake of complaint so this complaint means nothing until we are united if you're United I have to car you trust me I have to cuz I have to think if I don't car you today next election I'm not going to be sitting here that should be my mentality me that should be mentality of all the elected officials that if I don't serve I'm not sitting here anymore so again thank you so very much everyone and having said my would yes to close the public person thank you councilman Udin councilman valz thank you Madame clerk I just want to try to wrap this quickly I know that we have a standing agenda to follow and also a um a close section you know but I have to I have to humbly address some statements that have been saying from this Podium and I going to say it once every day going to come and say it every day I respect anyone that comes here to that Podium and speak but when they come with the wrong facts and lies you know it's not fair for my family it's not fair for my kids it's not fair for for anyone that knows hard work I do in the Fifth Ward it's not fair so there's a gentleman that came came and addressed me the rule is if you address the the council any Council here with the name so we have to interject and answer back but we have chosen to do it at the end you know not to prolong the meeting longer so this a gentleman say that um he don't have the solution that that's why we get elected to get the solution I would say it different if you don't have the solution and you think you could work with me to get a solution that is a together moving the city forward probably an idea could come from one side and come from the other and we work together for the solution in the city of Patterson so you know councilman Adel aiz stated about 20 Avenue 21st Avenue and there was a speaker stated about the accidents that happened at 2:30 on the four-way stop sign who fault is it I'm not an instructor a motor vehicle people read a book how to to to speeding out to speed to stop in the stop sign to follow the rules of traffic I'm not traffic enforcer I'm the councilman now we had take an approach to make sure that the streets that has problem with traffic and accident we come here to to the council and address it installing four-way stop sign reduce speed signs making sure pedestrian are safe and making sure as a legislator goes true and make the administration enforce it and make the administration work for the community the city had become heavily traffic roow so when the lady comes here and say there's a lot of accident or there's a lot of traffic I don't know which one to take because or is a lot of accident or is a green lock so I don't know which one to take one thing I could know is that we have improved the area to make sure that all pedestrian are safe and making sure all the corners are clear and making sure all the stist that the war needs is in place for be able to bring safety to the the residents of the fifth W and uh Council men's could attest that any councilman here could attest that that sit in committee that sit here every time they bring an agenda regarding stop sign regarding uh Clean Corners regarding everything I'm the first one to say bring it over let's work together because their concern and their word is my concern also but to say that I have failed the residents of the fifth War so so his failing is putting a bus shelter to the seniors so they could not get wet when they waiting for the bus that's failing putting new signs for pedestrian could push a button and cross safely a street that's failing the community Ling for more roads and streets in the fifth W to get paid is failing putting more cameras from the sheriff department and from M police in Hot Spot area to prevent crime that's failing wow so I don't know what's failing when I work around the clock seven days a week because this is my full-time job and I'm proud to say that every minute every second I give it to the community today everybody you know some people like to brace when there a shooting in the city of pison some people like to see that that kind of situation happened in the city of Pon just to attack but nobody talk about there was a shooting today at a Roberto Clemente Park generated from individuals coming out of school but nobody say that in seconds or minutes that person got arrested the Dr the the gun was recover and still more arrest is going to come nobody say the job that the police do every day day and night to protect the city nobody say that but yes I could sit here as a council member or IND the street and try to insult a police officer or try to belittle the police department why I going to get from that I got to get a community going to be more rebel against the people that protect us those individuals that are in uniform and I'm not saying it because they are here they got family they could be at home right now now they could be retired at this time but they choose to serve our community and to protect us because when we are sleeping and when you are sleeping they out there curving the crime they are there making arrest they are there protecting us come on are we going to kill the law enforcement that we have a lot of of our guys are Liv in the city only because the pay is not enough and now we going to kill the one that we have come on let's be I got a son that is a cop probably I could speak like that because I got a son that's in law enforcement but let me say this if I don't have a son that's in law enforcement I never came to this Council either to that Podium or this from this side to belittle or bash the police department and they could stop me and they could stop me and give me a ticket but I got to have respect for that law enforcements officer what I did wrong okay let me correct it and those officer could testify I never never disrespect them when I go to a CRI a crime scene I don't go there because I'm the councilman I don't pass that yellow line the first thing i' say is anybody got hurt how are is the police officer how is this how is that sympathize with the situation but we need to we need to be mindful that whatever I say from this area people are watching in the street and when I attack the people that protecting us why you think the criminal is going to do of course they to go with the person that is attacking the police officer or whatever Madam ba saying that when you get a chance please give me an update when the promotions of the patteron police is going to take place Sergeant to Lieutenant Lieutenant to Captain Captain to deputy chief because I understand that uh some of them are retiring some of them are you know uh some of police officers are leaving but we need to maintain the to and um you know and make sure that we are align on supervisors experienced supervisors and maintain them in a position moving forward if we have those promotion in place I know we want to do it before the new list comes because there's people that pay stud sty and burn you know to make sure they they promote uh to make that promotion you know Council woman men stated uh when you come to this Podium come with a platform don't reinvent the wheel some people want to reinvent the wheel somebody say how many jobs we have created Council woman Dava sit in finance I sit in fin it menes sit in fin is are those councilman that's here sit proud I'm going to tell you a secret right now every time that we approve a budget we always ask for hiring more jobs more jobs more jobs so when you see that the city of patteron is hiring is this Council that approve a budget for more hiring in the city of patteron and Madame ba contest that because we always request that every spot empty be fulfilled correct so you know I could go on and on so I live ladies and gentlemen I live in South Heart street oneway street Rose Street silly Street park at uh Park uh Parkway Marcus Street Oak Street all the neighbors around there [Music] 99.9% of the tenants and the landlords that live around there likes me 99.9 so only one person that comes here don't like me St now that's that's a high percent and you know what I do because I got evidence you know what I do when they knock my door to say I need help I help that I help them and those people that says that I failed the ward this on lie I could go to my phone and hit history at 1:00 in the morning at 2:00 in the morning pictures that they sent me to address quality of life and I failed them this don't lie so ladies and gentlemen as councilwoman men stated his election season please yes pleas those those that come on come out and vote I want you to come out and vote people people you're going like this people are more concentrate in the election of the presidential race let me say this I don't care you vote for Trump or Biden but come out and vote in the local election that is the effect and the dominant effect of the decision that we Mak here that's going to affect you directly and if you go out and vote I could speak on my record on Public Safety cleaniness helping the community doing community events and I approve my own message and the people go vote for Louis valz my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President wow thank you Madame clerk it's uh it is a l session uh uh but you know patteron just just give me too minute of your ATT ption but just just I'll take five listen those that know me in the city of Pon know that I would I don't respect anybody we might have different point of view different opinion but I never disrespect any person and here I take pride of this chair that I'm holding right now I take pride and you could go to my record since I became the council president my number one priority in this council is to put bring Law and Order into the chamber to respect this chamber some people say oh this is not a court but the the way they act here when they go to other municipality they will never act like that now some people they try there's a clock here patteron there's right here you got three minutes here and there's a clock in the back and there's a three light on the podium for you green light you have 3 minutes yellow you have two and red you're done I'll give you 30 seconds to wrap it up respectfully so we have 20 speaker today that's 1 hour if we use 3 minutes there's people in this community that they sit there and they want to go over the three minute on purpose to try to start a fight with me but that that doesn't speak about my character that speak about your character and I will invite this is election Caesar I will invite the patteron resident to look the way people conduct themselves on the podium candidate and everybody and the way they conducts here you got people in this chamber that they don't care about that they don't want Patterson to get better they don't want that and there's people that they ly here about things that they doing and it's a shame because uh it is it is so we're not council members if we use six minute five to six minutes to close the public poral that's another hour you have council members that would they want to speak for 20 minutes 15 minutes is that fair to the resident of the city of patteron I want the voters of the great city of pison to hold elected official accountable for the way they conduct them themselves here the chamber we're in election season because they believe that by putting a Big Show and try to get into a fight with council president they're going to get no I stay I'm going stay on my Lane the my Council K elect me to bring Law and Order in this chamber and until then you got three minutes on the mic and I would I'm I never allowed the I never tell the police department to take to escort people out of the chamber I don't like to put my police officer on that position but it's the people that they call theel leaders in this community act that like that and there's enough violence in our community there is enough shooting our kids they watching those council meeting we're We Are YouTube the whole us and out of the out of us they watching this meeting and it's a shame the way some elected official conduct theel right here and the way they disrespect council member right here that's all I'm going to say Patterson just look watch and look that's all I'm going to say I'm gonna stay positive yes I am running and and I want uh Mr Gonzalez just do a zoom on that flyer just do a zoom for a minute on that flyer just a zoom for that just for a second on this flyer the reason why I'm showing this flyer is because I'm stay positive there's nothing negative on this flyer you know why I came to the great city of p with nothing on my hand and every day I go out to do the best I can to make our city better and I take pride when I say my East Side park is totally brand new the tennis court was the laida for over 20 years now my senior they go there in the park it was damaged the road now it's repaved tennis court brand new I take pride I feel excited when my senior go and enjoy the park play tennis we planning now we teaching kids how to play tennis I take pride about that when I passed by Amy stock Park I fight for that I advocate for that and I see Amy stock par totally renovated with Grill tables uh exercise machine I'm I get excited for that because I'm working for that when I see 14 Avenue redone that wasn't done in like 40 years I take pride of that because I I I put my fight on that East 40 SE 3 was never done I take pride of all those Ro if you go to the east side section East 15 is 16 East 17 is 18 Madison Avenue East 26 totally redone brand new 6th Avenue from Riverside to Madison brand new I'm working now in the new project which is all those role in the third world that need to be fixed all the P that need to be fixed the garbage the problem with the garbage that we have I'm out there every day doing the work because I I love the city of p i don't need to go negative in any council members I don't need to go negative of my opponent because I have done enough and I don't need to use this platform over here to prove what I have done I go out every single day if you need my help you will help me I don't need nothing else from this city because I've been blessed in the city of Pon and this is a great City I stay positive this is an amazing City our Police Department we got to work I'm working with my Police Department every single day when I have a problem I call them I don't bash them I call them and I support them and I've been proving that here because we supportting and every line item that the police department needed my DPW Billy the director I'm calling Billy from since 7:00 in the morning all the way to 10:00 at night letting Billy know what needs to be done in the third war that's the reason why the third world elect me in this chamber in the seat of the third world you don't have a council member that is sleeping anymore you