GRE Ruth excuse me okay got good morning you want this [Music] special meeting Bud work Shop City Council order July 30th 2024 remind everybody myself to silence your cell phones and need prayer Heavenly Father we come to you right now with our ears and hearts tell thank you Lord for your your guance your sh your protection Lord I ask you right now to decrease each and every one us up here on this Podium and you increaseing us Lord to make the right decisions for the see in these blessings we ask in your name amen amen of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for Allan here wood here bu agenda item 38 Council to continue discussions regarding city of Perry's budget for fisal year 2024 2025 to take any action deemed necessary who would like to start think we had some changes didn't we um yeah a couple I added in Grant revenue and expenditures um and then also ARA reserves R out million computer Shir AR just waai anyone else like to speak on the budget or we got the proposed R changes you want to go through that you want to do the r changes first yeah I guess it all kind rolls together anyway all right just director we're going to go and discuss agend item 3A which is the discussions on the budget we're also going to discuss agenda item 3B which is on the proposed utility rate changes take any action necessary and agenda item 3 C councel to discuss Water and Wastewater license and S take any action necessary they all kind of go together and Inter with each other if that's okay with everyone so I just said um about the new items in the budget and then the old items this this is just that little square part that was on the original budget summaries the last few times that I just put it on here um so we still have factored in the 3% pay increase the 5% increase for workers compensation 5% increase for liability insurance and the 7.9% increase for health one thing I want to ask about is um about percentage wi over the past two or three years has liability and property insurance G it's fluctuated fluctuated upward always upwards a little bit we we've had one or two years in the last four or something that has stayed relatively the same and then we've had others where they have wild swings so it's very unpredictable do we have any does anybody have any future outlook on what it's going to look like this next year with the storm damage they're not giving anying on and a lot of these things are done on every twoe cycle that they'll qu you out for roughly two years worse right and then they kind of see where things lag once they get all the cost in then they adjust as like budget I've been working on the county the insurance has been just snowballing at a rapid rate what what they me ask the question any okay when you you budget now and then sometime next gen it comes do and it's like whoa what happened you know I didn't quite budget enough I didn't know if they had any idea where it might fall where it might lie at least this is through our fiscal year so yeah good for for liability liability and property okay I'm justd past two years i' had to do budget transfers because they' just gone up that much remember the beginning of this year I had to do some budget amendments because those things adjusted the workers comp is one that always comes in after your new fiscal year is already in progress the budget's well set and then they do a analysis of your previous year and then it's kind of like uh oh well Insurance used to be within you know a few percent so it wasn't that significant but I've noticed a pretty good jump in it few years ago it was a j so kind of comes those things are just fluctuating so wildly now you know prices of anything always like a joke at the airport we had a little I don't know what the little building was some kind of little 10 building out by one of the fiill pumps and the price of the gas was painted on that building that's a little it changed it was always consistent this has been a long time ago but yeah bucket 5 radiation gas that tells you how long ago it was now you see 50 Cent a gallon jumps you know in a month's time or down sure absolutely um I wish that you all would come back with some other options I just do not want to raise I inre vity at all we have been hammering these people for God knows how long I'm complaints y charging us is you're charging us that you're riding around in the new cars you're doing this you're doing that when are you going to do something else and I think it's a fair question um think in 2022 she may the razor rates 25% as well well I I I just would let me come back like some different figures and let's about the people of this city please Sur M speak to that yes sir please I'm uh I'm looking at no you can you know I will not noot agree to any water increases now your justification is because we got to do this we got to do this but here's what we do we spend it we don't we this increase that we're talking about in Prior years we're going to set aside for something but we don't do it we spend it I will not support personally any water increase or sewer increase or gas increase we need to cut expenses somewhere now just continue to increase revenue and uh what what should happen with solid waste is raise that to maybe $60 and reduce water by $60 or wherever else you're getting it from uh but I can I can go along with a solid wayte to increase but not beach and the prices going up at our seller correct but they've not gone up go back pick up times for mon man um you the rated higher and higher and higher and they're not getting Rel but they're not getting a service either but I know that it needs to we need to do something but just not this yes ma'am you mind going to the podium and just state your name and address for the record thank you ma'am D 315 West Street 32347 my question is um in the paper they talked about people that were suffering with the water border Street of the locations we have an aid that comes to the house um to tend to my husband physical therapist that comes and both of them that live within the city say that sometimes the water smells and they don't live on Border Street they live in different locations my question is I know that we're getting new fils um is it possible that in the infrastructure that the pipes that are delivering water have gotten old and need to be replaced but even with that question we're paying a lot for water that is substandard and I know they said in the paper that you know we can you know get alternative we can get b water it's difficult to pay for water that is not drinkable and then go out five water and you know these are difficult times I understand that for the budget I mean we've lost two big taxpayers and I think the city needs to and I'm talking about the citizens we all need to pull in our belts and cooperate together and even with waste as you were saying um a lot of people use Throw Way a lot more things than we do um if it went to once a week uh some people that need more trash pickup have maybe an extra