thank you so thank you we live um resident of the city of patteron Welcome to our special meeting Tuesday July 9th it's um 8:08 p.m. Madam clerk yes Mr President meeting covered by 48 hour notice notice of the time date location and agenda of this meeting was transmitted to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County PS Dominicana news Thea International Lal the parison press the city post news tap into parison the weekly banga Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices honor about 11 a.m. on July 5th 2024 such notice notices were posted on the bulletin board in the offices of the city clerk at City Hall personent to the open public meetings act we advised that the municipal Council of the city of Pon has scheduled a special meeting for Tuesday July 9th 2024 at 8:00 pm to be held in the council chambers in this case at the municipal Studio 77 Ellison Street in the city of patteron for the purpose of discussing the following matter one resolution reappointing Charlene White to the city of patteron board of adjustment it's sponsored by councilwoman Ruby and coton it's a city council resolution 24 41 second was moved by Council woman Ruby second by Council M counc counc and counc president mes I I need a clarification from uh discussion Madam yes um is she being appointed as a regular member the board um Charlie White she's been on there as a regular member um as far the ordinance that we have or resolution we have on the book if somebody comes in new relapses I say relapses the position um that the person as the alternate number one moves up her her term will expire on June 30th same thing happened in 2020 with my appointment I had a permanent member that person was uh was P back to as a alterate number two as you recall so I need a clarification on the on the um so I defer to the Law Department since they interpret on their resolution I mean they've been asking this over and over and over and over and over like coration counil coun coration Council you explain the overlay the over thank you council president um can I ask for clarification as to exactly what the inquiry is the the question is in 2020 my uh same board I had a commissioner as a permanent boarding member she wasn't repo reappointed due to I couldn't take the seat due the election chaos her seat was um I wouldn't say vacant but she wasn't appointed soon as I got re-elected she got reappointed at the same time he the same commissioner who was serving in the board for years she was put back to as a alternate number two cuz her uh her uh appointment was uh relapses meaning she had to take off a month or so or whatever the amount was uh the the days was uh she was removed from she was removed from being a perent member of the boarding of the board and this I she was suppos to get appointed on the 1st of July her term has expired on June 30th so there's a you know councilman council president can I just ask one more follow in break sure coration Council councilman K how long was that uh breaking service for how was a breaking service the person that was relaxed it's couple a month woman so as a as an initial matter as an initial matter I do um want to note that uh Miss White's reappointment is at the next uh council meeting after uh her term has expired so I think that may be a distinguishing Factor But ultimately um it is up to the Council on how vote to appoint individuals um together and so if if there the council wish to proceed with this appointment as I have prepared the resolution of appointment for full term and a voting member and that's up to uh the council to do at this time I was not here in 2020 cannot comment on the council's P practice and so I think given the L of the break in time the first meeting uh in July after the reorganization for support month may come into play but ultimately this cityil I was trying to clarify the same issue in 2020 2020 he came out the one year and you went out of the other year of everybody we need a permanent solution so basically what you saying Corporation Council if this Council body decide to appoint any six or seven member of the of the board as a permanent by voting they could do so yesly is that what you saying yes council president May cooperation council at this point I canot oine on what happened in 2020 okay um we prepared the resolution uh reappointing Miss White um at this time and it is not within my purview at this point to advise the council not to move forward with this um if the council so wishes to move it forward so ultimately it's up to the council how uh Commissioners are appointed there is a resolution out there that does address who gets what appointments but that resolution doesn't address this particular issue issue and I don't know if it's appropriate for me at this time to step in to this uh political decision and advise the council as to uh how why it should or should not be appointing someone that's within its purview to appoint proportion councel is not a political decision so how do we determine who is alternate and who is permanent can I can I explain can I explain Corporation counil very quickly for a point of for a point of clarification when when I say political decision I don't mean political in a negative way I mean like it is within the council's deliberative um uh determination as Council as a body determines it I don't mean political as in politics are being played so if that's how my remarks were taken uh forgive me for that counil finish I just need a I just need a clarification on the law that we have it in the book simp move on the on the book council president I'm speaking ma'am I'm speaking I'm speaking I had a permanent someone there it was removed with what law in the book well you want expl I think all of us need a clarification I know it I can tell you all of don't you are good you're voting me m m of the members of the public Council colleague have the floor okay council president I just need a clear clarification council president council president coun council members if I may I have attention for a minute Council mue asked a question based on uh for a clarification there was a conversation a few weeks before the reor on the next Workshop I would recommend to have extensive discussion based on that board but right now we have a resolution for a reaing of char white respectfully respectfully I told Council M that he going to make his comment uh before his vote right after counc coun coun lady first lady first for the next Workshop I recommend that we put an ordinance on the floor that we make it open for all appointments to be voting members of that particular board we have the authority to do that that way we don't have to worry about who's an alternate who's a delegate we can ensure that every person that's appointed is a voting member to avoid any conflict or and or concern so council president I'm making that recommendation counc discuss just a minute just a minute council members Council right so I'm just putting it on the floor there there's no State Statute that disallows the number it is our so if there so so if there is a state law then we need to get that information and there's not on the next Workshop we can make that put that before as an ordinance so I would like to see that in writing if there's a state law and if there's not council president on the next Workshop that the remed to thank Corporation Council you have a request from Council corre the state law state statute thatav all the members to be vo members or not Council right okay so let me just just clearly uh just for the public quickly uh we are in discussion so I know that council president wants to take a r call but you know councilman had a legitimate question um just and go back to two years ago when I also put it on record what was going on but with that said um I'm in agreement yes there is a statute in place State Statute L use law that states that the way that the board is broken down and it is a member of nine seven voting first alternate and second alternate that is established now with that we can then go back you can cite it Corporation councel but let me just finish um but let's not take away or think you know and I don't need to to speak for him because he speaks for S but I've been talking about this for two years two years what and why that happened um and um I do know how it happened um you know the secretary at the time um went to the individual and basically said oh we're we're moving you and and it was done incorrectly it had to be done with the secretary of the board with um the clerk all right and I think what happened there it was based on when the appointments were the way they were appointed instead of it being a two-year appointment they became a four-year appointment and then that changed the Dynamics of the board so you know with that said I am now ready to move forward after you know everyone makes their comments to move forward and vote on this and then we go back and revisit how we are going to address you know council president because it really is by senority it is it really is by senority someone who comes in new to the board cannot be a full voting member you have to go through classes you have to get your certification so you cannot be a full voting vote with someone that has sat there four years and that turns into an alternate thank you thank you Council hold onk thank you council president Council so I got to I got to I got to apply my experience coration C I got to apply my experience my experience when I came to the council and I appointed somebody to the board serve one year as arate then when I had to appoint it again that person became a full member of the board as a voting now there's nothing to question here I believe this commissioner had been appointed since 2016 this is her turn three years already the three terms since Madam cler do you give me the WR information hold up I I interrupt coun council member council member let's ask the floor please I asked I asked Madame clerk she being appointed since 2016 I believe so wait that's true Madam clerk yes she's being appointed so whoever appointed in 20120 cannot bump the 2016 appointment have to it in line so you didn't need you you tell me that you don't have to wait in line that you have to that's what I'm saying no no no no I'm in your side man you're not listening no but you don't sound like no so what I'm saying is that you are being appointed since 2016 no that's so Madame clerk can you clarify that so m madame clerk so the what I know is that Miss White has been reappointed by councilwoman cotton for a second or third term second second well unless she fulfilled an unexpired term that was held by someone else I don't remember vividly I don't have the records in front of me but did she fulfill um an an expired term yes she did okay so that's what it is and she's being reappointed now as a full voting member on the board of adjustment so no so so council president council president counc I may because I everybody confused everybody's confused and I've been following this I've been following this since I've been under this city council some council members would try to make their appointment preminent and not alternate so you made me follow this completely making sure whoever came up for appointment where they belong in a permanent spot or alternate spot that's woman where they belong now all of a sudden and council member mcoy is here they took one of our appointments from us when we were here so come on now let's let's let's stop it with all of this councilwoman we ready to I'm ready to vote thank you councilwoman uh councilwoman let's you finish whatever we do tonight listen we going to vote on it and um and I believe the clarification is I was confirming with Madame clerk the question when she was appointed and uh she told me to any 2016 but it's now is clear it was in 2020 that she was appointed first time thank you and she didn't serve she didn't serve as alternative one either two so C council members roll call Madame clerk thank you roll call on item number one on the special meeting Madame clerk roll roll call roll call and resolution appointing Charlene white to the city of patteron board of adjustment which is sponsored by councilwoman Ruby cotton councilwoman carton do we have a motion on the floor yeah it was we already had a motion already moov so roll call councilwoman cartton your vote Madam cler you say roll call okay my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman DAV so so once again okay um I just for clarification purposes um my it's it's on you can't hear me now so for clarification purposes um and and I understand councilwoman's uh frustration as this is her appointment but she went through a process I've been with here the longest right her and I and you know it went from one of her Commissioners um at the time Board of adjustment there was issues with certain members there was lawsuits and all of that she appointed a new person don't need to make you know say names that person left she then appointed so these are unexpired terms that she was appointing her last one moved to Texas and that is when Mrs White came on all right to fill the unexpired term okay so I I just needed to clarify that because she has not been there since 2016 and madam I don't know why you don't have that information as that is something that should be um part of um when we do the resolutions because we vote on that okay um so just let us just make sure that we get through legal you know all the information so but with that said you know uh I'm looking forward to supporting this I'm in agreement councilman KH does need clarification as he is also a senior person a three-time uh um uh elected official pre term and so you know some of the things that happened in the way that happened but some of the people are not in the room that did those things we just got to fix it now but with that said you know I congratulate you the work that you're doing uh uh supporting and looking out for the city of Patterson and my vote is yes for your reappointment thank you thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk just for a point of clarity Madam clerk the history of the voting record for the unexpired terms is not required to be here by you like we shouldn't know back in 2016 or whomever wasn't who Moved that's not a part of the resolution the clerk should not be obligated to have that with her right now no anyway because everyone wants to put a point of clarity on the record let the record reflect that councilman khik lost his appointment his permanent appointment because he didn't get reelected you weren't your seat you weren't reelected you sat out for almost a year having to run a special election your appointment was then reappointed by councilwoman daava your then appointment was reappointed by her and then when her appointment came up to expire you weren't here because you didn't get reelected to reappoint them so there was a vacancy currently it's totally different you're trying to bring relevancy to the equation there's been no meetings that's been missed by this appointee she has not been deric in Duty the board did not have to move a an alternate in her place because she was incapable it was the council's Mis oversight on not doing a reappointment with it was fully intended on being a re uh an appoint appointing reappointing this person so to paint the picture as if there was you know there's not parody you weren't reelected so the person you appointed remained is a fact the person that you appointed is now the chair because that person remained in their seat and were kept tenure because Council woman used her appointment to reappoint the dude so so to paint the picture then you didn't clarify that on his behalf to paint the picture that it's not about my appointment in appropriate was done council members it's just it's sad but anyway I guess something I was supposed to take five minutes took 15 I AP I apologize to all the women who spend a great deal of money on your your um hair and is getting sweated out in this room today some people have uh swim suit uh hair dutes but anyway Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman colleague thank you thank you Madame clerk once again I never lost an election okay I never lost an election and one year maybe you should revisit your memory I was never out of office an year out and another thing in 2020 I appointed somebody at the board when I was reelected again after that couple of members came in and they became a permanent um voting body how is that possible I'm just asking for a clarification we want a permanent solution I'm not pointing finger anybody I don't want to take Mr charlin White out or Mr parman or whoever is on the board out we need a we need a permanent solution there's a loop hole in the ordinance that we have in the book correct so we need to look into it that's that's the only thing I asked for even last time so stop pointing fingers without a reason hey if the if the if the if the ordinance that we have on the book say as it is that's see I have nothing to say or nobody else should say anything we having a discussion because there is a loophole in the ordinance that's it so we need to bring back that ordinance and amend it and make it correct that's it we always do that with everything so why is this a issue I don't even know I don't I don't even know my vot is yes Madam thank you councilman KH councilwoman Ms so let me let me just say this what yeah so one one of the things that one of the things that I don't like and I'm gonna put it on the record I don't like one when it comes to reappointing or honoring or doing anything for the person and they're whether they're sitting in front of us or home that we kind of Muddy the Waters with other stuff now if we have other stuff let's talk about that another time but we have our councilwoman and you know I'm gonna speak facts because I do homework check so I have the commissioner full list resolution 21 colon 586 appointed Charlene white on July 1st 2020 yes she replaced Miss Dumis who moved out of town by councilor motton and we approved that resolution even if we looked at senority she's been on there longer than about four people on the the current board so even if it was based on seniority she still would get the upper hand based on how long she's been there based on the resolution that was approved by this entire body of the council and tonight it's about Charlene let me say this you've done a great job I've been to the meetings I've watched watch the meetings and I I commend you for doing your due diligence I'm a former planning board M commissioner and I know the task of going checking the properties understanding land use laws sitting there advocating getting frustrated at times we're trying to make sure that these these applications are in the best interest of the city and the residents that live in that particular area I want to say their reappointment by council mcon is the right thing to do all the other stuff we could deal with later but this is your moment you the resolution 21. 