get hit with the hammer that'll help it make it not work ready we're going to call the uh July 20 July 23rd 2024 city council Mee in the order everybody to silence your cell phones thank you ma' B for prayer please Our Father in heaven we thank you for your love and watch care over us and your provision and protection we ask you to be with us tonight as we deliberate decisions that affect citizens of Perry help us to make the best decision for all and Christ's name I pray amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and BR call please ma'am yes here approve of items on the consent agenda we don't have any we going receive request from General Public the council welcomes you to this meeting this time is set aside for our citizens and the general public to the address Council on any matter that's not included on the agenda it's not a question answer time nor is it a political Forum nor is there time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks you would like to address the council for something that's not on the agenda please come to the podium and speaking to the microphone state your name and address for the record was ampli on yeah you probably need to have the mic anyway state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for groups or delegations do we have anyone here that wants to speak on something that's not on the agenda there nothing we're going to move on to item five which is bids any bids that already to be opened yes what be done during this time this is for to replace a storage shed that destroyed over boys girls club and I'm reading this before the opening of sealed bits like I always do currently I'm opening the sealed bit Boys and Girls Club storage shed out buildings I will only be reading out the vendor and the amount of the bid there will no discussion this time about any vids that's being open these vids will be give it back to the purchasing agent and then to the department which the sealed bid is for the city reserves the right to reject any and all bids the city reserves the right to select the bidder wave any informalities or to accept the bid deemed to be in the best interest of the city any errors bid submissions are in responsibility of the better first one I'm opening is's building and the replacement building comes in at 7,362 90 and the other one that I'm opening is from Ultra Management Group their quote comes in at 9,640 29 you have the name of the first one again k k n yes that's one acrossing the board place right all right and we don't have any staff recommendations of any previous bids everything else said please been under the amount very good thank you General business agenda item 6A Council can discuss the sale of parcel ID number 054 97-0 or d500 take any action any necessary got that same one from last week last me Billy R is here he's the one that just want to purchase the all of it and the guy decide to sell it how much but he's only want whole SE well like not the whole piece just cut off right there your proper I wouldn't be in favor myself myself just that piece leave the rest of it to something still maintain what that the railroad next to it end of the railroad that yeah is there any utility under no want to abouty the whole thing just so just saying it might be interested you know breaking it up amongst yourself you would then involve whoever 498 is let me uh go ahead and jump in this fire look down that road if you'll look down that road I'll be darn there's a building there little that must be a church that map is accurate that is true that is so what are you saying de what are you saying what are you saying I'm saying you got bigger problems than the church doesn't own that they just buildt on it they built on it yeah yeah see this a while what I would suggest be done is work with uh well it's the church so you motion to go through proper cedure to get your there you go yeah and you're not going to be able to because the church is already there well if you give them the option bu what they want to buy break way you can do break it up amongst everybody right about that okay I guess we have to notify those other property owners and see what their interest is and okay they're not interested you can't get the whole thing church has already built Church want the rest of this to the church yeah that would be the Let's see we do can we do that I can talk to okay just D all the do all the Deeds at the same time yeah I'm okay with that either way yes long the church gets long they get the property they on they s you the church [Laughter] now you want know right now and we'll just start moving forward be split they work it out yes yeah he's gonna buy the whole thing then they can they can work it however they want to I guess as long as the church don't get okay all right thank well thank you agenda 6 B cancel to discuss the sale of partial ID 03133 d510 take any action being necessary that's the one that um both property owners were interested in that's the one that um Jason Campbell Christopher James is willing they're both interested so therefore one would get get half the other get half okay only by the it's a small part there's nothing on it is there City wise I either just split in half to get a what the property braer say is wor $700 I me stand alone ain't really worth that much because of the size of itless it's got something out we need but don't sound like we do City's had it since the beginning of time it looks like Daniel did you say there are no utilities there okay we will forward with it or do what they need to do okay I'll pay my for I'll pay whatever I'll pay for the whole thing if he wants half iay half whatever you want to do so split y want split east west or north south probably north south just make difficult we really want that work all right every Bud okay I need this consensus got to get survey done all that un want to make get a real appraisal for half that but I would I just come with a number here make it a whole lot easier still got any City doesn't have pass my you get two more times talk about it work yeah like I said it's not how wi is 20 wide or something I think it's 30 30 think so yes sir means you can build a maybe a 10ft wide building we don't want to build anything I'm saying standing Along by itself you could build some little old hardly anything on it I mean with the setbacks we're getting feedback on this we're getting feedback on this sound it's ringing a little bit anyway this need a consensus to move forward or we need to v on it or well however don't got got a policy Orin that's how we do it agree on the price yeah got to come up with price and it's got to be we've already got a president other property say that minimum of the property and it's got to be ser and documents and all that all of land transfer okay that's on them so far what we need we just need to come up with price then we'll come back with an ordinance that's what I was thinking each and how much was it appris that so why we going to it that because your your ordinances you can only do it for tax minimum tax value minimum of and now do I just need to take Danielle check for 350 and then get survey or do I have to we have to have a closing which the title insurance off well yeah it's GNA be it's going to be a month we can do anything anyway or over month we we got have two two readings of it do an ordinance and then like I said a survey I guess the meantime you get a survey and split it the attorney have to go there and that have to go to let I'll let know the okay more the properties all right all right we'll goad and go with 700 down and like I said it'll it'll advertise at the first be the next meeting in the meeting after so we're talking then once the survey happens y'all can do whatever you want attaching them to each par partiel or whatever but we got to do a survey just on that piece to sell it so we can arrange for the survey now I tomorrow I can call the man tell go make the survey or you have to surve him yeah y'all just pick somebody and I guess go with it all right thank you all right item agenda item 6 C Council discuss work order for engineering of 12 water name Replacements funded by RF and take any actions deem necessary this going to be this basically going to start the engineering on it 4.7 milon get we start engine Mone gr money motion Bry yes wood yes yes yes agenda item 6 D coun to discuss tra ordinance replacing cameras in the school zones for Speed monitoring and take any action any necessary um this is something we've discussed for the last year U we were waiting on Department of Transportation to approve the rule that has been done the next step is to review this ordinance that you've been provided a copy of if you're happy We'll add the location to it and we'll have two OV for um the attorney has reviewed the ordinance uh we're happy with it we believe it'll pass the bu and meet the guidelines Florida law so if you're willing to move for the project the next counil meeting we'll have the location we'll have the cameras andall that start mov so this all back to that program that the young ladies came and told us about okay can you change the location yes you can change location with a edit of the ordinance have pass okay off we do it okay and once we get the location P and the ORD passed we start looking for vendors for okay now scissors you for the cameras yes ma'am that's the they pay all the upfront cost and everything they just programed School Z to increase safety for the students while they walking home I it's it's during school hours only so after hours it would we'll have we'll have to provide some of the signage for it but we're required under far law any statute anyway sign it's basically we move forward we we'll bring you back location next Mee with the okay I'm in favor I don't need a motion if you're happy with we got We'll add the location we'll bring it back good deal J item 6 e cancel to continue discussions on hiring a lobbyist and take any action necessary that guy did give me a proposal can't hear you John yeah that was here last week markerson a proposal for 4,000 month the state level Services I just want to goad more thoughts do goq I still don't think it would would do us any good I still have I've asked a number of times and I still have yet to have anyone tell me what small city is using the list I asked also about the competive negotiation and that was ignored I don't have a about that was that about comp competive negotiation act I think it's called and I have absolutely no clue but if if if this falls on that he's already violated the law can't do this but I don't know then I I wouldn't support one until I knew what that answer was the county the county U received some amount of money this year last year they don't have a LW this just so happens and this is the way it works when there's money available the county got firsthand in the Box there's anything left over City may get it but the county always has first well is that because they have to exist and we don't have to exist is that the difference I I don't know I would this be guessing I mean a political subdivision versus a municipality I don't know if right we would we would and do both ask for the same money out of the same I thought you said last time that there was a different part for the city no I wish there was not there are some grants have split up what we would be working on and there are some grants only County can apply true so I give us water infrastructure Grant or something like that would be the only ones really that would apply for it so you want to table this until you get your answers or no I'm not going to