thank thank you Rafael good evening council members let's get ready to start good evening members of this community mad clerk good evening on behalf of the Paris Municipal Council we welcome you to our regular meeting on June 11 at 7 p.m. this meeting is now calling to order Madame clerk please call the role yes Mr President roll call for municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday June 11 2024 at 7 p.m. councilman abdulaziz present councilwoman cotton here councilwoman daver pres councilman Jackson councilman khik good evening everyone I'm here councilwoman Ms good evening Patterson I'm here I'm ready to serve councilman Udin I'm here M councilman VZ Mr president president mam clerk Mr President this evening's prayer is been rendered by The Honorable councilwoman at Large Dr Lisa Mims which is followed by the flag salute led by The Honorable council president Alex Mendes may we all stand let us pray God our Father we thank you because this is the day that you have made and so we rejoice and we are glad in it we are excited on tonight because we are reminded that everything you spoke it manifested so God we speak on tonight that there will be order in this meeting we speak on tonight for those that are going through in their bodies that there will be healing not just in this room but all over the city and the world we pray for alignment with your word we pray that those that are depressed and lonely God that you will be their comforter and their strength we pray for those that are grieving in our community oh God that you will provide comfort and answers where there's been none God we thank you because from the very beginning you've been in all wise all true and an all knowing God and God we thank you it is because of you that we live and we move and we have our very being so God we lift up this city before you we thank you for our mayor we thank you for our counsel we thank you for our employees in the administration we thank you for the residents we thank you for our seniors we thank you for our youth we pray that this will be a city of righteousness we pray that there will be peace on the streets we come against the sensless violence and the shootings oh God we come against the backbiting and the gossip and the contrite Spirits oh God the maliciousness and the jealousy oh God we come against it now in the mighty name of Jesus we pray for healing and unity and oness and likeminded as it is in your word and God we stand knowing and understanding that in all things it should be done decently and in order so God we thank you we thank you for the meeting on tonight that this meeting will be like no other meeting because God you're going to stir some stuff up and God in this meeting on tonight you're going to shift and do a paradigm shift and cause things to rise up and other things to die out God we thank you that as we come together in peace in this Council God that the community will see that we are a United body that we are a healed City that we operate in professionalism and courtesy and respect and God we thank you for being the glory and the lifter of our head we thank you for being a Healer we thank you for being bridged over trouble water we thank you because healing is our portion we thank you for giving us joy unspeakable and full of Glory God we thank you for lifting us when we couldn't lift ourselves we thank you for being the glory and the lifter of our hand we thank you we thank you we don't have enough hands to raise to thank you we don't have enough mouths to open to thank you we don't have enough feet to stomp to thank you but God we say thank you thank you for keeping us thank you for blessing us thank you for strengthening us thank you for loving us even when we didn't love ourselves so God we thank you in advance for what you doing what you've already done and what you're about to do we declare and decree and it is so in Jesus's name amen [Applause] andice now let's do please stay as stand let's do a moment of silence for those that lost a loved one in our community and for troop in the nation thank you you may be seated B clerk please read the statement of compliance yes Mr President statement of compliance with the open public meetings law for 2023 2024 today's meeting date is June 11 2024 the meeting time is 700 p.m. adequate notice of this meeting was compiled and disseminated in accordance with the open public meetings law in the following manner one the annual notice of regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council was was compiled for the year 2023 2024 onor about July 1 2023 two a schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly transmitted on about July 1 2023 to the north Jersey Herald News the record the Arabic voice the Italian voice the P County PS Dominicana news Lis International Lal the pison press the city post news tap into pison the weekly bangler Patria in addition to any other publication duly requesting such notices three the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was prominently posted in the lobby of City Hall first floor in the place reserved for the announcements of this typ four the schedule of the regular meetings and workshop sessions of the municipal Council for the year 2023 2024 was duly filed with the municipal clerk and five a copy of the schedule of regular meetings of the municipal Council was mailed to any person who requested and pay the fee authorized by the open public records act Mr President thank you Madame clerk there's no other better way than than start at this meeting other than with a powerful prayer thank you councilwoman M for such a great powerful prayer let's do payment of Bill councilwoman Dava Council president good evening everyone uh Council colleagues we've received the payment the summary of dispersements uh for payment of 8,948 25213 uh this was a payroll week uh the total of payroll was 5, 94,95 2.74 uh in the other statutory expenditures which was uh 1,720 32419 um this is uh specific to Street lighting and also cavant um the total with the computer checks of 3,853 29939 payable 5, 94,95 2.74 making it total of 8,948 2523 second second it was moved by Council and second by Council Ms and councilman roll call clerk on payment of Bill roll call and payment of bills in the amount of 8,948 $252 13 councilman abdulaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman khag yes councilwoman Mims yes councilman yes Mr President my V is yes M cler the votes are seven yeses two absences payment of bills in the amount of 8 million 94825 to13 is hereby adopted thank you m CL let's do the consent agenda M clerk yes Mr President all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routined by the council and will be enacted by one motion the items listed under the consent agenda are numbers 1 through 11 any item may be removed from the consent agenda by the request of the any council member and if so removed will be treated as a separate it was moved by councilwoman Davila second by councilwoman Mims second and second also by councilwoman Ruby roll call M clerk on the consent agenda roll call on the consent agenda councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton thank you madam clerk I just want to um everyone to know that the um June team festival is in this consent agenda it is item number seven um that we are approving now Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman daver okay um Madam and my apologies I do need to have number five removed okay no hasn't been called got take we're in roll call we're in the middle of roll I know but we have to because um I need to recuse myself from number five okay okay so so can council member can I resend I'll say can we so if council member withraw the motion so motion withdraw so what she has to do council president is madam clerk can remove number five put it on record yes I item number five has been removed at the request of councilwoman Dava okay so now roll so we can continue the voting right roll call please continue roll call and um the consent agenda is numbered 1 through 11 with the acception of item number five which has been removed councilman abdalaziz yes councilwoman cartton yes councilwoman Davin yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman Udin yes Mr President thank you mad Clerk and yes item number seven on this conent agenda is for the Bazar addressing the Jun Foundation to conduct the Festival this weekend is a very special weekend with the parade and the festival side park with say my vote is yes B clerk thank you Mr President the votes are seven yeses two absences I the consent agenda is adopted as amended yeah B clerk yes so so so councilman Davila is uh is going to recru herself out number five let's do item number five now take it out of the way a minute so roll call and item number five which is resolution on the paron code chapter 129 entitled bazaars for the pay County Community College to conduct a festival at Mary Ellen Kramer Park patteron grfs it's resolution number number 24357 357 so moved thank you it was moved by Council m second by councilman colleag roll call man on item number five roll call on item number five for approval councilman abdulaziz councilwoman CT councilman khik yes councilwoman memes before I vote um Ryan can you just check the volume on YouTube they're saying the volume is very low can you just check the volume my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you councilman Mr President my V is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are six yeses two absences and one recusal item number 357 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk let's do item 13 yes item 13 is a resolution designated merca Street between Warren Street and putam Street to be also known as Bishop Albert Bland and Reverend Dr Ethel Bland way is sponsored by councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman Ruby and cotton it's a city council resolution number 24 calling 365 so mov second it was moved by councilwoman Ms and second by councilwoman Ruby K and councilwoman Mara Davila roll call B clerk on item number 13 roll call on item number 13 approval councilman Abdul aiz thank you madam clerk um so to the members of this church I want to thank councilwoman cotton and councilwoman Mims for reaching out as a street naming chair and pushing for this and I'm going to use the line that councilwoman cotton her passion and the way she yelled at me sounded like my mother was yelling at me on on the phone and she said ah my husband spoke in that church before you were born in 1980 and I said you know what we're getting out of Street naming now that's a long time ago so that am I am I right or wrong council did she yelled at me it said everything so congratulations if Ruby told me about the the um great impact that this church has had and and Pastor land and that what they've done in that area so congratul my vote is yes thank you um councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton see he knows he has to listen sometimes yeah but I just want to say this is truly an honor um um for Unity Missionary B un Unity Missionary church and I did tell the story and you know I'm not going to forget you sometimes and you're talking about 50 something years ago um that I sat in there with my husband when he first got it like that I sat in the church with him and Bishop Bland um I remember them saying you know he don't let nobody come up to the pull pit he don't let nobody speak and for some reason he just allowed my Eddie to to come there to come up in there and I just want to say this is this is long overdue and I'm glad that we finally is getting it done um you know when you when you think about um I always say we got to continue to say old school with we must always try to keep our legacies going and so people can remember you know your grandchildren your great grandchildren you know you be be surprised that people that are coming afterward that will be related with the family and know the family and know the church and know the community and they always been part of that Community for such a long time so I hope that whenever you put the celebration together whenever we can um I was thinking about like block party or something I don't know you know something to make it but when you do the street name you don't don't want to do a street name and just pull the thing off and then it's finished we want to do a street nameing with a party with everybody coming out the community and everyone it's an honor for me to sit here I can't believe it 52 years later that's a long time 52 years [Applause] later and and you know I thank God for still having me here you know and I'm saying that was in 1980 and 2012 when the daughter was the pastor I I I didn't go to the pull pit but I spoke on the side but that was 32 years later thank you God thank you Jesus for keeping me here thank you Jesus for letting me stay here to be able to do some of the things that could have been done before and it wasn't but it's getting done now I thank you Unity Unity Unity thank you God bless bless you all Madam clerk this is a good feeling for me it really is it's a good feeling Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilwoman Davin congratulations my vote is yes thank you councilwoman [Applause] Davin councilman Jackson we are voting in item number 13 which is designa Merc Street got Madam CL thank you okay so so uh just in understanding being uh a person who's had the opportunity to be born in Barnett hospital and uh see the city go through the transitions that has gone through and understand the the levels of sacrifice that many people have made up until this point now um I have never been one to be uh King to uh street namings but they're very important many many years to come people will have an understanding for on the the sacrifices that were made and I often say I often talk about how um we ride around in streets that's named after people who were once slave owners and uh so when you have an opportunity to name a Street after someone who has done a great deal for the entire community and specifically for um you know a group that has that has truly um laid the till when it comes to this country's efforts it's it's a great thing so anytime that I could support an effort in remembrance of somebody who's done done the work and making sure that those that Legacy continues on it's a is a great opportunity so m clerk uh my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman khik thank you Madame clerk it is an honor for me to vote on this uh Street naming resolution congratulation my vote is yes thank you Council M Dr Mims so I I I want to um first start off by thanking Daphne Cunningham over a year ago Daphne reached out to me in regards to naming this street after Bishop Bland well it was kind of like Pastor or Bishop we were like back and forth with with the uh naming of the street and when she reached out to me she knows the cunninghams are here her daughter is here her granddaughter in the church my grandparents were a part of the founding members of this church 1957 when Bishop Bland was there and then Pastor Bland the daughter who took over from her father prophesied my birth birth to my grandmother and they were best friends so from for me 1969 is when I was born I've been connected to this church since 1969 through my grandparents her daughter and I are very very close she's here tonight and um uh council president I would like to have her daughter her granddaughter and if dapan could say a few words I I know Pastor is here as well Pastor fiser is here but I just believe the work that you do speak for you it it really does the work that they've done they were people of peace they were very anointed Pastor Bland preached my installation when I became a pastor she gave me great wisdom her and Dr B auntie B as I called her and the and the history goes on and on and one thing nobody could ever take from you is your history and your connection to people that make a difference in Patterson in patteron for me I believe that we have to leave legacies and marks that can't be erased this is a legacy they've been in that community in the fourth board on Mercer Street I reached out even to the principal when this started to P principal Vaughn to make sure she was aware that that street was going to be named because they're right by the church I reached out to some of the residents in the area and everybody was excited because they remember all the giveaways and the community days that the church has done this is well well deserved what is um understood does not need to be stated twice Pastor Bland Bishop Bland are pillars were pillars in this community and the church is here and there's many Johnny Moore I reached out to him so many people that moved away and everyone I didn't hear anyone complain everyone was super excited about this being done thank you to her daughter Pastor Cruz her granddaughter Stephanie who was here for being such a friend to me and and somewhat of a mentor and in all the years of my Ministry and all my life I want to say this is the least that we could do for the greatness that that lied in Bishop Bland and Pastor Ethel Bland Madame clerk my vote is absolutely yes thank you Dr M councilman Udin good evening men and women of God and this charge is connecting the people the Believers with God for last about seven decades before it started before the civil rights moment so just know this is a part of US history and today we are so honored I think one of the most fitting tribute that we are going to do here in the city council I congratulate everyone connected to this chch and I salute you you for being part of the charge for that many years and coming here and honoring the pastor who initially was the major one and also uh Dr Ethel Bland so I congratulate you and I thank you all for coming here joining us and it is absolutely an honorable yes thank you councilman urin councilman Val uh first of all I want to apologize I came in late because I was take care concerning the Fifth Ward but I came in a great moment in a great moment because everybody knows Council women Dr Lisa men Council woman Marissa DAV and those that knows my past I was born and raised in church so when it comes up to honor churches honor ministers honor men and wom that serve the Lord with integrity and serve the community with love with a call of service that never die that never die so I always say that when you have the Lord in in you and you speak about the Lord your action has to go along with it so this is part of it and I will vote Yes on this resolution thank you councilman valz Mr President thank thank you thank you Madame Clerk and it's a and it's a great privilege for me to vote on this resolution and I just want to say on behalf of the city of Pon thank you thank you to all the members of this great church thank you for impacting the city of pison in a such a phenomenal way uh this is the best way of making history acknowledging the hard work the contribution and the dedication of all of you into this community with that being said my vote is yes Madam clerk thank you Mr President the votes are nine unanimous um votes in the affirmative item number 13 is here by council president thank you Madame cler councilwoman M at this time council president um I would like to have uh Pastor Cruz the daughter her granddaughter Stephanie uh dapan Cunningham and Pastor Fisher if you'll come to the mic um there's a timeline of three minutes but if you'll come to the mic and have some words on behalf of uh these great legends from the city of Patterson yes thank you council president thank you councilwoman council president Council Jackson very quickly if anyone has a car parked on the side alley over there there was a truck trying to come in I'm not sure if it needs to be moved but any cars blocking the side driveway should move for to there was several cars I didn't get any um make um good evening good evening everyone my name is uh Stephanie stelle Richardson I am the granddaughter and the great granddaughter of the late Bishop Albert plan and the granddaughter of the Reverend Dr Ethel planand I'd like to thank you the board um all the members of my church that came out tonight and the people who parted in um having the street Nam after my great-grandfather and his daughter my grandmother thank you all for your votes I greatly appreciate it God bless you all thank you oh praise the Lord everybody put those hands together again let's Praise Him hallelujah oh praise God I thank God for this moment I thank God for you Pastor Mims I've known her for many years her grandmother was a part of our church but tonight I I want to tell you I love you from my heart for oh nominating my grandfather okay and my mother at the church I can't I'm full I'm running over my cff runneth over with joy the the the word of God said this is the day the Lord has made I don't know what you came to do but I came to rejoice and what is happening today give God a big round of Hallelujah and Applause and I thank my new pastor that was came out God bless that we're getting ready to install soon i' like to say to the board thank you from my heart thank you everyone that said yes thank you my soul is on fire you know what oh Hallelujah Jesus praise God I I know I'm not in church but I still get a step and still praise God it's time to give him some praise somebody wants to be here today and can't praise him but I can say thank you Lord and to the staff God bless you your house your children mentally physically spiritually financially whatever you need God says I have it God bless you and thank you Pastor [Applause] Ms [Music] hu mother's not here but I'm here [Applause] good evening board city of Patterson I would like to thank everyone for all of your votes special thanks because Dr Mims and I I heard this a couple of years back and I'm glad it came to parition and that although my pastor Dr E Blen is no longer with us nor her father they will see down from heaven above that we have gotten this done for all the work that they have done throughout the years the church is still there we're still thriving we're still growing and we're going to always be a part of the community wherever we can get in at we give back as much as we can and we are grateful for that um and with that being said you know we had also got to appreciate our young adults that comes to the church he reached out as well to to councilwoman Ruby cotton and we thank you for your input with Dr Mims on this issue have a blessed [Applause] evening good evening board good evening I know I sat okay I'm Wayne fiser I'm the pastor elect for Unity Missionary church and my installation is on June 23rd at 4M I would love everybody to come but I came in on the tail end of this and I got a lot of stories about when it started who started it when when it came to fruition and I I just want to drop this little nugget here whatever blessing God for God for you it may have been delayed but it's not denied so it when it didn't happen 50 years ago that wasn't God's timing his timing is right now because it's happening right now is there anybody in here with me I just want to thank y'all for considering this because I grew up coming to this church as a little boy singing on a church choir Church anniversaries and I can tell you he was one of the bishop Bland was one of the first persons that I saw God through so it doesn't matter who started it and who finished it God approved it brother he God approved it amen so it could not be denied so we give God praise we give praise for the human effort but this was spiritually ordained in here and this was going to come to fruition whe whether we voted yes or not because God said so so I thank God for y'all and I appreciate the vote and I love you all God bless thank you thank you thank you so very much thank you once again thank you councilwoman Ms and councilwoman Rob count for such an amazing uh resolution Madame clerk let's do idem 17 yes Mr President item number 17 is a resolution authorizing rejection of all bids and authorizing the solicitation of new bids for the River Street reconstruction project bid number 24.7 for the engineering division of the Department of Public Works Public Works resolution 24 calling 36 second it was moved by councilwoman Davila council president Mendes Council Ms councilman bz and second by councilman and councilman AB roll call clerk on item number 17 not even sitting over there oh I forgot you said cartton yes and CT as well thank you7 sorry councilwoman cartton second second correct as well too than you you to you moved it have you roll call in item number 17 for approval councilwoman cotton yes thank you councilwoman Davin yes councilman Jackson yes councilman KH yes councilwoman Ms yes councilman urin yes councilman valz yes Mr President thank you madam collect the whole city of patteron was waiting for River Street to be fixed um we've received an information by the DCA manager that after we take action we are we a contract we have to after 10 days they could take action and start the other project so we're looking forward to see um the work um to start on River Street very soon my vot is yes B cler council president thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses one absent item number 17 is hereby Ad Council president sure thank you m clerk Council council president um I don't know I I don't know because the noise but did you state it that the state DCA soon as we reject all the bids that we could start in 10 days to repay the the road or we have to go to the new bids I I I didn't hear you correctly Council M I'm sorry there's a lot of noise in the room can can you clarify your statement did you stated that DCA told us that soon as we reject all bits 10 days that we have 10 days to go back rebit or to start the project after which after we take formal action after we get the company that is going to do the project we could wait only 10 days uh and that's been approved by the DC I will make sure that the administration sent an email I've been asking about the construction of River Street because I mean not it's not only in the third war it's in the fourth War also but the whole city is being extremely concerned about the condition of the road council president I just want to clarify that we rejecting the bids to go into new bids hopefully those numbers come favorable to start the project in River Street and we don't have to go back to court and challenge it in through the courts uh this why is we are rejecting all the bits we have to be clear with the community we are rejecting bit because the court it was not on favor and that's why we rejected not DCA the court said to reject reject all the bits for do the new bits and hopefully those bit comes back favorable for we could start the project at River Street and the River Street no matter is the third the fourth war is affecting all the residents of the city of Patterson that travels to River Street to move around our city I just want to clarify that council president thank you council president um just residents are texting that they cannot hear anything on channel 75 so if you can address their concern they canot so Rafael so Channel 75 so members of the uh resident of the city of P so let me remind everybody that we are in ch 75 and how about the sounds uh okay I based on what I hear everything is good the sounds is good we're in Channel 75 if there's any complaint please send uh one of the council members any text and we will be addressing I I will be addressing that so let's do item 16 Madame clerk yes Mr President item number 16 is is a resolution for memorandum of understanding between the city of patteron Department of Health and Human Services and cumac E Inc Health and Human Services resolution 24 call 36 second move by councilman Dava second by councilman question council president councilman uh council president normally we receive the memorandum understanding in a format of legal paper why we have it as a format this way the memor understand it was on the package last week U Madame B that question will be directly to you a workshop uh it was we received it on the workshop there's a question on the floor um why theou was received on that form and not a legal form do you mean that it's not the that there's not a reso attached yes correct normally we receive a reso with the wear ass is a legal document for the city of Patterson um and we have uh only the memorandum the I know it's here all contracts are not written the same correct it's a contract cont all contracts are not written the same just because the city's policy is right and whereas that might be between the state the state DCA and the city but yeah mou isou thank thank you council member roll call Mad clerk that's a new Norm roll call and item number 16 for approval councilman abdulaziz councilwoman cotton uh yes Madam thank you madam CL this um understanding memorandum will help a lot of my residents in the fourth ward and with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cartton councilwoman daver yes you're welcome councilman Jackson very good are there any legal concerns that on this item Madam cour we should uh the another resolution will will be presented at the next meeting this should have been accompanied with a resolution for it to be umly so why why would we why would we the resolution is in here why not remove it and and move forward when the res is actually attached there was a resolution yes I there was a resolution just for transparency I think I will um move forward with this umou and then move the resolution as soon as I receive it from Corporation councel very good thank you madam clerk so to members of the public please forgive me tonight I'm going to be on my Soap Box extra hard last week there was an item as a matter of fact last week one through four on the workshop agenda three of the four items was not included in the packet there was nothing for us to read there was nothing nothing for us to prove and many of you have seen me present legislation in the past where I've done things very uh non buus items presented by title in fact uh uh there was a reso that that I that I had to write myself in support of uh ceasefire um and many other items that this Council refused to move on the council didn't say one thing about it last week that that the the item on the agenda for um the Ba's report wasn't included items just got moved forward I I uh see it's not included in the first four items but the fact of the matter is it just went by without any scrutiny so we pick and choose which items we want to handle certain ways and you know again I'm going utilize these moments just to express my concern on the uh the incompetency that's happening right now within our municipal government and it's happening because people are minding other people's business you know it's very difficult for me to receive phone calls from members of the public from employees of the city they're telling me that they've worked in excess of possibly 20 to 23 hours and they have not been paid while many other employees are taking it upon themselves to move things certain ways and they're paying themselves an excess of more than what these people are making in their full salary and that's just