ra Ryan let me know when you're ready please are we ready RAF thank you okay good afternoon everyone good afternoon honorable council members Administration and everyone here on behalf of the pison municipal Council I welcome you to the 2024 reorganization meeting of July 1 2024 the meeting is now called to order I'll call the role roll call for municipal council reorganization meeting of Monday July 1 2024 councilman abdulaziz present councilwoman cotton here councilwoman daver present councilman Jackson here councilman khik here councilman Mendes Pres M clerk councilwoman Mims here councilman urin here Madam clerk councilman valz president Madam clerk good evening everyone did I call everyone good evening oh good afternoon we will now have the prayer which has been rendered by Dr Lisa Mims councilwoman at large which is followed by the flag salute that has been led by councilman Alex Mendes our third W representative may we all stand for prayer every head bowed and every eye closed God our Father we thank you because this is the day that you have made and so we rejoice and we are glad in it God we thank you from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same your name is worthy to be praised so God we thank you for this reorganization meeting on today we thank you for what you're about to do what you're already done and what you shall do in the days to come we thank you for our leadership we thank you for the new year we thank you for the new progression we thank you for the continual moving of this city forward God we thank you that you will bring forth unity and strength collaboration coordination and we will come together to do work not just locally but through our County our state and our federal and National go national government God we thank you for this Council we thank you for our mayor we thank you for our every employee of the city and we thank you for the residents God you said in your word where there's Unity there is strength so God we pray on today that from this day forward we will be more unified we will be more successful and we will get things done together because we're better together and this is what we pray in Jesus's name amen amen amen we will now have a moment of silence for our servicemen and women and those who have lost loved ones amen FL salute our PR allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please be seated like to see Council Morris and statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2024 202 2023 2024 July 1 2024 time is now 2:30 p.m. it's a little later than that I think it's 3:00 adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was compiled for the year 2024 2025 onor about July 1 2024 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly trans transmitted on about July 1 2024 to the nor Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County pulse Dominicana news Lisa International Lal the patteron press the city post news tap into patteron the weekly bangler Patria in addition to any of the publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and work of sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this type four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2024 2025 was duly filed with the municipal Clark and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mail to any person who requested and paid the fee authorized by the open public records act I will now call for nomination for the office of council president I nominate councilman Alex Mendes for president second second are there any more nominations move to close nomin ations second roll call to close um nomination for Council Office of the council president councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton to yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilman mandes yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz what is it the roll call for it's roll call to close a nomination for office of no no okay thank you so the votes are 8 yes says one no roll call for um the nomination for office of council president is hereby closed Roll Call to um appoint councilman Alex Mendes as council president councilman abdulaziz you did a great job last year look forward to work with you another year my vote is yes thank you councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson no councilman khik yes councilman Mendes yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman Udin yes councilman Valance thank you uh thank you madam clerk I need to be sincere I need to be true and I always say I'm real today you have seen who they nominate for president that don't means that we're not going to work together but I'm a man of my word last year councilman Mendes beg me asked me to be council president for this year and tell me that he was not going to run for this office for council president that he will support me I have my five votes he turn it around but that don't means that I'm not going to work with him I go to work but my vote is a solid no because you need to keep your word as a man in the city of council thank you councilman vet so the votes are seven yeses two NOS councilman Alex Mendes has been voted as a CC president for the municipal Council congratulations councilman mes thank you madam clerk let me thank you let me take this quick moment to thank all my colle from the bottom of my heart for supporting me um last year we make tremendous progress there was a a strong leadership at at the council president seat we we we mov the seat in the right direction we bring the cor into the council we bring respect into the chamber and that's what I'm looking for I'm looking forward to work with each and every one of you and as you all know me this door is always open and I'm a team player I'm here to collaborate with all of you to move the city forward and to take the decision that help our city move on the right direction special thanks councilman thank you so very much who started a lot and to all my Council Khali councilman Davila councilman KH uh councilman R count councilman uh Lissa Dr Lissa M uh counc all of you uh for sitting down and understand that we move the seat in the right direction so once again thank you let's continue the progress in the city of P thank you m clerk thank you councilman Alex Mendes and congratulations we'll not uh call for nomination for the office of council vice president n second second are there any other nominations at councilman abdalaziz move to close second second thank you roll call to close nominations for Council vice president for the municipal Council councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Mendes yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin yes councilman Val no thank you councilman so the votes are eight yeses one no nomination for the office of vice president is hereby closed so we'll now confirm councilman Al abdulaziz as the council vice president I'll call the role councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Mendes yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ I don't want to pass but I don't want to take it his words but um another perfect example of what you see today here is what you see behind closed doors you don't support something they will not support you and let me be clear on this because I didn't stand with the Democratic party in this past election that's why they remove me as a council VP because I don't stand and unjustice behind the doors because I don't stand for lies so they remove me as cons VP but you know what they made me stronger because I don't need a title in front of me I'm the cilman of the city of patteron I am the councilman to keep on working with everyone I'm not mad I'm happy because I could dedicate more time to the community like always I do I have learned councilman McCoy and Council memories I have learned a lot eight years in this Council supporting everything that this Governor body was putting forward but you know what I stand strong because God will it make me stronger every day and my decision good luck councilman adeliz my vote is no thank you councilman VZ councilman Jackson thank you madam Clerk it's actually sad the ramifications of childish behavior is reflected greatly amongst on our city streets it's sad but it's not a surprise this is business as usual in the city of patteron and I commend him for at least standing his ground for at least putting his foot in the dirt and saying no you made a promise but they make promises all the damn time I had a meeting with the gentleman sitting next to me before in uh Dunkin' donuts with his campaign manager oh you support councilwoman Dava will support they've done that multiple times I met the one in the end in South Patterson at restaurants with the the attorney that's raking our city over the co with all of these large scale development deals 207 units and things of that nature I supported him on his his incoming or his appointment when they required me to run a special election when my seat was vacated in the first I supported everybody up here and it's not it's not a a matter of uh being upset about it just a matter of facts and the the issue is he's absolutely correct the deal was cut weeks ago this is the first time since I've been elected where I have not gotten a call with solicitation of support for the presidency and or somebody negotiating a deal I met with Alex Mendes and Dunkin Donis on chamber and I multiple times after he sealed the deal because he agreed to be able to be the administration's uh uh sanitary napkin on behalf of the community listen the truth will start a fire when it's gas on the in the on the close if something is not true if somebody was make was to make an accusation about me I wouldn't have to comment about it I wouldn't have to say a word but when when you strike so deeply with the truth and this is is why our community is in the position it's in this is why developers come here and are killing us how the rate of inflation in our community being overpriced the city's dirty dirtier than ever it happens right here councilman Mendes just stated the amount of progress that was made last year maybe he could provide a list for us what progress did we make the level of the chorum I see them make the illegal attempt to silence people who come to the microphone and speak their truth I see them coales with the administration three years ago the mayor and Mendes was about to have a fight at the Holiday party and now all of a sudden they share the scissors cutting ribbons together but where's the progress so councilman vz's frustration is nothing spect new or spectacular it's just par for the course so with that being said Madam clerk won't prolong it and if anyone wants to dispel anything that I've said if anything that I've ever state is untrue then State the facts like when I leave out the room oh H habitat has been providing housing in this community for 50 plus years of the 2,000 plus vac and abandoned properties that the mayor had just touted right before how many of those it's very simple give the address and tell us how many of those properties have been rendered as firsttime homeownership opportunities for somebody in this community and lastly I'm going say this because I'm going to go on my soapbox every freaking day for this this Administration allow for that property to be stolen this Council voted to render the property on 144 North Main Street that was owned by Grace Chapel for 50 plus years to be non- taxable tax exempt they sold it in a tax lean illegally they never noticed them for 20,000 they turned around a week later and flipped it for $250,000 and it was an illegal sale and this council is turning his his face on Grace Chapel on the black community this is what's happening these are the kinds of things that's taking place this is the kind of progress that we're talking about moving things forward and if you riding by ride by those that property now you see these those 18 wheelers parked illegally on the property that was stolen that was commandeered by corruption so members of the public be mindful of what's happening the back door deals that's being cut that he's so upset about now it's it's what's been happening for years and that's part of the reason why it's in we're in the condition is in Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson so the votes are 7even yeses two NOS councilman Al abdulaziz is a new Council vice president for the year 2024 2025 congratulations we will now have thank thank you madam clerk um to my colleagues I want to thank you for your support I look working I look forward to to working with each and every one of you including councilman Jackson and councilman Les to um improve the res approve our city thank you council president Council I know that we have um a I don't want to say Hefty agenda but I know that we are required to leave here by 5: so I know we have to get um some business going but um I I do want to say something um to the members that are out there um no one was removed of any position as of June 30th um we are elected you know within the presidency or the vice presidency for a term and it is up June 30th um you know and at that time and I can just say this to you um you know sometimes we speak we speak out of passion um and uh it is true to a certain extent what councilman Jackson speaks about that you know what you do sit down have coffee with individuals I've been the one person to say councilman Jackson I'm going to support you as president I've been the one to say councilman velis I'm going to support you for president I am one vote and I just need everyone here to understand that the council colleagues elect you so if throughout the year things happen and there's whatever um if if I may say it this way Fallout or whatever the case is and you don't earn that you shouldn't get upset about it okay you should not get upset about it and you know I just wanted to say that because a lot of times and I've been hearing some things you know and and and it's sad because at the end of the day let's keep it real when we're discussing no one is taken out of anything and there are individuals that do VI I know I've gotten calls from other council members as well and I just wanted to put that out there because it just gives us such a bad feeling you know the day where we're starting the new the new year you know getting you know all of our six board Council people um reelected into the positions and that's great and sometimes we may not support something and the next day we will you know that's politics and that's democracy so I just wanted to say those words thank you very much council president thank you council president uh thank you Council I have councilman KH Council M and right after Council bis thank you council president um I just want to make a statement um everyone's action speaks volume there was only one nomination for Council presidents there was only one nomination for Council vice president there wasn't any option and couple of my Council colleague voted no does that make any sense is not that you trying to to make a point this how you divide