change my mind what did you say that he's violating I didn't no no no I didn't say he might be viol what were you referr to that comp to neg negotiation act what act competitive negotiation competitive negotiation you want got to go for RFP type you receive those you go through those you can't talk money until it's all over good luck I think he was just doing fishing right right park right maybe we spend 50,000 a year and they pull several [Music] million it' very well be worth the thing I like about it the thing I like about it is I don't think John has the time to chase all this stuff number one and find it and apply for it and all and then number two once we get it somebody's got to stay on top of all of the reporting and Etc that has to go with it I'm saying what I'm saying is a happen you're saying what gr far's going to happen will these be grants or Appropriations fire department just got one this is just for Appropriations what L yeah that was a grant and I did use I did use a consulting firm I didn't do it all by myself that's that's different one shot soci firm helped you write the grant or they wrote I I basically sent them the information anything they asked for uh our finances stuff like that and they wrote the Grant and okay basically we going end up paying them like 5% of the total right and they usually write that in for them to write D for them to write the grant to all the paper work right they going to do everything we got do set back and receive the stuff well would there be any harm in getting our fq for L this see what happens bill is your main objection the fact that he didn't show any cities any small cities one thing well I know but that's the is that the main thing is why is his a city par logo on his paper put it there you can get those logos off the internet and just paste on anything we may when we go south we may run across something down there very well very good so John can you hunt some more okay want uh see and remember whatever Grant we're looking at so is the county John John's and I agree with him 100% if it possible want somebody just to work for the city of period that's not going to happen we don't have enough money that's why he works for one particular County and one County alone I there some lobbyist that work for several cities but there nor spread around they're not together probably got thr trash the First on out we didn't do it right we asked for too much we didn't ask for po legisl put money in have somebody knew what they were doing that's John's fault and JB's fault you don't ask for the same thing that County Commissioners are asking for you're not going to get it because they there first anyway want to save us for a little bit or doing rfqs or everybody's pleasure were you guys are going down that meeting what August midle August about a month now give or take three weeks I'm also attending a municipal attorneys association their annual conference this weekend so I will inquire as well as especially the smaller cities what lobbyists do they recommend or have good you know if at all what type of results what they suggest report back on maybe some comparable types of expence all right thank you we'll just circle back around this later about that agenda item 6G councel to discuss fire of barage grant for wild line gear oh check checked it off for some reason agend 6f Council to review and approve ldr text Amendment for allowing livestock animals at schools good evening everyone my name is saric and iide at 378 M Street and this is a petition we demand toest to house animal in our in a community with multiple medical issues and do not want to address this issue daily furthermore we assure you that we support our school system and its students and program but not the housing of animals in our community therefore we believe there are other areas where this Council should house these animals in our school district to satisfy this need and not infring on our residential Community thank you for your consideration of this particular see signatures attachment and each one of y'all there should have copies of the sign did you have somewhere else in mind to house animals oh yeah where that got lay there behind the alternative back in there my daughter-in-law they used to live school got property back there you can but out there where we live at we all have health issues and we all are in our late 70s I might not look like it but I am 75 years old you don't look like it but I have very bad health issues plus I am on a seap machine and I have problem sleeping and with animals moing and pig oning and all that I won't be able to get any rest and I need rest because I am a god also and the smell and it you might keep it up a little but you're not going to keep it up like it's supposed to be kept and animals do get out I don't care how you try to keep them in a fence they going to find a way to get out and then you're going to have flies and when it rain it's going to smell we had problem with the meal smelling and just think about animals smelling where in the meal and my health I can't I can't take it my health is too bad so if you're on mytle Street you're speaking specifically about the high school right there you I right across the road from him okay where primary used to stand yes ma'am Church in Spring Hill Church that's where I live that and and I can get excuse for my doctor saying I am I believe lot people there's a lot of people see BR as K I believe problem sleeping at night I have very bad problem sleep even with the machine if you're finish I have a lady back here like to speak also there's a lady here that let to speak as well thank [Music] you I'm fifth generation woman um fourth generation showing cats I tell you TR not not with c I don't know about others direct comments even if you would allow everyone to have their without talking over so everyone has the same respect um we don't have problem we use miral wi that controls flies from the inside which you're allow to do with show um you walk my backyard you can't tell I have cows in my backyard my front yard and that's probably what 300 foot from my front yard to my backyard um it's very important for these kids giving children that opportunity to raise that animal especially children that don't live outside the city limits that are not able to do it um I go every year and talk with uh fifth graders with the agriculture Day do you know how many children have where hamburgers come from that that's my first question I asked when I give them a demonstration of my my cows where do hamburgers go grocery store this is a very important education process and raising the animals teaches kids respect it teaches the children responsibility budgeting um example we brought our record book tonight to show you what all those record can I ask you a question just I've heard a little about it but don't know much about it what's the difference between what y are doing and regular cows like show cows versus fi cows or pastor cows or Okay show I don't know I don't know the ins and outs of all that so well you have your like Cracker cows your wood cows um what you call them cows people just raise them up take what we do is give the opportunity for the kids to raise these cows up H through them P them most cows will be P like even her show we walk around we walk around showers in the yard um her show down the road back that's how G these cows be it's not like wild cows out wherever or out even in a field I me they go out and field or they stay in stalls they stay in stalls because with like Bui cows they're not you're not trying to maintain their weight with a shal you you want to maintain their weight when they have more room to run around they lose weight and these are show Market anals market and that's another thing is you go out in the field two three acres even that much they'll lose a significant amount of weight these are animals that we're trying to fatten up go to market come somebody's MEK pretty much question they're be broke they're going to be managed daily uh F should be a problem because they will be on some kind of anday you think and the one she show okay you don't put them on grass gotta it's part of it it's the only way they gain their life you want talk a little bit about Le she she absolutely I'm AA Harris this isy Harris and he live um 2464 thank you your start and my my grandpa he has a cow so I ra my own cows um I show I raise them up from B and then I I tame them I feed them out throughout the year and then in when it comes February I take them to Madison which is where I show s is and I'll show that anal and then sell it and I use that money to go my next project and every year I do a record book and you have to keep up with your Fe expenses any expense you take on the show I do multiple shows throughout the year you have to take note of basically everything you have to write I think the minimum is a page or a story of how you raise your animal and you got to document your medical your medical your medic home expenses and when they was born know bre you got to know your animal at her and what goes in it and it's not going to be a year round thing for the sh Ste it's going to be from October February and then during summer thank you I got several people want to talk all once who wants to go first govern pleas [Music] Street we now uh tell my take a picture of on Facebook say your house C that's all we we don't want out now someone asked are there other areas in the school yes I it was already over there behind behind middle it was already there go out there behind the new school par Elementary School we got 25 bu in there nobody even know there go behind the administrative s where they play baseball softball way back in that corner nobody even know it there but to get up every day 7 days a week 365 366 days a year and that's what you look at now if you want that for our community take your that's all we saying take your here we support the but we don't want every day and the other part too around like one person tell you one thing one person told me said don't worry about because we're not going to do anything in September I called earlier last week about well we3 C has already turned back to the school school is going to work out [Music] scho sorry you say the council turned its back on okay I was so that and and really I'm not just our job but I was so C be been fre under on resent period And I went over to Florida on today and people don't even know that try to put a Catt area Chicken in their front door they don't even know I was told before be bo on a public uh announcement two weeks and sometime of public meeting so what's going so we get impression from that uh and I read newspaper okay said get together and work it out and see what other school district Mr of house all all we're asking as the person PR that we be fail each other if I don't want in front of my house I don't want to in front of someone else's house just that simple now some years ago and I'm just as confused as one two three because we live through this uh out there where we live people have horses and so forth and they had move the livestock out and then I find out that I'm cross the road from the area that we're talking about but but my house is really not cover young let depending upon where you live and I'm trying to figure out I can step across the road and go from one zone into another Zone that over here where is the area now have I mentioned all the plac that you can go go to go to the old par primary par Elementary School where go over to the high school behind tennisy of nobody even they don't even know but there's no way