586 and then tonight let me put it on record so we have any issues in the future it is resolution number 24 24 colon 401 41 so people if you play the lottery play that in the lottery 24401 21586 you might win because it's been a roll of the dys on tonight Charlene white you must be doing something right that there had to be a whole bunch of stuff going on but some other stuff has to be addressed but I don't want to muddy the water I think you're doing a great job and guess what you're a third world resident so you know I'm a stand up for our women thank you for doing what you do Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman Odin commissioner right I I believe that it as you stood before and it will stand for the community strongly with that belief my vot is yes thank you Odin councilman valz so um I know Mrs White way way back and she gave me that right now for don't say that don't say how far but one thing I could say is and everybody knows we appoint but we don't give instruction to the Commissioners to look what is better for patteron or what is not good for Patterson there are people that think out of the box they know what patteron needs they know what we need in the city of patteron and I believe that she been doing a great job you like it or not now what I going to say today is that all the discussion should be done back doors and clarify everything back there and now make this show over here before apped somebody and then we come with a decision and we do what we have to do miss Barbie I know no Miss I I know you too I was going to say I know you too but I will I if it was possible because this is the thing the problem is this if the secretary called for a roll call and the voting member is not available at least our tday had to be available sometimes they not so that's why they had to cancel a lot of meetings so I think that that's I think if the quarum is here the job is gets done and the city keep on moving forward somebody drop that back there good we good um I would recommend if it was possible in the law that to add instead of seven members to add nine members into that board and everybody will be a voting member and everybody will make decision in that board instead of seven move out the two remainings alternate to be a boarding member if the law allows it and then instead of having seven members we will have nine members like we have nine council members in the city past saying that congratulation thank you for being here I know you didn't want to be here I know your hair's getting messed up with this heat and this uh phrase thing my congratulations my wi is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you thank you Madame cler I I'm I'm very excited for this moment because Miss Charlene why she's not only a phenomenal commissioner but she's one of the stronger resident that I have one of the stronger leader that I have in the third war she helped me to do my job way much better every time there's a problem on her blog I get that text I get that call we always in communication and listen I love the involvement that you have in our community I just want to say thank you thank you for spending so many hours in those meeting and to the rest of the commissioner that are here uh some of them from the third world I want to say thank you for the outstanding job commissioner that you guys doing if you could stand out please before I vote it's important that the community know who you are thank you for the amazing job that you doing sh keep doing a great job and and I just want to say I feel very pleased to have you as a resident of the third war and I just want to say publicly thank you every time there's a problem I get that text I get that call and we work together extremely well to make our city better and to make the third world better with that being said my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Council president the votes are eight yeses one absent resolution reappointing Charlene white to the pison board of adjustments resolution 24 call 401 is hereby adopted council president I think on on the um blessing of her appointment tonight we should allow our great third W resident Charlene to commissioner Charlene to speak yes let's open a mic Charlene hey thank you all of you for you know nominating me once again we be thank you I know I'm making you proud yes and I know I'm making some other developers unhappy but that's okay I thank all the people that came out and supported me Miss Miss Shirley my Commissioners Miss trise and Mr Robert parchment I'm looking to serve continue for another four years whatever you guys need to work out work out on your own thank you so much oh my God oh my God Madam Secretary is here Myra she came out for me this is our board secretary yes all right thank you thank you thank you thank you so very much for the great job congratulations to close very briefly so oh I remove my um movement that's okay thank you council president and I just want to say um now that this process has concluded at this time that it is incumbent upon the city council according to state law to enact an ordinance to deal with the appointment and reappointment of these Commissioners and so I would respectfully request that the council uh proceed with that process in order to one comply with state law but two avoid the confusion that arises every time something like this occurs and and lastly to continue to inspire Confidence from the public in this process in our commissioners and in our uh city government so thank that that's my respectful request and the law department is happy to work with any committee any council member that has any ideas we're happy to draft the ordinance and put it for for a vote so that we can have Clarity going forward thank you thank you cor Council there a motion on the floor close meeting by Council M we cannot have a meeting and make a motion to close without opening the public portion every single meeting that we have the special meeting even special meetings must have a public portion yes and if we have individuals in the public ready to speak you must open the floor for public portion mad clerk can we uh get the public portion combine the workshop and the uh yes sir okay so what we're going to do members of the public so we're going to have only one public portion which is televis also so everybody that have the name of uh who have the name of the list they will have the chance to speak you have three minutes to speak on the mic be respectful with the council and with the rest of the uh community members that are here today so so councilman men will remove their her motion I'll counc president council president I will remove it but I do have something if I can council president through the council president Madame clerk did anyone sign up for the special meeting public portion no we're gonna do it together so so I just wanted to clarify because councilman Jacks there are no chines on the special meeting but the workshop we do have no no no I understand but I wanted to just put it out that the councilman Jackson was correct that in every special meeting there is a public portion but no one signed up but through council president he's going to allow for the workshop public portion to come on I think that's awesome because then we'll be done counil woman that's what I said we're gonna combine members of the public we're going to combine the public portion uh for the workshop and the special meeting also as well how many speaker do we have man in total right now we it's going to be only one members of the public it's going to be only one public portion if you don't have your name on the list you could come around just add your name okay your name is on the list we're gonna call everybody okay thank you signed up but I do want to speak about the mismanagement of this meeting we're gonna this The Temper the indoor temperature in here exceeds the ocean guidelines this is poor management when did you know you're dressed for hot weather other people are in suits you came prepared you knew there was no air this is not right and I see you're in your seat tonight Madam ba and you can look the other way but it's poor management this is just another example it's poor management it's a OSHA violation the FBI will be here and you're going to be in double handcuff let's let's call the first Speaker mon CL yes Mr President council president we're in violation of Osha all right um I'm sorry CC president have a moment Council K we're gonna open the public portion right after that I will take care of the rest of the agenda with mad clerk let's let's hear from the community that that is already here right right after this we will close the meeting we will close the workshop and I will finish the rest of the business with Madame cler Madame CL let's call let's call the first Speaker yes Mr President but before we call the first Speaker would you like to close the special meeting move to CL no we're gonna do we're gonna do everything within the special meeting so okay so our first speaker is Joseph Hart good evening good evening I'm here to complain about a few things you know I don't want no property and stuff like that but I'm going through hell right now the things one what is this yes go ahead two things that I hate about my city of patteron is the parking people don't give a damn about a senior citizens crossing the New Jersey Transit bus I take that every day and you got all these cabs in this town we don't need all these cabs in the UBS and the damn mini buses I hate that I'll never ride with them the two best CS we had back in the days was jig and Veterans and why we ain't got no movie theater in this town I'll tell you why the fan theater was two movies for the price and then we sa it we Sait to up there in new na the POS theater so ain't no movie theater in this town this is my city I was born here in 1961 and there's some things that I never be changed I like to see more law enforcement on the on the you know on the you know handling stuff because I know some of them got to do what they got to do but when El street by the pizzas people think they own everything they think they own the damn the damn sidewalks that sucks and I just hope that can be taken care of because if it don't get taken care of it will be taken care of I hate this you know and um that's all I got to say right now and um you know I wish the mayor was like Graves was the best mayor of Patterson we could drive up in the hood anytime at night but it ain't that way no more all right be back again and I'm out next speaker man CL next speaker former cman William Bill McCoy thank you madam clerk good evening everyone good evening I uh just wanted to um cover a couple items very quickly um it is extremely hot in the room and I hope that um we put the AC on the list to make sure that we have everybody safe going through the process once again um to the viewing public and to all of our council members we have an application on the agenda item 39 for the bill mcoy Foundation uh Jamaica day and Gospel Fest on August 3rd and 4th we're looking forward to a great time for everybody to come out good food good people and great entertainment everything has been submitted and um I'm looking forward to the council's approval as we as we move forward there are three things that that came out of the um July 1 meeting I wasn't able to stay for the full end and I just wanted to cover them very quickly and to say that the public should always be respected when they come to the city council and uh the Briggs family has given a tremendous uh amount of service and commitment to the city and I think as Leaders we ought to be recognized those individuals and make sure we take constituents complaints um with a with a bit of Grace and understanding we can't say that everything is being done right but we certainly ought to treat folks in a respectful way when they come to the council the the matter of the uh Grace Chapel parking lot I'm a member of my church is right across from them and we the city of patteron and the residents of the alen Avenue area who an eternal gratitude to Grace Chapel for making such an improvement and an investment in that area that reduce crime reduced conflict and set us on a path of growth and development I was very disappointed uh when I heard of the circumstances that occurred and like councilwoman cartton I think it's very important that we be transparent that we look at the record and review that in a public way that we can understand how that situation occurred and if there were some exceptions or errors that we as a city commit ourselves to correcting them the 50% reduction in the in the production of the council council meeting having less uh I'm not certain tonight that we could get through any regular meeting before one or two oock in the morning so to cut the meeting times in half I think was a little bit um uh shortsighted and the kinds of slip ups that we've seen and you look at the tax appeal settlement and discussion that went on today very valid very important you won't be able to have that kind of intense conversation if you're restricted by Time by compressing everything to one meeting per month and I suspect that in in instead you'll have multiple special Mee meetings that will lead to inefficiency and non-productivity thank you very much everyone and have a good night thank you next speaker next speaker is Mr G gr G gr did you bring some watermelon gez that's some watermelon in that bag No but actually actually I have one in the car I just picked it up from Bridget can't wait to get home the slice is an orange one uh good evening I I want to thank y'all for leaving slot number three open on the signing list you guys I really appreciate you guys listen real quick I want to touch on a few things number one it's hot in here and I was not able to hear you guys because of the fans the noise that it make so I actually had to go in the other room and go to YouTube to listen to the me number two third largest city state of New Jersey and you mean to tell me no air condition but anyway I I'm I'm here to talk about the trash on my way here what was it hosan in Stout Street uh someone put up a post and asked me was that taken care of I said well I'll drive by so tonight I drove by not only is the garbage still there there's additional trash year I don't know what's going on I don't know if you guys remember but when you moved to BR trash I stood at the podium and told you that it would not work not that I don't want it to work I just knew it wouldn't work with the Manpower that you have in this city it's not going to work and I'm pretty sure and and I I