in taking yeah she'll be good evening this is the Caucus meeting for November 20 2023 presiding officer of the council M lady DEA wishes to advise the audience the nous of this meeting has been filed with the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board in the city clerk's office and on the city's website indicating that today's meeting is being held in the council chambers City Hall 260 High Street at 5:30 pm right now is 5:33 and the caucus uh and the council meeting will follow the caucus and close right after the close session council president teeda as a courtesy of the governing body I will ask all individuals present including members of the audience to please turn on of all cell phones and electronic devices should you need to make a telephone call please go out into the hallway and speak in a low voice so as not to disturb the ongoing meeting roll call please Council willan Cruz uh she'll be in soon okay councilwoman Morales present councilman pel present Council M Tores pleas excuse and council president Taha present okay today we're having a presentation um Mr Douglas semon semma executive director house Authority and partner and will report yes hello hear me is on sound like it oh fair enough okay good evening everybody my name is Doug zma uh I'm the executive director of the housing authority and of partner and um I'm here today with with Victor tarz who was our program director for um the Gateway program and Darth party the the chairperson of both the housing authority and both of partner um we're here to talk a little bit about best practices of community redevelopment and revitalization I hope you have a handout that we put together for you um but first I'd like to uh to provide you with some background on the Housing Authority uh the mission of the Housing Authority the city of Perth Amboy deception 80 years ago has remained constant simply put for the residents of peran where we Pro provide a safe secure clean and quiet community environment and maintain our properties in excellent condition we seek to expand the supply of affordable housing either through development activity or by increasing the number of housing subsidies that are available to the residents of Perth Amy we also offer services and resources to assist our participants in becoming self-sufficient and and to obtain home ownership for those that desire to become home owners we administer over 900 inome 50 housing Choice vouchers in per vanoy in which participants rent private units that are subsidized by the Housing Authority an additional 29 families are currently using their housing Choice vouchers in the home ownership program The Authority opened its waiting list in early 2022 after having last taken applications in 2007 application intake was done via our website and lotteries were conducted from the total applications received to provide an example of the need for affordable housing 1,000 applications were received in one day for the Housing Authority Choice voucher program and 300 spots were chosen by Lottery The Authority currently has 208 housing Choice voucher applicants The Authority also administers a housing subsidy to 420 Brad Project based vouchers the majority of which we also own and manage now you'll liken those to the old public housing buildings right dlap homes what was Delany homes alow Gardens we've converted them now it's a different source of funding even though they're not called public housing they're called rad they're the buildings that you know our senior buildings our Hanson and staff buildings there are 248 family units 24 senior disabled units and they're located in nine sites throughout Perth Amo we also partnered with ingerman Associates to develop 154 new rental housing units that have a combination of low-income housing tax credits and rad Project based vouchers these units are located on two sites and are 84 senior citizen that's the Park View building on New Brunswick Avenue and in the 70 family units is Willow Pond on Chamberlain the units are managed by ingr Associates and there are currently 230 applicants on the rad Project based uh voucher waiting list in March of 2023 the city of per ambo awarded the authority $990,000 from the energy assistance program which is part of the city's affordable assistance program this funding will be used to replace heating equipment in 58 occupied apartments and water hot water units and additional 80 Apartments this high efficiency equipment will assist in meeting the Authority's Energy Efficiency goals one of our key initiatives is to promote self-sufficiency for our project based rental assistant residents and housing Choice voucher holders the purpose of the family self-sufficiency program is to coordinate housing assistance with public and private resources to enable assisted families to achieve economic self-sufficiency Services provided to our participants include life and job Readiness skills job training educational opportunities career counseling and employment opportunities participants sign a contract of participation and select goals to achieve within a five-year period goals may include furthering their education obtaining skills training seeking or maintaining employment increasing ining credit scores Andor purchasing a home as the participants earned income increases that rent for that family obligation is increased as well so typically their their rent would go up as an incentive we freeze their rent and we put it in an escrow a fund on the side that could be used to complete their goals so at the end of the fiveyear period that money uh would be given back to the residents if they complete all of their goals or they could use it along the way to accomplish some of their goals paying down some of the debt enhancing credit Services The Authority we currently have 83 participants in the family self-sufficiency program during the 2022 calendar year we successfully graduated seven participants Distributing almost over $90,000 in escrow funds this calendar year 2023 we have successfully graduated eight participants Distributing $116,000 in escrow in addition we have enrolled 16 new participants in the program accomplishments achieved from our graduates include increased credit scores Financial Fitness by moving from unbankable to establishing savings and checking accounts completing ESL and GED prep obtaining higher education obtaining driver's licenses vehicles for transportation to work obtaining employment and utilizing our Section 8 home ownership program to purchase a home to date 180 participants have successfully graduated from our family self-sufficiency program 50 of these particip ipants no longer need housing assistance to pay their rent so that means that that subsid freed up for another 50 participants coming off our waiting list an additional 31 participants were able to purchase homes in the community without a monthly housing subsidy from The Authority this program has been recognized by both HUD and the National Organization in housing as it has been a huge success in not only helping those who no longer have a need for federal subsidies but also by helping us to meet our current and future housing needs of our community right here in person dway in addition to our family self-sufficiency program where participants gain the necessary support to free them from federal aid we also utilize the section Section 8 Home Ownership Voucher Program to help participants gain wealth from freedom of subsidies The Authority allows program participants to purchase homes using the housing assistance payment contributions toward their housing costs so instead of the subsidy going toward the rent the half payment is used to help pay the monthly mortgage amilies participating in this Section 8 home ownership program are assisted for up to 15 years at which time they become responsible for the entire mortgage payment since Inception we have helped 72 families purchase a home utilizing their Section 8 vouchers and currently 29 are receiving subsidy so again folks that are graduating from that subsidy is given back to us and we can give it out to folks that are on the existing waiting list since 2007 we have offered firsttime home by our education and counseling assistance through our designation as a HUD certified counseling agency The Authority is one of only two housing authorities in the entire state of New Jersey to obtain this certification Services include pre- purchase home buyer group education workshops and individual one-onone counseling postp purchase workshops and individual counseling to ensure that families who have purchased a home can sustain home ownership financial literacy workshops and counseling which includes budgeting and understanding credit and Rental counseling these services are provided to all residents in the city of pery EMB and middlex County during this calendar year the authority provided additional housing counseling to 72 participants and held five firsttime home byart workshops educating 127 families one post-p purchase Workshop attended by 28 households and one financial literacy Workshop attended by 32 families workshop and counseling are provided in English and in Spanish this calendar year workshops or one-on-one counseling were provided virtually via zoom and in person we are particularly appreciative to the city of peroy yourselves certainly for ongoing funding that contribute to the administration and success of our housing and counseling programs in August of 2023 The Authority received a $50,000 two-year American Rescue plan act Grant to help Finance those programs so I thank you again for that I know that was the city council that put that together plus that $990,000 for utilities so in 2003 we took a turn and created a partner for the Redevelopment team for neighborhood Enterprise and