##VIDEO ID:pt6O67XwVro## thank you man well that's that one every teacher has their own kingdom danels daying very nice very tough and she just told everybody day one those here just give grade I'll give you a grade want to learn come on up learn you go fair enough fair enough I know some of y'all don't want to be here that's cool mhm come on ready to Mr Mr Montgomery would you be kind enough to say the prayer for us tonight thank you okay we're going get the um August 13 2024 city council meeting out of order remind everybody to silence your cell phones and Mr MCG is going to lead us in our opening prayer tonight thank you bless this community bless this [Music] amened United States of Amer and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice thank you Mr Montgomery all right roll call please' here Landry here mayor here okay of itams on the Cass agenda pray read by title only ordinance 1043 sorry my that's all right um approval of items on the consent agenda approval to read by title only ordinance 1043 an ordinance of the city of Perry Florida adding SE adding a section for schools on speed infractions adopting findings providing for use of speed detection systems in accordance with state law providing for a local hearing officer repealing inconsistent ordinances providing for cability and Ving for an effective date this one is first reading yes okay we have any discussion on [Music] it okay very good okay item number four receiving request sorry okay motion counc bran yes counc yes counc wood Vice mayry yes may yes receiving request from the general public the council welcomes you to this meeting this time is set aside for our citizens and the general general public to address the Council on any matter not included on the agenda this is not a question or answer time it is not a political Forum nor is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks to or about anyone if you would like to address the council please come to the podium when you're called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for groups or delegations is there anyone here for anything that's not on the agenda every wants to go first please thank you is DB Freeman my address 15 West Styles and as you all know or they not know we don't have a planet here anymore since the hurricane of last August it's been a year almost the end of this month be a year we're having to travel to Madison three times a week the VA said that they're actively looking for a place here but they have such high requirements that they're not the only dialysis clinic that there is there's others and we were just wondering all of us that goes there's 30 some odd people that has to go to Madison and um we just wonder pressure them into finding something a little sooner or you know maybe get someone else to come in that's yeah I see what you're saying thank you yes ma'am he even my name is Kia heel my address is 1204 South schar Street and I am here to follow up on the status in regard to the speeding on Sports I spoke with Jamie perhaps it was ail inform for me to contact dispatch but I didn't find that was conducive because every time I would call a cop would come out and I I don't feel like that was the appropriate approach um and Pat did get a little impatient with me so that's the purpose why I'm here get a status on that whenever you call dispatch that's going to be a delayed response shorts you know which end whether it's or South there it's going to beay we're not to have somebody always in the area um I would suggest to you to make dispatch and patient and goad call that way we can document the number of times that you called so what go ahead sorry it's during the day go ahead and call us at the office as well is there are specific times that it's wor than others um but I can't sit outside all day and then like I said the cops coming and then that's putting more eyes on me I just don't feel f um but like what is the protocol to get the speed HS okay I'll get with you at the end of the meeting I email you okay yeah you did I'll email to you okay all right thank you I'll increase the watch order or a watch order for that okay it's ridiculous if me a time of day maybe you see it more often than even especially the weekend because it connects to Highway 998 so but is problem since way before April she's been calling and reported is there any way we can speed this up speed Street has been that's problem that's up to yall we adopted a policy to follow if you want to follow the policy we have to go through the what saying is that we should been working on this far for that Community the policy would used to put some pressure on the citizen that wants it not us doing the whole work that's what y'all proved okay y'all can say you don't want to follow that policy and say go put speed bus up there we have a policy in place and I'm going to follow that direct me otherwi right thank you streetery just want to add a couple Ro to East Green Street soon as we pass grocery wide open even afterno CL Street ready for school yeah same machine CH they come Wild also Pine PR R from high school coming out here Church wild these are not necessarily no I I my my thisin appr and well out during schs on time able photograph them or sign them from the the picture school hour unfortunately that's going to limit US during school hours and not be the evening time increased Patrol and speed enforcement in those areas and U we're fixed to have that luxury after we graduates folks off program so we'll have more cops on a to do that great have any other requests from general f not we move on to item number five the bids we have a city of Perry ing Replacements and drive three window roof covering So currently I'm opening seal bids for the city of placements 07-17 D1 I will only be reading out the vendor and the amount of the bid there will be no discussion at this time about any bid that is being opened these bids