thank you we ready Rafael good evening everyone good evening Pon on behalf of the patteron municipal Council I welcome you to a regular meeting of May 28 2004 the meeting is now called to order Madame clerk please call the roll yes Mr President roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday May 28th 2024 the time is is now 7:06 p.m. councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cartton here councilwoman Dava pres councilman Jackson councilman KH here Madame clerk councilwoman Ms I am here and ready to serve thank you councilman Udin councilman VZ we here yes we here Mr president president mad clerk thank you M Mr President this evening's prayer has been rendered by Reverend Beverly peon of Second Baptist Church which is followed by the flag salute led by The Honorable councilman Michael Jackson councilman for the first word councilman they just ask me to do so M clerk if councilman Jackson is not present at the time Council M will do um the FL h okay no problem either either one of my colleague will do it we'll all do it together we all do it let us pray amen Heavenly Father we're so grateful that you have allowed another opportunity for us to come before your presence we're especially grateful for the reason why we're gathered here to look out for the welfare of your creation God we thank you first for blessing all those present leading our government in jesus' name we thank you God for how you've made a way so graciously for them to attain their roles and and stay in place God that they might accomplish what you will for the city of Patterson we thank you Lord God and we pray that you will continue to lead them guide their hearts and guide their minds toward the betterment for your creation a better Patterson God that we may prove to be your Faithful Servants in the name of Jesus we thank you Lord for all those that are gathered here today we ask oh holy spirit that you would guide our tongues guide our hearts and guide our minds and make us to realize that there is power as we're gathered here today if we would but work together to accomplish your will for the city of Patterson we thank you Lord God for choosing us for such a time as this for using us that you might be glorified in this place we thank you for all these blessings in Jesus name we pray amen amen colleag let's turn around all of us and do the flag salute Ali to the flag of the United stes of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please stay stand let's do a moment of silence now for those are lost a loved one in our community and also for our troop a moment of silence please thank you you may be seated M clerk please read the statement of compliance yes Mr President statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2023 2024 today's meeting date is May 28 2024 the time is now 7:08 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2023 2024 honorable July 1 2023 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly transmitted onor about July 1 2023 to the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County puls Dominicana news Lisa International Lis special the pison press the city post news tap into paron the weekly Bangla Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was prominently posted in the Lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and pay the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you m Clerk members of the public we have 28 item on this agenda today let's start with payment of bills councilwoman Davila thank you very much council president uh to my colleagues um summary of dispersements um you have the payment of bills in front of you uh they were also emailed uh remember this week was a payroll week so that total the 5,1 121,122 37 uh in addition there were um computer checks of a total of 1,115 34258 the total um for the payment of bills are 6,237 69.95 the majority of this payment was payroll uh and in addition there was um a Community Development uh payment um which total close to 600,000 in addition to other Grant funds being paid uh my recommendation is for payment of Bills second it was moved by Council mavila and second by Council mes roll call M clerk on payment of Bill yes Mr President roll call and payment of bills in the amount of 6,237 16995 councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman valz yes Mr President my V is yes M clerk so the votes are six yeses three absences payment of bills in the amount of 6,237 169 95 cents is hereby adopted thank you Madame clerk let's do the consent agenda which is item number 3 through 18 Madame clerk yes Mr President council president um there's an item you need to remove um yes um sorry Council amendments no you were saying one of the items have to be removed uh that's um 13 so so so um council member there's a so let's remove out of item 13 out of the agenda let's read the item as acept for item cler 15 item 13 because of the monitor Wells it's for the well monitoring item number 13 is a resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for Park improvements at ver am Community Park bid number 24.2 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works is Public Works resolution 24 colon 335 so move second so move second uh discussion Council m m no I moved it oh you move it okay I don't move it was moved by Count Council M and second by Council M also me council president roll call roll call on item number 13 for adoption cons woman cotton sorry council president what we took it off consent and put it on regular yes so so we we we got to take this item off just to treat it as a separate item I know what it is okay this is solution a bid foral this um solution a bid forun um to go out for bit um my vote is yes that's thank you councilwoman CT councilwoman daver yes thank you councilman khik yes councilwoman Ms um I I don't I just wanted to be clear I want anyone to say that I had an issue with that item uh council president wanted that item to be voted on separately which I think is something that should be highlighted which I think is a great idea when you're voting on the conscent agenda it comes in a package so you don't get to really hear the items that are in the package so I think voting on The ver Ames Park separately would begin to highlight the great work that's about to happen there um we'll vote on that later Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman urin my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman valz M Madam clerk I'm little confused are we approving the resolution now or we come back we're approving item number 13 yeah that's what I'm saying C woman men's We approving it now no we're appr no we're approving the consent agenda and we're going to vote on item 13 later we voting 13 now so we have to pull item 13 that's what he said so we voting on item 13 Madam clerk right that's yes yes just the solicitation of council members oh madame clerk I just want to give the opportunity to my colleague Dr Mims because she said she got a highlight later on so now we approving it so she should highlight whatever she want to say now before moving forward you was going to say something council members no we voting on the on the it no item number 13 council president yes just a okay thank you council member so item number 13 so we not what we doing we approving the solicitation for to go out for a bit so we're not approving the actual project so we have to wait until the Bigg specification come back and then we'll be able to decide from there okay thank you now I can I vote Yes sir so before I I made my vote I know DPW had a a a deep discussion in the workshop regarding this hopefully the uh scope of work are all set up and the bid come back faval to make this project successful one also at verra a park so my word is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank thank you m cler thank you um I think that there's important that that the conversation take place also with the community during this process during this transaction with our former councilwoman M ver M about this project we're not approving anything we're just going out for a bit um that's what we're doing right now so with that being said my vote is Yes Man CL thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 13 is hereby adopted council president uh councilwoman M so for this item I I just want to make sure because I don't I don't want anyone leaving this meeting or communicating something that is not accurate so I'm not sure if all the specs or exactly what uh councilwoman Ames had requested I know there was some heavy dialogue with the administration so can we ensure that there is that conversation that goes on right now we're doing the solicitation of bids I'm not sure if those specs that are outlined match what she has requested in her meetings with the administration and I think that's why there was some level of concern yes so please we we voted on this it's approved but can we just make sure as the administration there is a followup with her to ensure that whatever those things were that they're part of this spec requirement thank you council president thank you Council M Madam ba and that that's the concern and this is the beginning of this process I don't think that we we don't need to delay the process but there's time for the administration and ver AMS and the committee also to sit down and organize a good dialogue to make sure that what we do on that Park reflect the need of the community on that section that's the most important topic right now that both enti sit down the city and the vers committee to make sure that we you know put that what the community really wants to okay yes and and council president this has gone through um a really robust public communication process including some public forums where there's been feedback this we intentionally didn't just do this peace meal we hired a planner who would who met with Council women names who met with members of that Ward who took a lot of that feedback okay and then we put it together in a bid with generally a kind of some guidelines about the money that we have because we know in the perfect world we would have lots of things in there that we can't necessarily afford but this is something that we can afford based on dollars that we've been able to raise and and allocate for these projects so we're looking forward to going out to bid and then being able to drill down into the details do we have enough money to cover the different options that are included in the bid specs okay thank thank you council president I just wanted that Clarity on the record I'm sure if she's not watching someone will let her know so that she will understand because I don't want anyone telling her that I removed or I didn't do anything I'm just voting yes thank you that is correct and that way we don't delay the process thank you council president uh Council council president so Council yeah council president are you going to vote now on the consent agenda correct so there was an item at seting council president in the workshop uh that you put forward the 50th anniversary of adoption I I I made the decision to treat that regular because it was your your wrestl you're commemorating the 50th anniversary and they what is the number CC number five is yours and I put it on regular so I don't know why they put it back on consent uhhuh number five um I guess you want to keep it here uh no item number five is a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the for ad the former government of the city of patteron it definitely it will be fine on the on the consent agenda okay all right thank you let's go to consent thank you madam clerk so let's go let's move the with the consent agenda yes Mr President so move second she didn't read it yet you haven't read it yet has to read it into the record please raise a consent you guys want to rush the meeting so all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routined by the council and be will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 3 to8 with the exception of number 13 that was just adopted any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member treated as a separate matter second was moved by council president Mendes councilwoman Dava and councilwoman Ms and SEC by councilman abdalaziz r on move it too and also council member BL um roll call M cler yes Mr President roll call on the consent agenda as adopt as amended councilman abdalaziz pass councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman colag um residents of second word in city of patteron we have many Road resurfacing project is being U being approved with this Con agenda close to I believe 27 roads will be resurfaced during these summer times U I'm glad to say many RADS in second word as well and my vot vote is definitely yes madame CL thank you councilman KH councilwoman mes so before I vote um I just would like and it doesn't have to be for tonight but I would like it an email to all the council members I would like to see an update on Governor Street Montgomery Street that Governor Montgomery Street Montgomery Street and I know River Street encompasses it encompasses three of the wards um can I get an well can we all get an update even after the approval on today what are the phases and what is the process as when the work will begin that's what we need to know uh those roads have been in disarray for a while I also want to put on record uh that uh today I made the report and I want to thank director o'a uh the on Ellison and Carol Street the trees are covering the traffic light so I know they were out there working on the lines they're going to get it done but I wanted to put it out to the public that that has already been given to DPW uh on East 40th between 11th and and McAn Boulevard there's about 25 potholes on one street I'm sure there's many potholes all over the city ninth AV has potholes from um East 18 all the way down to McAn Boulevard and so many other streets but these streets that I just called out uh it is just it it's unbearable so uh DPW we can do that also I wanted to say for last year um I remember with the quality of life concerns um in different parts of the city uh the O OIC decided to work with the council to come up with a plan of action to have off you using U to have uh this corridor plan in collaboration with the hotspot zones to make sure that we have officers it was very very effective last year we fought hard myself and councilman valz and I think the council members we upped the dollars because it was lower and we upped it to 1.7 million and I'm glad to see that we're doing it again where we'll have officers on Broadway 10th a straight Street uh 21st ab and so many other areas I'm really glad to see that we will Union AB that we will have uh officers in these different areas where there's so much needed especially as the uh as the summer begins to come come into place so with that being stated with all this work that is outlined and much needed in this community uh Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my vote is yes Madam thank you councilman councilman valz so let me highlight that um resolution number 10 is are authorizing an War contract already for resurface and the 11 and 12 are authorizing solicitation of bids to see who is going to be awarded but I just want to highlight that in the 2023 City Wide Road res surfing program there are 18 streets 12 of them are in the sixth W and on the 2024 at a six three are in the sixth w and I just want to advise the residents of east 21 on in the Fifth Ward from 20 Avenue to Park Avenue is going to get resurfaced so one falls on the 20 2023 resurface program and the remaining will fall on the 24 uh resurface program so east 21 is going to get resurfaced from 20 Avenue all the way down to Park Avenue so that's a message to the residents of the fifth W that are anxious to see that road um that street uh resurface saying that good job councilman my vote is yes thank you councilman valz councilman abdulaziz thank you madam clerk so I passed because this consent agenda has many many great things um for the city and the Sixth Ward I'm going to start at item number 10 so to the residents uh we are going out to give out to contract cont um to American Asphalt for repaving and in this contract there's 18 streets 10 of them are in the Sixth Ward so the residents in on Dakota Street this will authorize um um them to come out and do the work Dakota Street Wabash Avenue Goan Street um Elizabeth Street Atlantic Street Illinois a nicker bachav and Jenice a bulk of this now we will start getting things done this is when I knocked on your doors I told you I showed you the list this is the first step get these bids out I thank my colleagues for supporting it um and we'll continue repaving the roads the supplemental two out of the six roads three are in the Sixth Ward the much needed Florida a and Michigan a I see a resident Michigan a you could go back to the neighbors and tell them this is the first step to get repave Michigan a so I'm glad that we we have that on the the list thank you Madame ba and the admin ation for pushing this forward um so look out there will be some inconvenience uh when the crews come to to start work so I'm very very happy with these items um for Road resurfacing number six to the business owners and residence in the 21st staff section and South Patterson uh business section this will allow for the police officers to continue doing the walking patrols thankfully last year the six W had zero shooting ings um and and and and zero homicides in the Sixth Ward and a lot of this trickled down from the uh police walking these corridors that sprinkle off to some of the side streets so both of those uh programs will be renewed with that item and lastly number 14 the dilapidated building on Pennsylvania Avenue for the office of emergency management I saw the administration and I see our chief here today uh they appointed the director for o u for the dispatchers and this is going to be the centralized location once again things take time this is the first step we get the architect the engineer to start building that building out and making it bring it up to use that will benefit the entire city so usually I don't speak on consent agenda items council president but there's a lot of great things for the sixth W on this consent agenda I want to make it very clear the res of the sixth W um I just got to give a shout out to councilwoman because Governor street is on this list so Council Ms um supplement the one that we just approved this contract Governor street from Straight Street all the way to Rosa Parks Avenue will be repaved that with this vote so shout out to councilman forward um mgy M oh Montgomery is on supplemental to that we're soliciting Montgomery Street from River Street to Mercer Street is on the list councilwoman so I'll I'll I'll text you the list I got it I got I have the list and also rber street I'm not concerned with the list I want to make sure the get done so Madam clerk so this conent my vote is yesk you councilman abdulaziz Mr President this conent agenda it's been uh got all my Council Kali very excited but yes there's there been a lot of a lot of a lot of good items in this agenda let me also highlight that uh 13 Avenue is going to be redone finally 13 Avenue has been totally disrepair also the Run Avenue 13 Avenue the third war the Run Avenue the third world and East 37 on the third war and also let me just for the record um inform my community that I have I I submit a whole list of different road that that need to be redone in the third War I have a conversation with Administration also like 20th Avenue from breand all the way to Route 20 and many other like 33rd 34 35 so that's all on the list so we have 1 2 3 4 we have four new rows in the third war also item number five the resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of the adoption on the fornite ACT in the city of patteron is going to be this is a very special resolution because July 1st is going to be 50 years that we adopt the form of government so we're going to have a very very special event that M clerk is going to be working on so this new uh swearing is going to be very special to all the resident of the city p and also to all my Council Khali that will be s in that day so with that being said we moveing the third war forward and the City of p on forward um my vote is yes P cler thank you council president the votes are eight yeses one absent the consent agenda is hereby adopted as amended council president council president um just just a minute I know I know um Council C for the floor right after council member L counc I just want to um I had spoken with our uh engineering um Department um I have requested and I want to make sure that it goes on record when these bids come back in I have requested that the streets in the fourth board get done first that was my request to the engineering department and I guess he'll take it to the department um um director of DPW uh Billy Rodriguez thank you Council perfect thank you uh council member bless the only thing I just want to clarify we have as a council member a wish list and this wish list goes on and on and on we recommend the wish list to the administration the administration had to put this streets on the state level the state level is the one that say go ahead and we approve the funding for those streets is a collaboration between three me the legislative body Administration and the state so as councilwoman um men stated I don't care about the list care about getting done right and um that's one of the things that we want to make sure that whatever we wish list that we have is getting done properly for the residents of patteron thank you council president um thank you council member council member let's move with item number two um M cler item number two president you're not doing number one council president can we go to item number if you don't mind I had asked you before um item number 22 sure we have with item number two we have person present that uh there's a public hearing uh on this item so um so there's a person visiting us that's the reason why I'm going to take item number two now and then we could we could continue with the agenda Let's do let's do item number two mad cler yes Mr President item number two requires public hearing it's a resolution authorizing the adoption of biders pre-qualification reg regulations in connection with the Westside Park Renovations for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works it's a public works resolution 24 324 it was move by councilman KH second by councilman Davila councilman Ms and councilman bz and councilman Udin also as well okay um so we have a public hearing uh so before we continue there's a visitor that want to speak not in the public move to close Council council members there's no she's she's a part of the project correct she's not the public but um she's part of the project president you can you me council member there's there's a public hearing but before I close the public hearing I would like to open the floor for the person that that is visiting us that way we could have a dialogue before we we make our decision I would just like if we can officially open the public hearing because what what everyone moved the mo the resolution number two but if we can the process hearing first okay to close it Hearing in item number two is now opened to close to close I just said that c move to close second by Council woman Mims and second by Council D and council member roll call to close the public hearing roll call CL hearing and counc yes we need to have the speaker speak as part of the public hearing that's what I've been trying to say council members we don't want to close remove the motion that way continue this Council remove councilwoman Dava and Council bz as well no on I just want to say this I could remove it but she she just stated that she could have a discussion dialog with us the public is not here and then we could open a discussion after we close the public meeting councilman we checked with Corporation Council just to make sure we were doing this the proper way and we would ask that we just have this as part of the public hearing so council members can you allow me to uh so Madame ba is recommending for a legal purpose to have a dialogue within the public uh hearing so if you allow me please to continue let the speaker um you know introduce our and let's have this dialogue with within the public portion with the public hearing right after we could close we could continue counc the only reason why I'm asking cuz if she's in public portion she she has three minutes no no it's a public hearing about this item number two right but in the public hearing she still has three minutes Cent correct coration Council not aoun M I'm just asking a question to Corporation coun she presenting Corporation councel so good how do you good evening good to see you I certainly suspend that portion to start the discussion so in the public hearing you're going to allow can you can you use the mic shows green much closer this closer yes yeah let her open the discussion uh you can suspend the 3 minutes for the purposes of starting the discussion thank you so we're suspending the 3 minutes weent council president my apologies I just got two messages that the meeting is not on channel 77 huh 75 75 75 Channel 75 okay thank you so order on that can you introduce yourself so we start we continue with the council members council president Point order on this the same way that they they announced that we in the 77 Elison Street and it's published we supposed to announce that we changing channel from 77 to 75 because that's a violation of Public Act we're supposed to announce 7 5 that is the new channel that we transmitted this meeting because right now that's why we getting people saying that we're not seeing 75 so for the future for the future huh it is on the website as that as Channel as you notice the statement of the open of the open act that we that Madam clerk she's not mentioning 75 she's mentioning that we here in 77 she's supposed to announce to the residents that we on channel 75 977 thank you C to let me remind members of the public in the in the city of patteron that we're not on channel 77 we are on Chan 75 but it's also been advertised as I understand that is that we are in China 75 uh so but let's let's make sure that everybody get the right information so can you introduce yourself good even oh is that better okay I'm Emily NY I'm with the organization new city parks and as most of you know we've been working with the city on the Westside Park renovation plan and we're here to request the council's approval to establish pre-qualification a preall qualification Pro process for prospective biders for the Westside Park renovation construction bid um given the large size of the project we're proposing pre-qualifications just to ensure that biders have a minimum level of experience and are good Financial Good Financial standing um the basic requirements will where will request are as follows a minimum of three years of experience as a contractor two projects of a similar nature completed in The Last 5 Years two references no denial of a bond in the last 12 months due to not meeting reasonable underwriting standards a demonstration that current projects are proceeding on schedule and works being done in a timely and professional manner um these requirements are narrowly tailored and should not discourage competition or restrict small businesses from participating in any way um the pre-qualifications will be submitted uh for approval by the director of the division of local government services per local public contracts law before being issued and they were written based on the technical guidance provided by their office thank you so very much I know that the renovation of Westside Park is extremely important not only for the resident of the second world but the entire for the entire city of patteron it's one of the largest park that we have in the second war uh with councilman KH council member if there's no other intervention um I will proceed to close only hearing and continue with the meeting Council pres can we ask question so members of the public if there's any comment on this title um so you could just come to the mic so because this is a public hearing for the renovation of the Westside Park before we close the I'm all for the renovation but something she said was key to me why minimal experience would you want minimal experience in your neighborhood cuz you're putting in things for kids to play on I want just let me finish I want to make sure things are safe and efficient for these children to play on we don't want things that's going to fall apart we don't want things that going to be coming up out of the ground within the next 3 to 5 years so minimum experience that Sparks red flags for me okay anyk thank you for your comment just to explain further um in a normal bid process you don't have any requirements so we're trying to establish a a fair system to make sure bidder biders do have at least three years of experience doing similar work to ensure that the project is well built so we're we're addressing those concerns through this process thank you any other speaker from the public yes yes good evening I just have a question as someone who's in the sandwich generation when I uh go to parks in the city I'm going with seniors and small children and what I found is that there are no restrooms is are restrooms a part of this renovation yes okay there there's an existing Comfort station in Westside Park and it's being renovated as part of the project and will we have um places for fans or parents to sit yes okay yes lots of benches are being added I'm sorry you got you got to come to the mic for the record so what I'm thinking since she said restrooms what about remember when they said the concession stands are we going to start doing that again because that would be a great help if you're up there like water the ice cream like back back in the day just just a thought okay thank you any any other speaker from the public see n move to close move to close by councilman MIM second by councilman DAV and councilman KH um roll call M clerk to close the public hearing on item number two thank you yes Mr President roll call to close public hearing on item number two councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman d yes councilman KH uh thank you Madame Clark I just want to let the public know we have many community meeting regarding the Westside Park renovation um and we we took the input from the public yes to so make sure all the demand from the public is met my vote is yes to close the public hearing Madam thank you councilman colleag councilwoman Ms so councilman colleag I was going to say the same thing but since you said it I'll just add to to it this is not something that just came up on tonight this has been a long overdue process it costs a lot of money I'm really grateful to see so many people have come alongside to um we've gotten a lot of Grants and sponsors even from the federal level to make sure that this park gets done I remember there was a conversation previously in the past to give this park away this was one of the parks to give away and I was one of the people that did not believe in giving any of the things that we own away and I'm glad to see councilman khik work very tirelessly with his community and the council and the administration and this park is going to be um renovated for millions of dollars it's going to be absolutely beautiful and I I commend the work that you did with your team councilman khag Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you madam clerk uh Ward Park is a dwo to that community and we had multiple uh Community sessions uh presentation as well and uh committee is really waiting for this I had a question and I believe that after this voting session we can ask the question that when we had the presentation uh also Cricket uh one of the one of the uh sport uh field was added to the uh plan and it's not mentioned on the description I just want clarification that whether Cricket field is included or is there any change came uh with that being said my vot is yes to close the public portion thank you councilman councilman valz I know we closing the public hearing but it's interested that the scope of work that I reading here is not including restroom is not including concession stands I will be