the extras so I'm going utilize all this time because obviously you know the council would other members would say well that's not an agenda item for me every single item or every single issue that takes place in this community is an item that needs to be discussed on this Council so when you have through statute when the elections are ran the clerk who is autonomous from the council and from the administration hires individuals and she's responsible for paying them that money does not come out of the taxpayers dollars but yet the ba felt that these people are being paid too much now you've had we've had a ba who is a state senator who sat here and the same process was there the former Clerk and uh uh Jane Warren the same process was there Sonia the same process was there all of a sudden we want to scrutinize the members of the employment who obviously are lower tiered employees who don't make combined with their regular salary and the stip to do the election C they don't make as much as the ba gave herself as a pay increase the 50,000 pay increase is more than what these employees make a year after doing a job that they were away from their families from 3:00 a.m. to possibly 1:32 am. now I apologize because I didn't receive the notice yet I sent the request to the super attendant of Elections and I called her what she said was patteron is the the worst municipality that she has to deal with she said of all the municipalities pison gets all of the voting material back to the superintendent's office last and they're located on River Street maybe was the poth hookes but wanu gets their items here faster than we do so this is I'm putting everyone on notice I have more items that's serious that need to be discussed tonight that obviously this council is not going to look at at lending an ear on it but our clerk just because she's in the capacity of acting her responsibility to the voters to all of us to the public it remains consistent and why has the ba stuck her face in something that has absolutely nothing to do with her but yet every single report that I've asked for I have not received and brother Greer I'll talk about this later because I don't want to prolong it too long give to to people too much information to absorb but I applaud you for coming to the podium last week to talk about the $19 million and what upsets me or doesn't surprise me is certain council members said I didn't know that if I didn't read it in the newspaper but you're a council person you're you're hired you take a oath to know it and you know why we don't know it because the council does not hold the ba accountable when it comes to reporting I've asked for reports about The Stadium I've asked for reports on the car's act spending I've asked for reports on the 17 acres of land we gave away for a dollar I've asked for reports on every single one of these items that the council this is the council's primary role for all of you out there who ran for Council and think your primary role is out there cleaning up garbage in the street that's the mayor's job the council's primary role is to be fiscally responsible for $19 million not to be spent for something beneficial to the community that's a travesty but a bigger travesty is the people that sit here that's responsible for the spending said I don't know that's embarrassing these are the types of things a resolution well we're going to vote on it today and attach the resolution next time this is how we do things here and we wonder why the city's in the condition is and as I entered the building those same white garbage bags out in front the calls that I'm getting for garbage lastly council president I apologize I got called to the Sixth Ward which I have plenty of photographs for with the garbage in the senior citizens building while he laughs seniors that have been calling me since winter I don't have heat I don't have H water in a pison Housing Authority building the garbage I mean if any I'll pass my phone around in the audience so you guys can see this if anyone wants to see the garbage running over was ridiculous please zoom in there if you can can you zoom in there for me please Raphael can you zoom in right here please but anyway while we're sitting here voting on all of these items having these feel-good moments and talking about how great we're moving the city forward this the kind of activity we have our senior citizen population living through while we SP while we allow $19 million forget the 19 where's the $80 million from the Kaz act money they haven't given us one report on how that money was spent the $110 million at Hench Stadium of which $7 million was a grant that was illegally applied for by the former uh uh economic development director uh director where's the reports on that I've asked for everything how much concrete was poured how much was spent but we're voting on things night in and night out you can zoom in that's it okay well I'll pass it around you guys can pass the word because this is the condition that our seniors live in in the Sixth Ward please Madam clerk my vote is yes don't worry get used to it council president it's going to happen a lot tonight don't worry about it you councilman Jackson coun ready for you you wouldn't be ready in a thousand years you don't even understand that you don't understand thank thank you thank you Madame clerk um on this mou my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman K councilwoman Ms so this item is to uh build a agreement with cumac the Bible says when they were hungry we fed them that's what this item is for to expand the services to make sure that no one is left without being provided with something to eat I'm truly excited and I want to give a shout out to director Joel Ramirez there's a program with seniors where they get gift cards to go and I made the request if it would be expanded and many seniors have called they're very excited so I want to give you a shout out that's what this item is on the agenda and that's what we're uh talking about right now much needed cumac is doing a great job we send many families to cumac and they have fresh produce and fresh food all the time so uh this is a great shared service agreement a win for our community um and a win for our city Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman Udin my V is just mam thank you councilman Udin councilman bz uh thank you Madame clerk uh one of the uh things that I highlight here is that this is not going to be no Exchange or monetary compensation or financial from the city to KAC or KAC to us uh this is a Goodwill a memoranda understanding between the city and a place that really really if you travel through that place you see a lot of needy people a lot of people that go pick up food a lot of people get pick up clothing and others things that happen from there you know I just want to say this before sometime I don't understand where we sitting here as a councilman but some people want to know and this is the facts 80% of the AR ARP money was approved with the consent of this city council to spend everything that ARP money was allocated for covid health Parks roads and everything comes through this counc to approve and if you see improvement in our city we are blessed that we got 86 million that we're not going to see it no time soon like councilman Al says that we are blessed that we receive $86 million in the past and all the reports have been shared with this Council it's our responsibility as Council people to inform our community I informed the fifth world residents and they are happy what they see in the fifth War saying that my vote is yet Madam clerk thank you councilman valz Mr President council president could I reconsider before you yes go ahead I just want to reconsider m c say a couple comments because I don't like people that mislead the public when it especially comes to my constituents and all constituents to the seniors at 255 Atlantic my office put a complaint to filco in regards to guards be picked up there's another one Hazel I have it on record my Aid has it on record that we're on it but that's the way we get things done we don't wait for a Tuesday night council meeting to make sure our garbage gets picked up and secondly you heard people talk about the building at 255 Atlantic I I agree with you but don't go praise the executive director stand next to the executive director that's responsible for that building when there's no heat this Council doesn't have any power about that building so my my colleague will go appraise the executive director Commissioners on the Housing Authority but when there's no heat blame the council members that's not how it works the Housing Authority is responsible for that building I agree with the councilman it is probably one of the worst buildings that I have in my ward and the Housing Authority needs to step it Up all right we're responsible pick up the garbage I've already contacted the director and filco but do not come here and say there's no heat I want you to go to the housing authority and go speak up to that I want you to go there instead of stand next to the executive director and praise her tell her that there's no he in that building that's running that building those are the facts and the residence in the sixth FL won't be fooled by your rhetoric council president my vote is yesk thank you clerk I want to reconsider my my vote coun council members so so I I don't I don't council president everybody could do that and now I'm doing it to bring facts and everybody want to come Council let have the floor right after that I'll be voting and we'll be moving on so as as councilman D just stated a working relation with the city employees and working relation with everybody that's out there to serve the community is a must we get things done but I have 199 Carol Street Griffins are residents they had problems in the winter with heat I didn't batch the director I didn't batch the employees I didn't bash my colleagues I called the director and get things done a new boiler was in place the other residents in the fifth W of the senior building has the same problem they call us but we work together to make things done but plan comes in we work with the residents and the seniors out there Madam clerk I hate to say this my vot is Yes again thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you mad clerk so um first of all on this mou we voting on this mou and it's it's the agreement with the Health and Human Service Department with Kuma Kuma is doing outstanding job everybody knows in the city of Patterson the job that Kuma is doing um putting Food grocery in in in in the table of residing of the city P they doing a phenomenal job this document was here last week at the workshop so we know what we're voting for it's very easy to come here and use once the the TV is on talk about things that look and sounds popular but this is the reality we're not voting on nothing that we don't know first of all now the difference between a councilman that really care about the people and care about getting things done will address them Administration immediately I found out that there was a problem with the payment what I did I didn't wait for the TV to be on to start bashing Administration or whoever is involved I call the administration I sit down and on the finance committee we spent one hour having a conversation about the situation with the election one hour before we came here my lunch was uh my it was I just have breakfast around 11:00 a.m. I haven't eat anything but it's my job to work and F and fight for my resident I didn't wait for the TV to be on I spent one hour with the administration and we already have a schedule a meeting with the clerk Department the administration to correct the problem that's our job and that's that's the reason why we're supposed to be here doing the work and finding solution to the problem that affecting our community not when the TV is on my vote is yes mad clerk oh thank you Mr President the votes are nine affirmative item number 16 is hereby adopted item number 12 M clerk item number 12 is a resolution designating Cliff Street between West Broadway and Belmont Avenue to also be known as lont BS way it's sponsored by mayor Andre SE councilwoman Marissa daver councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilwoman Ruby cotton is an Administration resolution 24 3ov second second it was moved by councilwoman Mara Dava councilwoman M councilwoman Ruby Kon and second by Council councilman and councilman K roll call man item number 12 roll call on item number 12 councilman ABD yes councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk this is um if everybody U remember Lamont Bose was um uh in the music industry um back in the day I would say back in the day but he was in the music industry and um you know he was always known as having the largest East egg in the country country here in the city of Patterson up at e par he bought in trailer loads of of bicycles and toys when he was into the music industry because he got um rappers singers actors everyone involved in in in the community to help support our community and for many many years Lamont B supported this community for many many years um and I still remember people from other parts of the country talk about patteron New Jersey and the big Easter egg hunt yeah because some people wasn't around people weren around so I was around and I know what lont BOS done for our city with that being said lont BOS thank you for everything you have done for us we appreciate it I appreciate you with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman C councilwoman Dava thank you very much um I can actually say that um back in the 80s when I was in High School I remember him bringing Run DMC to eii high school um it was a pleasure having lunch with him last week um thank you for all that you have done for our community and continue to do and you know um it gives me great pleasure and honor to be part sponsor of today's resolution my vote is yes thank you councilman DAV councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk this is going to be all night people and luckily I I have a different relationship with Mr BS so I don't have to go on on record tonight and and kissing up to him I used to work for him I was his intern when he was uh the president the senior vice president at mtown I was there when he did uh Michael Jackson project Luther Evangel project I was there actually was getting yelled at by him crazily on during the East egg hunt days so that's all fine and well but members of the public wake up see this the kind of stuff right here see this is a legislative body we write the legislation what they did on this this is the mayor writing an item to gain public and Community Support specifically for the black community right let me Spotlight someone I'll grab two other people and let them co-sponsor not just take anything away from them I'm glad they did it and LaMont is deserving of this but let's talk about since the council president wants to make comments on what do you do in your community and I go meet with the legislation let me just bring it to the public attention today I had to take a phone call from Bloomingdale Police Department or courts today for them to for the judge to laugh at it and lift a warrant while the administration is calling around asking about a bench warrant in my name trying so desperately to get me arrested because I'm up here doing things like this see here's a blueprint for the First Community First World Community Center that we drafted that g you know all about it right we drafted this what eight years ago nine 10 years ago when I first got elected when the mayor first got elected as mayor I went to them say hey we have extra money the church owns the site let's create the the community center I already paid for the blueprints I paid to have the Chicken Shack demo this Council then took a vote to purge taxes on the property and deem the property is non- taxable you know what the administration did they put it back on the tax RS and they never served the church they served the property location where the building would had been de so if you look at that property now there's trucks tractor trailers being illegally parked there they was already cited by the zoning officer by uh Mr Gilmore's office the uh uh Community improvements but they don't care because in patteron you could do anything you want to do unless you belong to the community then they come and slap you so the administration went and sold the property in the tax sale for $24,000 and then it was flipped the next day for $200,000 while there was an open investigation by DCA on this property if I'm not talking facts here I would like for anyone to dispel that so what I do is I go meet with the administration no you compromise yourself consistently and they give you little small trinkets for you to let things like this go by because I Ally I rather for all of my Council colleagues to support me on this measure for Grace Chapel with the church owned this property for 50 plus years but yet G we come here and say I don't know what happened to the $19 million all we was proposing was 4 million so $119 million that gets wasted and that money did not go into places where it was reported we didn't get any reports on that so if they want to talk this rhetoric about being respons responsible it's a lie it's a lie tell them to produce the reports and make put it on the desk and make it public the way the the uh agenda is they sit here and lie and then they utiliz the platform the way they did when Kathy Morgan came to the to the to the to the podium you're not talking about the item where they could go off and talk about all kinds of different things and yet we're not commenting on how his Aid called the gentleman a we don't talk about that publicly so yes I do wait for the television to come on because the community needs to be informed about your BS your lies and if there's something that I'm not lying about then please State the facts and this is the perfect item to do this on because Lamont B is one that laid his blood sweat tears down for this community and often times turn into the administration and the council to get no support council president you better get ready for it I want to see I want to see you tell the cops to remove me the way you threaten to move have members of the public remove for for for for utilizing their constitutional rights of freedom of speech I am ready but this a shame you get ready I'm talking right now I'm speaking right now I will wrap up if you don't interrupt me otherwise I could start again finish okay I will fin W I will I'll continue to show your your incompetency the entire night cuz I'm tired of is we sit here and watch the ba that is cruel and unusual punishment that is an abuse of power for them see here she goes but yet there's 18 employees that worked 18 employees that worked for the elections and didn't get paid well by the way Fernando who works for the the mayor was out campaigning for his candidate against me and I bet you his check wasn't reduced while the elections were going on uh election day he was out knocking on doors with her and I bet you he has a full check while she's saying these people are being paid too much money that's a crime and this Council has an obligation to these employees to the people that work and to the clerk but yet we're sitting on our hands celebrating things like this Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman Kik I got for you what what are we voting on Madam CLK item number 12 I I you know I got I got I got lost item number 12 councilman item number 12 correct yes sir this gentleman is patteron raised as I'm looking through the resolution who worked with Michael Jackson Luther vandros Boys to Men Tony Braxton is there anything else to say about not voting affirmative on this resolution my vote is yes Madam thank you councilman K councilwoman Mims so the item we're voting on and I know there's other issues but I never want to take those issues and muddy up a resolution where we're trying trying to name a street after one of Patterson's Legends we're voting on a legend and Patterson we could talk about those issues and concerns and I'm not saying don't talk about them but when we're voting on an item for Lamont BS who's getting a street name we have to make sure we focus on that because we'll lose the the celebratory moment with other stuff the M BS is a pillar in this community Patterson born and raised the M BS as Council m already talked about he had the first Easter egg Hunton had it for decades in eai park the first person to ever give the bikes and all the toys and all that stuff in eai park he worked for Sony records he bought and he worked with the famous people that would mention but I I'd like to highlight all the pisoni that couldn't get a break that he took and got their tapes and listened to them and pulled them in and gave them critique and gave them all different type of wise counsel to ensure if they were going to make it in that field or not Lamont BS I know you're watching um and I thank you that even to this day you are still Paving the way you're a member of Christ Temple Church you're doing great work over there with Pastor Wen MC Williams you work very closely with assemblyman womy and Recreation and you're still giving back to this community thank you for everything you've done for our youth everything you're still doing for our youth this is a much deser deserved honor and I want to uh thank my Sor Ro Angie Frasier for highlighting and advocating to get this done um for Lamont BS Lamont BS my vote is yes and I say congratulations thank you Dr Ms cman Udin amen both thank you so very much for everything you have done for the city of Patterson that Patterson raised at night and it's absolutely my honor to support this resolution my vote is yes M thank you coun Mr lar B have to have another last name it's going to be wayy so in other words this is a legacy for those that He pave the road and that's important you know all the family is watching now people friends are watching all our comments they have the right to AIT only take the compliment of the three nameen I could give you that authorization right now but I'm glad that we honor people that dedicate their life to serve the community we're not receiving nothing back my word is yes on this thank you councilman valz Mr President thank you m clerk I definitely feel very pleased to vote on this resolution because Lono when we talking about pison history he's pison history he's the role model that we want to see in our community uh before my vote it's important to put fats on the table um there was a young lady that was um that has a situation she was involved in the discussion during the election uh she's now my Council a um you know just let's speak fast you know I don't even entertain some of my counsil Cali when they try when they're start attacking me but it's important but one of the thing that speak value about her is that she came over here to ask for an apologies he also met with a clerk and she's a phenomenal young lady and she volunteered a lot of the community she was working for the county at that time not with me but she collaborated with me a lot and she's um she is a very special person in our community uh and everybody deserve a chance um as for an apologies uh second of all um the best way for you to fight for your community is to be able to sit down and I'm going to say this if you are in government and you don't have the ability and the capacity to sit down with other the people people that you disagree and people that you might don't like personally if you don't have the capacity to sit out with those people and advocate for your community you're not going to be able to help the people that you love and the people that elect you that's the reason why when I became the president of this Council I invite all my Council Cali to meet with the state to meet with DCA to have discussion about the state funding and be informed not only me all my Council KH we all equal here I'm just a facilitator my Council K elected me as a council president and since then I've been open the door up open the door for everybody even cast Jack I invite him to sit down with DCA he refused to go but by everybody I deserve that if we really want to help this community we have to be able to sit down with the VA with Corporation Council even though we disagree in a lot of the things but we have to be able to sit on the table respect each other and fight for our community that's the best way to do it so once again congratulation among welld deserved thank you Council Khali for bringing this resolution my vote is yes thank you Mr President before I announce the votes I just want to confirm that Miss um the year um the young lady that worked on the campaign she did meet with me today gave me a written apology and she did apologize to me in private so just want to acknowledge that she did apologize for her behavior which was uncharacteristic of her and I have accepted her apology thank you so the votes are nine yeses item number 12 is hereby adopted thank you madam clerk item number 14 item number 14 14 is a resolution commemorating juneth the oldest known celebration of the abolish of slavery in the United States and the oldest known African-American holiday observance it's sponsored by councilwoman Ruby and carton councilwoman Dr Lisa Mims and councilman Michael Jackson co-sponsored by the remaining members of the municipal Council it's a city council resolution 24 call 366 second mve by Council woman MS and councilwoman C second by Council and councilman roll cler on item number 14 roll call and item number 14 for approval councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk um um we're doing this resolution for the juneth where we would be celebrating it on June the 22nd at the Underground Railroad um it will start at 9:00 in the morning uh with the hootin B mistler uh Underground so if you're able to make it um is for celebration of the juneth which is June 22nd even though juneth is the 19th but we are able to do it on Saturday the 22nd at 9 o'clock at the Underground Railroad by where the parking authority um your parking authority um building is Broadway by the Wendy's so if you can make it please come out Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman cotton councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk um obviously this is a great moment to uh to uh highlight and and you know um pointing out some of the language within the reso the abolishment of slavery and uh uh there no more pertinent time to talk about some of these issues and and again I I did apologize to the public before but but again I'm on my box I will will not allow anyone to paint the picture or create the narrative that I've been ever been unnegotiable I've negotiated with every single person on this Council I've supported every single person only to have been double crossed I've went to Corporation counsel and you guys are going to hear much more about it I've went to him on multiple items where he's told me things like you've got my word I went to the ba as well I went to the mayor I just showed you the prince the church Church's property was stolen from them when you continue to go to people and ask and ask and you get nothing in return what do you do at that point and we talking about I go to them and negotiate for the betterment of this community I'm asking you pisoni where do you feel as if our community is any better as I was coming here a young man complaining about a a dink in his Rim he said I said yeah poth is out of control he said we waiting for you to fix them that's the mayor's responsibility and of and and of 19 roads that's being paved 12 of them in the Sixth Ward so what does that leave the first where we at on the list so to to try to paint the narrative of I'm being unwilling to negotiate or go to them and willing to to to to uh give ground that's that's an absolute fallacy that's the furthest thing from the truth while our community is the most dangerous community of all my cousin Mary who lost her life on re on uh uh uh right right up right outside then another cousin we just lost through gun violence how many members of our community and it just so happens to be that the black community is at the at the grunt of this while we sit here and play these games every single night I'm not going to allow it to happen I'll just say this as I close can do you now do you understand why they wanted me gone why now do you understand why the mayor walked the streets and hit every door while every while the majority of this Council supported somebody else so I couldn't sit here and put them in uncomfortable moments like this you know what the other person would have done yes thank you it this is phenomenal fantastic I love all the black people thank you Jun teth this is an embarrassment and we should we should be embarrassed what happened to these employees predominantly black employees who can't even afford to pay their rent Who come out and do an extra job on Election Day just so they could recover some additional money for the ba to Commander their check and this Council to sit on our hands and every time you consistently hear the council say it's not us this Council holds equal authority to the administration when it chooses to exercise it but right now this this council's complicit they're they're in they're in cohorts with the with the administration and anything that that they do to abuse the people we sit here and just allow it to happen I will not I will not Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you thank you councilman J councilwoman Ms so um I want to thank councilwoman C for bringing this item forward this is an item that commemorates 1865 1865 is when the Declaration was made that slaves were free even over 400 years later there's still some things that are old to our our people and our community and that's why I continue to be a part of the reparations conversations and even there has been um a bill that established the reparation task force so that we're able as the African-American Community to get what's rightfully that rightfully belongs to our people for all of the things that we en endured unnecessarily as a a a daughter of a mother who was someone that picked cotton and churned tobacco a granddaughter of of grandparents that were a part of the slave trade it is really disheartening and it's a really sad situation to always be reminded daily of our past struggles our past bondages but we're so grateful to God that he brought us through and we are still yet here to be able to openly declare that we deserve our reparations we deserve the respect we also deserve to be acknowledged for all of the bondage that we incurred during that time um during slavery and still yet even in these days it is a sad day where we still encounter to racism derogatory um situations unnecessary language and all types of things that happen even yet still to this day people are still being um ostracized and and and domiciled to the to the effects of what happened to us in slavery so with this item it is commemorating I'm glad to see that it is here but I'm also