child okay February 27 2024 Council me order REM everybody silence her phone no heav father we come to you right now Lord It's we know Lord ask you right now Lord to decreas each and every one of us Lord us to make the right decisions for the seity ask you continue to sh take you never want us in this building Lord Le us God and blessings we ask in your name amen amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands na godible with liy and justice for all council member Brian counc member council member W here may Landry here May on consent agenda on receiveing request from General Public any person wishing to address the council regarding non-agenda items G five minutes for groups of delegations we'll give 10 minutes anyone want speak on anything that's not on the agenda General reest general public he no one we don't have any bids go no bids all right on business ad the manager to address Council regarding order during Council meetings and councel to take any actions name necessary I just want to remind all y'all and US tune let's keep it the one conversation going on at a time and we're trying to do the minutes and watch the videos back there's too many side conversations going on you can't hear good what's going on and microphone's part of that problem too once we get the speakers in that'll help with that but just try to keep the side conversations Down To None one person talking at a time and talking about the agenda item you me common Pur that ma' yes like to down we do me this is what the north central Florida Regional planning Council says with their public comment section Council welcomes you to this meeting this time is set aside for our citizens and general public to address the Council on any matter not included on the agenda this is not a question or answer time it is not a political Forum nor is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks to or about Council Personnel if you would like to address the council please complete a form come to the podium when you are called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to No More Than 3 minutes your participation is welcome I don't you to do a no all right agenda 6 B Council to continue discussion on leave pay poliy and take any actions being necessary M back again and decided the next one you can hold on to 320 hours be 424 for the fire department anything occurred above that would be paid out annually starting on your anniversary date in 2026 that gives you pretty much two years to get down below if you want to use that vacation before we start paying it out your proposed I'm looking at proposed lead policy here yeah I changed it today you did yeah okay to uh 320 hours 424 for fire department and anything above that paid out on beginning in 2026 I put 2025 but they wanted a little more time basically got the years if you want to use your time you can use it after that it's going be a pay what what was the change between the 384 and whenever Ra was in the man for didn't quite add up the same time I think 320 hours is two months for regular employee and 424 is two months for fire department well I gotta I forgot we change it amend we got do by policy resolution I'm bring a resolution next meeting with this language for approve everybody everybody okay with it I'll bring back resolution very good it 6 B send manator to address councel regarding Street repaving and take any actions necessary I really don't think it's time to spend a million dollars of unbudgeted money we got hurricane damages that we haven't compared yet we got the mail closure that don't know the full extent what's going to cost us and I hav had time to search for Grants so you're you're supposing to take trust money and just spend it on whatever that's what you're proposing not to do that you are propos that if you will go back when that was ined it was was strictly strict Paving and here's what I'd like for you to do I'd like for you to go back 15 years to the current time and reflect the mile collection per year and what we used for it's simple all you got to do is go to the page in the audit and look at one number two numbers that it's that simple and he he is right because it is you can pay for streetly Paving sidewalks asphalt the street department the garage and it offsets a lot of stuff in the general but that's what he was saying he wants to might save some of that for because we might be taking other funds to pay for some of this damage so that can still at least pay for street department and all that I suggest we do 750,000 I do I Su we do a million and keep 750 we don't have that much in there you sure do let me me just let's be sure local aution gas Tas 1.6 million or something9 is 1.73 yeah it's 1.7 you're right yeah it's not we not right it wrong no here's what I would suggest how how many do projects for Street ping have we got now in Scot March 17 I would I would say that if if we use the money strictly for Steven Street it could cost a million dollars really and you're benefiting people but I would agree with you on this do business for things like L Bishop what we got a tremendous number of one block streets that we could use this for now even though we say a million dollar that doesn't mean a million dollars because we're going to do what we want to do if we stop it at 750 we stop if we stop it at 1.2 we stop but we need to do something with these short streets and go do on a longer one uh you know just I don't know guys kind sound silly to go do for half a city block when you need to open I think we were looking at Bishop and park yeah and something else City County conect to St well agree that we can put a plan together with the two pieces and work I wish we have got it in the budget I don't like spending a million dollars un budgeted money budg budget for a million dollars why not because it's it was it was obligated for that category and we've been sitting on it so right but we can also do a lot like I say to help offset other expenses in general fund with hurricane repairs such use our other money but we have it in the bank and it is earmarked it's a restricted fund yes what if we started with one street just pick one street and do that this year year what and it's cheaper to do a bunch at one time because of staging costs because they they have a whole fee just for showing up for bringing all the trucks and tearing down just mobilization all you really have to do is ask for Price square foot yard or whatever they do for mil and one for p those two numbers and and like you said short streets yeah and you started it with the newspaper article what the count is doing you say we need to do let's go over this again you never happen right never happened never the article that got to do with the cbbg housing broadcast nothing to do with Street B that one you read of all the bids I had got it right here in my hand yes all hous and my point was at one time uh tbg you had to come with stre you know you do this and all this make it fit but this has got uh a project at this is a Greenville address but it's up around shade Gro then there's one on Smith Road Kelly grave Red pck Road Schoolhouse Road all over yes they're all over them can we that the way a housing would work now why and city thatr it's clearly stated in there when they did City res that as well that's probably why you don't have separate probably why you don't get a cdbg for because City register included for that cdbg the reason the reason we don't get a gr Bo because we haven't applied in 15 years no that's got nothing to do that's yeah yeah but no this got nothing P give me the opportunity to get a CBD grant for Street repaving and not spend our million doll right now I mean I'm not saying never heard one people got it's the water you know what what area you got it for p there was several different St there several different states I mean not the state itself but there's some Minnesota Georgia you know there's I found a lot of that used Bill isn't that where we got our decorative stuff out here the U the fancy uh brick and all that was cpg wasn't it yeah vation right so the pting is a revitalization they the way they it was strictly Paving and nothing else me that's provide Community nice Ro you're right in Miss Grant or meeting with Grant Rider Thursday and right after that we got a phone call with the guy from Florida convers that's over the RO division they've already talked to him they said you know it's normally 7 actually the city if you block the whole city out we don't qualify any for because new ensus