more comfortable when she stated that yes it's going to have it that we had it in writing in this paper because it's going to happen is that we going to prove and moving forward and it's not there and it's not part of so um I I know but the community just spoke about that she be visiting different parks and um the Senor visit parks and all the all all the parks and they don't see bathrooms they don't see conesta stand so and that was requested and the young lady say yes it's part of it to implement it but I'm reading the whole scope of work here and it's not so you could clarify that because then if the work is done and you don't see the concession stand or you don't see the bathroom then we had to come back to get more money to add to that scope of work so I'm comfortable because we're moving forward but somebody just request that and they say that you know council members when what about the what about the restroom but it's not here in the in the p that's what I'm saying if you look at the second wear ass is not in the scope of work so yes so M ba I'm reading scope of work and I don't see restrooms the word restrooms okay so moving forward I'm happy that we receive all this fun from three sources and moving forward that's going to be the best best park in the city of Patterson also in the second W my is yes well I had to say thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you thank you madam um thank you Madame clerk when we get the community involved in in in any process we definitely move on the right direction um as councilman colleague of the second war stat there's been a lot of multiple meeting with the community getting the community input on this project and it's been uh discussion for month and month and we finally at this stage which is definitely we're moving forward with this item this that Park is extremely important as I mentioned before for the entire city of pison because of the large the side of the park so with that being said I'm ready to uh support this item my my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent public hearing and item number two is hereby closed CLI on item number two can I council president if I could just clarify before the roll call on the item M thank you council president um so regarding the restrooms that's the existing Comfort station in the scope of work as you see there so it's a renovation of the restrooms that is included um but just as a as a reminder this is really just for um allowing for the pre-qualifications then we will be coming back then we'll be able to have the the bidding of the of the actual work which has a much more detailed scope of work and then we'll be awarding the bid near the end of the year you know once all the bids come back so there are multiple stages this really is just to whittle down our our applicants for the ones who can actually do the work at this higher level of a complex project underst thank you Madame B Roll call M cler on item number two roll call on item number two for adoption councilman abdalaziz so this is a great step forward I know councilman khik we've been talking about Westside Park for numerous numerous times about finally renovating Westside Park that is an isore we've talked about getting the county involved maybe making it part of the county park system and councilman khle this is something you've been working hard with one thing I do want to say um I don't know what the design phase when it comes back what I think should be done is connecting Westside Park with Pennington Park a foot bridge that people are walking right there is no other side and making it a true Park complex right so if there's a walking path you get it going uh right now it's divided by the river that is something if a parent has one kid playing soccer at Pennington Park and another kid playing baseball at total or oval they could just walk over the bridge and and whatnot um and really connecting two main Parks together so I look forward to probably seeing I know that cost is going to be good maybe we'll call the Shaheen khik bridge but we'll see my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Davin I can definitely say sitting here for 10 years and eight of them with councilman colleag he has been a advocate for the second wood in this park and I know that when we sat down to discuss some art dollars and uh projects you know he actually did mention the bridge all right but I do also understand that it is very expensive um but you know I'm happy that this is being done uh this although it's in the second ward this park is for all of the city of Patterson just like East Side park is and all of of the rest of our Parks so you know with that said I'm in full support my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman khik thank thank you Madame clerk I just want to highlight couple unique thing that's going to be happening in this park we we going to have a river walk boat lunch picnic area and children play area as well and my Council colleague Al abdulaziz mentioned about the foot Bridge we do have one by the other side I know county is um repairing it hopefully councilman abdulaziz could help me to reach out to the county and get a full Bridge from from to weakness to get get it connected okay thank you my vote is my vote is definitely yes Madam clerk thank you councilman khik councilwoman Mims so councilman khle this is one of the reasons why I supported your reelection because I knew the work that you started with Westside Park working with your community having various meetings and when I was saying not to give the park away you stood with your community and said this you were in the same agreement and this is the way we save things that we own and I commend you for doing that because I don't believe if I own it I'm not giving anything away unless you g to pay four times the price right but in this case um councilman khik said we're going to save the park we're going to work with the community and find the money and this is how you do it you work with your community hear their concerns hear their input and then you make it happen through the council with that being stated second ward Patterson this is a win for our city thank you councilman my colleague for leading the charge my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Udin thank you madam Clark so as my Council our colleagues mentioned that this is going to definitely improve the quality of life of that neighborhood and also this is going to bring the theme of the neighborhood when you go to East Side park there's a Cricut field which is covering the Jamaican Community who plays Cricket which is very unknown to many community members here but the people there so many of our students go to JFK High School and the neighborhood so many of our athletes play cricket so we are adding that to the list as well so when it came up with the idea that we need to add the cricket field the uh new city parks they were asking me how it is designed and everything and that design came from the our own pisan Cricket athletes they designed it and this is what approved for this uh you know modification of the park so I definitely like many other other council members waiting to see this park is innovated and the community is enjoying this facility so with that being said my vote is yes to this agenda thank you councilman urin councilman valz so I'm happy that the funds when it says has been received funds the funds are here so to expedite is um the amazing part so moving forward thank you for the engineering DPW the committee working together with councilman khik I know the councilman deire not for um mention only one park is that that Park needed a renovation soon as possible so the promise are there the actions are here let's move forward my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you m clerk definitely great project I see this governing body has been full support um behind Council mle of this effort and also the administration as well um we're looking forward to see the park renovated and making sure that our community enjoyed this beautiful project my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number two is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 22 sure minute item number 22 is a resolution recognizing and honoring Candice Crystal cotton Liberty division softball coach of the year 2024 and Advan into state tournament in over 40 years it's sponsored by councilwoman Ruby n cotton why does ITC so councilwoman Ruben Ruben cotton councilwoman marit daver councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and co-sponsored by all remaining m members of the municipal Council second second it was moved by Council M councilen Ms and Council Dava second by councilman ABD and councilman CL item number two 22 roll call and item and second by councilman my apologies sorry roll call Item 22 roll call and item number 22 for adoption Council woman councilman abdalaziz Coach K you don't need be shy you could stand over here so the the guest could see you um she's she is the talk of the county when I see other coaches come up to me and say what's going on at Kennedy High School and I said man thank God they hired her because other coach really didn't know what he was doing right coach no but congratulations uh Candace you've I've seen it I've read about it and I said your colleagues in Pay County are talking highly about what you're doing at Kennedy I know you worked with my brother over there on the softball side and and you know and I work with your mom over here she's about to hit me so congratulations build on this and continue the great things that you're doing my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I just want to say that um um along with um my councilwoman uh Marissa daver and councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims um I saw it fitting that um we honored my daughter Candace cotton uh let me tell you something John F Kennedy was built in 1965 my baby girl is the first female African-American coach that the girl softball team has had since built since 1965 she broke the barrier she broke the record she's a she's an athlete and I'm proud of my daughter she's an athlete she's always been an athlete playing aou she played for John F Kennedy High School she went to Rosa Parks and I say to people all the time I'm I'm uh a athlete mom or a sports mom I I look at March Madness when those women them young girls was playing in March Madness for the NCAA tournament I love to watch young ladies play cuz they are really talented and besides being talented they're pretty besides being talented they're pretty and I say to to to my daughter and I know your dad is watching over you and I know he's proud because he went to every single one of your JB games when you were JV coach yes now that he could not be here but let me tell you something everyone I'm a brag on my baby girl she took the the softball after coaching three years to the states in over 40 years 40 years that's that's you know they had not been there and so now she's named coach of the year which um a female for softball because we never had a softball female coach for johnf Kennedy High School girls softball I just want to say to you all out there in the ordinance I am so proud of her her dad would be proud I know he's watching and I always say and you know I do everything I can to help out with the team we go to the bat cage we're going to the strengthening coach you know just running you know cuz we have to make our children strong when we are athlete parents that we know understand what we need to do so Kansas I am proud your dad's proud your brother's proud your sister's proud your whole family's proud that and I want to say thank you to all my council members for letting me recognize my daughter on going to the states after 40 years let me thank you guys for recognizing my daughter for being coach of the year that never been Candace I love you thank you God bless you and there's many more to come y God bless you candy thank you thank you mommy my vote is yes Madam cler thank you conwoman cotton Consin where you going where you going I'm sorry was a good song no she never play so I don't need to uh did you call me I called you yes all right so you know this is very interesting so when councilwoman C and you know told me about this I mean without a doubt um as you can see uh everyone here and everyone watching on TV Land um who better than a parent to to be able to speak on their child um and I have to say congratulations to you because if it wasn't for you and Eddie cotton being there for her she would not be standing there so I want to congratulate you too um Candice you have a special place in my heart and you know it all right and you know that you can always call and I'll answer that call but today I have to say I'm very proud of you um it's difficult when you're sitting on the political side right you're sitting on this day and we do so much for others and you know we we give them accolades and recognitions and you know but when it comes to yours people say oh well you know you shouldn't do that and I think that you know Council woman kind you bringing this to us you know and as the three females you know sponsoring it and the rest of the council I think that this is welld deserved congrat congratulations and I can't I can't wait for the celebration my vote is yes thank you thank you councilwoman daver councilman colleag thank you Madame clerk thank you for making Patterson proud very welld deserved my vote is yes madame clerk thank you councilman colleague councilwoman M when they said we couldn't you did when the door was closed you busted open when the ceiling had a limit you said there's no limit women can do anything they put their mind to they could pick up the bat to they throw the ball to whether it's a fast pitch a slow pitch or even a little walk but I want to commend you as my niece my sorar Patterson's history CU you're you're part of our history because of the work you've done congratulations being the coach of the you've always been our coach of the year Pon just recognized it because you've been doing this for a very long time thank you for saving our children cuz that's something we don't talk about when our children are part of softball teams and different teams the coaches so many times your cars are packed making sure they have food and sandwiches and I know Council C when I call she's like I'm at the game I can hear them in the background playing around and that's always good to have a support system but we appreciate you if you need anything from us you already know let us know we got your back we got your front and we got your sides Madam clerk this is historic for my niece and my Sor absolutely my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman urin my Jeff colleague very good to see you here with your mom and then with us so one thing u i see U Miss Cen when not as a coach in the building as a counselor that's how I see her because many times we have issues with our among our children we see uh Candace Cardon explaining and showing the right path to our our children at that point we have closed door meetings explaining what's the right what's wrong and that's what you do so your role is very confusing but very very effective telling you but we really proud of you this entire jeffk entire city of Patterson is proud of you you took us the state level after 40 years and it means a lot for jeffk as a as a jeffk staff I would say yes and two I you say today we are honoring two JFK members you and uh our principal Jo Sor cuz that's another bad news for us right so you as a leader in the school building and leading our children not only in coaching field but also in in educationally leading them showing them right path we we really salute you everything you do every day and uh you know my room number yep all right my vot is yes and very good to see you here thank you thank you councilman urin councilman valz so a message from your Puerto Rican [Laughter] un I'm happy because I I saw you grow councilwoman cotton and I was the uh always in Eide high school and she always bragging about her daughter and her son um in a positive way because I would say that to the students out there even to my kids I say be proud of me make me proud but I had to make you proud too with my actions and the way I conduct myself because we got kids out there that watch this meeting we got kids that watch our political field and the last thing I want to hear my son is say why you did wrong or why are you doing wrong so saying that this is the best resolution I have seen because you have all the SE on it CCC coach Crystal candies Crystal cotton coach all the C cc is there so in Spanish a vote is C God bless you I know that you are making us proud but more important you're making your mother proud and from Heaven your father and I know up there he celebrating with you let's keep on supporting when it comes up to Sport and when you need something don't be ashamed to come to the council and ask for our support and also to the administration this type of sports she should have a position at least part-time in the recreation department to move to move this kind of sport in our youth and our ladies out there because they need it those fields should be be packed with kind of support with females and supported by this Administration this Council saying that congratulation from your uncle Lis C yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you man cler I definitely have to I want to take this moment to thanks the councilwoman Kon uh councilwoman Mims and councilwoman Davila for bringing this incredible resolution uh congratulation um I one of the biggest blessing that we could receive from God is to see our children succeed is to see our children moving forward and that's why you given to your mom blessings and blessings you make the city proud uh congratulation keep up the great work you definitely are the role model that our children deserve and I say thank you to my Council College because that's what we need to continue promoting there's so many great things that happen in the city of Pon great things like you so we want to say thank you for what you're doing for the city of pison we need you more than ever because we have a lot of children out there that they need to see successful people that look like them that speak like them and that's what you doing so God bless you and I'm looking forward for the celebration my V is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 22 council president uh just right after Madame cler announced the vote go ahead Madam cler item number 22 is hereby adopted thank you Council council president and to the mayor that's probably watching to the VA because of this historic event I think there needs to be a proclamation from the mayor's office and she should get the key to the city this is a historic event they've never had a female um be the coach and be the coach of the year so I'm putting it on the record there needs to be a proclamation from the mayor's office and this should be a press conference where she is presented the key to the city all right I hope you heard that beautiful thank you Crystal you want to say say thank you just would like to say thank you and yes uh mommy knows and everyone here knows I've been an athlete forever so basketball and softball been in my blood and I've been playing since I was a little girl so to come back and actually coach at the school that I played for it's been an honor to just be there and to be in the same room and now to just being my third year I'm learning so much but I'm able to still push and bring the girls to what they need to do so I appreciate you Mommy thank you for that Auntie DAV Auntie mams Uncle everyone in here thank you for that support like Patterson I wanted people to see that Kennedy and esad are not these bad schools that they think that we are so I wanted them to see that we can make things happen in our own City so thank you guys and I appreciate you I'm a product I'm a pagan knite always all right thank you thank you thank you well saved thank you Council k now we're going to proceed with item number one M clerk item number one yes Mr so item number one it requires public hearing it's introduction of the Downtown special improvement district 2024 budget it's a resolution ratifying and adopting the 2024 budget of the Downtown special improvement district it's a finance resolution 24 colon 323 so move second discussion move by council member B second by councilwoman Ms discussion councilwoman Davila uh is the uh commissioner here well actually he's not commissioner on this he's director the director director is back there uh director can you if you could come to the mic director so um council members I want as a finance chair just want to say that we had um the director the downtown C director um come to one of our finance meetings and there was some discussion um I received numerous complaints about the downtown area and businesses pertaining to what's going on with the garbage and I know that in our meeting we had a discussion about possibly you know uniting okay as the downtown said I can even show you up to today when we're done I'm going to go over to you and I'm going to show you the message that I got today from a um s uh member um and so you know before I I move on to support this I really really need um for you to sit down with the administration I believe there's something that could be done specific to the downtown s area um the complaints of the business owners you know pertaining to the change in the way we're doing business now with the uh garbage collection we all understand that there was an issue and we all understand that change needed to be made unfortunately it's been quite a few months and there's still a lot more that needs to be done um but I want to put this on record and let all my colleagues those that were not there in the finance committee meeting that we really need to discuss the next steps of what we're going to do to assist these businesses okay and that's pretty much I saw the you know it's pretty much last year I just wanted to say that thank you very much president thank you Council mava Council mes yeah council president thank you um just to uh give a highlight I had a meeting with uh the uh business owners from between Markus street from chansi or chansi to mil and for my surprise I got him on the phone the director and the director informed me that that section is not part of the Sid SDI okay so we're going to move forward uh moving forward in it's some meeting that I going to have with the director to include move the lines of the SI Sid uh to make sure uh to make sure um they get the same benefit and um I you know now that I represent the 510 of downtown that stars in Prospect Street up to the greatfalls I know it's going to be beneficial for the uh business owner to uh be part of the S Sid uh one of the things I I will will look into if if this budget will support um now the the Administration has only two days of garbage collection in this section of downtown uh to see the siid could set up a program to cover at least two days of collecting the garbage uh or or something to make it better but we could have that conversation moving forward if this individual of this business in uh join in the special district um U members and then we could move forward doing things like beautifying downtown and other things um president uh counc Council woman um you know one of the good things that since I being the councilman of that section F1 we have been working in those stores that have been having problem with the awnings and the graffiti and they have been compliant um because I visited them and I said we we need to beautify this area downtown so thank you uh uh commissioner SL director of Sid footage thank you C all right thank you council president so director um one thing is should be our main focus that how can we keep the business in the downtown area and as I have addressed even last year that because so many things happening I say and how can you solve it to your and I think Administration come up with the strategy that first of all the people are selling their products on the street let's say the furniture on the sidewalks that's the everyday issue when you directed me to the uh you know Community Improvement I call no inspectors available so my point is what's the solution we are just Direct to one person to another person there's no solution coming if we need to assign a specific inspector to make sure that they are addressing those issues everyday issues then we have to have someone we cannot use an excuse that we do not have enough inspectors to issue tickets or addressing those concerns now second thing is you know those um sellers uh selling products on the street I have reached out to you I have reached out to community Improvement as well health department as well that they cannot make these stations when they are making stations and selling their products on the sidewalk the traditional Market is losing their business and they are paying high rent taxes what's happening is end of the day they're making the decision for not not you know continuing their business and they're closing and they so losing many businesses we have to acknowledge that now along with improving all the everything our cust colleagues said that crafe is and other stuff but we have to at the same time remember that how can we bring business to that particular part of the city and this is very important now we don't want to see furniture on the street at the same time we don't want to see the people selling balloons on the Mother's Day in front of another uh you know place that is that is paying high taxes High rents so we need to address those concerns and make sure that our traditional Market is getting the business so I definitely would appreciate uh your uh specific you know attention to it because we cannot really cuz trust me after just a minute councilman uh councilman ding Council you have to come back to the chair um you have to come back to the chamber canot leave because there's no quot if you leave I need five council members um in the room to continue the meeting just continue counciling thank you council president so after I'm last year I tried I sat down with uh the uh business owners I walk to these businesses I don't go there anymore because after hearing their concern we can really solve the issue so I definitely request your special attention to it so that we can keep our business people happy here and also we can invite and we can improve the equality of the business in downtown area and that credit will go to you if you can makeing the change so that that's all I can say I like to give you a big shout out in next some meetings please bring the change I completely uh I I completely agree with you councilman it's uh like many other things it's an Enforcement issue so we we want to continue to work with the administration to address those as they come up we identify them pass them along to the proper authorities and you know hope that they get addressed and that the individuals don't come back yeah thank you thank you thank you director Council Davila council president just to make a statement um first um it's my understanding and I and I think that this needs to be addressed through the police department that there's an issue going on on Rosa Parks and Pearl and this is why you see the commotion so we need to attend to that with the police um but to get back to um the director um we've had numerous conversations as a councilwoman at large representing all the wards one of the things that we had discussed was that there's a portion from canans to Mill that are not part of the downtown Sid so um with that said Council we understand if I may council members we have no quarum if a council member leave the room you have to stay in the chamber in order for us to continue the meeting otherwise legally we cannot continue the meeting so we have police City yes we we do us ra let's take let's take let's take five minutes break because members of the problem we're in the middle of a hold down a minute we are in the middle of council members please let's take five minute break council president council president there's a point of order here we are in the middle of so can somebody can somebody call the just a minute M if there's no quot we cannot continue the meeting we got to wait for a council member to getting can we call councilman colleague please director so stay with us for a minute so we cannot continue we'll take formal action for we're not taking formal action we're having a discuss all right so um as I as I was completing council president yeah as I was completing my statement um this conversation has been on for quite some some time all right um and so what I would ask that it's been a while right and so we definitely need to come back and and really you know discuss with those business owners if they're okay with that additional cuz yes it is an additional taxation so if they're willing to do that and if so are they go are their services going to better cuz right now it's just not that portion we're talking from Mill all the way down to Memorial Drive so so that's bad um so I just wanted to just make that statement if there's no other comments so I I just want to bring a point of order so we opened this item and we just did the same thing previously which we did not do this time what we should have done was open the public hearing and then have the director speak we missed all of that and we just had the same occurrence so that that was the next question to to um to the Mad clerk because item 24 is connected with the downtown and and speak about the a public hearing so uh Madame cler can we should we move to item 24 and then go back to item number one so I'll I'll remove my second so I think that we're going to we're going to we're going to move with item number one and then we're going to move next is going to be item 24 so we have to remove our is the Bunker Hill 24 is Bunker Hill council president just a minute council member council president we we moved it and we second it we already had the public I understand Council mes so so my recommendation is the director already spoke let's go with the p portion of a public hearing and then move for vote why we want to cancel and come back on item 24 and come back he already spoke he already for the record Mr President I don't have a resolution for item number 24 it was never provided to us so so so item number 24 you don't have the you don't have the the actual resolution but it's it's on the agenda conent just council members I guess I guess item number 24 is contingent on the adoption of item number one so if item number one that's not right item number 24 is the Bunker Hill say that has nothing to do with us no 25 yeah 24 director 24 is also dtown um 24c Council D I think there's and the CFO will tell you this is just to uced by title only then item item 24 was just introduced by title only this is to adopt the budget so item 24 is not needed say that again yeah okay4 we we we did that already we did 2 that's what I'm saying 24 shouldn't be on this agenda we did that they advertised it today we're here to to adopt exactly I understood so so let the reflect we're removing item 24 we continue with item number one if there's no other question roll call council president we can have the roll call yet sorry councilman counc we need to open the public hearing is required on this item so okay so let me let me open the public hearing on item number one members of the public that we you speak on this item public hear is not open do you want to say something about it one on downtown on the downtown Improvement District she just as far as downtown is concerned I agree with um Odin there's too many people on the street selling things you can't walk down the street I don't even shop downtown patteron anymore I don't go downtown I might go through downtown to get home because loud music everywhere you go you got somebody shoving something in your face trying to sell it to you you got people selling inside stores selling on the streets we like a third world country we got to do better and I'm going say this to the council you all should be fine when you get out of your seats this is ridiculous you're trying to have a meeting and you got three four five of y'all getting up leaving out excuse me I'm speaking leaving up out of here and you