I don't looking at on that compar in the uh general fund uneed Revenue was 2.9 Million that is a yeah yeah 164 what I'm looking at is just how good we are if you look in the middle of this page 164 it says prior year findings it says there were no reportable findings in the pr year says current year findings there were no reportable findings in the current year page 165 our audit did not disclose any further items that would be required to be reported under rules of the chel chapter 10.55 page 167 difficulties in incur in performing the office we encounter those sufficient but Jo next corrected and uncorrected mistakes all potential M statements have been provided to any Stakes were [Music] corrected top P disagreements with management we are pleased to report that no such disagreements arose during the cost of our audit next management representations we have requested certain represent representations for management are included in man direct letter of June 24th now if you go back to 165 conclusion we were very we very much enjoyed the challenge and experiences from our a we appreciate the helpful assistance the staff lead our a and also the deing high qual Financial Rec and term controls and I'll add to that myself and the city auditors don't get better than this the uh I understand all you know that got 60% of New Year gone by and we get is is Richard still involved in this what Richard I'm I'm asking because I was told it oh yes was sold practice all practice was sold yes sir why and personing at you now no I know I but this is this is not uh P Jones this is somebody else be proud of your work be proud of what you're doing notify your C clients with your name on it or whoever you know whatever corporate name going to be doesn't have to be P yes and U um the normal thing is to uh agree to a new Contra I'll make that motion okay it no because we've got an investment in that document there a big investment and uh we don't want to lose our investment that's she's going to need them too question so that's my motion second Council R yes counc yes may yes mayor K yes bill is this because you won $10 today I sure did and and last week I knew it was have any more questions all right thank you thank you very much Council the hold public hearing for the purpose of considering approval City manager recommended Capital Improvement program for fiscal year 2024 go e oh you said e yes thought said B all right idena adom e 6 e cancel to hold discuss waste water planning document and to take any actions deemed necessary past hour and a half entertaining enough good this is a copy of the slid up it's just a summary of the facilities plan PES can you pull your closer to thank you I'm dou Brown I'm the project engineer at M McDonald work on the are W facilities plan planning document we were tasked with uh going through regular compl of phone for the waste War for the city um it ended up being about probably a 20 year plan um of the typical five or so just because of the number of projects we found uh the reason we did that though was uh to provide basically a basket of projects for the city to seek other funding sources um any funding that does come available John or the city you guys already have a project that's been ready umil studies Environmental Studies everything's been done on it so you can turn around and see that fide that there's also some immediate needs that we have identified that um to move forward um the facilities plan a and then for the city consider moving forward with phase one com soon once this is in um so the the planning document um if we look at the first page kind outlines what the goals were for the plane um we looked at collection mainly for ini which is number one priority um we look at conveyance which we call the pump stations or lift stations we also have a lot of those that are nearing end of life we also looked at the treatment system the treatment system is um things in it but it's mostly the items we looked at there we're going to improve efficiency or Andor resiliency so that your treatment Point can operate during extreme weather as well as save money and then we also looked at your disposal because the Buckeye PL clothes your spray fills your so me the disposal so it see closed and it's unprecedented consistent so we had an eye for that you don't need it right now you may need it 5 years now and then we wrote this plan like I said suitable so that it goes to pass basic um this first Mount if you this this map here is just collection system this is a m collection system this red area is actually the the city limit 1955 City Links we overl it because we were trying to narrow down the sech for the uh typically it's the playay PIP that does it the old ter jointed playay pip um and this is the city limit to 1955 so the Su is from 1955 and we verified that inspections going to the next page so page one which is we considered immediately [Music] priority Bal anticipated main life we looked at criticality how many people would be affected if it went down and it's basically a multiplication that um so the recommendation is to cud and do a CCTV which is an investigation with the camera into all of the super system identified in the previous SL that that old city limit math area um to do that in phase one would basically set the stage for the remaining phases or any remaining phases you want to do give a pinpoint pinpoint in a surgic delay where problems are and line them or replace necessary the second item for uh the collection system is in June of 2030 sometime around there your Wastewater Flows at the plan increase about 500,000 Gall day over the of the month it's kind of to doesn't need an expansion it needs to fix so this trunk the along temp Creek through the swamp in the woods um