so you hear anything Bita Miss Shirley I guess I better not fall out Al so I guess I better not fall out no please don't please don't Main Street Building million I remember seeing a newspaper in Orlando at Orlando Executive Airport they built it 195 or something like that $500,000 probably old swimming pool is there WPA building I think it is one Boys and Girls Club I think it's WP they using they're using it for basketball put that big shelter they probably I swm in that tell us where I learned how to swim something like that 1960 something 30s or 40s used to cost a dime or or something there people don't even pick up dimes anymore they don't mean so little and this one a place where you normally you know oh yeah yeah and I that attitude it's true D's kind of going off the chart we were in New Orleans went to conven there was option seen ohon or something well guess we go ahe and start John you ready we're call the June 2025 June 25th 2024 city council meeting order want to remind everybody to silence your cell phones uh Miss landre will you leave us open in prayer please Our Father we come before you today just praising you for who you are for how you take care of us provide for us protect us lead us and guide us thank you for all that you do I pray that you would lead and guide us tonight as we do as we take care of City business um that affects the citizens help us to be um always mindful of the decisions that we make in Christ's name I pray amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for May R call please man coun coun council member Woodall vice mayor Landry here mayor here approval of the items on the consent agenda only thing we have on the resolution well two of them resolution 2024 D1 2024 D12 motion Brian yes yes yes okay item number four we're going to receive request from the general public and the council weens anyone to come up here and speak the time is set aside for our citizens and the general public to address the Council on any marit or not included on the agenda this is not a question and answer time nor is it a political Forum nor is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks from anyone if you would like to address the council please come to the podium where you're called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for groups or delegations anyone on the agenda will that speak at this time there no one right number five bids please read before opening of sealed bids currently I'm opening the sealed bids for Road striping and street name signs I will only be reading out the vendor and the amount of the bid there will be no discussion at this time about any bids that's being open these bids will be given back to the purchasing agent and then to the department which the sealed bid for the city reserves the right to reject any and all bids the city reserves the right to select the bidder wave any and formalities or to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the city any errors to bid submission are the responsibility of the bid so for the road strive first one is from Young striping and ceiling and it's by uh all the gradients and feet like you all requested um I'll just State the uh smallest amount to the largest amount that's $148 for under a th and up to 2 inch cross3 and then next games Sun and there Smalls Just 6 of 38 steps and the last one is Emerald post and their smallest was a155 per foot and over 10,000 30 culate that and as far as the city street signs number we turned again the street signs I'll talk about that all the street signs s town you know that were blowing away from the hurricane so we have quite a few that are missing like over like close to 250 so because of the amount the quote that we got we had to bid it out this over 5,000 well nobody bid on it but I do have two quotes from the companies that we've always used um one is Ban for $736 197 the other one's Red Bud supply for $1,388 60 is that installed as well no we normally we just buy the signs that's needed but because there's so many it's over the 5,000 so if y'all are good with the quotes I have I'll go with the Vulcan is it Vulcan Supply or Vulcan this price is pretty much in line with 17,000 no what I'm saying is that what you normally pay I mean if you divided it out yeah per you done business with them before both of them okay okay oh BR yes counry yes sorry mayor yes John or somebody help me out I'm not seeing the FB on the agenda here we can E and F B and C what about project the project oh um the um Lis Walker Roofing was for fresh M uh $334,990 and next Dimension was 57,000 and change clearly $20,000 difference so thank you dnf what about the FFA one right after sure want to let them go first or okay anybody from the FFA like to speak now anyone all right is on agenda there not on the agenda we just put them in and move them to the top because there's so many of them here that's going to wait for the whole meeting so you want just uh give us your name and address for the record um good evening I'm Jessica gra 1700 Courtney road but I'm the agriculture teacher at County High School and um we we've been trying to get whatever approval we need to be able to have our livestock back on schol property um if you want to know why livestock is necessary for school property it supports the agriculture student performance standards also known as Benchmark actually part of my students curriculum for them to be able to um show um competence in certain skills relating to livestock animals they have to um actually physically demonstrate that they know how to do certain standards certain skills as part of my curriculum um students are expected to be able to demonstrate skills in raising showing producing goods and selling livestock it is what's best for the kids in the program students who raise and work with livestock learn life lessons that they can use regardless of their chosen career I would also like to point out that if we are not raising students they know how to care for and manage livestock we will not have Future Farmers or veterinarians to replace those who retire in and around our community if students are not learning about farming and ranching with hands-on experience we will not have any food or good