that people all the hom clock Street and Pine Crest and burle we have to just close our eyes so U my my concern is first of all information is not coming out talk so we look at the agenda School develop Land This is the first step of this whole process if this is approved tonight it'll take at least three more me Happ this this is just get ball roll stop here believe me now have you been to the have you been to the school board yet because everything was being handled here when the young lady said was being turned back to the school board and let them want get out whatever it's not actually turned back to we still have the last say on it but we asked them to look at at things and then they can look at Alternatives and look at different properties so maybe you should go there and tell them what you're telling us because you know we don't have enough s to understand what you're doing because we don't have the regulations I L I went on I went on the website and I couldn't find so I had to go what was going we're trying to work with them why we send something to the school board and the zone that the school board is located the location they want to place is is in violation of your of your zone so why would you want to do that why give them permission why pass the to them just tell them no you can't put it there they know what their properties are and they can select a different property we can make an exception and allow the animals in certain places without changing the zoning that's what we're that you're doing that's what's happen we trying to go something that work for everybody ini was set the distance how faral be closed to the nearest res acceptable distance if there are houses houses that's the rule we were going to propose tonight not pass I'm telling you whatever happens tonight have to go to three more meetings never get pass there's going to be a lot more discussion about this if we do decide to do this but the idea was have it they have to be set back at least 200t Mr mger he's trying he's trying to explain to you what's going on this that Elementary School how much I'm I'm going to leave to death but I'm talking about history and going back to the prayer fa every that's all that's ask I know for that the school board at one time was sing in shut down the TTI every hour for kids who need to take care of the animals can be carried on to that area that shouldn't be a big deal I just want I just want to give you something to think about and and understand that where where the anticipated place is Perri old per Primary School on that concrete slam that's a basketball court that's people 15 people that area not one house many houses and we wanted to if we love [Music] I just want to ask a question real quick if I may speak for a minute where is the problem exactly is it on is is it the old period primary property or where is that what mean where there's two places one at the high school one at the middle school that's that's where one the middle school theit for clarity what was asked what was asked in our first meeting two meetings ago was the animals for there be Clarity that they could be kept at the high school on the grounds and the middle school on the ground and a third location at Perry primary that's never had animals to include live stock of cattle and pigs where the other properties did not hold livestock or let me say I don't I'm G use the words that were used cattle and pigs but had goats and maybe other type of animals so I believe that the the the main U objection sounds like it's about the Perry the no longer the property that Perry primary is but the request originally was wanting clarification as to the ability of the schools period to have Livestock in areas not Zone for it or animals in places not zone for it and then a third area that has never had animals on it was included and I think the council was trying to address everything sort of like broadly together but the issue started out because of a complaint that the zoning was not being enforced as to the high school and the request that seemed to to rise the biggest um uproar was the Perry primary be a third location that's never held any animals and it would be particularly cattle and pigs which is different than the animals that were being held at the high school and middle school so the so the council has actually a multi multi-layered answer or we're trying to answer multi-layered questions so there's part in the past they've been held in the high school itself and the Middle School itself like the the bushed that um um mentioned as well as property by the tennis courts um and so the area with per primary would be the area that would be most Abed with surrounding residents does anybody got any problem with it going at the high school raise your hands anybody got a problem with it going at the middle school come on to the Podi we can't hear you if you don't come up to the microphone I don't live in that area but I want to speak from experience y those cow whatever 38 years we fought his people no chicken no go no all no nothing I have got CED out threaten we I had to go outst get rid of horses stuff in now we come back today and yall to goting about letting PA C goats come back at the city so what are y'all planning on doing open the gate back up so everybody can have those chicken all chicken and everything no that's all I want no John John Mr Clayton this I think this young man behind you in the r shirt go ahead my name is George live in 1003 spren Street I have no problem with cows and goats El the cult but at the high school or and the middle school fine but I'm concerned because the Pres ldr is does not say can happen all right and and I bad people be calling me as a member of the planning zoning board and we don't know nothing about it thought we was a sub of this board to T situation but it sound to me like you're trying to not keep us in for now I got a call about a meeting and it was not a time that was appro I mean was we couldn't get enough people together and when I hear the way on the attendance well then we you don't need yes this will be a request to you request to to Y this is going to go through the planning his on on board is just not ready to go yet I mean we're we're very much in the empy talking aboutus because when you call the city office you get answers this is City discussing what we want what application we want to submit to yall y would still have to approve it and then we'd have to approve it to one I I just want some clarity because when when people are calling they're getting different an aners from the city not talking about you I guess people some people that don't know what you know so it was confusing to me that's why I'm here okay but no we no problem with the cows atool yeah we can't go around the plane in the Z board Mr Clay that's not we I mean we're just we're in the empy of talking about this okay okay thank yes I'm Billy Murphy 614 Marvin Robert Road I'm not out of the city but I'm here representing Taylor County Farm Bureau as our County president our Board of director we appreciate the council's efforts trying to support schools in the program we're concerned that this get B down these these FFA programs which we let F to get them in our County we wonder if only about four counties in state didn't have that and at that time they're still in their infancy we're concerned this gets B down they're going to go a whole year without the livestock opponent to their education we're concerned about you know what's going to happen to these programs if they can't that's the pretty much the life blood of these pram I've got a a letter I think John should have gotten a copy of it today from the Commissioner of Agriculture I'm not going to read the whole thing I would like to read the first couple of paragraphs say it has come to my attention that the city of Perry is proposing that animals on school ground should be eliminated of greatly restricted citing and interpretation of local city ordinances restricting animals and livestone upon hearing this our department conferred with the Florida Department of Education and the executive office of Governor Ronda santis and agreed that statute 1347 allows for animals including Livestock on school property for educational purposes now my suggestion would be that the counsil or your staff talks to the governor's office talks to the Department of Education them and FDA are all in agreement that the school board has jurisdiction over this because it's part of their I get that statute number again I didn't get the letter may have got what this is saying is it's out of the city council's hand that back I got it that is the the opinion of the governor's office the Department of Education and the Department of Agriculture they have a 1970 attorney general opinion that backs that up so my suggestion to handle this quickly would me to get with them one onone you know not other people going find out what the misunderstanding is either on your end or on their end you know you may both be right or one may be wrong we don't know Point don't talk what the misunderstanding is it was suggested to everyone involved to go to the state and find out if there was some State Statute that controlled this which would override any city ordinance well they chose not to they chose to go this route and here we see well the statute that I mentioned is the statute that the state right is using and I know you know some I don't know just who it is on the city staff or Council has a problem with seeing that statute as way the state sees it so I'm saying get together with them and iron those things out and you may find out that you have no jurisdiction you may find out you need to proceed every way you're do it but you found out you had n it would be the process up for these kids get these and one thing on the per primary side my understanding that the barn that the PO Barn that's currently there is what they plan to use in the barn if I'm not mistaken it's much closer to Clark Street than it is burle Street and these animals will be in the barn and have one little area outside the bar that walk around the train they're not going to fence the whole old Perry primary off and have walking all over that place they're going to be in the barns for the five four five months that they're there they're not going to be they're not going to be roaming that old piece of property right they're going to be inside of that bar that Barn will be kept clean by the students the manure the the waste will be disposed of and waste management it won't be piled up out there you know that's part of their program C sanity you know for us F Bureau agriculture all of our food is produced by 2% of the population in this country that means 98% of the people in the United States have no interest have have nothing to do with with f being but 2% growing in food for 100% of us that's scary the average age of a farmer is increasing every year well that means that young people aren't going in farm regulations Hard Times whatever just farming is changing technology is advancing in agriculture every day make it much more competitive safer we feel like you know three generations ago nearly 90% people everybody grew up on everybody now it's 2% we've got us adults today that believe their food comes from grocery even people running for political office believe that the food comes from the grocery all these programs are trying to do is educate children where their food comes from and hopefully and some of them want to go into that field so with a few years they'll be the on we would just like to encourage you you know do what we