typically there's roots that get in there book covers going off hold them and FL into it I mean like a fire that would that identified as immediate need excuse me going in and timmering it first to make sure where it is how much rehab is is CIP this case which is C it's just a a trench technology that allows us to to basically lay a pipe inside of it Wells outed in resin when it hardens it it makes like a pip um conveyance system wise we identified with two largest oldest lift stations that's in your city besides your main lift station of plant that be the Warner and lift stations about 1950 sou stations there were old dry pal wet Wells the dry side flooded at some point the city ended up putting in such Li pumps through the back and it's worked for a while but but at this point buildings are deactivated and the pumps need to be redone it basically the whole system need we looked at replacement versus Rehab on those and because of the need to bypass for so long the cost actually drove upab um for treatment system the we did a a field analysis or a field assessments for everything all the pump stations demand inspection visit the treatment plan in thisi the Genera field is not working so if you have a power outage you can't um the plant still works but you can't iice water so then light a buck ey Clos recommend doing that um the other item here is the remote surveillance and automatic operations data system at the plan this is an efficiency item but it's um it's something that would make a large difference So currently uh I perent you have to have a classy operator there 16 hours a day seven days a week if we do this your permit can be renegotiated and have I think five hours a day or yeah five hours a day five days a week with AIT so your personnel can be utilized in total for that is 9.2 million um and you would want this schedule be complete the next years so going to the next pish future phases uh the collection system work will be prioritized by based on the results from the caming in Phase One um we identifi for this P the entire P the books um so it's on paper and you can start seeking funding for you have to go through this process again just RFI process uh the list stations we looked at to be done would be in the next 10 years um that's a list of them there below uh the priority for this future phase we would want to coordinate it uh so if we have a collection system that's in need and there's a legislation that's identified that's in need next to it we want to do that as a as a project that way you say like that it's just that picture you see at top there a picture of BU P station um and the bottom U call bottom left terracotta you can see the Terracotta in the bus the bottom of that man hole and then the one on the bottom right you can see um the Cracks around the top of the manhole EV of manhole sinking washing the you may have said where's this one located the exact spot I'm not sure when we did the man inspections basically I took a map of the city and thr grid on it and told and told my CI inspector to go out and get me one man each so we can look at what's nect you go to the next page for your treatment system um as I said earlier we kind of look to try to anticipate needs on the treatment system because it's not falling apart it's it's fairly good uh we just wanted to get them on paper and identify the project so that we can see funding um look as they would benefit the city they're just fall apart um so the priority on these definitely depends on funds availability your funds um the projects we identified are mechanical deing for your sludge right now you're sludge mechanical watering if regulations change and for some reason the city can no longer apply the their sled Bas management area or um impaired water weight area the state come down decree transported oxidation ditch you have a single oxidation ditch now so it goes down it's down until it's repaired if you have a p it's justly it will improve efficiency of your treatment but it's mainly red and then additional spray F area as I stated earlier CL are there right now it's working it's working okay um it kind of looks like it could be a little wet most car is um so it's just something identifi Pap ad are next to it the potential be developed into addition spray are so having said all that we identified about6 Million worth need which is huge number that's absolute worst case and that's probably ever spend 20 plus years to do it um we had about 72 and A5 million for the collection system that's Essen two things that you have to do the entire area that we identified the first slide which is the old city limits which may not likely won't um and the other one is based on the man inspections we had about 30% that needed replacement so we use that as statistical analysis or statistical basis to say that you got to replace 30% of those you probably got replace 30% um which may or may not be true um conveyance you have about 9.8 million that's the 12 Li stations the two new ones that are identified in phase one and then the 10 rehab and then your treatment all together is about 23.6 million that's the planate St this is a planning level estimate it's prioritized uh currently when you get the results back in phase one it will be re prioritized probably more projects developed that are more discreet um but it's just a way to know when you're allocating your resources the ones to go for first ones in both like I said it's risk based it's like of failure based on the condition criticality of fail B this planning effort is also don't don't let the money scary on that it's it's 20 plus years wor projects the city started now and then one after the other do the funding Cycles it would be 20 pluss just want to make sure don't need to come next