we don't meet the criteria like you said you have to block out certain neighborhoods they talked about that they said they're willing to give us an exemption because they know everything is going median income the whole income of the city is higher than whatever that number is so you can block out certain neighborhoods that meet the income but City entire we don't need do do in the entire we need to do it that's why it's hard it will be harder to get water projects and waste water projects that benefit everybody because we don't meet that median income anymore with the new census but we've talked to Florida commerce and they said they know what's going on here they're willing to give us an exemption from that rule and they're willing to go above the $700,000 did you get that in writing I don't believe tag in much rather write it up for million dollarars Street repay CBG opportunity move forward and see what kind of beds we get see what our square yardage for PR square yard guns in because my only thing is we keep promising these constitu that we're going to get the roads paid and then every time it comes forth It's always some type of excuse to stopping us from doing it and it's not fair to them what you're going to find is the city has been using that operational expenses it's stretching it but that's what they've been doing it is the street and the shop and I've learned it from you if you skip Stevens non do this is just back of the napkin calculations you would get these five streets done margarit Springfield Cherry Street Park Street Brie Lon that's right at right at a million exactly a million but I I don't have a list but there are some more need than that but that's a beginning said we get we get started we we don't have to I read it on myself I don't care about the districts I did it based on condition and the traffic volume those are your the worst roads that I seen I there District's got nothing to do I agree and I don't know District I don't know what district I was in that's what you want they'll get you these five roads right mil I'd like to see a start with that we get something done this year and knock put it off the next year or the next year we're still going to apply for the Scott probably oh yeah two streets and we talk about it we get to the CBD G but what do we want to do with that one too is there they told us apply well make sure you're picking the more impoverished neighborhoods for those because that would be the samplings of survey they would take they go door to door and we'll get a bit out to get these five streets redone see what it is could we please include L par here I got down here is the park and it's in b shape all these Road are in bed shape no but it's on the list any more discussion on agend 6 to discuss nameing Tok and take anys necessary y'all been by but the Toons did quite a bit of work on the fields at the two field at Heritage and the C Norman Fields they want to rename just the field itself after Billy pillow so it be Billy pillow field at Heritage par that's the two practice field are you are you talking about both of them it says field on the FL they got made but I assume you're talking about both of them yeah I don't know I think it's good ide I'm okay with it so miss stay on that part acoss Street they got a new sign made for they red okay V what policy said is that resolution I just ask you what well if it resolution bring back yeah I'll look at thec might not be a idea to do about res I see resolution I should had ready toered item into the agenda this sh back presentation I believe this is you recognize anding citizen Mr Robert Senor come for give me get [Music] down I'll come to you keeping your neighborhood your community and TR you didn't have to do that so the council would like to recognize you for being an up stand Citizen and just in case you don't know he also goes out and CS the cemetery did you tell them why because they cover up weed cover up with dirt and I can't go to St P do mine so I go out there so I got gu my dad and my brother know when did you start up your neighbor back one came by I'm getting paid for I I know I'm just do keep neighborhood if you don't snakes rat everything come so that keep me business but do told me my heart bad I have to do thing keep it keep it moving the same PA CU if I don't all got we really appreciate what you and I hope that what you're doing get like a rumor and everybody starts doing the same thing to keep thank you so very much take a picture with his family oh yes picture yep stand there put your back to the things we had a b j [Music] Little Closer three one two one more one two agenda item 6 e Cel to discuss Baker part and take any action any necessary I got park behind what's it called was Marshall what's the name show you pictures about kind reminds me of something of a horror film what do you think making into a grass green space space we had talked to the har Garden Club and they were somewhat interested taking it over as and maintaining it as a a community garden of some sort I I I love the idea but is it going be um what the patients that walk over there and like to sit out in front of the pond and just get some relaxation are we going to have seats and bches and stuff over there for them to sit in because that's that's a that's something that those guys love to do and if we take that away from them that's part of their day sure we can go back with a few benches the Stream yeah I'm fine with that as long as we have they can go out and see we had that bench sponsor program we talked about last meeting well just long as we do because I I have some of my I love my partners like that they tell you they like my love babies and some of them they leave and they go there in the wheel and that's outing for them with there's a sidewalk all the way from makes big big old if you guys would like to sponsor a EV put it out there I'll get you on application just let me know let me know how much and I can see what I can do I'll bring them up here next time okay so is the idea of turning this one into a green space about redirecting the resources and no longer referring to as a park it still be Baker park but just less equipment we got to maintain we have 15 parks and a cemetery a lot see y okay with it we'll get rid of all the equipment go back with a few nicer benches that aren't going to get beat up like that and then just mow it and talk to the Gard I saw another Facebook group too was interested in a community garden [Music] up all right item six can to discuss solid waste policy and take any as necessary I don't know about y'all but I'm tired of seeing this no other cities do it the way we're doing it they throw anything you want to out on the right away and we come and pick it up he we got to change something I think suppos certain days you put it up the day before but nobody follows it if if you could just get them put it in contain that's I want to go we're going to pick up I want to go to where we pick up just yard debris and whatever's in your can if you have something special need to be picked up call us for a special pick up uh oh oh W that's what everybody else problem you got about a third of the resol who can't take care of it for it's it's this has been dealt with for 50 years and everybody else has gotten over it how how do they handle it in other places John have you talked to other cities and what they do city of Mary has this city yes got this their house po pick up rates I do once a week can pick up and any special pickups are charged to this rate you call Public Works I'm pick it up and they have roll off sites that maintain so if you want to take your own trash you can without a charge or with a charge without a charge you can take it somewhere Y and we talk this morning I thought was a great idea announce maybe two days a year free free white goods pickup so this how much they would get Char if it's on side call you call and you the city pick it up within head in there I think it's 24 hours who's answer the phone she does St my baby how do you feel about it Dani I would love to St it cleaned up because I ride around like he said there's just d out by the road not in the can I just don't how it's going be hard to enforce it but now the up 24 hours if they call might a little bit longer but like right now yeah we just have to play it by ear but that's only white goods that they're that they're having pick up all their jump they're going to have to do something with [Music] all the time I think we're g to create more