will be given back to the purchasing agent and then to the department which the seal bid is for the city reserves the right to reject any and all bids the city reserves the right to select the bidder wave any informalities or to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the city any errors and bid submissions are the responsibility of the bidder what area all damage so this is from Don H doing business at as F next fence or score 211 South Washington Street the city of Perry police impoundment it's $ 28,8 75 and for Drew Street um the commercial grade fencing it is$ 43,9 79 that's all she did on locations I think that was that was all of the bids for that one you have any for the driveth through window okay or do you have any more for the Pence want currently I'm opening the field bids for the city of drive through window covering 07- 22-1 I will only be reading out the vendor and the amount of the bid there will be no discussion at this time about any bids that is being opened these bids will be given back to the purchasing agent and then to the department which the SE bid as four the city reserves the right to reject any and all bids the city reserves the right to select the bidder wave any informalities or to accept the bid deemed to be the best interest of the city any errors of bid submission of the responsibility this is from Michael Lynn Incorporated and the total of $7500 don't that street street that list I just handed you they were all in that's all got back that's all we got back those were all on the list they didn't fit it properly yeah y'all want to check on that okay very good anything else for bids that's all right we're going to move on to section six General business agenda item 6 a councel should review and approve ldr text Amendment for allowing livestock animals at these schools one call Lea I think she just wants to move forward with her letter work that's fact for the third or fourth time we need to do something to our ldrs to allow it we use this language here it's allowed only at the school for a bonified educational purpose such as FFA or 4 and the only thing we have in there is they can't be enclosed within 200 ft from the nearest bu I think that would make everybody so basically the int of it just want to make clear the intent of it is um it be a property that has a school on it yes and best I remember from the meeting we had last time we discussed this that seemed to be okay with everybody what I could tell yes man if you'd like to speak sure come on up can you make sure that mic is [Music] on by it's not being a building across from where I live at that they are not allowed to put any animal pins or whatever there is that what he's saying they're not allowed to be within 200 feet not allowed to be within 200 ft of of any resi didn't have to be thater in order for them to do that seeking a old primary us to be yeah that won't so they not it's not feasible for them to put it in because it's not a building there right there's not a school there anymore so they just have to have a school building on the property to to do this all right thank you that WR WR yes it says maybe allow to keep yeah I think H HDMI came out or something that but it says a public or private school offering curricula comparable to that of public schools may be allowed to keep livestock and livestock structures for FFA 4 or any other vuli educational use at an active School provided animals must be kept within an enclosed area which is a minimum of 200 ft from any dwelling on ad joining parcel of land in separate ownership yes not a building on that property there are not allowed to put any animal structure there because it's not a school there it has to be in a school where the school building right build that property which pertain to the school belongs to the that's yes but the intent of it is for it to go in an active School area not a non-active piece of property right this got to go to The Zing yes and then back to as an Ord yeah there's several me at least three more me before it gets approved it's going to be cooler before it gets approved I don't know hopefully I think the plan only can add or adjust the language too if they see something that but once it leaves here it goes to plan own and then it goes back to us for two readings so it's going to be close October [Music] I mean if it hits the schedule right it could happen in a month's F May meeting we have to advertise September be the September 1 meeting or September first Monday that that's Dr first Monday's Labor Day right all right any more discussion about this yes one addition thing the reason the last time we talk told things and work and we pass by he said go see all those and F and TRS and Gates so I turn around and lo the the next day we just had conversation about many they were already out there they get to build I got I got in my I want to know is is are we talking about what should happen or we talking about what's going to happen What should happen and then what's going to happen once we enforce it once we enforce right now enforce right now right now they're completely prohibited they put animals out there and somebody complained about it it would be on us to enforce it without your permission have permission to do without our permission theym move it up because what you no because of that letter she got from of Agriculture yeah the 23rd of July yeah that's long discussion right yes sir I am I I see as I used to but I he pretty good all so I'm not he everything that's prob we someone was right uh at the last meeting after the meeting I heard that uh C turn this down the school board can still do what they want to and that what I just heard they believe they can do well I think have you got the letter with you they I don't have it from me either but I heard that last time yeah some kind of letter the the the the commissioner of agriculture agriculture strongly encouraged