##VIDEO ID:uXhEpN0XUC0## she it's 5 o' call the meeting to order and if you I remind you to silence your phones please have a prayer The Pledge Heavenly Father we come to you tonight just thanking you for your goodness for your mercy for your provision and your protection pray that you would be with us in this meeting tonight God us lead us help us to make good decisions for the citizens of Perry help us to treat one another with respect may it all be good in your sight in Christ's name I pray amen pled alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Brian here counc H here counc wood here may Landry here and mayor is have approval of the items on the consent agenda approval to read by title only ordinance 1043 and approval to read by title only resolution 20243 and resolution and yes at this time we will receive requests from the general public this Council welcomes you to this meeting and this time is set aside for our citizens and the general public to address the Council on any matter not included on the agenda this is not a question or answer time it's not a political Forum nor is it a time for personal accusations or derogatory remarks to or about Council or City personnel if you would like to address the council please come to the podium when you are called speak into the microphone and state your name and address for the record please also limit your comments to not more than five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for group or delegations do we have anyone from the public that would like to address the council yes I'd like to address myel gibon I sto recently by the city um which isn't an uncommon thing um the thing is the reason they told my father they stopped me was because I had pulled my car about six or seven inches up to the Stop Bar if anyone doesn't realize what the Stop Bar is it's a thick white line that's at the stop sign y you all agree that you know what I'm talking about now okay so you're not allowed to go on to that now this leads me to do a little bit of Investigation when I'm riding around town there's not one stop bar that I found that when I pull up to it and do not bring my vehicle up onto it that I can see left or right or left and right so I think that that's a matter that we need to get under control if we were to follow that law there would be many RS many because there you cannot see there are trees there are buildings there are cars there are children there are trash cans there are all kind of things in the way that prohibit us from saying left and right every one of you to drive you don't even realize it because it's never been brought to your attentions so I think that's a thing that needs to be addressed okay before you step away we need your address yes ma'am it's a 290 actually live in the county but I do Drive in the city okay um Chief respond we look for statutes and driver handbook for guidance on this and in that it says you come to a stock at or behind the stop or the stop sign and if you see it still you progress forward until you have clear line side to proceed but you slowly move forward at that point so it's addressed in statute and driver and but we will we will make sure we'll check on the visibility from the Stock points thank you for bringing it to our attention thank so I'm not sure how much I should say or how much I shouldn't say my name is Lindy over Street I have a few different problems the city with the county but then the city council meeting I understand that one of the things is start with this okay my mother and my aunt they're 60 plus years old they live inside the city limit and they had a couple dogs to begin with all right so next thing you know they get the dogs get bread they don't have the money to put a fence now we have like 20 something dogs at one point in time the um the animal control came and they they got their animals they got some of animals they went there but they will not collect any um any puppies all right I know for sure it is a felony to kill a dog okay I know that I would never try I have to my heart okay I'm G try to go to jail my mother and my aunt now have we have four grown dogs and I talked to the lady this over now the alatrol about two weeks ago before Miss Andrea was a volunteer before she quit okay she told me that she would look into it she would talk to the city council and she promised me today when I spoke to her earlier today that she would be here to days to speak to y'all on this matter my mother has a dog that his stomach is engulfed like you know what I'm saying is it's this huge and he's like he's eating something he has um something wrong with him clearly we don't have the money to take them to the vet and what am I supposed to do sit there watch him suffer I mean really like honestly what am I supposed to do okay so she proms me she'd be here tonight and talk you all about that and then I also talk to her about how to get the rest of the the the four female dogs that we have at the house the older dogs she promised me she would take care of the puppies and the younger dogs if I can take care of the four older ones that are like reproducing more puppies okay well clearly she's not here so um she gave me a number to call and gave me a like a Tallahasse a or something to call and talk to can talk to tell we have no R to do anything like that what am I supposed to do with my families oh my and is 60 years old what am I supposed to do with these dogs I can't kill them I can't feed them I can't take care of them can day out control is doing little to nothing to help do anything I wouldn't give it if they euthanize them or not it's not my problem it's not my fault but miss Maria which has been our neighbor across the street for a long time they're bothering her and we don't have