trash can um but my main concern is the water this is something for our health that we all need and we want people to come to our city but how do we invite them to come and have non-drinkable water I'm sorry let me interrupt real quick nowhere in that public notice does it say the water is not drinkable the water is absolutely safe to drink that public notice is addressing the long running annual average on the DVP problem that we've been under consent order with DDP on for years now the new filter project is in line to address this issue we don't know how well it's going to make a difference on it yet because it's just started running but the water is absolutely safe to drink I'd like to say that again well it's just a longterm this but my question is it's with the pipes that deliver the water there are a lot of pipes in the city that need to be replaced yes but the issue with the infrastructure as many of you know is the cost of doing so which is where we've been looking into these grants more and more and the RF Grant which is the one we have been approved for that we just signed on the last meeting for the engineering to take place that is to replace the 12in water M leaving the wells going to the water tower that is an as best as Comm main AC pipe that is one of the old pieces of infrastructure we're trying to replace that is a start say start yes so I guess your answer would be we we do have some older Pips we are trying to get them get them updated this is going to take time and money all B down to we're we're working on grants to do that with one thing that happens one thing that happens is they will set a a standard and it'll be here you'll meet that standard then it goes to here you try to meet that standard and eventually sometimes they set a standard that you can't be but it's a moving Target uh when you say they you're referring to the state state and federal the and something we have no control of no we got no control over it but I agree with you and Shirley and miss stle that we ought not to raise water rates at this time because I had a call today and uh their water was so bad they couldn't drink it they couldn't bathe in it they couldn't you know use it and I referred them to City Hall and told them you know to get in touch that maybe there was something y'all could do if we don't get notified if they don't call and let us know about an issue anywhere it may be we can't to address it and make sure that it is indeed an issue of the water coming into the residence and not an issue that's in the house itself and I told her that I told her it's worse in some areas than in others and if you've got a problem I've been talking to people all day because I'm making phone calls but um and that's what I tell them if you've got a problem call City Hall and tell them however if I don't know where the calls are going to if they're never getting to the water department they may not get address they may not even be coming into City Hall we never know I I don't see them until I see the paper with the complaint I know so I'm just mentioning that in the office they need to I'm the one that takes those phone calls when I'm in the office if I'm not there they leave a voice or either Amy that's there sometimes they do tell when they're paying their bills they may let the girls know up front they write up a work order and lay it on my desk okay so that does get done now I don't know who you're referring to I mean I've had one call today about water but it wasn't she didn't say anything that you just told me right um but I guess I'm feel people are complaining about having to pay for water they can't use and then have to go byy you know drinking water even though you say it's it's okay to drink but in some places it's not it's just so bad that they can't get it P their nose so speak they can't notify us then how are we going to respond and that's what I'm telling them however I really don't think we need to raise the rates while we have that issue once we get it and I know we're trying to get it cleaned up we're trying to replace the pipes we're try to uh flush it out we put trying to get the filter online and once we get all that done we've done all we can do then I think we have a reason to raise the rates if we still need to but I I just can't go along with raising them now with all the problems that we've got and every time we send out that letter people just go berserk naturally I mean it's a pretty strong letter it is it is very strong and it's been like that for a long time yeah it has it's been like that for a long time and they bring that up you know that we've had a long time well that's true we have but the fact is that now we are addressing it now we are trying to do something about it but um I just I I don't think we should raise the water rates until we get it straightened out missry if I may my constituents call me I just called Danielle and tell her about it because they feel like well my constituents they feel like I'm telling you because I know you were reported for me right A lot of times we have to take on that yeah in order to get it done and sometimes I do I've got another one that I I will contact Danielle about but um you know I suggested that she call and she said I'll call them today so it's probably the one I talk to yes ma'am okay like to update bill on something if you go to the water Tab and it's for the water revenues the column I guess the actuals all right what's I want to follow you it'll say water at the top side so total water Revenue where are we sitting at for our current through June all right so we we collected 2.6 million and our output in that depart that's because You' got that Grant without Revenue to it no that's looking at 3.2 million see we got the gr water Revenue at the top says current year budget 2.3 and so far we've collected 1.8 uhhuh okay how much we expended that well you'd have to you'd have to use your finger or get calculat but we are what my point without what my point is is that we are saving and hopefully towards the end of the year that Surplus revenue and water will roll up with savings account so we are trying and attemp to do that but I do agree with you that right now with the issues we're having this the timing is really poor it is however just to put in perspective these numbers even came from that rilled water presentation that yall have had a couple of times because they every time and 25% a Kell race I mean that's a lot of money um but every year you don't do their goal you fall further behind to fix those pipelines those big massive infrastructures that are pumping the water to the houses so it's cut to catch 22 you can't win um and grants only fund so much because even with a lot of these grants they're Grant loans and every time you're doing some of these you've got a $450,000 loan that's that's going to be paid off over the next 30 Years so you keep getting these mortgage payments the the reason you can't catch up is because you're starting out so far behind