revitalization you all know it as partner of 501c3 it's our nonprofit and we are committed through that nonprofit um creating housing and economic opportunities for low and moderate income housing development opportunities including purchasing Leasing rehabilitating and operating decent safe and affordable housing now some of the components of of partner one scholarship program and since 2007 we have provided two categories of scholarship Awards one for graduating high school seniors and one for adults who are interested in continuing their education to date we have provided uh $169,000 in scholarship funds Redevelopment we're getting involved and have been involved with Habitat for Humanity in partnership with Habitat for Humanity to date we have constructed two three-bedroom single family homes hom the first was located at 440 Larry Street was purchased by a resident in our family self-sufficiency program the project was completed in 2015 the second was constructed at 662 Courtland Street that was our home for a hero program and that project was in collaboration with the Habitat for Humanity of Greater planfield in middlex County we were honored by the opportunity to help a veteran achieve the dream of home ownership as they have given so much of their lives for our freedom our home fre hero lottery winner was a 14-year retired veteran in the United States Army who was raised in the city of Perth Amway and this project was completed in 2021 we have obtained two additional Parcels uh currently under construction at 361 Insley and 362 Garson Avenue one of these homes is designated for a veteran as well we anticipate the property to be completed by the fall of 2024 we are pleased again to thank you the city awarded partner and Morris habitat a home in investment Grant of $334,000 we have other Partnerships for funding opportunities there in donations from Citizen Bank psng Sant andere Provident Bank Foundation Rotary Club from Old Bridge and serville and TB charitable foundation in addition two new homes will be uh constructed on Pearl Pearl Street also and we'll consider working with habitat again on putting a veteran in one of those homes so since 2012 partner has served as a lead Agency for the Gateway neighborhood collaborative it's a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization effort focused on the Gateway neighborhood in Perth amo in this capacity Partners received a planning Grant from Wells Fargo Regional Foundation back in 2013 and began a neighborhood engagement process in 2014 partner completed the Gateway neighborhood's First Neighborhood plan and subsequently received an implementation Grant from Wells Fargo Regional Foundation followed by Grant renewal in 2020 recently partner was notified by the NJ the DCA um its application for neighborhood revitalization tax CR the nrtc program that we were accepted into the qualified project pool that means that we are El eligible to give out up to a million dollars in tax credits to vendors that will donate money to building up our copper so they give you no money the DCA does not give you any money they tell you you are eligible to up to a million dollars of tax credit now we have to find uh um owners of businesses in town that owe tax income tax to the state instead of paying the state those funds they could pay that into our program and they their debt would be be taken absolved and then we would be able to use those funds in our collaborative Victor is going to speak a little bit more about the type of work that we hope to use uh that money for so now the hard work begins as I said um trans it's a transformative project it's going to uplift a diverse neighborhood you all know where the the neighborhood is I think you can see the map it's along the beautiful water line it's a great property along the celotex there's so much potential there um we want to create sustainable Housing Solutions spur economic growth forer cultural vibrancy and improve overall quality of life uh we are requesting and going to be working with habitat for Morris on providing home repair program in that neighborhood and preown pre-home ownership workshops down payment assistance and Small Business Development and coaching Services Workforce training and job recruiting activities so we have a lot of plans just have to work on getting the money in um this time I'd like to ask victoris to come forward speak more about the gway program hello is this okay check on good evening council members how are you my name is Victor Taris and I handle a operation for partner Gateway neighborhood uh we're here to talk a little bit about the Gateway neighborhood and our best practices I thought it was important to also explain a little bit about the Gateway where we're located uh just in case certain council members or members of the audience don't know where we're located so according to the map that we have up there if you look up there the Gateway neighborhood is actually located if you go on uh pette Street in conry right across from shop right you take that fet East towards the Elm Street where the train bridge is and you take that straight down to Riverview Drive that whole neighborhood in there encompassing that neighborhood that's considered the Gateway entrance to the city of okay a little bit about the Gateway you can see uh pretty much our vision is that we're a group of Community Driven residents and Community Partners working together to shape and form the Gateway neighborhood collaboratives and neighborhood Vision uh the size of the neighborhood itself it's about 48 blocks population about 5,639 residents households about $1,690 where the median income is $ 36,2 N3 uh some of the demographics for the area it's an 82.9% Hispanic uh area with 50% of those there born in foreign countries so the household also there is primarily res uh residential rentals it's 80% rental homes in the neighborhood little bit about the neighborhood before we move forward so the reason why I'm here I'd like to speak to you a little bit about our best practices and what we're doing in the neighborhood uh I know I try to keep everybody in in as to what's going on in the neighborhood we do a lot of social media a lot of email marketing uh but I you know it's also great to know what we're doing um as I look at him perspective sometimes I look at them wow we do a lot so our vision like I said before to collaboratively empower our Gateway residents to build a safe healthy and connected neighborhood where everyone has the best opportunity to prosper um so some of our best practices that we definitely want to focus on are Community engagement strategies our partnership building capabilities and our volunteer in Recruitment and training programs and abilities so when we're talking about Community engagement we're talking about making sure we're engaging the community getting them out there which is sometimes could be a hard difficult task so how do we do that we do that with in-person meetings uh zoom zoom calls anything that we can try to get people to come to and we could do that examples of that can be the Gateway movie night that we had in August um and I'll talk about that more shortly and also our Gateway Community conversation fancy word of me calling uh resident meetings uh so the Gateway conversation we just held one uh with our partners Chase Bank on budgeting finance and uh for our residents so help them get to realize the budgeting and see how we can do with helping with that when we're talking about volunteer recruitment we're talking about working with programs such as success bound uh which is Middle six County College college sorry middle six colleges program that helps children and high school age students earn college credit and at the same time earn some time and work experience so we have worked with them uh actually they have helped me even uh put together a survey for the neighborhood so we are really using those residents to do that uh and of course americore which is another staple here in the city obviously we also try to empower our residents to want to register to to volunteer at our events so we do also a resident push for volunteership I mean we're going to talk a little bit about uh partnership building this is a key asset to our our our organization in our program obviously I'm the man sitting in the room in my office I can't do everything by myself so we definitely we we definitely work with our Our Community Partners our sponsors to help get these events and these initiatives in order let let's talk a little bit about our our our Partnerships obviously we have a great partnership with the Perth am boy police department the fire department uh the community policing Department we're constantly working with them and I'll talk a little bit more about those events that we've held together so I want to thank them for their excellent and their help that they're always I give them a call they're always willing to help so ber and booy police and the fire department rid and Bay Area YMCA when they help with housing education Central Jersey Medical Center for Health and dental screenings Anor Longo Collective is the group that we work with along with the peram bu Arts Council to help us do art and music in the neighborhood our office of recreation for movie Nights sports events exercise Zumba with the seniors and the Arts that was just that is actually still in pattent park till December 1st also working with the per dway Public Schools housing authority and the office of Housing and economic development for uh the housing Expo working with them and of course the perano public schools for allowing us to use certain uh facilities to host our events like bike Day by the bay um the housing Expo job fairs and all of that also our our great connection to our faith-based organizations in the