the money to I mean what am I supposed to do that's the first problem I got okay second problem I have is this law enforcement I got in trouble three different times and it took me a long time to like understand where I went wrong and what I did wrong and it's like ever since then I can't even get a job in this town because the simple fact of this I have a record I'm a f i made choices in the past okay I am haunted every day by CS okay give you an example when I had my car and I had a driver's license about two years ago at of ballat I got pulled over seven times in less than six months every time it was inside the city limits every time it got to the point where I asked him what the probable cause was and they put to me they told me I don't need one there was one spe there was two different specific times that cus made me pull something out from inside of me but one time okay one time pull something out from inside of me okay the second time he swear to God I had something in my panties okay I just started my period And I had a piece of toilet paper down because I have a pad on I was bleeding heavily that's the truth okay now that is the you know cuz he knew that I was holding something he thought he knew and I wasn't and I didn't want to call his BL because I don't want to go to jail because I knew my past so I feel like I I comply with whatever they tell me to do but I shouldn't have to do that because they should have more respect and there was never every time I got pulled over them seven times I K you not there was not a female officer there once every time every time they were there and was Ryan Cruz it was Jason vincon it was Aus they all came running when I I pulled over just for a simple pull over for just simply being pulled over one time I got pulled over on Highway 19 and somebody else has been hled that left from my house where I live at she got pulled over and they and and the officer came to the car and he said there was an obstruction to the tag so he couldn't see the tag number right so I said made sure that me and the the the my friend that was driving the we made sure we didn't talk about time we made sure we watch rearview mirror okay and watch what the officer did so he walked back to the car and he said there was obstruction in the tag so he couldn't see the tag no why he pulled over that his reasoning for pulling the tag put the car okay so he walked back to his car I watched him he walked back to our car and then he just told her he told her you know uh there was a you know he's going let us go you know warning blah blah blah whatever and I said well uh do we need to get out and remove the instruction from the uh from the tag he said no I got it so he sat there we watching it he didn't move it it was never there to begin with that was his excuse to do it that's a point I mean they're so it's got right now they so crooked and and I was told by F in Tallahassee I have to go through like chain of command here in Perry I've been done served on by these officers here in Perry and I'm not the only person if I would like stood my ground like years ago things like Rachel's talking about what we having right now but we're living in a city that they're doing really wrong stuff too y'all need to know that thank you for your Chief you like to respond no needs I know the history and we'll check into it okay thank you for coming uh we did you get your address uh 1923 West Tor Drive Taylor Taylor yes ma'am t a y l o r Drive carry 4 32347 thank you thank you ma' anyone else from the public that needs to address the council tonight okay let's move on uh to bids any bids that are to be opened in the council meeting or reform will be done during this time it says there are no vibs so we'll move on to General business number six a public hearing and final reading on ordinance number 1043 this is an ordinance of the city of Perry at section for school zone speed no not yeah for the schools own speed infractions adopting findings providing for use of speed detection systems in accordance with the state law providing for a local hearing office officer repealing inconsistent ordinances providing for severability providing an effective date I would like to hear more about this where you getting at this point all this does is this authorizes us to start participating in the program The Next Step would be soliciting vendors or reviewing contracts other cities have with vendors to see if it's something we would like to pick it back off of um there is a preferred vendor that the Florida Chiefs Association has that's got contracts in our area and that would probably be the one of the first places I would check get C contract it meets the and then we'll bring that back if this passes pass it specifies what areas it's allowed at yeah and it's we've already had speed surveys done in areas and the ones listed are the ones that we've identified not a problem and it's only these areas we can only add areas through another action you amending just can't place it wherever we want it's got specific specific I tell you one thing she did help when they change the timing for schools that helped a lot with traffic also any other comments or questions this is just a first reading okay so do I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance motion okay counc bran yes counc hon yes counc wood yes Landry yes yes agenda 6B resolution 202 24-13 grant for Arthur spark a resolution authorizing the submission of a Florida Recreation development assistance program also called fap Grant application to the fora Department of Environmental Protection for the 2025 2026 program Year Andy specific question pretty straightforward I do have I enjoy the picture I do have two questions number one he's going to take care of these parts