yeah yes exactly I remember when they charged $10 for water and well and I'm sure people like to see those numbers again but we are still paying bills so that's what I'm saying is if we are to fix these things and build up money in the savings account which we are saving money towards the INF structure in water and trying in Wastewater but that's another one that that's why government does it because Private Industry doesn't want to do waste water it's not Prof right was one reason why they want to do the grant to or Grant the graph too because you know you see it the smallest meter3 well she did with DET T and if you remember she fli told us to flip them and that's what we voted on so the actual smaller residential meters got the cheaper rates so that kind of went down and the and the bul that's being paid by the bigger users which is the way it should be IDE to make them Serv for some reason they were already at 1733 they're not plus a 10% utility tax that's what made it 1733 okay yeah but but again the perception of the timing right now oh yeah not good but just realize that this just you're taking the can down the road and the can's going to get bigger and heavier as it goes I'm just saying yes ma'am we're fortunate where we live we had no problems at all with water thankful for that however you know a community we buying together is it possible that with the issues that are involved raising water would be difficult under the circumstances but is there a way that we could put on the bill u a certain amount um to increase the pipes that need to be done um just so people know that there's an issue isue and we're working on the issue but issues cost money and this way we would work together I don't know just you can make a special Revenue fund and that would be attached directly to it and accounted for such kind like the gas tax toward Paving and that would be you know you have your your reserved funds and then you're non-reserved restricted cash in that case it couldn't get spent except for that one thing right one doing is $5 million you have to save every penny of water revenue for two years if you're financing the whole thing I'm saying kind of money we need to fix the problem is $100 million well even our fortunate Grant whatever we say you've got some earmarked money for those matches what was 108 I'm just guess1 million replace all the pipes system that need to be replaced yeah yeah they can be I thought Matt McDonald would doing that on the sewer collection system okay so what you thinking about yes you got a let abatement Grant and you got another one but the thing is those are in small increments in getting things replaced in the w water system and we still have matches it's a lone Grant so it's partials so we might have got 5 million and I don't know off the top of my head what are matches to that that one's zero but there's going to be more with matches to it and so you just don't get these rain down of Grant monies but they're done in increments and they're only doing a man's $5 million for just one stretch of Pik one and they probably need to be replaced from from the water plant all the way to your door okay we're talking about sleeving what do you call it sing the sewer pipes and the same thing be done with the water it would not be as effective water side you can still have brakes that would still have to be repaired the same way so it's not as feasible plus you'd still be down every time they have to sleep a section the boil water notices that go with that and everything else it's just not feasible on water as it is in place I'm guessing my because the pressure you're also going to be restricting the size of the pipe on the inside Anytime you add a sleeve into it so yeah you're going to see a pressure drop and a volume drop and right now we already have pressure issues on the south side of is if you restrict any of the larger pipes especially the big pipe down the middle of downtown here that would really CA a problem yeah they they won't have any water pressure so to UNL yes ma'am as last week Tuesday they were finishing floration system they had a few hiccups with that system and Wednesday morning it was up and running nonstop it has been so it's been up for approximately a week you know sorry difference I mean one week isn't gonna make a major difference yet we're still running some on well 3 we have to it's still one of our larger producing Wells but the reduction and flow on it should make a big difference on the tire but we should be good we'll really know on our next DVD sampling that we P which we usually do around the 12th of August so two weeks okay and then I won't have the results on those samples right away either those take a couple of weeks what Andrew what's the cycle burn on getting night from the new filters out to the whole system and one week two weeks three weeks any idea or it's a matter of how long it takes for the water to reach that section of town so some of the r in downtown actually probably where you live it's probably got it already it had it within the first day but most of the system probably doesn't see that water until five or six days later by now the majority of the system depending on the flow in the area should be getting water from those new filters specifically but all three Wells do pump to the same system not like one well Feats one part of town one Fe the other they all pump in the same system yeah it's like a grid if you really needs to be that way because if you got one wheel goes down or whatever you still got redundant yes yes why is there such a fluctuation in the intensity of the contaminants in the water if if they're all pumped to go through the same thing a lot of these issues you're noticing in these areas are because of the piping in those areas as well okay a lot of these areas tend to be 1950s 1960s the pipes are older we just don't have the ability to go and change these on our own we I don't have a large enough crew or Department to be able to go and change water mains and take care of work ERS and take care of leaks take care of everything else it's just not possible yeah okay that's reason we need the phone calls we kind of figure out where the issues are an idea on the map of what's going on send the peig through it well this one today was near my neighborhood on the other side of Ash Street and I'm on the north side of Ash Street and my water's fine except for excess chlorine once in a while but hers was smelled awful and looked awful now a lot of the sell water we get those calls I mean it happens at City Hall because the hot water is not used enough and then it starts smell and you have to flush out the Ian anybody water like mine in my house the county it'll start smelling you have to flush it out anytime you heat water you're going to make those contaminants come out more and if you heat chlorinated water it breaks down the chlorine quicker and if it sits for any period of time you're going to notice a smell a toer so it's basically just