producers in the future students who work with livestock at school learn about responsibility and priorities the students do not care sorry the pigs do not care if it's too cold or too hot or if it's raining they still must eat the goats do not care that you would rather hang out with your friends they still need gming and milking they learn math science and reading comprehension all from controlling weight management deworming and medicating their livestock they use a microscope to detect and identify parasites they must weigh the animal read in interpret the dosage labels calculate the dosage and ensure that the medication is correct for the parasite present they learn about genetics when breeding for certain traits when they take an animal a project animal to a show they practice their communication skills by interacting with the public and explaining their animal to the judges when a student has been working with an animal for months whether it be a 55 pound goat a 300lb pig or 1,000lb steer and they take it into the show ring and it does exactly what they have trained it to do they build their confidence and self-esteem when the fence needs to be built or the barns need to be cleaned they learn about hard work associated with livestock when animals don't play they learn how to overcome disappointment and strive to do better next time all these tasks require students to work as a team what we are asking is not new to the State of Florida I have visited schools in the middle of Tampa with large livestock operations I have met with teachers from Orlando who have successful Wells supported livestock programs and Miami day has showcased their life program in the newspaper livestock within the city limit is necessary for a school with an agricultureal program they need the need for animals on campuses to raise students who love agriculture who will be resilient in the face of difficulties have confidence in their abilities who are responsible adults and who have great teamwork skills in a time when our community is facing a difficult financial future and employers complain that they cannot find Dependable hardworking employees with Integrity this is exactly what a full of the agriculture program produces okay I spoke to you for a few minutes before the Mee this is an actual class during school yes sir it's not considered extracurricular it's considered intrac curricular by S okay so the livestock serve two purposes they are there for the class and students throughout the day work with the student work with the animals to complete their tasks that required in this in the standards and I've got I printed a few of them here um they have to recognize to describe and demonstrate prevention of treatment of control of animal diseases and disorders they have to read interpret and demonstrate correct uses of pesticides medication and other additives according to their labels demonstrate the procedures for preparing maintaining and handling lifestyle demonstrate proper methods to clean and disect animal equipment and Facilities those are standards that are listed from the Florida Department of Education I'll require for my students to be able to do their curriculum successfully now is this is this Pas SCH middle school middle scho same thing okay so there two there's two we have two different agriculture programs one at the high school one at the middle school and they both have similar standards that require students to work with class okay and have you have animals at both locations yes okay I was trying to understand this it's been a long time since I was in high school I appreciate your call yeah okay and say one's located at the high school one's located the middle school we also have a property next to the district office as well yeah old okay she got three yes sir smaller animals on the school campuses larger animals on the perod primary is the plan I gota okay well I know see I can reading all this between both books it's about 700 something pages but I read something to the effect of curriculum schools and curriculum being allowed I was just say private schools of have a a similar curriculum to the public schools fit in the same category didn't have anything to do with the curriculum of animals and I'm assuming that there's a problem in doing this because there's a conflict with a city ordinance comp plan or something yes sir that's what we've been are you sure there's a statute that overrides it we have sent the statute that we had to the City attorney and we were told that was not sufficient the way reg they're allowed at the school this is how you have to take care of them it doesn't say they are allowed at the school so so all all these schs be C that are doing this are in violation how many SCH how many school not district schools are there in this state I believe each city has its own ordinance I personally worked in Tampa in an agriculture program in the middle of the city and we never had any issues with anybody telling us we were in violation of anything well I I could see uh the city having a law if you want to call it that because of the potential of others to be involved in but generally from what I'm going by what you just read far statute I'll have a something over that overr it yeah seems to me then everything I have we're just trying to figure out what we need to do what you need us to do we just want to be able to have our livestock and do it however where we need to I mean it's common sense is telling me if it's a class at school and it's just part of the curriculum yeah speak to that since I was referred to sure being City attorney um the Florida state statute um 13.75 deals with regulation of all different types of experiments and class um dealings with animals from from dissection to keeping of livestock what I was understanding about the statute as well as what from the comment in general consensus is that regardless of what may be permissible by a school in sense that they can do it they can hold it it still has to comply with different zoning requirements a school can have a pool but they still have other elements that they have to with and so in talking to John because I believe the question was whether or not we would have