Personnel have we got Personnel lined up hired whatever available to take care of the parks H one person hired one person two in they CR okay already exist yeah CJ does a good job oh yeah I'm not saying it I'm just saying seems to me like it's added responsibility and that he might need some extra help that's all I'm saying we still only have person that's right good we hadn't talked in a while so I didn't know that congrats to him yeah who DJ CJ DJ now okay I'm me DJ have to get acquinted bches and stuff like that pressure wash and stuff okay good good also the second question is I noticed that on either neither one of these was listed a pick ofall court and that is getting to be such a popular um Recreation or sport or whatever you the part kind of this these GRS kind of renovate existing facilities like the bathrooms some of them are in pretty bad shape so yes you can put a new bathroom in or put equipment you know in your bathroom and stuff like that um basketball courts you can paint the stripes on the basketball courts so it's playground equipment you can renovate the playground equipment or maybe put a new pie in so it's mostly fixing what you've already got okay you know BAS field you can do lots of improvements fencing that's thing definitely is is has some problems on stands it could be renovated for sure what about the football field is that new or that would be new and of course it's a I guess it's basically to put Post in and maybe some it's needed now the good thing about the f app gr is the items in there are list and there's some budget in there but those are mostly placeholder budget items so if you see a need and you want to spend a whole lot of money on it you can do that or if you decide well you know we just want to spend a tiny bit of money on it uh it gives you lots of flexibility so which is great about this fun but there is no B and jerk there's no tennis court here already those are quite expensive yeah that's your whole Grant putting in a tennis court or yeah I was surprised you have to get a certain number of points too so you have to end up doing like 200 Grand split seven ways only do I just somebody asked me so I'm passing it on wonder why we're not getting a pickle ball I'm doing another Grant in another city and that's the whole Grant one 200,000 it's just amazing got yeah ten tennis and pickle is there any uh plans for the fence down 98 the 98 side of the park um well actually that would be called a support activity fencing um and so I'm thinking more safety yeah that you're talking about lockouts yes and there are some support activities I don't know if fencing is one of them specifically but certainly um certainly that could be added this is not doe until end of September so I gave a draft of the application to John and he'll be reading that and trying to find with come so definitely fencing could be an i you're talking about a chain link fence yeah something along 98 to yeah keep things from all well keep kiss running out there and keep so forth that's all I was thinking what's your STS it's a big hump there they gonna be fighting trying to get up that hill say I appreciate you all align the voice to F football oh yeah thank for bringing that but you don't want to he no I was the one that asked years ago for a football field to go out there they need it I'm H when I seen this I was very happy with it yeah it Wasing in the rain yester well they gonna play long as it ain't Thunder and light and they gonna push them and we we need that so those those babies will have something to look forward to great and also like to mention there was an advertised meeting earlier for for the public and also the recreation citizens advisory task force spoke about it that and of course John's got to give a presentation get those points to a community organization so you have different meetings and do different activities to make the point application for comp so you're pretty competitive as it is and we'll just hopefully you'll get fund so how many people you need to put on say in the meeting already all that okay okay I I can get that done can you get a points if you make a presentation to like Kan club or mov or something like that I'm the Kan secretary okay and I also like to mention that since the county and the city is ready Community Ru economic uh Community there's no local match so other counties in Florida they have to match it you know one for one so it's quite an opportunity one thing to add it's not that you on the some pressure washing all of these folks Ros can make that look a lot better but it's looking the ampat but get F and the sidewalks and the flooring of the at light rock gu I entertain a motion on this they to make one that's resolution motion do we have a second second BR yesc H yes counc woodf yesc Landry yes mayor K yes J 6 C res resolution 202 24-14 Grant from jerkin par a resolution authorizing the submission of a for Florida Recreation development assistance program feret Grant application to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for the 2025 2026 program year have any discussion on this pretty much the in general the same thing just a different layout one one thing John um we had talked about purchasing another on for the other piece of equipment out there are we still going to purchase that with the offer money or look something different free money money okay I just want to make sure that piece was going to get covered because it's starting to fade and we don't need that just purchased it deci okay and rovate the fence that's a sort in place who come back and checks spend all this money the right way who comes back and checks we spend all the money when it's finished they'll come down and what's in the application you go over on basketball