problem oh it is because they're going to use the men at the dump site they gon come over their own and they Mr R they gonna stop there and they gonna go to make junk pile it's only they're already doing that I've got a jump pile down there strength field and they just it is it's everywhere they just decide we're going to dump it here I dump it and nobody's responsible for it and nobody picks it up and it just grows once they started it just keeps growing and growing we have actually be it's take time it's G be a heartache for a while well yeah but any change is anytime you make a change people are going to complain about it they're going to Buck it against but we have to do it does look terrible there's some areas it's awful there can is right there and they literally just have garbage scattered all around and then the wind blows it blows all down the street oh I put up with it every day when I get off of work I gotta go down the road picking up trash you get the phone call up the street you calls the root calls is because it all got put in a pile and do doing if it was just a bridge out there I can understand that it ain't going to blow away come get it but they're using it as a trash pile that could just go in the can or should be can exactly should be going in the can see you're right I see it all the time bottles whatever wers fast food bag just beer pour out pour in make a suggestion why don't we place this on the property no long pick up landord I can tell you why so that property owner is going to go see the judge and the judges going throw the whole policy out that property own going to say I didn't do it and that's end of it problems all C right away yeah yeah yeah you're right but don't think I've got a neighbor he will be standing right leaning on his can he'll finish his bre and drop it right right anything anything there's a way to stop it it starts here okay there there's some strategy that we could use that are different we've never the city manager has the authority to empower any City employee to do code enforcement by our code why not get the guys that are picking up this trash why not give them the authority to stop someone from doing an issue of citation while they're there picking it up it's in our code we can do that Public Work anybody any City employee yes we can do that we can try that so they're more at to see people throwing stuff the more eyes you have look the more eyes you have looking the more you're going to see they do it while the work you never know I caught somebody doing it today and I made them pick up four or five other pieces of trash you've got to just pay attention and look we're not trying anything now we need to try something different so you saying we have more than one code enforcement officer we can have every city employee be a code enforcement officer if we wanted them ciens that's a totally different concept that's a different yes' I have a question so we go to this are the constituents going to see a decrease in their bills we're not going to be charging up for pickups and or nothing is to change we're adding on the white add oncrease their landfill will decrease because all that that's what I'm decrease somewhere out right now we well we're back yeah just those of us don't really understand what exactly are white goods that ride this SE picking up [Music] white problem talking metal stuff B all this stuff the furniture places carry when they bring in new it's 50 bucks to take yeah I agree with you about the metal a lot of times you can spit up by the road 24 hours most of time either way we've got to do something different we've been doing this way for how long still we've got if it doesn't work we try something else we need we need to try saw something in north Alabama some going bring up later some I saw North Alabama I saw I didn't get a chance to go back and take a picture of the sign but yeah you got signs on the road to say how much it is for Ling this particular place was $3,000 but they have Count's got that right now and they don't don't nobody enforce it long forcement I've talked to them tell them blew in the face and they they say they can't do nothing they don't actually see them throw it out there they can't do nothing got a bag of trash out on the side of the road their name on can't do nothing to them even though you dig in the trash and find somebody's name on they can't do nothing to them well actually say yeah they said they didn't see them do it and on top of that they they say well so and so haul my garbage off I didn't haul at all so go find him so unless you somebody sees them do it there's nothing they can do until something somebody changes the ordinance or laws or something you go by and picks up now it would take another hour to go far as this stuff is scatter and bring it all to it up they can't do it so you don't put it out there so don't put it out there you solve the problem I know this goes all the way to Economic Development that's the CEO's wife R through Jud and drive Point she ain't going to live right there they're not going to bring their business here go to TH or Marana or whatever I guess L down to Community Pride absolutely passed all the fines and the laws and just people saying hey they don't want a trac place to live good look at property account it's on your property your account you have a property keep your property off the city Li by code enforcement so the property responsible the city owns that property you're looking at right there property owner that put it there Liv across street they went to a bacing property so it wouldn't be on their yard they had ride in it's not I don't know how they did it but when I lived in Long wood I can put anything out there at the end of the driveway on trash Pi up there and they pick it up anything matter it was P it up but you put it on the day pick up I did some are not doing well it I don't know if it had been a really big piece of furniture or something like that I might have had a call or something but whatever I put out there they picked it up way it is right now in there in their different days like a Monday the first Monday second Monday third Monday the different and that doesn't work either because if I get a sofa delivered on Thursday and I want to put my old sofa out I got to wait till Monday to pick it out or whole another three weeks yeah yeah that that doesn't work I think it's a good idea to have them call in if they got a piece of big equipment or something that needs to be picked up that makes sense but I didn't even I put it down there so when they make when they make phone call to say that they need that piece of white good or Furniture what not picked up well are we tagging it on to their bill or they having to pay come pick it up tag on B this just exle everybody's paying for the everybody's paying for the minimum service of getting your yard degree and your can picked up not every body's abusing it like that that person should have to pay more than you're right oh yes you're right you don't have to pick up that it too much one time that Lo on behind my brother's place back there we went out went through it all that name went to the man's house police officer went to his house his wife but she didn't know anything about it well she then waited for the husband to come home the husband comes home and she ask where did you take it in not very friendly way what happened was he had to go out out there and pick it all up and bring a note back to his [Music] wife only thing I can say at this point that we must continue to pick it up we can't just pass it by and the more we pass it by worse our city is going to go until we come up with the it's going to work we just need to pick it up we keep doing our policy until we no um the policy we have is not work someone's if I put out my sofa and I don't put it on the right day I got to wait three more weeks our policy yeah but still the policy we have is making our safe the worse but we need to do with policy I think we should it's not working it's not working at all can't we have a roll off site somewhere some people do fall in the policy because I get phone calls all the time want to know when they're pick up they is they do and they hold but some people like those people don't most some people are organized in care and others just live minute you roll off what kind one unload on the city residents not used to County roll offs up they won't let us we've tried that we cannot use it we were thinking of the compound for now just somewhere where we