the city would have to make an exception and then it go through the regular process including review and Zoning Board that is what I suggested both because I believe even though the school board owns the property where the per primary school is in particular it can amount to just opening up a farm in a residential neighborhood and expecting that um because there's a statute that says a school can have animals especially in place where there's no longer a school it doesn't I don't believe it totally corresponds to the the the intent of not just that statute but there still have to be zoning issues when it comes to livestock for instance and I'm not a livestock expert but I was looking at and I have been so I was only made aware this yesterday afternoon that there are plenty of places that comply um Madison Lafayette counties I was looking at forign places I can quickly get information but say I understand five pigs and five cattle was being considered for the property at per primary and the pool Barn area which is a very specific area um was noted as where they would be I understand in order for most places you need an acre to help graze one cow so we're not literally just talking about a place where they may be housed or pushed in in the evening to settle down you're basically going to need a pretty substantial amount of space to properly deal with those 10 animals abive vered and right there across from at least three sides of a residence the other side is the school board so it wasn't the idea that it that you would be in violation if it were to happen but there would be some steps additional every locality has a right to determine on what can go in there the fact that you can say the school owns this property too I don't believe in what I read justify just throwing in things that normally would not be allowed because of zoning but as a city you have the right to open it up and make an exception and hear from the the community that in involves um because I understand that there was a barn maybe you can tell me if I'm correct maybe not a barn but there were some goats at one time on the actual campus of the high school that may have been prior to that there have been pigs as long as there's been an agriculture program there's been animals on that campus right and so what I have there been complaints about it I don't know I'm just wondering there been to my knowledge the first issue came when code enforcement showed up in May that was when the this was after all of the issues with the Gos in the paper gotta now that was on the high school campus close to the people and the students be caring for it what has been added and what I understand not added but the consideration of turning the the now bulldozed land of carry primary there there's no school on and holding um pigs and cattle there H Jason of property that um I think would not only unlike the high school because I still believe that the municipality still has a right to determine even where that would go or not go but that is a budding property across the street that's a sports field a commercial field and I think there's only one lane of residential houses on this side and I understand those Provisions were done by Green Line um but again I would argue that locally is still a decision of the city to allow for it but whereas particularly on the UN ajacent part which I don't believe is addressed specifically in that statute that if there was to be an exception that the city could decide and the subsequent zoning boards if that's going to be an exception they're going to allow so it would not be against or inv violation but that I would suggest there need to be another step in saying that this is where it could be I don't know how much property the high school or the school board owns in other places so it's not the idea of prohibiting there being any livestock or any farm animals anywhere but the idea would be I would say first of all to have it in place that's Zone appropriately for agriculture or livestock and secondarily if it's not that the exception be considered by the council and subsequent zoning boards to determine if you're going to allow for it in that place so say if they went to a agriculturally own place we wouldn't even be here there's agriculture's own land all around it I looked at it this afternoon I know that specific piece isn't but is everywhere around it right there's homes there older people who live there wouldn't you be spot zoning then I'm so sorry wouldn't you be spot zoning take the area and only in this spot right here can we do this but you can't and you can't I I believe that's for the Council or body do it would be spot only well one can be commercial neighborhood can be could you all provide us with a diagram or an areial photograph or whatever of what where you want to put it I actually have a what would like CTE direct School District I don't primary primary property yes where they tore down the round build yes okay I said there was no but am was not to be new building on that property butly I think was used for the I think it was physical education or something it was like the out buildings that were not attached to the round C shaded and she mentioned an anchor these are not um long-term animals they're marketing animals so they're not grazing animals we're not breeding these cattle and these pigs they were only kept for um a certain amount of time and then they're taken to Market so we do not need the big area we would need if we were trying to graze and reproduce the cattle and the so th sorry this is the existing structure and this would just be an add-on pen at the end say these little stalls would be the existing yes sir and then that piece down here would be an add- on yes sir and it's 100 by 200 foot pin for the students to work with the animals in and now that that is you want that to go where the old primary school was yes ma'am that is now just a vac yes ma'am except Forbe po that's there just point it out on that map because I believe if it's what Andy shared it's on the section the road across from that neighborhood that no it's not yeah it's right there yes sir that's it l standing besid a fence this the there's a couple ways to get it done