page okay so what just to reiterate what I'm this is based on relining the entire sewer typ system in that 106 million I mean yeah the 76 million is based on 70% Ling 70% 30% being replaced and based on the man statistics from the 100% either reined or replaced how long's the the lining how long is it good for gener leer do we know yet so when we did the analysis that the typically life cyle do we take on and we look at things say how long it last for 20 years including cost for the collection system 100 years because the lining lasts 50 years new PVC lasts 100 years so so when I did it I had to incorporate a second rehab Pi years from that and the Ling still came can it be lined again I think so I mean I've never seen it I don't think the Technology's been enough to to line it again but you lose basically it's you lose in like uh I would say it's a quarter in uh thickness around it so yeah I would think you could so at some point you r yeah this is probably after long have to work on but still somebody down the road's got to deal with somebody to replace it yeah you're you made a comment about the sprayfield generator you say it's not f so when we looked at that one I looked at either replacing the generator or replacing bit bypass P both of them is it repairable or no we can look at repairing it but it's I think it so at this point it's 30 years years old because something is old you don't throw it away no well this is budgetary all I the generator sprayfield circuit board on it controls it the safety features of it do not work um Lamar can make it run manually but then like if it runs low oil or something it just and also too Mr Bill it's it's it's getting so old that you can't get marks so it may work maybe the greatest thing ever but you can't get that's what we're running into and you know that's just like I met with a guy today about the main lift station pumps they're 20 years old and we need a check valve rebuilt and I don't know that we can get parts to rebuild the check valve we got to buy new and I don't want to do that that's what that's what we're running into the uh TR line along P Creek that's area oh it's it crosses a couple times I would private property these these were either slip Lin or in situ formed so what we try that is the um for the piping it's the cast and place piping that's that's put in it or replacement if we have areas we can't get to um would probably look at I bursting could be an option for Gravity pipe where you have the old pipe shell and you pull the new one it's kind of kind like cutter head on it um similar to the L board but it's running through the existing pip and cutting so there's some options that we could still do that trench this special new cases but the costing was for budgetary numbers we use um you know you use a little a little Hefty catalac type cost as what I call it um you do the whole thing and then when you get it you you hope that the contractor here's my final question yes is list the document be p300,000 that's just thec i' like to copy the yes yes I didn't bring 500 I think you have to sign it to sign it see it and all that that 106 million have any inflation over 20 years or is that all today's cost that was all in today's cost so so what we may do because we only identify real phase one um and then the next phase is we can say oh you'll need I don't know you say 8 million 8 million whatever but it's you don't really know and you could probably definitely Million worth project but we're going to use this document for 20 years I'd like to see some place you build in look 150 million yeah I mean yeah but it would be in we would have to yeah stipulate that would be in that time frame so every three year I could inflate based on whatever it is maybe 2% or 3% even um and then do it for every three year increment and say every project will come about every three years yeah I can I could that like I said once once if if DP accepts this document which they should um the projects are done the environment assessments done it would then be presenting request for inclusion and going through the process and we we either slip line Le in C form this entire line we're talking about uh I don't recall doing many manho but my opinion there's a big large portion of that I coming through the top of that man I look at it every day I go home and it's like a river flowing into the man yeah we did years ago we did s truck FL they was kill in Marana and it followed the same Creek pattern like it and uh you know through that repair process it it made a world of difference PL it's not in here but what would happen in design for those items they have they have a it's not a metal manhole Li it's it's a composite and it's locking and seiling so we can even we ensure those were on there I mean some of them are easily to identify um best way to do it I know would be the CCTV that's in phase one you can find all your problems and pick you yeah wow the low battery that was a video game of course I came out of the 80s if you don't count for inflation it's probably going to be I don't know when I say over the past two years it's probably gonna be step yeah I would recommend probably going to about the 10 year mark and then um most likely be that point want you to redo the facilities plan but you would we did it with your drink it's a much lighter plan you just go in and take this information take the cost and then you add any projects that may have developed in that 10 years and do they'll probably require I see do it sometimes five years but I think I'll make a motion to close the public here unless someone else second yes wood yes yes may yes motion approve which goes along with this have a second second yeah yesc wood yes land yes yes h of 68 canc to discuss Grant application