again you know I understand the concerns I think most of that will you know will prove itself out with cleanliness in all the ks I know I do know that High School the reason they're not looking at putting all of it at the high school they're in that area between the school and the tennis courts the RC uses that area for train that's what I met though and there's really no other place on that campus they are planning to put a small barn for I together there's not a place there house I was just encourag get with the state see what this two is what we need to do from there thank you thanks anybody hases anybody research this statute I have well let us move please um and where do you have the statute in front of you yes I do can you read it to us what it says or oh you want okay I how long is it is it pretty long or it's pretty long can you can you kind highlight where you're going with it I can read you the what I would consider the most um what applies to this I'm so sorry what applies to this looking for it's probably got a lot of it's probably got a lot of paragraphs on if you just allow me you um hold okay wait just a minute no problem I don't think that none of us have a problem with statute uh this program anything I think the biggest problem is coming where they don't want it at the Third location so we're we're we're we're we're we're going in a circle right that's that's what AC began so that is what that is what it's all balling down to they don't want it at the Third location right okay but I can read you the but I wanted if I may I wanted to note that one of the challenges here is that this is and it started off with a request um from a teacher and then a director of a program the school board has a duly retained attorney um North Florida Regional planning attorneys won't do a legal opinion on this and they're unsure we have not heard from the school board attorney as to what the law is interpreted I greatly appreciate the FFA um investment in trying to get an answer and the Commissioner of Agriculture one of them trying to talk to the governor's office and nothing I've seen actually addressed the question at hand is does the statute of one 1347 does it Trump a local municipality right to govern its Land Development regulations and Zoning the Attorney General opinion that was um discussed momentarily by Mr Murphy was from 1970 let me share you again the Attorney General opinion from 2004 that even the different um land use attorneys that I've spoken to was the biggest thing that they were going to we're all going to the same most recent attorney general opinion that states and in this that particular opinion there was a Hernando County School Board um that did not want to comply with the local County Land Development regulations and pointing to a statute that actually was the Statute um that governed public education buildings and they were arguing saying we want to work with the county in that case um I'm just sharing just a little bit background information I hope I'm not B anyone they wanted to basically say we want to work with the county but at the end of day we don't have to we have the statute and the Attorney General opinion which is typically where we go when there is a statutory interpretation question Charlie Chris was the Attorney General at the time his notation at the end of the day was no provision generally exempt School boards from the provision of the local government comprehensive planning and Land Development regulation act sections 163 . 316 through 13. 3217 for the statutes rather the legislature has made it clear that school districts and school boards are subject to local Land Development regulations enacted to implement local comprehensive land use Planning and Development therefore it is my opinion that development on property owned by District School Board that is situated within the county must comply with the County's comprehensive land use plan adopted pursuant to the Florida local government comprehensive planning act ordinances and so there's no there's nothing that I've been able to find that's right on point regarding an argument about livestock but the the goal of the legislature is for except in extraordinary cases I always say except for Extraordinary cases just because I don't see anything that says there can't be extraordinary cases but that the goal is not for they not to be compliant with what whatever that Municipal land regulations are that's why I believe that it that you do have a failure of any other attorney writing any statement of a legal opinion that supports that this statute that keeps being referring to that talks about if you have animals you got to care for them if you leave them there at late at night or when the school is closed you have to use reasonable care is enough to say you don't have to abide by um by zoning laws um statute 103.4 10347 it starts off with the title biological experiments on living subjects it is the intent of the legislature with respect to biological experim involving living subjects by students in grades K through 12 that then it talks about stuff that's really not per like surgery on birds and frogs and stuff um then it goes down to I would say the golden text section H that says live animals on the premises of public and private elementary middle and high schools shall be housed and cared for in a Humane and safe manner animals shall not remain on the premises of any school during periods when such school is not in session unless adequate care is provided for such animals then it keeps talking about other Provisions um oh says well number two says the provision of the seute shall not be construed to prohibit or constrain conventional instruction in the normal practice of animal husbandry or exhibition of any Livestock in connection with any agricultural program or instruction of advanced students participating in advanced research scientific study or projects and then it talks about instruction of employees um um that they basically can get in trouble for knowingly or intentionally complying with the provisions to take care of animals and what Mr Hart has said from the beginning when this first came up is that these Provisions talk about the regulation of how the expectations for a school to take care of the animals they have on the property is not an authorization that would be so blanket to say that the place the school is in has no right to govern what is Zone in that area so that's why Mr har was like well we would have to amend the Land Development regulations and we can use this as showing an exception but there still would be up to the city to determine how that exception would go and the the language that I was familiar with um talked about for instance if you have livestock if you have cattle you can have but one curve one anchor um I think it was something like that one acre for each animal um sheep or goes and this this language is actually taken from other ldrs throughout the state that have allowed or placed any exception in it so it doesn't say that you can't have it but if you have a horse a cattle or swine which is pigs and Hogs is not one and there's no exception here in this text or in what we saw that was based on some something going to Market or not and I know that's a lot of the discussion that we've had but that it's like if you're going to do it this is suggested way also Mr Hart has said you know the council could do an amendment that only says how many feet from a dwelling like an eye animals must be kept within an enclosed area which is a minimum of 200 ft away from any dwelling or joining parcel of land and separate ownership so Mr Murphy's suggestion and even you know last the last meeting the suggestion of getting together and trying to get language together to work to present I think is very helpful I'm still waiting for the school board attorney or someone who understands um who understands why this conflict would exist between zoning expectations and this very broad regulatory um statute that talks about if you have them at night or when school's closed shouldn't have them but if you do make sure they're adequate care that there's someone who can literally look at this and say is it sensible that on one end we have statutes that allow for different things for schools to do but they still have to comply with the local ordinances of building in the local ordinance of zoning but yet in this case when they say keep the animals there or don't keep them on promise premises but if you do adequately care for them that that alone is enough to just wipe out the community responsibility to make sure that what they have and what they hold on their different zonings is in compliance so that's why I feel so very strongly that that is a wrong interpretation and not that any attorney's opinion is greater than any other or that an attorney's opinion is greater than any non- attorney who's looking at it but I believe the 2004 attorney opinion is way more credible in a point than something that happened in the 70s and I'm still looking to see if there's anything else is on there whether it's the governor's office because I just got this in the meeting um even though I did get a heads up from an email response at 4:30 um but it's still there's no one just addressing or willing to put in writing that the school board does not have to comply with Zony laws because of the statute no one's willing to do it and I think the reason is because there an incorrect interpretation we run around in circles and circles getting bigger and bigger see it it is an attorney general's opinion as you said is no more got no more value than George Clayton Walter Bishop Charles he most certainly did no well I'm talking about attorney general opinions of the statute is what that's exactly what I just said you I was talking about any attorney I'm not talking the hoo that's a particular any I just the attorney general has got no more his opinion is just like yours or mine or Walters or Charles is an opinion the only way you s that is go to court let me read some more of this letter to you now this is coming from and there's no reason to go and try to negotiate something with uh the governor he's already given you his opinion is that from the governor's office I'm sorry this is from Department of Agriculture it says upon hearing this our department conferred with the Department of Education executive off office of Governor Rod de santz and and we going to go back and we going to try to talk about this under the that makes no sense keep reading that horse going bigger and bigger sir this is not from the governor's office I just want this is upon hearing this our department conferred with the Florida Department of Education Department of Agriculture conferred with the Department of Education executive office of Governor Ron deanz Department of Agriculture conferred with the governor's office and they agreed Florida Statutes are Alles for Animals although we agree the statute does not explicitly exempt schools from building ordinances the statute required appropriate Care for Animals outside of school hours and here's what we lack this is what we lack Common Sense common sense and reasonable interpretation of Florida law would dictate that a school can construct appropriate filies to care for animals that are required by Statute I believe the city should read the statute in the most favorable terms with common sense we lack common sense because the importance of Agriculture a little bit of Common Sense and we we would have been gone 40 minutes ago we don't need to worry about what Charlie Chris said we got something right here that