have a council member that is active you have a council member that care about the city you got somebody that if you need me I go to your house you don't have to come to City Hall you might not find parking I go to your house I I I will have a conversation with you and I will help you that's you have that's what you have with Alex Mendes I just love this seat and I love the job that I do um but pay attention pison about the way elected official conduct thes themselves there's enough violence in this community enough shooting there's enough violence in our schools for elected official to be conducting theel the way been doing that I'm Alex Mendes and I really approve this message I'm ready to serve four more year as your councilman the third war with that being said uh Madame clerk I know you have um I will open the floor for you before my vote I'll will open the floor for you there's a there's a uh constituent that came and look for you know request a information from you uh but we got to continue working really hard in our city the garbage is a real problem in our community the P I've been calling the director since at 7:00 in the morning or until 10:00 at night letting them know what need to happen there's a lot of work to do in the city the city of pison it's not perfect but if you elect me I'm not going to be a part of the problem I'm going to be part of the solution and that's the reason why I'm here and the reason why I could show all those project that I've been done in the third world is because I sit with the mayor everybody knows that I run twice against the mayor from against the mayor and I've been the second highest Vetter in two term in two election so numbers don't lie people know that I know how to win an election but this is not election C so people elect me to work with the administration it's whoever you don't need to like me I don't need to like you it's pison and pison go first if I need to sit down with you to advocate for any road any project in my world in the third War I would do so with no problem so with that being said just Patterson watch the disrespect for some elected official and based on that just go and vote because this election was important local election impact your life on a negative way or in a positive way if you choose and elect the right person that will represent you and will move the city forward with that being said my vote is yes Madam cler thank you Mr President but before I announce the votes I'd like to um ask your permission just to say something the one of our team players um pass pass away recently and when we lose a team player we all lose so I'd like just like to use this opportunity to extend hardfill condolences the family and friends of Barry drf for he worked um feverishly and hard with the election process in the city of parison and he is no longer with us so I just like to extend my condolences to them thank you Mr so the votes are seven yeses one absent I'm sorry eight yeses one absent the public portion is here I closed thank thank you council member so so there's three M mad cler right after mad cler we we will do concent agenda there two item for Community Development the director's been here and now me members of the public we will go into a secuity section um director's not here where's the director the director left long time ago so it's fine he's outside all right if director here we will take the two director that are here I know they have to come back early and then we'll take the special item on the police department Madame cler Let's Do It um Madame B thank you council president um I'll be quick because there there weren't that many actual questions um and I just like to point out for Mr olivaris um you know last time he was here he was saying that when I provided a response I was disrespectful um but if I didn't provide a respon like you can't have it both ways you can't say I haven't provided one and you can't call me disrespectful when I did provide one so I would like to I will reiterate what I had said last time about the sewer utility there is every year a $4 million bond that we put together for spending for our needs that year but payments on that Bond are part of the sewer utilities budget that budget is about $20 million $14 million goes directly for the payments to the Pake Valley Sewer Commission which is for the treatment of our the water and our sewer the other 6 million is split just about evenly about 3 million towards the sewer capital and about 3 million towards the salary and wage and operations of the utility so that's the billing depart the sewer billing people who work in finance as well as the sewer employees within DPW any costs that are related to that so $3 million annually in the sewer budget pays down the debt that we bond for throughout all the years so as I mentioned last time if you have a $4 million Bond you split it up over about 30 years so before you add interest that's about $133,000 a year so that's one part of the $3 million budget any other bonds that have happened before which has been happening for decades all of those are part of the payment for the debt service so you know Mr olivar keeps saying that I haven't provided an answer that is the answer reiterate it again and he he comes here out of malice he intentionally is acting like a bully and I would just ask him to stop providing false information and um we'll we'll keep it at that maybe he'll have further questions going forward but that is the reality of the the sewer utility there was also uh a comment by Mr Philip pelli who's still here um I just want to uh note in Garrett Heights I think you were talking about hayen Heights but Garrett Heights they actually the city does actually reimburse the cost for trash pickups snow removal and all of that so while they organize it themselves the city does pay for that so um I know there were some questions about we uh councilwoman Mims we will have um a presentation about the evaluation of Roads that's something that has been going through DPW committee and for councilman valz there is the question about promotions that's something that um is being submitted to Department of Community Affairs we received the information um and the report that's required to move forward with that so hopefully we will um in the next few weeks have that information back and approvals to move forward with the promotions but there's no danger of a new list right now I think the the list that is current there's um the next that list will expire I think in you know over the course of the next year or so so there there's no immediate danger there okay council president council president no no we have to go the consent agenda council member and right council members okay it's already it's already 11: 11:00 p.m. we'll go into the consent agenda right after we go into the director and right after that we we going into a secutive session with our Police Department concern genda mad clerk yes Mr President Mr President yes so the consent agenda all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbered 19 through 40 any item may be removed from this agenda by the request of a council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate move by councilwoman Davila second by Council Mims and Al deiz roll call man clerk on the concent agenda roll call on the consent agenda councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman MS um so before I vote I just want to say job well done to Joan Campbell Douglas who was U my secretary here at City Hall she'll be retiring for 25 years of service I also want to give a big shout out to coach Tommy Patterson who's being honored um oh sorry I'm in the I'm sorry I'm in the wrong side I'm I'm moving forward I'm trying to get out of here um for the consenter agenda my vote is yes thank you Dr M councilman urin my vote is yes madame clerk thank you councilman urin councilman valz I just want to highlight that some renewal taxi cab registration this conscent agenda they submitted a contract uh that they going to park the vehicles and the address that they stated that they going to park it overnight please uh those cap companies have those vehicle parked in do not take residential parking uh because resident needs those parking um last but not least Madam ba I know that I didn't had a chance to address you when you address me in that part I would like to know and get me a status where the uh contracts of PD are standing at this point uh not the U so SOB the uh I'm talking about the regular cops um where the contract is at where they stand and how we going to move forward um in this next month before we approve the budget um saying that the consent agenda for me is a vote yes thank thank you councilman valz Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent consent agenda items 19 through 40 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk let's do a uh Community Development item number 44 Madame clerk yes item number 44 is a resolution authorizing an award of contract to sustainable communities Associates for consultant services to administer the CB cdbg homeowner rehabilitation program for the community Department of Community Development RFP number 202 24-8 point1 Community Development resolution 24 colon 168 move by councilwoman Davila councilwoman mes and um second by Council uh councilman valz and Ruby Kon roll call M clerk roll call and item number 44 for approval councilman AB councilwoman Kon yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz pass Mr President my what is yes M cler the votes are seven yeses two ab no we pass I'm sorry I pass thank you cman Jackson I didn't hear that Mr President had said yes VES are s pass he passed he did yes I go now I go I passed you passed to yeah I just want to say director thank you for you and your staff for a great job doing in that department my vot is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President again my vot is yes M CL thank you the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 44 is hereby adopted sure thank you item number 45 Madam clerk yes item number 45 item number 45 is a resolution to amend resolution 23 489 authorizing budget revision number three to the 2023 annual action plan in order to repurpose the cdbg contingency funding its Community Development resolution 24 colon 1 move by councilwoman Dava and councilman bz and second by councilwoman Ms and and Udin roll call Mad clerk on item number 45 roll call on item number 45 for approval I'm sorry Madame clerk um director um um this is the money that's left over from 2023 yes that's all of it now yes there's nothing left there um do me a favor we can you give us a list of any other monies that's left over say from um 2122 that's left over in another category okay tomorrow yep I'm sorry madam clerk uh my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman M yes councilman urin yes councilman Val after having a discussion with my director from DPW uh I'm happy to see that $640,000 is going to be implemented in the back of castella pool and because the other funding is going to be around the uh front of the castella pool so that's improving the castella pool in the fifth War my vot is yes thank you councilman V Mr President my V uh well before my vote uh director I just want to say thank you you're doing a outstanding job with the rehab program I've been sending people there and there's a there's a constituent that live on East 29 she got $45,000 to fix her property she has she own a three family home she applied through the rehab program she she got it there's another uh person on Marcus 3 he even called me like I want to take a picture in front of you in front of the house and say no no I mean it's fine I mean that's money available so pis so the rehab program it work so please apply I know there's a lot of people on the on the on on the list but listen go after that program because that's money there for you to fix the house if you if you on a single family you allowed to get 15,000 if you have two family house you get 30,000 and three family homes 45,000 the only requirement is that you cannot sell your property for 5 years but you getting free money is not alone for you to fix the property so director great job um thank you so my vote is yes M number 45 president yes the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 45 is hereby adopted thank you very quick we got item 48 from Public Work Madame cler item 48 public work yes yes item number 48 is a resolution authorizing a memorandum of understanding between the nature conservancy and the patteron Department of Public Works it's a public works resolution number 24 colon 172 move by Council Dava and Council and second by Council M and councilman roll call M clerk on item number 48 roll call on item number 48 for approval councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my V is yes mad clerk the votes are seven yes is two absences item number 48 is hereby adopted item number 49 the last item of public War item number 49 is a resolution authorizing a contract for the Anthony Lucas park splash pad project for the division of engineering of the Department of Public Works is sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and co-sponsored by councilman Lis VZ Public Works resolution 24 17 by Council woman MS um and councilman bless and councilwoman Ms and second by councilman bless councilwoman M I move it with her no it's my item it's it's councilwoman item move by councilwoman Mims second by council member councilwoman Dava and councilman what's the number roll call 49 and second councilwoman cotton as well call item number 49 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims so to the residents in the Third Ward uh bear track Park some years ago was a park yes that was um being utilized for gang initiation there were a lot of things happening in the Park after canvasing and talking to the residents through DPW and U the administration we fought hard and brought that Park back to life a grant was written so no money came out of the tax pay of dollars initially we're excited about that and then we pushed even harder because one of the uh youth that lives next door he said what was a park without swings then we added swings to the park and then the next thing that we talked about with the residents in that area was that we were going to bring a splash pad so um thank you to our our director to the administration DPW chair and the committee for um taking my request and making this happen for the park when we fix Parks we fix our community with that being stated splash pad for the summer with some water for the kids my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my vot is yes M thank you um councilman councilman valz you know Council always say give flowers when