collect it all in one spot instead of going to every street in town they could bring it to one central location we can pick it up there um so we do decide to do that is can't we get one of like those little large dumpsters they usually come and pick them up and take them off do it that way or we can just pile it up and pick it up with our boom now we kind this is just preliminary conversation we're any way that we can get this city cleaned up I'm for it we don't have truck that carry the roll off and the issue with what you're talking about is people getting it into the dster no the county there drive upbody in my cowork but they have some that have the low the low threshold so you can push it right off the truck but then when it gets old you still have the don't or you know get halfway full we I suggest we contract with someone and then you guys still have to do what's out in the neighborhoods but at least it's an option for decent people to go toss it last year there is garbage gun have those trucks think there's I have seen those well yeah here want to R some ideas and see what we come back up okay I knew we solve today but it upsets me I'm tired of seeing it there we got be a better way and I just want to know that I think it it may be a good idea to think of about if there are more people say they work in public works to have them potentially participate um and something even if it's not citations but notifications to the closest property owner um because really right now we can't hold a lot of other people accountable so maybe it doesn't result in a fine but they've been put on notice and then we have someone potentially partnering with us to basically tell us that someone's illegally dumping I'm close to my property um and just be more mindful because if for instance in this situation it seems like it's known that the people across the street is the one doing it but no one's necessarily seeing it but I know if I'm getting charged and I know my next door neighbor is doing it then I'll put and make it a part of my business to make a nice little visit like listen you can't keep doing that because I'm I'm I'm not paying for citation and you don't want to pay so just go ahead and do the right things because the people who do the right things they are not when I say the right things doing you know according to the process and procedure they're not the ones usually dumping to this um dumping to this you know particular degree and because I'm even laugh laughing at my little lot I'll see stuff and I'm like I don't even like smoke or drink and there's beer bottles I like what's happening so people you know as often the people who are not caring about their neighborhood and I would just note if you do expand it Beyond whoever one or two people doing it now you have to think about also citations and opportunities we heard and eviden collection like pictures and stuff like that and so even though it definitely helps for more people to be encouraged to see something say something but um you don't want things just being thrown out because you just have you know speculation and I don't know again how much time it takes to collect the evidence when it when it gets to it but it's not unusual that that you know when we have our once a month hearing the person who actually took the pictures and part of it is not available but maybe the person they work with is and just anytime you talk about giving any individual citation Authority even if it's permissible it can get unnecessarily messy when it comes to evidence it's not just good enough that you said something but maybe there can be something akin to it like notice of potential I don't know um but I just think it's interesting when I got back here seven years ago the very first city council meeting I attended there was arguments about garbage and this I never knew it was called white trash but this trash and I think I showed up because there was a announcement that things were going to be collected at Lockridge Park so I just think it's interesting as um the chief has said this has been an issue from the beginning of time probably but I just I remember over those years hearing opportunities and people trying to come up with something and so no one's not going to like it but you do have to have some consequences that going to mean something and touching people's pockets or people who the most likely to sort of partner with making sure their Lane is clean you probably are going to need to think about how nearby Property Owners may be the the the not the easiest but the people who have to get involved even if it's under the pressure of you know the idea well we didn't do it but somebody's G have to be accountable some kind of way yeah you're right but every oh I I believe it you see it you know a building that's not really being used that much you see all this trash and then just start it won't cure everything what I'm hearing John say is that it's so pervasive that it's like you got to start somewhere that's why I advocate get a place to put it we can even build if they dump it or you or you guys take it to the site they can still be put in a landfill fee but at least your guys aren't having to it's not have to sit there for 3 weeks and we give a place to put it and even though we still pick up white goods and soapas and all for those that are organized and care but at least people that says they forget they don't know it's like we got to just dump this but oh there's a rollup site go and throw that ramp in there we'll take care of it we have this capability with the new computer system that want to call in does have anything do she just make a work order yeah they can do that now Compu system prob well we will have an online quarter system for people to they can do it on from their computer yeah exactly to Hope's Point Community involvement is the key to this is and without that U and it's got to be the council that says we're going to get community involved and this is this is how we're going to do it we approve this method of doing it we can we can work on it but we've got to decide that's what we want to do um we've got to get people to understand that they have to follow the rules and you need think Pride where you live um and if you're not your neighbor is going to be the one that makes you hold you accountable and that's really the the best way to get done um those informal social controls what we're talking about that would help us get to the the end goal here which is to help clean up the city but I think if we can go into it with that approach that Community involvement approach we may be a lot more successful than what we're doing now I think y'all get somewhere that they can actually bring their stuff to it's just like County residents they don't pile it up on the side of the road wait for somebody to come here the county wants to go they load up in their vehicle go and drop it off at rolloff sites that's what we have to do we ain't got count a don't have somebody coming back are picking it up for us I think if the county Supply somewhere for to go if the city can supply somewhere for it to go I think that that would help out a lot right now they don't have nowhere to carry it they can't carry it so just roll off sides they pile It Up On Side Road and Danielle takes winds up taking because we get too stacked up get two containers out there because you're going to have to have it f though because you don't have County residence you have everybody Dum there that's my only concern but Oh you mean at the r well there's probably City people that take it over to County sites you don't have a sck you depends on where you go just come up with some ideas come back next Mee all way first realiz problem yeah 6G Council discuss Community Development projects take any necessary I mentioned it earlier about our meeting Thursday with the CBD G grant writer and then the meeting right that with Florida commerce I just want to get some input from yall what projects you think we should go for it kind of sounded like Street repaving would be a good one I look to my 5year Capital plan and make some marks or what reping is BT CBG you're right prioritize by points yeah yeah I mean I can't I don't remember but you know at the at the higher you get more points like 50 points or what's Paving like three I don't know well I you a revation gr down name is Andy East E Yeah e not what with you somebody was recommended to me by Jim Dean that did our Rift grants that we got approved and giant CHS and the cdbg pays for it