looking to see more things to be done um we have the privilege to be on the um the New Jersey bit call Black issues caucus we're participating in that myself and councilwoman cotton um and that is a really important call because on that call you get to learn what bills they're passing what they're working on what's in committee where is it standing and you can give input and give some advice as as it um relates to it so um we will continue to bring forth these items even if it's in support of the bills that are being done and I want to thank our um our senator Paul our assemblyman Benji wimbley and assembly woman shv Sumpter for leading the charge as well as their their other colleagues on these matters not just for our people but for all people Madam clerk with that being stated my my vote is yes thank you Dr Ms councilman Udin so after even after 100 Years of Declaration of Independence people had to fight to free from slavery and even after that 100 years gone we had to fight for civil rights and after Civil Rights Movement many years gone we still speak about black lives matter and we need to understand that our existence when I I I said it multiple times that when we talk about the immigration immigrants here in the United States our existence here because of the African-Americans we stand here we sit here because of them so this is absolutely an honor that we are going to celebrate 20th anniversary of June 10th and also June 19th is a paid holiday in the city of Patterson I thank councilman khen councilman Dr Lisa mips for putting this resolution together in 2020 I believe right a paid holiday for the city of P you did you did okay I I really commend that with that being said my vot is I'm I'm ready to celebrate on the on Saturday we're going to walk in the parade we're going to go to East Side park and we're going to have a day to commemorate thank and thank everyone who fought for our freedom and fought for our existence here in this country in this city and of of course in this chamber my V is yes mam Kirk thank you you councilman Odin councilman B time to celebrate what was that time to commemorate and time to celebrate too uh at the same time to my brothers and sisters from the africanamerican community we are one we are one and the reason we are one is because you paid the role to be able to be here today to us you go to Puerto Rico AF Africa is in Puerto Rico if you go if you go to Dominican Republic Africa is in Dominican Republic if you go to any other cities or probably countries in the Caribbean Africa is also in those countries so we are one and the good thing is that Patterson is a melting Pok it's a mixture and then we come together together to celebrate before my vote I want to apologize to the organizers this weekend I will be a way to a wedding our family is getting married we're going to be out of the state so just in case no rumors are going to be out of the state it's not that I'm not going to be participating presence but I'm there by my heart and my colleague will represent me too so saying that my vote is yes congratulation and let's celebrate together and remember the flag racing I believe is going to be Wednesday I think so I'll be there thank you my vote is yes thank you councilman valz councilwoman DAV thank you very much Madam clerk um definitely in full support um I as well would like to from now let you all know that I will not be here as well um Saturday June 15th is my son 25th birthday uh and my mom's 70th year and it's nine years now that she's gone to heaven so we have plans and with that you know I am actually going to be out of the state as well I'll be in Vegas I think I've shared this to all my colleagues so I won't be here till the following week um but with that said you know enjoy I know the parade is coming the festival I'm in full support um my vote is yes thank you councilwoman DAV Mr President thank thank you mad Clerk I will definitely be um representing my Council Khali at the parade on Saturday and I would like to take this moment to invite all the resident of the great C patteron and also those um um out of town uh um members of this community of New Jersey that watch this council meeting to just join us on this great parade that is going to be on Saturday we're going to have a great weather uh Saturday starting at 10 o'cl uh based on what I know and also the parade and the festival at the uh East Side park all the permit everything is ready uh for for us to have a beautiful uh festival at the park and this is a great opportunity for us to talk uh to our children about history about slavery in this nation and and being this day that you know that they end uh slave in this nation it's a great it's a great time for us to talk uh to our children about history uh our children they need to know the history they need to know the struggle and I'm always say that civilization start in Africa you could go to South America Central America to the Caribbean and black is everywhere so this is our time to celebrate diversity to celebrate what is the true history of this nation so I'm looking forward to celebrate and enjoy this great parade I understand that some of my Council will be out but the rest will be there so with that being said my vote is yes mad clerk thank you council president the votes are seven yeses two absences item number 14 is hereby adopted thank you m clerk item 15 item number 15 is a resolution a resolution honoring The Life and Legacy of Dr Paul SOA for 40 years of dedicated service to the city of Patterson it's sponsored by cilman MD Ford Udin and co-sponsored by the remaining members of the municipal Council it's a city council resolution 24 calling 367 second second some move it was move by councilman Udin second by councilwoman Ms and councilman bz roll call M clerk on item number 15 roll call and item number 15 for approval councilwoman cotton yes councilwoman Dava yes councilman Jackson yes Council woman MS so I didn't say this in the um the when we have the last item but back in I believe 2020 I wrote the legislation to make juneth a city y paid holiday for all the employees and to this day our employees get paid and they're off on juneth so I want to put that on the record that I wrote that legislation in 2020 this is the last item City business will be finished after this and we'll move forward but great job council president this is the last item on the agenda my vote is yes thank you Dr memes councilman Udin thank you Madame clerk I reminded Dr L Sam of what she has done in 2020 so I should get some credit for reminding you um so to the pet lovers in the city to the pet lovers in the city of Patterson you know Dr Sova for last 40 plus years uh he has inherited the um Blue Cross Dog and Cat Hospital on mcklin goldber um from his father he has passed away last not last month in April 18th 2024 and he closely worked with our chief of animal control uh Chief Deano since 1975 so I think it's in and he voluntarily helped so many of our residents pet and pet owners as well so we uh we uh pray for his departed Soul uh my sincere condolences uh to the family his son is still practice the same location uh so again um if you stop by if you go there uh just know this uh just express your condolences to the family and I'll try to bring the family here in the council chamber and honor uh the uh the family for for the service of their of Dr SOA for last 40 plus years in the city of Patterson my vote is absolutely yes thank you councilman urin councilman valz that's true councilwoman uh this men uh this that resolution of honoring the afroamerican week or celebration has a lot of names and whereas your name Ruby yeah co-sponsor also in the 1990 also shows that Council will be aiming to do the uh legislation recognizing yeah so this is a a real good body resolution for those that want to have a copy and read it you could have it and take it home and framing um you know when we talk about service 40 years of service and sometime we don't we we we think we only serve people there's animals out there that we serve dogs cats and um right those are lovers animals they everybody knows I have a nice beautiful husky so um we to serve you know even that he's serving now from Heaven you know he served our city quite good when he needed a volunteer you know you are was their pres so it's a great loss it's a bad loss for all of those that that used to get service in the animal control or yeah no my dog my dog used to be served yes so my vote is yes rest in peace thank you councilman B councilman KH I vot is yes Madam thank you councilman k Mr President thank you m Clerk and before my vote Council m m you should should get that resolution frame and presented at this at the parade because that was a very big resolution uh making sure that our city employees you know get this as a holiday and also get paid that's that's amazing and I definitely we thank you for that uh we definitely moving forward and also uh Council mine thank you for honoring The Life and Legacy of Dr Paul Sova uh for the 40 years of service without been saying my vot is yes Madam cler thank you Mr President the votes are eight yeses absent item number 15 is hereby adopted council president council president before you close uh before you go to thank you Madame cler um give me a second you announce the vote mad cler yes I you did yes council member yeah thank you council president uh you know I don't want to leave this place uh without asking through the chair to The Madam ba there is um some I don't know it's factual I don't know if it's true I don't know if it's real we don't know and I got to say we don't know I don't know regarding issues of this 19 employees whatever councilman Jackson mentioned of not getting paid on Election time and and he assumed that it's only only uh people of color that not getting paid uh I would like to have sir go back to the tape Go sir members of the public please so please so assuming that he said whatever he said I'm listening okay um what we want is I want is as possible Madame ba at the end of the meeting or if you could send us a a detail um of what really happened because um we don't want to go to assume that things are being taken on people hands and not really uh uh the case right so to get the real facts if you want to have it email it to us in writing or after the meeting you could um clarify any statement made regarding that issue um anybody anybody want to see the tape after this you could listen to yourself or the tape thank you council member so members of the public um and I and I address the situation with the payment um when I hear what would happen I met with the VA we spent almost an hour going through the document what I'm going to do tomorrow because this is an emergency I'm going to ask some of my Council call to join me on a meeting with the clerk and and Madam ba Madam cler Madame ba to address this matter our employee they deserve to get paid so let's get to the bottom of the situation and that's the best way to fix a problem let's bring all the party on the table what happened let's fix it on the table um and I'm going to ask my Council KH that want to participate for Council Members we sit down with the administration and we'll go over um now we going going into a public portion members of the public I'm only ask for two thing be respectful the three minutes that we that we have and also to be respectful my Council KH as council president Council give me a minute as council president I cannot sit here and allow members of the community to just disrespectful coun disrespect council member calling the name clown and all of that that's not going to take us anywhere coming into the chamber disrespected council members will not take you anywhere now I do appreciate to see the community in this room because it take a lot of effort for you to leave your house and come here and sit there for 4 hours to speak I mean it's that speak value that means that you care about pisu you might not expressing on the way that other people will agree but you care about the city taking time out of your time just to be here and use your three minutes so let's use the three minutes wisely let's respect every Council Cali and we want to hear from you we want to take note and we all here to make our city better so M clerk let's call our first Speaker how many speaker do we have before I call the first Speaker can you let me speak after after the public portion M before I call the first Speaker Mr President I'd like to introduce a two new hares in the city council's office Miss drra Pao and Miss Crystal finga are two new members of Staff in the city council great [Applause] employees thank you well welcome to team welcome to the team I need some friend L's they are they are and they will they are and they will let's call the first Speaker M clerk first speaker is Miss Eva El razac Elvis Duran I'm sorry Mr Elvis dor patteron New Jersey um before I get into my announcements just want to say this as the promoter for the City of patteron New Jersey and a gospel music promoter I don't understand $19 million we got that in 2020 and nobody could come up with no ideas this is the third L city in New Jersey it's so many stuff you could have done with1 million upstairs from 711 you could had created a performing off center so I just want to bring that up up um also the African Heritage parade is this Saturday June 15 10:00 a.m. it's starting from the M Temple 224 Broadway and it's going all the way to East Side park 8 800 Broadway patteron New Jersey and 12:00 p.m. will be the at um will be the juneth festival at East Side park okay my Annual Gospel Summer Jam I want to ask the city council just endorse it say something about it I do this every year and now it's got different brands got one in prate got two in patteron New Jersey but M's Elvis dorm Outreach music production presents gospel summer Jan Sunday July 21st it's a free will donation doors open at 3:00 p.m. the concert start at 4:00 p.m. and it's going to be on the first war New Generation King up a power Ministry 170 North Street patteron New Jersey and it's going to be featuring Elvis dorm the King of patteron New Jersey will be live in concert come out and support because I could go any place else but I choose to stay right here in my City patteron New Jersey and this this going to happen on the first war now I'm going to talk about the fourth war council woman will be cotton War Eric McKenzie and the Highlight Juniors Anniversary Concert Saturday June 29th doors open at 2:00 p.m. the concert starts at 3:00 p.m. it's going to be at Kanan Baptist Church 535 East 22nd Street Patterson New Jersey fishing Little David and the bells of joy out of Baltimore they coming from all the way from Baltimore y'all tickets is only $25 this is going to be one of the biggest gospel cons to ever hit the city of Patterson for more information you can contact 862 276 5041 862 276 5041 just want y'all to know before I sit down gospel concerts is back in patteron New Jersey okay I want y'all to put that down gospel concer is back in patteron New Jersey and it's going to be other promoters coming to to this microphone telling you about other events and not only gospel concert we got some onb concerts on the way to patteron New Jersey okay God bless you and peace next speaker mad cler next speaker is Miss Eva razac and M members of the community when you speak on the mic don't speak too close because uh I hear it's doesn't sounds good when you when you get too close to the mic we got EV that's EV that's said that's EV ladies and gentlemen good evening everyone good evening um there's always a reason for my madness um I say since last week we had an issue that we were felt some kind of way the women I have to tell all my women each and every one of us is a queen it's easy it's easy for a man to lay us down but it's hard for them to get us back up and I have to say something in this town the more we fight the more we're going to separate now I'm going to stand in the front because I want my sisters up there because I ain't got my glasses on to read this sister Mims what it means to be a queen [Music] excuse black persistent sophisticated talented beautiful passionate remarkable alert ing wonderful brown sugar amazing phenomenal whatever we want we got it we could do it just like we want it but needs to be stated is already understood I'm just adding stuff to it cuz we're all that in a bag of [Applause] chips I got this dress at an event that it was Ho hats for hope and yesterday and this weekend at the event that was happening at East Side park with the sares I went here to miss barah Ames to autism I went to a little bit but I want to say us ladies we rock and Mr gentlemen out here and I don't mean to be disrespectful to any gentleman any race do not call us out of our names because you were born out of a woman a mother not a hooch not a bch and I learned something when they call you a lady we are you know why cuz it means being in total control herself get it get it and listen to my men cuz I don't leave you behind when they call you you is a niggga nevertheless in God's Arena get it get it get it because you know what we all deserve to be respected from anybody so for me to do this today it took a lot but I said you want to know something I need to bring something and when you say make memories I want somebody some some this to be said when Eevee leaves this world I want to leave an impression that I came from wherever I was kidnapped to Patterson to bring love and respect once again my Queens I'm going to model you did that Queen thank you Eva thank you thank you we say next speaker M cler I love you guys I really mean that we love you too Miss Kathy Morgan okay Miss Darlene Morris Darlene Darlene Morris Darlene Morris I thought I had my notes out okay good evening everyone my name is Thor Morris born and BR in Patterson and still a proud paronian regardless uh I came here tonight because I took umbrage with some things that were said um in the council meeting last week but first and foremost with regards to Joshua the little eight-year-old boy that was crushed and smashed by a car twice and nobody knew that's problem number one then you know when I when you talked about the $19 million I don't know well also when you talk about ji Lowry when you talk about Nai the and the reports nobody you don't get any definitive information and then when people are upset and angry then it becomes a big deal and um and nobody but you still don't get any answers and I wonder how long that you expect for people to sit back not be served properly rents going up Sky High can't afford to eat you give them crumbs they got to go out in the street and standing lines getting evicted every week got to walk past garbage the kids are getting killed the kids are getting crushed and then say this isn't the place to talk about it I bet if Andre se's son got crushed in the car you wouldn't have been able everybody would have talked about a to nauseum and I took issue also when someone mentioned that it felt like a third world country well if that's the way they feel they can say that they can say say that because nobody wants to live in the third world country and if that's how I feel it's a legitimate feeling and then you know I was looking here at this resolution tonight for juneth and I celebrate juneth for the abolishment of slavery it's just unfortunate it's not abolished the law was signed but now we have quiet weapons and Silent Wars because when a city could stand by have the mayor go with somebody to destroy someone else try to destroy his business try to destroy first it was he was always getting tickets then it was his business on this and then the mayor takes walks through the city to try to destroy this man and what bothers me is that black people sit there and don't say this place should be teaming with people that come against this Administration that's going to try to destroy a black business you don't see them destroying them businesses in the six board because they got they they he's part of them if we stop wanting to be a part of everybody else and be us then we're going to get we own nothing we own absolutely nothing and that's why they could they don't come to us we keep running to them and unless and until we get black folks together and we build our own communities like Black Wall Street and if they come to destroy us we destroy them first I don't I I'm not trying to be diverse I want black pride speak man Clerk David Thompson so next speaker David Thompson da he left he left let speak no Francis Harrison good evening everyone Francis Harrison 302 East 41st Street I've come down to speak and my uh comments is for the ba this City's filth this City's unlawfulness is because of you okay you are the one that holds the purse strings for this city you have directors that are over departments that the community comes before these mics over and over and over complaining about lack of but these directors do not come to show their face so what does the community do they beat up on the council they bring it to your attention and still nothing is being done about it the filth in this city the lack of enforcement and the things that are going on my question to you is what is it that you really are trying to do and what if you're doing about the fact that we do not have any weekend inspectors any night inspectors because you refuse to pay uh uh good wage to these people that's one of the excuses that you're saying that people don't want these jobs but the loow hanging fruit the amount of money that can be gotten through hiring people that are comptable and willing to do their job what really are you doing to this city to replace these inspectors because on the weekend everybody knows come on the weekend and do anything that you want they don't have dumpsters they bag out stuff this um um garbage company that you insisted was going to save us money they're still picking up recycle and and uh construction long as you greas their palms pictures have been sent complaints have been made but it's still happening we need inspectors and we need enforcement in this city when are you going to hire people to enforce this city the other thing is for the finance guys gone we bring things to the community and it's always we're going to come back to it we're going to come back to it we're going to more move it forward and then we're going to come back what is the issue with the sewer bill when is that going to be brought back up to get straightened out for the for the uh people okay that has not been brought back um there was one other thing I wanted to talk about oh the reports we keep asking for reports what is so hard if you're doing the job and you can quantify it to give the community the reports that we continually ask for thank you thank you next speaker M cler Reverend Fisher Unity Missionary left Chanel fields she all right Madam clerk you can call me whatever you want before I begin before you start my time um I want to say that I'm speaking on behalf of Latavia naac I did clear this with council president the mother of Joshua and the CAC he is the eight-year-old boy who was crushed between the car to those of you who would like to donate the cash tag for the eight-year-old Joshua is cashtag sign dime lowercase d i m e 34 672 again dollar sign lowercase d i m e 34 6 72 he is having surgery in the morning his mother was planning to be here tonight to speak on his behalf um but his surgery is actually going to take 12 hours tomorrow um much like Darlene Morris I have a real problem tonight that I can no longer be silent about anymore I'm bringing it to the Public's attention where will hopefully be explained and or resolved on Tuesday May 28th one of the most ignorant and insensitive statements I've ever heard was made in this council meeting the statement and our quote was as a mom educator and grandmother I didn't need to speak about this platform because I have spoken to the mother several times yet guiltily then proceeds to speak about it this child had almost 17 surgeries and is still going through it we should be praying that's what we should be doing then you proceed to further put your foot in your mouth and I quote again you got to get to know the criminal Bell reform law if they don't have nothing on their jacket or a significant crime or incident they are released on their own recognizance this mother is fighting for justice for a child then you begin to ingratiate yourself you're going to see me posting for donations you had 14 days Dr Mims what have you done to the public she has not made one public request for donations for this mother that's a lie it no it's my turn and I came and I caname several times where you have stated things that bear no ounce of Truth followed up with I quote it is not the platform to use that concern because it is a very serious concern further ingratiating self rather than focusing on the issue at hand about how your son almost died at one years old because of an appendix rupture and then was later hit by a car at 8 years old somehow you felt the need to share that though and your son is alive news flash nobody wants to hear about your son in the middle of their son fighting for his life it can't always be pictures parties and ribbon cuting this is not the place this is the platform to speak about these issues that plague our community this mother latavian aat has cried and still cried this child is suffering every minute the public needs to know that the person that hit this child received several citations for reckless driving and endangerment since 2018 does that not sound like someone who needs to be off the road the public needs to know that Joshua the 8-year-old was crushed so hard that his leg was amputated part of his hip was removed due to infection his rect was torn out he suffers with internal bleeding and his stomach his g tools were mashed and his kidneys are damaged which forces him on dialysis at 8 years old how dare you attempt to silence the council in the public from speaking about something so important but let it be your sority you don't miss a moment to run the red lips about my sorrow my sorrow your self-security is questionable every time don't run your resume down at every meeting be the part you tell us you are in real life you don't want to be called a clown you know what I'm not going to call you that I'm going to call you a bad child you're the bad child whose parents know that the child is bad and needs to be chastised and keeps giving getting chances and we hope you course correct why is it that every time councilman Jackson says something you feel the need to go behind him and oppose him towards everyone shame on you tonight as a person who loves this community and I love you I need you to get yourself together and stop being the ass that you call him at the breakfast on Saturday enough it's next speaker council president council president I I need to I need to interject and I know we normally wait till later but I I need council president council president trust I it will be better I closing I'll open with you before we start yeah Mr Eddie I wa I everybody could public I will address the lies I will address it at the end yes next speak man cler Mr Eddie Oles members of the public next speaker man cler he's at the yes good evening pison I I am going to title my three minutes oh thank you um again I am going to title my three minutes today what not to do this is directed at council members throughout the United States excluding you guys on this Council there's only one person that is worthy of the title councilman and that is you Mr Jackson and so this is for council members in other municipalities this is what you should not do you have witnessed here in the few minutes in the public speaking in just a few minutes exactly what you should not do they show you every week week in and week out we show you what not to do but I want to illustrate too bad that Mr abdalaziz is not here um you know a few weeks ago uh Mr Jackson introduced a resolution to honor the life of the Carter family for Hurricane for uh Hurricane Carter and Mr abdelaziz felt the need to to outdo Mr Jackson and in real time he said he was going to call the county and he called I don't know who he called but he called someone and he says no Mr Jackson you did not go far enough you know uh we should we should erect a statue or something to that to that effect and the references that have been made to the clowning it's me it's I who use that terminology uh but this counil is confusing uh how should I say this you know facts with what they feel is disrespectful to call the president the council president call him by name Mr Mr Mendes you are incompetent is that disrespectful can you order these fine police officers to take me out of the chambers no you can't you don't have such a power you don't okay these offers here they know exactly what to do they know when to intervene and if you get stupid they're going to have take you in coughs anyone they're not here to take orders from you but I want to end with this uh Dr Mims last week threaten to bring people and beat me up because of what I said because of things that I said and now you know if the if the the the intention was to instill fear let me tell you you succeeded my wife is terrified of you m terrified and so I tell you council members throughout this country this is what you do not do you do not threaten people you do not be disrespectful to people you know um Mr Abdel AIS he didn't even show up to the uh to the honoring of the the the Carter family that is disrespectful and to call him a clown is too much he's less a clown speak Clerk hegan council president is any chance Rafael raise the value the value of the mic for the council M especially from the clerk if you could use lower but members of the public do not speak close to the mic because people can it can listen to you when if you speak as muffel yes you if you get close to the mic no council president it's the volume inside here that I cannot hear any chance did you check down the microphone of mad cler so just continue Rafael will check that just continue let's start with you three minutes okay good evening abeda 178 Michigan Avenue it's been 250 days since the war Gaza happened I don't know if you guys keep up with the news but a massacre just happened a genocide and it's continuous since October and it is a shame for each single council member that was there on Friday to honor the Palestinian flag raising while you guys are sitting there and advocating for Joe Biden that's genocide Joe that's his nickname you're advocating for people to vote for him and you could shake your head yes no I mean listen it's the Democratic party that's what you guys are going to support no matter what so whether it's Joe Biden or Bill pascarel that signs and votes for the funding for Israel and puts up posters and bullboards on the highway that say pro Israel is pro America but he didn't he forgot about 1977 1977 when the USS sorry 1967 when the US Liberty the naval ship that got Bound by Israel and killed more than half of the soldiers that were on that vessel but let's digress from that let's not try to be Hypocrites let's stand by a word because that's all we