us to allow it to happen but didn't come up with anything saying we had to I'm not mistaken I could be but I think it was something along those lines they want us to twist the state statute but but in the meantime we're we're moving forward with this one which is not going to let it go outside of a school area away from a school building yeah that's our intention yes oh sure of course Ma I spoke with yes yes yes it's on video you can go back and watch the video you want yeah it's on YouTube yeah it's on as well they're going to vote on the language they want for the ldr T yeah we're voting on the on that thing to pass by anyway we're what What's happen to Mr Montgomery is it's going it starts with us you know the lanes we put into it then it's going to go to the planing the zoning board and I guess y'all can Mr August remind me how this works it's been a while since I've been in there but y'all can do some tweaking to it as well right I mean y'all can change some things around and then then it comes back to the city council for two more meetings so this thing's pretty far from being finished I mean it's at least this meeting a planning Zer board meeting and two City Council meetings I don't know after passes through plan on yall can adjust it after that I'm not sure we can I think what I think we do ours they do theirs and it comes back after written right you either approve it or you don't right but the plan on have the same up to you all yeah but I must say this I was told by the superintendent that Perry primary old school was never included as a location she said all they wanted was so they would be able to put it at one of the schools and that was satisfi them that's exactly what that's that's what we're trying to do that's what we're doing yes ma'am let go all right so we need to go ahead and make a motion on this send it to the tnz board any discussion you want to do 200 foot 200 you talking about 200 foot from building to building or Line to Line 200 foot from a dwelling the fence could be that close somebody's house [Music] proper line push it back even further from the resid I don't know if that giv a school do they need to do too I know not either that's something like well we could do it one way and let them know if they they get go to pnz board meeting if we need to do some tweak and I'm going to stick it with sticking 200 foot from any dwelling okay any more discussion on it yeah surely if if they never intended to put it at Le I might not plan it I know somebody plan it because they were going to use that existing building yeah that got Brian you have any input thoughts John did you say that you had sent this to Angela B oh okay I want talk with alici she made it clear that she's going to move as she wants to move because she has that letter okay I said I'm going to do what I think City needs to do to make it right right okay and the last we just but y okay what're I guess driving down different roads but we're trying to get to the same place so will be able toer that would they yes once we pass itday all right any more discussion on this if not I'll entertain a motion motion have a second what do we what are we doing approving this to go to the Sony yes ma'am sir council member Bryan no council member hon yes Vice May Landry yes mayor yes right it six D Council to consider working with qm for Hurricane cleanup work crew and take any action de necessary qm is a cleanup company or no Quality Labor Management I brought this to you four or five months ago trying to get a clean up crew to a grant that re source is maning for us yeah Us in the county good week on week off with the clean up crew this just be hurricane de three we're finally getting to it I don't even know if the people that we talked to that wanted to work still do it's been so long but I hope hope we get a free motion to approve bran yes yes Landry yes may yes agenda item 6 C Council to review fdot pavement assessment and take any actions name necessary that was the free assessment they did for us I ne that last meeting everybody started you know improveed the 300 additional and everybody started throwing out a bunch of different roads as to come do a assessment with their computer system the road to rasport why isn't there any dollar amount here CU they didn't know the dollar amount after they gave us that we went down the list and went up to the 300 that was still 11 we just went based on the works condition roads so what' you come up order s road and C Street the three I think that we chose was Pine Road between Pucket and 19 north calhon and um East Bay Street because on East Bay Street we have a really bad area um tree routs is pushed our road up so that if you don't know it's there you'll just about tear your car up hitting it it's from Bay Street so you you've put these in in an order of one two do rated on I guess the red yellow or red orange yellow yes and the Orange is the ones we chose all of them there's only three there's only three and the dollar amount that we had already received I had got prices for all of these streets from PE so I did not bring that with me with me a dollar amount that y'all have suggested they're in seconds three streets in section got all segments okay one section of Pine Road was worse than the other section but I can't see just Paving one section and leaving rest and we we got prices on which a lot of several streets I look it up and the three that we actually chose will fall under the extra dollar amount so it does fall within the dollar that's right now you said you couldn't see doing just one section of pine but it's listed one two three but it's yellow times it's different um like part of Pine's in green part of pine is I know yellow I see that so you got to do the whole thing and we got enough money to do all that we've got the pr that I've received was for Street not just I've got the prices while John was working on this I