neighborhood uh for food resources and distribution bread of life Pantry with the Lady of Fatima Church and of course um I'm not sure hopefully we'll definitely be talking about it radiant Community Church one of our latest uh houses of worship where this weekend we were able to help them distribute to the to the residents of of KK Amboy and also clean communities that we partner with for all our cleanups uh AARP that helps us sponsor uh shred events for the city to offer to the residents and uh small businesses like hair salons in the districts and the food uh Services um definitely the hair salon that we we hold a senior haircuts and and beauty salon for them and I can tell you that that's one of the most amazing events I've ever put together but we'll definitely go to that a little more so the next slide perfect I wanted to talk a little bit about what we've been doing from June till now um just some some of the events that we've had and who partnered with and some of the successes we've had with that in June we held uh the Hansen hair salon for everybody all seniors in in the Gateway neighborhood uh we actually had the opportunity to use the Hansen Community Center and we worked closely with the peroy the community policing Department uh which I again I thank them for all their help and we were able to recruit businesses in in in Kur Amo beauty salons hair stylist hair cutters and they came in and they gave our residents pre haircuts males and females and they even had a Liv male salon F so something like that that that might sound so minor is so important especially for our seniors in the gate uh we also had this year thank God our first Arts and Music Festival at the amphitheater here in person in the gate is the Gateway asset uh we partnered with an Longo Collective and they brought in artists uh we had musical guests we had four uh different musical guests uh we had over 150 residents attend and we had some vendors uh selling art art little art pieces uh and we had food truck there so it was it was an amazing event great turnout so those that's something else that we offered we also partnered uh with the pack and the jrf to do a program called New Jersey cover all kids this is a program where we were able to actually use one of the churches in the neighborhood to help recruit families that need their children to have some kind of medical insurance so it was a big push to get children uh have medic children get their medical care and of course another favorite of mine is the Zumba for seniors we were able to get funding to actually have an instructor come every Thursday in June and when it finished to this day I have them when are they coming back presum so that's a beautiful event that we held in June July we had uh we we began our our Gateway Shoppers interset survey to try to get some more information um on shopping in the district that we can hopefully share with the bit so that they can have some more information as well keeping our seniors healthy in 2023 checkups this is an initiative that we started this year in January and we're working closely with Ruckers uh it's called the American preventive screening and Education Association and what it is is a group of students from buckers and they come every month to our senior building I'm sorry every other month to our senior buildings and they actually keep files for them and they're checking their blood pressure their blood sugar their weight their height their BMI just so that they know how they're doing uh with their health um it's a great initiative um they're constantly asking when the next time they're coming back so they'll be coming back in January I'm sorry let me ask you a question about that how about the hospital does the hospital because I know I work for a hospital and we do that for the community or raway absolutely uh we have the fear where they go and they check their cholesterol their their sugar do you have that involvement with that r i mean with uhac Meridian yes yes we do we do have Partnerships with hacken sack Meridian we have been help them with their certain health fairs they come in we do a senior healthfare which is going to be happening in January February again and we invite uh local hospitals and insurance companies to come give information so definitely I will reach out to them again to make sure we have them as a secure partner for the January thank you so we also had a program that we work directly with the recreation department that's called uh girls in gear in the Gateway and what this opportunity is uh it's an opportunity with a nonprofit organization called girls in gear what they do is they offer a safe space for young ladies to learn how to properly ride bicycles so we worked with h with the Department of recreation and we were able to use their parking lot on a Saturday the group comes in teaches little uh little young ladies how to ride properly safely and at that time if they don't have any helmets or anything like that they even that time donate things like that so that's something else we were able to to sponsor and help out excuse me in August we partnered and of course we we helped the police department with National Night Out at Washington great success a lot of folks a lot of residents went there and then in August we also hold at the end what's called our Gateway neighborhood movie night out this is the second year that we've really put this together and it's becoming a staple in the Gateway neighborhood and we use patent Park which is a park in the neighborhood and we offer obviously in partnership with the recreation department to host the movie night but not only that we offer the Gateway residence this year we had jumping houses uh we had music we had U snacks and we even offered a taco and a drink for every family member that came to the event so that was something else that we offered in September we had blue shots in the Gateway with with another partner that we have which is the the Visiting Nurse Association of New Jersey they came into the senior buildings and we are they offered flu shots to the seniors and anybody else in the city that would like to get a flu shot and then we also began our Gateway nrtc invest investor search and just to piggyback a little bit about what Mr zma said in regards to the nrtc program uh part of that uh approval is once you get approved for the qpp you get that part but you do have to go and get investors to invest in your plan so part of that we're taking a proactive approach to meet with investors before we even get the final approval just to to give them information on what the nrtc program how to apply and of course consider partner as as one of their one of their uh choices for their investment uh in October we also had our Gateway patent Park Cleanup in conjunction with the perano clean communities great success with that great turnout and of course our our senior screenings again and then uh we had we held an NTC breakfast and in this breakfast what we did was we gave the the different corporations and and organizations an opportunity to hear what the nrtc is how to apply and of course we partnered uh with jrf on that to bring this together so we're actually having a partnership with trying to bring these dollars to the city of f andoy in November uh busy month we had a our Gateway Community conversation with Chase that we spoke about a free event on Zoom so make to make sure that the residents can attend and that was great success and then we actually got like like Doug said we have an announcement from from uh DCA saying that they accepted our 2024 application now again there still binder that doesn't mean that we have the funds that just gives us the opportunity to now go and research and try to get investors into into the programs once we do have that information we will relate that to the city of inist um we also had oh senior housing pizza party and farewell for one of our oldest members uh who who uh served as the president for the the resident Council so we did have that and we had our final cleanup we also held one of our another state that's becoming a staple to our program is the Gateway ARS wall in the in the in pattent park um this is a beautiful event where we partner with the Arts Council and we even partner with local artists here in Perth and boy give them the opportunity to create these beautiful pieces of Art and place them in pattent park and it's still open till December 1st I invite you to go take the walk it's beautiful so we had 20 art installations installed at the park and special thank you to Department of Public Works for helping us put that together in Van Cav's team uh where we had these large installations 20 installations around the park and we had these nice uh Cafe lights all over the park and solar lights to really you know EXC emphasize the art pieces in the in the department great turnout we had vendors uh selling little little art pieces and then we had obviously snacks water a DJ uh we had the taco truck there as well and well over 200 residents came through on opening night and it was a wonderful turnout so I invite you to go take a look at the park it's a beautiful thing December 1 we have to close the doors all right so we also held the artsw walk that was it okay so again all of these things are brought To Us by the regional Foundation they are our funders uh for the Gateway neighborhood City so I want to talk a little bit now about the future and so the future of the neighborhood is bright that's what that's supposed to I hope you get that with the Sun so as we know neighborhoods change over time so uh and with this course of time it comes in you also neighborhood plans have to change or even update a little bit so we realized that and as a result of recommendations by our funer and uh and by state by the state