the council not only the council the community as well there's only one one vote one person running for president and one for by BP I just want to point that up let's come together as a council body and work for the better men of the community I see thank you council president thank you councilman colag councilwoman MIM so I'll take it to mediate the water I just want to congratulate council president Mendes I'm being uh reelected or reappointed as council president councilman Abdel aiz on your appointment as the vice president um I've said it in the past and I'm going to continue to say it it is time to move the city forward um I am for myself I was truly grateful and humbled I did not put my name at all because God has blessed me to be a delegate for President Biden and I will be at the Democratic National Convention which is a huge opportunity so I it's time for us to be able to come together collaborate and work together not just in the public eye but even privately so my request is that there be more um possibly ice breakers team building workshops and exercises that we can try to build on the strengths um and kind of not even accentuate the weaknesses of everyone but to kind of work together based on the strengths and the abilities of each council person because if it's really about the residence that's what we will do there's some people that are more boots on the ground doesn't mean that they others don't have contact with the constituents but there are some people that are really really out there because they have the flexibility to do that let's utilize and capitalize on that and let's keep building and not b in once again congratulations thank you council president thank you Council M Ms um I have so Council M right after Council M has a presentation thank you um let me make it clear again and you could go back to the tape I stated that don't mean that I'm not going to work with them but I had to say what the facts what's the truth you know how this work there is eight committees in the city of patteron eight you know how they work what you going to give me if you give me that vote for president in this time once again there was vote for Louis valet for president and they agreed but they turned around and they did so but the the the part I was more concerning is that when I say I give you my word I give you my word and I voted no not because I'm not going to work with him I could work with him but you're going to notice on a couple weeks from now look at the Committees and you will see who's going to hold those committees you're going to see who going to hold those committies those individual that voted for him not not really because it how it works no council members counc Council the floor Council m counc B has the floor right after councilman UD and we have to live here by five and we have a very extensive agenda that we have to I'm going to try to get it done in an hour so please Council B right Council so I'm not upset I'm just saying what is true upset will be saying whatever I want but if I had say nothing that is true then it goes against what I'm saying ladies and Gent gentlemen one once again I go to tell my colleagues I'm here to work with everyone I have demonstrated that for the past eight years I even wa before being a counselman I could to continue working because I'm still a counselman and I let me and let me put this clear when I said they didn't they remove me it's not the word remove me you had the chance to reelect me again I said VP you didn't want it because as councilman Jackson stated there's always back deals and and I had to agree in some stuff that he says sometime I don't agree a lot it's the way that he probably presented right it's not what you say it's how you say things but it's not the message we say today it's the action that we give 364 days remaining from this year and I always say to the community look at the message read the message listen to the message from today and make it happen for the next 364 days remaining of this year and I'm going to continue working thank you colleagues for making me stronger because I going to continue working with the same ambition that the Community Serve Council M thank you council president first of all thank you so very much um uh to our public for being here uring ceremony of all six wordss council members and you're here again for your meeting so thank you for joining us supporting us and Advocate us and navigate us on the right direction to lead us lead the city of Patterson I'd like to congratulate all the six worst council members on your reelection and just know this we are the policy makers we have to work together regardless on personal level like each other or not but we have to put the Patterson forward last year I us say when we sat down for reorg meeting I did not support uh council president Alex Mendes but he showed his dedication showed his leadership last year I he maintained well the decorum in the council chamber he did this and is he proved his leadership last year I you say and also he maintained the agenda very well to put the city of Patterson forward with that being said I I supported honorably this time and presenting the Gable of command to our council president this time for your leadership your dedication to move the city of Pon forward I'd like to uh request every uh council members to stand and also [Applause] oh he's doing it okay give C her turn um thank you um I know Count Council Members councilman cat asked me for the fla right after this we go into the agenda straight into the agenda thank you go ahead Council right after we get into business okay thank you um council president um I just want to say um congratulations to um councilman Mendes for being selected as president and councilman Al alaz six would being vice president um I just want to say that I've have always sat here and say that um we have to have to work together and a lot of things done happen to me and you know never hear me sitting here crying you don't never hear me crying I'm going say it again you don't never hear me crying and so well you know it happens things happen you come back but you know what we still got to work together but I want what I really want uh Corporation Council to do and I did not know anything about Grace Chapel until counsilman Jackson said it that night about three about a month ago a corporation counsel I want you to do the whole guideline what how how how it how it went from not being taxed them no first it was ex tax then it went to should have been tax exemp then it should have been can you supply all nine of us the the steps that were taken by the city on what happened with Grace Chapel because I don't know I only heard about it when councilman Jackson talked about it uh in the beginning and um I also want to mention again um about p and habitat p and habit actually started in the First Ward they built many homes in that first Ward you know and I hear about abandoned buildings properties and then they started coming they did start coming into the fourth W until like 2010 2012 2014 that's when they started coming so they are coming in my ward and you know one thing about Habitat homes is that they're interest free interest free mortgage is 130 plus utilities is less than $100 a month because they're so energy efficient so I encourage everyone if they can to look into um getting one of the habitat houses with that being said um Corporation Council please you can do what I need you to do for that um for that so and once again congratulations to you all all out there thank you for coming out to our swe morning thank you councilwoman council members is 347 let's get into payment of Bill really quick Council payment of Bill yes this the kind of nonsense he does he wants to scuffle past and the truth Council Davila I call for pay payment of Bill councilman Jackson use his time for at least more than five minute we have to leave here before five I first our number one responsibility to our viewers at home and to all the Resident into the city of Patterson is to move this agenda this is our first responsibility right after I will open the M for counil Jackson to stay for one hour if he deserve to so coun I call for payment of Bill I call for pay payment of Bill and I ask for the floor now we got to finish agenda by five payment of Bill Council I'll talk my vote thank thank you very much uh council president council members um as you are aware we have not had a few uh meetings and there are various payment of bills the bills the summary of dispersements are for 15, 355,000 66 if you see the big payments they were done to the Board of Education there's General government as well as other statutory expenditures that includes reies um um health benefits so with that said and also in addition also there was payroll for 5 milli1 153,00 $3 35.58 so my motion is for payment of bills we have a second it was moved by councilman Dava second by councilman colleague roll call man cler on payment of Bill yes Mr President roll call for payment of bills in the amount of 15, 355,000 and66 councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson thank you madam Clerk and I I I assure you I promise the public I'm not going to do this again but this is the type of stuff I'm talking about if someone comes to the podium and is singing their praises they'll let you speak for five minutes the moment you're critical of what's going on they want to stop you from speaking this Council has a responsibility it's not to be celebratory I mean councilman Udin wants to kiss the behind of the council president and offer him gifts that's great but guess what today we should have reports from all the expenditures that's the council's responsibility being fiscally responsible where's the year end reports where are they in this agenda where are the year end reports council president because you did such a phenomenal job keeping decorum and everything else what's happening here you're watching how corrupt the city council businesses when you're willing to lay down for the administration one thing I have to say I got to give the mayor credit you have to give credit what credit is Du when you can have so many adversaries and be such a you know a small statured person but yet and still manag to coorse and change the majority's perspective to move in your direction you got to give him credit now I'll say this last thing councilwoman it doesn't matter what uh explanation Corporation Council gives us what happens in a court of law you have two people arguing two perspectives of the law they can give an explanation the fact of the matter is the fact of the matter is this Council has the authority Corporation Council does not have the authority over the council as a council body we have the authority to take action reverse that sale and do the right thing from beginning but this Council will not it will sit on its hands and allow for this criminal activity to continue while we continue to just move forward move past these things anyway uh Madam clerk my vote is no thank you councilman Jackson councilman colle my vote is yes on payment of Bill Madame thank you councilman colle councilwoman Mims so let me let me just um to the community what we're voting on in the payment of bills is to pay our employees is $5.2 million approximately to make sure our employees are paid for the work it is for the Board of Education the tax levy 6.1 million and then to our Public Safety workers Police director I'm sure you want your got your guys and women paid it is 3.8 million and the REM remainder are vendors and service services so to the viewing public and those that are present I would never vote not to pay our employees I'm never going to vote not to educate our kids and I'm definitely not going to vote for the men and women in blue that protect and serve us every day that's what this item is that we're voting on and that's what's before us and it is about 85% or 85 or a little bit over maybe about 88.7% of the budget all of those items I just mentioned with that being said ated the fiscal responsible thing to do is to make sure people get paid for the work they do and the services rendered Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my vote is yes M thank you councilman Udin councilman valz payman the bill yes thank you councilman Val Mr President thank you m clerk my vote is yes on payment of Bill thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one no payment of bills in the amount of 15,350 $5 5,883 66 is hereby adopted thank you Madame cler let's do the concent agenda and let's remove Madame clerk item number seven out of the consent agenda by um Council Ms one that item to be treated as a separate matter so consent agenda will be number one through um 17 okay counc president I'd like to remove an item okay councilman uh could you please remove to number nine to uh a different meeting okay it remove it of the agenda not just of consent remove it of the agenda Madame clerk let's the record reflect the item number nine will be removed out of the agenda okay item number 24 also will be removed out of the agenda council president of the agenda okay um item number 11 also item number 11 will be removed uh remove no uh table it table it item number 11 will be table it any other item council members no okay so mam cler consent agenda so let's do the consent agenda without the without yeah9 7 and9 removed 7 and9 removed 791 24 is out yeah 79 and 11 out okay and um council president and 24 as well um yeah 79 11 and 24 yes um yeah no 24 is 24 is non consent we're we're focused on the consent so 79 and 11 are consent and then we can cor go M cler conent agenda uh yeah cor pre councel seven is not removed seven will be voted on as a nonc consent item council president nine and 11 are council members so mad C have the she got the number seven will be treated as a separate item by councilman Ms n and 11 it's out of the agenda and also and also 24 is is off the agenda and and it's not a conent yeah council president cor Council um is madam clerk is we important that when this type of application come forward I don't believe that somebody have a a nice beautiful record which hold a license criminal record so I will table it to see what happened here okay okay Council pres goad counc I just wanted to just respond to councilman B and finance that was discussed and documentation was presented he was not present but it's okay that it's being removed I just don't want the clerk is fully this this went through its process is okay yeah let's let's go ahead with the consent agenda M cler remov it's removed all matters listed on the consent agenda are considered to be routined by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items list Ed Under the consent agenda are numbered 1 through 17 with the exceptions of 7 9 11 and 24 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate second it council president it was mov by councilwoman DAV second by Council M and Council BL councilwoman D so MC Madam Clerk 24 is not a consent item it's a non as mentioned is non-consent