says and if your opinion is different from this we wasting our money that's how I feel about it well I don't anything personally but I do a great job and you mis read I just gave you my opinion like the Attorney General opinion and again there a reason why there's no attorney on the other side with a legal opinion saying different what it is reasonable that a city has power to control their and to comply with Planning and Zoning or why you have one this says that you got you got listen you got to listen you're not listening although though we agree the statute does not explicitly exemp schools from building ordinances it says that just like you said it our ordinance prohibits our ordin prohibits livestock you don't have to the way it works y going to learn sometime you got a you got a group people they got an opinion they they rule and all of a sudden it goes up into a organization they rule over that little group the next thing that happens is the city well the county overrules the city and Florida State overrules the county and the federal government over us all it's that simple why don't why are we trying there there's three locations that talked we talked about here two locations everybody's happy business what on Earth are we talking about the third one for it's not our decision it's a school board decision there correct I've been one and not about uh vote to waste the city of Perry's money to fight the governor's office no not gonna happen I don't think one of us made a motion for that d there's nothing for us to do everybody's okay with the high school and the middle school is that correct yeah yes it's just old perod primary everybody's got a problem with where there's where there's not a Schoolhouse anymore okay so what I would say is going to make it work exactly is that reasonable can can that work no I understand Mr mcgomery I'm just saying well okay having it at the high school and having it at the middle school only will that work I'm asking for an answer got a gr upgrade F very primary I'm not sure if they'd have enough money to put that one of the other locations can we find out if it can be made to work last meeting if I remember correctly and correct me if I'm wrong the last meeting asked everybody to get together and hash this out and apparently it didn't happen did was one first responses I got that's what I'm getting at I mean when you try to negotiate something there's got to be two parties involved is what a BS down to I think this the there's no standoff in a har time but the standoff is one side believes that they don't even need the cities as um Council memb the C go ahead for anything and the other side was like well we would still need to amend the ldr so that even the high school and middle school would be in compliance so through an exception of your Land Development regulation um so that citizens who complain who had gos taken and H coures that is very clear when citizens look at our ldr development regulations they understand what's allowed and there are exceptions for Education when it comes to so I mean we did talk there was information I agree what Mr Brian is saying is right you got the executive office of the governor R well it may be every every may be I'm saying you can step on up but I mean they they can bury us some lawyers and a heartbeat John you worried about being something you better hit the door now we don't well let's just we're getting we're getting bogged down again hold on let's just make it work how do we make it work that's all we're trying to do is get get this program going for the kids and it's getting bogged down by a bunch of stupid adults that's just the way it is I said it's getting bogged down by a bun stupid I'm talking about me myself because us adults are getting in the way of this thing happening I didn't call you stupid I said I was talking about myself some of our laws don't make any sense they don't have any Common Sense yes sir can I get your name please for the Third location I don't see it being a problem it's all in the same area so I don't see what it would affect anything else you know what I mean like yeah it's all in the same area so what is I don't understand what the problem is they're saying it's too close to their houses well like Mr Clayton he he lives closer to the Middle School location than he would the per primary location so that I mean they're all the it's all in the same location that's hold on please please everybody's had a chance to talk let them have a chance from the high school to the par primary that's what, 1500t from where they're at now maybe I mean it ain't that far it's all in the same location right from where they're try but the problem seems to be that one piece of property sir the problem seems to be that one piece of property yeah I don't know how to get pass I'm just saying it's all it's all right well was need to find a way to get pass set the distance from the next resid like we're trying to you can't use that set it enough you can't use it they got else exactly 200 whatever we come so how far is that road they're put itle is that they said they want to have and they said they're going to keep these Critters but that's one Critter in one Barn I mean 5000 all small they all small not that they're setting aside so this is a problem how animal talk about the adults it's about the kids and I think in agreement with that my point exactly and that's why we're getting we're bogging oursel down again this thing keeps bogging itself down let's just make it work but I can't go by and not that's my problem so if you just take that site off the I don't do thiss year because got all anybody else want to speak on this anybody else speak on this please come forward has the school district ever told us exactly I don't know I haven't been shown anything you showing anything John put but that's the I mean I thought they were supposed to get back to us two weeks ago about that I thought so too that was that and they had mentioned wherever they were holding goats that sort of escaped over under they were attacked by dogs and that was in an area behind the tennis court towards the tree line I believe closer to the tree line but they did not come back with the map land there to be 200 F off like you mentioned the folks were when were where were they located I just said they were by the tree line I know that's a pretty expansive IED somewhere regarding the tree lines over past where you were before John I don't know exactly where but ands and that's I just heard them say tree line can we find is there any way to find out if just this if we just took per the old primary property off the table would it work do anybody know we can we can we get some people that know John have you talked to the school board EMA several times and gave several suggestions what we need to do to get this F but like she mentioned this whole time they above thew follow well okay what if we approach it from a different angle and from the angle that all these people are here about and that is it's close to residences back what we open up with what I was trying to do is the text Amendment to the LR we change our law to make it work for everybody and to me that's the distance from the nearest Residence I think that would make everybody happy I don't know what that distance is we want to submit but I I don't want a cow right in my front yard either but if it's all set closed 200t 300 ft I don't know what the number is that's the way to make it work for every what about they were they mentioned an alternate location down behind the alternate school back in there they do and stop run yeah I guess the big question I guess the biggest question we have right now is to find out if this will work for the schools that would be basically taking the old perod primary off the table that be your box what I understand they say it won work without another location room I'm not involved with all that me I understand what you're saying the second location would be the Middle School wouldn't it it wouldn't work for one I'm from what I understand there's not enough room at the high school that's it's not already committed for other activities for them to build a bar yeah I understand that but it it there like they said there are other proper properties out there that they could use that are close enough to the high school that the kids can walk down there and take care of their animals but they're not adjacent to residential areas and we have to have places to plug electricity and them animals have to have heat they have to have water they have I mean they it's just they have to have electricity and running water at all times sounds like those other sites it's schol they have to have electricity especially the hogs in win time well you use City water for that or you use whales we can use whatever type of water that's the main two things we have to have electricity and yes ma'am taste the same so you use SE water or water still I'm thinking of the property east of the Bulldog store if you know where that is um it's it may not be suitable but that's what I'm thinking where's that the property east of the Bulldog store the Middle School yes yes the parking lot beyond the parking lot got not not on that end no not on that end and you can be again 300t in we just y'all just need to get with the school board is what you need to do because and explain the situation to them and they can come up with an alternative problem okay is that okay with everybody yeah see if they can do with that see if they can do with that try see if they can do with the primary old primary school property see if they can deal with that I understand that no we're just trying to find out us you home they're not yet so what we do Billy can you can you put some light on that with the school board and and get them to move consider another location one email I got from the teachers at the 200 foot 200 okay and we're when we're saying 300 200 300 we right all the way around where it is now but um thank you we need they need to get the ball rolling and we can't we can't we're getting too much flat where it is so go ahead roll it now they talk about whatever other they come back want to change it there they can change it there we need to get ball rolling with the LR am well I agree so we can say it they can change it at the board of adjustments so what you need from us John you you're making an assump you're making an assumption that's going to pass yes you are you're not you're not taking a common sense way about this and follow what the governor says govern the governor is given his attorney is given an opinion the simpar way would be to ask for attorney general to do it I thought already done I mean well let's how about we start with ask School Board find another location it's not our it's not our problem is our problem School problem it's we're making it our problem it's a school boy's problem I agree but that's what I said how about we ask them to take the r here and find another location so anything just do see if they make this thing work without the old per primary there's any way possible it's their understand it's then y'all need to go to the school board okay okay well we we worked we've worked we've worked with them and set up the parameters that they beyond what they suggested they suggested 200 fet and we set it up at 300 ft and excuse me the problem isn't the problem is the [Music] simal all people chick oh they still got them in my neighborhood you might pick up everybody come back but that was only educational that's what the that's what the LR Tex is looking for just this school it's not everybody [Music] what's the that's education that's why we're setting some setback rules on it too make it you can just do it at schools you can't do it just wherever you want to do it for C we're not GNA make a plan tonight no you found out that y'all need to go to the school no we can't pass adjustment no sir no sir we can't do that that's the main deal right cannot do that uhuh that was just the very beginning of it we can't we can't go everybody this person that person oh no do this today tonight tomorrow we can't do it needs to move forward quickly or they're goingon to lose their [Music] Grant you know when they're when is there a deadline on this grant they have to have it used by you find too sir come on lied well there's a $100,000 Grand I've heard about I saw it referen in time limit I don't know what the time limit is on it I don't either but schools start soon and they need to be able to put their program into place yes and I I think one issue that may be with the with the state is that you to deny animals on the school grounds is like denying the classrooms of tech because the animals are part of thec part of the education I think that may be part of the issue part of the the council can't take away I'm saying what I think to get see just what the issue is whether a new side another side work I know issue they have I be able to walk there within a period during the day and be able to get back next John not not as the way that our L is is wrote is wrote right now it's in violation for them to even start on priv the per primary property huh okay so in other words why are we even discussing this because it's out of in our ordinances it can't happen now I'm I'm I'm all for the program but if we're saying that we going to keep it our ordinance at that in that area as it is why are we even discussing this ldr but when you change the ldr that's when you're gonna open that property up for that to happen is it so that's what they're saying they don't they don't even want that property to even be in discussion School related up school middle be incor yeah either way yeah I'm saying we redo that part but I'm saying if that part as far as the per primary area if it's already in ordinance saying that we don't need to be redoing anything why are we even going that route if they don't even want to want it over there it's not school that that's school property but we don't have any active school there right now so that's what I'm asking so originally just idea I got you everybody this nothing's been been F us don't but I will s gets to that step and that's through the the board of adjustments and then she will send letters to the property owners so many feet of that meeting and like they said then you still have Board of adjustment meeting I don't even know they may have another meeting I'm not sure back to council but they will send letter just near it that a my department I know that's are tell you what just find out what go if y want go to the school board find out what will work if they can do without the per primary property you want us go from there I don't know be honest with you they started at 6 I have head on over there yeah still be there year I mean they could make double periods in sh bu they're already doing the some laws will get B down in all right so you gonna go back to schools in and find out if this work and we can go from there we got to get we got to get something put together sooner we get it done the soon get past so all right yes ma'am this could be easily accepted or rejected would there be any benefit of having um especially said or requesting that the school board and city council have a joint session um so that I know time is of the essence and I know like we're following following back and forth sometimes the representative for part the agriculture program is here or not here and different people who may have different interests would that assist um because of the need of having a decision and then we'll be bored with the proposals with that I know we don't always or have done that in years but is that something that at least you all can consider in the future if that would be helpful I'm okay with that we can set a date and you all are taking arrows I I mean I'm I'm fine with that but I mean we got to have like I said you got to have two people two entities two whatever to negotiate anything I mean us saying this and then later finding out that's not going to work and Le need to yeah the time is of the essence then yeah be a good idea yes sir I would like to make a motion that we request an attorney General on this issue apparently the governor's office in Department of Education opinion is no good I'm re question questioning that we get an attorney general have a second okay well I'll you write a letter to him ask him the question but there's nobody else wants to do that now only they want to run around in this big circle I think we can settle it without that didn't have one it's a motion that's let proceed like we said and meet maybe with the school board if we can set that up they want to meet that's great I mean we could hash this out in just a few minutes I believe all the all right we're gonna pick this up at a later date soon I hope John can you sat a date with him maybe next week okay all right agenda item 6G cancel to discuss fire department's grant for wide land gear and PPE washer and dryer and take any action being necessary you have grand here yes yeah we got it gas it can be either one we hav we just got the money for it we haven't actually pied out city city doesn't sell electricity do we have to take any action on this or you just you got it put second yes yes yes agenda item 68 councel to discuss easement for Duke Energy's EV char station the gouse 110 North Jefferson Street parel number 03830 d00 and take any action being necessary is that the ones that are already there not deal with money notay to do all all is it up for Renewal or something or no it's just an easement when I last brought it to you yeah that they have take we haven't paid any bills on this for half a year or better and uh so now they're just upgrading to all the fast Chargers they're yank all the old stuff out and make all fast Chargers what I understand it's our property lot need I they don't have an e right now they need one because it's our parking lot but everything else there is theirs theirs there how are they doing it then if they they don't have an easement or anything they it was originally it was a a grant by duke enery or something like that that's how it had to be on city property and then we got the grant monies but it wasn't even breaking even I knew it wouldn't so I did spreadsheets and I made them chew it up all the time I said look and then they extended it so that's why when it came up to us no we don't want to off this anymore they weren't allowing us to make any money on it so why do we want to play along so we said they just need they're asking us for an easement just an eement which is fine because it does bring people into our downtown area and while their cars charge they get lunch walk around so just to you know cut paste in our could we need a motion motion to approve second yes yes yes agenda item 6 I Council to appoint two citizens to serve on the Perry police pension Board of Trustees to take any actions being necessary do have anyone want to do [Music] it what is the oh this is for Board of adjust Planning and Zoning so that's no good not for this one it isn't y got to ask your friends wellers now to sign up for this I to people wor about that that's right that's right conc about a form one is not a big deal not it's just a form one that's right should they have to so we're just still looking for some two people for that okay J item 6 J councel to appoint one citizen to the Planning and Zoning Board and board of adjustments to take any action deemed necessary motion approve before she changes her mind second you got a second that ipping on go ahead Diana Turner okay yes Landry yes may yes Council to agenda item 6K Council to discuss proposed millage rate for the city of perod for fiscal year 2024 2025 to take any action deemed necessary so for this meeting we justce some guidance on what vill rate the council advertis the notice um and so your options are on the screen you have the prior year Village rate which is 5.9 431 and that is the same Village rate as last year and it would bring in 2,17 939 and that is about 39,000 more than what we brought in this year you could choose the current year roll back rate which is 5.83 36 and it is the millage rate that would bring in the same amount of taxes of last year which would be 2 million $78,900 have a majority vote and it's 65966 and it's the maximum Mill it would bring in 2 million 35,8 27 and that's about 233,000 more than we brought in e --------- either go with the current current rate that we have now which will earn you that $39,000 more or you can just make a decision you cannot raise it so in further budget discuss discussions that's off the table so this is not obligating you to anything it's just giving you a ceiling so the current year if I'm reading this right the current year is less than the prior you because taxal values increased so the roll back rate technically it brings in the same amount of money even if we roll back the rate but the village rate is lower it's 5.8 5.9 now if you stick with 5.9 to right now on our budget discussions if everything looks Rosy and you want to go ahead and bring it down in September to the 5.8 World bad rate you have the ability to do that but if you pick the 5.8 now you cannot get the extra $39,000 and it's it's a done deal with it but there is tough decisions and there's and Bill is right there's a lot of PE people are all broke and inflation is a real thing and so we're going to suggest some things in the budget and just it it's easier to ease into it and give yourself some room for thought in negotiations than just no no no um did y b what did you base the budget on the current rate or the rollback or right now we've got a lot of estimates in there because the State of Florida is still for all the Department of Revenue they're saying we'll give you real numbers in July and August AUST we have more than we had two weeks ago but we still don't have them all and they are still subject to change even if they give you the numbers now that's not what he asked I in the budget we I just put in the current year roll back rate okay because it's the lowest and then if y'all chose to tell me to raise it I could raise it but I wanted based on the lower lower the okay and Bill that's your motion to accept roll back the roll back okay second counc Bry Yes counc W yes may Landry yes mayor K yes okay agenda item 6m cancel to continue discussion regarding city of Perry's budget for f year 24 20 2024 2025 sorry checked it off again I need to wait till we're finish before I do a check mark agenda item six say councel to to set public hearing dates for the fiscal year 2024 2025 Mage rate and the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget you take any actions de necessary so at the last meeting public hearing dates being September 9th which is a Monday and it's changing it from September 10th to the 9th for the regularly scheduled meeting and then the second public hearing being the regularly scheduled council meeting date of September 24th does that still work for everyone September 24th yes meeting yeah 9th would be question yeah changing it from the 10th to the nth I'm 10th I will not be here the nth I will be that's only already got on my calendar for the nth I just this this