flushing the line out flush the hot water yeah just run it until it runs cold or warm or whatever your hot water run the water heater flush it once a year flush it every six months not hurt you come up from the drain or just the the dra the drain itself but if you came from the drain what I tell people is to run it till it's cold because like here we can't drain it I just run it till it's cold start sming ultimately the best thing you can do is to run it until you run all the water out of it effectiv you can drain it and break things loose inside of the hot water heater itself you'll see a big big difference you're out heat anything up you g to smell it more how much so FL hot water it depends on the size of the unit you have a a 20 gallon tank it shouldn't take all that much a little more than 20 gallons or maybe 60 gallons but if you have 100 gallon tank the best way to flush one of them is going to be to drain it all the way and then probably rinse it two to three times so you'll run up a little bill with when you do it yes there is no way around running water through them but there's no other way to do it effectively but it doesn't use that much water it's 100 gallons May yeah if you have a big unit yes you're going to pay that fee for that it's going to happen we a th gallons if it run their bill up looking at $3 for G less3 might be too much some well we're not asking everyone to do this every single month I mean that's just main of your year that's maintenance of your Appliance I mean yeah and it's a choice if we know that they have to run this water and is running to get your water to drink it is it doesn't matter if you had City water or well water on this issue if you don't drain your hot water heater unit you're going to have smelling C that's why I'm saying it doesn't matter if you had that or not you're still going to have to maintain your water heater whether you're a city customer or a residential on your own out County it's really like just like changing your oil in your vehicle you have to you have to maintain your your appliances in your house clean cleaning your oven the same concept you have to drain your water otherwise dirty water up your water won't be as hot because you just corroded the heating coils too much if you don't drink them that's true I will offer those problems I will offer a motion that we retain sewer rates gas and water with no increase this year yes yes yes yes yes so that LE Solid Waste Solid Waste if you don't raise the solid waste that means that water or gas or somebody else is going to cover yeah and you can't raise it enough to to cover everything yeah so see talking about $2 per month that $60,000 Mar whatever whatever they want to do you're GNA have to we're talking about on garbage garbage colle all right it again I paid 37 for once a week Pi up when charge 21 now for tce a week are you talking about the Beach private so what you're saying they're getting the bargain even with oh yeah because because the main reason somebody else is paying that bill yeah I seen it advertis the papay for with 30 something dollars yeah for County pickup if you transfer from the utility tax or water to cover that loss the water customers but probably even gas too uh they're paying part of the solid waste bill yeah yeah for general fund which earns really nothing so it would be nice to see that become side impossible Solid Waste well if you did it $2 let me read you why I'll read it to you $400,000 garbage truck is not in there nor is a $10,000 garbage truck the equipment cost is not included in in this this is just the cash in and cash out correct that's for operating I know you are so no matter what you do you're going to transfer from somebody to pay the difference in that bill everything got to cover somewhere it does that's a fact even if you're at a dollar you're still going to lose money in there you just can't figure that close enough oh even if you go a dollar and a half you're still going to lose well I think the whole right now is 36,000 I'm guessing but you it at least make you solve it this year if you get it $2 per customer that would go towards towards a garbage truck like a piece of a garbage truck renting a garbage truck and we've been buying the cheap garbage trucks they don't seem to last so next time we do buy we're looking at buying something that's and you get it for the 40 that you got 400 garbage truck that's what you got 400 they're more like 400 400 I'm sorry but take it do okay thank you turn F give me one flip water if you do2 now then you might not have to raise it next year still be soling and you have a little suck towards the next investment which would be another truck well towards towards another truck be 10% of it make a payment on anyway yeah exactly so John what do you suggest oh you go who Miss bran yes yes counc wood yes yes yes we're holding water holding sewer and going up $2 on garbage just a summarize it you gotta do something if not we gonna fall we gonna fall back unfortunately we don't have the federal Governor's credit card thank you yes we did Mr pen we haden't even started get any FEMA money have we not all they have it just a little sidebar FEMA um you remember all the turnkey projects that were through Insurance like this building that they were a real big mess and they came in and did did everything for so we didn't have to bid everything out and all the insurance too and the boys and girls club was like that because it had a couple of those steel Rafters that were actually twisted and tore up some of the roof so now the FEMA people are kicking it back and all this was done under and fmit which is the uh Flor Municipal Insurance trust through the league of cities it's been around for decades they're going uh can you show us their papers that allow them to exist as a trust what is their financial bylaws all kinds of stuff that I have no idea and you figure they've been doing hurricanes with them since Katrina and all of them and well not but Andrew or whatever and um it's like so anyway we've got it in buffer now where they're working with the state of Florida FEMA it's like guys You' can interfacing with us for 30 years so St it's just a stall tactic and so but at least the other requests are getting fewer and far between so at our end we we're starting to provide enough minutia information for them okay I just I may for just a second I check with somebody who about the you know garbage pickup household the cans and the private companies charging $28 month for what they're doing and that's once what once a week tce week week yeah 19s it no there talking trash pickup I am too the when you're when you're comparing uh what they do versus what we do what happens is you generally don't put all of what we do in there we have a lot of benefits attempted to bid this out I believe to waste management and they refused to give us a price because they couldn't do it what we were doing before or they guarantee it for 3 years and they'll take your employees But