it's not a consent it's on the regular agenda yeah the reg yes I read it roll call on the to um approve the consent agenda councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin yes councilman valz to all the residents fifth War item number 17 in the consent agenda highlights a uh authorization walk contract those individuals have been asking that Roberto Clemente Park and the park uh back of the park is not closed yet there's going to build another fence in the back that will um put the park a little bit safer safer uh during the night and K could go there and joy so the remaining of the park is going to be also fancy so uh my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr President the votes are nine affirmative the consent agenda is hereby adopted as amended thank you man let's do item number seven yes number seven just a minute con item number seven M clerk item item number seven is a resolution to amend resolution number 23 489 authorizing budget revision number two to correct home funding award to the Hamilton Square affordable housing development project so move second it was moved by Council m second by councilwoman D councilman Council and councilman roll call Mad clerk on item number seven roll call and item number seven for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khed yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my yes cler the votes are nine in the affirmative item number seven is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 28 from patteron police we have director Jerry special here so let's take care item number 28 M clerk yes item number 28 is a resolution authorizing the award of contract to Recon robotics Inc for the purchase and delivery of three tactical robot system/ throbot 2 or equal bid number 24.16 for the police department it's a police resolution 24 col 397 move it was Smo by Council mavila second by Council woman Mims and Council mes roll call cler and I don't 28 roll call on item number 28 for adoption councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilman Mendes if robots are going to get help get the job done we want some robot my V is yes no I'm sorry C I'm sorry my vote is yes I'm sorry no yeah thank you yes director you explained uh I think when it came to the council meeting about two months ago you did we we we liked your explanation and you believe that is going to expedite your uh duties perform your duty perfectly and and with that support you already got passing votes but my vot is definitely yes thank you councilman Odin councilman valz thank you director my V is yes Mr President thank you mad clerk those are some of the important item that we approving in every single meeting this item definitely will save life director thank you you explain on very with a lot of details about what's what's going to happen What and how good this going to be for the pison police with that being said my vot is yes B cler thank you Mr President the votes are nine affirmative votes item number 28 is hereby adopted yeah thank a CLI let's do item number 18 item number 18 is a resolution adopting the annual notice of meetings on the Sunshine Law it's a city clerk resolution 24 387 second um it was moved by councilman Mims second by councilman khik and councilwoman Davila roll call cler on item 18 roll call on item number 18 councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cotton thank you yes Madam clerk I know I can't remember I was looking through it but I know there's one day in here I can't remember what it is but we can always adjust it can we yes we can Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you conwoman conon conwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman mes so nobody talked about it but you know I am going to say it I am grateful that this new meetings it allows us only to have one workshop and one regular meeting per month that is it so that's what this item that we're voting on and I'm really excited about us being able to do City business more in a robust fashion and we are moving towards some of our other municipalities to do that and I'm sure that the clerk's office our secretaries and our security and the police department will be very grateful for that with that being stated thank you council president and councilwoman Dava for taking our recommendation right to do this our vote is yes thank you Dr mes and just for the record I just want to make make it um known that the item we're voting on is for one meeting per month yes yeah yes that's what I said Madam clerk well one Workshop one regular one meeting one one Workshop one regular meeting per month it doesn't mean that you can't councilman urin uh thank you madam clerk so yes uh we can spend more time with our constituents if you need more time to uh if you need to add special meeting of course we're open to do that correct but here's a great thing that both workshop and regular meeting will be publicized will be live on YouTube channel and 75 or 77 so you are going to see us two times per week per month for definitely so uh with deing said I I love this uh I I think I think it's a great idea uh to spend more time with our people and put uh uh do more leg work I you say so I thank council president on uh bringing that change my vote is oh that that was Mims she's taking partially m d I love my Council council at large both of them both Queens yeah and also by councilman from forthward we have three queens Three Sisters in the council so we we always take that as a and also both two of them two of the largest are uh my Educators so I definitely follow their uh steps with that being said my vo is my V is yes thank you councilman urin councilman bz if I recall I I don't know Council Mor Morris is here but I recall we only had one meeting in July one meeting in August always do one month it says July 2024 and August 2024 and then November 2024 and December 2024 and then January 2025th yeah I'm reading it right here this right see they give they give us the wrong one no so there will be only one Workshop section and once again July 2024 August 2024 no because listen I I I learned this today yeah but I I didn't visit my office since yeah thank you now I know right councilman hey whatever it is it is the work is still out there my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you Madame clerk um this is what team work look like um this is a collaboration of my Council Cali getting into conclusion coming into the a and modeling new or just City and larg City the way they doing business what that say is that we're going to have to work hard on our committee that if you assigned to a committee as as ni committee you have to attend it you have to be there visible and accessible and do the work some people they call those uh like back R deal whatever they want to call listen this is where the work is done that's what you got to push and work hard with Administration to get that to get everything on the agenda so with that being said man clct my vote is yes thank you Mr President number two yes you call my vote please you go ahead thank you for and I apologize I was sending an Uber to a family member and I was just uh uh uh distracted by what was being called what this means is we have less meetings for the public to come here and scrutinize the work and the job that this council is failing at that's what this is and it was a backo deal that was cut to sneak it on the agenda now you only have one meeting per month you getting paid to show up four days a month and now you you you you want to cut that in half this is ridiculous this the kind of that this that this council is pulling absolutely not my vote is no okay call my Council coun council members M CL I already vote my vote is yes uh I know you need to just uh may I announce the votes yes please M so the votes are eight yeses one no item number 18 is hereby adopted item number 19 M clerk item number 19 is a resolution designating newspapers to receive notice of Council meetings under the Sunshine Law it's a city council resolution 2 4 col 38 so move second it was mov by Council Dava second by councilman uh roll call clerk roll call on item number 19 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman memes yes councilman urin yes councilman valz we need to revise this list there a lot of names that here don't exist anymore but um we do this every year my vote is yes thank you councilman Val Mr President um my vote is yes M cler thank you Mr president votes are nine in the affirmative item number 19 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 20 b clerk I I I want to remove item number 20 out of the agenda that appointment is have one more month so we we could bring it back later on when we finish let's do item 21 mad clerk yes Mr President item number 21 why you rem is in resolution reappointed Joy R to the patteron board of adjustment it's sponsored by councilwoman Marita Dava it's a city council resolution 24 colon 390 so move second it was moved by Council mavila second by Council men roll call cler on item 21 roll call item number 21 councilman abdalaziz my vote is yes thank you councilman councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz Mr President my vot is yes M thank you the votes are nine in the affirmative resolution number 21 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 22 item number 22 is a resolution reappointing uniforming to the pison board of adjustment it's sponsored by councilman Lis VZ it's a city council resolution 24 callon 391 second it was which one is it oh just in case somebody want to do I'm sorry hold on a minute my apologies yes item 22 is moved by council member LK you second counc second by Council and councilwoman Dava and council president mes as well roll call CL on item 22 roll call on item number 22 for adoption councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton mam CL we vote now what number 21 22 22 22 okay my vote is yes thank you councilwoman councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman mes so I'm going to say to commissioner Union Ferman you're doing a great job on the board of adjustment it was uh great to come and to witness you in action thank you for your service to our community not just the fifth War but the entire city of Patterson and I commend the work that you're doing on the board of adjustment my vote is yes thank you councilwoman mes councilman my vote is absolutely yes commissioner Junior farming thank you councilman Udin councilman valz commissioner Jun Ferman you know I will speak highly about you here and out there you have been a Community member with all individuals out there especially with the youth everybody that works with you um they um uh yeah no I just waiting to see the the background is so um you're doing a great job as commissioner you have not failed the community Angel job as a commissioner uh keeping keeping Patterson proud of your work and and your judgment in every project that come for in front of this board congratulation Junior fman my vote is yes thank you councilman VZ Mr President thank you m um thank you m cler Junior fir main I just want to say thank you on behalf of the city of pison for the remarkable job that you have done uh on your position you've been there um taking the decision that really benefit the resident of the city of patteron uh and with that being said I'm proud to also second this motion with that being say my vote is yes B cler at item 22 thank you Mr President the votes are nine in the affirmative item number 22 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 2 23 item number 2 president um just a minute Council DAV council president um there is uh some confusion that I need that that I believe needs clarification before we move forward because once and actually I shouldn't be the one speaking it should be you councilman abdill since you bought it up no so the board of adjustment gets two opportunities the board of adjustment gets two opportunities to appoint their members this year there's five appointments next year there's four appointments so we have to designate what's available so there's no confusion on the board of who's an alternate we have to do one alternate and item number 23 is the alter member so Corporation Council wants it on the record or the resel to reflect that 23 is the alternate member alterate one alternate one yes and that's the memo we received also okay thank you well understood um counc president council president I bought this issue up four years ago M so did I okay and some of the council members and it came in the one year got out of the other year but some of the commissioner came in front of the um Council and started complaining I think we need a permanent solution on this ordinance the ordinance we have it on book doesn't make any sense to me um my appointment was a permanent appointment all of a sudden when I reappointed him he became an alterate he became a new person right so I didn't even know he became a new person he shouldn't be that way yes it did because he had a gap council members um go ahead he should he had a gap he had a gap that's why well uh I think I read the I read that um the ordinance that we have or resolution we have in the book it did not make any sense to me the prior uh Madame clerk explained that didn't make any sense to us as well when we were sitting in the city council 18 he was in uh four years ago um 2018 correct right so so uh Corporation Council wrote a ordinance to rectify everything so that it could be correct and and U amend and every council member who have a opportunity to to uh their commissioner be opportunity to to vote so um can you Corporation councel please look into it again I think I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to remove this item until you get clarified thank you thank counc that's the samec he can remove council member just a minute so item 23 will be out of the agenda which one until item 23 is councilman appointment of the bo of judgment until and I'm looking forward to have that conversation of the next council president okay um councilwoman Ms so I'm not sure I remember some language being presented so I'm not sure if it's the same language but they were trying to remove my appointment for someone else's appointment at that time so I'm not sure if that's what it was um and the concern was more than just the shift so I don't know if that's what it is but I would like to see the language that's being talked about uh one of the concerns I had at the time if it's the same language was that you cannot put individual names correct in a resolution you can't say I'm swapping out TR Barbie Watkins for xyz's person you can't do that like we're not supposed to because we we go by the position not by the name so that was one of the concerns and my person had just became a voting person so they're not someone that goes back to rotation as an alternate they had just became a voting person it goes in a roundabout so the person that's been in the longest now they go back to alternate so we got to make sure that the language and