court under on playround yeah those budget amounts get the any more discussion on the entertain a motion motion second bran yes counc yesc yes yes yes agenda it 6D Council to appoint one citizen to serve on the per police pension Board of Trustees and take any action deemed necessary do we have anyone yet I tried to what I'd like to know is what are the requirements I know they have to live in the city what else F out a financial form that's where gets a lot of them yeah form one the simple one nobody wants to do a lot of people just don't want to do that yeah it's a simple one that's probably the easiest oneill out it is but a lot of people just don't want to meetings you help give advice and make sure that we're follow the board is following what the trust set up I guess we'll just keep looking and asking 6 e the requ the council sets requ it's by ordinance um that's how it's all set up um there's nothing stat that dictates where the person has to live that I remember do you remember I if we Chang it to live or work in the city you get a few more I know one is houses count to do it but lives but works inside that would something would be interested research if that's a requirement we could change by ordinance that would probably help us broaden our field who would be willing to serve I can doing that let's just do it what do you think just better right with everybody we we would have to change that by ordinance we the ordinance I understand say I don't mean tonight I mean just go Ahad and get the process started we we have an attorney that represents the board I think we can ask that question of the attorney to make sure we don't know VI okay um and we could get the uh chairman of that ask that question chairman good deal all right along the same lines agenda item 6 e Council to appoint two citizens to serve on the Perry fire pension Board of Trustees take any action deem necessary Seth Parker we got one we need one more we look at doing the same thing there same got to be pry simar it'll what you mean are they under one ordinance or separate three separate ordinances okay so let like changeing both of them see that and you're Ching the reeny requirements that's all you're dealing with researching yeah we got to work or live or work in the city or not and or yeah okay so you have one person Seth Harker anyone care to make a motion Seth par harer harer you you for GP still Mo to approve counc BR yes CT yesil woodfall yes Landry yes mayor K yes looking for one more okay agenda item 6f Council to continue discussions regarding city of fa's budget for fiscal year 2024 2025 and take any actions de necessary the only changes in this was I added the new employee to the street department I added in the interfund transfers um we actually got the real numbers from workers comp and property insurance and workers comp increased by 10% and property insurance increased by 1% and I fixed everything that Mr Brian I and you added the street department the one employee that right but I don't see it in the detail it's just in the salary line right but there got to be look on bond transfers one local option gas tax to general fund right if you will [Music] recall what was done was be spent part of the balance in that local auction and we were going to put it back with this 330,000 yeah I think we have a separate fund for we we need to we do gas STX that was yeah I remember you about a month ago we discussed that to to correct it all you got to do is strike that leave it in the local op gas tanks and it'll carry forward and then take 330 Out of Water okay that was one thing I I wasn't really sure on I was trying to just follow what Kenny did last year because it's all I worked on Le after she's been out so I wasn't yeah that's one thing I wasn't very sure WR okay that's I'll that's all we got to do I guess that's why I was ask about a street department because that money is supposed to be spent on streets right it comes out of the salary Street Transportation Street Department you're calling Transportation you're including street department and transportation Transportation that's what called that's what it's called in the system I don't know why can be confusing you don't call you know but it is the same only use 300,000 streets right that t money we use 300,000 of the streets and the other half goes back to it'll stay in in the street or gas St make yes I say want to hear pav any you want to do something with it 1.3 million year wouldn't that be nice okay the other question that I had on page seven um we got 3500 for overtime Administration oh that is we have a person who she works in the warehouse and she cleans the city hall on overtime instead of hiring a outside company okay we contract that bid out for $45,000 that's fine I just try to get because when you see salaries and then you see overtime I'm thinking now wait a minute if it's salar you're not supposed to have overtime all right so that's the cleaning load okay well didn't federal labor board whoever whatever acronym they go by they changed something this past year or if you don't have two people working under you're not a manager anymore anyway's point that point is that you could have a manager with over time wind up with somebody that's technically a manager they're not managing more than two people so the difference is your salar there's exceptions to that he he is right there were some changes to that under labor standards all that changes Fally there's another change coming the first where it's going to go up some the salary threshold is going up some I don't think I Rie that I don't think there's anybody would be probably not I was just throwing that out there it could could happen w00 oh wow yeah that's true any more discussion and thank you for the page