got your president begging you all to have a seat that's ridiculous I could sit my three-year-old Grand Jordan here and say cenne sit down until the meeting is over and she'll do it and no disrespect in intended exuse me like I said I'm speaking on your behavior because this is speaking on the behavior and now they come down here to be disrespectful disrespectful MEC M give me a minute just give me a minute now if you could speak on this item P give me a second public portion is next you com any you about any topic just concate I don't Orlando I apologize to you cuz I didn't realize it was your ward and I know I said that's why I apologize to him you should be present everybody else should be present in their seat thank you if there's no other speaker can I have a motion to close move to close by coun m second by councilman BL and Council and Davila roll call to close the public hearing on item number one madame clerk yes Mr President roll call to close public hearing and item number one councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver where director go right here all right we already spoke I'm going support it all right want sit down next week my vote is yes councilman colleague this is to close the public hearing close the public hearing um yeah I I I'm I'm I'm going to say say sent word word or two um the people panhandling or selling things outside we do have Law and Order in city we need to enforce it it has nothing to do with being in the third world country or first world country it shows the ignorance of individual who come up in the mic and speak okay it has it has nothing to do with being a third world country and I'm speaking we live in a country I'm sorry members of the public if if I make just public portion public portion it's in a minute you going to have three minutes you going to have three minutes to speak I'm I'm it's my turn it's my turn give me a minute minute it's my turn my turn members of the party prob portion is going to be next and you're going to have 3 minutes to express yourself please allow the council member to make that Comon please Council colle we we have a law in the book if anybody breaking the law we need to have enforcement in city of patteron it has nothing to do with being in the third world country or first world country there is shows like I said I'm going to rep I'm going to repeat it it shows the ignorance of the people my vote is yes to cause the public hear Madam thank you councilman colleague councilwoman M counc members of the public council president please so so council members now members of the public no no what just a minute just a minute and he got reelected and he got reelected listen I know but I understand no no no no give me a second members of the public no just give me a minute just members of the public give me a minute you you have your time to speak can I can I have a minute for a second no no no concept is important she cannot go back and forth listen she cannot she had a Time see well the police office is there if we right there counc presid if we have to remove there's a thre right there councel president okay can I can you allow me to speak can you give me a minute can you allow me to speak no no can you allow me to speak now now now I'm going to say if you see I have never I have never just a minute I you said you're going to allow me to speak right now allow me to speak if you see me I never asked a police officer to remove somebody from this chamber now I'm going to say this very clear if you're in this room you cannot come and disrupt this meeting let me finish you allow you could make your comment you got three minutes in public portion and you're free because this is the people's house but when they when the council members are making their comment and their vote you cannot disturb the meeting this the meeting because you don't like a comment about a council Khali I'm going to ask respectfully respectfully let's continue this meeting we have a phenomenal agenda with a lot of important item for this city now if you allow me let me finish this meeting and we going to have public poral you're going to have three minutes to speak after the 3 minute you're going to sit down and allow the expert to speak thank you Council me Dr Mims so um let me just bring some clarity so thank thank you um executive director for the work that you do in in the downtown area there is definitely room uh for improvement and expansion if at all possible I'm not sure if it has to go through the majority rule vote um on your board or whatever that looks like but just make sure you set the clear parameters put some safeguards in place I also want to state that when it comes to downtown the homeless the vagrants the loud music the selling on the curb it is not the downtown Sid's responsibility that is a part of our Administration to make sure through our community improvements our inspectors and our Police Department that we enforce the law so that's not directly to you because if you have issues you have to call us to get get it resolved so I just wanted to bring Clarity that it's not you that has to handle that that is something that has to be handled um here internally and there's a lot of issues all over the city but thank you for the work this is to close the public portion we'll be voting next but I just wanted to bring Clarity Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my vote is yes to close the public motion thank you councilman councilman [Laughter] valz uh this is to close the public portion the public he the public hearing yeah I will do my remarks when I come down my vot is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President my vote is yes to close the public hearing Madam clerk thank you Mr present the vote are eight yeses one absent public hearing and item number one is hereby closed thank you roll call on item number one roll call and item number one for adoption councilman abdulaziz yes Council woman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman oudin yes councilman valz so this go both sides it's not how you say things it's what it's not what you say it's how you say things both sides goes from the public and Us in my understanding the public the public portion act even as a hearing for this item some people talk in the items but they take the opportunity also to address other things and I have to respect the freedom of speech in that part okay regarding the request that she was adding to it is true we need to have and councilman's and councilwomen we need to have a seral talk to the officer in charge of this city we need to have a serious talk with our officer in charge of the city the state came in took out the relation of the community out because right now if there's a shooting if somebody got murdered yesterday or there was something going on yesterday with PD we don't know what's going on you know how we find out when we start receiving calls when we start receiving calls we need to have a serious conversation because the OIC has a relation with PD quote quote but where's the relation that he had to have to we could address his issues with OIC because I see the same paneling guys in the street I see the same individuals in the corner and they talk about bway meanwhile the other side is infected and the other side is infected I see sometimes the same individual in the same Corners doing the same thing and still summer is not here and we got shootings all over than guy nobody got hit on Rosa Park and pro street and yes it's the fifth W and the reason I went back and forth is because I have a c that her mother Liv in that same corner and I had to address my constient concern so saying that director we never had a problem communication how long we want to see it downtown you know we had the communication but you also need the assistant of the police department when you call and you know that there's people out there without permit for they could come and address it and inspectors I seen it you call them they don't come so you know meaning in the time that you need it so saying that this is a collaboration and I going to say this last but least for my colleagues and for the public elections are over working together will never end so we need to get a medium to see how we can work together and make the city pison proud my vote is yes thank you councilman valz councilman Jackson I know you're just um here but we're voting on the budget for the special improvement district downtown Improvement special improvement district if you'd like to offer your vote on that one so uh full transparency Madam clerk I'm going to just say this I I I have have not had an opportunity this year to um to review it it's going to be tough for me to uh stand in opposition and or support but um just relative to what councilman valz what I some of what I heard you know I don't think we understand here how this Council endorses and or by way of not contesting supports the environment or the conditions that we set forward now I don't know if anybody had mentioned it yet but I I I mean I'm sure many have seen it by now but I had the the unfortunate pleasure of watching a 8-year-old kid get hit by a car um uh uh on May 1st it was so here I just saw it today as a matter of fact it just brought to my attention today this young man was hit in a by a car see many people might say well you know it's an accident and accidents happened no we set the environment we allow for the environment to be set in such a way to where we overload the community so where cars got to dodge around each other and you have you know parking that's being done inappropriately it's not being regulated you know and we fill up the community in areas where you know and and and uh I don't see the director of DPW um I'm not sure if he's here but I'm sure he's listening uh I can't wait for and I and I understand um um brother studo and his crew they're very they're overloaded I can't wait for Jefferson and Clinton streets to be changed because it's so dangerous when you come and you turn it around those Corners you can't see these little people you can't see you're on the hill your car is up in the air like this you're turning around the corner you can't see so this young man and I and and if nobody has mentioned it yet today I I would deem it as being in travesty because somebody in our city was struck by a vehicle where his leg was scheduled to be amputated his hip was scheduled to be amputated today he's on dialysis now 8-year-old kid his spleen was was broken his his intestines was smashed into his uh his into his hip his his genitals was crushed his young man is is in horrible condition but we set the environment and we think it's okay just last week you know I got a call from a mother who her daughter was coming home from doing laundry because her her her her basement was illegally stolen common deared by the landlord who basically said it's my house I do what the hell I want to do here he's been written and cited Red Stick is placed on the door he doesn't care he continues to just do whatever he wants to do so this young lady had to go out now go to the laundry on her way back from the laundry on Clinton and North first she she drove past an active shooting over 12 rounds was was left off feeling relieved because she didn't get hit by one of the rounds coming around Garfield Avenue here a police cruiser is going down the wrong way on the one way smashes into her almost tipping her car over it's the environment yes this environment and and for those who keep saying moving the city forward I can't wait this City's not moving forward because I don't feel safe a 8-year-old kid gets run over by a car and has anyone mentioned it today has the administration talked about it have we talked about doing C some things for the to make sure that the environment so we Clos the parks while Clarks while Parks we we're spending millions of dollars and doing ribbon cuttings and and and uh press conferences but there's no programming for these kids so they're riding their bikes in the middle of the damn street getting struck by a car and the rest of their lives are changed and we sitting here acting like we're doing something Progressive no we're failing our community we're failing our community when you have a kid who feels that he has to ride his bike in the middle of the street because we haven't set the environment properly can't do that right next door in helden Prospect Park you know why they enforce certain laws they don't Target their own residents and ticket and toe because they're too close to the corner no they make make sure if you roll through a stop sign without coming to a complete stop you get banged with a ticket consistently they make sure that if you do illegal Construction in the community they hit you with a ticket consistently but I digress some may say well how's that relative to the downtown City it is because we allow money to be spent in our community and the environment is set I just walked in a building where 12 White garbage bags is placed right in front of this building that's illegal according to our ordinance you cannot do that this building is in the downtown City so here we are allowing for the environment to dictate how our community is being driven but and I can't really brother Cruz I I I we have not had an opportunity to sit down I mean obviously you've been getting the approval even in in in in in times when I've been totally against these options and this doesn't say anything about you directly but I cannot man I cannot continue to support spending when the environment is in such a horrible condition when I got to go visit a family and that that that the 8-year-old kid is getting a freaking lag amputated because the environment is so volatile where people think they could just blaze around speed around all over the place and then you have people talking about how they've been working to reduced crime well before the Attorney General got here we all know that that's that's a that's a fallacy at best but if we're going to sit here and continue to praise and feel good about where we are and feel good about how clean the city is how clean the first W um um um downtown city is then I I'll just continue to stand alone because I'm not I'm not happy about where it is I'm not I'm not convinced that we're doing the right thing and uh you know it's just more money to be spent and allowing the conditions to continue the way they are Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson Mr President thank you madam clerk um and director so you've been in in multiple meetings um that we have a conversation about the condition of that town the amount of garbage that we have in downtown downtown need help downtown need help the city is filthy and it's a it's a concern that we all need to sit down and have a conversation I saw that you're are very open to continue the dialogue with the new company that we have with filco and come together and sit down and get back to picking up garbage six days a week because our downtown business they don't have the backyard that they could storage garbage they have to take the garbage out and we see garbage for two and three day in downtown who's who's going to come to our downtown nobody wants to come to a filthy downtown nobody trust me that's affecting and that's affecting all business and it's affecting the city so this is a dialogue that we all have to sit down and work I'm very satisfied that you're very open to work with the new company work with the administration because the only way that we're going to fix this problem is by having that conversation the item for filal is not on the agenda but it's going to be on the next discussion the next meeting before that meeting we need you in the room the same way we did in order for us to put the plant together to clean our downtown and all in downtown the entire city but that's another topic because our city is filthy and if we want to make progress in the city of Pon we have to keep our city clean people connect uh the the garbage with crime in the city of pison and the first impression that people from outside have when they walk into pison it's just the garbage that they see around so that conversation will take place is on the next workshop and um by just by seeing that you that you're open and ready to work with the seat work with the new company and the administration to get it done that's what I'm expecting and that's the reason why I'm here my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one no item number one is hereby adopted council president so to the public I I just want to um request or plead to the community uh there is a uh pictures and a video that is circulating on social media in regards to the 8-year-old child Sophia for myself as an educator a mom and a grandmother I didn't need to speak about it from this platform because I've spoke to the mother several times as a community let's keep that child in prayer the child has they is on social media has had approximately almost 17 surgeries already still going through so for me as someone who is a woman of faith I believe in prayer and that's what we should be doing we should be praying for this child praying for the mother praying for their siblings and praying even for the driver we have to understand there's a law that has been pass the criminal Bell reform law if you're not familiar with it you have to study it with the criminal Bell reform law what it says and is not locally it comes from the top and that when someone does crimes has incidents if they don't have any anything on their jacket so to speak a crime or they've done anything of a significance what happens is they are released of their own recognizes right police officers are here and most times it's within 24 hours so the mother is fighting for justice for her child because the the person or the individual that did that hit the child um I guess he's out or she's out so so she's she's looking for justice that is another process she is she has she's seeking legal counsel on that but as far us as even council members we have to pray for the child the mother the family and especially pray for whoever was involved in in doing this that's our role it is not our fault us sitting here is not the mayor's fault it's whoever hit this young kid I'm an educator I work in the school every every single day I reached out to the principal of the school I spoke to her today to ask what else can be done what are you doing I wanted to get some more details and I'm going to be putting together something and I'm going to reach out to this Council so this Council can make some donations to help with the mom as she has to commute from Patterson to the hospital to see her child every single day to make sure that her child is getting the necessary um care that is is rightfully needed so I'll be reaching out you'll see me posting sending out some messages but that is our role it is not for this platform to use that concern because it's a very serious concern many of they tagged a few of us on it some people on this Council probably haven't even seen it but they did um tag a few of us on it but our biggest role right now is to pray for that for the eight-year-old young man we got to pray for him we got to pray for his mother we got to pray for those siblings we got to well we got to pray for those people that's what we need to do that's what we have to do and I'm asking everybody everyone that knows how to pray and if you don't know how to pray is just pray just talking to God send up a prayer say you know provide healing and a miracle to this young this um young guy that is a a resident of our community and if even if he wasn't he needs prayer pray for strength for his family while she's going through because no one knows what it is like when your your s iing or your child is sick or has went through a serious accident I know cuz I almost lost my son when he was one years old so when I saw the pictures it brought back memories for me as a mom whose son um at 1 years old his appendix ruptured which is something unknown in this country to happen and then when he was 8 years old he was hit by a car of somebody that was speeding in the city of Patterson so it hits me a little differently so we have to be careful when we're making um saying things cuz we don't know how it impacts anybody but I have spoken to the mom um and I will continue to reach out and speak to the mom and I will also make sure that we will do something to help this mother offset some of the things and some people they may not care they oh M you said that already I'm going say it 50 more times I'mma say it 20 more times you know why because if we don't show compassion for other people one day you'll be in the very same situation so you always have have to extend yourself to others cuz you never know I understand in this community that the rhetoric and the loud noise and the yelling and screaming people love that but where is the compassion where is the heart and love for one another without the backbiting and the talking back Whispering under your breath about people stop it we have to stop it because guess what when you don't think people hear you and are watching God sees and hears everything and your day is coming y your day is coming so be very careful of you sitting in a place where someone is giving wise counsel and you're being judgmental and and you're providing hypocrisy we have to be very careful because that's a young man that is laying in that Intensive Care Unit fighting for his life Patterson let's pray for him his name is Joshua let's pray for Joshua and his mother and their siblings thank you so much counc thank you councilman um very very very quick councilman Jackson councilman bz and and it's it's after so 8 it's 8:49 I know a lot of people that have to they have to go back home and they waited for the public portion councilman Jackson thank you council president I'll be extremely brief if you think the environment that we set is not conducive to the things that are happening you're absolutely incorrect every time you allow for a garage will be converted into an apartment and then you have more cars in that block there parking and cars got to Swerve in and out and and I respect prayer and there's there's a place for prayer but there's also a place for action and prayer without action is pointless we have to make sure that our community is is is is is conducive for our young people to be to to have a safe environment not to be in in these kind these kinds of conditions now I'll just say this a big election just took place and the mayor R off rais well over 60 $70,000 for somebody to run against me I challenge everybody who ran who raised this money this woman has a GoFundMe uh uh page up whatever money that people have left and in their campaign fund give it to this young child don't just talk about doing certain things be about the action of it if you could raise 70,000 $120,000 for a campaign what can you do for a 8-year-old kid that was struck that's fighting for their life while their family who's suffering don't sit here and talk about doing things see I didn't raise that much money for my campaign but I tell you what I'm going to make sure I make a contribution this is the setting for it because we got to make sure that our community in within its entirety understands what's at stake here this young child sensus struck and this is not uncommon this going on all the time you have people being shot at people being uh uh you know innocently driving being struck by police vehicles it's the environment if you believe this environment is not toxic then you're absolutely wrong and it's this council's responsibility to hold the administration accountable to repairing this environment and we're not doing it I I'll let rest it there council president Council thank you council president you know some times we need to listen to the negative and turn into positive ideas I recall and um you have to be in those shoes I lost a stepson in Newark run by the truck you had to be in those shoes you know people talk about tari I talk about experience I lost a stepson that everybody knows and I going to blame the driver W him the whole world or will happen thanks God for the prayers that came down those days and still we didn't have a conclusion what happened but you know what was my positive idea in that moment of trial I find out that there was a problem and my cardi way I met with the state the new go the new municipal government the traffic engineer of that area now you see lights all the way around that Mardi highways I spoke to them let's work on this turning negative into positive idea the accident I had in Route 46 everybody called me murder I turned into a positive idea I went and met with Bergen County met with do met with everybody in that world over there in the area when I had an accident I turned the negative into positive idea gave him the idea what happened for no happen be again continue happening and they going to work on that they going to put a bridge going to the other side they going to fence Walmart to people don't cross the highway like crazy man to take a bus that's turning negative to positive ideas in this case in the city of passing I coest that we have created more than 30 programs with collaboration after school program with collaboration with the school district with our own money we're taxpayer money the police department doing program for our youth I see those kissing bikes in the middle of the roads more than 25 no helmet no nothing you tell them where to go they don't want to follow one question is and and and I I don't want to question the accident but some of those kids come with a culture of conduct that they don't want to obey they cross the road they run the bikes all over and nobody can say nothing what I say is with the parents also to get involved in the education of their kids so you have to be those shoes to be able to preach you saying and I know that I'm doing my part as a legislator to make sure that we put the recreation the after school program The District's trying to do what they have to do to move the city forward you like it or not thank you councilwoman uh councilman M uh I'm sorry councilwoman cotton I know you always thank you council president I just want to say to um councilwoman ma'am you know prayer is important prayer helps people get through things life is tough it really is but I just want to say that you know we all here going to make a donation but you know what we got to start looking at our state laws we got to look at our there's no way in the world you can you can get a dollar a day insurance that means that car only got a value about $5,000 this kid probably going to be a million dollars with everything so all the donations that we can give but we got to start looking at state laws that are not requiring people to carry car the right amount that they need to carry you know and so let's all keep this young kid in prayer let's pray for him prayer will help you get through things let's keep him in prayer thank you council president thank you um thank you counil woman let's call the first Speaker uh M clerk let's open a public portion now members of the public you have three minutes uh to express your concern we have eight speakers only council members let's let um so let's call the first Speaker first speaker is is Eva El razac thank you I think I saw Eva she's not here she she's outside she's there Eddie Oles um so before Mr olivar there's a red Toyota plate ending with the mmm that the window is open if there anybody has a red Toyota in the room just in case the whack window is open good evening yes I good evening everyone um tonight uh we have talked a lot about the filth in the city um Mr VZ said that we need to have a serious talk with the administration regarding all the filth downtown and I ask you where have you been for the last eight years why haven't you had that conversation ation with the administration have that serious talk with the administration and um you know you you you mentioned U Council M Jackson you mentioned the the um the the this election and I was so happy to work on your on your campaign and let me tell you you have eight people in that Council that did everything they could to get you out and I am so glad that you prevailed you are the only CH in that councel that we can trust and I I I I'll leave it at that but I was so happy because it was the the effort to get you out of your seed was enormous but you guys failed all of you tried it didn't work but I want to go back to what's going on in the um in the city uh the Feld you keep on talking I mean U Mr KH he keeps on talking about moving the the city forward uh I I just heard the council president and all of you talk about the filth on the on the uh on on the streets on our streets um and I heard the uh Mr Mendes Council mandes say that nobody wants to go downtown because of the filth okay are we moving it Forward is that what you call for moving it forward the crime in the streets is that what you call moving it Forward people are embarrassed to say that they live in Patterson is that what you call moving it Forward I me wake up guys I understand you can win the elections you don't have many elections uh uh uh bman this one that crook same is true here you can win elections you can lie you can deceive you can cheat you can do all those things and win an election and it is true uh uh uh and Dr Ms no uh Mr Jackson did not ask me to come here and and say these things uh because he needs to look good he does a good job on on his own you guys make it easy for him to look good because he's so foolish you guys are children you guys are children look at you with this smirk on your face you're children you don't you don't act like legislature you're supposed to be running a city and it is terrible our city is in bad shape and it is you to blame all of you and if you have any brains you will say well you know what the only person that's going against the grain is Mr Jackson so you know what your time is up bless try next next speaker uh let's try something different next and with this I will conclude Mr with this I will conclude okay oh you going to say let's try something different because what you've been doing for years and years and years it's not worked try something different next speaker Madam next speaker is Mr Abed you go ahead oh Miss Eva Eva res please just to let let the record reflect that she just let him to to finish the phone call there sorry um I came with a different agenda here but just things that have gone wrong I don't know I have to say this I got to say this I'm probably going to get in trouble but that's okay we can't keep pointing fingers that you guys are doing this or you guys are doing this because our city is dirty because of the people that live in it why are we taking accountability of what we really k i don't me to be funny my friend I don't want to argue with you that's not my flow but I got to say something I've been I got chills I feel like throwing up because I feel real sick I kid you not I kid you not I've been in this city for long long long long time 56 years and a half I'm going to be 58 and I kid you not if we parents us don't take responsibility Merchants anybody that lives in the city how the hell in the world that we going to keep pointing fingers that you did it you did it you did it you did it how the hell we can't move forward unless we take accountability the kids in the street I be them my kids are adults and I be them if my kids would be doing something that they shouldn't be doing if everybody all Merchants all parents anybody that lives in the city want to take accountability of the streets of their homes of their business nothing will look the way you look if you if everybody in their word and I don't mean to be funny their word is clean yeah you have people that come and dump but then I could you not I'll be calling Mr Mendes I'm like Mr Mendes what's up with all this garbage and somebody has to come and pick it up we can't come on the mic and I don't want to be funny my friend we got a Kumbaya I got Kumbaya with you no and argue and point fingers and say you guys are responsible because you're not you're only one person everybody should be accountable for their mess if your child is out in the street at a certain time shame on the parents it's like now in the education F teachers are feel that they're overwhelmed why the parents are not taking accountability that the children