the talked about the uh Council P council person at large with the most seniority their person would move up that's not how it works so if we're representing that I'm going to let the public know I'm not I'm voting no because that will give a disadvantage to myself and councilman oud well Udin could speak for itself but my person is sitting on that particular board um and is not fair to that person who waited her turn to be a voting member she was an alternate then she became a voting member so it's not fair to remove her from voting right and I can say her name because her name was in this resolution TR Barbie Watkins it's not fair to write in a resolution remove trise Barbie Watkins for a person because you want to make them it's against the law to do it I said it back then when it was done it was presented and I said it then and prayerfully that's not the same thing we're talking about and if it is once we get it then I'll speak on it even further so if that's what it is please resend it UMC council members this item it's been a second council president go ahead counc let me just explain for example councilman uden does not have a person on the board yet and councilman uden does not get Nobody Until 2025 so that meant he would be on the city council for three years before he get an appointment because you can't remove someone who's an elected who' been appointed to a board until their time expires so I see because councilman Udin is taking councilman Flavia a Vera spot but his person don't leave until 2025 so he's three years without appointing anyone and he has to wait until his three years come up I just want to explain but but they don't seem to understand that they don't I mean like I waited three years before I can get my appointment that's what I'm trying to make just because you win an election doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that everybody that was appointed by the previous person you are able to remove you're not able to remove until their time expires council president I just want to make it clear out there that you cannot remove people counc Council councilman Council yeah so to the public and to my colleagues there what we have in front of us and that's why I brought it up is what's in the the law right now and I know we're saying this is how we do it this is how it's done that's not in the law the law strictly States there's two years that we appoint to the board of adjustment this year there's five members it doesn't tell you who gets what believe it or not if there's a majority of five they designate who they want the alternate and who is not that's what the law states if if you take this in front of a judge it says there's five people today if the majority of the council says these four are are our full-time this person's alternate that's what passes that's what goes on the board of adjustment councilman click is right we could fix that and bring something here and and designate next year will be the same thing next year there's going to be four appointments up if there's a majority of five they pick who the four are that's and it matters that's what the law States in in amen Corporation Council States it's on you guys to select who's a full-time who's an alternate so councilman K is correct we should sit down and and and and figure this out eventually um but we could go move on thank you thank you mad CL let's move to item number 25 25 yes Mr President item number 25 is a resolution honoring five time Grammy nominee Chanel red Irving for her contribution and accomplishments it's sponsored by councilwoman Marita daver it's a city council resolution 2439 second it was moved by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Ms and councilman Udin roun Council and councilman as well um roll call M clerk on item number 25 roll call on item number 25 for approval councilman abdalaziz councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver I just want to quickly say I want to thank Miss Brenda prince who actually uh called this to my attention she says you know there is a lot of talent in the city of Patterson and individuals who really don't go out and say all that they've done and um I had the pleasure of speaking to you know Chanel red Irving um and finding out through her biography that you know she has been a five time Grammy nominee and there's so much in here that I could read and say about her but I wanted to recognize her she's born and raised in the city of Patterson the river towers um you know she's she's done from hipop to R&B scenes at the CCP Recreation Center um you know she she was inspired by the iconic sounds of Rappers Delight by the Sugar Hill Gang and do you want to rock and so many others and I just wanted to recognize her uh um for being uh someone who should you know be recognized now for her contributions and her accomplishments uh here in the city of patteron so with that said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes councilman colleag yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ yes Mr President council president before you vote my apologies councilwoman councilwoman cotton would like Madam clerk to added as a co-sponsor for this item yes okay I will I have her there go ahead council president thank you my vote is yes on item 25 mad cler thank you Mr President the votes are nine affirmative um item number 25 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk uh Council M he will um he will proceed with a reappointment on item 23 yes yes oh item number 23 is a resolution reappointing Muhammad Alam to the partis board of adjustment is sponsored by councilman shyen khik it's a city council resolution 24 colon 392 second second second move it it was um um at the move by councilman col and second by councilman Ms and Council councilman Dava Council Mims and and Council R call cler on item 23 yes Mr President roll call on item number 23 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cotton I just need to make it clear Madam clerk is he alternate can I3 I need to make it clear because I need to keep like putting this through here is he going to be an alternate or what is he going to be alterate one it going to be what okay but it it wasn't stated that's all I just want to make sure it's stated I've been looking for I don't even see it where is it I don't even have it it's mine I thought wasn't there and it was just mised but he's on the record as well I don't have it see I don't have it in my package V the voting section Council woman but it's there it's on the it's on the wrestle it's right here she got it so it says alternate as long as it says Madam clerk long as it's alternate my vote is yes okay thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khag yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman Udin yes Mr President my V is yes CL it 23 thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 23 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item number 26 item number 26 is a resolution honoring basima Mustafa for years of service to patteron public schools and the City of patteron is sponsored by councilman all Al abdulaziz city council resolution 24 colon 39 second very good thank you um item number 26 was moved by councilman ABD second by councilwoman D and councilwoman M and councilman roll call on item 26 roll call on item number 26 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman daver yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman Udin yes councilman valz we're voting on item 26 sir yes Mr President my V is yes CL on item number 26 thank you Mr President the votes are nine in the affirmative item number 26 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 27 item number 27 is a resolution authorizing the youth services Bureau of the Department of Health and Human Services to accept $220,000 in funds procured by the Community Foundation of New Jersey to fund the 2024 give and receive summer program it's a Health and Human Services resolution number 24 colon 396 second second move by councilman Davila second by councilman Ms and councilman uh roll call Mon collect on item 27 roll call on item number 27 for adoption councilman ABD yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes councilman khik yes madame clerk councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin so um I'd like to command uh the director of the health and human resources for two items number 13 we are uh getting 337,000 award from uh department of children and uh families for counseling services to our youths and this is $20,000 for our summer program so it's as an educator of the city of Patterson I really commend that our kids really need more counseling services and definitely uh after school programs summer school programs so that being said my V is yes mam cor thank you councilman urin Council valz 20,000 for summer program 337 for DC and for one month we investing $20,000 $20,000 yeah 29 okay it's a good start thank you uh Joel uh director Jo Ramirez for your hard work and trying to put this application out there and to your staff my vote is yes thank you councilman valz Mr president director thank you for the outstanding job that you've been doing at the health department you've been on top of uh grants and things that need to be done the department also as well uh to move the city on the right direction I feel very pleased that we fix in the building that is in a very difficult uh it's in terrible condition so very soon it's going to look different for the resident of the city of P so with that being said my vote is yes P clerk thank you Mr President the votes are nine in the affirmative item number 27 is hereby adopted presid council president council president if I could just call uh to the council members um I see here that there's an item that needed to be voted on and it says item 30 but there is no item 29 on our agenda so is there something have item there is 29 there 29 for Karina minaro how is it my agenda says 28 so there there 29 there's 29 one there's can we just stand on the agenda council president there's 2C excuse you councilman I'm letting you know my agenda says 28 somebody had to read the votes man you need to read the votes you had announc the vote I announced it oh yeah you did yes I did so um apparently councilwoman DAV did not get the updated agenda can someone give her one that's fine that's fine I just don't understand we have different agendas so item number 29 should I go ahead yeah yeah go ah we got item number 29 is a resolution reappointing Karina minaro to the partisan Board of adjustment is sponsored by councilman all Al abdulaziz it's a city council resolution 24 col 398 second second second it was mov by Council second by councilman Dava Council M and councilman um I don't think that I'm that I'm missing any other the council members roll call M cler on item 29 roll call on item number 29 councilman abdes this is for a full member she is one of the senior members on that board that's been there the longest we're going to continue that with this vote so just want to put that on the record my vote is yes thank you councilman abdalaziz councilwoman you said Jor M I know she's not the only you got a bunch of up here that's been serving for a long time yeah for a long time well you know what we gonna get into an argument you know I I'm ready I'm ready you're not taking none of my appointments from me I'm just letting you from putting it out there now uh with that being said my vote is yes I'm let you know now you ain't taking my appointment thank you councilwoman c c woman D so I I'm happy to vote on affirmative on on this reappointment uh she is a senior person on um the one who had the number one senior he passed on okay um but you know she has been C council members please I understand but I'm I have the floor right now council members Council mavia has the floor please so um I just wanted to just put on record um she's been doing a great job um she is councilman abdulaziz appointment he is reappointing her um she currently sits as the vice chair and anyone that goes to the meetings understands that she tries her best to to to be neutral um and to be fair and and so with that said um my vote is yes for her reappointment thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson yes yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you councilman councilwoman mes I had the um opportunity a couple weeks ago to sit on uh commissioner uh Karina leading the meeting in the absence of the chair um I think she's doing a great job I told her that privately and I'm also going to tell her publicly um I want her to continue the great work that she's doing on the board of adjustment Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman urin my word is yes Madam clerk thank you Council would cman valz I'm happy to uh say this about Commissioners in the board of judment that they had to think out of the box we cannot build sideways sometime we have to go up um and they U I just want to make also the clarification that my commissioner is a senior commissioner there um okay Al Al he's a senior commissioner um my vote is yes and congratulations thank you councilman VZ Mr President my vote is yes M clerk on item number 29 thank you Mr President the votes are nine in the affirmative item number 29 is hereby adopted thank you m cler council members item number 30 will'll be moving to the next meeting we haven't have any discussion about this item that need to be voted on the agenda and and we definitely KU wait so M cler let's call the public portion how many um let's call the it number 31 that's a resolution resending resolution number 24332 and award authorizing the award a contract to for cleanup we don't have that uh it's an addendum you don't have that okay all right we next let's leave it to the next meeting so council members it's uh it's 425 now we're going to take care of public portion and by the time we do the close out the um we should be out before 5 so we should be on time let's call the first Speaker first counc president um um councilman Jackson before you call the first Speaker Madam clerk just for a point of clarity number 18 it says is sponsored by the clerk yes it is it's annual meeting notice correct yes it was it your uh uh purpose to reduce the meeting count from four meetings a month two workshops two two meetings down to two one Workshop no it was a request of several counil members why why aren't those council members labeled on this uh on this item the item I am assuming the item or the annual meeting notice is generally um generated through the clerk's office irrespective of who might have asked for um different meetings or the number of meetings per year so that's why it's labeled city clerk because the clerk is off understand that Madam clerk but the point I'm making is now it goes on record without council members being placed on obviously this is something that was discussed prior to it was a it was a it was a deal that was that was made that did not include you but your name is the name that goes on this item as a sponsor