we want to a text Amendment to the lvr that will have to come before y'all go to the planning zon and then come back to y'all how long does that take do and they could have said they could do a special meeting on July 8 yeah one thing I learned during if I didn't learn anything else during C I learned that a ordinance meet pass pretty quick real quick so what what is the real concern here of the statute city of per says what for clarity I can tell you this last year we had someone on an rsf1 Zone piece of property Y which is the same zoning the high school complain the high school had animals and she couldn't because we had deal with her goats that were getting out and in neighb yard oh yeah and we had her remove those goats she filed the complaint about the high school out uh I didn't know it was rsf1 at the timeing and looked at it it is rsf1 Mr Brian she probably special exception when the high school was originally cited for that prop I believe you were city manager when that happened there's a special exception which is allowed by our ldrs for a school to go on or Ass Point par I think they go any on in District by special exception I think yeah I mentioned it to a school official and I thought it was handled and then we never looked at it again but when the goats were attacked by the dogs from down the road we realized the animal was still there um I don't have a problem with the program I have a problem with the law not being followed the way that the city has it lined out if there's a way to cure this I'm for I don't want them not to have that program but my concern is if we don't cure this properly everyone else for the rsf1 zoning is going to be here doing the same thing y so we've got to narrowly carve out a way to make an exception just for schools and if we do that is that challengeable through court it's my concern now can they say we're doing it for one and not for all so we don't have Fair andal protection challenge anything the court I know that that's just but we need to do it in such a way that we don't have to defend this for a long time when we do it bit more because I wasn't aware of that but or at least I thought it was goats that were attached on the high school not a resident but I was saying in that same area someone had a horse I don't know if the police were involved with that we did and they had to remove the horse because it wasn't allowed um also I've lived by a pig farm and it was only a few pigs it stinks now that doesn't mean that that issue the smell potentially especially if not going to be there long may supersede everything else but I do believe that um going through the process and not just sort of stereotypically saying oh yeah the statute allows for will allow for their leas to be um you hear from the neighbors and I really appreciated the information I read I don't know was from you and I keep looking back I'm sorry um but that there was a desire for you won't make everybody happy but for there to be a community effort because we do want the children to understand their appreciate Al culture um and the idea of like um this expanding beyond the high school that they've already had animals there to I'm hearing two other places the middle school and the middle school had animals too okay and both of those have are not as Abed to um an area but right um so they've already had that and this is just be adding a third and maybe more animals right is this a course you you've got it's retired required to take um the first course in the agriculture sequence Sai satisfies the science requirements for students for graduation so the majority of our ninth graders who are in advanced um biology take my class as their science credit for graduation if you take it well it do count as an El it counted as a science class science is required right they have to have three Sciences to graduate and we only have a certain number of Sciences at the high school and this is one of them so require so it's one of the requir it's one of the Fe required GL science classes yeah okay gotcha I live right there but sad for you I've been there worse things than that but I swear I do not understand how you can be socalled required and then the city can say no I do not believe that there's not some statute that discover that yeah I'm having a hard time with that myself because it seems like being part of the curriculum there's got to be something there I understand but that's definitely want say something but there could be reasons that's only so the only complete complete program that students can complete in order to get certain scholarships for college through Bright Futures true so without the program there would be a whole um circle of students that would not be eligible for ending scholarships for college have you discussed this in the area anywhere not recently I did reach out to our state organization they said they have not personally heard of any other schools that have encountered this problem in the recent well course I know we never have either we just want to do whatever it is you guys need us to do to be legal within the r whatever it is I don't know what the minimum acreage is for zoning changes individually but there is a there is a number and I think how many acres is that high school property on John you know believe if we did a special exception I mean have you talked to the planning counsel they got back we or anything we talked to them several times they're trying to come up with the ideas too the two were looking around if we want to do this try to find a way to change it to an agricultural Zone don't know if that's going to be possible because you spot zoning our am menar ldr text to allow it and that way we can control how we want it to be done I've heard number or more that's a large scale that's a large scale yeah when I looked earlier today it depends on the zone as to how many acres you have to have t or under agricultural it does not spe yeah T's a break point between a small scale or large scale I would think the easiest way is if they could comply by the acreage side of that property and that can reone it that'd be the easiest fix because we're not having to battle everybody else in rsf1 that' be the easiest thing