go to school I don't mean to be rude I've been in this town for many years and hey I don't want for nothing because I get myself caught up in trouble but I got to say something we cannot come up to this mic and start attacking people over and over and over and over again it looks messed up why cuz people are looking at us and saying look at them fools look at them fighting let's let's instead of thring wood in the fire let's shut it down let's year another thing that I wanted to say I wanted to congratulate um last week there was an event for the veterans um salute all the veterans because my nieces are in the Army my grandfather served in World War Two also each and every one of you guys who have one you know I care you know I care and if I didn't I wouldn't say it because I get caught up for being honest but let's take accountability and let's com papy let's come let's let's share ideas let's love one another let's not come I know my 3 minutes off but let's come up here let's do love you know why you know why because if a tornado hits or a tsunami hits we all doomed and this child that is going through issues now we all all should pray each and everyone should pray and prayers do work because let me tell you something if you don't believe in Jesus or God of whomever you're in trouble and once again let's come on this mic let's love one another we might not look the same because if everybody was to look like me that would be a problem but let's love one another and let's stop pointing fingers at one another and let's share cuz you know we each and every one of you guys know I don't live in all these words but I've help each and everyone in different words me and I never asked for credit but let's cheer let's not come up here go your poy and fight love you guys once again I am so sorry and I crossed the issue a little while ago because it was my mom's word where they were shooting and my mom is almost 80 years old and I'll be damned if I'm not going to handle this issue and Mr Bellis that was your word that's why I kind of say something to you not that I wanted to disrupt anybody sorry and once again my public I love each and every one of us let's love each other let's respect each other next speaker each other next speaker is Mr council president on a V for a minute council president I'm getting messages that um the speakers are speaking too close to the microphone and it sounds like static okay so just be mindful when speaking not to be so close to the microphone just use the two in from microphone two inches yeah two inches that's the I got you protocol yeah all right protocol St protocol yeah good evening a bet the six Ward so as I stated in the last regular meeting uh thank you Madame ba for some of the answers questions that I proposed but one of a suggestion that I gave was to council president was that public portion is listed in the ordinance as probably number four right before right after payment of bills and same thing actually on the agenda that's given out public portion is right there right before for consent agenda so residents could actually speak on items that are involved in the consent agenda because it is our taxpayer money most of the time that's getting paid for this stuff such as the 163 177 Pennsylvania Avenue now you guys voted number 14 on a contract with paulus salowski and solder for architectural and engineering design Services is that money from 2018 still there the $7 million that was slated for the OEM project or is there more money being put into that project another thing is which is great with the Westside Park renovation project fact Shee with the three-year minimum experience they voted on the 2023 Citywide Road resurfacing program which gave the contract to American Asphalt and Trucking LLC when was that Contra when did that company get into business they didn't meet the three-year minimum requirement that Westside Park is going to require are we just giving away money we should actually look into that and see and do factual sheets yes the company came into business in September of 2021 today's May 2024 that's less than three years so we could continue going on and on through this agenda and council president spoke about filal carding item 29 I don't know if it was removed but it's on this agenda over here for the contract to extend from June 1st June 1st 2024 through December 31st 2025 and it says no bulk pickup and we've been complaining about bulk pickup so I don't know it's been removed all right that's a good thing I hope that it could be Revisited with bulk pickup and last thing as all of you guys know and most of you guys attended two weeks ago the Palestine day on Palestine way event it's been 235 days since the war in Gaza has started and primary elections start tomorrow early voting so I do recommend everybody to go uncommitted for presidency it's unfortunate the Democratic party has paid and paved their way to supply funds to Foreign Wars that do not affect us our country is being affected today with our veterans our veterans are homeless there's no money for the veterans from the government but we're sending billions of dollars for Wars to kill innocent people so please please vote uncommitted and the Congressional also I will I suest everybody to look into Muhammad karula and try to go that way let's get rid of Bill Pascal thank you thank you next speaker Madam clerk Miss waha Muhammad what gu's name good evening evening first of all I want to know when we come to this building is there a certain time we can and cannot get in here because today when we got here we were told we couldn't come in very nastily we were told we couldn't come in so we were made to stand out there for another 10 minutes and your ba walked past us and saw us standing there and we still had to wait until I guess whatever they decided the guy that was down there decided to let us in so I need to know if there's a specific time so I don't come down here standing outside like I'm some fool that don't know where I'm going first thing I want to say too I want to say thank God for the first word that the voters decided councilman that we needed you I just thank them thank them thank them for bringing you back for us because while they're building you're battling for us and we appreciate that that's other thing I want to say this resolution 13 councilwoman Ames talked to the president and told him why she needed you all to pull that resolution not to just go ahead and pass it because it's already been out to bid so why is it going back out to bid again and yes they spoke with us we came up with the plans we told them what we wanted and now it's going out to bid again what is that all about but we know we're going to get some story the other thing I want to know is so of course since you all uh got reelected your positions as chairs of those committees won't be changed until your new president whoever that's going to be okay just wanted to know the more I ride through this city the more I see so many illegal things that's happening I don't understand that and we sit here and talk about moving forward that's what the forward is that I can come by one day and no driveway to next day there's a driveway I can come past a building site with no permits hanging anywhere all kinds of things that's happening but the thing that really gets me is that you all are talking about now how downtown looks a mess when right next door to City Hall that guy put out junk every single day and there was nothing done so why is it now all of a sudden oh we have to do something we should have been done something but of course that's moving forward the other thing I want to know is when we decide that you are uh coming back to City Hall when is that going to happen do you know anything about that October is the the date or somebody just said that none of you said that somebody back here said okay whatever maybe we'll find out one day when you're going to come back thank you moving forward this speaker Mr Elvis durhan Mr Elvis dorm fourth War patteron New Jersey before I get into my announcements the politicians in this city need to be honest to the people one of the Queens in our community just asked when we going to go back to City Hall it's not going to take two months three months that's a historic building be honest October November be real it take money to fix that that building that part of City Hall has supposed got fif in 2010 but they waited for something to happen be honest to the people we voted y'all in um just want to say thank you to the queen bah Muhammed for coming to my birthday celebration um the annual African Heritage parade is Saturday June 15 2024 at 10:00 a.m. and it's going it's going to start from the mic Temple 224 Broadway patteron New Jersey our female Grand Marshal for this year is the queen of parison New Jersey ver am mayor Grand Marshal Teddy Martinez the duty Grand Mara is vamin vamin Fe FEMA aka Big v to everybody that's out there on TV Land This is the African harage parade we need to get involved you say we don't got too much in the black community stop talking you could be in this parade every businesses should be in this parade I would love to see a representative from Jackson in this parade I heard the comeback of jville coming soon in a couple months just good advertisement for more information you can contact a at 862 823 5483 to be in this parade let's make this parade bigger and better the pison juneth celebration Saturday June 15 2024 starts at 12:00 p.m. at Esa Park 8 H 100 Broadway Patterson New Jersey lots of surprise guesses going to be there very a 77 birthday celebration very a the queen of patteron New Jersey 77 birthday celebration Saturday June 8th 2024 starts at 1:00 p.m. at very a community park 1:30 Rosa par babore patteron New Jersey that's the announcements for this week God bless you and peace thank you next speaker M clerk Miss Deborah Hannibal council president once again please to the speakers try to keep yourself away from the microphone okay good evening Council good evening Deborah Hannibal Patterson New Jersey uh good evening Madame clerk good evening to the councel to the administration I'm here just to remind everyone that um the primary election is June the 4th you can go to to get information about the candidates uh early voting begins on Wednesday tomorrow we'll run through Sunday June 2nd I saw something this evening that was very disturbing to me one of a Patterson resident came to the mic she expressed her opinion and she was disrespected by Council people we have a right as Citizens to say how we see it you may not be in agreement and I know that is councilman Jackson was here he would not have allowed that black woman to be disrespected we're not in the chamber but that was disrespect I also want to say congratulations to coach cotton she is doing great work in this city it's so important to recognize how the role that Athletics play because they help to keep our children academically eligible so these things go hand in hand there was um some information put out earlier this week that our children weren't recognized by the organization that recognized um High School athletics that's not right something needs to be done about that so hopefully this city or the the Board of Education we can have our own sports banquet to recognize that they they have it and we should just do our own thing and H have our students recognize cuz that wasn't right I'm just also always amazed it's amazing to me but I've seen it that the way that councilman abdell aiz speaks about what's going on in the Sixth Ward and I mean he kind of brags about it and that's a cool thing if we were bragging about the whole city of Patterson so I want somebody to sit up here who can say that we're doing things for the city of Patterson I I want somebody to even investigate because tonight again it looks like he 55% of the streets in his Ward are being addressed now I don't know what it's called but some people may call that environmental racism I don't know what else to call it but that's what it looks like the Optics take a look at this Council the black and brown people are not getting what somebody who's not black or brown is getting and they're bragging and they're saying it in our face that they're getting more than what we're allowed to get now I don't know if there's some kind of tunnel project going on but every time I ride up Curtis place I'm begging that my car doesn't just disappear if you go up Warren Street it's been like that for a long time there's so many streets that are not being addressed and I don't know how we're deciding he said the councilman from the Sixth Ward is that he goes and talks to the mayor to the administration so if you're not in favor of the of if you're not in the administration's favor your streets don't get addressed there needs to be a more Equitable system the Optics what it looks like it doesn't look right something is very wrong and then we need to talk about Oprah cuz we need Oprah in this city we need to see what's going on CU that's something that can be addressed we need to know what's being fixed and when and it brings us back to how salaries are paid here we have to do something about Oprah we need to contact the governor Oprah cannot go away we need trans transparency because if somebody if all of the employees are getting 2% and somebody's allowed to get 50% increase that's not right the Optics don't look right thank you next speaker M clerk next speaker Miss Kathy Morgan good evening I'mma say this first I'm let the two gentlemen that decide the two little boys that decide they had some something smart to say I don't know why you got so offended about the third world country I don't know if that hit hard for you I don't know but what I will say to you the next time you open your mouth to me it better be respect if not you better not do it cuz I'm that joker that will put some blood in your mouth trust me it's not a threat it's a promise okay now let's get back to business we talking about um fixing streets fixing par um Parks we're talking about all this building up all these unaffordable housings and all these taking up all the parking on the street when you live on the street with people that have driveways park on the park multiple vehicles on the street commercial vehicles on the street there's no parking for the residents and then you come outside you got a ticket on your car come on we got to do better and before I need to put this in here before I say anything else Freedom Village when they go to court are the the residents of fre Freedom Village going to be um notified will they know so they can attend a hearing that all right so that's something that needs to be done yall talking about you know everybody jumped turned what Mike said and made it bad yes prayer works but like he said prayer without work is dead and there's there's a we have to fix what's going on in this city I was almost killed one morning on my way to work I'm coming down Jefferson Street this guy came bowing out in this huge truck he got so close to my car I could have literally blew the wind blew the dust off the front of his car nobody stops at stop signs nobody stops at red lights red light means go faster okay see if you can get through and people blow at you because I'm not soon as the light change I'm not going when at the stop sign I'm scared because people don't stop at stop signs the back of their car is at the stop sign and they're all the way out in the intersection we have to do better the um protect our children to protect the citizens of patteron all of these electric bikes I almost killed someone because this person is riding alongside of me you don't see them coming here they go you go to turn the corner and they're there nobody's watching the store okay and we need to get better um I talked about the vendors on the street the loud music I don't shop downtown patteron because I can't deal with the stress I can't do it and what I will say and I stand by what I said you all are paid to do a job you are paid to be present in the moment you are paid to be in these seats not on your cell phones not running to get something to eat every 5 minutes eat before you get here grab a Happy Meal if you need to but it's disrespectful to us for you all to sit up here and keep disappearing and like I told Orlando he's gone I apologize to him for you this man is speaking and everybody you call the director to take his time to come here and then you totally disrespect the man at what point in your life do you feel like this is okay you want I don't know if this some people and those of you that know me y'all know who I am this must be the best thing you've ever had in life because you're arrogant you're disrespectful and you're rude as hell to people seriously this is what we do the leaders of the city I stopped coming down here because I was frustrated I was aggravated and my husband got tired of me coming down here trying to fix people that to work with a city that doesn't want to work for themselves you all are elected to these seats you're not grandfathered in and only because you was able to BS a few people you still here and a lot of you are here because a lot of your people don't speak the language because if they spoke to language and spoke to some people that really knew what you did down here you wouldn't be here I'm not I'm quite sure the people of your community no no the people of your community would not uphold the BS you do down here I'm telling you I know they wouldn't cuz I'mma tell you my son's Muslim and I and he holds things and respect of people respect of positions in high regards let speaker man cler next speaker is Mr Renee Jones oh it's only one who can speak no good even good evening I'm not a public speaker so please I'm speaking from the heart um um from my name is Renee I'm from the First Ward and Michael Jackson I'm so happy thank you but I know if this is Michael Jackson's uh passion about these Park cars that keep getting harassed every time a parked car is somewhere they they wor about Park cars and they need to worry about the cars that's moving you go okay now my daughter had a situation over the week was not good was not a good look the armed guard actually wrestled my daughter and and and beat her with a stick down at the first W river towers and I don't know who own that place down there but they messing with the wrong kid my daughter's 28 years old and I think she'd be able to sit in her car and talk on her cell phone without being harassed that she has to move she lives there that's her property she lives on there that P she pays her own rent and that's this is why he want to snap pictures and tell them to move and and and fighting young girls down there got getting sticks out his car and harassing my and and hitting my daughter my daughter gets locked up she got a ceas and deist and and all kinds of stuff like she a criminal she what is going on they need to stop need these cars alone it's bigger fish to fly I mean it's all every minute somebody's getting killed molested anything like leave these these cars alone that's parked especially with somebody in it it's not important they live there and I just want Michael Jackson I know this your passion cuz you you you said that and I I'm like a like I can't wait to see him to tell him like my daughter's like she's St she's never been in trouble before she's 28 years old now she got papers down there locks up for for for all that crazy stuff yeah I got to get a lawyer N I got to get a lawyer it's not fair and they had her locked up in there and she wasn't the only one that was fighting it was plenty of Spanish people everything ain't nobody name there my daughter went down you know and they say that this armed guard which his name is somebody Spanish and he's not Spanish he's African so I don't know where all this information coming from but I'm trying to find out what's going this hard for me cuz nobody want to give me no information about him cuz he's supposed to be an armed guard but armed guard beat people with sticks not going to happen it's not fair and I think they should leave people alone in their cars that's Park and mess with the people that's riding and speeding and turning corners and running red lights and everything and killing people that's was important not the ones that's sitting there in their car and ain't bothering nobody and talking on their [Music] phone thank you let speak on cler the next speaker is M Chanel Fields good evening good even uh now that the election is over I'm hoping our community can move forward by seeing the council come together uh voters did not come out and droves during this election to support elected officials and that speaks volumes to the level of work that needs to be done um through canvas in the neighborhood I found out that a lot of people are tired and hopeless um and I want to know what of all of you what are all of you going to do to change that this election um was a warning to not get comfortable um but to engage with the war engage with the community more okay um it's essential that this Go Round The Residents get to see this Council fostering a spirit of inclusivity toward all Council all residents and all WS as we address the city's challenges ahead let us begin to implement effective solutions to ensure that the city will grow and prosper for all residents I want to congratulate all of the candidates on every reelection uh but more specifically councilman Jackson on your reelection to the first board despite all the odds to unseat you God decided that what was for you will always be for you and no mayor no Chief of Staff no opponent no conspiracy no underhandedness can stop what for you my prayer is that your Council colleagues and you will all come together uh with you so that the first board does not continue to suffer the way it did this last go around because as community and as a council we must realize that all matter all that matters is keeping the city safe and making it better in all areas possible thank you thank you next speaker M cler there are no more speakers a motion to close by councilman Dava second by councilman Ms roll call M clerk to close the public portion roll call to close the public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday May 28 2024 councilman ad pass did you say pass yes thank did thank you council president I mean U Madam clerk uh I just want to U speak on a few of the items um that were said in the public portion um um um one of them is um I am a full-time Council woman um I get plenty of calls and not only from the fourth W from all throughout the city um I have reported to have caught many people but what I found is that um we are having problems in the city with illegal activities what Miss Muhammed illegal businesses but what happens is that our inspectors can't go out by their self no more that's sad that they have to be escorted with a police officer because when they confront people they get into an allocation with people I mean I I can just show you my list of of businesses and that um that are not businesses and so now it's a matter of working on on them and so they have the list of Plenty I got to say that is plenty also you know um you can't and I can say that without inspectors you don't want to you can't really you don't want to you you can't put them in Jeopardy you can't so we got to wait until we get uh a police officer go out with them and also you know it's like you know driving to uh uh what they call it um a range you you you're turning everybody's double part you can't even go straight no more people when when the red light turn green you got to wait three 30 seconds because you're not sure if they going to run the red light going the other way you know so so so I think that I know that we're going to need more we need more police officer because and what I want to say to council uh Corporation councel is that um and I just want to say to Corporation councel no more negotiating if I go to your address for loud noise 5,000 right off the bat because you're not going to stop and as soon as the police comes leave they come back within 10 minutes they're back up there so and I'm also requesting that we take a look at that first offence for loud music because I don't believe that is high enough because the there when you get the same address every day it's like how do you get the same address every day with loud music and if somebody going there I'm not sure nobody's not going there if they are it it's not and so we need to also also probably have uh uh uh I would say if we can make a recommendation that we need a uh and we had it last year I'm not sure if we're going to have it again uh quality of life cards and that's all they concentrated on was quality of life they didn't do anything else that's when you made a call and they needed to go to address so and so that's what they did the quality of life um and I want to say also that um with um with Deborah Hannibal had said you know we have I think that we we have a lot of kids that are that want to do really good and I remember back in the day when I was part of Esau high school home school council and I make a recommendation at that time Mark Fisher was the parent coordinator over there after U Mr L retired that we needed to adopt families cuz adopting kids now it's just not enough that we need to help families because once we help a kid then he still has to go back home to and then I think that once we can get the family together that would help I had um in my campaign quite a few young people uh I had my football players from 20 years ago that that I helped I also personally have now taken over five young men they're 13 14 and 15 years old I think that if we as a community can just grab on to somebody just grab a family grab a kid that would truly truly um help and you know and I always say that and I said with the education with my daughter uh we have to start looking at um putting more females in coaching positions our young girls need to go into a locker room with a female coach that female coach needs to be in that room with that young lady because they go through all different kind of things that are happening in their lives and and they're happening at home and you know they talk about boys and everything else and so they we need to really concentrate on on bringing in um more um female coaches and and and it's still we're still breaking barriers you know we're still breaking barriers they you know you sit in the room and you be the only one and you do your best to do the best that you can do in there when you in there and and that's all and that's what you can do and I just want to say also with um we got a and Kathy you talked about the commercial vehicle there's so much that um we can that we have to get done and I want to say to Corporation Council the VA you know we have to take a look at like how things are are being run and how things are we have to you know what I remember La Street 10 cars deep double Park 1:00 in the morning I said do not even blow the horn police officer write the ticket and Tow right and Tow ain't no need to blow no horn ain't need to wake up nobody write the ticket and Tow because until they stop until you do that then they will they're not going to stop and and it's so hard cuz you got to go to work at 4 5:00 and you can't even get out now you late for work so those are things that I think that we need but also um I think we need to um try to do more of the Block Association and try to get to know our neighb I said to somebody and me believe me I don't have a few of my residents constituents who have press charges on their neighbors because they they're they're just totally some of them are totally just getting so out of control that you cannot even do anything like they not listening they but they have to listen to somebody and that's why I say um Corporation counsel that we got to get the um we got to be more stringent with um with the fines and with not making no plea deal and I got five tickets then you pay for two and then we going to drop the three no we can't we can't continue to do that but I also want to say I'm not quite sure Kathy you talked about Freedom Village and um my understanding was that um they won the case I don't know why they got to go back to court no I thought that they didn't have to pay the [Music] increase oh no no wait a minute okay then I'll ask you that because I didn't hear anything else only thing I heard that they awarded the r Liv the board awarded the um if they want to take they may not take them they may not if they didn't get no letter but I'll find out more about that also um I want to say to um I mean we as a community um you know someone said that I know I'm a good Council woman I know I answer everybody who calls me I don't know what somebody talking about that I'm not a good Council woman I work my behind off and I work my behind off cuz I love what I do because people don't know sometime where to go and they need to know where to go and that's my role to make sure I find out for them where they need to go cuz I I know how it feels to be on the phone and they switching you from phone to phone to phone to phone and you ain't getting nobody you need to find out where you need to go who can help you who can't help you you know when you talk about veterans I came from a veteran family I would do everything help veterans but I'm going to send you to the right veteran you know that's why I say to people sometimes you got Congressman Pastor he got a staff there just for veterans and they will concentrate just on veteran he got a staff there just for Internal Revenue he got a staff there for Medicare he got a staff there for you know for so you have all kind of issues that you got to have done and you got to figure out how you can get to it there are so many things that we that I personally need to know know who I can send you to because if I can share you information I want you to share to somebody else you know what c cotton told me to go there and you know what this is what I want to tell you where to go that's what we have to do share what we learn and how we learn it and how we got to do anything and also I just want I have some other comments but I'll wait till the end I you know when I grew up we had elected officials I didn't know who they were but I said to myself one day if I became and I never thought about being a council woman but I said myself I want you to know who councilman cotton is and when you see me walking down the street you can stop me and you can talk to me I will give you my card my husband said to me Ruby you make sure I don't care where you go you keep your cars on you so when somebody want to say can I have your car you can whip it right out your pocket that's what it's about because now you want to be able to be accessible reachable to everyone not just your War but to everyone Madame clerk I want to say your vote my vote but I just I'm passionate about it because I know what I've gone through when I was a young kid in this city don't know nobody don't know who to call don't know nothing true and you got to find out where you got to go you know how many lawyers don't beat us you know how many people don't went to jail because we didn't know what to do you know how many you know like you know I met a guy who served 30 years in jail back in the day in the 80s and and the 70s they threw our kids in jail for 20 30 40 years for the same little crime that some other people made that they didn't really do they sered 20 years they served 30 years now they want to they going to come out and they going to do the right thing and help people and they going to show us what we need to do I just get emotional sometimes with certain things when I see what happens with people and don't say that you don't care I care who whoever dare ever say that I don't care I care I care when you call me I know you call me for a reason and you looking for some help and I'm going to help you as much as I can I don't know what they talking about I don't care Madam clerk my vot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver so I will be brief with my comments um we love you Council woman we know you care uh I'm going to bring this back to today and I think that we have to be mindful on both sides um I'm born and raised here in the city of Patterson my mom was Puerto Rican and my father was an immigrant from Peru undocumented at that okay I find that a lot of times by the way he di he died