and that's what concerns me if council members who elected or move to cuz I wasn't uh solicited or or or called to to to uh uh participate in the the the process of whether or not this is going to be done this wasn't uh talked about here in the council it was obviously done premeditated so my concern and I'm just bringing that to notice with you because obviously council members are not going to see this their names should be the the ones that are looking to amend this when the public comes forward cuz there was no Public Announcement when members of the public who don't know about this who've been blindsided on the fact that now our meetings are going to be reduced when they show up at City Hall looking for Council meetings they're going to look back on this this this item and find your name on it all the council members obviously council members voted in approval or not but those who elected to bring this thing forward they should have been they should have signed their name on this item I'm just making I'm just putting that on record Madam president I appreciate the time Council council president council president Council if I may um councilman Jackson you stated that this was not this agenda was published this agenda was published so you can't say that it's being done behind closed doors the clerk's office sets those dates so she can receive um requests we didn't give her the date she sat down and did the schedule schedule based on to she did the schedule she did the schedule based on the council and there was there were requests but at the end of the day regardless let's just say she did and they came here we could have voted it down today am I correct Council I mean Madam Kirk okay that's all I counc president this item this item was passed everyone SE to vot I appreciate ccil members so um council president just quickly her name is being put on the floor like she was the one or for to put it my Madam clerk you're the parliamentarian you could put on the floor the names of the council members that call you for this can you please because everything is dumped to you like it was you you you tell her in public who was the council person that call you to do this agenda simple because I I I stated as I stated council president that I'm aware of the agenda today that's why I had like three everybody was bringing me one members council members item number 18 it's already approved if you want to bring something different the next Workshop feel free you're mother welcome to have discuss president transparency transpar it should have been discussed in Workshop as well council president this item should have been discussed in a workshop also council member let's keep in mind we could add as many meetings as we want let's keep that in mind so we could definitely could have this conversation on the next Workshop but this not it doesn't mean that if or both the meeting it definitely lead to that but now council members item number 31 is related with the resurfacing and I would love to have this item to be voted on so it's uh we'll still have time it's 4:30 M clerk if we could add item 31 we all know how in the condition that we have AR Rose in the city of patteron and this is a very important item for resurfacing it is time sensitive because of the weather so it's summer can we vote on this item and then right after we public portion we I don't have that item in front of me have it so cler has a copy Corporation so what I would recommend what I would recommend open up public portion we can review it yes and then we can go from there if we want to add on or not if we if we commit some copy make sure my our council members review it um we we're not you could just circulate the one that we have just circulate the one that we have we're going to open public portion and by that time we'll be ready to vot on let's first Madam clerk sorry madam clerk I'm sorry council president I'm sorry to interrupt I just want to uh uh revisit very quickly item number 23 which is the reappointment of Muhammad Alam um it the reso should say in light of the discussions held here today that he is an alternate one and that his uh term as an alternate is two years not four years as the resolution States so I'll defer to Madam clerk if we need to amend and revote on it or if the clerk and Council are satisfied with this uh information to move forward we will redraft this to reflect the council's vote here tonight deem it as a um an update and and have it Clarity uh for the public and for Council thank you all right so okay work that out so um how many speaker do we have five five speaker let's call the first Speaker the first speaker is Ry reny Briggs is that person here yes she's here she's uh she's coming minut we we have our council member go ahead good evening um good afternoon sure uh yes the commission um yes director um hi my name is reny Briggs um I live here in Patterson um on Wall Avenue councilwoman please we start a public person let's let's give respect to the public that okay if you want to get down the floor and Council uh director if you organize I wish you want to make sure she feel comfortable perfect she again my name is reny bricks I live here in Patterson on wab with my husband John bricks he's there and we've been living here in Patterson for over 25 years and um the reason I'm here I just need a little Clarity on what's going on on my block um I live between 15 and 14th a there's only 14 houses on my block and Mr Mendes I believe he I I know he is our council person in that area um what happened is on my block down at the end between 13th Avenue in in wall and Broadway they um they the Islamic Center is there and they changed the street into a oneway on that portion of the street initially when I bought a house in Patterson it was a historical area and it's residential but now since I've been living there that end of block has become commercialized and so when they said it was historical meaning it's to stay the way that it is but it's not like some of the houses up there they say you you can't change the front of the house or the way the house look there's these royal blue houses up there now and so so I guess now that makes it non-historical but back to the point is the street is a one-way Street and we weren't notified initially that it was going to change until oneway Street and it's I spoke to the person that's in charge of the MOs and he said it's it's because we own all these homes down here this is our our block but you own the homes but you don't own the block so now he's telling me now a lot of times the street is blocked off you can't go through that way you got to turn right to go up to durm then to get on Broadway you can't just go straight through and so now he's saying that the street is private so what does that mean the street is private private mean it's only can be used by the Islamic Center it's not for everyone it's only for the Muslims that's there is that what they're telling me and then they have a no trespassing sign up there so that means only Muslims can use the P County Islamic Center if you're not a Muslim you can't go down that street you can't use that area because the little boys that live in the neighborhood can't play basketball in the court in the back there because they're not Muslims initially when they was there it was supposed to be a Community thing they had Gardens there they had flowers it looked nice but now it's a no trespassing signs you have cars blocking the street have barricades blocking where you can't come there no more so no now it's not for everybody it's just for them and then on special days they have all this police presence there heavily armed security like why why do I have that on the Block that I live on I don't need to see that I don't need to see all those cameras the perimeter of this one building they get more protection than any religious organization in the City St Teresa is right there they don't require the street to be blocked off they may do and there's times when they're not even utilizing the street it's Saturday night Saturday morning nothing's going on in the MOs but the street is blocked off there's other people that live there that use that street initially you said when you change it the one way and you slant it the streets where there could be more parking but the more parking wasn't for everybody that lives around there it was only for the MOs it wasn't for everybody and that's not fair it should be everyone should be able to utilize that street not just the Islamic Center and Mr Mendes initially when you was running for reelection you knocked on everybody door and you asked for our votes but you did not knock on our door and tell us what was going on in our block I have everyone that lived on this street signed a petition and say they're unhappy with the way that the street is is down the street and it's not fair to us it's not fair that I wake up 3:00 in the morning because you guys are having a call to prayer like that's not fair I can call a cops when the people behind me is playing the music too loud on a Saturday night or a Sunday morning or whenever but I can't call the police and tell them that some crazy noise or whatever noise I'm not familiar with has waking me up I come outside like where am I like what is going on that's not fair to me my church don't blast music St Teresa's they might ring the Bell on um at 8 at 12:00 okay but it's not fair that when it's a religious holiday 1:00 on Friday they block your driveway they Park any way they want to long as they can get where they have to go they're inconsiderate of your property nine times out of 10 they don't even live here in Patterson I could see license place that says Pennsylvania New York they not they don't live here but they come here and and they disrupt everything that's going on it's not fair to us and and this is the only city that would allow them to park anywhere you have them up in the park you have police cameras in the park you have police cameras everywhere and then on gab you allow them to park in the middle of the street on Friday this is the only town that would allow the mosque the people that attend that moss on GF to park down the middle of the street to park by hydrants they don't care what they they allow them to park anywhere and it's not fair to the people that live here it's not fair to us that live on that block it's not I know I'm missing some things but I wanted you to understand that turning that street to private is not right and those five houses that's there they don't pay no taxes on it we pay taxes to live in the city of Patterson I pay over $20,000 to live in this city and I don't get anything for it I don't even get my streets cleaned on Thursday like I'm supposed to and those people down there they Weep the benefits of the people that live on that block we allow them to maintain the area that we live in so they can have the MOS to go to and it's not fair that you uh allow them to turn that street into a private Street that's only for the people that attend the MOs and again everybody that attend that MOS don't live in our community they come from everywhere it's not fair to us and another thing before I leave you have sections of patterns in which I don't understand why are there labor like the his um the Peruvian section the Dominican section the um bagladesh bagladesh way um the Jamaican way like why are you segregating the town like that people ask me are you're not Jamaican where do you live what do you live in in the um the Dominican section like why do you segregate your town the town like this those are my questions and my concerns again thank you thank you madam bricks council president thank you let's call the next speaker M next speak we're going to answer all question I just have a a question to you council president Council M ja definitely at the end of at the end of the at the end of the answer at the end yeah I know council members is 4:40 we got to make sure that every speaker get the opportunity to speak please uh Madame cler can you turn the clock around because it's uh um the timing is 4:40 I just want to make sure that every every every every person here get the opportunity to speak because by 5:00 p.m. we have to leave this building by 5 so my next speaker Mr Eddie Oles yes I good afternoon uh Patterson um I am going to repeat what I said it at the very first meeting after the elections I am not hopeful even though this it's been fun today uh we have been guaranteed that we're going to have a circus for at least two more years and but it is sad it's very sad you know there's really not an awful lot of intellect on this with the exception of of counil M Jackson and no no no he has not asked me to come over here and say that but anyway with the exception of counil M jaction there's really not an awful lot of intellect uh on on this Council I got to tell you you know you've been doing the same thing for decades now and the city is not getting better it would take Forest would have figured out already that what you're doing is wrong so I would say to you try something different who is offering something different councel MC Jackson make him look like a fool demonstrate I mean call his Pluff show him that his ideas do not work I would say to you you know try something different the only person on that Council that is holding the administration accountable is is it's councilman Jackson and so you know a two-year-old would have already figured this out and you guys can't you keep on talking about moving the city forward one day I said to uh councilman uh Ruby carton that she's been on this Council for 16 years uh and to her the city is hasn't gotten any better you should have figured out that you know you got to do something different you might be a good person but you're not a good coun of woman you're not you know the crime is is through the roof the filth on the streets the shootings kids killing themselves on the streets and you guys act as if nothing uh needs to be done because you keep on doing the same exact thing year in and year out I I I too bad that Mr vess is not here because I would say to him oh you are welcome you are welcome your words today were very wise you know I I can tell you this one thing that Mr Jackson he will never double cross you he will never uh betray you when he tells you he's going to do something he's going to do it so welcome on board maybe you should try something different and come and work with us well then you're not going to fix the city then you're still going to you know we're not going to get anywhere that's how it is yes next speaker man Clark next speaker is m El Fields good afternoon um I'm here to address uh councilwoman Mims with regards to uh her response on June 11th um my apologies as I had left the meeting um that night early because my son had came in from the military and I thought it not robbery to be with my family um I would just like to address by state I do love you I do not hate you um but when I come here it's about my father's business and it's about the community I know you