went ahead and got prices for all of these streets find that one behind Pizza beside piz it's quarter of a mile long not how left I don't know because we still have St I didn't honestly I didn't think bring all that paperwork F so much one we might if it's not going to be enough to pay another Street okay yeah okay motion follow the recation second council member Bryan Yes counc member Hampton yes me May Landry yes mayor yes I'm let yall know for the future th st's Lane was over $100,000 just for Tom th st's Lane $110,000 to repay it but it didn't fall in the crer criteria but you all can do some catching or whatever it is it's mostly this is a great start great start it is I wanted to get to do whole city and do said they're going to pay for it whenever the whatever funding they're waiting for comes in but then we'll have this kind of analysis for the entire city they go every 10 ft and take a picture and it goes through some AI analysis checks out this ranking yeah somehow it's they did all you know just these couple streets right here they did that a day and another day to do the analysis good work good work 1.2 million3 all right then down 6D Council to authorized city manager to sign project management directive for Florida gas utility to execute actions necessary for the ngd ism funded project and take any actions deemed necessary that little over half a million for regulation regulator station upgrades this lets F you take care of the whole thing we might wor with it they'll use their purchase and everything motion to approve second counc member Bryan Yes Council Pon yes Landry yes mayor Kat yes agenda item 6E Council to consider funding for the Taylor County Senior Center to take any actions deemed necessary this was John L called me two weeks ago I think telling me they were senior C was out of money and WCTV was coming down to do a news article or something and I didn't want the answer to be City per is doing nothing at least a little discussion on it then Bill brought up we had this resolution 2019 uh that we don't allow monetary donations to nonprofit organizations they yeah what were they at just asking for I think the county was thinking of helping them out somehow and he was just asking if the city was able to help out are they follow policy what follow yeah I agre so that's however having said that I wondered if we could not build them for three months six months whatever whatever they pay here if we could do that to help them out it's my understanding that the agencies all over this area are in trouble they're having a hard time because because that wage increase was really right hit them hard and they really need to go to the state and get extra funding from see our representatives and Senators about getting extra funding maybe as a coalition they could go but that's where they really need to go but in the meantime they need some relief and their Bill runs less than $300 a month their utility here at the city yeah yeah nice gesture I think they need way bigger money than that what I think they need a lot more money than that well they do but we can't provide it so we could do this much and at least we would be doing something like I said they need to go to the state that's my suggest good suggestion well we're not going to give them hand over cash money well according to our I don't even my opinion that we can even do that according to the you don't think so postp it mon or two I cut them off but then you still they still money answer to WCTV that the city's not doing anything has no plans to do anything you least talk about it don't call me there's another issue educational issue the county is made up of the unincorporated area and the Incorporated area for the city the money the county collects from unincorporated and from the city so if the county gives them any money it's coming from the city also correct okay my County taxes are higher than my city on my property tax bill may not significantly but they are higher course you got the NTSU I do realize mixing that mixing that as well I did I did we were in a hard place and I did come and ask and I I've come to the understanding that that's not what we do that's not what we're here for now there were there were years ago the city did they gave them a lot of money but um they quit and then they didn't have the money anyway to give and far as I'm concerned we're still in that position but um well expens are going up on us and our rates aren't fing it charging anyway so everybody's everybody's consensus inp the policy we already got a pry in place we need to V on agenda item 6f introduction and reading of ordinance number 1043 schools on cameras ordinance of the city of Perry Florida adding section that Chang when John did the Tak on okay Jamie got from some else they used actual section numbers in their code do that whenever they cify it they want to put it adding a section for schools on speed infractions adopting findings providing for use of the speed detection systems in accordance with state law providing for a local hearing officer repealing inconsistent ordinances providing for cability providing an effective date have any discussion on it that one jamy brought y last week just added the the roads for the ordinance be the only on you have to those came from that study I believe not that is still the run but study that was done before those there came from that St and I'm sure it's probably about the same we've heard from govern earlier actually about P Chris I take care of that dur that during school hours or during just during school hours I thought the school 30 minutes session what you GNA do when I get to a street floor board we're going to have enough Control Officers out to take care of that too good do I do is it started yet have have you have you implemented it yet this waiting on us this ordinance and we have another vendor coming in at the end of this month to talk