to do what animals are you puts they do get turned into EG then they can do whatever they want wild stink I'm trying to listen John what were you saying I'm sorry I missed all that we let them straight they can run wild with animals right border to B you do a ldr Amendment we have a little more control what goes on you can say this many number of animals per acre fence High got whatever you you can do whatever you want that's not crossing any lines and only for school yeah only scho that's not crossing any lines what we telling someone what they can cannot do on their property if you were to label only for schools with active programs I think we add that to for educational programs only yeah because I'm trying to help them they need that program I don't have probleme I don't want just if you do this you're GNA open up Lord knows what because we've turned away so many people want to go see Etc now we're going to say yes I think it did a little bit deeper before we are you guys deadlines the opp or is that not true no we do have a grant but that um our CT director has that information she's out of town so I don't know what the deadline is for that grantman a grant for to build a barn oh okay and uh of course you want to get the program started yesol starts pigs to make it to the market this year we would have to have them by October and same kind of goes with the goats in order for them to participate in any of the um greeing shows we would have to have them about by October as well and speaking with the barn um people after they pour the concrete we still have to wait six to eight weeks before they can put the bar for care yes what about uh protection for the animals to keep the dogs from coming in that's what the new barn is for so they will be um in the barn during the day and there will be a fence and pasture around the outside with wire that goes underneath the ground so dogs cannot dig in I have a question what happens and I know we talk about three different plat land so because you all have already had things maintaining at least in the middle school and high school especially the space where there's not attached to a school directly how do you maintain that throughout the school year or are they only there for like a month like what that they are there for a short period of time the animals that would be at the um old Perry primary site and specific students are assigned to their daily care and then the class it's a short enough distance that the class can walk there um periodically to do things like weighing um um administering medications or Dormer or any of that but the daytoday there would be specific students that would be responsible for the upkeep um before and after school and we you say a short time is like within a semester um so we usually get them around in October and they go to market in February yeah little way out of town out of it's probably not in in the [Music] city we would have to haveing to change any of this stuff that might be a problem to probably an ordinance type two meetings all well I saw I saw two meeting ordance pass in 15 days so the legal name of the program Taylor County Agriculture programs no the future the well it's the class but then the EXT it's not really extra the intrac curricular program that goes with the class which every student is a member of um is the FFA what the FFA as the future of America that's a fairly large organization is it not yes we have 60,000 members of State of Florida have a big meeting here once a year I believe at the yes we just returned that from that a couple of weeks ago in fact one of our members was the first ever member from Taylor County to get her state of degree here I think she is I think I recognize her right here congratulations recognizing from the newspapers there's another way to do this go to the legislative delegation and get them to pass a law saying that the city's got no or County got no authority to override they be good longterm picks yeah they're not Gathering back up till January February whenever they go on session they sponsor yeah should be with FFA up we get John and hope they do their homework and go they want to get get together with North Central Florida they've had to they've never done this before somebody somewhere had to have I would think with black yes I think I mean but their County and where their school is is different also like you know they're just outside the city the pig all year they got excited about having it um and so I think it's not about not allowing it but just wear and what are those regulations so the idea of potentially changing it over to a different type of zone so we're not spot zoning as council member Brian is cautioning against or um the other aspect of doing an exception amendment to ldr that probably a better wouldn't that number one exception cover it let school this this prohibited line specifically permitted keeping of horses C swne sheep goats poter it's in the prohibited use okay then goes down exceptions exception going to be a school there not with curricula which this is curriculum I thought that's just saying the private school has the same curricul as the public school does Madison have this program y'all reached out to Michael Reigns to see what they did when it came to the statutes I think they're in the county they're in the county they got a different set of regulations it's again it's not the idea of not having an agricultural area for animals but where it's just where the school is the location and your schol Zing I mean most people would put you know a livestock right next to their house even for schools across the street so it does make sense to me that the state of Bo would not allow for that just because the school may want to do it that it preempts all other zoning issues that may considered through the history of a you're Bor you putting up how close where you keep the animals how close to edge of the property generally speaking you the goats and everything will be in the middle of the school the middle of the back of the school property so be 300 map saw where the barn was for the p in the cattle I'm sorry and we looked at the map you pointed out the barn it's kind in the middle itself so