love scripture and you know that Proverbs 27:5 teaches us that open rebuke is better than secret love and much like God he loves us but he hates the sin so I want to be very clear that I don't hate you at all but I hate the sin that you create in this counsel that separates us and causes division among us as a community I hate how you conveniently hide behind the name of the Lord to cover contrary venomous behavior that you spew out and you think the public is too stupid to take notice of like when you openly State women were sent here to bash you that's what I hate cuz that's a lie or like when you lied and you said you had to address my statement because councilman Jackson came in two hours late and proceeded to b c bash the council at no time did he do that in fact his words were and I quote I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it I was late because I was with the family of Joshua who was crushed by a car that's what he said now when we get to the meat and potatoes of things no I did not drive hours for you you do not have that kind of relevance in my life however my family that lives here does the residents of patteron do as well believe it or not as an advocate of this community I get just as many calls as all of you do much like darling Morris because many of us know we care next don't ever proceed to know where I live I have dual residence also you boasted that I do I know that you serve on several organizations you are affiliated with and that's an outright lie I don't keep up with you or your whereabouts friend you are not that important to me what is important to me is how you manipulatively operate in this Council chamber you call it strategic I call it manipulative you long to be the bride in every wedding and the corpse in every castet you are fake related to everyone and you give yourself a sense of selfworth and belonging because somewhere in that little head of yours you still try to fit in everyone's everything people that do this do this because they have no understanding of their value trust me I know fake it till you make it when I see it humble yourself because you're a legend in your own mind okay another lie you told was to me and to the public when you said that I have no idea what you do for the parents of Joshua as luck would have it the day after his surgery I was there for the recovery when you sent the mother $50 so you never did anything but you made the public believe that you had this stuff then you took the liberty of calling the mom and I have proof for the mom cuz she was going to come you took the liberty of calling the mom and telling her don't believe everything you hear that you put money in with Florio Florio put his own money in so that's another lie and and we got that from him too regardless these lies need to stop they really need to stop and you said something about most of the time people will never come into your face and address you let me make it clear I will address you over the mic under the mic beside the mic around the mic to your face I'm not afraid of anyone so I have no problem with addressing you please just knock off pleas next speaker M cler next speaker Miss W Muhammad she left next speaker she left ke Freeman he's over there I fin I know very amusing I'm not here to attack nobody Kimmy Freeman Pon New Jersey uh I wasn't going to stay for this meeting in fact I was in the gym when you guys were doing all your shanans and stuff and people ask me where I've been I I'm trying to not waste my time on some the shenanigans going here now let me tell you something I walked out because of uh number 18 where's the back paperwork for all the resolutions on here like you have a normal meeting over there I look at all this stuff for you guys to come once a month and one Workshop what three or four months where you guys come once anyway and you guys are getting paid the same amount of money that don't sound right to me as a taxpayer you know what I'm saying and he's talking about spending more time constituents there's only a few of you that do that really kind of work I want to thank Marissa thank you for the hug yesterday I mean today and last week uh you guys you you don't have enough meetings as it is you cancel meetings and you do Zoom meetings you don't want people to come to these meetings you really don't want people to come to these meetings all right which to me is unconstitutional unamerican you guys got to do better man all the taxes that I'm paying and now y'all it's already a part-time job now you're making it more part-time job and then you spend six hours on 45 resolutions that you don't get done with because half half of you don't do your homework well not half of you a few you don't do your homework and then you wasted time talking crap now now the lady that lives on Wall Street I live on East 40th Street I've lived there for 30 years now okay I've been talking about speeding for 20 years I've been talking about the child curfew for 12 14 years you guys have done nothing on that New York has one and they redid it again I handed you something Louis I want to thank you for clarifying me on what we can do and not do as auxiliary Poli and C something like that we need something nework has it none of you up here especially in the Ws where I know violence is rampant have not done anything all right and I said before it's a click now some of you then you know it doesn't matter each word each council person does what they have to do and for their people in their Community I don't I understand that speeding in the ward where we pay the most taxes this lady PID 20 I pay almost 15 now going back to my commercial vehicle being told in front of my house we're going to court on that because guess what Mr Alex your friend pars his commercial vehicle every night across the street from my house and then everybody around the neighborhood parked their youu haul all over the Place why of a sudden in front of my house you tow my you UA with my pliances in it and I had to pay $600 to get it out that's selective enforcement and you're targeting me and if we got to go to court I'm naming people I'm naming people and your neighbors your people Alex cuz you when you came to my house the guy across street came oh yeah he Parks his vehicle every night there commercial every single night in the rest of you halls and the rest of the Landscaping people that are around here every day they parked this stuff over night you targeted me you charge me money we're going to court if you think I'm going to let this go it ain't going to happen and you're lucky you got reelected half of you're lucky you reelected the lowest turn out there there in the history of patteron except for certain wards where their Council people are doing the work and Mike I agree with you it is outrageous that you guys are only going to come twice a month and as Alex as as the president you're going to cancel meetings and zoom meetings that's unamerican because guess what I'm not going down to that ragg place you have over there you should have you having these meetings here in the first place all right all right need to do a better job man the next you guys do a horrible job sorry Del Feld luy y was here working out is this the last one once twice a month that's the last speaker hello thank you good good afternoon I got it yeah it will be me right good afternoon good afternoon I'll put it back I got it I'm a Communications major I got it this so last time we spoke correct we were at the other building I don't know some of you may remember me some of you don't have dark hair I spoke on Veterans issues the voting issue you said you didn't know me but you just gave me a hug was just like we got to pick a lane yeah but my face is still as the thing is is that my character doesn't change I'm consistently who I am at all times the same day that we were outside the voting day I said hello to you you look like I I was Medusa but any other day the way you just greeted me out there is how you've been greeting me since I've met you everybody here pretty much knows me from the community whether it's the Elks the Masons the school helping somebody's kid breaking up a fight jumping in front of somebody that needs help 911 before they get there there was an accident on 33rd in Broadway and I'm the one who who started CPR and ran across the street to go get the cops as big as I am and the boy lived that's who I am so please remember my face this time because when I have discourses with you I would want to continue them and if you're going to be on the council board and we're going to have things and fix them cuz it's not about me and you it's about the community we need to remember who each other are okay last time I was here I brought up how I wanted to do Flags I know that Alex and Lisa said that they were working on Veterans Way two block radius but I am now officially a part of the Little Falls veteran digital product project which is it's a database we go around collecting veterans databases and they'll all have Flags I can get some information for Patterson it's not hard I'm doing an internship for school so it's out the information is now out there in this public record that I live in Patterson and I'm doing work for Little Falls veterans when I should be doing it here as a veteran myself I shouldn't have to go to another town to do what I wanted to do I should be able to do that here you understand um also that's it I want you all to have a good day you guys all chose to become council members for whatever reason I I know it was for good benefit of some sort you know reach back into the roots if people are having issues and find out who you were in the beginning because maybe that can help you find out who you're going to be in the future and that's it thank you thank you motion to close public por so moved second council president move um I moved it and Council second call just a minute councilman M yeah so thank you council president for this privilege and I'm I'm going to he he gave me the privilege so it'll be quick to the viewing public and I'm grateful for people that are texting me even Mr Florio himself so I'm grateful that I keep receipts right everyone knows me I'm a woman of my word number one I never have to talk about what I do for anybody that's right right so on May the 26 on Facebook they tag tagged myself councilwoman cotton and councilman Jackson in regards to young guy the young man I call him that was hit by the car the same day that he I'm not putting his name out because that's violation of Hippo laws the same day that this happened I responded to the tag I inboxed the mother and we have been exchanging not just text messages but phone conversations since that very day there's many people that have given Anonymous donations based on my request I have the receipts Mr Florio gave a donation based on my request I have the receipt so I don't have to sit here make up anything first of all I'm obviously a legend because it was mentioned I am a legend I come from a deep Legacy in my family and in this community so I don't believe anything in my mind or my head I am who I am and I don't make any excuses about it but to con continue and people are very upset today because they're texting me why does this woman keep coming calling you a liar after all you've done even if I never called anyone to make any donations I have prayed for this mother I have reached out to the principal of the school in which the young young king goes to and I've worked with the principal of the school to make sure some things were done there there's many things and I never really talk about when I do things for people in the community because you really don't have to do that but the fact that for the second time it's been stated that Mims is a liar she only waited to give a a donation because I said it are you serious I don't have to wait for you to say give a donation for me to give it I had about 12 people donate 12 12 people it it but donation support is not just money honey support is not just money I did not lie you accuse me of saying that you're wrong and let me say this to let me say this to our stenographer I'm requesting that we strike all comments that call council members Liars because that's in our purview to do that uh strike comments that call council members Hypocrites that is our purview and that has to be done based on a council's request number three there should be a rule if you do not have residency in Patterson you should not be allowed to come to this microphone to disrespect council members that live and born and ra no one could love a city more than the people that live and breathe and sleep here every night I think it's just unacceptable that this is the second time council president the first time I was calm didn't say anything but today to be called a liar again and I have the receipts inbox Facebook receipts text messages and phone calls there's no way in the world that this could have been said council president thank you for the time and I say to the public you won't have to hear me talk about it again because I have the receipt it is what it is God bless you and thank you for the time Council councilwoman the time was needed no problem uh I I'm going to ask um I know that we have to leave VI by five there's an item on the agenda for resurfacing and I would I as my Council K before to please um that needs to that needs to go to Workshop um if it's possible let's one moment council president as to what you're saying that item item 31 it is not a new item it is an item that was already passed by the council all right it's pertaining to resurfacing the company got disbarred and so the second highest bidder contract gets the contract so so the reason for that is public portion and then discuss this item so so coration count already so we all of us you saw the item 31 so let's continue we have close the public portion let's close the public portion M clerk let's do roll call see if we could take that item council president before you close Could you um no no could you hold us to the two minutes please for roll call yeah we all get 2 minutes no End closing minutes again two minutes Council please put us on the clock it's f one roll call to close the public portion of the municipal council reorganization meeting of Monday July 1 2024 councilman abdulaziz thank you uh Madam clerk so I'm going to address the the lady that came from Wall Avenue um you stated the road between Broadway and 13 have is now private only to Muslims um that's not what happened this body unanimously approved a street vacation for that road the entire Council approved that unanimously um I would recommend you sit down with the Islamic Center for SE County talk to them about what the plans are for for for um that that street vacation but this entire Council voted for Street vacation we do that that means they they have ownership of that road now um that block we do that with many companies to to connect certain properties we've done it to park e Terrace we've done it for um other properties that connect them because they