saved and documented needed to say that um but what I find sometimes is when when you don't know someone you tend to judge you don't know what the person's lifestyle has been you don't know where they came up you don't know how they grew up you don't know you don't know if somebody's a single person that works all day comes directly from work directly here is the first person here sitting down and for hours needs to get up and shake it up a little if they has sciatica problems you don't know so I think we need to be mindful we're mindful that we know that we are put here by the people the people vote Us in and the people vote us out but we have to be mindful to also respect because when we talk about and and I and I'm going to say this and I have to say it because it was mentioned you know and throughout the campaign that was the rhetoric out to the third world countries like you know that's insulting that's insulting when somebody's just sitting here and gets up because they need to go to the men's room or because they need to go back cuz they have a sugar problem and they need to go drink something so so all I'm saying is we don't know individual situations so you know I sit here sometimes and and you know my colleague councilman V made a statement oh you know I agree with freedom of speech absolutely I do too I said but there has to be a way to address and I've always said this I am very open my number is available to anyone my personal number is available to anyone and if there's something that you'd like to address with me you can do it on a one-on-one I've had those instances and so you know I I just needed to say that because you know we come from all walks of life I just mentioned and I mentioned that my father was an immigrant and an undocumented person at that so I do take and he came from a family I I guess I can't really say that he came from a very poor family but if you see where he grew up in Peru then you would say that in his area was a third world country and so I I needed to say that you know and I'm saying it respectfully because I think we all have to be mindful one another um I'm going to bring something back we talked about uh parking and it's something that I've been working on through the legal department and our AC think Corporation Council can our Deputy right can can attest to you know there is issues with parking right so one of the things that um young lady came um a few month back and talked about how she got a parking ticket parked in front of her driveway there was no parking so there's her her family member so she parked in front of her driveway and I said you know what went back to legal and I said there has to be a way that we in the city can do it through permit so it's going through DPW it's going through legal where it's there's already a draft in place um to allow for owners homeowners all right who give the authority so if you have a tenant and that person has a way of a permit and those are the kings that we're working out so you are able to park in front of your um driveway and you know there's no other way that I could think of adding any more parking unless we're having some open space that we're doing parking decks that's not happening maybe in the business areas yes but residentially speaking that's not happening so that is one way that you know I hope that this Council can really consider that as something that can be an option we should not be ticketing and because it's not in the books right now that's why they're allowed to do it because it is not legal to park in front of your your um your driveway and so you know just bringing it back you know um once again to all my colleagues um that won the reelection congratulations I think Miss field said it best um she stood up here and just said hey elections are over let's just hope that we can all just come and work and understand you know each other passions cuz I think again that's part of what some of the issues are is when we don't understand people's passion and then it for some may become or can come across as aggressive right um councilman Jackson mentioned something and and he was really passionate and I'm going oh and I'm shaking my head because the first thing I did when I got here at 6:00 today I I parked right in front and I couldn't believe the amount of garbage and I'm saying to myself you know and I I don't want to put out the the the two tenants but it's in front of their offices here and I'm saying they need to be ticketed they need to nonprofit or not they need to be ticketed they're part of the problem as well if you know that there's a situation with garbage in the city and you're putting garbage out when you're not supposed to and you're putting it in plastic bags when you know that it should go on a garbage can so these are some of the things we're trying to change the culture but the reality everybody has to be in this together it can't be just one side it can't be that the council we get we get so many calls you know and I made the the the I I mentioned today and I addressed the executive director of the downtown Sid because we've had conversations with him about this and I just today you know a few business owners market and Maine complaining how you know some of their food you know some of they they sell seafood so guess what they can't have once a week pick up on a weekend where do they put their garbage you know so so again there's a lot to be done we'll continue to work I'm just saying listen let's just be mindful let's just respect one another we don't always have to like each other but I think that respecting each other is very important so um once again um Madam clerk thank you so much uh my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilwoman DAV councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk first and foremost uh council president as uh yet another failure for the from the administration to maintain the level of uh of uh use of what is the people's house our Chambers if this is going to be our adjunct Chambers I I need to know who's making the call to restrict or prohibit members of the public because if this is our Chambers this is the house of the public so I don't know if it's you as a council president or if it's anyone else but who's making the determination to restrict members of the public from entering the building as long as this B this building is being utilized for public meetings the public should not be restricted and and any member of the administration this is the council chambers so how is it that the members of the administration get uh privilege over people the the people it's people's house like to get that answer um relative to Freedom Village see it's just another example of how people are allowed to capitalize off of our condition council president um now it's a lot of cologne in in the air man perfume um Pere no we allow these entities to come in here and take advantage of us we put forward a rent leveling board with no teeth with no uh uh ability to to enforce you know this deric behavior of treating our community and now the residents are forced to take the entity to court see it is our job to protect the residents's best interest and I don't know about you Miss Muhammad but I I see that as a gross failure we should be analyzing their pnls we should be looking at their books see how much they're making and how they're mistreating our seniors that's it's terrible but it's it's not not isolated and I do agree and I appreciate councilwoman daver for you know um chiming in on the fact that this entity mind you by the way this building is owned by the municipality we this is our building and yet we're putting out garbage with our receptacles to just throw them out there let the animals get to it let the people you know migrants go through them but if we begin to ticket them yeah you got an issue I'm coming if we begin to ticket them we are now doing what we call Selective enforcement now I got to go out here and help a constituent because obviously somebody else is being mistreated but I'm going just say this last thing my daughter was one of the people who by the way is an except exceptional scholar straight A student straight A student 4o Beyond freshman her stats doubled every other person's stats in the county and she was not acknowledged on All County list and when I questioned them they said it's our team we do what I want to and no school from the urban District had anybody selected and my daughter's numbers far surpassed double 50 stolen bases the next highest was 22 rbi's her batting average everything but see they believe they could treat us any kind of away I have more to say but I got to go check on this young lady who's being un unfairly treated because a counsilman got offended people could say whatever they want to say up here but now she's she's probably facing potential charges because they're afraid for their lives the cowardness that happens here the cowardness but I digress my my vote is Yes Man CL thank you councilman Jackson councilman councilwoman MIM so to the public that is present and viewing as I always do I want to say thank you for coming out thank you for viewing there are concerns Ryan and Raphael on YouTube they're saying that our sound is muffled on YouTube that not just there they're saying the council members as well is the same thing so uh so I just want to put that on the record because people are saying we're on our phone but people are call texting and calling us because they can't see or and or hear we didn't have any notice that it was changed from 75 to 77 so people didn't know where to watch and as well there was an incident on Rosa Park so people were calling so we're just not hap well I'm going to say for myself not haphazardly just sitting here on my cell phone I got about 50 calls about the sound alone just for the sound so while we're sitting he people calling or they're hearing something being stated they have things they want to add to it Andor critique and so we're their Council people I'm councilwoman at large so I represent the entire city so when they're responding I respond back to them that's just just what I do um to all of the speakers there were so many things that were said but I have to I'm I'm going to go and nitpick around but I have to agree a lot of times we as council members are blamed for things that are not our responsibility I have on Facebook I have a pride initiative that I put out since 2018 I've been putting it out every single year I one one time I printed flyers and I put them out because when it we talk about filth and garbage it's not just that DPW city is not doing their job because they are I've witnessed people throwing big bags of McDonald's Burger King out of their windows I've seen people walk into the pizzer RAS now if you don't want the bag just leave it in the store I've seen them walk right out the pizza store get the bag take their Pizza out and throw it right on the garbage I've seen people if you ride through the city as I do I represent the entire city there's some Wards you see people cleaning in front of their homes the people on the block are cleaning you go through other Wards they have mattresses laying on the curb they have uh things hanging from off of the banisters but it it's a mindset as well can we do better absolutely but everybody has to participate I've witnessed DPW go downtown clean up and after they finished within 45 minutes the vags were back they they they broke down the the tents they broke down the boxes they took all the the uh the covers and right after they did it it was right back I've seen them clean feces blood urine everything and right after they do it is right back business owners I have to defend them on Main Street because I put a challenge out to some people when they put their garbage out it's very neatly placed out the vagrants and some of the homeless they come through and they dig through that garbage and they leave it in a disarray it was not like that when the business owners left so I have to give give credit where it's due it has to be all hands on debt for myself I don't really mind critique and criticism but council president I think we have to put in place we cannot allow people to come and totally disrespect council members and expect us to be quiet it's okay if you're saying we you feel we're not doing our job or whatever but when you start calling people out of their names your idiots your clowns and all of that stuff we need to set a precedent and it has to be from the council president's seat y but you have to say to the public you can come and say but do not call people out of their names we all sitting here I think everyone here we're parents I'm a grandmother my my children or my grandchilden would not would not appreciate someone at the microphone calling their mother and grandmother a clown I'm not a clown I'm not an idiot so for you to come to the mic and say those things and then when we respond you get upset it's not fair give the respect that you want to receive when you come to the microphone we don't mind you have issues concerns we're right writing them down I write down every week what you whatever is going on and then I make phone calls I call right DPW knows fire I call everybody I show up that's what we do so we just have to be careful with that commentary if you want to come down we don't mind and that's not critiquing when you come down and start calling people out of their names that's not critiquing that is not that is totally disrespectful and is uncalled for and it should never be allowed in this Council in the council chamber or setting in Where We Are happy birthday to uh Elvis Durham I was not able to make uh your event there's some times and we just have to be parents and spend time with our family and do things and relax and have some balance in our life there's so many people that I have seen that were healthy and by the afternoon they they were dead and so we have to be very careful that we don't take time to smell the flowers and enjoy our life everybody else is enjoying their life but they want to say the council members do nothing I totally disagree we sat here tonight and we approved so many things that's going to benefit the city So when you say council members do nothing you won your seat and people didn't want you it's not true the numbers don't lie people lie but numbers do not lie because if people wanted some something different they would have voted 12,000 people in this city Only voted out of 85,000 registered that tells you something it's not that people didn't want the people they wanted cuz they they did they selected them and that's why they're back in their seat but those people understand and know that they believe in the person that's sitting in the seat councilwoman cotton you already know that people are going to talk and say whatever to all the council members I'll say it to everybody to me this is my slogan what is what is already understood you don't have to explain it when you know you out there working your phone is blowing up all day all night middle of the night early in the morning you know you already know you're doing the work everybody may not see it and you don't have to put it on blast everybody in the community knows exactly who they can call how they can get it done to Miss Jones my heartfelt heartfelt passionate to you cuz I look I have a daughter so I can only imagine I'm not sure if that individual works for he's privately through the ownership of that building but what I would do is put in a complaint through Riverview Towers um have the property management and have the owner reach out to to you you can also if you choose to you can call the police and have your daughter press charges if she would like to do that that's another option and if you want to go through legal legal the legal way you could do legal and get you a lawyer but those are things that you can do because that's a private entity but you can always that's what the police are here for that's their slogan to protect and serve you call them that's what she tells them what happens and then I'm sure they're probably with marks or bruises all of that is a part of of that particular I item you have my cell phone number call me text me anytime I call me we'll talk about it call call me we'll talk about it um to uh there was uh Freedom Village Madame ba if we can get um uh Clarity from our director Irma gorum on Freedom Village because I'm hearing that they're going to court we're not sure if they're going to court so I want to hear it directly from the director of housing what is happening with Freedom Village sent to all the council members so we can have Clarity if there is something that was done even if it was du the rent leveling board it would still have to come to the council for adoption of whatever that was and I have we haven't seen anything so I just want Clarity so we can be very clear to the public if that is true or if it's not true so I would like to see that um something was said about uh Sports and how they don't uh celebrate the the athletes that is not true I am an educator so is councilman Udin we work in the schools they have sports award sports awards breakfasts and dinners all the time i' I've been yeah it's one this week I've been the keynote speaker for many of them so I know firsthand the fers are out and I always recommend that um you know if you're not sure just just reach out to the coaches the coaches are very open they're always looking for people to sponsor and to donate so that not just for the um the parents to come but sometimes you know they may give one ticket away but sometimes you want the mother and father the grandmother the aunt so connect I always tell people adopt the school adopt the team so you can be a part of the process so you'll know that's what I do when I see a team that needs something I'm like okay reaching out to people like I need you to adopt this team I need you to work with this coach these individuals they need some uh uniforms or some cleats or whatever they need and most people in this community I have found that they love the children so I have never heard anyone say no to the youth and or the seniors of this community so I just want to put that on the record and if you have someone that you know is in need maybe for the prom or whatever reach out to me and we're going to make sure that that kid does not suffer so that they can celebrate uh their their graduate ation uh and closing uh I want to talk about uh the ceiling so for many that know and that don't know portion of the ceiling in the city council chambers collapsed in the back um and and after it collapsed they did a check it also has a best those so for me personally my health is a priority so I am not in a rush to go back into the chamers until it is fully fixed and totally operational so Madame ba if we could just get an update I do see it as a part of this uh introduced budget I see it's included in here but if you could just provide that at a later time what's going on and what's needed to repair cost-wise and steps wise that would be great but I'm not rushing that process my health is a priority and if we have to sit here until 2026 we're going to sit right here because we got to make sure that another part of the ceiling don't fall down because I heard that ceiling was like that for a very very long time and then it just eventually crashed thank God nobody was in there that's what I'm concerned about um and then I'm just want to make sure I I I talk about everybody that spoke and if I miss something you said I'll come back and I'll reach out to you later but keep coming to the meetings I encourage you to come I don't want you to stop coming to the council meetings to share or your concerns and or your views I want you to come you talked about uh the garbage company that is uh removed from the agenda it was here but I'm hearing that it's removed from the agenda on tonight and I do agree that we need to have a conversation around the bulk pickup because that's a part of the concern we talk about the filth in the community so I I totally agree with you and I think a lot of the council members agree as well I'm asking to the community those individuals that ran even if you did not win in the election to me you're still winners come and partner with the sitting council person some of you had great ideas they're in the seat work with them because if you're if your mindset is that we want to help the city get better your ideas help the current council person because you can work together because they're in the seat with the authority to get it done so come together let's build and not battle let's come together and work with the the council people of the wards and there's three at large we can do it together but pointing fingers and and talking about people and and and saying they don't do anything and calling them out of their names I think that is just totally disrespectful and we cannot do that we've done it too long but tonight I felt the need that it needs to be addressed so that we can really not have a toxic environment it's time for us to have a healthy environment the elections are over I'm not sure if they were certified but the they're not certified yet but the results are final there's no more numbers coming in there's no more envelopes to be counted everything is over what you see is what you're getting the six for the next four years and the other will be here for two and then we'll be here for four more so I'm just saying so who's here is here you got to work with the people that are here it's not good to tug it's not tug of war we need stuff done I need you you need me let's get it done together let's build let's grab hands Kumbaya sing a song eat a meal drink a Snapple or water and let's move the city forward Madam clerk I spoke long tonight but I needed it yes you need to get out I need I need to get it out cuz I I want us to heal Patterson needs to heal I'm going to say it Patterson needs to heal we have people young people getting shot in this community some getting killed in this community people dying early my girlfriend just passed 44 years old what a beautiful young lady 44 years old no longer here in this community we got to start working together let all the issues all the backb and all the gossip all the negativity Let It Go life is too short to be crabs in a barrel life is too short to be questioning why you support this one why you support that we support who we want to support and that's it overdone and at the end of the day we got to work together and if you choose not to work together we're still moving on the train is still going to move you know when you're on a train and closing when you're on a train when I'm riding going to see my daughter they go next stop Baltimore mareline if you don't get off that train is moving you could yell and scream all you want at the next stop but we not going back to Baltimore we're moving forward and that's what this council is doing we're moving forward if you miss your stop we'll come back on the next cycle in the next season but in this movement we're moving the city forward to make things better and we got to heal and grow together too many kids are dying too many families are in a disarray because of fires and so much Patterson please City to the community at large please let's work together and let's get it done we're not going to get it done coming against each other Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman urin Focus here thank you Madame clerk good evening Patterson those who are here um and those who are watching us live on TVs and YouTube channels um again I thank you those who are here and uh made your voice hard um and again today's the we have actually passed so many great things that City in need and again I would say that to move the city forward is not just one way it's a collaborative and active report from both local government and the residents of the city of Patterson and as many of the council members mentioned that the examples of how the cooperation is not getting taking place from both sides and as an example I can say that yes we definitely have to take the blame that we sometimes not able to clean our city street on time or not collecting trash on time I I do acknowledge that's happening but at the same time we have to acknowledge that we are not keeping our front clean our backyard clean that's that's happening always and let me just give an example from last week uh two weeks ago that just one resident is because of one resident this entire block was dirty cuz he does not care he does not care about this schedule of trash collection or anything he just put the trash whatever whenever he wanted and because of this I had to call for a meeting I had to call some uh folks from the DPW and also from um uh one of the uh you know you all know our uh detective Sergeant um Lieutenant Shon eston she was in presence as well so we spoke to those people she went there she spoke and make them understand that this is what you have to do you have to cooperate with your neighbors to make sure that you follow the uh timeline of throwing your trust on the uh sidewalk you canot just put your trust whenever you want so what I'm trying to say is that this is what's happening it's not just one example there are thousands of examples out there so if you really want to see our city street clean if you really want to be pride of your neighborhood then we all need to work together actively and I definitely believe that this is going to take place if we have the mentality of working together the Quan just one thing I I do care from the very beginning of my Council position this my second year and I I definitely say that I never make any criticism to any coun members or public I do it from my professional point of view that's what I do it but again when we expect our council members are not going to address any um public uh in a certain way that of offend someone but at the same time we expect the same from our members of the uh City that will come to the chamber not going to address Us in certain way that is going to offend us and make or put us down in certain way that is not acceptable at all you can make definitely would make constructive criticism we need it we need it to improve ourselves we need to learn about ourselves and we need to do this to make sure that the other members of the city know that was happening it does not mean that you are making the comment that is going to be uh you know presented certain way that uh that that's hurt us in different ways is not really part of our Council job so again I request everyone to whoever come here and and I'm talking about myself as well that we have to keep that in mind to keep the deorum that how we are saying it now let's say you say something make sure you have to expect exactly same return if we make certain comments you have to you have to make sure that if you hear the same comment how are you going to take it so um I I definitely request to the public I request to our members of the council to uh keep the decorum uh present ourself in a certain way way that makes us professional people respect us by you know the way we presenting ourselves I I try to get closer to the public and all the means in different ways I'm trying to uh get closer and that's what I think every council members use their different techniques to get closer learn about the uh City what's happening and I do the same thing I I not only just patrolling in different parts of the city but every Sunday to go to different parts of the city uh spend coffee time with the people to learn and introduce myself as well as a new person of the the uh in the council so again we need your help to move the city forward when we uh today uh when we passed the uh one of the agenda about stre repayment list and uh in one of the comment came that how it goes more in uh certain word than other words uh to picking those Street it does not really comes by our choice any Council Member's Choice there was a uh you know third party agent was hired to evaluate our city street which streets are in need of repayment and that's how all the repayment list came to the uh agenda is not really go by favor of favoring someone in certain words that's not true actually so again we we have to uh you know make sure that we are not ATT talking certain counil members or certain where that is not true um with that being said I expect that City Patterson and the local government will work cooperatively and move the city forward with that expectation my vote is yes to close the public person thank you councilman urin councilman valz mad Madame clerk can you put the clock for me please yes please yeah three minutes um I want to I want to go with the rules Chief Al the chief Al says okay so did you put it man please yes you start and then I started okay good so I listen to the concern of the public I made my notes and this is what my conclusion will be I'm going to be using my wisdom I going to continue to be wise with my work and I going to continue working my word is just to close the public potion that's it how many second oh my God 15 oh my God that's a whated you done I'm done councilman abdulaziz Council gets the prize on tonight to go home I'm sorry but C your votes oh h on yes thank you oh he he's thank you madam clerk so sometimes you listen to some of the public speaking in this SE it's kind of sometimes you got to laugh at it right when residents accuse you for not being open and transparent right they you want elected officials to be open and transparent and you want elected officials to share information but then when you share the information that we're doing on this side now it's oh you're getting too much or oh you're saying too much information to the public my residents deser erve the sixth W residents elected me to be open and transparent they elected me to fight for them and they elected me to bring results to the Sixth Ward and that's what I'm doing so when I hear one of the speakers which I actually respect when she comes and speaks to say that oh the Sixth Ward gets this the sixth W gets that and then they said what was the key environmental racism environmental racism my parents are proud Palestinians right that some reason the Sixth Ward is environmentally racist or I want everyone to realize my ward is 80% black and brown 80% let that sink in the Arab population is not the majority in the sixth W and let me tell you guys something else so because they walk out they like to speak and then they like to leave I get elected by Latinos by African-Americans by white people by Arabs by Asians I'm not saying that look at the recent elections every single District in my ward I got 75% of the vote don't be shocked because an Arab sits in the sea and represents an 80% black and brown population so I take insult to that because the results trickle down to my ward and guess why they elect me in the Sixth Ward they don't care about race they don't care about religion what they care about is they want somebody that's going to work their tails off is going to be responsive and is going to deliver for them and to the per to the people that think that this is some sort of think check the demographics of the six W breakdown and you'll see that it's almost 70% Hispanic the second most the second W the only other W that has a higher Hispanic population is a fifth war and go District by district and go voter by voter I go through the list that's why I have that connection I go and see who voted I text and let them know what what's happening and that's why the results Pro themselves that's why on Election Day I received 84% of the vote so let's be consistent don't dis don't discriminate or judge me because I'm an Arab that represents a majority black and brown Ward I am going to continue working hard to represent the community and the City and then when we talk about Justice 6 Ward I supported more things in the fourth ward and the First Ward and the Fifth Ward and the Third Ward and the second ward probably the any other council member on this day is now that's not my job to talk about the accomplishments in other WS I can sit there and talk about how I I voted on more parks to be renovated in the First Ward than the first councilman but I don't do that I I I I do I will show you my voting record I've supported hinchliff I've supported copar I've supported Titus field I've supported Vera Ames Park I've supported Westside Park I've supported River Street