time we need to actually set the dates so if that does work make a motion that we set those dates have a second second counc bran counc wood yesc Landry yes mayor K yes agenda item 6 M Council to continue discussions regarding city of per budget for 2024 2025 Council take any action being necessary so in this updated budget the main changes from the last meeting are that we cut a lot of the capital outlay it went from 4.2 million funded by ARA and reserves down to 1.9 million um I also corrected the gas and resale contract amounts to be a better estimate and I also just wanted to let yall know that we just received some of the revenue estimates from the state and they aren't reflected in y'all's copy um because I got it after the fact but um and we're still waiting on four of the estimates um most of it we estimated conservatively on the revenues we budgeted so far and so once we've got some of the numbers and as of where we're at right now it increases our surus by $224,400 but that will be reflected in your next copy of using we don't know yet right now how much are we have 1.58 million left how much cap total and that's not grants that's that that's only what we're be funded by AR that differ is about 300,000 you've got grants that we're going to receive during the year that should be a wash of Grants I know why is it in here the Grant in the budget the grants are they're they're in page on the capital outlay and then it has the right now the cap since it's still being worked is on the cap sheet f a thing like it be can you do it you want me to put gr like it should be yeah everything be in there should say Revenue over or under expenditures then it should uh I have no clue why I would say told to from RSE because that's not from reserves all that is the same thing as Revenue over or under expenditures and uh then we go down to Capital outlay orer and reses is that one the other or both if it's both that ought to be separated if there one it shouldn't say both you understand this is this is a working draft that's we need there's no new employe in here and this not much was change no you that's no we didn't we didn't include what's T I would like to and I hope everybody in this room re this we've got this a ARP money that we got to spend why on Earth can't we buy a PA system that works right and a heating air system that works right that's been on the list for how many years we was hoping this would do better be to answer your PA question I've contacted three companies that do Pas and they have not called me back they don't want the work apparent they're not the only nobody wants to work anymore ones I show to you I'm just take this one back at some point I'm come here St back that I'm starts I just brought them in here trying to get it where people could hear still we did something different I guess something different didn't well nothing's going to be different unless we do something true so maybe we have a workshop this budget do that to anybody get any dat in mind we need to discuss these uh whether we're going to raise R July August that's next on the agenda Bill we oh you want to do a workshop instead of doing it here is that what you're saying it doesn't matter me do yeah we're Balan right EX for 00,000 how much we that's what I thought and if you got exactly I'm not in favor of raising a ra unless we got to need to you I'm not either but I think we need to get the Departments being solvent and some of them you'll never get Su Sol solid way um but don't I think there ain't no way when you losing vide we not we're not mention I propose I will propose we not that it yet okay yeah that's the next agenda this Bill said all right still that is still losing money breaking we're trying to break okay you want to just do 6m and 6m together sounds like we're being mixed up anyway budget together you want to do a workshop on the You said workshop what about July 30th that's next Tuesday anybody okay with that July 30th we doing midday or 5m what midday or 5m 13 good 130 on the 30th that's Bill 130 yep on budget and rates and make that will be here all right so y want to discuss the utility rate changes at that time that seems to make sense go I want y to those in the best interest of the city long term yeah I know it's not best the residents right now I'm looking out for the city long term I know you're going to have to take stuff out of there that's fine well looking out for the city is looking out for the residences I'd just be happy if we had clear water out this moment in some some places we do that you should have seen the version of it I like the way you graduated out the percentages year that's the asset management plan water has done that's well I like that that's yeah y all approve it that's that's what they want that's did you say we have approved plan you don't have to follow the rate exactly already those rates approved last year because we have to get in compliance that's what it's if we don't we could lose that on you got remember things change yeah steady changing all right we're gonna take U we going take six 6 in the budget Workshop so agenda item 60 Council to discuss water and waste water license incentive and take any action de necessary two operators at last rep of the superintendent equipment operator report of the superintendent three mechanics Sean have like operator too that be your B license then two operator one SE license what I want us to think about is what it said can we give a non-operator say a mechanic or trator what incentive can we give them for go ahead and get their SE license so they're next up in line one of these retire and what sign can you one of these guys H their license this guy retires basically investing in education same thing we're doing with other departments same way you talk about doing with CD if I'm not mistaken I think that was at that meeting thing like to have a mechanic one if these guys ever retire I put up here he can be a mechanic one his entire career even though he's doing the same work probably harder some of these other guys he's never had that room to get so for water and waste water I'd like a mechanic one to automatically become a mechanic two after one year service once they completed all their training and being recommended by their supervisor superintendent gas if I may think of it like this if you have a man in the department who's doing the exact same job as the other members of the crew but he's not being paid the same amount as those members what incentive have toay with that's not a real argument I I know it is for you but if you ever having to get a they hadic progression had seven steps of it we only have two but you couldn't just sit at One Forever they didn't want you to sit at One Forever that means you weren't doing your training you weren't growing in they want everybody at least get to five six seven or work supervisor Ro but this about being here for the time doing the same work getting the training doing all that you shouldn't be stuck with mechanics one just because this guy iagree with you problem is people are poaching our employees we train them and they go elsewhere and make more money over you can't hardly get people to work anymore that too and even though we have better benefits but people right now are looking for the immediate ability to pay bills and they're not worried about when we're retirement comes and it is worth hanging in there for but when your babies are swalling and the wife's saying you got to earn more that saying about you can invest in your people leave but what if you don't invest them in they stay work you going to PR this out for us I was for see it right there or email it or something just waste a few just waste few bits of information sent it to us School you going have this at your Workshop as well okay any more discussion on this J item six appr minut from July 9th 2024 regular session move I AC yes yes yes may yes manager joh you got anything okay see the attorney going to that conference week I also question regarding agult program in zoning I also just wanted to note most a rural Economic Development um program being held tomorrow at bbti at 1 or 1:30 um I think you know again we're all looking for ideas as to how to bring or attract businesses to our areas and so and it's free so I just want to that also um in the Manning and sellers case they did um have the survey completed um if you remember from that case we sold um the partiel that their house has been on that was wrongfully placed um we sold that remaining parcel to them um and they surveyed the boundaries so that they can comply with the other part of the agreement which is the put up a fence around the property um and what I could do is also if it's helpful um have John email you all that survey um and if you go down we still retain the other part of the property the city does um so they have completed that and um I think those are my updates for now thank you ma'am do we have Ingress and agress to the property behind to the property yes yes and it's also Danny Carly well I'm working on FEMA stuff when I'm not training it's really depressing it's 11 months into it we haven't got nobody else telling us and that's for tornado they get H by the hurricane they have lobus they have the governor living there Carly thank you very good thank you Jamie RB say you brought plenty of backup with you so yeah I got my gu I got my everything's going good um we still flushing the hydrants got two three more days we should be done with the hydrants other than that ain't got nothing else congratulations on the grant thank you y'all replaced their fire hydrate out in Plantation today yes okay okay huh you know I pay attention thank you not a whole lot we sold some Surplus we're trying to clean our compound up we sold quite a bit of stuff already we have two more pieces um two more trucks everybody's going out legal no I just I just hear people local people saying they're not giving get the opportunity well when they call us we tell them what they need to do yeah several well you local people purchase that P still going on how much do we like on how many streets are left on that did you run into a problem so John the problem is John no I think you only got like 200 grand left and all those streets y asked for last meeting are like 900 and something, right so I call do they're going to come do a survey all the ones we asked for give me a ranking of gotta go down the list to pick the worst ones I don't want to make anybody mad but I got brief in my hand yeah there was a lot of streets you know that were not mentioned that are in lot wor shape than W mentioned there some some of the streets um the dollar amount is very high one street actually two streets were both $100,000 constitu it stand on the road or you got houses on some of these roads one of like neighborhood that we had them take a look at behind Pizza H that that that whole area is in bad shape yeah they still have the the road they used to make out of the Rocks yes so do was looking at all of the roads for us we have a couple of Roads one right by the city park where the tree roots are know coming up cing like a Buckle in the road there on Bay Street so I mean on Bay Street that's really you have to really slow down it hard speed bump yeah right tree come fix it's not very to you're right there on top of it but they've assured me that they can if those are some the streets we choose the mill machine will fild up the okay um what about the striping where does that money come from is it coming out of that same pot or yeah out and you only did it we Reed prices for the the link but we will try