with them about the feasibility of them doing it as opposed to I think Chief look at Red Zone is that right red zone so we have another vendor coming in at the end of the month that'll be the third vendor you looked at right because you had the one that presented it and Red Zone at this point is correct it would not be beneficial for the city um the one that FP or Florida police Chiefs Association basically vaces at most of their conferences is Reds but he did want to look at another vender just in case the percentage that come back to the city was a little bit better so all right any more discussion agenda item 6 G Council to appoint two citizens to serve on the Perry police pension Board of Trustees take any action deemed necessary I I haven't come up with anyone Sor I I do have a question do they are do they have to live in the city yes okay they have to live in the city yes ma'am um Lieutenant Kellerman reached out to a church member today family uh you're familiar with Doug cantrail he is interested I think his father actually sat on the penchion board back in the day when I was a young officer won't talk about how many years ago that was but um he reached out to Doug and Doug is interested in it that okay we and we would need one more this we have a motion for Mr Dogan tril have a second well he has wants to talk to his wife D It's Too Late good so uh we's it going to bring it up again next meeting then make your motion that if he desires to be on the board he's approved yes yeah agreed counc BR yes Council hon yes Landry yes may yes bra swe him please and agenda item 6h Council to discuss adding one additional employee to the street department and take any action deem necessary I don't how you gonna pay for that water you pay for that it'll go down for pay for that's you you how you going pay for it not out of that department in the whole city budget we save some money by not hiring a office secretary you you got a budget with uh milon Dollar Plus or is it Revenue over expenses so PL it will take care of it itself motion yes yes agenda item 6 I councel to consider contract with Auditors Powell and Joan CPA for fiscal year 2324 2425 and 2526 and take any action deem necessary motion to approve bran yes CC hampon yes yes mayor K yes agenda 6j Council to continue discussions regarding the city of Perry's budget for fiscal year 24 2024 2025 and take any action name necessary so in this one I updated the garbage revenues to reflect that $2 increase that was approved I added the water utility one promotions for the three lieutenants at Fire and Fire Department and I also updated the AR reserves for some purchases made um the sheet the budget sheet that I gave yall today have the July 2024 numbers in it and those include all of our reversal account T reversals and everything so this has the best numbers we had as I've said before I a big believer in training I would uh in legisl 511 I would change that from 1,500 to 7,000 may we can get some canc Pat you want we're do it again I'm a legislative 511 and what did you say Okay this current year we got a budget of 5,000 and uh a proposed is 1,500 and I would make that 7,000 where are you at for training legisl okay I sorry I wrot that down already I was watching right basically take it from 15 7,000 100 to 7,000 yeah legislative who's that cover I mean I'm looking in finance 51 13 we got postage at 25 but we've already spent [Music] 27799 a lot people switch to email bills with our new system people don't get their bills in the mail or at least a percentage of them not everyone okay what uh the computer maintenance it's the new system that's the the new system that we're getting and you have to pay a software fee every year yeah okay we're supposed to come online October 1st for financial reporting payroll nhr but and then Utility Billing is a couple month after that they haven't given us hard dat yeah the problem with the software is are not selling it to you anymore yeah you got Microsoft Windows and everybody's going to you got to pay for it you can't use it my window is office all of it's on the page you go pay by the month or pay by the year subscription instead of actually owning it in the five 522 do you think that over time is realistic 20,000 that I think RB fully St a lot better if it is a lot better we going to be doing a lot better but you just never know what's going to happen in future over 94 11 this year we usually get 60,000 I see it stay around that hope we don't have to use it but that's what he's saying you've earn allowed 20 this year right previous years we've always had 60,000 yeah and with us getting fully staffed and part- time people he's hoping it don't go to 60,000 we you go back to a situation just like we were before where people leave and or people get sick yeah see how much High regular it's just a guideline you can't always predict what's going to happen I'm in gas 402 grocy SE is that 42 42 we had 42 before we changed the revenue yes 402 485 I see it now sorry that's why you are you on Revenue expenses it's just hard it's 485 yeah I don't know I just checked that that out that's a percentage of something is it yes sir it's the percentage of gas Rue I'll look that up yeah I still don't understand what your question was yeah it's a percentage of gas Revenue okay and we changed the gas Revenue to a higher number right so that number should the percentage should gone up all I got good Lu we enforcement an increase of their services what are you reing what your p 75 an offic at the chair unless the chair they get 75 they get it for each do you get it for each board you know how long it's been a probably 30 years a while I'll give her that sir are you month per member we had money John 25 7 12 culate as best as I used to other Contract Services you Tom 4200 and this board is not getting any younger we got to eventually ra s house no one is going what hell we go through salary