yeah now I don't know what they did down in Hills County but I know like Chamberlain High School is in the middle of a neighborhood and they have a huge pig barn and they have cattle and they have all the things that we're asking to have my wild guess on that is they got grandfathered in from 60 years ago I'm guessing I don't know that I've just seen things like that happen guy at the Horseman's Association out on 27 East a neighborhood kind of grew around it and then but it been there for years right you know it's the world of people there's a lot of things that goes on because the community particularly want it or don't want it there I was wondering with the middle school where is their park they are currently housing or have house um it's behind the building that they call the pub and then right behind that is um the school bus gar the bus yeah that little creek like I think one person asked like not just description but like an actually drawing out site plan for all three spaces ask somebody I'm I don't know who but I can ask if you want the zoning change you're probably gonna have to that anyway either that or like I said like said if we go zoning or whether we go toward a special exception to type thing specifically for the schools and do because there's all I think the schools in a lot of different zoning districts are allow all of them sorry go ahead I'm wondering if they might have an area up that uh Forest Capal Hall like locational school that way you won't have to be going through all of this um but then F if we moved it too far then we wouldn't be able to use the livestock as part of the curriculum because we would not be able to get there on a regular basis yeah that's they can work it out you know how long are your class the class is only like an hour you're GNA spend 30 minutes going back and forth and not have any time to complete any task and they will be late to the next class and what class are you serving for this gr um well at the high school we do 9th through 12th grade and at the middle school they do sixth through 8th grade we can walk L yes I think we need to bring it back John you do what y'all let me start on the ldr text Amendment application got to come back to yall anyway for approval we find a better option can it something else this will get B rolling now so they can have an answer faster okay and if we come up with something between now and the next meeting if we need to have a special meeting in between that's okay too I'd like to know how yall put a word the text you want to limit the number of animals setbacks from the fence double fence all those things think about you want to can I mean y don't know what you're doing with this stuff I'm ashamed to say my mother had a cal farm and I didn't spend a lot of time on it so I don't really know what I'm doing y'all know what you want you know what needs to happen there any possibility yall can work together and come up with some here's a better question have me yall want to allow the program to operate on school yes I do yeah yes let me way we and maybe checked with other counties and how what what they did what process they went through to make it right that would be our part of the research yeah yeah but I have to really feel we have sent away so many because ma' how many acres did you want to devote to the animals do you say like 200t by 100t so there's the pole bar is already there and then the drawing that we've come up with has use to the pole barn with a 200 by 100 foot pen attached to the end of it for students to be able to work with the animals and that's the only turnout for the animals yes that's really small I mean that's good for gosp I me catch that's that's a Corral basically so say too small for that you're not going to have horses and cows CLE too um sh cattle are raised that way then you're have to yes ma'am they will have morning and night care but it's just a Corral basically that day Corral yes not even aage this will have to go through the school they would have been here tonight but they're having their own school board meeting does it need to you say it needs to go through the school board sure they own the property Bo board well I'm sure they'll put their input inent Alicia Basher is already on board we are waiting for an answer from this body before we take our barn approval in front of the school board right right you got to make sure you can build it and use the city's allow allowing us do it before we get the school board so let John research it and then I want slow down we don't get the text Amendment approved today get them for the July meeting without a bunch of special meeting we just mooved it back home another month want to do it right so what do you suggest I'm not hearing a deadline to make that possible I'm understanding at least as to the coral the animals will be eating that by October and the barn takes how long well they we were told it takes six to8 weeks after the concrete is poured That's not including how long it's going to take to get the concrete laid out so that's two months that's meaning the barn the concrete needs to be finished by the beginning of August in order for the barn to be End by April but the barn buil regardless right but the school district did not want to do it until they knew that we were going to be allowed to keep animals there so that location I don't believe so but again CT director Jody tomman is the there's no requirement for location you can get it approved as soon as we get this done you start I don't want you to lose that gr but I'm try to make sure you get that money jie we got through tonight I was going to ask um superintendent fers if she would be okay with going ahead and getting the school board to approve everything pending um answer from the city council well I'm Fort personally I hate the fact I don't want it to get you know I don't want it to get bogged down in a lot of bureaucracy unfortunately it seems to be going that way but however we can make it speed up some we really can we got children here that personally I mean I like to see kids you i' like to see it for kids are still doing things and working with their hands and learning something learning how to work with their hands