didn't have a chance to look at your books but I'm pretty sure your overtime for DPW is has to be extremely high have to be you probably spend spent more money on both trash than you said you were saving I believe it was $200,000 a month I'm pretty sure you well over that per month and I sat here and told you guys that it wouldn't work but I have a plan we we can fix this we need to get a all out all hands on deck and let's pick up the trash and what I mean by that every DPW [Music] employee uh the homeless population pay them a certain amount of money an hour tell them where to show up and say you know what in three days we want to clean this city it will work you can even uh some cities even give them a food card where they can go to certain restaurants and purchase food a grocery something like that but anyway y'all we need to we need to clean it up the next thing is I don't know how many inspectors we have but I have called a number of times with people illegally dumped trash and then I see the men and women from DPW have to come clean it up and most of the time those people don't even get a summons I mean dpws DPW is like they're pissing Against the Wind I feel bad for them that Homeless encampment I want to give Joe a shout out because uh you treated those individuals with respect uh when you cleaned that area up nobody tend was taken away like I have seen other cities do uh you gave them a chance to get their personal items which was good but I agree with the city that site needed to be cleaned up uh I don't want to take no more of your time because I can be here all day long thank you brother but anyway thank you thank you brother congratulations on your reappointment to council president and where is the vice president he was just elected where at no he's on vacation with he's on vac okay good yes so next speaker mad clerk Miss wah Muhammad Miss what's God's name good evening I'm sorry I didn't hear that call but I just want to touch on a few things why the mic I'm in talking into it you can't hear me but that's not my problem oh you want me to take my mask off any who first of all like everybody else I'm about to pass out in here I just can't understand that we've did this building and there's no air in here really unbelievable the other thing is I know I heard you all talk about having these meetings down the street at the college what happened with that that didn't go anywhere either like all the other stuff that you all talk about okay as far as the reappointment for Charlene white let me tell you something that sister does her work she does her job and anybody that have a problem with her being on that board is because you got some crap that you want to bring into this city and you don't want her to discover it that's the only reason the other thing is you are reducing the meetings can you imagine what business you're not going to do that you've been here all these hours now with just this I mean it's unreal that you're going to reduce the meetings and get something done but that's what you said you're going to get more work done because you're going to reduce the meetings make that make sense to me I don't get it but anyway the other thing is getting to the bricks family I hope and pray that they will at least do what you asked councilman Jackson do something that they don't ordinarily do and that's listen to you and at least respect the Briggs family because they are here tonight to go ahead and hear them so that we can do better in this city because I'm telling you between the garbage and all the other crap that's going on in this city I don't know what we're looking at I don't know what we're hearing I don't know what you're thinking because everywhere you go there is garbage I don't get it and then you say well you all keep saying we don't care I say you don't care because you don't say nothing every single time something is brought to this Council and the only one that's objecting or or making the point about it is councilman Jackson even though you a lot of you say where they have the five votes anyway that means nothing the fact that you won't even open your mouth about the truth about whatever that is whether you like it or not if it's the truth you should at least be a woman or man enough to say something and you can ignore me all you want to but the people hear and see what's going on and for aliz to be the vice cheer you better never miss a meeting because you know he's not going to be here and I feel sorry for you Louis that they gave you the Okie dop but hey you live and you learn thank you and God bless let speak about Mr Eddie Oles yes good evening all uh before I get to my main point I I wanna also say what a travesty that is cutting the meetings in half um what what can I tell you it is expected of most of you the only person that voted against that was uh Mr Jackson I'm not going to say much about it only because I don't know who came up with that bright idea as soon as I do I will say a lot more but for tonight I want to talk about something that happened in the last meeting and this has to do with the Mr Mendes well sitting right in front of me was Omar Le Desma this is uh uh Alex men is probably biggest supporter and after I spoke he turned around and in a very low voice he called me a kiss ass because of what I say about Michael Jackson I mean he really is the only one that it it's it's fighting for us that's how I feel but you know I would say to you if this is if this was planned M Mr Mendes you should pay attention you you ask for but you you you give no you don't respect us but anyway um you know if you're going to pick somebody to come and either intimidate me or um speak on your behalf that's a bad choice that's a very bad choice because you know if the the idea was to intimidate me it didn't work and if the idea was to convince me that maybe I should uh at least give some thought to working with you or supporting you he did a very poor job because I spoke to him for a couple of seconds couple of minutes and when I was done with him he agreed with me that you cannot do anything about the crime you cannot do anything about the trash you cannot do anything about prostitution you cannot do anything about drugs you cannot do anything about anything so if that's the case why is he supporting you I asked them and doesn't have an answer you see I don't feel like that about Mr Jackson if I felt that way about Mr Jackson I would not support him I believe in my heart of hearts that he can do a lot better than the rest of you are doing for the city all you got to do and I've said it before it doesn't take a lot of brains if you guys find out that in the 10 15 whatever amount of years you've been on on on the council it's not working try something different who is offering something different Mr Jackson I you must hate it to be wrong all the time I I I hate to be in your shoes but it's the truth and you know uh you know we think this idea of cutting the meetings to have it is bad enough that we don't have a a venue we don't have uh a way of really communicating uh how we feel and finally I am going to say Mr Val you know I at some level I I do like you but you wante me lunch don't forget that thank you next speaker M clerk next speaker is Abdul a Ali after of that's the old can you hear me turn this thing up don't play with me last time I was here they said they didn't hear me it's I seek God when reject the enemy now who's the enemy could be my ego and your corruption when I was here the last time I'm not going this a universal serah be you Christian be you Muslim be you Jew or be you savior strive like your race to all that is what good to please your lord ask yourself ask your heart are you doing that I know Money Maker ain't doing that you know what this is a political genocide going on in this city when it come to African Americans economical genocide social genocide why men can't be a president why M can't be cuz the rest of y'all sit down and caho we don't want that one there we don't want that one and you know what mik troop troop ain't an easy thing to swallow ain't easy thing to swallow but let me okay thank you for chopping up them trees down there what you GNA do with that dirt thank you you got to get that dirt done another thing you got to allow yourself to see can we work as a team under one order or are we working in the bu on a political order to get some economical benefits uh brother lawyer you tell your friend [Music] Abdul H up his Islamic development the reason why I mention that don't you know the United States was based on konic law not to go religious but it was an order to get America on a moral state where is your moral State at and the reason why I mention that there's a lot of corruption going on out here and all y'all is promot boy that mess Manz your man here the sister here she go back and forth that's sure I know listen show your true s and I expose your true s let me tell you something your your mayor hey Andre I hope you are listening Aki you need to understand you have a plan but a lot is the best of all planets you hang out with a lot of Muslims you better start practicing some of that stuff because you know what it's going to come back one more thing I'm out of here that you because you got some power Andre that building on 245 M Salah don't come up with no idea to try to sell that building that was the very first Islamic building in northern Jersey since 1969 so don't get no ideas of trying to sell that building so we don't have a place for us to workship thank for let me sh thank you next speaker mad clerk R bricks good evening my name is I live on Wallen I was here last week and I spoke to the the members here in reference to Rapa can you put that microphone a little bit higher please I was here last week um and I spoke to the board in reference to Wall Avenue where I live about you guys making the street a one way now you made it a private Street and that councilman there I don't know what your name is you said it's not important it's important to me it's important to the people that live on our blocks you guys all agree that taxpayers matter all taxpayers matter and I'm a taxpayer on Wall Avenue and I PID 20,000 or more dollars there and it's not just me that is affected it's affected everybody that live there and I was told that the members of the mosque came down and spoke to everybody and we was all in agreeance with them to change the street until one way but no one has ever came to my door to ask me about changing my street until one way or how I felt about the street being a one way or now being private no one has asked anybody on the Block I had a petition but I didn't bring it with me everyone signed it that no one has come to their door to ask them that and my thing is that you made it so you slanted the streets you made it a one way so they can have more parking but it's not enough parking because they take up all the parks on our block and if a place don't have enough parking for all the people that's coming there they need to relocate their business somewhere else and where we live is residential and it's historical and it was supposed to remain the same and they say it's not commercial but they're making it commercial it's not fair to the people that live on on that street that we have all that going on like we have all that police presence during um particular holidays we have all the sheriff's department Patterson Police cameras all around the neighborhood it's not fair that we live in that that element because if I were to try to sell my house I couldn't sell my house because what goes on because it's like who wants to live on a street like that now that it's there's no parking it's constant traffic the mes have made the street a one way and has is exclusive to Muslims they have a sign upside outside say no trespassing who are they talking to people that's non-muslims that mean if you're not a Muslim you can't go down that street because the street is blocked off and I understand it could be blocked off when they're having an event but there Saturday afternoons when there's no events all night long the street is blocked off there's other people that live in that apartment building right around the corner that used to use that street utilize that street but now that it's a one way or it's blocked off when there's nothing going on they can't utilize it St Teresa they have big events and they make do with the parking that they had you guys didn't block off the street for them are you guys didn't give the street to St Teresa or you haven't given the street to anybody and the person that's I spoke to on the phone he said the reason the street is ours because we bought all these houses I said well you bought the houses you didn't buy the block how do you buy a block like how do you what did they tell you I need this block for this reason like what could they possibly say this is why we need this street for for our own so anybody could just ask for a street in patteron and you guys just give it to them like it's not fair to us we live there we pay taxes and you say taxpayers count and votes count and evidently ball Avenue people don't count and I think if I Mr Mr Mendes I spoke to you and you said to that woman that you call your people back you didn't call me back you didn't call me back you didn't come to my house like you said last week I'll be there I'll be on your block you didn't come now miss Mendes said um Miss Mims I'm sorry she did call me she did reach out to me like she said Mr Jackson reached out to me but that was about it but you said you're my third word costum you didn't call us and you didn't go door to door and speak to anyone so I guess I need to talk to that woman there because you say she gets the job done so I think I need to speak to [Applause] her that was correct thank you Mr Joel Keys Jr huh Joel Keys Jr yeah J keys right I got props t one two Jo keys patteron I watched the video of the June 11th meeting and it reinforce my focus and intention to clarify why African-American councilman Mike Jackson has misunderstood by many primarily his colleagues on the council and to continue the mission of bringing democracy to patteron moreover the two are related because the solutions require the people to organize and mobilize as a United Force I brought two books here tonight to help make my point regarding clarifying the plight of African-American councilman Mike Jackson racism without racist colorblind racism and a Persistence of racial inequality in America and colorblind the rise of postracial politics and a retreat from racial equity and racism without racist Eduardo DEA silver asserts quote what happened is that white supremacy in the United States has changed today new racism practices have emerged that are more sophisticated and subtle than those typical of the Jim Crow era unquote in essence Jim Crow is the old sty St of racism and postracial color blindness is the new racism the Civil Rights Movement is significant because it caused the change from the old Jim CL style racism to colorblindness the new style former president Barack Obama understood these Dynamics and took advantage of them to get elected and colorblind Tim Wise demonstrates an example quote White Obama backers explain that they supported the senator because he makes rights feel good about themselves or because he doesn't come with the baggage of the Civil Rights Movement unquote Tim wse succinctly affirms quote while this may suggest the benefits of postracial liberalism for getting persons of color elected to office it hardly speaks to the question of whether such an approach is best for addressing inequities unquote alternatively Tim Wise concludes quote it may be that all postracial liberalism accomplishes is to take anti-racism off the table while leaving racism in both its institutional and interpersonal forms Dangerously in place unquote in conclusion it is these dynamics that councilman Jack Jackson understands and why he subscribes to the tenants of the following message from Dr Ki T who is explaining why a particular black mayor had no power he States quote I'll tell you why he has no power for us power can come only from our organized masses all of our power to bring change in this country comes from Mass struggle that's clear so if the power comes from Mass struggle it is sure to change things political power can come only from the organized masses to ensure those changes and since the masses of our people are not organized people have no power at all none what soever if he does where is his power base it certainly is not the masses of his people and if it's not the masses of his people the power base must be used against this people than you next speaker next speaker Miss Deborah Hannibal good evening good evening Deborah debor Hannibal Patterson New Jersey resident and taxpayer I am here tonight