own the the block so that happened already so they that's a correct fact that this entire body unanimously voted yes for No One voted no against it um secondly you talked about armed guards I'm gonna tell you why they have armed guards the city doesn't pay for that in this time in place right now with the Ric that's going on to the Muslim Community and what's going on the Palestinian Community there have been threats there's been attacks and there there's they're on they're on edge and they pay for those security guards the Patterson police officers that you see roaming your block they're paying for it right the Islamic Center of pay county is paying for that to make sure that their congregates patter sonian that live in your neighborhood that go to that mosque so the parking if they're legally parked those people should be ticketed and towed and that is something that you the mosque will gladly sit and tell you that that's what they push for and that's what they tell their Congress you're not supposed to park illegally or whatnot so I could just speak the action that this that I took that block on Wall Street was vacated and then you mentioned Getty Avenue which is on in the Sixth Ward is those those those cars are parked in the middle of Getty Avenue are also law enforcement that are being that are being paid PBA PBA jobs being paid to keep the um the Congress safe my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um I just want to say um um if I was um Miss BRS um if you can um get the opportunity to get the neighborhood to get together to go talk to the Islamic Center uh and and and let and voice your concerns with them um because sometimes I think that they may not see everything that's going on um and so I would suggest that the neighbors they sign your petition that you go and speak with what's his name councilman out of the Masid the IM the president I would suggest that so um Mr Al Al would be able to get let you get into NE together also I want to say to um they had mentioned that um I am not a council woman for 16 years I'm only Council woman for 12 years um I'm not quite sure um where um and when I came on in 2010 we was um in the mortgage crisis where um and we had blocks of a aband homes blocks after block they were blocks where only had two families living in there so we have come a long ways from what people need to you know what I find and I and when you doing something for people everybody don't need to know what you're doing but those who know what you did for them know what you did if they don't want to like help protect you and say I know what they done then then shame on them no because they know everything you know getting uh some of jobs getting um people into uh housing getting people uh you know I don't want you to go on Facebook and say you know I help Ruby Cott no I don't need you to say that we don't need to say that for people people don't need to know all of you know when I if you come to me you're not going to tell me you don't expect me to tell nobody else what I what what you need to tell me I don't need to do that so we have to be um you know we we're here I'm here I know what I'm here for to help to do what I can to spread the word to show other people also I'm I'm going to going to finish talking about but I just want to say to my Madam Clerk and our secretary over there Council for me a month is killing them I'm here with them every weekend I'm here with them every day four meetings a month is killing that staff over there they're here at 11 12:00 at night trying to get ready for meetings thank you come on it's not fair thank God so Madam clerk my vot is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver um there's no need for me to repeat what already both of my colleagues have indicated um um he just shared right now that he reached out um to the Imam and that he has asked to please share the information so councilman of theise thank you very much for for doing that so quickly um I just want to once again congratulate all of my colleagues I am looking forward to this next year working with all of you um as stated you know when your heart is in the right place there is no need for you to use the word I I I but just say that you know what let us come together and let we we together can move forward and that's what I'm planning to do this year I hope that you can all accept that change I no longer want to be that complainer and constantly complaining you know I've been through people that love me have shared that I need to attend more seminars to work for self and I went to one you know last week that really was uplifting and part of that was to work within self within you first and so you know with that you know I'm looking forward you know to working this next term with our council president you know with our new vice president um hopefully he'll stay sitting down no just kidding we're almost ending but I just want to say thank you to all who came here today uh and to the rest of my colleagues once again I look forward and Madam clerk you know we are here to also help you all right and I am in agreement with Council um cotton and other of my colleagues the work is going to continue to get done okay if it's two meetings or four meeting what it means is that we're not going to be here every every Tuesday till 2 o'clock in the morning 3:00 in the morning 1:00 in the morning that is not good government okay we are now the administration is going to make sure to get all the information to our clerk in a timely fashion we're going to discuss it in one meeting and we're going to take action the following and you know this is why I supported that motion uh you know it was very nice to see you here at Chief of Staff you know to Corporation councel thank you for all you do thank you my vote is yes thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk to the Briggs family Mrs Briggs first of all let me start by apologizing to you first of all let me start by apologizing to you for the many years of service that you render to this community and your official role with the um what you've previously I'm not even going to go into that but and and with your I know what it is but even even your husband we we actually have a park in the city named after him and the the the lineage and the history of your family for first of all for you to be addressed as man and for your concerns to be brushed to to the side that's unacceptable he is correct I did because I do I support the items that some of the that my Council colleagues bring before me but it was expressed that all of the residents was consulted with it was Express that everybody on the on the Block I went there I met I met with them and they said that everyone in the neighborhood was in favor correct so now for him to say you need to go see them when you're paying taxes to the city you came here to see us this is where your answers are supposed to be given for them now to tell you for him to say to you you go talk to them and see how they want to treat no that's not how it works and it won't work that way I will write the legislation to resend that vote and we'll see how council members vote because the the the Imam and the people at the M promised me that their intent was to work collectively and collaboratively with the community and everything you're saying is absolutely correct how do you now become a visitor on your own block where there's armed guards it's supposed to been welcoming because my respect for the mosque and for the people who run it is about how they interact with the community not a segregated part of the community and then I asked the council president who's look he's on his the edge of his seat itching to shut me up I asked him to have you address before in case you didn't know Council council president Mr Briggs is a and his entire family the briggs' family is a long respected heavily respected upstanding family in this community yes I know obviously he's not M Mr Briggs is not in the condition that he's been in years before why wouldn't we give him the respect when he has to come down here first of all he had to sit through all the shenanigans of the hoopla then his wife comes to the microphone to address an issue and we want to scarf it and push it to the side but you're talking about the great things that we're doing here we're supposed to be here to address the concerns of the public and that's the reason why we're here counselor sir sir I'm talking if we you had an opportunity to talk a long time ago give give to this in a minute M of the public I do apologize to pccc we're supposed to be here by 512 but the councilman he's not about no rules to this no because you're a clown sir you're a clown that's what you are I'm addressing I'm addressing the concerns of the public and you're talking about apologizing you should have said so before we had all the the photographs and the hoop going apolog this is why we're here this is why we're here how about how about have you come up with an answer for the family how about have you come up with an answer for for the family and I'll be you I will be your black tomorrow and I'll be meeting with other resident with other black and also with a mask I'm a man of action that's what I do I don't put show like this councilman do in every meeting you have a concern I will visit you I will visit the block and I will talk to every person the block to make sure that we correct the problem but this person here he doesn't care about correcting your problem he want to put a show in every meeting it's 512 and we allowed to use this play this venue of pccc until 5 p.m. and he's have two minute to speak but he's not abide by no rules he doesn't accept no R where are those rules where are those rules made it to the where are those rules you're just not going to make up rules you're not going to confine me in rules and it's not put show is to put on a show if you're going to be here in speaking speak correctly sir if you're going to be here to present yourself do so correctly don't disrespect the family they came here to address a very serious personal issue and you trying trying to push it to the side and I'm pointing out exactly what you're doing in fact I will be writing the legislation as I have in the past to resend that order we'll see how you how you move on that since you're a person of action because this this family who's paying taxes the lady is absolutely correct she's paying $20,000 a year we vacate a road for a religious institution that's paying no taxes that religious institution gets a different level of respect than Chapel does on Hen Avenue you're absolutely correct I'm upset about that because it's it's it's a selective enforcement on how people are treated and what I'm going to say to you Mrs Briggs the important thing is pay attention because the black community continuesly get treated this way scarfed over you came here to address your issue and he wants to rush me off the microphone instead of just allowing me to continue to address it this is the kind of Showmanship that we're putting on no it's not put a show put on a show so with that being said you have my commitment I will be speaking with those same people who I met with I did vote in favor of it there's a lot of things that I vote for because when they bring it forward and present it honestly I didn't know who the people was on that block they they expressed to me that they visited with all the families I went to him and I asked them specifically are all the neighbors in favor and I said to him specifically if I have push back I will be bringing it back forward for revocation and you have my commitment to that that that there should be no need for you to go to them and have to negotiate on how you should have treatment on your neighborhood where you live you're absolutely correct the people the majority of people who go there are not residents of the city they don't pay taxes and who cares that they they they brought the block it doesn't mean they own the streets so you have my commitment with that I'm not expecting you to have to go and negotiate they made a promise to this Council and that promise should be upheld and if they're not upholding the promise then we should revocate that action that's it Point Blank Madame clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Mims so to miss Briggs I'll make sure you have my number and information um to go and I'm I'm going to take the opportunity tomorrow myself just to come through the block um I I'll give you my number and then just call me so I'll see if you're available tomorrow I want to come through and just have some conversations as well as I represent council at large um in in the city of pis so so I definitely would like um to do that um there's so many uh commentaries that have been already made so I'm not going to belabor the point but I do want to say when it comes to the council meetings um there are other municipalities that have worked to condense the meetings not that we're going to not give the information or progressively vote on items that are in the um the benefit of the community so I want the community be aware that does not is not taken away it will still get done we have to find a way one to help our Madam clerk our Deputy Clerk and our secretaries the time they spend when we leave here at 2: and 3: in the morning they're still here till 5: and have to be at work at 8 so we have to find a way collectively to work together to make sure that health is a priority mental health uh stress all that is down that's one and don't forget our Our IT people uh secure everybody we got to do that secondly uh we have to ensure with everything that we're doing it doesn't take away of our time with our constituents and with the community the community knows we both have City phones well I'm still waiting for my city phones I'm G put that on record you have it I'm still waiting for my phone so if you call my city phone and you know on my cards I have my personal cell phone I made that a practice when I first came on that my personal sale is on all of my city cards so if people don't can't reach me and I'm sure they can't right now City phone but if they call my cell phone Facebook inbox anybody that's on my page or not on my page they know everybody tag Ms everybody and when they tag I respond or I'm going to the location that's what we're supposed to be doing but you don't just go you got to come back work collaboratively with the council to try to find some resolutions I wasn't in the room but I I believe you mentioned it at the end about the the flags and the banners so that's a part of a recommendation that I've given to the administration already so we want that to be a part of um uh the entire strip of Broadway but what we're going to do we have to get a non for-profit organization I I won't be that long non for-profit organization that will spearhead that initiative so I could work under there so just reach out to me I am also in collaboration with um Veterans Affair for the state the county and on a federal level so we're going to have