itself it was an opportunity for partner to draft the 10-year neighborhood plan which Mr zma spoke about so with that plan we were approved for the 10-year plan so what that means is we have 10 years that were able to apply for their yearly grants so we are now applying we just applied for the second second part of the of the qpp like Doug said we have the half approval in other words we're able because of our plan we're able to now move forward and and secure investors so those five goals in that neighborhood plan that was put together and I think we've met a couple Council when we were initially applying for nrtc so thank you for that for that input so with this process the neighborhood plan developed through Community Driven process recognizes that the gate way assets and opportunity sets the course for that bright future the plan seeks to achieve five broad goals through several proposed strategies and activities those goals are build a United and empowered Community ensure quality affordable and safe housing create Broad and Equitable Economic Opportunity cultivate vibrant Parks green spaces and making getting around easy and safe so if the plan goes ahead and move forward Ward and we just like to gently touch on what kind of what kind of goals we'd like to to put in place if we do secure the funding for for the neighborhood so some of those things that we want to support uh and rehab for homeowners in in in the neighborhood um so we want to try to give off of that we also want to try to empower continue to empower our residents on becoming homeowners and especially homeowners in the neighborhood and Empower our residents with jobs and teach them about entrepreneurship so these are the kind of goals that we'd like to meet if the funding is secured and like I said we will definitely keep the the the mayor's office and the council a breast of everything that's going on uh with the approval process I just want to say I I am amazed of all the stuff that has been done that partner has done thank you um I know that um I have the pleasure from Our Lady of Fatima to be working with you and it has been amazing all the things that you do for that Community thank you um and to get so many people together when you have meetings because I know how difficult it is to invite the public to come to anything to engage to engage I mean is difficult so I applaud um partners for everything that you're doing for the community and um let's keep on going thank you awesome one more thing I forgot to add that this weekend so excited we did partner with radiant Community Church in the Gateway another asset and through our efforts and our sponsorship and and and our ability to to make sure the public knows about what's going on we were able to give 425 care packages to the families residents in peran boy so those are the kind of things that we're doing we want to continue doing that and we' love to continue to have your support so I encourage you to please come with me be a part of everything that we're doing I hope you're receiving all the emails on all the events that we hold and if you don't please let me know I like to rectify that so but again everything that we do we do we want to do it with your support and we'd love to do it with you by my shoulder so let's keep moving forward and I hope we can move forward together thank you anybody has any questions no questions but I just say thank you and recognize I agree with council president all the work that you've been amazing work that you guys have been doing thank you thank um just wanted to no questions as well just the collaboration is really inspiring within with all the Departments and all the families you're able to serve and a branch and umbrella within this 10 years ago I was a asked scholarship recipient so thank you for um all all that you do and the vision you have for the pambo Youth so I appreciate that and yeah of course thank you thank you very much counc welcome any questions or comments Thank you very yes please I just wanted to say bring it down a little bit so it's closer to you okay I just wanted to say that one of my PR proudest things that I do for this city is being on the Housing Authority I'm entering my 30th year what as a commissioner because of the city council and and I thank you for that but I just want you to know we work hard we work hard to make sure that those we Ser are benefiting from from it I sit not only on our Housing Authority but I'm officer on our state Association and our National Association I get phone calls often from people all over the United States because they know about perano and what we do and how we accomplish things and they'll ask me Dorothy how did you get this done or give us some advice on starting this program or whatever that makes me so proud to know that we have the best staff the people that come to work come there with a smile on their face because they know that what they're doing benefits this city and I just want you to know that perano housing authority is recognized across this country as one of the best in the country thank you for listening thank you thank you uh I will also want to say about the program for the um uh the moris yeah I mean that's a great uh a great deal for our veterans especially because I think they're kind of a little forgotten um and we shouldn't um it's one of the people that I care more about because I think they have given everything for our freedom for our country and I think they deserve the best um so yep very good anybody else well thank you very much for coming in tonight and um it was a great presentation thank you great information okay and we continue okay okay you too thanks ordinance public hearing five minutes maximum per speaker per ordinance number one an ordinance to repeal chapter 98 entitled public Contracting ordinance number 1427 D20 08 and Amendment adopted June 25th 2008 also known as chapter 98 SE of the code of the city of pambo number two an ordinance to amend and an ordinance entitled vehicles and traffic ordinance number 19478 as amended adopted September 19 1978 also known as chapter 414 of the code of the city of pero Mr Green I was looking looking at the backup paper for this I didn't see in there and maybe I missed it the part of the only amending right and the and the hours too oh the hours yeah I mean I didn't see it maybe I was reading the so this is something that we spoke about here at the meeting that we were going to amend this legislation Monday to Friday 7 AM to 12 new this is at the seat toown Supermarket right um do we write it in if it's not necessarily but we do want to make that clarification and that note so it'll be Monday to Friday 7 AM to 12 noon yeah right because um in the application itself it says like the whole day yes 6 AM to 5:00 pm doesn't say in the council president also with that ordinance excuse me um and the back of it also says uh the location is incorrect it says Oak Street beginning at the point 209 feet North northeasterly curved line of Oak Street extending to 40 to a point 40 feet so it should be yeah it should be Maple correct do you have it as o or Market sorry to go from scratch aded tonight and um so the just to clarify so the the process would be um the council would vote on these amendments tonight okay we' carry the hearing until December 13 okay okay so um just to clarify um the hours to be included are 7 a.m. to 12 noon Monday to Friday yes right Monday to Friday okay and the the reference to Oak Street is incorrect correct It's the northeasterly curved line of Oak Street should be it should be it should be Maple should it be Market Market Street Market it's over the railroad yes okay yeah right so that should be correct when we get to the meeting the the voting session um we'll just we'll make a note you you'll be voting tonight on including these amendments and then we'll notice the hearing on this for December 13th okay thank you number three an ordinance of the city council of the city of pambo in the county of middx state of New Jersey authorizing an acquisition of certain property located in the area of Route Route 35 and Riverview Drive and owned by the New Jersey Department of Transportation for public use number four ordinance authorizing a one-year lease agreement with two additional years optional with midex County Board of Social Services for office space in the Alexander F Janowski Community Center commencing January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024 with two additional one-ear terms optional number five an ordinance to amend and an ordinance entitled administration of government ordinance number 1-72 an amendment adopted July 28th 19 1972 also known as chapter 46 of the code of the city of birano and this is about the harbor side Marina number six ordinance of the city of panoy County of MX New Jersey authorizing suspension of parking meter fees from November 24th 2023 through January 1st 2024 number seven an ordinance to amend an ordinance and tile ordinance fixing and establishing in a schedule of salaries and salary ranges and increments for new for New Jersey state fireman's Mutual nevland Association local number 426 ordinance number 21879 as amended adopted July 3rd 1979 and this is for Public Safety telecommunicators January 1st 2023 through December 31st 2026 agenda public comment Citizen May address the Council on any matter on the agenda which does not have its own scheduled public hearing citizen shall be permitted to speak once for five minutes bits bids were received on October 20 2023 for the following for 2023 or newer for Broncos Ford uh a n Nelson Ford of Maris down 34,000 each recommendation of bid award in the amount not to exceed 37,600 reports fallowing peski tax collector submitted the monthly report of collections for the month of October 2023 Jill a Goldie