now do you guys want me to stand up there with pom poms I'm not looking to run from a I'm here to do my job deliver the results for the residents of the city and I will not apologize I said this years ago I will not apologize for going into the room and representing my residents concerns that's what I'm elected for so when I go into the administration I do ask them if they say hey councilman we're repaving 20 roads this budget guess how many roads I asked for 25 I was always always taught always ask the worst thing they will tell you is no so that is what I will not apologize for that and I'll continue working hard for the Sixth Ward and on that note a lot of the things that gets done in the Sixth Ward is through Partnerships if it's partnering up with my colleagues I'm only one vote on this Council you need a majority to pass anything I work and I get involved to help elect some uh some of my colleagues I work with the administration I work with County federal and state officials and that's why I get involved in elections and next Tuesday it is pivotal six W residence check your mail you will be getting a letter from me about how important the Tuesday election is going to be for the Sixth Ward and the city I am standing firmly behind Chief Adamo for Sheriff the sheriff's apartment has been been critical and very essential for me to deliver results in the Sixth Ward and our County Commissioners lazera Rodney D'Or who's a pattersonan that we need to get onto that county commissioner board and uh John Barlett so and I'm firmly I agree there you go with the the the candidate that I ran against I ran against me I will be voting uncommitted this primary to the message for the massacres that are happening in Palestine with our TA tax dollars so look out for my letter you will get that information please go out and vote we and and send a message to where we stand and support people that always support the Sixth Ward Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdalaziz Mr President wow thank you Madame clerk um let me just address some comment from the public before that uh there was a comment about if we stop people stopping people from getting into the chamber the this chamber which is the TV studio that we're using um it's has a capacity for 80 people sitting and if we have more than 80 people then they could weit outside we're not stopping nobody from coming into the chamber this is the people's house a lot of people they start making comment to you know just you know because it sounds popular but the reality is that we're not stopping nobody body from coming into into the people's house now it is very concerning to me um and I'm always say this when you use the three minute on the mic you are in YouTube you're in Channel 75 you out there just use the three minute wisely because there's enough violence in our community there's shooting people are being killed in our community and can you imagine that our leaders in our community use the three minute to speak about violence and attack all the people and when you hear somebody threaten a council member physically that's very concerning to me it's very concerning to me I do believe that we could all disagree with respect we don't need to get into this point and now as council president and I'm going to make this comment here and I need my colleague to understand that moving forward now if you're coming into this chamber you start disrupting the meeting and threatening and disrespecting council members with personal attack that have not to do with City business you're going to have to leave this chamber and I'm going to be very clear again you're not going to stay inside this chamber this is a TV studio that we all together here and if you disrupting the meeting from from that side we cannot even continue the meeting this is not the council chamber this is a very small room and I want to see this 80 chair fully resident and even people outside that's the reason why we conduct the public portion early because I want to hear the concern of the community this is the reason why we're here I'm recently reelected and five of my Council C they're recently reelected we want our community to be here but we have to treat each other with respect there's no room for disrespect here and moving forward we have officer in the room and that's going to have to take place we cannot send that message to the community there's enough killing so what's going to happen with the with the resident normal resident if they see us attacking each other the way we're doing that's not the picture that I'm going to send it we're supposed to be the role model in our community that's the reason why people elect us and we have to conduct theel in a professional way and we're here to do City business that's the reason why we're here we do making progress there's a lot of issues in our community I mention what happened in the third war 13th Avenue I get a lot of concern about 13 Avenue it's going to be redom curve to curve the Ron Avenue e37 the playground that a lot a lot of people may come and during the election at his side is going to be redon state of the brand new playground in the largest park in the city of pison that's for our children for them to enjoy and I'm going to make this comment I was so pleased and excited to see a family this past Monday at amista Park doing a barbecue on the park husband and wife with the two children just enjoying the park the beautiful weather and having a barbecue that's what I want to see and we got to work to make that happen I know there's a lot of issues affect our community the garbage in our community we need more safety services for our community but that's our job to work with the administration to make sure that they understand what needs to be done it's our job when we come here we have an agenda and we got to concentrate on this agenda and follow this Idol and that's the only way that we're got to make progress if we don't follow this which is the Bible of every Tuesday in this Council we're not going nowhere so with that being said let's pray for our city we have a lot of good we have good council members I see councilman Mims getting out of the school on her launch break and not taking lunch to go and address a problem in the community to go to a function to be available for the people not taking lunch out of her time I see councilwoman Ruby Kon in City Hall as sits 7:00 8:00 at night almost every single day I see many Council Cali out there so we're not doing this for the money there's a lot of good council members so so let's work together let's work together and and and let's start being able to disagree with respect that's all I want to ask to all my Council Kylie and to whoever getting into this chamber for now on I don't want to use any police officer to remove somebody but for now on it's your choice but we want to hear from you we want you to use those three minute wisely because we need to hear from our community and we care about our community this coming week on the next Workshop we have a very topic important topic the garbage collection the bow pickup the condition of our city the garbage in the downtown area all of those those are discussions that need to be addressed and we collectively have to work with Administration to resolve the problem so so you know last but not least you know uh let me just take this quick moment to uh send my deepest condolences to the family of former superintendent Dr Danny Evans who passed away uh he was our superintendent for two term um I was a board member when he was a superintendent and and definitely um Patterson there's a lot of work a lot more work to do and finally I have a very important mentions to all the resident of the C par stop speeding in our community slow down please you cannot drive more than 25 mph on the residential area I see people double parking I see people parking on the corner speeding on those residential area the only way that we could protect our senior and our children and members of this community it's being responsible on Easter 5th and 19 in Avenue the third War I have to call public work to put they do not enter big sign in the middle of the street because people have no respect and they drive all the way up on 30 on 35th to get into breiland on the on on the opposite side so what do we do in patteron we all live in this city and we have to find a way to enforce the law by the police department but it's up to us as a resident we cannot policing everything let's stop throwing garbage in our community clean in front of your house you need you don't need more money to keep your house clean if you want a business in the city in the city of P please clean in front of your business in the morning in the afternoon and at night if you on a home in the city of Pon clean in front of your house we cannot send DPW to clean the front of your house but it's it's our responsibility to keep our city clean sometime we blame a lot the elector fish in administration and I know that they have to do their part but it's up to you also as well that you're a homeowner I'm a homeowner and collectively that's the only way that we're going to have a clean and a beautiful city because pison is a beautiful city it's one of the most beautiful city and one day this is going to be one of the most important city in the state of New Jersey very soon stay tuned with that being said my vote is yes God bless our city thank you Mr President Madam clerk yesc like to reconsider my vote please okay just a minute there's council member there's a reconsideration and I have Council M me right after because we got to go to the budget um there's an item very important item so right after that the introduction of the budget is right after so coun you name yes very quick go ahead councilman Jackson very good thank you madam cler uh um and I apologize to the employees who are waiting to speak but uh I was called away because a member of our community was uh had to deal with the police that are here for a um a report and it's very disappointing for elected officials Men by the way to have to um uh uh request that a member of the public be arrested when you have those types of things happening because someone comes to the Podium to express themselves their opinion and uh you know this is America people have the right to say whatever they like whether you like it or not and no I was sitting right here I didn't hear anybody say I'm going to come over there and do anything to you nobody threatened anyone did I was I was sitting right here when it happened sitting right here when it happened just like I could say oh you know they came for me and I put blood in their mouth doesn't mean that I made a threat people gesture and talk about different things in different ways and how you take it but people were out there and in with the elections were bats and carrying on acting uncivil and now they feel threatened and those same people that talked about they going to these private rooms going to a private room and request that a resident be placed in handcuffs that right there is is is very disappointing and I'm going just say this very quickly and and specifically um while I'm not going to name any names but I I'll say this I do not and I want everybody to understand this I do not ever request that any member of the public come to the podium and carry my water I believe I do a well enough job with getting my point across myself I don't need anybody I don't need to pay anybody to come to the podium and talk on my behalf I'm very well versed in the language I know understand what what what points I need to get across what I will say is this I respect Mr Eddie olivarez more than I respect 90% 99.9% of the people in this community he came to this Podium and he came for me I called him the next day let's meet for coffee and one thing that I'll say he comes to this Podium every single night he's truthful he's honest while people who ran for counsel reached out to him to pay him to work on their campaign he refused and I don't pay him to come here in fact I I'm willing to bet and guarantee if I did something indifferent to what he believed in he would come here and do the same he would chastise me the same way he would chastise anyone else he along with everyone else has the right is their uh uh American right to come to the podium and express their feelings of how they feel you'll see the moment it was three seconds left in the clock oh your time is up time is up people but the next speaker who comes and speaks favorably about certain people they're able to extend 30 seconds or I'll wrap up that is a form that's that's that's that's Mis abuse of power abuse of power it is and I I do want to point this out and I want to councilwoman cotton shout out Candace cotton for a phenomenal job well done and making coach of the year and doing what she did and just for a point of clarity councilwoman Mims I don't think anyone was talking about our young people not getting acknowledged by us but it's outside it's outside the Pake County and for coaches to come to me and say well that's just how it is and for that kind of treatment to be uh traditional and us to sit here and accept it Chief I don't know if you played baseball but I want to share with you I'm going to send it to you to your phone I'm going share and and I don't do this it's not about because it's my daughter it just happens to be and that's why I'm paying it a little closer attention for her stats to be three double three times the amount of of of the people that made first team All County and she didn't even get acknowledged and there was not one girl when I reach out to the coach and forsake who is Hispanic and says that his girls he had a girl who playing who's playing Division One softball she ran through the entire County struck everybody out and didn't make the list when you have people who are equally uh uh uh putting in their time and they're not even being acknowledged then when you call and question it say listen what's the criteria I just want to know what the criteria we don't have to tell you that it's our team you don't like it tough for us to sit back and even from a marage perspective for you not to go to battle for the kids in your community that's putting it in every single day you make all these complaints about kids out here doing all these other things you know I could have sent my kids anywhere in fact I did I did I sent them to pamis Catholic I didn't like the way they was getting treated I transferred them back and my daughter ran through everybody she's a freshman my other daughter's a junior she didn't do as well as my freshman did I'm not sitting here complaining she just needs to be on the list but our kids need to be treated fairly and as a councel if we're not going to stand here and do it cuz I mean listen councilman abdalaziz and I bang out all the time he refereed my daughter's wrestling matches and she was by far one of the better but she didn't do her part and I sat there and said you got to do your part I'm not going to sit here and Advocate even if it's my own child but our children are thriving and they're being set aside being mistreated and that is a fact and if us as a council body and the mayor for the leader of our city doesn't want to stand up and fight on behalf of our children then that just speaks volumes that speaks volumes and lastly again miss Kathy Morgan come here and speak what whatever you want to speak in this in this microphone you have the right to do so and if a police officer is going to be tasked to remove a member of the public I am prepared to be removed with them because I'm going to stand here and fight for people's rights people have the right to come to the podium and say whatever they want to say this self- indow or self- ingratiated authority that people think they have now because they they they have gotten elected to a seat I don't know where it comes from but you don't have any more privileges than the people of the public they have the right to come to the podium and speak their peace and talk about what they want to talk to if every want to come up here and call everybody incompetent or whatever the case might be they don't have to come up here and talk nice about you that's not a requirement to at the podium they're not required to come here and speak nice and Whisper uh fancy uh uh uh you know uh issues in your ear they don't have to do that they could come here and and and express themselves the way they want to that's their god-given right in the in the United States of America and the day that's being threatened is is a sad day in this country but anyway Madam Kirk my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman Jack Council cler um council members um I have I have council members I have Council mes and will be very the fire fire chief v he's only have one item item 28 so mine will be very brief council president Council colleagues and to Madame ba um and I would like to see this on the workshop next week we voted on uh the repaving governor street is only for Straight Street to Rosa Parks does not include the lower portion of of Governor street so I am requesting that on next week's agenda that we add that to this list so we can vote on it possibly on a special meeting to add that because this does not include the lower portion and the lower portion of Governor is worse than the top portion so to make you know cuz we posted and I didn't even look to see I just because normally it's the whole strip but this is not for the entire strip so um Madame ba council president on the next meeting I would like to that item on this agenda and that we will make sure that we vote on it as a council body thank you Council B I just want to put you know put in the floor here you know just to put it out there to the public there's a call of conduct if anybody wants to know what's the call of conduct or rule of procedure government conduct or the council meeting just look for it it goes for that side and this side so and once again again what I going to say is this this is a cot of conduct this a cot of conduct for us it's also a cot of conduct to the Pol portion so moving forward before everybody point fingers like that let's go to the court of conduct the city and probably this meeting will be a little bit more faster I was hoping the agenda when I did it in the workshop as a council president we will move fast and easy from today's meeting so saying that that's why I limit my comments to make sure that we move to the real stuff that we have here in front of us thank you council president thank you Madame clerk item number 28 um I'll announce the votes first council president yes so the votes are eight yes is one absent public portion of the municipal council meeting of Tuesday May 28th is hereby closed thank you let's let's go to item 28 item number 28 is a resolution authorizing an interlocal Services agreement with the Pake Water Commission for the provision of emergency and preventative Services and consultations relative to confined spaces it's a fire resolution 24 350 it was mov by councilman second by councilman um and discussion Council and she to just let the record reflect Madame clerk that councilman I wish I could talk on it but I can't have to recuse herself out of this item number 28 understood discussion councils yes to our fire chief my only question is and I you know I I love to see shared service agreement I just want to ensure because when you look into the body of the resolution it does have compensation totals for our fire uh people that will assist and volunteer in these various capacities I just want to ensure that it does not take away from the or limit the work that gets done as Patterson being the priority and I know sometimes even as EMTs you go out to other locations which take away from Patterson as well so how would this impact or affect the work that's already being done in Patterson while goad Chief uh PA Valley is conducting their uh confined space operations uh we're going to we do Consulting first uh we don't just we don't go to their site and the only time we go to the site if there's an emergency uh due to the agreement where we go and then we perform our Emergency Operations so my follow-up question have we um in this conversation with uh Pake Valley have we identified what their emergencies look like do we have a quantifiable number or total that says this is the amount of work that we've had cuz obviously there is a situation that they're needing us to share service agreement I just don't want it to overwhelm or overload our fire department because we didn't get that information so I'm just asking was that a part of the the discussion do we have that cuz it's not attached to this item uh that's probably a question better suit of a corporate Council but this is a an agreement we've had for for the past 5 years and we have for the next uh five years so in the five years that we've had it right so this is just to extend the contract basically is extending the contract uh the services that we provide through anou to the uh bake Valley Water Commission so okay so the time pass within the last 5 years has it positively or negatively impacted the workload of the fire department it's been positive it's been uh it brought Revenue to the city and we've have uh we never made a emergency response uh sck Valley Water Commission they're very receptive to our counseling uh we do have in the agreement that we do have to go to their site yes and perform one mandated training which is a state mandate so we do go to their site and do the one uh training a year okay thank you I have no further questions I just want to make sure and clarify the outline of the contract was very clear but I wanted to put it on the record so that these pertinent questions are asked counc thank thank you um um Council thank you council president so looking at this uh uhou right um what was the past five years um revenues on this six years or Revenue in the past the past I believe what uh 100,000 uh was the last one 100,000 only a year for the whole six years no per year per year so hey that's from 600,000 we moving forward to $1.2 million that's that's good you know that we receive from PA value commission 1.2 from 600,000 that we had before that's why we talk aboutou memor understanding and making sure that we're not giving the service free that we getting something back and um you know our equipment goes wear and tear um you know and you know the fire department is is needs this funding I even that this goes to General funding you know hopefully this will balance probably some loopholes in the future uh budget that we have you know making a positive statement on it right this is one of the things that uh did Administration sit down with uh with you guys to talk about this mou totally yes okay so you guys agreed on it right so it was reviewed by it was reviewed by myself and then corporate counsil yes correct so way before going to this new memor agreement that we have here we used to receive in six years $600,000 I believe now we're moving forward for $1.2 million uh receiving in in in in six years moving forward from 2024 up to 2028 um saying that that means that we need more firemen we need to met the to of the fire department and um making sure that they get the service and the benefit they deserve thank you chief for for your work with the administration on this thank you Chief um um just um excellent uh I'm always say that the fire department make us look good the fire department make the city of Patterson look good you guys doing an amazing job in our community uh but this question is not for now but just for later on if you could provide me with this information I know in 2024 this contract on year one we're going to make 38,6 42 uh 2025 39,45 69 and and the contract is going to end on 2028 with uh 41,8 um 828 and 24 Cent with a total of 167,168 the cost a cost analysis of us getting into this share Services agreement to see a net type of Revenue that we were getting so if you could get if you could get me that information I would appreciate it uh so I have no more question um that was just per quarter the numbers that you're looking at so um so it's much more for each year so net uh so so that's the net income taking all expensive out yeah and it and as the chief had mentioned there's really not as many expenses related to this it's it's really kind of to serve as as an emergency um in a standby capacity and then they do these trainings each year um but if you look at um the fifth page of and in the backup it it shows the compensation total for each year I understand but you know every share of agreement we have to encourage some type of cost not much maybe but uh thankfully this one is is is one of the ones that we get the most benefit um and and understood got they need the specialized you know training that is provided by our fire department but I just want to double check any any additional cost because I know there's cost in every any every sh servic agreement thank you Chief uh Ro item 28 yes Mr President roll call on item number 28 for adoption councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman DAV yes councilman colleague yes madame clerk councilwoman Mims um let the record reflect council president I was a second as well on this item I don't know if I was counted U my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman valz thank you corporate Council for reviewing this with the chief and the administration I think is a good move uh my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President my vot is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President budget no no no yet so the votes are six yeses two absences one recusal item number 28 is hereby adopted take still that MERS is waiting for for title 23 I really want to take my directors out so let's move item to item 23 the way we just get the director what gu mad cler item 23 please item number 23 is resolution approving the sale of City owned properties it's an economic development resolution number 24 345 so move move by council member last I have a second second by councilman discussion discussion Council M Ms um just for oh we don't have a Corporation Council right now so I thought you and I were here yes when she SP right I just have a question I thought the title was going to change on this particular item the title has not changed so we were told that the title would change on this particular item the only thing that was changing because it said properties correct it was in the plural correct it was in the plural form on the on the I thought we were going to list the the actual property in the title and the body says the it's in the it's in the it's in the body of the resolution yeah correct yeah I'm asking in the title of of what's before us I thought that was going to be included AR yes it says the title for one property and then the body says the the Andress I'm talking about um the agenda oh the agenda don't mean it's here it means a lot cuz they can open it got council member anything that any document we have is operable so it means a lot so that's why I'm asking the question it can easily be just amended I'm just asking that it's saying said property comma libes and whatever the address so I just would like to have that amended to be added on the agenda and then we can vote I'm fine I just want no like in the on the reso it includes Libby Libby's the name and the address you don't even have to put the name you could just put the address but it should be a part of because it's just a blanket statement it does not match the actual resolution itself okay she's we we co out that within the document there shouldn't be any problem there's no other question roll call and item 23 council members so we're updating it the be updated right okay the agenda is updated to be updated yeah yeah roll call on item number 23 for adoption councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton we had this inom economic we had this in Economic Development this also came last week to Workshop there was a lot of questions that were asked to the director um specific to how many serious um bids were there I believe there were 15 we also asked we wanted to know how many if any paronian were part of the bidding process that number I believe was two uh but when we asked about the serious biders those are the individuals that put down uh I believe 15,000 and we're serious correct um it's also um my understanding that the assessment was at 325 so the apprais value was at 35,000 um and the assessed value was at um 550 and the final and the final was 800 the final sale price is $850,000 okay very good I needed to put that on record because you know we all get phone calls I on a personal note want everyone to know that I was not in agreement with the sale I felt that we the City should have kept it all right we also you know there was some conversations that it was historic it is not a historic building it is in a historic area but it is not a historic building uh but looking at all of the facts and the reality of everything the only thing is that you know I hope and pray all right that um as the uh person who won the bid he's not the owner yet but the person who won the bid once we support this I hope that they do keep it as a eery I think that it's important and it's need in that area um you know with that said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman colleague thank you Madame clerk I'm very happy with that auction I know you are we got I know you are we got triple asset amount of asset value absolutely so I think I think it was a great auction uh and my vote is I'm looking forward to if someone open a ity like lies or clo that's what I'm hearing which is great it need for for that area we have so many visitors in the in the grafs and they don't have a place to go have a burger or something to eat it be a great asset for the city my vote is yes madame CL thank you councilman colleague Dr Mims you know I'm I'm ex I'm really enjoying this new location we're at because I get to sit closer to councilman khik so I'm starting to feel his passion and how he's loving all these items So lately so I can't wait for this whatever's going to be there there's a restaurant to open because I'm going to be looking at my phone to wait for councilman to invite me over there because he's super EXC super excited about it so with this item we've been through so many things I've been um and I've sat in uh the um max ban auction process and I know a lot of times and I tell people social media really does not tell true stories right there's always a lot of extra things or conversation that go on social media but when you come to the actual bid to see who's in the room who's participating it tells a totally different story we can say we wanted 50 million things there but if they don't show up to the bid if they don't participate in the process and if they don't have their money ready and available that is a part of the process to give in at that time then it's no dice right so I'm grateful that we're getting about 800,000 one of the questions I I asked um is in regards to the tax taxes that we'll receive this property is desolate has been desolate for a while anything that's going to bring Revenue into our community to help the sustainability of our tax base we should be supporting with that stated my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman Valance so let me give a right number here is $980,000 do that's with the 8% correct yep well hey I had to include it there I I know all so you know I had a nice beautiful conversation I had the opportunity uh to look at the future restaurant that's going to be there you know um and that's what we want you know $350,000 we got more that we supposed to expect to have correct I was afraid that was fail and then we had to give it away for nothing right but this case uh director you did a great job with uh your deputy director and your staff excuse me she did she sure did no no actually this is part of a challenging this is part of challenging you cannot just give it easy you have to challenge to get the best of the Departments you have to challenge if we don't challenge of use absolutely you know if you don't challenge me then I could leg youate wrong so you know so I'm happy um you know the gentleman has a clear idea what he wants here and um and um moving forward oh by the way please Madame ba please when this gentleman and any project want to