them all involved so whatever monies um are needed that the taxpayer will not have to foot the bill so that's a bigger Community conversation um but it's definitely something that we're going to be doing on that strip of of Main Street um it's already been given to the administration um and I'm sure the council won't have any issues with us recognizing our our veterans in this community and that's something that we're going to do um Madame clerk Deputy clerk secretaries council members Corporation councel Chief of Staff everybody directors everybody thank you thank you for all you doing once again congratulation council president Mendes Council vice president abdalaziz I'm hungry Having Eight all day God bless you and good night thank you Dr mes councilman Udin thank you madam Clark uh thank you those are still here uh good afternoon Patterson we are heading to good evening soon um and we would like to address all the comments my uh fellow council members already mentioned and just some of the concern uh just specifically about the ICPC Islamic uh Center of pan County uh the issue that was mentioned this is the first time ever complaint came at was addressed so we cannot really say that this is this is the everyday experience but we really need to address that we cannot really create another chaos just stating one issue we can we can definitely talk to the uh Islamic Center and we can find the correct solution that how both residents of that neighborhood uh and also the ICPC can get along and work together and I just know this ICPC is welcoming for every single Community it's not just Islamic Center it's not just for the uh people of M uh Islamic Believers their community services for uh regardless of religious belief so we uh we have to understand that part that this is not the house only for uh Believers of Islam uh but again we need to address that issue as a council at large uh as hardw councilman council president mentioned my uh fellow councilman Council woman at large mentioned and I also would like to be part of this initiative to make sure that no uh resident experience any obstacles of parking or uh getting in and out of their uh homes another thing um uh can I can I finish I can I uh can I finish then I'm sorry I cannot really so another thing about the enforcement as uh Kim Freeman was here he was speaking about commercial parking I I don't think it's a you know uh pick and choose that's what he said I don't think this is the case I'm talking about myself right in front of my house here's a commercial car park last about 4 days all four days I know that's what I'm saying we all four days I made phone calls at least at least per day 10 times 40 phone calls I made to the department and no enforcement still so you you cannot just say pick and choose I'm a councilman and right in front of my house there's a commercial car park for 4 days so we need to improve ourself on the uh you know in enforcement so again um we have to do better for sure and I'm looking forward uh to see the enforcement and I request my council members to push forward to make sure that all the Departments do the uh job uh job they're supposed to do uh with that being said uh I I thank you I'm always I love to sit next to my Council colleague valz I love him uh with my vote is yes to close the public question thank you councilman urin councilman Valance the the thing I got to say is in a short and sweet on that was presented through zoning okay zoning board approve the evacuation of the street we did okay but one of the things that uh it was presented to us that the remaining of the street that was being vacated um it was owners also from the um from the U the MOs so you know I I don't know where that goes but that's okay but we G to have time to address the concern of the community I I know uh during the the whole day I saw assembly woman former assembly woman Elise Evans she she's outside still thank you for staying here uh and and and see what's going on in these kind of meetings um now we going to have one meeting a month a workshop a month um I guess we could plan vacation sometimes um but if a wise person this is my favorite quote a wise person learns to question fairly to listen carefully respond calmly and keep quiet when you have nothing to say keep quiet when you have nothing to say and I could advise uh uh Mr U what's his name the gentlemen that always come here Mr olivaris my solyaris you don't need me to make your speech um and I want to make this week to my colleagues Adel aiz Council vice president Adel aiz councilwoman mavila Council will be kind councilman Mendes councilman um Lisa mens and councilman Udin corporate Council Chief of Staff clerks um I'm Louis VZ and I'm here to work for the community agenda if the agenda that is presented in front of us me means Community that's what I'm going to work for so I don't need somebody saying that I had to be with somebody and this and that because I'm a man of my own decisions I know what my community needs so saying that to my wife thank you for uh being here all day I love you to the community out there that um uh supported me and continue supporting me thank you uh Raphael I know you dreaming for this type of studio in the city of Patterson that a roof don't fall in us but I'm happy man Madam clerk thank you for your leadership your work those flowers was for you and your name of of me and my wife and and all the leadership that you have in your office thank you thank you thank you um Corporation Council uh oh by the way I just want to pay back uh my colleague uh uding I love to sit next to him too are you God bless you all good night my order is yes to close and good night I had to leave it's a public portion we're closing oh we Clos I thought we doing all together we should put that in in in in counc President we should do that if this the last thing we doing we not voting we should do wrap up and go sure no no problem council members so we have item 31 that we need to bring up just before my vote I want to say thank you to my wife she she got flower for me I feel so special I feel you know I guess some some of my coun bully me with my wife I love my wife thank you I love I love my with that being say my V is yes council members number 31 yeah it's it's moved to the next meeting as yes mad cler my vot is yes yes thank you council president the votes are eight yeses one absent um the public portion is now closed council president I'd like to make a motion to add item 31 to the agenda second second can you read it to the record yes I will item number 31 is a resolution resending resolution number 24 callon 332 and authorizing the award of contract to four clean up Inc for the 2023 Citywide Road res servicing program supplemental one bid number 24.6 it's a public works resolution 24 colon 400 second it was move mov by Council Dava second by Council M and Council Ro cler the it into the agenda roll call on item number 31 to be added to the agenda councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes Council councilwoman memes yes councilman Udin yes councilman VZ what your friend I said I am man of my own decisions looking at the what we discussing today and is needing a community okay and because it's a resurface and put in a contract for the second bidder I would is yes what there's a problem with that now okay you vote his vote is yes vote Yes you vote Mr President my vote is yes cler so the votes are seven assist two absences item number 31 is added to the reor meeting agenda thank you m clerk roll call on item 31 roll call on item number 31 for approval councilman abdalaziz yes and have a good night resident 6 W thank you for bringing me back and thank you to my colleagues for making me vice president have a good day we got a close got a councilwoman cotton counc councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman DAV yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman urin yes councilman valz yes Mr President my vot is yes M clerk so the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 31 is added to the agenda motion to um second no no no it's added to the agenda we need to vote we already V we already voted on it and we just vot we just voted no council members we added into the agenda and then we vote into the agenda yes now motion to close motion to close this a special meeting council president listen to the parliamentarian please we added it to the agenda with the vote now we have to vote to approve it no we just voted we did it twice we did it all right right I stand corrected okay no so let's adjourn the meeting was a motion to close by councilwoman DAV second by councilman mes Council Bess and Council roll call M cler to close this special meeting of July 1st roll call to close the special meeting of July the Rog meeting of July 1st 2024 councilman abdalaziz I'm not going to ruin my record here I finished the whole meeting and the whole reorganization and inauguration my vote is yes thank you councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton thank you Al I'm glad you stayed here for the entire meeting councilman don't let let me let me I just want to say thank you to everyone out there um the fourth world resident of the city of patteron will returning me for another four years um I will be in my fourth term I want to thank you for everyone that supported me but I do want to thank my um campaign manager uh commissioner and vice president of the passing Board of Education Kenneth Simmons who was my campaign manager and everybody in my assistant came here manager was Jamie BL I just want to say to my children to Candace cotton to my son Edward III and to my daughter Danielle thank you for always supporting me and being with me all the time and helping me to get through everything uh with that being said I want to say to all my Council colleagues congratulations I know we going to work greatly together Madame clerk deiny Madam clerk defy clerk new ladies that we have on board Crystal um I appreciate you ladies and you know councilwoman we especially the ladies of the city council going to always look out for you ladies uh in the clerk's office and in the city council office so with that being said everyone out there thank you so much for believing in me and supporting me God bless you all and have a happy 4th of July thank you God bless you all my mad Madam clerk my is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Dava so as I close I want to thank once again Dr Rose and P County Community College for allowing us to have our reorganization meeting as well I mean I was wearing in in our reorganization meeting um this is this is a nice setup um it wasn't hot it was good all right and I really do appreciate that we continue to use the college as you know the most important SE in Pay County Community College is community um to all of uh my Patterson Community to my colleagues as I've said it once twice and over again congratulations council president and vice president abdulaziz as well as all of my colleagues who were reelected to their seats uh to my at large members I'm looking forward you know for us to continue doing the work that we do along the city of Patterson Madame clerk Deputy clerk sopia Bella and Deedra Deedra okay I want to thank you all for all the work that you do um you are the backbone to our Madam clerk so thank you very much for all the work that you do for us as well Corporation councel um to the chief of staff who was here sitting in today for the ba and the CFO and the mayor I want to thank you as well my vote is yes thank you counc good night happy 4th of July thank you councilwoman mes so um I didn't mention this before but uh Crystal you did a wonderful job on the program cover design yes this was crystal Fen so thank you so much um and I know that you and Dedra and whoever else will come will do a phenomenal job because both of you your track record speaks for itself I've already said um blessings and all of that stuff but I want to put a recommendation out I think this would be a good great space for us to utilize for our Council meetings so if we could um put it out to see if that's an option it will be perfect cuz it's parking right by the door so if we can try to do that um they are community and as long as we streamline and bring some decorum I think we could utilize this space for every council meeting is very clear cameras are clear so I'm just putting that on the record since they want people's name attached put my name on that one okay so with that being stated to the wives and to the public that remain till the end thank you so much um for all that you have done um for us and I think Corporation councel I said to you earlier I didn't but I want to mention Corporation counsel he always keeps us on task so everybody God bless you let's keep building and not battling let's keep moving the city forward my vote Madam clerk is yes thank you Dr mes councilman urin thank you Patterson thank you our reelected all six council members congratulations to them and again that was my idea councilman Davila that this is would be perfect location for our meeting no that was mine mems mems copied from me just know this uh mems copied from this this is a great location trust me because we can park right here have our meeting um and I think we are getting the approval soon um with that being said uh thank you mam Clark Mar vote is yes to close the public thank you cman Udin councilman thank you Madame clerk um so we have a new calendar one Workshop one meeting on the month I hope they don't call me for special meetings no you have one meeting you could do everything one meeting in a month you will see how many I know but a workshop and a regular meeting on a month that's what they said so hey hey God bless you all good night thank you to uh the sa County Community College for allowing us to be here for uh please if you see any piece of paper M around there let's try to help you did already thank you you're a good man so good night thank you P County Community College this is community I wish the whole city hall will be here and set up being over there but hey it is what it is good night my vote is yes to close this meeting thank you councilman valz Mr President wow so thank you so very much Council Khali for your vot of confident one more time to be your council president for a second term I'm committed and ready to work with each and every one of you to move the city forward to make those decision that are affecting our city in a positive way M cler we love you thank you for the outstanding job that you've been doing and all the department sopia miss philis all of you uh the program is beautiful thank you so very much Phenom phenomenal job and I want to take this moment to thank all the resident of the great city of Patterson for attending this reorganization meeting let's move the city forward there's a lot of work ahead of us God bless you all my V is yes thank you thank you Mr president the votes are seven yeses two absences the Rog meeting of July 1 2024 is hereby adjourned thank God thank you Jesus