for septic to sewer project then take any action deemed necessary all right so um so it was identified uh Grant 100 had come to um and request us to help come up with some postive projects it is septic to sewer it's about 110 homes um to go off septic tanks to get put into a low pressure system it's it's uh it's we ended up splitting it into two projects low pressure being gravity gr pumps grinder pumps okay each so what you do is I'm sure you may bear stop me if you are but at each um septic tank you go put a grinder pump in you abandon the septic tank and then you R like an inch half or 2 in 19 this is on in Southwood 12 first one just the furest one out yeah so we split it into two because um it's two two grand applications and that's because uh the the funding out finding people that are helping us Rachel Howard um had spoke to the director and they have recommended because U areas in Taylor County which is a ro area of opportunity it's not in a Bas of management area so it's AOW priority so they the funding would be less so they didn't recommend A10 million project they recommended something about so it's two one half million doll projects that's said who the Grant come through order management or it's the waste water it's foring nutrients from from impaired Springs basically and that's why and it's gonna be lur and Southwood and what you qu they have an option we're doing have an option I think they have a year something like we're GNA take I mean it's part of the grant to tie in as well it's like Pine Bridge right should then they'll have X amount of dollars per month going toward maintenance that's something y will have to discuss as far as maintenance just the construction funding the construction there's a a fund that we collect uh I believe it's cor 20 years and that'll drop off Carly figure that out and um but it it goes through repairs towards so Pound Ridge is already on this yes okay can I get that email to so I can see what it's it's been a while I think was my first it's been [Music] there what's the last time of those pumps five six years we we still pull pumps out that were that are dated 08 so they last wow this only for 20 years I believe and then the maintenance is on the city or no it's on them contract yeah that's why I want to read it yeah I think the maintenance goes on the the public but then we don't charge extra Fe next things are about what six grand about 6,000 bucks I thinking of am I what's 6,000 whole thing or am I out in left field with that 6,000 is probably the tank pump panel and electric they they were allowed a special exception for hurricane how was that well no that the homeowner had to pay Fortune no that's what was that's what they I paid part of it on my city bill it's an impact fee yeah I was fored to do it part of my city spread over so many months or whatever or years or until yeah anyway yeah it's the benefit to the customer in in the environment the expansion of your so they won't be able to opt out be a mandate yeah I want to read the we take any action on this or is this just let y know that we're apping for okay any more questions thank you did did yes we did that's one made motion yeah he did 12 we gotta get back to 11 11's the CIP city manager the agenda's been all over the bu sorry everybody okay with taking five minutes [Music] I just want to make sure well he was rearranging place you five no I think you may have told me take off but then I couldn't find the email that agenda show the original one I sent him had on there but it's been the final one that went out fish you got to go oh what did you say oh yeah it's here bet he she says no but did he teach [Music] [Music] her I thought about that the other day he want to take we never got down yeah you can't explain yeah you know if they ever sold that River property at used to be all kind of knew everybody shooting out I had a whole bet I had eight or 10 people come in the other day on a jet to go fishing I mean the thing the door open like a clown car everybody was just pouring out of it they all loaded up three vehicles and off the went Ste Hatchet you think the last one came out here comes another one they kept coming huh I think was full I think the bathroom yes some Jets have has seat belts on the bathroom they use it all right you want go the meeting back to order go with agenda item 6D I believe Council hold of public hearing for the purpose of considering approval the city manager recommended Capital Improvement program for fiscal years 2024 through 2029 and take any action deem necessary that's the one we've been working on off and on for quite a while now any discussion on itot what did he motion to close the public hearing second yes yes yes yes [Music] in item six C resolution 202 24-11 in reference city manager recommended fiveyear Capital Improvements program for fisal years 2024 through 2029 a resolution of the city of Perry Florida approving and adopting the city manager's recommended 5year Capital Improvements program for FIS SCH years 2024 through 2029 Mo to accept have a motion to accept we have a second second counc Bri yes counc woodf yesc yes may yes agenda item six D cancel to set dates for a workshop regarding the trash and waste pickups and to take any actions deemed necessary anybody got any particular dates that would like to do this how soon do you want to do this see next week Fourth of July weeks I don't know that week's usually kind of iffy later this week after Fourth of July of course that's going to be our meeting the ninth will be our next meeting date that depends on how soon you want to do it I'm available next Tuesday I know think I am either be July 2nd everybody gonna be around July 2nd he probably the main one needs to be here y I can't be fine we just