or that one it's caught on the tree that's why thank you good evening everyone on behalf of the mun panis municip Council I welcome you to the special meeting on Tuesday May 21st 2024 at 6 well 8 p.m. the minute is now call to order Madame clerk please call the rooll yes Mr President roll call for municipal Council special meeting of Tuesday May 21st 2024 councilman abdulaziz presid councilwoman Dava present councilwoman Ms president councilman urin yes here Mr President why why do we pres why do Weck mad yeah so I'm present so I'll not read the um um no you had to say who's present how many present how many abs special me right first one to the open first one to the open public meetings act be advised that the municipal Council of the city of patteron schedule a special meeting for Tuesday May 21st 2024 at 8:00 p.m. to be held in the studio we're in the studio at 77 um Ellison Street New Jersey for the purpose of discussion discussing the following item one it's a resolution designating Main Street from Market Street to Broadway to be also known as Veterans Way is sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lil Sims and co-sponsored by the remaining council members it's a city council resolution 24 322 formal action will be taken so moved second second roll call man cler no oh sorry you know you guys speak so loud second by c um move by Council women second by yes roll call on item number one which is resolution designating Main Street from Marcus Street to Broadway to be named Veterans Way is sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa M and co-sponsored by the remaining council members councilman abdalaziz anything to honor our veterans I just ask the administration please work with the Patterson veterans Council P County veterans office um when we uh do celebrate our veterans my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Dava this is definitely something um that I fully support and as councilman abdalaziz stated anything for our veterans uh some have given their lives um and I can say that you know I'm happy to have my stepdad who's 93 a k Korean War veteran and um you know this really along with other family members as well um and so councilwoman Mims thank you very much for putting this forward my vote is yes thank you councilwoman Council um and so doing the history of veterans and all the work knowing people that are in each of our families that have served um in are in all areas um that are veterans we want to say thank you for your service and thank you for your sacrifice Madame ba with this item um I know we're going to work as councilman abdalaziz of P County and there's so many others that are going to participate when this happens but I would like to see banners on the poll lights for on these two streets um and if we can identify some local paronian who we could get their pictures displayed and maybe we can put something out to the community to have their pictures displayed on those poll sites um for this celebration um with that being stated Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman urin I believe this is a fitting tribute to our veterans and I do support this resolution to rename the portion of the Main Street my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Udin Mr President um I would like to amend this ordinance um resolution yeah I I was noticing that there only two blocks right there's only one block really from Broadway to Market is really one block it's two block but it's a small one I don't want to leave the mall into Market without those B it will be good all that stretch from the mall to the Broadway because it's could it say three blocks that's right so you got you have from Broadway between Broadway and W Street you only have one two blocks I know we're in the middle of voting so I'm a little out of order but just to interject the Precedence has been set that we only two do two blocks so I mean it's fine because the frequency of people that frequent they're in those two block radius not in the I don't know it's you don't want to that little stretch no it's fine I want the whole pattern that's why I know you want all of it well saying that before I vote right so let me say this my father served he was a veteran before he died at 40 years old I still have an active uh nephew he's a 22 years serving in the Army um he's a master sergeant and I'm proud of militaries that serve for us to be here that pave the road that always in and out defending the country defending Freedom so Madam ba I know that Marcus Street is a main street is a uez Zone there should be no excuse that we when decorating funding because we talk about those funding to this area B alsoo and please work with the uh veterans uh that are in place please for they to choose what Banner they want to so um my vote is yes and thank you for serving our nation thank you Mr President the votes are five yeses four absences item number one is hereby adopted motion to close meeting second moved by councilman Dava second by councilwoman Min roll call Madame clerk roll call to adjourn the municipal Council special meeting of Tuesday May 21st 2024 councilman abdalaziz thank you madam clerk so I'm going to take this opportunity before I close uh last Tuesday uh the sixth W residents voiced their let their voices be heard and went to the polls in the recent election and I am truly humbled and blessed and honored that the six W residents um have reelected me and trusted in my vision to be their voice on this governing body um and I'm still pinching myself the overwhelming support that I received and our team received because it's us as a team to get the things done in Sixth Ward right and and delivering the largest victory in City history so it's truly a historic day last Tuesday and I'm truly honored and blessed and I want to thank all the six W residents uh for trusting me I won't let you down uh we will continue to do the great work and getting things done in the Sixth Ward and I'm looking forward to rolling up my sleeve I want to thank each and every one of you your families that listen to the text messages emails phone calls I promise I will get the signs down we be me and my team will be out there getting the lawn signs down from your properties so please be patient and I'm always going to be there for you so thank you all thank you to my colleagues um actually all of you that are here supporting me also so thank