okay if I calculate directly $2100 for $25 a month increase for the they double check my addition there multiplication we could talk not I'm speaking of Cel and I am still against and put some solid ones everybody's having a real heart do we need a motion to make those changes on I would think so John busying back with $2 month for the plan and Zoning adjustments I calculated be $2,100 a year 25 month for the regular members and 75 for the chairs three chairs two the one shares one shares the tree board doesn't meet very any got a motion to wait with second counc y Council Hampton yes counc wood yes Landry mayor yes okay we had request add an item in for um what on Buffalo area or discussion on the Water Buffalo area area Buffalo Drive I added it um I had some constituents call me and tell me that the water has been added back to their bill but they're still having the problem we have not had a single complaint since the last time they were meeting so I have not heard anything of them well I'll make sure to let them know to to come up but they called me yesterday afternoon the two complaintants that come up here and told me that they noticed that their bill and the water had the water part portion had been added back to it and they're continuing to have the brownness and the smell in the water so I told them they needed to call John and let John know what was going on theing has continued the monitor has been running we are monitoring the water and it has been good clear and a highing res area so I don't know what the issue they're having is but at this point I'm not seeing it on the city Side okay it it might just be on their end so I don't know I'm not a specialist when it comes to that I'm just relaying the information and John I will be calling you tomorrow to see if the problem has been taken care of but have we um did we ever say if the water were going to get added back to their bills or how did we go about that discussion because I don't remember having discussion about it gave us time said two months but the problem with clear was going back I do believe it was disc it was I received the same complaint um what is not clear then they shouldn't be just because and we do have to make a profit to run I'm not saying that that's not the case here I'm saying we are a business and I'm saying if they don't complain and let us know if we have an issue we cannot respond to it we do have a monitoring station we check it regularly and we are not seeing an issue so if there is a problem there it needs to be addressed on the customer side of things we don't know about it we can't respond to it can youall check into this tomorrow the next day and tomorrow we're having substantial completion walk through of the water filter project with the engineers and the north fla construction so as soon as that's over with by all means I will gladly be out okay another thing that I want to say is that the way we go about addressing each other is to me is very disrespectful and we need to we need to put a hold on that now John okay anything you want to add or if the world is not C we shouldn't have to pay it's because I think drinking Brown water is good I no one else should be expected to have to drink Dr water coming from the city of bar so I think we need to check that out tomorrow there something going on in your own system too and that can be that can very well be the problem but what you guys are not understand is that y'all just come y'all are young y'all don't know the history over on that side it is a lot of stuff that has been done that should not have been done and now we're just not seeing the results in it we're behind the pl so we can't expect these people to be paying a water beill for mon for water that are not they're not able to drink they're not able to take a bath B so it's our it's up to us to make sure that this stuff is being taken care of I'm up here working for the consu and when they call me and tell me that they have a problem I'm going to address it as well you should well any of us should that's what we were voted in to do exactly so y want to check on that okay very good agenda item 6K approval of minutes for the July 16th 2024 regular session and the July 23rd 2024 special session I had emailed um y'all a copy of the 20 July 23rd yesterday after Miss lry called typo and the um I thought that Chief said spring Heights and it was Spring Lake Heights so I did add that word to section agenda item 17 okay on y''s copy I didn't print it out again do have a motion motion to approve as amended second counc counc Hampton yes counc Woodall yes may Landry yes mayor K yes city manager see attorney is not here Carly um I do have something kind of with the police department so he can explain better what it's for but um we got a quote from stalker radar applied Concepts and it's for $1,981 but if we go with picky back contract off to Port St Lucy we the price that they give us is $22,800 so we're asking if we can I need guidance because if we go by the purchasing guidelines we're going to spend $5,000 more dollars for Radars that I got a quote on for 5,000 cheaper got this is a capital outlay item from this year so so it's which one is cheaper I'm sorry is the one with FL is cheaper than the piggy back contract okay why why do you feel you got to go guidelines just tell me a VI talk about speed enforcement in this meeting so it would be beneficial to have these in The Bu you need a motion on this or just a consensus consensus if we ever find a price better than a piggyback price that we can buy that price that makes total s yeah that's thank you very much anything else Carly um had meeting with the new computer system today for utility building and it's very exciting but than that it's very I'm G tell you it's very exciting we' still used same system that bill it's it's very exciting it's not it's going it's exciting because of the what all it's going to do