have we have to be people of honor and moral and ethic being very ethical we give the public three minutes to speak up here and that's not enough time for a lot of people but at the same time in our code of contact code of conduct for the city council they have two minutes to respond last Council last regular meeting it took two hours for the city council to finish the closing of the public portion whereas the public finished in 30 minutes but the council took two hours can we switch it up let's take give the give the public 15 minutes to speak and then you guys take the three minutes to respond you guys could sit there and reach out to each individual person it's the same people that come here every single week it's not new most mostly it's not new faces so everybody should have every single person's number that's in here and you could call them and respond to them directly there's no need to give them excuses this and that and sit there for 45 minutes not just councilman Jackson because it was every single one that took more than 20 minutes to to give a yes vote to close the public portion I like to yield my time to my son he has some uh concerns also stand up here speak hi my name my name's is H what you guys them we need like more stuff for the community because the kids are just playing on the road so what you need we need like playing grounds what else that's that's it your three minutes are up thank you thank you thank you thank you that's speak M [Applause] clerk Kathy Morgan come on no no I want everybody no seriously I want everybody feel safe come on come on no seriously come stand by me I want everybody to feel safe while I'm here you sure stay there okay cuz I don't want nobody to be upset I don't want nobody to be scared or frighten or any of that stuff I don't want to be accosted when I leave you know because my husband is concerned okay so Madame ba I'mma start with you I've sat in this council chambers not this per se many of times and I've heard Mike ask you for documentation reports where money's gone and where money's G going and to date and my kids were little little to date we haven't gotten anything so I'm trying to figure out what's going on here okay there's no answers so I'mma need for you to step up your game or give back that raise you just got so maybe these other people can get paid let's do that um see how that work and um as far and little man you on point cuz I was just getting ready to say everything for our children is gone there's no Community Center ERS there's no place for these kids to go half of these parents are working their fingers to the bones so they don't have an outlet they don't have anybody we were able to go to gano's church when we was little we go get box lunches during the summer and all of that we had the free Camp task force they don't have that they want they did have the plan of 301 in the moall IHOP had the free dinner after hours everything's so high to that's even gone you got that big mall that's getting ready to be empty because the rent is too much and I want to know about the parking on the sidewalks they y' build they're building all these unaffordable housing excuse me affordable H housing and people have driveways they have garages they don't have driveways and they're parking on the street literally on the sidewalk so if you walking down the street you got to this is the sidewalk you got to come out into the street and around their cars need for them somebody to step up their game on that one cuz patteron police be hanging out a lot and not handling it is it's everywhere it's everywhere You're Building these houses that have garages the people are not parking in the garages they seem to think they own that street in front of their house and they're parking on the sidewalks we got to do better and I see a lot of faces being turned up but maybe you have a driveway that you can pull in maybe you don't walk down the street when you go to someone's house maybe you pull into their driveway and walk right into their houses all of us don't do that Mike I want to thank you for being informative I want to thank you for keeping us on point letting us know what's going on and um I I want to thank you for your love and your Zeal for this city and um don't let anybody you stand on your soap box and if it starts to Cave we gonna be right up under pushing you up because at the end of the day overing your points and speaking over you and trying to turn something you say backwards it's not working for us because we hear what you're saying and we appreciate you staying on point and we appreciate you informing us of what's going on and um those of you that sat in your seat tonight and stayed here I want to applaud you all I don't know what's Al's problem he can never say in his seat Lewis has gone from time to time but I just want to no okay I just want to applaud job for standing in your seat and thank you for having saying you want us to respect you and having your people respect us thank you next speaker M cler Rodney Addison Addison Rodney Addison all right good evening good evening good evening good evening good evening so as you know I am the chairperson for the Patterson juneteth Festival which will be Saturday June 15th from 1200 to 7 I would uh not like to miss this opportunity to express to my community the hardship of trying to get our Festival planned and executed for this year solely due to the I I don't want to be rude I'm I'm not going to say incompetent but the lack thereof of the individual bodies of the administration so I'm I'm going Supply you a timeline of events we handed in our application January 17th as of today you heard that is just now being voted on why so we handed in our application January 17th it took three months to get a meeting with the three departments fire PD and DPW to sit down with us three months to sit down with us to provide us contracts to see what we going to have to pay to have the this festival and the only reason they sat down with us was because uh the mayor forced them to sit down with us from there it took another month and a half it took it took until April for them to give us the contract where Sergeant Torres was able to get us the contract the day after the meeting we had with them in which we paid thereafter so Sergeant Torres from traffic I truly appreciate your professionalism you're amazing um yes he has amazing uh on May 10th I get a a text saying that something's wrong with that application come down to licensing to address it I get there and they tell me to my face they lost my application all the way from back in January the festival they tell me they lose my application I said no worries I'll bring you an application a new check and a new insurance know to make sure it's done in according time they tell me not to bring my application back until I have the other two contracts in hand fair enough I didn't get the DPW contract until May 23rd two three weeks before the festival from there June 3rd I'm called in by licensing once again I'm told that they will not accept my PD contract that I paid for on April 27th from June 3r because a word on the contract was not to their liking our contract said quote where other individuals who paid long after us said invoice I don't care you cash my check so the city no longer utilizes PD as a means of utiliz of security for festivals they used a third party company called extra Duty solution we have to go through their portal in order to apply for security so for them to tell me they're not going to put my application to resolution to get on the agenda to vote at the city council for my vendor license until June June 3 is kind of rude you it's a slap in the face because that tells me that you don't have the respect of urgency to make sure that my cultural event our cultural event which is the first one of the city for the year gets done in a timely manner when I provided you the information back in January and then once and then from there on June 7th it gets better on June 7th I get a call from the health department telling me they're not going to accept my food vendors when when I explain to them the lack thereof of the administration's individuals who drop the ball along the way is the reason why it didn't make it to Council in a Ely manner so that my vendors can do what they got to do to get their paperwork in you're going to tell me you're not going to accept my vendors because of a a small policy change that I know nothing about so if you don't know vendors have to be vendors have to to be supplied with a sponsor's letter with their application saying they have the authority to be at the event right along with some other paperwork um last year when we did the festival I gave them a general letter that's a whole other story but we're not here for that right now um I gave them a general letter last year reflecting that they are part of my event had no issues this year they wanted each full vendor to have a personalized letter across the board I'm like it's already June 3rd it's not it's not going to happen so today I had a meeting with Dela and I had a meeting with the mayor into which they gave me a end of today extension to try to get all that done so we possibly won't have sufficient food at all they up of the administration council president excuse me m Mr council president I I know he finished his time but just give me a second councilwoman uh we we already thank you thank you for your time but before did not leave um I know a lot there s the council I I I just Mr Addison you know I really I was having a difficult time trying to understand what you were saying because your back was the whole time to the council to the community the council what I do want to just make just one statement of everything that first of all I'm sorry that you went through all that right but second did you reach out to anyone on the council yes okay I got I got help I got help so so Council woman at the end please but everything is in place and approved it is now no yall fine this has nothing to do with the council nothing to do with the council I it trust me it trust me because I received a phone call yeah last week the same Tuesday I added to the agenda yes and we already voted on so you got that the the the assistance for this Council we good but I just want to make sure that we okay at the end of the public por I know you're going topr to my community the drop of the ball along the way from the administration side yeah so and this is not an attack or trying to get anyone in trouble to lose their job or whatever it's just conu let's finish let's finish the public por it's true and don't leave next appreciate it thank you edn Rodriguez left he's gone let's speak out DNE Cunningham left Deborah Hannibal good evening Council good evening good evening Madam Clerk good evening good evening Deputy Clerk and the administration good evening I wanted to start this evening by uh issuing an apology to councilman abdalaziz he pointed out that I was uh I'll just say he said I was wrong and he may have been right because I called what looked like to me because I said I don't have a term for it I called it environmental racism I don't know what to call it but what I know and what I said is when you look at this counsil so if I take a look and if the camera can zoom in on every face the faces that I see looking back to me are black and brown faces and I to me it doesn't look like his face was a black or brown face and so he is the one that every opportunity that he has he says that over 50% of the repavement of streets in the city occur in his W these are words that he said out of his mouth so I was repeating what he said so I'm saying that if you're talking to the ba so we're going to look at the ba now with our camera so he's saying that he goes in and he talks to the ba and he gets over 50% of his projects done it's it's I said what it looks like it doesn't look right it looks like something different is happening when I come home from church and I look at my ring doorbell camera footage and I see the mayor going door too in my community with a candidate for the only black man that sits on this Council it's it doesn't look right I'm just saying about appearances it doesn't look right I know that the black folks when I grew up here we were in the majority I think we may have been in yeah we were and I know we're not now but it doesn't mean that things that are important to us should be overlooked and then when I hear about a loss contract for something that was turned in I don't hear other groups and other communities having these issues I talked about my own issue with the ba and I'm I consider myself all day a professional but I know that what happened to me here doesn't look right and we know it wasn't right and I should have really filed an EEOC complaint then because it's not right and we have people at the top that are in control something needs to be done I don't know if we need to bring in the state a state takeover but things are happening here that not only don't look right they're not right let's Pi CL G gr G gr good afternoon good after good evening listen I came down here y'all know I was here last week to talk about the 19 million I don't even want to talk about it you guys know it's out there and I'm trusting and believing that this Administration and the mayor is going to do the right thing and give the children of this great city of Patterson a beautiful Recreation Center that's my prayers okay but what I want to talk about when I came in there was no more uh agendas so I want to know is Governor Street to be repaved on today's agenda no it wasn't excuse me once again this is my three minutes the ler in the Govern Street councilwoman was not on the agenda if I'm not mistaken uh councilwoman at large Ms made some type of move motion and it was supposed to be on today's agenda and the reason I say that okay well it sounds like it's not on the agenda because nobody didn't say it was let me just say this to the business administrator the mayor okay the lower in the governor Street has never ever been paved in my lifetime and I'm more than a I'm more than a half of a hundred years old okay okay I was born and raised in the city and that road has never been paved what I'm asking this Council to do is I think we have to take Road pavement away from the politicians I think you need to hire an expert to come in here and analyze these roads okay because North Main Street has railroad tracks popping up from it how in the heck and nothing against my good friend Al from the Sixth Ward but how in the heck do Al get oh how in the heck do Al get that many roads paid when we have a road in the city of Patterson that has never been paid something is wrong with this ladies and gentlemen something is wrong I like all you guys up there I consider all you guys cool with me but you cannot be calling the mayor saying I need this road pave what you need to do is hire a engineer someone's trained to do this none of you guys nor me is trained for this but I do have a common sense I know if the LW in the governor Street has never been paav and those those uh rocks from the 1800s it's thank you it's it's busting out from the scene it's time to PVE the road uh to my good friend from the First Ward and his defense and I heard other Council people say this to me well Mike ain't ask for no Ro to be paid well damn it if I'm the mayor of this city the chief executive of this city I'mma pave it anyway I don't care if it's Mike's Ward Ruby Ward uh the second ward I'm just going to do it because it's the right thing to do for the people simple as that simple so on that note uh I'mma leave I'm going go get me some apples and hes and keep this weight coming down and listen yeah listen just do the right thing for the people yes sir set all your politics aside do the right thing for the people of patteron counc G stay right there council president just to address Governor Street you're right when I it was identified it wasn't on I spoke to the ba I met with them it's added so we don't have to vote on it there was additional money left so the entire Governor Street will be added so they I the lower part because the other part was already approved we added the bottom part to it thank you thank you pres and Council and council members um the reason why I allow councilman M to to speak no there's no reason there no reason everyone I'm going to speak now as well if you g you giving privilege to other people again just as said it doesn't look right members of the community members of the community council Council definitely requested in the first W the North Fourth Street I'm sorry yeah North Fourth near Circle Avenue North Fifth Street the entire North Fifth Street uh in fact I requested for governor Street to be paved several years ago I put the same complaint on here every single request that I've made to this Administration has gone on death ears and they have deliberately not done not serviced that Community they're not hurting me they're hurting all the entire community and guess what I'm not the only one because if Al's getting 12 out of 19 how many are the rest of the Ws getting if if Al's getting 12 and Al's not doing anything spectacular the mayor's catering to where he came from as a six former sixth World councilman and the council has the ability to override that if you watched in the past Ken Morris councilman Bill McCoy responsible legislators would not have let that happen that's right but when you have one vote fighting against the group the council has no has no no strength No Authority thank you g next speaker M cler thank you thank you Abdul Ali M the Creator is with you I've been in this town 70 years I never seen a mayor walk up and down the street with a counsel person Rooney didn't do it Grace Senor didn't do it Grace junor didn't do it Marty didn't do it Joey didn't do it tell you something I told y'all before Andre I'mma tell you and I hope you're watching you plan but God is the best of all planets and your plan was disposed of and showed your true nature now let's talk about some other stuff here that because you get a counsel seat up here you get you a badge in the Quran it says do you Christian Muslim or Jew or a stri like your eras all that is what good to please your lord ask you this question are yall striving for that are you striving you got a button you can break some law hold I was listen with me don't be critical you know criticism help get better my mother didn't criticize me I would never got now I present theis please speak into the microphones get your act in order that's why I put you in check say you got two tongues you know that right right ask yourself which one you using when you run your mouth Mike calm down a littleit you know you know why truth people watch why Abdul ain't here that's why he run out sometimes she run out and another oh you know what I forgot something Allah forgive me for the Muslims this is our holiday It's The End people coming back from Mecca and I hope they have a safe journey home for all the Muslims happy a now for the Muslims what Quran are you reading that not allowing you to stand up for what you need to stand up for the truth are you part of the crew you remember I said Andre had a bunch of comrades are you are you part of the comrad ship but if you're a Muslim you ain't supposed to be doing it you supposed beIN that along with the lawyer as far as the business manager she has no traditions in this country I mean in this city she ain't never lived here she had to get a doar matter of fact she getting paid more than the mayor she should be the mayor she is and then she gon to sit there and play this role listen bro I'm hey Mendez don't make me get on you That Forest is still there you ain't did nothing about I tell you a couple years ago you didn't do nothing about it them raccoons and stuff is coming out that far in summertime to get warm them children going to be playing out the AL project what you going to do about that how many times you going keep lying to me with them two tongues you got this is serious business here we dealing with a humanitarian situation that needs some sensitivity and respect involving this thank you so let's get busy and's stop playing these head games and Mike stay your course and for those with the africanamerican juneth in the African-American day month I want y'all to remember them Africans that came on the boat from Africa to America none of them was Christians they was all Muslim Mingos so Muslims need to get respect in all these africanamerican traditions we and the main one that need to be respected is The Honorable Elijah Muhammad why do I mention that the only movement that African-Americans had that's still lasting after 93 years and still going strong not telling you got to be a Muslim but respect us don't kick us to the Cur thank you and you know what we going to get ours cuz the one on the bottom going to do what come to the top and the one on the top is going to come to the bottom and don't think God going to get rid of us God is using us thank you let's speak out Mary Taylor Mary Taylor Michael tayor from Mary Taylor low my daughter have a moment of silence or three minutes please e thank you thank you sincerely Michael Teller for justice for Mary Teller Justice for Mary Teller Justice for Mary Teller Justice for Mary Teller I'm here today I sincerely want to thank Patterson Police Department for catching the c um suspect one of the suspect that killed my daughter that allegedly killed my daughter I'm holding um I thank the p Police Department for um their work but I'm also holding them accountable I'm holding them accountable because I know majority of Patterson seen the um video of the shooting of my daughter and it's still culprits out there in the street as a father of my daughter and dealing with um um gun violence on the deli since October and seeing continuing shootings in the city uh in the city I have to say something I will say something I'm continue to say something it seemed like you City the council members y'all afraid to say anything I understand your silence but um I want to thank you sincerely council president for holding a public sa safety meeting in your ward because that did show that you care a little bit about public safety and I hold all of you accountable over there not because you you have anything with dealing with the shooties no y'all not y'all do not do the shootings but I do hold y'all accountable for for a lack of compassion to to stop the shootings each one of y'all could hold public safety meetings in your individual Awards if you're really was concerned about ceasefire I'm holding the mayor Andre seak for being a hypocrite being a hypocrite for holding a ceasefire March parade slash or whatever you want to call it and didn't invite none of the parents or family members that have done dealt with gun violence in this um city I'm holding them accountable because as a father Dylan um with gun violence I'm highly offended about the mayor Chief Abasi um um Sheriff Ado having um the ceasefire meeting and I was just lucky to roll um drive by with and they was preparing for it and I spoke to um Abasi pertaining um my daughter's case he didn't tell me nothing about to cease fire so what I'm getting about what I'm getting at I'm holding the governor Phil um Murphy accountable I'm holding state of General Matt plen accountable I'm holding the mayor accountable I'm holding the sheriff of Carnival I'm holding p p County prosecuted D accountable how is you going to hold a ceasefire parade March slash or whatever you want to call it and you haven't done no action to Cease the fire in Patterson I'm I'm I'm I'm directing this straight to the people of patteron the black people of patteron I'm asking y'all to Cease the fire sincerely cease the fire now y'all see what's going on in the um City you can stay silent if you stay silent P pertaining uh the serious issues pertaining the gun violence that's why they do such things as neglect the recreation for the kids and the kids getting neglected for the $19 million um Corona virus that um was Pro um was available to them so the people patteron all y'all everyone is accountable everyone y'all continue to stay silent you don't think this could affect you gun violence and everything until it hit your home then you will understand the pain I feel right back to the PE um black people of patteron cease the fire now cease the fire you see they bringing in migrants they bringing in migrants every day to replace us they got to stop I put this on my back nobody want to um speak upon the gun villains I will speak upon it I will never never stop I will also come up here and ask for justice continue for ji L Larry I will also will continue to speak Justice for phix Deus and Naj and Mary Teller I will never stop I will never stop and all y'all all y'all got voted all y'all did get voted in and once I once I once again I don't blame y'all for the shootings but let me see y'all work what I do individually in your own in your own war against gun violence and Public Safety Michael Taylor Justice for Mary Taylor I ain't never stopping thank you next speaker man clerk sah [Music] AR I wrote down I believe a lot of people know about my issue okay so I've been complaining about a neighbor running a pling bus oh okay so I've been complaining about a neighbor running a plumbing business from his driveway I have been complaining to zoning and passan police even though zoning and traffic and traffic police have been trying to do something about the double parking and congestion caused by the commercial van business run from residential area the owner of the house he doesn't care I believe he was issued many many summons many tickets he just doesn't care um and um he bullies people in the neighborhood that complain he's bullied me many times and I have seen him bully both the police officers that come and Zoning officers that come this has been I been I believe I've been complaining for like a year like what can be done to resolve it and it's like he he bullies everyone that complains about it I spoke to probably like 20 people in the neor in the street and they have issues and a lot of people are afraid to say anything and because I am speaking out I've been bullied many times by the owner what's the address 367 nicer Avenue and I believe it's to the point where police like they're sick of me calling but they're sick of going but then there are recordings of him bullying the police and you could even speak to Jose Torres he said that I could use his name you could speak to zoning about how he treats people that complain about the business run from his house so I'm hoping something can be finally done because I the police department they are trying to do their part and Zoning is trying to do their part but when you have the house owner who just doesn't care about the laws because they think they don't apply to him thank thank you if you have any document you could just pass it to our Deputy clerk just in case for the council members to look at it just in case if that's the case thank you next speaker mad CL I got all of them car Harris good evening good evening good evening Rodney is so he's so sweet he's so kind me not so much so I'm on a juneth committee we put our application in in January and we probably would have put it in July in July of 2023 if we could but we were told that we can't put it on in until the next year so we did that we put it in in January what makes me sick is I came down here and watched the council and everybody discussing the perubian parade and who was going to run it and who was going to do that where can you work at and go and tell your boss that you lost some paperwork and there is no consequences this city is being ran just just like the way it looks and if you need an example of that when you go downstairs and you leave this building make a right in the alleyway and look to your right and yet and you know what I'm not as kind as Rodney cuz I'm a straight shooter if I you work for me and I pay you to do that job and you don't know your job and you don't know how it's supposed to be you got no business sitting there but they sitting there because they've been put there by nepotism they don't have to know the job they just sit there y'all y'all have no idea the nights that that committee that this committee stood up the back and forth that Rodney had to run to and run through because somebody lost paperwork first of all this is 2024 why isn't this stuff being put in the computer this is this city is sickening I uh coming here today riding along patteron we all live in Patterson we all should ride the same streets can somebody please explain to me why is it okay for a flatbed truck to be trying to do a u-turn on on Arch Street and Bridge Street how that business that auto business there a flatbed truck got you cannot you are not supposed to impede traffic on the bridge that truck did uturn and and the cars backed all the way down Governor past Governor to try to come and he had the audacity to curse somebody out I don't know and I I y'all can do some homework too it's okay y'all tell me what other parade put their application in in January it gets lost I lost your paperwork never mind the fact that they called them down there under Force pretenses cuz you didn't say you lost the paperwork when when he came down there you lose the paperwork you come down there where is it allowed for the city to change the rules and not have it legally written down if it ain't in writing it's not enforceable it's not enforcable if it's not en writing y'all going to hear step by step of how bad this city treated the africanamerican black community as a whole and and black people these the people we voted for cuz without our vote they won't be sitting there how y'all vote for people to treat y'all like garbage I'm going be back it ain't over I'mma respect your time but I it it's not over let's pick my CIA hi my issue wasn't as important as everyone else's my first concern was in regards to 29th Street and 9th Avenue valine gate where all those plants are grown I don't know if you guys remember last year but we had a bug infestation with the spot and lanterns they are blooming late this year but they will be here by the end of August November those bugs invade my dad's home and they also invade the college I personally have a fear Beyond this world of bugs but I also know that spot alliances are not just a issue of bugs they are agriculture cost efficiency last year New York lost 1.7 million in agriculture because of their wine being destroyed their wine veins being destroyed because of those spot and lanterns which are a foreign bug from Asia that quote unquote traveled through cargo over the last three to five years and New Jersey was in quarantine of the spot and lanterns I asked vene who's responsible for cutting those trees they said DPW I called DPW them who's responsible for that they said vene vene had their um land workers come and cut the grass the trees are still there that's a nest for those spoted lanterns my block is right there where pascarell lives at and it's just it's and something needs to be done about that someone needs to cut those trees but then I heard what everybody