the one dat time 16 16 at 3:30 what did you say I can't hear you that get everybody plenty of time to think about what they want to do do research what's going on around you know I've been pulling a bunch of stuff together to share with you so we talking during the day or it's 6:30 in the morning I'm up so so what time did we say 13 130 are you available on the 16 that okay you that work for you Dani yes all right July 16 2024 at 1:30 PM right here at what time 1303 all right agenda item 6 G Council to discuss camera project for parks and to take any action being necessary think I give up on that one unless I find a grand or something we're getting quot for like 50 grand for 5 grand I'm not so just come back to that later that camera installation service for years years but they're good cameras because I was like what is the average cost of one of those no I'm asking it depends but it be at least $500 for busted toilet stuff and camera guarante just prevention put the budg for work but they can pretend put signs up for a while it work it did for a while Wells he agenda item 6 I Council to discuss hiring a lobbyist and take any necessary Jason Brown talk with Cory Simon at the end of both conversations I looked at him I said well is the best thing Perry could do to get some of this appropriation money and they both said you need to hire a lobbyist and they both gave me three names I've been calling I probably talk to 10 different lobbyists from the biggest companies are to some of the smallest ones I talked with some other city managers have a lobbyist they said you need to have a lobbyist I talk one lot of League of cities we don't use same state of Florida not just us particularly ask well they do specific lobbying Services just for City or like a coalition I don't know I didn't know they did it we time we didn't put it in right we know what we doing I will I will discuss this with you uh privately nothing to do with this and could also just note like um going like to I guess the equivalent of the Swan City leads and stuff with the more comparable areas I was surprised that how much they col together to try to get things done that would be helpful and they were all just like so happy to see someone there from carrye so they're probably I'm sure it wouldn't be as as um spoton of us having our own lobbies but there there are other lobbying opportunities that I think over the years because priority Perry's presence or Taylor County's presence may not be as evidence so when they're thinking of small town or gr North Florida our voices are not being heard because we're not anticipating so maybe that would be a great conversation to have or participating even as on their legislative days or whatever like you know for the most part the counil is not being represented or just being compared to some the smaller cities talk withed do that together some the on I talked to said a problem long as we weren't when they prorations bucket here Buck here Buck here bu here long as we're not going for the same bucket compete with each other go for separate buckets she was she was okay with that does the county have a they do substation County be like the Florida Lega City for us I guess and then there is like she saying the smaller um little leagues that are district wise and John do you go to the swany river Le May to been meaning to go to one of those I an email but I never have been able to make it yet I have participated have OB participa but definitely it was really Co L me because comparable sizes of the other places going is like you hear all the people from Fon and Jacksonville we don't have resources to but there something true we get into and we saw this this past couple of weeks as get it through the Senate they get it through the house but it's got to make it through the governor and that's where most of us I I never talk I've talked to him once I don't know him well enough to pick up the phone and say hey can you get this done I certainly don't and that's for I guess the lobbyist that's the guy make it happen the only government CL has is n county that's what he got 2023 for him he's getting money for Northeast Florida Fair the Gulf Coast Jewish Family something or another College what oh n county yeah that's the only government anony represents what anony anty that's the only other government you say he doing is Nassau County okay we would be competing with them no things he was recomended to I like that he was smaller he had time to work with us some of these other big guys have 100 people Ain no way they're able to rank all these you know different projects L Holocaust Museum there's money going everywhere we ain't even what's the big city Berard that's North Doo basically show me one that's got a city this only I talk to find a few other ones this is one got this is all surely if they do something for City that City be listed there he doesn't he only represents Nassau County that's a small guy Mark Anderson Consulting Mark Anderson but there are bigger guys out there that represent Cy I don't know when he changed but was gr at one time only count get so it is true and school and only school boards some of only I talk with a guy that works for Maran sound kind sh to me I would want to work with him but he get some money and are these examples of Grants or he's getting like these are just they won't work they don't write grants do nothing grants it's a straight appropriation request believe 20 Mill for a SE system and they work on getting us 20 million for a SE system County usually always gets first is it normally municipalities that run utilities or some counties do it say most time but you're out there counties they do they have things I mean well they're legislatively necessary whereas a municipality