to talk about a few issues and I want to say this nice but this meeting tonight is is the textbook of poor management the speakers are barely working I'm yelling right now to be heard that should not happen when you're in a position of leadership at some point I believe the ba knew and she dressed herself appropriately for this overheated room there will be people that will be sick and the city will have to pay claim tonight for illness because we're in a room and everybody can check on their cell phone that the the heat in this room is above the temperature is above the oosha guidelines so they're putting the city in Jeopardy again we need people to sit in that seat and you can smirk and you can laugh at me all day but I'm going to get the last laugh okay because I know you and I know things are not done correctly and I know things are done by Design This we're talking about the buck trash I tonight I looked at Channel 77 with good eyesight with 2020 you cannot read that there is has been no marketing to really educate the people about how the trash works it can be done but it you take somebody that understands how to do work and has been successful at getting things done this is not success this is just staying with we don't want to sometimes you got to say you're fired the mayor needs to say You're Fired give somebody else an opportunity to sit in that that seat and turn things around we need a turnaround in this city tonight this temperature this it makes people upset what happened with the police and fire not getting their retro those people work they're short staff they work they're not getting their retro nobody's talking about it but I think it's something that should be talked about and um the reason why I'm concerned is that during the I ID weekend Father's Day weekend A friend of mine who has a sick relative uh in the 100 block I don't know if I want to name the street because they're so afraid of their neighbor that plays music night and day they'll start at 700 p.m. to 7 a.m. there's a sick person in the house who needs and requires sleep they call the police every person they got other people to call and when they called the police they were told to call your councilman at 300 a.m. what is the point of calling your councilman and I don't bring the police I would be upset too cuz your Ba got paid they want to be paid and they want to be paid a a a living wage a reasonable salary for the work that they do for this city and there was something else I wanted to say and and I'm not going to bring up the resurfacing again but when the ba addressed my concerns she didn't give a a response she attacked me because if there was if there was a real answer she would have given that so that told me all I wanted to know because there is um there is a lack of fairness and I exposed it and everybody knows and and what Professor key says until everybody gets upset it'll be business as you ual in this city if the black churches are not outraged and supporting what happened at Grace Chapel every Christian needs to be here because that should not have been done it would not have been done on Wall Street where they own properties five houses are not paying any taxes there are certain things that are just not going to be allowed but because we're silent about things that matter they just keep happening thank you so enough is enough and you can Twitter all you want to but I know what I know thank you and I know that God will remove wickedness from high places thank you so that is my prayer and I cannot wait to see because that will be the day of Jubilee next speak M next speaker is former councilman Anthony Davis former councilman Anthony Davis councilman Davis how many more speakers we have not sleeping U one more one more not that I can uh I really can't even here um so obviously that is a concern that we have here um good evening and welcome to all those who receive a nomination and getting their seats back congratulations I would not come here and not attack you I don't believe in that I know what it's like to sit on that side and how people are misinterpret things or or um don't get it right and saying that if something is wrong that's going on in our City especially especially especially when you are not fulfilling the rights or listening and disrespecting a family that I love and that I knew since I was a wee little kid the bricks families are Staples in this family like everyone else you all should give respect to them but there's no way from what I heard I was not here July 1 I was not pleased from what I heard um and what's going on the lady young lady that just spoke before me talked about wab wab and up there what's going on and I and one believe that all these churches that we have we all need to have a uh safety net like they do of security detail blocking off streets blocking people's homes driveways shouldn't happen shouldn't happen and I agree when certain events are taking place that's fine but not daily not daily that is one of the third ways that you can go to New York for off a roof FL and to have it blocked off or have people track or retrack around is not conducive and then the issue with Grace Chapel was not pleased to hear that I don't know how certain things are flying through the council and it's not being addressed so I will start paying attention and we will have people here to see what's going on and in my closing um we all are favorable and so you care and say you care about Patterson just don't care about Patterson when it's time to get elected and then you do don't do the due diligence the other years around so um in respect we want to make things right please adhere to what was stated tonight get this fixed um and I'm not going to ask why we're not in the counil ch but that's a different story so have a pleasant night and um we be le C next speaker man next speaker is Miss Myra Torres Arenas Myra Torres Myra Torres Arenas good evening everyone Council people Administration my name is Myra Tes Aras I am a resident of Patterson and uh I want to congratulate first everyone who are back in their seat alab aiz Council cotton councilman Jackson councilman Mendes councilman shahim KH councilman L Mendes wellis sorry wellis um what I want to say is I pray I'm not here to criticize anyone I'm not here to defend anyone I heard everyone speaking what I do want to say is regarding the meetings we have to see the whole picture of certain things and I believe that also the clerks here Madam Clerk Mary and everyone else that sits there work their hardest and darnest and for me being a woman I don't think that sometimes being here to the we hours at night to then have to go to work the next day is fair that's my opinion as a woman we have to see the whole picture yes I don't know how the council is going to see through everything they have to see but maybe if we kept some of our personal offenses to ourselves maybe these meetings will go a little bit more smoothly and I'm not pointing the fingers at anyone I don't need to I would like the council people and along with our Administration to work differently this year to work a little bit more together because I believe this right now what I'm worried about is a presidential election I'm going be honest what I see going on is beyond and it scares me because racism this is nothing what you're seeing here yes this is nothing to what's going to come yes but I believe in the God a sovereign God that if the person that I think is going to win that I'm scared of God knows who he puts in place and for what reason okay comeing may as evil as they can be or as good as they can be God leaves and puts people in power for a reason sometimes church we have to wake up it's not a matter of that I'm Latina you're black I'm white no it's a matter that there's no dis anymore and we're settling but that's another case I pray for each and every one of you regardless of your religion you all marit respect deserve respect and the day that I'll come here and offend someone is because y all really have done something that I think is really out of bounds but I hope I would never get to that point that I can talk to each and every one of you personally and say you know what I think we need to change our tactics I think we need to change how we see things but again respect each other remember I said this once you are the head everyone here was voted for a reason you're sitting here for a reason unite the words and let's face all these other challenges that patteron has patteron has a lot of challenges but we're never going to get anywhere if we divided thank you take care God bless you all my prayers are with you there are no more speakers [Music] M it was moved by Council second by council member welome collector CL publiction on the special meeting TR not to leave Just sh just one second roll call roll call to close the public portion of the workshop session of Tuesday July 9th 2024 councilwoman cotton closing the public hearing okay are we closing the public portion now madam we're closing the public portion okay my vote is yes to close the public portion I have comments after we open back up thank you thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin my vote is yes uh to close and U Madam clerk council president I'll be retiring right now okay thank you councilwoman councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk so I'm going try to be as loud as possible so everyone can hear me um and most of the speakers are absolutely correct what we're witnessing is a gross failure to be conscious of the Public's best concern and it's happening over and over again and uh you know I personally will not sit here and continue to allow it I know I saw the gentleman from the m just walk in but members of the public please pay pay attention to what's happening yes the ba she's failed on many occasions so today is just another another one to add to the list but the attempt now to ctail the meeting because everyone say oh let's just uh uh uh let the council president decide which items need to be on the agenda that's because the item that I wrote it's at the bottom of the agenda and hasn't been addressed yet because it's very important and you know I was very clear I support the entire Community I support every item that they have brought before me even when I take on scrutiny when councilman Shaheen khik brought forward the call of prayer I was the deciding vote and support because I think everybody in our community deserves a fair opportunity to have a freedom of expression when the item Mrs Briggs for your for your street to be closed was when I was solicited for a vote I told everyone including the members of the mosque I have no issue or no problem with the street I could care less what happens with the street I don't live there but what I do care about is what the residents feel and I was told not only by the members of the mosque but by multiple council members that everybody have been consulted with in fact council president at your last uh uh attendance here at the meeting said said that he was going to be there the next day to addressed it when I saw your petition and saw that you had 10 of the 13 houses that only 13 houses on the entire street from Broadway to Park Avenue from rof for to park AV only 13 and he and the CL was they spoke to everybody then I was told well I was only I only asked if it was 400 feet from the mon the houses that's owned by the moners 400 ft of course they'll have full support from them what about the rest of the membership so the fact that the public was not consulted with was a concern for mine because that is where they earn my vote and my my support So in doing my research because I had to write the ordinance as I promised to resend that order but in doing the research which uh my Aid and we'll get to that in a second just passed around if you look down the line at the the sixth where ass as a matter of fact to the fifth whereas whereas pursuant to the njsa 40 col 67-1 section B whenever the county or municipality by resolution or ordinance as as the case may be determin that the property which has been acquired by purchase gift devise lease exchange or otherwise for a nominal or noncon uh consideration for specific purpose or subject to lawful conditions restrictions limitations as to use can no longer be used for the purpose of which acquired meaning that the street can no longer be utilized for the purpose that was utilized as a public thare it may be offered or reconveyed the fifth where ask pursuant the njsa 40671 section B whether or not the same or any part has been actually opened or improved except any Street Highway Lane alley Square Beach Park therefore dedicated to the public use it says clearly within the State statue that was utilized to reallocate this road it says if the road was not being utilized for its conditional use that means if it was on a dead end Street the public wasn't utilizing the street this street was getting was clearly being utilized by the members of the public so therefore the another failure from the legal department in advising the council that this was appropriate it was not appropriate and the fact that the councilman had the audacity to tell the member who is who is supposed to be heard from from the council and from the administration well if you got a problem I suggest you go knock on that door that right there was enough to take me to to over the top I'm willing to support everyone but we got to do the right thing by everyone we can't solicit there's over 360 plus religious institutions in this community and I ask all of you who have the knowledge of anything how many other religious institutions are given this kind of a uh concession it's not and it's not fair the members of the public we we must and in fact I'm expecting even more from the institution themselves to walk on Integrity to walk on purpose to walk on honesty when I was told that every member of the street was consulted with and they weren't when a member of the street has a has a a petition signed by all the homeowners that says that they were never spoken to that's a problem that's a problem so I'm not sure I can I can acknowledge that I can assume and I don't you know often the the the the the the word is clear like making an assumption but it's common practices I can assume this this item may not even make it to the agenda so I have other suggestions I have other suggestions if it's within the council's perview first of all we've already opened ourselves up to Legal uh uh uh matters because the state State legislation is clear the roads can be conveyed councilman uh McCoy you absolutely correct the State Street can be conveyed if it's not being utilized for its current use and and we have members of the neighborhood that contested it was but more importantly if the council any Administration want to hold firm I have no issue with supporting you know the general consensus but if the m is going to have an exclusive Street designated only to themselves I Council mot I created a uh a potential solution there's another resolution that I will draft for residency parking on the remainder of wall and dundy street so that anyone visiting the neighborhood cannot park in front of the other people's houses block driveways park illegally and any car that does so should be automatically told because we have to look out for the for the resident's best interest and if we're not doing that then what are we here doing so I mean there is there's room for negotiations but what happened here there was no negotiations that took place and I'm going to remain consistent people uh uh making phone calls saying oh he's against this group he's against that group that is never the case I support every single group I support every single effort but I support consistently what is right and we got to do the right thing I don't care if it's one person one person matters and you know what councilwoman I can even give you one more suggestion if we want to convey public property to the mosque and we want to not takeing consideration the trials and tribulations of of the residents then let's reduce their tax burdens by 50% so everybody who lives within close proximity who had to make a sacrifice to give up a road give up the street or make a sacrifice for the public and allow for you know for visitors to come park in front of their homes to throw trash out outside their their doors their doors of their cars let's reduce all of their taxes by by 50% as a council as a municipal counsel I'll write it I'll write it we vote on it we can we we sat right here and watched the administration make an attempt to give a an administrative tax uh uh uh relief to three businesses now that's the third one that's been presented to us already the third one so let's give tax relief to our residents who have to be inconvenience and I'll say this last