to wait until they finish on the paven where we can just start tring the downtown area well I I don't want us to wait too long because you have an accident and they don't know who went over the City Line center line or whatever and you got a puss so I'd like to see us get a stried as soon as possible black lines you see all the black tire marks everywhere all the trucks driving around with the car be wasted money yeah right what is that fire hydr being replaced on Plantation today okay one that John said was one of the two criteria before he wanted to retire city manager taking who doesn't have the shovel Andrew Department got anything as it is right now that hydrant and I know we spoke at the last meeting about a vo chlorination system filters there were some hiccups they were not able to get an open running that day they are there today they finished working on it and we're going to start it tomorrow morning to make sure there are no bugs in the system and they will be back tomorrow in case there are any issues we will work them out but hopefully everything goes smoothly by the end of tomorrow it will be working everything should be fun okay please joh St make me retire early just so y'all know a going my friend everything's going well uh we did run across situation past week we got lucky there was there was a building off of Richard Bell asking for a service tab um the man holes are about 1,000 ft apart so we didn't have equipment clean it camer it we got lucky we're able to just dig a trench across property and find a service that they could TI on to but the issue the issue was if we did not find a service main line 10t deep um I am there was a trench box proved in last year's Capital outlay I'm in the process of getting that now I should have got it sooner but um that's the safety yeah try to get a six foot tall 10 foot long box that go 5 foot to S foot wide um so that that that is an issue the the distance between the man holes was also an issue because like I said our Jed only to go about 500 ft and uh but other than that I've got a few got a few things from the storm or one thing actually stor I have to get prepared it's an automatic sample for super puff um it is hard getting vendors get people out um Danielle mentioned smell at Warner so we re evaluated that you had Lance P would come out and none of this has been paid for yet but we got like a filter system at the top of the bu station and now there's a blower that really kind of blows this fragrance into it um there's some doors that they made to close off the seal but um other than Danielle nobody else smell it so I'm just the only one that will tell them well it is a lot better there might be whs and we did also find some kind of like a hole for the outside there's a man hole outside war that had some infiltration some gas might coming out of that guys fix that today um we've had some people move up because we've had people you know pass away and then resign everything's working well you have any questions I don't I would say too then an engine go out in truck think it's an 0405 truck I don't know the exact mileage on it but I know it's had about 230 on the odometer since 2017 so we're hoping to get that replaced um we're trying to go I've noticed too this is my opinion b a crew cab recently and what's been good about that is three men can go to one job site instead of three men one truck truck instead of three men going to two trucks with the regular CS so that good I me there's a lot more four-door trucks around there is twoo these days you can still get regular cab just like some equip we have located things like that the guys bring their Lun range don't you have anything p very good all right thank you guys Department we've been installing we've been installing a lot of new Services obviously a lot of generators now people don't want to lose power hurrian probably at least 10 generators in the past three weeks s a lot of new Services doing some disconnect staying busy more busy than we want to be job security yeah yes yeah parks department still waiting on the stuff spash pad for the this spash pad here waiting on electrician to help me fix the at the other splash pad and the bathrooms are almost completely replaced in that splash pads help thank you no I have just a question five five um are y'all in Spring spring height Souther division yet the which one the spring Heights over here off of 98 with Sandra and Joan Street okay it was um I think it's off of suing 5yd leaning did we see back up we don't we don't do we just make a note of it okay and then we turn after everything's done with I'll turn in I'll finish typing everything up and turn a list of the hydric problems that we found into the city manager and to the water superintendent so they can they'll know what all needs to be repaired okay I don't know if someone biked up on it or whatnot but it's here so making you guys I saying I'm just making you guys aware that's it for me okay Bill yes um I've been looking at some for issues anding get 14-17 it's got to do with the duty of code enforcement officer what it says is if violation of the Cod is found the code enforcement officer shall notify the Violator and give the person a reasonable time to correct the [Music] violation Now problem with that is we don't have common sense so reasonable time is right this me then he goes on and this is something we need to fix what are you reading PR Bill uh okay it shall be unlawful for any person to store any inoperative motor vehicle or parts thereof on private or public property within the Incorporated limits of the city unless such a person is in possession of a current city business tax exemp what on Earth then it goes uh it shall be unlawful for any person to park store or leave or permit the parking storing or leaving of any motor vehicle which is wrecked jump partially dismantled inoperative or abandoned condition upon any property within the city for ex period in excess of five days so now we go from common sense to five days then then we go on and uh it goes to it shall be Duty or his Des need to give written notice to the registered owner of any vehicle which is in violation of this article to give such notice to the owner lesy or person in possession of the private land where such vehicle is situated where the identity of the registered owner is not really Asser ascertainable advising such person that such violation violates this article and demanding demanding that such motor vehicle be removed from the from the city within 72 hours but we got the hammer down there now so what brought this up was this this individual that uh apparently they tagged for uh two vehicles in the yard and gave him a 72h hour notice there's a sticker that goes on the vehicle yes yeah you think that's a reasonable it's all on the code so is reasonable I agree so is reasonable that's the council's code I change it at any time it voted in in 1983 it says reasonable that's where you guys are lacking common sense it was voted in in 1983 doesn't matter if you want to change it now it's the time doesn't matter reasonable I don't need to whoever you are they were on vacation when got the in there but now here's the question why on Earth did we put a 72h hour notice on and Tow those two vehicles that's what the code says and you bu you but go to the property where Barney Johnson used to live that goes back to July and August of 23 where's our hammer on that one we haven't gotten all of them yet um jie that been posted since July 23 you don't have to you know um I remember when you first got back on you you first got on account one the first things you said we got do something about that's exactly right we're talking about the piece of property here and that's that's but it got nothing to do with the be here you talking about the property next to Barney's house yeah old house yeah we have tried to contact that property owner we're not getting any response the ordinance and I haven't looked at it but I believe it gives direction as to what you do and how you do it when and why it does why are we not doing that why we not clean the property and brought it to code and attached to lean yet is that the question yeah in the past there was a ha is put on by previous Council that we won't do that because we didn't have St do it so we're following council's Direction on not doing that me when when there's a law follow somebody else's but if viol the law if you guys want to change that Hiatus and let's go back to it then then that's your direction we're here to take your direction you're going to have to Bud for it too because if you start haing everybody off and then we're put leads on the property we're never going to collect it I understand that Ander you're talking about Bill we don't have the equipment or the Manpower from that property what does the audience say I think it does say you can hire someone but do we have the budget so so as my understand we want to change that direction so we and I agree we need to clean these properties I agree my opinion and and if the council agrees as a whole I'm good with it but we were following what the previous Council said and until that's changed I understand our directions I agree what you're saying can we bring that up at the next regular meeting J you can bring it up at your budget Workshop the workshop be straight in the bud put that on the list we'll do whatever we we'll do what we're directed to that's what we and I agree Dan doesn't have the number of people cont 00,000 we can spend $300,000 cleaning up properties aband cars we can start with one but I asked I asked in this room about these jump cars I said what we should do is send them a nice letter I never heard anybody else agree to that but why won't you send them a letter telling them what the problem is what they can do to remedy it common sense I mean I know we can Hammer them down Hammer them down sure but that's not a way to do things there's nothing wrong with being nice about it what there's nothing wrong with being nice about it thing in the world until you know now they go four or five times and don't listen I I will look at that procedure and I will I will address it what you're talking about there's confusion it's three yeah opinions exactly so you know we need we need probably need to clean that up there probably more we need yes age we need to clean that up but in the interum I will I will look into it and see we think right any El Mr BR only thing I'm going to ask about the how the computer systems coming software update when October and that's just yeah I'm very disappointed wow and that will just be pil and financial reporting and then that started on is any the hardware started coming in or got computer but we've got we've got most of the hardw in um I'm G to have to have some help set that up but I can't do I can't do all find a solution for that well we contract I mean that is to come out of AR that was all that we had that set to the side I'm concerned about who's going to be setting it up this sensitive stuff we come out getting into the accounting and everything else you know you got to be very careful on who is touching your equipment we have guidelines we have to follow T FBI and FDLE the city doesn't have those guidelines so it's it's basically our policy on touch our equipment you got people sensitive information exactly information hopefully some hacker won't get into it that's what you got to watch they will they will be looking for somebody anyway that's all I had yeah okay that's you're right we're Jour till next week I'm for the next two days Days 48 off 96 great in the morning if there is