CFO controllers submitted the check register report for the month of October 2023 and the total amount of 8,417 N8 with 89 ordinance first reading no public discussion number one an ordinance amending chapter 432 inclusionary zoning of the city code requiring all applicable developments to include a mandatory onsite affordable housing set aside number two an ordinance to establish the honorary placing of a me Memorial bench for Manny Pacho at Bay View Park number three an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance designating restricted parking spaces for use by handicapped persons ordinance number 380-8518 also known as chapter 255 AC of the code of the city of per Amboy and this is about addition number four an an an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitle an ordinance designating restricted parking spaces for use by handicap person on ordinance number 380-8518 also known as chapter 255a of the code of the city of birano and this is about addition driveway not handicap accessible resolution r575 1123 Public public hearing and Adoption of the 2023 P boy business Improvement District budget R 561 1123 um was that did they have I don't know I didn't get any answer um did you have the public um it was adopted it was adopted okay then we can go ahead I'm sorry Noelia for a moment I forgot your name that's what I was trying to call no problem uh good evening so our budget was adopted at our November 16th meeting last week and we did have a public hearing for it I know that it's typically put on the council there isn't a need to hold a public meeting from the council since we do it for our big board but everything did Happ as presented in the introduction of the budget at in 475 okay thank you thank you I just wanted r576 1123 qualifying Architects submitted responses to request for qualification for calendar year 20124 R 577 1123 authorizing a refund of esro balance docket number 3082 in the amount of $341 25 to Bank of America for property located at 555 conver bouer R 578 1123 authorizing a refund of the estro balance docket number 3083 in the amount of $82.50 to solar landscape for property location ated at 581 Portland Street R 579 1123 authorizing a refund of the escro balance jacket number 384 in the amount of $1,325 with 25 to 164 Smith Street Plaza LLC for property located as 164 Smith Street r580 to 112 3 authorizing a refund of the escro balance docket number 3085 in the amount of $1,796 to marcial and Sylvia retamoso for property located at 415 Summit Avenue R 581 1123 authorizing a refund of the escro balance docket number 3086 in the amount of $29 with 25 to Smith Street realy LLC for property located at 37 from very bouer R 582 1123 authorizing a refund of the escrow balance docket number 3090 in the amount of $150 to Lamar Advertising of pen LLC for property located at 980 High Street r. R 583 1123 authorizing a refund of of the escrow balance docket number 3091 in the amount of $1,580 75 to Frank a toas for property located at 1107 con bouard R 584 1123 authorizing a refund of the escro balance docket number 3099 in the amount of $198 with. 75 to 314-316 Smith Street LLC for property located at 314-316 Smith Street R 585 1123 an extra two in there awarding a contract to oh for be bonic bonic document thank you solution for the digitalizing of UCC documents in accordance with the New Jersey state approved Co-op number 65 MC CPS management for records retention and Disposal RFP number ej22 23-11 RFP term 71 2022 to 630 2024 and the amount not to exceed the sum of $ 47,5 664 with 50 R 586 1123 authorizing a contract with tnm Associates to provide professional Engineering Services associated with the scope and fee estimate for construction services for Sunshine alley Improvement in the amount not to exceed $55,200 R 5871 1123 authorizing a contract with tnm Associates to provide additional Design Services for Sunshine alley Improvement in the amount not to exceed $5,000 R 588 1123 authorizing a refund in the amount of $125 to John McCarthy ATT tenant for the return of his key deposit for three keys with the per and boy Harbor Side Marina R 589 1123 authorizing a refund in the amount of $75 to Seymour bre a tenant for the return of his key dep posit for two keys with the peran boy Harbor Harbor Side Marina r590 1123 authorizing a contract with Poe mechanical ink for hbac preventive maintenance at the public safety complex under State contract number 15 dx- 23228 for the period January 1st 2024 through this to December 31st 2024 in the amount not to exceed the sum of $75,000 r591 1123 authorizing a contract with access it must be access right that's way they spell it yeah yeah access New Jersey Inc CNA Services Under State contract t- 1480 a 771 10 for custodia services at the Janowski Community Center Department of Public Works per and boy fire headquarters City Hall and municipal court for a one-year period commencing January 1st 2024 and terminating on December 31st 2024 in the amount not to exceed 13641 with 60 R5 92123 authorizing change order number one to the contract with s Brother Inc for the 2023 Road Improvement program phase two in the amount not to exceed 34520 with 25 r593 1123 authorizing submission of an application to the midx County Department of community service for the Cod C blue warming Center funding opportunity R 594 1123 authorizing settlement and release between Max Melendez versus is it versus they only put a okay Adrian re Roso bir boy police department and the amount not to exceed 12,500 r595 1123 authorizing initiation of competitive Contracting for an online auction website for the sale of surplus properties property r596 1123 awarding a Professional Services contract to m m manim scullin and bman sorry LLC and reappointing William P opo Esquire of the firm to represent the per the city of per Amboy as a city law law director in the amount not to exceed $225,000 $18,750 monthly rate R 597 1123 authorizing execution of a share service agreement with the per Amboy Redevelopment Agency for the ex executive director Services of t a Vasquez in the amount of $244,000 for a one-year period R 598 1123 authorizing a contract with madon and how Inc for the purchase of the totter Dome top litter containers in the in accordance with Tarter Source well contract number 041 521 and the amount not to exceed Reed $120,000 r599 1123 enabling supplemental funding request to the state of the new of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Program r600 1123 accepting a grant from the harer discharge site remediation fund public entity program through the New Jersey econ Economic Development Authority and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection of the preliminary assessment and site investigation of the Sean Street Park property R 601 1123 authorizing a contract with Vanessa ha Hagen russling and VHB for Professional Services for the environmental investigation under the hazard this charge cyber mediation fund Grant owned property located at seman Avenue Park NJ Grant number 00311 136 we find out if it's a street or an Avenue I think it's Avenue r602 1123 authorizing payment of a yearly stien to members of the volunteer division for expenses in direct proportion to their activity level and the amount not to exceed $10,000 r603 1113 authorizing memorandum of understanding mou with the county of metex for the use of specialized equipment R 604 1123 accept yes can we go back to can we go back to uh 601 Sean Avenue Park okay or what it really is Seaman Street um he says a SE Street I Street come through I thought it was street but everything's come through Street if you look at all the old Maps it's it's referred to as seon street but that's not what my question um I thought we did this once before a couple years back have an environmental investigation to demon stre now of course um how we gonna get I know they did one because when when we were going to do the land swap with the Board of Education it was because of what had happened there that the ground was contaminated why are we doing another one if if if we already had one done why are we doing another one I we'll verify of we are if we did that in the past well you know I'm sure the person that can answer this question if they were here Tashi had emergency no it's not Tashi it's not Tashi thises com from oecd the person that was going to handle the land swap a couple years ago Mr Ortiz Kenny Ortiz this is coming there was going to be a land swap between the Board of Education and the city and it involved the property on SE Street and the property up by Flynn school there was an environmental study done at Seaman Street and that it disclosed that the land was contaminated so my question is why are we doing another one again I I mean contamination in that area doesn't move anywhere it's still there so why would we do another study and spend money when we already have a study first as you know that this is a grant and the grant is being utilized for the specific purpose all right but I I get that I get that but to me is it's just you know we got a grant to spend money on this and they as you know so they direct a specific area but I'll ask your point to see if we did it before and right that's my point and and my other point is you know um well I'll wait for later for the other point I want to make about something else with the librar well then it it has to be 600 well one is accepting it the other one is right for 6,7 6601 will be accepting it using authorizing the contract with the with that company to do the preliminary assessment of the site um investigation okay and it's 0 so I just want to make this clear I'm I'm not asking for Tashi to answer this question it wasn't Tashi that made us aware of this back when I back when we were at the board of ed so all I'm asking is is why is it