you very much um and like I said it was a truly historic day in the sixth War today we sit here not worrying about the counts that are going on because it was an overwhelming Victory so thank you everyone Madam Clerk and your staff I look forward to work with you guys for the next four years yes I know you don't have to say publicly I'm the least headache for you in your office so I know you're happy I'm back my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman daver so I'll make it quick I want to congratulate all of my colleagues I do understand that there is some counting going on um but with that said um elections are over we have to continue doing the work I'm looking forward to the next few years with my colleagues my vote is yes to close thank you councilwoman daver councilwoman Mims so I want to congratulate um my Council colleagues for those that are uh already declared winners um and one of the things that I I was talking to someone about today that I learned um being a 10-year political person and a three-time elected official I've learned that you have to no matter what your differences is or personal issues are you have to learn to work with your colleagues and that was a conversation I had with many of my colleagues when I told them I would support their reelection I think it's important as we sit alongside each other that our our word is our bond and when we say councilman abdulaziz I support you councilman khik I support you uh councilman Mendes I support you uh Council uh woman cotton I support you councilman valz I support you and even um councilman Jackson that your word is your bond because we sit with each other uh for some long hours sometimes and it takes a lot to get this work done so I'm looking forward to continuing the work that we've already been doing um I think some exciting things are on the horizon do we still have some things to get done yes I also want to thank our my council members um for tonight on supporting the item for veterans way I really appreciate you let's keep building and not battling Madame clerk uh secretary Sophia I was going to say deputy clerk sitting in our police officers Madame ba Corporation counsel CFO or Melinda Raphael and every everybody else IT director Hector thank you for all that you do for us all the time it is greatly appreciated my vote is yes thank you Dr Council councilman Udin thank you madam clerk good evening Patterson those who are watching us live and those are here um watching us and uh and just know this election was all is is over last Tuesday and before that was very extreme in every single section of Patterson and I would like to congratulate all the reelected council members and also everyone those who win for the election just know this you win because you wanted to serve so you better just come with uh whoever you ran against join the team and work for the particular war that you ran for one thing is very important that out of 87,000 Voters only 11 some thousand voters came out one thing from now I would mention everyone come to the council chamber and complain about something first thing I would ask you that did you vote or do you vote if you don't vote don't complain here cuz your voice is voiceless powerless means nothing this is a very frustration number we need to come out and vure vote doesn't matter which direction you vote for but make sure vote so that people would count us people count our voice it's very important and if you don't vote don't register for cuz this is giving us extra headache to walk to your door we would not even count you to go to your door I mean truly I'm saying it that's very important that you come out and vote I see I have seen so many people complain for so many things but when election comes they don't care so it means that your complain means nothing he just complaining for the sake of complain so again I I I'm very um happy for the outcome I us say last election uh I would say that I have seen less at talk than previous elections that was the happy part that I I loved it one thing I always wanted to say that we don't take it personal level we don't attack each other and and this is very important it's not really personal things every we are trying to serve the community it doesn't matter was 10 I am again uh whoever reected elected I'm I'm happy and I'm I'm really cl to work together but those are when uh everyone I'm talking about make sure that you are part of this uh community and you wanted to serve this community so please join us and work together and people again vote without vote don't come to the council chamber don't complain for anything my vote is yes to close the public person thank you councilman AB umin I'm sorry sorry Mr President thank you Madame Clark um I analyze every word sometimes when it says so there's 85 85,000 registered voters and probably 100 11,000 and change came out right so and we have 160 plus residents in the city of Patterson no matter how many people came out and vote we still had to work for you we still had to improve our government we still need to listen to your complaints we still had to work for you for the residents of the fifth War May has my doors are open matter of fact I go to you if you need me to go to you we could work together election are over but working together is not over we need to move the city forward and when it comes to a large we need to work for our Police Department we need to work for our fire department we need to work for those individual right now that have a meeting now uh we need to work for everyone as just kidding so I say it different 300 plus individual did not voted for me in the fifth War please call me let's work together tell me what's your problem what's your complaint I want to make sure that in the next election you vote for me with the work so there was 300 individual individual out there that was not happy with me so I want to work for you call me probably it's a miscommunication probably I never heard about your complaint we here to move forward the city humbly I ask to work together thank you thank you for the support from every every residents that came out and vote for the others and for me because it was our choice and God is good saying that Madam clerk my word is yours my word is yes thank you for this meeting tonight you're welcome the votes are five yeses four absences the municipal Council special meeting is hereby adjourned