after those three years hold on your head going for a r they've got to make it profit I was just saying you a private companies they get a bit higher than we are for the exact same service it's not the exact same well twice a week is not the exact you're right I mean take the garbage twice a week they charge I'm talking about they don't offer the benefits we offer no no no I understand that I'm talking about that's I'm talking about just the service well and the trash pickup that trash pickup is picked up in your right that's not including trash pickup that's just not the not the right right I'm I'm just saying that's just to use the one armed Bandit to pick up the can somebody no no no it was it was a count said for for a congested City area that's what they charge CU that the county us to spread out and there's no you don't have to use it do you that's probably where they hav to charge more because the capital Outlet is not in those page second and the third page and the budg there's a line that saysit if it's zero didn't what was it last year total the budget I think it started 2 million that was after we weeded out a bit a lot of our yeah that's why there's still some of those oranges in there that's okay I guess green means go and yellow means Grant says yellow green is yes orang she got rid of the Reds because they were def or def no joh what are we doing like with the GL um ly probably could answer it more our kin when we um let the K9 Officer leave with the dog what what are are we selling that dog or what are we doing with it the dogs that just were sold okay are we putting it back in the budget or y'all keeping it in you guys' budget okay they have a few bank accounts because they got a lot of those dogs begin with with grants so it just goes back in a little fun okay going to discuss this fire personel issue pretty sure your Chief I'm asking for the uh Lieutenant position right now if uh we don't have any Captain on duty we don't have anybody in charge um everybody looks at the lead firefighter to be in charge but he's not the the lead fireman is not being compensated have take on that responsibility uh you know take responsibility on making these emergency calls lifethreatening not lifethreatening whatever that's a big thing to carry but not being compensated for something and uh the main thing is having somebody in charge when a captain is all on vacation sick leave KDAY whatever uh I run a little bit of the numbers um is going to cost about $122,000 for three Preen positions a year um if we have a captain covering for captain on overtime just for thec days you're looking at $1,146 a year and then on your if it's a captain cover for Captain's on vacation uh that's $2,216 so you looking at a total of about $ 37,3 62 a year for a captain to cover a captain that's not even including the S leave anybody's out see so you know um one of my main concerns is having somebody in charge on scenes when the captain is not there um gives you gives us another step in the chain of command uh give somebody something to look forward to right now I was here for 18 years before I ever got to be a captain and 23 years before I ever got to this to my Chief's position um i l a lot of people's not going to stay around in a department where they know they're not going to have a chance to promote in a you know reasonable time most everybody that's promoted has been about 18 years in before they got 17 between 15 and 18 years before they ever promote to a captain so basically that's my main concern is having somebody in charge that can can make these diff difficult calls when the captain's out and you know being able to be compensated to make them calls what are you calling someone in no am I calling somebody into what the uh basically what have through like interview process no no no I'm not talking about that I'm talking about you got four you got captain and three firefighters right the captain's out do you call a captain in yeah he's replacing captains with captains well if to have somebody in charge right now we're replacing the captains or whoever's off with the part- timers or the um float guy that's how we replaced them right now so right now when a captain's off we don't have anybody basically in charge of the cause it's just your Senor it's just the senior man on is looked at at to make the calls so at this time you don't have any lieutenants no not asking for another position or another any more people I'm just asking for to create the lieutenant position and compensate for what does this side of the table say we can do it exactly there fir besides that longevity we did last year you been making the exact same thing and that's why you turn around your turn around is so bad because you don't have any you have the young ones that get out of school they come here they don't have anything to look forward to so they get their little train in here and they go off to a bigger city so you got you got to start giving them something to Second yes yes Hampton yes but let me say this I'm I was going I was going to ask for raise for counsel since it's been 10 years but I'm saying can you find 12,000 who else want make a joke of I said yes yes yes John I didn't get my copy of this item 3C have you got any for the utility rate changes license incentive yeah he was going send look at this Capital out hey you look at this Capital outl Money there's a money tree back here [Music] somewhere person the Department the uity mechanic I I personally do not agree and the reason is that's not a reason to hire somebody period I don't care where it is that's just like the two little kids one of them fussing because the other one's got more ice cream yeah that's that's what that says what was it two years ago I believe that both the street or not street but the Wastewater and gas department receiv received an extra man water was on the same list that year but we were the ones that were cutting from that list so when they got their extra man then we did not I mean this I'm not trying to put anybody else down about that's not the point the point is we do not have a full crew the same way I have two meter readers that both count as a mechanic by pay grade right but I only have them for half of the time of the month right so I have one crew leader one mechanic right and then two for half of the time thank you and myself and my operator and my operator has to deal with a plan he can't be a mechanic and an operator just like I can't be a superintendent and the operator now when my operator's down I work as an operator in his place when he is able to do so I take off the same but we work in tandem like that but my crew leader if he's off for any reason which he has his medic re if he needs to leave occasionally last year in November he had surgery he was out for a whole month we were working on a short crew for a whole month and we have to rely on the gas Department's help to make sure we can get our work orders done during the day that's just what seeing well