or I think it comes out of yeah the back end yeah once you get it they get their fees out of the yes they do they pay them out of day that they get the there's a percentage in the grand or something Bas for administrative did you know what two you can apply to same yeah one of them is at one it's up to 2 million you got make improvements on public infrastructure that's like doing turn in Lanes on the road stuff like that for a business the other ones the other three are kind of grouped together that group by itself these all CBG Brands we can have one and two going at a time or we have to do them one by one you could have a housing one and another one going you have a revitalization housing there's three of them group together that one's group guy came before us he told us that we couldn't have two going at the same time unless it's housing housing is the only other one but that's a different kind of category okay how much property does a city own that that they acquired by clean up and you know I'm sure it's B out years I wonder if they're build should be yeah some of them are in flood zones I know that that's why they we couldn't unload them other um offerings we had four off of Creek Henry is that we talked about it that and is that City know I think I up that South Henley that lot the side one side it looks like is buildable I wonder if we could get build houses on these l City that's what you need to ask that man ah who own it it's in a flood zone the city owns it but it's all flood zone and then they have to have flood insurance and that's really hard very hard to get well the house next door is on the ground but uh I thought and the way they pay for those they V did this they bought a whole bunch of houses and rehab and sold actually sold those got money now you're in a reposition all that kind of but the way some of these programs work you build the house and the way they pay for by living there for yeah and if they sell it there give that money to the city sh yeah that's the one in paper that the Count's running but city is eligible for count they build up count and tell is doing it with small hous some of these Lots may not be build whatever reason but at least we get r a lot get people decent place to live in they may their rules a little bit allow to do something like that if uh if we can apply for the housing and whatever and any of the others yeah do down problem and I don't know how kind what kind of problem down revitalization we've already gotten one of those to do all of this and what happens was the she just let it go to nothing and it I don't know if that if having had one there would affect the possibility of getting another one I don't know well what would you want to do down town because you I don't know yeah the we had when we let go it was the AWS yeah downtown already kind of funded on that one with the cdbg this other one will kind of help us develop projects down the road that you could go for cdbg later yeah and we're we're doing that water main we're going to be tearing up a lot of the road sidewalk too I want to get that waterm done before we do anything vitalization downtown that's not that's a can of worms container we duck up a man's ashes any inconvenience to everybody on the that but that get any more discussion on that got know where you all right continue discussion on employees manual review that was a failure last meeting and christe I think it's a good idea to do a workshop y got some dates available just work strictly on manual nothing else knock it out with it yeah saying like an hour and a half at a time yeah have it off at the time frame be done with it for that day and come back again preferably during business C make it do at the airport well you got to notice it and everything but yes public you notice the airport do that's convenient couple people get how about you guys giv what day of the week we talking about this month March is not good me I'm going on working a lot can from I'm try to put a time together if it don't work for you at least four y'all Tuesday Tuesday is my busiest day I put 6 I discuss Grant the downtown reation any actions necessary this is getting on behalf of the nbp paid for by the USDA to partner with retail strategies what they're going to do is a downtown revitalization they're going to do market analysis 5e strategic plan and technical assistance that's what I just talking about earlier I'm mostly interested in the fiveyear Strategic plan that's going to give you more projects for other Grant cdbg and things like that to get in the future so I don't know what all going to come out of it but it's probably just a really expensive piece of paper to give us more work to do down the road but USDA is paying for it well a lot of times you go to get other grants they're going to refer back to study had to come from master plan or study something like that run that a couple times already with you had this study done may we have not we can't go any further that hopefully this will get that ball rolling we got five other support we sent them today got send one more today I love the first sentence your plan has three levels of action items including baby steps that can be completed so you see results of where you're going like ripping out CR and put yeah and it gets people excited and engaged you need a consensus to go for with it oration very good agenda it 6 J approval of minutes February 13 2024 regular session when when I say you I'm not talking about person not about all but I was talking about um you do a minute and you can't review your own men your own problem I'm talking about everybody you got to get someone else to review what you done probably exception you know if you're if you're doing something and you can't make it work you get up and you leave and you come back and there it is the same thing you can't just like adding a blond bu of you what you got to do there you add those numbers and then you subtract you what you got and if there's a differ problem you can't uh I know you've been out balance before that's Tech believe it yeah when you've got the general fund of balance trial B yeah you get it but you have a question you want to make an amends well yeah okay I'm I'm looking at page two and see this may be fine I don't know down it said the last paragraph open this Council and had a discussion in a to establish a fa sound process is aim word way I believe where are you oh yeah that's see back back when I was in high scho they told me I couldn't spell and I couldn't do this but what they didn't know I was so Advanced I was already texed forward very t with in an effort to had a discussion in an effort to establish fair and legally sounds right is that what you're say word a lot wouldn't has been around forever I think it fits there but also she's trying to put down more of what you're saying and sometimes when we talk it doesn't come out right right such as past tenses and stuff do says you know you're not a transcriptionist but now she's so gunshy31 be ni B almost lost an employee Bill hey Bill need to apologize he's trying to that's how he apologizes just need to say I'm sorry it's not your fault though their fault we're not reviewing it and I did this time Bill I did this time which I she just didn't she was trying to be nice to the for very Mr har propos changing the that you succeed yeah let me say this I have never ever changed a set of minutes except in a public meeting you don't ever want to get accused of [Music] changing so well if you catch your own era a typo is different than changeing minutes well what I'll tell you what I how I it makes sense at least where you're coming from understand what you're saying we can change it before this me I just approving it they're just typos not changing the minutes right well if I never I don't have to worry about what see go to uh page five Middle where it starts Mr oinn next Senate he has received a new deodorizer and applying it after previous attempt with cherry I don't is app that yeah there needs to be another word why we on the subject the new one's not I'll make sure you said it's not working changes on the agenda is everybody okay with that amended well I had one that I told where it says vice mayor Landry next to the page the second vice mayor Landry added she had seen previous feedback on social media not she seen that's incorrect even though people say it all the time it is incorrect she had seen or she saw I don't know how you chose to fix it but I'm just saying I don't know how you fixed it but I