numbers every put them on here yeah that helps that helps find things a lot quicker yeah somebody wrote the page numbers on here and that was makes a lot easier find things Excel so it doesn't any more discussion we're going to item in 6G city council discussed a letter authorizing the city manager to discuss RF Grant and sign letter to authorize city manager to sign an application and take any actions any necessary and i' not even sure what I just said city council discuss a letter authorizing the city manager to discuss RFI Grant and sign a letter to authorize a city manager to sign application thing okay I got it now closes midt 16th this will make it right don't have to hustle to get it back to yall we can find a project enough I can just signation myself and get it in I thought we did that already is this specifically for the RF Grant all this is Ral infastructure two so far this be the third one we're apply I have a question we can have three going one time and they I ain't really got confirmation yet but if we can we'll try so basically what you need is a letter authorizing you hand I have bring back Mee R time gotta motion second Brian yes yesc yes may Landry yes mayor K yes agenda item 6h Council to discuss directive with fgu for sales and marketing services and take any action deemed necessary guas utility yeah we can scratch that they want to come give a presentation on what they're going to do question well before they do I have a question because this letter says that the city understands that any cost incurred by Florida gas on the city behalf shall be the responsibility of the city how do we know ahead of time what that cost is going to be I mean we'll tell them what we won done we're going to pay well going to ruin the presentation but we're only going to pay for the marketing material they use none of their time or any of that if we buy th000 flowers to mail out we're going to pay for the flyer okay that's how the program works okay that was what I was getting at I mean their time could just run it on up there only the thank you agenda item 6 I approval of minutes for the July 30th 2024 special meeting and August 13 2024 regular session so on the August 13th I gave yall all a copy of a page page seven of um that chna I like it it's been there since June motion a second second coun yes coun yes counc wood yes Landry yes yes John your turn got a letter that they dropped our liability insurance on the depot I don't if you remember but after the hurricane we're trying to get a new roof on there through insurance they said they would put the new roof on there because of the trust I just got to go ahead and get the shingles replaced on there not worry about I said right there strongly recommended what he say yeah no sent collapse of the roof and obviously it's survived the cat 3/4 hurricane I went to work about it but now they're dropping the liability we either got to replace the trusses or find a different engineer that has a way to repair what's up there now well they just free span trusses or free span Tu sixes they're pretty pretty wide across I think had a house one time that didn't have trust it just had T six was running each other and that was it of course a lot of houses have those Reef on one side and sheet rock on the other I just got a center brace on it okay that number 26 or 28 that's 28 another on each side they're 30 foot cross 28 or 30 I can't read that number old as those things are you probably couldn't push them down one guy look at it thinks that he could get engineer to say you made these repairs to it it would be fine I just need put some metal bracing or something they connect or something I don't know that out or is it underneath I think I think we should try to get our Engineers to write a a report says if you do this scope of work it'll be C you have to get insurance sign off on it I think it would had an engineered report then you'd have to bid out that scope that the engineers come up with and do the work that sounds good then put their shingles on a going to be cheap I'm hoping there's a way cheaper replacing I think it's 30 Tres up there I don't want to do that y'all seen a sign in front of Ace hardw says I had to quit Roofing I got thechange I got a dad joke book somewhere they're so we get that work done we don't have liability so it's been dropped as in get engine should look at it that's a good whatever we need to do that sounds good that property coverage be listed to functional value you anything else doing real good sir doing real good still in the hospital I thought she' already been moved but they finally moved her to Gainsville yesterday she she any use of her left side certainly will gar you have anything or yes ma'am meeting she's Miss she was she had an excuse to meeting before but I didn't hear anything from this time have you last time I saw her was at the uh meeting in Lauderdale or Hollywood two weeks ago week and a half ago U garly have anything UMD with Penny unexpectedly try to swing my way through yeah you're doing a great job it's an aggressive budget but I think we can handle it and it looks good to me thank you um yeah how are you handling the move over to the new computer system we haven't done that yet that'll hopefully be October 1st as long as everything to say on track but they pushed us back one time already so we could get back and what's the reason that they given they just needed more time to our system is so old that they're having to try to convert everything to the new it's gonna take some time yeah they're doing a conversion yeah uh not with that ra have it accurate and then just reminded that the first public hearing will be on September 9th which is Monday for thetive millage budget I hope I'll be able to my surg is on the