one of my objectives is try try educate some people what you just said is what that should say not because they got three I want so you saiding the wording yeah yeah the way he explained it is yeah go there and say that got three I want three John can we afford this so it's coming out of their budget yeah far the water department brings the revenue as it is it does it does I'm trying to help you now motion to approve second yesc land May if it will help make the water better yes there you go and really can you write us a proposal also and let us know what you need you and Danielle please about do the I'm asking do they want to work do y'all got employees just knocking and say Hey I want the job I have a GU call every single day okay well you bring it to me you know I'm for it I'm all for it I'm I'm agreeing with things that are being brought to to us you know what I'm saying so y'all get together and bring it back Le you better do good I'm about bringing extra oh okay well you need the help let us know Danielle so let us know just write it up get it to us can the budget sustain what you need baby do you you and John need to get together I mean we don't have y'all y'all don't yall don't understand we have a that's why I say if y'all write it up bring it to us John can you get with them and y'all write up and you know I'm talking about the other day somebody told me I got one more stop to make what do they do after they do that one more stop who does that talking about the garbage they take the garbage to land it takes a little while there they come back then to have to clean those trucks and it takes what time they start they start about that 7 63 7 they picked up everything no that's one stop what you tell I saw the truck morning going that way thing going that way Greenville what truck you SE the I don't know that i encage y come sit down there I mean any I watch you I know you need help hey come on now hey Ben hold on now we got four or five people talking to lunch so we're and is trying to get minutes out of all this if y'all would just we're in hard times you know we're going to be in hard times so you know what times all are yet to come yeah exactly yes so I understand that I don't later people have to be laid off there's always attrition Danielle I don't think it'll come to that we we'll knock down I know they wouldn't like it but we'll slash but we do that pretty sure everybody will be inred with that exactly but we need to be able to show the city our customers and the people that live here that we're working on that we're getting the job done that we're making a difference my guys one road took them all day clean the rway I know they come my neighborhood they be over there all day exactly so John you and Daniel just get together bring back we have two that do not have CDLs they need CDL we need CDL Drivers but we have enough CDL Drivers we need we can have people without CDL license work they don't have to have you got a eight all of them just a lot that's what they're getting now is a and the one guy that just started start school in August Street work you say Street work I'm not GNA push the limit because I know that you know down the road we might not be able to for those two people or however be all right you want to move on to the yeah waste water license incentive operators mechanics operator you want to go operator one operator two system you have two operator report to the head operator that would always have license couple things I would like some kind of incentive for any one of these guys if they were to go ahead and get their C license before they became operator they would get this is just number area change they know and I'd also like an incen once this operator one has a seat set up to get his feet to go ahead and get him before he becomes operator to so they always have a a funnel operat John's not here to speak on it right now we had an incident where what we just dealt with was one of our individuals away an accident I know nobody plans for that that's just part of life but we were down a man immediately and down an operator in the city so doing what he's suggesting being able to maybe not pay them full rate by any means but compensate them for having gotten that license taking the time to do the work getting a B license requires a lot of time and a lot of work A C license too but a be is even worse now water doesn't require a bee license as it is on our side but I know what kind of work it takes to get it you got to put the hours in there's no way around it in the water side you have to have three years of experience work plant to be able to apply for it so that 20080 for a year triple it it's a lot of time you have a c now I have a c now and that's all that the drinking water here in Perry requires we're not a be license PL the superintendent's your seat yes you want your operator to be the seat now he is working on it he's done his book work we're working on getting him a review for his exam R water's trying to come up with a review closer so we can get that done but we'd be in compliance if we went with this on the Wastewater side yes it would work this is was right nowan basically trying to get everybody license you can get license and if need be if a man got a better opportunity in another town or just life happened and they decided they needed to move we have an individual who's able to go ahead and move into his place without having to hunt for somebody to stay in compliance with State it's really different what we're doing with the police department is it not really said this is waste water yes this is the Waste Water waste water doesn't need a be waste water needs to be drinking water does not then why is this this operator or just for both of them this is just was this right here your operator to will be required to have to be but but if if was water requires a a Beat Why doesn't why don't you have be up there the superintendent got a see he's working to get a see the superintendent doesn't technically need a license at all really you just need one B operator and that's it for the was water plan to work is and having your lead operator or your operator to be that position would cover that is he trying to get working just see but he he's doing that just because to be a back up in case something happens and the city does pay for their education but for the incentive that get something for putting all that time in and it's not just about that too the time it takes to be able to go for a B license another operator has to be the one to sign off on that and say that they've got the hour they have to prove those hours required before they take the exam absolutely do it's not just because we want to pay them they've done work they have to have the time before they're even eligible is your operator too he's got to be already no don't have I understand we don't have anybody with me in waste waterer we need somebody with a B plant you get going to have to have a c be operator no we have to have one