thing and and to the brother in the back I'm I'm I would love I'm love I'm looking forward to speaking and meeting with you um brother Ibraham because I want to find an amable uh uh solution but I supported the Adon and I still stand in favor because I believe that if I'm in my yard and I want to play Teddy pentag I want to play Tito pentes whatever I want to play I have the right to play it but I have to be respectful to my neighbors there's a time in a place that we have a noise ordinance in place and when members of the community are consistently complaining to me that they're being wake woken up by the call we have to address that it has to be addressed it has to be address if there's a noise ordinance in place even if if it's in the middle of the daytime and and residents from four or five blocks away are being are are are are being impacted by that we have to be willing to address it everyone has their rights to do certain things you have the right to play your call of prayer I welcome that I honor that I support that even when I made the vote I had nine pastors from the black community that came in opposition of my support for that and I said I stated clearly which I stand on today every member of our community deserves not opportunity to express themselves by how they see fit but it doesn't mean infringing on the quality of life of your neighbors and if we're not going to be quality neighbors then we're not doing the right thing um lastly with the item relative to Grace Chapel and I and I'm going solicit the support from our fellow Council Council persons who sat here specifically councilwoman Ms and councilwoman cotton but not exclusively because councilman Mendes voted on it councilman D councilwoman Dava councilman KH voted on it as well the taxes that was subsequently sold in a tax sale to recover that property with taxes pending from 2006 if I'm not mistaken the mayor was elected in 18 is that am I not correct in 2018 the mayor took office and and and um Khalifa shabaz was the was the legal uh uh Corporation Council it wasn't until fah Irving was Corporation counsel that we took the measure to purge the taxes on that on on that property purging to the general public means to dissolve the taxes we purged them we dissolved them so that means any previous subsequent taxes that existed the council took action dissolving any unpaid taxes therefore moving the property from that point forward as tax exempt for the property to have been stolen in the in the church not to be properly noticed is a travesty there's a travesty and it and it it speaks directly to how a specific Community is treated over others and you know and and and I'm I'm calling for the support of all including the mosque including members of the MOs this was a was a blatant disregard as Council councilman McCoy talked about Grace Chapel changed that entire Community by turning down a dollar they could have contined to rent it out they could have contined to let it stay as a Chicken Shack they could have continued to let let it be a derc property but they they the moment that lease ended they ended the lease they stopped collecting rent they knocked the building down and and and the property was stolen from them and now the property is being utilized for an illegal use and the Administration is sitting on their hands again doing nothing about it track the trailers being parked on unpaved surfaces that that property is not zoned for that but yet they're doing whatever they want to do der style the administration is ignoring it they're not paying attention to the the the property have been stolen and and and now the church is moving forward to take legal action every single legal action that we've taken that we've gone through in the city we've lost they illegally fired Dave Gilmore he sued us he's back to work now he's on the hook suing the city for $5 million taxpayers dollars they did the same to uh Jesus Castro again legal action taken they did the same to uh to to to various employees with with the city and every single employee that's taken action lastly I'll say this because I catch a lot of scrutiny for being honest I don't care I stand on my Integrity then the ba took a shot at me saying that I only got 700 votes well out of consensus of this room I would say 95% only the employees that's not afraid that's possibly afraid to lose their job all applaud it when your when your dereliction of Duty and your uh uh uh inability to do your job was outlined every single person in this room applauded so obviously they agree you were the only one in disagreement with Miss uh Hannibal when she when she outlined your failure and more importantly the racial discrimination that you talk about brother Keys is is is evident is more apparent than now not only does the public not have faith faith in her but her entire staff in the Ba's office filed the suit against her for the treatment of this of the staff in her office if that doesn't talk about uh uh in competence so we're constantly being sued in every single lawsuit we're losing so I'm urging the council to take action councilman if you don't want to hear some of the truth then believe yourself leave I don't need you heckling but all I could to to to someone else's point point out what I'm saying is not accurate that's not true and let dispute the facts because the law is C njsa I got the the number here for you to research councilman you can go do your own homework and do your own research if there's something that I'm saying that's inaccurate then let me know what it is I'll make the correction and I will I will apologize publicly but with that being said members of the public I urge you stay diligent because we are being kicked in the face and everybody's playing gonna play a big uh uh part in this if you look at the city it's a gross failure outside trash is everywhere everywhere and if it's not then I need I'm in the wrong space Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman Jackson councilman colleague my vote is yes to close the public hearing M thank you councilman colleague councilwoman M so to the public that is present and the public that is viewing first I want to say thank you for coming thank you Myra for that commentary at the end it's always really appreciated first and foremost let me say this so I heard a couple of people say this um Miss Briggs I know the public you're trying to leave but for those that can't say um just hear out all the council members uh Miss Briggs I'm not sure because I heard a few people say that someone disrespected you at the reorg meeting I'm not sure who that was but I'm going to go back and listen to the tape because I didn't hear or see that disrespect so I'm GNA go back and listen to the tape because I heard a few people say that today so obviously someone must have told them that somebody disrespected you but I'm going to go back and watch it because I know me sitting here I would never allow anyone to disrespect the brick family I was sitting here I did not see or hear that but I'm gonna go back and watch the tape to kind of understand what happened because I heard a few people state that and I want to go back in here I want to go back so to miss Briggs and Mr Briggs if that happened I'm not sure like what happened but I want to go back and hear it so I just want to put that on the record uh there's a few things things that have been stated on tonight in the uh public portion one um to Madame clerk to RBA I pulled a lot of documents on Grace Chapel myself I pulled documents as it relates to uh what was approved by this Council I I pulled documents from the tax assessor's office I also have the letters that were sent to the pastor and the church so I I am asking that there be a meeting with the pastor of Grace Chapel to be present here because one thing I I one thing I like is that we come up with Solutions and I want the public to be be informed of the right things and not us always infighting because I agree that when people are watching it's always fighting somebody said then everybody's at the mic and they're yelling at us because they thought we did something but the facts are the facts and I'm not gonna go into them but let me tell you I have the facts but I want the pastor presid he lives in the Third Ward and I would like Madam clerk Madame ba to please send a letter to the pastor and I would like the pastor to come in an executive session so that we can go into and make sure the tax assessor is present at that meeting so we can go into a executive session because I don't want the church's business an open display for everyone we can come back if something needs to be done after that but there needs to be some clarity to what are the facts of what has really transpired so I'm putting that on the record that's one because what's being stated is not full truth so I'm just gonna say that so I want the pastor present because the pastor knows what's going on he's been the pastor of that church for a long time he was here when all of this took place so Madame VA Corporation counsel Madam clerk um that's my request uh executive session number two um with the situation and I did uh like I told um on the day I said to miss Briggs I'm gonna reach out and I did reach out to miss Briggs I also reached out to ICPC as well to try to put together a meeting with the residents on the Block and ICPC because everything doesn't need to be hashed out at the council meeting I think if we do things privately behind the scenes what I said to both parties is about being good neighborly right if you ride through the area and look at the way it's transposed one of the recommendations I said to ICPC just create a neighborhood chat group text when you're gonna have an event you just text the neighbors we're having an event tomorrow that way everyone is familiar this is what's going on but I'm still going to put that on the record I think it would be great to have that level of dialogue privately with ICPC and the residents of that block and I'm going to say the ICPC is a neighbor to everybody they're not just for the Muslim Community they're open to everyone we have uh he left uh brother Abdul brother akar they all go and worship at the m center there are many of our children that go and and and are part of their summer program at the m center they're not just of the Muslim Bengali Palestinian they're not just of that that ethnicity it's all of our children that are out there so if you go and visit you will be very surprised also to put on record their Community saw saw fit when they saw that we were limited with Recreation that Community is spending $6 million of their own money to build a recreation center for all of our children with no tax dollars with no tax dollars and it's for every it's for every every one of our children for all of our children it's not just for their kids it's for every kid and I'm a witness because they have helped with so many kids in my school alone I'm an educator in my school they've helped for for I can't begin to tell you so I believe that if there's a working solution it could be done in a private conversation and a meeting they are open to it and that's what I would like to see done versus seeing us here pitting each other against each other and even tonight I was very um it kind of touched my heart because I think sister Myra said it best that it's we're talking about racism right there was a time when we didn't talk about you're African-American you're Spanish You're whoever we just all work together so I think when people continue to say stuff like that it divides us it divides us as a council it divides our community guess what when we vote it doesn't say vote on this item because they're Spanish vote on this item because they're black when we votee our items it is supposed to represent the entire Community now are there things that go on in our community yes but here's my word of caution to the African-American Community you have to vote you have to get out and vote in the last election only about 5% of our people voted and if we vote more than We complain and point fingers at people then we will get more people will listen to us but we rather come rally behind something we don't have all the information all the facts but we do not take it to the polls when you take it to the polls then they listen to you when you take it to the poll then you could get people in these seats we're so busy trying to remove the small amount that we have we're so busy we're like M don't do her job and cotton don't do her job guess what we're out of here happens you got to act think about that see how quiet it got when you speak of Truth to power it gets quiet in the pin drop we have to we have to be able to stop causing division we have to stop saying there's only one person fighting every one of us are up here advocating every week every week we're here tonight I have bronchitis so I'm putting it on the record I couldn't even breathe over here thank God for our director it's hot in here everybody is steaming hot I said to M to council president council president just do the I oh sorry do the items so we can all go home not just us the public but then it was like no let the public speak and then we went into that and then the extra dialogue causes us to all sit here for an elongated time my last point of reference there are 12 months in a year six months of the calendar year are are already two meetings per month already it's been like that for years past councel people current councel people and even future it's always been like that what we have done is said Look Tonight is a perfect example if this is not fixed I don't think you want to come back here for the whole month to sit in no heat but it doesn't reduce the council's job it increases our job because that mean we have to stay longer do the work and still continue to do the other work outside of sitting here so there's no reduction in work we're still going to go to our committee assignments as Mo some of us do we're still GNA sit here and Advocate like you see us and we're also going to Advocate and go to the administration and fight on behalf of the needs and what's needed in this community two things Madame ba director Rodriguez um a resident called for veland Park I went there I took photos I will send the photos I would like for us to upgrade the playground equipment and Breeland Park some of the uh the the bounce uh cars are old he's watching I know he's G because I went there yesterday and he was shocked that I showed up so fast but I want us to upgrade all of that playground equipment and then under the benches that they sit on we need to add some gravel or some rock because it's unlevel and when it rains it gets muddy all also some of the signage is missing in the park we need to replace it and I also want signage around the park that says no drinking no smoking and no dogs in the park so I'm putting that on on record because that's something Madison and 7th I made the request there needs to be an immediate traffic study there's been many many accidents on Madison and 7 a by by where trinos is and I've asked for maybe the last six or seven years on East 2 7 and Broadway we need a traffic light I know we've talked about how expensive it is but there's been major major accidents with many incidents on that area so I'm putting it back on the record that we need um in that particular area we need um we need a traffic light Patterson let's keep uh working together some people sarcastically comment and say Mims wants to build and not to battle that's what I want to do we're not going to get we're not going to get anything done if we come here to fight our colleagues fight the administration fight the public we're not getting nothing done everybody's laughing watching us on television thinking it's ratchet television or reality TV we got to do better we all are here because people elected us to be here whether one don't like it two don't like it we're here but if you need our help call us call me me I'm councilor at large I represent the city Madam cler thank you for all you do Deputy clerp our secretaries police officers Corporation counsel ba CFO herlinda it head security all our directors they could have been went home but um I just want to say that I had to put it on the record tonight because sometimes you know people um they give information and I really wish that we could get more people to rap around the real stuff going on versus coming out and not having all the facts of what's really happening but I'm I'm saying to the public you don't have to come here you don't have to come out of your house out of your bed out of your comfortable place call me I'mma put me on record my number is 97392 1957 call me and I'm not just going to tell you I'm going to give you the document I'm going to give it to you that way you can read it for yourself if you don't