F Maybe by then I get we have to have completed budget that night that day it needs to be completed for me to put it in the paper and the ad and everything finishing second next meeting second meeting oh asking when the final September 24th final good Jamie I'm sorry is that all you had Carly okay Jamie I know and can't remember what council member mention it but talking about this the speaker system and video system in this room um city manager I met with a guy locally that does that kind of work and he's going to bring us a u plan it seems like it's going to be reasonable based off of his comments so we shouldn't be having that coming pretty soon you look at what kind of budget number at that I ahe did I'm glad we found somebody local that can do this kind of work so and I've seen his work and he does good work he's done for a few other places in um same goity of the County Commission right that in the chamber there's something there um that and our our new folks progressing through training we've got two that should be in the final week for shadow soon and then they'll be on their own working and then we've got couple more that we're trying to get through as well so progressing pretty well still still trying to find two more it's hard hear that everywhere I go that's okay fire department anybody from fire department have anything all right Dani we're doing good right now due to well do is going to be picking up all the debris so I've got my guys doing a lot of trimming and cutting and they've also been painting I don't know if y'all noticed all the street lights downtown have been painted they finished those up yesterday um getting ready for the new Globes and fixtures stuff hopefully in the next couple of months those be in and we can start getting those installed when are they supposed to start picking up the debris be out by have your debris out by the 22nd that's started what I think they' start I yeah they've already started they just say you got to have it out by September 22nd that's the last day to have last day to have it out they make two rounds aren't they I'm not sure I heard they trying to do good one go ahead and started on my end Street looks awful so they wanted out by the 22nd of August or September sep but they already started picking up that's what I've heard I actually before I come over here seeing on Facebook post I've been sending I am call that number tomor late can we can we check and see if they're going to do another round that's I mean doing the math of my head they've got to make two rounds if already started but 20 seconds last day we haven't noticed anybody in the city yet it's a lot ofu on yeah anyway hold up I know you said y'all were going to be looking at this the stop signs traffic signs or whatever to make sure they're standing up right and in the right place and in the right height and all that can we also look at if there's debris obstructing the sign that we can cut the debris back yes that's something they've been they' started working on some since we're not picking up trash and I have the extra guys they are doing that right now okay and as we identify think we so ouring I think this one was on Cherry Street cherry and maybe not sure I don't remember exactly somewhere in my neighborhood it was I'll check it out we haven't have a pair of brining shars in our vehicle would there be any problem if we jumped out and just did it or okay I wanted to several times Daniel is there anything that we can do about well I give you a good example right now on done with where the rways are growing out and taking over part of the road is there any anything that we can do about that okay okay is what you're talking about you know it's there's so many that like that so that's what they they're doing that every day so Andre well we got our first round of DVP system so the results are in from the new filters working or not working and the numbers are significantly low so Lord willing everything continues on the path that's going we should be able to get off other than that haven't had any significant water complaints the ones that I have checked into I found no issues on the city Side of them clean clear water everywhere I've been but there's anything else by all means direct city hall or get an address let you have something that's one question I heard a conversation having to do with the c yeah is there something about the water that's preventing them from opening they question not water has nothing to do with the water they pull build the owner had a lot of work done there and I guess the contractors that they have their I'm assuming it was taking too long if the V has pulled out from that location is what we were told by the own instead being truthful War has I think they tell they finally got their final on the building the other day for the work that they've had done but the vas pulled out from the location and that's a shame not true that heard the same thing then I also heard there was issues before the hurricane don't know there's any anyway yet anything we can do to help them get back open or whatever they can going back to that location and I'm not sure if they're looking for another Lo what about um Marshalls have you heard anything on when they're going to give it reopen I part the problem they had in the beginning is they were hiring contractors that weren't contractors that weren't licensed in the work they had people com do an electric work were not electricians this the you're talking about yes okay well they actually the owner of the building and we had to do some stop work orders on that because we couldn't have them wiring building wrong have them doing any construction without having the right specs and follow building Cod so we did theay that but we're looking