necessary to get a grant to do it again when we already know what the outcome is and there should have been a plan there should have been a plan to do something with that property a long time ago the land has been contaminated for God the school went up the school's been there about they started to build a school about five years ago that land has been contaminated way before the school was built and that's why there's a fence around the park so I mean I understand that that to me it's like we're doing the same thing over again we apply for money to do something we already did now we get the answer from okay I'm good okay so so now we are where are we okay r604 1123 accepting the bid and awarding a contract to Nelson Ford of moristown and for the purchase of 4 2023 for Bronco sports with options in the amount in an amount not to exceed $137,600 council president yes can I just ask the chief if he could just clarify exactly what these four four Broncos are for I did read it sorry thank you thank you Chief good evening uh these four are replacing vehicles that were uh given over to the parking utility parking utility when we took them over uh we're using old code enforcement vehicles from 2007 2008 uh they've certainly outlived a useful life we needed a vehicle that was going to be reliable that's going to have these automatic license plat readers so we uh transferred over our Ford focuses that were our cars that are used for off duty work they received those four Ford four F Ford focuses and then now these Broncos are going to backfill that void in the uh to be used not as primary police vehicles but to be used as U off duty work for the uh construction work and so forth which we do get reimbursed for uh $125 for every four hours of those Vehicles so in no time they'll be paid off okay so the rep in the for the for that was given to the parking utility yes M I just want to ask the keep question so those vehicles are coming out of the funds that we get for the use of the cars at the construction sites no this is coming out of capital funding that was I I don't really know where that money goes so um can you educate me the money that so when we're out doing job let's say PS and they're paying for the car that goes into a fund the general fund or the police fund it does not come back to my my uh say the police does not come back to the police department account does not okay chief thanks I'm gonna ask the ba something I'm good with that but so how come that if if this money is being generated every day by the use of the police cars we're getting that money why doesn't it go back into the police department it goes into the general f and that decision was made way before like for a few years that's been done right with that early on when we began to collect that money the money would return back and that's we actually bought these vehicles out of originally the vehicles and uh also took care of the uh yearly maintenance for all of our police vehicles right because that was one of the reasons why it was created so that you know we can purchase Vehicles well I I know this is probably before Mr Green's time when he changed it over yes before your time no no it was during my tenure it switched all right no thank you no thanks I just didn't know what the answer to that was yes originally it did go back uh when I say go back we were able to purchase them out of it we didn't have a separate line item for it but it was money that was there and we purchased vehicles and every year out of it I mean I'm sure it's pretty substantial I mean you know these these people you know we see a lot of construction jobs people don't realized that every time you see a police car the city is getting an hourly rate or they they change it to a flat rate it's $25 minimum for four hours and $25 thereafter so you know that's substantial when you think about it so it's about very per vehicle that would look good in the police budget yeah basically got a return of investment on the original vehicles that we bought it was something uh within I think it was within seven months or so the entire vehicle would be paid off just from working an off duty job those small cars yes all right thanks she now now I have a better understanding thank you thank you and to your point um councilman for 600 and 601 both of you um I got the answer we did a preliminary investigation which what you were referring to this is for resolution 600 and 601 now we have to do an assessment and after that assessment that they can do remediation soim maybe you could educate me on that one then we know that we know the land is contaminated now right so we're going to do an assessment and what would be the purpose of the assessment so I can talk about this a little bit um because it sounds like we're just gonna waste money is what I'm my point will be but go ahead Mr yeah the preliminary investigation really just shows um historical background as to um you know what was at the site why it's contaminated the um you know it's it's really it doesn't tell everything you need to know in order to go forward with the actual mediation um with the preliminary assessment again so that that identifies the specific areas of concerns on the site they'll delineate them and then that'll make recommendations as to what remedial actions have to be taken in order to um you know make make them safe for use so okay that'll determine the the the contaminants the actual contaminants and then it'll make a recommendation you know you can cap this this has to be removed things like that I mean I I can understand what you're saying so now to the point in 1992 93 when the per boy Board of Education purchased the property of the old trucking company that that was there to build a school the state of New Jersey and the school's Construction Corporation at the time they tested the ground the site where the school was built was actually contaminated and then this they were going to turn around and they were going to use imminent domain across the street because they wanted to expand on that side of the street the junkyard was there the park was there there was a a house there and what the state found out was all that land was contaminated and they put test wells in along New Brunswick Avenue to see which way all the contamination was going so now we fast forward to 30 years later and we're going to do it all over again they Capp the wells the wells are capped on new brunic Avenue and the land has been contaminated ever since since 1992 and we're going to do another study now I don't want to sound like Mr Ballot or even my e even uh councilman Torres but to me this makes no sense whatsoever considering that every every mayor and every city council since that time has known that the land is contaminated why are we doing this again and I understand what Mr Opel said how come this has never been resolved how come it's never been cleaned up you know there's people that live in the houses on the other side of that fence you know I played in that Park when I was a kid I grew up in that neighborhood so you know all I'm trying to say is that we're spending money got a grant it's really not our money it's grant money what's what are we gonna do after we find out about this where in the end it's it's going to cost too much money to clean it and we're just going to cap it anyway so this makes totally no sense to me whatsoever I mean the deal got killed with the Board of Education the land swap because the the Green Acres stuff uh you have to swap a certain amount of land right I got that part but you know the whole plan there was to swap it with the bard of Ed and they were going to make it a parking lot because that's all you could do cost effective wise that was the cheapest solution because you can't clean that whatever I'm sorry I you know what I didn't want to say nothing tonight but that this has touched the nerve so but Mr op I understand what you told so I mean but I would like an answer moving forward on why it's never been cleaned and why why this is almost like the water situation you know everybody's kicking the can kicking the can but there's all there's been a cancer cluster in that neighborhood I can't think of all the people that lived on the old Ogden Place that cancer including me and you know what those streams that run through that area that water goes up against the court complex in the police station is that um true that's true right Chief so that's going right through the the contamination all right I'm sorry I'm sorry madam president okay that's why we're here okay sorry and thank you Mr opal I that was actually a pretty good explanation r605 1123 authorizing a contract for the purchase of 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe ppv4 WD with options to Mo Chevrolet in accordance with the New Jersey state approved contract Co-op es cnj contract number 2021 d09 in the amount not to exceed 4 9,332 with 72 cents yes president I'm sorry Chief if you can please um just clarify what this vehicle is going to be used for sure Council it depends when it comes in because as you've heard from other departments it's not something that's there it's whenever they get them in and so forth at that point in time be decide which one of our elderly Vehicles would be put out to pasture uh it would be one of the supervisor's Vehicles what it would have to be because Capital funds we are not able to spend on regular police vehicles we only can because it's the life expectancy of a police car is only three years and um you know anything we buy from Capital has to be at least five so it would not be able to be used in a regular Patrol sense it would have to use either in a supervisor capacity or an admin capacity or something like that and that's where it comes out of capital okay thank you thank r- 66123 authorizing