believe what I'm saying read it I read every packet it comes to us on Friday these items and we have until Tuesday sometimes people don't put items on the agenda until today right before we walk in the building items are put on that's not fair to the council members we didn't get to read it we didn't get to research it and then they sit there and they yell and say they don't want to support my stuff but you didn't follow the process so I'm saying to all we have to follow the process they have to follow the process and patteron you elected us to fight for you I'm here for you if you need me call me and if you want to see these documents I'll meet you uh tomorrow after work because I got to go work in the hot building tomorrow but after work after 3 o'clock call me and we could go meet city hall or wherever so I can give you the facts thank you my vote is yes good night thank you Dr memes good evening P thank you those are here still sitting uh those are watching us live when I uh supported this calendar one thing that I asked the council president whether the workshop session is going to be live televised and when he said yes I supported at that time this this Workshop is televised why am I saying this because yes it was the special meeting was it was not the beginning so I believe that and that was one of the one of the things that I want to remind the council president that from now we are going to have televised Workshop session so that all the discussions before we go for voting session people can hear from us and also they can make their voice hard uh with that condition I supported it and I I love to uh see the workshop session going live people listening uh before we make uh the decision uh I'm looking for forward to it uh ccil president let me come to the point that uh I spoke earlier regarding the Wall Street um Wall Avenue Wall Avenue between uh 13th Avent uh Broadway I did not say it's not important what I said is this Council supported vacated multiple blocks multiple around the city and this Council unanimously supported vacating wab and that particular black everyone everyone in the council supported it now when you're coming up with another agenda which is going to verse what's happening is we are creating chaos in the community intentionally that's what I'm trying to talk about we are trying to get attention from the community we are trying to stand community on two sides where Muslim versus rest of the community and this is not our community stands for our community is a beautiful Community where we all are welcoming if we talk about ICPC particularly just go with one organization which is welcoming for every every single religious believers they have Interfaith Services they have programs for every single children regardless of your religious belief so we cannot make that as a just Islamic Center only for Islamic Believers and if we really do that what we are doing is we are creating Community chaos for our personal benefits that's my point now I respect Brick's family and I respect their concern what I respect is when they spoke about their drives driveways are blocked the uh the people who come to the uh Islamic Center they Park wherever they want I believe this is an issue we definitely can address that we can speak to the uh Islamic Center and with and also the community members and you can find the solution that how Islamic Center can promote to the uh people come to the center to make sure that they park on the legal point paring size we definitely can promote this and also we can make sure that Al law enforcement drive around and enforce tickets who uh Drive uh blocking the driveway before we come to the community before we hear from the ICPC what we are doing is we brought another agenda on the uh table to move forward and get support this is what community division starts from and we are as Leaders of this Patterson we should we should come to the solution which is not entertaining the public but also sit on the back to close door and find proper solution in the public I definitely that's what my stand I when I said yes I spoke I spoke to the ICPC Center and I got whole all block map as well that the four houses that on the particular BL owned by the ICPC if people park on the other side and block the driveways let's talk to them let's talk to the residents and bring both sides together but coming up with another agenda To Go reverse way is totally creating chaos among the communities when the community is not against each other I believe this our community stands together and I'm looking forward to see that um ICPC and the residents of the neighborhood we are having a meeting we find a proper solution instead of creating uh and and entertaining people like coming up with another agenda without consultation with the community members bricks family I never said is important it's not important it's very important but it's not important to come up with another reverse agenda that's what I'm speaking about and I'll Stand strongly against it as as I said earlier I'm still saying it because we need to speak to our community members as one patteron uh let's talk about the other stuff that we um uh we trash collection Madam the heart about it the process that we have about bu uh pickups that they have to schedule it and they uh the DPW go and pick them up I have so many examples even from today I can send you an example that they are scheduled to pick up the trash trash is sleeping on the street for many days but nobody picks up the street uh uh the trash now what's happening is when trash is sleeping there The Outsiders also coming up with their TR living next to that trust and that is building over the time we need proper solution for this we cannot really just say people just CW a point and that's the wrong way our people are paying taxes they do not have enough time to they they do not have uh you know not many people has access to Internet to schedule it and uh wait for uh DPW to pick up I think we should have a scheduling system whether in particular word have 13 days to pick up to tr or certain location to drop off uh but we have to find a proper solution for this um cooporation Council uh recently I uh sent you a um jart ordinance which is researched by mon sh University regarding uh bay products and Licensing process and we also spoke about this smoke shop shops un Avenue itself has three smoke shops right now on T Avenue right across from school number five there's another smoke shop edit I sent a picture to the uh zoning department uh I think zoning official uh has s Castro response to me that smoke slops are like regular retail store they can go anywhere they want we canot allow that to happen we need to bring the changes be before we have of C taken over by the smoke shop owners so I request your um uh you know uh response to this in urgently that we have to introduce another ordinance to make sure that smoke shop cannot take you know uh go anywhere they want like other many other uh uh stores and also we have to address how can we license the bay products because this is under recorded at this point anyone can sell their product in the city at this point when our neighbor towns have licensing process and making Revenue out of this licensing process uh resident again I you say that I love to see our community together that's the that's the that's the strength of this community anything happens before uh it go grow the chaos I think we should find a solution and this the chaos that we have in W on allall street I believe that we can find a propose solution I can see the president of ICPC is here I would love to walk there and also I would love to see if council members want to join and make sure that we have a um uh correct solution that both parties get satisfaction uh with that being said I welcome everyone to join my cofan conversation every Sunday go to different duning donors offer a free hour of coffee and have conversation with me and learn what's uh you know issue that you are having on your particular blocks and and again I am I know that I'm accessible I try to reach out to uh you know residents hear from you and this is who I am uh anytime you need to reach out to me you are always welcome to call in my cell phone number which is 973 5828 one95 um resident when you send together send unitedly just know this you are way stronger some of us some of our leaders make divisions to take our personal benefit when you are divided some of you keep our SE stronger you say to get stronger we have to serve you proper way that's what is going to come I am not a politician and I don't want to be a politician I'm an educator I I teach in patter public school since 2011 I spend my days with the children and their families I know what their families are going through our kids graduate from our Public School System go to colleges universities and we expect them to come back they don't really come back to our city because they feel this city is not for them and we fail to prepare the city for our educated children and serve them or give them back to the community so we have to be together fight together and work together thank you and my w yes thank you councilman urin councilman valz so PE so people speak about Unity this is Coca-Cola this is water how you going to mix it together to taste the same so um today a lot of things have been saying and I I'm not going to ignore the concern of the community community came out with quality of life issues came up with a Bard pickup situation that we have in the city R Music situation council meeting being reduced the Wall Street situation the um the problem with the um Chapel Church Great Chapel but I just want to say this this didn't started and don't start from the council it don't start from the council we put in place ordinance we write ordinance Administration access for to approve uh resources to make their job easier for the department heads have their own equipment and have the resources to serve the taxpayer the Patterson we here to legislate and make sure that the administration where they ask we give it to them they are the responsible party to make it happen they are the party responsible to make it happen for example if we the council nine members that are here in the council is failing the administration especially not the mayor the ba that it's not working that this is the plan that we have as Council persons that this is what we want to see in place because we are boots in the grounds we are out there the MBA don't walk the fifth Flor MBA don't walk the Third Ward manba barely get out of her house and drive D to City Hall but she don't come around all the wars and see the problem that we have she don't do that so we are here as a government body that they call us to see where are the problems put in consensus between us in committee and then different various committee that we have and say you know what this should work let's put it in place let's talk to the ministration you know the first thing that they say how are we going to get the money my job is not to get the money my job is to legate to you be able to get the money right now I had an argument today with Madame be that she threw me out of the office only because my ideas and the ideas of council president talking about what should be working with this book see ation with the two B garbage collection that we have in downtown when it was six she didn't like the idea and not only that silver the cf4 of the city that's responsible to watch for our finance for him our city is always broke we don't have money we need to cut we need to do this we need to do that but there's no s are proving things for they could work and bring the quality life that the city to serve ladies and gentlemen is that the council fault that the administration decide to cut a contract or build in a contract okay that not include B they presented something saying we got a garbage collection company that is going to A+ from new New York that is going to collect all the garbage in the city of passing with no problem new trucks new employees matter of fact there was ordered by the BH and I hire people from the last company in that company but they want to slay clean personnel and they did that but then they say Madame B say oh you know who's going to be responsible for the bulk the DPW is going to be responsible for the the book we trust her in what she said she presented that she presented zoning has going to work the calling the internet this is how we going to do it but it's not working matter of fact you know what she bring to us she blame the residents and she blamed this Council for not educating the residents yeah yes madame M you say that we didn't cooperate with the residents but really inform the residents of what they had supposed to do and that was offensive that was a sensive and you could look at me like that and I say to you in your face that I was not Michael Jackson when you thr me out of your office because when you don't agree in something the first thing is say that you go against that person you don't go against the Bel because you not been on the ground we are and give you ideas to make it happen soon as I put a post on Facebook about the situation guess who I received a call the mayor calling me I didn't pick up you know why I didn't pick up because if I talk him to the wall and I'm telling the mayor mayor it's not working oh talk to the ba I go talk to the ba I'll talk to the mayor so what is this a pin pal game mean our our DPW workers are working on the pay the worst vehicle they have it they have they don't even can take lunch properly going job from jobs and job you know what the ba tell us that we the council called DPW to move the crew from one place to the other to take care of situation we don't supposed to manage the the administration divisions we're supposed to inform them what's going on and you know what I do as a councilman I test can you please take care of this can you please take care of this but when I see this not taken care of I put the DAT this was reported this day and still have not been taken care of but I don't go out here and say they're not doing the job they are doing their job the thing is Administration what a micro all the Departments or they could do it with five guys or they could do it with two guys but they don't she don't even know I think the amount of garbage we have in the city she don't know matter of fact I show Madam DCA the picture while she was arguing with me I said Madam DCA look at all this the ball pickup is working it's working so fine but that they don't have a place to put the garbage they dumping in all the way around the city MBA has a background she came from Oasis Oasis is a place that works with homeless and people with crisis and family with crisis and she don't have a plan to work with a homeless problem that we have in our city that's her background so I'm not upset at her I I'm upset that she said it's going to work and it's not working we get the calls Madame ba they spoke about the quality of life the L music do you get those calls no we get the calls man behold do you get calls about a mattress not getting picked up no we get the calls so you cannot tell us that you are in the same shoes or M when you don't have a plan and your plans have been failing and we have been talking what supposed to be working in our city re we have boosts on the ground the situation on Wall Street we're not against who has evacuated the street and councilman Jackson stated right they presented it this way councilman racting the street because from the portion to the end the four houses that covered that portion owners are from Islamic Center they all those four houses from that point back are owners yes they agree with those four owners and it's an the wrestle and they said we're not going to close the street we're going to use it for parking and for our activities so what I heard is that they be closing but it's affecting the other side of the street when they come they don't use it for parking and they use our resident parking the other side now all that conversation that they want to do now councilman with all your respect should be done in the beginning and then bring a clear resolution and a memorandum of understanding soon as we approve it you go by this and then that problem will not be happening today l and gentlemen I said in first of July not because I'm not the council president not because I'm a the VP not because probably they're going to remove me out all this uh uh uh uh leadership that I used to have a DPW and all that stuff I'm not g to work with you guys with my colleagues I have to work with them but it's right is right and I gonna keep my mouth shut if I see something that will not go to along with the community I cannot stand out there saying I will rolling streets are clean when I have to pass