out for the people that would be in the building so they wouldn't get hurt U once the owner found out that these people W actually licensed he made changes in the right people start start okay yes there's 40 to 50 people I know of that go to Madison and it's a 12h hour day yep for them three times a week yeah some are more than that I know they were going to check with the hospital to see see if they had any property anywhere that they could the lady that was here talking to us got some one local from the community that's um can get her point across very well to people she's been working with the V and um trying to help them find this alternate location right so there's something in the work okay all right y good sh um got new employees are doing real well I've got a emplo been with us about nine years he retires Wednesday um had his job open a while haven't gotten any applications yet we're looking CH but everything's running well in the SE Department the rain like I said that's our biggest problem it does bring up our cloes hopefully the grand John app for we help take care of that and I've got a I've got a uh this was sent out for bid in the spray field never it was back in May I haven't got anything on it and it was kind of it went through like three purch purchasing agents um I this is my only copy I'll show you what it is but it's uh it's basically galvanized pipe to raise the sprinkler heads at spray fields of the cows don't destroy them it's $99,000 it was a capital outlay and it was ongoing project this is for the 23 24 Capital outlay um since the fisal year is about over with either this wasn't mailed out or we didn't get any bids back on it so what I would like to do with this look at real is just get quotes and um go with the that that was back in May when that was sent out you can you tell me name 9 years you know name Jim Van when she came to okay yes he's been here nine years he's our one of our mechanic twos um he's 66 and I guess he's ready to retire we're going to miss him because I think a lot of Jim he when I first started with the city in 17 he was already here and um it'll be it'll be weird when he retires because other than Randy everybody else pretty much knew you Randy's been here 38 37 years something like that so he work with Kei excuse me did he work along with Kei ryy Jim was was in the field you know the title is the LIF station mechanic okay I mean they basically do fix everything in the plant um you know you know we do all the services the locates we any hats and all of our long time emplo pretty much say other than I got you know Lamar's been here 15 years he he runs sprayfield does sludge farm he he grades the roads he has like a hybrid position you know Randy Randy went into the draw so that's why we're we're hoping we can retain the new guys you know train and Lead appreciate it Sean thank you natural gas in parts and Rick scar achors gas department Haven really hav't any leaks one Le water we fixed that install a bunch of generators parts Part we're still waiting on a lot of parts same same spot we was last two weeks ago still waiting on the same Parts parks are starting to get a little bit better lately got just got the new guy working four five days it's going to take a little bit for us to get them good so you do have another guy working okay DJ that we're good very good shley uh sh scy our children wants to name 12th Street after their mom said I just told she need to come in they get a sip Daniel let let her explain the process Street renamed we have it yes is a similar in nature to the signatures yeah I think it's but anyway I told her that I would bring it before the C um could we ask Danny Collins of Florida Power yes um thank youy for grant for banners 19 so maybe by the holidays have the one I requested for they denied the one I requested one on behalf of tcda and they denied it Don FZ requested one on behal of city of Perry it couldn't go them and they did not get to and was for her was for retail strategies document sometime mine was TC I think was was just like 10,000 for of material what so are we still planning on putting up baners on 19 in my opinion it made a big difference I'll have to even see what banners we have the hurricane destroyed majority of the banners we actually so all the banners downtown because they look so bad so we don't even have banners forers Street I thought you ordered some new ones BN not banners gles fixtures the insurance company probably didn't cover those but we do on repl we have I honestly didn't know she was looking into any banners so I can ask figure out where to go and we'll have to see how much they are that'll be insurance company does cover the insurance company does cover does a good job picking out I thought Danielle and Penny had a discussion here one night about banners and I thought y'all you were ordering them but always handled Sheely anything else you like to bring up I think that's it thank you all right Miss Landry I don't know if you all are aware of that but Nelly Walker many years she see she was last Captain yeah she retired Captain she loves her son Sunday so she keep us in prayer I appreciate thank you Miss Landry um we talked about incentive salary for getting God's did has you worked all of that out is it in the budget now not really everen bring back up bring it up than me Curr nobody get it but this budget year tried to start get okay but it won't affect it okay okay and John I had mentioned to you before about the possibility of new signs that our city limits that promote Terry a little bit better than what we've got out there now and I happen to see one on social media the other day and it looked really good and I wondered are we ordering signs we had talked about it but it had our logo on