now but I think they're working with us because because of what's going on yeah yeah well that time is going to come to an end so do we have someone in mind or anybody wanting to or we have operator working towards the SE that be years before you getat we haveen advertised so you're advertising for B okay you're um Sean is um we don't have any any B any c operators right we have a c but I mean do we have any what I meant is we have anybody qualified to go from C to B right now no he's in the drop so he won't be here oh yeah so we got to get on the ball you got to have what 8,000 hours am I wrong on that they or they move it down some no I think that's about right it's not it's pretty it used to be four years generally speaking difference I know water three years for a so I think waste water or four years I want to say last time knew it was four I mean you had to put the time in you had to verify the time 6000 yes 2080 for a c so yeah three times that so 6,240 you can get a doctor degree in Wastewater but until you put that four years in you can't get the license no and on top of that the other issue that they're running into is advertising for a b licensed operator at our current pay rate we pay there are other communities out there we had an individual come and interview for that position but he wanted more than we were able to pay what's current right now the 26 I'm saying if he come in as it be he was 2248 operators were 27 and was 25 I think we offered him I should have said what was the offer we 27 and that's a lot of schooling and and didn't believe if I'm not mistaken he's either working for monello or working for live o but he's making over 32 I want to ask you what would we pay a the operator if we found one said hav to train someone up I was just gonna ask you what was your knock though so you suggesting the 3024 that's the national average when you ask the weely not are comp we can be at the small system but there are other systems out there obviously paying for they're not big systems either they're not huge systems same size pretty much need people period I don't even know what they're paying at the moment but I know that they're needing operators as well and that's just a competitive right down the road system right now what about Mayo Mayo would you pay a b operator more than the superintendent figured they probably would make for but that's just another to be honest when I was an operator I made close to what I'm making a superintendent now just hours put in John why isn't a superintendent required to have something it's the way y the way it is in the description right could be any of I'm just on the outside looking in but I think I would be very mad that if I was over a crew and somebody on my crew making more money than what I'm making so that's why it's the question yeah he does because of the the what degrees you have do you have yeah so I can understand his pay technically it's a degree technically it's a college course and you have to maintain cus to keep your license and depending on the license you hold it depends on how many cus you're required to have as a c you need one full cuu every year but that's not drastic but at a B you need to classes and courses there are ways for us to go like RO water they offer courses that we can send them to we pay their membership fee so we don't pay a full rate to go to these classes but you've got to maintain it once you get it as well that's not very bad at all it's getting it in the first place to have it in time problem keep it contining in like what our city fire and PD has to do can't do those on the computer you actually have to go you can do them on the computer you your continued education thought you have do some hands on though to sometimes but not all of them a lot of the online courses that offer it there's a test that courses to make sure that you yeah but yeah you can do those they're not free though no I know we got computer based a lot of stuff but I think there are still some things you have to hands on show you can do shooting range clinicals whatever only one way to learn a water plant that's to be there doing it get wet J I'm out for we need what the pay with I mean when he's out what the pay be if we hir one that wanted to work right now right 30 we have anyone sanitation no no they're not I said that's I'm asking my well first of all you have to work the world department and then you have to work so many oh I know I have great and they have to you have to they would have to move to the water department and then they have to have so many hours I don't that's also I hearing me say this Rob Peter to pay Paul if we steal one Department put a man up don't get me wrong I'd rather move in house if it makes it quicker we can get a man but they still have to have the hour to the plan and they have to want to do it now I'm not saying they don't but I don't know if we've asked that question I mean there's prob good but something I know T correct know yeah t correction they were running a program one time where I mean they had they got a waste treatment facility and they and they were producing B operators they do they we always advertise all jobs within and they sign up and then if no one signs up signs up they adver currently been advertised has been advertised but nobody moved on it but we did first question what we yeah national average is more than 30 and that's only uh what $2 more than what we're paying now the one just started 26 new operator right he's got to be he's earned it I agree question what would you pay any of these guys that are mechanics or Pro leaders if they went ahead and got their seat what's the going rate what's the going rate what's the average on that makinging 1831 1847 see guys Mak 27 you're talking about a mechanic you like the field like when lines and stuff go down oh okay you going to offer at least like 24 bucks or something license bonus what they're making now and of course they'll have longevity and the other stuff catch them that's what the city help them get their license yes they just have to do the work right two would be fine some already has their SE license what you offer to go ahead get there take them two out there do two all the way across the board and the thing is when it comes to actually hiring the person if you can't get it you can always come back and my wife told me was trying to stand up get the movanic be here for 15 years stay mechanic one just because nobody has got out of these two positions I would like it where mechanic one a mechanic too after one year of service completing all their training and recommended by their superintendent to be a mechanic to from 168 to the 1831 with thatan on doing the exact same work there A lot of times that I'll be out there with my only mechanic all going out of work ex okay water thing what EXT said would you give one of these mechanics or crew leaders go ahead get license doing that's prob2 ined unless we're not required to have a B license on the water Side