you could smell them I think that Park should we renamed Council woman L men as no also that part but because I recall from the beginning that she started saying repair the walls the walls are falling uh the trees had to be moved the Neighbors in the back was complaining about the tree falling apart and breaking out and she was a stair PO on that and um and thank you for director uh to listen her concern also the committee will support always things like that it comes in front of us you know um this is a great thing to happen here we go to lobby for other park parks to have Splash Water uh whatever they need to put there because it's Park that everyone here that went to the chanagan whatever is it chaga talk yeah before that get corrected yeah U that place to talk and counc woman D to talk about uh improve the park 10 minutes walk of of the park and I think that is happening people will enjoy it and uh and I'm happy that this is going to be part of us working for you thank you director for listening our complaints and our requests um and and last but not least the previous ordinance that we uh resolution that we approved that that one is going to address some Green Street that are going to prevent flooding in those streets so just just just so keep in mind those that say what we doing for flooding right so saying that Madam clerk director thank you you look great today my vote is yes every day thank you con Mr President so before my vote direct them don't go anywhere no but you know what this is team work and this is this is this is how we move the city forward my Council be Mims I'm here to support you in this probably a th% that's my third War I I take pride of my war and and into the city of patter so we're here to work as a team and to get the job done for the people and that's what we do when we collectively push in the same direction director director you've been outstanding um you've been out there so I know we we we we doing the work covering the pth house fixing the pth I know there's a lot more work to be done I have a lot of requests that I send it to you in the third war six Avenue director the people dumping garbage they on six Avenue by by the RAR track I send you all the picture I know DPW will there tomorrow to clean it up but attention patter so we have a legislation that if we get people dumping garbage here here if you get the plate number if you get any information let us know because they will they will have a fine up up to $10,000 in coure if we see them it's unfair what happened in our community you have people from out of town coming into the city of pison dumping garbage in our community we not regret so we need your help if you see any person dumping garbage there get some information give it to us and we will send that ticket that $10,000 ticket and they will see if if it's worth it so with that being said my vote is yes and I see you on s Avenue tomorrow director thank you thank you thank you Mr President the votes are s two absences item number 49 is hereby adopted thank you uh council members so we have a um when are you going to start fixing potholes again we've been started when you started every day when it's 399 East 30 Street if it's not if it's not rain it's not raining huh he got if it's not raining we're out there it's not what if it's not raining we're out there all right 399 East he got that please I I sent the director e St first instead of second 33rd or the other section on the other side they all have that 20th Avenue 6th Avenue 9th Avenue 6th Avenue between Madison Avenue all the way into the dead end so they have all the information please let let's let's uh let's stay let's stay in tune with this director we need your help good night director director me Council me I need to know I need to know how many trucks you got doing po how many one one right one truck yeah one yeah we have two we have two but we uh about to hire a driver for our um our big um I mean you have the truck but you don't have a driver this uh we'll show the drivers we' about the enview for drivers now so hopefully we get a good candidate to drive the truck so that we can put it out there okay all right you got a lot of work yes we do lot of work to do director director I love you good night thank you council members thank you so members of the public at this moment we will go into a security and close section um to treat a personal matter so at this moment we will suspend this regular meeting uh that is televised and we will we will come back to take formal action on this item right after we have the discussion on Executive close section so stay tuned Patterson we will be back in a couple of minutes um we need to let take five minutes we need to vote to suspend clerk so so let's let's vote to get into it to go into executive section motion to go into executive section move by Council M second by councilwoman Dava so Roll Call to um suspend the regular meeting for executive session councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz we coming back after this stay tuned yes Mr President Pon so in couple of minutes as soon as we finish we will come back uh we will take five minutes resets until we'll close the you know the um the channel and and all the mic and everything else so thank you my vote is yes Rafael thank you Mr President the votes are seven yes is two absences executive session is now opened thank you e action will be taken second Roll Call to go into executive session an um resolution for executive session councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava Council councilwoman Ms yes councilman Udin is there Mr President um councilman valz I'm here we voting we voting to go into we reading the idol into the record oh okay are we taking action yes we will so the votes are Mr President I'm sorry my vote is yes the votes are six yeses three absences um resolution for executive session is hereby approved okay Rafael please Rafael just um as well five minutes yeah let take it e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the same [Applause] [Music] I have to reconvene um did the roll call to reconvene so roll call to reconvene the regular meeting of Tuesday March 12 2024 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman d yes councilman Jackson councilwoman Ms yes councilman urin yes councilman Val yes Mr President so the votes are seven yeses two absences the regular meeting is now re being reconvened thank you Madame clerk now that we back into our regular meeting patteron let's vote on item number 17 Madame clerk yes Mr President item number 17 is a resolution motion authorized oh we did vote on that one already sorry item number 18 you read number 17 into the record so we voting on item 18 M number 18 is resolution authorizing the city of Patterson division of personnel staff to process an involuntary disability retirement application for police officer Jessica Amarante its Administration resolution 24 col 142 second Mo by councel second by councilman Udin roll call M clerk on item number 18 can I have it roll call on item number 18 um councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes I just want to read one whereas the officer in charge of the Patterson Police Department has consented to the proceeding of this involuntary disability retirement application I got to put it in the floor because we only voting for his decisions my vote is yes thank you councilman valet Mr President my vote is yes Madam CL thank you the votes are seven yes is two absences item number 18 is hereby adopted thank you council member let's start with a second reading I know let's go down so from second reading all the way down to the agenda if if I may Council pres counc d can we do the items that are quicker because opening closing voting if we can do the first reading ones first because they in one action so as long as we're ready to finit in the agenda ccil member let's start with first reading um let's start with first reading Madame Clerk and let's start with item for for item number 14 item number 14 yes sure item number 14 is a first reading ordinance no public hearing [Music] is on the last I did but I'll say it again I yes I did yes she did I did you were not paying attention there you go yep so item number 14 Madame clerk item number 14 is a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's an ordinance establishing an always stop control at the intersection of 7th Avenue and East 18th Street it's a public works ordinance move second move by and move move by council member Les second by Council woman mes Ro cler roll call on item number 14 for approval first reading Council woman councilwoman cartton yes which one councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman Val Mr President thank you mad clerk to all my third world resident this been they've been asking for this request for many many years is now in on first reading we looking forward to approve this on second reading very soon to bring safety into that corner of 18th Avenue and is 18 and 7th Avenue my vot is yes P clerk thank you Mr President um the the the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 14 is hereby adopted item number 15 mad cler item number 15 is also a first reading ordinance no public hearing is required it's an ordinance establishing always top control at the intersection of 14th Avenue and East 30th Street it's a public works ordinance move on She haven't finished move by who Moved move by council president and councilman Udin second by councilman valz roll call M clerk on item number 15 roll call in item number 15 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin go home councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Ms just for the record to reflect it I made the second but did not my vote is yes thank you coun urin my vote is yes Mr President I what about me I didn't call no I'm sorry you're so tall cman Val so after approve I got to ask deput to install that my V is yes thank you and Mr President is yes so the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 15 is hereby approved thank you m clerk item number 16 item number 16 public hearing is required on this one why can she read the item please please council members resolution authorizing an application for open space so public hearing is required on this one it's a application authorizing it's a resolution authorizing application to the pay County open space fund to fund a multi-park project for the Patterson Vietnam Veterans Park Hayden Heights Veterans Memorial Park and Ralph D marcantonio Park its Administration resolution 24 call so move second it was moved by Council woman Dila councilman B councilman Udin second by councilman Council M Ro cler on it U public hearings now open for item number 16 members of the public that we should speak on this item see no one move to close see no move to close by councilman bz second second by councilman Udin roll call to close a public hearing on item number 16 roll call to close a public hearing on item number 16 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver before I vote um because there is one member in the public and although they did not choose to speak on this item um it's my understanding that they're actually waiting for a response to his question from the previous um public portion um so I really would like um through council president if Madame ba can at least answer the question that was asked uh my vote is yes to close the public hearing and item 16 thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes councilwoman mes uh these parks are um definitely in need of additional uh Aesthetics and upgrade glad to see this I remember walking around the Ralph Demar kach not Ralph D's Park um actually um with his son and looking through uh some of the things that need to be repaired so I'm glad to see these are there I'm glad that there's money through the count County Commissioner's Office that will help to fund these type of product projects my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman Udin my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilman V so to the P County open space you know the construction of cost is high if you could give us a little bit more even that we put here a uh scope of work and amount of money on um be generous is to give this to those that have been and paav the road for us especially our reverence my vote is yes thank you councilman B Mr President my vote is yes mad clerk thank you the votes are seven yeses two absences public hearing on item number 16 is hereby closed roll call M clerk on item number on the item so roll call on item number 16 for approval councilwoman cotton all is C close the pro thank you madam clerk um this is an application to apply for open space bade County open space for 1 two three four Parks uh regarding uh if with Veterans Park Vietnam Veterans Park um Hayden Heights Veteran Memorial Park and raly Martino Park um my vote is yesk you conwoman cotton councilwoman Dava how can we not support an application to go to the P County open space fund um we support our veterans we love our veterans and you know we need to give them more I think we don't do enough uh so with that said you know I'm in support of the application going through and hopefully I'll be looking forward hopefully receiving the funds so we can also then vote on that as well my vote is yes thank you councilwoman DAV councilman Jackson yes councilwoman Mims so let me say the name of this park and the first word correctly is Mr Ralph dear Antonio's Park uh is is it's late so my apologies Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims um councilman Udin uh so first of all thank you the veterans Council for their um hard work to get this fund and I have to of course thank uh Mr Tony bancheri cuz he was the one was pushing forward and came here multiple times showed up to the last council meeting as well uh for this item so it definitely will support this item my vote is yes thank you councilman urin councilman V so this is an application for once again to open space fund a total of 2 48,6 3958 for multi Park repairs at the one that we already mentioned uh hopefully they give us all that money and if they could give a little bit more knowing that the cost of construction is high they could take in consideration that also at the same time knowing that this some of this park are in County Roads it would be nice that they put a uh banners up and put it beautify for honors those um because it's administrated by the county and also the city that they come up forward with some banners and to beautify the area to honors those that uh that have fallen for us in in any W out there so and I know that's administrator decision and also the county could jump on it and put those banners too so my vote