move forward in the city passing let's make it accessible making sure that the permits are moving fast and etc etc because the same way we saw it the same way we want to see the the bill absolutely and um and it's a is a good assess for the second W for the second W everything is going out to the second W coun you should be proud everything going to your word now because now it's because we could realign that word I could probably take that to the fifth word I don't have a problem I'm just kidding my my vot my vote is yes on this thank you councilman Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences item number 23 is hereby adopted thank you so now council members we have item 19 Madam clerk item 19 which is the um which is it number 19 Y is a resolution authorizing reading of the calendar year 2024 Municipal budget by Title by title only and the introduction of the calendar year 2024 Municipal budget is an Administration resolution four colon three four move it was mooved by councilman Davila second by councilman bz um Ro cler I disc discussion discussion councilman colleague budg Madame Madame B or Mr C for what is the overall levy on this on this budget um County open space everything uh what is already is done and what is estimated so the municipal Levy right now is at um 172 million 750 what's the rate what's the percentage percentage the percentage right now is 3.2 um 3.2 yes the only reason is 3.2 is because we can include um we ask for more state aid we ask for an extra 2 million in state aid we can't include it until we know if we're going to get it um we believe we're going to receive it but that what after if we receive the 2 million then um it would be 2% the levy the levy I thought Levy was 4.39 last year oh the the tax rate was 4.8 so you went up tax rate that's what I mean yeah the tax rate was 4.8 last year oh how much is the ly for the county and uh I I don't have those numbers yet I have an estimate I don't have exact numbers yet okay council president um just a minute uh councilman um I'm going to piggy back on yeah go ahead councilman of no I know that my colleague from the second ward is very prudent with the taxpayers dollars so uh this is only an introduction and title only we're not adopting the budget right now we're introducing it um and and if I'm not correct right uh Mr Silva this is only an introduction I do want to put on the record that let's hope the transitional Aid comes in and it's at 2% of what DCA wants us to increase I also want to plan in place that if the transitional Aid does not come back that you have a plan to bring it to 2% when we're ready to adopt so it's not a surprise to the administration that if we vote Yes on this introduction that we get our TA I think you're going to have no problem if we don't get our TA the extra 2 million that you have a plan in place and give us option of doing a and b so it's only an introduction uh councilman and then when it's ready for adopt I think we're on the same page to make sure that the 2% is there yeah you are right um also I'm not I'm not finished let me yes follow continue councilman colleague budget is a plan for the whole year Madame B you presented uh the budget hearing beginning of the year we are almost middle of the year here okay where are we standing with all these vacancies specifically with DPW and and Community improvements those to where are we with those vacancies are they filled are they fully staff or what is going on so thank you councilman um council president umad holding vacancies open it's unfortunately one of the things that we are forced to do in order to provide as councilman abdell aiz noted the ability to come forward with um different options if we don't have supplemental transitional Aid um that extra 2 million and again last year we asked for 25 that was already not following the proper reduction that we should have been doing this this year we asked for 27 million um so we have to keep some of those vacancies open so there but it's something that we work with all the departments on prioritizing what are the ones that um we really need to make sure that we fill and then what are the ones that are the the wish list you know the the wants not just the needs um and as you mentioned in particular Community improvements um we have construction officials that we are prioritizing that you know we do need in order to to move projects forward um we have done multiple things to do so in our our Economic Development team has been hustling to get um people interested in working for us even in part-time capacities we're looking at thirdparty vendors for options to also uh address some of the backlog and and some of the needs of our development Community to move forward so it's a it's a combination of efforts there um but it is something that you know we we also need to address you know potential Revenue increases as well that could help close the gap and I know that's something that we're bringing um we've asked our departments to bring Department fees back in front of the council so that we can look at that as well so that it's not just all about Cuts because as you know and as you're asking um services or if we can't if we can't staff people fully if we don't have the money to do so then it's going to be harder to provide the services at the level that everybody wants um so if we can supplement that by increased revenue from fees from permits and and the like um we'll be able to then start filling some of those vacancies that everybody wants to to have filled it's Madame B is it's pretty clear to me the plan the budget the plan that we have specifically for those two Department that I mention it is not working it is not working for me I don't know about anybody else um when I when every Monday Tuesday Wednesday I call the DPW Department make sure sweepers are coming through the second one I haven't seen them in months every day there's a excuse we don't have enough employees but we budgeted for it it's it's in your plan but it's not being executed same thing with Community improvements people waiting months and months for someone to just write the permits everything is approved they went to the zoning department they went to the proper Channel everything is completely done it will take a minute for somebody to just write the permit there isn't anybody to write their permits so it is very disturbing I'm getting a lot of phone calls as well I mean this is the introduction I vote affirmative for it if this doesn't get changed and we get on we do not get on truck don't expect my vote to be affirmative for the adoption of the budget I'm I'm I'm you know most of my Council colleague knows colleag if he a yes it is a yes if he a no it is a no nothing in between I'm just I'm just letting you know and and it's Madame ba and it's this is something that this is a very serious conversation that um that we get we get those call um it it's very disturbing when we get somebody that go into one of those Department community improvment and they cannot get the service that they receed in every municipality there's a timeline for everything you're apply for this permit and coming 3 days you will get your permit everything has a process here in pison there's no process there's no timeline and and and time is money in business some people they want to do things the right way but it's so difficult there's so much red tape that is frustrating for a lot of people now how can we fix that if we allocating all the funding that you need on this budget but we see not change on that so I don't know what is the disconnection between the people that run in the department and the administration I don't know what is that what they need because at the end people what people cares about services are recycling department we've been having conversation for month and month people take the free secondly out we don't pass by when we we're supposed to pass by and there's always an excuse that we don't have an power there's no truck I mean what is it if the if it's it within the budget street cleaning as my Council K mentioned before that's the biggest problem that we have that we have a budget people are paying their taxes and we're not providing them with the basic service that they deserve and that's something that we really need to talk about it people are concerned and fed up with the lack of services that we are providing to the resident of the city of the city of pison and and we here and we've been this Council has been very good with the administration we've been in full support of the resources that the administration need because we understand that if we're not providing the administration with the resources it's going to be hard for the administration to go back and do the job the right way so and we are there we're getting the call um I'm driving around the third war every morning and we get those calls so and it's hard and we have to reach out to our D to our director and and ask him for help listen can you help me sometime we have to intervene in some um with some Department because people they they don't find any way to move progress and get what they want and that's not our job we're legislator we have we're supposed to have Department that run effectively so so let us know I mean because it's concerning I know this is the introduction it's not the adoption I don't know if we're going to get the support but moving forward if we don't see any change I don't I don't think that this um but it's going to be adoped with that so so so I want you to take this take the old take not manab and and and just understand that we're very concerned by all the call the complaint that we getting from the resting of of our city and council president if I can and and we do we recognize that there are numerous challenges that it's it's absolutely not perfect and there are places that there's room for a lot of improvement I think our challenge really truly is does come down to resources and so just like councilman khik D and it picky backs on what councilman abdelaziz said you know the the solution cannot just be continuing to cut because we cannot for we continue to ask DCA for more and more money we are we seem to be limited with where our tax revenue is our tax levy there doesn't seem to be much more of an appetite than than the 2% that is mandated where else are we going to get Revenue in order to provide exactly what you're saying in order to have a surplus of uh street cleaners and not just the minimum that's required to have all of our trucks out on the road so that if people do call out sick we would be able to have somebody else step in we're not in a place where we can do that we have brought numerous items of Revenue before that the council has not passed that would be something that could help us really address some of these gaps and so I do I we need to work together on this and we need to all come around and say what is an acceptable Revenue that could help address the services that the city needs to do better at because we can't keep going to the state and just asking for additional transitional a and not showing them that we are bringing more Revenue to the table and it's been a tough year or so because we haven't really been doing that a lot a lot of what was brought forward was was uh was voted down so let's have that conversation again let's do what we can to really address exactly what you're saying because we see it too MBA and Council M asked for the floor but I just I'm sorry Council and Council M but Madame ba if if we start let's say for example inspectors when we see a street cleaning without our inspector we're leing money on the table every single day can you imagine that a street sweeper without inspector that passed by 100 cars 100 time $55 that is a ticket just add that every single day for 30 days can you imagine if just by enforcing the law that we have in the book let's say that this governing body decide not to move any uh any other legislation related into uh into additional Revenue just by enforcing the law that we have in the book we will have we will have more money uh when I see those stre clean without insor what I see uh double parking people doing all kind of things that it will produce Revenue we will be we will fix the city because we'll be enforcing the law and putting order into the City and we'll bring we will bring revenue and there are multiple ways to do and the reason why Madame ba the reason why there's a this say that everything goes in patteron is because the problem is the enforcement piece in our city trust me and believe 10, in e29 there's a house there full of garbage I send picture to everybody you would not see that in any other municipality that person will be in court on the day one The Dumping in our community is out of control I introduced the legislation to penalize of people with $10,000 maximum and 2500 minimum can you imagine if you go if we go after those people that are coming into our city and dumping garbage we're talking about thousands of dollars just by enforcing the law that we have in the book just by that and and I want you to stay with us stay with me in a minute just on that and that's my request let's put a plan together and see what is that we need to make sure that we get those inspector out there it could be my maybe two sweeper three sweeper we need inspector out there we need to be we need we have we need inspector to watch the city and see what's going on with our city and you will see see that that will change into revenue and at the same time we will clean the city councilwoman C and and then right after councilwoman M because I know it's thank you um council president I just want to um uh make a suggestion and I thought that we had talked about it before because I remember when when we did not have a tax collector and we used a lady from another city and she worked per DM or whatever two days a week whatever but now here we have our um Cent enforcement off which I would be like I nutrition or plumber or carer somebody and people are waiting months for somebody to expect their plan to get their stuff fixed whether it's a plumber whether it's electrician I don't know why we just couldn't get somebody per DM per day to to to to sign off on these paperwork but but something happened and I'm not sure it's going to come back here somebody signed off on something on a plumbing situation and it was no good the plumet work was done it was no good now the basement is flooding up but it was signed off because I said to the person well the city should have signed off on this they should have sent the plumber to make sure that the the plans were what they're supposed to be but if if we have somebody even we use them two day two two days a week people suffer so backed up that they can't get anything done and now somebody is signing off not to say they know what they're doing because eventally they don't know what they doing and and and and the work is getting done and then it's after the fact now that something is going wrong with the with okay so we should have like just hired somebody two days a week to to look at these um beds and look at these specs from from people who want to do work in their houses they want to change something around you got to get somebody here like every day we got to get someone here and I don't know why it was taking so long well Council we have been addressing that issue and we have we have people who have actively said to us no I don't want to work in Patterson okay we have um we have other people who say no I won't um I can't do it for less than x and so we've had numerous conversations with um you know our fiscal monitor DCA to increase some of these salaries in order to be able to have some people from other towns do some time here um have people be trained who who might have not have a lot of experience would be trained by people in a part-time capacity so they could take over in a full-time way so we are addressing this is something that we have been focused on it was something when we hired the director and the the deputy director we tasked them with that this is one of their highest priorities so for the past six months it has been a high priority for the administration and we know that there are multiple ways to tackle it and we're trying to tackle it from all the different angles so let me just one more thing council president so you're saying if I'm an electrician and I say I come to your city two times a week but I want $500 every time and you're saying to me now DC say that's too much yes oh I can't yes we we've had we've had different we've had different conversations and we're at a point where we are able to secure people in a part-time capacity yes but it but but DC only want DC but it wasn't just it's not always just about money it's about people who aren't interested necessarily in in working here either they have a full plate what for whatever reason so we have been trying and there there really is a lack of people with these certifications throughout the state that's why they started the third party you know vendor program but then a lot we had this experience some of our former employees left us started a a third party vendor company because that the market was moving in that direction so it having this other opportunity has also hurt Patterson at the same time right let me ask you something do these um I I'll wait in that at another time okay but I know that we need to really like you know if if that's what they want then that's what we have to pay because we just going to have back up of paperwork it it just backed up well we're again we we are we are in the process of you know we're on boarding some new staff we are working with 30 party agencies as well council president thank you um Council M so Madame ba so I I just want to put on the record I know this is just um the the reading or the possible intro of our budget and you've already stated that it's 3.2% for the tax so I believe that there are there are many ways and I'm not sure of all the things that you said were voted down so if you can provide a list of what was voted down outside of cannabis because I know that's probably one of them but I would like to see what else has been voted down that you feel would provide um cost savings but I think here here are some things and I think the council would agree that will help us save some dollars there needs to be shared service agreements with the school district and the county if we do more shared service agreements with the school district for example when it comes to um plowing the streets and we can work out a Shar service agreement where um the schools partner and around the proximity of the schools they can help and assist with that that will save us some money um on overtime it will also save us some money in that capacity and there's some other things shared service with the school district and and the city as far as the county when it comes to Paving or trimming our trees um other and so many other things facility concerns we can work in direct uh collaboration with the county or do more us for example um with Eastside park right if we did anou with ESI Park as far as providing maybe more Patrols in that area working with the county or the sheriff's department possibly um with maintaining or maintenance um with the repair or the Landscaping we can assist with that there's so many things and I can send a full list of some of the things I think shared service agreements that will really help us and save us a lot of money also enforcement has been talked about we have to identify one why is there such a lack of enforcement in in various areas whether it's lack of resources um meaning lack of um like material substance or employees to do the job um and then secondly when we go for example loud music or the noise ordinance so when when people are calling us right because they call the police they call us the police show up after they leave they turn the music right back up I think if they go the first time there should be a progressive plan in place at the second time that they start finding if we start giving out more fines that will bring in Revenue into the city there were videos that people sent to me with street cleaning where in some instances some weeks they get tickets and a lot of weeks they do not get tickets and they just drive around and I've seen those videos um another thing the cameras that we talked about that we've approved we voted on especially in the areas of dumping if we did all of our due diligence with that with our inspectors and that goes back to Res sources that would provide us a lot of money as well and also we're we're upgrading a lot of our Parks which is a great thing but we have two issues the maintenance of the parks and then there were supposed to be cameras installed so we're putting all this great state-of-the-art in the Parks what happened to the um cameras that we voted and approved so that we can provide that in the park as well uh the littering is another issue where we can provide that also with our poo I definitely would like to see us to partner with the county to assist in the potholes they are out of control and based on asking the director a couple weeks ago he said there only two pothole trucks um that's a big concern if you go up Broadway coming down from uh the old Patterson Catholic down bosow driving up towards East 33rd on the right side you can't even drive up that lane there are huge potholes in that street and that's just one are area we talked about a full assessment of the entire city of streets that need to be um they need to be repaved the list is very exhaustive so we need to work with the county and partner with them so that they can assist us because I I know they've done some training to help us make sure we do it right um do it properly so if we can do that I think these are some other things that can be added um I'm going to support it on tonight but if these things are not done or there's no attempt to these things then I'm not going to be able to support it in the future but we have to identify and present a plan and it has to be plan A B C whatever that looks like but we have to find some creative ways because if we and then the list I want to see the list of all the things that were voted down right so say whatever the item was voted down you can say this possibly could be a cost saving of whatever that looks like but for me when we talk about if cannabis is on the list I'm going to have an issue cuz we have too many popup smoke shops in our community too many too many and in our schools Vapes are out of control so I just want to make sure that that is not the only thing that we're looking to save money on that there has to be some other areas in addition to that so I want to see I want to see every every item that will be proposed and I think the council maybe it needs to be a full discussion in in the council chambers where we see it and not just it's going to be voted but that needs to be a a total discussion for maybe 30 minutes in the council that we come up with these plans and try to work it out but those are my recommendations I'm going to support tonight but I will not support if it remains 3.2% and I will not support if some of these items that I am recommending are not even executed or at least looked at thank you councilwoman roll call Mad CL on item 19 yes Mr President roll call on item number 19 which is the resolution authorizing read reading of the calendar year 2024 Municipal budget by title only and the introduction of the calendar year 2024 Municipal budget councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton uh thank you madam clerk I mean there's a lot of things that we can do uh but we have to do our best to try to keep employees that's the that's the most important thing we have to maintain and keep employees because then once we can keep employees we don't have to worry about no one coming to work on Monday or Friday we will have a study Flor employment but we still have to entice I mean try to get our employees to stay here to come here and you know of course what that means more money because there's so much stuff that got to get done with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava yes thank you councilman KH yes councilwoman Ms just to reiterate I have put put forth some recommendations and some points uh that will help to create a plan that will help to reduce some costs possibly have us work in Partnership and collaboration with the county and possibly the state as well to reduce some of these fees and cost to have some level of sustainability within our budget um with it stated tonight this is just an introduction but I would like to see those things done and um executed and presented before this Council as recommendations I will support it on tonight but if those things are not brought forth at the appropriate time before adoption I will not support the budget Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Mims councilman valz so um the reason I'm doing my remarks now when with my vote we sat with DCA and um they explained to us I don't want to jeopardize any small help that DCA or the State could give us until we start walking by ourself you know right my MBA and we spoke about reviewing some fees um and service and when we say review our fees we talking about and we compare with other cities that are charging more money for the service that they receive and and saying that we have to uh do this introduction making sure that moving forward it turns into a responsible budget because we cannot talk about salaries increases in this and that and employment employees or whatever if we don't present a responsible budget so Madame ba moving forward as I stated in that meeting I'm going to continue working to make sure that we met the needs of the community at the same time we fulfill your needs as Administration to make sure that we do a balance in everything that we do in the city of pass so saying this in this introduction um that we're going to try to keep it if the state bless us that we doing the responsible and and this is one of the steps that the state says that we need to do in introduction to have a good faith from the state to at least not use the Bel the word Bell out to use the word moving forward saying that my vote is yes as this intruction thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame clerk um this is just um the introduction Madame ba you hear this Council loud and clear about the lack of services that we're providing to our community um we need we need actual change before we get into the adoption of this budget um we going to be consistent with the lack of enforcement in the city of pison if we start enforcing the law that we have in the book we start putting those inspector out there putting the street cleaning the street sweeper out there we're going to clean the city and we're going to bring Revenue back into the City and that's what we need It's a combination of two things um you also here before the the agreement that we need to have with the county with school at all the level let's get the job done and let's provide the services that our constituent deserve so you got the vote for now but we're expecting change it before the adoption of this budget with that being said my vote is yes M clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 19 is hereby adopted good council president Council council president I just want to quickly Madam Madam clerk Madam Mo Madame VA probably actually to Madam clerk it's my understanding in that on the city website the rent leveling meeting is cancelled for tomorrow is it canceled yeah they send the list need to know because apparently there's some issues and they were speaking about Freedom Village and some somebody sent me a message they send a list today of the meeting canceled canceled okay very good yes it's canel thank you enough no problem all right um so Madame cler let's take your item 27 yes Mr President item number 27 is a resolution approving settlement of tax appeals on block 4202 Lot 4 also known as 398-406 Broadway owned by Rosa Park Senior Apartments LLC it's a finance resolution 24 colon 349 so move it was mve by councilman Dava second by councilman um bz and councilman discussion discussion on item 27 councilman colleag can you give us a overview of this item uh council president council members Madam clerk Administration uh my name is Richard Mar I'm the tax assessor uh an overview of this resolution basically states that the state court has awarded a um a resolution and in the uh resolution the tax resolution they've uh conceded to withdraw uh the year 2021 uh they're looking for compensation for the year 2022 and the year 20 2023 this is based on appraisals that were submitted by both the taxpayer their representative their attorneys and the city's attorney and the city's appraisers um I have a question sure uh Corporation Council Madame usually with the tax appeal we usually go to court and um and usually have we we usually have outside uh lawyers represent us and they come to an that's that's what I've been um since I've been here uh uh that's how this tax appeal usually come in front of us and um yeah I want tell them Corporation Council go ahead uh Council council president coration Council may I yes thank you so much thank you councilman KH for that inquiry um as an initial matter um uh some litigation is handled by outside Council and when there's a settlement uh we come to the council and we present that settlement for council's approval um uh Tax Matters are slightly different because we have an in-house tax attorney who's been with the law department for I believe decades at this point who handles uh most of our Tax Matters and so that's why they appear in this fashion um nonetheless we provide a confidential memorandum to the council which we've provided previously about this uh particular settlement and in light of that the law dep Department recommends it so this is actually an active case that the law department is recommending be settled along those guidelines for the reason stated in the confidential memo obviously Mr Mar is here uh he's been instrumental and helping uh resolve these cases on terms that are favorable to the city and on this particular settlement one of the years of the appeal is going to be dropped in favor of resolving the other two years give more M that's it so what's the total amount that we have to pay back I'm 2 million 22270 No No it should be in the in the memo council president uh um I don't I don't have a I have Council Council right after Council mesc you still going there's no way is he still talking Council memb yes no no I need to know that I I need to know the amount you did what I need to know that what's the amount that we have to pay back say it's 2 million um it cannot be 2 million the amount of tax dollars is that what you want that's what you're looking for the amount okay the the account of uh tax tax dollars for the year 22 will be um 8879 and the tax dollars for the year 23 settlement will be $143,400 can can you repeat 21 22 231,000 excuse me total about for year 22 and 23 about 231,000 21 has been withdrawn 22 and 23 22 is 88 8,791 and 23 is 14 43,4 231,000 14349 you you're done Council M yeah I'm I'm done counc council president I'm next council president I'm next yes uh Council Mims so um where is the documentation from the state because this is they went to the tax Court of New Jersey I don't see that attached do we have any of that paperwork attached I I don't have it here for you know but we can get the appraisals for you so that should be attached we should not be well I'm one we should not be voting this I let me go back this item was on last week just for a discussion so I'm shocked that it's on tonight to vote I I didn't realize that we were ready to vote on it tonight but I see it's here but I'm not comfortable voting on this without having that information attached from Tax Court if that's what is stated and that's what they're looking for if we don't have that we can't like look we're living in day and time word of mouth is not going to cut it and we're trying to reduce because when this goes into the paper it will say council member supported reducing a tax for an entity when taxpayers are continually being increased so I would like to see and that's just me um without that and other council members if they want to support and they want to keep it rolling I me myself I'm going to cover myself I