payment of a yearly stien to the panoy auxiliary police officers in the amount not to exceed $45,000 r607 1123 authorized change order order number three to the contract with Suburban Consulting Engineers Inc for survey design per permit permitting and construction sport Services related to the veterans memorial Youth League complex in the amount not to exceed $3,500 which is being funded through Grant funds r608 1123 authorizing submission of an application for a grant from the governor's Council on alcoholism and drug abuse fiscal Grant cycle July 1st 2024 to juli June 30th 2025 r601 1123 accepting the bid and awarding a contract for the variable frequency drive annual maintenance and repairs contract to Rapid pum pump and meters Service Company starting January 1st 2024 and ending December 31st 2024 in the amount not to exceed $30,000 r610 1123 accepting the base bid and authorizing a contract with BMW Construction Company of New Jersey Inc for the annual contract for the repairs to the city of per Amoy collection system in the amount not to exceed 8 $800,000 for one year beginning January 1 2024 to December 31st 2022 Madam president I have a question for the ba because I see the controller is not here so now they got the bid you're not supposed to go over $800,000 right how many times ever since they had the contract we just go back the last two or three years how many times have they gone over the your lotted amount of course I don't know the answer right now I have to look and see as you I'll check and see but and then you would just ask for a request to the well I'm just going to point out again if the department head was here I would be able to ask that question directly to the department head this is the purpose of the Caucus meeting I see Miss Roman is here the chief is here Mr lozado is here Louis's usually here as you know but he's on vacation because thanksgiv well I know Lou Lou Lou cool but I'm just saying I'm just saying but he wouldn't know about that would he yes this is his but he this is but Lou Louie works for Middle sex water he's in charge our contract okay but I'm just saying but the money comes out of the controller's office he manages that money as you know and I would ask him in other words I would ask him that question and he would know it off the top of his head we have to go give the facts with oh she's on vacation yes Jill is on vacation she told me on the agenda oh all right she'll be out okay we're cool R6 11 1123 oh I'm sorry I'm sorry madam president but I would like the answer to that at some point between now and the next meeting okay r61 112 3 accepting the bid and authorizing a contract with AA BMS LLC for Sunshine alley in the amount not to exceed $439,800 due to denial by the police department r63 1123 approving transfer of calendar year 2023 budget appropriation the amount of $233,000 close session resolution r574 1123 authorizing a closed session at the November 20 2023 meeting to discuss litigation Max melendes versus Andrea Adrian no support Amboy Police Department I need a motion move it second councilwoman Cruz yes councilwoman Morales yesc poio perm council president to yes public portion five minutes maximum per speaker I need a motion to open to the public second all in favor I I we're open to the public any one come to the mic state your name your address and you have five minutes delita 614 Cony Boulevard I have a question on my truck I was told that somebody complained about it so have in the last two Council meetings have you had any complaints about it 614 I haven't I haven't heard anything about 614 yes conver what about okay we have somebody I guess who knows uh good evening so 614 uh conver Boulevard it's a property that um it needs uh Property Maintenance and um he also had a toll Truck Park in his house okay um the the tow truck it was blacking yeah had like garbage can bling the the license plate right so because it's been there for a very long time the inspector couldn't see if the C was registered or not so inspector Delgado sent a notice of violation with all the violations and also telling him that the troll truck needed to be registered so the gentleman went to my my office um I would say two weeks ago and show proof of the registration okay so I told him that he didn't have any problem but the registration was um commercial registration so he couldn't have that there from 6 pm to 6:00 am. so he went back this week to tell me that um he changed the registration from commercial to a regular registration and I told him that he didn't have any problem if the vehicle doesn't have more than 6,000 pound um he also asked for an extension to be able to fix all the violation and extension was granted thank you so the question was back to this you had no complaints in the last two Council meetings no because I know what he said but okay that yeah oh that's so uh to answer your question I when you went to my office I told you that we had a complain from someone that came here to this uh meetings and complain about not only about your property that's exactly what I told you complain about other property and conver boulard and then we took action okay I I don't recall but um was it recently yes uh probably maybe like four weeks ago okay um maybe two three minutes ago but I was here and when the person complained I was able to you know send the following day um I took notes and sent the inspector to few addresses that were you know reflect okay all right it was a while ago I I responded to that complaint okay yes thank you all right thank you thanks anybody else evening Council how are you good evening uh I just want to confirm that you received my two emails councilwoman Morales yes I did um I just I forgot to mention that out of the vehicles that she asked for five of the seven vehicles that we ordered since 2020 were specifically from UFC funds for the fire prevention Bureau so we've actually only ordered two auxiliary Vehicles since 2020 so it wasn't like we ordered seven I completely forgot to mention that two weeks ago that's the bureau's vehicles that do all the fire inspections and and whatnot so there's only two vehicles that we ordered prior so this was too additional to uh put into the mix two years from now all right right thank you thank you anybody else hi who son Arizona um Elizabeth PCO I'm Manny P's sister and by the way my nephew loves you he says you're the coolest cop ever when you were a cop I'll show you a picture of him you remember um I just want to know what's the next step um because I'm confused with the technical of it B of bit okay so tonight we had the first reading okay so the next meeting is the second reading the 13th of December yes okay and then in there if it pass then is 20 days from that 20 days from that day then okay you're okay okay all right thank you you're welcome I remember your nephew yeah I Virginia's brother all right anybody else seeing none I need a motion to close public session second all in favor I okay uh we will be going to close session and then when we come back we'll have the the council meeting do we have to go make a motion for it no did all right I'm trying all right thank you I'm all out of it I'm already here very good you see it distract you from your talking whatever I could the boss yeah and no no but holding off Wednesday morning I've done it tce just bu to the for it try and oh I've been trying to get I had a question I could find anything website about this is part of the deal you know else know so teally telling us when change occur it's done I don't know that yeah evenu us now there have no no my P was for the end of for the end of it it was I saw your grandmother election day yes and uh uh your father I see your father because mrb I can remember be a very 24 I like that I got I gota learn but I should go I should try to go to something get my hearing tested next uh I need a motion to Res resum move second all in favor I I need a motion to adjourn move second all in favor I okay now um this is the council meeting for November 2023 uh presiding officer of the council M lady Taha wishes to advise the audience that notice of this meeting has been filed with the home news tribute St Ledger and post posted on the bulletin board in the city clerk's office and on the city's website indicating that today's meeting will be held in the council chambers City Hall 260 High Street right after the Caucus meeting and the close session right now is 7:21 and uh we are on the council meeting council president Taha as a courtesy of the governing body I will ask all individuals present including members of the audience to please turn off all cell phones and electronic devices should you need to make a telephone call please go out into the hallway and speak in a low voice so as not to disturb the ongoing meeting roll call please councilwoman Cruz present councilwoman RIS we lost her at 7 time okay councilman poo present Council M Tores he's absent and council president Taha present okay let's stand for the dear God look over this governing body please um guide us and all our decisions that we make for our citizen for our beautiful city and please watch over our city during this um important time of Thanksgiving and always um look over our children our youth our troops away from home and the ones that are here at home and please protect their family the god I say amen amen I okay we had the presentation and now is ordinance public hearing five minutes maximum per speaker per ordinance an ordinance to Ral chapter 98 entitled public Contracting ordinance number 1427 d208 and Amendment adopted June 20 25th 2008 also known as chapter 98 C of the code of the city for theoy I need a motion second to open to the public all in favor I it's open to the public anybody who wants to speak on this seeing none I need a motion