understand this does not have to be just being so I we we have a recording and she can always go back and and reate what it look that we have said to sit here and say that that's not a correct way say I say some uncorrect things you know I didn't it's not to it's not we on the table we have a second as amended council member yes counc member yes council member wood yes Landry yes for traffic police traffic thingy what this um speed data collection device speed data collection device it was in the budget came back $7,500 I don't even know why we wanted it well get the date ain't going to help usless we have somebody analyzing it and doing something with it so this isn't really going to help the city at all I don't want to buy what is that a speed collection it provides data when you want to put speed bumps or whatever request for Speed blocks and that's what came back was we needed to we don't have we don't have a person that knows how to analyze the data or any of that the purpose no reason to buy and that person is not qualified to be doing it they go to court it's going to get th out so let's keep using do you I'm not buying this um just Bill's concern about that CD it made $116,000 the seven should have been a five what now the uh CD that he was talking about the cash report that was several months ago and understand what was it should have been a it was was a 700,000 instead of a 500,000 which was the correct number so he was saying that I mail Fe or something and but it was I checked the beginning number and it was 523,000 I had the correction right there I thought the question on CD was what did we do with the 200 some thousand that was shorted because it if you had 700,000 you have 500 that's money that was spent and it's like and again a phone call ahead of time then I can actually have an intelligent answer okay instead of making sound scary but it turns out it was simply a typo so the S should have always been a what say and it's on the books we have all the district never was a seven so okay need somebody else to check your work you gotta be careful well this is the only this is a new computer system is going to be very helpful because I have to do everything look it up type it and then you know the phone rings 15 times people come in and he's the only one that really looks at this report but when I have new computer I could just have these reports that'll put it together for me like a real accounting system I'm glad he's looking at it was a good question what are you what are you saying I'm not f it never should have been 7,000 the 700,000 on the um water water c21 there copy for yeah $23,660 profit of 16447 because that I wouldn't take the money from CD unless I did something legitimate with it would be on the books I can't sit here a guest so you know it would be helpful I could have better answers if I'm said hey Penny bring that report because it was several months old so basically was just $2,000 discrepancy in yeah and he was saying and he was pointing out the discrepancy it's like I got to look at it and I did where was what was it print 700,000 where was that printed at he got it from this is the report of September excuse me October 122 versus year end of the first quarter report you had a CD down for 700,000 so5 but we it never we did it was so where did he get the 700,000 on the tit in the original report I that's what I'm ask so there was a report submitted to the council that said 700,000 NOP um I'll have more at the next meeting but just noting that the Bacon Street um sellers Manning case um on the 4th next Monday will be um we will be doing a zoom which is going to end up being a status meeting with the judge to explain what um what conditions we've negotiated between ourselves and I thought I would have it by today to give to John but what I can also do is give it to John as well as CC all of you if there was something that um you wanted to comment on um but so the court would know we've already gave them um notice that our intent is resolving but we still have the court calendar scheduled for a motion for summary judgement Andor trial start starting on Monday March the 4th um and you know I'm just I'll I'll handle it that way unless you all have more questions I'll just send you what we've been working on I waiting to hear back from Mr black but I had it that you know as most of the time it will be the mayor signature as well as the city manager signature in mind regarding whatever the ultimate contract or agreement is also I'm going to be attending and I don't know if any of you will will be um and I'm just asking just in case um anyone else is going but I will be going to the Florida I would say the wrong initials but the Florida Economic Development am I saying that correctly um event with the board of directors and G General membership um meeting like from 8 to 12 on this Friday coming up March the 1st can't believe it's March already um also in livea oh that'll be in Oldtown Florida and at the end of the month I'll be attending um a league of cities um meeting in lioke so I continue to look forward to getting to know more about the people who are doing the work that I do and just how it impacts a council um so that's all I have to give you guys updates about I got interview set for in the morning hopefully fill up my Daniel that a minute you don't mind what's that spell it right [Music] deis you never saw feris okay City councel request anyone Miss evaluation time for John's evaluation I think it is anyway what are we going to do be on the agenda anybody put on she just included in our package sent it to us and at the next meeting you already have information you want the old format I mean well I track and no [Music] one want to do anything about it so I guess we need unless Council wants to look at the old [Music] one yeah he's been here a year now February to February 222 tell at least you got hired them because I think Taylor we had to pay him through February so anyway do we want to do we want to I mean of course you want to do the evaluation individually do we want to have an individual one woman with John before the evaluation goes public or do we want to just do it all in public I'm doing a great job now skip it all just tell me I'm doing a great job now skip the whole thing are you are um I I think we can get that done by the end March anyway but that's okay with Council I just voted up [Music] um the checks checks and the signatures I don't know what's going on but my cheick have not changed and I thought I was getting a $50 different being the mayor but it's still the same and the signature on the chests have also changed the miror is above the city manager yeah but they I didn't know there was a difference it does matter we need to know whether it is or not as far as I know it's not my Che she's been the pay Master since 2010 it it's not changed anything and I've done the budget it's all of council get paid the same exact amount ma no ma' never may have been at one was at one time but it's not not since I've been here I want I was L then want knew was different was I think was board one it was 50 bucks regular members and 75 chair I believe so and they for that have the has the speed thing been instituted the school's on speed thing that we signed up for we've got the rules now from do um it's now in the realm of picking a vendor again I'm going to because the the rules change and um I'm going to get another survey done by the company before we make any decision on who we're going to go for on vendor um and they've also expanded that to allow more enforcement on school buses as well pass being passed while the stop arms are out so that I want to explore that at the same time if we can get it all together there's a company that's there's a company just came into Florida that's established in other states that do this um and I want to see what their presentation is we do but we've already agreed to do it we've agreed to do it but we have haven't picked the vendor and there a process for that okay and also what about thetic ticket yes that was some funny language when you got to the last page of that yeah that they got I remember it was like 13 Grand the first 13 Grand of tickets written go to that company and if you don't get to that 13 Grand that carries over to the next month and they get the difference between that 13 Grand and the old 13 Grand so you never ever so did we sign the contract okay presented and we liked it but we never signed the contract we didn't sign the contract because we