isn't something did I say that correctly okay they have to exist we don't have to exist we need to we don't have to they just take a percentage of what they're able to accomplish I didn't want to answer today I just want yall to think about it all around some other people you know maybe some other city council see what they're doing yeah I saw several I watched the Florida Channel or whatever you call it were they're on there talking all the time about this and that and a lot of things made it through the house made it through the Senate didn't make it through the governor's office just didn't make it whatever reason the wrong lobbyist I don't care whatever not whatever but what's the governor's priorities if you're if you're interested in this over here he's not interested in that right the best lob in the world or they lead you on because I work with the Curtis on getting some um hor and Trail grants up here and they met right here and they had a huge turnout and everything and they were so excited exced and you know the governor's saying he's interested you know preserving the the woods and the wetlands and all that it got turned down I think they gave a Penance which wasn't even enough for signage for what some of these it's a joke it's a joke anyway you gon continue just to research on that a little bit and get back with us research all right agenda item six J councel to appoint one citizen to serve on the Perry police pension Board of Trustees do we have anyone I do not bring this Council well anybody can try to just ask anybody if they want to do it any of us could could we orep post on our Facebook page so if you run across somebody that wants to do it what four times a year you meet is that right yeah four times you get a half you leave there you go and he have to fill out form one which by the elect we got we got to the city member City Council Members got till the 16th this year well they flipped us from form six to form one and gave us two extra weeks actually yeah it's just more form six you got to have an accounting firm I think go through your life and figure it out no very G depends on how much you got true I did six get it is six yeah that was before they told us we didn't have to I was just about to do M when I got your text I really was I was I was got to go online get an electronic account set up and on now but anyway story for another day um gend out of 6K approval of minutes for June 11 2024 regular session do we have any discussion or can we get a motion motion to approve okay yesc wood yes Landry yes may yes city manager report anything John City attorney thank you for thank you for I don't know who all made all the decisions but thank you for the flowers actually end up being my favorite flowers of my mom's funeral and when I saw C perod made me smile thank you so much um and looking at back at a lot of different stuff um I knew my mom got a key to the city and I don't know if we do that tradition anymore but um July 14th 1985 was officially named Carolyn D Day in city of Perry so on the 14th this year we're going to do something special coration commemoration but I am I don't know who's the keeper of those informations but I would love to find out if and if we do KY the cities more and what the tradition is behind it just to even understand a little bit more about it so I sincerely thank you from call and texting for just saying do say I really appreciate all of you and thank you um John and Amy and her absence and different people who have called me to come up with other things when I wasn't able to be in the meeting but like oh here's a memo here's this but I do really appreciate welcome and thank you mayor for coming to the lake and stopping by the house and kissing baby that was in a whole different County I want to publicly say our condol our city council of condolences your family thank you for finance department he was okay she look like Danielle when she made that base Police Department um we have three graduating from the academy tomorrow oh two of those have already taken their state exam got it scheduled early had the hours they pass last one will take state exam tomorrow good deal 'll SC in Friday at 11 um am in the police department want to come welcome here everybody in the city that's just we will provide lunch as well oh wait a minute everybody don't there no it's going to be in town um we have hired one more person there a former employee that retired few years ago because the ordinance change we made we can rehire him now now um so he's coming back um and it actually started this week um I've got a draft ordinance that I worked on for the speed zone enforcement I forwarded it to John and I think John forward and that's the first step before we can get those camera system set up and running um Tallahassee recently awarded a contract out of six or seven other V week ago yeah um the the vendor they awarded it to is the preferred vendor for the Chiefs Association that's not an easy destination to get that means that they're at the quick Sound business um and I suggest if we make it that far we consider them for pig back because of what they've been able to do for a lot of smaller city that was a city that was a city not the county right the city city okay going back to what you said 11:30 or 11 11: a.m. 11: a.m. get her 30 minutes late welcome for me [Music] today right fire department RV's not here okay Street anotation and yeah I know y'all seen all the m going on got almost every street ex set one two three four five six streets kned they've got six streets ped already good they moving they're moving pretty quick that looks really it does do you have a good CR did you have a good CR water department what I'd like to bring how's how's the main contract we are