it you know and welcome to the city of Perry I don't know I don't know who made it up or who put it on there but it looked really good had it in out I think the ones we have now are just not very welcoming you talking about just you talking about us putting new city signs up huh us put new city limit sign okay I know a lot of these places have these really fancy wood signs I don't know if the city does that I don't know if I don't know if this one was wood it was white it's pretty big and it had like I said the logo on there well city of this is something I saw on Facebook somebody post they were posting about something else but they had a sign and that's you know as their picture and look really good and while I'm at it um the one on nor 19 we straightened it up once before this C Walker yeah the dirt the ground is real soft make sure comp with guidelin we allow sign right away if we ask we get a permit for it yeah you do it the way they say do it we can replace signs there yeah we can replace what there would like signs I think that we should do anything that we can to beautify the city of there's a way to do it because there's other state roads that traveled through smaller towns that have the signs like you're described really good and that process shows us a certain measure of pride in the city what we have now does not can you use tax for that what use the gas off tax for that what street sign sign sign yeah SRE you have anything else Miss Bonita thank you yes I do but I it's I don't want to talk about it on so I Danielle this well I'm looking at this illegal document to you know the city has a budget of $9,000 that was we don't even know that that ever out matter I got it right here he but other than that I believe the purchasing man uh cover situation like this if you get no vision but if it doesn't I will make a motion process and purchase what got have well I can bring you three quotes next meeting I be three quotes I just know we didn't have time probably to bid it out but yeah Gotta Move Along second can you send that back down this asking for a vot I'm sorry yes yes yes yes may yes we contract with the county to do the animal control and my story is I had a cat b mean I got me a big fishing n and that c oh good and TI him in that net took him down there that cat beat me home come back I caught him again and took it down there but they will take the animal she's talking about and do what you got to do that's what I thought that's yeah what they do and as to the banners um Lord will take care of that he knows who's got the money Ser but I was over at my First Baptist Church and that sidewall has been totally crushed into pieces about that big but all those cars and trucks coming over it but that's not the only one we got here on the church side you mean the okay on Center Street I didn't look at the other but there are driveways over there but we need to since we got extra money this year we need to survey our sidewalks and fix those that you can trip over and the I would the one I'm talking about I just take it out they use the one in front of the church the one on the other side of the street that is dangerous there get us and I don't know how many you know all over the whole city but we are working on getting Johnson strip one repaired sidewalks is on our list fin found the third person to do is on our sidewalk is in front of the cemetery you know we all from P to Veterans all y we on that little BL area there there's a it's a company that they got a machine and you know if you got something like that they'll come across cut that right down make it safe they replace sidewalks and do it all I get I got some information I've got a price on joh tripling and that's you know us doing a lot of the labor this person will just form it we don't touch this about yeah well Shin I don't know if you've seen it I don't know talking about but uh this company will do it all they got contracts with P believe as long as we allow people to plant plants especially trees on our rideway we're going to have uneven sidewalks yeah because the roots are going to get up underway true and I wish we did not allow that you pull up to an intersection you can't see what you can pull out or not CU there's trees or bushes or whatever in the way some of them across the stop signs you were talking about earlier yeah but they ought not to be on our RightWay that's just my opinion which I'm entitled to I'm sure there's what say y'all it's our right way y'all tell me to cut it but there's one in particular I'm not name no names but he'll be right up here do y'all he did it before and um so I come to where safety outweighs everything else yeah correct and that's where we need to air is on the side of safety and I mentioned that I happened to be in the meeting one night with the uh Something board freeboard I guess it was and I mentioned then that that ought not to be it just ought not to be and why I think the council and the consensus can say let's address this issue you address it on the side of safety and just give us Direction really is what we we're need then I think that's what we really need and the fact that I guess it's part of the tree board resolution or whatever requirements that you cannot cut a tree even though it's on your property well in front of your proper but if it's on your the rideway we we can't cut it without getting permission well that's FY it's on the rodway it shouldn't be there anyway doesn't say we can't remove so we might be this just by in the beginning for the safety all we need to know that's my wish well if y'all will call me when you see an intersection you know we are I don't ride every sing Street I please let me know get to take care of it you know you know you got anything else oh yeah that's