had an issue with the contract and it looks like we're going to be getting charged if we're not careful on that contract and I didn't want to put us on paying anything you supposed to be cost neutral is what we're it's about the safety side of it and that's what we're after the the cost neutral benefit of that yes but with that one company they were and that legal e trying to work it in where you going to end up paying them if you didn't produce certain number of tickets they us cost tell you a lot you sign the contract okay thanks for catching then the contract says this contract prevails anything that was said exactly yeah oh yeah always and what about the weather thing on I have not heard anything from John um or the Emergency Management director on that the guy that own that system in the programming had a medical issue happen I don't even know if that program's running the way it used to um and he's been inundated with a lot of issues since that hurricane we haven't really had that discussion so I couldn't answer that well didn't that tie it in WCTV don't they have access that data would be available for them to use cuz there each device has its own website and that's what they would do they would log in to the website like any citizen couldn't see them so we got hanging yeah okay thank you that's all I yes the uh I sat in that audience there probably for a year at request people at that time city council never said a word s you see ery was one in charge in the City attorney in the city manager right show so and I guarantee you I made up my mind I was not going to sit over here in this chair fact happen I was going to discuss I was going to bring things up the intention is to get the rest of the C and the rest all meetings lasted 15 minutes time there we're more involved joh more involved everybody it was intentionally done um there hly again but how we going to clean that lot I saw people people want I saw a machine and I don't know if there one here in Perry or not but they could take that machine it's got a grinder on front of it and they just go through all that stuff you know most of it I wonder if there's somebody here per the one that went on the skid steer yeah is it wood or is it you chewing up wood or metal yeah thereal just can we if we we have to do oh I know I know so the money right I buy one wrong there but I think we could look I saw one inah excuse me are you saying that if we found one and could rent it we couldn't use it I don't know we would know how to use it you can you tear them things up easy you're talking about a for stre mure head yes you like a big Dr well we could contract it out it's a one time kind clean up and then we can Bush it after that an hour minimum four hours yeah I don't know how big that is I don't know certain size trees they can take can't do small I mean children trees it's kind of an AR form you don't want to just run you got certain way you do it knock them down right so it don't come back on you you measure that up against paying employees to go out there and do all that we don't have employees I am very short all we do pick up garbage and trash right now yeah we would transporting water was water the [Music] bue you have dry water yeah yeah yeah the uh the pipeline was built up in Obama time yeah the the Buckeye pipeline yeah in flow or I can't imagine there's and of course we're not metering well we are metering it but we don't start charging till like billions get pumped and I just checked it a year or two ago we're nowhere near that and now they've shut down forget about it but we're using Miss sprayfield mostly [Music] yeah L on chair you got to remember if you got a hole in pipe that pipe is here and the water comes up whichever's got the greatest it it's going in when that water goes down that raw fluid comes out we need to fix that line and we need to use that art money and however we need to make that happen that's I can't I can't say something or you can't say something or anybody can't say something without three people and I'm asking do you want to fix the line I'm asking the counil that we need to fix the line it's been that way for a while and I keep waiting on somebody to break through there with their vehicle and really have a this well you got someone out there that I don't know if or what but he call us regularly about it's Fallen this much and this well they went out there and ped it but don't we have a couple like that in town it's right off as street but you got three CH yeah I know you can see the yeah straight L what do you see our sewer plants rated for 1.25 million gallons a day processing sewer on heavy rainfall event like about a month ago we were aing almost 3 million a day 3 million gallons a day and that's all coming from intrusion and infiltration into your sewer system but I know Cherry Street's bad but I can almost guarantee you it's not the worst one out there that issues all over the city because Diane last time you brought that up I do know the discussion you know trying to what should we do conversation but there are several others in the city that are just as bad I guess they're just it it's expensive can we get a gr ex said those all those we already got one we just not doing it thank great one whatever well we're we're working on [Music] that would spend any money back then that's the same thing as a street P it's a lot more I don't care it's the same issue you got all this stuff out there that needs F in oh well it's too much we can't do we can pick one and do it yes probably be G in Stitch a form I think it's about 200 foot a pipe and how much we got in arath Fons I don't know we've got a lot of things budgeted against it now I have to research it a bit bring that back toing than that issue well you okay for the budget she bring it so we can make a I mean it doesn't need to be fixed but it's probably not your worst problem out there there's probably way higher priorities than that just for not I'm not saying that particular one I'm just saying if you got them all out there pick one and fix it if we could wait a little while srf paying for our Wastewater facility plan part of that is going through and examin all these lines then you have that to apply for Grants right but just going out there and picking this one because we know it's there you're just spending 40 Grand and probably 0 1% of the problems and when it get destroyed when ever they decide to repay cash yeah issue y I'm saying if we go ahead and we do the work now would some of that get destroyed with me it would why because it's so far the ground okay you got you know we know we got s pip in the creek and we never we got infiltration from it but yeah there plenty of of it i' rather find where the million gallons of day is coming in that's you won't find it is coming I'll tell you a lot of man but come to day a car see that's washing sand and that why going down come the day car Falls in there going be sitting right here saying Bo I wish what I say that's not 40,000 now it's 4 million once again asking Miss Penny if she could bring us some pi yes I keep me a you I think do the same thing u a list and on that list I've got different things with d one of the favorite things that the uh staff used to do and some still doing in May of 2023 our requested under cruel basis of the Enterprise funds that's the only way you're going to know if they're over under budget the only way at May of 2023 uh we're still waiting and you ask why I bring this up at a public meeting I'm still waiting I don't never recall you asking for that I'm telling you if you go back to this day May 2023 I asked for it I actually held it up and I said you all it's simple you add take subtract these accounts pable you add these accounts pable and if you can't understand it I'll come up and show you that's what I said if you go back and look at the table okay but that's that's the way things have been done for a long time and some some of it's still going on now again I'm asking for the uh 23 acal of the Enterprise fund all you got to do is take it add one side subtract one side that is the only way you will know if anybody's going over budget and I assume everyone would like to know that that's just a and you're saying that accounts payables of course versus receivables payables what's payables got to do with I don't know this is something that we've never had you didn't have any reports Sarah didn't have any reports like that and you look at the budget comparison and that tells you a lot that tells you throw over under