oper with the filters not with the G okay sir we're running the plant as it was before the filter change went in until we get the floration system for the Post they didn't want to bring them in ahead because they still have to test everything and they needed online do their tests so they want to come set up they come back so once they're done operation do you think they'll do it I don't have dat I I need to call constru tomorrow but hopefully not for certain have you had any complaints since it went back online good so it's producing pretty good clear water I mean it's going to be a long time before it gets through the distribution system and it is one Plan Three so I don't expect it to be overnight is is the U flushing of the hydrant still going on yes I believe what RB said this morning was they were nearing about a third to halfway between the third halfway through the system I guess that'll help it clean on out so we should have some of these places already been clearing up pretty soon but it seems to be some places are they got it some don't it's kind of sporadic we're seeing it in some areas worse than others but yeah as they're making their system flush and working their way around I'm seeing it kind of going to the areas they haven't been to yet most okay are the hydrants working good the majority we do have a lot obviously that have been out and had issues for a number of years that have been just piling up but for the majority they working good good very good Sean Le okay after gas all right Parks good all right City councel request M Landry um a lot of chatter on social media about the water par down here with people using it as a public bathing yeah house just wonder what more we can do I know you've been working on it made an arrest last week U someone up there um with a trespass after War it off have been taken the leave in the trash and violate park rules and Park after hours one of the um officers working give him Tres P morning when they found him in the bathroom after hours um I went back two or three days later he was there one morning early trying to bathe in the um the shower that's out there and he went U we stopped turn the water off to the shower um if the splash pad's not running there's no need to have that shower there running you um and we have a regular Patrol going on in the Parks now and I have not seen the issue in the last several days that we had offer but you know catch doing that and I know I talk with Garrett about some reinforc doors for that as well how is that working on the other part they to be I had TN those off yet hard get caught in the process bring a truck out or something we're looking at some the splash pad bom and the utility room there I did find out somebody got in there got a gallon there's no yeah but them take a shower there's oft effort on control there that's that's helpful the only hindrance we've had is the shortage on ships it's going to be a couple it's going to be a few months before we're completely ready but at least we got people train right get them out onad people set up there at that that place I got under gazebo every day of the week it's not just weekends to somebody and that's mixture of people just hanging out there and selling their we I didn't realize it was every the produce sale up there there's an exception under Florida law under agriculture exemptions that allows people to grow their own produce to sell that way without regulation right yep well the people that are doing that now I don't believe these are their own I think they're collecting it and reselling so you know John and I have kind of discuss this and if they're not complying with a regulations we should not probably let this their s because it's unregulated fruit and vegetable cells is at Health safe something though to think about several years ago it was I don't know if it's in the minutes or if it was brought up in the minutes but people can say set up down there to sell anything and not have to give business license or bu occupational business tax receipt they can set up down there so that's something y'all the health safety and Weare issue people selling Cottage goods and cottage Goods is Jam jelly they their home it's not regulated we should have at least some kind of registration process for them to say be allowed to sell there will we charge a dime or not so if we know who's there on what days if somebody comes up hill we can at least track that back to find out to help the health department investigate maybe something we want to look at the cottage industries are supposed to have the sell's name and address on the yes but not everybody that's just something to consider for it is you're right and a lot of this was was Main Street was still active which controlled by Main Street they were allowed to set up some kind of T from the registration feed with Main Street could set up a little bit of a funder for them like but it was only supposed to be for your home gr veg it wasn't for like what it's turned out and and you're allowed to have a certain number of yard sales of GE ordinance people up there and sell everything every day of the week see the same people both the time get closed lands there's a lot of stuff sold up there yeah pretty regularly oh yeah they'll leave tra yeah that um the splash pads any idea when they might come back online it's hard to the parts from different from different companies that make the splash pass so not interchangeable you have to get from the exact company that it some one more thing I want to bring up I'll be done um John I talk to you about a week ago about a piece of property you said it was keep Lon finds it was can't get a hold of the person whatever that owns it um but at some point I guess the council decided not to