will not support this item without that documentation as proof attached to this resolution C president Dr Ms I I can only point to the paragraph number five where it states that they determined a fair market value of 3 , 512,000 no I I read that but I just want to see that paperwork I I read it I'm I'm clear but there is paperwork that you're referring and that paperwork should be attached exactly Council council member I have two council members very brief I have council member Les right and C C You coun C I think um tax assess Jim um go ahead councilman C that um see the question it wasn't brought up last week maybe yeah last week it was brought up the thing is that you had a couple council members saying that this is a 50 unit building right and and and then they started looking through their phone and U seeing what 50 units was um worth I think one place was 9.5 million somewhere else was n uh 8 million um this is a HUD building this is a senior building and they do get uh affordable housing rents right they get um I'm not and I'm not quite sure and there's a cap on how much they get uh for I mean there a cap they can't one bedroom most of the units in this is one bedroom so I understand that they one bedroom but they now the reason why it was aaed at 3.5 million cuz it was barded in 2022 I believe that's when it was bought I don't have that information sorry okay um so I think that what they're saying under Tris is like how how did this building um because of a h building and it's also on a pilot I'm not sure when the pilot is going to expire in this building I I believe the either the pilot has expired already or it's about to expire it's about to do expire yeah so I think the question would be um I know um I have a few HUD buildings in the ward and and and some of them were were required to sell because either they were going to sell the building because federal government was going to take those build back and turn and turn them in from Project based uh Project based vouchers to tenant based vouchers so what owners are starting to do was they were trying to sell them because if they went back to tenant base then they wouldn't get anything cuz then the tenants eventually would didn't move out move somewhere they have the right to go anywhere else so we were trying to figure out now I think about U how this building was bought for 3.5 million but you're saying that's what it was say that that's what the appraisals came in that they agreed upon you might have had an appraisal that was highed right one of ours and their appraiser may have been a little lower so in between they negotiated that it was worth about 3.5 million after they negotiated so because I know now um um you have properties I just want to bring this up too that properties that next you um are going for if my house is worth 275 they're going for for 350 they're G for 400 um that doesn't even give you grounds to file tax appeals because the property next to you is worth was sold for more than what your property was worth so you really can't win it uh County court because this is a state court so now let me just ask one more thing for Corporation counsel um is a it's a state um it's the state tax Court tax Appeal Office is waiting for us to do this council president may I very briefly yes cour person Council please yes this is currently in tax litigation and it's awaiting a resolution I will note to Dr mim's point that this item has been on previously on several occasions on the first occasion we provided a confidential settlement memorandum which was provided to the entirety of the council um I regret that it wasn't provided again tonight uh last week in a uh as a result of inquiry from Council we provided a copy of our uh experts appraisal of the property as well and that appraisal came in at the numbers that uh is requested to settle this in addition to that there was a recent sale of the building and arms link transaction and as the tax assessor will tell you that is one of the primary ways you determine uh market value what someone is willing to pay for a property and so in light of our experts analysis and um the in-house attorney's uh recommendation which I adopt as well we respectfully request that the Council adopt this resolution thank Youk thank you Corporation Council Council M thank you council president so one two three four five so counil president there's a property on 360 Bradway hey hold on hold on let me let me no council members Council L off the floor please let's and there's another property between this property we talking about uh 398 is between 360 Broadway and 426 Broadway right an example so this one is considered a benefit for seniors because they they get low income rent right now what I'm reading the body here the whereare ass number five is very important and whereare ass number eight is real important in this issue but I go back to where it's number two we not they're not ping taxes they are appealing assessment of the property so in other words based in the assessment they say was3 million 56,000 whatever right but it turns into taxes right but the Goodwill is that they withdraw the 21 tax appeal so it mean they pay full taxes based on the 3 million of it and they moving forward to pay based on the value of 2,545 right uh taxor yes now what I am a little bit concerned I don't have no problem with this method because I trust in the Judgment of our tax assessor okay when the when they went to the state when they went to the state and appeal they gave the judgment to you your office to do the right assessment to get an agreement correct uh no we didn't did a we didn't did a private assessor we we have an appraiser on staff for the city correct for the city corre so judging for me stay judging the work of your of your division okay for me I'm not going to put a a a a great Cloud over your work and your department and I'm not going to put a great Cloud over the state mters to us to settle this now what I'm a concern is that this building is sitting next in the middle of two building that have the same um structure and probably the same apartment or more or less and they come and do a tax appeal based on this one and they come and redo their assessment no you think it's possible you you can't you can't appeal based on other assessments you have to base your appeal on market value maybe their market value B may be higher because they're collecting more rent uh or it may be lower but each individual appeals is is individual so it's not like this this appeal is not like a normal house appeal correct correct right because it's the income the apartments and all that all right so Council Council I was clear from this from the beginning we had the discussion I apologize you guys have to be here and being all night to explain us something that we already know on Norm that there's a statue on it there's a mark of value on it the law is on it and you guys apply the right judgment on this and your staff apply a judge uh the right judgment on this so council president I just want to say that yeah and and not taking don't take for granted ladies and gentlemen the tax assessor office gave us a nice booklet here we should go over it every time that we had this in front of us and probably could avoid um more question and and and and put doubt in the process that they do no council president I'm leaving no no you're not C Council council members uh I I understand we just we just it's 11:4 if I make for a minute I just got one more question 11:45 if we're still I'm star to if we still within the subject we have three more item before we finish the meeting because if Council Ms leave we all got go home I'm ready to go ahead C but um I think my concern really now is rising like how much did they pay in 2021 and 2022 in property tax it says there where's it at I say the market value of it how much did they pay that's what I need to know he just say hundred and something, no that's what we got to give them back no we don't have to give them back yes CFO we have to give him back council members council members how much we give him back nothing go ahead go ahead Mr C4 council members please8 C 88 and 143 and I'm saying my question now is how much did they pay in 22 and 23 120 something trying to look at up for you I don't want to get I I have a in between I have a simple question what is uh property class 4 C apartment means is it 4 C refers to an apartment building 4 a refers to a commercial building for uh for B refers to an industrial is this building full taxation or do they have it any kind of they they currently have a pilot which is coming to an end but T still have a pilot they have a pilot okay thank you council president I'm sorry counil Council has the floor just give me a minute no he's looking it up okay so so so let me just and before that counc roll call this you will agree with me they will agree with me the administration we be asking for reate back the revolation of our property this will save their work it will save taxpayer money let's put back the ordinance and Madame ba we we spoke about this the revow of the property every two years or whatever we got to wait you know I hate because that this will this will clear a lot of confusion all right and people will do the right thing for the properties of theity I think there's been I think there has been enough discussion on this item M cler we ready to vote on this item please please roll call on this item M cler item number call on item number 27 for approval yes how much did they pay that's what I'm asking how much did they pay in 2022 and 2023 I think we're giving them more money back than what they paid we have to return I don't know that's what nobody can't seem to find Bill working hard over there huh right yes what did he say thank you roll call on item number 27 for approval yes councilwoman cotton I'm passing for right now thank you did he find it councilman KH thank you Madame clerk I'm sorry one second did you see so I'm looking at the tax record of this property um no I want basically in 2023 we returning $1 143,000 C take a look at this they only paid $143,000 CU they're in the pilot program okay um councilwoman cotton yes uh they paid 3.5 million for it in 2020 they paid I'm sorry um 3.5 million in 20 20 and 20 and then this is the ass and you don't have anything else after that council members we know where we are memb he answered my question I'm I'm I'm no he already answered your question so no he did not answer my question okay he said 2020 yeah in 202 that's the only information that they have Council that's the last sale we have yeah that's the last sale that we have they don't know before 2020 the only record that they have is on onto that that's the only number that we have we got work with that number councilman KH yeah this property already has a pilots and um like I said I'm looking at their tax record on our website it seemed like in 2023 they paid about $143,000 in taxes actual money to the city of patteron and now they're trying to get the all $143,000 back with the tax appeal at the same time what I see in city of Patterson property value is going up and up and I don't know how this property got assessed by all due respect with our tax assessor about 1 million close to a million dollar going to go down uh I don't see it and for me if a judgment come from the tax appeal court definitely we do have to pay we have to respect the Judgment but I don't I don't see the Judgment here uh I think is is um pre Court conversation going on that's what it is that's what I believe and my vote is no excuse me my vote is no we're voting thank you councilman K roll call yes councilwoman memes yes so I have many concerns and I'm not going to belabor the point because I I've talked about this in times past what really concerns me the most is that as taxpayers in the city there was a revalve done on properties all over the city of Patterson and we had a lot of of people that are paying taxes very upset because the reval was not done properly I remember when uh councilman uh Riva was here and that was a big thing for him it bothered him and and and he talked about almost every council meeting about it so now to see an entity that is already getting a tax abatement now wanting to come to do some Equitable reduction it bothers me we our tax base is very small we just talked about the budget where there's a 3.2 tax increase we talked about the need of a plan to reduce or come to a place of sustainability so that we can come off of our um transitional Aid and now we have an item before us and so to that would be so hypocritical to the residents and the taxpayers to say okay you have a pilot now we're going to give you another reduction uhuh I'm not doing it Patterson you voted me in to represent you and to standing your best interest I cannot support this item I'm not sure how this item or this entity was able to get such a great evaluation or reval and the residents couldn't get it they were begging pleading coming to the mic yelling and screaming and we couldn't do it for them so it's in litigation once that's done and they come back and maybe there's a uh the there's a decision made at that level we can revisit it but I cannot when someone has a pilot going on see that this revalve is going to give them a reduction almost uh more they're not going to pay even more taxes Patterson I gotta I gotta stand with you my vote is absolutely not my vote is no U Madam clerk thank you councilwoman mes councilman valz we go guys we go I got to take this item and I already spoke about I'm not going to put in in in in preent the the hard work that this division does and and and the expertise of Mr Mara and his staff I'm not going to put in question this analysis that he gave us here about this and uh if you look at the documents ladies and gentlemen if can compare uh the assessment value of the surrounding City that's around patteron wow look look look at the document that he gave us okay and you're going to look at the assessment of the surrounded City that's around patteron okay and and um if if if I was an attorney that I'm not representing this LLC I will take this document to the judge and I say look judge the assessment value of a similar property in Pik is 2,944 hold on judge the assess value from Ringwood for a similar property is 1,495 you know what the judge is going to say judge let me assess this lower than the one that they settle let me assess it lower than the one that they settle so Jing on this chot that I have back here I could take this document I was representing them and said listen the surrounded City the same building same apartment is assess at this amount and you know what's going to happen a judge is going to say the council did not went on favor on 2 milon 22 20 uh 222 to 70 for 23 and 22 let me put it lower because they don't read this document um once again council president this will fix if we start rev violating a revi in our properties in the city of patteron is the law and it's supposed to be the way it is so thank you Mr Mara for bringing this docum is a highlight for my decision and voting yes on this item thank you councilman valz Mr President um thank you m clerk I I'm sorry know the issue that I had we should have took it off can can you speak the only issue that I have we should have took it off was you had no tax payments from 21 22 and 23 where you can't find it no how much the how much the property tax was in 2021 20 I don't have that information they paid in 2023 they paid $149,000 council members please council members i i i council members I understand that but if we spend a good amount of time having a discussion once we get into roll call we cannot continue asking additional question because that that's I wanted to take it off that's it so you could you vot I'm just saying I wanted to take it off because I mean it's too late we already need a voting proc it wasn't too late y'all just want to do it that's it it wasn't too late I'm just saying just say we only paid 144 we giv him back 144 oh 2023 we paid 14984 Lord Jesus okay and in 2022 we paid 141 864 that's not no that's no good it really isn't it isn't I'm sorry I can't I can't go with that let's see vote my vote is no I can't okay you're you said no counil woman yes I can't because okay thank youan he paying nothing um Mr President thank you m uh thank you Madame clerk I and coun K just understand that it's good discussion there's no need to take this item off the agenda because I hear my Council C and everybody you know at you know ask question and and it's voting based on their judgment I would like to buy the property for $3.5 million 50 units I have a I have a a I have a listing on the contract with five unit for $825,000 in the city of pison at the same time you hear the Patterson you hear this Council having a discussion about a um about the budget taxes is going up and and we try to just get an appeal on the taxes on a property that has a pilot program and this is my personal my personal opinion I'm only one vote but I'm not here supporting any of this um agreement with tax appeal because our resident in the city of Patterson we all suffering with a high taxes that we pay on this city and this this uh entity they already have a p pilot program and on top of that we have in front of us a tax appeal again and a property assets at $3.5 million let me remind everybody what happened with leis leis the assessment value of Le it was $350,000 and we have over $800,000 for that piece of property real estate is off the roof the market is hot in the city of Patterson once you put a property in the market you it will be on the contract within 24 hours that property it will be on the contract so I definitely cannot support this and I will stay on the side of the taxpayer we have to concentrate on fighting those tax appeal and do what is right for the people and concentrate also into to bring additional Revenue to give our tax pay a break so with that being said my vote is no Madam clerk thank you Mr President so the votes are four NOS one yes four absences item number 27 has failed Council if I may very brief council member if I may I have quot now council member I just have only two it one is by and another item is for you come back counc president you may not like it's going to back I can tell before before you leave taxor coming back council president before you leave um uh Corporation Council right keep us an update in this case yes in this case give us a a a a what happened in the state we gonna lose this case that's what's gonna happen we're gonna lose so why you voted no because because it's not right council members council members everybody vote the way they feel like you express your concern understand the difference between council members let that case go to court and let's come back to us and we're going to have additional discussion if that's the case matter CL let's move to it number 20 two more item I know councilman Ms have to be in the school early tomorrow item number 20 is a resolution honoring principal V oio for his years of service so so you know what council M take it off councilman Odin is not here I want him to be the one he's the one is sponsoring um so I don't know how you feel Council memb so it off if it's not if it's not time sensitive so I will move this to the next meeting that way he could that way he let's move to item 21 um let's move to item 21 Madame clerk yeah he already retired already he already resigned he already resigned item number 21 is a resolution celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic of Pake it's sponsored by councilman Lis VZ and co-sponsored by all remaining members of the municipal Council Council resolution 24343 second it was remov by council member Le second by Council Ms roll call B cler on item number 21 roll call on item number 21 for adoption councilwoman cotton yes yes councilman K yes M CL councilwoman Ms congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilman valz M clerk my vote is uh before my vote I I want um frame this on purple purple yeah and my vot is yes thank you councilman Mr President my vote is yes M clerk thank you so the votes are five yeses four absences item number 21 is hereby adopted thank you mad clerk item number 20 will move for the regular meeting Madam cler since councilman Udin is not present and I know he's the one that definitely wants to move this item forward so this will this conclude our agenda uh for tonight 25 25 25 it's my understanding that 25 doesn't need to be done because we already did the public hearing on the item no that was 24 that was 26 26 was emergency appropriation so we need not do 26 because number 19 was already ad if I may do we need to still need to do 26 even though 255 26 doesn't need to be so we taking 25 out 26 out 26 out so 25 so mad cler let's to item 25 which is the last item of this agenda so item number 25 is a resolution addressing 2024 budget procedure requirements for the Bunker Hill Industrial Park special improvements District authorizing reading by title only authorizing budget introduction directing the clerk to advertise it and schedule a public hearing and directing the assessor to prepare an assessment role of properties within the district it's a finance resolution 2 4 calling 347 it was mov by Council mes second by counc second second by councilman it 25 roll call on item 25 councilwoman cartton yes councilman KH yes councilwoman mes I want to commend The Bunker Hill special improvement district for doing a phenomenal job of making sure your area stays clean and keeping all of your businesses on task my vote is yes thank you cman valz that is the smaller Sid haven't seen before it's the smaller one and they generate a lot of revenues in that area so saying that my vot is yes a vote is said yeah it's them Mr President my vot is yes B thank you the votes are five yeses four absences item number 25 is hereby adoped council members and members of the public this conclude our agenda for tonight can I have a motion to close it was moveed to close by councilman colleagues second by councilwoman men you and councilman BL a roll call to close um our regular meeting of May 28 2024 M cler roll call to close the regular meeting of May 28 2024 councilwoman cotton thank you Madame clerk um to Madame ba I had been asking about vacating the street on East 15th Street I've been asking the DPW director and I'm not getting anywhere uh East 15th off of 6 6th Avenue I know the address is 160 I mean in in that area U vacated east east um East 15th Street so if you could um look into that for uh it's in the Bunker Hill it's in the Bunker Hill section uh yeah it's a dead end the same way we vacated um straight and narrow uh remember it was going to the dead end um also I just want to bring to light um what councilman Jackson was saying um uh what happens I think the the issue goes further than Council people should go to the Board of Education U counsilman Jackson is really a good athlete uh and what happened was and if I can remember and I just want to bring to everyone's Attention our kids are not being treated fairly they're not being picked and they're good players they're good sports and good athletes uh and what what the problem that I had in 1999 and in 2000 um schools like Esau high school and kened high schools was forced to play those powerhouses schools like Bergen Catholic pamis Catholic St Joseph Don BOS PR our schools could not compete against those schools and I remember fighting for many years trying to get us out of that league and into uh another League I found that going to other states in the United States they would not allow public schools to play against private schools or Catholic schools they were in their own division so what I want to say with councilman Jackson and with and with my daughter because you can never win a county tournament you don't you can't be on the committee to pick what children goes to the county which kids are named for the state which kid are named honorable mention so when we're not at the table in the room then our children is never going to get into those positions um years ago they did let us they did put children there but um so what they have decided to do is that they're going to see if they can maybe form their own because we do have some excellent athlete children especially young ladies um that are not being recognized and we have to figure out a way how to make sure sure that they get recognized and I know how how long I fought to get east side and Kennedy out of those Powerhouse divisions that they could never win a tournament they could never win the state they could never win so I just want to bring that to light to everyone and um they will be working on it but councilman Jackson daughter is an outstanding I'm saying outstanding athlete and she should have been recognized in the county on some kind of level on the state level she is outstanding Madame clerk with that being said my vot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilman khik good night everyone my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman memes just a few um announcements on this Saturday at 8:30 uh the uh Patterson alumni chapter of Delta Sigma Theta sari we're having our scholarship Awards breakfast 8:30 in the morning um at The Brownstone if anyone wants tickets please see me I have tickets for sale um on this Saturday then on June 8th is the um Greek Masonic cookout at 12:00 which is our 22nd annual Greek Masonic cookout um in Eau Park please come out it's always exciting to see all of the fraternities and the sororities they're hopping and strolling and you know getting it in I just love to see um the excitement and and the camaraderie and the unity that happens we've been doing it for 22 years so please please come out um there's no charge at all please come out and support and just enjoy bring your chair and come and if you want please send under our tent Delta Sigma Theta sority Incorporated you can sit with us but please come out on uh June the 8th and then we've heard about uh June 15th uh regarding the um when it comes to that morning we'll be having the uh Underground Railroad portion they will be honoring um one of the guys and then after that will be marching at 10:00 from Masonic temple up to EA Park and then there will be festivities on Saturday and Sunday by the Jun team Festival there are many uh announcements and many things that are going on let's keep our calendar of events prevalent and what you don't know please check our Pages we will be posting them uh school will be closing soon within a couple of weeks please make sure I want to uh stand in full support to announce that I will be supporting uh Tommy adaml for Sheriff I will be supporting John Bartlett Congressman Pasquel Sandy lazara and Rodney D'Or for County Commissioners uh I stand in full support of all of them um I am very clear and open about that Congressman PES has been my neighbor all of my life and I will always support him because he fights hard for the city of Patterson I don't know if we have anyone that has ever fought as hard as he has especially when it comes to police and the fire department they get a lot of Grants and a lot of dollars because of Congressman pasel I salute all of you thank you Madame ba thank you uh my secretary Sophia I've adopted her she's my secretary now uh to our ba CFO Corporation counsel thank you for coming in Council colleagues heral Linda rafhael Ryan police everybody thank you so much for all you do Ryan could you just provide me an update my phone was broke some months ago but they've never G G me my new phone so please no there's no budget I want my phone my phone is broken I need my City's phone so just yes please give me my City's phone Rafael you got the camera on me please I beg give my City's phone okay I did um good night Patterson good night everybody your vote Dr Mims see they wanted me to talk again my vot is yes thank you Dr mes councilman valz so um M ba just take this not if h possible and a clerk um I want to update 115 Avenue from east to2 to East to7 is going to get resurfaced okay there's a lot a lot it's going to turn into River Street too also 17 Avenue a small portion of between Rosa Park and Madison Avenue okay that's the the two concerned right now um and uh to give me an update and the third one is is I know that uh pcng haven't finished uh the resurface at one side when they open the road to see when they could revisit that to start uh repaving that half of it you know because U I know there's a list out there they sto because they said they was going to do it this year and this year and they haven't continued doing it I know they did in the sixth War all the way around but the fifth and other Wars still pending and that side resurface of the road uh and where they did the the change of the pipes and all that stuff uh my choice for the county election uh is the People's Choice whatever the people choose that's why I going accept my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame CLA thank you Council K thank you so very much for be until the end of this meeting and we finally uh finished with this agenda and that's the only way that we going to move forward to all my Turbo residents so as you hear before you know we all know that River Street is on the way to be resurfacing completed but we are also 13 Avenue uh the Run Avenue uh East 87 and also there's a rest of the street that I already have conversation with Administration about 20th Avenue is 33rd 34th but at the same time atba I've been requesting DPW to fix all the P that we have please let's stay on top of that is 24 and 4 Avenue I send it to Public Work Director Billy Rodriguez he has all those location I know those role are they on on the pipeline to be resurfacing but in the meantime let's try to fix the power house please let's let's let's help the community on that uh you know the the the I got a lot of call from the East side park because the playground was closed um we already approved the new playground state of the playground for the east side park and we're going to continue investing money into East Side park with the new lighting system that we have on the pipeline so we continue working to my third war resident also let me remind you that we're going back to our town hall meeting we stopped the town hall meeting for the last couple of months because of the election and it was a lot of meeting but now I'm going back in June I will let you know when it's going to be a first town hall meeting because we're got to talk about safety quality of life in the third war so I'm looking forward to see all my third world resident and I want to say thank you because uh every time there's a problem I got a lot of my um resident that reach out to me send me text and we'll be able to resolve a lot of the issues that are affecting our area don't hesitate to reach out to me my cell phone number it's 973 9301 1436 let's continue working together because that's the only way that we're going to bring patteron to where it needs to be uh collaboration is key and once again um so let's bring respect into the chamber you could come here and we welcome every resident of the city of Patterson but use you three minute wisely there's enough violence in our community already there's enough violence so we're here to work together with the administration to get the job done I'm definitely in full support on my friend um Mr Tommy Adam for Sheriff I'm looking forward make sure people go out and vote Congressman Bill pasel he's been a fighter he's my neighbor he lives he live right there Ninth Avenue uh Ronnie deor sand Lada and John Barley that's the team that I'm supporting let's get it done let's bring it home patteron okay and tamy D you're doing a phenomenal job I've been in some of your meeting you're doing a great job connecting with the people with the community let's get it done Patterson thank you God bless everyone and good night my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the voter five yeses for absences the meeting of Tuesday May 28th 2024 is hereby adjourned and before before our fire finish the cam Madame ba thank you Corporation councel Mr SAA and our two police officer I want to say thank you to police officer that are that are here there's a new one of the new record that is here so I'm very excited if you see our police officer make sure you say hello treat them well because they putting the life on the line to protect this community thank you [Music]