for us paperwork wise tracking wise it's going to be nice so what were you able to put in did you put some in today or we just had a call with them about they wanted to hear what our process was for the utility billing and the work orders and we had already had this call prior to me starting about like the financial reporting and payroll and all so they go through our processes they kind of figure out the steps that we take and then they figure out how they can translated into their new system what information did you get today your recently what I mean I'm just excited for the new system in general like I I came from a place where we had a system and I was used to it and this has been a step back for me in a lot of ways because I I wasn't used to dealing with paper at all in college we use computers all my classes pretty much were online for a lot of things we do a lot of handwritten work orders and then they get tied into a into a database so we can then track and do when we these Ry water complaints I go in there and I search that address to pull it up I mean that's what we have right now we're so we've not really put in place very first step meeting with them so so you're gonna be able to easily pay bills online yes even through your maybe an app or some sort through the phone and set electronic work ORD electronic work orders like I pad computers something in the truck you can assign it through each department send emails out to or text or whatever out to them the stream L it out of have anything else okay Police Department uh multiple calls service we've already had 450 this month that we're just week basically into the month um some of those more serious than others obviously I'm not going to get into the investigative process for those things because there's the newspapers here um we'll tell him about it after the fact um we have uh two of our probationary officers are in their third phase uh three are in their second phase end of this month the two officers that are in third phase I don't know if you're familiar with the training the field training process we have but it basically it's three phases and then evaluation week so at the end of the month those two will be in their evaluation week or their evaluation phase and the other three will then roll into their third phase So within a month say five six weeks we'll have hopefully everybody done with training everybody's dressing really well they're doing really good um different officers have different little niches that they they're good at but um one of our young men not from the area had the streets of Perry memorized in what was it four shifts he was on night shift and he had memorized four shifts so good we're excited back because typically if they're not from the area they have trouble with locations in the city a week into to training his feo or his training officer was saying take me to Bird Street he knew where it was there you go that's a plus we're excited about a month I say six weeks and we'll be good have an extra five officers and vehicles on the road stuff how long is gonna be before we get the trucks rolling um we discussed that this morning we got to get with Chief whenever he gets back and'll have that taken care of hopefully okay we're waiting on equipment at this point to to finish that out oh is she ch's good he's sore he's uh walking around and not in near as much pain as he was [Music] so I really don't have much to report this time just continue on some of them wasn't ours we did just have a possible structure fire but it turned out to be a trash pile somebody burning household garbage so they put up a bunch of smoke and they thought it destruction fir we get that all the time Daniel lot na going on we I don't know if y'all noticed the traffic lights downtown that were damaged during the hurricane um my guys started painting those because right now the is going to be picking up tra for us again thank goodness so my guys are able to they're paintting the poles we got to paint all the poles I don't know if you noticed how some of them that hurricane really took the paint off so they're working on that light the lights it was the 12 to 15 week out and I can't remember I'd have to look see when we ordered them we're getting new um loes lights downtown yes a lot of were destroying the hurricane yeah what about the street sides how are we coming on that they've been ordered they have not come in yet so but they have been ordered we working on straight street signs and then we had this other her can't come through so I mean we do a done a lot of work on those through yeah it be a little bit disheartening sometimes get it all finished and have it all to do again what's the chances of getting to good yeah apparently all right good Y Cool Water Department I'd like to start off by saying I apologize for coming across little rash earlier I am just responding to these every time it always feels kind of like a shot out of left field every time it comes to the council meeting like that we're not hearing about it up front City Hall and we can't respond to calls lately it seems like it's been a lot of left be I can understand it because it has been overwhelming if I come wrong I apologize also that being said gladly as soon as we get through the walkth through tomorrow or even before the walk through if I have a chance to get out there I think the walk through is until 11 if I remember looking at the time on that right I think U we should be able to get out there another issue there has just been timing with the customers whenever we did have the calls before she's always working one of them so it's always hard to get where she is home to be able to see the issue in the house gotta now we've gone when she wasn't home but I can't speak to her son about it necessarily he didn't usually answer the door anyway but when we did our water samples out outside at the side fset of the houseing