is yes your vote uh my vote is yes he said yes my vote is Yes again a yes MH is three parts I would is yes thank you coun thank you madam clerk I'm definitely in full support of this um you know application for operate space funding for this park I mean uh and and definitely we all have to uh give give credit to credits to Mr vaner he's been a fighter uh the 365 days of the year for our veterans he's been out there you know looking for support our veterans and we definitely have to be behind behind him a th% because we definitely have to do more and more for our veterans when it comes to affordable housing when it comes to additional services for our veterans they are the one that put their life on the line on the line to support us uh to be able to live on a free Nation so I want to say thank you to the Mr maner and his family for the great work that they have done throughout the entire throughout all this year in the city of pison and in the state of New Jersey for our veterans you have a full support Mr vaner and we're behind you 1,00% uh with that being said my vote is yes on this item Madam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 16 is hereby adopted thank you let's president just counc CC woman my m so just quickly just a recommendation Madame ba uh there was a time when at first before coming to the Council on all the parks the work that was being done there was a platelet on the parks that listed the council members names we've done that in the past I don't know what stopped with that being done but I want to put that back on the record that there should be platelets placed back on these parks that a what park they place that on it was on all parks it's on Park all the council members names it's all over the city but just recently they stopped doing that huh I I agree with you so wait I'm I'm not I have the floor um should it it should be back on the platelets with the council members names and it should be on the fire trucks all of that was in the P I don't know what made it stop but I'm asking that it we go back to an in order platelets for all these Parks so that those platelets show um the council members names on there thank you councilwoman council member let's continue with the non-consent agenda idem 41 mad if if I could just address I know um Dava just brought up that issue um of Mr deos Santos's question um I I didn't really want to speak for the council um for your question and I don't have any further update about when um the items will um you know any further changes to the canabas ordinance will come before the council and with regard to any uh new licenses so I I'm sorry that I didn't address it but I really don't have any new information for you I got a problem so council president what it is the has to bring it may I not the administration may I council president wec member council member please very brief um so it's 12:30 and I don't want I don't want I want to stay I don't want to stay without qu to finish this agenda on for second reading we have a lot of items that been pushing and pushing please so council president go ahead um Madame ba so I spoke to council president and I say let's bring it forward to co workshop and we going to work from workshop and we going to decide and move forward because these people are waiting if I have to be a solo on that let's bring it to the workshop the way they drafted they already went to committee they draft something bring it to the workshop and let's move forward thank you counc item number 41 cler item number 41 is a resolution honoring Joan Campbell Douglas for 25 years of excellent service to the city of patteron it's sponsored by councilman lisis VZ councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilman MD Forin and co-sponsored by all remaining council members it's a city council resolution 24 165 second moved by councilman bz councilwoman Ms and councilman Udin and second by councilwoman Davila roll call man CL on item 41 roll call on item number 41 for approval C woman cotton it makes sense really don't Joan is going to be U retiring she do serve 25 years of service here in U City counc office I have known Jo for the last 12 years maybe longer than that 13 years um um so I'm going to wish her well on her retirement and thank you Joan for your service that you have done for us here in the city of Patterson at done for us in the city council um city clerk's office with now she's in the city council's office U with that being said um Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman Dava so I've known Joan before I was even an elected official yeah and um she has been that same person from day one that I met her she's a professional she is going to be missed we thank her for her 25 years of Excellence service she is the epitome of Excellence all right and um although she was not my uh personal secretary I have to say that there was never an never a moment that I did not ask her for assistance with something and she said no or passed it on um I wish her well she is still young enjoy your retirement travel go to Jamaica sit in the sun drink some coconut water and just know that you will leave a family here that will continue to love and respect you and um I know I can speak for myself I'm only a phone call away so Joan congratulations although sad I'm also happy for you my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk uh Miss Douglas has always been an ultimate the ultimate professional and um truly going to uh uh I can't say I'm a miss you because I'm happy that you'll be enjoying your retirement so don't but but I will miss your the support that you give and um with that being said uh uh my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Jackson comes woman MS words can express your expertise your love your dedication and commitment to the city of Patterson first and foremost but secondly to those that you have served myself and others as their secretary I want to thank you so much for your diligence even if it's at the 9th hour you get it done and you do it with excellence and a smile thank you Joan I'm sure there'll be more days to come and we'll do some celebrations and interally in the office this is just this is just one of the ways that we will celebrate you thank you so much for your years of service Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman urin Miss jnes Douglas could us to your 24 25 years of Excellence services and I would say she was my secretary and as a new council members I was not knowledgeable on many things but I would say her support made me easy easier to perform my job and also every time I have any question definitely ask Madame Clark but most of the time you stay busy so she is the person to bother and how many certificates she made every every week there is request coming from me and she never says no that's one thing uh you know amazed me cuz I feel bad when I request her even last we she cre she made about 90 certificates and every time she never says no to anything so I I I really uh command that and it's always going to stay in our heart and you are not just normal person you are just excellent excellent and I truly respect you and that respect is not really just telling you but it comes from the heart um again you deserve this break enjoy but again anything uh this Council body can do for you will be with you and I I'm really thankful that I got a secretary like you Miss Jones thank you my body is yes thank you councilman urin councilman Val so knowing that the office is short as St she became secretary all of us these mother you know uh Joan Campbell Douglas I could say she's a woman of God she's a Confident Woman She's a pearl Diamond she's real humble when you talk to her she's real humble she's caring I never saw her making a word in a negative or in a favor against nobody she just dedicate her time and her job walking to everybody that comes to that office and greet the people with the word may I help you she was a team player and she is a team player so God bless you enjoy I know she's going to retire may but we doing this now hopefully we could do something here put something together uh for her and honor her the proper way that we always gratitude uh for our employees so my and if we could take her out instead of do it in the council we could do it you could take the secretary all right so we now that so um my vote is yes thank you for your dedicated service excellent dedicated service thank you coun Mr President thank thank you m clerk Miss John really enjoy your retirement uh when we if we talk about dedication and hard work we have to talk about you I never see her to take lunch she always and during the lunch time at the lunch during her lunch time she was right there working it's incredible and you too Sophia by the way you got you got to stop that your lunch hour you have to go get away from your desk and take your hour lunch please downstairs please you go downstairs and go anywhere else but I see I'm sorry I have to say the Miss John I never see her taking her her launch up she was having lunch at her desk and working it's amazing so I just want to say congratulation enjoy your time off travel enjoy your family you were a woman a guy and you have your family here in City Hall that that we always going to love you remember you just enjoy my vote is Yes man cler thank you Mr President the votes are seven yes is to absences item number 41 is hereby adopted come at 12:00 you will see her take lunch thank you Council item 42 item number 42 is a resolution recognizing and honoring JFK High School's men's basketball coach Tommy Patterson on his 300 career win it's sponsored by councilman MD Ford Udin councilwoman rubian cartton councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilman lisis VZ and co-sponsored by all remaining council members city council resolution 24 callon 166 some thank you uh move by councilman Odin Council councilwoman Ruby K councilwoman Lissa Min councilman B and uh Second and second by councilwoman Dava roll call on item 42 mad cler roll call on item number 42 for approval councilwoman cartton thank you madam clerk I just want to say to coach Tommy Patterson uh congratulations on your 300 career wins I believe you've been coaching like 21 years now so I want to say congratulations I was happy to be able to be there that day at joh F keny high school when they honor you um with your 300 career wins I've known you since you was a little kid and you are still outstanding with our young people and our young people need people around them like you for coaching our children once again congratulations Tommy Patterson Madam clerk with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver yes congratulations patteron councilman Jackson thank you Madame clerk um having had having the privilege to to attend the great JFK while Tommy Patterson was a standout basketball player um it's a it's a it's an absolute privilege and honor to be able to support you brother in your current Endeavor and and your accomplishments that you are um bringing forward with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes and council president if I may it was just shooting in my ward uh friend has been shot multiple times I'm going to make my way to the hospital if we could take item number 50 before our depart I'd appreciate it thank you con Jackson um councilwoman mes to my brother my big br um congratulations thank you for saving our young people's lives anytime someone steps up and and takes the opportunity to coach whether it's volunteer PID or nonv voluntary paid or non paid it's just it's just exceptional because our young people need Outlets they need Recreation they need like structures and and and family extensions to help save their lives and I commend you um coach Tommy Patterson for all that you do the things that we we don't know about the things we know about the times when you had to pack up your truck and pack up your car and get these uh students and these kids to the uh games and back home and make sure they eat and all those type of things thank you for your sacrifice this is well deserved Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms cman urin thank you Madame Clark so Tommy Patterson is not just well known in our city but in the entire State he was a stand out player at JFK High School now he's a stand up coach last February 18th uh he completed his 300th career wi and coming I think March 27th I'll forward the information to all the council members on March 27th at 700 p.m. there is a victory dinner at The Brownstone and $60 ticket if you want to come support and definitely you are welcome to do so so we definitely I'd love to present this resolution at the uh dinner and we always thank him and I'm so honored to be his one of the colleague at jeffk high school and he was here he was in the beginning at 7:00 uh but because of our timing he he he has to leave so again we thank and we we salute everything he does for our children in the city of Patterson my vote is absolutely yes thank you councilman urin councilman valz coach Tommy Patterson with two t that make Patterson with one t proud with 300 games Win let me say this it's true when they say patteron oh one te but now you have a patteron with two t making patteron with one te proud that's right M all right means a lot all right so congratulation and uh keep it a hard work uh CC woman will be caught in is going to agree with me on this you know when we see parent coordinators when we see uh people in Personnel on the school working with a youth you know that means a lot I could name Mark Fisher I could name you work with parent as a parent coordinator uh him as a teacher Ruby as to parent coordinator once you know we work with kids and and and and when we see him succeed is is an honor so congratulation coach keep the great work God bless you give you help to continue working with the youth my what is yes thank you councilman Valance Mr President thank you Madame clerk coach Tommy Patterson thank you thank you for all the years of service in the city of patteron for our youth thank you for what you have done to our youth and you hard work and you dedication to sport uh with that being said mad clerk my vote is yes thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 42 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk let's do item number 50 Madame clerk yes Mr President item number 50 is a resolution honoring and memorializing the life of Miss Janine Jordan Gadson who worked 27 years with the city of Patterson is sponsored by councilman Michael Jackson is a city council resolution 24 174 second move by Council second by Council and councilman it was M councilman second and council member Les as well roll call roll call M clerk roll call and item number 50 for