else talked about tonight as far as Palestine I have a friend who lives there he has cousins missing family members dead I asked a like a week ago in regards to how do you get to know who to vote for Sheriff Pate County everyone always say vote team Democrats Democrats are not no better than Republicans I feel as though even when it CES to voting for councel a lot of people my age don't know who to vote for or even what the council members are responsible for and it's just like how do we teach I'm 30 years old how do we teach people my age to be interested because Civics is not a thing that's essential anymore so a lot of people in my age feel like oh that has nothing to do with me or this isn't important to me I feel as though a lot of people of my age they spoke up a lot of things would be different however those things are not it's not the case so my concern is one who can I go to to help cut those trees to avoid avoid those bugs CU my dad is 63 years old last year he went and cut them trees himself with a a a machete and he shouldn't have to do that and I also want to know how do we get people my age to learn about the wrongs and the rights and what the council is responsible for and who they can go to with issues they're having within their City I remember personally when I lived on penon street I had an issue and valz did fix it but then I got to know him how he treats the public and it he didn't give the same good energy he gave me to the public so that made me feel some type of way I've paid attention to Mike Jackson and I feel as though he is someone that cares more about the city and I feel as though he's honest and raw I feel as though this is just the people that I've gotten to know and people my age don't take the time to get to know people that run for the council and this is why so many voices go unheard and that's all I wanted to say thank you sir um let's speak there are no more speakers see I move to close second second there's I think there's there was a speaker Elizabeth do you add your name on the list they might call you and you um there's only one list to the just let her speak list is unimportant she's in the room president just just in case there's a gentleman also requesting to speak just a minute um go come to the mic so then might you might just go to the microphone it's fine don't worry about the list so just get you got do three minutes yes Elizabeth Cruz Elizabeth Cruz yes good evening lth good evening everyone here good evening uh council members my name is lisabeth Cruz once again um I just coming here tonight to say apologize um one of the guy of uh he work for the city yes um the name is Mr ton cop yes I I know him for a while because he work for the city hall when I was there all the time he said hi to me I say hi to him so basically last week in June 4th I was working in the letion the Primal Elation of the Challenger um River Street and one and inside the policey and when I go outside on the outside the police side I saw him like you know do his job but I cross the street and I say hi what's going on so I don't know probably literally confused with him because I know him for a while once again and he said I don't know you you don't know me and I say I know you so but um I'm be here and that's that pass I don't want to remember that because I say something bad to hand it's not me it's not my personality because I'm be here in this in this County for 14 years I got a lot of families here uh my family have a lot of business in the city I have a lot of friends from Jamaica from african-amer different country so uh everybody know me I know a lot of people here so and I say un apologize to you it's not my personality once again and I I want to give you a hug again to it's not again it's not me because I'm very friendly everybody know me everybody know me in the in the county so sorry again thank you Eliz thank you thank you Elize and I and I also I have a letter for him and apologize I speak with Mr CLA like um today I was there in the in the her office and I say sorry to her too and I apologize everyone in the room you know it's not me I'm Alis Cruz and uh I'm serving for the community and for the county I work for the share Department too so I work with Alex M and I be here to to continue and move it to forward thank you thank you and I appreciate it thank you Lis thank you we have the next speaker is even though we close the public portion we have a very special speaker which is the last speaker the difference there was a motion on the floor there was no motion Mr Dave good evening Mr Dave Big Dave good evening council members and audience and Patterson at large that may be watching this evening I had forgot that there was a meeting tonight and when I got home and turned my TV on and uh automatically flip to either CNN or cable access I saw you up here and I walk down the street because I live here is one of the things I want to say in terms of my involvement and or people's uh engagement with my social media page of which I've had for 13 14 years you know that uh I'm very involved and I have plenty of opinions about what goes on here because I live here not like many people that collect a paycheck that don't live here I'm from patteron Ghost East Side High School go ghost and it it bothers me when I see all these other people that get here not withstanding your Kennedy Night and so forth you y all okay but I'm talking about them other people that get just got here from the Bronx or wherever they wherever they come from you know I've been here a long time I got Legacy here family name recognition and I'm not going to take no off nobody that's it so when we look at folk and we decide who's really for patteron who's really for a paycheck who's really just here to pontificate and talk about the politics and this and that I'm not a political person I'm a community activist from the beginning until I die I will be a community activist working for my community whether I got a job or not that's it I don't give a about the job I give I care about the community my Folk my people and that's why I'm wearing this shirt tonight you can beat City Hall I beat him once I beat them twice and I'm getting ready to beat them again in the federal court because you can't do people dirty and think you're going to get away with it some of us will fight back I happen to be fortunate enough to have resources to be able to do that you didn't know that I was had an IBM pension and I had Social Security and I had all these other means of income and my investments and so forth when you fired me for coming forward with Public public safety issues case in point the AR Factory but that's getting ready to come to fruition very soon you know I I'm I'm I'm I'm somewhat uh taken aback by the fact that we don't really live listen to people here you talk at them you Gaslight people somebody went on my post my 13y old post and asked a a a uh website and asked me what did I mean by gaslighting gaslighting means that you're presenting things that are not true to convince people that things are different than what they are that happens every day in the city of patteron whether it's Restaurant Week whether it's uh uh hitchclip Stadium whether it's uh ribbon cuting and this and that whatever I work on Code Enforcement I don't have a problem with that but people need to understand don't be hypnotized by the gaslighting it happens every day thank you D So yeah thank you too so when we when we talk about how we moving moving the city forward it's a bunch of false narratives false narratives of moving the city forward we're not going nowhere I remember back in the day when I was a kid and I couldn't walk through East Side through the east side because the police wouldn't let us walk I remember when Frank Graves turned the hoses on the Spanish people down there on Market Street I remember a lot of things that happened here but when people tell me about and talk about returning parison to his greatness I have to question what is the greatness we are no longer in the industrial in Revolution we need jobs we need training we need a lot of things in the city of Patterson besides things for tourists hitchc Stadium Marland Kramer Park libes uh the all that stuff and talk about the uh uh uh uh uh making patteron great again no patteron in its greatness was when we had were able to get jobs we can't get jobs here we can't even park your car here so let's talk about those things that are important to the people at the Grassroots level not tourists not all these other things that are going on gaslighting the community and I'm in in closure uh council president because I'm not trying to disrespect you at all but I just want to say I haven't been here in a while I'm going to start coming back and talking about the issues prevalent to the people at the bottom half of the income scale we need training and jobs not just things for tourists rooftop rooftop restaurants and all this other stuff that's going on it doesn't work for me that's not moving Patterson forward that's a political agenda that is gaslighting the community thank you very much thank you motion to close public portion clerk it was smoed by counc president coun president the ba asked to speak well before for the public the public had many many concerns before we close the public portion and everybody goes on and people start leaving you should allow the ba an opportunity to answer to all the questions she will speak she will speak we're going to close the public portion and at the end mad ba is the one that is going to give the report she have a lot of information to give us there was a motion the floor by Council mes and second by Council MAV motion to close public portion close public portion roll call to close the public portion of the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday June 11th 2024 councilwoman cotton pass pass councilwoman Dava so once again before I vote um you know thank you to every speaker that came here today uh and specific to you know the festivities that are going to go on this weekend as well as during the week you know I'm letting everyone know I'm excusing myself that I will not partake in any of it since I will not be here in in the state um you know uh I want and I know that I asked Mr Addison you know pertaining to the application and what went on you know um and I still haven't really kind of understood you know who is the person who lost the application um but um if I just may I I will say that um the situations with the New Jersey peruvians application they as well started in January and it was at the end of April actually may is is when you know it came us and so there was a lot of back and forth but with that said you know um I'm available always you know to discuss or assist anyone that needs any assistance pertaining to any for the process right what's the process applications um as I as I chair the um Public Safety Committee along with uh councilwoman cotton council president councilwoman Mims um you know we are actually working on some stuff you said it best I mean it's 2024 a lot of this stuff need not be on paper everything needs to be computerized and that just so you know is something that we've been working on councilwoman cotton and I along with the chief of um police and the I'm sorry fire um and a whole bunch of other uh in the administration as well we definitely have to put this in one place there should not be no running back and forth it's an application that is going to be uh are done digitally and that all entities are going to be involved and that they're all going to re receive it without you know the person who's putting in the application uh uh having to run back and forth and again you know this whole situation with loosen documentation I'm happy that everything is cleared now um but I do understand that a lot of it also you know trying to raise funds to try so what I am stating in terms is that we were able to approve so that way this um activity can go on this weekend that that's what I'm talking about but with that said thank you to all God bless you all all right and um I just I'm going to sign off as I have to um leave um so good night to everyone my vote is yes to close thank you councilwoman daver councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk first uh let me answer to Abdul who has since departed and and in telling me to calm down I am calm if uh many people don't like my delivery that's fine but calm is not a question now I will say this and we're all capable of making a mistake I have made a mistake in the past many mistakes I'll be the first want to say I apologize in fact council president you know showed me some Grace when I made a comment a derogatory comment about ju problem DTE and but that was truly a mistake let's not differentiate the word and especially in this context of way the way it's utilized now I'm not saying that there's not a need to uh accept the mistake but there's a much difference between lashing out in anger and utilizing a word that has been utilized for many many years to demoralize the group of people who made it possible for every other group of people to be here because it happens so easily oh I want to give you a hug yes because you was put on notice but if it wasn't where would the sentiment have been I'm not going to delve too far into that but I do know that the backlash of the tongue that we receive too often is just passed around way too freely where people just believe they could just say oh I'm sorry for doing that and that's not acceptable in many cases but you know I I'll digress now to those members of the public that's still here there's so many things that happen here that happens here that's inappropriate that this Council plays full rle in I'll give you just a few examples the sale of Lies We got cited by the state of New Jersey saying that the sale of libes was done inappropriately that that property was deemed as a as historic within the footprint of the Great Falls uh uh uh uh National Park and was not capable of being sold in the manner which it was but if you look at it the deal was cut long before they tried to maneuver it let's get it to you know one of our people and then on top of that the insult was we're going to knock it down and put some apartments upstairs they want to fill this city with Apartments everywhere there's no concern about the the parking the lack of parking the conditions of of the schools the the poor education I just saw a post the other day of all the top salaries at the school board starting at $275,000 the absolute highest pay like if I if I was getting paid just like dirty money that way and I'm failing the people in which I'm serving I promise you I would leave I would I will resign we're failing our students and people are walking away with do double figure six figure salaries and we keep going through this whole song and dance about how we're moving things forward we're not we ain't moving nowhere we're a hamster on a damn hamster wheel running in place to get you excited put a little piece of cheese in front of you you start running faster while we stay exactly where we've been in fact it's gotten worse this Administration has gotten more money than any Administration in the past they've had the $140 million in in tax tax credits to disperse the the first dispers dispersement from Co and then the second and if you look at it the transitional Aid that's been provided to this Administration has been more generous than any other even when we had a state senator sitting at the baac SE they spending money like crazy for us to have what we get no reports and call you can trust and believe I've been asking for the reports on HFF Stadium right even now when I'm posting videos of the poor material that was utilized at the senior citizen home where the windows are just falling out the out the building windows just falling out residents sending pictures like my window just fell out but what they built it and and this the same argument I made when we when we was voting on that contract they built it at 30050 to $450,000 per unit and which I said was well over the market market rate then how about the the illegal games that they're holding there and they're parking their vehicles at the vista site which any entity that utilizes a space for parking has to have a license for parking we have parking licenses even if you let's say if you own a Big Lot next to your house you you you you get permission to pave it and you pay more than the certain spots I think it's like six spots I don't know the exact number you need a parking permit a license from the city to be able to run a parking lot in your in the city they Park cars up there on dirt roads on on the dirt and nobody's held accountable they do what they want to do um you know there's so many items and I'm going to I'm going to close on this thing here because this is this is a travesty um Cara as you spoke about the the disenfranchisement of the black community this was a blueprint that I that I had created which you can have you can I can send you a copy you remember you were you were there right we went and met at a church to discuss what could happen with some of these some of these funds they had millions of dollars what they squandered right because they want to give the money strictly to their friends that's doing business with them here's another example I said the biggest mistake of this Administration was allowing Cate City not to not to build that project in the middle of the city a 12,000 seat Arena indoor arena where you could host any kind of events adding additional parking with the with the proposal of having the Marriott Hotel placed on the top of of uh of of the of the mall all they requested was $30 million of the $140 million in tax credits we're now trying to find out what we're going to do do with the last of the tax credits before we lose them they had earmarked it for the church that's over there on Broadway and I mean on Main and uh and Ward for a community center for again for this for for the people in the circle the parking garage deck that's now never going to get done we tore it down and not adequate parking in the city these are the poor decisions that's being made without calculated plans and I've asked for the plans I've asked for the reports every step of the way every step of the way it's very simple where's the expenditure reports where is it when this Administration came in and I I I'll wrap right here I'm not going to go on forever I mean when this Administration came in they talked about doing uh employee valuations never happened never happened now remember I posted the paychecks on my page we have employees in the Ba's office that was making an excess of like $6,000 a pay period 6,000 a pay period close to $10,000 a pay period I was asking for the reports for that none of that was ever retracted yet here you have some of the lowest paid people who worked elections 20 plus hours and there being denied their pay when the oversight of that position does not lie on the in the hands of the ba but I'mma tell you who does one of the employees out of her office out of the mayor's office who she's responsible for the payroll was out knocking on doors on Election Day which was a Tuesday which was an official City work day he was getting paid by the municipality to run a campaign against me did they cut his pay no no so and then you know I was thinking that I used to think I used to agree with Miss Hannibal maybe it's like it's racially charged but it's not it's not because you consistently see me advocate for people it's just like certain people I used to have a great deal of respect for the City attorney I do not I no longer have it we have an officer Jessica Amarante she gave 27 years of her life to this to this city she was in pursuit of a suspect found him under a bridge the suspect jumped on her she was fighting for her life he could have tooken taken her weapon nine minutes before she could get to her radio to call for backup she took her ass whooping out there that day she suffered great injuries her spinal cavity was leaking spinal fluid uh uh her knee needed to be opera on shoulder the trauma that she went through this attorney presented a a a a piece of legislation to the council to give her to wash her off without her receiving her pension she was like a year and a half short of her pension I was the only person to vote against that the attorney came here and convinced this Council through the recommendation of the corporation council's office that this officer who gave 27 years of her life who put her life on the line who almost lost her life was not uh uh I don't even want to say eligible because she was eligible but that she was not deserving of having a pension after she served all that time now she's going to be expected to go out and get a part-time job just to be able to continue to pay her bills while other people have gotten pensions for doing deric for being deric to duty see that's where this Council has the ability to come forward and say no we are not accepting that what did we do we voted in the affirmative that's the type of things we do here lastly Mike Rodriguez Billy Rodriguez's brother 29 30 years in this city 30 years of the city of dedicated work to the city on the job blue is Achilles attendant they fought he still to this day that was over a year ago still had two years two years ago still has not had surgery has been sitting home and now they stopped his paycheck they stopped his paycheck he can't even take care of his family you know I always used to use Mike as an example because he raised three children in the city and he did it on a meager salary of less than $40,000 $35,000 a year put three two kids through college put his kids through private school how do we do how does some a person do that I really don't have no idea work in second jobs doing everything in his means his wife you know carrying the load right now these are the people and see this is what I talk about is the devic the duty they don't care about the people because if you did it's very simple they work pay them you've been here for 30 years when the last Administration was here I had we had a who I had to fight for then I'm I I seem to be the only person fighting maybe somebody else is councilman please relax when tiser had a heart attack on the job fell out and died on the job had to fight for him to be able to get back get on to to the pension and look look at him with an attitude when when officer officer Washington Griffin W was was was forced into retirement was fired because he was fighting a racial action that took place in the police department because a officer said I'll never take orders from a monkey when when those black officers got promoted for The Descent decree when that same officer hung a black Black Cat and with a noose in the in in the uh uh uh police um uh not the headquarters but the dispatch room and a Force officer Washington and I'm begging council members he he's one of the people that's rushing me off the microphone these are actual instances things that happen these are facts not making this stuff up if you can't fight for the Public's best interest and your your your best interest your only interest is just to hurry up and wrap it up please wrap it up then what are you here for you're in the wrong profession you're in the wrong you're in the wrong area but see people are here to serve themselves they here to serve themselves they do certain things to ingratiate themselves so they can continue to move on to another Plateau while the community suffers but anyway I digress I'm here to inform the public I'm not here for their for their entertainment Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilman KH Madam M Madam m m madame clerk m madame clerk thank you I almost I almost fell asleep cuz I've been hearing the same thing over and over for years years okay and city employees since we are on this subject city city employees who retired or who took their leave they agreed upon it with the administration yes they they had they have their own attorneys city has their own attorneys they sign to the agreement then it comes in front of the council for us to agree on the contract so why am I concerned about it the the person who should be concerned about it he signed it agree to a termination or retirement or whatever the case is with their lawyer with their attorney with City attorney so this is I believe is nothing but just to have a sound by this so definitely counc I I have the microphone we closing the public portion council member and I I think I council members please councilman colle have the floor yeah and I have the if if the employee doesn't agree to it it does not matter the council vote on it or not that's that's my uh statement and we are here to serve the community we're not here to um and also besides that those those city employees they have their Union as well the union will be fighting for them as well from Police Department to DPW they have the Union as well so if they're underpaid or overpaid they must have been agreed to get their payment and they are okay with it as a council member I I don't have the authority to give somebody a raise of 10,000 15,000 they have their Union Union had to negotiate with the Administration to get the contract done that's the fact um anyway a lot of resident came here uh gave their concern um hopefully the administration Madame be is here um you have listened to them have their concern um answer to their concern as well um my vote is yes to close the public portion thank you councilman KH councilwoman M so first let me do what I do every week I want to say thank you to the the public that comes to the meeting and Views us every single week take the time out from your family your loved ones and you come down even when you don't even have anything to address you're here to support and it's greatly appreciated or to have your concerns addressed it's appreciate it Eva you stole the show tonight I love you too because we are queens and we deserve to be respected and men are Kings um and but tonight you sold the show yes so there were many things that were stated and uh before I go into some of them uh Madame ba uh Mr Addison talked about the uh process and what he en en encountered with the Jun team Festival application um could you look into what happened where was The Fallout and give a full review to all council members I would like to see he said he started this process in January I would like to see a full detail outline based on his experience and what happened um through the licensing department I and I thank you Mr Addison because you made it clear that it wasn't the council's fault you made that very very clear um but I did hear people still want to blame the councel it it this process goes through licensing but I want to find out what happened where was The Fallout what are the details so Madame ba if you can um look into that provide the full detail as to what happened um so that we can if there's something we need to outline and do a a cheat sheet for or any other person that's going to apply for these type of bazaars or festivals that we can give it to the public um I want to talk about uh the commentary that was made on tonight uh and and I love when people quote me because whatever I say I can say it again I'm never gonna backpedal but what I am going to say last week our we came into the meeting we were on time and a council member came in late the agenda was done and went on to bash all council members stating that we I bet no other council person talked about the young kid that was hit by a car and to say that when you were not here you didn't know what happened you came in late and people say well why do you have to respond we have to respond because when the public put it out they only tagged myself Council M and councilman Jackson they didn't tag any other Council people but when I T was tagged I immediately reached out to the mother I've been in constant communication with the mother so for someone to come to the mic and call me a liar it's been 15 days you have no clue what I've done for this family and just because you don't see it doesn't mean it wasn't done everything is not publicized and to call people like for the thing that really bothers me is at the end you said but I love you you can't love someone and spew hate at the same time you have you have my personal Cale number you know where I live and everything the fact that you chose to drove hours to come to the council me meeting to call me a liar and say for 15 days you did nothing for this family I speak to the mom all the time I don't even need to talk about the stuff that I do I didn't need to talk about it that night because what I said is we have to pray it's about her son it's about this mother and the family that's enduring where their child is going through surgery on top of surgery and that's what I said to the public for me to talk about and to um say talk about my children I could do whatever I want when I'm on the mic because you don't know how many people are watching that are going through the same process I sympathize with this Mom I call the Mom I pray with her so I'm not sure where information is you're getting I don't know where the misinterpret or miscommunication is coming from but obviously I must be a threat to somebody that you feel the need to come to the microphone to disrespect me and call me a liar and then to talk about my sority I'm a part of many organizations but out of all the organizations I'm a part of you chose to talk about me being a A in the sority we have to do better on one breath we talk about Unity we got to come together as an African-American Community we not getting it together and then you take time out of your schedule to come to the mic and call me a liar and then you said that I called councilman Jackson a ass that is not true I was preaching a breakfast on Saturday I was reading the scripture in 2 Kings chapter 7 verse 3-7 and that word was in the scripture I did not call him and ask that is not true and if you want to go watch it people have taped it is on live so stop coming to the council meetings with false information alternative facts and being disrespectful I talked about it last week so I guess I talked about the men so then women were sent to attack me so I guess I'm going just say it in general stop disrespecting people and stop giving out information that's not true and here's my point half of the stuff people do at that might they would never do it to our face they would never say that in our face they see us every day they have our phone number they if they don't have they can inbox us they would never do it and then it was stated that I threaten someone and his wife is terrified to come I didn't threaten I said you have to stop coming to meetings disrespecting us we don't mind criticism I don't mind that you come and you criticize and this is not done or that because half of the time when you're talking it has nothing to do with the council anyway so I don't mind to give you the clarity or educate you on the process on where it really needs to go whether it's Administration or inspectors or whatever needs to go I don't mind doing that but you cannot