to close public hearing move second all in favor I I I need a motion to adopt move second councilman Cruz yes Council yes council president DEA yes number two an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled vehicles and traffic ordinance number 19478 as amended amended adopted September 19 1978 also known as chapter 414 of the code of the city of peroy this is about adding loading zone at 272 Maple Street and we need to make Amendment yes okay yeah so the the action of the council tonight will be to vote to um make two additions to the existing ordinance and to make one correction the additions will be that the proposed regulations will be enforced Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 12: pm and then uh the one correction is uh with regard to location instead of it reading Oak Street it will read Market Street so so we just need a motion um motion uh to to amend and then uh set the public hearing for December 13 okay um I need a motion to to add those um uh changes and also to have the public hearing on December 13 I need a motion move second Council Cruz yes councilman pel yes council president DEA yes number three ordinance of of the city council of the city of foro in the county of midc state of New Jersey authorizing the acquisition of certain property located in the area of Route 35 and re Riverview Drive and owned by the New Jersey Department of Transportation for public use I need a motion to open to the public move second all in favor I anybody seeing none I need a motion to close move second all in favor I need a motion to adopt move second Council woman Cruz yes councilman pel yes council president Taha yes number four an ordinance authorizing a one-year lease agreement with two additional years optional with middlex County Board of Social Services of for office space in the Alexander F Jan Community Center commencing January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024 with two additional oneyear terms optional I need a motion to open to the public move second all in favor I I open to the public seeing none I need a motion to close public session second all in favor I I need a motion to adopt move second councilwoman Cruz yes Council P yes council president yes number five an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled administration of government ordinance number 1-72 an amendment adopted July 28 1972 also known as chapter 4 seek of the code of the city of bir Amboy this is about the harvor side Marina I need a motion to open to the public move second all in favor I open to the public see nobody body I need a motion to close move second all in favor I I need a motion to adopt move second second no it was Haley that time councilwoman Cruz yes councilman pel yes council president yes number six ordinance of the city of P Amoy County of middlex New Jersey authorizing suspension of parking meter fees from November 24th 202 23 through January 1st 2024 I need a motion to open to the public I'll let haly go move second all in favor I it's open to the public okay we got somebody Iris Rodriguez 335 AT3 I have a question on that because I know last year I I don't I I think it was last year I recall that uh I have questions about that please wel officer and I was told that is this ordinance is with regard to the parking okay uh the meters is that throughout the whole city or just through or is it just where the shopping areas it's two hours free parking throughout the whole city the lots and the um on street parking everything yes thank you okay thank you anybody else seeing none I need a motion to close public move second all in favor I I need a motion to adopt move second R call please councilwoman Cruz yes councilman poo yes council president TOA yes number seven an ordinance to amend an ordinance and tile ordinance fixing establishing a schedule of salaries and salary arranges and increments for new for New Jersey state fireman's Mutual benevolent Association local number 426 ordinance number 2879 as amended adopted July 3rd 1979 this is about Public Safety telecommunicators January 1st 2023 through December 31st 2026 I need a motion to open to the public move second all in favor I I open to the public on number seven seeing none I need a motion to close public session second all in favor I I need a motion to adopt move second Council woman Cruz yes councilman pel yes Council presidenta yes agenda public comments Citizen May address the Council on any matter on the agenda which does not have its own schedule schedu public hearing citizens shall be permitted to speak once for a maximum of five minutes I need a motion to open to the public move second all in favor I I we're open to the public on any agenda item seeing none I need a motion to close move second all in favor I I bids bids were received on October 20th 2023 for the following 42 23 or newer for Bronco sport neelson Fort of marown 34,400 each recommendation of bid award in in the amount not to exceed $137,600 reports palum baresi tax collector submitted the monthly report of collection for the month of October 2023 number two Jill a Baldi CFO controller submitted the check register report for the month of October 2023 in the total amount of 8,400 8,410 798 with 89 ordinance first reading no public discussion an ordinance to amend amending chapter 432 inclusionary zoning of the city code requiring all app able de development to include a mandatory onsite affordable housing set aside I need a motion move second councilwoman Cruz yes councilman pel yes council president Taha yes number two an ordinance to establish the honorary placing of a memorial bench for Mani Pacho at bayew Park I need a motion move second councilwoman Cruz yes Council Pia yes counc president DEA yes number three an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance designating restricted parking spaces for use by handicapped persons ordinance number 380-8518 also known as chapter 255 a c of the code of the city of peroy and this is about addition I need a motion move second Roco please councilwoman Cruz yes councilman Pia yes council president TOA yes number four an ordinance to man an ordinance en titer an ordinance designating restricted parking spaces for use by handicap person ordinance number 38085 an amendment adopted July 2nd 1985 also also known as chapter 255a seek of the code of the city of bir Amboy and this is um the addition driveway not handicap accessible I need a motion move second please councilwoman Cruz yes councilman pel yes council president DEA yes okay look over the resolution you want to pull anything I'm good I'm good as well okay so should yeah Okay resolution the content agenda includes r575 1123 through r60 613 11:23 that's the consent agenda I need a Mo move second roll please Council lman Cruz yes counc pel yes council president TOA yes all right um public portion I need a motion to open to the public move second all in favor I I it's open to the public okay okay sou 266 a High Street um I just want to make mention about rosin already passing away Rosen Carter uhu okay um she was a great lady I remember in about 2013 she and her husband came to Mom's County to do a habital Humanity house and I had the pleasure of being there and interviewing them also so I just want to wish her family you know um my said because they were a great couple came to have that work from okay thank you thank you may she rest in peace okay anybody else seeing none I need a motion to close public session move second all in favor I I I okay Council comments Council woman Cruz yes we had a wonderful um presentation earlier during the Caucus meeting as we mentioned before um thank you you for all the Departments as well for your collaboration and um there was a lot of birthdays in the council so happy birthday I know some aren't here as well I hope everybody had a beautiful birthday celebration and Veterans Day um ceremony was also beautiful to witness and once again thank you for your service thank you for your service am I missing anybody else here um and have a Happy Thanksgiving thank you councilman uh and happy birthday again uh Madam president and thank you for your service Mr Green and uh everybody have a Happy Thanksgiving especially Iris officer M mzz and Chief katano and Carolyn Maxwell thank you I'm good and all oh and Mr opal Andy and Ed and Ed what and everybody else that works here in the city of perum okay I I just want to thank everybody for participating today um I like the presentation that we had it was a lot of information good information of the things that happened that sometimes we don't pay attention so much attention to it but uh um I also um attended the Puerto Rican flag Rising on Saturday we all we did did and it was a beautiful I was sorry I couldn't attend to the to the presentation that they had afterwards at willing but it was a beautiful um ceremony here at the Circle um also the Veterans Day I want to thank all the veterans they're very close to me I don't know why I have this feeling for the um veterans um ever since I came into this country I think they deserve a lot everything that that we can provide for veterans I welcome and um because they defend our our freedom and there's nothing more important to an individual that the freedom and I think when you come from countries that you don't have that kind of Freedom you kind of appreciate it a lot more um thank you to to all of them thank you for all of you to be here and um I'm sorry um I hope councilman Tores feel better and also councilman uh councilwoman uh Morales I I thank her for coming in uh trying to to attend the whole meeting but thank you all and all the directors all the staff from the city and everybody here have a Happy Thanksgiving and have a safe one thank you I need a motion to clst second to go all in favor I I thank you