approval councilwoman carton thank you madam clerk I want to say to um Janine's family um today when the day that I got the the call that she had um passed I could just say that coming into the city hall stopping in at the city clerk's IED the tax collector's office always looking over there to see if she was there she was absolutely a beautiful person she's going to be dearly missed dearly dear missed and I just want to say I'm going to always remember all the good conversations um that we had when I came into the tax collector's office may you rest in please Janine and may you rest in peace Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman DAV Janine Jordan Gadson may you rest in peace you gave 27 years of your life working for the city of Patterson and I don't want to go negative but I'm not sure that she was giving her flowers while she was alive so with that said to the family um and to miss Gatson may you rest in peace my vote is yes thank you councilwoman DAV councilman Jackson thank you Madame clerk um I've known Janine a very very long time and um um you know many things are said at her funeral services that was so accurate um about her being blatantly honest and and her being um um very straightforward uh and you know one of the things my biggest regrets although we had many many many um very uh close and intimate conversations I I really neglected to tell Janine that I loved her um she was such a good person and uh you know sometimes we move around and we take for granted that um people will uh will be here continuously um you know and and relative to her job here at the city is even as as much as we had a very close relationship she's always she was the ultimate professional and um you know the city did not appreciate the value and what she brought here I meaning not just any specific I'm not talking about one specific person or just saying the city in general um so with that being said said uh uh Janine um you're going to be greatly missed um you uh you deserve much better and um uh I will I will remember all of the moments that we shared together all of the advice and you know it also puts me in a space where I know not to take other people for granted so I want to make sure that people like Amanda who is also dealing with um cancer B battle who's also such a beautiful person we have some really beautiful people who work for the city who put in the time who um you know relentlessly you know make a commitment to the community and I just wanted to say um you know um Janine I love you going to miss you and um you know uh uh may you rest in peace my dear thank you Congressman Jackson about the picture well I mean yeah I think everybody for allowing um yeah Raphael if you can pan to the uh to the to you know some of the pictures I couldn't make up my mind which to use so I all the ones that her all of her great friends her beautiful friends sent me um I made sure I put them up there so you will be missed and um you know it's the least that we can do as a municipality just acknowledge you and your commitment and your time that's shared in the city uh Madam clerk thank you my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Ms so um this is a well-deserved recognition of a Wonderful Life well- lived um Janine and I went to high school together we went to patteron Catholic together so I've known Janine since 1983 um and it's just a blessing to be able to come in and start working um as as the elected official as your your councilwoman at large and her be here at City Hall to be able to send text messages to reach out and make phone calls and we have long dialogue in relat in relations to taxes and Sewer I want to thank um her family for sharing her with us she had a nice girlfriend Circle um she had a a good group of people that surrounded her even in her last days I want to thank Pastor Clayton and you know a lot of times we don't give people their flowers but Pastor Clayton he set up because he was concerned about you know her last days and he set up this group of women that took care of her every hour they never left her and it was announced at the funeral and it brought tears to my eyes that so many times even in life we forget people but the fact that he went beyond and I call that going beyond your pastoral duties that shows that you have heart and compassion for people and all those women that stood up I just want to salute them here at the city council I'm going say thank you for sacrificing your time and being there for someone else when they were going through and to all of her friends I don't want to start calling them by name you know and it it's one thing to tell people how much you respect them and admire them when they're living but it's a greater thing to know that their legacy will never never leave us because the mark that they left could never be erased so to The Life and Legacy of Janine I've never forget you thank you for all the wisdom and advice I'll treasure all of our text messages and private conversations that we've had um and and you're someone that a lot of people will remember in the days and the years to come Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms um councilman urin uh first of all my sincere condolences to the family of Janine um we all spoke about her but the week before she passed away I was in her office for an assistance and how welcoming she is every time you go for something every time go she come up from there her uh seat and hug laugh that was a personality she was carrying and when I got the news I could not believe that I I saw her met like four or five days before she passed away so she'll be she'll be missed again we pray to God for uh you know for Eternal peace and uh again the family of Janine is is in our prayer as well with that being said my vot is yes thank you councilman Udin councilman valz so I believe I was in an event um Marissa Dava also was there and um we received a text of the passing of our friend Janine you know and when it came up the um the thing I remember is right away was the time and dedication and overtime that she gave during the pandemic down there at that office so she dedicated 27 years of service dedicated all this time to the service of patteron and the residents and at the same time she went through her tribulation of Health quietly so um rest in peace my condolence to the family and publicly I want to say um sorry I missed her funeral arrangement I was not around but my heart and my prayer was the whole entire family and the family of the tax office that she works for many many years so my vot is yes thank you councilman valet Mr President thank you madam clerk on item number 50 I defin I you know Janise may you rest in peace and may you being Heaven resting in peace and to the family definitely I would like to express my deepest condolences to the family and yes thank you I want to say thank you to the family for sharing her with us with the city of pison for having you know so her with us for 27 years of her life serving this great community so with that means say my vote is yes but CL thank you Mr President the votes are seven yes is two absences item number 50 is hereby adopted item 43 cler on non conent agenda item number 43 is a resolution honoring mner chalas for 40 years of service to patteron free public library in the city of patteron is sponsored by councilman Lis valz and co-sponsored by all remaining council members City Council resolution 24 call on one second so move move by Council second by Council DAV roll cler second byoun second by councilwoman C thank you council president thank you CL on it 4 call on item number 43 councilwoman cartton 40 years I know I said that's yeah I just want to say um Council M Le you're honoring um um one of the ladies that's um worked for the city of Pon public library for 40 years um she's she's retiring Council Bless we just honoring her oh she's still working yeah wow and she's still and we honor her wow she's still there I want to make sure I go by there tomorrow to see her too that's a wonderful to be we and still working for 40 years congratulations um Mna for 40 years of giving us service and continue to give us some more years of service congratulations with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin Miss Mera chalice you have to be somebody very special to work for 40 years and continue to work okay that says a lot about you that says a lot about tion to our city uh and I will say to our children because if you all of your 40 years have been in the pison public library okay that means you have seen so many children have children and grandchildren uh so um congratulations on your 40 years of service and I look forward to actually meeting you in person I may exactly councilwoman cotton and I will be going to visit you bring you some flowers uh but and Council women men's uh so um how beautiful that for women's history month we are able to vote on this resolution so thank you you know um councilman VES um you know for putting this forth my vote is yes congratulations thank you councilwoman daver councilwoman Mims to miss chalice thank you for your humble spirit and uh your genuine ability to make everyone whether it was was whether it was children or adults you made them feel welcome when they came in to the patteron uh public library and we truly appreciate you for that with that being stated Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman urin uh thank you michas for your services and is still working uh we salute you for your work again this is women s Mon and this is perfect fitting honor for uh Michal thank you councilor councilman Council vice president for being putting this together my vote is yes thank you councilman Odin councilman valz so there have been two females that have been working in the public library in patteron for 40 years too uh I don't know where the other one is at but I know I sent to uh but we will look for it um this is one um but just keep in mind this is the second home of a lot of one of our kids right second home I imagine the salary 40 years ago wow right I know you had to love a library to be there I remember that uh the time encyclopedia you remember that councilman uh mandes I used to sell encyclopedia and and to be able to sell a book you have to be a good seller but to read the books and sit there now you have a lot of computers and all that but now nowadays you know hope this will send a message 40 years of service 40 Years of dedication thank you director Fleming to recognizing this employees and uh making sure that the employees of the library are well noticed um the administration is always looking forward that that library is well funded so moving forward uh my vote is yes thank you congratulations shalas for your 40 years of service and dedication to our youth especially that room downstairs the youth room you know uh I could say this was the second home of our lot of our kids uh my vote is yes thank you councilman V Mr President thank thank you Madame clerk M Nala congratulation on your 40 years of service in the great city thank you and to your family also thank you as well because I know you spend most of your time out work Sing our children serving the community and we have to celebrate and acknowledge that so and that's what we're doing now honoring with you with this resolution with that being said my vote is yes mam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven um six yeses three absences item number 43 is hereby adopted item 46 B clerk item 46 Just moment 46 be after 45 I don't have it resolution authorized approach okay item number 46 is a resolution authorizing purging of erroneous assessment on block 8412 lot one owned by Academy of greatness and Excellence so move no no let her finish oh sorry she finished Finance oh Finance sorry so it's um resolution 24170 I'm sorry 42 you didn't read finish read I didn't finish so it's a resolution um for purging assessment of block 841 L1 owned by Academy of greatness and Excellence is a finance resolution 24 call 1 170 second move by Council mavila second by councilman and councilman roll call Madam clerk on item number 46 roll call on item number 46 councilwoman [Music] cotton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my is Yes Man cler so the votes are six yeses three absences item number 46 is hereby adopted thank you item 47 man clerk yes Mr give me a minute item number 47 is a resolution authorizing the use of competitive Contracting process to solicit proposals for Property Appraisal Services RFP number 2024-25 for the tax assesses Office of the Department of Finance so move second move by can she finish reading the it Finance resolution 24 171 by counc D second by counc counc councilwoman mes roll call Madam clerk roll call and item number 47 for approval councilwoman coton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilwoman yes councilman Udin my V yes Madam CL councilman Valance just let the record reflect that the document do not have a resolution number on the top but it has in the agenda that's why I was going by here so my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are 6 yeses three absences item number 47 is hereby adopted thank you m cler item 51 yes item number 51 are they related no we had a resolution recognizing Carmen chalas for 20 years of extraordinary service which to the patteron public school system it's sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and co-sponsored by all remaining members of the municipal Council city council resolution 24 callon some move by councilwoman Dr Lisa Ms and second by councilwoman of large Mara Davila and Council mother four Ruby C and councilman bz and councilman UD roll call cler on item 51 roll call in item number 51 carton thank you madam clerk I want to say the councilwoman is she still working she's there but but she's um had 20 years of service I want to say thank you um for 20 years of service in our past and public school system I always say that um our teachers or administrators in the system I tell our our parents school is not just the principal and the vice principal and the teachers school is everyone the janitor the cafeteria worker the crossing guard that's what makes up schools so with that being said congratul ation Carman on your 20 years of service to the passor public school system Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava Miss Carmen chalice I'm not sure if you are related in any way to Mna chalice that has given the library 40 years we thank you for your service of 20 years that means you are also a very important and special individual thank you for serving uh our Patterson Public Schools our children um I have to always say if I'm not mistaken you an administrative assistant at the secretary Administrative