by our population served and honestly even if Perry grew by 5,000 overnight which it we still wouldn't be in that threshold to require license where is the be be threshold for the drinking water side we are still White ways away from it I don't know the exact number on it but our population served is based on our meter connections which is 3,300 Ball Park 3,300 so it's a 80 8,400 population is what they estimate that to be then or 89 sorry 8,900 but I think the threshold for that is somewhere around 15,000 so we're still well below that and it also bases it on the level of treatment required at whatever water plant you have our plants don't require that heav of treatment other than the filtration so population at one time was 9900 Cal down right I actually want to say the uh previous D official that was over our water side Dave Linsky quoted last time he visited before he changed hands that by the last census we were 7600 But we still go off at the 8900 is our number seen places ined get your license department LIC I know he Madison discuss but Madison do that they would pay an operator if you were a drink water operator pick up your waste water license they would pay you for it it wasn't a big bump it wasn't a lot but it was something if need be similar situation if there was nobody in the was waterer department or nobody in the water department who was out or accidentally something happened there was somebody in another department who was able to cover with their license at least I anybody be interested right anyway everyone we have currently is so focused on getting their perspective LIC in their perspective Department they're not worried cross training at the dep water after a year by your superintendent and again they're doing the same exact work same the meter they did same work not they all work same call the same leaks the same installs there's no difference to the level of work they're doing the Met readers they go check them to get the grant for app to multiple GRS yes more I've read in other newspapers where B Jasper got a grant to do all theirs and somewhere else in the area there office want re water manag we submitted a grant to them what four months ago we should still need metors for the gas well if we can get the right grant they'll cover both but most grants only cover the water side so we would have to front the gas side up front on our own which is more expensive gas more expensive but it depends on the grant some grants will cover both without a problem switch over a lot cheaper yeah either way it's it definitely make it re meters and what two three days be done those are not quite remote breeds but close you just drive and catch them all as you drive down the street there's two varieties to AMR but the most common the less expensive version is a drive by system and that canity but we have submitted for multiple grants for that doal discussion this we need to come up with a answer to that well you voted on all the other changes so she go ahead put it in the budget we could see what it all looks like so you want to go ahead Well's going to be getting these numbers this year anyway would you send that to me discussion on it back here to make a motion what $2 H you $2 non operator to get their C license at2 was for a C license get a B license basically give bu and pay motion if you get it motion to go forward have a second you want to we don't do something we're not GNA be able to you you got I you know I'm G to get the money somewhere else what bill by the time they get out this door and get to the rear end of your car be going look what they did for Su what about me I'm a superintendent I didn't get I didn't get you got to have you got to know what a whole package is what is the water do talking about sewers are you talking about water you don't know until you get what Str need incentive either both need incentive or both don't or well not both I think they were talking about both Water and Sewer separately but the graphs look pretty much the same well then there's two and there's how many more two more three it just spreads out well John aren't you in charge of sitting right we'll figure it out well P has to come up for you all yeah salary budgets budget is but not specifically what you do with the budget correctly correct that what you do with it I said the total icept the numbers is one thing but what you actually specifically do with it is right we don't M manage that bad bottom line the department yeah yeah I mean it's save a little squish in here fine right you out you that's why when you get into something like this you hire somebody to do this for you the North Florida Regional planning council did it last time you talking about like how much that remember what happens is along come somebody who doesn't like it and they do their own thing and here we see it so how about the counil I totally agree there's got to be a stop somewhere yeah because you start this and then it's this and then it's this you opening the door then then you lay on people yeah so counsel to do it that's why I was you don't need to S I mean these are all reasonable stuff discuss got well then I guess you got to do what you need to do to get somebody in here and you're not going to get one probably under $30 I mean and that's just honesty yeah I agree with that yeah and none of the people there right now other than the one and he does not want to they don't have the year to even to start with their bring back a proposal with Dani me a copy you send us one B I know I have one of the best departments there is always work they don't complain they don't complain I've got one that's 73 years old we got one on our work for cry C he's 78 and he will out work every single one of us can tell I have a question you all still have openings on the police force one or two have you consider have you all considered man I don't guess it was a request but sort of was a request that you hire someone a minority oh every day do you do you have someone we do not person currently in the B do nobody qualifies the applications we have oh turn several yes please any any more discussion on the budget meeting if not let me tell you this got to tell you a story we were in this same situation water sewer operators got one guy from down the road down there he was getting discharged he had a water license and a sewer license we were in heaven I told him I said I got to look at you a little more careful that I do other people no problem no problem I'm not on probation or parole or whatever they say I've done all my [Music] time so I don't even have to deal with that well we were fixing to hire him walked over to the police department looked up on the board there uh he left all his kidnapping and murder charges off his papers he had the license oh goodness all right thank you for coming J for a week yes thank you iate oh just wanted I'll be here next week by myself just leave me the TV Remote turn this thing off how you keeping Stephanie Straight I'm trying I've