and nothing gets nothing gets video Gamers everybody's got their place in life I'm not saying that but I'm just glad to see that happen and I just don't want us us adults to M things up um I also point out that the agriculture program is one of the only things left for some of these boys participate in because we don't have shop or auto mechanics or anything out and we're trying really hard to keep our younger boys from dropping out and going to bbtc um and the agriculture program that we are growing is the main way we're trying to keep those students in school good good deal I think we are all you're trying just try to figure out how we can do it yes exactly and we need to find out sooner than later sounds like yes sir the more exacting information you can provide the better the council as well as myself and John figure out some of those TOS F so I don't know if that means your director and you whatever but we we need exacting information I was understanding it was the grant that was pushing whether or not we were trying to get something started today or the next week so I'm sure there's got to a deadline coming up because we received this Trin I want to say back in February so we've had this for quite a while do what we can yes my way about it we're gonna get it done so all right thank you thank you for your service thank you for coming ldr Amendment to the b z that would allow the do the right it's going to come before three more public hearing whatever we just said then once tce if you allow him to Dire work on that Amendment now you still have the authority not to approve it later but it's trying to speed it up right but good judgment CH you not FL on some yes and not to an agenda item such back what the motion could be to direct him to you can pick it up the time and different place it could be a motion to direct him to prepare something for you to approve at a later time well I think I think that's where we are does that need to be a motion to vote or just we'll keep research other way might be better way to get this done right and you want to do it right not fast yeah true preferably both true preferably today the director got here I think sharing all the specifics that we know are available to that's not of any problem we may need to work with on address the concerns of anybody that all right so we just need a consensus to y go forward me like we do what so you g to yeah we asked John to research it and bring it back to us you just need to I guess you can email it to us individually we can look it over as you come up with things or ideas or whatever sir some ideas or hear something somebody else has done figure this out let I think like I think a bunch of these Town grandfather in I'm just guessing they were I mean I don't know that I've seen it happen out here in our town so I don't know if it was or wasn't I think they were because FFA has been around for a long time I'm guessing so it's always been all right thank you so much appreciate y'all com and bringing this to our attention and like I said we're GNA move forward speaking for myself we're gonna move forward to get it fixed so we can thank you very much anybody else want to speak on this all right again thank youall and John what you want to do next 6A Brad Hugh your name right and John CPA to address the council regarding the fiscal year 2022 2023 audit first of all thank you all forner Jones also the you all should have cop and uh if you go to page 20 so I just say was condu according to the auding standards for United States also Governor auding standards uh the goal not is to receive a clean opinion which speaks the quality of the bookkeeping uh and the reliability of the information within the audit um see [Music] on speaks the fact that did receive a clean opinion was unmodified and um that means we believe the information that's within the financial statements is is reliable for Mak decisions go to page 27 so government um stand require to uh to include a management discussion now pH I'm skip over this but I would encourage you all to uh to read it later on um it helps put the the the information within the U front of you guys the financial report into context so goes page 43 uh 43 this is your basic financial statements here uh govern audience stand dep the city to report governmental activities in two ways uh one is uh like a business long-term profitability seen below and then on the next page uh the other is more short-term in nature and it's probably more use budgeting purposes this morning focus on more today the business activities are shown I said on pages 43 and 44 U but turn page 45 the shortterm page 45 this is your balance sheet this is basically what what the city owns and what it owes and the net of those two e so if you want to look in that First Column it says under General yeah you said 6 no I'm sorry 6 milon that's not two pages from now but I'm using that that there you'll see that in a second but 2. uh two million or so and unassign fund Balan in that First Column General and um anyway so we take that and we divide it by the expenses which you will see in a couple of pages uh and you get about uh your your unassigned fund balance would last about four months which is good I kind um what we like to see [Music] um you look on page 47 kind of take a look at your uh governmental activity general fund statement revenues expenditures and changes in fund balance that's um this is basically what you spent and what you um what you earned in the the current year in the short term as um so first want to know there's increase about uh 393,000 394,000 are so down at the bottom of in general fund uh which is funded have with the transfer fund it's been the case for years uh we'll note that uh we talked about this prior meeting that uh the Lev of transfers from the water fund has decreased about $800,000 this year so that's go to page 49 um this right here is your uh your proprietary funds right this is going to be your utilities funds right they operate more like a business as opposed to the short-term budgetary um aspect of the governmental funds but um again uh this is this this is your state that position which is like balance sheet it shows what what each fund owns