through a lot of wars and I see a mess you know what I did today I text her a text from somebody that sent me from Montgomery Street Madam ba I text her and say listen look how the train tracks on Montgomery Street looks now if I take ownership and send it to DPW and DPW care about the city and clean it here comes a video saying we doing the job but they don't talk who bringing the concern and who's doing the real job so look at downtown all the sidewalk are full of Greece look at that town matter of fact you know the contract what it says the cont collection uh Garbage Contract that it was only going to pick up 20 bags of each business in the two days of collection of the city of downtown 20 bags in two days one 20 backs each day I don't know what what town they came up with that idea and only one business in downtown one day has two 200 bag in the sidewalk there's a business and I don't put the name l k had a contract a company to pick up their garbage for the amount of garbage they put out they cannot handle it to put in the back room or they don't have a back room are they getting reimbursed no they should get it reimbursed why because the city have fail us to presented the right plan on the B on the garbage collection the compan is not the problem they got good com good trucks they got good employees cameras all the way around the truck they pick up what they was contracted for garbage not b b is responsibility of the ppw and I said it if they want us to vote for a contract for me in my case of garbage collection I want to see alone with it a contract for book I don't care who company want it awarded to I don't care who's going to got the contract but this this book book situation should not put in in the burden of the DPW worker and we haven't seen the workers compensation coming along with all the situation from DPW that's going to happen that's going to happen so let me bring some news to the resident of the fifth War if you see me visiting your home and leaving this in your house here and since 2016 I put together one two three four five six six ordinance that normally the resident the patteron call me for for example loud music ordinance blocking your driveway drinking in public and urinating in public um curving your dog simple things that I get calls my neighbor don't curve his dog my neighbor is blocking the driveway my neighbor has the music in two o'clock in the morning so what I'm doing is since 2016 for the trouble blocks that I get the the complaint I go to each house and I drop this Spanish and English flyer advising them that this is the ordinance this is the fee this is the fines that carry every ordinance if you violated it you're already advice so that means he if you go call you get a call in the fifth FL and you know that they calling you for loud music there already was advice you have to is your ticket that's one second tomorrow is going to be an important meeting at school number two Pake Street back here that be 22 Pake the O I see and the leadership of the police is going to be performing a a conversation with the community I want and I I already sent it to my resident in the fifth world and the new District 510 I can't speak by myself you need to come out talk to the OIC tell them to give you the real plan the at 6:30 the real plan if you live in the area of 510 anywhere in the fifth FL anywhere in the first war anywhere in the second war anywhere in the third war and you are concerned of the quality of life come to this meeting the OIC his literature staff was going to be there and listen after they come and give the lyric are we doing this the crime is 33% lower than 2023 we in 2024 and we already have five shooting incident in the corner of Van Halton and Shian and that is not acceptable at all a bro light 2:30 in the afternoon KS playing and a cello Park are shooting back there Mill Street a corner by the 19 uh Route 19 the guy think that he owns that whole Corner shooting back and forth with people I cannot do it by myself my colleague cannot do it by their we could serve and report we cere and report we not cops I don't have a book to give tickets I don't have a gun I don't have a raadio to call back for [Music] backup I was not swearing to be protect and serve because the cop do that and they do it great and that's not talk about unfair contract they getting only because my friend Madam da don't want to look into the people of patteron and let's not talk about interfering with elections that's another subject ladies and gentlemen uh somebody tell me on on July 1st cman Jackson you know why they tell me councilman forz please don't get like Jackson and I say don't care like Jackson the only thing that me and Jackson have that I'm Puerto Rican and he's high Puerto Rican okay but one thing I could to say and I say it in the first of July some people probably don't agree with Jackson because it's not what he say it's the way he said he's he's a trump in the council right everybody say that but you analyze what he's saying sometimes it's true there's some stuff that we agree disagree we could agree and disagree oh I don't have qu no we are cool they're in the room it's in the room but but I I don't need to be a follow of others I believe what I'm doing is right for the community and what happened July 1 and I got to call it the council domestic violent situation that's what happened in that's that's what happened in July 1 down the roow you will understand what I'm going to say director uh Billy Rodriguez thank you for pting those screw out there and every request that we send you you do the job I know that but you need more support from this Administration you need more equipment from this Administration you need more staff and if I don't see in the budget what really you need or represent or what the community means try try to get her five because I need to put the service with the people needed that's why I was elected for and that's what I going to do Madam clerk yes sir saying that thank you is to close this meeting thank you um councilman valz Mr President council president council president God is great so please allow me to speak for three minutes but before that Corporation Council has a very important information stay with me for three minutes council members so we need don't leave the room please thank you council president I'll try to be as brief as possible thank um many times things are set up on the de that are untrue misleading and directed at the law department but I don't address it because I believe firmly in free speech even if that speech means that you're wrong or providing inaccurate information it's not my job nor what I take it upon myself to correct misstatements but one of the things that I have to correct tonight is item number 45 which is an ordinance drafted by councilman of the First Ward that reports to take action on behalf of the city this document is at best misleading for example it starts off with talking about Street vacation but then shifts in the middle of the ordinance to talk about tangible property like real property or things that have been according to this very statute that is cited here acquired by gift lease exchange or otherwise our streets haven't been acquired in that way and so the reason why I feel compelled to speak upon this as opposed to other matters that I are inaccurate that I Let Go un address is because this item made it on tonight's agenda it was published by the clerk in addition to that I observed during this meeting tonight the councilman of the First Ward his Aid hand this out to members of the public who then took this and left with it and so I would be remiss if I if I did not publicly State one this document has never been and is not approved by the Law Department two it's at best misleading and three it is dangerously misleading because members of the public both who have viewed this meeting who have obtained the agenda for Madam clerk through no fault of her own and who had this document disseminated to uh the many members of the public here today will leave thinking that this is a lawful ordinance will leave thinking that the law department has somehow misled Council because as the councilman put it the statute applies to items that could no longer be used for the purposes for which they were acquired that doesn't apply to streets that applies to tent or property and I hope it's an innocent State and I give the councilman or the first Bo the benefit of the doubt because he admitted that his own Council Aid who I don't know has any legal training drafted this but I do want to make it clear and put it on the record that this is not approved by the Law Department that this uh purported ordinance addresses two separate and distinct things and that in the future we would like uh to review items in order to ensure that they have legal accuracy and are not misleading the public so thank you council president for allowing me to address this very serious council president very quickly very quickly now members of the city council very quick everybody spoke before a period of time oh my a council call now allow me to use my three minutes and after I finish we closing with this special meeting I'll be extremely clear I'll be extremely clear after this we close this special meeting now I'm the person if you allow me Al to use my three minutes because I I'll be brief when the situation with Miss bricks and I and I truly apologize if Miss bricks was of offending in any way or form I truly apologize I remember during the RoR just spoke for over five six minutes she expressed her concern Council me addressed her and my comment was that we have to bring the mask members of the ICPC together with the community before we voted on a second reading of this legislation I knock on every door on Wall Avenue Theon Avenue 14th Avenue and 13th Avenue some I had the opportunity to speak with some members of the community um some other resident didn't open the door at that time but I visited them and Francis Harrison the president Ofna is my witness that on that cold weather that day I was knacking on every door making sure that the resident understand the legislation that was on the floor to be approved to make sure that they speak up that they come to the mind because I I I don't have any answer but my third resident elect me to speak on their behalf and to take action that help and benefit our community that's what I did now when this in when this incident arrived my comment was Unity let's bring it together tomorrow I'll be on Wall Avenue the wrong 13 Avenue with a flyer we're going to have a meeting ICPC is going to be at the table and all the resident of the third world they going to be on the table before we take any action on any legislation we have to be a good neighbor I don't I'm not saying that we have a lot of that we have issues on that area but if we have problems in that area why not addressing the situation with the mask with the leaders we all live in the city of p and if you believe that you're going to fix the city of pison by putting people against each other you run we're going to destroy the city that's what we're going to do because ICPC is not going anywhere our resident on Wall Avenue thean Avenue they not going anywhere we are going through a very difficult time in the city of patteron we already have biggest challenges around the cityor P that we have to address every single day so with that being said that meeting I'm gonna be knocking on every door also with the leaders of the Mask who sit down on the table and we're going to talk about all the issue we want I want to hear from all the constituents that live in all the section and also we're going to hear from ICPC and we're going to come out with a solution that help the resident that help ICPC and that we could live in that community in that neighborhood in peace that's what I'm hoping that's why a leader do you don't put the community against each other you don't put people against each other you don't bring even color into this conversation religion races because what we doing we dividing the community we dividing the city parts whether you like it or not the comment that I hear about over there you're dividing the city I don't take nothing personal but I see people that they laugh about my actions my ESL whatever they laugh about everything my initiative I stay quiet because I know who I am I know that I'm extremely qualified to be in this position and I know that I have a lot to give to the city of p and as I mentioned before we have so many problem in our community we know that the city is filthy we know that the B situation is not working I already address that situation with the administration we're going to have a meeting and I need a committee from my Council col to sit down and put everything on the table and come up with a new plan to clean the city of P the city is filthy dumping illegal dumping it's at is worst in this in the area director Rodriguez sit Avenue by the red track we clean that it's a disaster in that section I've been in contact with this administration every single day sending text email picture we get the calls yes we get the course at 1 2:00 in the morning with a lot of music enforcement it's a big problem in the city of patter and my recommendation to this Administration is to start holding everybody accountable because as a council member I get those call at one or two o'clock in the morning when my senior cannot sleep in the third war because of the loud music there's people that play Loud Music morning day and night without any consequences because they don't care we have to put a stop and there's got to be consequences for those people that are breaking the law every single day in the city of P enough it's enough we have the menow they're out there we got to get the job though we all have to come together as one Community I have that meeting with the administration I need my Council K on that meeting we need to we need you input and say what we going to do with a B pick up and how we're going to fix it because all we have now is not working our publicly work department they working around the clock director I know you're doing what you can with your department we need to know what what do you need that the resources that that you need because what we see it in our city it's just unacceptable and we cannot stay quiet now I'm not using this Podium to come here and Bash everybody I go into the meeting and I call everybody to bring a new plan to get it done to my third W resident our town hall meeting is going to be July 24th which is a Wednesday at 6 o'clock at East Side park the weather is great we're got to come together as one community on that town hall meeting every month and star in July we took a break because of the reor July 24th we starting with our town hall meeting every month I would like to hear from our residents the issues that affected with Community we're going to have Public Safety involved we're going to have director Billy Rodrigo on the 24th July July 24 at East Side park put that on the calendar let's address the issues that are affecting our community our taxpayer they deserve service and we are here to provide our services to the community um you know so once again um to the ICPC leader Abrahim so we're got to be connected before you leave tomorrow we're going to disseminate the fly and let's bring everybody together uh and the bricks family once again um I do apologize I don't know exactly what happened at that meeting who say what I'm gonna have to go back and watch the meeting because I didn't hear anything out of order uh but like I said you you you're an icon in this community um this family it's an a Pioneer in this family and we're here to serve we're here to serve the community but as I mentioned before um there's a bigger picture let's come together in order for us to move the city of p in the right direction uh once again at the playground at East Side Park renovation next month we start the with the playground and also the resurfacing of the rent is on the on the resolution over here for the net for shop um and with that being said I think that you know it's been H I'm sorry I do apologize to all the resident of the city of Pon that came to this meeting I refuse to go virtual because what happened in the past we have two meetings every month we if we have to use another venue for Tuesday we going to have to uh but the weather it just uh it just it's difficult to be here it's not safe and it's not healthy for the staff and for for the resident of the cityor p uh so with that being said uh my vote is yes Val cler thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent the public portion of the workshop is hereby closed oh that's a workshop m toour to me second motion to close um special meeting move by CC no I need to talk to Billy I wanted I need I didn't say