residual is good the water is clear there was no color there was no siment so I by all means I'd love to see it and I want to see the issue when it occurs so I can understand what's causing it and we can better explain and discuss this with the customer and hopefully resolve it or figure out at least the soltion okay I appreciate it substantial walk through the water plant project is tomorrow okay we do have a couple items that need to be addressed at the plant that nothing substantial all be dealt with while make it work just one thing I want to add to what I mean something you said earlier about you tell them to call City Hall well I have people to call in and say this is going on and I'll tell them to call City Hall and they'll say what are you for we get that I think I think a lot of us get that from the source of the issue CER you get message from them there's always going to be information Lost in Translation or lost in movement from one hand to another sure so we're going to get the most relevant information to the issue from them directly right and if we can schedule it with them we'll be able to meet them figure out the problems that's always best but I think most everybody does call City Hall but I got a handful of people that they just want to talk to who they voted for and I don't blame them that's they're right that's what we're here for so anyway we we pass it on as best we can without trying to lose as accurately as possible so being anyway thank you I appreciate it Wastewater waste water um we had a lot of damage during the storm some the station but luckily of the LI s that we pred from last year um we had some guys stay Sunday night through the Storm at the plant make sure everything come back online um I can't wait there's a a grant you approved that M McDonald had put together um we got a lot of rain on the fifth and we use twice as much chlorine because we're we're treating rain water so as soon as that can go through that that'll save us money right there alone um what would what would you do what's the grant for what it it's basically upgrade repair the waste water system for the whole system yes think $30 million 35 million over 20 years that's one that came into presentation on yeah like 9.5 okay so that's okay it be if we go with srf it would be 80% Grant 20% like a 30-y year long low interest rate I'm trying to findy some other ways to get paid for this call Grant May parts of pie prob the whole thing but we'll get it figured out might be costly um I don't know if y'all are aware we have three huge generators at Place PL running poers out had one had a had a radiator leak and it ran a lot seemed be fine once it cooled down but need to have somebody check it out make sure it's fine for the next go around uh there's an automatic transfer switch wasn't working as well so um but we're getting good at hurricanes we had we had a really good response with the generators I got way more than I needed they didn't really give me exactly what I wanted but they give me more than I needed um the last generator went out got picked up Friday we got them about Monday about 5:00 we didn't use majority but uh just we know which stations can can hold which ones can't so you know you should give I give my guys a round of applause because we didn't have any sewer overflows service continued and power outs affect us a lot just we had 29 Li stations every one of them were out Power hours so got any questions well I would say through both hurricanes as far as I know water sewer and gas all the services stayed up and going got got they got like one generator two we don't have nearly the amount of infrastructure that requires generators but we did maintain ours with generators for the no L of water pressure barely got below normal operating [Laughter] right got anything else all right thank you very much natural gas and park Department put a lot generators every day we at least get one out two that's mainly what gas me myself I've been trying to take care of all the parts by myself but getting there waiting on parts for parts for the spash pads that's where we're at waiting on parts thank you sir see councel answer I man could you and Bry Speers not going to bother you all about anything else because you're so busy K and Bryant M K and Bryan and we are so appreciative of what you are doing the city here thank you next meeting I have a whole list of stuff like you to do because right now you're very busy uh noise ordinance you been de no you going to go back repeat stor as they call it on 98 she's calling me all the time whatever that whatever that trailer is again yes I will get Brewster right back up there yeah get back with those folks is so loud she can't sleep at night what is it Matt forgive me 247 and is right next to a house they put it right for whatever reason they put it over in the corner next to yes El right yes their house um Bruce went out talked with the actually went out there to it heard it called the company uh they tried to mitigate some of the noise and that they come back and put apples some insulation in it um according I don't know that he done it but according to them they actually run a decimal meter on it and the noise from the trailer or the bumps themselves was actually less than desal wise than the traffic on 98 that I don't know when they tested the traffic on 98 I don't know if it was at 10:00 or 2 o' in the morning or what the traffic 98 is not continuous exactly this something do forever or a while yeah there was no ight whenever he talk about it yeah some of them had to get for years [Music] we'll get Matt Bruce back on first thing in the morning yeah because there there were different places they could have installed that inad of well they could have not put it where they put it they back further on the property over close to First Street where there is no res over there thiser Mr BRS thank you all very much weeks