come to the microphone and call people out of their names and think it's acceptable and think oh is it a name of freedom of speech we could do whatever we want no it's not allowed it it's just unacceptable you want respect you have to give respect I didn't threaten anyone what I said was while you're up here disrespecting and calling people out of their names I'mma start having people sit in the sit here in the meetings to make sure we get out of here safe when we leave this building it's pitch black outside we're walk into our cars it's only two officers and we appreciate the officers but the two officers can't protect all of us at the same time and that's what I said when you're at the mic you're saying your stuff you leave the people that were talking they're gone we're still sitting here so we have to leave out of this building we don't know if somebody's lurking for us behind the building we don't know if they're waiting for us in our driveway based on something that was said at the microphone or something that was miscommunicated for whatever your reasons are everybody knows councilwoman Mims is the real deal everybody know it so when you come to the mic and say what you say my phone blew up immediately what is that about what is where is that coming from because I choose to address when someone chooses to disrespect or bully as a whole that no one's doing their job I'm the only one that does my job I'm the only one it is not true we have to address it we have to defend our name that's all we have and I'm never going to sit here and allow someone to take a jab and say something especially if it's not true and I'm connected to it and closing there's a lot of stuff that's going on in our community and I wish sometimes that when you come to the mic you would talk about those things instead of coming to the mic to bash council members come to the mic and talk about the shootings that are happening talk about the incidents that's going on in our schools and all it's so much to talk about outside of coming to bash city council members and I'm not saying don't criticize because you can do that but why don't pick up the phone and call and I'm giving you the rights here's my number 973 921 957 I am open and free my secretaries know we've had situations my secretaries have called me we've done a three-way they stayed on the line we dealt and handle issues I'm at large I represent the entire city I don't run away from problems I solve them that's why I choose to work with my colleagues and the administration and no matter if you don't like someone you have to work across the aisles this Council approved a um ceasefire resolution for the war in Gaza we did that but my question is and I can't tell people how to vote but I don't want Trump to be my president so I you can question why I'm with Biden all you want but I'm putting it on the record I don't want Trump to be my president now if you want him to be your president you vote the way you vote I am not supporting Trump I 1,00% I support Biden and it has nothing to do with uh what's happening in Gods and all that and my heart goes out to that and those are policies and if that's the case then there's a whole bunch of people that vote on a lot of that stuff that you have to go all the way down the line for all those people as well and my heart goes out to all those families and loved ones that lost their life but we have to move forward the primaries are over the election will happen again in November and we have to we have to win cuz there's a lot at stake if we don't come out and vote because we talk a lot here but my question is all the people coming to the microphone did you vote because only 12,000 people voted in the city so my question is and I'm waiting soon as they certify I'm going to pull the numbers and when I see people come to the mic I'm going to I'm going to continue to say it cuz I can see the names of who voted and I'm going to start addressing because if we have so much conversation and talk you need to vote and I'm going to start calling those things out cuz when you don't vote you don't have a voice come to the council meetings come with facts if you need to talk to me please do I'm open to it I travel alone God is with me all the time but I'm by myself I don't need aing I'm from the fourth ward I'm G remind you I'm from the fourth W when you approach me approach me correctly I'm just going to tell you that approach me correctly because because um you didn't do that to U nobody else approach me correctly that's all I'm saying because I respect everybody but I'm never going to allow you to come in hit me or anything that is never going to happen but please don't come and call me a liar questioning what I've done I do things for people all the time and it's not for me to put on public display it's nobody's business but the family it's nobody business but the people that are impacted and that's who we have to have conversations with not to prove it here at this platform not to waste time the agenda has been done on the council we we finished the agenda we finished it early last week and I know sometime and thank you for giving me some of your time councilman khag but I had to address the fact that I was called a liar and a hypocrite tonight that is false I'm not a liar go back and listen to the tape I only addressed it because it was stated I bet you no other council member said it nobody talked about it some things don't need to be talked about they need to be prayed about we need to pray for that young man he's still suffering got another surgery tomorrow and we don't know what's going to happen so if you have an issue with me saying that you got an issue with yourself and I'm going say what I said last week there needs to be a flushing and a cleansing because anytime you're harboring that toxicity and all of those bitter weeds within you that is a sign that there needs to be a flushing take the time out to understand and know that we're living in the last days and we have have to be able to love while we can because when we can't we can't love any longer Madam clerk thank you for all you do and also I I'm GNA wait just a few minutes because I want to hear about these 16 employees because they in the past they've always gotten paid so I want to gain an understanding why there's a change in process for these these employees that did not get paid for the election they've always gotten paid under mayor Jane Williams what there was never an issue so I'm trying to understand why these 16 workers are still without pay approximately $8,200 worth of pay for these 16 individuals who worked and anybody knows the election you're here from 5: in the morning and sometime they don't leave till 1011 at night all day long sometime they don't eat or anything working for this this city and helping Madam clerk in her office those employees deserve to get paid like they've always gotten paid and I just want to gain an understanding as to what has happened that they they have not received that pay to our officers Madame ba Corporation counsel uh I got to defend you tonight you did not Corporation counsel you didn't say this is what we pay the lawyer negotiate the settlement and that's how it happened I want to bring Clarity Corporation councel doesn't say okay you Sue this what you get paid and and you take it or leave it the person had a lawyer the lawyer our lawyer was present we had the documents in front of us that showed on her on the individual side her lawyer with her signature and our lawyer with their signature so if we would have voted no right we did we did the wise thing we voted yes if we would have voted no she would not have received her check so based on the paperwork which we get it shows that she agreed to the settlement the wise thing for the council members to do is what agree with her now if she wants to go back and counter it if she's able to do that she can do that but based on what we have before us she agreed to it we voted yes that's the right thing to do with that being stated Council colleagues I'm get right off into the sunset I'mma Bust the Move please read 2 Kings 7: 3-7 so you could read that the word asses was in the scripture I didn't call councilman Jackson to ask don't even believe that go watch the tape anybody was there they'll tell you that is not true but you know what there's people that's trying to pck people against each other that's the only reason why that could have been said councilwoman cotton was there she know I didn't call councilman Jackson the ass she was sitting right there it was a pro but I would never do that that's not my character to do that it was not it's not my character to do that so so to say that I did it is absolutely incorrect I'm a lady classy women never do that I'm a queen queen I would never do that so to say I called him and asked is totally totally false and it never happened my next move is g to be my best move it's time to bust the move my vote is yes thank you Dr mes councilman Udin all right good evening Patterson happy Tuesday those who are watching us live on YouTube channel 5075 and those who were here and those who still here uh thank you for coming here joining uh the council meetings and making your voice hard it means a lot to uh to us to serve you better ways so first of all I I like to thank our council president um that last meeting I requested the misconduct between Elizabeth Rodriguez and our city employee uh Mr car that happened I requested him that before this council meeting that should be uh a solution should come and Elizabeth rodriiguez showed up here she apologized it it means a lot actually to me it's not really she apologized secretly uh she came here in the council meeting she spoke she gave her written apologies this is she said an example I you say as a human we can make mistake but at the same time we have to have the mentality to correct ourselves we have to have mentality to apologize if we have done anything wrong and I commend her and that should be an example that if we ever do certain things and if we understand the mistake has done by any of us we should correct ourselves so council president thank you so very much Elizabeth thank you again Mr Kerr uh thank you for standing as a man came here made your Bo's heart and also hug the uh you know sister as a sister and and show the example that we are one Community one Patterson as we have seen um one of the father who lost his daughter in gun violence I'm speaking about Michael tellor and this gun violence impacting all the neighborhoods in all communities until we apprehended those criminals we control this gun violence taking place is going to persist as an example last night around 11:30 a very well-known um Bengali Community activist I you say named tajudin many of us know him he was attacked by the robers and he had to experience gun violence last night around 11:30 on his small business on Wayne Avenue and that's an example this not just one example examples that every day taking place in different corner of the city of Patterson so he was shot he was shot he shot he was shot yeah but luckily he uh nothing happened he just went through the uh back of his head so that's that's this is what happening in every every single corner of the city of Patterson and and we we need to weard a father's uh words as a father he knows what he is going through every single moment losing your daughter is not in is not easy time he's going through and if we put ourselves in his shoes we should know how seriously we should have taken this matter and and we all need to pray but also act up I also like to bring uh another topic to the attention that when I T one of the uh Council candidate from the sixth W um he came here and he said that in the last um Palestine flag raising that was last Friday that we uh AR people to vote for Joe ven um th I I was there from the beginning until the end that that was not a part of the conversation we we proudly said that we were able to where one Patterson was able to send a delegate to the Washington DC that is going to be voiced for Seas fire that that was our that was one of the topic that we spoke loudly and proudly we are the I believe if I'm not wrong we are the second city in in the state of New Jersey we passed the ceas file resolution and I feel always honored that I was I was part of it I drafted the resolution and councilman Al aiz and councilman valz became the part of it initially then all the council members voluntarily became the sponsor of that resolution that was a first resolution for the ceasefire demanding ceasefire we passed another resolution uh demanding to our uh Congressman Bill Pascal that he should support support permanences fire I have no idea where this idea came from besides IID like to address another thing that right before the election when I I'm talking about myself I endorsed um uh the ticket not everyone on the Democrat ticket but I you say uh our County commissions those who are supported by uh Democrats um the sheriff cand candidate uh Tommy Adamo when we supported it some of the community members were spreading the message that we are supporting the people who do not support the ceasefire then who are supporting ceasefire then tell me the who are the people that supported this fire but we did not we really stood against them there's no certain case it's just the rumors you are spreading around we really stand strongly with the uh Community Palestine Community Living here in the city of Patterson or those who are going to this hardship in Palestine Gaza we we stand strongly with them we feel bad for them and and this is what we we demand this fire but at the same time we cannot really I am as a as as a Democrat real Democrat I cannot say that I I want Trump to be as councilman said to be our president and if if you really say that you think uh Donald Trump is going to support ceasefire if if this is the case then come up with your a statement I want to hear from you that Donald Trump is going to support ceasefire he's not he's not his total entire immigrants he doesn't want any anybody to come from overseas here he doesn't want that he want to build wall and and if we support that this what we have to expect in this time so I don't really want to bring their politics here but please do not send rumor out there that that is really um discourage us to do better things I'm speaking about when we uh in Corporation Council you are the witness when you spoke about ceasefire resolution not many people at this time speaking about ceas fire because everyone was scared to speak about ceasefire at this point right that was that was the case and now we really speak about C fire because this is everyone is pretty much on deci side now but the time we spoke about ceasefire not many people are you know uh strong enough to speak about ceasefire support ceasefire at the point so this is what we speaking about so I like to clarify to the to the community pal not only Palestine Community I say Muslim Community because the numbers the uncommitted um a demanding ceasefire vote number showed that this fight is not a Palestinian fight this this fight is humanitarian fight and this number shows and reflect that so um my brother Abed I respect you uh you came here uh you brought your son it means a lot to me but again please um do not uh send the message out there that is not correct I um one more time uh would like to uh we heard from the uh public um and and also some of our maybe some of the council members also mentioned about the situation that some of the election workers are going through now I would request to council president that I love to hear from Madame Clark I love to hear from Madame ba as well here publicly because we want to clarify the situation we don't want people that is that worked for for uh for the election and waiting for their payment why are we giving them the punishment is it their fault to work for the campaign for the election not really if we have to clarify something let's clarify it and I love to hear from Madame Clark to make sure that what she's going through is it really correct information or what Madame uh ba um thinks that was was was incorrect about it so I like to hear from uh directly from both um individuals those are key people for our city of Patterson uh before I close uh Patterson just know this I try to stay connected with people I find ways to be connected with you um not just as a council person I want to be part of you I want to be part of this problem this Solution that's how I see myself every Sunday I go to different section of patteron I uh especially Dunkey donut I make one hour free coffee for you come here talk to me because I love to hear that what's the experience you are going through you want me to uh you know address or work toward so please join me every Sunday uh I post flyers on my Facebook um Instagram to make sure that you come join me and those many people come and join me I love that it's a different type of conversation it's very um I you say uh informal uh friendly and and it's the way that I can really know that what's you are going through and what I can do as of your council member so I really thank you city of Patterson for electing me putting you sitting making you sit here at the same time I respect that you come in here you making your voice hard that's helping us helping me to serve you in better way and also the mistakes that we are doing we definitely as a human we can't do mistake but it's a way we need to correct ourselves and ser you better patter will move forward when city of the resident of the city of Patterson the government of the city will work toward the for uh you know positive direction for the city of Patterson and with that intention I like to close the public version but again council president please do not forget to bring uh The Madame Clark and Madame ba uh to bring the topic in public and let uh come up with a solution tonight we don't have to wait for another council meeting to bring the solution uh with that being said I salute you council president for uh bringing Liz here bringing Mr uh car here is set an example I I really El you for this my vote is yes to close the question thank you councilman Udin councilman B thank you Madame clerk I don't want to keep the audience here too long but I just want to say that the UN Security Council adop a United State resolution calling for immediate full and complete seat Fire by three phases and um hopefully that will help bring relief and peace to the Middle East oh God uh Palestine people my people because they live in pison too so I was making some notes here you know you know our will prayer goes to the young man Joshua I learned about this accident last week and um our prayer goes to that I know what the family is going through let's pray for for the doctors that conducting the surgeries and um and pray I think of a god of Miracles you know and he's still alive is because God has a purpose not only with him with his family and with Patterson because this bring us together in one moment or other but I just want to also say before the state took over the police department my colleague could test this we used to receive text masses tests about situation that was going on in the city if it was a shooting if it was a murder if it was an accident if somebody flew and did a robbery they went left and right we used to take get those text Max test somehow the state is here it disconnect from the body of go uh uh Governor body and law enforcement I know and I still have the relationship with law enforcement I don't have no problem with that but when we used to get those textt we used to alert our community we used to go even to the family house and we used to get more involved with the situation out there we are the seced body of the city of patteron we supposed to not be doing appointments or sending emails to make sure that our city is run properly in the police aspect of it right we are the exective body of it and um you know things have to get better for the remaining month that this OIC have in the city of Patterson you know um Madame ba um I recall way back there was a church that was ordered to be demolished because it was constructed in a zone that was no church allow it was a residential the individual put the plans it was denied he got fined and the church had to get demolished why I say this that was a church what I say is this young lady that comes here today with all these pictures denouncing a neighbor that has been conducting a business on a residential one family house Zone all right R1 Zone make suus report make numerous complaint PD shows up the guy thinks he's above the law and do whatever he wants is I'm aware that zoning went there and they mock them they like they they like they rule in the block and this is not coming for now I remember like three or four month that she this lady been coming here she been texting me with the pictures and a late night about the situation I drove through there myself because you know I'm on the fifth world councilman but I'm all over without with the respect of my other colleagues I drove there I saw commercial vehicles taking residential parking Madam ba taking residential parking and doing whatever they want a certain time of the night so I'm not saying that right I just want to put on the record that something had to be done and as my understanding there's also a garage that was turned in into a residential property in other words office in the top or whatever in the bottom and he's putting all over this in that residential area so I instructed U or advised man rally uh Deputy uh clerk to transfer all that evidence to you to follow up with inspectors and follow up with zoning what was the action taken to make sure that this lady receiv received the pece that she Des sered as a taxpayer in the area so you know something had to be done and once again if a church was demolished you know that really bring peace to the neighborhood I think this place had to be in compliance by the zoning um statue that we have in the city of Paso people uh are talking about the garbage uh that was in front of this building 77 um Ellison Street those that saw the garbage today is not the same one last week Unfortunately today is Tuesday the garbage is out because tomorrow is the garbage collection in downtown so you're going to see the garbage out there so tomorrow the garbage will be collected in the downtown area now if you see it Thursday then give give us a call give a call to ba you know probably they miss a box or miss a garbage you know things could get corrected right Madame things could get corrected but communication is is the key I just want to put that on the floor there was a young lady here that came spoke uh real good about how she could get more information and she spoke about me when she was in penry she knows me because I'm accessible and she raised councilman Jackson uh based on what he see it in TV or whatever but one thing that she said how we could learn more how we could get more involved first of all get involved with the people that really want to make positive change in the city that's the first thing the second there's a city a citizen campaign uh website that you could get learn about process about councilman uh or or government uh functions you could get there and the best experience you could get is getting involved with people in the community that want to see proactive change and the famous word moving the city forward I love that word forward forward and forward um to the uh UT um Team U application MBA if recommendation if an application is submitted a January physical application and insurance is already in place all the fees are paid you know it should not take a month to approve by this Council don't let it no don't leave it in the oven because it could probably it could it could burn right soon as you get those application and they are processed with the right paperwork and the right uh documentation bring it up here graft the resolution let's do it less than a month don't wait oh the application is for July oh let's wait till a month before July because every organization needs to promote they need to hire rise they need to hire security they need to hire vendors you know they need to promote on we um social media and sponsors sponsor will not sponsor event unless they see that is approved by the city right Goya any any cookies company whatever that want to promote an event will not participate unless they see that the organization goes there we already approved to do this event so they will lose sponsorship they will lose people that want to come and in the parade they will lose people that will come in the event so I don't think if there's any questionable application should not go less than month to finance and finance will bring it to us here to get approved just to accelerate right and some people take their time to put the application and vet it the right way early because they don't want to do nothing to the end because they know that everything has a process that's why they come early and Madam Clerk and the license department have to understand they know that they had to put it early before even moving forward to us here but it should not take a month if if everything is written right and everything had been with the do supported document should be up here uh for approval by the council that should go to any parade of Festival out there uh that comes to the city of Pon um council president I just going to do a request to Madame ba uh to through the chair to Madame ba we hire assist a Legislative Assistant the Commissioners Right Aid what they call it right say leg Aid I don't know you you haven't seen my Aid coming here and batching no council members you don't see no Aid coming here batching the administration you don't see my Aid com in here and question no one because they know when I hire them to be my assistant is to make my office be proud there had to be a policy in place a a duty um assignment or spreadsheet or whatever that they could read and say what is their functions as a Aid because if people that want to be Aid in the future they're going to come here and treat us like we was garbage that's not well represented to us at all at all that's something me that I observed that they want to be legisla a from any coun they could be so but they have to be a set Rule and you know if if a person comes here say I'm a resident patteron I come here as a resident pison but have to be mindful that that person is also a legislative aid for any council member here I will not allow any of my any of my AIDS come here use that microphone and batch anyone here no matter if I get along no matter they hate me no matter they don't like me that I look tall beautiful whatever huh and handsome just in case but I would not allow them to come here and do that last but not least last Tuesday okay now last Thursday sorry because we had meeting on Tuesday last Thursday I want to say say thank you to all the P of Resident that raised a prayer for that 10mon baby that was adopted um adduction to or taken to North Carolina we received a call Friday that the father was arrested with multiple charges okay and uh I had the pleasure and honor to travel with the parent with the mother Retreat the girl the little baby is in Patterson where she belongs and the mother's happy and on behalf the mother and the family she say thank you for all your prayers and we have to do this again we will do it again but please don't take no babies that belong to Patterson born and raised brand Patterson stamped Patterson nowhere without permission they belong to us saying that God bless you let's all pray for all of us that God gave us wisdom the strength to move this city forward forward Madame cler thank you for all your work and hopefully tonight uh Madame be you get a chance to clarify some some great clouds we got in this 18 or 19 or 16 employees don't you say 18 um for the viewer out there could get the facts the right way mad clerk thank you Miss rally thank you to my vot is yes to close the public portion thank you councilman Valance councilwoman thank you madam clerk I just want to say a lot of things been tonight um you know I just want to say too don't forget about the the festival the parade that we're having on the 15th we starts at 10 o'clock at them signning but please come at 9:00 down to the railro Underground Railroad where we do a little ceremony um before we start marching um up Madison Avenue and to uh the festival that would be at uh East Side park I just want to say to you Rodney Addison um everyone spoke about it what happened what took you so long but I want to say to the community to put a festival together you have to have financing to put a festival together you need donation to put a festival together Rodney adders and call T don't have money to 20,000 to 30,000 to try to put a festival together so I want to say to the community we need to start donating investing of what we know that is good for our community that will help all of us come together that day and I just want to say to you Rodney I spoke with you ear earlier today I am proud to say that I invested in that Jun te celebration that we're going to have on Saturday I am proud to say that because I know my husband has invested in so many things so I'm happy that we getting it going but we gonna find out what happened sooner or later we got to find out also I want to say to Eva thank you for dressing as a queen and we are all queens sitting up here and you know I just want to say again and that it was said about um councilwoman M threatened um him Eddie she did not threaten him let me tell you something back in 1980s when Eddie had sat here with councilwoman Marley Jackson and councilwoman Maria Magna he had to defend those ladies because they didn't want them and you know you can only imagine what they were sitting with they didn't think women could sit here they couldn't think women could be counsil people so he would he would protect them he wouldn't let nobody come after them and I sat here in City Hall city council when when he sat there and what some of the th that was said to him is just unbelievable but he's still hung in there and it's about helping and taking care of the people it's about helping he made sure but I know that Council woman members did not threaten she said we would bring men here we would bring men here that would look after the say not just us women but all of us you know we don't want to you know you go out here at night and you have somebody watching TV and they see that I so and so don't like Ruby then they be waiting outside for me because they don't know they think I'm a bad bad person and I'm not a bad person and I'm a good counsil woman I listen to everyone I take the phone calls we understand uh you know I think this pandemic has taken us to another level that we're not I'm not sure how we um are going to get pass some of the stuff that's happening and I say Miss Francis and I said it all along we need weekend inspectors do you know on Sunday there's not a Sunday that do not go past where I don't have to go to somebody's building something banging at 7 o'clock in the morning and you working on your house and the