your budget no it's not telling you it's not giving you your approv and I did have I have than you that's call we'll get together you can show me I'll buy you lunch you come and show me what you want and I'll come up with the I I just told you okay you got the report we got now has got last year's payables correct you take them out and put this year's payables in it's a one time deal and yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but you can't tell you can tell about the Poli Department fired all that because it's in the other yes yeah and and once the C is done that that's to but we can't we can't see the Enterprise okay I I got you okay I'm ready I just got one thing I want to bring up um not this past Saturday Saturday before last I had a chance to pass by uh pass by a mudbog and thing going on at uh early on the Saturday morning at U bson Park and turn around went back there was one guy pulling another one out of course by the time I got back I mean the case would have been super weak to even bring anything up but I guess it's got me to thinking more about the parks and the destruction and we made need to make it not worth it need to make it expensive can't afford it or don't want to afford it I I can't tell you how many times throughout the week I'll I'll call you know I'll call police department whoever dispatch whoever say that there's someone at block or someone there someone Wherever by the time they get that they'll see the police car pull up and you they're gone they'll see the police car coming and wait I mean they're watching they're watching for them to come we talking about code enforcement everybody being able to be a code enforcement officer that do do my okay it wouldn't be all but by the time said got a C or whatever I me what we do in that case just take just take tag numbers take pictures will it do any good if you're looking for enforcement through statutes M you have to be a complainant in a sworn affidavit so that we can progress with it but if you're talking about enforcement through code um there's a cap on what available relief we have um on that if we can tie it to a state statute that's the easiest way we have a little more a few more options but if we're talking about code city code enforcement side of it it's going to be um there's not a lot of um we can do anything more than $500 fine really because that's the max we can do on on one event without a m and and restitution before they tore up corre well there's no Provisions in code that I'm aware of that would order restitution what about stat just kind of look into it and see what and we talk about another meeting but we can we can get restitution ordered on a conviction for criminal mischief is what we're talking about yeah that's what I was going to say if it's made a criminal case yes but all of that I mean you are a witness to as to seeing it so camera video capturing information all that will help on either account you know regardless of you were deput dials just as a regular citizen seeing Mis ship happen yeah um and the uh thresholds for misdemeanor and Bing K Mischief for so far apart it's $1,000 more for familyy K mief and that's where you can get into you know a little more teeth into the enforcement side of it but you know then again we have to worry about rules of evidence that everybody look we we we're suffering from the CSI effect in society you know they think that we should be able to take a picture and get the DNA analysis of the person that's doing it we can't do that right uh you so you got where we have probable calls which is really easy to get to the burden for trial is beyond Ral doubt so we've got to get evidence that reaches that level or that burden for a conviction so we can get restitution it's not just as easy as I saw it happen right you got to convince the jurors if you go that route or a judge that understands Rules of Evidence and procedure to convince him or her that that is a violation is beyond reason so we've got to have so much evidence now to to get a conviction that we've got to have really good Witnesses with really good media and video evidence to help us we've got to have that without that we're not going to be able to do not personal but in my district and parts of distri [Music] one I'm told a lot that the Cs say it's all right for me to ride not no ma'am I'm just telling you what being said but they can tell you whatever they want um May I finish please yes can I'm not trying to start anything but I have seen for myself I've called the cops the kids out there riding the fourwheeler doing the Donuts so everybody they will come out they will leave and leave the kids there were they start so there is a problem somewhere that we've got to Sol because they don't give a j about law enforcement they Dr through wheels and I know that you all can't chase them and all of that but it's a big problem in my neighborhood theion other neighborhoods the provision that we had that allowed us to tow a four-wheeler an ATV or UTV was repealed by the council right so and that was what one of things that we used to to take them off the street but it was repealed so we've got to find another way to work on this if if they were r one but they're not they're teing over there by destruction of public property we're appalled by it just as much as everyone else yes and we want it to stop because if we have less of that we have less call to deal with then we could go deal with other things and that's what we want money being spent on breaking toilets sinks and yeah exactly right you know when you go back and you think about you know when you think about broken windows Theory and I don't know if anybody really in here understands what that is but the concept basic concept is if you have something that damaged there's people going to damage stuff just because it's damaged because it fits in and that's the basics of it there's a lot more Theory to it so what're what we're talking about is the community's got to be the one that says we're tired of this we know the kids that are riding these full whe we know who's doing this we know who's tearing things up it's not our job to fix Society it's our job to help Society so what do we do then we know who's doing it so what do we do go to the parents peer pressure pressure kids too we've seen four or five a month we get called the four wheer versus car four wheer versus fourwheeler like that we're seeing a lot more people get hurt in up there's no easy solution to this and and it falls back again once again on society and the community itself say enough's enough and until they the community they the community decide we've had enough it's not going to change that's what it's going to take who is it you can't legislate morality you cannot you cannot you can try we'll we'll try anything we can but you know if it becomes ineffective why do we keep doing we can encourage I think the challeng is you have to make the consequences consequential and not just the issue of it being wrong and I think sometimes people you know either get complaint that it was over enforcement we're being harassed and then idea that you can have rules but if you don't really have something consequential like applying or Towing even I don't I don't know about the to aspect so then you know people are just H to it change and what you find a lot of times is the guardians or the caregivers of these children are using that as a babysitting tool so they do whatever they want too so we're dealing with that you know that's another Society issue we're dealing with that's why we have fights and parking lots and because these kids are being left on their own devices so it's it's a way bigger issue than just a four-wheeler it's is society tired of what we're being allowed or what's being allowed to happen that's what it comes down to well it has gotten a little better better at Long Ridge and is normally the same ones coming they will speed up and back in the way at the end and look see if someone's coming no one comes you do over and I'm just afraid that one day I sat my front door somebody's J it's going to get and over the years we have worked those instances we've had kids on four-wheelers injured and killed we've had kids riding golf carts through neighborhoods and communities they shouldn't be riding on because they don't understand the rules and and they have no concept of this will hurt me so the simple Act of allowing them to operate that device is the problem not us not being able to identify who they are need to go next