or what's ow to it and what it ow related to various utility functions see rep the same calculations we on the U page um we l at operational expenses and budgeted transfers compared to the restricted net position um sorry unrestricted net position which is which is down the bottom that's your your second Bottom Line If you're looking at that breach one uh so you look for the gas 1.8 million cons Revenue about 600,000 so on and so forth um as far as uh that goes uh the the gas water inventory funds were all in good shape with regards to uh if expenses stay the same they have been how long would your unrestricted net assets last or last um so they're in pretty good shape SE Parks were lower than four months but but they weren't alarming they're a little over two months and everything that you had uh and unrestricted that position and then the only one that I was really looking at was the solid waste fund you see your about 65,000 there something you guys to look at um if you go to the next page page50 I'd like to point out uh operationally so that's that's going to be about Midway down there's a big space there you see operating incoming loss um so you're looking at gas fine you see the 2 5 57 so on so forth um so you see that you see your overall utility funds operationally you gain 316,000 that does not include transfers in there which that in a second but um but the interesting thing is on the next page which is the state the cash flow it tells you how your cash did you got jumped about um almost $2 million so to see that with the 1.96 million that's in your total fund uh and it's the third third bottom there that's going to be your increase or decrease in cash so you see you only um operationally you gain 316,000 you gain about 2 million in um in cash the reason for that is uh you have um heavy investment in uh in capital assets and you have large depreciation so I guess one thing you might see is your sewer uh Revenue fund here uh you see an operating loss about one uh about a milon milon there uh but you look at your depreciation expenses about 1.1 million there so means you have a lot of the noncash expense there um that which is the reason for that so depreciation does a couple of things uh it allows you to uh one thing it does is when you buy a capital asset you're allowed to allocate that expense over the course of the period of time but the other thing is um you know if you're running a profer allows you profitably um depreciation you to right about even you your banking cash for that non expense so that you can purchase fixed asset in the future um something you might to look at um page 51 is the cash flow saving we just addressed that we go to page six to s look your Capital assets we're talking about um so kind of save your Capital assets fixed assets my call you look at your governmental activities um so accumulated appreciation is kind of it's it's a rough estimate of saying how much of your Capital assets are used sorry it right there okay um so you um what you invest in capital assets here your governmental activity so um would be uh you have you know about 7.7 million there and they appreciated about 4.6 million um so what that says uh rough estimate about uh 60% of their useful life has been used up so you're thinking that a lot of these are going to be uh coming down the future a lot these things might need to be replaced uh in in a fair amount of time now uh if you're looking at your business type activities that's your Utility Fund where your U you know your water and sewer and what have you uh let about about 50% of that's been used to page 99 look at so primary U that I'm seeing here is the uh you have your srf constructional c bonds payable and total those outstanding at the endend audit here was about 6.2 million about 220,000 pay down in the next year um page 102 uh another thing that governmental Accounting Standards requires us to do um to include a budget for governmental activities so you'll see over the next few pages point out the general fund um and your general fund you guys received about 800,000 more than budget this year spent about 8, L um P 152 P2 this is federal Awards um when uh when you see a certain amount Federal Awards uh itri sorry um when you spend on federal award in trigger something called a single audit a single audit is for um it basically it's like how did you comply with the program requirements for the funds you can spend the major program you guys did spend the 777000 there the current year um and uh which is over the 7 so I did trigger the single audit um we looked at uh the um the funds the srf loan from the uh originates from the EPA as our major program and had no findings related to that to compliance appears as you in compliant in all material respects with that go to page 157 um and the last um anyway uh so also as a part of our um our audit we review internal controls not to render an opinion on them but um to help us in our select audit procedures and what have you the current year we had no Finance related interal controls um going further you here page 164 you have the uh the management letter also communicates there were no findings and then uh in page 166 discuss our opinion in our opinion there were also no findings related to your investment so that have there um but grateful working with you all um did a great job getting to this year and um yeah see you you wonder just a couple things our resolution approved by the city council the city maners May transfer any appropriate balance proportion from one Department to another that's got to be done by resolution appr by the council uh there was an interfund forgiveness of debt yes that should have gone to the city council before uh you or John P you got the authority start taking debt out of these Financial stat Still Still um but that's my fault because I was intended to do that during the year and forgot to uh expenditures may not legally exceed Appropriations for each department Loy gas tax was only 4200 but it is ilal the utility tax was 227,000 of which 135,000 was the U expenditure of the revenue sewer is 646000 but you can't do anything about it that uh when that was written and put in the charter it meant to be on spes and