city has an ordinance that you cannot work on your house on Sundays when you're building something you cannot work on it so I say to people don't let things continue to keep happen and and not say something and I would say call me or call I I had to call the police officer every time I went to a site no you can't be working on Sunday who gave you that permission but they think that because no one saying nothing and we do need those weekend inspector Miss Francis you know but what I find and I heard a council member said today just not too long ago sometime it's the union that doesn't allow them to be working on the weekends I think that when we hire people I say can we okay your hours are going to be blah blah blah and this is what your hours is going to be now if you're going to accept that fine if you're not going to accept it then you know then you do not accept it now miss Francis I don't know nothing about no sewer bill coming back is that's something new I have no idea about a sewer bill coming back I just want to say also to um um I was at the breakfast and I did not hear Council woman she did not call him ass this was a this was a a a breakfast that they have every year for the Heritage parade they have this breakfast every year the Saturday before you know I always say that it's about us working together there so many things that that that we that that we can get done and you know everybody you don't have to tell everybody what you do you ain't got to tell everybody who you're helping why everybody every need to know you know you know and I say to our young kids now you know you need to um look at life and looking I think about the kids that started High School in 2020 it's four years later we're going to be surprised how many of those kids that started in 2020 how many is coming out in 2024 those kids that went into 9th grade didn't even go to school for a whole year because they had to learn from home they had to learn from home then they go into school the second year there sopore and and I and I think you're going to see our graduation rate down now you have to try to make these children understand about different roles and and look look at what um what career that you could make money on what career that you can make a decent living one of the major ones out there right now is engineer and cyber space cyber space it computers they're looking for them constant they're constantly looking for them so we have to say you look for that and I always say to parents all the time when you send your kids to college sometimes look at the state because when I took when my daughter went to South Carina state in Orangeburg they had no bus service they had no cabs but the reason why she went to South Carolina state was because tuition is go by capital income for that state and so when you look at colleges look at the states if they got a high Capital Income you're going to have high College uh tuition so you have to look at all things but I say let's for us you know to say that um we we're not working together we are working together I would talk to everyone all the time and you know and we talked about Miss Mars Bard up n g c Brooks and jar j Lowry and I know Corporation counsel I'm GNA say it you you be trying to get meetings with the legal committee to try to to explain to us I mean we may not be able to say it to you out there but to say what's happening with that case at least some of us as council members know what what's about what's going on and you know sometimes you certain things you can't say because you know what our names will being in lawsuits all over the place it it's coming our name's going to be in lawsuit coming I can see it coming but when we talked about you know I just want to finish up but I appreciate you all for coming out my church family ladies uh everyone who came out um having seen you in a wild quality seeing you good to be here you know ba Corporation counsel Madam clerk man I mean I'd be there at night with you I see our Deputy clerk I'm I'm there I usually don't even leave until y'all leave and then sometimes you guys leave me there but we have to remember that just it's about um us working all together um there's so many things that we got to just that we got to get done uh and we got to figure out how to get done but I just want to leave a last note on um this lady that retired or was forced to retire she got paid for two years three oh three years it's like if somebody bring something in front of me and they agree to it I have to go with it if they agree to you go with it so I'm saying to the community uh Rodney I'm I'm leaving this on a happy note because you're not taking no nobody's taking my joy my blessings nobody's taking my praise for me nobody's taking nothing for me because I'm going to make sure that I want to share what I have with other people I got to go to Trent in the morning and I want to find out more information on how I can help people I found out some new things today but let's not take away our joy and our blessings we got to that's what we have right now to hold on to we got to hold on because the way and like they talked about M you want to see Trump there I told the man in the dry store you want Donald Trump in there I told you one thing you're not going to survive with no cash because your store depend on EBT if you don't have you put tum in there you won't be seeing no EBT cars coming through here because people are spending in them stores with them EBT cars 50 $100 I see them shopping so but for Community we have a good weekend coming up plan let's enjoy our weekend let's go into the east side park let's walk in the parade and let's enjoy each other that's what God put us here to let's see you going to get along because you know what I grew up on a farm I know what it is not to have running water I know what it is to go to the out house I know what it is to pay cotton I know what it is to put in tobacco and you know what I think the harder because I worked that hard it made me work now but you got to we got to work together we got to stick together because they would do their best to divide the people you got to stop letting people divide the people Madam clerk with that being said council members have a good night I hope to see everybody um this weekend coming up U Madam VA Corporation counsel my technology guy my cop who loves coming here with us thank you my Madam clerk my Deputy Clerk or said out there let's have a good weekend coming up with that being said my vote is yes thank you councilwoman C minutes thank you thank you Madame clerk so I'll try to be very brief because um I have Madame ba I will open the floor right after my vote to Madame ba Madame clerk you know before we finish because we finished with the city agenda uh but there's Madame ba has some report for the community but I start the uh when I start the beginning of the public portion I I you know express my concern about people coming into the chamber and try to disrespect council member and I'm going to I'm going to stay firm what I'm saying I and I said in the beginning that I'm here to uh support and protect my Council colle and as a council president I'm not going to allow people to come here bash and calling council members name because that's not going to take us anywhere I'm in full support and by High Council Ms about her action and what she did at the last meeting it was the right thing to do and Council MC and all my Council Cali as a council president I'm a facilitator I work with all my Council Cali to make sure that we get the job job done our number one goal and and responsibility is this what we have we have an agenda every week that we have to go over this agenda we have to discuss City business in this agenda we have three ver three we're expecting to go out and spend over $9 million to fix River Street the worst Street in the state of New Jersey I would say but people are waiting for that those are the decision that we taking in this Council and I take a lot you know I for me this is extremely important this job is serious to me um the June team reached out to me uh last week because the vendor the Bazar license was not in I don't know exactly what happened I know you guys went through a lot based on what I hear today but I you know I received a phone call on Tuesday um Monday night Tuesday it was on the agenda we already voted you got the Bazar license you got everything from this Council and that's our job that's that's what I'm here for to serve the community and make sure that if you have a problem if there's an item that need to be the agenda I'm here to get make it happen and Saturday I'm inviting all the resident of the great city of Patterson to enjoy this great parade June team let's talk about the history of ens slavery to our children uh let's enjoy East Side park one of the best park in the state of New Jersey totally renovated beautiful let's enjoy what we have patteron there's a lot of good things happening in the city of patteron and and I decide and I I will stay on the positive side when we have a problem our resp respons responsibility as an elected official is to call is to call the different part now waiting for meeting to happen is to start working behind closed door let's get it let's get the job done by the time we come here let's show the result that we have Corporation Council it's my understanding that that former police officer that was out for three years was not a fire about the meeting is that correct yes thank you council president so just to correct the few misstatements that were made uh first and foremost uh that officer was notified her attorney was notified they chose not to appear second of all um the what is being advocated is possibly illegal in that in order for someone to qualify for the sort of pension that is being advocated for it would have have to suain an injury in the line of duty I think in this situation it was clear from the police department that this was not a line of duty injury and so this person would not qualify for the pension that's being advocated for and if the council had voted to pursue that path it would probably be pursuing a path that's illegal and the taxpayers would have to fund that uh pension that that individual would otherwise not be entitled to and so um I think it's important to keep in mind that this is a legal matter and there are many things that are said that legally I cannot respond to or I cannot refute publicly that person has an attorney we've been in contact with their attorney we've been in contact with their attorney for some time and for the Law Department to have aspersions cast upon it um despite the fact that almost every council member sat through an executive session and had ample opportunity to ask all the questions that they wanted to ask Police Department was here uh they presented the facts to the council Council had ample opportunity to investigate ask questions at that time but to cast dispersions on the Law Department um is not only inappropriate for but the Law Department cannot respond and therefore more than what I've said which is already in the public domain and been presented to council I unfortunately cannot shed more light on this issue and no matter what's said about the law department or this case going forward there will be no further response from the law department on this matter and to the extent that an individual feels uh that he or she was not treated fairly I would respectfully submit that they have their retained attorney follow up with us and we'll deal with them at that time thank you thank you Corporation Council the reason why I involved Cor ation Council on the closing of this section is because it's extremely important our responsibility is to protect the city of pison and sometime we open and we start making comment because that sounds popular we sit down and on a sec section we have a discussion that person was not a five and that person choose not to be on that meeting my cell phone number it's 973930 1436 everybody have my cell phone in the city of Pon if you do have a problem trust me believe that if you sit down with me after I hear you I'm going to come back and sit down with everybody to get the fact straight and to see how I could help you and advocate for you but this Council make the right decision when we hear uh the lawyer and what they agree on just to close on that case so I'm looking forward to see my community coming together this weekend brother B her King spoke about Heritage Place uh um director IM Mar Goran I've been having multiple conversation with you director about the empty lot on Heritage Place we've been having this conversation for over six month you promis me that that job is going to get done that we're going to clean the side and we're going to protect the side we're going to fence it out we have a lot of animals there the community is very concerned and I've been dealing with this for close to a year but I'm working with the director of the patteron Housing Authority she looking for a company that is going to close her side so so I've been very I'm working with the community as well but to brother BL so just to let you know Abdul I'm sorry to brother Abdul just letting you know this the information that I'm getting with the from the director uh so I'm still having conversation when we're going to get the job done we definitely get it done uh so um this um so um I think we cover most of the stuff that we covered it was the lady that spoke about East 299th Avenue the branch so we're going to we're going toiv it's a private property so I'm going to be there tomorrow morning the inspectors has to go there exactly so the inspector have to get involved that but I will pass by tomorrow morning uh just to uh go over um the situation and and like for example with the auction of leader die the asset value was over 300,000 the market value was over 300,000 the asset value was close to 400 CH let's put 500 the person that bulled di pay over $800,000 oh around $850,000 um I think the city made the right decision now was our job to make sure that they build a beautiful restaurant a place that really accommodate the people that are coming into the city of pison to visit the great FS I'm looking forward to see different venues open around the Great Falls that's the way that we're going to clean our city so in closing summer it's around the corner the end of the school year here our kids they need summer job if you own a business in the C pison and you have any position please reach out to me once again my cell phone is 973 9301 1436 we have to help our children to get those summer job uh to make sure that they stay occupied during summer camp sport and a little part-time job to make a little bit of money so let's help our youth I'm working on a program to teach our kid uh Finance how to invest in real estate I always say that if we make the right decision any decision that we make now have to impact our children going to pass it away one of the best way to help our children is to teach our kids about Finance how to invest in real estate how to be in and and everything is there so I'm putting together a great program for our youth to help them during this summer stay tuned um the next meeting I'm going to make more announcements but patteron is a great City if we if we work together we could make the city of patteron the best city in the state of New Jersey we facing a lot of challenges uh the garbage collection is one of them we that is going to be on the agenda that very soon to talk about that contract and uh safety is a problem and I I respect some of the members of the community that came to speak about the gun violence Put the gun down please we're hting people let's put the gun down let's pray for our city and let's protect each other with that being said Madam clerk my vote is yes council president Mr President if I may v a minute the votes are eight yeses one absent uh the public portion oh tu's meeting is thank you um so so second M just a minute so Madame ba M uh council members oh let me open the floor to Madame ba there's a few topic I know she wants to talk about um million issues and all the issues so let me open the floor she asked for the floor just give me a second no no before she speak uh please councilman I want to go home is she no rebuttal please let her speak it's a report it's a report on Madam VA wants to that she wants to give if van Clair wants to make a comment there was a lot of discussion so she had the right to OPP use the floor right after that we'll close the meeting and we'll go home thank you council president um first I would like to thank uh council members who offered their condolences as well as members of the public on the loss of my mother-in-law who passed away last week and was the reason why I couldn't be with you last Thursday um it is unfortunate a lot of items came up at the meeting last Thursday that I could have addressed in real time and maybe head off some of the confusion around some of these topics um but I'm happy to be doing so uh here tonight so but I first want to address a couple of the comments um by the public um in particular the juneth um application starting there um I completely agree with you and understand the frustration that there's no reason for any of that to have happened um it it is something I know councilwoman Dava mentioned earlier we have um a a fellow working with us on um processes and this is actually one of the processes that she's tackling and she is is really nudging all the Departments to get their information to her so she can map out how better to do this and to use our existing technology that allows kind of this permitting to then virtually go from Department to Department this department now knows that it's been approved here and so on um I'm sorry that that's not that wasn't up in already in place for you guys um it is something that I'm going to go back get further detail about this and then hopefully you will be able to use that process next year and other entities will also be able to use that later this year so I I do apologize on behalf of the administration I can understand that frustration um a couple of other items Miss Harrison had some questions um and we have Ted talked about this in the past about the weekend inspectors it has been something that we have gone out multiple times and tried to get employees to um to work on the weekends here to hire just for weekend inspectors so we've done it you know just as part-time employees we've done it as full-time job postings that people would work part of the week and then including the weekends um it we haven't been able to secure uh employees to do it so we have occasionally been able to use overtime to do so um it is something that we' brought up recently with the economic development department and we're going to go out for a round again um I know you you've used the phrase that I you know it is because of me it is my feeling and that I refuse to pay um it everything comes down to resources and we heard last week just for the the the Staffing that we have right now when we introduced the budget we are asking for more transitional Aid we still don't have any guarantee that that's going to happen and we know that the council does not want to vote for anything other than a 2% tax increase and I think you would suggest the same that is not we can't even afford what we have right now let alone other people so when we talk about how I refuse to pay I'm looking out for the taxpayer who is going to be lining up out this hallway if we have a tax increase above 2% so I know that's not the answer that anybody wants to hear because there are we cannot provide the services that we can that we need to provide at the level that residents want them myself as because everyone knows that I'm a resident of the city of Patterson I am a homeowner in the city of Patterson my parents who every time every time I talk to them and go over to their house they're complaining to me about if they didn't see the street cleaner pass them I I understand this I hear it regularly from residents from council members from my own family but I also understand the parameters that I am tasked as my job to live within so if there's another solution tell me because we're we're going to keep trying we're going out again for housing inspector jobs but this is not something that is easily solvable and that we haven't already been trying to address we are are adding additional sanitation inspector and and again some of these issues are we have had people out on workers comp we have we cannot replace people we're not a municipality that's able to have you know we have seven street cleaners that need to go out and we can have 10 drivers sitting there so that on any given day if someone's out on workers's comp if someone's out on vacation if someone is out sick that we have back fill to to put that in we cannot afford that as a city so but we don't have people sitting around so some days only six street cleaners go out not seven and I know that stinks but we have to live with what we have to live and so that is and and I know that is you're shaking your head I know that is not the answer you want to hear but I'm telling you that that is the reality that we are faced with sewer bill that is not something that there was no fix that was NE it was a change to how the system um was run because we were not collecting enough to pay for this the cost of sewer treatment Capital Investments the employees that work both in the sewer division in finance and Sewer division in public works so that is the the rate system is as it is there was a change to what it was a flat rate then it became volumetric and it went back to Flat that's it is I don't I do not believe that there is any interest rate now and changing it back to volum metric um but so as it stands we are collecting what we need to be collecting and we will continue to have those conversations at and we will have to continue to watch that because expenses go up for sewer treatment for the employees with their with their raises um I will go back to the issue of reports when I addressed some of councilman Jackson's concerns um I was proud to see the the youngest gentleman here this evening uh who who was advocating for playgrounds and that's something that um you know I know the council members have been advocating for and the Administration has and if you look at the list of playground improvements that we have made over the years uh since we started it it really is something that is a focus of this Administration um okay now to the $ 199 million this is something that I I'm really sad to see how this conversation went because um lots of people were referencing or people were referencing that they read it in the the newspaper um as well as um but that we lost it using the phrase that it's lost that it's gone where did it go um the newspaper article itself discusses that the $19 million from ARP from American Rescue plan is not going to be going towards the recreation center but it has shifted that 19 million to other projects and when I introduced the budget on the workshop session I went through the 64,66 a,1 166 that the city has been allocated and where that money is going it was in the presentation that I had on that television over there it was in slide deck that I had here not all council members were here that is is one of councilman Jackson's reports that he's requesting I spent a lot of time putting that together to detail exactly where all that money is going and that was a conversation that I wanted to have that evening to talk about we're no longer using 19 million from ARP to do the recreation center but how we are going to do the recreation center and I will continue to want to have that conversation with any council member who who wants to come we did talk about it in finance committee weeks ago we did talk about it again this evening I welcome any of you to come to my office let's set up a time to talk we will talk about it and it was mentioned in this newspaper article that everyone's referencing because we said now it says now the mayor is looking to partner with a private developer to build a combined project that will include a recreation facility and a new Public Safety complex at the current side of the Patterson Police Headquarters we're going to use a tool that is approved by the State called a public private partnership a pre a P3 which municipalities are now able to use to fund these type of large scale projects a lot of times for municipal buildings we couldn't use I know councilman abdell aiz had mentioned something last week we should have use the ARP dollars as a down payment we could not it had to be encumbered as part of a a larger project we did not have there are too many moving pieces but I can lay out the timeline of all the work we have done since the ARP dollars were announced to try to get to an end solution so we are do this is a both and conversation there is no money being lost it is being used on other things and I just want to point out a couple of the other things that some of this Recreation Center money is now going to it's an extra 2.1 million going to ver Ames park because there was a originally only about one a little over 1 million that we had that was allocated and and now we have been able to up that up to about a little over 3 million so that when we go out to bid so we were working with the planners they were able to get it close to a $3 million project we didn't have to tell them please make this a $1 million project because that's the only money we have another 1.8 for Road resurfacing we already had 2.5 for a road resurfacing project now there's going to be another 1.8 on top of that another two million for Vista Park money for the glisten glisten fields track additional money for the Buckley Park PR playground so these are just some examples but the full list was something that we introduced as part of the budget and we had that conversation and that's why the reporter had some of that information in his article because we talked about it so hopefully that addresses some of Mr Greer's questions from last week as well as this week he also talked about Road resurfacing there is a road study that we have done and that the city has created and we look to going forward that create our lists based off of that road study in relation to Governor Street in particular he was talking about it but that is not black top and this is something that we discussed when councilwoman Mims was with us earlier this week we talked about the difference in that substance compared to most other Road resurfacing so we cannot include it in list that we're doing black top projects it would have similar to I think it's Railway AV has its cement its cement work it would be a different and more expensive project that we would have to take on going forward it's something that is now on the list we're discussing how we might be able to address it but it that's the reason why it wasn't included that that portion of Governor Street was not included and that's directly from the engineer um I know we're going to I'm going to continue to follow up on that issue on nicker Bacher Avenue we have as as councilman had said we have been sending um inspectors to address it and I know Mr Gilmore came and he was talking about gaslighting and that sort of brings me back to um councilman Jackson in the beginning and I just want to you know he said a lot of things I'm not going to be able to refute all of them tonight I can use an example one things he one of the things he talked about and he is the perfect example of a gaslighter he talked about the cares act and as as people might recall the car's Act was the first amount of money that we received early 2021 into 2022 for covid he referenced tonight $80 million when he talked about it earlier it was 13.7 million that the city was given he asked he said that I never gave him reports I have that I just looked up tonight two emails that I sent him of reports detailing the exact to the penny of that $ 13.7 million how it was spent they were sent on January 28th 2022 February 2nd 2022 and there are other council members copied on it so it is not just something my hearsay my you know oh you know I'm just sort of answering this there is actual receipts to talk about the fact that when the councilman sits up here and says I never get my reports that is just not true sewer repair list in December of 2023 said I never get these reports sent it on email talks about expend expenditure reports from the stadium that is not City money there's no expenditures of tax dollars it is a development project where we approved a tax credit to that project the report it is the they owe reports to the state for the tax credits that they get and they file those reports so every time he he rails about how we've never seen these reports it's because there are no City do as part there are no expenditures for this so this this election councilmen received 824 votes I don't think anything I'm saying here are going to convince the 824 people that voted for you that what I'm saying is true in 2020 you had something similar a44 to go back to 2018 running for mayor you had about a thousand votes but I'll give you the 2022 when you ran for mayor you got 1600 votes the mayor got 7,800 five times your votes those 1600 people are not going to believe what I have to say some of them come here some of them come to the podium some of them say pretty outrageous things like my skin tone being close to the skin tone of councilman abdal aiz is the reason why he gets streets paved that's pretty outrageous but I don't worry about that because there are 15,000 people who didn't vote for you in that same election where there were 1600 votes and those are the people that I'm talking to and I want you to believe that even though councilman Jackson tries to Gaslight all these issues that we're still doing the city's work here and that we are we are doing our best it's not always perfect but we are doing our best to make this a better place for all pattersoni including myself and my children regarding the election I had provided the clerk with some information back in April because we went through this last November that there was information given to me to just process payments when there was no backup no in actual information on what people worked it was just names and dollar amounts and that's not something that will hold any weight when it comes to any scrutiny outside scrutiny and otherwise including DCA scrutiny I talked to the county and got information on how they pay for their employees both city employees and poll workers they follow for workers or County Employees for pole workers they follow the state law which is $300 for the full 14 hours and it is and that works out to be I believe like $21 $21.43 hourly there was a statement made about how this the city doesn't have to pay for this that's not true for and Council and Madam clerk can share this we can apply for a gr an for early voting for our municipal election I have the Grant application in front of me when we did that in 2022 and again all we could ask for is what is the state law it's the hourly rate or if it's a County employee which