no no we closing the meeting we're closing the meeting we're closing the no he closing the meeting I'm closing the meeting now he closing the meeting already Clos the Mee he said you didn't say special he didn't say special he said meeting so what are you closing Council presid we're closing the public we were closing the public portion Council woman right and now we're going to close the meeting speci meeting by he call to close a special meeting of Tuesday July 9 2024 councilwoman C thank you you know everybody who's watching this I know they're saying an hour and a half the close of meeting an hour and a half and you know there's so much stuff that we need to get done Billy I want to go on record we need to have a meeting uh uh on 12th Avenue Park playground we need to have a meeting on East 16th no 16th Avenue I call it pocket park we need to have it and also I want to sit down I'm glad to see Mr gr here um the change order for Barber Park uh in the resolution it doesn't say what it is um that they they need an extra $26,000 I'm not sure what it's for so I need to know and you can be sitting in there with me Mr GRE on what day but I I want us to look into and also we have a lot of issues going on with um The Dumping and and and I I receive a call well we all get calls we get calls all day long all of us we all get calls um but one of my constituents said that that we need to Billy and I would talk to you about it um set up uh he call it surveillance me tell you something I'm ready to sit somewhere for three hours or four hours I'm ready to catch somebody I can use my phone I can use something I'm ready to catch somebody because all this dumping isn't garbage all this dumping is construction stuff all this dump in is sheep rock pop Uh Wood Wood pieces this it's not garbage it's it's all other stuff and and we're working our poor DPW people um we're working them too hard as councilman Bel say we got to come up with something with buck how we can get something done and also I want to say too that um uh I'm going to Second Council woman M's motion that for Grace Chapel church Baptist Church that we need need to have a meeting with the pastor we need to have that meeting with the pastor and so we can you know um we can show him things or he can show us things that happen that we don't know what happened and you don't want to you don't always say to people you can't put everything out there you need to tell the whole truth about whatever whatever went down um so I'm asking you again we need to put that together but um Madam uh um Billy Rodriguez director those are the three items I need to find out what's going on with with those things and also with um um councilman um with the Briggs family too I've lived down the street with the Briggs for well the daughter's here she was here for 40 for 40 years she lived there the father lived there when I came in there but he's not there but the father M but anyhow I know how they feel and I think they they need to get to the bottom of what's going on over there and I know councilwoman Ms talk to them and councilmen but Lads talk to them but just to see um they've been in this community for such a long time and I can say that a lot of the council people sitting up here there's a lot of names up here people don't know they don't know of Miss GRE when she was on Hamilton Avenue they don't know you know there's so many people that did so many good things and when I heard about the Grace Chapel that thing hurt me really bad because I know how good Grace Chapel was to this community and Grace Chapel is still good to this community all the teams they sponsored all the stuff they did for kids how they changed that area down there there was so much so I'm not sure who's in charge over there now but something happened and I don't know what it is so Billy when can I see you as soon as possible tomorrow I'm bringing gr with me I'm bringing Roger with me okay thank you well what we doing closing I'm sorry you guys my vot my vot is has to close the uh close the special meeting thank you close the special meeting councilman Jackson thank you madam Clerk and it's very sad council president got his wheels on now I'm glad rafhael is down then because he's he he's pointing the finger at the Administration saying that it's a dereliction out there the administration needs to hold everybody accountable but yet as a council person specifically as a council president you have failed to hold the administration accountable that's the council's job in holding the administration accountable when they fail at their job so instead of cheerleading in every chance you get every opportunity you get and talking about oh we're moving the city for forward and celebrating and cutting ribbons you should be holding the administration accountable not one person in here was happy tonight with the administration's uh uh uh performance councilman um oudin yeah I try I try my best not to call people by name and just be General generalizing in instances but you know the disappointment the accusation he he the accusation oh he's there the accusation that I'm writing a resolution to stir up confusion or to create a divide I didn't go out seeking anybody they came to the council the community came to the council with the expectations of having their concerns heard and they were met with indifference the bring family and now who everybody's talking about is such pillars wasn't even addressed by name the the family with Mr Briggs who is dealing with some some health challenges was lost his vision was forced to sit through four hours forced to wait till the end of the meeting to get to the public portion then she was limited by three minutes and I tried my best to ask council president if you go back to the video and watch I try my best to ask him to allow her to be addressed when various members of the public come forward they're endowed with the privilege of of everything stopping they get an unlimited time gee have you not witnessed that certain individuals come to the microphone they get extended clocks the council stops we break protocol we address everybody everyone's concern one by one but the bricks family who had a concern about their neighborhood they wasn't addressed with that I didn't write the resolution to try to create a divide what I did was I stepped in see real leadership is not afraid to go against the wave not against uh uh the M the majority of popular uh uh uh conformation I'm not going to inform if I have one resident who had an issue I supported this item I voted in favor and I made a mistake because I trusted all of you I trusted the the the people who I spoke with councilman Mendes said he knocked on every single door so what's the odds every single door they have a petition with every other every single uh uh resident on the on the on the street that had not been spoken to I didn't Mrs Briggs is not somebody that's going to be influenced by Mike Jackson I didn't come up here and force her to say those words I didn't write a script for her she said clearly councilman Mendes maybe I need to me reach out to miss white you said she's the one to get things done that wasn't me so to paint the picture that I'm trying to drive a wedge or a divide no I'm trying to make right what was done wrong to the residents that's who my my my that's the priority is is is to secondly Corporation counsel my brother at one point I had a tremendous amount of respect for you and at one point very quickly it that was lost because just like every other time tonight you took action to mislead the public brother I listened to you I didn't Heckle from the cheap seats I listened to you I resp respected you and you can't take what you just dished out because this document that I was forced to write because you directed members who work for you who work for me by the way and who work for the public you directed them not to write something for me so I now have to take matters into my own hand do my own research I don't have a legal team but guess what what this document does say is draft that means this document says clearly draft and every single copy every single copy please don't don't approach don't approach just don't show Facts here's here's a a carbon copy of all the documents that that was handed out to the public of which he stated the document that I handed out was misleading I don't care what you have this is the document that I handed out you made an accusation against me saying that I didn't know what I was doing I Ed out a document that was false and misleading the document clearly says Draft when I sent the email it was directed to the clerk Madam clerk make sure that it says draft I want to hand it out to the members I want to hand it out to the public right so further further until everyone council member m court if you're watching Corporation Council all you've done is strengthen a legal case because the the the the objects that you pointed out saying the statue that I quoted in this resolution was the exact same statue that you utilized for the initial document so ma Madam um Watkins if you could please allow him to focus because brother Greer the item in which he States I did poor research on the njsa 40- 5 67-1 it's the same exact item that he referenced on the legislation that he wrote to give the street away all I did was research the statue and put the portion of the statue that stated clearly that can no longer be used for purpose of which it was acquired that was in the statute so for him to State see he doesn't want to listen to the rebuttal but for him to state that this wrong statute was utilized because we're talking about real property it's the same statue that he used when he drafted the original document so how am I doing something incorrectly of course I started by quoting the original document that was utilized to vacate because I want it be to be specific and utilize the language and the wording that was used prior to because if we're going to look to resend we have to look to resend it based upon the facts in which it was utilized to begin with and further if we if we if people gave testimony if you will because when you come before the council this is a semi aqu quasi judic board and if you come before the council and give factual context then you could be held accountable to which you're not was not factual and if you're saying that everyone was consulted with and they were not then that's an issue because you cohor my support based upon an some inaccurate information Corporation counsel you've shown me a multiple times your concern is not about the community not the one that I stand for and represent your concern your your objective is to be politically correct for the faction in which you're trying to rally for and for a person who made a living on suing the city right now your track record and making sure the city's not getting sued is very poor it's very poor you can't point out one lawsuit that you that we're vindicating on you can't point out one make it public make it public because because Gilmore comes to the microphone repeatedly boasting on how he's kicking your tail in the courts of course you're not because the it's going to be the city of patteron that needs to pay that needs to pay for it you know I I I really just based on you know your approach your your your your commitment to your religion I truly thought you were going to be a different uh um person that I could trust and rely on to be truthful to be factual you have not misleading the public tonight to say that I did a poor job in in putting this let the the the uh statue here on this document it's the same statue you used it is the same statute I copied it word for word from the from the legislation you wrote okay I don't need to come see you I don't need I've met with you multiple times and all you did was lie to me and mislead me you made promises that you never make make good on I don't need to talk to somebody that's going to lie what I do now is I put your non your your dirty laundry out in the public and let the public be the judge of it because this is the same document and I'mma post it later on I'll send it to you the same exact statute I just I'm I'm sorry councilman let me just state it clearly I'll read it up both documents njsa 4 67-1 njsa 481 12-5 it's the same exact statutes that was utilized in in the first in the first um legislation you should research what you what you're signing off on a lot better Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman mems we're closing the special meeting Dr Ms so so I want to put this on record so tonight uh we're in 77 Ellison Street and it is extremely hot so I am asking uh council president to RP council members we're closing council members we closing councilman Jackson councilman Jackson We closing the public portion espe Council councilman Jackson councilman jack point of order point of order coun Jackson councilman Jackson once again can we allow C can you allow us to close this can you allow us to close this public portion C councilman Jackson councilman Jackson can you allow us to close that's what I call That's What I Call disrespect That's What I Call disrespect it it it's uh Corporation councel please do not answer please don't answer council members please allow me to close this special meeting before we break quar you don't allow us to talk you keep talking conversation just step power go on the other side what a level of disrespect C mes please use your Perhaps Perhaps next week we can have all fa faith-based organizations come down just to do a moment of prayer for the council sprinkle some oil whatever we need to do because we definitely need it I'm gonna put it on the record council president council president and councilman Jackson um tonight it was scorching hot council president and councilman Jackson it just it's it's unacceptable okay just leave it let council president coun please attack me thank you and I apologize to the public we're still on TV this is what I call a level of disrespect at at the highest this council member is irresponsible arogan He's a Bully He's a Bully somebody call him the Donald Trump but at the worst level of bully he doesn't respect no body no it's a shame on you shame on you that you use you wait until that camera is on to go with your show and look at the time and it's over 90 degre inside there's no water I've been trying to get a bottle of water for an hour and and I'm still here working who is he for the this guy is doing that another department everybody's here allow City B your time is done hit it again hit it again it made you feel good whose for is that we didn't have water so if the if the cooling system is not working in this facility we should not meet here next week we should know that sooner than later I'm also putting it on the record for the uh cooling censors that are not working in the museum and the health department the same thing if they're not working prior to employees getting there let's let them know before they get there to avoid any situations or occurrences with our employees or anyone that is coming in whether it's the public or whoever we should know that ahead of time it's time to go home I have nothing else to say tonight we need prayer Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you don't Ms councilman Odin my V is yes to close the public question thank you councilman councilman vet oh yeah can my is yes thank you councilman bz Mr President thank you madam clerk Patterson I truly apologize for this lack of the Quorum from councilman Jackson and the diff respect that we have that he had in this chamber we could we finished our city business um so once again to the mask and all the resurant Wall Avenue the Ron Avenue 13 Avenue the meeting is on Friday at 4 pm Friday at 4M at ICPC Mass on the Ron Avenue um we'll be visiting all the Resident with a flight to make sure that everybody uh attend to the meeting with that being said my vote is yes we closing the special meeting thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses three absences the special meeting of Tuesday July 24th it's here by Madam cler before second before we close the item on the Run Avenue the item will not go on the agenda next week will not go the item was presented to the clerk at 5:00 pm the item was not on on the record the two item that are related with Wall Avenue that way on Tuesday on the regular meeting I don't want to hear people say council president am mendz remove those item from the agenda those items should not be on the agenda they went into the collect department at 5:00 pm they were not under the record just to be clear thank you Pastor can can suspend the workshop please can you suspend suspend the workshop yes M clerk the workshop we work on the rest of the item on the agenda Billy don't leave so we have some few item but we work that on the agenda good