Assistant same word same function but I want what I want to say is that uh Administrative Assistant secretaries clerks you are the backbones to the office that's right all right and so with that said councilwoman Mims thank you for bringing this to us uh and you know for honoring her 20 years of service uh to the Patterson public schools and we hope that you know you continue uh working for our great City our third largest District in the the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey so with that said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Davin councilwoman Ms um and so I know she's sleeping because we have to be at work in a few hours so I'll make sure she gets to watch uh our meeting on tonight I want to say to Cara thank you for all that you do um in our P Patterson Public Schools you've been um at school 21 for a very very very long time everyone knows exactly who you are and you're very warm genuine spirit and demeanor is a calm it brings calmness and peace to our building thank you so much for all that you do we're going to miss you when you retire but I know that you'll be doing greater greater Works than you're doing now thank thank you for all that you do I stand in total support of you and I'm asking uh to uh Miss Sophia can this be taken to be matted and pink on tomorrow and I'll pick it up on Thursday my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin so uh first of all thank you uh Miss shalas for your service as a Patterson public school teacher I know how much his secretary does and comparing to their uh job job they get paid very less and because of their dedication for our children and for our community they hold this job for many many years and it means a lot and I I salute I I of course kudos to your services and thank you um Dr lilis samim for putting it together and I'd love to support this my vote is yes thank you councilman Udin councilman Valance Council councilman Udin um Council Ms you know um it is it's good to have a a eye of a eagle to recognize all this individual that had work with our children I I recall when school 21 had the trailer in the back and she fought for uh have a new addition to the building and remember that trailer wow a lot of heat problem there but um she fought for that and not only she was the secretary she was the mentor of a lot of parents too how to navigate to the system how to navigate to the school be translator uh help and understand the system so that and and the superintendent of old school should know that secretary go on and Beyond sometimes uh um when they are in the school and that's a good thing to have that team work in the school so um I'm I'm happy that she getting honor uh today is the night of chalas so um that's a good thing my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame cler Miss Carmen Chala thank you for your 20 years of service in patteron public school we appreciate what you have done in the last 20 years for our children may God continue blessing you with long life and health that way you could continue working for 20 more years for for our children and being advocating and being a mentor also for our parent and the community because we're a family in the city of patteron and you part of this family my what is yes M cler thank you Mr Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 51 is hereby adopted council member so we have 13 item on second reading I think we've been discussing those item we could jump right on it item number two on second reading item number two is an ordinance amending patteron code chapter 5 Section 52 purchaseing division purchasing agent as head General duties to delegate authority to award window contracts to City qualified purchasing agent qpa is a finance ordinance number 24-9 so moved move by Council M second by councilman Udin roll call M clerk on I don't public hearing is now open for item number two members of the public to which you speak on this item see move to see not move to close by councilwoman Ms second by Council M roll call to close a public hearing on it on item number two roll call to close a public hearing on item number two councilwoman cotton yes Council councilwoman Ms yes councilman urin yes madame Clark councilman valz yes mad cler Mr President my votage yes mad cler thank you Mr President so the votes are five yeses four absences we got four absence like this is horrible four absences public hearing and item number two is hereby closed roll call on item number two roll call on item number two for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ yes Mr President my vot is yes mad clerk yes thank you Mr President so the votes are five yeses four absences item number two is here by adopted just wait just wait just wait um M clerk so we have we have to wait let's wait 2 minutes um just two minutes until okay one of the council member use the restroom so since we have no quotum we have four member of the council that left and it's uh it's 1:11 a.m. so we on the way to finish agenda on second reading the item that we have a second reading hopefully we're going to finish soon in the next 30 minute that way we could be home maybe by 1:40 or 2:00 in the morning Pichardo it's a great police officer so we have to acknowledge picardo is in the room I love to see picardo in this Council chamber he know he knows everybody in this Council chamber everyone knows the city P knows everybody here he add any situation respectfully in this Council it's true you know so I love it so so let's go back Madame clerk item number number three on on second reading item number three is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance designating Jefferson Street between north3 Street and burans Avenue as a oneway Street North westbound so move Public Works ordinance 24010 so move so move move by Council m and Council UD may I have a second please it was mve by both and second by councilwoman M you not second that okay Council would you like to second item number two number three it's a public work CC president do it do it yourself make him second second all right it was moved by councilman Udin and councilman second by council president Mendes roll call on item number three roll call on item number three for approval now let's have public hearing sorry roll call for the public hearing Council woman carton see now move to CL see now move to close public hearing public hearing and item number three yeah public hearing is now open members of the public to wish to speak on item number three one move to close C move to close by council member Les second by Council Ms R roll call to close a public portion we have to do call to come the public hearing and item number three public hearing woman C what council councilwoman mes yes councilman Udin before I before I vote question is can we not vote for all the public noing for all of them no my my vote is yes thank you councilman urin councilman valet if it was like that throw smokes and no one my vote is yes Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and item number three is hereby closed thank you m clerk roll call on item number three roll call on item number three for approval councilwoman cartton councilwoman mes yes councilman oudin Council Udin thank you councilman valz oh yes okay Mr President my vot is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number three is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk item number four item number four is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance designated Clinton Street between North thir Street and burans Avenue as a oneway Street Northwest bound Public Works ordinance 24- 011 move move by council member Le second by Council M first no you wasn't the first she Madame CL didn't finish the reading as move by counc last second by coun me roll call members of the public to wish to speak on the public portion on this item close see no move to close by Cil second by councilman roll call clerk to close the public portion on item number four on item number four councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman mimes yes councilman Udin my vot is yes yes Council councilman VES Mr President my B is yes M clerk so the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and item number four is hereby closed roll call on item number four mad clerk roll call on item number four for approval councilwoman cotton yes Council woman Mims yes councilman Udin yes Council man valz yes Mr President my vote is yes Madam clerk votes are five yeses four absences item number four is hereby adopted item number five mad clerk item number five is also a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's ordinance designating North Third Street between Halen Avenue and Temple Street as a oneway street westbound Public Works ordinance 24-12 so move move by councilman BL a second by councilman Udin um uh members of the public that wish should speak on item number five um public hear is now open see move to by Council M second by councilman Andes roll call Mad clerk to close public hearing on item number five roll call to close a public hearing and item number five councilwoman cartton yes Council woman councilwoman mes yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes mad clerk the Mr President my vot is yes mad clerk so the votes are five yes is four absences public hearing and item number four is hereby close call CL on item number five ju just before that I'm just questioning why the camera is focused on the clerk it's not focused on the council members um because probably we back and forth here uh it doesn't matter it has Rafael that's Good's no you're just focus on me don't to wor [Laughter] about on item number five roll call on item number five for approval councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman oudin yes councilman valz here Mr President my vot is yes M so the votes are five yeses four absences item number five is hereby adopted item number six M clerk item number six is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required is an ordinance designating Circle Avenue between Temple Street and north3 Street as a oneway Street North eastbound Public Works ordinance 24-0 move move by council member Les and councilman Udin and second by council president Mendes roll call M clerk roll call and item number um members of the public yes we had to do public hearing yes members of the public to wish to speak on this item public hearing is now open no one in present see no move to close by council member last second by Council mine roll call M clerk on to close a public hearing on item number six roll call to close public hearing on item number six councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes M clerk Mr President five V is yes so the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and item number six is hereby closed uh roll call on item number six mad clerk roll call on item number six for approval councilwoman cotton councilwoman memes I'm just watching the camera I'm sorry you know I mean could just say as a full view or something people are texting me and I'm they're saying where are the council members cuz they can't see us so that's why I keep stating it that it's not on full view my my vote is yes thank you Dr M cman my vot is yes Madam Kirk councilman valz yes Madam Kirk Mr President my vot is yes M clerk so the votes are five yeses four absences item number six is hereby adopted uh thank you m clerk item number seven on second reading item number seven is second reading or ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance designating welcome Street between Garfield Avenue and North thir Street as a oneway Street northbound Public Works ordinance 24- 014 so move welcome move by councilman second second by council members of the public to which to speak on item number seven you're welcome public hearing is now open see no move to close move to to close by councilman Udin second by councilman bz roll call to close a public hearing on item number seven roll call to close a public hearing and item number seven councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Mims the reason why the public is not saying anything because they they home in their bed sleeping at 1:30 in the morning my vote is yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz welcome oh the street is welcome um yes Mr President my vote is yes M clerk so the votes are five yeses for absences public hearing on item number seven is hereby closed um roll call on item number seven M CL roll call on item number seven for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Mims so before I vote cuz we've made some I mean based on the last item that was approved and then all of these items that are being approved in the First Ward uh there needs to be some level of communication Madame ba that goes out to the first W residents there's going to be some major changes and anytime you have changes to this magnitude number one I made the request for the traffic studies to be attached which I still don't see here but it's a it draws a concern for me as it relates to our children getting out of school and a lot of the speeding that's going on in the community so let's put some communication out to the First Ward this will take place 20 days after our vote on tonight and I just don't want any issues with you or anyone getting injured because these streets are reconfigured and no one knew and they're just flying through uh all these streets cuz there there are a lot of streets that are being approved in the First Ward on tonight my vote is yes or this morning my vot is yes mam clerk thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin this is yes Madam clerk councilman valz I will is yes Mr President my vot is yes M cler the votes are five yeses four absences item number seven is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item number eight on second reading item number eight on second reading is a um an ordinance public hearing is required it's designating Arch Street between North First Street and Garfield Avenue as a oneway Street northbound Public Works ordinance 24- 015 move move by councilman bz and second by councilman Udin roll call M cler members of the public to wish to speak on item number eight public hearing is now open close at all of them nobody's here if I could just council president if I could just use that moment um to address the councilwoman Mims I I did um speak with the DP PW director um and I brought it up in our cabinet meeting and spoke with um the mayor's office and about the communication surrounding this um I just want to caution us I I asked the DPW director um to ask the team to put together a plan for the timing because yes while we know it takes into effect 20 days after um they might