is similar to our city employees working that they would be getting their overtime rate straight time overtime I provided that didn't happen it hasn't happened in the past in the city so City taxpayers are subsidizing how we have been paying the rest of minicipal election I believe we do not get reimbursed for which is something that um I believe the clerk had had noted so we have to follow these regulations I asked Madam Clerk and and as councilman Jackson said earlier that she is the one who runs elections that is true unfortunately or fortunately the CFO and I are the ones in charge of the budget and finances and these are finances they're they are payments and we have to abide by the oversight of DCA and when there are lots and I have been asked why do we not have appropriate details on this so I tried to get that I provided Madame clerk a memo because this didn't happen in November on April 18th asking about election Staffing asking about payments detailing how the best way to pay people is going to be using the key fob so that it can go automatically into their paycheck we will have documentation of when people worked when they didn't it could be allocated we do this for snow when people come in to work a snow shift they key fob in they key fob out it's different from their regular shift we do it for clean community ities we have done this in throughout the city Madam clerk did not chose not to communicate this chose not to respond even after multiple emails about this there were a few some of I know some of the it members clocked in and clocked out they got paid for their election work what I'm doing now it's not that anybody is going to go unpaid but Madame clerk has provided time sheets not all those time sheets have full information they have time in for employees without time out how am I supposed to pay an employee when I don't know what time they left my office has been asking Madam clerk for this information and hopefully I said we need to prioritize it this week because we want to include it in the paychecks at that are processed as of next Tuesday I hope it's something that we can get the rest of this information but then our team has to sit down instead of it just automatically being in the time system because people use key fobs we now have to go in calculate the amount of hours straight time hours and overtime hours based on what they what else they worked that week some people already will automatically be getting paid time and a half for their election time some people will only be getting straight time for the first five hours and getting time and a half going forward you can see the application that are sent in from County workers that we submit for the county workers who work in the early polling places and that's exactly what these applications they look look like they have hours for straight time hours for overtime so I I hope that clears up I hope we get this information I hope that in November we use key fobs I hope that I have the listing of employees ahead of time so that we can tell all the timekeepers exactly what they need to do because that's what we were trying to do we were trying to get people paid immediately within that pay period of when they worked and all of it could be allocated right to elections thank you um first of all thank you um thank you Mr President mad first of all I wish it was as easy as the ba stated that I should put this there give election Staffing I first of first and foremost I cannot give you the list that you requested prior to everyone signing up who um who wants to work the election people call in I cannot set people to work if they don't want to work especially when it's rumored that they are not being paid I have to there there is nothing that about people not getting president point of council members council members counc Madame ba Madame ba you got your time to speak just just just give me a minute mad CL Madame ba you have your time to speak we open the floor to Madame clerk after Madame clerk finished there's going to be a uh four council member that will be assigned to meet with both party because we got to fix this tomorrow people that work in election day they need to get paid so tomorrow there going to be a meeting um I'm I would like to choose Council M councilman Ru Council Bon councilman Udin there's four coun members tomorrow okay you can go we replace your Council woman with another person uh the four council members that going that that are going to be tomorrow we're going to sit and we're going to fix our problem but tonight there's no rebattle um okay well if the information is correct is incorrect council president mad CL M CL M CL I I Madame B I understand and I understood and I hear you now we give you the time we open the floor for you now the process is going to take place this way we hear you now let's hear the div verion of Madame clerk after Madame clerk finished there's no rebattle so let's meet tomorrow let's have a conversation four council member will be on the table with both uh with both of you to with both Department to correct the problem and make sure that people get paid so with that being said mad Clerk and right after you we closing this meeting thank thank you so I'll start again by saying that everything that's done in the clerk's office is done by President as with qu everything that I do is from Jane Williams Warren Sonia Gordon my two predecessors I'm doing nothing different than they do but somehow I'm been scrutinized more than everyone else okay whatever I submitted it's how it's always done I do understand that this ba requires um an explanation of everything that's done I did not give it to her I am in the process of doing it so when I'm when it's been said that I totally ignore it's not true A letter came to me uh or a memo came to me sometime ago which I did ignore because it stated inter earlier that I was wasting taxpayers money I don't think that people who worked and I paid them I was wasting taxpayers money that's why I ignored it just to set the record straight we work our butts off from 3:00 a.m. to 1:49 a.m. this this past election and I think when people work they should be paid we don't just sit there and do nothing councilman abdulaziz can attest he saw me in the Sixth Ward running from polling sites to polling sites to make sure everything was done correctly when there is a problem out there I have to take Terren if Terren cannot go I have to find someone else or I go myself we don't just sit there so when I I Accord the people according to what they work I think they should be paid yes I understand that she needs an explanation and that I will give but to say that they're not going to pay them because they I'm paying them too much money and I'm wasting taxpayers money it's you know it's it's very very distasteful I can't even say the words I want to say it's very distasteful and I don't like when people undermine my ability because I know what I'm doing thank you that's all I have to say thank you thank you than you uh Madame clerk so um so council members so tomorrow we're going to have a meeting m madame VA let's let's um let's work on the SCH there was a moot motion to close motion to close council member move to close move to close uh by council member last second by Council M mes roll call man clerk to close the public uh the meeting can you put can you put the two minutes please two minutes Clark roll call to close the municipal Council regular meeting of Tuesday June 11th councilwoman cotton thank you madam clerk I'm not going to be long I just I'm not able to attend tomorrow because I have uh I have a senior day and I love going to my senior um program at the three high schools I've gone to Rosen Parks I'm tomorrow's Rosen Parks I went to Esau high school and I've got and you know it it's wonderful to see the kids the young adults getting scholarship from different organizations I mean I'm talking about they getting scholarships from the Eastern stars from the Masonic from the Deltas from the AKA for the omegas it is just absolutely wonderful when you see those kids walk up on stage and they're getting a scholarship for many many organizations so tomorrow I have Rosen park senior day and that's where i' be and after I leave Rosen park I have to go down to Trenton for another meeting so I'm unable tomorrow to be there but I also just want to remind you out there and I want you to please um um jumpstar production and National Action nwork with Reverend Al shopton is going to be um in a program on June 17th which is Monday at 6:30 at the fiesta if you want to get tickets the tickets are $70 Reverend Al Sharpton will be the guest speaker at this event on Monday June 17th at the fiesta if you want tickets please see me and let me say you you're going to have an excellent absolutely good time but just to listen to Rend Al shop to me is just an honor to sit in the room with him and listen to him with that being said you want tiet please Senor everyone thank you all for coming out everyone have a good night God bless you all um Madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilwoman CT councilman Jackson thank you madam clerk very quick ladies this a take a short second and Madam clerk I appreciate and respect you um putting the facts on the record thank you now to the public Miss Carla so now we're making a big deal about key fobs the last several weeks I went to the Personnel department at about 11:00 Personnel director wasn't aing at work I want to see the key fob clockin for everybody that works in personnel and everyone who works in your office including you Madame ba since we're since we're now we're so concerned about key fobs and and people who aren't utilizing the key fils and and different uh people being held to different standard as we see the report we we'll look at that as far as the henko stadium dollars not being tax dollars that's that's a load of nonsense this Council it was it was over $25 million of that and in fact if there wasn't just produced the report that showed where all the money came from produced the report but they're claiming that we that wasn't taxpayers dollars that's incorrect yes it was only $16 million expended because if you guys remember when Co first hit patteron is the largest municipality in the county and we was entitled to more money but they inappropriately expended and they allowed the count uh the the uh the county to beat us to the covid uh uh Center that was done up at William Patterson college and we didn't have those treatments locally because they inappropriately expended it don't send me the expenditure report under 16 million I'm asking for something larger now relative to the council saying that we can't do anything and the person had an opportunity to show with their attorney if that's the case if someone agreed to a settlement why are they still following suit against the city with their attorney more so if the council had no choice but to accept whatever was presented to us whatever was negotiated by Corporation Council many of you if you watched you saw the other the two deals that was negotiated by Corporation council's office approved by the ba and the mayor's office to give a $3 million tax break to the owners of co- arms and this Council stood against that so if we can stand against that why wouldn't we stand against an employee being falsely accused yes those representatives from the PD they came forward and talked about this person did not sustain those injuries on the job but those of us who are from here who know the person know and if you ask both officers here everybody knows that this young lady sustained incredible injuries and we all know the practices of various departments and rushing people back to work to negate their their uh a workman's compensation claim so as a responsible person to the public I'm not going to sit here and watch somebody get railroaded and not stand up on their behalf to say that it would be illegal for us to do that that's another lie because the council has the ability because she was in fact hurt on the job she was beaten and and and was out of work for years before they forced her back telling her oh if you don't come back now you're going to get this situation then they put her they agreed to put her at the desk job and then after was said we can't put you there anymore but yet let's not talk about the countless people who don't have sustainable haven't sustained injuries who they just had infractions on their jacket with them uh uh hiding in their home when they were supposed to be on duty and yet those persons were allowed to have death Duty so we sit here and try to put these misnomers or these uh falsified this falsified information out and I'm not going to stand for it the same way to just today I I have over 22 infractions at my personal business for things that watch they're going to be thrown out of court because they're false claims false allegations I'm not even going to speak about my own issue because then it seems as if I'm doing this in retaliation how many countless people employees do I have to come to come to uh bat for the same happened with firefighter hunt when he was being illegally fire uh uh kept from his employment and yes I can sit here and say I was the only one publicly advocating don't talk to me about what you go talk to them behind closed doors because what they do behind closed doors I'm not going to go cut a deal and uh uh uh negotiate a vote for some for somebody to do to do the right thing and what they was expecting is for people not to answer for the clerk not to answer to that false information anyway listen and I'm glad I'm glad the ba took time to check the status and yes guess what and before I got to the first W those vote those those vote counts weren't any different the the fact of the matter is people are so disenfranchised by the poor job that the that the city is doing that they don't come out to vote in those numbers and furthermore I ran an election with you your family the mayor his family council members their family all running against me where this person raised 10 times the amount of money I spent so to try to diminish that it's okay you can do that all day long I'm still having a celebration on the 21st which all of you are invited to more importantly this mayor did receive those numbers which she didn't outline was those numbers was Gravely different from the first election in the second and those numbers reflected a great deal of the black community supporting him which they will not be doing again in fact many other communities have vowed not to while the deals are trying to be cut for other people to run so the current ba could still stay in the position listen the proof is in the pudding all you got to do is ride around the city and if I'm wrong listen I'll say I'll stand corrected but this city is in the worst condition that it's ever been in in my lifetime plus years and if anybody can't see that then I don't know what you're looking at you could keep yeah I'll wrap it you you right Miss Francis it's no point Madam clerk I applaud you for standing up for was right and not allowing somebody to paint this false Narrative of you being incompetent because that is yet again more disrespect it is state by Statute by statute that it is your responsibility and if there is anything else let them let the DCA uh uh uh rally to to the state legislators to make amendments to the legislation but as long as you're in that seat and you have the authority you continue to do the great job that you're doing despite the messages that's trying to be conveyed my hat is off to you madam clerk my vote is yes thank you councilman Jackson councilwoman Ms so um in closing we're we're going home but and I I respect the gesture council president of saying that four council members um can come together but I'm going to put something else on the table why don't we just pay the employees all that needs to be outlined is they work the election anyone that knows I I know the work that you all do every year for the election it is is tireless if the description just says they work the election from these hours to these hours they should just get paid whatever the list is the description should say work the election from 3:00 a.m. to 1:49 in the morning that's it we should not have to like detail every nook and cranny of what happens with these workers they've been do some of these workers have been doing it for decades at this point and they've never had an issue so council president I respect what you said but I just think tomorrow we should ad MBA just process these individuals and then just process the information um Madam clerk thank you for giving your your side as well on your description just put election workers and put they work from 3:00 a.m to 1:49 a.m. that's it it's it's I mean to have to detail so so and even while we're sitting here tonight she has the paper we fill it out she's going to hand it over and workers you're going to get paid that's it we don't need to come tomorrow to meet nothing let's just pay the employees and Madam clerk I would recommend if you fill that paper out tonight take a screenshot and then tomorrow come to your office and print it and then sign it make sure your signature is on it but I would do it right while you're sitting here and give it over to her that way the employees can get paid that's it the employees work get one we they signing and yes yes just yes just submit it we don't need to come together council president once it's done Madam clerk just send us an email and say everything was submitted and the next thing um the when they get their check it should be in their paycheck that that's it like we don't need to meet for that purpose I just want people to get paid I want people to get paid just uh them to get paid um let's continue to keep um in prayer there so many people that have lost loved ones um whether they've been sick um whether it's it's been um unexpected so many people are losing loved ones so let's continue to pray for our community let's continue to pray for each other let's keep building and not battling let's keep working and I want to um close because I want everyone to hear the scripture that was for the one that say it of course I want to ask but 2 Kings 73 chapter uh 2 Kings chapter number s verse 7 it reads wherefore they arose and fled in the Twilight and left their tents and their horses and their asses even the camp as it was and fled for their life I was reading the scripture I didn't call anybody and ask so I wanted to put it on the record open up the Bible it's in there and I read the scripture I didn't even paraphrase it I WR the read the scripture verba Patterson you know sometimes people get upset because they're like just wrap it up no if you were on this dat you would be talking too because when people are coming against your character you have to defend yourself I'm never going to wrap it up and keep my mouth closed when someone comes for me I'm coming back you s for me you don't have the floor you don't have the floor mother you don't have the floor I love you but you're have the floor please members of the community please please it's necessary it is necessary it's NE necessary yeah so in closing I just want to thank everybody everybody that chooses to come out sacrifice and work let's keep our our youth in prayer um there's so many ceremonies that are going on the proms have should be at a point where they're almost over at this point and graduation is coming let's pray for a safe safe healthy summer that our kids will be able to live to see the next school year pray for the Educators so they can get a break for those I'm a 12month employee so I work all year long but for those that are going on summer breaks let's pray for them as well Madam clerk Deputy Clerk and everyone here and those that left rapel thank you for zooming in I appreciate it with that being stated AAA la vista baby good night everybody thank you my vote is yes thank you Dr memes councilman Udin thank you Madame Clark uh thank you council president for um allowing both U Madame Clark and Madame VA to uh speak and uh clarify stuff when Council M Les please allow me to speak uh thank you so uh council president thank you for allowing both uh both of our key employees of the city to speak Madame Clark Madame be you are the key people for the city of patteron to run when you don't work cooperatively um and respectfully it's a way to paralyze the whole city I would say and I I really um appreciate that you both stated your platform um in the future elections I definitely as council president mentioned that we will sit down we see that how you expect Madame Clark to submit the report and how is feasible easier for her to provide the information we we'll talk on this however since people are still waiting those who worked that should not be punished because of our miscommunication or whatever it is that should get um only thing I'll request in general that um when we speak our diction the choice of words is very important how we deliver and what words we Choice uh we all including myself should be very mindful on this we cannot really keep on fighting and disrespecting um each other we can't I'm talking about our council members I'm talking about employees we can't do that the fight should be for the people of the city of PS whatever fight we do that should be the intention so that numbers of the 16 employees work that's 8,000 and some changes that's not really a huge amount that can um cause raising of taxes uh you gave your uh big um uh information uh we cannot really uh recap on everything but only a thing I us say that those who work in the election that should get paid we'll sit down um before the November election and we'll find out that what's the rric that you want uh Madame Clark to follow and what is it really something feasible or what kind of changes she wanted to make we can have the done um I I really commend both of you for working hard for the city of Patterson but just know this we are politic we are politician we we go out vote you know get votes from the people people elect us that's our position we keep our people happy whatever makes our people happy sometimes we entertain us entertain people sometimes we start people that's politicians business but how many people elected me how many people voted for me does not mean mean anything I was elected by about 5,000 some numbers I guess it does not mean I'm going to just serve only 5,000 people I have to serve every single individual in the city of HS that's how it works so um again uh I request everyone uh we have to be respectful uh intention should be serving the city in Better Way um and also uh request that our heart maybe very pure that's true but addtion uh is uh is very important when you deliver whatever we speak with that being said I commend both of you for working hard for the city of Patterson Madame Clark Madame be uh thank you thank you so very much I wish you happy and healthy night week we'll see you soon and with that being said my P is yes to close the coun VZ today we have a nice beautiful dialog at the end the meeting I did you know why I did analysis about the clitch of the problem and I was listening to Madame ba and then I listened to Madame Clerk and um out of 30 30 employees um I believe 14 got paid 16 they not get paid based on your statement I could say that probably those 14 use a key fog and 16 did not use the key fog they can't use it they're not employees they're not employ oh so they're not employees so now this is where it comes up to understanding those that not an employee based on her statement stated some information was missing that's why they cannot get paid in this case Madame clerk uh have the information and hopefully is sent right away to the Madame ba to get a closure before next Tuesday I believe right to get it paid I I understand that council president stated right away that he has a committee of four no hold on not not right away I will have a committee of four if the problem don't get resolved if the problem get resolved you save my time to go tomorrow so hopefully she will send the the information to Madame ba as requested and um and this is an experience for moving forward Madame ba and Madame clerk moving forward if Madame ba request all employees or create an a special key lock uh key fog for those that are n employees for be able to avoid paperwork okay a special I don't know a SL a swipe or whatever because it's going to be used for three days or if they are go to work three days for election or one day uh it could get that ready h a key fog for those employees and they get a check will be generated immediately um if they follow the steps let me say this um there's some campaigns running around u in the direction councilman menes and probably me myself told those volunteers pay volunteers to fill out a form before even starting working to be able to get a check to be able to have a log that for elect that we pay them so right we do that so they're not a permanent employe my me but if they don't fill out that form they don't get a check you know that you know that so in this case I'm not going to be the dev Advocate but you know being fair that we have two respectful employees of the city of patteron that needs to uh make this work for November and I have the confidence Madame ba that and and Madame cler that communication will be placed as a peaceful one because we have to see each other every day in the city of pis and and yes when it's taxpayer money and we ow it to employees or now employees it's still taxpayer money and uh DCA is the fiscal monitors for our city and we want to make sure that DCA don't come and bite us and say that we not doing proper thing but communication could be a improve in the city and both offices because both offices with the collaboration of us serve the same of patteron last but not least I I I forgot to mention your legal department has saved a lot of taxpayer money Council uh Mr abushi we have seen it when we go into uh secutive section has saved us a lot of taxpayer money and I'm proud will you expertise that you have also in the federal level your expect that you have in the Superior Court court and Municipal Court have brought up the legal department I City in a high standard thank you for your service and please do not go stay with us to the resident Patterson once again thank you for your prayer for that 10mon baby back home um Cassidy I love you I know you don't understand this but you did understand when I hug you the other day M clerk de clerk PD everyone that's on the room rafhael and Melinda thank you get home safe see you tomorrow my vote is yes to close the meeting thank you councilman bz Mr President thank you Madame clerk um this is the end of this um Regular meeting and and and let me just say thank you m clerk for you know explaining the situation what's what happened at the uh uh you know this past election and Madame ba want to thank you for your version when I mentioned that like to have a few council members sitting down with both uh department is because both of you are extremely important to us um we respect the job that you do Madame clerk you work really hard um to move the city on the right direction to help us uh and make our job easy and run the city and we want to make sure that also mam VA uh we want to make sure that that relationship the working relationship is effective and is positive because that's the only way that we're going to make progress in the city um and by tomorrow so we'll be in contact UM according with the with our time so let's have that conversation let's have that dialogue that way we could fix the problem make the payment that need to be paid and if there's a a a future project that a future process that need to be in place let's talk about it let's go over and and let's be on the same page uh you know we we work together and the best way for us to do the right thing for the city and may progress is by respecting each other and and having a effective communication and the best way to have that is by sitting down you know express ourself and and and fix the problem that need to be fixed and I want definitely my Council Kali and I mentioned this I'm not the only one that sit on those meeting a lot of people they talk about those meeting as back door deal none of the stuff is correct is true there's a lot of work in the committee councilwoman K is knows that councilwoman Mims know that that we spend hours and hours on committee on the finance committee Economic Development Committee for us to come here and Council Ms as well for us to come here and have this agenda P this is now in order for us to get this agenda done we spend hours and hours on committee that's the reason why I mention some council members that they refuse to go in those committee and spend time if you really want to fight for patteron I invite you I remove myself out of the out of one of those committee and I invite you to sit on Finance on economic development do the job when the camera is not on and that's the best way to help the City of Paris and that's the best way to have an agenda that will help us move the city in the right direction so I'm looking forward to see that problem resol tomorrow may God continue blessing the city of Paro let's pray for our city let's come together my birthday is this Friday I was born June 14 at 8 p.m. and I will be celebrating my birthday this weekend I'll be celebrating also my victory this weekend everybody's invited you know you all have that you all have the invitation I want to say thank you once again to all the resident of the third world and the entire city of Pon because one of the thing that make me the most happy candidate was when I during the when during the election I got people that live in other section that they tried to vote for me is and they calling me because they don't see me in the ballot I appreciate it I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and I humbly here to serve the resident of the city of P so nothing else to make our city better God bless the city of Pon and God bless you all my vote is yes B CL thank you Mr President before I announce the votes I just want to remind all re elected ward council members to provide me with the name of the person who administer your oath and introducing you for the July 1 program sure and if I may if I if I may but cler before before uh we close this meeting the the the reorganization meeting and the swearing is going to be at the college at bccc uh it's going to be a great program council members all of you as a part on this program because this July 1st is the 50th anniversary of the form of government in the city of pariso so we all have to come together uh and take some portion of the program we're going to do something beautiful we're expecting to have enough food for the people that are going to be attending at the s in and everything everything is going to take place at pccc at the the college the saring and the reorganization meeting M clerk we have a lot of work to do yes sir thank you good night Patterson so the votes are six yes is three absences the municipal council meeting of Tuesday June 11th is hereby adjourned thank you good night night