be working on other things that they're in the process of implementing so it might be a little bit longer than that so I just want to make sure the public knows this might not be an immediate change um but we will have more information and then we will that will be part of the communications plan so thank you thank you Madame VA and also let's utilize our public Chanel because as my Council colleag Council M mentioned those are major changes that the councilman of the first world should be involved also in educating the community uh you know so it's a collective effort from the council member that represent the war and the administration you know we're educating our own you know counc president Madam clerk pres m council president go ahead um so one of the things when this came forward it would came forward by the study and walk through with the councilman and the traffic engineering and the people at DBW right so when they came to committee back in December okay one of the things that we requested was traffic study you know look into it but at the same time in committee I advise uh the deut director and Mrs B studo to hold on into school section is over uh that will alleviate traffic that will alleviate um communication you know that will alleviate uh the concern and that school is out there less traffic out there plus is good to put a a utilize Channel 77 and and channel 32 or whatever it is to make a post out there that when it's going to take effect because all the street and still we haven't ordered the signes we haven't still ordered the paint we still have ordered all that so it's going to take time and probably starting school year you going to see complete next year 2024 actually September um okay uh roll call M cler could take roll call for the public hearing on item number eight Council woman C yes councilwoman mes yes councilman urin so before I vote uh Madame Clark I have to just um address this that uh before this street to be uh you know turning to one way there's another Street I think few years ago was uh from 2way to uh turn to one way which is carbon street but the street sign still says both Way Shop sign it looks like if you just do not notice at this top sign it looks like that is two-way street so once you UT turn carbon street Carbon Street on the first W so we suround that same neighborhood where we are talking about I'm sorry councilman can you spell that for me carbon c a r b on Carbon Street this is also in first word yes this by Warn and uh and I think Jefferson Street that's that's particular uh area so when they remove those uh stop signs or turn the other way make sure they remove the uh writings on the from the pavment too this is important because otherwise going to be confusion be still there my vote is yes yeah Point well taken thank you councilman Udin councilman Val thank you for being patrolling out there that uh my vote is yes I know thank you councilman Val Mr President uh my vote is yes mad clerk thank you Mr President the votes are five yes is four absences public hearing is now closed roll call Mad cler on item number eight roll call on item number eight for approval councilwoman cotton councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin my V is yes mam CL yes cman valz oh yes M cler Mr President my vot is yes M clerk the votes are five yeses four absences item number eight is hereby adopted item number nine madam cler item number nine is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance establishing stop control at the intersection of North Third and Temple Street Public Works ordinance 24016 so mov M by Council Ms second by councilwoman Kon um members of the public to wish to speak on item number nine public hearing is now open see no move to close all right move to close by council president Mendes second by Council M roll call Mad clerk to close public hearing on item number nine roll call to close public hearing and item number nine councilwoman cotton councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz we did it at the same time okay yeah Mr President my vot is yes M Clerk thank you the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and item number nine is hereby closed thank you uh roll call Mad clerk on item number nine roll call on item number nine for approval councilwoman cotton councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman Valen yes Mr President my vote is yes thank you Mr President votes are five yeses four absences item number nine is hereby adopted item number 10 item Council yeah I just want to um make a note to uh Madam cler uh Madam Madam ba I mean but Madam clerk um there was a stop sign um probably about four or five months ago gowin Avenue and Auburn Street uh it hasn't been put up yet so I know it's at least four or five months gwin Avenue and Auburn Street and needs to stop sign we voted on it it was passed but it was never put up thank you thank you Council um go ahead M clerk yes so um next item is item number 10 it's a second reading ordinance public hearing is required sure um it's a let's let's take two let's take two minute break Council M needs to go to the restroom all right thank you you I'm sorry okay all right can you do a can you do a break up yes members of the public so we we we only have five council members so when one of the council member need to go out to the restroom or to drink water whatever the case might be we have to take a minute break so we'll take two minute break so we stay still on Ruby let's go downstair have a no council member we only have two minut minutes break so we have only a few more item we only have three more item council members three more item to to finish the agenda stop it the rest yeah so Cil member so council member okay now so so it's uh it's uh we're human we've been here since 7 o'clock and it's and it's already um it's already 1 1:30 in the morning so let's let's stay on so in a minute so it's only two minute break so we you can leave it on so you know what let me take this quick moment to invite uh uh the community on Friday uh so so that just yeah so this this there's going to be a special event on Friday but so we're going to be honoring International women's um month it's going to be on it's going to happen on Friday here at the council chairman at 6 pm. we're going to have a third war a group of powerful women from the third war that will be recognized here in the council chamber one of our beautiful Council woman is councilwoman Dr Lisa Ms who's going to be Honor on this Friday yeah here in City and at the council chamber at 6: p.m. from the third war one of the powerful women that we have in the third war so C looking forward to invite to see the community here uh in this beautiful beautiful event we have to continue acknowledging the great contribution of our powerful women in the city of P council president I also I want to announce that tomorrow we celebrating women here in the city of patteron and the chambers on the third floor we're going to be um giving some lunch to all the women of the city employees I have um yes all the women are invited um and it had to be City employee huh oh you don't read your emails no it was an email blast no matter what I you could come tomorrow at 12 noon you invited and also because can they come yes council member could come and join with me and serve our employees this is uh a that would be nice listen I put it together but when it comes to us it's we very ni yes yeah you could come and um please come at 12:00 noon I know that Madame ba authorized that all those women are going to come out even buses F us council president could I also make an announcement yes yes M B please I I would like to um remind council members I I know the mayor's office send something out um but and council members and members of our community to join us for for the Irish flag raising on Friday in honor of St Patrick's Day um and we'll also the mayor will be um presenting the Hibernian of the Year award to Thomas Kelly of the pay County Central labor Council um so please come join my daughter sersa and her dance school the mlin School of Dance will'll be dancing again in celebration of our Irish heritage um and we invite everybody to uh come celebrate with us thank you and he coun and since we're making announcement next Friday on the 22nd I will be honoring uh 24 women for my women who Rock award here in the great city of Patterson there's a great uh diversity of women that will be honored uh the ceremony is at 6:00 where um here in the chambers of City Hall so can't wait to rock out with you we have some great surprises and things in store um and I'll announce just go to my Facebook page all the um people that being all the people that you're cutting me off I'm sorry can you honoring me Friday and then you cut me off tonight no no I'm just um all the people that are being honored will be on my page so please Patterson take a look at them and congratulations to all the honores thank you counil member we have councilwoman from the four War Ruby back on the chamber so we could we could continue with the agenda about cler with item number 11 11 um we so we close the public hearing on item number 10 so let's take formal action on item number 10 item number 10 public hearing I'm sorry item number 10 is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance establishing stop control at the intersection of North Third and Clinton Street Public Works ordinance 24 d017 move move by councilman uh um Udin second by Council Val roll call M cler on item number 10 roll call on item number 10 for public hearing there's no one for the public hearing so councilwoman carton yes councilman um C woman mes this is public to close the public hearing my vote is yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my V is yes MH roll call for on item number 10 for approv item number 10 for approval Madame clerk councilwoman coton yes councelor woman Mims so in addition to the item that was approved uh I think a week and a half or two weeks ago go there are 10 items or 10 locations that will be impacted in the First Ward please Oprah or go on our City website to pull the agendas of this week and uh two weeks prior so that you can see all the streets and locations I know uh the ba and the administration is going to put something out so that you can see it but please take a look at all of these locations that will be changed tonight we're voting on nine of those items one was was previously approved major changes coming into the first Bo my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman urin my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman councilman valz yes M Clark thank you councilman blz Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are five SES four absences item number 10 is hereby adopted item number 11 mad clerk item number 11 is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance establishing stop control at the intersection of North Third and Jefferson Street Public Works ordinance 24- 018 move by move by Council second by councilman Udin and Council rubby uh members of the public um public hearing is now open for 11 see no one move to close see number one move to close by councilman and second by councilman MS uh roll call B clerk to close the public hearing roll call to close public hearing and item number 11 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz Mr President my vote is yes mad clerk the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and item number 11 is hereby closed thank you m clerk um roll call on item 11 roll call on item 11 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vote is yes mad clerk votes are five yeses four absences item number 11 is hereby adopted thank you item number 12 item number 12 is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required it's an ordinance repealing establishment of handicap parking spaces at various locations 178 Sharman Avenue 85 Patterson Avenue 52 Dayton Street 69 ctis Court 31 ryer Avenue 80 Alabama Avenue 576 East 24th Street 105 Ry Avenue 248 Governor Street 440 East 33rd Street um 33 Redwood Avenue 222 Carol Street 120 nicob Baka Avenue 22 patteron Avenue 412 East 33rd Street 346 suset Street 183 Cary Street 168 East 32nd Street 41 Riley Avenue 10:30 East 24th Street 598 River Street 812 East 22nd Street 4 5- 430 425-431 11th Avenue it's a public works ordinance 24- 019 may I have a motion please move second move by council member Les a second by Council m m members of the public to wish to speak on this item um public hear is now open see no move to close move move to close by council president Mendes second by Council M roll call to close public hearing on item number 12 roll call close public hearing on item number 12 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valet yes mad clerk Mr President my vote is yes mad clerk so the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and item number 12 is hereby closed um roll call Mad clerk on item number 12 roll call on item number 12 for approval councilwoman carton yes counc councilwoman mes yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes M clerk Mr President so before I vote members of the public we're repealing over 20 uh location if you see any person in the city of Pon that is not utilizing or handicap spot on the right way please report in this is a privilege that they you that they supposed to utilize it the right way parking is very limited in our community and we want to make sure that whoever has a handicap space in front of the house use it the right way with that being said my V is yes clerk thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number 12 is hereby adopted thank you last item Madam clerk on the second reading item number 13 item number 13 is a second reading ordinance public hearing is required is ordinance establishing handicap parking space spaces at various location on City Road one one 2 Way Avenue 67 Webster Avenue 15 East 15 Street 117 Manchester Avenue 175 Sheridan Avenue 15 East 28th Street 993 East 28th Street 72 Pearl Street 2701 17th Avenue 716 East 22nd Street 206 East 22nd Street 259 East 33rd Street 438 East 35th Street 310 Atlantic Street 355 Dakota Street 63 1st Street and 107-109 North 5th Street may I have a motion please move by Council woman Mims SEC uh Council woman C second by Council Mims and councilman uh members of the public though we should speak on item number 13 uh public hearing is now open see no move to close move close move to close by councilman B second by councilman Udin roll Comm clerk to close public hearing on item number 13 call to close public hearing and item number 13 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman oudin yes councilman valz which one is that item number 13 public hearing Public public yes I thought we could approve it already no sir that's the last one yes oh glory to God it's 144 council members I know your vote is yes Council yeah he did yeah Mr President my vot is yes B so the votes are five yeses four absences public hearing and item number 13 is hereby closed roll call man clerk on item number 13 roll call on item number 13 for approval councilwoman cotton councilwoman memes so before I vote I just want to make an announcement in regards to this Saturday Pate County uh NJ chapter of the links Incorporated we will be having a black Family Wellness expo at the center City Mall it is absolutely free from 11: to 2 we have different vendors uh like St Jose hospital that will be doing blood pressure screening pre-diabetes pharmacist prescription Health Resources the Board of Health will be there division of rack patteron public schools and family and Community engagement Children's Aid and Family Services um and Co testing will be available patteron community policing and so many others please come out uh this Saturday we have presentations on Sickle Cell loneliness the vulnerability of Joy um planing it safe line dancing will take place as well from 11: to 2 big shout out to the P County NJ chapter of the links also next Thursday will be our Pate County African-American women our our uh Gala at maloos the tickets are $110 please see myself or Council M cotton if interested in attending that will be at 7 o'clock um uh March the 21st March 2 next Thursday yes $110 councilman bz I oh I know buy a table councilman bz thank you for buying a table so I just want to say uh well yesterday my grandbaby is now 6 months old so I'm super excited she took some nice photos we posted it yeah yeah so I'm really excited they may come up this week and so I'm looking forward to that let's continue to pray for our youth the weather is nice so anytime the weather gets nice and I know some people get excited I get a little nervous because that's when the shootings start in our community so I'm praying for our city for all the situations going on and uh the uh all these guys on these mopeds and motorcycles without license plates and tags riding around in the community so Patterson just keep praying uh let's love on each other because we don't know when the last breath will take place Madam clerk with that being stated my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin my vote is yes madame clerk thank you councilman Udin councilman Valance uh this is for Clos the media no sir there a last item 13 oh yeah yeah close yeah I sorry yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my V is yes M clerk thank you Mr President and the votes are five yeses four absences item number 13 is hereby move to close is hereby approved second with this item we conclude our agenda at 1448 a.m. the motion to close move by Council M and second by councilman and counc can we do a general roll call roll call clerk to close this meeting roll call toour the municipal council meeting of Tuesday March 12th okay councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just have a couple announcements that I would like to make um I get many calls regarding um uh landlords and rentals um so I just want you to know with my commissioner Charlotte serson U they're having a rent leveling meeting March the 25th at 6:00 here in the council chambers I believe that's on a Monday the 25th um I know I can't even see right but anyhow if you have issues I need for you to come down here thank you to my commissioner Charlie Ser said I need you to come here to the rent leveling board meeting to uh express some of your concerns that you are having uh we have our administrator here so please March the 25 25th at 6:00 here in the council chambers also we will be having a community meeting at Second Baptist Church on March 20 with is next Wednesday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and the address is 72 uh C Street and that would be next Wednesday March the 20th uh at Second Baptist Church we will be having a community meeting there also I just want to say to um uh ba and this is is uh uh a uh a request we have to do something and and I'm hoping that sometimes our police department needs to be here because with some of the stuff that we got going on um we really got to take counil valet we really got to take a look at speed bumps we got to take a look at I want to say that um we've been having children getting hit by The Cars they're flying what no and and and and something needs to have to slow these cars down I don't know what we can do but something has to slow everywhere you ride they're blocking the intersection I don't understand why we can't put something out called block the Box why you know have somebody standing there if they're blocking the box then we can they they pulled over somewhere and they going to get a ticket because now you cause dreadlock so badly that the other the other entr cannot get there so those are those are one of things I think that we need to take a look Madam ba madam M clerk requesting um to definitely look more into even if we do the bubbles I call them bubbles which it's like ripples you don't have to put a big hump cuz sometimes ripples to me slow you down it'll it'll like slow you down because you hear something bubbling or you hear something rolling so we need to take a good look at that also for um um and I'm I'm I'm telling you um Council I mean of the constituents out there thank you tonight for watching uh and there's different things going on as you can clearly see you see who's still here um I'm tired I know we all are and but I need for you to make sure also um I just want to say that my campaign headquarters is open uh I will be there I'm normally there I would say um after after 4:00 in the afternoon if you would like to stop by and and chat with me uh we can have a chew in chat if you want to ask me some questions I'm in my campaign headquarters at the four with that being said there's so much um Madam ba that um especially with the traffic and my next question Madam be Madam clerk when when did they start it writing the summons for The Dumping have they started writing the summons yet for The Dumping dumping dumping dumping no I mean like no no people are not even like going to no lot no more they're going to people corner by their houses and just dumping on Corners I have a a house I have a few houses 7,000 um from out of town U Mill Street I got a call today about Mill Street and Allison Street just people just putting garbage in their cars look like it just dumping it somewhere without like um doing it anything so we have to take my question is have we started setting warnings or um tickets to owners homeowners about um not keeping their lot clean and not keeping what they need to do and my last thing I want to say um to David Gilmore I appreciate for what you did um you went to a house that what of your inspector said it was okay and you saw that it wasn't okay uh but I want to thank you David Gilmore for looking into that situation for me um that address that I give you I'm not going to say the address on television but I thank you for looking into that thank you but I want to say good night to everyone God bless you all Madam clerk Jo Sophia our court reporter I can't think name Madam ba and oh you know of course Eddie pado and my good guy over here he loves coming with us council members council members huh I love council members have a good night I thank you five of us for staying yes and finishing up so but something happened for kelman Jackson I see that that's why he really need to go but for councilman Jackson over there in the first W that being said everyone have a blessed night have a blessed week stay safe Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Ms it is now 1:55 in the morning do we know where our children are I know where my bed is and I'm about to go to it thank you to arlinda for taking uh copious notes on everything that goes on in the meetings to our Madame clerk our secretary to our officers he he's always here because a lot of people don't want to come in here with the stuff that goes on and then we have officer patard congratulations he's a newlywed Madame ba Corporation councel to our council members to um all the women happy International women's day I know he's showing it now uh and to Raphael thank you so much Raphael as well but to the community at large please continue to stay safe stay healthy and love why you have the opportunity thank you madam clerk my vote is yes have a good night thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin uh thank you madam clerk before I leave I just want uh my council members an announcement that we are going to celebrate Bangladeshi Heritage week on the 29th here in the chamber at 5 p.m. uh tomorrow I'll send an uh of course a letter to uh send an email as a reminder if you want to uh honor anybody please submit the names uh by Monday um to the corporation councelor Madam Clark I'm going to see I'm going to send you an uh reminder email tomorrow morning I mean today morning if you would like to honor anybody from banglades Community uh please submit the um the mini to uh The Corporation Council or Madame Clark by Monday we are going to have the celebration on the 29th of this month uh here in the chamber you're going to get the details by email uh with that being said um uh thank you everyone and Malinda I told Les just to make your life easier nobody understands you but I do thank you so much for everything you do those who are watching us uh thank you have a wonderful night my vot is yes thank you councilman Udin councilman valz so to the restent of the fifth World um if you see that um the uh rock wall at the um Roberto Clemente Park was knocked down is not by mistake we invested $250 ,000 um from from the city uh to install a new fence on the front of the Roberto Clemente Park uh rad Street and entrance and exx entrance and Oak Street entrance the only one that's going to be open for exit is is Oak Street because the student used to step to go to school 15 and it's going to be a gate foring the day they could go back and forth but the park uh has going to have a a new face um and um and it's going to be more safe as we speak so um Roberto CL Park is getting that renovation um in the fence installing the Fest M ba um there some area I know that we SE posted out there of personnel who posting a position hopefully we could uh fully staff the city council office my secretary still in maternity leave hopefully get full staff way before uh Mrs um um John retired but still she's coming we still have on the staff on the city council office we still on the staff on the clerk office um uh a real important one madame clerk uh Madame ba the construction official office a consultion um for about please please tell yes I I know I saw the posting I saw the posting Madame clerk Madame ba I saw the posting but we need to exp it them as soon as they get hire interview whatever um we need it because when we come to when we come to conclusion um there's a lot of permits behind and um and whoever's we don't want people doing illegal stuff just waiting for a permit and um so we need to fully staff that office and uh once in a while look into the environment uh of of that office here um Madame ba we approve speed bumps ordinance in the city of Patterson is the ordinance and uh if a councilman request speed humps in or speed bumps in the street uh please try to uh uh satisfy that request and try to locate the funding for it thank you Madame ba I also spoke to Legal no no no I also spoke to Legal regarding my no because I got constituent ask me and they don't hear me talking about it so they going to think I'm not having the communication with Administration so City white parking permit ordinance was draft City parking uh City white parking ordinance was draft and it was sitting in the Alfred Alfred um desk so I requested to bring it to the committee again to uh get it approved that will alleviate a lot of cars uh parking that are not registered in the city of Patterson saying that Madam Madame clerk is going to explain something that councilman Mendes requested regarding the um the propaganda a political propaganda there's a policy in the city but she will explain it uh uh quite good about leaving propaganda for political ad or whatever in the city build building so that you know it's not something that we are creating that's have been a policy in the city hall that nobody should have uh propaganda political propaganda any floor of the city of patteron so uh saying that Madame ba thank you Melinda I know you enjoying your retirement but we giving you over time here um Rafa thank you for focing us today Madame clerk thank you Sophia keep a great job um council member I love you all good night thank you my V is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame clerk finally we we finish this agenda uh 2:00 in the morning exactly council member councilwoman C councilwoman Mims council member Ding and council member Les thank you for uh stay here uh and have and be able to be able to have quarter to finish this agenda to all my third world resident I want to say thank you one more time for the great support that I that I that I receive every time up I'm up there we continue working I'm continue reporting all those P that need to be fixed in the third war there is a list of roow that need to be repay and P I already got that Administration got that list and we working on that also um you know the speeding in our community let's be mindful we have children senior in our community please slow down let's stop speeding in our community also um continue educating our community my third world resident about the bullpit pick up the um the the the way that they have to the way that they have to do it and also reporting those people that are throwing garbage in our community like dumping garbage in the city of pison we have people that are coming from out of town just to dump garbage in our community I'm I'm stay on top of all those issues that are affecting the quality of life in in our third war but if you have any question you want to reach out to me please call me on my cell phone 973 9301 436 we're looking forward to continue serving the community I'm your councilman and I'm your candidate on the ballot for this May 14 election and let's stay healthy we have the amista park with exercise machine please go to amista park do some walk around the park and use machine let's stay healthy to take care of our family and take care of our community with that being said God bless you patteron and my vote is yes M clerk yes thank you um Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences the meeting of March 12th 2024 is hereby